Ellerslie Advanced Leadership Training Brochure 2.0

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a year

of foundational


preparation Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. Â All rights reserved. Â No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

We will not build on the sand, but on the bedrock of the sayings of Christ, and the gates and minions of hell shall not prevail against us. Should such men as we fear?

Before the whole world, yes, before the

sleepless, lukewarm, faithless, namby-pamby Christian world, we will dare to trust our God, we will venture our all for Him, we will live and we will die for Him, and we will do it with His joy unspeakable singing aloud in our hearts.

We will a thousand times sooner die trusting only in our God than live trusting in

man. And when we come to this position the battle is already won, and the end of the glorious campaign in sight. We will have the real Holiness of God, not the sickly stuff of talk and dainty words and pretty thoughts; we


have a Masculine Holiness, one of daring faith and works for Jesus Christ.

– C.T. Studd

Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. All rights reserved. No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

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What is the Ellerslie Advanced Leadership Program? Advanced Class Descriptions Course Overview Course Calendar Course Requirements & Coursework Overview Course Cost A Typical Day at Ellerslie Application Details Contact Information

Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. Â All rights reserved. Â No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

The Ellerslie Advanced Program is soul-serious schooling intended to lay the groundwork for specific front lines “Christwork” anywhere in the world. During this powerful year of training, you will be equipped to reach the lost, build ministries, and shape the course of history . . . on your knees. If you desire the benefits of a Bible College education in a set-apart environment that caters to a lifestyle of powerful prayer, personal holiness, and passionate intimacy with Jesus Christ - the Ellerslie Advanced program is a great fit. Whether God has called you to be a Hudson Taylor - pioneering missions work overseas, an Amy Carmichael - pouring out your life on behalf of the least, a Charles Spurgeon - stirring the Church toward Truth, or a silent laborer for the Gospel, the Ellerslie Advanced program is designed to equip you with the spiritual foundation to make an eternal impact on this earth. At Ellerslie, we believe that any vocation that is the outflow of obedience, and done 100% unto Jesus Christ, is considered “Christ-work” – whether that be a career in politics, filmmaking, pastoral leadership, orphan rescue work, or the mission field as a classic missionary. Ellerslie Advanced is specific foundational training for entry

Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. All rights reserved. No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

into a field of influence with the intent of leveraging that “field” 100% for the glory of Jesus Christ. Our strategy for accomplishing this is to supply a unique Christ-centric environment, which specializes in motivating and equipping students to effectively pursue the depths of relationship with Jesus Christ, and then as a natural outflow, the refinement of their vocational skills and training. Like a classic collegiate environment we have classes and professors to lead those classes, but our primary agenda isnʼt intellectual training, but soul preparation. We train for real-world representation of Jesus Christ in a world that hates Him. And we train leaders how to take positions of influence and represent Christ well in those positions in order that Christ may be witnessed in every imaginable sphere of society. This is our strength. We are not merely training Christian saints; men and women focused on holiness and set-apartness from the world, but also Christian soldiers; men and women armed and equipped to enter into the world and practically change it for the glory of Jesus Christ. We believe that the Ellerslie system of training may well be the training model of the future for the serious-minded Christian. Its effects are far beyond academic – its effects are We are not merely felt in the realm of character, relationtraining Christian ships, ideals, lifestyle, and, most importantly, in the priority it places upon the saints; men and pursuit of lifelong, ever-increasing women focused on intimacy with the person of Jesus Christ. holiness and set-

apartness from the world, but also Christian soldiers; men and women armed and equipped to enter into the world and practically change it for the glory of Jesus Christ.

Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. All rights reserved. No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

Class Descriptions:

And hear from other Advanced students!

"Ellerslie Global was definitely one of my favorite classes! I really enjoyed fellowshipping with my group each week, and then coming together as a body to share all that the Lord had taught us. I gained a deeper understanding of Biblical truths in each session. This class has truly been a blessing!" - Courtney

Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. Â All rights reserved. Â No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

“Through Orphan Advocacy/Awareness I saw not only the desperate plight of many in the world but also the passionate love of Jesus Christ for the one. This class is filled with the glorious hope that is found in Christ alone. I was broken when I saw the vastness of the need but our God is greater still. He is not willing that any perish and desires to rescue, restore and bring each individual into relationship with him. He desires to use you for the one, are you willing?” - Rachel

"My life has been deeply impacted by the intellectually sound and Spirit-filled teachings of this course. I have been driven deeper into the Word of God and therefore have come out of this class knowing my God at a greater level. I would recommend this course to anyone who has a high regard for the Word of God and an even higher regard for it's Author." - Mike

Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. All rights reserved. No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

“If I had taken but one class during the Advanced training, this may have been my choice, for there is little more important to a Christian than learning how to glean from the Word of God and interpret it correctly. Hermeneutics is not just some lofty learning for the theologians and the scholars. Hermeneutics is for the lay man, for the missionary, and for those who desire to know God’s Word.” - Nik

“I entered this class without much expectation, but I was proven incredibly wrong. I was blown away by how much I did NOT know or how often I think through a secular worldview rather than strictly through the lens of a Biblical worldview. This is one of those classes that once finished, you want to go through again (and probably again).” - Nathan

Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. All rights reserved. No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

Study to show thyself approved...

“The Greatest Christians Class is not for those willing to stay in their spiritual comfort zone. Both instructors and students alike are moved to their knees, daring to ask for a greater measure of the Holy Spirit, conformity to Christ, unwavering faith, and fervent love showcased in the saints of old such as John Hyde, Amy Carmichael, George Müller, and Frances R. Havergal. The stories of the men and women studied are those of the victorious Christianity far greater, yet ever tangible, than that which we have experienced in the modern times. Oh, what great challenges the contents of this class still ring in my soul!” - Thaysse

Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. All rights reserved. No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

“Whether ministering to a sister in need or to young women as a life calling, God-governed, effective communication is key. The Set Apart Girl class has enabled me to begin enunciating stories from my own life, packaged in loving Truth, for the glory of God! God has invested gems of wisdom in Leslie throughout her years in working with young women. Gleaning from Leslie has been invaluable! The Set Apart Girl Leadership class is incredibly practical, a delight to the heart, and a priceless blessing!” - Mandy

experience the exchange... Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. All rights reserved. No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

“In today's culture of watered-down truth and feel-good messages, it is rare to hear the Gospel boldly, passionately, and Biblically proclaimed in all its gusto and grandeur. This class is not merely "sit and listen to sermons" but a challenge to one's soul, a deep stirring for something greater, a pressing into the deeper life Jesus is beckoning all of us to enter. This class has the potential to change your life, it did mine.” - Nathan

“Perspectives, while focused on the missionary mindset, revealed the heart of God. It opened my eyes to see that our attitude towards missions should not be for the sake of the sinner, but for the glory of God! Let us be moved by our love for God to go onto the mission field to see Him worshiped in every tongue and by every tribe. Let us live out our lives as William Carey did saying "All for the glory of God!" - Madison

Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. All rights reserved. No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

Ellerslie’s Advanced Training is not primarily academic in its focus, but spiritual. However, there is still a high-level of academic The Ellerslie Advanced Program commitment and of discipline required to pursue graduation from the One year Intensive Study Advanced program. Whereas, much of the student’s time is spent in One year at Ellerslie consists of three training semesters: While most of our Ellerslie students come to Windsor, Colorado for one training semester in order to attend our nine-week Ellerslie Basic program, approximately one student out of every three of our graduates from our Basic program continues on into our Advanced Program.

A quick overview of the Advanced Program would be as follows: SEMESTER ONE: Ellerslie Basic Training (9-weeks) - required SEMESTER TWO: Ellerslie Advanced Training - Season One (14-weeks)* SEMESTER THREE: Ellerslie Advanced Training - Season Two (20-weeks)* * these time frames are close approximations and provide a rough idea of how the training will be broken up throughout the year. An Ellerslie calendar year includes three different 3-week breaks which follow the conclusion of each study season. NOTE: Advanced students are welcome to remain on-campus throughout these 3-week breaks if they wish.

The season in which a student begins the training process at Ellerslie also defines when they will complete the Advanced Training. If you begin in the summer, then you will finish a year later, at the point in the summer that you began one year earlier. The same is true for a student beginning their studies in the fall or the winter. The precise beginning and ending dates for particular training seasons will alter slightly from year to year, but the basic yearly Ellerslie calendar will remain the same. Our 2012 Calendar to the right will give you an idea of when a student might begin their training and thusly end their training a year later. Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. All rights reserved. No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. Â All rights reserved. Â No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

Advanced Course Requirements: Students will be required to complete all necessary coursework commensurate with all Advanced Training classes prior to graduation from the program. Students will also be required to demonstrate the highest levels of Christian character and decorum throughout their training year in order to receive the distinguished marks of completion.

Overview of Advanced Coursework: Ellerslieʼs Advanced Training is not primarily academic in its focus, but spiritual. However, there is still a high-level of academic commitment and discipline required to pursue graduation from the Advanced program. Whereas, much of the studentʼs time is spent in active prayer and devotional study of the Word - there is a lot of processing, and thus writing, required. Many of the classes in the Advanced program are of moderate-level intensity and should not be viewed as intimidating to the average student. But there is a high need for mental-constancy and time-management in order to accomplish the necessary coursework. Ellerslieʼs system of training and evaluation is not based on a classic test-taking model, but rather a combination of short-essay assignments and honor-system-governed group project collaboration. Ellerslie is undoubtedly collegiate-level training, however, anyone with an average academic foundation should expect to thrive.

Ellerslie’s Advanced Training is not primarily academic in its focus, but spiritual.

However, there is still a high-level of academic

commitment and discipline required to pursue graduation from the Advanced program. Whereas, much of the student’s time is spent in Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. All rights reserved. No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

but spiritual.

However, there is still a high-level of academic

commitment and discipline required to pursue graduation from the Advanced program. Whereas, much of the student’s time is spent in active prayer and devotional study of the Word - there is a lot of processing, and thus writing, required. Many of the classes in the Advanced program are of moderate-level intensity and should not be viewed as intimidating to the average student. Costs for the Advanced Training: (Note: an “off-campus” Advanced Training cost sheet is available upon request)

The “on-campus” costs for a full-year of Ellerslie Advanced Training are broken up in to two payment periods:


Ellerslie Basic Training - $3,850*

Payment for Ellerslie’s Basic program is required prior to entry into the initial nine-week semester (see details on website).


Ellerslie Advanced Training - $675/month for 10 months*

The payment for the Ellerslie Advanced program can be paid in 10 monthly installments throughout the course of the year of training. Thusly, the total cost for the “Advanced” portion of the program is $6,750. These costs include all meals (excepting Saturday and Sunday nights) and all lodging expenses. However, students will still be required to cover the moderate costs for laundry usage and course materials. Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. All rights reserved. No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.


for an Ellerslie Advanced student would look like the following:

5:30 AM

Morning Corporate Prayer

6:15 AM

Personal Study/Prayer time

7:30 AM


8:15 AM

Corporate Stillness

8:40 AM

Corporate Devotions

9:00 AM

Corporate Worship

9:30 AM

General Study Session

10:25 AM


10:30 AM

General Study Session

11:30 AM


12:15 PM

Ellerslie Advanced Study Time

3:30 PM

Ellerslie Advanced Class

5:30 PM

Dinner / Study Time / Free Time

7:00 PM

Student Life Activity

9:00 PM

Begin Quiet Hours

10:00 PM

Quiet and in room

Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. Â All rights reserved. Â No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. Â All rights reserved. Â No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

Ready to be Trained? " To get started, you first must apply for Ellerslie Basic Training, which is the prerequisite for the Advanced Training Program. Visit our online application here and fill out the information for the Ellerslie Basic Training. If you are interested in possibly participating in the Ellerslie Advanced Training Program, you can let us know of your interest by checking the box that says, “Advanced Training Program” as you walk through the application process. During your nine-week Basic Training, you will have an opportunity to apply specifically for the Advanced Training Program. If you would like additional details about the Advanced Program, please contact Sandi McConnaughey by calling 970-449-1688 or emailing sandi@ellerslie.com.

Ellerslie’s Advanced Training is not primarily academic in its fo but spiritual.

However, there is still a high-level of acade

commitment and discipline required to pursue graduation from

Advanced program. Whereas, much of the student’s time is spent i

Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. All rights reserved.

No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. Â All rights reserved. Â No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

“Father, let me be weak that I might lose my clutch on everything temporal. My life, my reputation, my possessions, Lord, let me lose the tension of a grasping hand… Rather, open my hand to receive the nail of Calvary – as Christ’s was open – that I, releasing all might be released, unleashed from all that binds me here.” - Jim Elliot

655 Southwood Windsor, CO 80550 | 970.449-1688 | www.ellerslie.com Copyright 2011 TheLane, Church at Ellerslie. All rights reserved. No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

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