4 minute read
English - Language and Literature GCSE
GCSEYear 10 -11| Section B - Core Subjects GCSE Xxx English Language
Xxx Xxx AQA - 8700
You will read and reflect on a range of texts for stimulus and engage with creative as well as real and relevant contexts. You will have opportunities to develop higher-order reading and critical thinking skills that encourage genuine enquiry into different topics and themes. This subject will help you to read more fluently and write more effectively. You will be able to demonstrate a confident control of Standard English and write grammatically correct sentences, deploying figurative language and analysing texts.
1. Reading: You will read a range of fiction and non-fiction material, exploring the ways in which the writer has created their texts, inferring from what is not made explicit and showing your in-depth understanding of the stimulus extracts. You will develop the skills needed to effectively gather and summarise information, collecting and comparing your ideas in response to the set questions across two exam papers.
2. Writing: You will write effectively for different purposes and audiences, be that to describe, narrate, explain, instruct, give and respond to information, or argue. You will learn to consider choices of vocabulary, grammar, form, and structural and organisational features for the given audience, purpose and context. Your writing will be engaging and imaginative as a result of your studies of a range of source material.
3. Speaking & Listening: You will plan, write and present a speech, demonstrating your use of Standard English, your ability to adapt your spoken language to your audience and your ability to listen carefully. Your studies at GCSE will ensure you are confident in your written and spoken communication, and this will enable you to access a wide range of subjects and develop skills beyond the classroom. The English Language A Level allows you more insight into the history and development of language and the ways in which it is used across social groups and across the country. You will also build your analytical and creative writing skills through the coursework assignments. As a result of further studies of English Language, you will build skills which are transferrable and pivotal to success in the world of work.
Alongside your studies of English Language, there will be some opportunity to go on theatre and cinema trips, where you will explore how directors present themes and ideas for effect. You will be shown a number of sources which develop your knowledge of how the English language is used around the world today.
Paper 1
Paper 2
NEA Speaking & Listening % Details
50 1 hr 45 mins written exam paper
50 1 hr 45 min written exam paper
0 A separate endorsement awarding a Pass, Merit or Distinction to a presentation performed in class.
English Literature
AQA - 8702
You will study a wide range of fiction texts, exploring key themes and ideas and delving into a closer analysis of the writer’s craft. In addition, you will carefully consider contextual features, looking at the ways in which background factors such as political, social and historical events have influenced the writer and how this is presented in the text itself.
1. Shakespeare 2. A Modern Text 3. A Pre-19th Century Novel 4. Poetry (an anthology of works and unseen material) For each text, you will carefully explore the wider themes and ideas presented by the writer, considering the ways in which characters, settings, attitudes, symbols and ideas have been presented and their effect upon the reader, both at the time of writing and in the period since the text was published. Alongside detailed analysis of language, techniques and structure, you will consider the impact of contextual factors on the production and reception of the text.
Through your studies of English Literature at GCSE, you will develop a number of transferrable skills which will stand you in good stead across a wide range of subjects. In particular, you will have worked on the skills needed for effective and powerful written communication, discussion and debate. You will develop knowledge of inference and the ways in which we can decode texts presented to us. Through choosing this challenging yet rewarding subject at A Level, you will prepare yourself for life with a key facilitating subject which can open doors to a plethora of university courses and careers.
Alongside your studies of English Literature, there will be some opportunity to go on theatre and cinema trips, where you will explore how directors adapt texts and portray key themes and ideas for effect.
Paper 1
Paper 2 % Details
40 1 hr 45 mins written exam paper
60 2 hr 15 mins written exam paper