Selamta May-June 2019

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May/June 2019


I N - F L I G H T





Moon To the

AND BEYOND How Houston became a hub for space exploration


May–June 2019





From a magnificent palace in Delhi to an urban boutique hotel in Mumbai, a new book celebrates India’s splendid heritage while showcasing exciting contemporary design

Five incredible attractions that make Nambia a unique holiday destination

May/June 2019




I N - F L I G H T





Moon To the

AND BEYOND How Houston became a hub for space exploration


TO THE MOON AND BEYOND As Houston celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 lunar landing, the city continues to be a hub for the future of space exploration Selamta brings Africa to the world and the world to Africa. Join us online for more of the adventure of travel, the vitality of business, and the richness of culture found in Ethiopia, Africa and the world. 4


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ON THE COVER The Texan city of Houston, Ethiopian Airlines' new destination

Ethiopian Airlines



/H yundai opens an assembly plant in Ethiopia




/ Experiencing Ethiopia's most remote regions with community trekking in the Highlands


8 / NEWS / Exciting new flights, awards and other recent accomplishments


/H ouston’s emerging space ventures

/ I n-flight exercises to keep you limber, helpful pointers for travel to Ethiopia, and a quick introduction to Amharic

20 / DIPLOMACY & DEVELOPMENT /T he rise of microinsurance for low-income communities





/F rom Ethiopia to Cape Town, a selection of exotic marathons worth travelling for




/ A n Interview with Beserat Debebe, the creator of Ethiopia’s first comic book superhero



/ Discovering the magic of one of England’s most romantic cities


SHEBA Duty-Free Catalog Arguably the best African shopping in the sky — a selection of must-have items at duty-free prices.

These credit cards are welcome on Ethiopian Airlines



Say hello to creating new memories



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Ethiopian Wins ‘African Champion of the Year’ Award Ethiopian Airlines won the prestigious African Champion of the Year Award on March 26, 2019, at The Africa CEO Forum in Kigali, attended by more than 1,800 delegates.



On April 2, 2019, Ethiopian Airlines launched three weekly direct flights to Istanbul, Turkey.

Ethiopian Group CEO Inducted into the African CEO’s Hall Of Fame by African Leadership Magazine

Ethiopian Wins ‘African Cargo Airline of the Year’ and ‘Air Cargo Brand of the Year in Africa’ Awards

Ethiopian Airlines’ Group CEO Tewolde GebreMariam has been inducted into The African CEO’s Hall Of Fame during the African Leadership Magazine’s Persons of the Year ceremony which took place on February 22, 2019, in Johannesburg.

Ethiopian Cargo & Logistics Services has been crowned ‘African Cargo Airline of the Year’ and ‘Air Cargo Brand of the Year in Africa’ for the fourth year in a row at the STAT Times International Awards for Excellence in Air Cargo held from February 19 to 21, 2019, in Johannesburg.




s e l a m ta

VO LU M E 3 6 / N U M B E R 3

Selamta — meaning “Greetings” in Amharic — is published bimonthly on behalf of Ethiopian Airlines by Uppermost Press.


EDITORIAL BOARD Rahel Assefa / Amanuel Mengistu Jodi Macfarlan / Busera Awel Zebiba Miftah / Solomon Dawit


PRINTED BY Emirates Printing Press Dubai, U.A.E

As the continent’s premier carrier and a member of the prestigious Star Alliance, Ethiopian Airlines brings Africa to the world and the world to Africa. Selamta does the same, celebrating the adventure of travel, the vitality of Africa’s role in global business affairs, and the richness of culture across all of Ethiopian Airlines’ many, varied destinations. This complimentary copy is yours to keep.

While every care is taken to ensure accuracy, the publisher and Ethiopian Airlines assume no liability for error or omissions in this publication. All advertisements are taken in good faith, and the opinions and views contained herein are not necessarily those of the publisher. All copyrights and trademarks are recognized. No part of this publication or any part of the contents thereof may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form without written permission by the publisher. An exemption is hereby granted for extracts used for the purpose of fair review. © 2018.



s e l a m ta

From the Group CEO

Welcome Aboard Dear Esteemed Guests,

የተከበራችሁ ውድ ደንበኞቻችን፣

April 8, 2019 marked our 73rd year of successful service between Africa and the rest of the world. In this long journey, we have navigated through many daunting challenges such as dealing with the price volatility of crude oil, various epidemic diseases, civil wars, natural disasters and economic cycles. However, we have successfully stood the test of time and turned the challenges into opportunities while connecting Africa to the rest of the world and itself. As a Pan-African airline, we have been contributing our share towards the socio-economic development of the continent. Ethiopian Airlines was the first and only African airline connecting Africa with China since 1973 and led the way to the current vibrant trade, investment and tourism partnership between Africa and Asia in general and China in particular. As an old and independent civilization with a rich history, natural and cultural beauty, our country Ethiopia has a lot to offer international tourists. Despite this potential, our tourism industry has not developed as much as we would like it to. Our government has started new initiatives to develop the tourism industry by making it one of the priorities of the economic sectors. Ethiopian Airlines is taking the new initiative as a golden opportunity to play a catalyst role to redouble its efforts in Ethiopian tourism development. To this effect, in collaboration with Ethiopian Immigration, we have created the e-visa platform. The visa on arrival facilities have also been upgraded. Our in-house tour operator, ET Holidays, is also teaming up with our ultra-modern 5-Star Ethiopian Skylight Hotel, having 373 rooms and strong network of more than 120 international destinations, to package air travel, hotel and visa products to sell to tourists. Hence, travel and tourism to Ethiopia has been made easier, simpler, faster and more comfortable than ever before. On your flight today, I invite you to watch a short documentary video on Ethiopian Tourism. Unfortunately, the month of March was one of the most challenging moments in our history of service. The entire Ethiopian family, our nation, and the world at large are mourning the loss of our dear customers and beloved colleagues who were on board flight ET302. While more than 370 B-737 MAX airplanes have been grounded all over the world since the accident, the preliminary investigation report confirmed that our pilots performed their duties as per the recommended procedures. We will always remember all who were on the flight. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families who lost their loved ones. We, at Ethiopian, are determined as ever before to forge ahead with our continued growth and expansion agenda. As a true Pan-African airline, our strategy of multiple hubs is developing regional carriers in many parts of the continent. In addition to ASKY and Malawi Airlines, we have established Ethiopian Mozambique and Tchadia airlines. Discussions are also under way to establish Zambia Airways and a home base carrier in Ghana. We have also recently added Manchester, Moscow and Istanbul to our growing international network. Before the end of 2019, we plan to launch services to Houston, USA and Marseille, France. As you travel with us in great numbers this summer, my 16,000 colleagues will do their best to exceed your expectations and serve you better.

አየር መንገዳችን አፍሪካን ከተቀረው ዓለም ጋር የማገናኘት አገልግሎት የጀመረበትን 73ኛ ዓመት እ.ኤ.አ. ‘ኤፕሪል’ 8 ቀን 2019 አክብሮአል። በዚህ ረዥም ጉዞ ውስጥ ፈታኝ ተግዳሮቶች ማለትም እንደ ነዳጅ ዋጋ መዋዠቅ፣ የተላላፊ በሽታ ወረርሽኝ፣ የተለያዩ ጦርነቶች፣ የተፈጥሮ አደጋዎች እና የኢኮኖሚ ቀውሶችን ያስተናገድንበት ይሁን እንጂ ፈተናዎቹን እንዳመጣጣቸው በመመከት እና በማሳለፍ ተግዳሮቶችን ወደ መልካም አጋጣሚ በመቀየር የአፍሪካ ሀገራትን እርስ በእርስ እና ከተቀረው ዓለም ጋር በአየር ትራንስፖርት የማገናኘት ሥራ በተሳካ መልኩ ሠርተናል። በፓን አፍሪካን መርህ የአፍሪካን ማህበራዊ እና ኢኮኖሚያዊ ዕድገት ለማሣለጥ የበኩላችንን ድርሻ ስንወጣ ቆይተናል። እ.ኤ.አ. ከ1973 ጀምሮ ዛሬ ለምናየው እጅግ የተስፋፋ ንግድ፣ ኢንቨስትመንት እና ቱሪዝም ግንኙነት ፈር ቀዳጅ በመሆን ለአፍሪካውያን ከሰሜኑ የአውሮፓ የንግድ ቀጣና ባማራጭነት የቻይና እንዲሁም የሌሎች የኤዥያ ሀገሮች የንግድ ግንኙነት ያሳየን እና ያስለመድን ብቸኛ አየር መንገድ ሆነን ተመዝግበናል። በረዥም ዘመን ስልጣኔ እና ሉአላዊነት የቆየችው ሀገራችን ለዓለም አቀፍ ቱሪስቶች ብዙ የሚጎበኙ ቅርሶች፤ ባህላዊ ትርኢቶች እና የተፈጥሮ መስህቦች ያሏት ምድረ ቀደምት አገር ብትሆንም ይህንኑ የሚመጥን የቱሪዝም ዘርፍ ዕድገት የምንጠብቀውን ያህል ያደገ አይደለም። በቅርቡ መንግስታችን እና ሀገራችን ለዘርፉ ልዩ ትኩረት በመስጠት ቱሪዝምን እንደ ቁልፍ የኢኮኖሚ ዘርፍ ለይቶ በስትራቴጂው ውስጥ አስቀምጧል። ይህንን መልካም አጋጣሚ በመጠቀም አየር መንገዳችን ወሳኝ እና የመሪነት ሚና ለመጫወት የተያያዘውን ስራ አጠናክሮ ለመቀጠል እንቅስቃሴ ጀምሮአል። ለዚህም መሳካት ከኢትዮጵያ ኢምግሬሽን ጋር በመተባበር የኤሌክትሮኒክስ ቪዛ (e-Visa) መጠቀሚያ ድረ-ገጽ ሠርቶ ለዓለም ገበያ አቅርቧል። በመዳረሻ የሚሰጥ የቪዛ አገልግሎት በአዲስ አበባ እንዲቀላጠፍ ተጨማሪ የአገልግሎት መስጫዎች የተደራጁ ሲሆን በድርጅታችን በከፈትነው የአስጎብኚ አገልግሎት ክፍል “ኢቲ ሆሊዴይስ” (ET Holidays)፤ 373 ክፍሎችን ይዞ ከተከፈተው ባለ 5 ኮከብ የኢትዮጵያ ስካይላይት ሆቴል እና በምንበርባቸው ከ120 የበለጡ መዳረሻዎችን በማጣመር የተሟላ የቱሪስት አገልግሎት ለሽያጭ በማቅረብ ቱሪዝም በኢትዮጵያ ከመቼውም ጊዜ በበለጠ የተቀላጠፈ፣ ምቹ እና ተደራሽ እንዲሆን ሁኔታዎችን አመቻችተናል። በዛሬው በረራችሁም ስለ ኢትዮጵያ ቱሪዝም የተዘጋጀውን አጭር ዘጋቢ ፊልም እንድትመለከቱ በከፍተኛ አክብሮት እጋብዛችኋለሁ። መጋቢት ወር መጀመርያ የደረሰው አደጋ ባሣለፍናቸው የአገልግሎት ዘመናት ካጋጠሙን እጅግ ፈታኝ ክስተቶች አንዱ ነበር። የአየር መንገዳችን ቤተሰቦች እና የሀገራችን ህዝብ እንዲሁም መላው ዓለም በአደጋው ሠለባ ለሆኑት መንገደኞቻችን እና የሥራ ባልደረቦቻችን ሀዘናቸውን ሲገልጹ ሠንብተዋል። ህይወታቸው ያለፈውን መንገደኞች እና ባልደረቦቻችንን ሁልጊዜም የምናስታውሳቸው ይሆናል። ለዘመድ አዝማድ እና ለቤተሰቦቻቸው መፅናናትን እና ብርታትን እንዲሰጣቸው ፈጣሪን እንለምናለን። ከአደጋው ጋር በተያያዘ ከ370 በላይ የቦይንግ ማክስ 8 አውሮፕላኖች በየትኛውም ዓለም እንዳይበሩ መታገዳቸው የአደጋውን መንስኤ አመላካች መሆኑ የሚታወቅ ሲሆን በአንጻሩ በአደጋው መንስኤ የቅድመ ምርመራ ሪፖርት አብራሪዎቻችን ትክክለኛውን የአውሮፕላኑ አምራች ቦይንግ ድርጅት ያወጣውን እና የአምራች አገሩ ተቆጣጣሪ ባለስልጣን ‘FAA’ ያጸደቀውን የአሰራር ደንብ ተከትለው ግዴታቸውን በመወጣት የተሰዉ በመሆናቸው ትልቅ ክብር እንሰጣቸዋለን። የያዝነውን ፈጣን የዕድገት ጉዞ አጠናክረን የምንቀጥል ሲሆን በፓን አፍሪካን ስሜት በተለያዩ የአፍሪካ ሀገራት የተያያዝነውን የበረራ መናኸሪያ ምሥረታ በማጠናከር እንደ አስካይ (ASKY) እና ማላዊ አየር መንገድ ያቋቋምን ሲሆን የኢትዮጵያ ሞዛምቢክን እና ቻድ አየር መንገድን በማደራጀት እና በማስተዳደር በትጋት እየሠራን እንገኛለን። በተመሣሣይ በዛምቢያ እና በጋና ብሄራዊ አየር መንገዶችን ለመቋቋም ከመንግስታቱ ጋር በመነጋገር ላይ እንገኛለን። የዓለም ዓቀፍ በረራዎችን በማስፋፋት በኩል ወደ ማንቼስተር፣ ሞስኮ እና ኢስታንቡል በረራ የጀመርን ሲሆን እ.ኤ.አ. ከ 2019 ማለቂያ በፊት ወደ ሂዩስተን (አሜሪካ) እና ማርሴይ (ፈረንሣይ) የበረራ መስመር እንከፍታለን። ከ 16 ሺህ በላይ የሚበልጡ የስራ ባልደረቦቼ እና መላው የኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድ ህብረተሰብ መጪው የክረምት ወራት ከፍተኛ የመንገደኛ ብዛት የሚስተናገድበት በመሆኑ የናንተን የደንበኞቻችንን ምቾት በመጠበቅ ለማስተናገድ በመዘጋጀት ላይ እንገኛለን። የኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድን ምርጫችሁ አድርጋችሁ ከኛ ጋር ለመብረር ስለወሰናችሁ እጅግ እናመሠግናችኋለን!

Thank you for choosing to fly with us!

Tewolde GebreMariam

Group Chief Executive Officer, Ethiopian Airlines

ተወልደ ገብረማርያም ዋና ሥራ አስፈፃሚ MAY/JUNE 2019



a c i r f A h t Sou y r a i D l e v Tra By Loice Kikwai

This conference brought together top heal th business professionals from across Africa

At the Conference Fascinating Panels at AHBS

About ME Name: Loice Kikwai, Ph.D. Hometown: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Profession: Founder, LCK Pharmaceutical Consulting, a company specializing in global pharmaceutical best practices and regulatory affairs Reason for Travel: To attend the African Health Business Symposium (AHBS). Destination: Johannesburg Find me online: LinkedIn

The AHBS conference tag line “Achieving Universal Health Care For Africa: Stronger Together� was the driving force for my attending the conference. The conference was well organized and the caliber of speakers was very high. My favorite speaker was the Hon. Wilhelmina Jallah from Liberia. I had the pleasure to meet her in person and express my gratitude for her powerful presentation and message.

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Amazing Mandela Gandhi Exhibit Amazing Amazing Amazing Mandela Mandela Mandela Gandhi Gandhi Gandhi Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit

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Events & Excursions



Amateur runners can participate in these marathons and road races taking place around the world.

Read more on page 22



pa n o r a m a

Around Addis

THE SOUTH KOREAN AUTO GIANT JOINS OTHER INTERNATIONAL CAR MANUFACTURERS WHO ARE BUILDING ASSEMBLY PLANTS IN THE COUNTRY Earlier this year, an assembly of Ethiopian and Korean government officials joined Haile Gebrselassie, Ethiopia’s Olympic long-distance running legend, and executives from Hyundai to celebrate the inauguration of the South Korean carmaker’s first Ethiopian assembly plant. The project is a joint venture between Hyundai Motor Company and Ato Haile’s Marathon Motors, which has been the exclusive importer of Hyundai vehicles



into Ethiopia since 2009. The factory launched with the capacity to produce 10,000 vehicles per year and ambitions to supply cars not just for the domestic market, but to neighboring countries as well. Hyundai is the latest in a series of international automotive companies that have opened Ethiopian assembly plants over the past decade, drawn by the country’s growing economy and rising demand for locally-assembled automobiles, which are free of the high import taxes associated with imported cars. Chinese car companies were the first to set up Ethiopian assembly operations, most prominently Lifan Motors, as well as Geely, FAW and BYD. In 2016, French automaker Peugeot inaugurated a plant in northern Ethiopia, and Volkswagen recently signed an agreement with the Ethiopian Investment Commission, committing to establish an assembly plant, component manufacturing and training facilities in the country.



pa n o r a m a

Commerce & Capital












in Houston

As a result of the decades of research and missions at NASA’s Johnson Space Center, Houston has become a major global hub for aviation and aerospace business, with over 200 companies in these sectors calling Houston home. In recent years, the commercial space industry has emerged as a major segment of this industry, with private companies engaging in many of the activities that were previously exclusively in NASA’s domain. Naturally, Houston is becoming a leading center of activity for emerging commercial space ventures.

H O U S T O N S PA C E P O R T Last year Houston’s city council approved $19 million in funding to help transform an aging airport in the southeast of the city into the world’s first urban spaceport. This 400-acre facility will eventually be a base for launching commercial satellites, research vessels and even tourists into space. The spaceport will also be home to hypersonic airplanes that would be able to make transatlantic flights from Houston in just a few hours.



SPA CE H O T E L S O F T H E F U T U RE Several commercial space companies have emerged in recent years, most of them owned by billionaire founders of large tech companies, with the goal of developing spacecraft that will eventually fly tourists beyond the stratosphere. But where will the tourists stay once they are in space? Two Houston-based firms are working on developing the first “space hotels,” which will offer luxury amenities while orbiting Earth. Orion Span’s Aurora Station will offer space travelers a 12-day space trip during which they can watch over 300 sunrises and sunsets. Another company, Axiom Space, has hired designer Philippe Starck to design the cabins for its planned commercial space station, which could welcome visitors as soon as 2022.

SPA CE CO M SpaceCom is the only conference in the world that brings together all space enterprises, from government agencies and aerospace companies to scientists and space tourism startups. Held every November at Houston’s George R. Brown Convention Center, SpaceCom features a variety of learning and business opportunities, including the SpaceCom Entrepreneur Summit, where startup space companies can pitch their ideas to investors.

The Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Programme: Transforming Africa through Agriculture Agenda 2063 recognises that for the continent to develop national and regional efforts on development need to be coordinated and consolidated to ensure collective benefit for Africans. Several continental frameworks have been developed to address the development of key sectors such as Agriculture, trade, transport, energy and mining; sectors which are seen as key in enabling Member States of the Union to achieve their development goals. One of the key Agenda 2063 continental frameworks is the Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP), which is a continental initiative to help African countries eliminate hunger and reduce poverty by raising economic growth through agricultureled development. The agricultural sector employs about 60% of Africa’s labour force thus positioning it as the key sector that can transform livelihoods if the right level of investment is provided. Africa spends more than US$40 billion annually on food imports and without intervention, net import levels will likely increase to over US$100 billion by 2025. This means that Africa as a continent will contribute to the creation of more jobs and business opportunities outside than inside the continent. There is a need to radically shift the perception about the key role agriculture plays and ask what changes could be envisaged on the continent if the US$40 billion spent on imports was invested in agriculture to create more jobs and business opportunities on the continent. Through CAADP, African governments agreed to allocate at least 10% of national budgets to agriculture and rural development, and to achieve agricultural growth rates of at least 6% per annum. Underlying these main targets are targets for reducing poverty and malnutrition, for increasing productivity and farm incomes, and for improvements in the sustainability of agricultural production and use of natural resources. CAADP also supports member states to enhance resilience to climate variability through development of disaster preparedness policies and strategies and early warning response systems and social safety nets.

CAADP has 4 priority areas namely: 1. Extending the area under sustainable land management and reliable water control systems 2. Improving rural infrastructure and trade-related capacities for market access 3. Increasing food supply, reducing hunger, and improving responses to food emergency crises 4. Improving agriculture research, technology dissemination and adoption CAADP promotes inclusive participation of all sector players and has brought agriculture to the forefront of development discourse. It has contributed to more specific and incentive-oriented agricultural policies. In addition CAADP places emphasis on African ownership and African leadership to set the agricultural agenda and the stage for agricultural change. This change emphasises Africans truly being the drivers of CAADP, rather than the more typical case of leadership and direction coming from donors or other international partners. CAADP is thus an inward looking policy framework where African leaders who have championed CAADP in their countries can influence their counterparts towards agricultural transformation

To promote accountability, the CAADP Results Framework provides Africa and its partners with a set of goals and results to be pursued in the transformation of the agriculture sector. It gives the political and technical impetus to foster policy alignment and harmonization of interventions geared at advancing the agriculture transformation agenda. It articulates the targets to be achieved by 2025, and provides the set of associated indicators. Accordingly, the Framework serves as a basis for promoting evidence-based policy and programmatic design, implementation, reporting, accountability and learning. According to the 2015 Annual Trends and Outlook Report by the Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS) CAADP is having a positive impact on food and nutrition security in countries that are implementing it. Several African countries such as Rwanda, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso and Sierra Leone report significant reduction in food insecurity due to targeted programs emerging from CAADP priorities. Currently, over 40 countries have formally launched CAADP; including 30 countries that have signed national CAADP compacts. AU Member States also commit to report on a biennial basis, their progress in achieving the CAADP commitments. To support the tracking and reporting on agricultural achievement

African Union Headquarters P.O. Box 3243, Roosvelt Street W21K19, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tel: +251 (0) 11 551 77 00 Fax: +251 (0) 11 551 78 44

pa n o r a m a

Diplomacy & Development




Founded in 2002, Londoner Richard Leftley created MicroEnsure to provide insurance for the large proportion of the world’s population for whom such products are unavailable. However, in order to create this new market, Leftley had to radically change the insurance business model. The result? Basic products were given free to mobile subscribers, and consumer education helped upsell bigger products. MicroEnsure has now registered more than 56 million people in emerging economies for insurance, paying out over $30 million in claims. It has introduced new forms of protection for customers, including microhealth, political-violence, crop, and mobile insurance.

Offering ‘shockingly affordable insurance’, Nairobi-based Bluewave Insurance creates mass-market microinsurance products that are primarily accessible via mobile devices. Currently over 70% of Kenyans earn less than USD 300 per month and are locked out of accessing insurance because of the high cost of conventional insurance. Founded in 2015, CEO Adelaide Odhiambo’s aim, by designing technology-driven products that are accessible with even the most basic feature phone, is to use insurance to help Kenya and the greater East African Region reach global sustainable development goals and improve living standards.

With a bespoke portfolio of over 40 microinsurance and mobile health products, Swedish startup Bima is making life, accident and health insurance accessible in developing countries for less than $1 a month using mobile phone technology. Bima’s customers sign up via a phone call or SMS by answering a few questions, then paying three, six or 12 month premiums using their mobile credit. Now in its ninth year of operations, the firm has attracted more than 27 million subscribers and operates in 16 countries across Africa, Asia and Latin America.

The rise of microinsurance How an asset-light, pay-per-use insurance model is attracting a new segment of customers around the world Access to insurance is one of the basic financial services which low-income individuals lack around the world. However, an innovative new model of ‘microinsurance’ is emerging, to help the working poor manage the risks that they face in everyday life. Piggybacking off the microfinance boom of the late 1990s and early 2000s, microinsurance breaks down insurance in its traditional form. Instead of offering broad policies, this model focuses on insuring individual risks such as a single event or excursion. This allows low-income consumers to only pay for the very specific insurance they need. 20


Microinsurance can be administered in any number of ways; through licensed insurance agents, community organizations, micro-finance institutions and other non-governmental organizations, as well as a new breed of microinsurance startups. The three fast-growing microinsurers listed above are leveraging technology to deliver insurance products that help keep lives and small businesses moving forward in the face of unexpected hardship.

2017 Country Progress Report for implementing the Malabo Declaration for Agriculture transformation in Africa Algeria

n/a Central African Rep.

2.4 Equatorial Guinea

3.6 Kenya

4.8 Mauritius

5.0 Sao Tome & Principe

1.5 Swaziland







2.2 Eritrea

n/a Lesotho

3.7 Morocco

5.5 Senegal

3.8 Tanzania




n/a Ethiopia

5.3 Liberia

4.1 Seychelles

4.0 Togo


the CAADP Biennial Review Report including the first-ever Africa Agriculture Transformation Scorecard (AATS) was launched on January 29, 2018 during the 30th AU Assembly. The AATS, the first of its kind in Africa, captures the continent’s agricultural progress based on a pan-African data collection and assesses progress across 43 indicators and 23 performance categories. 47 out of 55 AU MS submitted country reports and data used to produce the country scorecards and Biennal Review report. According to the report, only 20 AU member states are on track to achieving the


Cote d’Ivoire














4.1 Sierra Leone



3.2 Niger

3.5 Somalia







Burkina Faso





2017 Benchmark

DR Congo


4.9 Nigeria

3.4 South Africa



5.6 Rwanda

South Sudan

n/a Zimbabwe






CAADP Malabo by 2025 signifying the urgent need to reinforce the commitment at national levels to invest in agriculture. The 2018 report recognized 5 countries as having made the most progress in implementing CAADP provisions with Rwanda scoring first, followed by Mali, Morocco, Lesotho and Botswana respectively. The next CAADP Biennial Review report will be presented in 2020

To find out more about Agenda 2063 and CAADP

Cape Verde

4.6 Egypt

3.4 Guinea-Bissau

n/a Mauritania

4.8 Rep .A. Saharwi







n/a Sudan


3.2 Against the 2017 Benchmark of 3.9 out of 10 which is the minimum score for a country to be on track for implementing the Malabo Declaration, countries which appear in ‘’Green” are ON TRACK and countries which appear in “Red” are NOT ON TRACK to meet the Malabo Declaration Commitments. *n/a = Data Not Available

African Union Headquarters P.O. Box 3243, Roosvelt Street W21K19, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tel: +251 (0) 11 551 77 00 Fax: +251 (0) 11 551 78 44

pa n o r a m a

Events & Excursions

Worldwide Road Races and Marathons


In addition to the Big 5 Marathons that come to pass every year in Boston, Chicago, Berlin, London, and New York City, there are also an array of races that occur in exciting and exotic locations around the world. Feats of physical strength, these races take runners’ breaths away with their diverse terrain and beauty that abounds upon every course. Whether avid runners searching for a reason to visit a new destination or well-seasoned travelers looking for a fun event to attend while excursioning abroad, these road races and marathons are entirely worthy of a space in their itinerary.

BIG SUR INTERNATIONAL MARATHON Filled with rolling hills and breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean, the Big Sur International Marathon in Big Sur, California is a bucketlist race for many runners. Sweet spray from the water below fills every twist, turn, and climb with an element of purity and invigoration. Although the terrain might be difficult to navigate at times due to elevation and footing, there are different levels of participation so that no matter the skill set of the runner, participation is always a possibility.




NIAGARA FALLS HALF-MARATHON Spanning both the United States and Canada, the Niagara Falls Half-Marathon is an ideal race for expert runners and hobbyists alike. The race takes place every year in the fall and winds through the countryside from Buffalo, New York to Ontario, Canada. As runners pace themselves through the rich topography of the two countries, they can take in all of the delightful colors and crisp smells of fall.

GREAT ETHIOPIAN RUN Hosted annually by worldfamous Olympic running legend Haile Gebrselassie, this 10 km road race winds through the streets of Addis Ababa, ending in Meskel Square. With over 37,000 participants from around the world, the Great Ethiopian Run has become Africa's biggest running event and a major draw for tourists. Since its founding in 2001, the event has expanded to include races in other parts of the country, a children's race and 5k race for women.

Dubbed the “World’s Most Beautiful Marathon,” the Two Oceans Race is an opportunity for running enthusiasts to get out and enjoy the infamous scenery of the Cape Peninsula. The race takes place every year in Cape Town, South Africa and fills up with runners swiftly. However, multiple different running events take place in addition to the marathon, so anyone can join in the fun.

Selam, Ethiopia!



There is no better time to visit Cape Town, than now. With Ethiopian Airlines offering almost daily flights from Addis Ababa, access to South Africa’s Parliamentary Capital is now a mere flight away.

Welcome! We invite you to share in the blessings of this wonderful country of ours. Allow us to introduce you to our places of wonder – places that not only fill us with great pride, but that take our breath away time and time again. Allow us to share our favourite hangouts, restaurants, markets, hidden treasures and historical sites, that tell our rich cultural stories. Found along South Africa’s south western coast, Cape Town – or the Mother City as it is fondly known - is the second-largest city after Johannesburg. It is home to Robben Island, Table Mountain, scenic winelands, magnificent beaches, world-class restaurants and cosmopolitan lifestyles. A trip to Cape Town is incomplete if you don’t visit one of the city’s two UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Robben Island. UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee chose to mark this location for its “triumph of the human spirit”. Guided tours are offered by former prisoners, who give you a firsthand account of life on the island. Catch a ferry ride to “The Robben Island Museum”. The standard tour starts at the Nelson Mandela Gateway at the V&A Waterfront and the

tour will take around 3.5 hours in total (the boat ride is half-an-hour one way). The V&A Waterfront is situated in the heart of Cape Town, where the mountain meets the sea, and it has been a working harbour since 1860, when trade routes to the East transformed the seafront into a lucrative trading post. The V&A Waterfront is home to 450 retail outlets which offer everything from homeware and fashion to electronic gadgets and curios from local and international brands alike. And if the shopping becomes too much, you can enjoy some of the many other activities on offer. These include seal watching; a visit to the Two Oceans Aquarium or the Maritime Museum; boat trips around the harbour and along the coast; or an exciting helicopter tour!

Eating out in Cape Town is easy - the city’s natural abundance of land and sea combined with cultural diversity ensure that there are menus to suit all palates, religious dietary requirements and price ranges. However, if it’s a home away from home meal you crave, then the Little Ethiopia Restaurant, owned by Ethiopian national Yeshi Mekonnen on Shortmarket Street will soothe you with divine servings of fresh injera, shiro, tibs, doro wot and vegetarian dishes.

the beat of the continent follows – whether it’s a nightclub in Cape Town’s Long Street, an African jazz concert in the beautiful Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens or the thump of a township ghetto blaster – it is an eclectic meeting of colorful people, contagious energy and endless appeal. We South Africans can’t live without some kind of catchy beat in the background.

But, you’d be missing out if you didn’t try our homegrown cuisine – we’re talking about a good old fashioned braaivleis (barbequed meat) or chisa nyama with all the trimmings, a Cape Malay curry to make your heart sing or an enormous platter of piri piri prawns served up with a view of the ocean. And when it comes to song and dance, you’d be hard pressed not to feel the rhythm of Africa when you visit our shores. Wherever you go,

Getting here Ethiopian Airlines offers daily flights from Addis Ababa to Cape Town. Tourists from Ethiopia require a visa when travelling to South Africa. If you are travelling with minors (18 years old and younger) please be sure to visit the SA Embassy website to ensure you have the correct documentation prior to applying for your travel visa.

Languages English is the primary language, widely spoken as a first, second or third language here! But to really get a feel of our people and our way of life, try using the local slang like “lekker” (nice); “yebo” (yes); and “Mzansi” (a popular local term for South Africa).

Where to stay From Cape Town’s waterfront hotels to luxury apartments along the beachfront, a variety of star graded accommodation options are available to suit all preferences and budgets. Visit the Tourism Grading Council of South Africa’s website for a catalogue of all quality assured establishments in Cape Town

Getting around There are many welcoming and accredited tour operators who can assist you with all your land arrangements. Alternatively, you may hire a car at the airport car rental offices.

The City with its vibrant, fascinating and rich history, culture and heritage; is ready to be explored, photographed, loved and remembered by you and your family. Cape Town is where you will enjoy so much more, for far less than you thought possible. Malkam guzo yehunelachu.

Visit or to book your Cape Town holiday now – we can’t wait to meet you!




ndia’s hospitality scene, alongside the country's growing design and architecture scene, has evolved at an astonishing pace over the past decade. From restored palaces in Rajasthan to new urban boutique hotels in Mumbai, the subcontinent is now leading on an international scale. It is a fitting tribute, therefore, that a new coffee table Glorious Hotels of India has just been published, capturing this zeitgeist with a hand-picked collection of the subcontinent’s most spectacular places to stay. Written by British travel journalists, Cosmo Samuel Brockway and Harriet Compston, the book gives a grand yet intimate tour of 40 properties, with half of the hotels being recent openings. The authors spent over five years researching, travelling and writing the book. Accompanied by captivating images by Karam Puri, Glorious Hotels of India explores each room, suite and garden with a curious eye and shares the most enchanting touches. Portraits of owners and staff add a fascinating human element. With insightful and meticulously researched material, this is indeed a ‘glorious’ book – and a homage to the splendor of India.





From a magnificent palace in Delhi to a design hotel in Mumbai, a new book celebrates India’s splendid heritage while showcasing exciting contemporary design




/ M U M B A I

The beating heart of the city of Mumbai, Taj Mahal Palace is an iconic hotel treasured by locals and visitors alike. Built and funded by Parsi industrialist Jamsetji Tata at the dawn of the 20th century, the first stone was laid in 1898. Four years later, as the work neared completion, Tata scoured New York and Paris, where he ordered spun pillars for the ballroom and the front porch, still seen today. An elaborate, seven-tiered structure of Gothic, Islamic and Rajasthani architecture, topped by a glittering Florentine dome, The Taj was the first building in Mumbai to be lit by electricity. The hotel soon became the playground of Indian royalty who paraded in a horse-drawn carriage in the courtyard, now a swimming pool shaded by mature palms. Further down the line, the hotel housed freedom fighters (for no charge) during the struggle for independence. It was therefore apt that the viceroy, Earl Mountbatten, announced India’s independence from here. Regarded as the finest hotel in the city, the 560-room Taj is a favorite destination for visiting dignitaries and celebrities. Four thousand works of art, mostly

antique, line the walls. Every detail, from the Belgian chandeliers to the pietra dura inlay on the lobby floors, gleams with pride, creating a backdrop to the cavalcade of life and joyous celebrations that take place almost every day. The Taj’s opulent approach continues in the kitchen. There are four finedining restaurants, including Wasabi by Morimoto, recognized as one of Asia’s 50 best restaurants, which offers Japanese delicacies with ingredients specifically flown in from Japan. Cocktails can be found at Harbour Bar, the first licensed lounge bar in the city. Just like Mumbai, the Taj Mahal Palace continues to be an unstoppable force, hypnotizing every soul who has a taste of it.




/ M U M B A I

Abode, one of Mumbai’s first boutique hotels, is a haven of calm in the heart of the city. Tucked away above an elegant cafe in the 100-year-old Lansdowne House in Colaba, the property pays homage to the city’s heritage, from old Bombay to modern Mumbai. It is therefore apt that the current owners, the Shams, have a neighboring antiques store. Opened in 2013, the Shams wanted to create a property with the city at its center. The result is a hip boho-chic hideaway reflecting the multilayered nature of Mumbai. The lobby, with a 19thcentury chandelier, leads into the library corner, inspired by the old booksellers of Fort, with their tiny spaces stacked with books. A neon lighting installation at the entrance celebrates the urban facade with a quote from Bombay native Rudyard Kipling. The café serves snacks inspired by the city’s street food such as bhelpuri. The 20 rooms are decorated in a color palette taken from terracotta chai pots and pistachio sweets. Bedside tables have been made from chaat stands. 30


Reclaimed Burma teak, rescued from demolished houses, is used as flooring. Bathroom doors, made of salvaged wood, feature mismatched patterned frosted glass, with four of the rooms sporting free-standing bathtubs. Fabrics have been largely sourced from vintage saris. Colonial and art-deco furniture, some rescued from Mumbai’s scrap yards, dot the hotel. The Shams’ heart for the city doesn’t stop at the design. The property works with a school for the blind that provides massage therapists. There is a womenonly driving service. Any leftover soaps are donated to a nearby NGO that works with underprivileged women. As Mumbai continues to blossom, Abode is an important reminder of how the ‘city that never sleeps’ can retain the magic of a bygone era while grasping hold of a bright future.

TIKLI BOTTOM A pale pink Lutyens-inspired bungalow nestled in a valley just an hour’s drive from central Delhi, Tikli Bottom is a unique two-acre idyll, created in the 1990s by Martin and Annie Howard, who made this corner of India a sanctuary for man, beast and bird. Martin, formerly Rolls-Royce director in Delhi, decided, upon retiring, not to return to England. Instead, along with his wife Annie, he built a home just outside the village of Teekli, a few miles from the suburb of Gurugram. The amusing name stems from ‘bottom’ being the archaic word for a lowlying piece of land. The first glimpse of Tikli is seductive – the arching trees, the crescent-shaped swimming pool flanked by a pair of pale pink classical pavilions, the flashing peacocks, and the serenity of sinking into a soft armchair with an ice-cold nimbu pani. The four bedrooms are placed around a pillared courtyard where most

/ G U R U G R A M of Tikli life takes place with the central ornamental fountain providing a cool focus in the heat of Indian summers. The interiors are an eclectic echo of colonial style, with a light touch of humor and warmth among the antique furniture, mirrors and silver. Four-poster beds are draped in gauze nets and elegant block prints. Jaipur blue pottery sits alongside Country Life magazines and books on Indian history. Meals are taken au plein air with the Howards joining their guests for wideranging conversations. The organic food is locally sourced with treats such as cheese and claret imported via Delhi. The kitchen garden supplies the table in abundance and the homemade buffalo-milk yoghurt served at breakfast is courtesy of Martin’s treasured buffaloes. But, above all, Tikli is a place to do nothing, slowly and blissfully – the perfect soft landing to the subcontinent or delicious last course to any adventure.




/ N E W

The opening of the 254-room Leela Palace hotel in 2011 saw Delhi gain its grandest hotel in recent memory, and its location at the heart of the cosmopolitan Embassy district is a fitting one. The story of the Leela brand is both inspiring and a fable of modern India. Founder late Captain C. P. Krishnan Nair was born into a modest family in Kerala. After joining the Indian Army, Nair rose to the rank of captain and married Leela, an industrialist’s daughter, after whom he would name his future hotel group. While pioneering the handloom industry in India, Nair ventured into hospitality at the age of 65. The first Leela hotel opened to great excitement in Mumbai in 1987, and was followed by the Leela Goa, the Leela Palace Bangalore and the Leela Kovalam. Captain Nair’s swansong, the Leela Palace New Delhi, is inspired by the clean-lined elegance of Lutyens’ Delhi, with a dash of continental opulence and Indian chutzpah. Unique features include the 1,400 pieces of art, mainly 32



Indian, that adorn the property as well as mother-of-pearl inlaid furniture and astonishing custom-made chandeliers. Over 12,000 fresh flowers are brought in daily (and donated to an NGO who convert them into eco-friendly vegetable dyes). There are three restaurants: signature Indian dining space, Jamavar, with royal dishes such as nihari mingling with the memorable Alleppey meen curry, with coconutmilk gravy and a hint of sour mango. Megu, with its striking glass Buddha, serves Japanese delicacies, while the panelled Le Cirque is French-Italian with a touch of Manhattan. A monument to a great man, a great marriage and a great city, the Leela Palace New Delhi perfectly represents the new India, with her vibrancy, commitment to social change, and grand celebration of spirit and hospitality – just as Captain Nair destined it to be.




/ G U R U G R A M

Spread across 1.2 sq. km of lush land and surrounded by working farms, India’s first all-suite resort is seated in the lap of one of the world’s oldest mountain ranges, the Aravalli Range. Only a 45-minute drive from Delhi, ITC Grand Bharat in Gurugram opened in November 2014, adding to ITC Hotels’ already indomitable portfolio, spanning the subcontinent. Constructed in the shape of a mandala, ITC Grand Bharat pays tribute to a variety of Indian architectural styles. This begins with the gently-curved arch at the entrance, inspired by the 10th-century Mukteshwar Temple in Odisha. The elaborate pink-and-cream

sandstone facade of the property is influenced by Baroda’s Laxmi Vilas Palace, while the adjoining pillars are adapted from the renowned Adalaj stepwell in Gujarat. The 104 suites are a further display of India’s heritage and culture – separated from the main building by a water channel named ‘Yamuna’, the surrounding steps replicas of the ghats of Varanasi. Decorated in light colors, the suites feature detailed woodwork, rich fabrics and hand-tufted carpets lining the marble flooring. Food takes guests on another journey. Inspired by the national bird of India, the Peacock Bar – with its molecular cocktails whipped up on a colonialstyle bar – sets the scene. European dishes are enjoyed in the India Room, a picture of royal blue and gold, with chandeliers set against sumptuous silk. Local Mewati cuisine is the order of the day at the poolside restaurant Apas Promenade. The property’s very own farm provides the ingredients. The spa is a 35,000 sq. ft. haven with a lofty domed hammam. Adorned with fine filigree work and panelling, traditional therapies are offered alongside ancient Ayurvedic practices and Western treatments. Bold in its every astonishing detail, ITC Grand Bharat is dynastic India re-conjured and a trumpet cry to the subcontinent’s richest of legacies.



To the Moon and Beyond


As Houston celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 lunar landing, the city continues to be a hub for the future of space exploration








IN D E PE N D E N CE PL AZ A Standing just outside of Space Center Houston is an outdoor plaza containing the facility’s largest and most aweinspiring exhibit: a full-size replica of a NASA space shuttle mounted on top of a 159-ton shuttle carrier aircraft. The interiors of both these massive vehicles are fully accessible, allowing visitors to see up-close how astronauts lived and worked in space.


n 1961, a few years after the United States government created the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the decision was made to establish a major research and development center near Houston, Texas. The following year, President John F. Kennedy visited the site and gave a speech, where he boldly stated, “[i]n this place in America are going to be laid the plans and designs by which we will reach out in this decade to explore space.” True to this declaration, in less than a decade after its opening, the Johnson Space Center ( JSC) was home to the mission control center that supervised the first human landing on the moon. 2019 marks the 50 year anniversary of the legendary Apollo 11 mission, when astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped onto the lunar surface and declared “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Although NASA’s astronauts have since mostly limited their explorations to the earth’s orbit, advances in technology have led to

Space rover used for moon exploration in Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas (top); Astronaut on lunar landing mission (bottom)

A P O L L O 1 1 A N N I V E R S A RY E V E N T S


From July 16th to 24th, Space Center Houston will be home to a series of official events commemorating the 50th anniversary of the historic Apollo 11 moon landing. During this week, visitors will have the opportunity to have lunch with the Apollo 11 flight controllers, attend mission briefings, and take behind-the-scenes tours of the Apollo Mission Control Center.

numerous robotic spacecraft which have been busily exploring outer space on behalf of mankind. NASA currently has 12 separate unmanned space exploration missions underway, ranging from visits to our closest neighboring planet to the furthest reaches of the solar system. Manned space exploration is still a major focus at JSC, however, and dozens of scientists and engineers in Houston are working on plans to send a new generation of astronauts further into outer space than any humans have ever traveled before. From planning future missions to Mars to developing the advanced Orion vessels for deep space exploration, the work being done at JSC is poised to shape the future of human space exploration. Although NASA has numerous facilities around the United States, few can match the iconic status and critical role that Johnson Space Center has played in the history of space



I N T E R N AT I O N A L S PAC E S TAT I O N G A L L E RY In addition to this year’s celebration of the moon landing, just last year NASA celebrated the 20th anniversary of the launch of the International Space Station (ISS), a remarkable collaboration between 15 nations that has produced a steady stream of important scientific research. The International Space Station Gallery showcases artifacts from space, robotics demonstrations and live shows describing life aboard the ISS. For kids, a series of “pop-up science labs” will offer a handson opportunity to learn about the science and engineering principles behind the historic Apollo mission.



M ISSIO N M AR S STAR SH IP G AL L E RY For those interested in the history of manned spaceflight, the Starship Gallery at Space Center Houston is an excellent starting point. This exhibition space features three spacecraft that have actually been flown, the Mercury 9 capsule, the Gemini 5 capsule and the Apollo 17 command module. The Starship Gallery also features numerous other artifacts, including the original Skylab astronaut training module, a lunar rover, and multiple spacesuits.

One of the newest exhibits at Space Center Houston is dedicated to one of the JSC’s major current focus areas: preparing for future human travel to Mars. The Mission Mars exhibit walks visitors through the challenges associated with landing on the red planet, and the research being conducted to prepare humans to survive on its surface. Real meteorites from Mars are also on display, and can be touched by visitors.


exploration. Although most of the facility is off-limits to visitors, the JSC features an on-site visitor center, Space Center Houston, that is arguably the best destination in the world for those interested in all things NASA. From moon rocks and meteorites to decommissioned rockets and retired astronauts, the wide variety of activities and exhibits spread across this 23,000 square meter facility have made it Houston’s top destination for international tourists. Space Center Houston truly offers something for everyone, from young children to academic researchers. Here, we take a look at just a few of the major reasons why Space Center Houston is worth a trip to the heart of Texas.


HOUSTON HOUSTON The Space City Starting Starting June June 2019 2019

DESERT STARGAZING When the International Dark-Sky Association (a group that recognizes places for their sky quality) formed in 1988, NamibRand Nature Reserve in the arid Namib Desert became the first reserve to achieve Gold Tier status (the IDA’s highest award). With its clear 360-degree panorama of the horizon, the brightest and most beautiful constellations can all be spotted from the Namib. The nearest town is 140 km away which means no sources of light pollution. The reserve’s sky is one of the darkest yet measured in the world with the stars on display like no place else on the planet. The winter months (April to September) provide the clearest skies, with darkness descending at 6pm to reveal a spectacle of star clusters and galaxies, as well as a clear view of the Southern Cross and Centaurus constellations. Summer highlights include views of 47 Tucanae, a multibillion-year-old cluster containing more than a million stars.





























NAMIB SAND SEA Located on the South Atlantic coast of Namib-Naukluft National Park, the largest game park in Africa, the Namib Sand Sea, which covers over 3 million hectares is one of the world’s only coastal deserts. With the beautiful red sand flowing right 44


up to the actual waves of the ocean, the desert is a place of outstanding natural beauty composed of two dune systems, an ancient one overlain by a younger, more active, one. Named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2013, rocky hills, coastal flats, ephemeral rivers and a lagoon punctuate the landscape, the atmospheric conditions providing exceptional visibility of landscape features by day and the dazzling


southern hemisphere sky at night. While it is incredibly arid, with fog as the primary source of water, the desert still boasts almost 300 animal species. Over half of these do not exist anywhere else in the world. This remarkable diversity of endemic wildlife includes the Welwitschia plant, the Dune Lark, and various reptiles and invertebrates.

amibia is like nowhere else on earth. Few countries in Africa, or the rest of the world, can match the country’s sheer natural beauty. A vast land of mesmerizing landscapes, abundant wildlife and an astonishing array of natural wonders, Namibia promises an otherworldly adventure with a magnitude of stirring vistas. Encompassing towering dunes, dramatic mountains and gravel plains, the country’s defining feature is the Namib, the oldest desert on earth that runs the entire 1,500km of the country’s Atlantic coastline. Some of the most dramatic and thrillingly remote spots on the planet can be found here; the dazzling dunes of Sossusvlei (the largest dunes in the world), Fish River Canyon, Africa’s deepest canyons, the unique fog-bathed Namib Sand Sea and the most extraordinary starry night sky. Nambia is also one of the best places in the world to see wildlife. The country is home to the world’s largest population of free-roaming black rhinos, a critically endangered species threatened by poachers. You can also spy dark-haired, desert-adapted lions, galloping herds of Hartmann’s mountain zebra, spotted and brown hyena, southern giraffe, desert-adapted elephant and zippy, silvery oryx (Namibia’s national animal). MAY/JUNE 2019




THE ENDANGERED BLACK RHINO One of the world’s most endangered species, Black Rhinos have no natural predators, except for man. Since 1960, numbers have dropped by a horrifying 97%, mainly as a result of poaching for their horns, reaching an all-time low of just 2,300 individuals in 1993. Today, Namibia is home to almost half of the world’s population of black rhino – most of these are found in Etosha National Park. Visitors are able to track these incredible creatures with experienced local guides. But, it’s worth noting that Black Rhinos are not actually black. Just like white rhinos, they vary in color between brown and grey. However, White Rhinos have a wide, square upper lip, while the lip of black rhinos is narrow and pointed.



SOSSUSVLEI DUNES Situated in Namib-Naukluft Park, Sossusvlei is Namibia’s most iconic tableau: a large, white, salt and clay pan, flanked by dozens of spectacular rust-colored dunes. Appearing otherworldly at times, these dunes are some of the highest in the world and part of one of the oldest and driest ecosystems on earth. Nature constantly sculpts the landscape. The wind moulds and remoulds their contours while their color changes from ochre to burnished orange to fiery red over the course of a day, reaching the peak of their brilliance just after sunrise. The pan remains bone-dry most years due to the dry conditions of the Namib Desert. Sossusvlei, which means “dead-end marsh”, is the place where the dunes come together preventing the Tsauchab River from flowing further. During an exceptional rainy season, the river fills the pan, creating an ethereal glassy lake which holds reflections of the surrounding dunes. Hiking the dunes is a worthwhile challenge and yields spectacular views. The ‘Big Daddy’ is the highest in the area: 325 metres from base to peak. This is followed by ‘Big Mama’, another high dune which faces Daddy.



QUIVER TREE FOREST Known as the ‘grande dame of the Namib Desert’, the quiver tree or aloe dichotoma, is not a true tree. A tall, branching species of aloe with a crown of bulbous branches covered in a thick white powder, this species grows on the most unforgiving rocky ridges of escarpments, normally at great distances from each other. But just outside of Keetmanshoop in southern Namibia, a large number of them grow in uncharacteristically close proximity, creating a forest-like landscape. Declared a National Monument of Namibia, the quiver tree forest is one of the only known naturally occurring such sites in the world. The quiver trees have a history going back several centuries. The nomadic San people used to hollow out branches to use as ‘quivers’ for their arrows — hence the name.





24 HOURS 60

24 Hours



Discover the beautiful meadows, libraries and museums of Oxford, England. From Britain's oldest pub to punting down the River Cherwell, there is plenty to do in the City of Spires.

Read more on page 62




Community trekking in the Ethiopian highlands Going off the beaten path with Tesfa Tours P H OTOS AN D WO R DS BY T E R RY AD BY


ajestic lammergeyer vultures glide by as we rest on a mountain ledge. A diminutive 5thcentury church is cocooned in a hillside cave, decorated inside with ancient frescoes. Slopes of green, burgundy, yellow and fiery orange flora overlook



unmarked ancient ruins in the sparse land below. These unexpected experiences are all the more extraordinary because, remote as this place feels – and is – we are passing through the living, presentday communities of the Ethiopian highlands, on a trail in North Wollo between Geneta Mariam and Tadios Amba. Called ‘community trekking’, it’s a unique way to experience the country’s remarkable ‘tableland’. Community trekking pioneer, Mark Chapman, runs Addis Ababa-based Tesfa Tours. The company enables locallyguided, small groups to explore the broad acres, deep valleys and looming mountains of this high plateau, hosted in traditional agrarian communities in a sustainable and respectful way, that also gives something back. “Treks now run in Wof Washa Forest, Wollo, Tigray and Janamora Woreda”, explains Mark. “There are 23 guest houses owned and run by communities. As tourism to benefit local people, it’s unique here. Visitors are amazed at the place, and humbled at the hospitality.”




This year Political Dynamics in the Horn of Africa: Nurturing the Emerging Peace Trends In line with recent political developments in the Horn of Africa and the remarkable rapprochement between Ethiopia and Eritrea to address the border conflict through negotiation, this year’s Tana Forum will deliberate on ways to support the political dynamics and pertinent geopolitical matters unfolding in the region. The Forum complements formal meetings of African heads of state and government by gathering them in an informal, collaborative environment. In the spirit of discussions taking place under the Baobab tree, the Forum offers room and space for panel discussions, interaction with the floor and bilateral talks to share views and experiences in a time efficient, result-oriented and open manner. #TanaForum




Destinations ‘Community trekking’ is no soft option however. At altitudes between 2,500m and 4,000m above sea level, it’s a challenge. Distances can be long and trails rough. Villages have no electricity or running water, and meals are prepared on a wood fire. Sleep is in ‘tukuls’, circular structures of stone, wood, mud and straw, located at the edges of hosting communities, in high places. Views are spectacular. Tourists are few. In North Wollo, we encountered just two; in Janamora, none. This solitude intensifies the diverse memories. They include our tukuls’ sensational settings. The simplicity of tea boiled on eucalyptus or the luxury of highland lamb washed down with Ethiopian red wine (it’s not all hard work). Green-roofed churches set on ridges and in canyons. The ascent of Abuna Yoseph, Ethiopia’s third-highest peak, in the company of Ethiopian wolves, the planet’s rarest canid. Ain Amba, guarded by posturing ‘bleeding heart’ gelada baboons. Grivet monkeys, spying from undergrowth. Hyenas howling by night, hiding by day. Birds great and small, from kingfishers and sunbirds, to storks, vultures and hawk eagles. Exotic flora, like giant lobelia, in whose leaves baboons may nap. Ethiopia’s giant peak, Ras Dashen, with its draped walls and mysterious 4500-meter heights. Above all in the memory remain the highlands’ hardy, smiling inhabitants. A lady prepares Ethiopian coffee al fresco, toasting beans and wafting the aromatic smoke in our faces. We are honored. Timbala’s lively young hosts serve thyme tea, lentil soup, snacks of roasted pulses and injera with spicy shiro sauce. They never stop giggling. Trail encounters, too, are never ending. A village musician plays us through town on his archaic wooden instrument. Itinerant priests bless their fellow travelers. An elderly farmer chats, shoeless in this stony land, but an elegant young lady on a steep, rough trail reminds us these are just daily paths. Farmhands winnowing, threshing or ploughing pause to shake hands. Travelling couples of all ages stop to say hello. Likewise, families lugging water from holes, or balancing baskets of wedding food on their heads. During Timkat, Ethiopia’s communal 56


celebration of public baptism in Geneta Mariam, all sombre rituals, colorful fabrics, energetic song and dance, chaotic processions and rapturous joy, we keep a respectful distance. But the townsfolk would rather we danced with them. We join the throngs descending from all directions on the weekly market in Wosen. And across the land, the air is alive with cries of “hullohullo-hullo”, and the irrepressible energy of children, who will literally run a mile to extend a hand to, talk to and even walk a while with their curious visitors – an Ethiopian welcome this community trekker will never forget.


is a highly-committed, local organisation run by Briton Mark Chapman, to bring tourists and income sustainably to Ethiopia’s highland communities in Wollo, Tigray, Wof Washa, Janamora and the Simien mountains. ‘Community trekking’ takes place away from the famed Simien Mountains National Park. Ways and means: Community guides show the way

and ensure visitors have somewhere to sleep and something to eat. Trail snacks, personal hygiene and ‘luxuries’ must be brought. Drinking plenty of water is important at these altitudes. Donkeys are employed to carry gear, but be aware of luggage limits on internal flights. Binoculars, zoom lens and a solar charger are all useful. Food: Mainly vegetarian meals are prepared by

women from the community, including lentil-based soups, beans, potato or pasta, spaghetti with tomato sauce, spinach and cabbage. Ethiopian staples such as injera, keta and flatbread with a hot sauce also figure, as do Ethiopian beer and wine. Breakfast is likely to include tea, coffee, local bread and honey, and scrambled egg. Climate: Treks take place in Ethiopia’s cool zone - or

‘dega’, mostly around or above 3,000m above sea level. Conditions vary with the season, but nights can be cold all year round. Appropriate clothing, comfortable supportive footwear for long-distance walking, and a good sleeping bag are all essential. What to take: Remote travel essentials, including

first-aid kit, solar charger and energy snacks.

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Ethiopia’s First Comic Book Superhero An Interview with Beserat Debebe, the creator of Jember and publisher of Etan Comics




ver since the blockbuster film Black Panther captured global attention last year, there has been growing interest and demand for African themes within the popular superhero genre of entertainment. Although African characters have featured prominently in major comic book series, such as The X-Men, for decades, it is only in recent years that these kinds of stories have begun to be crafted by Africans themselves. A few pioneering African publishers like Nigeria’s Vortex Comics and YouNeek Studios have been successfully publishing African sci-fi and fantasy comics for years and some are now expanding into animation. Inspired by these examples, Beserat Debebe set out to create an original Ethiopian superhero with his comic book series, Jember, which was released last year in both English and Amharic editions. We spoke to Beserat about his passion for comics and how he hopes to further expand this literary genre in the Ethiopian community. What is your personal history with comic books?

I’ve always loved comics, animation and video games as a kid. When I came to the United States as a teenager, reading comics was one of my favorite hobbies. I was attracted to its ability to communicate complex emotions and tell fantasy stories through images and art.

FIND OUT MORE ABOUT ETAN COMICS ONLINE Website: Facebook: Instagram: @etancomics or Twitter: @etancomics or JEMBER books are sold in Ethiopia at Emana Book Center, 1st Floor of Getu Commercial Building, Addis Ababa. Both English and Amharic editions are available.

What motivated you to start Etan Comics?

I was inspired by my desire to make a positive impact in my community and to tell stories that I think are important and exciting. I wanted to draw inspiration from East African history and mythologies to create fresh and entertaining stories that everyone can relate to.

story is not all there is about Africans. In every African country, there are people performing amazing acts of bravery, innovation, responsibility etc. We just want to do our part to highlight these traits through our stories. At the end of the day, African stories are human stories.

What messages do you seek to communicate through your comics?

What are your ambitions for the future?

In addition to entertaining, our mission is to empower, and educate. There are a lot of Ethiopians and Africans who may not feel like they are important or capable of making a difference in society. Seeing someone like them as a superhero, someone who has lived through their experience and conquered its challenges to become a symbol of inspiration and good, empowers and encourages them to unleash their full potential. Our stories will also help non-Africans see Africans in a new way. There is an overwhelming bias in mainstream media to paint Africans as people who need help rather than people who offer help. This one-sided

In the future, we plan to expand the ETAN COMICS Universe one character at a time. In fact, we just introduced our first female Ethiopian superhero title, HAWI, through a crowdfunding campaign. The response to HAWI has been amazing. Fans from all over the world supported our campaign and got us over 300% funded on Kickstarter. It just goes to show how much people believe in what we are doing so we can’t wait until everyone reads HAWI and all our future stories. In the long term, we plan to introduce more stories through other mediums such as animation, video games, TV and feature films.




24 Hours

24 Hours in Oxford Discovering the wonders and delights of this world-famous center of scholarship


8 a.m. Start the day with breakfast at

Jericho Café, just a 10-minute walk from the city center. Locally-run and much-loved, everything is here from a full English Breakfast to baked beans on toast – plump for the signature bacon and egg waffles. Afterwards, go for a wander through Jericho. Recently named one of the ‘hippest’ spots in the UK, 60


independent shops, quirky cafes and live music venues sit prettily between rows of brightly-colored houses. 9 a.m. No trip would be complete

without a visit to Britain’s oldest public museum Ashmolean Museum. Established in 1683, every gallery holds a marvel, be that a dazzling fresco from the palace of Knossos; artwork from Van Gogh; or, famously, the Anglo-Saxon

Alfred Jewel, a dazzling 9th-century gem, that was crafted for Alfred the Great. The beautiful rooftop restaurant is perfect for grabbing a coffee afterwards. 11 a.m. The best way to explore

Oxford is on foot. Make a beeline for Footprints, Oxford’s top-rated tour company on TripAdvisor for five years running. Led by university-educated guides, these two-hour free tours take you through the story of the city, visiting many of the magnificent University colleges, as well as the Bodleian Library and the Palladian-style Radcliffe Camera. Tours can be personalised, too, from leisurely walks and panoramic bike rides to literary pilgrimages and jovial pub crawls.


ith its golden-hued colleges arrayed in splendor beside the river, scholars have flocked to Oxford since the 13th century when the first of its 38 university colleges were established. However, it’s not all ancient institutions. A hipster side is now emerging. Here is our guide to experiencing the best of old and new in one of England’s most unquestionably beautiful cities.


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24 Hours 6 p.m. After an action-packed day, put

2 p.m. After all that walking, it’s time

for a sit down. But rather than a park bench, hire a punt from the Magdalen Bridge Boathouse and float serenely past the city’s famous Botanic Gardens and through the university meadows to the countryside beyond. Pop into Olive’s Deli (just a three-minute walk from the Boathouse) beforehand and grab one of their freshly-baked baguettes for a picnic lunch. 3 p.m. Back on dry land, take a short

walk to Christ Church Meadow, where Lewis Carroll taught in the mid-19th century and wrote the famous Alice in Wonderland. A rare lush green space in the heart of Oxford, this picturesque, tranquil spot makes for an ideal gentle summer stroll or wintery walk. 4 p.m. Now, it’s time to hit a few more

museums: Oxford University Museum of Natural History and the Pitt Rivers

Punting along Oxford's idyllic River Cherwell to the countryside beyond

The 17th-century pub, The Eagle and Child, meeting place of J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis (top left); Britain’s oldest public museum Ashmolean Museum (top right)

your feet up at one of Oxford’s many (fantastic) pubs. Owned by St John’s College, The Eagle and Child is hard to beat. Dating back to the 17th century, the pub is best known as the meeting place of the Inklings, a literary group including J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis. Today, the pub retains the cosy, quaint charm and is a lovely place to relax over a pint. There’s also The Bear Inn, Oxford’s oldest surviving pub with a history traced back to as early as 1242. As well as being recognised for its impressive history, this watering hole is known for its somewhat unexpected collection of old ties, representing university clubs, colleges and sports teams. There are excellent real ales, too. If cocktails are more your thing, head to The Duke of Cambridge. Classy, elegant and old-fashioned, with every stylish cocktail you could possibly want. 8.30 p.m. Although all of the above

Museum. Both museums are in the same building so it’s easy to move from one to the other. The Museum of Natural History is home to an internationally-significant collection of geological and zoological specimens, the most famous pieces being the Oxford dinosaurs and the remains of a Dodo. Pitt Rivers Museum is a bit quirkier with its Victorian glass cases holding more than 18,000 objects collected from around the world. For something more contemporary, go for Modern Art Oxford which has developed a great reputation for its bold, progressive displays.

pubs serve wonderful food, don’t miss local favourite Gee’s. Set in an iconic Victorian Glasshouse, filled with olive trees and plants, dine on a seasonal menu inspired by the Mediterranean. Alternatively, hop in a taxi for a scenic 30-minute jaunt through the countryside and splash out at Raymond Blanc’s two-Michelin star Le Manoir aux Quat’Saisons. Housed in a magnificent manor house (where you can also stay), surrounded by stunning gardens, Blanc grows almost 90 varieties of vegetables and over 70 aromatic herbs, which you’ll find on your plate, in one way or another.

bed down in one of Oxford’s many gorgeous boutique hotels. Tucked into a wisteria-cloaked 17th-century house, where Oscar Wilde roomed as a student, the 35-room Old Parsonage Hotel is a clever blend of period charm and modern luxury. There’s an impressive art collection, knowingly mismatched furniture and elegant rooms plus an excellent restaurant. Another option is the Old Bank Hotel. Right in the city center – front rooms overlook the University Church – this grand hotel is scattered with contemporary art and offers 42 stylish, spacious, pale-hued rooms (opt for junior suite 45 for the best views). 62



10.30 p.m. After your mammoth day,

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Travel Tips


These gentle exercises, which you can carry out easily during your flight, will help blood circulation and reduce any tiredness or stiffness that may result from sitting in one place for several hours. Check


with your doctor first if you have any health conditions that might be adversely affected by exercise.



Hunch shoulders forward, then upward, then backward, then downward, using a gentle, circular motion.

Lift feet off the floor and draw a circle with the toes, simultaneously moving one foot clockwise and the other foot counterclockwise. Reverse circles. Do each direction for 15 seconds. Repeat if desired.



Start with arms held at a 90-degree angle: elbows down, hands out in front. Raise hands up to chest and back down, alternating hands. Do this exercise in 30-second intervals.

Start with both heels on the floor and point feet upward as high as you can. Then put both feet flat on the floor. Then lift heels high, keeping the balls of your feet on the floor. Continue cycle in 30-second intervals.



With both feet on the floor and stomach held in, slowly bend forward and walk your hands down the front of your legs toward your ankles. Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and slowly sit back up.

Bend forward slightly. Clasp hands around the right knee and hug it to your chest. Hold stretch for 15 seconds. Keeping hands around knee, slowly let it down. Alternate legs. Repeat 10 times.



Raise both hands straight up over your head. With one hand, grasp the elbow of the opposite hand and gently pull to one side. Hold stretch for 15 seconds. Repeat on the other side.

Lift leg with knees bent while contracting your thigh muscles. Alternate legs. Repeat 20 to 30 times for each leg.



Reach right hand over left shoulder. Place left hand behind right elbow and gently press elbow toward shoulder. Hold stretch for 15 seconds. Repeat on the other side.

> For your own comfort, try to travel light.

> Avoid heavy meals during the flight.

> Wear loose clothing and elasticated stockings made of natural fiber.

> Take short walks once every two hours to improve circulation.

> Increase your normal intake of water and only drink alcohol in moderation.

> Try to touch your toes when waiting in the aisle, to stretch your hamstrings.


> Use moisturizing cream to keep your skin from drying out.

> Upon arrival at your destination, take a quick jog, brisk walk or a vigorous scrub to help stimulate circulation. Then, take a hot shower or a relaxing bath.

With shoulders relaxed, drop ear to shoulder and gently roll neck forward and to the other side, holding each position for about five seconds. Repeat five times.

> Take off shoes while on the plane to prevent your feet from swelling up, or wear shoes that will cope with expanding ankles.



Travel Tips

f ly e t h i o p i a n

TRAVELING IN ETHIOPIA LAND ► Ethiopia covers an area of 1,104,300 square kilometers (approx. 426,372 square miles). CLIMATE ► There are two seasons: The dry season, October–May, and the wet season, June–September. TOPOGRAPHY ► Ethiopia has an elevated central plateau varying in height between 2,000 and 3,000 meters. In the north and center of the country, there are some 25 mountains whose peaks rise above 4,000 meters. The most famous Ethiopian river is the Blue Nile (or Abbay), which flows north a distance of 1,450 kilometers from its source in Lake Tana to join the White Nile at Khartoum, Sudan. PEOPLE ► The population is estimated at 102,374,044. ECONOMY ► More than 70 percent of the population earns a living from the land, mainly as subsistence farmers. Agriculture is the backbone of the national economy, and the principal exports from this sector are coffee, oil seeds, pulses, flowers, vegetables, sugar and foodstuffs for animals. There is also a thriving livestock sector, exporting cattle, hides and skins.

LANGUAGE ► Ethiopia is a multiethnic state with 83 languages and 200 dialects. Amharic is the working language of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, while Oromiffa, Tigrigna and Guragina are widely spoken.


Money transfers can be made through Western Union and MoneyGram. Both have representative branches in Addis Ababa and also make their services available from private and national banks. For courier services, DHL, Fedex, UPS, TNT and EMS have offices in Addis Ababa.

COMMUNICATIONS ► Telephones, fax machines and Internet access are available in Addis Ababa in most hotels and at private Internet service centers around the city. WORKING HOURS ► Government office hours are 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. and 1:30–5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Working hours on Friday are 8:30–11:30 a.m. and 1:30–5:30 p.m. Private and public businesses are often open on Saturdays. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS ► Public holidays are celebrated according to the Ethiopian ( Julian) Calendar (see “Time”). The calendar is seven years behind the Western or Gregorian Calendar, with the New Year falling in the month of September. January 7: Ethiopian Christmas (Genna) January 19: Ethiopian Epiphany (Timket) March 2: Victory of Adwa (1896) April 26: Ethiopian Good Friday April 28: Ethiopian Easter May 1: International Labor Day May 5: Ethiopian Patriots Victory Day (1941) May 28: Fall of the Dergue (1991) June 5: Eid Al-Fitir*

ELECTRIC SUPPLY ► Ethiopia uses

August 12: Eid Al Adha

220 volts 50 cycles AC. Plugs are European two-pin.

September 12: Ethiopian New Year

TIME Ethiopia is in the GMT +3 time zone. It follows the Julian calendar, which consists of 12 months of 30 days each and a 13th month of five or six days (on a leap year).

November 10: Birth of Prophet Mohammed (Mawlid)*

CURRENCY ► The units of currency are the birr and cents. Notes are 100, 50, 10, 5 and 1 birr. The 1 birr coin is also in circulation. ATMs (Automatic Teller Machines) are found in major Addis Ababa hotels, shopping malls and at the Bole International Airport. It is important to retain currency exchange receipts.

September 28: Finding of the True Cross (Meskel)

*Subject to moon sighting.

HEALTH REQUIREMENTS ► A yellow fever certificate is required for some African destinations. Vaccination against cholera is also required for any person who has visited or transited a cholera-infected area within six days prior to arrival in Ethiopia. CUSTOMS ► Duty-free imports are permitted for up to: a) 200 cigarettes, 100 cigars or 250 grams of tobacco

BANKING HOURS ► Banking hours are

b) 2 liters of alcoholic beverages

usually 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday to Friday and 8 a.m.–4 p.m. Saturdays. Most banks work through lunchtime; however, foreign exchange services are closed during lunch hours (noon–1 p.m.).

c) half a liter of perfume



d) souvenirs (by visitors) with a value not exceeding 500 birr

When it comes to currency: a) It is illegal to carry more than 200 birr when

entering or departing Ethiopia. b) Whether you are a transit passenger or your final destination is Ethiopia, you must declare to customs officials at point of customs crossing point (entry) any cash, checks or promissory notes that exceed the amount of USD 3,000 or its equivalent. Ethiopian customs rules also limit the amount of precious metals or minerals imported or exported for personal use to 1) 100 grams for gold and other precious metals; 2) 30 grams for precious stones; 3) 100 grams for semi-precious stones. Hence passengers who leave the transit area are required to declare valuables in excess of the above limit.


Visas are required for all foreign visitors to Ethiopia, with the exception of nationals of Kenya and Djibouti. Visa applications may be obtained at Ethiopia’s diplomatic missions overseas. Nationals of 37 countries are now allowed to receive their tourist visas on arrival in Ethiopia. Alternatively, nationals of these countries can apply for a tourist visa online at The list includes: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, North Korea, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom and United States.


The airport is about 5 kilometers from Meskel Square and Addis Ababa’s central business district. Self-service kiosks are available for guests checking in, and free Wi-Fi is offered throughout the airport. Free luggage carts and paid porters are also available in the baggage hall. All bags must go through X-ray check before you exit. When flying out of Bole International Airport, please note: Terminal 1 — all domestic flights and flights to Burundi, Djibouti, Rwanda, Somaliland, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. Terminal 2 — all other international flights. Taxis are readily available and may be ordered inside the terminal. Privately owned taxis are not metered, nor do they have fixed rates. Agree upon the fare in advance.

SECURITY ► Security at the airport is tight, and travelers need to produce their air ticket and passport to enter the terminal. All other visitors are required to pay a fee of 10 birr in the car park and may be required to show identification.

Travel Tips

f ly e t h i o p i a n

LEARN AMHARIC ENGLISH-AMHARIC (PHONETIC) Learn some basic Amharic so that you can interact with the locals and enjoy your stay in Ethiopia by experiencing the rich culture of the Ethiopian people.

U SE F U L WO R DS Today Tomorrow Yesterday Now Quickly Slowly Mr Mrs Miss I


You He, She We

a as the a in father e as the e in set i as the i in ship o as the o in go u as the oo in boot gn as the gn in compagne (French) (M) Masculine; (F) Feminine; (P) Plural

They What? Who? When? How? Why? Which? Yes (all right) No Excuse me I am sorry Good Bad

N U M B E RS Zare Nege Tilant Ahun Tolo Kes Ato Weyzero Weyzerit Ene Ersewo Essu, Essoa Egna Ennessu Min? Man? Metche? Endet? Lemin? Yetignaw? Eshi Aydelem /Ayhonem Yikirta Aznallehu Tiru / melkam Metfo

























Thirteen, etc.

Asra-sost, etc.



Twenty-one, etc.

Haya-and, etc.



Thirty-one, etc.

Selasa-and, etc.





One hundred

And meto

One thousand

And shi  


M E E T I N G AN D G R E E T I N G Hello


Good morning

Endemn adderu/ k(M)/ sh(F)

Good afternoon Good evening

Endemn walu/k(M)/ sh(F)


Endemn ameshu/ eh(M)/esh(F)



Dehna hunu/ hun(M)/ hugne(F)





Thank you


To sleep


How are you?

Tenayistillign/endemen not? eh(M)/esh(F)

To bathe

Galan metateb

Where is the toilet?

Metatebiya betu yet new? Yemiteta neger yet agengalehu?


Where? (Place)


Where is it?

Yet no?

Where? (Direction)





Awiroplan marefeya

Where is the hotel?

Hotelu yet no?

Where are you going?

Yet iyehedu no? eh (M)/esh(F)

I am going to . . .

Wede... iyehedku no

Turn right

Wede kegn yitatefu/ tatef(M)/tatefi(F)

Turn left

Wede gra yitatefu tatef(M)/tatefi(F)

Go straight

Ketita yihidu/hid(M)/ higi(F)

Please stop here

Ezih Yikumu/kum(M)/ kumi(F)

I am well, thank you (very much)

Dehna negn (Betam) amesegenallehu

You’re welcome

Minim aydel

Where may I get something to drink?

Please come in

Yigbu/giba(M)/ gibi(F)



Please sit down

Yikemetu/ tekemet(M)/ tekemechi(F)

One (cup of) coffee

And (sini) buna












Kum(M)/Kumi(F)/ Irdugn(P)






Irdagn(M)/irgegn(F)/ Irdugn(P)




Hakem bet





What is your name?

Simewo man no?h(M)/ sh(F)

My name is . . .

Sime . . . no

Where do you come from?

Keyet Metu? ah(M)/ ash(F) Hagero yet no?eh(M)/esh(F)

I come from . . .

Ke . . . metahu



My country is . . .

Hagere . . . no



Can you speak Amharic?

Amaregna yenageralu? tenageraleh(M)/ tenageriyalesh(F)





Only a little




I want to learn more

Yebelete memar ifelegalehu



To buy




How do you find Ethiopia?

Itiyopiyan endet agegnuat? hat(M)/ shat(F)

To sell








I like it here

Itiyopiya Tesmamtognal





How much does this cost?

Wagaw sint no?





That is quite expensive

Betam wood no







f ly e t h i o p i a n

Ethiopian Airlines Aircraft

Boeing 737 MAX 8 (Grounded)

Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner

Boeing 777-200LR

Boeing 737-700

Boeing 737-800F







Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner

Boeing 767-300ER

Bombardier DH8-Q400





Airbus A350-900

Boeing 777-300ER

Boeing 737-800

Boeing 777-200LRF

Total Number of Aircraft






f ly e t h i o p i a n

Boeing 737-800F B737-800SF freighter conversion exceeds the rugged demands and changing needs of air freight transportation. The conversion incorporates a reinforced floor structure, a large 86” x 137” Main Cargo Door with a single vent door system, and a flexible Ancra Cargo Loading System. Additionally, the B737-800SF includes a rigid 9g barrier, up to five supernumerary seats, a galley and full lavatory. The converted B737-800SF freighter offers a main deck payload of up to 52,700 lbs. (23,904 kg) and incorporates eleven full height 88” x 125” container positions, plus an additional position for an AEP/AEH.

Cargo Aircraft

Boeing 777-200LRF

Boeing 737-800F

Total Number of Airplanes



Length [m]



Wing Span [m]



Height [m]



Cruising Speed [Mach]



Max. Altitude [ft]



Max. Take-off Weight [kg]



Max. Landing Weight [kg]



Range [nmi]



Max Payload [tons]



Cabin Width [m]




Passenger Aircraft

Airbus A350-900

Boeing B737 MAX 8

Boeing B787-8

Boeing B787-9

Boeing B777-300ER

Boeing B777-200LR

Boeing B767-300ER

Boeing B737-800

Boeing B737-700

Bombardier DH8-Q400

Total Number of Airplanes











Length [m]











Wing Span [m]











Height [m]











Cruising Speed [Mach]











Max. Altitude [ft]











Max. Take-off Weight [kg]











Max. Landing Weight [kg]











Range [nmi]











Configuration (First/Business/Econ.)











Cabin Width [m]













Toronto New York

Washington, D.C.



Buenos Aires

São Paulo

European Code Share Destinations




Beirut Tel Aviv


Addis Ababa





Hong Kong








Kuala Lumpur



Sydney Adelaide Melbourne

Oceanian Code Share Destinations

Damascus Kuwait City New Delhi Bahrain Dammam Dubai Riyadh Doha Muscat Jeddah





Dublin Manchester Brussels London Frankfurt Vienna Paris





Bucharest Sofia Istanbul

Aberdeen Gothenburg Copenhagen Belfast Edinburgh Manchester Berlin Warsaw Amsterdam Düsseldorf Prague Zürich

Lyon Geneva Toulouse Marseille Barcelona Lisbon




f ly e t h i o p i a n

Global Route Map

f ly e t h i o p i a n

African Route Map






Niamey Ouagadougou

Bissau Conakry






Abuja Abidjan

Lomé Accra

Lagos Cotonou

Addis Ababa

Enugu Douala



Bangui Yaoundé Kisangani



Entebbe Nairobi Kigali Kilimanjaro Bujumbura Mombasa Goma


Brazzaville Kinshasa




Dar es Salaam Luanda Lubumbashi

Moroni Ndola



Nosy Be

Blantyre Victoria Falls



Map Key

Windhoek Destination

Gaborone Johannesburg

Future destination


Code share destination ASKY route Malawian Airlines route

Cape Town

One-way nonstop route



Domestic Route Map

f ly e t h i o p i a n



Axum Mekelle




Bahir Dar Dessie

Asosa Dire Dawa Jijiga Addis Ababa

Dembi Dollo Gambella Jimma



ADDIS ABABA Main City Ticket Office Churchill Road PO Box 1755 Tel: 251-11-5517000 Fax: 251-11-5513047/5513593

Robe Kebri Dahar

Arba Minch


DESSIE Tel: 251-33-5400726 251-93-0012716 Email:

HAWASSA Tel: 251-322 387-3337 251-929 90 87 50 (CELL) Email:

LALIBELA Tel: 251 33 336 00 46 (CTO) 251 91 125 56 79 (CELL) Email:

ARBA MINCH Tel: 251 46 881 06 49 (CTO) 251 91 152 27 06 (CELL) Email:

DIRE DAWA Tel: 251-25 111-1766 251-915 32 04 05 (CELL) 251-915 32 04 06 (CELL) Email:

HUMERA Tel: 251-58-1110129, 251-91-1255437 E-mail:

MEKELLE Tel: 251-34-4415110 251-96-6215988 251-91-1255680 E-mail:

ASOSA Tel: 251 57 775 05 74 (CTO) 251 91 125 56 74 (CELL) Email:

GAMBELLA Tel: 251 47 551 00 99 (CTO) 251 91 125 56 77 (CELL) Emai:

AXUM Tel: 251-34-7752226 251-91-1255682 E-mail:

GOBA Tel: 251-90-3200844 E-mail:

BAHIR DAR Tel: 251-58 220 69 00 (CTO) 251-91 120 34 37 (CELL) Email: DEMBI DOLLO Tel: 251-96-6216769 Email: 72


GODE Tel: 251 25 776 00 15 (CTO) 251 91 152 28 63 (CELL) Email: GONDAR Tel: 251-58-1110129 251-91-1255676 E-mail:

JIJIGA Tel: 251 25 775 20 30 (CTO) 251 91 152 28 86 (CELL) Email: JIMMA Tel: 251-47-1117271 251-91-1255678 E-mail: JINKA Tel: 251-944 75 52 29 (CELL) Email: KABRI DAHAR Tel: 251-966216673 Email: KOMBOLCHA Tel: 251-33-8519022 251-93-0012716 Email:

SEMERA Tel: 251-33-6660481 251-91-1255413 Email: SHIRE Tel: 251344442224 (CTO) 251911255681 (CELL) Email: (CTO) / City Ticket Office (APT) / Airport Office (CGO) / Cargo Office (CELL) / Cell phone

Mexico City

Los Angeles











Juba Entebbe Nairobi Kigali


Lomé Lagos Enugu Abidjan Accra Cotonou Douala Yaoundé Libreville Brazzaville

Riyadh Jeddah

Addis Ababa


Khartoum Kano N’Djamena



Bamako Ouagadougou



Sharjah Dubai


Mumbai Chennai


New Delhi


Hong Kong




f ly e t h i o p i a n

Cargo Route Map



Sales Offices and General Sales Agents

f ly e t h i o p i a n


City Office Tel: +257 2222 6038/6820 Airport Office Tel: +257 22 22 98 42 Email:,

ANGOLA Reino Agencia de Viagens and Tourismo Limitada; Largo 4 De Fevereiro Hotel Meridien Presidente; Luanda, Angola Email:, Tel: (244) 222310615, (244) 913608690

CAMEROON Doula 780 Rue Tobie Kuouh, Bonanjo, PO Box 1326 Tel: 00237 233 43 02 46, 00237 233 43 02 64 Mobile Area Manager: 00237 677 93 79 29 Email: Airport Office: 00237 677 93 72 29 Email:

ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Carlos Pellegrini 1063, Piso 10B Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel: 4326-0362 / 64 Email: AUSTRIA AVIAREPS Airline Management Ges. Mbh, Untere Donaustrasse 11/3 OG, Vienna Tel: +43 (01) 585 36 30 30 Toll Free: +43 (01) 253 02 25 75 Email:, BAHRAIN Office No 13, Zamil Tower 1, P.O. Box, 1044 Manama Gate, Kingdom of Bahrain Phone: +973 17223315 Email: BENIN Lot 417 Face Cine Le Benin Maison Pereira Raphael, Quartier Mifonou Gou Cotonou-Benin Tel +229 66338585, +229 66338585 Email: BELGIUM Park Hill J. E. Mommaertslaan 16B 1831 Diegem Tel: 0032 2 712 05 86, 003227160072 Email: BOTSWANA Gaborone CTO Plot No. 28562, No. G16, Samora Machel Drive, Fairground Mall (Dada Mall), Gaborone Tel: +26776243467 Email: Plot 54354 Section 9 Unit 1 CBD Central Square, Gaborone Tel: +267 3111631 Cell: +267 75999547, +267 76243467 Email:,, Airport office Tel: + 267 3924042 Email: AllGBEETairportstaff@ Cargo Tel: +267 3111631 Email:; BRAZIL Rua Rafael de Barros, 210 – 4º andar, Cj 41 Paraíso, São Paulo, SP CEP 04003-040, Brazil CTO-Reservations : +55 11 4063 5199 CTO-Office : +55 11 3411 1874/5 APT: +55 11 2445 4103/ +5511 77 408 156 Area Manager: 0055 11 9919 22337 BURKINA FASO Avenue Kwame N`krumah; Bati 01 BP 4883 Ouaga 01, Ouagadougou Tel Office: 22650301024/25 Email:, BURUNDI Avenue de la Victoire no. 14C PO Box 573, Bujumbura 74


Yaoundé 1775 Rue Nouvelle Route Bastos Tel: 00237222209268, 00237678780452 Email: CANADA Suite 1912 - 365 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4W 3L4 Tel: +1416 962 0005 Toll-free: 1 800 445 2733 Mobile: +1416 988 9640 Airport Office Tel: +1 905 405 0040 Email:, CHAD Avenue Charles De Gaule P.O. Box 989, N’djamena Tel: 235 2523143/2523027 Airport: 235 522599 Mobile: 235 6 6896226 Email: CHINA Beijing Room 704, SK Tower, A6 Jianguomenwai Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100022, China Tel: 0086 010 65050315 Email: Reservation Tel: 0086 010 65050315 Call Center (China) Tel: 4008 071 787 Email: Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3 Tel: +86 150 1155 5744 Email: Beijing Cargo Tel: +86 010 64556409 Fax: 86 010 64558536 Email: Chengdu Room 802, North Tower, Baoli Centre, No 7 Lingshiguan Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu, China Tel: +862864402498 Email: Guangzhou Room 502, 5th Floor, Guangdong Int’l Hotel, 339 East Huanshi Road, GuangZhou, 510098, China Tel: +86 020 87621101 +86 87620836,, Call Center (China) Tel: 4008 071 787 Email: BaiYun International Airport Tel: +86 020 36067405 Email: Guangzhou Cargo Tel: +86 020 36066253 Fax: +86 020 36050345 Email:,

Shanghai Room 2110, 21st Floor, No.388 NanJing West Road HuangPu District, Shanghai, 200003, China Tel: +86 021 60509685 Mobile +8613661616645 Email:,

Ben Gurion Airport, Israel Tel :+972 54-4544655 Website: Absolom Ngari, Regional Manager Africa Anita Mirchandani, Manager Abidjan -

Pudong International Airport —Terminal 2 Room 2-A3-M02, International Arrival Corridors Duty Mobile : +86 1811 731 5785 Email:

DJIBOUTI Globe Travel, Angle de la Place du 27 Juin et de la rue Ras Mekonnen, PO Box 1181 Tel: 0025377804783, 0025377815479 Email:

Shanghai Cargo Tel: +86 021 6835 4522 Email:

EGYPT Concorde El Salam Hotel, 69 Abdelhamid Badawy Street, Heliopolis, Cairo Tel: (202) 2180 0935, Toll-Free: 080 0000 0411 Email: Airport Office: (00 202) 2265 4398 Email: Cargo: (00 202) 22672910-24150959 Email:

COMOROS Alliance Francaise Street, Rivka Building, 1st Floor, Moroni, 7731075 Email: Tel: +269 7731075; Mobile: +269 3674397 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Kinshasa Boulevard du 30 Juin No. 1525 Aforia Building-1st Floor Gombe, Kinshasa Tel: 243 817 006 585/810 884 000 Airport Office Mobile: 243 817 006 589, Email:,, Lubumbashi Alamdar Tours & Travels/Jeffery Travel, Lubumbashi, DR Congo Tel: 243 970 15 15 19 Email:, Goma 18 Boulevard Kanyamuhanga Central Ville, Goma - DR Congo Tel: +243851593238 Email: Kisangani Jeffery Travels SARL 16, Boulevard Mobutu, Immeuble Lengema, Commune Makiso, Kisangani, DR Congo Tel: +243 818 235 553 Email: Mbuji-Mayi Jeffery Travels SARL Avenue Inga #63, Cartier Masanka, Commune Diulu, Mbuji Mayi, DR Congo Tel: +243 816 546 523 Email: CONGO, REPUBLIC Brazzaville Euro World GSA, Avenue Foch Centreville, en face de Ministere Des Finance, Brazzaville Email: (reservations), (city office) Tel: +242065080490 Pointe Noire Tel: +242069281059 Email: COTE D’IVOIRE Avenue Chardy Immeuble Le Paris BP 5897 ABJ 01, Abidjan Tel: 00 225 20219332, 20215538/20219430 Email:; Airport Office Tel: 225 21278819; Email: Cargo Tal Aviation Cargo Ltd Representative: Mr Ilan Ezra (MD Cargo) Address: Swiss port Bldg suit 206

EQUITORIAL GUINEA Independence Avenue, Malabo Tel: 00240333090588 Email:, Airport Email: ERITREA Asmara Asmara City Center, St. 176 -13 Tel: +291 113990 E-mail: ETHIOPIA Main City Ticket Office; Churchill Road PO Box 1755, Addis Ababa Tel: 251 11 5517000/511931, 251 11 6656666 (Res.) Airport Office Tel: 251 11 5178320 E-mail: FRANCE 66 Avenue des champs-Elysées 75008 Paris - France Phone: 33 1 53 892102, 0 825 826 135 (ticketing) Email: Airport Office Tel: +33 1 74 37 04 80; +33 6 70 81 90 24 Email: GABON Glass - London, Parcelle no 176 Mailing address: P.O. Box 12802, Libreville, Gabon Tel: 24105931660; 24105322020; GERMANY Kaiserstraße 77, 60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Sales & Marketing Tel: 0049 (0) 69 770 673 053 Fax: 0049 (0) 69 770 673 235 Email: Reservations Tel: (0180-5) 355 600 Fax: 0049 (0) 69 770 673 028 Email: GHANA Kwame Nkrumah Avenue, Cocoa House, Ground Floor PO Box 3600, Accra Tel 233 302 664856/57/58 Mobile: 233 20 2011132 Email: APT Tel: 233 302 775168/233 302 776171 ext. 1322 Mobile: 233 20 2013588 Email:

f ly e t h i o p i a n

GUINEA Conakry, Guinée Voyage Quartier Almamyah, C. de Kaloum, République de Guinée Tel: +224 625 07 96 05, +224 628 22 01 23 Email:,,, HONG KONG Unit 1606,16/F, New East Ocean Center, 9 Science Museum Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852)3968 9030/2117 1863 Mobile: (852) 63485863 Email: INDIA Mumbai 104 Windfall, Sahar Plaza Complex Andheri Kurla Road Chakala Andheri East, Mumbai 400 059 Tel: Mumbai Ticket Office 28395247 Email: Delhi STIC Travel Ltd., Alps Building, 1st floor, 56 Janpath, New Delhi – 110001 Tel: (011) 23312304 / 23320845 Contact: Ms. Kalpana Ganju Email:, INDONESIA Jalan Rasuna Said, Mega Plaza, 4th Floor, Kav C–3, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12920 Representative: Azeb Tefera / Area Manager Tel: +62 21 5212128 Email:, IRELAND Ethiopian Airlines; Mezzanine Floor Terminal 1, Dublin International Airport, Dublin, Ireland Tel: +35318125916; Admin Tel: +35318125919 Email: ISRAEL 1 Ben Yehuda Street Room 2016, Tel Aviv Tel: 972 3 797 1405; Fax: 972 3 516 0574 Email: Airport Tel: 972 3 9754096 Email: CGO Tel: 972-3-9004600; Fax: 972-3-9731082 Email: ITALY Rome Via Bissolati 54 Roma 00187 Phone: +39 06 48771370 Reservations: Milan Airport Office: Tel +390665954123 Email: JAPAN Global Service Agency Co. Ltd; 8F, SANKI Shiba-Kanasugibashi Bldg. Shiba 1-4-3, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105-0014 Japan Tel: 813-6453-7577; Fax: 813-6453-7575 Email:, KENYA Nairobi Bruce House Muindi Mbingu Street PO Box 42901-00100, Nairobi Tel: 254202296000/254733666061/ 254734666066/254723786649 Email:

Sales Offices and General Sales Agents

Airport Office Tel: 254733666061 Email:

MOZAMBIQUE Avenida 25 De Setembro No. 270, Edificio Time Squre, Bloc 4, First floor No. 6 Tel: +258 21 314421

Nairobi Cargo Africa Direct Ltd. (ADL)-Cargo GSSA JKIA, Cargo Centre, 2nd floor, Entrance B, Room S51, PO Box 2459-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: 254733203070 / 254732900764 / 254732900760 / 254721217141 / 254732900798 Email:

NAMIBIA Friends Travel & Aviation; Corner Independence Avenue & Garten Street, Windhoek, Namibia Email:, Tel: +26461256601; Mobile +264816005274

Mombasa TSS Tower, Nkrumah Road PO Box 94600-80115, Mombasa, Kenya Tel: 254412319977 / 9 / 254714618989 Email: Airport Office Tel: 254731044400 Email: AllMBAETAirportStaff@ KUWAIT M/S Al-Sawan Company W.L.L PO Box 576, Alghazli St (Al-Rai), Kuwait Thunayan Al Ghanim Building, Fahad Al Salem Street, Sheraton Round-about Tel: +965 22270600 Ext. 2302, 2303, 2304, LEBANON Beirut Clemenceau St. Gefinor Center Bloc-D, 2nd Ground Floor, Beirut Tel: 961 1 752846/7 Fax: 961 1 752845 Email: Airport Office Tel: 961 1 629814 Email: MADAGASCAR Ethiopian Airlines, Immeuble Ex Sicam, En face Cosmos, Analakely - Antananarivo Office Tel: +261 2230 732/33 Mobile: +26133296379, +261340763795, Email:,; Skype: Michaelbkl, ravi_manghnani Nosy Be Tel: +261 20 22 259 56, +261 2230 732/33, Email: MALAWI Lilongwe Kenyatta Drive, Mantion Filling Station, Near Food Worth, Lilongwe Tel: 00265 1772031 Airport: 00265 1700 782 Email: Cargo: Blantyre Chileka Airport: Tel +265882009925 Email: MALAYSIA Suite 1603, Level 16, Central Plaza, Box CP73; 34 Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: 603 2141 2190/2142 0581/0582 Tel: 603 2142 2060 (Sales) Email: MALI Square Patrice Lumumba P.O. Box 1841, Bamako Tel: 00 223 20 22 60 36 Airport Office Mobile: 00 223 66 799 208 Email:

NIGER 1st Floor Euro World Building, Chateau PO Box 11110, Niamey Tel: 00227-20727272 , 00227-20727373 Mobile: 00227-91856720 Email: NIGERIA Lagos CVC Building 3, Idowu Taylor, Victoria Island PO Box 1602, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: 234 1 7744711/2; Fax: 234 1 4616297, Airport Office: 234 1 7744710/7751921/3 Email: Lagos Cargo NAHCO Cargo; Complex MMIA Ikeja Lagos Mobile: 234 7034065669 Abuja Suite 30, 1st Floor, Silverbird Entertainment Center, Plot 1161, Memorial Drive, Central Business District Tel: +234 9 2906844, +234 803 975 9711, Email: Airport Office, Nnamdi Azikiwe Intl Airport Tel: +234 806 755 1633 Email: AllabvetAirportStaff@ Enugu Polopark Mall, Polo Ground, Abakaliki Road, Enugu North, Enugu State, Nigeria Tel: 234 7033745716 Mobile: 234 8141543740 Email: Kano G63, Ado Bayero Mall, Zoo Road, Kano, Nigeria Email: Tel: 2348144282983, 2348085015334 Airport Office: Tel. 234 8144212215 Email: Kaduna Waff Road, NNDC mall, Office No.15, Kaduna, Nigeria Tel: +234 814 199 2990 E-mail: NORWAY Øvre Slottsgate 6 0157 Oslo, Norway Phone: +47 48 40 13 07 Email:; OMAN Ruwi, MBD Area, PO Box 962, Muscat Postal code 100 Sultanate of Oman Tel: +968 24816565; Mobile: +968 93891448 Email: PHILIPPINES Pan Euro International Inc, 12F Frabelle Business Center, 111 Rada St., Legaspi Village, Makati City, Manila Tel: 632 8480978 -79 Email:,

QATAR Diamond Hotel Biulding, Tariq bin Zayed Street, Old Al Ghanim 16, Doha, Ad Dawhah, Qatar Tel: +97444161010; Fax: +974 4441 4928 Email: RUSSIA Aviareps, Olympic Plaza, 39, Prospect Mira Bldg. 2, 129110 Moscow, Russia Tel: 7 495 937 59 50, 07 812 740 3820 Fax: 7 495 937 59 51, 07 812 740 3821 Email: Cargo GSA Russia Global Services Ltd. Amathuntos Avenue 8, Marina Complex Block A, No. 2, 4531 Limassol Cyprus Tel: 7 495 7953838 Mobile: 7 905 7801893v Email: RWANDA Union Trade Center (UTC) Building First floor, office No. 25, Kigali Tel: 250252570440/42, 2502525755045, Mobile: 250788562469 (Area Manager) Email:, Tel: (250) 788 380677(Mob) Email: Euro World Travel Services (250) 252570440/42 (Reservation & Ticketing)(Office) (250) 252570441 (Area Manager)(Office) (250) 788751585/788220220 (Reservation & Ticketing)(Mob) (250) 788220220(Sales Manager)(Mob) (250) 788562469 (Area Manager-Mob) (Sales Manager) (Reservation & Ticketing) (Area Manager) Cargo BOLLORÉ AFRICA LOGISTICS-RWANDA (250)788655645 Sales Representatives (250)783042095 Sales Representatives SAUDI ARABIA Jeddah Medina Road, Adham Center PO Box 8913, Jeddah 21492 Tel: 9662 6512365/6614/9609 Email: Airport Tel: 966 504301358 Email: Jeddah Cargo Tel: 966 2 6850756 / 6851041 Email: Riyadh Ticket Office: 966 505217168 Email: Dammam Silver Tower Building, King Abdul Aziz Street Al Khobar – Dammam Tel: 966 (3) 8984696 Fax: 966 (3) 8991539 Mobile: 966 0559540076 Email: SENEGAL Place de L’Indépendance-Immeuble la Rotonde, Rue Dr Théze BP: 50800 CP 18524 - Dakar Sénégal Tel: Direct: 33 823 8876, 221 33 823 5552/54 Airport Tel: 221 33 820 9396 Email:, MAY/JUNE 2019


Sales Offices and General Sales Agents SEYCHELLES Michel Building, Revolution Avenue, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles Tel: 248 428 88 88; Mobile: 248 2 616 536 Mason’s Travel (Pty) Ltd Revolution Avenue, Michel Building, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles Mailing address: P.O. Box 459, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles Phone: (+248) 428 88 88 Direct: (+248)428 88 07, 428 8809 Email:,, SINGAPORE 133 New Bridge Road, #14-05, Chinatown Point, Singapore 059413 Tel: +65-6538 5515 Email:

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Email: Tel: +211 956124802 (Cargo Manager) SPAIN AirTravel Management Calle Diego de leone, 69 40A-28006, Madrid, Spain Tel: 34 91 4022718 Email:, SUDAN 2 Square 2b Khartoum east Parliament Street, El Sheikh Mustefa El Amin Building, Khartoum Mobile: 249 1 83762063/88 Fax: 2491 83788428 Airport Office: 2491 8790991 Email:,

Singapore Cargo Ethiopian Airlines GSA-Worldwide GSA Group Unit No. 05-24, Cargo Agents Building D, 9 Airline Road, Changi Airfreight Centre, Singapore 819827 Tel: +65 6214 2136; Fax: +65 6214 2199

SWEDEN Kungsgatan 37, SE-11156, Stockholm Kungsgatan 37, SE-11156, Stockholm Tel: 46 0 8 440 0060/ 46 0 8 440 2900 Email:;, Airport Office: Tel: 46 859360170 Email:

SOMALILAND CI Maarat al Khayr Building, Hargessa Tel: 252 2 520681/528445 Mobile: 252 2 4427575 Email:

SWITZERLAND Geneva Route de l’Aéroport 33, 1215 Le GrandSaconnex Tel: 0041782543355 Email:

SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg Unit 7- Ridgeview Office Park, 248 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg, South Africa Tel: +27113261190; Mobile: +27833251263 Fax: +27(0)11 781 6040 Email: Airport Office: Tel: +27 11 390 3819 Mobile: +2783 325 3347 Email:

TANZANIA Dar-es-salaam T.D.F.L Building Ohio Street PO Box 3187, Dar-es-Salaam Tel: 255 22 2117063 65 / 255 754 285 899 Area Manager: 255 786 285 899 Email: Airport Office Tel: 255-22 2844243 Mobile: 255 786285898 Email:

Cape Town 47 Strand Street, Cape Town Tel: +2721 879 1520; Mobile: +27 63 6922 790 Email: Airport Office: Tel: +27 (0)21-936-3667 Mobile: +27 (0)81 015 1875 Email: AllCPTETairportstaff@ Call Center: 0800-984023, + 27-218197028 Cargo Aero-Link Consulting, Warehouse 34, Foreign Airlines Cargo Terminal, OR Tambo Airport, Kempton Park, 1627 Tel: +27 87 150 1900 (Switchboard) Imports: Extension 606 Exports: Extension 607 Cargo Sales: Extension 600 Handling Email:, Sales Email: SOUTH KOREA 12F, Twin Tree Tower A, 6 Yulgok-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul Tel: +82-2-733-0325; Fax: +82-2-771-1157 Email:; SOUTH SUDAN Airport-Ministries Road, Panorama Building Ground Floor, Juba, South Sudan Tel: +211956988408 (Area Manager) Email:,
Airport: Tel: 00211955 555 392 South Sudan Cargo Agent David Njuguna Juba Raha Complex, Juba 76


Kilimanjaro Boma Road, PO Box 93, Arusha Tel: 255 27 2506167 - 2504231, 2509904 Mobile: 255-782-450224 Email:, Airport Office: 255 27 2554159 Email: Zanzibar Malindi (opposite Ijimaa Mosque) Tel: 255 774417070, 777667665 Email: THAILAND 140 One Pacific Place Building, Unit 1807 18th Floor, Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey, Bangkok Tel: 66 0 26534366/7/8 Email:, Airport Office Tel: 66 0 21343062/3/4 Email: Thailand Cargo Tel: 66 0 22379207/8/9 Email: Cargo ILG Aviation APAC Co Ltd Representative: Hiran A. Samarasinha Tel: 02 245 3546-7, 02 245 3531 Fax: 02 245 3532 Mobile: +668 6830 9542 Email: TOGO Hotel Palm Beach, 1 Rue Komore, PO Box 12923, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 22217074 / 22218738, Email: Airport Tel: +228 22263039 / 92818030 TURKEY Panorama Havacilik Ve Turizm Ltd., Cumhuriyet Cad. Apt. 185/1, Harbiye 34373, Istanbul, Turkey Tel: 90 212 2315919 Fax: 90 212 2344999 Email:, Cargo Airmark GSA Tas. Ltd. Sti.Omar Avni mah, Dumen Sok., No: 11/4 34437, Taksim, Istanbul, Turkey Tel: 90 212 444 1 472 Fax: 90 212 249 474 8 Email: UGANDA PLOT 1 Kimathi Avenue, UAP Insurance Building, Kampala, Uganda Tel : +256414254796/7, +256414345577/8 Entebbe Airport Tel: +256414320570, +256752321130, Email: UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Ground Floor, Al Garhoud Complex (Lootah Building), Airport Road, Street No. 2, Community 214, Al Garhoud, PO Box 7140, Dubai UAE Tel: (9714) 223 6639/7963, Res. 800035702401 Email: Airport Office Departure Terminal One, Off No. 1018 & 1086, PO Box 7140, Dubai UAE Phone: (009714) 5049748, 5049750, 5049751 Email: Dubai Cargo Dubai Cargo Village, DNATA Building, FG1, Flat 3028 B, 3rd Floor, PO Box 7140, Dubai UAE Email: Phone: (009714) 2822880 UNITED KINGDOM 1 Dukes Gate, Acton Lane, W4 5DX Tel: +44 (0) 208 987 7000, +44 (0) 800 016 3449 (Reservations) Email: Airport Office L5.0170, Terminal 2: The Queen’s Terminal, Heathrow Airport Tel: +44 (0) 208 745 4235 Email: Manchester Airport, Terminal 2, Level 2, Room 2006 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Washington D.C. 3313 Mt. Vernon Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22305 Toll Free No: 800 445 2733 Tel: 703 682 0570; Fax: 703 682 0573 Email: Washington, Dulles Airport Office PO Box 16855 Washington, DC 20041 Toll Free No: 800 4452733 Tel: 703 572 6809, Fax: 703 572 8738 Email: Washington, Dulles Airport Office PO Box 16855 Washington, DC 20041 Toll Free No: 800 4452733 Tel: 703 572 6809, 703 572 8740

Fax: 703 572 8738 Email: Los Angeles 380 World Way, Tom Bradley Int’l Terminal Office, Los Angeles CA, 90045 Tel: 310 641 1235, 310 641 1206 Email: New York Newark Liberty International Airport 18 Terminal B, #418 Newark, NJ 07114 Toll Free No: 800 4452733 Tel Office: 973 353 0223 Email: Chicago O’Hare International Airport 5600 N Mannheim Rd. UL142, Chicago, IL 60666 Tel: +1 312 919 0989 Email: ZAMBIA Lusaka Katima Mulilo Road, Olympia, Lusaka, Zambia, Office No.201, 2nd Floor, Sun Share Tower, Plot No. 15584/22. Tel: 260 211 23641/02/03 Mobile: 260 969 236401 Email: Airport Office: Tel: 260 211 271141 Mobile: 260955271141 Email: Ndola Airport Office: Tel: 260 212 615368 Mobile: 260 954 081996 Email:, ZIMBABWE Harare 5 Lezard Avenue, Milton Park, P.O. Box 1332, Harare Tel: 263-4 795215/6, 790705 Email: Victoria Falls Ticket Office Landela Complex, Lawley Rd, stand 2 shop #21 Tel: 002632132841111, Airport Office Mobile: 00263 712 837247 Email: COUNTRY/ CALL CENTER NUMBERS Bahrain 973-16199205 Belgium 32 28948303 Canada 18004452733/18773408201 Egypt 800 000 0411/202-21600-006 Ethiopia 251116656666 France 0800901031 Germany 8001818982 Hong Kong 800905629 India 000 800 100 7947 Israel 972 3763 1052 Italy 39-0645230459 Lebanon 00961 142 7627 code 6247 North China 108007141635/864001589689 Saudi Arabia 800 814 0018 South Africa 0800984023 South China 108001401619/86-4001-589689 Sweden 46-850513549 Thailand 18001562069708 United Arab Emirates (UAE) 8 000 3570 2401 United Kingdom 0800 016 3449 United States of America 1800 445 2733 / 1877 340 8201

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ETHIOPIAN AIRLINES GENERAL SALES AGENTS ANGOLA Reino Comercio Geral, Rue Marques Das Minas No.4, Luanda Angola Tel: 00244 222 445 713 Fax: 00244 222 335 713 Email: ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Carlos Pellegrini 1063, Piso 10B Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel: 4326-0362 / 64 Email: Praca da Liberdade, 130-10th F Suite 1001-1002, Liberdade, Sao Paulo-Brazil, CEP 01503-010, Sao Paulo, Brazil Tel: 551131063295/551186328697 Aviareps AG, Landsberg, Str. 155,80687 Munich, Germany Tel: 49 89 55 25 33 73 Fax: 49 89 54 50 68 42 Email: AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND World Aviation System Mezannine Level, 403 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Tel: (02) 9244 2096 Fax: (02) 9290 3441 Email: Cargo MCH Holding Aviation Australia PTY LTD, Road Tullamarine Vic 304 Contact person: Borje Lindmark Email: Fax: 61383185101; Tel:+613 83185100 Mobile: +614-33344992 AUSTRIA & HUNGARY Aviareps AG, Josephspitalstr, 15, 80331 Munchen, Germany AVIAREPS Airline Management Ges. Mbh, Untere Donaustrabe 11/3. OGA-1020, Vienna, Austria Tel: +43 (01) 585 36 30 30 Toll Free: +43 (01) 253 02 25 75 Email: Aviareps Hungary Ltd., Borbely utca 5-7, 1/104, 1132, Budapest, Hungary Tel: 49 89 55 25 33 73 Fax: 49 89 54 50 68 42 Email: Cargo ATC Aviation ACC, Bldg. 262, Entr. 08, 3rd Fl, AT-1300 Vienna Tel: 43 1 7007 388 54 Fax: 43 1 7007 388 53 Email: BAHRAIN Bahrain International Travel Address: Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain P.O. Box: 1044 Tel: +973 17223315, Fax: +973 17210175 Email: Web:

Sales Offices and General Sales Agents

The Netherlands Kales Airline Services BV, WTC Toren A Shiphol Boulevard 145-1118 BG Schiphol, The Netherlands Tel: +31 20 406 81 44, Fax: +31 20 405 46 50 Email:

CAMBODIA ILG Aviation APAC Co Ltd, Phnom Penh/ Cambodia, Room (35), 3rd Floor, Anina Bldg., No.240, St.271, Sangkat Boeng Tumpun, Khan Mean Chey Tel: +855 23 213880 Mobile: +855 12/15 916728

BENIN Afrriwings Ethiopian GSA Lot 417 Face Cine Le Benin, Maison Pereira Raphael, Quartier Mifonougou, Cotonou-Benin Tel: 00229 67022183 Email:

CANADA Cargo Airlines Service International (ASI), 5160 Explorer Drive, Unit 4, Suite F, Mississauga, Ontario 4W 4T7 Tel: 905629 4522, Fax: 905 629 4651 Email:

BOTSWANA TIMBERLAKE PTY. (LTD) Plot 54354 Sections 9, Unit 1 CBD Central Square P.O. Box 60666, Gaborone, Botswana Tel+2673111631 Contacts: Abdul Nsgeyumva; +26771786186 Anand Kanniah; +26771538820 Gofaone Nyilongo +26777508443/+26777787153 Office Plot 54354 Section 9, Unit 1 CBD Central Square P.O. Box 60666, Gaborone, Botswana Warehouse Address: Block 3 Industrial Tel+2673111631 BRAZIL Praca da Liberdade, 130-10th F Suite 10011002, Liberdade, Sao Paulo-Brazil, CEP 01503010, Sao Paulo, Brazil Tel: 551131063295/551186328697 Aviareps AG, Landsberg Str. 155, 80687 Munich, Germany Tel: 49 89 55 25 33 73 Fax: 49 89 54 50 68 42 Email: Cargo Heavy Weight Air Expres Transportes Brazil Ltd. (HAE Group) Av. Dr. Cardoso de Melo, 1460 SL 63 6º Andar Vila Olímpia, São Paulo-SP Zip Code: 04548-005 BR Tel: +55 (11) 3881 8735 Email: BRUNEI Century Travel Centre Sdn Bhd, 20A First Flr, Darussalam Complex, Jln Sultan, BSB PO Box 747, BSB, BS8670, Brunei Tel: 673 2221747, Fax: 673 2227747, Email: BULGARIA Sofia 1000, Blvd. Atriarh Evtimii 36V, apt.51 Bulgaria Tel: +359-29819910 Email: Cargo XQair cargo services GmbH XQAIR Barbara Gugger ( P.O. Box 14164 Matthofstrand 8 CH-6005 Luzern 14 Office : +41 43 540 22 45 Mobile: +41 76 566 60 59

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Africa Discovery, Avenue B. Boganda, PO Box 1182, Bangui, Central African Republic Tel: 23675501260/70551136 Fax: 49-69-26952940 Email: CHILE Praca da Liberdade, 130-10th F Suite 10011002, Liberdade, Sao Paulo-Brazil, CEP 01503010, Sao Paulo, Brazil Aviareps AG, Landsberg Str. 155, 80687 Munich, Germany Tel: 49 89 55 25 33 73 Fax:49 89 54 50 68 42 Cargo Megacap Logistics- Chile SPA Rosario Sur 234 Dp.153, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile Representative: Sr. Oscar Zunino Email:, CHINA Beijing Megacap Logistics International Co. Ltd. Room 704, SK Tower, A6 Jianguomenwai Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100022, China Reservation Tel: +86 010 65050315 Email:, Call Center (China) Tel: 4008 071 787 Email: Beijing Cargo Megacap Logistics International Co. Ltd F225 Complex Business Office Building, No. 566-16 Shunping Road, Shunyi District, Beijing China Tel: +86 010 64556409; +86 010 64558536 Email: Chengdu Cargo Megacap Logistics International Co. Ltd. Ethiopian Airlines, North Tower 8th Floor Room # 1505, Poly Center, No. 7 Lingshiguan Road Chengdu, China Tel: +86 18688396786 Email:

BELGIUM, LUXEMBOURG & NETHERLANDS Brussels Kales Airline Services, Park Hill, J.E. Mommaertslaan 18A, 1831 Diegem Tel: +32 2 716 00 60, Fax: +32 2 716 00 86 Email:

BURKINA FASO Euro World Sarl (CSA) 01 BP 4883 Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Representative: Chandra Prakash, CP Office Tel : +22625301024 Mobile: 22674510006 Email:,

Guangzhou Megacap Logistics International Co. Ltd Room 502, 5th Floor, Podium Building of Guangdong Int’l Hotel, 339 East Huanshi Zhong Road, GuangZhou, 510098, China Reservation Tel: +86 020 87621101, Fax: +86 020 87620837 Email:, canres@, Call Center (China) Tel: 4008 071 787 Email:

Liege Cargo Liege Airport, Cargo Nord — Rue St Exupery 22, 4460 Grace, Hollogne Tel: +3242255131, Mobile: +32479592021 Fax: 0032-42255 134

CAIRO Cargo Tiffany Cargo Systems, 79, El- Moltaka El- Araby District Sheraton Heliopolis, Cairo Tel: +2 02 22667820, +2 02 22674066, Fax: +2 02 22667821, +2 02 22692121, Email:

Guangzhou Cargo Sino-Eth Logistics International Co. Ltd., Room 1615, Main Tower,Guangdong Int’l Bldg, No. 339, Huan Shi Road, East Guangzhou Tel: 0086 020 36066253 Fax: 0086 020 36050345 Email:

Shanghai Megacap Logistics International Co. Ltd. Room 2110, 21st Floor, Ciro’s Plaza, No.388 NanJing West Road, HuangPu District, ShangHai, 200003, China Reservation Tel: +86 021 60509685 Email: Call Center (China) Tel: 4008 071 787 Email: Shanghai Cargo Megacap Logistics International Co. Ltd. 325A No. 168 Suhang Road Pudong Int’l Airport, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 021 6835 4523 Fax: +86 021 68356537 Email: Hangzhou Cargo Megacap Logistics International Co. Ltd. Room 1809 Building 2, Qiangjiang Int’l Times Plaza, No. 111 Chengxing Road, Hangzhou Tel: +86 571 87960600 Fax +86 571 87960677 Email: Yiwu Cargo Megacap Logistics International Co. Ltd. 497-2, Chouzhou North Road, Yiwu, Zhejiang, 32200 Tel & Fax: +86 579 85336515 Mobile: +86 182 1777 9264 Email: COLOMBIA Praca da Liberdade, 130-10th F Suite 10011002, Liberdade, Sao Paulo-Brazil, CEP 01503010, Sao Paulo, Brazil Aviareps AG, Landsberg Str. 155,80687 Munich, Germany Tel: 49 89 55 25 33 73 Fax:49 89 54 50 68 42 COMOROS Matembezi Agency, Itsambouni, Moroni, Comoros Contact: Ali Mohamed Niza, General Manager Tel: +269 773 04 22 Mobile: +269 333 04 00 Email: CONGO REPUBLIC Brazzaville Euro World Sarl, Immeuble Arc-En face chambre de Commerce, 1st floor-Centre Ville, Brazzaville Tel: 242 6712020/6713037 Mobile: 971505589504 Fax: 31 020 655 3686 Email:, Brazzaville Cargo Bollore Africa Logistics Ltd. @ Congo BZV Tel: +242 05 115 0003 Email: Pointe-Noire Satguru International SPRL-GOMA (new GSA), Bralima Rond Pointe, Quarter Mont Goma Nord Kivu-Congo DRC Tel: +243 991 367 373 Fax:+243 891 437 132 Email: Pointe-Noire Cargo Bollore Africa Logistic, Pointe Noire Mobile: +242 05 675 08 87 Email: CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Lubumbashi Alamdar Tours & Travels/Jeffery Travel, Lubumbashi, D.R. Congo Tel: 243 970 15 15 19, Fax : 243 814182266 Email: Kinshasa Cargo: Bollore Africa Logistic, Kinshasa Mobile: (+) 243 995 901 899, (+) 243 991 004 890, (+) 243 995 901 859 Email:,, MAY/JUNE 2019


Sales Offices and General Sales Agents Kisangani Jeffery Travels SARL 16, Boulevard Mobutu, Immeuble Lengema, Commune Makiso, Kisangani, Democratic Republic of the Congo Tel: +243 818 235 553 Email: Mbuji-Mayi Jeffery Travels SARL Avenue Inga #63, Cartier Masanka, Commune Diulu, Mbuji Mayi, Democratic Republic of the Congo Tel: +243 816 546 523 Email: CYPRUS Orthodoxou Aviation Ltd., 4B Menandrou Street, Gala Tower, Shop Nbr 1, 1066 Nicosia, Cyprus Tel: 00357 22 765975f / 00357 22369810, Fax: 00357 22767670 Email:

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Tel:+240222046081 Mr. Francisco Martin Sierra Navarro (Head of Operations) Email: Mr. Wondwossen Kifle Tekeleab (Ramp Operations Manager) Email: Tele: +240555604611 ESTONIA, LATVIA & LITHUANIA Baltic GSA, Skolas iela 21-203a, LV -1010, Riga, Latvia Tel: 371 67889984 (Latvia) / 372 6225980 (Estonia) / 370 52054794 (Lithuania) Fax: 371 6601 2055 Email: FINLAND Tour Planner Matkantekijat Oy — Tourplanners Ltd, Insinoorinkatu 7B, 00880, Helsinki, Finland Tel: 358 9 687 7890 / 358 40 7340911 Email:

CZECH & SLOVAK REPUBLICS, POLAND Tal Aviation Poland, UL Ujazdowskie, 20 Street, 00478 Warsaw Tel: 48-22-6250467, Fax: 48-22-6253146 Email: rgrabski&

Kales Airline Services Contact: Robert Christensson Email: Fax: 46 8 594 41 190 Tel: 46 8 584 42 244

Tal Aviation Poland Ltd. Tel: 48 22 627 2259, Fax: 48 22 625 3146 Email: Cargo Starways Group Tel: + 43 1-7007-36698 Mobile: + 43 6648966095

FRANCE Air promotion group (APG) 66 Avenue des Champs-Elysées75008 Paris - France Tel: 33 153 771316 Fax: 33 1 53 77 13 05 Email:

DENMARK, NORWAY, LITHUANIA & LATVIA Khyber International, Vester Farimagsagade 3, DK-1606 Copenhagen V Denmark Tel: 45 33121188, Fax: 4533933799 Email: SITA: CPHZZET Cargo Kales Airline Services DK - 7190 Billund Denmark Tel: 45 75354511, Fax: 45 75354569 DJIBOUTI Globe Travel, Angle de la Place du 27 Juin et de la rue Ras Makonen, PO BOX 1181, Republic de Djibouti Tel: 0025377804783 Fax: 00253 21354848 Email: Freight in Time Group (CSA) 2nd floor, GXA Bldg rue Clemenceau, Djibouti ville Djibouti Representative: Mr. Charmake Tel : 25321357423/25377063981 Email: Web: DUBAI Cargo Asia Air Travel and Tourism Agency Bin Lootah building, Room # 112 – Garhoud, Deira – Dubai – UAE Representative: Mazhar Marzook / Cargo Manager P.O. Box: 1187/ Tel: +971 4 2824191 Email: Website: EASTERN EUROPE Starways Group Contact: Markus Biber Email: Tel: + 43 1-7007-36698 EQUATORIAL GUINEA Avio Cargo GE S.L Address: Km 5 carretera,Malabo II Malabo, Equatorial Guinea Contact: Mr. Luis Francisco Ondo Ntongono (Country Head) Email: 78


ATC Aviation Services SA BP 13 526 95709 Roissy CDG Cedex / France Tel: +33 1 7003 8040, Fax: +33 1 7003 8050 Mobile: +33 6 7227 3871 Email : Web: GERMANY Munchen Aviareps AG, Josephspitalstr, 15, 80331 Munchen, Germany Tel: 49 89 55 25 33 73 / 49 89 54 50 68 42 Email: Frankfurt Ethiopian Airlines, Kaiserstraße 77, 60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Sales & Marketing: Tel: 0049 (0) 69 770 673 053 Fax: 0049 (0) 69 770 673 235 Email: Reservations: Tel: (0180-5) 355 600 Fax: 0049 (0) 69 770 673 028 Email: Frankfurt Cargo ATC Aviation, Cargo City Süd, Geb.641, 60549 Frankfurt/Germany Tel: 49 0 69 698053 47 Fax: 49 0 69 698053 20 Email: GHANA McDan Shipping (CSA) Block #10, Aviance Cargo Village KIA Airport - Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 204287921/+233 302 762280 Email:, Web: GREECE Gold Star Aviation,34 Filellinon St.and Amalias Ave, 105 58 Athens, Greece Tel: 30 210 324 6706, Fax: 30 210 324 6723 Email: Cargo XQair cargo services GmbH XQAIR Barbara Gugger ( P.O. Box 14164 Matthofstrand 8, CH-6005 Luzern 14 Office : +41 43 540 22 45 Mobile: +41 76 566 60 59

GUINEA GUINEE-VOYAGES, EI CISSE Amacif Bldg Conakrey Guinea, P.O.Box 5842 Tel: 0022463260554/62650181 /64260554 Mobile: 00 224-60260554/ 60340144/60212320, Fax: 224-30478063/22430012611 Email: EI CISSE Amacif Bldg Conakrey Guinea Tel: 22460212320/340144 Fax: 224-30478063/22430012611 /00224-30477734 Email: ELITE CARGO (CSA) Cargo Village -Aérogare de fret B 32-34 Tel: 224,622,652,511 Email: l, HONG KONG Pacific Air (HK) Limited 1608 New East Ocean Center, 9 Science Museum Road, Tsim, Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: 852 39689088, Fax: 852 23012127 Email: Cargo: Pacific Air (HK) Limited Tel: 852 2759 4578, Fax: 852 2759 4316 Email: HUNGARY Cargo Starways Group Tel: + 43 1-7007-36698 Mobile: + 43 6648966095 INDIA STIC TRAVELS PVT. LTD., Alps Building, 1st floor, 56 Janpath, New Delhi – 110001 Tel: (011) 23312304 / 23320845 Fax: (011) 23329235 Contact: Ms. Kalpana Ganju Email: STIC TRAVELS PVT. LTD., No 3-5-874/A, Ground floor, Vipanchi Estate, Hyderguda, Hyderabad – 500029, Andhra Pradesh Contact: Mr. Unni Ashok Kumar Tel: (040) 66618755 / 23231451 / 23210131 Fax: (040) 66612966 Email:, STIC TRAVELS PVT. LTD., G-5, Imperial Court, 33/1 Cunningham Road, Bangalore – 560052, Karnataka Contact: Mr.Vinod / Mr. Shankar Tel: (080)22267613/22202408/22256194 Fax: (080) 22202409 Email: STIC TRAVELS PVT. LTD., Room No 53, 5th floor, Chitrakoot Building, 230A, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata – 700020, West Bengal Contact: Ms. Sudeshna Tel: (033) 22890440, 22890441, 22890442 Fax: (033) 22890443 Email: STIC TRAVELS PVT. LTD., Temple Tower, 672, Anna Salai Nandanam, Mount Road, Chennai – 600035 Contact: Mr. Rajesh Pandian Email: Mobile: 9840105460 Tel: (044) 24330211 / 24351829 / 24330659 / 24330098 Fax: (044) 24330170 Benzy Holidays Pvt Ltd, 101 Crystal Arcade, C. G. Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380 006 Tel: (079) 26403525, 30013430/ 32 25404557 Fax: 26403414 Email:,,

Explore Himalaya Travel Inc., Amrit Marg, Bhagawan Bahal, Thamel Kathmandu, Nepal Tel: (020) 41227999, 26056451 or 26131647 Fax: (020) 26130782 Leonard Travels Pvt Ltd, Tej House 1st floor, 5 Mahatma Gandhi Road, Pune 411 001 Tel: (020) 26056451, 26131647 Fax: (020) 2613782 Manager: Vandana Hasabnis 9960231082 or 9623346382 Email: Rhythm Tours & Travels Ltd House 28, Road 01, Sector 06, Uttara, Dhakka, - 1219, Bangladesh Tel: +880258957519 Fax: +88028931005 Email: / VMS Aviation Air Services Pvt Ltd, 48 A Sir Lester James Peiries Mawatha, Colombo 5, Srilanka Tel: 0094112502149, 011252209 Fax: 0112580737 Email: Mobile: 0094777752328 Sharaf Cargo Pvt. Ltd. MSC House, Ground Floor, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400059 -India Contact person: Nomita Kothari Email: Fax: 91 22 6731 3006 Tel: +91 22 6731 3000 Mobile: +91 98203 32154 INDONESIA Jalan Rasuna Said, Mega Plaza, 4th Floor, kav C–3, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12920 Tel: +62 21 5212128 Fax: +62 21 5212148 Email: M/S PT. Aviaventura Aero Agensi Mega Plazza 4/F, Jalan HR Rasuna Said Kav C-3 Karet Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12940 Tel: (62-21) 5212152, (62-21) 5212128 Fax: +(62-21) 5202102 Email: Cargo: PT Global Sarana Angkasa Aeropolis Commercial Park ACP A1.06 Jl. Marsekal Suryadharma Neglasari, Tangerang 15129 Contact: Iat Email: Fax: 62 - 21 5572 1107 Tel: 62 - 21 5572 1146 /+62-21 5572 1147 Mobile: 62 - 878 7513 6696 IRELAND Cargo Heavyweight Air Express Ltd (Cargo) Tel: 353 -1-811-8693, Fax: 353-1-811-8901 Email: ISRAEL Opensky Cargo Ltd Tel: 972 3 972 4338 CTO Tel: 972 3 7971405 Central Reservation Office Tel: 972 3 7971400/1403/1404 Reservation Agent Tel: 972 3 7971407, ShebaMiles & Group desk Email: ITALY Rome Via Bissolati 54 Roma 00187 Phone: +39 06 48771370 Reservations: Group booking: ShebaMiles:, Sales:, Administration:

f ly e t h i o p i a n

AIRCONSULT Contact: Bruno Miggiano, Cargo Manager Tel: +39/ E-mail: Fax: +39/ Website: JAPAN Global Service Agency Co. Ltd; 8F, SANKI Shiba-Kanasugibashi Bldg. Shiba 1-4-3, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105-0014 Japan Tel: 813-6453-7577; Fax: 813-6453-7575 Email:, U-Transport Global Inc. 2-2-21 Shiba Koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011 Japan Contact: Massano Iida Email: Fax: 81-3-6435-6613 Tel: 81-3-6435-6611 JORDAN Passenger & Cargo: Seven Seas Group Abd Alhamid Sharaf Street Building number 61, ground and 1st floor, Amman, Jordan Tel: +962 6 5667100, Alpha International Abd Alhamid Sharaf Street, Stand Building, ground and first floor Amman, Jordan Fax: +00962 6 5667102 Tel: +0096265667100/00962778400001 Email: KENYA Cargo Africa Direct Ltd.(ADL)-Cargo GSSA P O Box 41852-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Email: Tel: 254 020-827044/827248/9 /827480 Ext: 132, Fax: 254 020-822709 Cell: 254 721 217141 Wireless: 254 020-3560579 KUWAIT M/S Al-Sawan Company W.L.L PO Box: 576, Alghazli St (Al-Rai), Kuwait Thunayan Al Ghanim Building, Fahad Al Salem Street, Sheraton Round-about Tel: +965 22270600 Ext. 2302, 2303, 2304, 2305, 2306 Fax: +965 22270606 LEBANON Cargo Beirut International Cargo Logistics Beirut Parallel Center Bloc B, PO Box 17-5040 Phone: +961-1-496120 * 480007 – Ext: 310 Fax: +961-1496119 Email: MADAGASCAR Friends Travel & Aviation, Rue Jean Jores AU RC Immeuble Louys Freres TF Christian Madagascar Tel: +261-20 22 30 732 Email: Nosy Be Address: Immeuble Assurance Aro, en face shampion, Hell Vill- Nosy be Phone: Reservations +261 34 92 494 65/66 E-mail: Mampionona@ Airport Office Nosy Be International Airport Immeuble Assurance Aro, en face shampion, Hell Vill- Nosy be Phone: Mobile +261 34 92 494 64 E-mail: Cargo Friends Travel & Aviation Friends Travel, Al Nakheel Street, naif, Deira, Dubai Contact: Mr. Jai Kishan Tewani Tel: +971565664624 Email:

MALAYSIA Abadi Aviation Services Sdn. Bhd. 1st Floor, 79 Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: 603 21 489500, Fax: 603 21486462 Email: Cargo Abadi Aviation Services S/B, Lot GFM-5D Malaysia Airlines Advanced Cargo Centre, Free Commercial Zone, Kuala Lumpur International Airport, 64000 Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia Tel: (+603) 87871198/1179 Fax: (+603) 87871108 Email: MALTA APG Malta Ltd., 1st floor, Aviation Center, St. Thomas Street, Luqa, Malta Email: MAURITANIA ATLAS GSA Mauritanie Avenue Gamal Abdel Nasser, BP 3592, Nouakchott, Mauritania Fax: +222 45282944 Tel: +222 45282943 MAURITIUS TNS Analysis, 1st Floor Ebene Skies, Rue de L’institut, Ebene, Mauritius Fax: +230 467 6416 Tel: +230 202 0055 Mobile: +230 5 251 8255 Email: MEXICO Praca da Liberdade, 130-10th F Suite 10011002, Liberdade, Sao Paulo-Brazil, CEP 01503010, Sao Paulo, Brazil Tel: 551131063295, 551186328697 Aviareps AG, Landsberg Str.155,80687 Munich, Germany Tel: 49 89 55 25 33 73 Fax: 49 89 54 50 68 42 Email: MOZAMBIQUE Maputo Lusoglobo Tours, LDA Ethiopian Airlines GSA, Edificio Time Square, Bloco 4, Av. 25 de Setembro No.270, 1o andar Tel: 258 21 314421 / 21 321441 Mobile: 258 82 3144211, 258 84 5072366, Airport office: 258 84 5072366 Email:, MYANMAR Cargo ILG International Aviation, No. 126 1st Floor, Bogalayzay Road, Botataung Tsp, Yangon, Myanmar Tel: +66 0 2 126 8026 Fax: +66 0 2126 8080 Email: AVIAREPS Myanmar Co.,Ltd. #01-06, 1st Floor,Yuzana Business Tower, No.25, Dhammazedi Road, Myaynigone, Sanchaung Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Phone: +95 1 539484 , +95 9 450050898 , +95 9 450050908 Email: NAMIBIA Friends Travel & Aviation Corner Independence Avenue & Garten Street, Windhoek, Namibia Email:, Tel: +26461256601 Mobile +264816005274

Sales Offices and General Sales Agents

Cargo Lucky Sky Travel & Tours Address: Unit 34, Town Square, Standard Bank Shopping Center PO Box 996067, Maruea Mall, Windhoek Contact: Abdul Nsengiyumva, Director Tel: 00264 818 325 075 Fax : 00264 61 401105 Email:, Web: NETHERLANDS Benelux Cargo: Kales Group B.V. Triport Building 1, 6th Floor Evert Van de beekstraat 46 1118 CL Schiphol, The Netherlands Tel: 31 20 653 4886, Fax: 31 20 653 4717 Email: Niels. Danielle.meyers@kales. com Kales BRU Kales AMS NEPAL Explore Himalaya Travel Inc., 745 Amnt March, Bhagbanbahal Thamel, Kathmandu Nepal Tel: 977 1 4418100 NIGER Horizon Distribution (Satguru Travel and Tourism) BP 1114, Rond Point Maourey RCCM: NIA-NI2008-B-1889, Niamey, Niger Tel: 20727272 / 20727373 Fax: 20736934 Email: NIGERIA DHL Global Forwarding Nigeria Limited Plot 8, Block H, Cowbell Road, Isolo Industrial Estate Off Oshodi-Apapa Expressway Isolo, Lagos, Nigeria Representative: Mrs. Heather Frankle Tel: +234 4625200 Email: Web: NORWAY Oslo Øvre Slottsgate 6, 0157 Oslo, Norway Phone: +47 22 06 44 01 Email: Cargo Kales Group BV (Cargo Only) DK - 7190 Billund Denmark Tel: 45 75354511, Fax: 45 75354569 Email: OMAN National Travel & Tourism, Postal Code 100 Sultanate of Oman Tel: 00968-246 60300 Fax: 968 24566125 Email: PAKISTAN Maheen Travels Shop #20, Ground Floor Hotel Metropole Building, Karachi Fax: +92 21 35220610 Tel: +92 21 35640057 Karachi Tel: 9221 3566 1712-13-14 & 16 Fax: 9221 3566 1715 Lahore Tel: 9242-3630-5229, 9242-3636-5165 Fax: 9242-3631-4051, Tel: 2823040/2823350 Fax: 2824030 Tel: 6305229/6365165 Fax: 6314051

Cargo Inter-Fret Consolidators (Pvt.) Ltd. (Pakistan), Suite No. 814-815, 8th floor, Park Avenue, Shahra-e-Faisal, PECHS, Karachi-74500, Pakistan Tel: +92 21 111 111 432, +92 21 3432 6658 Fax: +92 21 345 405 94 Email: PERU Praca da Liberdade, 130-10th F Suite 10011002, Liberdade, Sao Paulo-Brazil, CEP 01503010, Sao Paulo, Brazil Tel: 551131063295/551186328697 Aviareps AG, Landsberg Str.155, 80687 Munich, Germany Tel: 49 89 55 25 33 73 Fax: 49 89 54 50 68 42 Email: PHILIPPINES Pan Euro International Inc, 12F Frabelle Business Center, 111 Rada St., Legaspi Village, Makati City, Philippines Tel: 632 8480978 -79 Fax: 632 8481859 Email:, Globalair Lynx, Inc. 3rd Floor E-307 Export Wing PAIR PAGSS Center, NAIA Avenue, Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines 130 Contact: Mr. Alan D’Lima Email:, Fax: 632 877 8483 Tel: 632 800 7433 PORTUGAL Av. 5 de Outubro, 115 – 1º E 1050-052 Lisboa, Portugal Email: Tel: +351 215 933 234 Mobile: +351 910 409 299 Cargo CARGO RATE AND SERVICE 15–Local 08028 BARCELONA (SPAIN) Tel: +34 931888690, Fax: +34 93409251 QATAR Fahd Travels, Doha, Qatar Tel: 00974-4432233, Fax: 00974-4432266 Email: Cargo Fahd Cargo Dar Al kotob area, Diamond Hotel Bldg, Doha, Qatar Fax: 00974 4431 1010, Tel: 00974 4441 4928 Email: ROMANIA AND REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Nicolae Balcescu Blv No 21 Bucharest, Romania Tel: 004 021 3151359, 307 91 75 Email: Cargo XQair cargo services GmbH XQAIR Barbara Gugger ( P.O. Box 14164, Matthofstrand 8 CH-6005 Luzern 14 Office : +41 43 540 22 45 Mobile: +41 76 566 60 59 RUSSIA Aviareps, Olympic Plaza, 39, Prospect Mira Bldg. 2, 129110 Moscow, Russia Tel: 7 495 937 59 50, 07 812 740 3820 Fax: 7 495 937 59 51, 07 812 740 3821 Email: Cargo Global GSA Eurasia ltd 1Siafi , Porto Bello, office 105, Limassol, Cyprus, 3042 Tel: +35725026970, +79057801893 Representative: Mr. Marios Lacovou and Olga Polyanskaya Email: MAY/JUNE 2019


Sales Offices and General Sales Agents RWANDA Euro World Sarl, Kigali, Satguru International Tel: 250 570440/570442 Fax: 250 570441 Email: Cargo Bollore Africa Logistic Rwand Limited Boulevard de IÓUA-Gikondo Industrial Kigali,Rwanda Contact: Cathy KAYITESI Tel: +250 788 46 8120 Email: SAUDI ARABIA Al Zouman Aviation, Jeddah Tel: 966 2 6531222 Fax: 966 2 6517501 Email: Alkhobar Tel: 966 3 8649000 Fax: 966 3 8941205 SERBIA, SLOVENIA, CROATIA CAT Aviation, Knez Mihajlova 30 Tel: 381 641135735 Email: SEYCHELLES Mason’s Travel Pty. Ltd. Revolutgion Avenue PO Box 459 Victoria Mahe Seychelles Tel: 0024 4288888 Fax: 248 4225273/248 4288820 Email: SIERRA LEONE IPC Tours, 22 Siaka Stevens Street, P.O. Box 1434, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: 00 232-221481 Fax: 232 22 227 470 Email:, SINGAPORE Maple Aviation Pte.Ltd 133 New Bridge Road #14-05 China Town Point, Singapore 059413 Tel: (65) 6538 6860/ 3787/ 2678 Fax: (65) 6538 3183 Email: Orient Air Pte. 9 Airline road, Changi Airfreight Center Cargo Agt Bldg D, #05-24 Singapore 819827 Contact: Mr. Shu Jin Goh, Ms. Kashie Sekaran Email:,, Fax: 65 6214 2199 Tel: +65 6542 1833, +65 6214 2136 SOMALIA Hargeisa National Travel & Tourism Agency (HANTTA), Makkah Mukarah Road, Mogadishu, Somalia Tel: +2521604934, +252634426033, +252615388888 Email: Rugsan Travel and Tourism Agency NL Building KM5, Afgoie Street, Mogadishu-Somalia-MGQ Mr. Abdirizak I.Ido Position: managing director Email: idoa@me.vom Telephone: +252699960125 SOMALILAND 26 June Main Street, Derro Mall Building Ground Floor, Hargeisa, Somaliland Tel : 252 2 528445 Mobile : 252 2 4427575/252 2 634832350 Email SOUTH AFRICA Cape Town 47 Strand Street, Cape Town Tel: +2721 879 1520; Mobile: +27 63 6922 790 Email: Airport Office: Tel: +27 (0)21-936-3667 Mobile: +27 (0)81 015 1875 Email: Call Center: 0800-984023, + 27-218197028 80


f ly e t h i o p i a n

Cargo Aero-Link Consulting Warehouse 34, Foreign Airlines Cargo Terminal, OR Tambo Airport, Kempton Park, 1627 Tel: +27 87 150 1900 (Switchboard) Imports = Extension 606; Exports = Ext. 607 Cargo Sales = Extension 600 Handling E-Mail: Sales E-Mail: SOUTH KOREA Sharp Aviation K, Inc. 9 seorindong, 22 Jonro, Seoul, Korea Contact: Mr. Soon Suk Paik Email: Fax: 02-775-1975, Tel: 82-2-7247081 SPAIN & PORTUGAL AirTravel Management: Calle Diego de leone, 69 40A-28006, Madrid, Spain Tel: 34 91 4022718, Fax: 34 91 4015239 Email:, Cargo AD Aircargo Address: C/Chile 4 28230 Las Rozas (Madrid), Spain Contact: Juan Carlos Ruiz (CEO) Email: Mobile: +(34) 652.99.42.11 Web

Golden Foundations Logistics Ltd. Suite 502, No. 142, Sec. 4 Zhong-Xiao East Road, Taipei, Taiwan/ Post Code 10688 Phone: +886 2 2773-3266 ext. 137 Call Centre: +86 4008-071-787 Fax: +886 2 2776-5704 Email:

Dubai Asian Air Travel & Tours Agency Ground Floor, NR Lootah Bldg, Clock Tower, Port Saeed Rd, Deira, Dubai PO Box: 65006, Dubai UAE Phone: 009714 2980111 Fax: 009714 2999883 Email:

Cargo Global Aviation Service (Taiwan) Inc. Tel: 886 2 2658 0255, Fax: 886 2 2659 7610 Email:

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Cargo: Heavy Weight Air Express (HW) Toll Free Tel: 800 445 2733 Tel: 630 595 2323/571 480 5200 Fax: 630 595 3232 Email:

TANZANIA Cargo Bollore Africa Logistic PO Box 1683, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania Tel: +(255) 22 2842 850 Mobile: +(255) 784 784 144 Fax: +(255) 22 2 842 181 THAILAND Cargo ILG Aviation APAC Co Ltd Representative: Hiran A. Samarasinha Tel: 022453546-7, 022453531 Fax: 02245 3532 Mobile: +668 6830 9542 Email:

SRI LANKA VMS Aviation Air Services (Pvt) Ltd No.48A, Dr Lester James Peiris Mawatha, Colombo 05, Sri Lanka 00500 Tel: 0094 114366990, Fax: 0094 112580737 Email:,

TURKEY Panorama Havacilik Ve Turizm Ltd., Cumhuriyet Cad. Apt. 185/1, Harbiye 34373, Istanbul, Turkey Tel: 90 212 2315919 Fax: 90 212 2344999 Email:,

SUDAN Blue Water Logistics Khartoum International Airport, Cargo Village, Khartoum, Sudan Tel: +249 9 287 11111 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Email: Web:

Cargo AIRMARK Airline Marketing & Services Yenibosna Merkez Mah. Cinar Cad. No:9 Kat:2 34197, Bahcelievler, Istanbul, TURKIYE Tel: +90 212 444 1 GSA (472) Fax: +90 212 245 4486 E-mail:

Blue Water Logistics Co. Ltd. (GSSA) Office B16 Khartoum Airport Cargo Village Africa Road, Khartoum, Sudan Mobile: +249 9287 11111 / +249 9287 22222 / +249 9287 33333 Short Dialing Code: 2949 Email:, Website:

UGANDA Kampala Acacia place, Upper ground floor Plot 6 Acacia Avenue, Kololo Kampala –Uganda Tel: +256 778 619 572 +256 784 522 478, +256 788 785 548 Email:

SWEDEN Cargo: Kales Airline Services Tel: 46 40 36 38 10, Fax 46 40 36 38 19 Cargo: Kales Airline Services Tel: 46 8 594 411 90, Fax: 46 8 594 42244

Cargo Freight in time (U) Ltd Cargo Terminal Building, Entebbe International Airport, Room 98 Tel: +256 775770696; +256 702525581 Email:

SWITZERLAND Airline Center/Aviareps Airline Center, Badenerstresse 15-8004, Zurich, Switzerland Tel: 4122 91 98999, Fax: 4122 91 98900 Email: Airnautic AG, Peter Merian Str.2 CH-4002, Basel Switzerland (Cargo only) Basel Tel: 41 61 227 9797, Fax: 41 61 227 9780 E-mail:,, rene.bubendorf@ SYRIA Passenger & Cargo: Al Tarek Travel & Tourism Fardous St, PO Box 30185 Tel: 963 11 2235225, Fax: 963 11 2211941 Email: TAIWAN Apex Travel Services Ltd., 6F-3 No. 57, Fi Shin N. Rd Taipei, Taiwan Tel: 886 2 2740 7722, Fax: 886 2 2740 5570 Email:

UNITED KINGDOM Cargo Air Liaison Ltd - Heavyweight Air Express Group Tel: 44-1753 210 008, Fax: 44-208 831 9309, Email: UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Abu Dhabi Salem Travel Agency, Abu Dhabi, UAE PO Box 346, Abu Dhabi UAE Tel: +9712 2 6273333, +971 2 6218000 Fax: 009712-6268337 Email: Ajman National Travel Agency LLC Sheikh Rashid Bin Humaid Street, Al Sawan, Ajman, United Arab Emirates P.O. Box: 641 Fax: +971 6 7427537 Tel: +971 67422300/399/+971 50 92254

VENEZUELA Praca da Liberdade, 130-10th F Suite 10011002, Liberdade, Sao Paulo-Brazil, CEP 01503010, Sao Paulo, Brazil Tel: 551131063295/551186328697 Aviareps AG, Landsberg Str.155,80687 Munich, Germany Tel: 49 89 55 25 33 73 Fax: 49 89 54 50 68 42 Email: VIETNAM Cargo Pacific Air Vietnam Company Limited MIPEC Tower, 9 Fl., 229 Tay Son Street Dong Da District, Hanoi, Vietnam Email: Vector Aviation (PAX) 62 Nguyen Cu Trinh str., Pham Ngu Lao Ward, Dist. 1st., Ho Chi Minh City , Viet Nam Tel: (+848) 3838.6918 Fax: (+848) 3838.9025 Skype: ethiopianairlines_pax YEMEN Marib Travel & Tourism, 40 Meter Rd., AlSaeeda Building (next to CAC Bank), P.O. Box 7298, Sana’a, Yemen Tel: 00971-426833 Fax: 009671-426836 Email: ZAMBIA EAS Zambia Ltd Bid Air Cargo Representative: Mildred Musonda, Key Accounts Manager Tel: +260 211 271178 Fax: +260 211 271140 Mobile: +260962936172, +260964319290 ZANZIBAR Passenger & Cargo: Marhaba Hotels Travels & Tours Ltd Tel: 255 24 2231527-28 Fax: 255 24 2231526 Email:

200 x 260 mm - Shebamiles cards - May-June 17 0317.pdf 1 17/03/2017 08:51:40

Reward yourself every time you fly Ethiopian








MARY POPPINS RETURNS Mary Poppins is back to help the next generation of the Banks family find the joy and wonder missing in their lives.

Family / PG / 130 min Director: Rob Marshall Stars: Emily Blunt, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Ben Whishaw



Video on Demand


BLOCKBUSTERS Aquaman Action / PG-13 / 143 min The Kid Who Would Be King Family / PG / 116 min

e n t e r ta i n m e n t

See summaries on pages 86-88.

Ant-Man Action / PG-13 / 144 min

Jailhouse Rock Drama / PG-13 / 96 min

Free Willy Adventure / PG / 112 min

Phat Girlz Comedy / PG-13 / 99 min

Captain America: Civil War Action / PG-13 / 147 min

The Shawshank Redemption Crime / R / 120 min

Spy Action / R / 119 min

Suicide Squad Action / PG-13 / 123 min

Never Let Me Go Drama / R / 103 min

Contagion Drama / PG-13 / 106 min

Barbershop: The Next Cut Comedy / PG-13 / 111 min

This Means War Action / PG-13 / 103 min

Doctor Strange Action / PG-13 / 115 min

Creed II Action / PG-13 / 130 min

Guardians of the Galaxy Sci-Fi / PG-13 / 122 min

Mary Poppins Returns Family / PG / 130 min

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Action / PG-13 / 136 min

The Hate U Give Crime / PG-13 / 132 min Robin Hood Action / PG-13 / 116 min Vice Biography / R / 132 min Mortal Engines Action / PG-13 / 128 min If Beale Street Could Talk Crime / R / 119 min Green Book Biography / PG-13 / 130 min Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald Adventure / PG-13 / 134 min Bohemian Rhapsody Biography / PG-13 / 134 min Ralph Breaks the Internet Animation / PG / 98 min The Favourite Biography / R / 119 min Widows Crime / R / 129 min

Thor: Ragnarok Action / PG-13 / 130 min Black Panther Action / PG-13 / 134 min Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Sci-Fi / PG / 124 min

Star Wars: Attack of The Clones Sci-Fi / PG / 142 min Star Wars: Revenge of The Sith Sci-Fi / PG-13 / 140 min Star Wars: The Force Awakens Sci-Fi / PG-13 / 135 min Star Wars: The Last Jedi Action / PG-13 / 151 min

Smallfoot Animation / PG / 96 min

Cinderella Family / G / 74 min

The Predator Action / R / 107 min

The Jungle Book Action / PG / 105 min

Bad Times at the El Royale Mystery / R / 144 min

Alice Through The Looking Glass Adventure / PG / 108 min

Iron Man Action / PG-13 / 126 min

Beauty And The Beast Family / PG / 129 min

Iron Man 2 Action / PG-13 / 124 min

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Action / PG-13 / 143 min

Thor: The Dark World Action / PG-13 / 112 min Captain America: The Winter Soldier Action / PG-13 / 136 min Avengers: Age of Ultron Action / PG-13 / 141 min 84


Big Momma's House Action / PG-13 / 97 min The Greatest Showman Biography / PG / 104 min

Yes Man Comedy / PG-13 / 97 min

Maleficent Fantasy / PG / 135 min

Iron Man 3 Action / PG-13 / 130 min

Blade Runner 2049 Drama / R / 164 min

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Sci-Fi / PG / 136 min

Crazy Rich Asians Comedy / PG-13 / 120 min

Marvel's The Avengers Action / PG-13 / 142 min

Kong: Skull Island Action / PG-13 / 118 min

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri Comedy / R / 115 min

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Action / PG-13 / 133 min

Captain America Adventure / PG-13 / 124 min

Life or Something Like It Comedy / PG-13 / 101 min

Star Wars: Return of The Jedi Sci-Fi / PG / 131 min

A Star is Born Drama / R / 136 min

Thor Adventure / PG-13 / 115 min

He's Just Not That Into You Comedy / PG-13 / 129 min

Run, Fatboy, Run Comedy / PG-13 / 100 min X-Men: Apocalypse Action / PG-13 / 142 min

War For the Planet of the Apes Action / PG-13 / 140 min Lord Of The Rings 3: The Return Of The King Action / PG-13 / 201 min King Arthur: Legend of The Sword Action / PG-13 / 127 min Interstellar Sci-Fi / PG-13 / 169 min Avatar Action / PG-13 / 161 min Valentine's Day Comedy / PG-13 / 125 min The Bridges of Madison County Drama / PG-13 / 135 min

Joy Biography / PG-13 / 124 min

X-Men: Days of Future Past Action / PG-13 / 129 min

Ocean's Twelve Crime / PG-13 / 125 min

Little Women (1949) Drama / G / 122 min

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel Comedy / PG-13 / 124 min

Father Figures Comedy / R / 113 min

We Bought A Zoo Comedy / PG / 124 min Assassin's Creed Action / PG-13 / 115 min Cool Hand Luke Crime / PG-13 / 126 min Australia Adventure / PG-13 / 165 min Juno Comedy / PG-13 / 94 min

Everything, Everything Drama / PG-13 / 96 min The Shape of Water Adventure / R / 123 min Independence Day Action / PG-13 / 126 min Die Hard Action / R / 120 min Fantastic Four (2015) Action / PG-13 / 99 min

Arthur Comedy / PG-13 / 110 min Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Adventure / PG-13 / 140 min EUROPEAN Sauver Ou Périr Drama / PG-13 / 117 min Le semeur Drama / PG-13 / 110 min Chacun Pour Tous Comedy / PG-13 / 94 min Le doudou Comedy / PG-13 / 82 min Grüner wird's nicht, sagte der Gärtner und flog… Adventure / PG-13 / 116 min Playmaker Drama / PG-13 / 95 min The Realm Drama / PG-13 / 132 min Petra Drama / PG-13 / 107 min Il mio nome è Thomas Drama / PG-13 / 96 min Il testimone invisibile Thriller / PG-13 / 97 min ASIAN Kung Fu League Action / PG-13 / 102 min Forever Love Comedy / PG-13 / 124 min

Fengshui History / PG-13 / 126 min The Soul-Mate Comedy / PG-13 / 97 min Shoplifters Crime / PG-13 / 120 min Asako I & II Drama / PG-13 / 119 min AFRICAN The Wedding Party 2: Destination Dubai Comedy / PG-13 / 98 min Moms at War Comedy / PG-13 / 90 min What The Heart Sees Romance / PG-13 / 119 min A Lot Like Love Romance / PG-13 / 95 min L'autre Femme Drama / PG-13 / 83 min Bahasha Drama / PG-13 / 85 min Arife Aychekelem Romance / PG-13 / 107 min Sabela Romance / PG-13 / 107 min Poletica Aydelem Romance / PG-13 / 106 min Eshetaol Drama / PG-13 / 90 min HINDI Kadvi Hawa Drama / PG-13 / 99 min October Drama / PG-13 / 115 min Hichki Comedy / PG-13 / 116 min Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety Comedy / PG-13 / 138 min

Mad Max: Fury Road Action / R / 120 min

Gu jian qi tan zhi liu yue zhao ming Fantasy / PG-13 / 104 min

Vacation Adventure / R / 96 min

Spicy Teacher Drama / PG-13 / 115 min

Hot Pursuit Action / PG-13 / 87 min

Find My Way Home Adventure / PG-13 / 90 min

Raghda Motawahesha Family / PG-13 / 90 min

Run All Night Action / R / 114 min

Mo seung Crime / PG-13 / 130 min

Torbal Rayehh Jayy Comedy / PG-13 / 105 min

Thunderstruck Comedy / PG / 94 min

Horrible Bosses 2 Comedy / R / 108 min

Hello, Mrs. Money Comedy / PG-13 / 113 min

Garfield Animation / PG / 80 min

Blended Comedy / PG-13 / 117 min

Ou Zhou gong lue Action / PG-13 / 100 min

The Rocker Comedy / PG-13 / 100 min

Scooby-Doo! Mask of the Blue Falcon Animation / G / 76 min

The Great Gatsby Drama / PG-13 / 142 min

Father to Son Drama / PG-13 / 115 min

Black Mass Biography / R / 123 min

Max Adventure / PG / 111 min

Batman Begins Action / PG-13 / 140 min

Jiang hu er nv Drama / PG-13 / 135 min

Office Space Comedy / R / 87 min

Where the Wild Things Are Adventure / PG / 101 min

The Legend of Tarzan Action / PG-13 / 110 min

Swathanthryam Ardharathriyil Action / PG-13 / 138 min

CLASSICS Men of Honor Biography / R / 119 min Date Night Comedy / PG-13 / 82 min Gifted Drama / PG-13 / 101 min

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Adventure / PG / 161 min

Wonder Woman Action / PG-13 / 141 min

Green Lantern Action / PG-13 / 114 min

Kuttanpillayude Sivarathri Comedy / PG-13 / 120 min

Isle of Dogs Animation / PG-13 / 101 min TMNT Animation / PG / 87 min Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel Animation / PG / 88 min

Secret Superstar Drama / PG-13 / 150 min Padman Biography / PG-13 / 120 min ARABIC

BRAZILIAN Coração de Cowboy Drama / PG-13 / 120 min O Colar de Coralina Drama / PG-13 / 87 min

e n t e r ta i n m e n t



See summaries on pages 89-90.

Blindspot Back to the Grind; Enemy Bag of Tricks / 60 min

Gotham The 100

The 100 Eden; Red Queen / 60 min

The Flash

The Flash The Flash Reborn; Mixed Signals / 60 min

The Mentalist COMEDY

Bones "The Final Chapter: The New Tricks in the Old Dogs"; The Final Chapter: The Price for the Past / 60 min

The Big Bang Theory The Collaboration Contamination; The Proton Regeneration / 30 min; The Geology Methodology / 30 min

Major Crimes Sanctuary City: Part 1; Sanctuary City: Part 2 / 60 min

Fresh Off the Boat "No Thanks-giving "; WWJD: What Would Jessica Do?; The Taming of the Dads / 30 min

Animal Kingdom The Killing; "In the Red" / 60 min

2 Broke Girls And the Two Openings: Part One; And the Two Openings: Part Two; And the 80's Movie / 30 min

DOCUMENTARY How To Build...Everything Drone Revolution / 30 min Origins: The Journey of Humankind Spark of Civilisation / 60 min

The Middle Vive La Hecks; Please Don't Feed the Hecks / 30 min

Year Million Never Say Die / 60 min House of Dreams Episode 8 / 60 min The Big Picture with Kal Penn Fantasy Sports / 30 min Idris Elba: Fighter Weakness / 60 min Chef Nic Episode 7 (Shanghai) / 60 min Heaven & Earth 48 min Ethiopian Airlines 100th Fleet Milestone One-Off Special / 8 min Ethiopian Airlines Airbus A350 XWB The Magic Of Flight One-Off Special / 60 min Flight Over Africa One-Off Special / 60 min Discover Ethiopian Wild 36 min

Pavarotti: Pop Tenor One-Off / 60 min

Come Home Love: Lo and Behold Episode 21; Episode 25 / 30 min DRAMA 24: Live Another Day 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.; 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. / 60 min


A Season at the Juilliard School The New School Year / 30 min


Hollywood's Best Film Directors Francis Ford Coppola / 30 min Business Traveller The Wellness Revolution / 30 min

Animaniacs De-Zanitized/ Monkey Song/Nighty Night Toons / 30 min

Top Tables, Top Cities Paris / 30 min Metropolis Barcelona / 30 min

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Stayin' Alive / 30 min

Eyes For The Job Episode 1 / 30 min

Close UpTom Hardy / 30 min Cake Boss Wine and Waltzes / 30 min

Austin & Ally Seniors and Señors / 30 min Andi Mack 13 / 30 min

Game Changer / 5 min

Epic Trails Australia, Northern Territory / 30 min

The Lion / 5 min

New Years Eve / 5 min

Dogs: The Untold Story Running Free / 60 min

World Vision by Magnificent Li Shangri-La / 30 min

Chef Yohanis Journey to Hawassa / 17 min

DESTINATION VIDEOS The Best of Irish Cities 5 min The Best Places For Coffee in Europe 5 min Discover Maboneng, Johannesburg 5 min Introducing Amsterdam 5 min Introducing East Africa 5 min


National Icons Episode 41 / 30 min

Homage Zlatan Ibrahimovic / 30 min

Bear Grylls: Extreme Survival Caught on Camera Roads / 30 min

The Lion Guard Babysitter Bunga / 30 min

2 Dudes & A Kitchen Good Morning Sunshine! / 30 min

A Date with Lu Yu Chow Yun-fat / 30 min

Simply Nigella Episode 3 / 30 min The Silk Road China: Xi'an / 30 min

Am I using Video on Demand or Mainscreen? Video on Demand is accessed from a touch screen in front of you. Mainscreen uses a shared screen mounted to the ceiling.

The Jewel of Maru / 30 min

Mind Over Money Episode 1 / 30 min

Africa's Hunters The Trials of Olimba / 60 min

The X-Files My Struggle III; This / 60 min

Video on Demand

Introducing Africa 5 min

The Tables / 5 min

The Bigger Picture / 5 min The Present / 5 min

Ethiopia Land of Origins Episodes 1-7 3 min KIDS

Bear With Me / 5 min

Elena of Avalor

Green Bird / 5 min

Outdoors / 5 min Voyagers / 5 min

Mainscreen Listings



See summaries on pages 86-90.

See summaries on pages 86-90.

Addis to Africa/West Asia HOLLYWOOD MOVIE


Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald Adventure / PG-13 / 134 min

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald Adventure / PG-13 / 134 min

Bumblebee Action / PG-13 / 114 min

Bumblebee Action / PG-13 / 114 min

AFRICAN MOVIE The Promotion * Romance / PG-13 / 90 min TELEVISION

HINDI MOVIE Tumhari Sulu * Comedy / PG-13 / 150 min TELEVISION

Africa/West Asia to Addis

India to Addis



Bohemian Rhapsody Biography / PG-13 / 134 min

Bohemian Rhapsody Biography / PG-13 / 134 min

Ralph Breaks the Internet Animation / PG / 98 min

Ralph Breaks the Internet Animation / PG / 98 min

AFRICAN MOVIE Love in Sight * Drama / PG-13 / 92 min TELEVISION

HINDI MOVIE Qaidi Band * Drama / PG-13 / 119 min TELEVISION

The Big Bang Theory The Collaboration Contamination / 30 min

2 Broke Girls And the Two Openings: Part One; / 30 min

Fresh Off the Boat No Thanks-giving / 30 min

The Middle Vive La Hecks / 30 min

How To Build...Everything Drone Revolution / 30 min

Pavarotti: Pop Tenor One-Off / 60 min

Origins: The Journey of Humankind Spark of Civilisation / 60 min

Mind Over Money Episode 1 / 30 min

A Date with Lu Yu Chow Yun-fat / 30 min

Simply Nigella Episode 3 / 30 min

World Vision by Magnificent Li Shangri-La / 30 min

The Silk Road China: Xi'an / 30 min

*Not available on B737 aircrafts MAY/JUNE 2019


Movie Summaries

e n t e r ta i n m e n t

BLOCKBUSTERS Aquaman Arthur Curry learns that he is the heir to the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, and must step forward to lead his people. The Kid Who Would Be King Alex thinks he’s just another nobody, until he stumbles upon the mythical Sword in the Stone, Excalibur. Creed II The next chapter in the Adonis Creed story follows his life inside and outside of the ring as he deals with new found fame, issues with his family, and his continuing quest to become a champion. Mary Poppins Returns Mary Poppins is back to help the next generation of the Banks family find the joy and wonder missing in their lives. The Hate U Give Starr witnesses the fatal shooting of her childhood best friend Khalil at the hands of a police officer. Now, facing pressures from all sides of the community, Starr must find her voice and stand up for what's right. Robin Hood Robin of Loxley, a war-hardened Crusader, and his Moorish commander mount an audacious revolt against the corrupt English crown. Vice The story of Dick Cheney, an unassuming bureaucratic Washington insider, who quietly wielded immense power as Vice President to George W. Bush, reshaping the country and the globe in ways that we still feel today. Mortal Engines In a post-apocalyptic world where cities ride on wheels and consume each other to survive, two people meet in London and try to stop a conspiracy. If Beale Street Could Talk A woman in Harlem embraces her pregnancy while she and her family struggle to prove her fiancé innocent of a crime. Green Book A working-class Italian-American bouncer becomes the driver of an African-American classical pianist on a tour of venues through the 1960s American South. Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald The second installment of the "Fantastic Beasts" series set in J.K. Rowling's Wizarding World featuring the adventures of magizoologist Newt Scamander.

Widows Set in contemporary Chicago, amid a time of turmoil, four women with nothing in common except a debt left behind by their dead husbands' criminal activities, take fate into their own hands, and conspire to forge a future on their own terms. A Star is Born A musician helps a young singer find fame, even as age and alcoholism send his own career into a downward spiral. Crazy Rich Asians This contemporary romantic comedy, based on a global bestseller, follows native New Yorker Rachel Chu to Singapore to meet her boyfriend's family. Smallfoot A Yeti is convinced that the elusive creatures known as "humans" really do exist. The Predator When a young boy accidentally triggers the universe's most lethal hunters' return to Earth, only a ragtag crew of ex-soldiers and a disgruntled science teacher can prevent the end of the human race. Bad Times at the El Royale Seven strangers, each with a secret to bury, meet at Lake Tahoe's El Royale, a rundown hotel with a dark past. Over the course of one fateful night, everyone will have a last shot at redemption - before everything goes to hell. Iron Man After being held captive in an Afghan cave, billionaire engineer Tony Stark creates a unique weaponized suit of armor to fight evil. Iron Man 2 With the world now aware of his identity as Iron Man, Tony Stark must contend with both his declining health and a vengeful mad man with ties to his father's legacy. Thor Thor is banished to Earth where he is forced to live among humans. When the most dangerous villain of his world sends its darkest forces to invade Earth, Thor learns what it takes to be a true hero. Captain America A brave, yet mild-mannered young soldier named Steve Rogers, volunteers to undergo a series of experiments for a US army Super Soldier program. When a Nazi plot reveals itself Rogers must rise up and and become the First Avenger.


Marvel's The Avengers Marvel Studios presents Marvel's The Avengers-the Super Hero team up of a lifetime, featuring Iconic Marvel Super Heroes Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow. Iron Man 3 When Stark finds his personal world destroyed at his enemy's hands, he embarks on a harrowing quest to find those responsible. Thor: The Dark World Thor fights to restore order across the cosmos but an ancient race led by the vengeful Malekith returns to plunge the universe into darkness. Captain America: The Winter Soldier When a S.H.I.E.L.D. colleague comes under attack, Steve becomes embroiled in a web of intrigue that threatens the world. Joining forces with Black Widow, Steve struggles to expose the conspiracy while fighting off assailants sent to silence him. Avengers: Age of Ultron When Tony Stark tries to jumpstart a dormant peacekeeping program, things go awry and Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are put to the ultimate test as the fate of the planet hangs in the balance. Ant-Man Armed with a super-suit with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, con-man Scott Lang must embrace his inner hero and help his mentor, Dr. Hank Pym, plan and pull off a heist that will save the world.

Captain America: Civil War Political interference in the Avengers' activities causes a rift between former allies Captain America and Iron Man. Doctor Strange While on a journey of physical and spiritual healing, a brilliant neurosurgeon is drawn into the world of the mystic arts. Guardians of the Galaxy Peter Jason Quill finds himself the object of a bounty hunt after stealing a mysterious orb coveted by Ronan the Accuser, a powerful villain with ambitions threatening the universe. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Set to the sounds of Awesome Mixtape #2, Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 continues the team’s adventures as they seek to unravel the mystery of Star-Lord’s parentage. Thor: Ragnarok Held captive without his hammer, Thor must escape to save Asgard from ruin. Black Panther T'Challa, heir to the hidden but advanced kingdom of Wakanda, must step forward to lead his people into a new future and must confront a challenger from his country's past. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back After the Rebel base on the icy planet Hoth is taken over by the empire, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, and C-3PO flee

Bohemian Rhapsody A chronicle of the years leading up to Queen's legendary appearance at the Live Aid (1985) concert.



Star Wars: Return of The Jedi In the epic conclusion of the saga, the Empire prepares to crush the Rebellion with a more powerful Death Star while the Rebel fleet mounts a massive attack on the space station. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Jedi Knights Qui Gon Jinn and Obi Wan Kenobi escape a hostile blockade to find allies in the brave Queen Amidala and Jar Jar Binks. On their journey out of the planet of Naboo, they come across a young boy who may bring balance to the Force. Star Wars: Attack of The Clones There are not enough Jedi to defend the Republic against a threat, so Chancellor Palpatine enlists the aid of Jango Fett, who promises that his army of clones will handle the situation. Star Wars: Revenge of The Sith When the sinister Sith Lord, Darth Sidious, unveils a plot to take over the galaxy, the fate of Anakin, the Jedi order, and the entire galaxy is at stake. Star Wars: The Force Awakens Thirty years after the destruction of the second Death Star, the fall of the Emperor, and the redemption of Darth Vader, a New Republic governs the civilized galaxy. Star Wars: The Last Jedi The Skywalker saga continues as the heroes of The Force Awakens join the galactic legends in an epic adventure that unlocks new mysteries of the Force and shocking revelations of the past. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story In a time of conflict, a group of unlikely heroes band together on a mission to steal the plans to the Death Star, the Empire’s ultimate weapon of destruction.

Ralph Breaks the Internet In Disney’s Ralph Breaks the Internet, Ralph and Vanellope risk it all by traveling to the world wide web—which may or may not survive Ralph’s wrecking. The Favourite A bawdy, acerbic tale of royal intrigue, passion, envy and betrayal in the court of Queen Anne in early 18th century England.

across the galaxy from the Empire eventually arriving in Cloud City where Han's friend Lando resides.


Cinderella When her father unexpectedly dies, young Ella finds herself at the mercy of her cruel stepmother and her scheming stepsisters. Never one to give up hope, Ella's fortunes begin to change after meeting a dashing stranger.

e n t e r ta i n m e n t

Maleficent From Disney comes “Maleficent” the untold story of Disney’s most Iconic villain from the 1959 classic “Sleeping Beauty.” The Jungle Book “The Jungle Book” is an all-new liveaction epic adventure about Mowgli, a man-cub who’s been raised by a family of wolves. Alice Through The Looking Glass Alice has spent the past few years following in her father’s footsteps and sailing the high seas. Upon her return to London, she comes across a magical looking glass and returns to the fantastical realm of Underland and her friends. Beauty And The Beast Experience the journey of Belle, a bright, independent young woman who is taken prisoner by a Beast in his castle. Despite her fears, she learns to look beyond the Beast’s hideous exterior and realize the kind heart of the true Prince within. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Blacksmith Will Turner teams up with eccentric pirate "Captain" Jack Sparrow to save his love, the governor's daughter, from Jack's former pirate allies, who are now undead. CLASSICS Men of Honor The story of Carl Brashear, the first African-American U.S. Navy Diver, and the man who trained him. Date Night In New York City, a case of mistaken identity turns a bored married couple's attempt at a glamorous and romantic evening into something more thrilling and dangerous. Gifted Frank, a single man raising his child prodigy niece Mary, is drawn into a custody battle with his mother. The Rocker The story of a failed drummer who is given a second chance at fame. Black Mass The true story of Whitey Bulger, the brother of a state senator and the most infamous violent criminal in the history of South Boston, who became an FBI informant to take down a Mafia family invading his turf. Office Space Three company workers who hate their jobs decide to rebel against their greedy boss. Jailhouse Rock After serving time for manslaughter, young Vince Everett becomes a teenage rock star. The Shawshank Redemption Two imprisoned men bond over a number of years, finding solace and eventual redemption through acts of common decency. He's Just Not That Into You This Baltimore-set movie of interconnecting story arcs deals with the challenges of reading or misreading human behavior. Life or Something Like It A reporter interviews a psychic, who tells her that she's going to die and her life is meaningless.

Kong: Skull Island A team of scientists explore an uncharted island in the Pacific, venturing into the domain of the mighty Kong, and must fight to escape a primal Eden. Blade Runner 2049 A young blade runner's discovery of a long-buried secret leads him to track down former blade runner Rick Deckard, who's been missing for thirty years. Big Momma's House In order to protect a beautiful woman and her son from a robber, a male FBI agent disguises himself as a large grandmother. The Greatest Showman The Greatest Showman celebrates the birth of show business and tells of a visionary who rose from nothing to create a spectacle that became a worldwide sensation. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri A mother personally challenges the local authorities to solve her daughter's murder when they fail to catch the culprit. Yes Man A man challenges himself to say "yes" to everything for an entire year. Run, Fatboy, Run Five years after jilting his pregnant fiancée on their wedding day, outof-shape Dennis decides to run a marathon to win her back.

Movie Summaries

Juno Faced with an unplanned pregnancy, an offbeat young woman makes an unusual decision regarding her unborn child.

Free Willy When a boy learns that a beloved orca whale is to be killed by the aquarium owners, the boy risks everything to free the whale.

The Bridges of Madison County Photographer Robert Kincaid wanders into the life of housewife Francesca Johnson, for four days in the 1960s.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry ignores warnings not to return to Hogwarts, only to find the school plagued by a series of mysterious attacks and a strange voice haunting him.

Where the Wild Things Are Yearning for escape and adventure, a young boy runs away from home and sails to an island filled with creatures that take him in as their king.

Little Women (1949) A group of sisters experience life's difficulties and its pleasures while growing up in nineteenth-century America.

Isle of Dogs Set in Japan, Isle of Dogs follows a boy's odyssey in search of his lost dog. TMNT When the world is threatened by an ancient evil, the four adolescent turtles must reunite and overcome their faults in order to stand against it. Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel The world famous singing preteen chipmunk trio return to contend with the pressures of school, celebrityhood, and a rival female music group known as The Chipettes. Thunderstruck When Brian, a hopelessly uncoordinated young fan magically switches talents with his hero, basketball star Kevin Durant, he becomes the star of his high school team, while Kevin Durant suddenly can't make a shot to save his life.

Barbershop: The Next Cut "As their surrounding community has taken a turn for the worse, the crew at Calvin's Barbershop come together to bring some much needed change to their neighborhood." War For the Planet of the Apes After the apes suffer unimaginable losses, Caesar wrestles with his darker instincts and begins his own mythic quest to avenge his kind. Lord Of The Rings 3: The Return Of The King "Gandalf and Aragorn lead the World of Men against Sauron's army to draw his gaze from Frodo and Sam as they approach Mount Doom with the One Ring." King Arthur: Legend of The Sword Robbed of his birthright, Arthur comes up the hard way in the back alleys of the city. But once he pulls the sword from the stone, he is forced to acknowledge his true legacy - whether he likes it or not.

Father Figures Upon learning that their mother has been lying to them for years about their allegedly deceased father, two fraternal twin brothers hit the road in order to find him. Wonder Woman When a pilot crashes and tells of conflict in the outside world, Diana, an Amazonian warrior in training, leaves home to fight a war, discovering her full powers and true destiny. Everything, Everything A teenager who's spent her whole life confined to her home falls for the boy next door. The Shape of Water In a 1960s research facility, a mute janitor forms a relationship with an aquatic creature. Hot Pursuit An uptight and by-the-book cop tries to protect the sexy and outgoing widow of a drug boss as they race through Texas pursued by crooked cops and murderous gunmen.

X-Men: Apocalypse After the re-emergence of the world's first mutant, the worlddestroyer Apocalypse, the X-Men must unite to defeat his extinction level plan. Joy Joy is the story of the title character, who rose to become founder and matriarch of a powerful family business dynasty. Ocean's Twelve Daniel Ocean recruits one more team member so he can pull off three major European heists in this sequel to Ocean's 11. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel British retirees travel to India to take up residence in what they believe is a newly restored hotel. Less luxurious than advertised, the Marigold Hotel nevertheless slowly begins to charm in unexpected ways. We Bought A Zoo Set in Southern California, a father moves his young family to the countryside to renovate and re-open a struggling zoo. Assassin's Creed Callum Lynch explores the memories of his ancestor Aguilar de Nerha and gains the skills of a Master Assassin, before taking on the secret Templar society. Cool Hand Luke A laid-back Southern man is sentenced to two years in a rural prison, but refuses to conform. Australia Set in northern Australia before World War II, an English aristocrat who inherits a sprawling ranch reluctantly pacts with a stock-man in order to protect her new property from a takeover plot.


Garfield Jon Arbuckle buys a second pet, a dog named Odie. However, Odie is then abducted and it is up to Jon's cat, Garfield, to find and rescue the canine.

Spy A desk-bound CIA analyst volunteers to go undercover to infiltrate the world of a deadly arms dealer, and prevent diabolical global disaster.

Independence Day The aliens are coming and their goal is to destroy Earth. Fighting superior technology, humankind's best weapon is the will to survive.

Never Let Me Go The lives of three friends, from their early school days into young adulthood.

Avatar A paraplegic marine dispatched to the moon Pandora on a unique mission becomes torn between following his orders and protecting the world he feels is his home.

Fantastic Four (2015) Four young outsiders teleport to an alternate and dangerous universe which alters their physical form in shocking ways.

Scooby-Doo! Mask of the Blue Falcon The gang go to a comic book convention and soon find themselves embroiled in an investigation when a masked villain begins to terrorize the public. Max A Malinois dog that helped American Marines in Afghanistan returns to the United States and is adopted by his handler's family after suffering a traumatic experience.

Valentine's Day Intertwining couples and singles in Los Angeles break-up and makeup based on the pressures and expectations of Valentine's Day. X-Men: Days of Future Past "The X-Men send Wolverine to the past in a desperate effort to change history and prevent an event that results in doom for both humans and mutants."

Mad Max: Fury Road A woman rebels against a tyrannical ruler in postapocalyptic Australia in search for her home-land with the help of a group of female prisoners, a psychotic worshipper, and a drifter named Max. Vacation Rusty Griswold takes his own family on a road trip to "Walley World" in order to spice things up with his wife and reconnect with his sons. MAY/JUNE 2019


Movie Summaries

e n t e r ta i n m e n t

The Realm A Spanish politician whose highclass lifestyle is based on nefarious and illegal business threatens to break his entire party after a newspaper exposes him to the public eye. Petra The identity of Petra’s father has been hidden from her all her life, but when her mother dies, she will embark on a quest for the truth. SHOPLIFTERS

Die Hard John McClane, officer of the NYPD, tries to save his wife Holly Gennaro and several others after they are taken hostage by German terrorist Hans Gruber during a Christmas party at the Nakatomi Plaza in Los Angeles. Run All Night Mobster and hitman Jimmy Conlon has one night to figure out where his loyalties lie: with his estranged son, Mike, whose life is in danger, or his longtime best friend, mob boss Shawn Maguire, who wants Mike to pay for the death of his own son. Horrible Bosses 2 Dale, Kurt and Nick decide to start their own business but things don't go as planned because of a slick investor, prompting the trio to pull off a harebrained and misguided kidnapping scheme. Blended After a bad blind date, a man and woman find themselves stuck together at a resort for families, where their attraction grows as their respective kids benefit from the burgeoning relationship. The Great Gatsby A writer and wall street trader, Nick, finds himself drawn to the past and lifestyle of his millionaire neighbor, Jay Gatsby. Batman Begins After training with his mentor, Batman begins his fight to free crime-ridden Gotham City from corruption. The Legend of Tarzan Tarzan, having acclimated to life in London, is called back to his former home in the jungle to investigate the activities at a mining encampment. Suicide Squad A secret government agency recruits some of the most dangerous incarcerated supervillains to form a defensive task force. Their first mission: save the world from the apocalypse. Contagion Healthcare professionals, government officials and everyday people find themselves in the midst of a worldwide epidemic as the CDC works to find a cure. Green Lantern Reckless test pilot Hal Jordan is granted an alien ring that bestows him with otherworldly powers that inducts him into an intergalactic police force, the Green Lantern Corps. 88


Interstellar A team of explorers travel through a wormhole in space in an attempt to ensure humanity's survival. Phat Girlz Two plus-sized ladies meet the men of their dreams in the most unexpected of ways. This Means War A pair of C.I.A. operatives wage an epic battle against one another when they discover they are dating the same woman. Arthur A drunken playboy stands to lose a wealthy inheritance when he falls for a woman his family doesn't like. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 As Harry races against time and evil to destroy the Horcruxes, he uncovers the existence of three most powerful objects in the wizarding world: the Deathly Hallows. EUROPEAN Sauver Ou Périr A firefighter, after a serious accident at a huge fire, rebuilds his life. Le semeur After the republican uprising in 1851, a French village is left without any men for two years. The local women decide that if any man returns to the village, he will be their shared husband. Chacun Pour Tous Martin, a basketball coach, is in dire straits - while he’s preparing for the Paralympic Games, his best players drop out. Refusing to lose the grant that is vital to his federation, he decides to cheat in order to compete, at any cost. Le doudou A father enlists the help of an airport employee to find his daughter's teddy. Grüner wird's nicht, sagte der Gärtner und flog… Facing a series of personal and professional crises, George takes off on his rickety biplane and journeys into the unknown. With every take-off and landing, this tough man's heart slowly warms up to what you might call happiness... Playmaker Ivo is a former professional footballer and jailbird with nothing to lose. But when he meets young Lukas, he sees a chance for redemption.

Il mio nome è Thomas Thomas is an easy rider who sets off on his Harley Davidson for the desert of Almeria in search of solitude. Along the way, however, he comes to the rescue of Lucia, a girl who has fallen into the hands of two bandits. Il testimone invisibile Adriano Doria wakes up in a closed hotel room next to the lifeless body of his lover, the charming photographer Laura. He is accused of murder but declares himself innocent. ASIAN

Mo seung The Hong Kong Police have cracked a case involving a virtually undetectable form of counterfeit money. A key member of the counterfeit ring is extradited to Hong Kong with the aim of using information he revealed to capture the ring’s mastermind. Jiang hu er nv Qiao is in love with Bin, a local mobster. During a fight between rival gangs, she fires a gun to protect him. Qiao gets five years in prison for this act of loyalty. Upon her release, she goes looking for Bin to pick up where they left off. Kuttanpillayude Sivarathri Kuttan Pillai lives with his wife in a rural village and has an obsession with the jack fruit tree in his yard. During the Shivaratri festival, something strange happens. Swathanthryam Ardharathriyil Jacob, a manager at a big financial firm, finds himself behind bars when he tries to save the woman he loves from being involved in a criminal case. The only way for him to survive is to escape from prison.

Kung Fu League Fei Ying Xiong is romantically interested in Bao'er, but the head manager of their company also has a interest in Bao'er. So, he summons four legendary Kung Fu masters to learn the highest level of martial arts and help him get his girl.

Fengshui Set in Joseon, the story depicts a battle to gain the propitious site for a grave.

Forever Love A bubbly aspiring actress and a charming screenwriter team up to shake up the movie sets during the swinging 60s, during the Golden Age of the Taiwanese film industry.

Asako I & II Asako lives in Osaka and falls in love with Baku, a free spirit. One day, Baku suddenly disappears. Two years later, Asako now lives in Tokyo and meets Ryohei - he looks just like Baku, but has a completely different personality.

Gu jian qi tan zhi liu yue zhao ming Yue Wuyi leaves home and meets revered master Xie Yi, who imparts to him the magical arts of Yan, thus beginning his journey into the unknown. Spicy Teacher Xu Lei's best friend coaxes him into rejoining the school to coach the rotten baseball team. Find My Way Home After being accidentally separated from his owner, Bottle the dog journeys into the unknown to find her. Hello, Mrs. Money Hoping to win over his love, a bankrupt man asks his mysterious millionaire aunt for help. Ou Zhou gong lue What starts out as a simple contest between two bounty hunters blows up when the “Hand of God”, a little box that is capable of immense destruction, draws the attention of the European mafia, the CIA, and Europol special agents. Father to Son Van Pao-Te, who is now 60 years old, finds himself suffering from a serious illness. Instead of getting treatment, he decides to go to Japan to look for his father who abandoned him 50 years ago. The Soul-Mate Tae-jin, a patrol officer, gets into an accident while investigating a case, and his soul gets separated from his body.

Shoplifters A family of small-time crooks take in a child they find outside in the cold.

AFRICAN The Wedding Party 2: Destination Dubai While on a dinner date, Nonso proposes to Deirdre by accident and sets off a chain of events too powerful to stop. Moms at War "Moms at War" is about two mothers who live in the same neighborhood, but hate each other. What The Heart Sees A love story set in the 70s in which a spinster who, against the social norm, falls in love with a charming, much younger man. A Lot Like Love A great career, wealth, beauty and brains; Jasmine seems to have it all. But she's missing one thing - a man! L'autre Femme Nora and Ugonna have been happily married for several years until Nora's sudden change of attitude begins to weigh heavily on the family. Arife Aychekelem A story about love conquering the influence of society and family. Sabela A young man is stigmatised as insane because of the way he tries to express his love. Poletica Aydelem A beautiful woman is caught between two loves; a professional thief and a policeman.

Bahasha Bahasha is the story of Kitasa, an elected public official who betrays his family, friends and community when he takes an easy bribe. He learns the hard way and must now find the road to redemption. Eshetaol A relationship founded on money is tested when the woman finds true love. HINDI Kadvi Hawa A blind old man and a young bank loan recovery agent, both coming from two extreme weather conditions, fight for their survival. October A group of interns are going through the usual grind when suddenly an accident changes their lives. Hichki A positive and inspiring story about a woman who turns her biggest weakness into her biggest strength. Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety A man is going to marry a perfect woman, but his best friend doubts her character. Secret Superstar Insia is a 14-year-old from Vadodara who dreams of being a singer one day. Padman Upon realizing the extent to which women are affected by their menses, a man sets out to create a sanitary pad machine and to provide inexpensive sanitary pads to the women of rural India. ARABIAN Raghda Motawahesha Ismail, who works in a beauty center discovers that one of the advertising directors is looking for a new face so he turns himself into a woman in order to present it. Torbal Rayehh Jayy A comedy that follows Torbal and his brother Ghorbal in their travels to Cairo to treat their ill mother. BRAZILIAN Coração de Cowboy Lucca is a struggling country singer who is forced by his manager Iolanda to record a cheesy pop-country song. Upon a disagreement during a studio recording section, Lucca returns to his hometown in order to find inspiration for his music. O Colar de Coralina Cora Coralina is an ugly girl, fragile, awkward and oppressed by practically everyone who surrounds her. She finds in the game of hopscotch a means of overcoming her own limits and an escape from the oppressive environment in which she lives.

e n t e r ta i n m e n t

COMEDY The Big Bang Theory The Collaboration Contamination Amy and Howard work in the lab together causing Sheldon, Bernadette and Raj to feel jealous and lonely. Penny and Leonard use a parenting book to control Sheldon's behavior. The Proton Regeneration Sheldon and Wil Wheaton both go head-to-head for the role of the new Professor Proton, Meanwhile Penny takes care of Halley when Bernadette and Howard are on bed rest. The Geology Methodology Bert asks Sheldon to collaborate on a project with him, Sheldon becomes dubious others finding out because he thinks geology is beneath him. Raj begins dating Bernadette's Indian coworker. Fresh Off the Boat "No Thanks-giving" Louis and Jessica decide to open Cattleman's Ranch on Thanksgiving, inspiring Emery and Evan to get into the restaurant business. WWJD: What Would Jessica Do? Sundays are usually reserved for Jessica and Evan's weekly Costco run, but Jessica is thrown for a loop when Evan decides to go to church instead. The Taming of the Dads To celebrate their one-year anniversary, Eddie reluctantly agrees to take Alison to the see a modern remake of Romeo and Juliet. 2 Broke Girls And the Two Openings: Part One Max copes with the aftermath of her breakup with Randy, as the finishing touches are made on their new Dessert Bar; Sophie and Oleg prepare for the baby's birth. And the Two Openings: Part Two Sophie finally has her baby. And the 80's Movie Max and Caroline plan to attract a more sophisticated clientele to their dessert bar, until a team of arm wrestlers become their latest patron; Oleg helps Max write sexy messages to Randy. The Middle Vive La Hecks Axl returns home from his summer trip to Europe, sporting a man-bun and embracing a new, chill European outlook on life. Please Don't Feed the Hecks Frankie gives away unused items from the house in the hope of getting food in return. Sue and Lexie find their apartment is being inhabited; Axl's new job as a bus driver gives him the opportunity to look after Brick. Come Home Love: Lo and Behold Episode 21 Hung Sum-yue is busy with examinations and forces the family to keep silent in order for her to study. Episode 25 Hung Shu-kan offers a helping hand to his friend but his family thinks he is cheating. DRAMA 24: Live Another Day 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. An unlikely duo joins forces to forestall an impending attack. The terrorist reveals her demands. The President orders a military lockdown, but it may be too late.

Television Summaries

Idris Elba: Fighter Weakness Idris Elba’s journey to becoming a professional fighter continues as he tries to fit his kickboxing training around filming his latest movie in South Africa.


Chef Nic Episode 7 (Shanghai) Nicholas and guests Aarif Rahman and Fu Yuanhui visit Shanghai. They enjoy traditional and new style cuisines. LIFESTYLE A Date with Lu Yu Chow Yun-fat Host Chen Luyu visits Hong Kong for a day to hike with Chow Yun-fat, take the MTR and ride the Star Ferry. Arrow Following the devastating explosion on Lian Yu that left his team in jeopardy, Oliver Queen returns home to begin a new chapter in his life where he will confront a challenge unlike any he’s ever faced: fatherhood.

4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Tensions between Heller and PM Davies boil over, and one of them decides to take matters into his own hands. Jack proposes a plan to locate Margot by using someone unexpected as his bait. The X-Files My Struggle III Mulder and Scully learn that they aren't the only ones desperately searching for their long-lost son, William. The very fate of the world may depend on the outcome. This A chilling secret is revealed when an old friend reaches out to Mulder and Scully in a seemingly impossible way. Blindspot Back to the Grind 18 months after parting ways under mysterious circumstances, the FBI team is brought back together by a new crisis. Enemy Bag of Tricks As the team adjusts to their new dynamic — and the new tattoos — they battle a dangerous foreign power that is trying to hijack a satellite. The 100 Eden Clarke struggles to survive on a desolate, scorched earth while her friends in space come across a long awaited beacon of hope. Red Queen Octavia is forced to take guidance from an unlikely ally when the future of the bunker and all those inside it is jeopardized. Bones "The Final Chapter: The New Tricks in the Old Dogs" The team experiences retirement home drama when they find the body of an old man in an acid dump site. The Final Chapter: The Price for the Past The team investigates the murder of someone Booth and Brennan knew, while Aubrey's father returns.

Supernatural In Season 13 things have turned from bad to worse, with the return of Lucifer and the surprising revelation that the Devil is expecting a child. Now, Sam and Dean find themselves facing a creature of almost unimaginable power.

The Flash The Flash Reborn Barry is brought out of the Speed Force to help fight an armored villain, but he isn't the same person. Mixed Signals Barry deals with the ramifications of abandoning Iris while facing a meta who can control technology. Major Crimes Sanctuary City: Part 1 Three fifteen-year-old boys vanish during a school field trip causing Asst. Chief Mason to consider the case a critical missing person for Major Crimes. Sanctuary City: Part 2 While the search for the missing boys continues, the squad faces off with an untrustworthy priest, an angry ex-husband, and threats from the FBI Rusty startles Flynn and Sharon with a surprising request. Animal Kingdom The Killing Baz clings to life as Cody and the boys determine their next move following the shooting. Smurf gets some surprising news while in jail. "In the Red" J struggles to keep the family business afloat; Deran makes some moves on his own; Pope learns parenting on-the-fly while caring for Lena; Craig makes enemies in Mexico. DOCUMENTARY How To Build...Everything Drone Revolution In this episode, watch as the team shows the steps to build your very own car shredder, land speed racer, and bomb disposal suit. Dogs: The Untold Story Running Free Man once lived alone on earth, but 33,000 years ago we found a friend - the dog. Today, the jungles we once called home have been replaced by urban jungles, but for strays, the same tough laws of survival apply.

Riverdale Based on the characters from Archie Comics, Riverdale gives a subversive take on small-town life. As a new school year begins, the town is reeling from the tragic death of high school golden boy Jason Blossom.

Origins: The Journey of Humankind Spark of Civilisation The story of how fire transformed our biology and carried us from the savannah to the Moon. Pavarotti: Pop Tenor One-Off A celebration of the greatest and most popular opera singer in history – the Italian tenor Luciano Pavarotti. Mind Over Money Episode 1 A look at how our Money Personality can predict what we do with money, and perhaps even more interestingly… why we do what we do. Africa's Hunters The Trials of Olimba In the heart of Zambia’s Luangwa Valley lies one of the best leopard territories going and it’s the domain of an audacious young female called Olimba. Bear Grylls: Extreme Survival Caught on Camera Roads In this episode, Bear Grylls presents unbelievable clips of extreme survivors on the world’s highways. Year Million Never Say Die Will we one day stop the aging process? How would a dramatically protracted life change not only the fabric of society but what it means to be human?

World Vision by Magnificent Li Shangri-La Benny visits Shangri-La in this episode. He explores the beauty of Nixi pottery, enjoys the great view of Jinsha Jiangda Guaiwan and talks to the Tibetan people. Simply Nigella Episode 3 Relaxed, inspiring and as mouthwatering as ever, Nigella Lawson's latest series Simply Nigella shows us that what and how we cook really can make us feel better and more alive. The Silk Road China: Xi'an Alfred arrives in Xi’an - in the province of Shaanxi. The Silk Road caravans used to end their long journey in this millenary city. A Season at the Juilliard School The New School Year "It’s the start of the school year for the 800 students of the Juilliard School in New York, one of the most prestigious conservatories in the world and one of the most selective (only 8% of students who try for a place get one)." Hollywood's Best Film Directors Francis Ford Coppola Hollywood's Best Film Directors is a half hour show that offers a distinctive peek inside the creative minds of Hollywood's best directors. Business Traveller The Wellness Revolution The leading magazine for the frequent business traveller. Top Tables, Top Cities Paris Paris, the Olympus of fashion, romance, and of course, cuisine. When it comes to food, the City of Lights, is the undisputed capital of the world.

House of Dreams Episode 8 On each episode of House of Dreams, an interior designer is invited to a family’s home to help them redesign it.

Cake Boss Wine and Waltzes The crew crafts a cake for a local "do-it-yourself" winery. This cake has Buddy remembering his childhood days, when his own grandfather made homemade wine. Buddy decides he's not just making the cake he's going to make his own wine!

The Big Picture with Kal Penn Fantasy Sports Kal Penn takes to the field to put together the ultimate fantasy sports franchise. Kal will boil down all the numbers and statistics to assemble Team Big Picture.

Eyes For The Job Episode 1 Hosted by do-it-yourself enthusiasts Chris Judge, Rebekah and Alex, this show shares DIY projects and home renovations with an accessibility twist. MAY/JUNE 2019


Television Summaries

e n t e r ta i n m e n t

The Present Jake spends most of his time playing video games indoors until his mother decides to give him a present. Bear With Me Margot is forced to spend her summer holidays with her grandfather she has never met. She is left in the high mountains with Alphonse, who is not only old and grumpy, but also a bear, a real one with fur and claws. Outdoors A very old apartment dweller steps out of her cage and into the big city after her pet bird is accidentally set free by the little girl next door. Voyagers A tiger, escaping his hunter, ends up in a space station occupied by an astronaut and his goldfish… Green Bird A green bird lays its first egg. It’s going to try everything to make it hatch. BLINDSPOT

Metropolis Barcelona Metropolis explores the history and development of cities and regions through their architecture, design, and urban style. 2 Dudes & A Kitchen Good Morning Sunshine! The boys have slept in and are coming off a big night out and they don't want to get dressed up to go out for brunch. Close Up Tom Hardy The story, the glamour, the cinematography, and the gossip of your favorite Hollywood stars.

Animaniacs De-Zanitized/Monkey Song/Nighty Night Toons The Warner brothers, Yakko and Wakko, and their sister, Dot — three inseparable siblings, have a great time creating havoc and mayhem in the lives of everyone they meet. Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Stayin' Alive The Guardians discover that Thanos' asteroid, Sanctuary, is being kept in an Avengers' secured facility.

National Icons Episode 41 The biggest names in sport take on the greatest legends – head to head.

The Lion Guard Babysitter Bunga When Muhimu the zebra asks Bunga to babysit, his unorthodox style soon catches on, and he is put in charge of several more young Pride Landers.

Epic Trails Australia, Northern Territory An exciting and inspiring series that follows host, Eric Hanson, as he explores the people, places and adventures along the world’s top trails.

Austin & Ally Seniors and Señors The foursome's plans to enjoy their senior year together are put on hold when Austin learns that he's a credit short and has to retake a Spanish test.

Homage Zlatan Ibrahimovic The timeless series that pays homage to those who raise their game to make an even greater sense of occasion.

Andi Mack 13 Andi's world turns upside down when her older sister, Bex, returns home on her 13th birthday and reveals a family secret.

SHORT FILMS Game Changer A macho toy arcade prize is quick to judge a young girl who wants to win him and goes on a life changing journey in attempt to stop her from winning enough tickets and taking him home. The Lion The world of corporate video is paved with demanding talent and meddling clients. The Lion is based on real (and very painful) experiences directing corporate voiceovers. The Tables A look at the powerful connection between a pair of outdoor ping pong tables in the heart of New York City and the unlikely group of people they've brought together, from homeless people to investment bankers to gangbangers. New Years Eve Muddled in ambiguous relationships, a Mumbai-boy paces through the streets, trying to find a partner to spend New Years Eve with. The Bigger Picture This stunning animation beautifully illustrates the struggle of looking after an ageing parent.

DESTINATION VIDEOS Introducing Amsterdam Start exploring Amsterdam with Lonely Planet’s video guide to getting around, when to go and the top things to do while you're there. Introducing East Africa Start exploring East Africa with Lonely Planet’s video guide to getting around, when to go and the top things to do while you're there. Introducing Africa Start exploring Africa with Lonely Planet’s video guide to getting around, when to go and the top things to do while you're there. The Best of Irish Cities Visitors to Ireland are often drawn by its breathtaking views and stunning landscapes, but its character can be found in its cities. Take a tour through the engaging and historic cities of Belfast, Cork, Galway and Dublin to see why.

coffee break – from Istanbul, where sweetened Turkish coffee is Unesco-listed, to Turin, where the espresso was invented. DOCUMENTARY Heaven & Earth "“Heaven & Earth” is a 50min documentary film dealing with the factual account of the history of church education and monastic life in Ethiopia and its effect and relationship with contemporary educational development in Ethiopia." ETHIOPIAN AIRLINES 100th Fleet Milestone One-Off Special From DC-3 to a New Height of Luxury. From its humble beginning in the 1940’s to an Aviation Powerhouse, Ethiopian Airlines, Africa’s Largest Airline Group, currently takes you to over 112 international Passenger and Cargo destinations. ETHIOPIAN AIRLINES AIRBUS A350 XWB The MAGIC OF FLIGHT One-Off Special Be on board and witness an Ethiopian Airlines new A350 flight encircling Mount Kilimanjaro special for this program... Flight Over Africa One-Off Special The diverse Ethiopian landscape is an awe inspiring sight that needs to be experienced firsthand to fully appreciate the inherent beauty of this East African country. Discover Ethiopian Wild This film shows the remarkable features of Ethiopian landscapes, wildlife in action and different Ethiopian national parks. The country that is located in the horn of Africa has a lot of offer for the world when it comes to human history and wildlife.

Discover Maboneng, Johannesburg This once-gritty neighbourhood in Johannesburg has reinvented itself, with cool coffee shops, cultural spaces and a vibrant street-art scene. The Best Places For Coffee in Europe Looking for a holiday with an extra buzz? Try one of these European destinations for the ultimate

Chef Yohanis Journey to Hawassa Chef Yohanis travels to Hawassa, a city located 273 km south of Addis Ababa. In this city he discovers a unique Ethiopian lifestyle with fish as a core ingredient in the society’s daily meal. Ethiopia Land of Origins Episodes 1-7 Discover the wonders of Ethiopia through Ethiopia Land of Origins. KIDS Elena of Avalor The Jewel of Maru On the Day of the Dead, Elena tries to keep Victor and Carla from stealing a powerful Maruvian jewel. 90




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Enjoy a channel alive with only the best songs from Ethiopia. Artists perform a collection of satisfying sounds epitomizing the harmonious talents of Ethiopia today.



Enjoy a selection of albums brimming with sounds from the heart of Africa. Listen to collections from Yabba Funk, Victor Deme, Angelique Kidjo and many more. Ethiopian Traditional Music (Music From Ethiopia)

Ethiopian Instrumental

Ethiopian Instrumental is an elaborate and expressive collection of instrumental pieces.

Enjoy collections from some of the greatest artists in Ethiopia today. Artist like Jamboo Joote, Tikue Weldu and Mohammed Tawil. Sit back and appreciate. Ethiopian Classic

All That Jazz

All That Jazz is a concoction of every character within jazz; a handful of artists give warming performances in this mix.

Easy Listening

Easy Listening allows you to switch off and recline, as a very laid-back medley of tunes sing you into total serenity.

Chart Hits

Chart Hits is a channel solely dedicated to the latest chart-toppers in pop and rock. If you want to be upto-speed with the most current hits in music today, then tune into Chart Hits! Country

This channel offers a blend of cooling Country sounds. With hits from both classic and modern artists, you are sure to experience the refreshing flavours of authentic country music.

Here, enjoy albums full of world-renowned performers, orchestras and soloists, performing major works from some of history’s greatest composers: Bach, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven and many more. Ethiopian Country

Here, a fusion of Country albums for you to enjoy. A range of artists, from Buddy Miller to Sara Evans, are here to share a collection of their hits with you. Ethiopian Hip Hop/R&B

A melodic mix of Hip-Hop tunes and R&B hits, with a large selection of albums for you to listen to. This includes artists such as Snoop Dogg, Tinie Tempah and Jennifer Hudson. Ethiopian Instrumental

Here, we offer an expressive and inspiring collection of Instrumental albums for you to enjoy.

Ethiopian Jazz

From old classics to smooth contemporary, here you will find an excellent collection of Jazz albums. You’ll find every great Jazz musician, from Miles Davis to Billie Holiday to Louis Armstrong. Ethiopian Kids

World Hits

Here, a cheerful compilation of albums, full of upbeat songs for all your little ones to enjoy.

World Hits is an eclectic collection of music from all over the globe. This channel allows you to experience all ranges of talent in all ranges of music; the most diverse channel here.

Ethiopian Oldies

Classical Collection

Enjoy taking a trip down memory lane through this extensive collection of nostalgic albums. This includes some of the greats, such as Al Green, Elvis Presley and Fleetwood Mac.

Classical Collection showcases world-renowned performers, orchestras and soloists, performing major works from some of the best composers in history.

Ethiopian Pop

If you’re looking for the latest hits, then enjoy this medley of the most current Pop albums out now. This includes albums from Beyonce, Lady Gaga and David Guetta.

Classic Rock

Rife with roaring riffs and smooth bass lines, Classic Rock is a channel wholly dedicated to true rock n’ roll. Here, some of the the best rock legends play a handful of the greatest rock songs in history. Golden Oldies

Take a walk down memory lane with a compilation of nostalgic hits. Listening to this string of classics will take you right back back to when they were number one.

Ethiopian Rock

Relish in a sea of Rock, with albums from legendary rock n’ rollers to the latest stars — Bob Dylan, The Strokes and The Black Keys. Ethiopian World

Here, enjoy a diverse collection of hit albums from all over the globe! Amplify your cultural consciousness through sounds from Ely Guerra, Ocean Hai and Oliver Haidt.



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e-VISA to Ethiopia

from the comfort of your home

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Solutions on page 95

106 / A greement words, but with a codicil 109 / Finally! 111 / “Naked Maja� painter 112 / Sad song 113 / ___ Alto, Calif. 114 / Borders 115 / Jai ___ 116 / Miner’s quest 117 / Thin nail 118 / Dictionary abbr. 119 / Pickle flavoring 120 / Some dashes

DOWN 1 / Hopping mad 2 / Krishna and Rama 3 / Farmer’s place, in song 4/D angerous African snake 5 / Follows orders 6/P rescription medications 7 / Abominable Snowman 8 / Military exercises 9/L ike some bodies


on a beach 10 / Unagi, at a sushi bar 11 / Risking everything 12 / Building additions 13 / Mah-jongg piece 14 / Tofu base 15 / Acquire 17 / Countless 18 / 2000 Olympics city 20 / Neighbor of Ala. 23 / Become tiresome 25 / Bugs bugs him 26 / Mother of Helios 33 / Gobbled up 34 / H igh school 4-part test inits. 35 / Sunblock ingredient 36 / Dust Bowl refugee 37 / Appraise 38 / Popular computer game 39 / Elgar’s “King ___� 40 / Water wheel 41 / Stop by 42 / Supplemented

43 / Worked (up) 44 / Lou’s old TV partner 48 / Surrender 49 / Long-snouted fish 51 / Opposite of antediluvian 53 / Fan noise 54 / Transmit 56 / Laurel and Hardy, e.g. 57 / ___ Anne de BeauprÊ 61 / River to Donegal Bay 62 / Curtain holder 63 / Bas-relief medium 64 / Remove the tacks 66 / Not worth considering 67 / Kind of acid 69 / Rue, in Paris 73 / Zingy taste 74 / Tidings 75 / Give off, as light 76 / Church alcove 77 / Aesop’s also-ran 78 / Blood-typing system 79 / Fire residue 83 / F.B.I. employee (Abbr.)

84 / Fancy fiddle 85 / However, briefly 88 / Promise 89 / S erfs of the Middle Ages 90 / Persia, today 91 / Jubilance 93 / Hammer part 94 / Type of burner 97 / Hero sandwich 98 / Rod-shaped germ 99 / Unlikely to defect 100 / Slowpoke 102 / Opera house box 103 / Compass pt. 104 / Alpha Crucis, e.g. 105 / Cantina cooker 107 / “Holy Toledo!� 108 / Like some rumors 109 / Police alert, for short 110 / Mormons, initially



Copyright Š2018

ACROSS 1 / Furbys, once 4 / Feeling miserable 8 / Buck’s partner 11 / Comes down with 15 / Donate 16 / Anne Nichols hero 17 / Impulses 19 / Mishmash 20 / Terminal 21 / Defrost 22 / H aphazardly, only backwards 24 / In small degrees 27 / None too brainy 28 / Dwarf buffalo 29 / Glasgow gal 30 / Phone button 31 / Shrew 32 / “Dracula� author Stoker 34 / Hair goops 35 / Take part in a play 39 / W here to stay, re: the opposition 44 / Prudhoe ___ 45 / “Fine by me� 46 / Realtor’s offering 47 / Worn away 48 / Pack animal 49 / Southern breakfast dish 50 / Diva’s song 52 / Time zone 53 / E mbarrassed to the max 55 / Feudal estate 56 / Conk out 57 / Kind of story 58 / Be off base 59 / S ummer hours in Nova Scotia 60 / Pressed for time 65 / “ That was a heck ___ shot!� 68 / Ram’s ma’am 70 / Fish eggs 71 / Dissolve 72 / Coming (Dutch) 74 / Decision time, maybe? 79 / Venom source 80 / Silkworm 81 / Vacuous 82 / Honest ___ 83 / Sports stat 86 / Old cable TV inits. 87 / Desire 88 / Country club figure 89 / W ay to live, if prosperous enough 92 / Church feature 94 / E rnie’s “Sesame Street� pal 95 / Film part 96 / Emolument 97 / Waikiki wiggle 98 / Designer Schiaparelli 101 / Having the means 104 / Like a shoe

e n t e r ta i n m e n t

Seoul Seoul

Ournewest Our newestCargo Cargodestination destination Starting from April 2019


Liège Milan



Istanbul Istanbul

Los Angeles Shanghai

Cairo Cairo

New Delhi

Miami Miami

Riyadh eddah JJeddah

Sharjah Dubai


Mexico City Dakar Dakar Bamako

Bogotá Bogotá

Niamey Ouagadougou

Khartoum Kano N’ Djamena N’Djamena

Lomé Lagos Enugu Abidjan Cotonou Douala Accra Yaoundé Yaoundé Libreville Brazzaville Kinshasa


Addis Ababa

uba JJuba Entebbe Nairobi Kigali Bujumbura



Harare Johannesburg Johannesburg


Ahmedabad Hanoi Chennai

Hong Kong





Copyright ©2018


Solutions to Sudoku puzzles above.


& 2 6 7

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6 ( 5 $

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Solutions to crossword puzzle from page 93.

6 : ( ' ( 6 < 2 5 (

, 7 (

& $ 3 7 $ , 1 1 ( 0 2

/ ( 1 6

5 ( $ 0 ( 5

% ( + ( / '



To solve the Sudoku puzzles, each row, column and box must contain the numbers 1 to 9. Solutions below. Puzzles

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