News Welcome to new SEG LARAC members April to July 2021
The Latin American Regional Advisory Committee is very pleasure to inform about 7 new members, period April 2021- July 2021:
SEG SC WN Member
Dr. Juan Soldo, Geophysical Manager, Pluspetrol, Argentina
Christy Nandlal, Chief Field Geophysicist, Marine Industry, Trinidad & Tobago
Mario Rivera Florez, Geologist, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia
Dr. Óscar M. Romero de la Cruz, UANL, México
Dr. Sven Treitel, Please visit https://; Please watch
María Fernanda Rueda Solano, Geologist, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia
Mrs. Sofia Pannunzio, Geology student, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
We hope the best in this new Experience and we hope to work very hard together to Connect the world of Applied Geophysics!!
Congratulations on SEG LARAC members graduations April to July 2021
The Latin American Regional Advisory Committee congratulates the recent graduates:
Natalí Alejandra Barría Bachelor's Degree in Geology from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina
Lucas Guimarães Pereira Monteiro, Bachelor's Degree in Geology from the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
We hope the best in this new phase of your careers!!
Gastón Tommasone Bachelor's Degree in Geology from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina 9