September/October 2019
I N - F L I G H T
Gorillas in the Midst How Uganda is winning the battle to save its mountain gorillas
September–October 2019
All the information you need to attend one of the world’s largest festivals in Munich
Tracking silverback gorillas in Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
ON THE COVER Selamta brings Africa to the world and the world to Africa. Join us online for more of the adventure of travel, the vitality of business, and the richness of culture found in Ethiopia, Africa and the world. 4
Contact Selamta
Ethiopian Airlines
Mountain Gorilla in Uganda's Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
DEPARTMENTS / FLY ETHIOPIAN 8 / NEWS / Exciting new flights, awards and other recent accomplishments
65 / TRAVEL TIPS / I n-flight exercises to keep you limber, helpful pointers for travel to Ethiopia, and a quick introduction to Amharic
/T he new Oxford Handbook of the
Ethiopian Economy
/K idZania, the educational theme
park where kids play at being adults
/T he global brands expanding their
footprints across Africa
/F ive African health tech start-ups
to watch
/T he best literature festivals
in the world
/N ew hotels and restaurants in
buzzing Mumbai
/T he culinary treasures of the
French port city of Marseille
/M aaza Mengiste’s new novel The
Shadow King
SHEBA Duty-Free Catalog Arguably the best African shopping in the sky — a selection of must-have items at duty-free prices.
/R apping with a purpose: Interview
with award-winning grime artist Guvna B
These credit cards are welcome on Ethiopian Airlines
s e l a m ta
ETHIOPIAN TAKES DELIVERY OF ITS 25TH DASH 8-400 AIRCRAFT Ethiopian Airlines has received its 25th Dash 8-400 Aircraft, with registration number ET-AXE, from De Havilland Aircraft of Canada Limited. Senior executives of Ethiopian Airlines, De Havilland Canada and Longview Aviation Capital, the parent company of De Havilland Canada, joined Ethiopian’s aircraft acceptance team and hundreds of De Havilland Canada employees for the celebration held at De Havilland Canada’s facility in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, where Dash 8-400 aircraft are manufactured.
ADDIS ABABA AIRPORT SEES RECORD SURGE IN NUMBER OF PASSENGERS This summer, a record number of international passengers traveled through Addis Ababa Bole International Airport, the major gateway into Africa. July 17, 2019, was one of the busiest days for the airport with 310 flights and 29,528 travelers which marked a record number of daily passengers served at the terminal. Last year, Addis Ababa surpassed Dubai as the top transit hub for long-haul passengers into Africa.
Ethiopian Airlines is pleased to announce that it will start passenger flights to Bengaluru, India as of October 27, 2019. Currently, Ethiopian operates passenger flights to Mumbai and Delhi as well as cargo service to Bengaluru, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Mumbai and New Delhi.
Ethiopian Airlines is pleased to announce that it will launch a thrice weekly service to the city of Beira in central Mozambique effective September 3, 2019. The commencement of this direct international flight to/from Beira and Addis Ababa will enable international passengers from Europe, North America, Middle East and Asia to enjoy seamless connections to/from Pemba, Nampula, Nacala and Tete with Ethiopian Mozambique Airline’s domestic service.
Ethiopian to Launch Operation to the City of Beira in Central Mozambique
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VO LU M E 3 6 / N U M B E R 5
Selamta — meaning “Greetings” in Amharic — is published bimonthly on behalf of Ethiopian Airlines by Uppermost Press.
EDITORIAL BOARD Rahel Assefa / Amanuel Mengistu Busera Awel / Zebiba Miftah Solomon Dawit
PRINTED BY Emirates Printing Press Dubai, U.A.E
As the continent’s premier carrier and a member of the prestigious Star Alliance, Ethiopian Airlines brings Africa to the world and the world to Africa. Selamta does the same, celebrating the adventure of travel, the vitality of Africa’s role in global business affairs, and the richness of culture across all of Ethiopian Airlines’ many, varied destinations. This
While every care is taken to ensure accuracy, the publisher and Ethiopian Airlines assume no liability for error or omissions in this publication. All advertisements are taken in good faith, and the opinions and views contained herein are not necessarily those of the publisher. All copyrights and trademarks are recognized. No part of this publication or any part of the contents thereof may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form without written permission by the publisher. An exemption is hereby granted for extracts used for the purpose of fair review. © 2018.
complimentary copy is yours to keep.
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From the Group CEO
Welcome Aboard Dear Guests,
ውድ እንግዶቻችን፣
As the largest and fastest-growing African airline, we have just completed yet another successful fiscal year with one of the highest growth rates in the airline industry. We have seen our hard work and customer-focused culture result in the achievement of several important milestones which positions our airline in the future of air travel. Continuous improvement of products and services lies at the core of our growth strategy in paving the way for elevated customer experience. Cognizant of the fact that in this era of the 4th Industrial Revolution where our customers want to stay connected with their businesses, families, friends, social media and so forth, we are pleased to introduce internet connectivity on our A350 fleet. You can enjoy Internet along with other superior products on our Airbus ultramodern aircraft and internet connectivity will be available on our Boeing 787 and 777 aircraft as well. As part of our commitment to extend our global reach, we have added Beira, Mozambique and Bengaluru, India, to our network bringing the total destinations we serve to more than 123. Our hub, Addis Ababa International Airport, which has seen a new and expanded terminal with state-of-the-art facilities and services is also ready to accommodate more passengers than ever before. We Ethiopians follow a different calendar from the rest of the world. Our new year falls on 11 September or 12 September in a Leap Year. The New Year, known as “Enkutatash” in Amharic, is a time to enjoy the great landscapes of Ethiopia decorated with yellow daisies symbolizing the beginning of the New Year. As we ring in the New Year-2012, we at Ethiopian colorfully celebrate the holiday with hope and expectation to elevate your experiences with us. Similarly, the festival of ‘Meskel’, is uniquely and colorfully celebrated across Ethiopia on 26 September to commemorate the unearthing of the True Cross of Christ. While you plan to fly with us in great numbers during the festive month, ET Holidays, our tour and travel service unit, is all set to offer all-inclusive holiday packages for you including our new five-star Ethiopian Sky Light Hotel with 373 guest rooms. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Sheba Miles Loyalty program. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you, our esteemed members, for your continued loyalty and patronage shown in both good and difficult times. ShebaMiles has come a long way from its humble beginnings where we used to manually issue awards in the office to the present day where our members can now do almost everything online including issuing your award tickets on any of our Star Alliance partner flights. Today, our members can check their flight activities, upgrade their profiles, issue award tickets and claim their missing miles using our website or mobile app on their own. Members can collect miles from Star Alliance members, ASKY airline as well as various ground service providers. We thank you for your strong vote of confidence throughout the year and for choosing Ethiopian as your preferred travel partner. We enter the New Year with a renewed commitment to undertake the hard work required to make your experience with us even more delightful.
የአፍሪካ ታላቁ አየር መንገዳችን በከፍተኛ ፍጥነት ና እድገት ጎዳና የሚገኝ ሲሆን ባሳለፍነው የበጀት ዓመት በሁሉም የእንዱስትሪው ስኬታማነት መለኪያዎች ሲለካ እጅግ ከፍተኛ ውጤት በማስመዝገብ አጠናቋል። እንደወትሮው ውድ ደንበኞቻችንን ማዕከል ያደረገ ጠንካራ የሥራ ባህላችን አዳዲስ ስኬቶችን በማስመዝገብ አየር መንገዳችን ለመጪው ዘመን በበረራ መስተንግዶ ዘርፍ የበለጠ ጎልቶ እንዲወጣና በቀዳሚነት እንዲሰለፍ አስችሎናል። ለናንተ ለውድ ደንበኞቻችን የምንሰጠው አገልግሎት ላይ ያለማቋረጥ የምናከናውነው የማሻሻያ ፕሮግራም ዋና የዕድገት ስትራቴጂያችን ምሰሶ መሆኑን እንገልጻለን። ደንበኞቻችን በበረራ ግዜ ከቤተሰቦቻቸው፣ ከጓደኞቻቸው፣ ከማህበራዊ ሚዲያዎች፣ ከቢሮአቸው እና ከመሥሪያቤቶቻቸው ያልተቋረጠ ግንኙነት እንዲያደርጉ ዘመናችን ያፈራውን የኢንተርኔት ግንኙነት በአውሮፕላኖቻችን የገጠመን መሆናችንን ስናበስራችሁ ታላቅ ደስታ ይሰማናል። ለዚህም መጠነ ሰፊ የፋይናንስ እና የቴክኖሎጂ investment የጠየቀን ሲሆን ለናንተ ለደንበኞቻችን የሥራ ቅልጥፍና ከቤተሰብ ለመገናኘት፣ የተለያዩ የvideo entertainment እና በአጠቃላይ በበረራ ወቅት ልክ መሬት ላይ የምታገኙትን የኢንተርኔት አገልግሎት እንድታገኙ እድል ስለሚሰጣችሁ ልባዊ ደስታ ይሰማናል። አሁን በጅምሩ በአዳዲሶቹ የ Airbus 350 አውሮፕላኖቻችን አገልግሎት መስጠት የጀመርን ሲሆን በቀጣዩ በ787 እና በ777 አውሮፕላኖቻችን ላይ ይህን አገልግሎት በቅርብ መስጠት እንደምንጀምር በአክብሮት ለመግለጽ እንወዳለን። ዓለምአቀፍ መዳረሻዎቻችንን ለማስፋፋት ባለን ቁርጥ ዓላማ መሠረት በይራ (ሞዛምቢክ)፣ ጋሮዌ (ሶማሊያ) እና ባንግሎር (ህንድ) አዳዲስ በረራዎችን የጀመርን ሲሆን ፤ ይህም የዓለምአቀፍ መዳረሻዎቻችንን ብዛት ወደ 123 ከፍ ያደርገዋል፡፡ አዲስ አበባ ዓለም ዓቀፍ ኤርፖርት እጅግ ዘመናዊ የሆነ ተጨማሪ ተርሚናልና የማስፋፍያ ስራ የተደረገለት በመሆኑ የነበረውን መጨናነቅ አስወግዶ ከመቼውም ጊዜ በበለጠ ብዛት ያላቸዉን መንገደኞች ለማስተናገድ ዝግጁ ከመሆኑም በላይ ዓለምአቀፍ ደረጃውን የጠበቀ መስተንግዶ መስጠት ጀምሯል ፡፡ ኢትዮጵያ አገራችን ከጥንታውያን አገሮች አንዷ እንደመሆኗ መጠን ከሌላው ዓለም የተለየ የዘመን አቆጣጠር፣ ፊደል፣ አሀዞች ትጠቀማለች። በዚሁ መሠረት አዲሱ ዓመት፣ መስከረም 1 እ.ኤ.አ ሴፕቴምበር 11 ቀን ወይም በአራት ዓመት አንድ ጊዜ ሴፕቴምበር 12 ላይ ይሆናል። የኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድ ቤተሰቦች ይህንን “የእንቁጣጣሽ” በዓል በድምቀት የምናከብረዉ በአዲስ ተስፋና እናንተ ደንበኞቻችን አገልግሎቶቻችንን በምትጠቀሙበት ጊዜ ሁሉ የሚኖራችሁ እርካታ ወደ ላቀ ከፍታ እንዲደርስ ለማድረግ ያለንን ቁርጠኛነት በማደስ ነዉ ፡፡ የእንቁጣጣሽ ወቅት የአዲሱን ዓመት መጀመር የሚያበስሩ ቢጫ አደይ አበባዎች የመሬቱን ገጽታ ዉብ የሚያደርጉበት እጅግ አስደሳች ወቅት ነው ፡፡ እንደዚሁም፣ መስከረም 17 ቀን ‹የክርስቶስ እውነተኛው መስቀል የተገኘበት ቀን› ተብሎ የሚጠራው የመስቀል በዓል በመላዉ ኢትዮጵያ በድምቀት ይከበራል ፡፡ እናንተ በበዓላቶቹ ወቅት በከፍተኛ ቁጥር ከእኛ ጋር ለመብረር ሰታቅዱ፣ ኢቲ ሆሊደይ በመባል የሚታወቀዉ የጉዞና የጉብኝት ዘርፋችን በበኩሉ 373 የእንግዳ ማረፊያ ክፍሎች ያሉትን ባለ አምስት ኮከብ የኢትዮጵያ ስካይ ላይት ሆቴል አገልግሎትን ጨምሮ ፤ የተሟላ የጉዞ እና የቱሪዝም አገልግሎት ለእናንተ ለማቅረብ ተዘጋጅቷል፡፡ የኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድ ሼባ ማይልስ የተባለ ከአየር መንገዱ ጋር ለረዥም ግዜ አብረውት የበረሩ ደንበኞቻችን እውቅና የሚሰጥበት መርሀ-ግብር የተቋቋመበት 20ኛ ዓመት በመታሰብ ላይ ይገኛል፡፡ ይህንን አጋጣሚ በመጠቀም ለተከበራችሁ አባላቶቻችን በጥሩም ሆነ በአስቸጋሪ ጊዜያት ላሳያችሁን ያልተቋረጠ ታማኝነትና ሙሉ ድጋፍ እጅግ ልናመሰግናችሁ እንወዳለን። ሼባ ማይልስ አሁን ወዳለበት ደረጃ ለመድረስ ረጅም ርቀት ተጉዟል፡፡ በንጽጽር ስናየው ፤ ከጅማሬው የሽልማት ትኬቶች በሰው ሃይል ይሰሩ የነበረ ሲሆን፤ በአሁኑ ጊዜ ግን አባላቶቻችን ሁሉንም ግብይቶቻቸውን በድረገጻችን ወይም በሞባይል መተግበሪያችን ሊያከናዉኑ ይችላሉ፡፡ ይህም አባላቶቻችን የተመዘገበላቸውን የበረራ እንቅስቃሴዎቻቸውን ከማመሳከር ጀምሮ የራሳቸውን መረጃ ማስተካከል፣ የሽልማት ትኬቶቻቸውን መጠቀም እንዲሁም ያልተመዘገበ የበረራ ማይል ከትኬቶቻቸው ላይ ባለው መረጃ መሠረት ማስገባትን ያካትታል። በተጨማሪም አባላቶቻችን ከአስካይ አየር መንገድ፤ ከስታር አሊያንስ አባል አየር መንገዶችና አጋሮቻችን እንደዚሁም የተለያዩ አገልግሎት ሰጪ አጋሮቻችን ጋር በሚያከናውኑት በረራ ወይም ግብይት ማይሎችን ማጠራቀም ይችላሉ። በመጨረሻም፤ ዓመቱን በሙሉ ስለሰጣችሁን ጠንካራ እምነት የኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድን የጉዞ አጋራችሁ አድርጋችሁ በመምረጣችሁ ምስጋናችንን እናቀርባለን ፡፡ እኛ ወደ አዲሱ ዓመት የምንገባዉ ከእኛ ጋር በምታደርጉት ጉዞ የበለጠ ደስተኛ የምትሆኑበት እንዲሆን ለማድረግ የሚስችለንን ጠንካራ የስራ ባህላችንን ይበልጥ አጠናክረን እንደምንቀጥል ቃላችንን በድጋሚ በማደስ ነዉ ፡፡
Melkam Enkutatash!
መልካም እንቁጣጣሽ!!!
Tewolde GebreMariam
ተወልደ ገብረማርያም
Group Chief Executive Officer, Ethiopian Airlines
ዋና ሥራ አስፈፃሚ፣ የኢትዮዽያ አየር መንገድ ግሩፕ SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019
M yM y
a a c c i i r r f f A A h h SSoouut t y y r r a a i i D D l l e e TTraravv ByBy Raymond Raymond Pelekamoyo Pelekamoyo
Read Reyadfo y rfoAdr ve Adntu ventu re!re!
AbAobuotuMt eMe Name: Name: Raymond Raymond Pelekamoyo Pelekamoyo Hometown: Hometown: Oxford, Oxford, England England & Lusaka, & Lusaka, Zambia Zambia Profession: Profession: Managing Managing Director, Director, Landon Landon Consultants Consultants Destination: Destination: Johannesburg Johannesburg Reason Reason for Travel: for Travel: To look Toat look potential at potential property property investments investments as as well as well a holiday as a holiday with awith group a group of friends. of friends. Find Find me online: me online: @RaymondSaintCharles @RaymondSaintCharles on Instagram on Instagram
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Johannesburg Why WhyI I Johannesburg Johannesburg
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There There areare so so many many reasons reasons why why I love I love Johannesburg. Johannesburg. I am I am always always in awe in awe of how of how dynamic, dynamic, vibrant vibrant andand energetic energetic thethe citycity is. is. As As a marketing a marketing specialist specialist andand business business coach, coach, I engage I engage regularly regularly with with mymy South South African African audiences audiences andand I'mI'm impressed impressed their their positivity positivity about about thethe future future andand how how ambitious ambitious andand driven driven they they are.are. This This is is why why I love I love thethe energy energy in in Johannesburg Johannesburg - it's - it's a city a city where where dreams dreams areare made! made!
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I travel I travel to Johannesburg to Johannesburg with with a group a group of friends of friends at at thethe beginning beginning of every of every year year to participate to participate in in various various excursions excursions around around South South Africa. Africa. TheThe most most memorable memorable adventure adventure thatthat wewe hadhad on on ourour lastlast triptrip was was to atocrocodile a crocodile park. park. I actually I actually zip-lined zip-lined across across Johannesburg beautiful thirty thirty (30) (30) crocodiles crocodiles andand lived lived to brag to brag about about it! it!
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Johannesburg is not only a Johannesburg Johannesburg world-class is is not not only only a world-class a world-class business business business andand a giant a giant snake snake (not (not afraid!) afraid!) hub, butMeMe also the perfect starting hub, hub, but but also also point thethe perfect perfect for starting starting an point point for actionfor anan actionactionpacked South African holiday. packed packed From South South African African wildlife holiday. holiday. From From wildlife safaris, wildlife safaris, safaris, to extreme sports to team-building to to extreme extreme sports sports activities, to to team-building team-building activities, activities, South South South Africa is full of adventures waiting Africa Africa is is fullfull of of to adventures adventures be waiting discovered. waiting to to bebe discovered. discovered.
Hotels & Hotspots
MUMBAI'S BUZZING HOSPITALITY SCENE Exciting times are afoot for India's largest city with a collection of new hotels and restaurants throwing open their doors.
Read more on page 24
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Around Addis
‘The mysterious economic miracle that is Ethiopia’ Christian Rogg
NEW OXFORD HANDBOOK ON ETHIOPIA'S ECONOMY By Fantu Cheru, Christopher Cramer, and Arkebe Oqubay (Eds), The Oxford University Press, 2019
‘Unorthodox’ and ‘unique’ are two words often used to describe the Ethiopian economic development model. This country’s sustained combination of high growth and rapid poverty reduction over the last quarter of a century has impressed and confounded observers. This success is particularly remarkable as previously Ethiopia was mostly known for famine and war, rather than economic miracles. This is certainly how I got to know Ethiopia when I started my own research looking at poverty dynamics in the mid-1990s. 16
Understanding and explaining how Ethiopia achieved this transformation is the focus of a new book, The Oxford Handbook of the Ethiopian Economy, which has just been published by Oxford University Press (OUP) and is edited by Fantu Cheru, Christopher Cramer, and Arkebe Oqubay. Running to 1,000 pages, it is not for the fainthearted, but its scope and depth will make it a reference book for many years to come, both for those interested in Ethiopia and for those who want to learn lessons for other countries. That it is the first OUP economics handbook on any African country is testament to the fact that Ethiopia’s experience stands out (as well as to the commitment of the contributors). In reading the various chapters—ranging from land reform to infrastructure and from undernutrition to industrialization—I was struck by the conclusions that emerge and that, for me, lie at the heart of how Ethiopia has made so much progress. First, Ethiopia dispels the myth that African countries cannot grow as rapidly as Asian economies because they are held back by a reliance on natural resources, corruption, and poor policymaking. Ethiopia initially focused on raising smallholder agricultural production levels through
The Oxford Handbook of the Ethiopian Economy is the first ever economics handbook on a single African country focused on the theme of structural transformation. It is intended to serve as a major reference book on the Ethiopian economy for university students, researchers and policy makers. The Handbook studies Ethiopia’s unique model of development, the fastest growing in Africa, during the past 15 years, where the state plays a central role, and where a successful industrialization drive focuses on structural change.
Christian Rogg is the head of DFID Ethiopia and holds a PhD in economics from the University of Oxford. He also served in various posts at DFID and as economic development consultant to the World Bank, the US Government and the InterAmerican Development Bank.
Fantu Cheru is Emeritus Professor of International Relations, American University (Washington, DC) and a Senior Researcher at the African Studies Centre, Leiden University (The Netherlands). Dr Cheru has served both as adviser and consultant to many governments and donor institutions and is on the editorial board of several scholarly journals.
well-known measures like expanding rural roads and irrigation, improving farming practices, and making inputs like seeds and fertiliser more readily available. Over the last decade, the focus has moved towards labour-intensive and exportoriented manufacturing industries. While threequarters of Ethiopians are still living in rural areas, fast-growing urban centers and industrial parks are now attracting companies relocating some of their production capacity from Asia. Second is the complex role that the Ethiopian government has played. Observers have long predicted that this state-led model of development is doomed to fail. Yet it has achieved remarkable success. My sense is that this is because few, if any, governments in Africa have been as willing to learn, self-criticize, admit failures, and change direction as Ethiopia’s. The inherent confidence in Ethiopia, stemming from its long history and ability to resist colonization, has not led to hubris. In my policy dialogue with African governments over the last 20 years, Ethiopia stands out for its level of ambition, drive, and commitment to improve the welfare of its citizens. This gradual approach to economic transformation—as opposed to the shock therapy seen in other countries—combined with longterm planning, regular reviews of progress, open admission of failure, and willingness to change direction have served Ethiopia well. It is also what is needed now, as Ethiopia seeks to deliver the wide range of reforms announced since 2018 and master the challenging but exciting road ahead.
Christopher Cramer is Professor of the Political Economy of Development at SOAS, University of London. A Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, he is also Vice-Chair of the Royal African Society and chairs the International Scientific Committee of the African Programme on Rethinking Development Economics (APORDE), based at the DTI in South Africa. He is the author of the prize-winning Civil War is Not a Stupid Think: Accounting for Violence in Developing Countries. Arkebe Oqubay, PhD, is a Senior Minister and Special Adviser to the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, and has been at the center of policymaking for over 25 years. He is a Research Associate at the Centre of African Studies in the University of London. His recent works (published by Oxford University Press, OUP) include the path-breaking Made in Africa (OUP, 2015); How Nations Learn: Technological Learning, Industrial Policy, and Catch Up (OUP, 2019); China-Africa and an Economic Transformation (OUP, 2019); and The Oxford Handbook of Industrial Hubs and Economic Development (OUP, Forthcoming). He was recognised as one of the 100 most influential Africans of 2016 and a “leading thinker on Africa’s strategic development” by the New African for his work, both practical and theoretical, on industrial policies. He is a recipient of the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star presented by the Emperor of Japan.
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Commerce & Capital
MICROSOFT’S AFRICAN SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT HUB While Microsoft has had a presence in Africa for nearly three decades, in the past five years the software giant has launched several major initiatives focused on increasing access to computing and promoting its products across the continent. The latest of these efforts is the development of the Africa Development Centre (ADC), a software engineering hub that will have offices in Lagos and Nairobi. The ADC will focus on developing solutions in the fast-growing fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning and mixed reality. Microsoft is backing up this new center with a commitment to invest over $100 million and hire over 500 African engineers over the next five years.
PEPSICO EXPANDS THROUGH SOUTH AFRICAN ACQUISITION PepsiCo Inc., the global drink and snack manufacturer, is gearing up to compete for more business in African markets. In July, the company announced a $1.8 billion acquisition of Pioneer Foods Group, a South African food and beverage group that exports its products to 80 countries. Through this transaction, PepsiCo gains manufacturing facilities in several African countries and a portfolio of local brands that will serve as ammunition in the company’s battle for market share against Coca-Cola and other global conglomerates.
Positive Enterprise Global Brands Expanding Their Footprints Across Africa
THE NBA’S NEW AFRICAN BASKETBALL LEAGUE Last year, various studies and news articles in the U.S.A. proclaimed that basketball had overtaken other sports to become the nation’s favorite pastime. Shortly after this announcement came the news that the National Basketball Association (NBA) had become the most popular sports league in China. The NBA now seeks to challenge the dominant popularity of football in Africa with an ambitious, multi-faceted push into the continent’s sports sector. The league has established a youth training academy in
Senegal in West Africa, promoted the recruitment of African players to NBA teams and, most recently, established a new African basketball league to give local talents a professional platform and local fans an opportunity for highquality sporting entertainment. The Basketball Africa League (BAL) will launch with 12 club teams in six nations: Nigeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Senegal and Angola. The league’s first championship match, the BAL Final, will be held in Kigali, Rwanda. A SUPER
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Diplomacy & Development DabaDoc
InStrat Global Health Solutions
• Founded in 2014 by a brother and sister team in Morocco, DabaDoc is an online platform that helps patients select doctors and book medical appointments. The platform also has a suite of digital marketing and scheduling tools that are used by thousands of doctors and clinics. DabaDoc is currently available in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, with plans to soon expand to West Africa.
• Chefaa was founded by two Egyptian female PhDs with the goal of making it easier for patients with chronic conditions to order their medications online. The service is free to use for patients, with the company earning revenue by charging fees to pharmacies on each transaction. The company also solicits donations to enable lowincome customers to afford medicines. Chefaa is available in cities across Egypt and the startup recently secured venture capital investments to enable further expansion across the region.
• This Nigerian startup is focused on digitizing medical records to provide better care for patients, especially in rural and remote areas. Instrat Global Health Solutions has developed a Clinical Patient Administration Kit (CliniPAK) that uses mobile tablets and satellite technology to collect medical data from any corner of the country. The company also offers a video-based mobile training platform to provide on-demand education to health workers.
• While genetic information is increasingly being used to develop advanced pharmaceuticals and therapeutic treatments, DNA information from Africa constitutes only 2% of the data available to the world’s researchers. This is particularly striking since Africans have been found to have far more genetic diversity than the inhabitants of any other continent. 54gene is a startup that seeks to address this imbalance by creating Africa’s first “biobank,” a massive database of voluntarily collected genetic samples from across the continent that will provide insights for research into various diseases that affect Africans. 54gene is working with some of the continent’s largest hospitals and hopes to have over 40,000 participants by the end of 2019.
MDaaS Global
Five African Health Tech Startups to Watch Across the continent, ambitious entrepreneurs are tackling some of the biggest challenges in health and medicine through creative applications of technology, innovation and out-of-the-box thinking. Here are a few of the companies with the potential to have an outsized impact on the African health care sector in the coming years
• One of the biggest gaps in the health care systems of many African countries is a lack of sufficient diagnostic services. MDaaS Global (the name stands for “Medical Devices as a Service”) seeks to close this gap by building efficient diagnostic centers that can provide high-quality services at an affordable price to hospitals and clinics in Nigeria. The company is able to reduce costs by sourcing refurbished equipment and utilizing information technology to streamline the processing of diagnostic data. Having recently secured $1 million in funding to expand its model across West Africa, MDaaS han an ambitious plan to open 100 diagnostic centers by 2024.
Ra�fy The
Pan-African Parliament
Protocol Africa Aspires For! - ‘A Parliament with competence to pass legisla�on, with meaningful supervisory powers over other African Union (AU) ins�tu�ons and a legislature that embodies ci�zens’ presence and par�cipa�on in African legisla�ve processes’. The Crucial Protocol! - The PAP originated with the Abuja Treaty (1991) which called for the establishment of a parliament to ensure Africans are fully involved in the economic development and integra�on of the con�nent. The Sirte Declara�on (1999) repeated the call which prompted the adop�on of the Protocol Rela�ng to the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community Rela�ng to the Pan-African Parliament was adopted on 2 March 2001 at the OAU Summit in Sirte, Libya; and which entered into force on 14 December 2003. The Parliament’s first session was held on March 2004. The Malabo Protocol was adopted at the AU Assembly of Heads of State and Government mee�ng in 2014 and is intended to extend the powers of the PAP into a fully-fledged legisla�ve organ. Representa�on! - The Parliament has up to 270 members represen�ng the 55 AU Member States (five Parliamentarians per country, including at least one woman and reflec�ng the diversity of poli�cal opinions in their na�onal parliament or delibera�ve organ). This propor�onate representa�on gives smaller countries the same rights, access and opportunity to be heard and par�cipate in the affairs of the African Union. Towards the Full Mandate! - A�er 15 years, PAP s�ll has consulta�ve, advisory and budgetary oversight powers within the AU but lacks the mandate to func�on as a full Legislature. 28 ra�fica�ons are required for the Protocol to enter into force. A complete process involves: (1) Signing, (2) Ra�fying and (3) Deposi�ng Instruments at the African Union Commission. RATIFICATION of the PAP / MALABO PROTOCOL is an OPPORTUNITY... 1) To have a Parliament with full legisla�ve as opposed to current consulta�ve and advisory powers. 2) To accelerate the African con�nental integra�on process. 3) To have Con�nental Parliamentarians who are elected by direct universal suffrage. 4) For individuals to aim for elec�on as con�nental parliamentarians. 5) For elected members to focus solely on driving the con�nental agenda. 6) To provide real power for a con�nental Parliament to play a crucial role in the promo�on of the principles of human rights, good governance and accountability in the Member States. 7) To promote the harmonisa�on of policies of the AU Member States. “The fulfilment of the ambi�ons of the African Union demands the involvement of the African peoples in the affairs of the ins�tu�on. From this viewpoint, the Western Algeria Pan-African Parliament occupies a very special place in Sahara the ins�tu�onal architecture of our Union. This Mali Parliament is by excellence, the organ responsible for Mauritania Chad Sudan Djibouti conveying the concerns of our people and ensure that Gambia Guinea_Bissau their needs are taken into considera�on.” Guinea H.E Moussa Faki MAHAMAT, Sierra Central Cameroon African Leone Benin Chairperson of the African Union Commission. Republic Ghana Togo Somalia
Sao Tome & Principe Equatorial Guinea Congo
Ratified Not Ratified Signed
Ra�fica�on Status As at July 2019
Zimbabwe Madagascar
South Africa
“Notre responsabilité en tant que législateurs et représentants des peuples consiste à accompagner les États sur la voie du développement économique, qui servira indéniablement les intérêts du con�nent. Notre Parlement va bien, et il ira chaque jour mieux grâce à nos efforts conjugués et à notre loyauté envers l’ins�tu�on qui est la nôtre.” Le très Hon. Roger Nkodo DANG, Président du Parlement panafricain.
PAN-AFRICAN PARLIAMENT - 19 Richards Dr, Gallagher Estate, Private Bag X16, 1685 Midrand, South Africa | +27 (0) 11 545 5000 | |
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Events & Excursions Literature festivals offer the chance to meet your book heroes, hear them read, get your books signed and mingle with fellow readers. From Cheltenham to Cape Town, here are the literary events not to miss this fall
CAPE TOWN OPEN BOOK FESTIVAL 4th-8th September One of South Africa’s leading book events, the Open Book Festival presents a platform to celebrate both South African writers and top international authors. Enjoy book launches, workshops, readings, performances and panel discussions alongside poetry programme Poetica, Comic Book Fest and the Youth Programme. This year’s hot ticket is Nigerian writer Chigozie Obioma, described by The New York Times as “the heir to Chinua Achebe’. []
JAIPUR LITERATURE FESTIVAL (JLF) 13th & 14th September (Houston)/17th & 18th September (New York) The world’s largest literary festival is going global. With a satellite event already at the British Library in London every January, this year sees the Jaipur Literature Festi val launch events in the USA including New York and Houston. Each will feature internationallyacclaimed authors and thinkers taking part in a range of provocative panels and debates, discussing issues that resonate with our times. []
4 -13 October The 70th edition of the world’s oldest literature festival, this 10-day event in the handsome Georgian surrounds of Cheltenham has something for everyone. From sports, politics and publishing to comedy and theatre, all of the biggest names and contemporary authors can be found here. This year’s highlights include: brand new Poet Laureate Simon Armitage, Jung Chung (author of Wild Swans), Ian McEwan, fashion icon Debbie Harry, Cats composer Andrew Lloyd Webber and Love Actually writer and director Richard Curtis. [ literature]
AKE ARTS AND BOOKS FESTIVAL 24th-27th October Promoting, developing and celebrating creativity on the African continent, Ake Arts & Book Festival in Lagos makes for a fascinating four days with 100 writers, poets, dancers, artists, filmmakers and thinkers talking about Africa on African soil. The 2019 theme is Black Bodies | Grey Matter, which will explore how our minds and bodies have impacted history. This year’s headliner is the award-winning Tsitsi Dangaremgba, whose novel Nervous Conditions was the first novel in English by a Zimbabwean woman. []
TORONTO INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF AUTHORS 24th October–3rd November Canada’s largest and longest-running celebration of words, this year will be the 40th anniversary edition of the Festival. Running across 11 days, 2019 boasts an impressive line-up with the likes of acclaimed Danish author Ida Jessen, Martin Gladwell, who will be discussing his first new book in six years, Talking to Strangers, and awardwinning playwright Drew Hayden Taylor who has 70 plays to his name. For budding authors, there’s a chance to be published with the Second Chance Romance writing competition. []
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Hotels & Hotspots
MINISTRY OF CRAB Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Crab already tops all of the best restaurants lists. Now, this much-loved restaurant has crossed the ocean, setting up shop in Mumbai’s Khar district in February 2019. Headed up by Dharshan Munidasa, the space is spread over three elegantly-designed levels with two private dining rooms and an al-fresco seating area. There are nearly 800 crab species in the world, but it’s only the Mud Crab that’s served here. Arriving at the restaurant alive, “prepared” only after ordering, the crabs are wild-caught and not farmed, coming from across India. The spices are
shipped from Sri Lanka with the menu featuring the same line-up of dishes including the signature Garlic Chilli Crab, a mix of Japanese, Sri Lankan and Mediterranean flavors.
THE CHEDI MUMBAI Situated in Powai, one of Mumbai’s most upmarket commercial hubs and soughtafter residential addresses, The Chedi is the next big name to hit Mumbai. Opening at the beginning of 2020, this towering hotel, part of Preferred Hotels & Resorts, is the latest offering from this luxury micro-chain which boasts hotels in Bali, Oman, Switzerland and the U.A.E. With breath-taking views over Powai Lake, there are 312 ultra-chic guest rooms and suites for both leisure and business travelers. There 24
are seven dining options ranging from the Japanese Restaurant, ‘The Vegetarian’, helmed by award-winning chef Hide Yamamoto to the Rooftop Bar where the dazzling panorama is accompanied by cocktails, Cuban cigars and music that plays into the night. The Eastern-inspired spa, decorated in carved limestone, sits alongside a state-of-the-art gym and large pool. There is also a 24-hour business center plus 11 meeting rooms and a Grand Ballroom. mumbai
MUMBAI SOHO HOUSE Ever since Mumbai Soho House opened in November 2018, celebrities have been flocking to this hotspot. The members club first foray into Asia, this pristine 11-storey townhouse, complete with awnings and balconies and swaying palm trees, boasts the most fabulous beachfront location, overlooking Juhu
Beach, right in the heart of Mumbai’s film district. A mix of English country-house meets Indian craftsmanship, the 38 spacious bedrooms feature emperor-sized beds dressed in Egyptian cotton sheets, Rajasthani block-print textiles and pretty cushions. Nearly all of the interiors have been locally-sourced with polished
teak retro Mumbai furniture, hand-printed fabrics and traditional cement tiles while the patterned wallpapers and fabrics produce an English kind of flair. Throughout the rest of the House, there’s a screening room, book-lined library and a 24-hour gym offering daily yoga classes. There are four
restaurants to enjoy including the sea-facing Ceconnis, which serves Cicchetti and other Northern Italian classics. However, best of all is the rooftop pool where you can watch the burning sun setting into the sea. Prices from $188 per night.
QUALIA Best known for culinary hotspot Indigo, one of the first and few stand-alone fine dining establishments in Mumbai, celebrity chef Rahul Akerkar has now launched his next venture: Qualia. Opening in one of the city’s shiniest new modern builds, Lower Parel’s Lodha World Towers, in April 2019, the contemporary cuisine brings together different stories, flavors, textures and visuals, representing its namesake – ‘Qualia’, a philosophy pertaining to sensory experiences. With bright, bold, ingredient-led flavors prepared using simple, precise techniques, Akerkar has drawn upon his European training to come up with a menu of Mediterranean flavors
alongside subtle regional influences. The dishes – such as ‘yellowfin tuna loin with a curry leaf and sesame rub, avocado pachadi and pickled beets’ – are anchored in Akerkar’s fascination with fermentation with 600 pickle jars lining the shelves above the open kitchen, resulting in a sweet and sour finish. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019
The Habesha Journey If it’s your first time flying Ethiopian, and you ask for a local beer, you will get your hands on a beer that is dubbed the ‘Cold Gold’ beer of Ethiopia. It is prominently identifiable by its black and gold branding with a traditional Ethiopian face. ‘Habesha’ is the name of the beer but it means so much more than a beer. Habesha is a term Ethiopians use to refer to themselves; a term of pride which is used to describe diversity and celebrate unity as people of the same region. The story of Habesha Breweries S.C. began when it was founded in 2009 by 8,000 proud Ethiopian shareholders who had a mission of building and running an efficient customeroriented business that will deliver the most sought after beverage brands to Ethiopians. As a result, Habesha has successfully connected with Ethiopians everywhere; even those outside of Ethiopia.
As the export of the beer is far reaching in distant lands, you can grab a couple of bottles with your meals in Ethiopian/Eritrean Restaurants and Bars in and around the DMV area (Washington DC, Montgomery County/ Maryland and Virginia) and the State of Georgia.
Boost Your Moments with a refreshingly chilled Negus Malt!
Gursha is an Amharic word for a mouthful bite of ‘injera’ with ‘wot’ that you feed to someone while sharing an Ethiopian meal. We’re sure you will experience this if you’re enjoying Ethiopian food for the first time. Washing it down with some Habesha of course!
exaggeration to state that this company set the standard for the way products were advertised in Ethiopia.
Although a huge challenge for breweries to source all raw materials and packaging, going local is a sustainability priority for Habesha Breweries. In addition to sourcing malt barley from local farmers, it has avidly worked towards sourcing all other materials from Ethiopia.
Cases of cans and bottles of Habesha can be picked up from a nearby Costco, 7-Eleven and other local markets in the DMV to take home and indulge with friends and family. If your final distination is somewhere in Europe, Habesha can be enjoyed in Ethiopian/Eritrean Restaurants/bars in Germany, Holland, Sweden, United Kingdom, France, Italy and Switzerland. Habesha has also been made available through wholesalers in the Netherlands and the United States. Habesha’s brand has worked tirelessly for the ‘togetherness’ spirit for the last 4 years. As one of the youngest breweries in the country, it became the underdog among competition but rose above the quality standards of beer that many had anticipated. During the past years, Habesha has achieved competitive market leadership in many of the locations that it can be found as a result of its high quality taste and impeccable branding. Celebrated for raising the Ethiopian identity, Habesha has positioned itself as a daring force and a recent favorite. TV Commercials were the most powerful tool that Habesha used when it first started promoting its beer. It wouldn’t be an
Upon your visit in Ethiopia, you can’t possibly pass without seeing our beverages in hotels, restaurants and local bars where you will be staying or enjoying time for a couple of hours. If alcohol is not your favorite choice, Habesha’s second brand, Negus, a recent entrant into the market, might be for you. Negus is a full bodied alcohol free dark malt drink which can be consumed at anytime of the day and has a combination of coffee, tenadam and other natural flavors. It is a refreshing drink that can serve as an alternative to soft drinks. Hoping your stay in this historic country is nothing short of being memorable, we hope you get to explore the fine taste of this lager beer and/or malt drink and get to talk about it upon your return back home.
Since its first brew made it to the market in July 2015, Habesha has been growing its volume, capacity and sales reach for the last 4 years. Habesha celebrated their 4th year anniversary with something that left a lasting legacy and contribute positively to the environment. On July 13, 2019 the Habesha family (Staff, Ethiopian Coffee Football Club fans, Consumers, Agents and Brand Ambassadors) planted trees at the Entoto Mountain as a celebration of growth and success with a promise to plant and grow more for many years to come.
Munich, Germany, is home to one of the most famous outdoor festivals in the world: Oktoberfest. Travelers from far and wide descend on this historic city to celebrate all the best that Germany has to offer. Namely, excellent food, entertainment, and, most importantly, beer.
MUNICH’S HISTORY The abundance of German beer is the most well-known element of Oktoberfest. This is unsurprising since beer, for centuries, has been an important part of the cultural heritage of both Munich and Bavaria. The name Munich comes from the word München, meaning “home of the monks.” In the year 725, Saint Korbinian, along with 12 traveling companions, founded a Benedictine monastery. By 768, a hops garden had been established in the grounds and the resident monks set about honing their craft, making some of the finest beer around. Over the centuries, the city became a valuable trading center, leading to the development of local institutions like libraries, museums, and exhibits, many of which are still in use today. One of Munich’s most unique points is how the city was rebuilt after World War II. Unlike other regions in Germany, who razed their damaged buildings to the ground to start afresh, the citizens of Munich decided to restore what was left to its former glory. Today, visitors can enjoy many historic buildings that would otherwise have been replaced.
OKTOBERFEST - ROOTS AND ORIGINS The original Oktoberfest happened over 200 years ago in 1810. The Crown Prince Ludwig (who later became King) married Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen. The wedding took place on October 12th, and for days afterwards, the locals were invited to eat, drink and be merry, and enjoy parades involving kettle drums and music, shooting displays and a horse race around a meadow on the edge of town. Such a good time was had by all that it was decided to stage the race (and the accompanying indulgences) every year. This year marks the 186th year of the festival, making it one of the oldest continuous celebrations in Europe.
Some interesting facts about Oktoberfest: • Albert Einstein worked as part of the setup crew for Oktoberfest in 1896. • The only beer served comes from Munich breweries as a celebration of Bavarian traditions. • The fields where Oktoberfest is held is named after Ludwig’s wife. They are called the Theresienwiese (Therese’s fields). • Since 1950, the festival officially begins when the mayor of Munich offers the first beer to the MinisterPresident of Bavaria. Until then, no one can raise their glass. • Over six million people visit Oktoberfest each year, making it the largest outdoor festival in the world. • In 2011, the record for most beer consumed was set with a staggering 7.5 million pints. • Although Oktoberfest is internationally recognized, more than 80% of visitors are still local Germans.
or those who want to experience Oktoberfest in all its glory, here is everything you need to know about this unique festival.
When is Oktoberfest? The name of this festival is a bit misleading. While the first Oktoberfest took place in October, the locals changed the starting date to midSeptember to capitalise on the warm weather. In 2019, the dates for Oktoberfest are 21st September to 6th October.
Weather Although the festival takes place at the beginning of autumn, the conditions are usually pleasant and warm enough for sitting outside in one of the many beer gardens. Occasionally, it may rain, but most of the festivities are under cover. The nights can get a little cold, so bring some extra layers just in case.
Dress Code Many festival-goers wear casual clothes. However, for those feeling the Bavarian spirit, traditional Oktoberfest clothing is a must. For men, this means wearing lederhosen and a hat. For women, the dress is called a drindl, made up of a blouse, an apron, and a bodice.
Crowds To avoid fighting the crowds, arrive early to the Theresienwiese. However, beer is usually served after 12, so plan accordingly. There are many different tents, food stalls, and rides to experience, and each of them can get filled up fast. Plan a route ahead of time to avoid getting lost.
For many visitors, experiencing such a large and crowded event can be a bit overwhelming. We suggest the following tips to ensure that everything goes smoothly.
• Pack light. Large bags are not allowed in the festival so only bring essentials.
• Bring cash. Although many tents accept cards, cash is usually preferred. Also, cards are not allowed at all stands, so it helps to have a backup.
Oktoberfest Top Tips
• Agree meeting spots. Oktoberfest is best celebrated with friends, but not everyone will stay together. Plan meeting times and locations in advance to ensure no one gets left behind.
• Budget more than anticipated. Oktoberfest can be expensive, with beers and attractions costing between 9-12 euros each. Also, plan on buying souvenirs to take home.
• Keep a steady pace. It’s easy to overdo it at Oktoberfest. Best to think of it as a marathon, not a sprint.
Munich is one of Germany’s crown jewels, thanks to its rich history and Bavarian culture. When most people think of old-fashioned German architecture, food, and experiences, Munich is at the heart of it all. The city has a perfect blend of tradition and modern aesthetics, making it a fascinating place to visit. Although Oktoberfest is the most well-known attraction in Munich, the city still has plenty to offer, meaning that travelers can expand their horizons without having to go far.
Food and Beverage Viktualienmarkt This massive farmers’ market boasts the best local produce and home-cooked food that the city has to offer. Some of the best cheeses, beer, and soft pretzels can be found here, meaning that tourists can experience the taste of Bavaria all in one place. A few of the notable foods available here and elsewhere in Munich include: • Bavarian Pretzel - the • Kaiserschmarrn original soft pretzel named after Kaiser originated in this region. Franz Joseph I, this It pairs well with stonedessert is akin to a ground mustard and/or shredded pancake, a local beer. covered in powdered • Hot Chocolate - for sugar and served with those with a sweet local fruit preserves. tooth, the Italian-style • Duck, Dumpling, and hot chocolate served Cabbage - a traditional in local cafes is a German meal enjoyed delicious treat. throughout the region. Park Café The city is dotted with various beer gardens and pubs. One of the most notable is Park Café, where locals dine on the best of Munich, as well as take in live shows and entertainment. There’s also a nightclub for those wanting to see in the early hours.
What to Do in Munich Outside of Oktoberfest
Bavarian Alps For those looking to be at one with nature, the mountains are remarkably close. Whether it’s a day trip or a multi-day excursion, visitors can climb and explore to their heart’s content. Be sure to ride the cable car to get a magnificent view of the area. Many visitors like to go to the AlpspiX, a large viewing platform situated over 1,000 feet above the ground.
Olympic Stadium and Village One of Munich’s claims to fame is the 1972 Olympics. Although the event was marred by terrorists, the remains of the Olympic structures are still a testament to German engineering and ingenuity.
Kunstareal (Art District) The city is home to many avant-garde artists, and Kunstareal, known as the ‘Museum Quarter’, is the best place to see their work on display. Some of Southern Germany’s finest art museums can be found here, showcasing pieces which are both captivating and inspiring.
Selam, Ethiopia!
There is no better time to visit Cape Town, than now. With Ethiopian Airlines offering almost daily flights from Addis Ababa, access to South Africa’s Parliamentary Capital is now a mere flight away.
Welcome! We invite you to share in the blessings of this wonderful country of ours. Allow us to introduce you to our places of wonder – places that not only fill us with great pride, but that take our breath away time and time again. Allow us to share our favourite hangouts, restaurants, markets, hidden treasures and historical sites, that tell our rich cultural stories. Found along South Africa’s south western coast, Cape Town – or the Mother City as it is fondly known - is the second-largest city after Johannesburg. It is home to Robben Island, Table Mountain, scenic winelands, magnificent beaches, world-class restaurants and cosmopolitan lifestyles. A trip to Cape Town is incomplete if you don’t visit one of the city’s two UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Robben Island. UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee chose to mark this location for its “triumph of the human spirit”. Guided tours are offered by former prisoners, who give you a firsthand account of life on the island. Catch a ferry ride to “The Robben Island Museum”. The standard tour starts at the Nelson Mandela Gateway at the V&A Waterfront and the
tour will take around 3.5 hours in total (the boat ride is half-an-hour one way). The V&A Waterfront is situated in the heart of Cape Town, where the mountain meets the sea, and it has been a working harbour since 1860, when trade routes to the East transformed the seafront into a lucrative trading post. The V&A Waterfront is home to 450 retail outlets which offer everything from homeware and fashion to electronic gadgets and curios from local and international brands alike. And if the shopping becomes too much, you can enjoy some of the many other activities on offer. These include seal watching; a visit to the Two Oceans Aquarium or the Maritime Museum; boat trips around the harbour and along the coast; or an exciting helicopter tour!
Eating out in Cape Town is easy - the city’s natural abundance of land and sea combined with cultural diversity ensure that there are menus to suit all palates, religious dietary requirements and price ranges. However, if it’s a home away from home meal you crave, then the Little Ethiopia Restaurant, owned by Ethiopian national Yeshi Mekonnen on Shortmarket Street will soothe you with divine servings of fresh injera, shiro, tibs, doro wot and vegetarian dishes.
the beat of the continent follows – whether it’s a nightclub in Cape Town’s Long Street, an African jazz concert in the beautiful Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens or the thump of a township ghetto blaster – it is an eclectic meeting of colorful people, contagious energy and endless appeal. We South Africans can’t live without some kind of catchy beat in the background.
But, you’d be missing out if you didn’t try our homegrown cuisine – we’re talking about a good old fashioned braaivleis (barbequed meat) or chisa nyama with all the trimmings, a Cape Malay curry to make your heart sing or an enormous platter of piri piri prawns served up with a view of the ocean. And when it comes to song and dance, you’d be hard pressed not to feel the rhythm of Africa when you visit our shores. Wherever you go,
Getting here Ethiopian Airlines offers daily flights from Addis Ababa to Cape Town. Tourists from Ethiopia require a visa when travelling to South Africa. If you are travelling with minors (18 years old and younger) please be sure to visit the SA Embassy website to ensure you have the correct documentation prior to applying for your travel visa.
Languages English is the primary language, widely spoken as a first, second or third language here! But to really get a feel of our people and our way of life, try using the local slang like “lekker” (nice); “yebo” (yes); and “Mzansi” (a popular local term for South Africa).
Where to stay From Cape Town’s waterfront hotels to luxury apartments along the beachfront, a variety of star graded accommodation options are available to suit all preferences and budgets. Visit the Tourism Grading Council of South Africa’s website for a catalogue of all quality assured establishments in Cape Town
Getting around There are many welcoming and accredited tour operators who can assist you with all your land arrangements. Alternatively, you may hire a car at the airport car rental offices.
The City with its vibrant, fascinating and rich history, culture and heritage; is ready to be explored, photographed, loved and remembered by you and your family. Cape Town is where you will enjoy so much more, for far less than you thought possible. Malkam guzo yehunelachu.
Visit or to book your Cape Town holiday now – we can’t wait to meet you!
Gorillas in the Midst
How Uganda is winning the battle to save its mountains gorillas – and where to spot the great ape
By Terry Adby
to beds. Numerous roadside stalls sell just two products - sweet potatoes and tilapia fish. Maribou storks eye butchers’ carcasses hanging in the breeze. Improvised locust traps harvest one of the fastest of foods. There is woodwork, wickerwork and pottery. Hand-made bricks smoke in cauldronlike kilns. Rough quarries and neat tea estates are worked by hand. Animals range from zebras to the culturally important Ankole long-horned cattle. In Queen Elizabeth National Park, the sights keep coming. Hatching white ants are gathered by local people for seasonal feasting, and scoffed on sight by birds, baboons and monitor lizards. In Kyambura Gorge, we track fast-moving chimps along the banks of the hippo-infested jungle river. Beneath our feet squirm giant millipedes and in the treetops perch colobus monkeys, like eagles ready to strike. And yet – surprise, surprise – nothing prepares you for meeting (well, almost) the biggest star in Uganda’s wildlife pantheon, the mountain gorilla - ‘gorilla beringei beringei’- eight metres away, and blissfully unaware of his role as a symbol of the might and fragility of the natural world. You hold your breath with good reason. Placid but powerful, he can lift ten times his body weight, and strike with devastating speed.
A 200-kilogram mountain gorilla should not be difficult to spot. But there’s one right next to us in the bushes of Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and, were it not for the expertise of our local trackers, we wouldn’t even know. For such an iconic animal, this massive silverback, the leader of the Nshongi group – one of 14 gorilla families tourists can visit in the park – is surprisingly elusive. Uganda, however, is full of surprises. They begin in Entebbe, on the lush shores of Lake Victoria, which is low-key, and cooled by the largest tropical lake on earth. Its attractions include vibrant birdlife, where red kites, kingfishers, weavers, fisheagles, lapwing, squacco herons, African jacanas, hamerkops and blue-breasted bee-eaters are all upstaged by the massive and primeval-looking shoebill, lurking among the papyrus of the lake’s Mabamba Swamp. There are flights from Entebbe, but the road to Bwindi Impenetrable, at the edge of the Rift Valley in the country’s south-west, offers a window into Ugandan life - and an unmissable photo opportunity crossing the Equator. Trade and transportation are everywhere, and anything can be carried on two wheels it seems, from bananas
Hearts pounding, we observe the , silverback s huge bulk
Mountain gorillas don’t survive in captivity, and this park in the Kigezi Highlands hosts one of only two populations in the world. Mists shroud its 25,000-year-old rainforest, a World Heritage Site of no less than 400 plant species, 300 bird species and 200 different butterflies. We had met early at Rushaga Gate, the still forest morning disturbed only by tropical birdsong, as the rangers prepared for another day protecting the gorillas and hosting their visitors. They operate on conservation’s frontline. To find our appointed family, we plunged into the gorillas’ sanctuary, sliding down into a verdant flat-bottomed valley crisscrossed with hidden trails through ‘impenetrable’ foliage. Thick with spindly plants and watery mud containing worms the size of small snakes, at times just staying upright was a challenge. After 90 minutes’ toil, crossing fast-flowing streams on slippery logs, we ascended through steep forest to meet our trackers. They had already located the group, and we would spend one hour with them. Mountain gorillas travel by day, foraging for fruits and plants, like bamboo, thistle and wild celery; by night they sleep in a fresh nest in a new location. The trackers find them each morning, virtually guaranteeing tourists a sighting. “There he is! Can you see?!” Hearts pounding, we can just observe the silverback’s huge bulk amid the shrubs, trees and roots as he chews mouthfuls of his daily diet of 60 pounds of vegetation. He and his ‘habituated’ family have been made accustomed to seeing humans as non-threatening – as long as people behave, there will be no problem. The silverback heads the family, dictating where they travel, rest and eat. Just at the moment it’s the eating he’s focussed on. We stumble silently around in the forest, trying to get a peek or picture, as he lazes, grunts and grazes, unperturbed by us. ‘He’s the daddy’ and he acts like it.
After ten minutes, completely unmoved by his uninvited guests, he rouses his rippling, muscular, silvery-backed frame, and slinks away to a tall tree. In seconds, he slides gracefully up its trunk to the high branches, to take a seat – and carry on eating. Bwindi’s gorillas climb more than others for food and, when they do, it’s a graceful display of controlled strength. The troop are dotted around, detectible from roars, grunts, cries and less savoury sounds associated with a high-volume vegetarian diet. But soon adult females and smaller males move in, some shinning down trunks to investigate our presence. The forest ground is tricky, but they move easily over it. Following at a distance, we pass directly beneath the silverback perched on a narrow branch above. Ahead I can make out a female’s face in bushes. She’s staring skywards, her gaze one that can only be described as contemplative. It’s hard to get a good stance, let alone a good picture. I prepare for a shot of another female lounging in an armchair
of vegetation but instead, camera in hand, I pirouette backwards and disappear downhill into the bushes. The smiling tracker hauls me out in time to see the same female playfully rolling headfirst into the undergrowth. I’ve just been aped by a gorilla. Youngsters appear, one 18 months old, the other aged three. The trackers know them well. Their heads bob in and out of the foliage, but soon it’s
time for some serious attention-seeking. Some gymnastics does the trick, out-climbing each other, swinging on branches until they snap, plunging into the undergrowth for fun. The youngest balances on a bough to beat his little chest but falls off after three and disappears below again. He’s soon back for more. Chest-beating is an important defensive gesture for these gorillas’ future, and a reminder that, thankfully, they have one. The hour flies by. Returning through the forest, what we have witnessed feels increasingly precious – wild animals, living wild. But even in this managed setting, these remain the most endangered of all gorillas.
Gorilla facts: The gorillas live over 2,000 metres up but are poorly acclimatised - they hate rain. However, they’ve developed bigger chests and nostrils, for better breathing, and larger guts for digesting the food volumes necessary to thrive here. They can live to 50, males breeding from around 15, females by 10. Young males are black-backs, but go gradually grey, hence “silverback.” Groups commonly comprise around ten individuals, mixing silverbacks, younger males, adult females and infants. Gorillas walk on all fours but can stand to 1.8 metres. Males typically weigh 200-250 kilos, females around 100 kilos. Gorillas are gentle and family-centric but, even if habituated, may be aggressive if threatened. They communicate by facial expressions, sounds, postures and gestures. They have unique nose-prints, like human fingerprints, with DNA 97.7% the same in structure as for humans. Batwa People: The Batwa pygmies who harmoniously shared the gorillas’ habitat were displaced when the park was created. Tourists can accompany Batwa into the forest to learn how they survived.
what we have witnessed feels increasingly precious wild animals, living wild
Historically, pressure from people forced gorillas up the mountains, making ‘mountain gorillas’ to some extent ‘man-made.’ Those pressures continue: subsistence farming destroying habitat; so-called ‘development’; poaching (gorillas often suffer from traps targeting other animals); charcoal production and human conflict. Even gorilla tourism carries a health warning. Introduced by researchers to save the gorillas, visitors bring a constant risk of human disease transmission, and habituation, by definition, makes gorillas lose their instinctive fear of people. But overall this is a stunning story of conservation success. Essential habitat gets protected; guides, trackers and porters earn a living; local communities enjoy benefits, including a cut of tracking permit income; and the visitors keep coming. Census returns suggest total mountain gorilla numbers could now be as high as 1,000 for the first time since counting began. It proves the right kind of tourism, managed in the right way, can give endangered wildlife a chance. Gorilla tracking can be physically and even emotionally demanding. Our short trek left me feeling exhausted, but also deeply satisfied. It’s not everywhere you can go face-to-face with an iconic animal - and help to save the species. That could be Uganda’s best surprise of all.
P R A C T I C A L I N FO R M AT I O N Home to Africa in Kampala combined competitive pricing with excellent planning and communication. Ask for Hedmond. ( • Entebbe’s Airport Guesthouse offers pleasant gardens, accommodation and welcome. If a swimming pool is a must, try The Boma nearby. • Uganda’s gorilla permits cost $600USD per day. Reasonable fitness and mobility, appropriate clothing and strong footwear are essential. Tracking may take several hours, depending on the gorillas’ location. • Follow the rules when viewing gorillas, remaining at least seven metres away, not using a flash, not eating or drinking, and staying away if unwell. • Useful websites include: •
The Tariff concessions: It has been agreed that there should be 90% tariff liberalisation and the deadline is 1st July 2020. (Over a 10 year period with a 5 year transition, there will be an additional 7 % for “sensitive products” that must be liberalised). This will be supported by the AfCFTA Trade in Goods online portal where Member States will upload their tariff offers covering 90% of the tariff lines.
Export-Import Bank, Afreximbank will facilitate payments as well as formalise some of the unrecorded trade due to prevalence of informal cross-border trade in Africa. It will also provide alternative to current high-cost and lengthy correspondent banking relationships to facilitate trade and other economic activities among African countries through a simple, low-cost and risk-controlled payment clearing and settlement system. The benefits of PAPPS for cross-border payments include cost reduction; reduction in duration and time variability; decreasing liquidity requirements of commercial banks; decreasing liquidity requirements of central banks for settlement as well as its own payments; and strengthening Central Banks’ oversight of cross border payment systems.
The AfCFTA Online Negotiation Tool • Facilitate the negotiations on tariff liberalisation between State Parties, Customs Unions or Regional Groupings under the AfCFTA; President Mahamadou Issoufou of Niger & Champion of the AfCFTA (Right) and Dr. Mukhisa Kituyi Secretary-General UNCTAD (Left) at launch of operational instrument of AfCFTA On May 30 th 2019 Africa made history as the Agreement establishing the AfCFTA officially entered into force. With 54 out of the 55 member states of the African Union signing the agreement, Africa brought into being the largest trading block since the formation of the WTO. The entry into force of the AfCFTA is also marked by the speed at which African countries worked together within a year to establish a regional trading block to promote intra-African trade following the adoption of the AfCFTA on 21 March 2018 in Kigali, Rwanda Following the ratification and entry into force of the AfCFTA, 5 supporting Operational Instruments were launched during the AU Summit held in Niamey, Niger in July 2019. These instruments are the key tools that will support the launch of the operational phase of the AfCFTA with start of trading scheduled for July 2020. The occasion also marked the announcement of the Republic of Ghana as the country to host the AfCFTA Secretariat.
Provide tools to ensure the technical quality of the offers made;
Increase transparency while safeguarding confidentiality; and
Provide tools for users/negotiating groups to interact.
The tool will be accessible to all parties to assist in their negotiations and will be a collaborative platform to exchange the lists of products defined at the tariff line level as well as the tariff that could be applied. The tool will allow each party to:- define their own product lists; share lists with selected parties for discussion; comment on shared lists; and suggest counter proposals. In order to facilitate the creation of initial product lists, a module will analyse various factors among which are:- fiscal revenues; employment by sector; production; potential trade; existing tariffs; commitments; and Infant industries. Based on this methodology, the tool will automatically suggest product lists as a potential starting point for negotiation, taking into account the tariff-dismantling schedules. 3.
The Continental Online Tool/Mechanism for monitoring, reporting and elimination of Non-tariff Barriers (NTBs): (NTBs) are a greater hindrance to intra-African Trade than Tariff Barriers. One of the key objectives of the AfCFTA is to progressively eliminate existing NTBs and refrain from introducing new ones in order to enhance and facilitate intra Africa trade. The Continental tool will ensure NTBs are monitored with a view to ensuring they are eliminated.
The Pan-African Payments and Settlement System (PAPSS): Is a centralised payment and settlement infrastructure for intra-African trade and commerce payments. This project which is being developed in collaboration with the African
THE OPERATIONAL INSTRUMENTS OF THE AfCFTA 1. The Rules of Origin: A regime governing the conditions under which a product or service can be traded duty free across the region.
The African Trade Observatory: A trade information portal that will address hindrances to trade in Africa due to lack of information about opportunities, trade statistics as well as information about exporters and importers in countries.
The lack of up-to-date and reliable trade data and statistics is one of the contributing factors to the low level of official intra-African trade. Instances abound of goods and services, which could have been sourced from other African countries being imported by African countries. According to ITC (2018), more than 40% of African companies identify lack of access to information and absence of inquiry points as factors affecting the business environment across the continent. Whereas, a number of African countries and Regional Economic Communities (RECs) have established trade information portals and systems several challenges remain such as: outdated information; uniformity of data; absence of data and information on non-tariff measures and informal trade and limited collaboration between various government agencies as well as countries and RECs. The trade observatory will act as a central repository providing exhaustive qualitative and quantitative trade data and information at the continental level to enable policymakers and the private sector to make evidenced-based policies and business decisions.
To find out more about Agenda 2063 and AfCFTA visit
African Union Headquarters P.O. Box 3243, Roosvelt Street W21K19, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tel: +251 (0) 11 551 77 00 Fax: +251 (0) 11 551 78 44
27 Countries have Ratified the AfCFTA which came into effect on 30th May 2019 Find out more at
African Union Headquarters P.O. Box 3243, Roosvelt Street W21K19, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tel: +251 (0) 11 551 77 00 Fax: +251 (0) 11 551 78 44
security architecture. In reference to Peace Support Operations, since 2002, the AU and its Regional Economic Communities and Regional Mechanisms have demonstrated a clear comparative advantage in missions where offensive operations are needed and the United Nations is unable to deploy; and in situations where the UN Security Council is unable to mobilise the requisite political consensus to initiate action. The high cost and complexity of AU Peace Support Operations places a premium on greater investment in the component of Mediation, Preventive Diplomacy and Institutional Capacity. The AU has developed significant institutional capacity over the past decade to undertake early warning analysis and conflict prevention buildiong up an impressive toolbox for prevention and peace making. These include the Continental Early Warning System, the Panel of the Wise, Special Envoys, and ad hoc mediation panels, often comprised of sitting and former Heads of State. The AU also has experience in deploying liaison offices and “special political missions” in countries at risk of, or emerging from, conflict.
A peaceful and secure environment is an imperative for the attainment of any socio-economic agenda and the African Union has devised strategies that respond to the evolving complex nature of conflicts and crisis in the continent including implementation of sustainable funding for peace and security activities. The AU has made commendable progress in its domestic resource mobilisation agenda through the implementation of the 0.2% levy on eligible imports to finance 100% operational budget, 75% program budget and 25% budget of the peace support operations of the AU. The 25% budget allocation for peace support operations will finance activities that evolve around mediation and preventive diplomacy; institutional capacity; and peace support operations. Mr. Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the AU Commission underscores the critical importance for member states to implement the decision on financing of the Union, noting with regard to the Peace Fund, that “it is crucial to attain the objectives set and to secure sustainable funding for this tool on the basis of the assessed contributions. It is on this condition that we shall be able to ensure African ownership and continental leadership that we are constantly claiming.” The AU’s proven ability to act as ‘first responder’ is a critical element of the evolving international peace and
Not to fund our peace efforts in a more substantial way would be tantamount to entrusting others with the essential levers of the continental sovereignty. H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the African Union Commission.
The urgency of implementing the domestic resource mobilisation decision illustrates the shared African solution towards the realisation of Aspiration 4 of Agenda 2063 which underscores the need for dialogue-centered conflict prevention, as well as the management and resolution of existing conflicts, with a view to Silencing the Guns in our continent by 2020. The Peace Fund, replenished through financial appropriations from the regular AU budget, is also able to accept contributions from other sources within Africa, including the private sector, civil society, donations from individuals, and through appropriate fundraising activities. The Peace Fund has for many years been highly dependent on external partners which has greatly impacted the AU’s ability to independently manage its peace and security priorities. The multiplicity of •••
H.E Thabo Mbeki, former President of the Republic of South Africa, (Centre) Dr. Donald Kaberuka, High Representative of the Peace, (Right) at the launch of AU Peace Fund
African Union Headquarters P.O. Box 3243, Roosvelt Street W21K19, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tel: +251 (0) 11 551 77 00 Fax: +251 (0) 11 551 78 44
PEACE FUND In 2017 and 2018, member states contributed about US$ 89 million, the highest level of contributions to the Peace Fund since its establishment in 1993.
When the endowment reaches its full strength, Africa will be in a strong position to drive the continent’s peace and security agenda toward the most appropriate solutions. As you know, Africa is pursuing a resolution at the United Nations Security Council to provide stable funding for African Union peace support operations. The re-launched Peace Fund is a critical piece of that architecture. H.E. Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda speaking at the launch of the African Union Peace Fund in November 2018 ••• donor financing channels led to fragmentation and high transaction costsrelated to the numerous reporting requirements. However, the changing tides in Africa’s resolve towards domestic resource mobilisation saw 2017 and 2018 register the highest level of contributions to the peace fund since its establishment in 1993. 50 Member States made their contributions to the Peace Fund amounting to US$ 89 million. Against a target of US$130 million (US$65 million each for 2017 and 2018), member states have as of February 2019 contributed about US$ 89 million, representing 68% of the funds expected. At the conception of the Peace Fund, Member States were expected to contribute US$400 million by 2021, gradually from an anticipated amount of US$325 million in 2017.
The AU Peace Fund Board of Trustees In January 2018, a Board of Trustees made up of five African members representing the 5 AU Regions and two international partners, was established. The Board members. • Zainab Ahmed (Minister of finance, Nigeria) Tito Mboweni (Minister of Finance, South • Africa) Anicet Dologuele (Former Prime Minister, • Central African Republic) Kamel Morjane (Former Minister of Foreign • Affairs, Tunisia) • Elene Makonnen (Senior Advisor, multilateral organizations, Ethiopia) In addition to these African members, the European Union and the United Nations will occupy two seats on the Peace Fund Board that have been allocated for international partners. The role of the Board of Trustees is to ensure strategic coherence and enhanced governance, financial and administrative oversight of the Peace Fund. Additional elements have been
factored in the governance and management structure which elaborate on the Independent Evaluation Panel that regularly reviews the effectiveness and impact of the Fund; the Executive Management Committee which provides a strategic management oversight of the Fund; a Fund Manager who manages the finances; and a Peace Fund Secretariat that manages the day to day operations of the Fund. Dr. Donald Kaberuka and the AU Commission are undertaking regional consultations on the scale of assessment for the Peace Fund and will report back to the Executive Council in July 2019 in Niamey, Niger for the consideration and adoption of the new scale of assessment for the Peace fund. Currently, member states are funding the peace fund on the basis of the existing scale of assessment for the regular budget. Enhancing multilateralism to Silence the Guns by 2020. Africa cannot achieve its development agenda in isolation. While AU Member States are primarily responsible for financing the Peace Fund, partnerships will continue to play a vital role in supporting peace and security activities of the African Union. Deepening cooperation with partners, both traditional and emerging ones is therefore imperative. The AU has developed critical partnerships within the framework of the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) to develop innovative ways to respond to the continent’s peace and security challenges. Women and children bear the blunt of humanitarian crisis emanating from conflict and instability and the AU has ensured greater involvement and engagement of women in the conflict resolution for sustainable peace through initiatives such as Network of African Women in Conflict Prevention & Mediation (FemWise). Overall, peace and security in Africa will only be achieved through effective and committed leadership and greater local and global cooperation. Better coordination and synchronisation of efforts by stakeholders to avoid silo efforts and duplication as well as the threat of reversing the gains accumulated are equally as important.
African Union Headquarters P.O. Box 3243, Roosvelt Street W21K19, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tel: +251 (0) 11 551 77 00 Fax: +251 (0) 11 551 78 44
The French port city is emerging as a dining hotspot where eclectic gastronomic offerings take center stage.
Read more on page 54
KidZania The educational theme park where kids play at being adults
t’s the latest kids’ phenomenon to hit the earth. One of the fastest growing children’s entertainment brands in the world. A collection of mini cities across the globe, which share their own unique language, money and rules. Unlike the thrills, spills and roller coaster rides of an average theme park, this is all about role-playing in a simulated reality. The KidZanian Declaration of Independence sets the scene with the six ‘rightz’ of childhood: to be, to know, to create, to share, to care, and to play. It concludes with the national motto: ‘Get ready for a better world.’ This better world is played against a backdrop of brick-paved boulevards, dotted with fake trees, public sculptures and storefronts – all lavishly-realised and scaled down to two-thirds of the actual size. Education is at the heart of it. Here, the children can train for or undertake a variety of real-life jobs for which they earn or spend kidZos – the fantasy world’s currency. But this is not just about careers and the importance of training. Much to parents’ delight, these activities come with the learning of numeracy, communication, value 52
of money and the fact that it needs to be earned. Furthermore, the experience also teaches children about self-direction, decision-making and productivity. Aimed at four to 14-year-olds, KidZania is adept at keeping both parent and child happy. Kids are electronically tagged with a bracelet that tracks them. This means that while the children play, the grown-ups, safe in the knowledge that their offspring are in good hands,
can go off shopping (or settle down in one of the comfortable lounges provided). Indeed, the Dubai park just won a safety award. The KidZania experience begins with the arrival hall, which resembles an airport check-in desk and a 60-foot A319 fuselage – the airline pertains to the country. Led by the staff (the KidZania word is “zupervisors”), each job activity takes around 20 minutes. There’s everything here from courier to surgeon to stylist
in a multitude of workplaces including operating theaters, plane cockpits, restaurants, radio stations and theaters. The kids start with 50 kidZos and they can earn more by ‘working’ or spend on learning a craft. For example, training to be a firefighter costs eight kidZos for training. The session sees the child don a yellow hat and firefighter coat and watch a video about the basics of fire safety. Then an emergency bell rings out, alerting the crew to a fire on the other side of the square. The miniature firefighters pile into the tiny fire truck and speed (slowly) off to the disaster before putting out the fire (smoke and clever lighting) with real water. A troupe of police-kids set up a cordon, evacuate any grown-ups in the way and keep everyone in check. At the end of the day, the kids can spend their earnings at the KidZania department store or start a savings account in the KidZania bank. Corporate partners are key to KidZania’s success. To make it more authentic, immersive and enable kids understand the nature of work, each job is linked to a real-world corporation in each location. These partners pay to be part of KidZania and supply kit that adds to the verisimilitude – be it the mixing desk at the Capital radio station, kitchen equipment at Domino’s Pizzas, display mannequins at H&M or a bank account with HSBC. In some parks, Suzuki Motors offer driving tests complete with a driving instructor, rule learning and a driving simulator. There are over 800+ brand sponsors in total around the world, including Avis, Baskin Robins, Canon, Cartoon Network, Chevrolet, Clinique, CocaCola, Dunkin Donuts, Fuji Film, HP, McDonald’s, Mitsubishi, Nestlé, Oral B, Unilever, Sony, Spotify, Walmart and many more. Partners vary by facility featuring brands which are both locally and culturally relevant; In London, there’s surgeon’s training “patient” on the operating table of Alder Hey hospital (one of the UK’s largest children’s hospitals), in Seoul the kids can manufacture ramen noodles, and in Mumbai, there is a scaled-down Bollywood studio—spearheaded by' Shah Rukh Kahn, otherwise known as the ‘King of Bollywood’. Xavier Lopez Ancona is the man
behind it all. He is known as the ‘Mexican Walt Disney’ for the way he has carved out a new niche in the entertainment industry. Born in Mexico City in 1964, López obtained a degree in Management from Anahuac University in Mexico, and an MBA from the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management of the Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois. He then worked for four years as a company consultant in Booz Allen Hamilton’s office in Mexico City before taking on the role of Vice President of Equity for two years in GE Capital Mexico. In the late nineties, López was approached by a friend, Luis Javier Laresgoiti, who was in the toy-importing business. Laresgoiti was developing an idea for a commercial role-playing park for children. López joined the venture. However, in 2004, Laresgoiti decided to leave the business so Mr Lopez’s brother stepped in as his new investor and partner. Ancona’s hope is that the miniature world he has created will help prepare children for a more ‘socially responsible, less corrupt world which offers equal opportunities to all’. The idea of ‘performance with purpose’ (as Lopez puts it) caught on. The first KidZania – originally named ‘La Ciudad de los Ninos’ [The Kids’ City] – opened attached to Centro Santa Fe shopping center in Mexico City on September 1, 1999. As one of the largest in Latin America with over 22 million visitors a year, it proved a lucrative fit – and Kidzania was soon welcoming in the masses.
Capitalising on this success, Ancona turned to the idea of franchises. The first franchise was with a large restaurant group in Japan in October 2006 which triggered rapid growth throughout Asia with further franchises in countries including Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. The break into the European market came in June 2009 with the opening of a park in Lisbon. Six years later, the brand increased their offering, opening their European flagship in Westfield London in partnership with the entrepreneur Joel Cadbury (who is, perhaps appropriately, a member of the British chocolate dynasty). It’s also here that KidZania has hired its first Head of Education: former elementary-school teacher Richard Barry, who has been working with corporate sponsors to create activities that complement the U.K.’s national curriculum. For example, a smoothie-making activity, sponsored by Innocent Drinks, will underscore the curriculum’s requirement that children learn about nutrition, seasonality, and food sources. The parks cost up to $35m to build and admission costs range from around $15 in Mumbai to nearly $50 in Tokyo. The business has continued to expand rapidly. With 27 ‘metropolises’ in 21 countries, KidZania receives more than nine million visitors yearly, with 11 more facilities currently under development, including Paris, Johannesburg, Riyadh and New York. All kids dream of being adults. All adults dream of time off from their kids. Thanks to Ancona, these dreams have now been turned into reality. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019
The Culinary Treasures of Marseille The French port city is emerging as a foodie hotspot where eclectic gastronomic offerings take center stage
Michelin star. However, in 2019, this number upped to six. At the center of this constellation is celebrated chef Gérald Passédat, widely considered a culinary ambassador of the region. Passédat’s three Michelin-starred restaurant at Le Petit Nice, a charming Relais & Châteaux seaside hotel, has been named one of the country’s best restaurants for its seafood platters,
Bouillabaisse at three Michelin-starred restaurant Le Petit Nice (top); The dining room at Le Petit Nice 54
arseille isn’t France. Marseille isn’t Provence. Marseille is the world,’ said the famous French film director, Robert Guédiguian. Of course, Marseille is French and the city is in Provence but it is also a melting pot of cultures from across the Mediterranean. Since its founding in 600 B.C.—when, according to legend, a Phocéen sailor married a local Gallic girl, whose father gave them Marseille as a wedding gift—the city’s port has been shaped by centuries of immigration: Corsican sailors in the 1500s, Italian builders from the mid18th century, Armenians fleeing the genocide from 1915 onwards, Algerians arriving post-1962 independence, and many more, have settled here. Nowhere is the diversity more evident than in Marseille’s food and the city is celebrating its eats extra hard in 2019, a designated year of gastronomy. For years, there have been just two or three places in Marseille with a
The Old Port of Marseille (top); Gérald Passédat's famous Loup Lucie dish (bottom left); Grilled sea bream at Le Petit Nice
dishes of raw fish and crystal caviar. Then there’s Alexandre Mazzia whose restaurant AM has just bagged two Michelin stars. Mazzia was born in the Congo, and incorporates surprising global ingredients into his seafood tasting menu: tapioca from Africa, kumbawa fruits, satay and sake from Asia. Rising stars are making their mark, too. Most notably, British chef Harry Cummins and Québecois sommelier
Laura Vidal with recently-opened La Mercerie which focuses on locallysourced ingredients. Although yet to be crowned with a Michelin star, they were awarded ‘Best Newcomer’ this year at the World’s Best Restaurant Awards. Alongside this Gallic glamour, France’s second largest city revels in its rustic simplicity. Pungent grilled sardines, raw rust-red urchins, and briny oysters, and the many kinds of squid can all be enjoyed stripped back, served a la provençale—sautéed with garlic, parsley, and generous glugs of olive oil. The city’s signature dish is Bouillabaisse which has developed over the centuries as a one-pot meal in which poor fishermen threw rockfish – several species of sea creatures, and at one time unsellable – fresh off the docks into a large iron caldron of boiling fish stock to feed the family. True bouillabaisse includes at least four kinds of fish, and is served in two parts: the soupe de poisson (broth), rich with tomato, saffron and fennel; and the cooked fish, de-boned tableside and presented on a platter. On the side are croutons, rouille (a bread-thickened garlic-chilli mayonnaise) and grated cheese, usually Gruyère. The rouille is SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019
street-food stand across from Saladin. Couscous is another big thing – and this year sees the second year of the festival ‘Kouss Kouss’. And it’s no surprise that Marseille is being hailed as the world’s couscous capital, with a rich 2,000 year history as a crossroad between Europe and Africa, where couscous, one of the great staples of Mediterranean cooking, originated.
A selection of dishes from La Mercerie in the vibrant Noailles quarter (top); In the kitchen at La Mercerie
then spread on the crouton, topped with cheese and floated it in the soup. Pizza is another Marseille classic. Integral to the local diet since Neapolitan immigrants arrived at the turn of the 20th century, the city was the site of France’s first pizza truck (around 1962). In this seafaring city, the classic pizza comes with anchovies. Or there’s moit-moit: half anchovy, half cheese or a ground beef and onion arménienne, a sign of the city’s sizeable Armenian community. There’s a pizzeria on every street corner, including legendary addresses such as 65-year-old classic Chez Sauveur or La Bonne Mère, famous for their crust, which they proof for 48 hours. Alongside the quintessential French cuisine is the blindingly exotic. Underlining the city’s deep-seated status as a melting pot, the Noailles quarter, nicknamed the ‘Belly of Marseille’, is a North African enclave. Rotisserie chickens and steaming paella perfume the souk-like streets battling with the color and pungent smell of spices. The beating heart of Noailles is Le Marché des Capucins where North African snacks, pastries and flatbreads jostle with fat olives and whole fish. Popular pit-stops include Tunisian leblebi at Chez Yassine, Lebanese pita sandwiches at Le Cèdre, burlap sacks of spices at Saladin, and Algerian date-stuffed bradj at the
No meal in Marseille is complete without a liquid accompaniment. This is wine country, after all – and apéro is an integral part of daily Marseille life. Similar to happy hour, apéro happens post-work or pre-sunset, often spilling into the night. To sip, there’s the region’s famous pale-salmon rosé (Provence is the largest rosé-producing area in the world). Or there’s pastis, which originated in Marseille, a cloudy anise-flavored spirit consisting of liquorice root, star anise from Asia and Mediterranean anise with a bouquet of Provencal herbs lending a distinctive tang to the mix. Just another intriguing reason to visit France’s unsung second city.
The Shadow King A Novel By Maaza Mengiste
n epic novel about the majesty and influence of women warriors during the Second Italo-Ethiopian War, The Shadow King is the second book from Maaza Mengiste, acclaimed author of Beneath the Lion’s Gaze. Published in September 2019, this gripping, exhilarating depiction of female warriors has already drawn high praise from luminaries including Salman Rushdie who remarked: ‘A brilliant novel, lyrically lifting history towards myth. It’s also compulsively readable’. Maaza’s family history was the inspiration behind The Shadow King. Growing up, Maaza heard stories about the Second Italo-Ethiopian War and imagined heroic battles fought by brave men. But the reality of those stories was even more moving and extraordinary About the Author: than what she had first envisioned. After Maaza Mengiste researching the war on a Fulbright fellowship was born in Addis in Italy, Mengiste learned that her own greatAbaba, Ethiopia. A grandmother had fought in that battle. Like Fulbright Scholar and Hirut, the hero in The Shadow King, Mengiste’s professor in the MFA great-grandmother was at first denied her in Creative Writing & devises a plan to be certain that the soldiers rightful access to a gun and forbidden from Literary Translation still have hope. ‘She has always understood fighting. But after successfully suing for program at Queens the shifting terrains of truth. She knows access to her father’s gun, Mengiste’s greatCollege, she is that it is belief that makes a thing so,’ writes grandmother enlisted in the army and proudly the author of The Mengiste. Buoyed by her understanding of demonstrated her patriotism in war. Shadow King and the indestructible power of belief, Hirut helps The Shadow King tells the story of Hirut, Beneath the Lion’s disguise an ordinary young man, Minim, as the who, after the loss of her parents, comes to Gaze, named one of exiled Emperor Haile Selassie, ensuring that live with the beautiful, formidable Aster and The Guardian’s Ten the citizens of Ethiopia maintain their faith her husband Kidane. Hirut’s relations with her Best Contemporary even after the Emperor has left the country. new guardians are complex, but Hirut draws African Books. Her Protecting the confidence of her compatriots, continually on the memory of her parents’ work can be found Hirut herself becomes the trusted guard of this courage to remind herself of her own strength. in The New Yorker, Shadow King. When news arrives that the Italian army is Granta, and The New With lyrical language, a heroic preparing to invade Ethiopia, Kidane leads York Times, among protagonist, and a fascinating historical story an army of soldiers in the resistance. After other publications. wrought with sympathy for the characters the Emperor Haile Selassie declares that all She lives in New on both sides, this extraordinary novel lifts weapons become property of the Ethiopian York City. to the forefront the unassailable power of soldiers, Kidane and Aster seize Hirut’s prized women’s courage and prowess in conflicts rifle under pretense of contributing to the war throughout history. A spectacular work of effort. Although her weapon is kept from her literature tracing the chaos of war and the and she is discouraged from fighting, Hirut knows she has the complexity of human relationships, The Shadow King reminds makings of a gifted soldier. readers, above everything else: ‘Women have been there, and Against the might of an Italian army equipped with more we are here now.’ advanced artillery and developed technology, Kidane’s army boasts a powerful drive and superior knowledge of the land. To THE SHADOW KING, W. W. Norton & Company; ensure their victory, Hirut begins to make crucial decisions and September 24, 2019; $26.95 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019
Rapping with a Purpose with award-winning grime artist Guvna B BY HAR R I E T CO M PSTO N
saac Charles Borquaye, known to Britain’s legion of hip-hop and grime fans as Guvna B, is fast becoming one of the most admired names in rap music. This 30-year-old has picked up two MOBO Awards, published his bestselling biography Unpopular Culture, collaborated with some of music’s biggest names and his latest album, Hands Are Made For Working, topped the mainstream charts. Guvna B, who lives in leafy Greenwich in South East London, grew up further east in Custom House. The son of Ghanaian parents who moved to England, he was surrounded by music from an early age with Motown, 80s’ songs and gospel often filling the house. Guvna B started rapping in the school playground at the age of 13 as a ‘bit of a joke’ but then realized that he had a talent for it. However, shortly afterwards, everything changed. He explains: ‘Faith was a big part of my upbringing. My parents took me to a Pentecostal church. When I was 15, my mum didn’t put me under pressure to attend anymore. So, I didn’t want to go unless I knew why I was going. This caused me to delve deeper into my faith and whether I actually believed
this stuff was true.’ It took a tragedy to convince him, when a school friend was struck by lightning and nearly died. ‘I had a strong feeling in my heart that it was God who came through for him. That was a key part in why I began to take my faith seriously.’ Guvna B's new-found faith transformed his life, including his music. He went from rapping about the ‘usual blingy stuff’ to putting out positive messages which were more reflective of his Christian lifestyle. He says: ‘Sometimes you’ve got to stand up in life and be true to yourself or risk getting lost in the crowd’. This change in tune worked. Guvna B went on to become the first rapper to top the official Christian and gospel charts in 2013 with his album Odd1Out. He has also shared the stage with Tinie Tempah and Destiny’s Child’s Michelle Williams and collaborated with Kingdom Choir, fresh from the recent Royal Wedding, on the single Cast Your Cares, which won Best Album and Best Song at the Premier Gospel Awards earlier this year. Guvna B is passionate about using his gift for good and encouraging the youth of today. He explains: ‘The big thing which changed my life was finding a purpose for it, through my
faith. For another person, it might be through something else but to have a reason to wake up in the morning is a game-changer. I don’t believe enough young people know that they have a purpose and something to give to the world’. Not stopping there, Guvna B also works with The Prince of Wales’ youth charity The Prince’s Trust, Power the Fight which tackles youth violence and is an ambassador for Tearfund, a Christian charity working to end poverty. His wife Emma, who also works for Tearfund, runs a charitable organisation called Girl Got Faith, which helps young girls with selfesteem issues. Alongside Guvna B’s music is his urban clothing brand ‘Allo Mate’. He says: ‘I went to New York and as soon as people heard my accent, they were super-friendly. They say hello to people in the subway. So, when I came back, I decided to try this and said ‘hello’ to someone on the tube. They moved carriages. I was like “ah, we need to be a bit friendlier here”. So, I said a line that began with ‘Allo Mate’ from one of my songs, people would often say it back to me so I turned it into a clothing line. It’s a great conversation starter when you are wearing it. People often say ‘what’s happening’ so it’s my little sprinkling of love and light in what can be a very busy life where people don’t interact with each other.’ Despite the British reserve, Guvna B is passionate about London. ‘There SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019
Guvna B's bestselling autobiography Unpopular Culture
are just so many different people from different backgrounds, different cultures. I think it is an exciting time because, yes, there is still discrimination, but more people are calling it out. I feel that is amazing for people on the fringes, people who feel like they don’t belong. Activism is alive and people are really fighting for issues which are important. There is now a freedom in being who you are and having a lot of pride in yourself, where you come from and what you represent. London is a great place to see change and connect with people.’ Although faith is at the heart of Guvna B’s life, family is the backbone. He says: ‘I am proud to be Ghanaian. About 18 months ago, I lost my dad which made me want to get more in touch with my roots. I am married to an English woman so our kids are going to be mixed race. It meant that if I didn’t get in touch with where I came from, I run the risk of diluting my heritage as my kids grow up’. So began a journey of discovery, starting with a trip to Ghana. ‘I went to my dad’s village which was amazing. It’s very important to me to know who paved the way for me, what sacrifices were made, the reasons why I have certain privileges now and can even be a rapper’. It was also his father who inspired the name of his current album. ‘He used to say “Your hands are made for working”. If you work hard then who knows what you can achieve. We had this saying “Pray as if it depends 62
Guvna B's latest album Hands are made for working
on God, work as if it all depends on you.” That’s the remaining force that I learnt from my parents and one which set me on the path to how I live my life today’. Guvna B is now having the chance to give fatherhood a go himself with his first child due this autumn. ‘Having a son is my way of continuing my dad’s legacy and having the opportunity to do for someone else what he did for me.’ Guvna B is currently working on his ninth album Everywhere and Nowhere. He explains: ‘it’s the idea of feeling that you’ve done so much with your life but still feel you haven’t done enough, talking about imposter syndrome and not feeling like you belong. I am really excited about it as I’ve been working with people like Matt Redman, Tim Hughes, a lot of great worship guys and some cool rappers.’ Guvna B is also launching a podcast, interviewing people about their experience of loss. ‘A lot of people reached out to me after my dad died, who were struggling with grief. There’s not a 10-step programme on how to deal with it, everyone deals with it in a different way but hearing other people’s stories can help.’ Just another example of Isaac living out his own lyrics: I know for a fact we can live better/Do better/Be better.
Angola Angola Ltd. Auto-Maquinaria Auto-Maquinaria Tel +244 928 898Ltd. 285 Tel +244 928 898 285 Zambia Zambia Golden Baobab Investments Golden Tel Baobab +260 97Investments 757 1698 Tel +260 97 757 1698
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Travel Tips
These gentle exercises, which you can carry out easily during your flight, will help blood circulation and reduce any tiredness or stiffness that may result from sitting in one place for several hours. Check
with your doctor first if you have any health conditions that might be adversely affected by exercise.
Hunch shoulders forward, then upward, then backward, then downward, using a gentle, circular motion.
Lift feet off the floor and draw a circle with the toes, simultaneously moving one foot clockwise and the other foot counterclockwise. Reverse circles. Do each direction for 15 seconds. Repeat if desired.
Start with arms held at a 90-degree angle: elbows down, hands out in front. Raise hands up to chest and back down, alternating hands. Do this exercise in 30-second intervals.
Start with both heels on the floor and point feet upward as high as you can. Then put both feet flat on the floor. Then lift heels high, keeping the balls of your feet on the floor. Continue cycle in 30-second intervals.
With both feet on the floor and stomach held in, slowly bend forward and walk your hands down the front of your legs toward your ankles. Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and slowly sit back up.
Bend forward slightly. Clasp hands around the right knee and hug it to your chest. Hold stretch for 15 seconds. Keeping hands around knee, slowly let it down. Alternate legs. Repeat 10 times.
Raise both hands straight up over your head. With one hand, grasp the elbow of the opposite hand and gently pull to one side. Hold stretch for 15 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
Lift leg with knees bent while contracting your thigh muscles. Alternate legs. Repeat 20 to 30 times for each leg.
Reach right hand over left shoulder. Place left hand behind right elbow and gently press elbow toward shoulder. Hold stretch for 15 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
> For your own comfort, try to travel light.
> Avoid heavy meals during the flight.
> Wear loose clothing and elasticated stockings made of natural fiber.
> Take short walks once every two hours to improve circulation.
> Increase your normal intake of water and only drink alcohol in moderation.
> Try to touch your toes when waiting in the aisle, to stretch your hamstrings.
> Use moisturizing cream to keep your skin from drying out.
> Upon arrival at your destination, take a quick jog, brisk walk or a vigorous scrub to help stimulate circulation. Then, take a hot shower or a relaxing bath.
With shoulders relaxed, drop ear to shoulder and gently roll neck forward and to the other side, holding each position for about five seconds. Repeat five times.
> Take off shoes while on the plane to prevent your feet from swelling up, or wear shoes that will cope with expanding ankles.
Travel Tips
f ly e t h i o p i a n
TRAVELING IN ETHIOPIA LAND ► Ethiopia covers an area of 1,104,300 square kilometers (approx. 426,372 square miles). CLIMATE ► There are two seasons: The dry season, October–May, and the wet season, June–September.
TOPOGRAPHY ► Ethiopia has an elevated central plateau varying in height between 2,000 and 3,000 meters. In the north and center of the country, there are some 25 mountains whose peaks rise above 4,000 meters. The most famous Ethiopian river is the Blue Nile (or Abbay), which flows north a distance of 1,450 kilometers from its source in Lake Tana to join the White Nile at Khartoum, Sudan. PEOPLE ► The population is estimated at 102,374,044. ECONOMY ► More than 70 percent of the population earns a living from the land, mainly as subsistence farmers. Agriculture is the backbone of the national economy, and the principal exports from this sector are coffee, oil seeds, pulses, flowers, vegetables, sugar and foodstuffs for animals. There is also a thriving livestock sector, exporting cattle, hides and skins.
LANGUAGE ► Ethiopia is a multiethnic state with 83 languages and 200 dialects. Amharic is the working language of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, while Oromiffa, Tigrigna and Guragina are widely spoken.
Money transfers can be made through Western Union and MoneyGram. Both have representative branches in Addis Ababa and also make their services available from private and national banks. For courier services, DHL, Fedex, UPS, TNT and EMS have offices in Addis Ababa.
COMMUNICATIONS ► Telephones, fax machines and Internet access are available in Addis Ababa in most hotels and at private Internet service centers around the city. WORKING HOURS ► Government office hours are 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. and 1:30–5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Working hours on Friday are 8:30–11:30 a.m. and 1:30–5:30 p.m. Private and public businesses are often open on Saturdays. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS ► Public holidays are celebrated according to the Ethiopian ( Julian) Calendar (see “Time”). The calendar is seven years behind the Western or Gregorian Calendar, with the New Year falling in the month of September. January 7: Ethiopian Christmas (Genna)
April 26: Ethiopian Good Friday April 28: Ethiopian Easter May 1: International Labor Day May 5: Ethiopian Patriots Victory Day (1941) May 28: Fall of the Dergue (1991)
November 10: Birth of Prophet Mohammed (Mawlid)*
June 5: Eid Al-Fitir*
TIME ► Ethiopia is in the GMT +3 time zone. It follows the Julian calendar, which consists of 12 months of 30 days each and a 13th month of five or six days (on a leap year).
March 2: Victory of Adwa (1896)
September 12: Ethiopian New Year
usually 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday to Friday and 8 a.m.–4 p.m. Saturdays. Most banks work through lunchtime; however, foreign exchange services are closed during lunch hours (noon–1 p.m.).
Visas are required for all foreign visitors to Ethiopia, with the exception of nationals of Kenya and Djibouti. All visitors can apply and secure their visa online at www.evisa. or alternatively at Ethiopia’s diplomatic missions oversees. Citizens of AU – African Union member countries can obtain their visa on arrival at Addis Ababa Bole International airport.
220 volts 50 cycles AC. Plugs are European two-pin.
BANKING HOURS ► Banking hours are
b) Whether you are a transit passenger or your final destination is Ethiopia, you must declare to customs officials at point of customs crossing point (entry) any cash, checks or promissory notes that exceed the amount of USD 3,000 or its equivalent. Ethiopian customs rules also limit the amount of precious metals or minerals imported or exported for personal use to 1) 100 grams for gold and other precious metals; 2) 30 grams for precious stones; 3) 100 grams for semi-precious stones. Hence passengers who leave the transit area are required to declare valuables in excess of the above limit.
The airport is about 5 kilometers from Meskel Square and Addis Ababa’s central business district. Self-service kiosks are available for guests checking in, and free Wi-Fi is offered throughout the airport. Free luggage carts and paid porters are also available in the baggage hall. All bags must go through X-ray check before you exit.
August 12: Eid Al Adha
the birr and cents. Notes are 100, 50, 10, 5 and 1 birr. The 1 birr coin is also in circulation. ATMs (Automatic Teller Machines) are found in major Addis Ababa hotels, shopping malls and at the Bole International Airport. It is important to retain currency exchange receipts.
a) It is illegal to carry more than 200 birr when entering or departing Ethiopia.
January 19: Ethiopian Epiphany (Timket)
ELECTRIC SUPPLY ► Ethiopia uses
CURRENCY ► The units of currency are
When it comes to currency:
September 28: Finding of the True Cross (Meskel)
*Subject to moon sighting.
A yellow fever certificate is required for some African destinations. Vaccination against cholera is also required for any person who has visited or transited a cholerainfected area within six days prior to arrival in Ethiopia.
CUSTOMS ► Duty-free imports are permitted for up to: a) 200 cigarettes, 100 cigars or 250 grams of tobacco b) 2 liters of alcoholic beverages c) half a liter of perfume d) souvenirs (by visitors) with a value not exceeding 500 birr
When flying out of Bole International Airport, please note: Terminal 1 — all domestic flights and flights to Burundi, Djibouti, Rwanda, Somaliland, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. Terminal 2 — all other international flights. Taxis are readily available and may be ordered inside the terminal. Privately owned taxis are not metered, nor do they have fixed rates. Agree upon the fare in advance.
SECURITY ► Security at the airport is tight, and travelers need to produce their air ticket and passport to enter the terminal. All other visitors are required to pay a fee of 10 birr in the car park and may be required to show identification.
f ly e t h i o p i a n
LEARN AMHARIC ENGLISH-AMHARIC (PHONETIC) Learn some basic Amharic so that you can interact with the locals and enjoy your stay in Ethiopia by experiencing the rich culture of the Ethiopian people.
U SE F U L WO R DS Today Tomorrow Yesterday Now Quickly Slowly Mr Mrs Miss I
You He, She We
a as the a in father e as the e in set i as the i in ship o as the o in go u as the oo in boot gn as the gn in compagne (French) (M) Masculine; (F) Feminine; (P) Plural
They What? Who? When? How? Why? Which? Yes (all right) No Excuse me I am sorry Good Bad
Travel Tips
N U M B E RS Zare Nege Tilant Ahun Tolo Kes Ato Weyzero Weyzerit Ene Ersewo Essu, Essoa Egna Ennessu Min? Man? Metche? Endet? Lemin? Yetignaw? Eshi Aydelem /Ayhonem Yikirta Aznallehu Tiru / melkam Metfo
Thirteen, etc.
Asra-sost, etc.
Twenty-one, etc.
Haya-and, etc.
Thirty-one, etc.
Selasa-and, etc.
One hundred
And meto
One thousand
And shi  
M E E T I N G AN D G R E E T I N G Hello
Good morning
Endemn adderu/ k(M)/ sh(F)
Good afternoon Good evening
Endemn walu/k(M)/ sh(F)
Endemn ameshu/ eh(M)/esh(F)
Dehna hunu/ hun(M)/ hugne(F)
Thank you
To sleep
How are you?
Tenayistillign/endemen not? eh(M)/esh(F)
To bathe
Galan metateb
Where is the toilet?
Metatebiya betu yet new? Yemiteta neger yet agengalehu?
Where? (Place)
Where is it?
Yet no?
Where? (Direction)
Awiroplan marefeya
Where is the hotel?
Hotelu yet no?
Where are you going?
Yet iyehedu no? eh (M)/esh(F)
I am going to . . .
Wede... iyehedku no
Turn right
Wede kegn yitatefu/ tatef(M)/tatefi(F)
Turn left
Wede gra yitatefu tatef(M)/tatefi(F)
Go straight
Ketita yihidu/hid(M)/ higi(F)
Please stop here
Ezih Yikumu/kum(M)/ kumi(F)
I am well, thank you (very much)
Dehna negn (Betam) amesegenallehu
You’re welcome
Minim aydel
Where may I get something to drink?
Please come in
Yigbu/giba(M)/ gibi(F)
Please sit down
Yikemetu/ tekemet(M)/ tekemechi(F)
One (cup of) coffee
And (sini) buna
Kum(M)/Kumi(F)/ Irdugn(P)
Irdagn(M)/irgegn(F)/ Irdugn(P)
Hakem bet
What is your name?
Simewo man no?h(M)/ sh(F)
My name is . . .
Sime . . . no
Where do you come from?
Keyet Metu? ah(M)/ ash(F) Hagero yet no?eh(M)/esh(F)
I come from . . .
Ke . . . metahu
My country is . . .
Hagere . . . no
Can you speak Amharic?
Amaregna yenageralu? tenageraleh(M)/ tenageriyalesh(F)
Only a little
I want to learn more
Yebelete memar ifelegalehu
To buy
How do you find Ethiopia?
Itiyopiyan endet agegnuat? hat(M)/ shat(F)
To sell
I like it here
Itiyopiya Tesmamtognal
How much does this cost?
Wagaw sint no?
That is quite expensive
Betam wood no
f ly e t h i o p i a n
Ethiopian Airlines Aircraft
Boeing 737 MAX 8 (Grounded)
Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner
Boeing 777-200LR
Boeing 737-700
Boeing 737-800F
Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner
Boeing 767-300ER
Bombardier DH8-Q400
Airbus A350-900
Boeing 777-300ER
Boeing 737-800
Boeing 777-200LRF
Total Number of Aircraft*
*Not including B737-Max 8. 68
f ly e t h i o p i a n
Boeing 737-800F B737-800SF freighter conversion exceeds the rugged demands and changing needs of air freight transportation. The conversion incorporates a reinforced floor structure, a large 86” x 137” Main Cargo Door with a single vent door system, and a flexible Ancra Cargo Loading System. Additionally, the B737-800SF includes a rigid 9g barrier, up to five supernumerary seats, a galley and full lavatory. The converted B737-800SF freighter offers a main deck payload of up to 52,700 lbs. (23,904 kg) and incorporates eleven full height 88” x 125” container positions, plus an additional position for an AEP/AEH.
Cargo Aircraft
Boeing 777-200LRF
Boeing 737-800F
Total Number of Airplanes
Length [m]
Wing Span [m]
Height [m]
Cruising Speed [Mach]
Max. Altitude [ft]
Max. Take-off Weight [kg]
Max. Landing Weight [kg]
Range [nmi]
Max Payload [tons]
Cabin Width [m]
Passenger Aircraft
Airbus A350-900
Boeing B787-8
Boeing B787-9
Boeing B777300ER
Boeing B777-200LR
Boeing B767-300ER
Boeing B737-800
Boeing B737-700
Bombardier DH8-Q400
Boeing B737 MAX 8
Total Number of Airplanes
4 (grounded)
Length [m]
Wing Span [m]
Height [m]
Cruising Speed [Mach]
Max. Altitude [ft]
Max. Take-off Weight [kg]
Max. Landing Weight [kg]
Range [nmi]
Configuration (First/Business/Econ.)
Cabin Width [m]
Toronto New York
Washington, D.C.
Buenos Aires
São Paulo
European Code Share Destinations
Addis Ababa
Hong Kong
Kuala Lumpur
Sydney Adelaide Melbourne
Oceanian Code Share Destinations
Beirut Damascus Tel Aviv Kuwait City New Delhi Amman Bahrain Dammam Dubai Riyadh Doha Muscat Jeddah
Dublin Manchester Brussels London Frankfurt Vienna
Bucharest Sofia Istanbul
Aberdeen Gothenburg Copenhagen Belfast Edinburgh Manchester Berlin Warsaw Amsterdam Düsseldorf Prague Zürich
Lyon Geneva Toulouse Marseille Barcelona Lisbon
f ly e t h i o p i a n
Global Route Map
f ly e t h i o p i a n
African Route Map
Bissau Conakry
Djibouti Hargeisa
Abuja Abidjan
Lomé Accra
Lagos Cotonou
Addis Ababa
Enugu Douala
Bangui Yaoundé Kisangani
Entebbe Nairobi Kigali Kilimanjaro Bujumbura Mombasa Goma
Brazzaville Kinshasa
Dar es Salaam Luanda Lubumbashi
Moroni Ndola
Nosy Be
Blantyre Victoria Falls
Antananarivo Beira
Map Key
Windhoek Destination
Gaborone Johannesburg
Future destination
Code share destination ASKY route Malawian Airlines route
Cape Town
One-way nonstop route
Domestic Route Map
f ly e t h i o p i a n
Axum Mekelle
Bahir Dar Dessie
Asosa Dire Dawa
Addis Ababa
Dembi Dollo Gambella Jimma
ADDIS ABABA Main City Ticket Office Churchill Road PO Box 1755 Tel: 251-11-5517000 Fax: 251-11-5513047/5513593
Robe Kebri Dahar
Arba Minch
DESSIE Tel: 251-33-5400726 251-93-0012716 Email:
HAWASSA Tel: 251-322 387-3337 251-929 90 87 50 (CELL) Email:
LALIBELA Tel: 251 33 336 00 46 (CTO) 251 91 125 56 79 (CELL) Email:
ARBA MINCH Tel: 251 46 881 06 49 (CTO) 251 91 152 27 06 (CELL) Email:
DIRE DAWA Tel: 251-25 111-1766 251-915 32 04 05 (CELL) 251-915 32 04 06 (CELL) Email:
HUMERA Tel: 251-58-1110129, 251-91-1255437 E-mail:
MEKELLE Tel: 251-34-4415110 251-96-6215988 251-91-1255680 E-mail:
ASOSA Tel: 251 57 775 05 74 (CTO) 251 91 125 56 74 (CELL) Email:
GAMBELLA Tel: 251 47 551 00 99 (CTO) 251 91 125 56 77 (CELL) Emai:
AXUM Tel: 251-34-7752226 251-91-1255682 E-mail:
GOBA Tel: 251-90-3200844 E-mail:
BAHIR DAR Tel: 251-58 220 69 00 (CTO) 251-91 120 34 37 (CELL) Email: DEMBI DOLLO Tel: 251-96-6216769 Email: 72
GODE Tel: 251 25 776 00 15 (CTO) 251 91 152 28 63 (CELL) Email: GONDAR Tel: 251-58-1110129 251-91-1255676 E-mail:
JIJIGA Tel: 251 25 775 20 30 (CTO) 251 91 152 28 86 (CELL) Email: JIMMA Tel: 251-47-1117271 251-91-1255678 E-mail: JINKA Tel: 251-944 75 52 29 (CELL) Email: KABRI DAHAR Tel: 251-966216673 Email: KOMBOLCHA Tel: 251-33-8519022 251-93-0012716 Email:
SEMERA Tel: 251-33-6660481 251-91-1255413 Email: SHIRE Tel: 251344442224 (CTO) 251911255681 (CELL) Email: (CTO) / City Ticket Office (APT) / Airport Office (CGO) / Cargo Office (CELL) / Cell phone
Mexico City
Los Angeles
Sao Paulo
Bahrain Sharjah Dubai
Addis Ababa Juba Entebbe Nairobi Mogadishu Kigali
Yaoundé Libreville Brazzaville
Lomé Lagos Enugu Abidjan Accra Cotonou Douala
Khartoum Kano N’Djamena
Bamako Ouagadougou
Mumbai Chennai
New Delhi
Hong Kong
f ly e t h i o p i a n
Cargo Route Map
Sales Offices and General Sales Agents
f ly e t h i o p i a n
Email: ATO Tel: +257 75 12 42 22 Email:
ANGOLA Reino Agencia de Viagens and Tourismo Limitada; Largo 4 De Fevereiro Hotel Meridien Presidente; Luanda, Angola Email:, Tel: (244) 222310615, (244) 913608690
CAMEROON Doula 780 Rue Tobie Kuouh, Bonanjo, PO Box 1326 Tel: 00237 233 43 02 46, 00237 233 43 02 64 Mobile Area Manager: 00237 677 93 79 29 Email: Airport Office: 00237 677 93 72 29 Email:
ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Carlos Pellegrini 1063, Piso 10B Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel: 4326-0362 / 64 Email: AUSTRIA AVIAREPS Airline Management Ges. Mbh, Untere Donaustrasse 11/3 OG, Vienna Tel: +43 (01) 585 36 30 30 Toll Free: +43 (01) 253 02 25 75 Email:, BAHRAIN Office No 13, Zamil Tower 1, P.O. Box, 1044 Manama Gate, Kingdom of Bahrain Phone: +973 17223315 Email: BENIN Lot 417 Face Cine Le Benin Maison Pereira Raphael, Quartier Mifonou Gou Cotonou-Benin Tel +229 66338585, +229 66338585 Email: BELGIUM Park Hill J. E. Mommaertslaan 16B 1831 Diegem Tel: 003227160072 Email: BOTSWANA Gaborone Plot 54354 Section 9 Unit 1 CBD Central Square, Gaborone Tel: +267 3111631 Cell: +267 75999547, +267 76243467 Email: Airport office Tel: +267 3924042 Email: Cargo Tel: +267 3111631 Email: BRAZIL Rua Rafael de Barros, 210 – 4º andar, Cj 41 Paraíso, São Paulo, SP CEP 04003-040, Brazil CTO-Reservations : +55 11 4063 5199 CTO-Office : +55 11 3411 1874/5 APT: +55 11 2445 4103/ +5511 77 408 156 Area Manager: 0055 11 9919 22337 BURKINA FASO Avenue Kwame N`krumah; Bati 01 BP 4883 Ouaga 01, Ouagadougou Tel Office: 22650301024/25 Email:, BURUNDI Avenue de la Victoire no. 14C PO Box 573, Bujumbura City Office Tel: +257 2222 6038/6820 Airport Office Tel: +257 22 22 98 42 Email:, Area Manager Tel: +257 75 310 310 74
Yaoundé 1775 Rue Nouvelle Route Bastos Tel: 00237222209268, 00237678780452 Email: CANADA Suite 1912 - 365 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4W 3L4 Tel: +1416 962 0005 Toll-free: 1 800 445 2733 Mobile: +1416 988 7360 Airport Office Tel: +1 905 405 0040 Email:, CHAD Avenue Charles De Gaule P.O. Box 989, N’djamena Tel: 235 2523143/2523027 Airport: 235 522599 Mobile: 235 6 6896226 Email: CHINA Beijing Room 704, SK Tower, A6 Jianguomenwai Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100022, China Tel: 0086 010 65050315 Email: Reservation Tel: 0086 010 65050315 Call Center (China) Tel: 4008 071 787 Email: Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3 Tel: +86 150 1155 5744 Email: Beijing Cargo Tel: +86 010 64556409 Fax: 86 010 64558536 Email: Chengdu Room 802, North Tower, Baoli Centre, No 7 Lingshiguan Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu, China Tel: +862885505765, +861 3880040420 Email: Call Center (China) Tel: 4008 071 787 Email: Guangzhou Rm. 502, Atrium Area, Guangdong International Building, No. 339 Huanshi East Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou 510098, China Tel: +86 020 87621101, +86 87620836,, Call Center (China) Tel: 4008 071 787 Email: BaiYun International Airport Tel: +86 020 36067405 Email: Guangzhou Cargo Tel: +86 020 36066253 Fax: +86 020 36050345 Email:,
Shanghai Room 2110, 21st Floor, No.388 NanJing West Road HuangPu District, Shanghai, 200003, China Tel: +86 021 60509685 Mobile +8613661616645 Email:, Pudong International Airport —Terminal 2 Room 2-A3-M02, International Arrival Corridors Duty Mobile : +86 1811 731 5785 Email: Shanghai Cargo Tel: +86 021 6835 4522 Email: COMOROS Alliance Francaise Street, Rivka Building, 1st Floor, Moroni, 7731075 Email: Tel: +269 7731075; Mobile: +269 3674397 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Kinshasa Boulevard du 30 Juin No. 1525 Aforia Building-1st Floor Gombe, Kinshasa Tel: 243 817 006 585/810 884 000 Airport Office Mobile: 243 817 006 589, Email:,, Lubumbashi Alamdar Tours & Travels/Jeffery Travel, Lubumbashi, DR Congo Tel: 243 970 15 15 19 Email:, Goma 18 Boulevard Kanyamuhanga Central Ville, Goma - DR Congo Tel: +243 973 487 778 Email: Kisangani Jeffery Travels SARL 16, Boulevard Mobutu, Immeuble Lengema, Commune Makiso, Kisangani, DR Congo Tel: +243 818 235 553 Email: Mbuji-Mayi Jeffery Travels SARL Avenue Inga #63, Cartier Masanka, Commune Diulu, Mbuji Mayi, DR Congo Tel: +243 816 546 523 Email: CONGO, REPUBLIC Brazzaville Euro World GSA, Avenue Foch Centreville, en face de Ministere Des Finance, Brazzaville Email: Sales Manager BZV,, (city office), (reservations) Tel: +242 06 671 20 20 Mob: +242 05 331 20 2, +242 06 508 04 90 APT:, Mobil: +242 06 508 04 91 Pointe Noire Tel: +242069281059 Email: COTE D’IVOIRE Avenue Chardy Immeuble Le Paris BP 5897 ABJ 01, Abidjan Tel: 00 225 20219332, 20215538/20219430 Email:; Airport Office Tel: +225 21278819; Email:
Cargo TAL CARGO AVIATION Zone de fret Aéroport Felix Houphouet Boigny, Bureau B46 au 1er étage Port Bouet ABIDJAN Côte d’Ivoire Mob: + 225 57924595/ 66004442 E-mail : DJIBOUTI Globe Travel, Angle de la Place du 27 Juin et de la rue Ras Mekonnen, PO Box 1181 Tel: 0025377804783, 0025377815479 Email: EGYPT Concorde El Salam Hotel, 69 Abdelhamid Badawy Street, Heliopolis, Cairo Tel: (202) 2180 0935, Toll-Free: 080 0000 0411 Email: Airport Office: (00 202) 2265 4398 Email: Cargo: (00 202) 22672910-24150959 Email: EQUITORIAL GUINEA Independence Avenue, Malabo Tel: 00240333090588 Email:, Airport Email: ERITREA Asmara SA Building – Ground Floor Warsay Street 189-8 Asmara Tel: +291 113990 Email: ETHIOPIA Main City Ticket Office; Churchill Road PO Box 1755, Addis Ababa Tel: 251 11 5517000/511931, 251 11 6656666 (Res.) Airport Office Tel: 251 11 5178320 Email: FRANCE 66 Avenue des champs-Elysées 75008 Paris - France Tel: 33 1 53 892102, 0 825 826 135 (ticketing) Email: Airport Office Tel: +33 1 74 37 04 80; +33 6 70 81 90 24 Email: GABON Glass - London, Parcelle no 176 Mailing address: P.O. Box 12802, Libreville, Gabon Tel: 24105931660; 24105322020; GERMANY Kaiserstraße 77, 60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Sales & Marketing Tel: 0049 (0) 69 770 673 053 Fax: 0049 (0) 69 770 673 235 Email: Reservations Tel: (0180-5) 355 600 Fax: 0049 (0) 69 770 673 028 Email: GHANA Kwame Nkrumah Avenue, Cocoa House, Ground Floor PO Box 3600, Accra Tel 233 302 664856/57/58 Mobile: 233 20 2011132 Email: APT Tel: 233 302 775168/233 302 776171 ext. 1322 Mobile: 233 20 2013588 Email:
f ly e t h i o p i a n
GUINEA Conakry, Guinée Voyage Quartier Almamyah, C. de Kaloum, République de Guinée Tel: +224 625 07 96 05, +224 628 22 01 23 Email:,,, HONG KONG Unit 1606,16/F, New East Ocean Center, 9 Science Museum Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852)3968 9030/2117 1863 Mobile: (852) 63485863 Email: INDIA Mumbai 104 Windfall, Sahar Plaza Complex Andheri Kurla Road Chakala Andheri East, Mumbai 400 059 Tel: Mumbai Ticket Office 28395247 Email: Delhi STIC Travel Ltd., Alps Building, 1st floor, 56 Janpath, New Delhi – 110001 Tel: (011) 23312304 / 23320845 Contact: Ms. Kalpana Ganju Email:, Cargo Namaste Airport Services Pvt Ltd. (GSSA) Address: 124 FF, Benito Juarez Marg, Satya Niketan, New Delhi - 110 021, India Contact Person: Manpreet Singh Dahri Email:, Tel: 91-11- 24109600 Fax: 91-11-24109500 Mobile: +91-9818422663/9873450313 INDONESIA Jalan Rasuna Said, Mega Plaza, 4th Floor, Kav C–3, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12920 Representative: Azeb Tefera / Area Manager Tel: +62 21 5212128 Email:, IRELAND Ethiopian Airlines; Mezzanine Floor Terminal 1, Dublin International Airport, Dublin, Ireland Tel: +35318125916; Admin Tel: +35318125919 Email: ISRAEL 1 Ben Yehuda Street Room 2016, Tel Aviv Tel: 972 3 797 1405; Fax: 972 3 516 0574 Email: Airport Tel: 972 3 9754096 Email: CGO Tel: 972-3-9004600; Fax: 972-3-9731082 Email: ITALY Rome Via Bissolati 54 Roma 00187 Phone: +39 06 48771370 Reservations: Milan Airport Office: Tel +390665954123 Email: JAPAN Global Service Agency Co. Ltd; 8F, SANKI Shiba-Kanasugibashi Bldg. Shiba 1-4-3, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105-0014 Japan Tel: 813-6453-7577; Fax: 813-6453-7575 Email:,
KENYA Nairobi Bruce House Muindi Mbingu Street PO Box 42901-00100, Nairobi Tel: 254202296000/254733666061/ 254734666066/254723786649 Email: Airport Office Tel: 254733666061 Email: Nairobi Cargo Africa Direct Ltd. (ADL)-Cargo GSSA JKIA, Cargo Centre, 2nd floor, Entrance B, Room S51, PO Box 2459-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: 254733203070 / 254732900764 / 254732900760 / 254721217141 / 254732900798 Email: Mombasa TSS Tower, Nkrumah Road PO Box 94600-80115, Mombasa, Kenya Tel: 254412319977 / 9 / 254714618989 Email: Airport Office Tel: 254731044400 Email: AllMBAETAirportStaff@ KUWAIT M/S Al-Sawan Company W.L.L PO Box 576, Alghazli St (Al-Rai), Kuwait Thunayan Al Ghanim Building, Fahad Al Salem Street, Sheraton Round-about Tel: +965 22270600 Ext. 2302, 2303, 2304, Email: LEBANON Beirut Clemenceau St. Gefinor Center Bloc-D, 2nd Ground Floor, Beirut Tel: 961 1 752846/7 Fax: 961 1 752845 Email: Airport Office Tel: 961 1 629814 Email: MADAGASCAR Ethiopian Airlines, Immeuble Ex Sicam, En face Cosmos, Analakely - Antananarivo Office Tel: +261 2230 732/33 Mobile: +261332963795, +261340763795, Email:,; Skype: Michaelbkl, ravi_manghnani Nosy Be Immeuble Assurance Aro, en face shampion, Hell Vill- Nosy be Reservations: +261 34 92 494 65/66 Tel: +261 20 22 259 56, +261 2230 732/33, Email: NOSMARKETING@ethiopianairlines. MALAWI Lilongwe Kenyatta Drive, Mantion Filling Station, Near Food Worth, Lilongwe Tel: 00265 1772031 Airport: 00265 1700 782 Email: Cargo:
Sales Offices and General Sales Agents
MALI Square Patrice Lumumba P.O. Box 1841, Bamako Tel: 00 223 20 22 60 36 Airport Office Mobile: 00 223 66 799 208 Email: MOZAMBIQUE Avenida 25 De Setembro No. 270, Edificio Time Squre, Bloc 4, First floor No. 6 Tel: +258 21 314421 NAMIBIA Friends Travel & Aviation; Corner Independence Avenue & Garten Street, Windhoek, Namibia Email:, Tel: +26461256601; Mobile +264816005274 NIGER 1st Floor Euro World Building, Chateau PO Box 11110, Niamey Tel: 00227-20727272 , 00227-20727373 Mobile: 00227-91856720 Email: NIGERIA Lagos CVC Building 3, Idowu Taylor, Victoria Island PO Box 1602, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: 234 1 7744711/2; Fax: 234 1 4616297, Airport Office: 234 1 7744710/7751921/3 Email: Lagos Cargo NAHCO Cargo; Complex MMIA Ikeja Lagos Mobile: 234 7034065669 Abuja Suite 30, 1st Floor, Silverbird Entertainment Center, Plot 1161, Memorial Drive, Central Business District Tel: +234 9 2906844, +234 803 975 9711, Email: Airport Office, Nnamdi Azikiwe Intl Airport Tel: +234 806 755 1633 Email: Enugu Polopark Mall, Polo Ground, Abakaliki Road, Enugu North, Enugu State, Nigeria Tel: 234 7033745716 Mobile: 234 8141543740 Email: Kano G63, Ado Bayero Mall, Zoo Road, Kano, Nigeria Email: Tel: 2348144282983, 2348085015334 Airport Office: Tel. 234 8144212215 Email: Kaduna Waff Road, NNDC mall, Office No.15, Kaduna, Nigeria Tel: +234 814 199 2990 E-mail: NORWAY Øvre Slottsgate 6, 0157 Oslo, Norway Tel: +47 48 40 13 07 Email:;
Blantyre Chileka Airport: Tel +265882009925 Email:
OMAN Ruwi, MBD Area, PO Box 962, Muscat Postal code 100 Sultanate of Oman Tel: +968 24816565; Mobile: +968 93891448 Email:
MALAYSIA Suite 1603, Level 16, Central Plaza, Box CP73; 34 Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: 603 2141 2190/2142 0581/0582 Tel: 603 2142 2060 (Sales) Email:
PHILIPPINES Pan Euro International Inc, 12F Frabelle Business Center, 111 Rada St., Legaspi Village, Makati City, Manila Tel: 632 8480978 -79 Email:,
QATAR Diamond Hotel Biulding,Tariq bin Zayed Street, Old Al Ghanim 16, Doha, Ad Dawhah, Qatar Tel: +97444161010; Fax: +974 4441 4928 Email: RUSSIA Olympiysky prospect, 14 129090 Moscow, Russia BC Diamond Hall 7th Floor, Aviareps Office Tel: +7 (495) 937-59-45 Fax: +7(495) 937-59-51 E-mail: Airport UTG Aviation Services Domodedovo International Airport, 142015 Moscow Region Tel: +7 (495) 258-8666, +7 (985) 179-7665 Tel: +7 (495) 787-8614 Email: Cargo GSA Russia Global Services Ltd. Amathuntos Avenue 8, Marina Complex Block A, No. 2, 4531 Limassol Cyprus Tel: 7 495 7953838 Mobile: 7 905 7801893 Email: RWANDA Union Trade Center (UTC) Building First floor, office No. 25, Kigali Tel: 250252570440/42, 2502525755045, Mobile: 250788562469 (Area Manager) Email:, Tel: (250) 788 380677(Mob) Email: Euro World Travel Services Reservation & Ticketing: (250) 252570440/42 (Office) (250) 788751585/788220220 (Mob) Area Manager: (250) 252570441 (Office) (250) 788562469 (Mob) Sales Manager: (250) 788220220(Mob) Cargo Bolloré Africa Logistics-Rwanda (250)788655645 Sales Representatives (250)783042095 Sales Representatives SAUDI ARABIA Jeddah Medina Road, Adham Center PO Box 8913, Jeddah 21492 Tel: 9662 6512365/6614/9609 Email: Airport Tel: 966 504301358 Email: Jeddah Cargo Tel: 966 2 6850756 / 6851041 Email: Riyadh Ticket Office: 966 505217168 Email: Dammam Silver Tower Building, King Abdul Aziz Street Al Khobar – Dammam Tel: 966 (3) 8984696 Fax: 966 (3) 8991539 Mobile: 966 0559540076 Email: SENEGAL Place de L’Indépendance-Immeuble la Rotonde, Rue Dr Théze BP: 50800 CP 18524 - Dakar Sénégal Tel: 33 823 8876 (Direct), 221 33 823 5552/54 Airport Tel: 221 33 820 9396 Email:, SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019
Sales Offices and General Sales Agents SEYCHELLES Michel Building, Revolution Avenue, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles Tel: 248 428 88 88; Mobile: 248 2 616 536 Mason’s Travel (Pty) Ltd Revolution Avenue, Michel Building, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles Mailing address: P.O. Box 459, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles Phone: (+248) 428 88 88 Direct: (+248)428 88 07, 428 8809 Email:,, SINGAPORE 133 New Bridge Road, #14-05, Chinatown Point, Singapore 059413 Tel: +65-6538 5515 Email: Singapore Cargo Ethiopian Airlines GSA-Worldwide GSA Group Unit No. 05-24, Cargo Agents Building D, 9 Airline Road, Changi Airfreight Centre, Singapore 819827 Tel: +65 6214 2136; Fax: +65 6214 2199 SOMALILAND CI Maarat al Khayr Building, Hargessa Tel: 252 2 520681/528445 Mob: 252 2 4427575 Email: SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg Unit 7- Ridgeview Office Park, 248 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg, South Africa Tel: +27113261190; Mobile: +27833251263 Fax: +27(0)11 781 6040 Email: Airport Office: Tel: +27 11 390 3819 Mobile: +2783 325 3347 Email: Cape Town 47 Strand Street, Cape Town Tel: +2721 879 1520; Mobile: +27 63 6922 790 Email: Airport Office: Tel: +27 (0)21-936-3667 Mob: +27 (0)81 015 1875 Email: Call Center: 0800-984023, + 27-218197028 Cargo Aero-Link Consulting, Warehouse 34, Foreign Airlines Cargo Terminal, OR Tambo Airport, Kempton Park, 1627 Tel: +27 87 150 1900 (Switchboard) Imports: Extension 606 Exports: Extension 607 Cargo Sales: Extension 600 Handling Email:, Sales Email: SOUTH KOREA 12F, Twin Tree Tower A, 6 Yulgok-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul Tel: +82-2-733-0325; Fax: +82-2-771-1157 Email:; SOUTH SUDAN Airport-Ministries Road, Panorama Building Ground Floor, Juba, South Sudan Tel: +211956988408 (Area Manager) Email:, Airport: Tel: 00211955 555 392 South Sudan Cargo Agent David Njuguna Juba Raha Complex, Juba Email:, Tel: +211 956124802 (Cargo Manager) 76
f ly e t h i o p i a n
SPAIN AirTravel Management Calle Diego de leone, 69 40A-28006, Madrid, Spain Tel: 34 91 4022718 Email:, SUDAN 2 Square 2b Khartoum east Parliament Street, El Sheikh Mustefa El Amin Building, Khartoum Mobile: 249 1 83762063/88 Fax: 2491 83788428 Airport Office: 2491 8790991 Email:, SWEDEN Kungsgatan 37, SE-11156, Stockholm Kungsgatan 37, SE-11156, Stockholm Tel: 46 0 8 440 0060/ 46 0 8 440 2900 Email:;, Airport Office: Tel: 46 859360170 Email: SWITZERLAND Geneva Route de l’Aéroport 33, 1215 Le Grand-Saconnex Tel: 0041782543355 Email: TANZANIA Dar-es-salaam T.D.F.L Building Ohio Street PO Box 3187, Dar-es-Salaam Tel: 255 22 2117063 65 / 255 754 285 899 Area Manager: 255 786 285 899 Email: Airport Office Tel: 255-22 2844243 Mobile: 255 786285898 Email: Kilimanjaro Boma Road, PO Box 93, Arusha Tel: 255 27 2506167 - 2504231, 2509904 Mobile: 255-782-450224 Email:, Airport Office: 255 27 2554159 Email: Zanzibar Malindi (opposite Ijimaa Mosque) Tel: 255 774417070, 777667665 Email: THAILAND 140 One Pacific Place Building, Unit 1807 18th Floor, Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey, Bangkok Tel: 66 0 26534366/7/8 Email:, Airport Office Tel: 66 0 21343062/3/4 Email: Thailand Cargo Tel: 66 0 22379207/8/9 Email: Cargo ILG Aviation APAC Co Ltd Representative: Hiran A. Samarasinha Tel: 02 245 3546-7, 02 245 3531 Fax: 02 245 3532 Mobile: +668 6830 9542 Email: TOGO Hotel Palm Beach, 1 Rue Komore, PO Box 12923, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 22217074 / 22218738,
Email: Airport Tel: +228 22263039 / 92818030 TURKEY Panorama Havacilik Ve Turizm Ltd., Cumhuriyet Cad. Apt. 185/1, Harbiye 34373, Istanbul, Turkey Tel: +90 506 735 3512 / Ext: 214, Cell: +90 506 73573512 Fax: 90 212 2344999 Email:, Cargo Airmark GSA Tas. Ltd. Yenibosna Merkez Mah. Cinar Cad. No:9 Kat:2 34197, Bahcelievler, Istanbul, TURKEY Tel: +90 212 444 1 GSA (472) Fax: +90 212 245 4486 Email: Tel: 90 212 2315919 Fax: 90 212 2344999 UGANDA PLOT 1 Kimathi Avenue, UAP Insurance Building, Kampala, Uganda Tel : +256414254796/7, +256414345577/8 Entebbe Airport Tel: +256414320570, +256752321130, Email: UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Ground Floor, Al Garhoud Complex (Lootah Building), Airport Road, Street No. 2, Community 214, Al Garhoud, PO Box 7140, Dubai UAE Tel: (9714) 223 6639/7963, Res. 800035702401 Email: Airport Office Departure Terminal One, Off No. 1018 & 1086, PO Box 7140, Dubai UAE Phone: (009714) 5049748, 5049750, 5049751 Email: Dubai Cargo Dubai Cargo Village, DNATA Building, FG1, Flat 3028 B, 3rd Floor, PO Box 7140, Dubai UAE Email: Phone: (009714) 2822880 UNITED KINGDOM 1 Dukes Gate, Acton Lane, W4 5DX Tel: +44 (0) 208 987 7000, +44 (0) 800 016 3449 (Reservations) Email: Airport Office L5.0170, Terminal 2: The Queen’s Terminal, Heathrow Airport Tel: +44 (0) 208 745 4235 Email: Manchester Airport, Terminal 2, Level 2, Room 2006 Email: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Washington D.C. 3313 Mt. Vernon Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22305 Toll Free No: 800 445 2733 Tel: 703 682 0570; Fax: 703 682 0573 Email: Washington, Dulles Airport Office PO Box 16855 Washington, DC 20041 Toll Free No: 800 4452733 Tel: 703 572 6809, Fax: 703 572 8738 Email:
Washington, Dulles Airport Office PO Box 16855 Washington, DC 20041 Toll Free No: 800 4452733 Tel: 703 572 6809, 703 572 8740 Fax: 703 572 8738 Email: Los Angeles 380 World Way, Tom Bradley Int’l Terminal Office, Los Angeles CA, 90045 Tel: 310 641 1235, 310 641 1206 Email: New York Newark Liberty International Airport 18 Terminal B, #418 Newark, NJ 07114 Toll Free No: 800 4452733 Tel Office: 973 353 0223 Email: Chicago O’Hare International Airport 5600 N Mannheim Rd. UL142, Chicago, IL 60666 Tel: +1 312 919 0989 Email: ZAMBIA Lusaka Katima Mulilo Road, Olympia, Lusaka, Zambia, Office No.201, 2nd Floor, Sun Share Tower, Plot No. 15584/22. Tel: 260 211 23641/02/03 Mobile: 260 969 236401 Email: Airport Office: Tel: 260 211 271141 Mobile: 260955271141 Email: Ndola Airport Office: Tel: 260 212 615368 Mobile: 260 954 081996 Email:, ZIMBABWE Harare 5 Lezard Avenue, Milton Park, P.O. Box 1332, Harare Tel: 263-4 795215/6, 790705 Email: Victoria Falls Ticket Office Sawanga Mall, 1865A Chinotimba Township, shop #03 Tel: 002632132841111, Airport Office Mobile: 00263 712 837247 Email: COUNTRY/ CALL CENTER NUMBERS Bahrain 973-16199205 Belgium 32 28948303 Canada 18004452733/18773408201 Egypt 800 000 0411/202-21600-006 Ethiopia 251116656666 France 0800901031 Germany 8001818982 Hong Kong 800905629 India 000 800 100 7947 Israel 972 3763 1052 Italy 39-0645230459 Lebanon 00961 142 7627 code 6247 North China 108007141635/864001589689 Saudi Arabia 800 814 0018 South Africa 0800984023 South China 108001401619/86-4001-589689 Sweden 46-850513549 Thailand 18001562069708 United Arab Emirates (UAE) 8 000 3570 2401 United Kingdom 0800 016 3449 United States of America 1800 445 2733 / 1877 340 8201
f ly e t h i o p i a n
ETHIOPIAN AIRLINES GENERAL SALES AGENTS ANGOLA Reino Comercio Geral, Rue Marques Das Minas No.4, Luanda Angola Tel: +244 222 445 713, Fax: +244 222 335 713 Email: ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Carlos Pellegrini 1135, Piso 10 Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel: 4326-0362 / 64 Email: Praca da Liberdade, 130-10th F Suite 1001-1002, Liberdade, Sao Paulo-Brazil, CEP 01503-010, Sao Paulo, Brazil Tel: 551131063295, 551186328697 Aviareps AG, Landsberg, Str. 155,80687 Munich, Germany Tel: 49 89 55 253373, Fax: 49 89 54 506842 Email: AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND World Aviation System Mezannine Level, 403 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Tel: (02) 9244 2096, Fax: (02) 9290 3441 Email: Cargo MCH Holding Aviation Australia PTY LTD, Road Tullamarine Vic 304 Contact person: Borje Lindmark Email: Fax: 61383185101, Tel:+613 83185100 Mob: +614-33344992 AUSTRIA & HUNGARY Aviareps AG, Josephspitalstr, 15, 80331 Munchen, Germany AVIAREPS Airline Management Ges. Mbh, Untere Donaustrabe 11/3. OGA-1020, Vienna, Austria Tel: +43 (01) 585 36 30 30 Toll Free: +43 (01) 253 02 25 75 Email: Aviareps Hungary Ltd., Borbely utca 5-7, 1/104, 1132, Budapest, Hungary Tel: 49 89 55 25 33 73 Fax: 49 89 54 50 68 42 Email: Cargo ATC Aviation ACC, Bldg. 262, Entr. 08, 3rd Fl, AT-1300 Vienna Tel: 43 1 7007 388 54, Fax: 43 1 7007 388 53 Email: BAHRAIN Bahrain International Travel Address: Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain P.O. Box: 1044 Tel: +973 17223315, Fax: +973 17210175 Email: Web: BELGIUM, LUXEMBOURG & NETHERLANDS Brussels Kales Airline Services, Park Hill, J.E. Mommaertslaan 18A, 1831 Diegem Tel: +32 2 716 00 60, Fax: +32 2 716 00 86 Email: Liege Cargo Liege Airport, Cargo Nord — Rue St Exupery 22, 4460 Grace, Hollogne Tel: +3242255131, Mob: +32479592021 Fax: 0032-42255 134 The Netherlands Kales Airline Services BV, WTC Toren A - Shiphol Boulevard 145-1118 BG Schiphol, The Netherlands Tel: +31 20 406 81 44, Fax: +31 20 405 46 50 Email:,
BENIN Afrriwings Ethiopian GSA Lot 417 Face Cine Le Benin, Maison Pereira Raphael, Quartier Mifonougou, Cotonou-Benin Tel: 00229 67022183 Email: BOTSWANA TIMBERLAKE PTY. (LTD) Plot 54354 Sections 9, Unit 1 CBD Central Square P.O. Box 60666, Gaborone, Botswana Tel+2673111631 Contacts: Abdul Nsgeyumva; +26771786186 Anand Kanniah; +26771538820 Gofaone Nyilongo +26777508443/+26777787153 Office Plot 54354 Section 9, Unit 1 CBD Central Square P.O. Box 60666, Gaborone, Botswana Warehouse Address: Block 3 Industrial Tel+2673111631 BRAZIL Praca da Liberdade, 130-10th F Suite 10011002, Liberdade, Sao Paulo-Brazil, CEP 01503010, Sao Paulo, Brazil Tel: 551131063295/551186328697 Aviareps AG, Landsberg Str. 155, 80687 Munich, Germany Tel: 49 89 55 25 33 73 Fax: 49 89 54 50 68 42 Email: Cargo Heavy Weight Air Expres Transportes Brazil Ltd. (HAE Group) Av. Dr. Cardoso de Melo, 1460 SL 63 6º Andar Vila Olímpia, São Paulo-SP Zip Code: 04548-005 BR Tel: +55 (11) 3881 8735 Email: BRUNEI Century Travel Centre Sdn Bhd, 20A First Flr, Darussalam Complex, Jln Sultan, BSB PO Box 747, BSB, BS8670, Brunei Tel: 673 2221747, Fax: 673 2227747, Email: BULGARIA Sofia 1000, Blvd. Atriarh Evtimii 36V, apt.51 Bulgaria Tel: +359-29819910 Email: Cargo XQair cargo services GmbH XQAIR Barbara Gugger ( P.O. Box 14164 Matthofstrand 8 CH-6005 Luzern 14 Office : +41 43 540 22 45 Mobile: +41 76 566 60 59 BURKINA FASO Euro World Sarl (CSA) 01 BP 4883 Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Representative: Chandra Prakash, CP Office Tel : +22625301024 Mobile: 22674510006 Email:, BURUNDI Cargo Ildephonse MANIRAKIZA Air Freight Manager Burundi 55, Boulevard du 1er Novembre Q. Industriel-Ngagara P.O.Box 1306 Bujumbura-Burundi Tel: (+257) 22 22 61 40 Mob: (+257) 75 84 21 24/ 76 74 21 24 Tel: (+257) 22 22 39 75, Mob: (+257) 77 74 21 24 Email:
Sales Offices and General Sales Agents
CAMBODIA ILG Aviation APAC Co Ltd, Phnom Penh/Cambodia, Room (35), 3rd Floor, Anina Bldg., No.240, St.271, Sangkat Boeng Tumpun, Khan Mean Chey Tel: +855 23 213880 Mobile: +855 12/15 916728 CANADA Cargo Airlines Service International (ASI), 5160 Explorer Drive, Unit 4, Suite F, Mississauga, Ontario 4W 4T7 Tel: 905629 4522, Fax: 905 629 4651 Email: CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Africa Discovery, Avenue B. Boganda, PO Box 1182, Bangui, Central African Republic Tel: 23675501260/70551136 Fax: 49-69-26952940 Email: CHILE Praca da Liberdade, 130-10th F Suite 10011002, Liberdade, Sao Paulo-Brazil, CEP 01503010, Sao Paulo, Brazil Aviareps AG, Landsberg Str. 155, 80687 Munich, Germany Tel: 49 89 55 25 33 73 Fax:49 89 54 50 68 42 Cargo Megacap Logistics- Chile SPA Rosario Sur 234 Dp.153, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile Representative: Sr. Oscar Zunino Email:, CHINA Beijing Megacap Logistics International Co. Ltd. Room 704, SK Tower, A6 Jianguomenwai Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100022, China Reservation Tel: +86 010 65050315 Email:, Call Center (China) Tel: 4008 071 787 Email: Beijing Cargo Megacap Logistics International Co. Ltd F225 Complex Business Office Building, No. 566-16 Shunping Road, Shunyi District, Beijing China Tel: +86 010 64556409; +86 010 64558536 Email: Chengdu Cargo Megacap Logistics International Co. Ltd. Ethiopian Airlines, North Tower 8th Floor Room # 1505, Poly Center, No. 7 Lingshiguan Road Chengdu, China Tel: +86 18688396786 Email: Guangzhou Megacap Logistics International Co. Ltd Room 502, 5th Floor, Podium Building of Guangdong Int’l Hotel, 339 East Huanshi Zhong Road, GuangZhou, 510098, China Reservation Tel: +86 020 87621101, Fax: +86 020 87620837 Email:,, Call Center (China) Tel: 4008 071 787 Email: Guangzhou Cargo Sino-Eth Logistics International Co. Ltd., Room 1615, Main Tower,Guangdong Int’l Bldg, No. 339, Huan Shi Road, East Guangzhou Tel: 0086 020 36066253 Fax: 0086 020 36050345 Email:
Shanghai Megacap Logistics International Co. Ltd. Room 2110, 21st Floor, Ciro’s Plaza, No.388 NanJing West Road, HuangPu District, ShangHai, 200003, China Reservation Tel: +86 021 60509685 Email: Call Center (China) Tel: 4008 071 787 Email: Shanghai Cargo Megacap Logistics International Co. Ltd. 325A No. 168 Suhang Road Pudong Int’l Airport, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 021 6835 4523 Fax: +86 021 68356537 Email: Hangzhou Cargo Megacap Logistics International Co. Ltd. Room 1809 Building 2, Qiangjiang Int’l Times Plaza, No. 111 Chengxing Road, Hangzhou Tel: +86 571 87960600 Fax +86 571 87960677 Email: Yiwu Cargo Megacap Logistics International Co. Ltd. 497-2, Chouzhou North Road, Yiwu, Zhejiang, 32200 Tel & Fax: +86 579 85336515 Mobile: +86 182 1777 9264 Email: COLOMBIA Praca da Liberdade, 130-10th F Suite 1001-1002, Liberdade, Sao Paulo-Brazil, CEP 01503-010, Sao Paulo, Brazil Aviareps AG, Landsberg Str. 155,80687 Munich, Germany Tel: 49 89 55 25 33 73 Fax:49 89 54 50 68 42 Cargo AD Air Cargo Business SA Las Rozas, C/Chile 4 28230 Madrid, Spain Tel: +34 652 99 42 11 E-mail: COMOROS Matembezi Agency, Itsambouni, Moroni, Comoros Contact: Ali Mohamed Niza, General Manager Tel: +269 773 04 22 Mobile: +269 333 04 00 Email: CONGO REPUBLIC Brazzaville Euro World Sarl, Immeuble Arc-En face chambre de Commerce, 1st floor-Centre Ville, Brazzaville Tel: 242 6712020/6713037 Mobile: 971505589504 Fax: 31 020 655 3686 Email:, Brazzaville Cargo Bollore Africa Logistics Ltd. @ Congo BZV Tel: +242 05 115 0003 Email: Pointe-Noire Euro World Sarl Ethiopian Airlines, 52 Avenue Charles De Gaulle Immeuble Lincoln Immoco, Pointe-Noire, Republique Du Congo Email:, Tel: +242069281059, +242065100663, +242065100664, +242066700252, +24206983353 Satguru International SPRL-GOMA (new GSA), Bralima Rond Pointe, Quarter Mont Goma Nord Kivu-Congo DRC Tel: +243 991 367 373 Fax:+243 891 437 132 Email: Pointe-Noire Cargo Bollore Africa Logistic, Pointe Noire Mobile: +242 05 675 08 87 Email: SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019
Sales Offices and General Sales Agents CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Lubumbashi Alamdar Tours & Travels/Jeffery Travel, Lubumbashi, D.R. Congo Tel: 243 970 15 15 19, Fax : 243 814182266 Email: Kinshasa Cargo: Bollore Africa Logistic, Kinshasa Mobile: (+) 243 995 901 899, (+) 243 991 004 890, (+) 243 995 901 859 Email:,, Kisangani Jeffery Travels SARL, 16, Boulevard Mobutu, Immeuble Lengema, Commune Makiso, Kisangani, Democratic Republic of the Congo Tel: +243 818 235 553 Email: Mbuji-Mayi Jeffery Travels SARL, Avenue Inga #63, Cartier Masanka, Commune Diulu, Mbuji Mayi, Democratic Republic of the Congo Tel: +243 816 546 523 Email: Bollore Africa Logistics, Goma Mobile: +243 812 670 850, +243 822 745 280 Email: CYPRUS Orthodoxou Aviation Ltd., 4B Menandrou Street, Gala Tower, Shop Nbr 1, 1066 Nicosia, Cyprus Tel: 00357 22 765975f / 00357 22369810, Fax: 00357 22767670 Email: CZECH & SLOVAK REPUBLICS, POLAND Tal Aviation Poland, UL Ujazdowskie, 20 Street, 00478 Warsaw Tel: 48-22-6250467, Fax: 48-22-6253146 Email: rgrabski& Tal Aviation Poland Ltd. Tel: 48 22 627 2259, Fax: 48 22 625 3146 Email: Cargo Starways Group Tel: + 43 1 700736698, Mob: + 43 6648966095 DENMARK, NORWAY, LITHUANIA & LATVIA Khyber International, Vester Farimagsagade 3, DK-1606 Copenhagen V Denmark Tel: 45 33121188, Fax: 4533933799 Email: SITA: CPHZZET Cargo Kales Airline Services DK - 7190 Billund Denmark Tel: 45 75354511, Fax: 45 75354569 DJIBOUTI Globe Travel, Angle de la Place du 27 Juin et de la rue Ras Makonen, PO BOX 1181, Republic de Djibouti Tel: 0025377804783, Fax: 00253 21354848 Email: Freight in Time Group (CSA) 2nd floor, GXA Bldg rue Clemenceau, Djibouti ville Djibouti Representative: Mr. Charmake Tel : 25321357423/25377063981 Email: Web: DUBAI Cargo Asia Air Travel and Tourism Agency Bin Lootah building, Room # 112 – Garhoud, Deira – Dubai – UAE Representative: Mazhar Marzook / Cargo Manager P.O. Box: 1187, Tel: +971 4 2824191 Email: Website: 78
f ly e t h i o p i a n
EASTERN EUROPE Starways Group Contact: Markus Biber Email: Tel: + 43 1-7007-36698 EGYPT Cargo Tiffany Cargo Systems, 79, El- Moltaka El- Araby District Sheraton Heliopolis, Cairo Tel: +2 02 22667820, +2 02 22674066, Fax: +2 02 22667821, +2 02 22692121, Email: EQUATORIAL GUINEA Avio Cargo GE S.L Address: Km 5 carretera,Malabo II Malabo, Equatorial Guinea Contact: Mr. Luis Francisco Ondo Ntongono (Country Head) Email: Tel:+240222046081 Mr. Francisco Martin Sierra Navarro (Head of Operations) Email: Mr. Wondwossen Kifle Tekeleab (Ramp Operations Manager) Email: Tele: +240555604611 ESTONIA, LATVIA & LITHUANIA Baltic GSA, Skolas iela 21-203a, LV -1010, Riga, Latvia Tel: 371 67889984 (Latvia) / 372 6225980 (Estonia) / 370 52054794 (Lithuania) Fax: 371 6601 2055 Email: FINLAND Tour Planner Matkantekijat Oy — Tourplanners Ltd, Insinoorinkatu 7B, 00880, Helsinki, Finland Tel: 358 9 687 7890 / 358 40 7340911 Email: Kales Airline Services Contact: Robert Christensson Email: Fax: 46 8 594 41 190 Tel: 46 8 584 42 244 FRANCE Air promotion group (APG) 66 Avenue des Champs-Elysées75008 Paris - France Tel: 33 153 771316 Fax: 33 1 53 77 13 05 Email: ATC Aviation Services SA BP 13 526 95709 Roissy CDG Cedex / France Tel: +33 1 7003 8040, Fax: +33 1 7003 8050 Mobile: +33 6 7227 3871 Email : Web: GERMANY Munchen Aviareps AG, Josephspitalstr, 15, 80331 Munchen, Germany Tel: 49 89 55 25 33 73, 49 89 54 50 68 42 Email: Frankfurt Ethiopian Airlines, Kaiserstraße 77, 60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Sales & Marketing: Tel: 0049 (0) 69 770 673 053 Fax: 0049 (0) 69 770 673 235 Email: Reservations: Tel: (0180-5) 355 600 Fax: 0049 (0) 69 770 673 028 Email: Frankfurt Cargo ATC Aviation, Cargo City Süd, Geb.641, 60549 Frankfurt/Germany Tel: 49 0 69 698053 47 Fax: 49 0 69 698053 20 Email:
GHANA McDan Shipping (CSA) Block #10, Aviance Cargo Village KIA Airport - Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 204287921/+233 302 762280 Email:, Web: GREECE Gold Star Aviation,34 Filellinon St.and Amalias Ave, 105 58 Athens, Greece Tel: 30 210 324 6706, Fax: 30 210 324 6723 Email: Cargo XQair cargo services GmbH XQAIR Barbara Gugger ( P.O. Box 14164 Matthofstrand 8, CH-6005 Luzern 14 Office : +41 43 540 22 45 Mobile: +41 76 566 60 59 GUINEA GUINEE-VOYAGES, EI CISSE Amacif Bldg Conakrey Guinea, P.O.Box 5842 Tel: 0022463260554/62650181 /64260554 Mobile: 00 224-60260554/ 60340144/60212320, Fax: 224-30478063/22430012611 Email: EI CISSE Amacif Bldg Conakrey Guinea Tel: 22460212320/340144 Fax: 224-30478063/22430012611 /00224-30477734 Email: ELITE CARGO (CSA) Cargo Village -Aérogare de fret B 32-34 Tel: 224,622,652,511 Email: l, HONG KONG Pacific Air (HK) Limited 1608 New East Ocean Center, 9 Science Museum Road, Tsim, Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: 852 39689088, Fax: 852 23012127 Email: Cargo: Pacific Air (HK) Limited Tel: 852 2759 4578, Fax: 852 2759 4316 Email: HUNGARY Cargo Starways Group Tel: +43 1 7007 36698, Mob: +43 6648966095 INDIA STIC TRAVELS PVT. LTD., Alps Building, 1st floor, 56 Janpath, New Delhi – 110001 Tel: (011) 23312304 / 23320845 Fax: (011) 23329235 Contact: Ms. Kalpana Ganju Email: STIC TRAVELS PVT. LTD., No 3-5-874/A, Ground floor, Vipanchi Estate, Hyderguda, Hyderabad – 500029, Andhra Pradesh Contact: Mr. Unni Ashok Kumar Tel: (040) 66618755 / 23231451 / 23210131 Fax: (040) 66612966 Email:, STIC TRAVELS PVT. LTD., G-5, Imperial Court, 33/1 Cunningham Road, Bangalore – 560052, Karnataka Contact: Mr.Vinod / Mr. Shankar Tel: (080)22267613/22202408/22256194 Fax: (080) 22202409 Email: STIC TRAVELS PVT. LTD., Room No 53, 5th floor, Chitrakoot Building, 230A, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata – 700020, West Bengal Contact: Ms. Sudeshna Tel: (033) 22890440, 22890441, 22890442 Fax: (033) 22890443 Email:
STIC TRAVELS PVT. LTD., Temple Tower, 672, Anna Salai Nandanam, Mount Road, Chennai – 600035 Contact: Mr. Rajesh Pandian Email: Mob: 9840105460 Tel: (044) 24330211 / 24351829 / 24330659 / 24330098, Fax: (044) 24330170 Benzy Holidays Pvt Ltd, 101 Crystal Arcade, C. G. Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380 006 Tel: (079) 26403525, 30013430/ 32 25404557 Fax: 26403414 Email:,, Explore Himalaya Travel Inc., Amrit Marg, Bhagawan Bahal, Thamel Kathmandu, Nepal Tel: (020) 41227999, 26056451 or 26131647 Fax: (020) 26130782 Leonard Travels Pvt Ltd, Tej House 1st floor, 5 Mahatma Gandhi Road, Pune 411 001 Tel: (020) 26056451, 26131647 Fax: (020) 2613782 Manager: Vandana Hasabnis 9960231082 or 9623346382 Email: Rhythm Tours & Travels Ltd House 28, Road 01, Sector 06, Uttara, Dhakka, - 1219, Bangladesh Tel: +880258957519 Fax: +88028931005 Email: / VMS Aviation Air Services Pvt Ltd, 48 A Sir Lester James Peiries Mawatha, Colombo 5, Srilanka Tel: 0094112502149, 011252209 Fax: 0112580737 Email: Mobile: 0094777752328 Sharaf Cargo Pvt. Ltd. MSC House, Ground Floor, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400059 -India Contact person: Nomita Kothari Email: Fax: 91 22 6731 3006 Tel: +91 22 6731 3000 Mobile: +91 98203 32154 INDONESIA Jalan Rasuna Said, Mega Plaza, 4th Floor, kav C–3, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12920 Tel: +62 21 5212128 Fax: +62 21 5212148 Email: M/S PT. Aviaventura Aero Agensi Mega Plazza 4/F, Jalan HR Rasuna Said Kav C-3 Karet Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12940 Tel: (62-21) 5212152, (62-21) 5212128 Fax: +(62-21) 5202102 Email: Cargo PT Global Sarana Angkasa Aeropolis Commercial Park ACP A1.06 Jl. Marsekal Suryadharma Neglasari, Tangerang 15129 Contact: Iat Email: Fax: 62 - 21 5572 1107 Tel: 62 - 21 5572 1146 /+62-21 5572 1147 Mobile: 62 - 878 7513 6696 IRELAND Cargo Heavyweight Air Express Ltd (Cargo) Tel: 353 -1-811-8693, Fax: 353-1-811-8901 Email: ISRAEL Opensky Cargo Ltd Tel: 972 3 972 4338 CTO Tel: 972 3 7971405
f ly e t h i o p i a n
Central Reservation Office Tel: 972 3 7971400/1403/1404
E-mail: Mampionona@
Reservation Agent Tel: 972 3 7971407, ShebaMiles & Group desk Email:
Airport Office Nosy Be International Airport Immeuble Assurance Aro, en face shampion, Hell Vill- Nosy be Phone: Mobile +261 34 92 494 64 E-mail: Cargo Friends Travel & Aviation, Friends Travel, Al Nakheel Street, naif, Deira, Dubai Contact: Mr. Jai Kishan Tewani Tel: +971565664624 Email:
ITALY Rome Via Bissolati 54 Roma 00187 Phone: +39 06 48771370 Reservations: Group booking: ShebaMiles:, Sales:, Administration: AIRCONSULT Contact: Bruno Miggiano, Cargo Manager Tel: +39/ E-mail: Fax: +39/ Website: JAPAN Global Service Agency Co. Ltd; 8F, SANKI Shiba-Kanasugibashi Bldg. Shiba 1-4-3, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105-0014 Japan Tel: 813-6453-7577; Fax: 813-6453-7575 Email:, U-Transport Global Inc. 2-2-21 Shiba Koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011 Japan Contact: Massano Iida Fax: 81-3-6435-6613, Tel: 81-3-6435-6611 Email: JORDAN Passenger & Cargo: Seven Seas Group Abd Alhamid Sharaf Street Building number 61, ground and 1st floor, Amman, Jordan Tel: +962 6 5667100, Alpha International Abd Alhamid Sharaf Street, Stand Building, ground and first floor Amman, Jordan Fax: +00962 6 5667102 Tel: +0096265667100/00962778400001 Email: KENYA Cargo Africa Direct Ltd.(ADL)-Cargo GSSA P O Box 41852-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Email: Tel: 254 020-827044/827248/9 /827480 Ext: 132, Fax: 254 020-822709 Cell: 254 721 217141 Wireless: 254 020-3560579 KUWAIT M/S Al-Sawan Company W.L.L PO Box: 576, Alghazli St (Al-Rai), Kuwait Thunayan Al Ghanim Building, Fahad Al Salem Street, Sheraton Round-about Tel: +965 22270600 Ext. 2302, 2303, 2304, 2305, 2306 Fax: +965 22270606 LEBANON Cargo Beirut International Cargo Logistics Beirut Parallel Center Bloc B, PO Box 17-5040 Phone: +961-1-496120 * 480007 – Ext: 310 Fax: +961-1496119 Email: MADAGASCAR Friends Travel & Aviation, Rue Jean Jores AU RC Immeuble Louys Freres TF Christian, Madagascar Tel: +261-20 22 30 732 Email: Nosy Be Address: Immeuble Assurance Aro, en face shampion, Hell Vill- Nosy be Phone: Reservations +261 34 92 494 65/66
MALAYSIA Abadi Aviation Services Sdn. Bhd. 1st Floor, 79 Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: 603 21 489500, Fax: 603 21486462 Email: Cargo Abadi Aviation Services S/B, Lot GFM-5D Malaysia Airlines Advanced Cargo Centre, Free Commercial Zone, Kuala Lumpur International Airport, 64000 Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia Tel: +603 87871198/1179, Fax: +603 87871108 Email: MALTA APG Malta Ltd., 1st floor, Aviation Center, St. Thomas Street, Luqa, Malta Email: MAURITANIA ATLAS GSA Mauritanie Avenue Gamal Abdel Nasser, BP 3592, Nouakchott, Mauritania Fax: +222 45282944 Tel: +222 45282943 MAURITIUS TNS Analysis, 1st Floor Ebene Skies, Rue de L’institut, Ebene, Mauritius Fax: +230 467 6416 Tel: +230 202 0055 Mobile: +230 5 251 8255 Email: MEXICO Praca da Liberdade, 130-10th F Suite 10011002, Liberdade, Sao Paulo-Brazil, CEP 01503010, Sao Paulo, Brazil Tel: 551131063295, 551186328697 Aviareps AG, Landsberg Str.155,80687 Munich, Germany Tel: 49 89 55 25 33 73, Fax: 49 89 54 50 68 42 Email: MOZAMBIQUE Maputo Av. Kenneth Kaunda 1174 Sommerschield Maputo Tel: 258 21 314421 / 21 321441 Mobile: 258 82 3144211, 258 84 5072366, Airport office: 258 84 5072366 Email:, MYANMAR Cargo ILG International Aviation, No. 126 1st Floor, Bogalayzay Road, Botataung Tsp, Yangon, Myanmar Tel: +66 0 2 126 8026 Fax: +66 0 2126 8080 Email: AVIAREPS Myanmar Co.,Ltd. #01-06, 1st Floor,Yuzana Business Tower, No.25, Dhammazedi Road, Myaynigone, Sanchaung Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Phone: +95 1 539484 , +95 9 450050898 , +95 9 450050908 Email:
Sales Offices and General Sales Agents
NAMIBIA Friends Travel & Aviation Corner Independence Avenue & Garten Street, Windhoek, Namibia Email:, Tel: +26461256601 Mobile +264816005274 Cargo Lucky Sky Travel & Tours Address: Unit 34, Town Square, Standard Bank Shopping Center PO Box 996067, Maruea Mall, Windhoek Contact: Abdul Nsengiyumva, Director Tel: 00264 818 325 075 Fax : 00264 61 401105 Email:, Web: NETHERLANDS Benelux Cargo: Kales Group B.V. Triport Building 1, 6th Floor Evert Van de beekstraat 46 1118 CL Schiphol, The Netherlands Tel: 31 20 653 4886, Fax: 31 20 653 4717 Email: Kales BRU Kales AMS NEPAL Explore Himalaya Travel Inc., 745 Amnt March, Bhagbanbahal Thamel, Kathmandu Nepal Tel: 977 1 4418100 NIGER Horizon Distribution (Satguru Travel and Tourism) BP 1114, Rond Point Maourey RCCM: NIA-NI2008-B-1889, Niamey, Niger Tel: 20727272 / 20727373 Fax: 20736934 Email: NIGERIA DHL Global Forwarding Nigeria Limited Plot 8, Block H, Cowbell Road, Isolo Industrial Estate Off Oshodi-Apapa Expressway Isolo, Lagos, Nigeria Representative: Mrs. Heather Frankle Tel: +234 4625200 Email: Web: NORWAY Oslo Øvre Slottsgate 6, 0157 Oslo, Norway Phone: +47 22 06 44 01 Email: Cargo Kales Group BV (Cargo Only) DK - 7190 Billund Denmark Tel: 45 75354511, Fax: 45 75354569 Email: OMAN National Travel & Tourism, Postal Code 100 Sultanate of Oman Tel: 00968-246 60300 Fax: 968 24566125 Email: PAKISTAN Maheen Travels Shop #20, Ground Floor Hotel Metropole Building, Karachi Fax: +92 21 35220610 Tel: +92 21 35640057 Karachi Tel: 9221 3566 1712-13-14 & 16 Fax: 9221 3566 1715
Lahore Tel: 9242-3630-5229, 9242-3636-5165 Fax: 9242-3631-4051, Tel: 2823040/2823350 Fax: 2824030 Tel: 6305229/6365165 Fax: 6314051 Cargo Inter-Fret Consolidators (Pvt.) Ltd. (Pakistan), Suite No. 814-815, 8th floor, Park Avenue, Shahra-e-Faisal, PECHS, Karachi-74500, Pakistan Tel: +92 21 111 111 432, +92 21 3432 6658 Fax: +92 21 345 405 94 Email: PERU Praca da Liberdade, 130-10th F Suite 1001-1002, Liberdade, Sao Paulo-Brazil, CEP 01503-010, Sao Paulo, Brazil Tel: 551131063295, 551186328697 Aviareps AG, Landsberg Str.155, 80687 Munich, Germany Tel: 49 89 55 25 33 73 Fax: 49 89 54 50 68 42 Email: PHILIPPINES Pan Euro International Inc, 12F Frabelle Business Center, 111 Rada St., Legaspi Village, Makati City, Philippines Tel: 632 8480978 -79 Fax: 632 8481859 Email:, Globalair Lynx, Inc. 3rd Floor E-307 Export Wing PAIR PAGSS Center, NAIA Avenue, Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines 130 Contact: Mr. Alan D’Lima Email:, Fax: 632 877 8483 Tel: 632 800 7433 PORTUGAL Av. 5 de Outubro, 115 – 1º E 1050-052 Lisboa, Portugal Email: Tel: +351 215 933 234 Mobile: +351 910 409 299 Cargo Cargo Rate And Service 15–Local 08028 BARCELONA (SPAIN) Tel: +34 931888690, Fax: +34 93409251 QATAR Fahd Travels, Doha, Qatar Tel: 00974-4432233, Fax: 00974-4432266 Email: Cargo Fahd Cargo Dar Al kotob area, Diamond Hotel Bldg, Doha, Qatar Fax: 00974 4431 1010, Tel: 00974 4441 4928 Email: ROMANIA AND REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Nicolae Balcescu Blv No 21 Bucharest, Romania Tel: 004 021 3151359, 307 91 75 Email: Cargo XQair cargo services GmbH XQAIR Barbara Gugger ( P.O. Box 14164, Matthofstrand 8 CH-6005 Luzern 14 Office : +41 43 540 22 45 Mobile: +41 76 566 60 59 RUSSIA Aviareps, Olympic Plaza, 39, Prospect Mira Bldg. 2, 129110 Moscow, Russia Tel: 7 495 937 59 50, 07 812 740 3820 Fax: 7 495 937 59 51, 07 812 740 3821 Email: SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019
Sales Offices and General Sales Agents Cargo Global GSA Eurasia ltd 1Siafi , Porto Bello, office 105, Limassol, Cyprus, 3042 Tel: +35725026970, +79057801893 Representative: Mr. Marios Lacovou and Olga Polyanskaya Email: RWANDA Euro World Sarl, Kigali, Satguru International Tel: 250 570440/570442 Fax: 250 570441 Email: Cargo Bollore Africa Logistic Rwand Limited Boulevard de IÓUA-Gikondo Industrial Kigali,Rwanda, (250)788655645 Sales Representatives (250)783042095 Sales Representatives Africa Direct Matheus House, 3rd Floor, No. 1, B.P 326, Plot 5016 Remera, Kigali, Rwanda. Tel: +250782129671, Email: SAUDI ARABIA Al Zouman Aviation, Jeddah Tel: 966 2 6531222 Fax: 966 2 6517501 Email: Alkhobar Tel: 966 3 8649000, Fax: 966 3 8941205 SERBIA, SLOVENIA, CROATIA CAT Aviation, Knez Mihajlova 30 Tel: 381 641135735 Email: SEYCHELLES Mason’s Travel Pty. Ltd. Revolutgion Avenue PO Box 459 Victoria Mahe Seychelles Tel: 0024 4288888 Fax: 248 4225273/248 4288820 Email: SIERRA LEONE IPC Tours, 22 Siaka Stevens Street, P.O. Box 1434, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: 00 232-221481 Fax: 232 22 227 470 Email:, SINGAPORE Maple Aviation Pte.Ltd 133 New Bridge Road #14-05 China Town Point, Singapore 059413 Tel: (65) 6538 6860/ 3787/ 2678 Fax: (65) 6538 3183 Email: Orient Air Pte. 9 Airline road, Changi Airfreight Center Cargo Agt Bldg D, #05-24 Singapore 819827 Contact: Mr. Shu Jin Goh, Ms. Kashie Sekaran Email:,, Fax: 65 6214 2199 Tel: +65 6542 1833, +65 6214 2136 SOMALIA Hargeisa National Travel & Tourism Agency (HANTTA), Makkah Mukarah Road, Mogadishu, Somalia Tel: +2521604934, +252634426033, +252615388888 Email: Rugsan Travel and Tourism Agency NL Building KM5, Afgoie Street, Mogadishu-Somalia-MGQ Mr. Abdirizak I.Ido Position: managing director Email: idoa@me.vom Telephone: +252699960125 80
f ly e t h i o p i a n
SOMALILAND 26 June Main Street, Derro Mall Building Ground Floor, Hargeisa, Somaliland Tel: 252 2 528445 Mobile: 252 2 4427575, 252 2 634832350 Email: SOUTH AFRICA Cape Town 47 Strand Street, Cape Town Tel: +2721 879 1520; Mobile: +27 63 6922 790 Email: Airport Office: Tel: +27 (0)21-936-3667 Mob: +27 (0)81 015 1875 Email: Call Center: 0800-984023, + 27-218197028 Cargo Aero-Link Consulting Warehouse 34, Foreign Airlines Cargo Terminal, OR Tambo Airport, Kempton Park, 1627 Tel: +27 87 150 1900 (Switchboard) Imports = Extension 606; Exports = Ext. 607 Cargo Sales = Extension 600 Handling E-Mail: Sales E-Mail: SOUTH KOREA Sharp Aviation K, Inc. 8th Fl, 22 Jong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea Contact: Mr. Soon Suk Paik E-mail: Tel: 82-2-735-8500, Fax: 82-2-734-2813 Cargo E-mail: Tel: 82-2-724-7081, Fax: 82-2-775-1975 SPAIN & PORTUGAL AirTravel Management: Calle Diego de leone, 69 40A-28006, Madrid, Spain Tel: 34 91 4022718, Fax: 34 91 4015239 Email:, Cargo AD Aircargo, C/Chile 4 28230 Las Rozas (Madrid), Spain Contact: Juan Carlos Ruiz (CEO) Email: Mobile: +(34) 652.99.42.11 Web SRI LANKA VMS Aviation Air Services (Pvt) Ltd No.48A, Dr Lester James Peiris Mawatha, Colombo 05, Sri Lanka 00500 Tel: 0094 114366990, Fax: 0094 112580737 Email:, SUDAN Blue Water Logistics Khartoum International Airport, Cargo Village, Khartoum, Sudan Tel: +249 9 287 11111 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Email: Web: Blue Water Logistics Co. Ltd. (GSSA) Office B16, Khartoum Airport Cargo Village Africa Road, Khartoum, Sudan Mobile: +249 9287 11111 / +249 9287 22222 / +249 9287 33333 Short Dialing Code: 2949 Email:, Website: SWEDEN Cargo: Kales Airline Services Tel: 46 40 36 38 10, Fax 46 40 36 38 19 Cargo: Kales Airline Services Tel: 46 8 594 411 90, Fax: 46 8 594 42244 SWITZERLAND Airline Center/Aviareps Airline Center, Badenerstresse 15-8004, Zurich, Switzerland Tel: 4122 91 98999, Fax: 4122 91 98900 Email:
Airline and Tourism center Email: Tel: 00 41227993900, 00 41442869999 Airnautic AG, Peter Merian Str.2 CH-4002, Basel Switzerland (Cargo only) Basel Tel: 41 61 227 9797, Fax: 41 61 227 9780 E-mail:,, SYRIA Passenger & Cargo: Al Tarek Travel & Tourism Fardous St, PO Box 30185 Tel: 963 11 2235225, Fax: 963 11 2211941 Email: TAIWAN Apex Travel Services Ltd., 6F-3 No. 57, Fi Shin N. Rd Taipei, Taiwan Tel: 886 2 2740 7722, Fax: 886 2 2740 5570 Email: Golden Foundations Logistics Ltd. Suite 502, No. 142, Sec. 4 Zhong-Xiao East Road, Taipei, Taiwan/ Post Code 10688 Phone: +886 2 2773-3266 ext. 137 Call Centre: +86 4008-071-787 Fax: +886 2 2776-5704 Email: Cargo Global Aviation Service (Taiwan) Inc. Tel: 886 2 2658 0255, Fax: 886 2 2659 7610 Email: TANZANIA Cargo Bollore Africa Logistic PO Box 1683, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania Tel: +(255) 22 2842 850 Mobile: +(255) 784 784 144 Fax: +(255) 22 2 842 181 THAILAND Cargo ILG Aviation APAC Co Ltd Representative: Hiran A. Samarasinha Tel: 022453546-7, 022453531 Fax: 02245 3532 Mobile: +668 6830 9542 Email: TURKEY Panorama Havacilik Ve Turizm Ltd., Cumhuriyet Cad. Apt. 185/1, Harbiye 34373, Istanbul, Turkey Tel: 90 212 2315919 Fax: 90 212 2344999 Email:,
UNITED KINGDOM Cargo Air Liaison Ltd - Heavyweight Air Express Group Tel: 44-1753 210 008, Fax: 44-208 831 9309, Email: UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Abu Dhabi Salem Travel Agency, Abu Dhabi, UAE PO Box 346, Abu Dhabi UAE Tel: +9712 2 6273333, +971 2 6218000 Fax: 009712-6268337 Email: Ajman National Travel Agency LLC Sheikh Rashid Bin Humaid Street, Al Sawan, Ajman, United Arab Emirates P.O. Box: 641 Fax: +971 6 7427537 Tel: +971 67422300/399/+971 50 92254 Dubai Asian Air Travel & Tours Agency Ground Floor, NR Lootah Bldg, Clock Tower, Port Saeed Rd, Deira, Dubai PO Box: 65006, Dubai UAE Phone: 009714 2980111 Fax: 009714 2999883 Email: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Cargo: Heavy Weight Air Express (HW) Toll Free Tel: 800 445 2733 Tel: 630 595 2323/571 480 5200 Fax: 630 595 3232 Email: VENEZUELA Praca da Liberdade, 130-10th F Suite 10011002, Liberdade, Sao Paulo-Brazil, CEP 01503010, Sao Paulo, Brazil Tel: 551131063295/551186328697 Aviareps AG, Landsberg Str.155,80687 Munich, Germany Tel: 49 89 55 25 33 73 Fax: 49 89 54 50 68 42 Email: VIETNAM Cargo Pacific Air Vietnam Company Limited MIPEC Tower, 9 Fl., 229 Tay Son Street Dong Da District, Hanoi, Vietnam Email: Vector Aviation (PAX) 62 Nguyen Cu Trinh str., Pham Ngu Lao Ward, Dist. 1st., Ho Chi Minh City , Viet Nam Tel: (+848) 3838.6918 Fax: (+848) 3838.9025 Skype: ethiopianairlines_pax
Cargo AIRMARK Airline Marketing & Services Yenibosna Merkez Mah. Cinar Cad. No:9 Kat:2 34197, Bahcelievler, Istanbul, TURKIYE Tel: +90 212 444 1 GSA (472) Fax: +90 212 245 4486 E-mail:
YEMEN Marib Travel & Tourism, 40 Meter Rd., AlSaeeda Building (next to CAC Bank), P.O. Box 7298, Sana’a, Yemen Tel: 00971-426833 Fax: 009671-426836 Email:
UGANDA Kampala Acacia place, Upper ground floor Plot 6 Acacia Avenue, Kololo Kampala –Uganda Tel: +256 778 619 572 +256 784 522 478, +256 788 785 548 Email:
ZAMBIA EAS Zambia Ltd Bid Air Cargo Representative: Mildred Musonda, Key Accounts Manager Tel: +260 211 271178 Fax: +260 211 271140 Mobile: +260962936172, +260964319290
Africa Direct U Ltd Entebbe Airport Cargo Terminal Building Room 911, P.O Box. 70942, Kampala Uganda Cargo Freight in time (U) Ltd, Cargo Terminal Building, Entebbe International Airport, Room 98 Tel: +256 775770696; +256 702525581 Email:
ZANZIBAR Passenger & Cargo: Marhaba Hotels Travels & Tours Ltd Tel: 255 24 2231527-28 Fax: 255 24 2231526 Email:
ALADDIN A live-action remake of the beloved Disney animation classic about a scrappy street urchin who finds a magic lamp that transforms his life.
Fantasy-Romance / PG / 128 min Starring Will Smith, Mena Massoud, Naomi Scott.
Video on Demand
BLOCKBUSTERS Pokémon: Detective Pikachu Animation / PG-13 / 104 min
e n t e r ta i n m e n t
See summaries on pages 86-88.
Captain America: Civil War Action / PG-13 / 147 min Doctor Strange Action / PG-13 / 115 min
Breakthrough Drama / PG / 116 min
Guardians of the Galaxy Sci-Fi / PG-13 / 122 min
Aladdin (2019) Adventure / PG / 128 min
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Action / PG-13 / 136 min
Tolkien Drama / PG-13 / 111 min X-Men: Dark Phoenix Action / PG-13 / 113 min Shazam! Action / PG-13 / 132 min All is True Biography / PG-13 / 101 min Avengers: Endgame Action / PG-13 / 181 min Men in Black: International Action / PG-13 / 115 min The Tomorrow Man Romance / PG-13 / 95 min A Dog's Way Home Adventure / PG / 96 min
Justice League Adventure / PG-13 / 123 min
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Sci-Fi / PG / 124 min
Deadpool 2 Action / R / 119 min
Star Wars: Return of The Jedi Sci-Fi / PG / 131 min Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Sci-Fi / PG / 136 min Star Wars: Attack of The Clones Sci-Fi / PG / 142 min
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Sci-Fi / PG-13 / 135 min
The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part Animation / PG / 107 min
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Action / PG-13 / 151 min
Alita: Battle Angel Action / PG-13 / 121 min
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Action / PG-13 / 133 min
The Aftermath Drama / R / 108 min
Maleficent Fantasy / PG / 135 min
Crazy Rich Asians Comedy / PG-13 / 120 min
Cinderella Family / G / 74 min
Smallfoot Animation / PG / 96 min
The Jungle Book Action / PG / 105 min
The Predator Action / R / 107 min
Alice Through The Looking Glass Adventure / PG / 108 min
Thor Adventure / PG-13 / 115 min Captain America Adventure / PG-13 / 124 min Marvel's The Avengers Action / PG-13 / 142 min Iron Man 3 Action / PG-13 / 130 min Thor: The Dark World Action / PG-13 / 112 min Captain America: The Winter Soldier Action / PG-13 / 136 min Avengers: Age of Ultron Action / PG-13 / 141 min Ant-Man Action / PG-13 / 144 min 84
The Fugitive Action / PG-13 / 130 min
Black Panther Action / PG-13 / 134 min
Nancy Drew and The Hidden Staircase Crime / PG / 89 min
Iron Man 2 Action / PG-13 / 124 min
Gravity Thriller / PG-13 / 91 min
A Star Is Born Drama / R / 136 min
Star Wars: Revenge of The Sith Sci-Fi / PG-13 / 140 min
Iron Man Action / PG-13 / 126 min
Ready Player One Action / PG-13 / 140 min
Thor: Ragnarok Action / PG-13 / 130 min
Isn't It Romantic Comedy / PG-13 / 88 min
Bad Times at the El Royale Mystery / R / 144 min
The Hobbit: The Battle of The Five Armies Adventure / PG-13 / 144 min
Beauty And The Beast Family / PG / 129 min Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Action / PG-13 / 143 min CLASSICS Table 19 Comedy / PG-13 / 87 min Gran Torino Drama / R / 117 min Mrs. Doubtfire Comedy / PG-13 / 125 min Inception Action / PG-13 / 148 min Life of Pi Adventure / PG / 127 min The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Sci-Fi / PG-13 / 170 min The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Adventure / PG-13 / 161 min
(500) Days Of Summer Comedy / PG-13 / 93 min Independence Day: Resurgence Action / PG-13 / 120 min
Barbershop: The Next Cut Comedy / PG-13 / 111 min
This Means War Action / PG-13 / 103 min
War For the Planet of the Apes Action / PG-13 / 140 min
Green Lantern Action / PG-13 / 114 min
Lord Of The Rings 3: The Return Of The King Action / PG-13 / 201 min
Interstellar Sci-Fi / PG-13 / 169 min
The Mystery of Henri Pick (Le mystère Henri Pick) Comedy / PG-13 / 101 min
The Adventures Of Supermama Comedy / PG-13 / 90 min
Edmond Drama / PG-13 / 113 min
The Setbacks of Feelings (Le Revers Des Sentiments) Drama / PG-13 / 70 min
Avatar Action / PG-13 / 161 min Valentine's Day Comedy / PG-13 / 125 min The Bridges of Madison County Drama / PG-13 / 135 min
Me Before You Romance / PG-13 / 110 min
Little Women (1949) Drama / G / 122 min
How to Be Single Comedy / R / 110 min
Father Figures Comedy / R / 113 min
Kingsman: The Golden Circle Action / R / 140 min
Wonder Woman Action / PG-13 / 141 min
Ruby Sparks Comedy / R / 104 min Elf Comedy / PG / 97 min Gone Girl Crime / R / 148 min Little Miss Sunshine Comedy / R / 102 min Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Adventure / PG / 120 min The Wizard of Oz Adventure / PG / 102 min Happy Feet Animation / PG / 108 min Happy Feet Two Animation / PG / 103 min Night at the Museum Adventure / PG / 108 min Alvin and the Chipmunks Animation / PG / 92 min Eragon Action / PG / 104 min Speed Racer Action / PG / 130 min Dolphin Tale 2 Drama / PG / 107 min The Peanuts Movie Adventure / G / 86 min Spy Action / R / 119 min Never Let Me Go Drama / R / 103 min
The Family Romance / PG-13 / 95 min
Tanguy Is Back (Tanguy, le retour) Comedy / PG-13 / 92 min
X-Men: Days of Future Past Action / PG-13 / 129 min
Meet Me In St. Louis Comedy / PG-13 / 113 min
AFRICAN Complications Comedy / PG-13 / 103 min
King Arthur: Legend of The Sword Action / PG-13 / 127 min
I, Robot Action / PG-13 / 114 min
Enough Said Comedy / PG-13 / 91 min
Arthur Comedy / PG-13 / 110 min
Aiuta: My Promise to Nakuhito Drama / PG-13 / 126 min
Everything, Everything Drama / PG-13 / 96 min The Shape of Water Adventure / R / 123 min Independence Day Action / PG-13 / 126 min Die Hard Action / R / 120 min Fantastic Four (2015) Action / PG-13 / 99 min Mad Max: Fury Road Action / R / 120 min Vacation Adventure / R / 96 min Hot Pursuit Action / PG-13 / 87 min
Claire Darling (La dernière folie de Claire Darling) Drama / PG-13 / 94 min How About Adolf? (Der Vorname) Comedy / PG-13 / 91 min Conni und Co 2 - Das Geheimnis des T-Rex Adventure / PG-13 / 92 min Taxi to Treasure Rock (Taxi a Gibraltar) Action / PG-13 / 93 min Florianopolis Dream Comedy / PG-13 / 106 min When Mom Is Away (10 Giorni Senza Mamma) Comedy / PG-13 / 95 min Dreamfools (Ricchi Di Fantasia) Comedy / PG-13 / 102 min ASIAN The Wandering Earth Action / PG-13 / 125 min The Road Not Taken Comedy / PG-13 / 113 min A Home with a View Comedy / PG-13 / 90 min Einstein and Einstein Drama / PG-13 / 121 min
Run All Night Action / R / 114 min
A Lifetime Treasure Drama / PG-13 / 90 min
Horrible Bosses 2 Comedy / R / 108 min
Lost, Found (Zhao dao ni) Drama / PG-13 / 102 min
Blended Comedy / PG-13 / 117 min
Napping Kid Crime / PG-13 / 99 min
The Great Gatsby Drama / PG-13 / 142 min
The Knight of Shadows: Between Yin and Yang Action / PG-13 / 108 min
Batman Begins Action / PG-13 / 140 min The Legend of Tarzan Action / PG-13 / 110 min Phat Girlz Comedy / PG-13 / 99 min Suicide Squad Action / PG-13 / 123 min
A Cool Fish Comedy / PG-13 / 109 min Dearest Anita Drama / PG-13 / 86 min Extreme Job (Geukhanjikeob) Action / PG-13 / 111 min
Contagion Drama / PG-13 / 106 min
Ha-na’s Restaurant (Mensore) Drama / PG-13 / 94 min
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Adventure / PG-13 / 140 min
Masquerade Hotel (Masukarêdo hoteru) Drama / PG-13 / 132 min
Papa Joe Comedy / PG-13 / 94 min
Hey Drama / PG-13 / 125 min Never Saw It Coming (Coup de Foudre) Romance / PG-13 / 83 min Ex Husband (Mon Ex) Romance / PG-13 / 101 min Weha Ena Werke Romance / PG-13 / 83 min Dagem edel Drama / PG-13 / 97 min HINDI Sui Dhaaga: Made in India Comedy / PG-13 / 122 min Karwaan Comedy / PG-13 / 114 min Fanney Khan Comedy / PG-13 / 130 min Parmanu: The Story of Pokhran Action / PG-13 / 129 min Dhadak Comedy / PG-13 / 132 min Sanju Biography / PG-13 / 155 min Aravindante Athidhikal Comedy / PG-13 / 121 min Captain Biography / PG-13 / 145 min ARABIC Gunshot (Eyar Nari) Action / PG-13 / 120 min Liel Kharegi Drama / PG-13 / 98 min BRAZILIAN Gosto Se Discute Comedy / PG-13 / 80 min Doidas e Santas Comedy / PG-13 / 95 min RUSSIAN Vanished Empire Drama / PG-13 / 105 min 8 New Weddings (8 novykh svidaniy) Comedy / PG-13 / 86 min
Video on Demand
e n t e r ta i n m e n t
See summaries on pages 89-90.
Once Upon a Time PG / 60 min
Jackie Chan's Green Heroes / PG-13 / 60 min
Station 19 / PG-13 / 60 min
Star Talk 4 / PG-13 / 60 min
The Watchmen PG-13 / 30 min
The Flash
24: Live Another Day PG-13 / 60 min
T-Rex: Ultimate Survivor PG-13 / 60 min
Design & Decoration PG-13 / 30 min
The Mentalist
Bones / PG-13 / 60 min
Wild Namibia PG-13 / 60 min
How to Win at Everything PG-13 / 30 min
Kygo: Live at the Hollywood Bowl PG-13 / 60 min
Masterchef: Kings of the Kitchen / PG-13 / 30 min
Gotham The 100
Empire / PG-13 / 60 min
American Housewife PG / 30 min
Arrow / PG-13 / 60 min The Flash / PG-13 / 60 min
Black-ish / PG-13 / 30 min
Supernatural PG-13 / 60 min
The Kids Are Alright PG / 30 min
The 100 / R / 60 min
Fuller House / PG / 30 min
Gotham / R / 60 min
Speechless / PG / 30 min
Bob's Burgers PG-13 / 30 min
Orphans of the Earth PG-13 / 60 min
The Big Bang Theory PG / 30 min
Once Upon a Bite PG-13 / 60 min
Fresh Off the Boat PG / 30 min
2 Broke Girls / PG-13 / 30 min The Middle / PG / 30 min
How It's Made PG-13 / 30 min
Come Home Love: Lo And Behold PG-13 / 30 min
New Orleans: City of Stories / PG-13 / 60 min Drain the Oceans PG-13 / 60 min
DRAMA For The People PG-13 / 60 min
Car S.O.S. 6 / PG-13 / 60 min
Am I using Video on Demand or Mainscreen? Video on Demand is accessed from a touch screen in front of you. Mainscreen uses a shared screen mounted to the ceiling.
Disney Mickey Mouse G / 15 min
Cake Boss / PG-13 / 30 min
Mickey and the Roadster Racers / G / 30 min
Dunder / PG-13 / 15 min Lifting Mr Burden PG-13 / 2 min
Close Up / PG-13 / 30 min
Andi Mack / G / 30 min
After the Rain PG-13 / 8 min
A Taste of Hong Kong PG-13 / 30 min
Marvel's Spider-Man PG / 30 min
Temptation / PG-13 / 8 min
Chasing Sleep PG-13 / 30 min
Frock Finders PG-13 / 30 min
Puppy Dog Pals / PG / 30 min
No Gravity / PG-13 / 8 min
Raven's Home / G / 30 min
Sur Mesure / PG-13 / 7 min
DuckTales / PG / 30 min
Twin Islands / PG-13 / 8 min
Big Hero 6 The Series PG / 30 min
Middleware / PG-13 / 2 min
You Can Do Better PG-13 / 30 min The Food Files PG-13 / 30 min
Ethiopian Airlines 100th Fleet Milestone / PG / 8 min
How Do They Do It? PG-13 / 30 min
Chasing Longevity PG-13 / 30 min
Heaven & Earth PG / 48 min
Science of Stupid PG-13 / 30 min
Friends / PG-13 / 30 min
Smart Secrets of Great Paintings / PG-13 / 30 min
Go to Japan / PG-13 / 30 min
Ethiopian Airlines Airbus A350 XWB The Magic Of Flight PG / 60 min Flight Over Africa PG / 60 min Discover Ethiopian Wild PG-13 / 36 min LIFESTYLE
Castle / PG-13 / 60 min
Mission Saturn PG-13 / 60 min
Good Life / PG-13 / 30 min
Grey's Anatomy PG-13 / 60 min
Man vs Puma PG-13 / 60 min
Top Tables, Top Cities PG-13 / 30 min
Designing Paradise with Bill Bensley PG-13 / 30 min Rock the Park PG-13 / 30 min
Appel d’air / PG-13 / 4 min
Big City Greens / PG / 30 min
The Shortlist PG-13 / 30 min
Superman: The Animated Series / PG / 30 min
Dream Teams PG-13 / 30 min Epic Trails / PG-13 / 30 min Chef Yohanis / G / 17 min Ethiopia Land of Origins Episodes 1-7 / G / 3 min
Introducing Paris PG-13 / 3 min
The Looney Tunes Show PG / 30 min
Introducing Singapore PG-13 / 3 min
X-Men: Evolution PG / 30 min The Tom and Jerry Show PG / 30 min
My First Trip: Hong Kong PG-13 / 2 min Introducing New York City PG-13 / 3 min
Wabbit / PG / 30 min
Lippy The Lion PG / 30 min
Vampirina / G / 30 min Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy / PG / 30 min Muppet Babies / PG / 5 min
Introducing Bangkok PG-13 / 3 min
Why Londoners Love Gin PG-13 / 1 min
Fruits of Clouds PG-13 / 8 min
Additional programming mat be found using the inflight entertainment system navigation menu
Mainscreen Listings
See summaries on pages 86-90.
See summaries on pages 86-90.
Addis to Africa/West Asia HOLLYWOOD MOVIE
Africa/West Asia to Addis HOLLYWOOD MOVIE
Wonder Park Animation / PG / 85 min
Wonder Park Animation / PG / 85 min
Isn't It Romantic Comedy / PG-13 / 88 min
Isn't It Romantic Comedy / PG-13 / 88 min
A Dog's Way Home Adventure / PG / 96 min
A Dog's Way Home Adventure / PG / 96 min
Head Full of Honey Comedy / PG-13 / 128 min
Head Full of Honey Comedy / PG-13 / 128 min
Her Mother's Man Romance / PG-13 / 88 min
Sir Drama / PG-13 / 99 min
5 Reasons Why Romance / PG-13 / 94 min
HINDI MOVIE Soorma Biography / PG-13 / 131 min TELEVISION
The Big Bang Theory The Athenaeum Allocation / 30 min
2 Broke Girls And the Himmicane / 30 min
Fresh Off the Boat PG / 30 min
The Middle Role of a Lifetime / PG / 30 min
New Orleans: City of Stories PG-13 / 60 min
Car S.O.S. 6 Lancia Delta Integrale / PG-13 / 60 min
Drain the Oceans PG-13 / 60 min
Mission Saturn PG-13 / 60 min
Good Life Black Rice / PG-13 / 30 min
Top Tables, Top Cities Lisbon / PG-13 / 30 min
Go to Japan Hometown of Doraemon / PG-13 / 30 min
Cake Boss PG-13 / 30 min
*Not available on B737 aircrafts SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019
Movie Summaries
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BLOCKBUSTERS Pokémon: Detective Pikachu In a world where people collect Pokémon to do battle, a boy comes across an intelligent talking Pikachu who seeks to be a detective. Breakthrough After drowning in Lake St. Louis and being dead for almost an hour, John Smith comes back to life when his mother enters the room while praying out loud. Aladdin (2019) A vibrant live-action adaptation of Disney’s classic, “Aladdin” is the tale of street rat Aladdin, courageous and self-determined Princess Jasmine and the Genie who may be the key to their future. Tolkien Explores the formative years of the orphaned author as he finds friendship, love and artistic inspiration among a group of fellow outcasts at school. X-Men: Dark Phoenix Jean Grey begins to develop incredible powers that corrupt and turn her into a Dark Phoenix. Now the X-Men will have to decide if the life of a team member is worth more than all the people living in the world. Shazam! We all have a superhero inside us, it just takes a bit of magic to bring it out. In Billy Batson's case, by shouting out one word - "Shazam!" - this streetwise 14-year-old foster kid can turn into an adult superhero named "Shazam". All is True A look at the final days in the life of renowned playwright William Shakespeare. Avengers: Endgame Thanos’ evil actions that wiped out half the universe and fractured the Avengers ranks compels the remaining Avengers to take one final stand. Men in Black: International The Men in Black have always protected the Earth from the scum of the universe. In this new adventure, they tackle their biggest, most global threat to date: a mole in the Men in Black organization. The Tomorrow Man Ed Hemsler spends his life preparing for a disaster that may never come. Ronnie Meisner spends her life shopping for things she may never use. In a small town, these two people will try to find love while trying not to get lost in each other's stuff. A Dog's Way Home The heartwarming adventure of Bella, a dog who embarks on an epic 400-mile journey home after she is separated from her beloved human. Nancy Drew and The Hidden Staircase 16-year-old Nancy longs for excitement, adventure, and the chance to make a difference. She gets that opportunity when she is asked to help solve the ghostly activity at the Twin Elms mansion. The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part It's been five years since everything was awesome and the citizens are facing a huge new threat: LEGO DUPLO® invaders from outer space, wrecking everything faster than they can rebuild. 86
Isn't It Romantic A young woman disenchanted with love mysteriously finds herself trapped inside a romantic comedy. Alita: Battle Angel A deactivated female cyborg is revived, but cannot remember anything of her past life and goes on a quest to find out who she is. The Aftermath Post World War II, a British colonel and his wife are assigned to live in Hamburg during the post-war reconstruction, but tensions arise with the German who previously owned the house. Crazy Rich Asians This contemporary romantic comedy, based on a global bestseller, follows native New Yorker Rachel Chu to Singapore to meet her boyfriend's family. Smallfoot A Yeti is convinced that the elusive creatures known as "humans" really do exist. The Predator When a young boy accidentally triggers the universe's most lethal hunters' return to Earth, only a ragtag crew of ex-soldiers and a disgruntled science teacher can prevent the end of the human race. Bad Times at the El Royale Seven strangers, each with a secret to bury, meet at Lake Tahoe's El Royale, a rundown hotel with a dark past. Over the course of one fateful night, everyone will have a last shot at redemption - before everything goes to hell. Iron Man After being held captive in an Afghan cave, billionaire engineer Tony Stark creates a unique weaponized suit of armor to fight evil.
Soldier program. When a Nazi plot reveals itself Rogers must rise up and and become the First Avenger. Marvel's The Avengers Marvel Studios presents Marvel's The Avengers-the Super Hero team up of a lifetime, featuring Iconic Marvel Super Heroes Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow. Iron Man 3 When Stark finds his personal world destroyed at his enemy's hands, he embarks on a harrowing quest to find those responsible. Thor: The Dark World Thor fights to restore order across the cosmos but an ancient race led by the vengeful Malekith returns to plunge the universe into darkness. Captain America: The Winter Soldier When a S.H.I.E.L.D. colleague comes under attack, Steve becomes embroiled in a web of intrigue that threatens the world. Joining forces with Black Widow, Steve struggles to expose the conspiracy while fighting off assailants sent to silence him. Avengers: Age of Ultron When Tony Stark tries to jumpstart a dormant peacekeeping program, things go awry and Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are put to the ultimate test as the fate of the planet hangs in the balance. Ant-Man Armed with a super-suit with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, con-man Scott Lang must embrace his inner hero and help his mentor, Dr. Hank Pym, plan and pull off a heist that will save the world.
Iron Man 2 With the world now aware of his identity as Iron Man, Tony Stark must contend with both his declining health and a vengeful mad man with ties to his father's legacy.
Captain America: Civil War Political interference in the Avengers' activities causes a rift between former allies Captain America and Iron Man. Doctor Strange While on a journey of physical and spiritual healing, a brilliant neurosurgeon is drawn into the world of the mystic arts. Guardians of the Galaxy Peter Jason Quill finds himself the object of a bounty hunt after stealing a mysterious orb coveted by Ronan the Accuser, a powerful villain with ambitions threatening the universe. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Set to the sounds of Awesome Mixtape #2, Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 continues the team’s adventures as they seek to unravel the mystery of Star-Lord’s parentage. Thor: Ragnarok Held captive without his hammer, Thor must escape to save Asgard from ruin. Black Panther T'Challa, heir to the hidden but advanced kingdom of Wakanda, must step forward to lead his people into a new future and must confront a challenger from his country's past. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back After the Rebel base on the icy planet Hoth is taken over by the empire, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, and C-3PO flee across the galaxy from the Empire eventually arriving in Cloud City where Han's friend Lando resides.
Star Wars: Return of The Jedi In the epic conclusion of the saga, the Empire prepares to crush the Rebellion with a more powerful Death Star while the Rebel fleet mounts a massive attack on the space station. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Jedi Knights Qui Gon Jinn and Obi Wan Kenobi escape a hostile blockade to find allies in the brave Queen Amidala and Jar Jar Binks. On their journey out of the planet of Naboo, they come across a young boy who may bring balance to the Force. Star Wars: Attack of The Clones There are not enough Jedi to defend the Republic against a threat, so Chancellor Palpatine enlists the aid of Jango Fett, who promises that his army of clones will handle the situation. Star Wars: Revenge of The Sith When the sinister Sith Lord, Darth Sidious, unveils a plot to take over the galaxy, the fate of Anakin, the Jedi order, and the entire galaxy is at stake. Star Wars: The Force Awakens Thirty years after the destruction of the second Death Star, the fall of the Emperor, and the redemption of Darth Vader, a New Republic governs the civilized galaxy. Star Wars: The Last Jedi The Skywalker saga continues as the heroes of The Force Awakens join the galactic legends in an epic adventure that unlocks new mysteries of the Force and shocking revelations of the past. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story In a time of conflict, a group of unlikely heroes band together on a mission to steal the plans to the Death Star, the Empire’s ultimate weapon of destruction. Maleficent From Disney comes “Maleficent” the untold story of Disney’s most Iconic villain from the 1959 classic “Sleeping Beauty.”
Thor Thor is banished to Earth where he is forced to live among humans. When the most dangerous villain of his world sends its darkest forces to invade Earth, Thor learns what it takes to be a true hero.
Cinderella When her father unexpectedly dies, young Ella finds herself at the mercy of her cruel stepmother and her scheming stepsisters. Never one to give up hope, Ella's fortunes begin to change after meeting a dashing stranger.
Captain America A brave, yet mild-mannered young soldier named Steve Rogers, volunteers to undergo a series of experiments for a US army Super
The Jungle Book “The Jungle Book” is an all-new liveaction epic adventure about Mowgli, a man-cub who’s been raised by a family of wolves.
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Alice Through The Looking Glass Alice has spent the past few years following in her father’s footsteps and sailing the high seas. Upon her return to London, she comes across a magical looking glass and returns to the fantastical realm of Underland and her friends. Beauty And The Beast Experience the journey of Belle, a bright, independent young woman who is taken prisoner by a Beast in his castle. Despite her fears, she learns to look beyond the Beast’s hideous exterior and realize the kind heart of the true Prince within. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Blacksmith Will Turner teams up with eccentric pirate "Captain" Jack Sparrow to save his love, the governor's daughter, from Jack's former pirate allies, who are now undead. CLASSICS Table 19 Eloise, having been relieved of maid of honor duties after being unceremoniously dumped by the best man via text, decides to attend the wedding anyway, only to find herself seated with five fellow unwanted guests at the dreaded Table 19. Gran Torino Disgruntled Korean War veteran Walt Kowalski sets out to reform his neighbor, a Hmong teenager who tried to steal Kowalski's prized possession: a 1972 Gran Torino. Mrs. Doubtfire After a bitter divorce, an actor disguises himself as a female housekeeper to spend time with his children held in custody by his former wife. Inception A thief, who steals corporate secrets through use of dream-sharing technology, is given the inverse task of planting an idea into the mind of a CEO. Life of Pi A young man who survives a disaster at sea is hurtled into an epic journey of adventure and discovery. While cast away, he forms an unexpected connection with another survivor: a fearsome Bengal tiger. Ready Player One When the creator of a virtual reality world called the OASIS dies, he releases a video in which he challenges all OASIS users to find his Easter Egg, which will give the finder his fortune. Gravity Two astronauts work together to survive after an accident which leaves them alone in space. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey A reluctant Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, sets out to the Lonely Mountain with a spirited group of dwarves to reclaim their mountain home, and the gold within it, from the dragon Smaug. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug The dwarves, along with Bilbo Baggins and Gandalf the Grey, continue their quest to reclaim Erebor, their homeland, from Smaug. Bilbo Baggins is in possession of a mysterious and magical ring.
The Wizard of Oz Dorothy Gale is swept away from a farm in Kansas to a magical land of Oz in a tornado and embarks on a quest with her new friends to see the Wizard who can help her return home in Kansas and help her friends as well. Night at the Museum A newly recruited night security guard at the Museum of Natural History discovers that an ancient curse causes the animals and exhibits on display to come to life and wreak havoc. Me Before You A girl in a small town forms an unlikely bond with a recentlyparalyzed man she's taking care of.
The Hobbit: The Battle of The Five Armies Bilbo and Company are forced to engage in a war against an array of combatants and keep the Lonely Mountain from falling into the hands of a rising darkness.
Justice League Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman's selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his newfound ally, Diana Prince, to face an even greater enemy. Deadpool 2 Foul-mouthed mutant mercenary Wade Wilson (AKA. Deadpool), brings together a team of fellow mutant rogues to protect a young boy with supernatural abilities from the brutal, time-traveling cyborg, Cable. (500) Days Of Summer An offbeat romantic comedy about a woman who doesn't believe true love exists, and the young man who falls for her. Independence Day: Resurgence Two decades after the first Independence Day invasion, Earth is faced with a new extra-Solar threat. But will mankind's new space defenses be enough? How to Be Single A group of young adults navigate love and relationships in New York City. Kingsman: The Golden Circle When their headquarters are destroyed and the world is held hostage, the Kingsman's journey leads them to the discovery of an allied spy organization in the US. These two elite secret organizations must band together to defeat a common enemy. Enough Said A divorced woman who decides to pursue the man she's interested in learns he's her new friend's exhusband. Meet Me In St. Louis In the year leading up to the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair, the four Smith daughters learn lessons of life and love, even as they prepare for a reluctant move to New York.
War For the Planet of the Apes After the apes suffer unimaginable losses, Caesar wrestles with his darker instincts and begins his own mythic quest to avenge his kind. Lord Of The Rings 3: The Return Of The King "Gandalf and Aragorn lead the World of Men against Sauron's army to draw his gaze from Frodo and Sam as they approach Mount Doom with the One Ring." King Arthur: Legend of The Sword Robbed of his birthright, Arthur comes up the hard way in the back alleys of the city. But once he pulls the sword from the stone, he is forced to acknowledge his true legacy - whether he likes it or not. Interstellar A team of explorers travel through a wormhole in space in an attempt to ensure humanity's survival. Avatar A paraplegic marine dispatched to the moon Pandora on a unique mission becomes torn between following his orders and protecting the world he feels is his home.
The Fugitive Dr. Richard Kimble, unjustly accused of murdering his wife, must find the real killer while being the target of a nationwide manhunt led by a seasoned U.S. Marshal. A Star Is Born A musician helps a young singer find fame as age and alcoholism send his own career into a downward spiral.
Movie Summaries
I, Robot In 2035, a technophobic cop investigates a crime that may have been perpetrated by a robot, which leads to a larger threat to humanity. Ruby Sparks A novelist struggling with writer's block finds romance in a most unusual way: by creating a female character he thinks will love him, then willing her into existence. Elf After inadvertently wreaking havoc on the elf community due to his ungainly size, a man raised as an elf at the North Pole is sent to the U.S. in search of his true identity. Gone Girl With his wife's disappearance having become the focus of an intense media circus, a man sees the spotlight turned on him when it's suspected that he may not be innocent. Little Miss Sunshine A family determined to get their young daughter into the finals of a beauty pageant take a crosscountry trip in their VW bus. Home Alone 2: Lost in New York One year after Kevin was left home alone and had to defeat a pair of bumbling burglars, he accidentally finds himself in New York City, and the same criminals are not far behind. Happy Feet Into the world of the Emperor Penguins, who find their soul mates through song, a penguin is born who cannot sing. But he can tap dance something fierce! Happy Feet Two Mumble's son, Erik, is struggling to realize his talents in the Emperor Penguin world. Meanwhile, Mumble and his family and friends discover a new threat their home -- one that will take everyone working together to save them.
Alvin and the Chipmunks A struggling songwriter named Dave Seville finds success when he comes across a trio of singing chipmunks: mischievous leader Alvin, brainy Simon, and chubby, impressionable Theodore. Eragon In his homeland of Alagaesia, a farm boy happens upon a dragon's egg -- a discovery that leads him on a predestined journey where he realizes he's the one person who can defend his home against an evil king. Speed Racer A young driver, Speed Racer, aspires to be champion of the racing world with the help of his family and his high-tech Mach 5 automobile. Dolphin Tale 2 The team of people who saved Winter's life reassemble in the wake of her surrogate mother's passing in order to find her a companion so she can remain at the Clearwater Marine Hospital. The Peanuts Movie Snoopy embarks upon his greatest mission as he and his team take to the skies to pursue their archnemesis, while his best pal Charlie Brown begins his own epic quest back home to win the love of his life. Spy A desk-bound CIA analyst volunteers to go undercover to infiltrate the world of a deadly arms dealer, and prevent diabolical global disaster. Never Let Me Go The lives of three friends, from their early school days into young adulthood. Barbershop: The Next Cut "As their surrounding community has taken a turn for the worse, the crew at Calvin's Barbershop come together to bring some much needed change to their neighborhood."
Valentine's Day Intertwining couples and singles in Los Angeles break-up and makeup based on the pressures and expectations of Valentine's Day. The Bridges of Madison County Photographer Robert Kincaid wanders into the life of housewife Francesca Johnson, for four days in the 1960s. X-Men: Days of Future Past "The X-Men send Wolverine to the past in a desperate effort to change history and prevent an event that results in doom for both humans and mutants." Little Women (1949) A group of sisters experience life's difficulties and its pleasures while growing up in nineteenth-century America. Father Figures Upon learning that their mother has been lying to them for years about their allegedly deceased father, two fraternal twin brothers hit the road in order to find him. Wonder Woman When a pilot crashes and tells of conflict in the outside world, Diana, an Amazonian warrior in training, leaves home to fight a war, discovering her full powers and true destiny. Everything, Everything A teenager who's spent her whole life confined to her home falls for the boy next door. The Shape of Water In a 1960s research facility, a mute janitor forms a relationship with an aquatic creature. Independence Day The aliens are coming and their goal is to invade and destroy Earth. Fighting superior technology, humankind's best weapon is the will to survive. Die Hard John McClane, officer of the NYPD, tries to save his wife Holly Gennaro and several others after they are taken hostage by German terrorist Hans Gruber during a Christmas party at the Nakatomi Plaza in Los Angeles. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019
Movie Summaries
e n t e r ta i n m e n t
Fantastic Four (2015) Four young outsiders teleport to an alternate and dangerous universe which alters their physical form in shocking ways. Mad Max: Fury Road A woman rebels against a tyrannical ruler in postapocalyptic Australia in search for her home-land with the help of a group of female prisoners, a psychotic worshipper, and a drifter named Max. Vacation Rusty Griswold takes his own family on a road trip to "Walley World" in order to spice things up with his wife and reconnect with his sons.
Phat Girlz Two plus-sized ladies meet the men of their dreams in the most unexpected of ways.
Karwaan Two friends and a chirpy teenager take a road trip from Bangalore to Kochi.
Arthur A drunken playboy stands to lose a wealthy inheritance when he falls for a woman his family doesn't like.
Fanney Khan Fanney Khan is a struggling singer who wants to make his daughter a big name in music world.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 As Harry races against time and evil to destroy the Horcruxes, he uncovers the existence of three most powerful objects in the wizarding world: the Deathly Hallows.
Parmanu: The Story of Pokhran A look at India's second confidential nuclear test series at Pokhran led by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, during the time of PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee's tenure.
Hot Pursuit An uptight and by-the-book cop tries to protect the sexy and outgoing widow of a drug boss as they race through Texas pursued by crooked cops and murderous gunmen.
Tanguy Is Back (Tanguy, le retour) 44-year-old Tanguy is devastated when his wife Mei Lin dumps him. So he does what everyone does and... moves back in with his parents Edith and Paul!
Run All Night Mobster and hitman Jimmy Conlon has one night to figure out where his loyalties lie: with his estranged son, Mike, whose life is in danger, or his longtime best friend, mob boss Shawn Maguire, who wants Mike to pay for the death of his own son.
The Mystery of Henri Pick (Le mystère Henri Pick) An editor discovers a novel she considers to be a masterpiece in a library that collects manuscripts refused by the publishers. The text is signed Henri Pick, a Breton pizza maker who died two years earlier.
Horrible Bosses 2 Dale, Kurt and Nick decide to start their own business but things don't go as planned because of a slick investor, prompting the trio to pull off a harebrained and misguided kidnapping scheme.
Edmond Famous actor Constant Coquelin invites Edmond to write a comedy for him. The latter needs this opportunity to change his career so he agrees immediately.
Blended After a bad blind date, a man and woman find themselves stuck together at a resort for families, where their attraction grows as their respective kids benefit from the burgeoning relationship. The Great Gatsby A writer and wall street trader, Nick, finds himself drawn to the past and lifestyle of his millionaire neighbor, Jay Gatsby. Batman Begins After training with his mentor, Batman begins his fight to free crime-ridden Gotham City from corruption. The Legend of Tarzan Tarzan, having acclimated to life in London, is called back to his former home in the jungle to investigate the activities at a mining encampment. Suicide Squad A secret government agency recruits some of the most dangerous incarcerated supervillains to form a defensive task force. Their first mission: save the world from the apocalypse. Contagion Healthcare professionals, government officials and everyday people find themselves in the midst of a worldwide epidemic as the CDC works to find a cure. This Means War A pair of C.I.A. operatives wage an epic battle against one another when they discover they are dating the same woman. Green Lantern Reckless test pilot Hal Jordan is granted an alien ring that bestows him with otherworldly powers that inducts him into an intergalactic police force, the Green Lantern Corps. 88
Claire Darling (La dernière folie de Claire Darling) A woman decides the first day of summer will be the last day she lives. How About Adolf? (Der Vorname) What should have been a fun evening quickly gets out of hand when Thomas announces he and his pregnant girlfriend are planning to name their son Adolf. Conni und Co 2 - Das Geheimnis des T-Rex Connie and her friends try to save an island from being destroyed by the construction of a hotel. Taxi to Treasure Rock (Taxi a Gibraltar) A debt-ridden cab driver, a charming ex-con and a bride fleeing her bachelorette party will cross paths and embark on the adventure of their lives. Florianopolis Dream A family that has grown apart decides a vacation together will put an end to their troubles. When Mom Is Away (10 Giorni Senza Mamma) What happens if an ever-present mother decides to leave for ten days, leaving the three children with a father who has been practically absent until then? Dreamfools (Ricchi Di Fantasia) Sergio, a carpenter, and Sabrina, an unsuccessful singer, have an affair but are unable to leave their partners. ASIAN The Wandering Earth As the sun is dying out, people around the world build giant thrusters to move Earth out of its orbit and sail it to a new star system. In order to save humanity, a group of young people fight for the survival of humankind.
The Road Not Taken In western China, Yong runs an ostrich farm which is his last chance to win back his ex-wife Yan and fix his life. A Home with a View In the hopes of finally owning a dream home for his family, a man spends his entire life savings and his father’s inheritance on a down payment for a flat. A Lifetime Treasure A film about a group of people living in a peaceful elderly home managed by a retired doctor, with assistance from his long-time nurse. Lost, Found (Zhao dao ni) Every day the people who come into Dan's small lost and found office have fascinating and hilarious stories to tell. Napping Kid The financial analysis of a Chinese IT firm has been stolen, and a senior executive must pay a ransom before the confidential report is released to the public. The Knight of Shadows: Between Yin and Yang A legendary demon hunter, assisted by a lawman protégé and a motley group of friendly monsters, tracks down beasts that enter the human dimension. A Cool Fish While two criminals hide out in a woman's apartment after a botched robbery, an ex-cop tries to find a missing gun. Dearest Anita Following the death of famous pop diva Anita Mui, Edith returns abandoned items from the singer's house to the original senders. Extreme Job (Geukhanjikeob) An undercover police operation takes a delicious, unexpected turn. Ha-na’s Restaurant (Mensore) A movie about Ko Ha Na and Jeong Se Hee running a small restaurant in Okinawa, Japan and through that experience, healing each other. Masquerade Hotel (Masukarêdo hoteru) Three murders take place in Tokyo. Numbers are left at the crime scene, possibly hinting at where the next murder will take place. It appears to be the work of a serial killer and Detective Kosuke Nitta is brought in on the case. Aiuta: My Promise to Nakuhito Toru enters adulthood having never mustered the courage to open his heart and let love in. That is until two events alter his life completely.
Einstein and Einstein A 13-year-old girl develops a deep relationship with her dog in order to deal with family trauma. AFRICAN
Dhadak Madhukar and Parthavi fall in love but face opposition from their families due to their different social statuses. The lovers dare to go against societal norms and battle all odds for the sake of love. Sanju Sanju is a biopic of the controversial life of actor Sanjay Dutt: his film career, jail sentence and personal life.
Complications Melisa and Daniel's simple plan turns into a complicated one that could put them in serious trouble.
Aravindante Athidhikal A young boy, found in an old temple, is raised by a lodge owner but yearns to see his mother who left him.
The Family The Oguyemi family reunion unveils hidden secrets. Will it break them or make them stronger?
Captain Former Indian football captain V P Sathyan is found dead under mysterious circumstances.
Papa Joe Smooth talking hustler Joe Brown enters a short film contest that has a cash prize of $10,000. The Adventures Of Supermama Doris Ratabane is an ordinary woman from Johannesburg whose life changes forever when she meets a belligerent Kung Fu master. The Setbacks of Feelings (Le Revers Des Sentiments) Having just discovered her husband has been leading a double life, Lea, a loving young woman, with the approval of her friends, ends up seeking solace in the arms of a man she's just met. But this lover may not be the person he claims to be... Hey Three friends with a special bond find out that love can sometimes be deadly. Never Saw It Coming (Coup de Foudre) Just when it seems things cannot get any worse for Sam, whose life has been spiralling downwards since a heartbreak, he meets Temi in an unusual circumstance. Against his wishes, she involves him in a battle over an inheritance. Ex Husband (Mon Ex) Dami, a local makeup artist, tries to reconnect with her ex-husband, even after finding out about his engagement to her client. Weha Ena Werke One person finds it difficult to change his enviorment. Dagem edel If you got a second chance in life would you be willing to be merciful? HINDI Sui Dhaaga: Made in India Egged on by his wife Mamta, Mauji decides to ditch his demanding bosses for his own tailoring business. But amidst naysayers, unscrupulous relatives and lack of support, will his dream become a reality?
ARABIAN Gunshot (Eyar Nari) Forensic doctor, Yassin Al-Manstarli, writes his medical report after examining a murdered body and states that the victim was shot at close range. Problems arise when this medical report leaks to the media causing his life to change forever. Liel Kharegi Mo, Toto, and Mostafa witness a crime while casting for a movie. They embark on an unexpected journey of love and friendship as they try to uncover the mystery behind the murder. BRAZILIAN Gosto Se Discute In the midst of pressure to create a new menu, chef Augusto develops a rare condition that causes him to lose his sense of taste. Doidas e Santas Beatriz is a famous psychoanalyst who teaches others to be happy, but isn't able to be happy herself. Things take a turn when her mother's death takes her to Buenos Aires to comply with some unusual directives left in her will. RUSSIAN Vanished Empire The film's story takes place in Moscow in the 1970s. Its plot unfolds around the love triangle between two young men and a girl who study at the same university. 8 New Weddings (8 novykh svidaniy) A bickering married couple exchange views on what a "normal man" and "good wife" should be. The next morning, they wake up with a "perfect half".
e n t e r ta i n m e n t
The Flash Luck Be a Lady A new meta called Hazard causes bad luck for Barry and the team; Harry Wells returns to Earth-1. Elongated Journey Into Night Gypsy's father, Breacher, takes an immediate disliking to Cisco and decides to hunt him; Barry runs into his old nemesis, Ralph Dibny.
American Housewife The Code After discovering that the four digit pin code the Otto family uses for everything spells out Greg's exgirlfriend's name, Katie gets upset and retaliates by dragging out old gifts from past boyfriends. Trophy Wife Katie lands the perfect pawn to play on the insecurities of the Westport housewives when she convinces a hot young trophy wife named Harper to volunteer as room mom for Anna-Kat's class. Black-ish Gap Year After dropping Junior off at college, Dre and Bow are beside themselves when they find him back at home announcing his decision to take a gap year. Don't You Be My Neighbor The neighbors decide to rent their house out for homestays and it's causing problems for the Johnsons. The Kids Are Alright Pilot Lawrence, the prodigal eldest Cleary son, returns home from the seminary and breaks the news to his family that he's dropping out for good. Timmy's Poem Timmy decides to enter a poetry contest to win the money he needs to repair his ventriloquist dummy. Fuller House Our Very First Show, Again The entire Tanner clan comes together for a final reunion before the family home is sold, but parting turns out to be tougher than expected. Moving Day When the big day comes for Stephanie and Kimmy to join the Fuller house, Jackson feels outnumbered and takes drastic action. Speechless P-I--PILOT Maya DiMeo is a mom on a mission who will do anything for her husband, Jimmy, and kids Ray, Dylan, and JJ, her eldest son with cerebral palsy who doesn’t speak. N-E-NEW A-I-AIDE It’s Kenneth’s first day as JJ’s aide, and Maya remains conflicted about his ability to handle JJ's needs. Bob's Burgers Just One of the Boyz 4 Now for Now Convinced she's met the love of her life, Tina decides to disguise herself as boy and sneak into the Boyz 4 Now auditions to find him. The Taking of Funtime One Two Three Desperate for the grand prize dune buggy at their local arcade, Louise, Tina and Gene devise a master plan, with the help of Mr. Fischoeder. Fresh Off the Boat How to Be an American During Jessica's U.S. citizenship interview, she reveals shocking details about her past that even Louis didn't know. Meanwhile, Eddie, Emery, and Evan have a day off from school and attempt to take the family minivan out for a joyride. The Best of Orlando Louis is named Small Businessman of the Year, but forgets to thank Jessica in his acceptance speech. Friends The One Where Joey Moves Out Joey and Chandler's friendship is
Television Summaries
Supernatural Lost and Found Sam and Dean are left to pick up the pieces following the loss of their mother, Crowley's demise and Castiel's death. The Rising Son Sam and Dean discover what Jack is capable of with his powers.
Arrow Following the devastating explosion on Lian Yu that left his team in jeopardy, Oliver Queen returns home to begin a new chapter in his life where he will confront a challenge unlike any he’s ever faced: fatherhood.
jeopardized when Joey decides to move out. Monica worries about her parents finding out about her relationship with Richard when they attend a party together. Rachel and Phoebe go to get tattoos. The Big Bang Theory The Athenaeum Allocation Leonard jumps through hoops to help secure the perfect wedding venue for Sheldon and Amy. Also, Bernadette and Wolowitz have a hard time deciding who should stay at home with the kids and who should go back to work. The Gates Excitation Leonard, Howard and Raj try to meet Bill Gates, who's meeting with Penny to merge their companies; Sheldon thinks he's the victim of an April Fool's prank. 2 Broke Girls And the Himmicane When a hurricane hits, Caroline is worried that a divorce party she's planning for a wealthy couple will be ruined with the pair stuck in the dessert bar during the storm. And the Planes, Fingers and Automobiles Max and Caroline take a crosscountry road trip to Los Angeles so Max can win back Randy. The Middle Role of a Lifetime Brick joins the school orchestra to find himself a new girlfriend. The Setup Pat has to stay at the Heck's House for a few days, while Axl and Brick ponder what it is exactly that Mike does at the quarry. Come Home Love: Lo And Behold Episode 379 The doctor found that Hung Shukan's blood has a special cell with antibody elements which can save people's lives. So his doctor highly recommends him to sign up as an organ donor. Episode 383 Qing says her home is small and simple. She invites Hung Yuek-Shui and a colleague to her place, only for them to find out Qing's home is huge and luxurious.
Supernatural In Season 13 things have turned from bad to worse, with the return of Lucifer and the surprising revelation that the Devil is expecting a child. Now, Sam and Dean find themselves facing a creature of almost unimaginable power.
DRAMA For The People First Inning A US Senator is killed as a result of a "swatting" call, and a slacker millennial creates a headache for both her parents and the public defender. This Is America Tina defiantly insists on protecting a young boy after his father, a witness in Leonard's case, has a run-in with agents that could lead to his deportation. Castle XY Castle and Beckett are adjusting to Beckett’s career change, when a call from a mysterious stranger sets off an explosive chain of events. XX After receiving a mysterious tip from her past, Beckett is launched into a fight for her life, with a team of mercenaries hot on her trail. Grey's Anatomy With a Wonder and a Wild Desire Meredith is seemingly distracted and struggles to stay focused, and Maggie finds herself the keeper of a big secret while Amelia and Owen try to figure out their relationship. Broken Together New doctors continue to shake up the hospital in typical Grey Sloan manner. Once Upon a Time Pilot Emma's life turns upside down when she is visited by Henry, the 10-yearold child she long ago gave up for adoption; Emma brings Henry back to his foster mother in a strange town called Storybrooke. Snow Falls Emma talks Mary Margaret into reading to an unidentified coma patient in the hospital; Prince Charming and Snow White meet for the first time. Station 19 No Recovery Lives hang in the balance as the members of Station 19 continue to fight a raging inferno inside a skyscraper.
Riverdale Based on the characters from Archie Comics, Riverdale gives a subversive take on small-town life. As a new school year begins, the town is reeling from the tragic death of high school golden boy Jason Blossom.
Under The Surface A young boy falls into water pipes beneath the city of Seattle. 24: Live Another Day 5:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m. Jack and Kate try to save the life of a key player tied to the threat. Jordan is ordered into the field on a perilous mission. 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Jack Bauer and President Heller endure the unthinkable to thwart the terror attacks of Margot Al-Harazi. Bones The Final Chapter: The Tutor in the Tussle When a tutor of privileged students is found dead, the team goes thorugh all the possible perpetrators, including a roommate with a criminal record. The Final Chapter: The Flaw in the Saw The team investigates a murder at a lumberjack competition.
The 100 Sleeping Giants Bellamy leads the charge investigating a potential way home. Meanwhile, Clarke and Madi deal with the new, uncertain threat to their home. Pandora's Box Our heroes are forced to rely on the help of Shallow Valley's dangerous new inhabitants in order to save some of their own, with surprising results. Gotham A Dark Knight: Pax Penguina Gordon fears Jonathan Crane is still alive and back in Gotham, when The Scarecrow's signature MO is used in a series of robberies. A Dark Knight: The Fear Reaper Gordon is forced to face his inner demons when he tries to bring in Jonathan Crane to prove that the GCPD is still powerful. DOCUMENTARY Orphans of the Earth Ep 01 Witness the migration of penguins and the collapse of melting glaciers in this fascinating documentary about Antarctica. Once Upon a Bite In different geographical conditions and climates, people adjust their lifestyle and create food with ingredients found from nature. Science of Stupid Ep 01 In this episode, we learn just how many ways there are to embarrass, injure and humiliate yourself when paragliding, riding dirt-bikes, or being subjected to a wedgie.
Empire Light in Darkness Hakeem leaves the altar, and a rooftop fight between Anika and Rhonda leads to a tragic fall; Lucious uses his streaming service to pursue his music legacy and clashes with Tariq, who leads a federal task force to investigate him. Sin That Amends Jamal partners with Angelo Dubois to host a summit for gun violence awareness; Lucious tries to win over Cookie; Hakeem and Shine start to record new songs together; Andre gets into trouble with the police.
How Do They Do It? The high maintance macadamia nut is cracked in South Africa. Chicago's massive water filtration system is explored. In the Netherlands, Mojo Barriers are used to keep music fans safe at the Pinkpop Festival.
Arrow Promises Kept As Slade continues to uncover clues about his son's last few years, Oliver makes a big decision. Meanwhile, the Green Arrow leads the team into battle against "The Dragon," a villain who is stealing valuable tech in Star City. Thanksgiving Oliver celebrates Thanksgiving with his family but the happy moment is interrupted. Meanwhile, Black Siren returns to wreak havoc on the holiday.
Drain the Oceans Draining the Pacific reveals the deadly forces behind Earth's most destructive natural disasters, and a catastrophic threat off America's coast.
How It's Made See how Grammy Awards, bicycle lights, above-ground pools, and foldable solar panels are made. New Orleans: City of Stories Explore New Orleans with the artists, craftsmen, and musicians who call the Crescent City home.
Car S.O.S. 6 Tim and Fuzz pick up Italian car nut Gary’s 1994 Lancia Integrale Evo II. It’s a world rally champ that is so rusty that the boys are pushed to their limits. However, when tragedy strikes, the entire restoration takes on a very different meaning. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019
Television Summaries
Mission Saturn NASA’s biggest spacecraft plunges into Saturn in the final act of a 20year mission showcasing the planet like never before. Man vs Puma Boone Smith knows pumas. He’s dedicated his life to tracking, assisting and learning about them all across the globe. In his backyard of Idaho, it’s not easy work. Jackie Chan's Green Heroes Action movie hero Jackie Chan is joining forces with incredible technological innovator Arthur Huang, founder of Miniwiz.
e n t e r ta i n m e n t
Flight Over Africa The diverse Ethiopian landscape is an awe inspiring sight that needs to be experienced firsthand to fully appreciate the inherent beauty of this East African country. Discover Ethiopian Wild This film shows the remarkable features of Ethiopian landscapes, wildlife in action and different Ethiopian national parks. The country that is located in the horn of Africa has a lot of offer for the world when it comes to human history and wildlife. LIFESTYLE
Star Talk 4 Neil deGrasse Tyson features his interview with Lance Armstrong and discusses the science of cycling with his in-studio co-hosts.
Go to Japan Hometown of Doraemon Explore the cultures, customs and cuisine of exciting locations in Japan.
T-Rex: Ultimate Survivor Tyrannosaurus Rex, the famous king of dinosaurs, was a top predator of its day. Well-armed with terrifying jaws, it was seemingly impervious to attack. But new fossils are revealing that the life of T-Rex and its cousins was brutal.
Top Tables, Top Cities Lisbon "Top Tables, Top Cities" explores the best restaurants and show you where you can experience food that defines a city — without missing a beat. In every city we'll find the tastiest spots.
Wild Namibia Dust and dunes, sun and sand: the parched landscapes of Namibia in southwest Africa are extreme in every way. Watch the fascinating story of how the largest animals on our planet survive in the oldest and most inhospitable desert on earth.
The Watchmen This episode focuses on Antoine Preziuso of Swiss watch making fame, and Frenchman Greubel Forsey.
Kygo: Live at the Hollywood Bowl Join Kygo, the fastest artist in history to reach one billion streams, as he gears up for one of the biggest shows of his career and prepares to light the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles in a bevy of fireworks and chill, tropical beats. Smart Secrets of Great Paintings George Bellows' "Men Of the Docks" celebrates the anonymous heroes of Manhattan. Chasing Longevity Ep 03 Investigating the intriguing factors impacting longevity, the process of aging and how to remain in good health in your golden years. Chasing Sleep Ep 03 Sleep is one of the hottest topics in science today. Insomnia and sleeping too little are practically epidemic in modern societies, and many of us are guilty of sacrificing our sleep for a myriad of seemingly compelling reasons. Heaven & Earth “Heaven & Earth” is a 50min documentary film dealing with the factual account of the history of church education and monastic life in Ethiopia and its effect and relationship with contemporary educational development in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Airlines 100th Fleet Milestone From DC-3 to a New Height of Luxury. From its humble beginning in the 1940’s to an Aviation Powerhouse, Ethiopian Airlines, Africa’s Largest Airline Group, currently takes you to over 112 international Passenger and Cargo destinations. Ethiopian Airlines Airbus A350 XWB The Magic Of Flight Be on board and witness an Ethiopian Airlines new A350 flight encircling Mount Kilimanjaro special for this program... 90
Design & Decoration The focus of this episode is on Tomasso Brothers of the UK, David Tunick of New York, and Paul van Rosmalen Borzo of Holland. How to Win at Everything In this episode we learn how to solve a Rubik's cube, win a bike race, triumph in a boat race, iron a shirt without an iron, master the hula hoop, and most importantly, shine shoes with a banana. Masterchef: Kings of the Kitchen Chef "Rising Star" Brett Graham is one of the most respected in London. The only Australian currently to hold three Michelin stars is No.14 on the World's 50 Best Restaurants Awards list. Cake Boss Sugar and spice and everything meat? Buddy makes a giant hot dog cake for the famous 4th of July hot dog eating contest at Coney Island. Naturally, Danny Seo Ep 01 Danny Seo, America's leading authority on eco-friendly living, introduces viewers to fun and inspiring ideas in food, home, style, beauty, health, and travel. Beach Life with Angela Kan The world's third largest island, Kota Kinabalu, is the capital of Malaysia's Sabah state and the connecting point to many unspoiled beaches. Angela is immediately taken in by its rich underwater bio-diversity. Close Up Dame Emma Thompson, who is not just an actress but an author, screenwriter, comedian and activist, is the winner of two Academy Awards. A Taste of Hong Kong Hong Kong is one of the most celebrated fashion capitals in the world. But is its cuisine just as stylish? Christian and Ian undertake their most challenging mission: to find out just what would make up for style eats in such a trendy city.
Good Life Black Rice Lifestyle hints and tips to help you be your best self. Frock Finders Ep 01 A new series which goes behind the scenes of fashion boutiques all over Ireland capturing the difficult task of buying and selling the perfect dress for pivotal moments in our lives. Rock the Park New River Gorge National River The Emmy® Award winning series that taps into the world’s love affair with national parks and the exhilaration that comes with exploring these magnificent landscapes. Designing Paradise with Bill Bensley Ep 01 This series showcases Bill Bensley’s profound contributions to hospitality design, transporting viewers and transforming places to paradise. The Shortlist The Top 10 David vs Goliath Stories The ultimate sports count down series – featuring iconic themes focused upon the most memorable moments and individuals in sport. Dream Teams Ep 09 There are World Cup heroes galore in Germany’s Dream Team. And how many of the 2010s trophy-gluttons can break into the Paris SaintGermain’s greatest XI? Epic Trails Jordan An exciting and inspiring series that follows host Eric Hanson as he explores the people, places and adventures along the world’s top trails. Chef Yohanis Journey to Hawassa Chef Yohanis travels to Hawassa, a city located 273 km south of Addis Ababa. In this city he discovers a unique Ethiopian lifestyle with fish as a core ingredient in the society’s daily meal. Ethiopia Land of Origins Episodes 1-7 Discover the wonders of Ethiopia through Ethiopia Land of Origins. KIDS Vampirina Vee looks after her little cousin who turns out to be a little terror! Ghost hunters come to stay at the Scare B&B and the family tries to keep them from thinking it's haunted. Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy When the Believer's flagship embeds itself in the brain of Knowhere, the residents of the planetoid are turned into zombies. Muppet Babies Rizzo the Rat challenges Kermit to a dance off - but Kermit doesn't know how! When Summer is tired of being the smallest, Bunsen and Beaker try to help her with an Enlarge-O-Ray. Disney Mickey Mouse Minnie attempts to "class" up Mickey by enrolling him in finishing school lessons. Mickey and the Roadster Racers While participating in a Ukulele Jam, Donald loses Mickey's special ukulele. The Happy Helpers are judges for a Hawaiian surfing contest and learn about a lifelong rivalry!
Andi Mack Andi questions her relationship with Jonah. After a discouraging talk with Amber, Andi enlists Buffy and Cyrus to investigate. Marvel's Spider-Man Spider-Man teams up with Ms. Marvel to investigate an elite boarding school after its students start displaying out-of-control, super-powered behaviors. Puppy Dog Pals When Bob can't finish his jigsaw puzzle without a picture of a leopard, Bingo and Rolly go searching for one. The pugs unintentionally create chaos when they go to the symphony. Raven's Home The kids win a contest to go to a private screening of their favorite TV show. DuckTales After crashing Ma Beagle's birthday party, Webby and new mysterious friend Lena must fight their way through Beagle Boy turf to get back home. Big Hero 6 The Series Hiro, Fred, and Baymax follow the secretive Go Go into the mysterious Muirahara Woods where they get lost and, even worse, everything electronic strangely fails - including Baymax. Big City Greens When Gramma crashes into a parked police car, she loses her driver's license and her confidence. Cricket Green hates bears. Superman: The Animated Series Intergang boss Bruno Mannheim receives powerful alien weapons from a mysterious benefactor. The Looney Tunes Show Daffy has caused so much destruction in the neighborhood that Bugs throws a dinner party so Daffy can say sorry. This won't be easy, as Daffy suspects one of the neighbors of newspaper thievery. X-Men: Evolution The Brotherhood (minus Mystique) gatecrash the girls' championship soccer match. The Tom and Jerry Show A cat and mouse brawl with each other. Wabbit The hilarious, heroic and mischievous Bugs Bunny you love is back. Lippy The Lion The cartoon adventures of a Lion (Lippy) and his Hyena friend (Hardy Har Har). SHORT FILMS Dunder Bulder, a wild and funny monster, devises a mischievous plan to win Modika´s attention back... A plan that he may well come to regret. Fruits of Clouds A little tuft makes a great discovery by overcoming its fear of the unknown. Lifting Mr Burden A jaded middle aged office worker meets a boy in the lift who has lessons on the subject of fun and weightlessness.
After the Rain In a valley, a dog lives happily with his master, a shepherd. This shepherd doesn’t only shear his sheep’s wool, he creates clouds out of it, to make rain, thus preserving the cycle of life. Temptation An animated short directed by Sophie Annibal, Nina Degrendel, Sophie Heidenreich, Sophie Stanculescu and Claire Souquet, at ECV, Bordeaux, France. No Gravity An astronaut comes back to earth and tries to fit in again. Sur Mesure This short film tells the story of a human living in a world full of animals. It is his first day of work as a simple dressmaker in a famous Haute Couture workroom. Twin Islands Twin Island East and Twin Island West are two twin islands governed by two kings, where the inhabitants follow the cult of symmetry. Therefore, everything goes two by two. But one day, the queen of Twin Island West gives birth to an only child. Middleware In a car production plant, when everything has to be perfect, a little anomaly can do a lot of damage. Appel d’air A man, seeking to run away from his everyday life, discovers that the world might be smaller than he thinks. DESTINATION VIDEOS Introducing Paris Start exploring Paris with Lonely Planet’s video guide to getting around, when to go and the top things to do while you're there. Introducing Singapore Start exploring Singapore with Lonely Planet’s video guide to getting around, when to go and the top things to do while you're there. My First Trip: Hong Kong Lonely Planet Destination Editor Cliff Wilkinson talks us through catching the Star Ferry and eating dim sum like a local on his first trip to Hong Kong. Introducing New York City Start exploring New York City with Lonely Planet’s video guide to getting around, when to go and the top things to do while you're there. Introducing Bangkok Start exploring Bangkok with Lonely Planet’s video guide to getting around, when to go and the top things to do while you're there. Why Londoners Love Gin It's no secret that Londoners love gin, but did you know they once drank gallons of the stuff?
e n t e r ta i n m e n t
Enjoy a channel alive with only the best songs from Ethiopia. Artists perform a collection of satisfying sounds epitomizing the harmonious talents of Ethiopia today.
Enjoy a selection of albums brimming with sounds from the heart of Africa. Listen to collections from Yabba Funk, Victor Deme, Angelique Kidjo and many more. Ethiopian Traditional Music (Music From Ethiopia)
Ethiopian Instrumental
Ethiopian Instrumental is an elaborate and expressive collection of instrumental pieces.
Enjoy collections from some of the greatest artists in Ethiopia today. Artist like Jamboo Joote, Tikue Weldu and Mohammed Tawil. Sit back and appreciate. Ethiopian Classic
All That Jazz
All That Jazz is a concoction of every character within jazz; a handful of artists give warming performances in this mix.
Easy Listening
Easy Listening allows you to switch off and recline, as a very laid-back medley of tunes sing you into total serenity.
Chart Hits
Chart Hits is a channel solely dedicated to the latest chart-toppers in pop and rock. If you want to be upto-speed with the most current hits in music today, then tune into Chart Hits! Country
This channel offers a blend of cooling Country sounds. With hits from both classic and modern artists, you are sure to experience the refreshing flavours of authentic country music.
Here, enjoy albums full of world-renowned performers, orchestras and soloists, performing major works from some of history’s greatest composers: Bach, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven and many more. Ethiopian Country
Here, a fusion of Country albums for you to enjoy. A range of artists, from Buddy Miller to Sara Evans, are here to share a collection of their hits with you. Ethiopian Hip Hop/R&B
A melodic mix of Hip-Hop tunes and R&B hits, with a large selection of albums for you to listen to. This includes artists such as Snoop Dogg, Tinie Tempah and Jennifer Hudson. Ethiopian Instrumental
Here, we offer an expressive and inspiring collection of Instrumental albums for you to enjoy.
Ethiopian Jazz
From old classics to smooth contemporary, here you will find an excellent collection of Jazz albums. You’ll find every great Jazz musician, from Miles Davis to Billie Holiday to Louis Armstrong. Ethiopian Kids
World Hits
Here, a cheerful compilation of albums, full of upbeat songs for all your little ones to enjoy.
World Hits is an eclectic collection of music from all over the globe. This channel allows you to experience all ranges of talent in all ranges of music; the most diverse channel here.
Ethiopian Oldies
Classical Collection
Enjoy taking a trip down memory lane through this extensive collection of nostalgic albums. This includes some of the greats, such as Al Green, Elvis Presley and Fleetwood Mac.
Classical Collection showcases world-renowned performers, orchestras and soloists, performing major works from some of the best composers in history.
Ethiopian Pop
If you’re looking for the latest hits, then enjoy this medley of the most current Pop albums out now. This includes albums from Beyonce, Lady Gaga and David Guetta.
Classic Rock
Rife with roaring riffs and smooth bass lines, Classic Rock is a channel wholly dedicated to true rock n’ roll. Here, some of the the best rock legends play a handful of the greatest rock songs in history. Golden Oldies
Take a walk down memory lane with a compilation of nostalgic hits. Listening to this string of classics will take you right back back to when they were number one.
Ethiopian Rock
Relish in a sea of Rock, with albums from legendary rock n’ rollers to the latest stars — Bob Dylan, The Strokes and The Black Keys. Ethiopian World
Here, enjoy a diverse collection of hit albums from all over the globe! Amplify your cultural consciousness through sounds from Ely Guerra, Ocean Hai and Oliver Haidt.
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Solutions on page 95
91 / French city 96 / Ethiopian city 103 / Superfood 104 / Draws nigh 105 / Cropped up 106 / Finito 107 / Waiflike 108 / Wish granter 109 / Honkers 110 / Basketball defense 111 / Dance partner? 112 / Insolence 113 / Simians 114 / Small bills
DOWN 1 / Puncture 2 / Big brass 3 / Assist illegally 4 / Overhaul 5 / Ruffles on a shirt 6 / Brown shade 7 / Uneven hairdo 8 / Southern California city
9 / Modus operandi 10 / Like some walls 11 / Rest area sight 12 / Trampled 13 / P ort city in southern Kenya 14 / Balm ingredient 15 / Fibster 16 / Chinese dynasty 18 / Bills of fare 20 / Capital on the Delaware 27 / Canonical hours 29 / Filmmaker Spike 32 / Young fellow 34 / Brown ermine 35 / C apital of Trinidad and Tobago 36 / Night spot 37 / Put in stitches 38 / Person who parcels out 39 / Self-images 40 / I sraeli city and financial center 41 / Italian wine
42 / Top guns 43 / Legume 44 / Father of Paris 46 / Coward of note 48 / Blackthorn fruit 49 / Sandwiches for dessert 52 / Blues singer James 53 / Tactical maneuvers 54 / Seed covering 55 / Box office take 57 / O ld ___, village in Lincolnshire, England 58 / Toy with a tail 59 / Ticked off 60 / Narrative 62 / Cunning 63 / Leander’s love 64 / School dance 65 / Continental money 66 / F lashy, ostentatious jewelry 67 / Lock part 68 / Milk dispenser 69 / To be, to Tiberius
71 / Blessing 72 / Edsel maker 75 / Taiwan inner city district 76 / City in Costa Rica 77 / Coffee shop order 78 / Eastern newt 80 / Michigan city 82 / The other woman 83 / Ribs 85 / River inlet 86 / Supervisors 87 / Elevates 89 / Persian spirits 91 / Distillery items 92 / Reverberate 93 / Picnic spoiler 94 / Bottom of the barrel 95 / Superboy’s girlfriend 97 / Plummet 98 / Medicinal amount 99 / Old TV clown 100 / Bath’s county 101 / Well, in Italy 102 / Bellicose deity
Copyright Š2018
ACROSS 1 / Headliner 5 / Witty remark 9 / Atomizer output 13 / Brewer’s need 17 / Toothpaste holder 18 / Stockpile 19 / T hree-time Wimbledon champ 21 / Hodgepodge 22 / Sacked out 23 / T he “A� in James A. Garfield 24 / Indonesian island 25 / Bellyache 26 / Louisiana city 28 / German city 30 / Giant Hall-of-Famer 31 / Lunkhead 33 / Teacher’s org. 34 / Quills 37 / Group of two 38 / Loathes 42 / Makes amends 43 / Shiny on top? 44 / W alt Kelly cartoon character 45 / C harlize Theron movie, “___ Flux� 47 / Woes for toes 48 / “ Buona ___� (Italian greeting) 49 / Sweater material 50 / Pathet ___ 51 / “Mangia!� 52 / Panache 53 / Jimmies 54 / Tequila source 56 / Northern California city 59 / Transparent 60 / Go places 61 / C allaway Golf’s Top-___ clubs 62 / Stableboy 63 / Half of Hispaniola 64 / Bygone Spanish money 66 / Channel markers 67 / Washington city 70 / Indian coin 71 / Seventh heaven 72 / Duffer’s cry 73 / QB’s gains 74 / Mouths, in zoology 75 / Slaves 76 / Stag 77 / Honey drinks 79 / Seethe 81 / First-rate 82 / Male deer 83 / Peanut brittle base 84 / Catching 86 / Road turn 87 / Pastor 88 / Small bite 89 / Dessert wine 90 / Sound of relief
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Solutions to crossword puzzle from page 93. Copyright Š2018
To solve the Sudoku puzzles, each row, column and box must contain the numbers 1 to 9. Solutions below. e n t e r ta i n m e n t