Annual Set Apart Girl Conference Brochure May 2011

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2011 setapartgirl the annual conference

with Leslie Ludy

May 27-29

in every generation there are a few... Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. Â All rights reserved. Â No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

TABLE of CONTENTS 3! 4! 8! 10! 15 !

Set Apart Girl Annual Conference Intro Schedule and Session Info Testimonials Location, Transportation, & Lodging How to Register

Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. Â All rights reserved. Â No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

Join us for an unforgettable weekend in beautiful Colorado! I am so excited about this yearʼs annual Set Apart Girl conference! We have young women (as well as moms, young girls, and older singles!) coming from all around the country for a weekend of rich fellowship and powerful teaching on the set-apart life! No matter what your age or situation - you are welcome to join us for this life-changing event! Lately, God has really been putting Ephesians 1:23 on my heart - “the fullness of Him who fills us all in all”. Itʼs so easy for us as women to look outside of Christ to meet the desires of our hearts - whether we chase after popularity, guys, material things, or the approval of this world. And yet in my own life I have found that true fulfillment only comes from Jesus Christ. But how can we make Christ our all in all when so many distractions and cares fight for our attention? During this conference, weʼll explore what building your life around Christ really looks like, and how to experience intimacy with Him that never fades away. Weʼll also explore other practical aspects of the set-apart life, such as pointing guys toward Jesus Christ, what real purity is all about, and being made strong to be poured out for His glory. If youʼve been to a Set Apart Girl conference before, this yearʼs message will be new and different, so please join us again for some fresh inspiration! And if youʼve never come before, I would love to meet you for the first time! Holding the conference at our Ellerslie campus is like sharing a weekend with you in my own backyard. Our campus is a set-apart atmosphere of prayer, stillness, intimacy with Christ, and beauty - with a lovely lake and gorgeous view of the Rocky Mountains! Late May here usually boasts near-perfect weather, and weʼre only a short drive to some of the most amazing mountain experiences (hiking, biking, etc.) in the world. So you might want to stay a few extra days and enjoy Colorado! Hope to see you in May!


- Best-selling author of Authentic Beauty, Set Apart Femininity, and When God Writes Your Love Story Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. All rights reserved.

No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

sessions & schedule the

Friday Night General Session 7-9 p.m.

My All in All - discovering Christianity that really works Did you know that the Christian life is meant to be triumphant, glorious - full of joy and peace? Many of us profess to know Christ but our lives are filled with defeat, compromise or dullness. How can we experience real and life-changing intimacy with Him? In this session I want to give you a vision of all that Christ wants to be in your life. You will learn how to exchange a mediocre Christian existence for a vibrant life of victory. When Jesus Christ becomes your All in All - everything else in life just works.

Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. Â All rights reserved. Â No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

Saturday Breakfast 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. Saturday Morning General Session 9:00-10:15 a.m.

Inspiring Warrior Poet Manhood helping shape today’s guys into Christ-built men When I made the decision to live set-apart for the future husband God had for me, I observed the single “Christian” men in my life and got very discouraged. I wondered if I would ever find a truly Christ-built man - or if I should just settle for something less so that I wouldn’t be alone the rest of my life. But then I began to learn about God’s pattern for masculinity - and how I, as a woman, could help inspire guys in my life toward something better. I learned how to keep my standards high and wait for God’s very best in my life, and how to encourage my brothers in Christ to pursue excellence in their manhood. This session will help you inspire the guys in your life toward God’s amazing pattern for warrior-poet manhood, and remind you what you are waiting for.


Breakout Sessions 10:30 – 11:45 a.m.

Session Options:

How to Become an Orphan Advocate -for all agesDid you know that there are 148 million orphans in the world? They are hungry, sick, scared, and alone. They are in desperate need of advocates. This session will equip you with practical ways to stand for them, to rescue them, to offer them something beyond mere human compassion, something that will give them hope for this life and the life to come. This is God’s heart – His passion. He sees each one of those precious lives. And He searches the whole earth to find someone who will stand in the gap for them.

Teaching True Love -for parents and leadersThis is a vital message for parents, small group leaders, and mentors. Leslie offers practical, Biblical advice for helping young women experience God’s best in their future love story. Parents and leaders will learn how to lay the foundation right in their children’s lives for a God-centered romance and a future marriage that will go the distance. This session helps you gain a clear understanding of how to impart God’s pattern for faithfulness and purity to young women, and help them avoid the many pitfalls and temptations of our sex-saturated culture.

Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. All rights reserved. No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

How to Turn a Man’s Heart (Not Just His Head) -for all agesIn this hilarious and poignant message, Eric Ludy will share with you what kind of man to wait for, the role you play in shaping the course of modern masculinity, and how to become a woman that will truly capture a Warrior Poet’s heart. If you want to learn about true masculinity and true femininity from a godly guy’s perspective - this is a powerful and encouraging session you won’t want to miss!

Lunch 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

Saturday Afternoon General Session 1-2:15 p.m.

Lily Among Thornswomanhood that changes the world I heard about some young women in China who were persecuted for their faith. Their lives were incredibly difficult, but their faces had a beautiful radiance that literally stopped people on the street. These young women had no earthly comforts, but they had Jesus Christ emanating through them and everywhere they went, lives were forever changed. When we build our lives around Christ, our femininity radiates with His beauty, rather than the empty allure of this world. Everyone we meet encounters Jesus Christ through us, and the world is changed for eternity. This session will awaken you to God’s vision for your life as a woman - and show you what is possible when your life is fully in His hands.

Break and Optional Session: What is Ellerslie? 2:30 – 3:45 p.m. This optional session is for anyone who would like to learn more about Ellerslie training programs. Eric and the Ellerslie staff will share the passion and vision behind the semester-

Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. All rights reserved. No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

long leadership training program and the extended study program and have time to answer questions.

Saturday General Session 4:00 – 5:15 p.m.

The Sacred Claim – the power of a poured-out life This is one of my favorite messages to share! Eric and I will explore a critical aspect of the Gospel that many Christians overlook - every believer’s call to become God’s hands and feet to the lost, the weak, the poor, the destitute and the orphan. We have an incredible opportunity to impact the world around us, especially during our young adult years. So instead of wasting these years living for self - let’s get out there and build the Kingdom of God! This session will show you how to get started changing the world.

Dinner 5:30 – 6:30

Saturday Night General Session 6:45 – 9:00 a.m.

Reckoning with Truth – made strong to be poured out Reckoning with Truth is the crescendo of the entire Set Apart Girl conference! This electrifying message establishes the fact that God is every bit as big as He claims to be, and that He desires to do big things in the lives of His believers. In this session, Eric and I will challenge the mediocre expectations that many Christians have toward God and inspire you toward a life of wrestling prayer, overcoming sin, and a vibrantly victorious Christian life that will radically change this world. Get ready for an I’ll-never-be-the-same-again encounter with Truth!

Sunday Morning 8:30 - 11:00 a.m.

Pictures, Book-Signing with Eric and Leslie, and Ellerslie Worship Service

Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. All rights reserved. No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

In the summer of 2004 I attended the first ever Set Apart Girl weekend retreat. My heart’s longing for something deeper with Jesus Christ something real, all-consuming and beyond all the fruitless joys of the world - was met during those extraordinary three days. Everything faded away and before me was only Jesus. All that I longed for, He possessed. Though I had known Christ for several years, God used that weekend to start something in my walk that has never dimmed, but only been a deeply joyful and far surpassing adventure of true Life with Jesus! If I could personally bring every young woman out to a Set Apart Girl Conference I would! This is a weekend that will begin or Annie Wesche renew a passion in your life to go after all that Christ’s Cross has CREATIVE DIRECTOR purchased for you. It will land your feet upon unshakeable Truths of Set Apart Girl the Christian Life. It will take you deeper into His heart of matchless love for you. And it will give you further vision for all that God intends for breathtaking femininity in your life! With every year and each new conference, my heart is fueled afresh with love for my unchanging King and I pray that you too will experience this life changing getaway with your Jesus! HIS and yours,



testimonies Amy Says: “I came to the conference with expectation and excitement for what God would do. Nothing could have prepared me for what I found. God met me there. I heard Him speak as I listened to each session. He was seeking me as I hungrily sought Him. It was there I saw, for the first time, real life examples of the set-apart, wholly given life. They had it. It was possible. And I wanted it for myself. God was ready to show me the way. The conference ended on Sunday morning and all I wanted was more. It wasn't more of those particular people or that particular place. The longing of my heart was more of my precious King.”

Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. All rights reserved. No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

Christis Says: "Words fail to describe the tremendous impact that Set Apart Girl and the ministry of Eric and Leslie Ludy have had in my life! I have now had the privilege of attending four of their conferences and each one has been a significant step (more like catapult) into this endless frontier of knowing Christ. They have challenged, encouraged, and strengthened me to never, EVER settle for anything less than all of Jesus! GOD reveals Himself at a Set Apart Conference - and you are never the same!”

Ashley Says: “The Set Apart Girl Conference is unlike any event I have ever been to.

It was a time of deep conviction as the Lord showed me areas of my life that I needed to surrender to His control. It was a time of sobering as Leslie shared the orphan crises around the world. And most of all, it was a weekend filled with sweet fellowship as my Lord took me ever deeper into Himself. Words cannot express my gratitude for this life-changing conference!”

Tessa Says: ”When I read one of Leslie's books in high school, it completely changed the way I lived out my daily life with Christ. However, because the true call of the setapart life with Christ is such a narrow way, there were few people around me who could relate to my new-found desire to live a life completely given to Jesus Christ, ravished by Him alone rather than the things of the world. It was truly a joy to be able to attend one of Leslie's Set Apart Girl conferences, surrounded by like-minded sisters who had come with the same desire and hunger to understand the set-apart life more fully. Though it was only a weekend, I left the retreat not only greatly encouraged to continue on in my pursuit of single-hearted devotion to Jesus Christ, but with a better understanding of what it actually looked like on a daily basis. It was beautiful to be able to witness the fact that the set-apart life is not an unrealistic ideal or constraining set of rules, but rather a joyous reality to those who wholeheartedly desire to intimately know Jesus Christ and be used for His glory.”

Jessica Says: “The Set Apart Girl's Conference was such a tremendous blessing to my life! The messages that were shared throughout the weekend were life-changing because they were straight from the Word of God. The focus was on Jesus and His desire for me to live as a set apart woman in this world. It was also encouraging to meet and form friendships with other set apart young women. I came away from the weekend wanting to know and live for Jesus even more! I am so thankful to God for this conference!" Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. All rights reserved. No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.



Location. Transportation. Lodging.

Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. Â All rights reserved. Â No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

LOCATION: The conference will be held at the Ellerslie Campus, Eric and Leslie’s ministry headquarters at 655 Southwood Lane in Windsor Colorado. Windsor is a charming small-town community about 45 minutes north of Denver, between Loveland and Fort Collins.

AIRPORT: Our closest airport is Denver International, about 1 hour away from the Ellerslie Campus.

SHUTTLE & TRANSPORTATION: Everyone is responsible for their own transportation to the conference, but last year we found that if we buy airport shuttle seats in “bulk” that we can help save you a whopping amount of money (near $34.00) on your travel expense. It’s also beneficial because you won't even need to consider directions to the Ellerslie campus because your driver will know where to take you, and you will get to travel with other set-apart girls to and from the event. So, in order to make this work, you will need to do the following sometime prior to May 5th, 2011: 1.

Make sure that your flight arrival time on Friday is prior to 3:30pm and that your departure time on Sunday is after 2:30pm. If so, then you will be able to take advantage of this deal.


Purchase this "shuttle service" here online through our store no later than May 5th, 2011.


IMPORTANT: type your flight schedule into the "comments" section of your order. We will then organize the various shuttles and buses needed and then email you directions of what to do come May 27th. DON'T FORGET TO DO THIS!


ALSO, once you book the shuttle, we'll send an email closer to the event that contains instructions on finding the shuttle and what time, etc. Then, at registration we'll have your departure group and time.

Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. All rights reserved. No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

-OR- FOR BOOKING YOUR OWN SHUTTLE: If you prefer to arrange your own transportation from the Denver Airport to Ellerslie and from Ellerslie to Denver Airport. The airport shuttles that go directly to the Ellerslie Campus are as follows: Rocky Mountain Shuttle 970-356-3366

Super Shuttle

LODGING: Stay at Ellerslie Campus Option: $199 covers lodging, meals, and all conference sessions: Our on-campus option includes meals on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. The Ellerslie campus is a peaceful setting with a beautiful view of the Rocky Mountains. Many of our dorm rooms have views of the mountains, and there is a quiet stillness over the entire campus refreshingly separated from the hustle and bustle of city life, but with nearly every “big city convenience” a short 5 to 15 minute drive away. Dorm rooms are modern and comfortable, with 2-3 beds, desks, closet space and “shared” private bathrooms between every 2 dorm rooms. For pictures of the campus, click here. To register for the on campus option, simply select this option on our registration page.

Stay Off-Campus Option: $99 covers two meals and all conference sessions: If dorms are already filled by the time you register for this event, or if you do not want or need lodging accommodations, you can register for the off-campus option, which means you will be responsible for arranging your own lodging and taking care of your own breakfast on Saturday and Sunday. Note that the hotels listed here provide a complimentary continental breakfast, and there are fast-food restaurants within walking distance. IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT CONFERENCE TRANSPORTATION: If you are staying at the AmericInn or the Super 8 in Windsor (see next page) our Ellerslie staff can provide transportation back and forth from the hotel to the conference. (However, you will still need to arrange for transportation to and from the airport, as mentioned earlier.) If you need transportation from the hotel to the conference, please email Amelia ( at your earliest convenience.

Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. All rights reserved. No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

HOTEL DISCOUNTS: The AmericInn, just off I-25 at the Windsor exit, about a 5-minute drive from the Ellerslie campus, has offered a special discount for all conferences attendees. The price per room is $69/night for a non-smoking room with 2 queen beds. This price includes a full breakfast at the hotel. To make a reservation call (800) 634-3444 and let them know you are with the Set Apart Girl Conference. For more information about the hotel, visit http:// The Super 8 in Windsor also offers a discount for those attending The Set Apart Girl conference. The cost is $79/night for 2 Queen beds. Call 970-686-5996 and be sure to tell them that you are with The Set Apart Girl conference. NOTE: The Super 8 is the only hotel that might be considered walking distance to the Ellerslie campus. However it is still a fair distance away (between half a mile to a mile, very safe with sidewalks most of the way) but only plan on this option if you are already used to walking moderate distances!

OTHER NEARBY HOTELS: Embassy Suites Loveland Hotel (10 minute drive to campus) 4705 Clydesdale Parkway Loveland, CO 80538 970.593.6200 Candlewood Suites (10 minute drive to campus) 6046 Crossroads Blvd. Loveland, CO 80538 (877) 276-1796 (toll-free) Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites (10 minute drive to campus) 6092 East Crossroads Blvd. Loveland, CO 80538 970.663.0057

LIMITED SPACE! Conference space is limited and when capacity fills, you will be informed during the registration process that the conference is full, and will be given the option to be placed on the conference waiting list. Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. Â All rights reserved. Â No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

DISCOUNTS: There is a $10 discount per attendee that registers with a group of five or more. There are also discounts available for alumni of previous events. Please contact Amelia at to find out how to register under the Alumni discount if you have attended a previous Set Apart Girl Event.

SCHOLARSHIPS: We apologize, but in an effort to keep the costs for this event as low as possible, we are unable to offer any additional discounts (besides the discounts mentioned above) or scholarships for this event.

CANCELLATIONS AND REFUNDS: If you find that after you register for this event you are unable to attend: you can do one of two things. 1. 2.

You can send someone else in your place by changing your registration form online Or you can request a refund on your registration costs.

If you need to seek a refund, please note the following refund rules for this event: 1. If the refund request is made prior to Feb 1, 2011, there will be a $50 cancellation fee for on-campus registrants, and a $20 cancellation fee for off-campus registrants. 2. If the refund request is made between Feb 1, 2011 and March 31, 2011, there will be a $95 cancellation fee for on-campus registrants, and a $50 cancellation fee for offcampus registrants. 3. If the refund request is made between April 1, 2011 and April 15, 2011, there will be a $175 cancellation fee for on-campus registrants and a $75 cancellation fee for offcampus registrants. 4. If the refund request is made after April 15th, 2011, no refund can be provided. However, we can direct your payment toward a future event if you wish. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. Â All rights reserved. Â No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

ready to register? Want to help us spread the word? Email Amelia to request flyers!


Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. Â All rights reserved. Â No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

"The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I am a Christian does make me a different kind of woman." — Elisabeth Elliot

655 Southwood Lane, Windsor, CO 80550 | 1.888.374.2265 | Copyright 2011 The Church at Ellerslie. All rights reserved. No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from The Church at Ellerslie.

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