March 2020
88/65 Today by Brought to you LIC# ML16126
The Voice of Seguin Today
Local schools to extend school closure for one week
Guadalupe County Commissioners extend COVID-19 emergency order By Darren Dunn (Seguin) -- The Guadalupe County Commissioners Court has extended its emergency order related to the COVID-19 outbreak. County Judge Kyle Kutscher issued the order last week, and it was extended by the full court today. It did not include any new measures. The bulk of the meeting was an attempt by the court to reassure the public that this crisis isn't a reason for panic. The court encouraged people to use common sense, and to remain calm.
Texas Education Agency, the Region 20 Service Center and area superintendents (Seguin) -- Following daily to collectively plan for Governor Greg Abbott's the coming weeks. request to continue the practice of social distancing He says in the Seguin ISD, for 15 days, in the hope of doors will remain closed limiting the spread of the through Friday, April 10. He COVID 19 virus, local say the first day of school school districts have agreed will be Tuesday, April 14 to extend their school with a teacher workday closure for another week. being planned on April 13. Seguin ISD Superintendent Dr. Matthew Gutierrez says Dr. Gutierrez says the he has been in district's staff has been communication with the outstanding throughout this
84/71 Friday
WEDNESDAY Volume 55, Number 058
By Cindy AguirreHerrera
86/68 Thursday
process and encourages everyone to follow the safety practices to help curb the disease. "We remain dedicated to providing remote learning opportunities for our students, our meal pickup and delivery program, and the Every Matador Matters Helpline (830-401-8651). These are unprecedented times and I appreciate the efforts of our entire school community for coming together and making this
situation as comfortable as possible. Please do your part and continue best practices at home in an effort to keep our community safe. The Navarro ISD will also comply by extending school closure through April 10. At this time, Superintendent Dee Carter says they are hopeful that students will be able to return to campus on Monday, April 13. See EXTENDED, page 2
"I wish I would have documented and logged the number of phone calls that I got f r o m people and businesses that were just scared (Monday) because they don't know what to do. They don't know what they should do. The disaster declarations and stay home, stay safe and shelter in place orders that are taking place. People are scared because they keep leveling up the situation. when really not much has changed. The potential for this to get worse is there. I understand that. We need to be careful. We are going
to do everything that we can to help prevent some of those things and protect the public but I'm saying that we just have to be honest with each other and be mindful and not scare people and everybody is scared. That's the biggest thing that I've seen from last week or two weeks ago to this week and it's okay to take drastic measures and to step out there a little bit and be proactive to do a little bit more than what maybe is needed but I think certain things need to be tempered and dialed back a little bit," said Kutscher. They encouraged people to again practice good hygiene, to stay away from sick people, to stay at home if you are sick, and to a v o i d crowds if you're in a high risk category. J u d g e Kutscher also explained how they receive information about confirmed COVID-19 cases in Guadalupe County. He says many people are concerned because they wanted more details about the four cases that have been confirmed thus far. Kutscher says there are limitations as to what the state can say in these cases. See EMERGENCY ORDER, page 2