Preliminares Inglés Básico para el Prevencionista

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Manuales Docentes Máster Universitario en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales Conchi Hernández Guerra

Inglés Básico para el Prevencionista


Manuales Docentes Máster Universitario en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales

12 • Inglés Básico para el Prevencionista

© del texto:

Conchi Hernández Guerra © de la edición:

Vicerrectorado de Organización Académica y Profesorado UNIVERSIDAD DE LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA

Primera edición, 2017 ISBN:


Depósito Legal: GC 205-2017

Diseño y maquetación:

Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión Científica UNIVERSIDAD DE LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA


Servicio de Reprografía, Encuadernación y Autoedición UNIVERSIDAD DE LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA

Impreso en España. Printed in Spain

Queda rigurosamente prohibida, sin la autorización escrita de los titulares del «Copyright», bajo las sanciones establecidas por las leyes, la reproducción parcial o total de esta obra por cualquier medio o procedimiento, comprendidos la reprografía y el tratamiento informático.


PRESENTATION .................................................................................................................................9 BASIC CONTENT OF THE MANUAL ..............................................................................................11 INTRODUCTION OF THE SUBJECT ...............................................................................................13 LEARNING UNIT 1. WORKPLACE SAFETY ....................................................................................19 PRESENTATION OF THE TOPIC........................................................................................................21 SPECIFIC OBJETIVES .........................................................................................................................21 CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................................22 GLOBAL CONTENT OUTLINE .........................................................................................................23 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................24 1. Safety and health hazards..........................................................................................................24 2. Hazard and risk...........................................................................................................................26 3. Workers, employees, volunteers, providers, staff .................................................................26 4. Occupational injuries, illnesses and fatalities .........................................................................27 READING ..........................................................................................................................................29 VOCABULARY ....................................................................................................................................32 LISTENING ........................................................................................................................................34 FOCUS ON GRAMAR .........................................................................................................................35 WRITING ...........................................................................................................................................40 SOLUTIONS TO EXERCISES...............................................................................................................44 SELF-ASSESSMENT EXERCISES .........................................................................................................50 SOLUTIONS TO SELF-ASSESMENT EXERCISES .................................................................................52 CHECHK YOURSELF ..........................................................................................................................53 STRATEGIES FOR YOUR PROFRESS ..................................................................................................54 GLOSSARY .........................................................................................................................................55 BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................................57


6 Conchi Hernรกndez Guerra

LEARNING UNIT 2. INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE.................................................................................59 PRESENTATION OF THE TOPIC........................................................................................................61 SPECIFIC OBJETIVES .........................................................................................................................61 CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................................62 GLOBAL CONTENT OUTLINE .........................................................................................................63 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................64 1. Verb + preposition.....................................................................................................................64 READING ..........................................................................................................................................69 TECHNICAL VOCABULARY ...............................................................................................................73 LISTENING ........................................................................................................................................74 FOCUS ON GRAMAR .........................................................................................................................76 WRITING ...........................................................................................................................................79 SOLUTIONS TO EXERCISES...............................................................................................................81 SELF-ASSESSMENT EXERCISES .........................................................................................................85 SOLUTIONS TO SELF-ASSESMENT EXERCISES .................................................................................87 CHECHK YOURSELF ..........................................................................................................................88 STRATEGIES FOR YOUR PROFRESS ..................................................................................................89 GLOSSARY .........................................................................................................................................90 BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................................91 LEARNING UNIT 3. EMERGING RISKS .........................................................................................93 PRESENTATION OF THE TOPIC........................................................................................................95 SPECIFIC OBJETIVES .........................................................................................................................95 CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................................96 GLOBAL CONTENT OUTLINE .........................................................................................................97 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................98 1. Emerging risks ............................................................................................................................98 2. Green job.....................................................................................................................................98 3. Robotics .......................................................................................................................................99 CONCLUDING REMARKS ................................................................................................................100 COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS ......................................................................................................103 VOCABULARY ..................................................................................................................................104 LISTENING ......................................................................................................................................112 GRAMMAR AND WRITING ..............................................................................................................113 SOLUTIONS TO EXERCISES ............................................................................................................115


Índice 7

SELF-ASSESSMENT EXERCISES .......................................................................................................120 SOLUTIONS TO SELF-ASSESMENT EXERCISES ...............................................................................122 CHECHK YOURSELF........................................................................................................................123 STRATEGIES FOR YOUR PROFRESS ................................................................................................124 GLOSSARY .......................................................................................................................................125 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...............................................................................................................................127



La Estructura de Teleformación ULPGC, centro responsable de impartir las titulaciones oficiales de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria en modalidad no presencial, comenzó su andadura en el año 2004 con una titulación pionera, la Licenciatura en Psicopedagogía. Las nuevas metodologías docentes combinadas con un funcionamiento eficaz han impulsado la expansión de un centro que, en el curso 2015/16, ha impartido un total de 7 titulaciones oficiales. Más de 2000 estudiantes cursan los Grados de Educación Primaria, Turismo, Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos, Trabajo Social y Seguridad y Control de Riesgos, así como el Máster en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales, atendidos por 150 profesores. La Estructura de Teleformación les facilita su actividad académica poniendo a su disposición 13 lugares de examen distribuidos en distintos puntos geográficos con el fin de intentar acercarles los recursos necesarios para el logro de sus objetivos. Con esta estructura, la ULPGC da cumplimiento a un principio formulado en la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos, que considera que la educación constituye, de un lado, uno de los pilares esenciales de la dignidad y el valor de las personas; y, de otro lado, un factor determinante para lograr la igualdad de derechos entre hombres y mujeres, y para la promoción del progreso social y la libertad personal. Responde, asimismo, a uno de los ejes prioritarios de las recomendaciones de la UNESCO, que considera esencial para el progreso social el desarrollo de medidas que aseguren el acceso de las personas a la educación y que permitan derribar las barreras que se derivan de las circunstancias geográficas, de la diversidad funcional, de las obligaciones laborales o familiares, o de cualquier otra circunstancia que impida el desarrollo del ser humano. Por todo ello, la Estructura de Teleformación lleva a cabo una importante función al contribuir de modo esencial a satisfacer las demandas que la sociedad plantea a la Universidad como Institución de servicio público. En este sentido, la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria no solo busca ofrecer una modalidad académica basada en el principio de la accesibilidad, sino que, al mismo tiempo, quiere poner al alcance de las personas que optan por acceder a la formación universitaria a través de sus aulas virtuales los instrumentos que las ayuden a alcanzar sus metas académicas. Los Manuales de Teleformación responden a esos planteamientos. Estos Manuales nos ayudan a cumplir uno de los deberes de la universidad: ajustar su oferta de formación a las demandas sociales para conseguir equilibrar los objetivos de desarrollo personal y de empleabilidad. La universidad forma más allá de las estrictas necesidades del mercado de trabajo porque gran parte de los perfiles del futuro serán, precisamente, creados por



10 Presentación

nuestros estudiantes universitarios y, como centro de generación de conocimiento y reflexión, imprime valores y forma a las personas que construirán esa sociedad. Por tanto, estos Manuales de Teleformación pretenden contribuir a la formación de estudiantes activos y emprendedores, adiestrados para actuar como personas flexibles, competitivas y conscientes de la necesidad de formación permanente. Estudiantes a los que esperamos ayudar en su camino hacia sus metas de crecimiento personal o laboral. Rafael Robaina Romero RECTOR

Basic content of the manual

This manual has been created with the aim of being a tool for the students who want to deepen on the knowledge of the English language specialized on the degree already fulfilled. In this way, the texts selected are updated and authentic. They haven’t been adapted but in some occasions shortened. The exercises provided deal with the vocabulary, expressions and exercises that may help them to express in proper English in an occupational context. So, grammar is not considered as important as the elaboration of reports or instructions and the vocabulary and expressions have been worked to be used in real contexts and situations. Phrasal verbs and collocations have an important role in this manual, as the listening of explanations on the topic by native specialists. Pictures are for free use as they have been taken in public domains.

Introduction of the subject

The subject “Basic English for the Prevencionist” is a three-credit subject taught in the first semester of the master in “Prevention of Occupational Risks”. Implemented in the first semester the aim is to give the necessary tools to understand and produce meaningful messages related to the different subjects. Nobody can deny the importance of English in our work and daily life. The need to be updated with the last legislation and the measures and different implementations developed in other countries make us be aware of the importance of dominating a language that is international in the different spheres. Students who decide to study this master are people with a great interest in improving and their knowledge acquired in the degree and, consequently, students who do not stablish barriers in such a knowledge. Moreover, these students have passed the subject of English in the degree so they can presume of having the B1 level when they cope with the master. Consequently, the purpose of this course is to improve in those elements related to a B2 Level that imply to give a step ahead in the technical English and vocabulary. This will be done through authentic texts related to the subject with exercises. The manual is divided up into three units, each containing the different skills. Texts represent well-known topics for the students but explaining the latest trends. As said above, texts are authentic and they are preceded by some warming-up exercises related to the vocabulary seen later. The listening exercise has been carefully chosen on the net and they are always explanations of the topic read by a native speaker. More importance is given to the writing skill rather than to the grammar and the speaking skill can be practiced through skype or attending tutorials. This last skill is voluntary. GENERAL OBJECTIVES The objectives of this course are clearly specified at the beginning of this guide and in the very first pages of each unit. Anyway, we shall name the objectives established by the CEFR (Common European of Reference for Languages) that agree in the basic aspects that every learner of the B2 Level should get with the exam. But we cannot take for granted that this manual is thought for students specialized in prevention of laboral risks and, for that reason, students must be well prepared to cope with situations intrinsic to their job. For that reason,



14 Conchi Hernández Guerra

the units and vocabulary will be devoted to this purpose. The grammar is not considered so important as they have studied English in their degree and it is understood that have known all the necessary items to develop a good level of English. Next, we shall show the descriptors that are considered general for every user of English with a B2 level. These descriptors have been validated and developed by the CEFR. DESCRIPTORS: GLOBAL SCALE A B2 student is considered that: • Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. • Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. • Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options. Listening

I can understand extended speech and lectures and follow even complex lines of argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar. I can understand most TV news and current affairs programmes. I can understand the majority of films in standard dialect.


I can read articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular attitudes or viewpoints. I can understand contemporary literary prose.

Spoken Interaction

I can interact with a degree fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible. I can take an active part in discussion in familiar contexts, accounting for and sustaining my views.

Spoken Production

I can present clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to my field of interest. I can explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.


I can write clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects related to my interests. I can write an essay or report, passing on information giving reasons in support of or against a particular point of view. I can write letters highlighting the personal significance of events and experiences.





Introduction of the subject 15

CONTENTS With the aim of fulfilling the requisites expressed above the subject is divided up into three units, each of them organized in the same way. The skills worked in the book are reading, listening, and writing. For speaking skill, oral exercises are offered to students through skype or face-to-face. The structure of the book is as follows: • DESCRIPTION OF CONTENT • INTRODUCTION • READING • VOCABULARY • LISTENING • FOCUS ON GRAMMAR • WRITING The structure of the units is the same but the content must cover the main topics they will work with. This subject is just shorter than others so texts must be carefully chosen and updated. They are: • Learning Unit 1: Workplace Safety. • Learning Unit 2: Industrial Hygiene. • Learning Unit 3: Emerging Risks. TEACHING STRATEGIES We understand that students have studied English for Specific Purposes in the degree and have acquired the basic knowledge of English and some specific vocabulary to understand texts related to the subject. In the master, we go a step ahead and provide the students with extensive authentic material related to the subject and updated with lots of exercises of vocabulary and the revision of the grammar seen in that text. Equally, they will have to listen to a topic related to the unit explained by a native speaker and some exercises related to the audition. Writing is also an important skill in this degree so they will have to write some reports and instructions. Seen this the purpose of this manual is not just to understand texts and recognize the vocabulary but to provide the necessary tools to reproduce meaningful texts in English, mainly in written form. Equally, they will have to understand conversations related to the work they will develop. To do this the exercises have been conceived to reinforce those specific areas in which Spanish students present more difficulties as they are the phrasal verbs, false friends and so on. The tasks to be developed by students in this manual will be varied and they aim to make students reflect on the process of learning. Now they will be described:




16 Conchi Hernández Guerra

Tasks to be undertaken by the student • Related with READING Reading skill is considered one of the most important as in practical terms students will have to update their knowledge of the subject with the latest. Normally they are published in English. The exercises to work on the text will be: 1. Gap-filling activities (in the comprehension section). 2. Multiple Choice activities (in the self-assessment). 3. Answering questions related to the text. • Related with LISTENING Students will have the opportunity to listen to a video taken from youtube. In this way, they will listen to and see the images related to the content. The exercises will be devoted to the comprehension of it. 1. Gap filling. 2. Answering questions. 3. Summaries. • Related with WRITING Finally writing exercises pretend to improve students´ writing and grammatical correctness: 1. Written exercises, compositions. 2. Reflections on the topics of each unit. The units will finish with some self-assessment exercises that summarize the content of the unit. Added to this, students will be offered some tips of advice to improve their learning process. There is also a glossary to be filled in with the extra words they do not know and the bibliography used for the unit in case they want to check and expand some of the aspects. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliographic references used in the unit appear at the end of each learning unit so students can check and widen the information provided.


Introduction of the subject 17

Warm-up: Safety and health Reading: What is workplace safety Vocabulary: Collocations WORKPLACE SAFETY

Listening: Safety awareness in the workplace Grammar: -ing and to inf Writing a report Warm-up: Verb + prepositions



Reading: What is industrial Hygiene Technical vocabulary Listening: the right thing to do Writing: Impersonal style and summarizing Warm-up: Green Jobs and robotics Reading: Emerging risks


Vocabulary: Collocations Listening: How to identify emergering risks Grammar and writing: Instructions


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