2 minute read
Classical Civilisation GCSE
Classical Civilisation
OCR - J199
We explore in depth the fascinating world of Ancient Greece and Rome, studying the culture, history and literature of these two famous civilisations. They were fundamental to the development of modern society and culture, and we take a varied approach to analysing the similarities to and differences from the modern world. We focus our study on the great works of literature (e.g. the Odyssey) and the art and material culture such as vases, art work and temples.
The course involves two components, each studied for a year, leading to two examinations (90 minutes each), on topics which cover a broad range of study in a variety of aspects of the Classical world.
The study of ancient myths and religious beliefs and practices, including the Greek and Roman gods, mythical heroes such as Hercules & Theseus, Foundation Myths, Greek and Roman festivals, Symbols of Power, Temples and Sacrifice, Death & Burial, and Journeying to the Underworld.
1. Roman City Life - the study of many areas of Roman life, such as entertainment and leisure, including chariot-racing, the baths, theatre and gladiator fights, houses and the role of citizens and slaves in society, or
2. The Homeric World - the study of Homer’s great epic poem the
Odyssey, and its context, the society at the time of the Trojan
War, Mycenaean Greece. We examine their culture and lifestyle, including their art, pottery and buildings.
You will develop a range of key transferable skills in studying the subject, especially the evaluation of complex facts, research, analysis and communication. All these skills are very useful for future education and professional life. Specifically, the course encourages you to make informed comparisons between Greek and Roman ideas, including the characteristics of their societies, and the impact of the different cultural contexts on the themes studied.
This GCSE forms a very useful foundation of knowledge for various subjects at A Level and university, including Latin, Classical Civilisation, Classical Studies, English Literature, Art, Drama & Theatre Studies, Philosophy & Ethics, History, Modern Languages, Psychology, Anthropology, Archaeology and Ancient History.
We attend lectures at university Classics departments and invite speakers to visit the school to talk on the huge range of subject matter involved in studying the Classical world.
The residential Classics trips to Greece and Italy are major highlights for pupils of Classical subjects. You will have the opportunity to visit Italy, taking in the important sites of Rome, Naples and Pompeii, and Greece, including Athens, Mycenae and Olympia. This not only broadens the cultural education of pupils but involves encountering many of the buildings set in the specification.
Myth & Religion
Literature & Culture % Details
50 1 hr 30 mins written exam paper with source booklet
50 1 hr 30 mins written exam paper with source booklet