selma shimura portfolio

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undergraduated portfolio 2008 ~ 2012

wood structure Bi-supported structure using rigid and flexible linear elements. The work was made just tying bamboo sticks.

studies de of unidades housing units estudo habitacionais Design exercise to create housing de unitunidade according to the number of walls with openings. The general concept Exercício de projeto para ciração habitacionais segundo o número de fachadas com aberturas. O that governed the design of the four units is based on clear separation of two types of space: a familiar, conceito geral que regeu o projeto das quatro unidades se baseia na clara separação de dois tipos de common and free to all residents, and other private, represented by rooms. espaço: um familiar, livre e comum a todos os residentes, e outro privativo, representado pelos quartos. The study was not made from pre-defined construction unit as a home or building. The intention of the project O estudo realizado não foi a partir daresidence pré-de nição da construção como casa ou de edifício. A was to bring the qualities of feito a ground floor for possible use in apartments. Theunidade continuous corridor, intençao do projeto era a de trazer as qualidades de uma residência térrea para um possível emprego em the windows of the bedrooms, the balconies are examples of study for this adaptation. Subtraction of physical apartamentos. O corredor vazado, asbetween janelas dos varanda exemplos essa role barriers unit allows greater proximity thequartos, outside aand inside,são failing to give de theestudo buildingpara a unique to make it aAcomponent object from the external environment. adaptação. subtração de barreiras físicas da unidade permite a maior proximidade entre a área externa e interna, deixando de dar ao edifício um papel singular para torná-lo um objeto componente do ambiente externo. [orientação de maria luiza corrêa]

uma opening abertura one

two openings duas aberturas





trテ行 abe rturas three openings

four openings quatro aberturas




habitação butantã Butantã housing By creating a module 6m x 3m, it allows the configuration of different apartments, serving ways of living that goes beyond the conventional. The attempt ofo convencional. breaking the monotony buildings atendendo a formas de morar que extrapolam A tentativa of de traditional se romper residential com a monotonia materializes creating varied spacesseusing standardized building components. dos edifíciosfrom habitacionais tradicionais concretiza com economia a partir da criação de espaços variados The of living spaces for the project is revealed through the introduction of voids in the mass of the com importance o uso de componentes construtivos padronizados. building that actdos as terraces or “backyard” the apartments, a new room that most the A importância espaços de estar para ofor projeto é revelada sheltering por meio da introdução de brings vazios the na massa exterior to que livingfuncionam areas. The transparency created by these allows a clearer readingum of novo the surrounding do edifício como terraços ou “quintais” paravoids os apartamentos, abrigando cômodo landscape, if an agreement been signeddebetween building and the landscape. que traz aoasmáximo o exteriorhad para as áreas convívio.the A transparência criada por esses vazios permite Every movement of the building is exposed to the outside, as pathways that maintains visual contact with the city, appropriating a literal concept of high streets. The two towers have two vertical movement facades e a paisagem. covered by a metaldomesh which ensure and simultaneously exposes the life of the building. Toda a circulação edifício é exposta ao exterior, como vias que mantém contato visual com a cidade, The ground floor permeated a plaza As thatduas allows a more democratic use possuem of the land that apropriando-se decommercial um conceitoisliteral de ruasbyelevadas. torres de circulação vertical duas becomes public property boosts the life the building and itstempo surroundings. proximity fachadas cobertas por umaand malha metálica queofvelam e ao mesmo expõe a The vida do edifí the USP campus to the creation of compact meet othe demand of students do of the place.que se torna O térreoled comercial permeado por umaunits praçathat permite uso mais democrático terreno The concretepública structure is placeda independently simultaneously in residential and commercial propriedade e dinamiza vida do edifícioand e do seu entorno. concordant A proximidade com o campus universivolumes. Thelevou slabs àofcriação each floor of the residential are supported lined up modulation tário da USP de unidades compactasbuildings que atendem à demandabydepillars estudantes dotolugar. units. These em come in a beam transition, relyingindependente only three point the ground A estrutura concreto se coloca de forma e aoofmesmo tempofloor concordante nos volumes residencial e comercial. As lajes de cada pavimento dos edifícios residenciais se apoiam em pilares alinhados à modulação das unidades. Estes chegam em uma viga de transição, apoiando-se no térreo em apenas três pontos. [orientação de maria luíza corrêa]

2 MÓDULOS | 36m² ESC 1:100

3 MÓDULOS | 54m² ESC 1:100

4 MÓDULOS | 72m² ESC 1:100

5 MÓDULOS | 90m² ESC 1:100



habitaÁ„o praÁa 14 bis 14 bis square housing THE CITY CIDADE Os quatro edifícios habitacionais propostos para a Avenida Nove de Julho se inserem em uma perspectiva Therecuperação four residential buildings proposed for Avenida Nove fall de on edifícios a prospect recovery of the central de da área central como zona residencial comdeoJulho projeto deof uso misto voltados ao area as a popular. residential area with the design of mixed-use buildings aimed at the popular market. mercado A new transport in São Paulo guides the by direciona proposingotoprojeto rationalize the public transportation: Um novo plano deplan transportes do município deproject São Paulo ao propor a racionalização do deploymentcoletivo, of alternative forms ofdemobility as the VLT’sdeand decrease como the intensity speed of individual transporte a implantação formas alternativas mobilidade os VLT’sand (veículos leves sobre transport. trilhos) e a diminuição da intensidade e velocidade do transporte individual. [orientação de álvaro puntoni]


PRAÇAS E ESQUINAS O papel de travessia sugerido SQUARES AND CORNERS pela localização dos terrenos é respeitado pela ocupação térrea by The role of passage suggested com usos públicos the location of the permeáveis. land is respected Aos térreos dos edifícios by ground-floor occupation with propõem-se espaços diferenciapermeable public uses . At ground level of buildings - are ção com atividades variadas de in proposed differentiated spaces comércio serviço que order toe suggest an possam occupation se complementar e desenhar with varied activities of commerce trajetos que tenham centro and service that cancomo complement aand Praça 14 paths BIS. that have as center draw As 14propostas BIS uso dos térreos são creche, use umaoflivraria, Theuma proposed the ground uma café. center, a floorfarmácia are a e um daycare bookstore, a pharmacy and a café.

BUILDINGS EDIFÍCIOS A adoção de uma mesma linguagem aos quatro edifícios tem como partido trazer o equilíbrio que falta à cidade Adopting a common language to the four buildings it brings the balance is lacking in the city of São Paulo, especially de São Paulo, em especial às áreas adensadas, e que a arquitetura tem papel de representar. in densified areas, and that the architecture has a role to play. Modulation of constructive elements adopted in the projects was designed to enable higher quality design solutions at a lower cost, and greater agility in the construction process. Despite the unification of these building elements were applied according to the singularities of each plot. elementos construtivos estes foram aplicados de acordo com as singularidades de cada terreno. The design of the external circulation opposes the enclosed passageways that do not relate to the outside and neither O desenho da circulação externa se contrapõe às circulações enclausuradas que não se relacionam com o exterior the inside of buildings. It lets you create quick crossing points, in favor of freedom of the city and look to strengthen e nem com o interior dos edifícios. Deixa-se de criar pontos de passagem rápida, em favor da liberdade de olhar a the contact between the residents. The gables of neighboring buildings green walls are coupled in order to qualify the cidade e do fortalecimento do contato entre os moradores. Às empenas dos edifícios vizinhos são acopladas promenade.



As unidades de aproximadamente The units of approximately 80m ² are divided 80m basicamente uma basically intosea dividem conference area and em a private family área represented by rooms. The first covers coletiva familiar e outra privada a larger area containing room, representada pelosliving quartos. A kitchen, bathroom and laundry separated from primeira abrange uma área maior bedrooms by a closet that behaves like wall, contendo sala, cozinha, banheiro e wardrobe and bookcase. lavanderia, quartos scales por The backyard is separados present indos different um armário que se comporta como and opposes the ordinary introversion of the parede, guarda-roupa e estante. apartments. The unit alwaysestá follows the module created O quintal presente em diferentes but itsescalas internal adapts to the e seconfiguration contrapõe à comum dynamics of family through possibiliade the introversão dos apartamentos. existence of a third bedroom.





school, cultural and sporting equipment Contradicting the negative image of water resources that prevails in the relationship between the city of São Paulo and its rivers, the design of a Technical School with Cultural and Sporting Equipment to the community of Corner of the Sky seeks to rediscover an architecture that uses water as part project, in a constant pursuit of coexistence between natural and built. Notice the impact of these large structures as potential transformer of sociability in the periphery, highlighting the notion of public equipment as part of a system of urban integration. As a starting point, the project extends the edges of the dam into the lot, creating a more subtle transition between land and water. The character of leisure and conviviality of the place is created from this expansion of the perimeter of margins. For inserting of the equipment in the local landscape, we sought the horizontal distribution of the program. Through continuity between topography and roof of the building remains the desired visual and spatial fluidity. Access to the building is close to 766m elevation, creating a large square continuous over the entire volume. Therein lies the public auditorium covered by inclined planes which allow the continuity of the space of the square and provide unique character to be user.




S Miguel

C Líder V Prudente



Guaianases Cid Tiradentes

Ipiranga Capão Redondo

S Amaro

Grajaú Socorro



(cantinho do céu)




30km SÉ

Guarulhos Pirituba

S André S Caetano S Bernardo Diadema

dados 2002







The school, on the lower level, has access to parallel program complex cultural-sports. However, the unit is ensured by building walkways that sew the building volume and give freedom to the displacement, reiterating the possibility of meeting between people, architecture and landscape. Laboratories and classrooms are located on both arms . The activity develops through the levels connected by a ramp that follows the longitudinal slope of the building linking all program activities. The library stands as highlighted space in the project to be located on the water, allowing a visual straightforwardness the landscape of the dam. The importance of this volume lightness is reinforced by the support rods on the top floor, creating a large vent in the building volume. The sports complex is next to the water level, emphasizing its use integrated shores. The pool, bounded by walkways, is inserted into the extension of the dam, maintaining the visual continuity of this. As the volume envelope, a metal screen is placed on the building facades ensuring uniformly and protecting the solar incidence, under a transparency that complements the social contact and the visual frames existing in place.

+ de 100 mil 90 a 100 mil 80 a 90 mil 70 a 80 mil 60 a 70 mil 40 a 60 mil 30 a 40 mil 25 a 30 mil 10 a 25 mil

Guarulhos Pirituba


Freg Ó


S Miguel Penha



Mooca Butantã V Mariana

V Prudente

C Líder

Guaianases Cid Tiradentes

NÍVEL INFERIOR | ESCOLA +751.00__+756.00

1. salas de aula 2. lab informática 3. serviços gerais 4. cantina

5. grêmio 6. exposição 7. internet pública 8. lab construção naval



9. lab construção civil 10. lab materiais 11. lab química 12. lab gestão

NÍVEL SUPERIOR +756.00__+761.00

1. acesso escola 2. secretaria/diretoria 3. coordenação 4. administração esportes 5. cozinha

6. restaurante social 7. biblioteca 8. lab construção naval 9. lab construção civil 10. lab idiomas

11. lab física/biologia 12. cozinha 13. restaurante social 14. acesso esportes

tela metรกlica treliรงa caixilho



1. Detail metal truss structure; 2. Uniform wrapping throughout the building; 3. Walkways crossing the gap inside the building; 4. Front view of the volume over the water; 5. Physical model: cork paper, triplex paper and vegetable printed; 6. A view of internal gap with walkways; 7. Auditorium volume; 8. Entrance by coverage.

fauusp 2008 mobile 11 96189926 rua jericin처 13A vila carr찾o . s찾o paulo 03442000

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