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About the book

About the authors

This textbook is designed for health professional and aims to give upda-

Dr.Wilton Schmidt Cardozo

ted information on inflammatory bowel disease. It encompasses the

Regional Director of the Brazilian Association

main themes necessary to the knowledge of ulcerative retrocolitis and

for Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease of

Crohn’s disease by means of Its comprehensive theoretical contents,

Guarulhos. Full member of the Brazilian Society

multi fields and special international consensus.

of Coloproctology (SBC) and of the Brazilian

The editors and collaborators who are well known in Coloproctology

Federation of Gatroenterology (FBG) and of the

and Gastroenterology have high respect in the scientific field and plenty

Brazilian College of Digestive Surgery (CBCD).

of experience in handling of inflammatory bowel disease patients. They

Master in Coloproctology at St. Mark’s Hospi-

offer a useful textbook in everyday clinical practice through quick and ob-

tal, England.

jective reference information that add to the knowledge of students, doctors or others who help patients of this disease.

Dr. Carlos Walter Sobrado Doctor and Master in surgery at the Medical Faculty of the University of Sao Paulo (FMUSP). President of the Coloproctology Department of the Sao Paulo Medical Association (APM). Full member of the Brazilian Society of Coloproctology (SBCP) and of the Brazilian Surgery College (CBC) and of the Brazilian College of Digestive Surgery (CBCD). Fellow in Coloproctology by the Texas University. Elected President of SBCP.



which was passed on reflects the state of the art in reference to inflammatory intestinal diseases and their application in all medical areas, par-

The pleasant responsibility and great honor of writing the preface to the textbook Inflammatory Bowel Disease of the editors and longtime friends Wilton Schmidt Cardozo and Carlos Walter Sobrado. The term Inflammatory Bowel Disease refers basically to two diseases: Ulcerative Retrocolitis and Crohn’s Disease. They are chronic affections similar in many aspects and different in many others, particularly

ticularly in gastroenterology and coloproctology. The results of this book as I said before will be of great importance to supply data and concepts which will greatly contribute to spread the word and standardize diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory bowel disease to fellow gastroenterology and proctology professionals. Therefore I thank the honorable invitation to write this preface of

in their reference to clinical manifestations such as its evolution and

this textbook which allowed me to send out my reflections on its impor-

response to clinical or surgical treatment.

tance, its scientific contents as well as the social and professional impact

Almost all of Inflammatory Bowel Disease’s aspects still remain partially unknown and thus a lot controversial. The growing existence, par-

that it represents. Finally I have to congratulate the ones who have created and desig-

ticularly of Crohn’s Disease, in many countries draws attention to their

ned by means of dedication, perseverance and work to give the readers

similar signs, despite ethnic, environment, nutritional, genetic and so-

the knowledge that has been acquired in time.

cial differences. The majority in young population, common in certain families, the possible arguable causes (bacterial, viral and immunologi-

Doctor Angelita Habr-Gama

cal), the genetic influence in immunoregulation of the host defenses

Emeritus Professor of the Medical Faculty of the University of São Paulo.

and the new forms of treatment are all subjects among others of great

President of the Bazilian Association for Cancer Prevention of the Intes-

importance and given much attention.

tine (Abrapreci). Honorary Member of the American College of Surgeons

The editors have chosen wisely the authors of 36 chapters because

e do European Surgical Association.

they are all professionals of excellence and high prestige in the national scientific field and have great experience on the subject. I have read with much pleasure the final text of the excellent group of 36 chapters and have come to the conclusion that the knowledge 3


24. Surgical Treatment Of Crohn's Disease

1. History Of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

25. Nutrition In Inflammatory Bowel Disease

2. Epidemiology In Inflammatory Bowel Disease

26. Inflammatory Bowel Disease In Children

3. Etiopathogenesis Of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

27. Inflammatory Bowel Disease In Pregnancy

4. Initial Medical Assessment And Monitoring

28. Colorectal Cancer In Inflammatory Bowel Disease

5. Ratings And Ratios Activity

29. Psychological Issues In Inflammatory Bowel Disease

6. Clinical Features In Inflammatory Bowel Disease

30. Psychiatric Aspects In Inflammatory Bowel Disease

7. Oral Manifestations In Inflammatory Bowel Disease

31. Legal Issues In Inflammatory Bowel Disease

8. Ophthalmic Manifestations In Inflammatory Bowel Disease

32. Frequently Asked Questions And Answers In Clinical Practice

9. Dermatological Manifestations In Inflammatory Bowel Disease 10. Rheumatologic Manifestations In Inflammatory Bowel Disease


11. Hematologic Manifestations In Inflammatory Bowel Disease

33. Diagnosis And Treatment Of Algorithms

12. Thromboembolic Manifestations In Inflammatory Bowel Disease

34. Ratings And Ratios Activity - Tables

13. Demonstrations In Liver Disease Inflammatory Bowel

35. Cid 10 - Diseases Of The Digestive System

14. Complications In Inflammatory Bowel Disease 15. Laboratory Tests And Serological Markers

Chapters On The Site

16. Endoscopic Diagnosis In Inflammatory Bowel Disease

36. Apply To Internet Medical Gastroenterology And Coloproctology

17. Radiological Diagnosis In Inflammatory Bowel Disease

37. Pharmacotherapy In Inflammatory Bowel Disease

18. Histopathological Diagnosis In Inflammatory Bowel Disease

38. Labeling Of Drugs Gastrointestinal Tract

19. Differential Diagnosis In Inflammatory Bowel Disease

39. Step By Step Guide To Use Of Biological

20. Conventional Clinical Of Ulcerative Colitis

40. Clinical Protocols And Treatment Guidelines

21. Conventional Clinical Treatment Of Crohn's Disease

41. Consensus Of Treatment In Inflammatory Bowel Disease

22. Biological Therapy In Inflammatory Bowel Disease

42. Frequently Asked Questions - Faq

23. Surgical Treatment Of Ulcerative Colitis

43. Medical Associations And Organizations 4

Etiopathogenesis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Claudio Fiocchi Department of gastroenterology & Hepatology, Digestive Disease Institute Department of Pathobiology, Lerner Research Institute Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, USA Introduction The gastrointestinal tract is affected by several chronic inflammatory conditions, but few have a serious impact as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), as demonstrated by an ever expanding number of publications on IBD1-4. Both forms of IBD, Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) are characteristically chronic, significantly impair quality of life, require prolonged medical attention, and represent a major burden to society overall. What makes IBD particularly challenging is its still unknown cause, its unpredictable presentations and symptoms, less than optimal treatments, and a continuous rise in incidence and prevalence in many areas of the world. These uncertainties have long been recognized, and the notion that IBD may actually represent a constellation of diseases or syndromes rather than the single entities of CD and UC has been taken into consideration at least since the 1970's5. Many theories have been proposed to explain IBD, ranging from infectious to psychosomatic, social, metabolic, vascular, genetic, allergic, autoimmune and immunemediated3,4,6-8. Some of these theories have been abandoned while others have gained support, showing an evolution in knowledge and belief that developed over the last three decades in parallel with the acquisition of new data from studies of epidemiology, genetics, the intestinal flora and the immune response. Each of these areas is in constant evolution as reflected by continuous progress in how epidemiology, genetics, the intestinal flora and the immune response contribute to the induction of CD and UC. Another important new concept is the realization that none of these

components alone can explain IBD, but it is their integration that actually determines whether IBD will emerge and with which features. An example of how this integration may lead to IBD has very recently appeared in the literature. Infection of mice carrying the CD susceptibility gene ATG16L1 with a murine virus induces intestinal pathology resembling that of CD, these changes being dependent on tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-Îą and interferon (IFN)-Îł and preventable by treatment with broad spectrum antibiotics9. This demonstrates that the interplay of genes, infectious agents, environmental factors and commensal flora can not only induce and IBD-like condition but also determine its clinical phenotype. Each component of IBD pathogenesis is a potential therapeutic target, and their perceived importance has a direct impact on the evolution of treatment for IBD patients. So, at the moment we are at a stage where the research and clinical IBD community is focused on what are considered the four pillars of IBD pathogenesis, but knowledge about the mutual interaction among each of the pillars is far from incomplete. This chapter discusses the basic components of CD and UC pathogenesis and touches upon how new knowledge of epidemiology, genetics, the intestinal microbiota and the immune response help improve and expand therapeutic options for IBD patients10. Environmental Factors There is abundant evidence showing that IBD is increasingly recognized worldwide11. Such increase began after World War Second, a time when IBD was primarily known in North America and Northern Europe. Since that time IBD started to be diagnosed more frequently in Central and Western Europe, Japan, and Australia, then in South America and Eastern Europe, and in the last decade IBD is emerging in the Asia-Pacific area, with a steady increase in the incidence of IBD in various Asian countries12-15. The clinical characteristics of IBD in Asia show both similarities and differences with IBD in Western populations: UC is more common than CD, and the clinical course tend to be milder, with fewer complications and less need for surgical procedures15-17. This picture resembles IBD at the time of its emergence in


Europe and North America over one-half century ago, when the disease was also milder and with fewer complications. The unresolved key question in regard to IBD epidemiology is obviously what causes IBD to emerge in new areas of the world, and a large number of risk factors have been proposed as possible culprits: cigarette smoking, diet, oral contraceptives, appendectomy, infections and vaccinations, and perinatal and childhood factors have all been suspected. Recent studies are increasingly stressing the importance of the diet in shaping the gut microbiome18. As discussed below, the gut microbiome is crucially involved in IBD pathogenesis, further reinforcing the importance of the interaction of various etiopathogenic components in disease development. However, with the exception of cigarette smoking, none of the other factors is supported by strong enough evidence to be considered as true risk factors requiring avoidance or life style modifications for therapeutic purposes. The link between IBD and smoking is well established, reproducible, and dictates clinical management, even though a pathophysiological connection between tobacco and intestinal inflammation is still missing. Modulation of immune responses, changes in cytokine levels, alterations in mucus composition, vascular and pro-thrombotic effects, changes in gut permeability as well as other effects have all been suggested as possible reasons for the effect of smoking in IBD, but none has been confirmed19. Still intriguing and unexplained is the fact that cigarette smoking has an opposite effect on each form of IBD: while smoking worsens the clinical course of CD with more symptoms, more relapses, more hospitalizations and more surgeries, it has a protective effect on the clinical course of UC19. This clearly points out fundamental differences in the pathogenesis of CD and UC. The evolution of IBD and the diversity of factors linked to its epidemiology have suggested the "hygiene hypothesis" as a reason to explain the increasing incidence around the world. This hypothesis was originally proposed by Strachan in 1989 and proposes that the lack of proper exposure to common infections early in life negatively affects the development of the immune system, which becomes less "educated" and less prepared to deal with multiple new challenges later in life20. This hypothe-

sis is indirectly supported by evidence of improved health in parts of the world where IBD is emerging, with less infectious and parasitic diseases, improved sanitary conditions, safer water and foods, vaccinations, etc. and the acquisition of dietary and other habits from Western societies where IBD is more prevalent21,22. This makes IBD a disorder of modern lifestyle, a position shared with other chronic allergic and inflammatory conditions such as asthma, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis23. The true importance of the hygiene hypothesis to explain IBD is still uncertain, and this theory can be criticized because the majority of studies in this area used indirect and retrospective data24. On the other hand, the circumstantial evidence favoring the hygiene hypothesis is considerable, although complicated by an almost endless list of environmental factors that have been associated with the increasing frequency of IBD around the globe 25. Genetic Factors Among the various components of IBD pathogenesis none has progressed as dramatically as genetics. The well known familial occurrence of IBD has for a long time suggested that CD and UC could have a genetic basis26, but only recently objective evidence supporting this notion has been secured. After the discovery of the association of variants of the NOD2 gene with ileal CD in 200127, 28, and variants of the interleukin (IL)-23 receptor gene with both CD and UC in 200629, the number of IBD genetic associations has undergone a true explosion. This is due primarily to the implementation of genome-wide association studies by national and international consortia of investigators that utilize massive combined databases encompassing thousands of well phenotyped CD and UC patients30. This wealth of information has uncovered increasingly large numbers of genetic associations with CD, UC or both31. Early studies focused primarily on CD gave the initial impression that this condition had a stronger genetic connotation than UC simply because of the high number of susceptibility loci discovered in CD32, but recent reports show that large numbers of genetic loci are also associated with UC33. In addition, some loci are as-


sociated with early-onset IBD in children34, demonstrating the potential of genetic analyses to differentiate the various stages of disease evolution. It should be noted that most reported genetic associations are not pinpointing single gene defects that underlie specific pro-inflammatory pathways, but primarily loci containing multiple candidate genes that remain to be single out by more refined DNA screening approaches. At the moment approximately 70 associations have been reported for CD and 50 for UC, clearly demonstrating that the two forms of IBD are genetically heterogeneous, each one of them displaying unique and shared gene associations. In regard to genetic heterogeneity it is important to note the existence of genetic compartmentalization of IBD-associated variants in different populations around the globe. While several variants are found in Western populations of Caucasian and Jewish patients, many of them are not present in oriental populations, like Japanese and Chinese that lack an association with NOD2 and autophagy genes. In fact, there appears to be reproducible differences in genetic background between Westerners and Orientals, with the exception of the polymorphisms of the TNFSF15 gene, which encodes for TL1A, a TNF superfamily member. Such polymorphisms are present in Asian, European and North American IBD patients35,36,37, making TNFSF15 an IBD susceptibility gene shared among racially and ethnically diverse populations. Considering that almost a decade has elapsed since the discovery of the NOD2 gene variants in CD and we still do not have a clear understanding of how such variants cause intestinal inflammation, the massive number of other gene variants poses a formidable challenge to basic IBD investigators intent to unveil the mechanistic bases of the various CD- and UC-associated gene variations38,39. In spite of this complexity, some pathophysiologically relevant defects have emerged that can pave the way to a better understanding of the pro-inflammatory pathways in CD and UC and potentially the development of specific interventions. For instance, CD patients with NOD2 gene defects have an impaired ability to recognize and process bacterial products, and this may lead to an inappropriately long or ineffective immune response. Some CD patients have variants of the

ATG16L1 and IRGM autophagy genes, implying a defective capacity to process cell degradation products as well as bacteria, which may lead to insufficient elimination of pro-inflammatory stimuli40. In addition, some CD patients with ATG16L1 gene variants display defects in the Paneth cell granule exocytosis pathway41, which may impair their ability to secrete endogenous antibacterial peptides and control the quantity or quality of intestinal bacteria. Polymorphisms of the TLR4 gene exist in both CD and UC42, further reinforcing the notion of potentially defective innate immunity pathways with which these patients recognize and respond to bacteria. Variants in the XBP1 gene, involved in the response to endoplasmic reticulum stress, are found in some IBD patients43, suggesting an impaired ability of cells to respond to a variety of cellular stress signals. In addition to identify pro-inflammatory pathways, the study of genetic abnormalities in IBD can also potentially provide information that is directly relevant to clinical diagnosis and management. In fact, recent reports indicate that combined gene analyses may help create a molecular classification of IBD44, discriminate between CD and UC45, predict disease risk and severity in CD patients46, and forecast response to infliximab47. Microbial Factors The possibility that IBD represents a chronic inflammation directed against microbial agents has been considered since the initial reports describing UC and CD. Over many years repeated attempts have been made to identify common and uncommon organisms of bacterial, viral or fungal origin, but most have been dismissed due to lack of valid or reproducible evidence. One agent that raised a great deal of controversy is Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP), which was originally identified in the mid 1980's48. This mycobacterium has been the center of much debate, with some reports supporting and other reports denying its possible etiological role in CD. The last study that attempted to provide a definitive answer to this possibility has been a large clinical trial in which patients with CD were given a combination of three anti-mycobacterial antibiotics or placebo, and


followed up for evaluation of remission and clinical activity49. At the end of two years no evidence of sustained benefit was detected, strongly suggesting that the elimination of MAP does not significantly affect the course of CD, a response that should be interpreted as denying an etiological role of MAP in this form of IBD. Another microorganism that is still under active investigation is the adherent-invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC). In the late 1990's a French group described the isolation of E. coli strains from the ileal mucosa of CD patients with the capacity of adhere to and invade intestinal epithelial cells50. The same group later showed that AIECs are specifically associated with the ileal mucosa in CD while are uncommon in control or UC tissues51. It is not entirely clear whether these AIECs are pathogens or commensals, but an argument against an etiological role in CD is that treatment with antibiotics effective against coliforms fails to cure CD patients52. The consistent failure to identify true pathogens coupled with progress in the investigation of antimicrobial immune responses in humans with IBD as well as several animal models of experimental IBD has drawn the attention of investigators to the normal enteric microbiota as the possible inducer of chronic intestinal inflammation. Based on a large number of reports it is now established that essentially all animals raised under germ-free conditions, i.e., in the complete absence of a commensal flora, do not develop experimental intestinal inflammation regardless of strain and genetic background or method used to induce inflammation53. In humans with IBD the existence of an anti-intestinal microbes immune reactivity has been known for a long time, as shown by the presence of several serum antibodies against a variety of microorganisms, including antiSaccharomyces cerevisiae (ASCA), anti-outer membrane protein C (anti-OmpC), anti-CBir1 flagellin (anti-CBir1), and anti-I2. These antibodies are currently used as CD biomarkers54, and the higher the number of detected antibodies the more likely are CD patients to have a complicated disease course55,56. These findings establish a close connection between the magnitude of the immune response against enteric microbial antigens and IBD pathogenesis, although this conclusion is applicable to CD but not necessarily to UC.

If indeed an immune response against the gut microbiota is central to IBD pathogenesis, then the question arises of whether such immune response is directed at the gut flora as a whole, specific subgroups or strains, or selected microbes. The development of immune reactivity to enteric bacteria is an entirely physiological phenomenon that starts immediately after birth, when the immature intestinal immune system begins to be exposed to a variety of microbial antigens and creates a life-long state of tolerance against them57. Recent reports show that unique bacterial strains, such as segmented filamentous bacteria, are essential to shape the T helper (Th) cell repertoire of the gut58, providing additional proof of the intimate relationship between the microbiota and intestinal immunity. A generally accepted principle is that there is a loss of the state of tolerance in IBD, and the local immune system mounts an anti-microbiota inflammatory response that is translated as IBD at the clinical level59,60. One of the major obstacles to understand why and how bacterial tolerance is lost is the lack of a better knowledge of the composition of the normal human intestinal microbiota. Despite a large number of reports it is still unclear what the exact makeup of the normal human gut flora is and how it changes under pathological conditions61,62. In addition, it is becoming increasingly clear that, even though bacterial communities grossly maintain a relatively stable composition in humans, they vary across space and time63. Moreover, there is accumulating evidence that bacteria do not always function as inciters of an immune response but some actually promote an anti-inflammatory status64,65. The number of bacteria associated with the mucosa layer is dramatically increased in IBD patients66,67, but its qualitative composition is still poorly defined. There is some consensus that there is a reduced diversity of the fecal microbiota in IBD when compared to controls, that enterobacteria are significantly more frequent in CD, and that specific differences can be detected when comparing the fecal flora of CD, UC and healthy control subjects68-71. Another aspect directly relevant to how the normal or IBD host modulates its response to bacterial challenges is the role of spontaneously produced anti-bacterial peptides, such as defensins. Enteric Îą-defensins are part of the anti-microbial arsenal produced in the mammalian small intestine by Paneth cells, specialized secre-


tory cells localized at the bottom of the crypts. These antimicrobial peptides not only defend against pathogenic bacteria, such as Salmonella, but also control the balance among the various bacterial populations and contribute to local homeostasis72. Therefore, any defect in defensin production or function could impact on flora composition and potentially contribute to IBD. There is some evidence that α-defensin production is reduced in ileal CD73, and that in colonic CD there is reduced mucosal antimicrobial activity, a finding consistent with low antibacterial peptide expression74. Thus, several questions remain to be answered before we reach a better understanding of host-commensal microbiota interactions in health and IBD75. Immune Factors Until the emergence of genetics and the renewed interest in microbiology, immunology had practically dominated the investigation of IBD pathogenesis. As stated in the introduction, it is now clear that no single pathogenic component can trigger or maintain the disease. On the other hand, the immune response is the effector arm that mediates inflammation, and understanding its function in the gastrointestinal tract and its derangement in CD and UC is fundamental to unravel the mechanisms of chronic gut inflammation and understand how to control them to induce disease remission. To provide an overview of how immunology contributes to IBD pathogenesis this section is divided and discussed according to the main cell types that respectively mediate innate and adaptive immunity. Innate Immunity Innate immunity represents the first line of defense against invading microbes and other noxious agents; it develops in a few minutes to a few hours, is largely nonspecific, and has no immunological memory76. The innate immune response to the gut microbiota is presently considered a central event in IBD pathogenesis77. Two main types of immune cells mediate innate immunity: the macrophage and dendritic cell.

In the normal intestine macrophages are conditioned by the mucosal microenvironment to express a non-inflammatory phenotype translated by a downregulated expression of innate immunity receptors and limited production of pro-inflammatory cytokines78. In contrast, in IBD-affected tissues mucosal macrophages display an activated phenotype and are phenotypically heterogeneous79. Macrophages derived from newly recruited peripheral blood monocytes still express the monocytic CD14 marker but are primed for the production of various pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1α IL1-β and TNF-α80,81. In CD these CD14+ pro-inflammatory macrophages are increased in number and produce more IL-23 and TNF-α than those in normal and UC mucosa, and contribute to the production of IFN-γ by local T cells82. Recent studies performed in support of the theory that CD is an immunodeficiency83 claim that secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines by CD macrophages is severely impaired because of excessive internal lysosomal degradation84. This would result in diminished recruitment of neutrophils, impaired clearance of bacteria, and granuloma formation85. This proposition in intriguing, but it is hard to reconcile with the well known activated phenotype of mucosal macrophages in CD, the high tissue levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, including TNF-α, and the abundance of neutrophils in actively inflamed mucosa. Intestinal dendritic cells (DCs) are antigen-presenting cells crucially involved in the initiation and regulation of local innate immune phenomena but also have a role in adaptive immunity86. Like macrophages, their function is modulated by the mucosal microenvironment and they can function to provide protection and defense, induce tolerance or mediate inflammation87. Their number is relatively small, but they are extremely diverse in phenotype and function, and these characteristics make their study in humans rather difficult, explaining the very limited amount of information on human mucosal DCs. In IBD DCs are activated, their expression of microbial receptors is enhanced, and they produce increased levels of proinflammatory cytokines like IL-12 and IL-688.


Adaptive Immunity Adaptive immunity represents the second line of defense against invading microbes and a vast array of other antigens; it develops in a few hours to several days, is antigen-specific, and has immunological memory89. Two types of immune cells mediate innate immunity: the B cell (humoral immunity) and the T cell (cell-mediated immunity). B cell-mediated antibody production in active IBD is increased both in the circulation and at the mucosal levels. There are alterations of IgM, IgG and IgA synthesis and secretion by both peripheral blood as well as mucosal plasma cells in both UC and CD90, and in the involved mucosa there is an increased production of monomeric IgA, which is normally predominant in the circulation91. The patterns of antibody class production differ in UC and CD, particularly in regard to IgG production: in UC there is a disproportional increase in IgG1 secretion, while in CD IgG1, IgG2 and IgG3 are increased compared to control cells but in a proportional fashion92. At the moment limited attention is being given to B cell immunity in IBD, but a renew in interest may occur if some like the new biologicals that specifically induce B cell depletion, like rituximab93, turn out to be effective in the management of CD or UC. So far, this has not been the case94. After the original identification of the CD4+ T helper 1 (Th1) and 2 (Th2) subsets in mice95, and the subsequent demonstration in humans96, the field of Th cell differentiation, type and function has undergone a substantial evolution. In addition to IFN-γ-producing Th1 cells and IL-4-, IL-5- and IL-13-producing Th2 cells, new Th subsets have joined the field. A few years ago IL-17-producing Th17 cells were identified as a distinct new Th subset in both mice and humans97; then dual IFN-γand IL-17-producing Th1/Th17 cells were characterized, including in CD mucosa98; recently two new subsets of CD4+ effector Th cells were described based on the production of their respective cytokines, i.e., the Th9 and Th22 cells, whose function is still poorly understood99; even more recently Th cells producing both IL-17 and IL-4, a dual Th17 and Th2 pattern, have been identified100. In addition to the realization that Th cells are very heterogeneous, evidence is now emerging that Th

cells may be quite plastic, questioning whether the various CD4+ Th cells are actually terminally differentiated cells or are cells that retain the capacity to continuously differentiate and shift from one subset to another depending on the host's need to mount the most appropriate and efficient immune response101. In addition to Th cells, another major subset is made up of T regulatory (Treg) cells whose function is to monitor the immune response and prevent an excessive and potentially harmful immune activation102,103. Recent data provide support for the novel and unanticipated notion that Th17 and Treg cells share common pathways, suggesting developmental and functional links between Treg and Th17 cells104,105. All these new findings are both exciting and intriguing, but add enormous complexity to the understanding how the various CD4+ T cells subsets operate and relate to each other. When viewed under a specific disease perspective such complexity is likely to become even greater, as in the case for IBD. T cells, and mucosal CD4+ Th cells in particular, have been at the center stage of IBD pathogenesis for many years, and their study has provided key information on cell-mediated immunity in both CD and UC, and helped define distinctive patterns of immunoregulatory and effector function as well as cytokine secretion profiles in each type of IBD106. There is good evidence that CD has a dominant Th1 component as shown by an elevated production of IFN-γ and IL-12 by lamina propria mononuclear107,108; in addition, in CD there also a considerable production of IL-17 by Th17 cells and dual IFN-γ- and IL-17-producing mucosal Th cells98,109, but also IL-21 that regulates IL-17 production110. Taken together, these findings support the generally accepted view of CD as a Th1-like condition. In contrast, UC is considered an atypical Th2 response based on the observation of increased IL-5 and IL-13 production by Th cells and of IL-13 by NK T cells in the inflamed mucosa111. Of note, IL-13 induces cytotoxicity, apoptosis and impairs epithelial barrier function112, events that may explain some key features of UC pathogenesis. However, Th17 cells are also present in UC mucosa, although in lower numbers that in CD mucosa109. The number of cytokines produced by Th cells in both forms of IBD is not limited to ones cited above, and many new soluble immunoregulatory and pro-inflammatory


mediators are likely to play important roles in the immunopathogenesis of CD and UC113. Less information is available on Tregs in IBD, but the function or number of CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ and CD8+ Tregs may be impaired in CD and UC114-116, perhaps contributing to maintenance of inflammation. Conclusions and Therapeutic Implications Before discussing how a better knowledge of IBD etiopathogenesis may improve our treatment options, presently an additional concept must be considered. Traditionally IBD has been viewed as a condition diagnosed at some point in time in the life of the CD or UC patient. What we see at that time is, however, only a glimpse of a process that started long before the clinical diagnosis and that will last for the remainder’s of the patient’s life. During this extended evolution IBD is not necessarily the same. It is hard to conceive that the very same triggers and mechanisms mediating gut inflammation in a young child are exactly the same that still mediate the disease several decades later in the same subject. Even routine clinical evidence supports this possibility, as symptoms and response to therapy – or lack of response – also evolve and change with time. Thus, it seems more logical to see IBD as a dynamic condition with different phases evolving from an early to a late stage, each stage being dependent on different mechanisms and requiring different therapeutic strategies for optimal results. During this evolution primary and secondary factors are likely to play concomitant or sequential role in the development of gut inflammation and create the clinical picture that we clinically define as IBD (Figure 1). From a practical standpoint and for the benefit of the patients, the central question is which of the components of IBD pathogenesis should be targeted for optimal clinical results. As of today, environmental and genetic factors are not yet amenable to manipulation, but the other two components of IBD pathogenesis, i.e. the intestinal microbiota and the immune system, are suitable to therapeutic intervention. In fact, the past and recent advances achieved in the treatment of CD and UC are based on the use of antibiotics and probiotics to manipulate the gut flora, and antiinflammatory medications, biologicals or other drugs to block or neutralize cytoki-

nes, receptors or signaling molecules that mediate the action of inflammatory cells117-119. This pathophysiology-based approach has allowed the generation of numerous monoclonal antibodies, recombinant cytokines, small molecules, genetically modified organisms, devices and cell-based therapies that offer an unprecedented wide range of treatment options for physicians and patients alike. Table 1 provides an overview of biological and other miscellaneous agents for therapy of IBD. It should be noted, however, that some of them have no proven therapeutic efficacy or are still awaiting clinical trials to establish whether or not they will become useful agents in IBD.

Figure 1: Model of the time-dependent evolution of IBD pathogenesis from early to late disease. Multiple primary and secondary factors contribute to this model, concomitantly or sequentially, and each factor may have a different impact depending on the timing of its input. DAMPs: damage-associated molecular patterns.


Although altering the flora or controlling the immune response is certainly helpful to IBD patients, it is currently impossible to predict whether a beneficial response will occur, the type of response observed, which patients will improve with what form of treatment, or which patients will fail to respond to the same or alternate medications. Thus, it is clear that more studies are needed to precisely categorize individual subgroups of IBD patients that are not only defined at the clinical phenotypic level but also at the genotypic, microbial and immune level44. This will create specific "biological signatures" unique to each CD or UC patient so that each subject can be given a rational, highly customized therapeutic approach that will target the specific defects or aberrations underlying his or her intestinal inflammatory pathways. This scenario is not as far fetched as one may imagine because integration of knowledge and information is already occurring120 with the rapid progress in "system biology" that will eventually replace the study of single molecules and pathways in isolation from all the others, an artificial and ineffective way to look at disease pathogenesis121, 122.

Table 1. Pathophysiology-based mechanisms of action of biological and other miscellaneous agents for therapy of IBD Agent


Molecular class

Infliximab, Adalimumab, Certolizumab, Golimumab

Neutralization of TNF-α activity

Monoclonal antibody

Ustekinumab, ABT-874

Blockade of the IL12/IL23 pathway

Monoclonal antibody


Neutralization of IL-17 activity

Monoclonal antibody


Neutralization of IFN-γ activity

Monoclonal antibody


Blockade of α4β1 and α4β7 integrins; inhibition of leukocyte adhesion

Monoclonal antibody


Blockade of α4β7 integrin; inhibition of leukocyte adhesion

Monoclonal antibody


Blockade of human mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1 (MAdCAM); inhibition of leukocyte homing

Monoclonal antibody


Depletion of B cells

Monoclonal antibody




Molecular class



Molecular class


Blockade of the IL-6 pathway

Monoclonal antibody

Tacrolimus (FK-506)

Inhibition of T cell activation and IL-2 production

Small molecule


Inhibition of IP-10 (CXCL10 chemokine) activity

Monoclonal antibody


Binding to PPARγ and inhibition of NF-κB activity

Small molecule


Binding to the T cell CD3 receptor and induction of apoptosis

Monoclonal antibody


Blockade of the pyrimidine synthesis pathway

Small molecule

Daclizumab, Basiliximab

Blockade of the IL-2 receptor (CD25)

Monoclonal antibody


Inhibition of angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2

Small molecule


Inhibition of T cell activation

CTLA4 ECD-Fc, mutated IgG1Fc



Recombinant cytokine

Interferon β-1a


Recombinant cytokine

Sargramostin (GM-CSF)


Recombinant cytokine


Inhibition of leukocyte adhesion

Antisense oligonucleotide


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