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OCR - J282
Latin remains very highly regarded by professional employers and university admissions officers. Studying Latin at GCSE enhances your academic record - a good grade in Latin reflects a keen, able and perceptive mind. Latin helps to develop clarity of thought and an organised and logical approach to learning; it therefore helps develop key transferable skills and complements the arts and humanities subjects, as well as science and technological subjects.
The GCSE course provides the opportunity to develop further your knowledge of the Latin language and to learn more about Roman culture and civilisation to which our own language, literature and culture owe so much.
The course builds upon the work covered over Year 7 to Year 9, as you continue to improve your understanding of the way the language works, in an analytical way. The course is split equally between Language and Literature.
In Language, you will work on comprehending and translating mythical and historical stories set from the Roman world. You will be able to understand more of the relationship between Latin and our modern European languages, and you will develop and apply logical and analytical thought processes.
In Literature, your Latin ability will reach a standard where you can read original Latin literature, which we read in advance of the exam as a “set text”. The set text encompasses ancient history and mythology and is not only great literature itself but influences many of our greatest works of English literature. You will be able to see many connections with other things you have studied, seen and read. This is a wonderful opportunity to read writers such as Ovid, Virgil and Tacitus, in their original form. This GCSE will enhance your academic profile and forms a very useful foundation of knowledge for various subjects at A Level and university, including Latin, Modern Languages, English Literature, Classical Civilisation, Classical Studies, Drama & Theatre Studies, Philosophy & Ethics, History, Modern Languages, Anthropology, Archaeology and Ancient History.
Latin also complements Maths, scientific and technical subjects, as it forms the basis of much scientific vocabulary and increases your analytical skills.
We attend lectures at university Classics departments and invite speakers to visit the school to talk on the huge range of subject matter involved in studying the Classical world.
The residential Classics trips to Greece and Italy are major highlights for pupils of Classical subjects. You will have the opportunity to visit Italy, taking in the important sites of Rome, Naples and Pompeii, and Greece, including Athens, Mycenae and Olympia. This not only broadens the cultural education of pupils but involves encountering many of the buildings set in the specification.
Latin Language
Latin Verse Literature
Latin Prose Literature % Details
25 1 hr 30 mins written paper of translation and comprehension of mythical & historical Latin stories
1 hr written paper on pre-prepared Literature set text, comprehension, translation and style & content
1 hr written paper on pre-prepared Literature set text, comprehension, translation and style & content