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Design Technology: Product Design GCSE
GCSEYear 10-11 | Section C - Free Choice Subjects GCSE Design Technology
AQA - 8552 | Pearson Edexcel - 1DT0
Design Technology is the inspiring, rigorous and practical subject which prepares all young people to live and work in the designed and made world. It is part of everyday life and is constantly evolving. It is a valuable subject which links together the creative, manufacturing and engineering industries.
focusing on Woods, Metals, Plastics, Paper and Boards, Computer Aided Design and Manufacture.
focusing on Textiles.
GCSE Design Technology builds upon the knowledge learned about the subject in previous years. The main teaching takes place during Year 10 and concentrates on a range of short projects enabling students to develop an understanding of working in a variety of materials such as woods, metals, plastics, papers & boards, and textiles (subject to course chosen). Students will also develop a wide range of skills such as Design Communication, Computer Aided Design & Manufacture (CAD/CAM) as well as practical manufacturing skills. The focus for Year 11 switches to solving a real life design problem, set around a contextual challenge, and consists of students producing a design portfolio and final practical outcome. The main skill that the coursework element demands is the ability to manage a project and to solve problems. Each project has to be researched and analysed before a detailed design specification can be written. Once this is complete, design ideas are drawn out and developed, working towards a final solution. After completion of the final prototype, it is then tested and evaluated to see if it meets the original design specification and consumers’ needs. GCSE Design Technology will lead on to the story of A Level Product Design or A Level Fashion & Textiles.
The A Level courses link together elements of Mathematics, Physics and Business but also teaches the problem-solving skills highly sought after by employers.
Universities highly recommend having studied Design Technology for careers in Engineering, Architecture, Product Design, Industrial Design, Fashion Design and Textile Engineering.
We offer a trip to a suitable manufacturing company which will relate directly to the course content.
We enter the Rotary Club Technology Tournament, a competition for aspiring designers.
Students can apply for the Arkwright Engineering Scholarships – a nationally recognised scholarship programme.
Non-examined Assessment (NEA)
Exam % Details
50 Substantial design and make project
50 2 hrs written exam (AQA) 1hr 45 mins written exam (Edexcel)