2017 portfolio english

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architecture and design portfolio 2008 2013 2010 ~ - 2017

selma shimura

academic degree

Research Student at Tsukamoto Lab Tokyo Institute of Technology | TiTech 2017

Harvard Collaborative Field Course Partnership between Harvard University and USP, developed in Cambridge, Boston and New York. Theme: “Resilient cities: Urban adaptation for Climate Changes” Selected participant, January 2014

Architecture and City Planning University of São Paulo | FAU USP

Double-Degree in Civil Engineering

WISH: Workshop on International Social Housing Partnership between Accademia de Mendrísio and FAU USP developed in Mendrísio, Switzerland – individual project design for social housing in São Paulo. ( http://www.wish.usi.

University of São Paulo | FAU-POLI

ch/2011/#p_6 ).

2012 – 2015

Selected participant, August 2011 – September 2011

2008 – 2015

professional experience

academic activities

Planservi Engenharia (http://www.planservi.com.br/) Architect and Urban Planner – urban infrastructures projects: VLT Carioca (tram in Rio de Janeiro), São Paulo Subway – line 6;

Documentary-Video production Oriented by Professor Maria de Lourdes Zuquim FAU USP, about the implementation of the urban plan for the slum Nova Jaguaré

BIM model development

2011 – 2012

July 2015 – 2017

located in the west part of São Paulo City.

Internship in Infrastructure Design

University Extension Project Development of social participatory project with EPA! group (Espaço, Projeto e Ação) | Spatial renewal proposal for the

February 2014 – July 2015

Glicério Recyclable Material Cooperative.

Planservi Engenharia

23 Sul Arquitetura (http://www.23sul.com.br) Internship in Architecture – different scales of project design: commercial spaces, public educational buildings,

2010 – 2011

Scientific Initiation Research Theme “Material Culture, Industrialism and Urbanization Process”; study of implementation of urban infrastructure in

and residential architecture

inadequate settlements, as a casework Nova Jaguaré Slum.

July 2012 – January 2014

2010 – 2011

Filisetti e Somlo Arquitetos Internship in Architecture – architectural projects design July 2011 – January 2012

exchange courses

Architecture Workshop: The Relation Architecture Partnership between Yokohama Graduate School Architecture YGSA - YNU, Japanese professors Koh Kitayama and Kojima, and FAU USP, Brazilian professors Angelo Bucci and Luís Antônio

complementary activities

Rewarded project design: Highlight in City Solutions 2012 Awarded in the category Highlight in the contest City Solutions in 2012. Project design of social housing in risk areas in Ubatuba, São Paulo. July 2012

Participation at the NGO “Um Teto para meu País” Construction of a wooden emergency house in Guarulhos

Jorge Urban design project for São Paulo downtown.

Construction Voluntary, July 2008

Selected participant, August 2013

Construction Voluntary Assistant, December 2009

design projects

school, cultural and sporting equipment

Academic project work | 2011 Co-authors Raísa Negrão and João Guilherme

pompeia house

Academic project work | 2013 Co-authors Raísa Negrão

14 bis square housing

Academic project work | 2010 Co-authors Raísa Negrão and João Guilherme

walkways through the city

Bachelor thesis | 2015 Individual project design

school in Jales SP

Winner design project for public school competition | 2012 Developed at 23 Graus Sul Arquitetura office

MALI new contemporary art wing

Project design for museum competition in Lima, Peru | 2016 Co-authors Raísa Negrão and Pedro Hasse

indaiatuba house

Familiar residence project | 2016 Co-authors Raísa Negrão and Pedro Hasse

shanghai competition

Urban renewal | 2017 Project Architect : Fuminori Nousaku Competition Team: Ivan Bonev, Hans Henrik, Davina Iwana, Amena Nadeem, Selma Shimura, Giovanna Zuliani

school, cultural and sporting equipment Contradicting the negative image of water resources that prevails in the relationship between the city of São Paulo and its rivers, the design of a Technical School with Cultural and Sporting Equipment to the community of Corner of the Sky seeks to rediscover an architecture that uses water as part project, in a constant pursuit of coexistence between natural and built. Notice the impact of these large structures as potential transformer of sociability in the periphery, highlighting the notion of public equipment as part of a system of urban integration. As a starting point, the project extends the edges of the dam into the lot, creating a more subtle transition between land and water. The character of leisure and conviviality of the place is created from this expansion of the perimeter of margins. For inserting of the equipment in the local landscape, we sought the horizontal distribution of the program. Through continuity between topography and roof of the building remains the desired visual and spatial fluidity. Access to the building is close to 766m elevation, creating a large square continuous over the entire volume. Therein lies the public auditorium covered by inclined planes which allow the continuity of the space of the square and provide unique character to be user.


Guaianases Cid Tiradentes

Ipiranga Capão Redondo

S Amaro

Grajaú Socorro



(cantinho do céu)


S Miguel

C Líder V Prudente







Guarulhos Pirituba


S André S Caetano S Bernardo Diadema

dados 2002






The school, on the lower level, has access to parallel program complex cultural-sports. However, the unit is ensured by building walkways that sew the building volume and give freedom to the displacement, reiterating the possibility of meeting between people, architecture and landscape. Laboratories and classrooms are located on both arms . The activity develops through the levels connected by a ramp that follows the longitudinal slope of the building linking all program activities. The library stands as highlighted space in the project to be located on the water, allowing a visual straightforwardness the landscape of the dam. The importance of this volume lightness is reinforced by the support rods on the top floor, creating a large vent in the building volume. The sports complex is next to the water level, emphasizing its use integrated shores. The pool, bounded by walkways, is inserted into the extension of the dam, maintaining the visual continuity of this. As the volume envelope, a metal screen is placed on the building facades ensuring uniformly and protecting the solar incidence, under a transparency that complements the social contact and the visual frames existing in place.

+ de 100 mil 90 a 100 mil 80 a 90 mil 70 a 80 mil 60 a 70 mil 40 a 60 mil 30 a 40 mil 25 a 30 mil 10 a 25 mil

Guarulhos Freg Ó



S Miguel Penha




Mooca V Mariana

Capão Redondo

V Sônia

Guaianases Cid Tiradentes

C Líder


Taboão da Serra

V Prudente

Ipiranga S Mateus S Amaro S André S Caetano

Grajaú Socorro S Bernardo Diadema

NÍVEL INFERIOR | ESCOLA +751.00__+756.00

1. salas de aula 2. lab informática 3. serviços gerais 4. cantina

5. grêmio 6. exposição 7. internet pública 8. lab construção naval



9. lab construção civil 10. lab materiais 11. lab química 12. lab gestão

NÍVEL SUPERIOR +756.00__+761.00

1. acesso escola 2. secretaria/diretoria 3. coordenação 4. administração esportes 5. cozinha

6. restaurante social 7. biblioteca 8. lab construção naval 9. lab construção civil 10. lab idiomas

11. lab física/biologia 12. cozinha 13. restaurante social 14. acesso esportes

tela metรกlica treliรงa caixilho



1. Uniform wrapping throughout the building; 2. Detail metal truss structure; 3. Walkways crossing the gap inside the building; 4. Front view of the volume over the water; 5. Physical model: cork paper, triplex paper and vegetable printed; 6. A view of internal gap with walkways; 7. Auditorium volume; 8. Entrance by coverage.

habitaÁ„o praÁahousing 14bis bis 14 bis square habitaÁ„o praÁa 14 THE CITY CIDADE CIDADE quatroedifícios edifícioshabitacionais habitacionaispropostos propostospara paraa Avenida a AvenidaNove NovededeJulho Julhoseseinserem inseremem emuma umaperspectiva perspectiva OsOsquatro The four residential buildings proposed for Avenidacom by proposing to rationalize the public transportation: recuperação área central comozona zona residencial com projetodede edifícios usomisto mistovoltados voltadosaoao dede recuperação dadaárea central como residencial o oprojeto edifícios dedeuso Nove de Julho fall on a prospect of recovery of the deployment of alternative forms of mobility as mercado popular. mercado popular. central area asdeadetransportes residential area with the de design of the VLT’soand decrease the intensity and speed of Um novo plano transportes município deSão São Paulodireciona direciona oprojeto projeto propor a racionalização Um novo plano dodomunicípio Paulo aoaopropor a racionalização dodo mixed-usecoletivo, buildings at thede popular market. transport. transporte coletivo,a implantação aaimed implantação deformas formas alternativasdeindividual demobilidade mobilidade comoososVLT’s VLT’s (veículos levessobre sobre transporte alternativas como (veículos leves A newe transport plandainda São Paulo guides the project trilhos) a diminuição intensidade e velocidade transporte individual. trilhos) ae diminuição intensidade e velocidade dodo transporte individual. [orientaçãodedeálvaro álvaropuntoni] puntoni] [orientação


PRAÇASE EESQUINAS ESQUINAS PRAÇAS papeldedetravessia travessia sugerido SQUARES AND CORNERS OO papel sugerido pelalocalização localizaçãodos dosterrenos terrenosé é pela respeitado ocupação térrea by The rolepela ofpela passage suggested respeitado ocupação térrea com usospúblicos públicos permeáveis. theusos location of the land is respected com permeáveis. Aos térreosdos dosedifícios edifícios bytérreos ground-floor occupation with Aos propõem-se espaços diferenciapermeableespaços public uses . propõem-se diferenciaAt ground level of buildings - - are ção comatividades atividades variadas proposed differentiated spaces ção com variadas dede in comércio e suggest serviçoque que possam order to anpossam occupation comércio e serviço complementar e desenhar with varied activities of commerce sese complementar e desenhar trajetos quetenham tenham como centro and service that can complement trajetos que como centro aand Praça BIS. that have as center draw paths a Praça 1414BIS. propostas usodos dostérreos térreos 14 BIS Square. AsAs propostas dedeuso são uma creche,uma umalivraria, The proposed use oflivraria, the ground são uma creche, uma farmácia e daycare umcafé. café. center, a floor are ea um uma farmácia bookstore, a pharmacy and a café.

BUILDINGS EDIFÍCIOS EDIFÍCIOS Aadoção adoçãodedeuma umamesma mesmalinguagem linguagemaos aosquatro quatroedifícios edifíciostem temcomo comopartido partidotrazer trazero oequilíbrio equilíbrioque quefalta faltaà cidade à cidade AAdopting a common language to the four buildings it singularities of each plot. deSão SãoPaulo, Paulo,em emespecial especialàsàsáreas áreasadensadas, adensadas,e que e quea arquitetura a arquiteturatem tempapel papeldederepresentar. representar. de brings the balance is lacking in the city of São Paulo, The design of the external circulation opposes the especially in densified areas, and that the architecture

enclosed passageways that do not relate to the outside

has a role to play. Modulation of constructive elements and neither the inside of buildings. It lets you create quick elementosconstrutivos construtivosestes estesforam foramaplicados aplicadosdedeacordo acordocom comasassingularidades singularidades decada cada terreno. elementos adopted in the projects was designed to enable higher crossing points, in de favor of terreno. freedom of the city and look O desenho da circulaçãoexterna externasesecontrapõe contrapõe às circulaçõesenclausuradas enclausuradasque quenão nãoseserelacionam relacionam como oexterior exterior Oquality desenho da circulação às circulações com design solutions at a lower cost, and greater agility to strengthen the contact between the residents. The e nemcom como o interior dos edifícios.Deixa-se Deixa-sededecriar criarpontos pontosdedepassagem passagemrápida, rápida,em emfavor favordadaliberdade liberdade deolhar olhara a einnem interior dos edifícios. the construction process. Despite the unification of gables of neighboring buildings green wallsde are coupled cidade do e do fortalecimentododocontato contatoentre entreososmoradores. moradores.ÀsÀsempenas empenasdos dosedifícios edifíciosvizinhos vizinhos são acopladas cidade fortalecimento these ebuilding elements were applied according to the in order to qualify the promenade.são acopladas

UNIT UNIDADES UNIDADES unidades deaproximadamente aproximadamente AsAsunidades The units ofdeapproximately 80m 2 are 80m se dividem basicamente emuma uma 80m sebasically dividem basicamente em divided into a conference area área coletiva familiar e outra privada áreaa coletiva familiar e outra privada and private family represented by rooms. representada pelos quartos. A representada pelos quartos. A containing The first covers a larger area primeira abrange uma área maior primeira abrange uma área maior living room, kitchen, bathroom and laundry contendo sala, cozinha, banheiro contendo from sala, cozinha, banheiro e e that separated bedrooms by a closet lavanderia,separados separadosdos dosquartos quartospor por lavanderia, behaves like wall, wardrobe and bookcase. umarmário armário quesesecomporta comportacomo como um The backyardque is present in different scales parede, guarda-roupa e estante. parede, guarda-roupa e estante. and opposes the ordinary introversion of O quintal está presente em diferentes O quintal está presente em diferentes the apartments. escalase se e secontrapõe contrapõeà comum à comum escalas The unit always follows the module created introversãodos dosapartamentos. apartamentos. introversão but its internal configuration adapts to the dynamics of family through possibiliade the existence of a third bedroom.

pompéia house Familiar residence in countryside of São Paulo, Pompéia-SP. The program consistis in a house for a young couple and a small architecture office for meeting with clients. Structure is basically concrete blocks and glazed walls closes the inner space in a way that you still keep visual contact to the inside garden.

walkways through the city The construction of the city has privileged, throughout history, the

pedestrian flow, so the surrounding areas of metro stations were

circulation on public space through roadways, increasingly broader, as

selected, due to its features. Based on some analysis on future metro

a sign of progress and development. The effects of these choices are

lines to be constructed on the city, the Freguesia do Ă“ stations

felt now with high daily traffic jams, vehicles noise and air pollution.

surroundings were selected to be intervened. Some interventions

In opposition to this idea, it is noticeable that the current scenario

were proposed on the area around the future station, with the

tends and urges to be modified, as the mega cities come closer to an

objective of providing an improved experience for the citizens. The

unsustainable condition. SĂŁo Paulo has shown lately some desire to

solutions designed for the area were examples of how to work with

change its condition, and this work intended to deepen the studies on

matters of the same nature, on the scale of the city and of the district.

the improvement of the pedestrian and cyclists circulation condition

Understanding specific interventions as part of a whole, the objective

in the city.

of the work is to propose public spaces to be appropriated by the

Despite the significant importance of walking on the city, the

people, improving the quality of the urban environment.

necessary infrastructure for this activity is frequently left as a minor

The strategies proposed on this work are design experiments applied

role on urban planning and urban design. Understanding the act of

to a specific area on the city. Many of the solutions area very simple

walking as one of the most important activities for more pleasant and

and can make a difference on the quality of the urban environment;

receptive cities to its inhabitants and visitors, this work aims to value

adequate paving, urban furniture that invites the pedestrian to stay,

human activities on public spaces.

appropriate vegetation, public lightning and many other. These are

The theme of this work was also influenced by international debates

some examples of basic premises to offer better spaces quality to the

on the subject. Some urban planners have been working on the

citizens. Providing better conditions of walking for the pedestrians is

subject and have created the term walkability, that describes and

fundamental for them to recognize the spaces as good to stay and

measures how walkable a street or a city is. These researches are an

to actually want to spend their time there, instead of only walking

answer to the urban model applied to the most of the cities. Based

from one place to the other. This is crucial for the maintenance of live

on this theme, a national bibliography was used and applied on the

streets, with people acting on the city.

context of Brazilian cities.

Analyzing parts of the city and re-think them, as presented on this

In order to deepen on the proposed subject, after the theoretical

work, is a way to look at the whole. It is possible to restructure the

analysis, the work enters on the intervention studies on the city of

whole from small interventions, improving urban quality and bringing

SĂŁo Paulo, as an example of application of the concepts studied on

people to enjoy being on the city.

the theory. The intervention needed to be on an area with intense

Availabe at: http://issuu.com/selmashimura/docs/tfg_selma_caderno_low

school in Jales SP Public school project for elementary and secondary

volumes according to their main function: classrooms,

education developed within the brazilian architecture

sports court and administration.

office 23 Graus Sul to run for contest of FDE -

The classrooms were placed on the ground floor

Fundação para Desenvolvimento da Educação,

so that student activities can expand to the internal

public body of the Department of Education of the

courtyard of the lot, integrating the school and the

State of São Paulo.

existing green space.

From the basic design presented, the project received

The block of the sports court is wide and integrates

first place in public bidding for the development of

with access ramps and living space for students,

the school project in Jales, small city located in the

maintaining a continuous double height space that

state of São Paulo.

welcomes the meetings of students, professors and

The school is structured in a contrast of independent




MALI new contemporary art wing Not only a singular building or a unique way of telling a story. Instead

atmosphere of the halls by changing the light spectre. On the other

of a ‘grand narrative’ or the concept of a linear time, this propose

hand, the frosted glass facade protects artwork pieces from direct

aims to create the possibility of simultaneous exhibitions. Inspired by

sunlight without blocking it all.

the original building of the museum and a very representative point

As an underground construction, we purpose a top down excava-

of it, we recreate the Mali Palace Patio translating its void into three

tion method using the soil as formwork. After excavation the main

solid construction with the same square proportion.

building structure is already done. The given soil analysis allowed us

The water that comes from the Andes irrigates the site and leads to

to expose the soil in some parts of the building.

the pound that reflects the existing building. It is the same time the

The program for the new wing was distributed respecting each func-

entrance for the new contemporary wing. The Plaza, at 3.50 meters

tion and activities, but at the same time sharing the common spaces

below the ground level, acts initially as an extension of the existing

like Plaza, Cafe, Library and the passageways. The Plaza configures a

public areas of the site and protects users from the noise of the

meeting point for people coming from many parts of the city.

Avenida 9 de Deciembre and Avenida Wilson. The public underground passageway connects the Dammert Park, Metro Station and the Exposition Park by crossing the museum voids and inviting visitors to experience art without even entering the museum in fact.

“Lima es una ciudad asediada por la muerte, una alarmante muestra de esplendor subterráneo, devastadora miseria y torpe orgullo colonial. Son sus reinos subterráneos los que terminarón por prevalecer sobre las

Three buildings relating to the Incas ancient writing – the three Qui-

trivialidades de la super cie. Esos reinos son verdaderos, son subterráneos

pu knots. The voids between modules allows ventilation and light

y son nuestros; la poesía peruana será subterránea será deslumbrente o

to the underground buildings. The water above skylight modifies the

no será.” Jorge Eduardo Eielson

indaiatuba house

shanghai competition People’s activities create synergistic effects by building two axes in

and plans as much as possible while utilizing existing buildings, it is

a complex geometry surrounded by buildings such as historic man-

created a modern work styles, lifestyle and third place in the city,

sions, gardens, old factories, office buildings, etc. Planning to do so,

while leaving the atmosphere of existing factories.

three squares of different characteristics form Open Space Axis, and

Three different squares are connected to the open space axis. In

determine a flow of people to north-south direction of the site. The

the lush green park located on the south side of the site, neighbor-

existing buildings were connected by a covered walkway and a tun-

hood residents can exercise, children can play. In the event square

nel, forming Framed Axis. This building frame suggests a flow of peo-

surrounded by buildings of walkways, cafes and co-working spaces,

ple in the east-west direction. By intersecting these two axes, we will

movable tents are suspended from the surrounding buildings,

increase the use of people’s open space and settle its importance. In

outdoor exhibitions, music concerts, flea markets etc. are possible.

the future, the axis in the east and west direction can be expanded

Furthermore, from the south side road people go through the bot-

further, and the whole block can be revitalized. By changing openings

tom of the office and arrive at the event square.

selma.shimura@gmail.com 080 2286 6760 1-29-1 Minamisenzoku room 301A Ota-ku, Tokyo, Japan 145-0063

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