SEG LA RAC Newsletter Vol. 2, N°. 2

Page 14


Calls LARAC Technical Corner - Call for Content Hi Everyone, Following up on our last call for content, we are pleased to announce that our very own LARAC chairperson, Miss Ana Curcio has the honour for being the author of the first article for the technical showcase of our newsletter in this edition. As you would notice, we have recently renamed it the “LARAC Technical Corner or LTC”. Just to reiterate, this special section of our quarterly newsletter is dedicated to our regional professional community. We are welcoming articles, reviews and opinions on a topic of current interest specifically with a Latin American focus. Your contributions will be informally reviewed by the editorial team of the SEG LARAC Newsletter prior to its publication. In addition, the LTC will provide authors an opportunity to showcase any technical news or updates on current research, ongoing projects within their university, company or their respective country. The objective of the column is to provide a synopsis of your project or research study with some preliminary results. The submission format is an article of no more than 500 words along with a maximum of two

(2) pictures, figures or charts that are fully captioned. A short biography and picture of the author is required. We fervently wish that having seen the fruition of the first published article for the LTC that it encourages others to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to share their work and have it available to our readership, albeit in an abridged version. We encourage you to utilize this avenue specifically for our region and take advantage of the “publicity”. We look forward to reading your future submissions. Please email your contributions to Terrell Dhanpaul and Ana Curcio and copy Mayra Gonzalez, our Director of Business Development. Just a reminder, our newsletter is published on 1 April, 1 August, and 1 December with all data submitted no later than the 10th of the previous month. So, please get in touch and submit your content for the next newsletter by 10 November 2021.

Regards, Terrell Dhanpaul Technical Sub-Committee SEG LARAC

Call for Volunteers – Translations New opportunity to contribute with the Latin American community! SEG LARAC is looking for volunteers to translate the “Digital Imaging and Deconvolution: The ABCs of Seismic Exploration and Processing” book. Interested parties should be fluent in English and Spanish, have Geoscience background, be able to invest 2 hours/week and commit for 6-9 months to work in teams. Certificates of contribution will granted to our volunteers. For more information or to sign up for this task please contact us at


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