Catálogo asistencia técnica 2013 (versión inglés)

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Ecuadorian Technical Assistance Catalog


Ricardo Patiùo Minister of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility Gabriela Rosero Moncayo Technical Secretary for International Cooperation SETECI Technical Team from the Office to the Technical Secretary for International Cooperation Photographs: Participating institutions’ files Design: Azuca, Florencia Quiroga Printing: Imprenta Ediecuatorial Translation: Berlitz Quito, 2013

Ricardo Patiùo Minister of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility Gabriela Rosero Moncayo Technical Secretary for International Cooperation SETECI Technical Team from the Office to the Technical Secretary for International Cooperation Photographs: Participating institutions’ files Design: Azuca, Florencia Quiroga Printing: Imprenta Ediecuatorial Translation: Berlitz Quito, 2013

Foto: Edu Le贸n

Ecuadorian Technical Assistance Catalog


Foto: Edu Le贸n

Ecuadorian Technical Assistance Catalog


Description of the contents of the offer The catalog contains offers of Ecuadorian cooperation divided per sectors, and each part has the following:

• Description of the offer • Forms of cooperation • Available instruments • Institutional contact • Term for offer implementation (in case it applies)

Description of the contents of the offer The catalog contains offers of Ecuadorian cooperation divided per sectors, and each part has the following:

• Description of the offer • Forms of cooperation • Available instruments • Institutional contact • Term for offer implementation (in case it applies)

Index Introduction


A. ECUADOR’S SUCCESSFUL CASES REGARDING HUMAN TALENT AND KNOWLEDGE 1. Office to the National Secretary for Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SENESCYT) • Cities Planned as the basis for knowledge growth • Tools to Promote Human Talent and the Effectiveness of Scholarship, Financial Grants and Educational Credit Programs • Assistance in the Relevance, Assessment and Follow - Up of Scientific Research Projects • Prometeo «Viejos Sabios» (Ancient Wise Men) • National System for Leveling and Admissions 2. Ecuadorian Institute of Intellectual Property (IEPI) • Intellectual Property 3. National Institute for Geological, Mining and Metallurgic Research (INIGEMM) - MINISTRY OF NON- RENEWABLE RESOURCES • Exchanging experiences on developing small mining in Ecuador 4. Instituto Nacional de Pesca (National Fishing Institute). Ministry of Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Aquaculture and Fishing • Chloramphenicol, nitrofurane, leuco malachite green, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, histamine, mercury, cadmium, lead and tin, sodium metabisulfite Instituto Nacional Autónomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP) (Farming Research National Autonomous Institute) • Training services for professionals or representatives of the crop and agricultural machinery guilds. Seed processing services. Biotechnology, vegetable protection, soil and water lab services 6. Ministry of Work Relations • Public service for employment «Partner - Employment Network»

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Index Introduction


A. ECUADOR’S SUCCESSFUL CASES REGARDING HUMAN TALENT AND KNOWLEDGE 1. Office to the National Secretary for Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SENESCYT) • Cities Planned as the basis for knowledge growth • Tools to Promote Human Talent and the Effectiveness of Scholarship, Financial Grants and Educational Credit Programs • Assistance in the Relevance, Assessment and Follow - Up of Scientific Research Projects • Prometeo «Viejos Sabios» (Ancient Wise Men) • National System for Leveling and Admissions 2. Ecuadorian Institute of Intellectual Property (IEPI) • Intellectual Property 3. National Institute for Geological, Mining and Metallurgic Research (INIGEMM) - MINISTRY OF NON- RENEWABLE RESOURCES • Exchanging experiences on developing small mining in Ecuador 4. Instituto Nacional de Pesca (National Fishing Institute). Ministry of Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Aquaculture and Fishing • Chloramphenicol, nitrofurane, leuco malachite green, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, histamine, mercury, cadmium, lead and tin, sodium metabisulfite Instituto Nacional Autónomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP) (Farming Research National Autonomous Institute) • Training services for professionals or representatives of the crop and agricultural machinery guilds. Seed processing services. Biotechnology, vegetable protection, soil and water lab services 6. Ministry of Work Relations • Public service for employment «Partner - Employment Network»

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B. SUCCESSFUL EXPERIENCES TO BE OFFERED AS SOUTH - SOUTH COOPERATION PER SECTORS 1. State Planning 1.2 Secretaría Nacional de Planificación y Desarrollo (SENPLADES) (Office to the National Secretary for Planning and Growth) • National Decentralized System for Participative Planning • National Information System of Ecuador • National Institute of Statistics and Census • Pre-investment as part of the structure that corresponds to planning for growth • Democratic transformation of the State to achieve Good Living 2. Security Sector 2.1. Ministry of Justice, Human Rights and Cults • Technical assistance to plan justice services within the territory 2.2 Ministry of the Interior • Anti-drug Course • Course on police promoters to prevent unlawful use of drugs • International course for veterinary nursing assistants for dogs trained in detecting drugs and security • International course for canine unit managers and K-9 instructors • Training course for dog guides and drug detection • Advanced course on intervention and rescue group • International course on anti-kidnapping and anti-extortion 3. Social development Sector 3.1. Vice- Presidency of the Republic • Conducting bio-psychosocial studies on disabilities • Improving the quality of life of people with severe disabilities and catastrophic diseases as well as the lives of their corresponding care givers and families («Joaquín Gallegos Lara» Supportive Mission) • Designing response projects to give integral attention to people with disabilities 3.2 Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility (MREMH) • Implementing processes and procedures and generating public policies regarding refuge 8

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3.2.1 Vice-Ministry of Human Mobility • Supporting mechanisms for immigrant’s return 3.3 Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion (MIES) • Integral child’s growth • Promoting Popular and Supportive Economy: <<Hilando el Desarrollo>> (Spinning Growth) Strategy • Program to eradicate child labor in landfills • Strengthening the movement of special interest groups of the people who have disabilities • Promoting the rights and care for children with disabilities • Micro-credit program with transference warranty 3.4. Ministry of Urban Development and Housing (MIDUVI) • Housing incentive systems • «Manuela Espejo» Housing project 3.5 Ministry of Public Health • Assistance on developing and implementing management and care giving models for public health services • Controlling zoonotic diseases 3.6 Ministry of Education • New Model for Education Management • Hilando el Desarrollo (Spinning Growth) • Diet for school students • Free school books 4. Strategic Sectors 4.1. Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Society (MINTEL) • National plan for digital preparation 4.2 Office of the Civil Records, Identification and Registration • ARCES (Agencies for the Civil Records at Healthcare Institutions) 4.3 Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy (MEER) • Implementing pilot projects to partially substitute the use of GLP energy carrier by electricity, through induction stoves 9

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B. SUCCESSFUL EXPERIENCES TO BE OFFERED AS SOUTH - SOUTH COOPERATION PER SECTORS 1. State Planning 1.2 Secretaría Nacional de Planificación y Desarrollo (SENPLADES) (Office to the National Secretary for Planning and Growth) • National Decentralized System for Participative Planning • National Information System of Ecuador • National Institute of Statistics and Census • Pre-investment as part of the structure that corresponds to planning for growth • Democratic transformation of the State to achieve Good Living 2. Security Sector 2.1. Ministry of Justice, Human Rights and Cults • Technical assistance to plan justice services within the territory 2.2 Ministry of the Interior • Anti-drug Course • Course on police promoters to prevent unlawful use of drugs • International course for veterinary nursing assistants for dogs trained in detecting drugs and security • International course for canine unit managers and K-9 instructors • Training course for dog guides and drug detection • Advanced course on intervention and rescue group • International course on anti-kidnapping and anti-extortion 3. Social development Sector 3.1. Vice- Presidency of the Republic • Conducting bio-psychosocial studies on disabilities • Improving the quality of life of people with severe disabilities and catastrophic diseases as well as the lives of their corresponding care givers and families («Joaquín Gallegos Lara» Supportive Mission) • Designing response projects to give integral attention to people with disabilities 3.2 Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility (MREMH) • Implementing processes and procedures and generating public policies regarding refuge 8

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3.2.1 Vice-Ministry of Human Mobility • Supporting mechanisms for immigrant’s return 3.3 Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion (MIES) • Integral child’s growth • Promoting Popular and Supportive Economy: <<Hilando el Desarrollo>> (Spinning Growth) Strategy • Program to eradicate child labor in landfills • Strengthening the movement of special interest groups of the people who have disabilities • Promoting the rights and care for children with disabilities • Micro-credit program with transference warranty 3.4. Ministry of Urban Development and Housing (MIDUVI) • Housing incentive systems • «Manuela Espejo» Housing project 3.5 Ministry of Public Health • Assistance on developing and implementing management and care giving models for public health services • Controlling zoonotic diseases 3.6 Ministry of Education • New Model for Education Management • Hilando el Desarrollo (Spinning Growth) • Diet for school students • Free school books 4. Strategic Sectors 4.1. Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Society (MINTEL) • National plan for digital preparation 4.2 Office of the Civil Records, Identification and Registration • ARCES (Agencies for the Civil Records at Healthcare Institutions) 4.3 Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy (MEER) • Implementing pilot projects to partially substitute the use of GLP energy carrier by electricity, through induction stoves 9

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Technological conversion of all house lighting systems by substituting incandescent light bulbs for compact saving bulbs or LFC 5. Production, employment and competitivity Sector 5.1. Ministry of Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Aquaculture and Fishing (MAGAP) • Commercial Policy Instruments • Implementing small scale laboratories • Sustainable management of incidental shark capture • Implementing Schools for Agricultural Revolution (ERA) • Market Prices Information Systems 5.2. Ministry of Tourism • Technical assistance in Ecotourism and Community Tourism • Technical assistance in touristic training and tourism planning 5.3. Ministry of Industry and Productivity • Assistance in developing productive chains • Territorial Economic Growth 6. Decentralized autonomous governments and policy Sector 6.1 Office to the National Secretary for Public Administration • Transparency management, Preventing Corruption and Accountability in the Public Sector 6.2 Bureau to the National Secretary for Political Administration • Studies and Political Thought Program • Dialog Project with the Autonomous and Decentralized Governments in Ecuador 7. Economic Policy Sector 7.2. Ministry of Finances • Managing the Sole Account of the National Treasury 7.3. Internal Revenue Service (SRI) • New scheme to issue electronic documents (sales receipts and tax withholding receipts) • Income Tax Micro simulation Model MIR (PJ)


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7.4. Central Bank of Ecuador • Technical assistance to design, constitute and operate a Liquidity Fund for the Financial System 8 Patrimony Sector 8.2. Ministry of the Environment (MAE) • Experience Exchange-Forest Administration System • Program of Incentives for Forest Protection • Exchanging experienes in REDD+ 8.1. National Film Making Council CNCINE • Promoting Audiovisual and Film Production 8.3. Ministry of Culture • Ecuadorian Museum System (SIEM) • Strengthening the abilities to safeguard and preserve our cultural heritage. Instruction for trainers program to safeguard and preserve Cultural Heritage 8.4 Ecuador’s Railroad System. A Public Company • Rehabilitating the railroad systems and heritage tourism

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Technological conversion of all house lighting systems by substituting incandescent light bulbs for compact saving bulbs or LFC 5. Production, employment and competitivity Sector 5.1. Ministry of Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Aquaculture and Fishing (MAGAP) • Commercial Policy Instruments • Implementing small scale laboratories • Sustainable management of incidental shark capture • Implementing Schools for Agricultural Revolution (ERA) • Market Prices Information Systems 5.2. Ministry of Tourism • Technical assistance in Ecotourism and Community Tourism • Technical assistance in touristic training and tourism planning 5.3. Ministry of Industry and Productivity • Assistance in developing productive chains • Territorial Economic Growth 6. Decentralized autonomous governments and policy Sector 6.1 Office to the National Secretary for Public Administration • Transparency management, Preventing Corruption and Accountability in the Public Sector 6.2 Bureau to the National Secretary for Political Administration • Studies and Political Thought Program • Dialog Project with the Autonomous and Decentralized Governments in Ecuador 7. Economic Policy Sector 7.2. Ministry of Finances • Managing the Sole Account of the National Treasury 7.3. Internal Revenue Service (SRI) • New scheme to issue electronic documents (sales receipts and tax withholding receipts) • Income Tax Micro simulation Model MIR (PJ)


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7.4. Central Bank of Ecuador • Technical assistance to design, constitute and operate a Liquidity Fund for the Financial System 8 Patrimony Sector 8.2. Ministry of the Environment (MAE) • Experience Exchange-Forest Administration System • Program of Incentives for Forest Protection • Exchanging experienes in REDD+ 8.1. National Film Making Council CNCINE • Promoting Audiovisual and Film Production 8.3. Ministry of Culture • Ecuadorian Museum System (SIEM) • Strengthening the abilities to safeguard and preserve our cultural heritage. Instruction for trainers program to safeguard and preserve Cultural Heritage 8.4 Ecuador’s Railroad System. A Public Company • Rehabilitating the railroad systems and heritage tourism

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In October, 2010, the Office to the Technical Secretary for International Cooperation – SETECI - launched the first Ecuadorian technical assistance catalog for South-South Cooperation Modality. The mentioned work posed one first serious and technical challenge for both this institution and the Ecuadorian government, to set into motion the dream of political vindication of the South countries before the structural disparities in the international field, which means making a radical change in the way cooperation is conceived, since it takes into account all developmental challenges the region is facing. We, as a country and as a region have progressed a lot since then, our capabilities, knowledge and technologies have become the tools to jointly build good living. Now, we are aiming at achieving an international cooperation paradigm “to help each others as neighbors”, far from the unilateralism model. This new concept requires that we see ourselves as the cooperating parties in a shared objective in our region, just as we do in our daily lives. This can be seen in our neighbor-

hood, our community, our province, and our village. In this sense, we are building the cooperation paradigm as a way of life, with neighborhood associations coming together to defeat those big common problems. This utilizes a sovereign but technical vision, as well as a vision of excellence. We have plenty new successful experiences in Ecuador to offer the world. We have generated new capabilities that we would like to share especially with our brothers and sisters from the south; those who are pursuing, just as we are, the dream to help our people leave poverty behind. We are pleased to publish a new Ecuadorian Technical Assistance Catalog, available to you all. This catalog has been built jointly with the institutions that are part of the citizen revolution government. It is part of a beautiful cooperation, coordination and cross - institutional dialog exercise. In this second edition, we are showing the expertise in several environments: planning the “cities of knowledge” (Yachay), biotechnology, seed processing, also on several social aspects, 13


In October, 2010, the Office to the Technical Secretary for International Cooperation – SETECI - launched the first Ecuadorian technical assistance catalog for South-South Cooperation Modality. The mentioned work posed one first serious and technical challenge for both this institution and the Ecuadorian government, to set into motion the dream of political vindication of the South countries before the structural disparities in the international field, which means making a radical change in the way cooperation is conceived, since it takes into account all developmental challenges the region is facing. We, as a country and as a region have progressed a lot since then, our capabilities, knowledge and technologies have become the tools to jointly build good living. Now, we are aiming at achieving an international cooperation paradigm “to help each others as neighbors”, far from the unilateralism model. This new concept requires that we see ourselves as the cooperating parties in a shared objective in our region, just as we do in our daily lives. This can be seen in our neighbor-

hood, our community, our province, and our village. In this sense, we are building the cooperation paradigm as a way of life, with neighborhood associations coming together to defeat those big common problems. This utilizes a sovereign but technical vision, as well as a vision of excellence. We have plenty new successful experiences in Ecuador to offer the world. We have generated new capabilities that we would like to share especially with our brothers and sisters from the south; those who are pursuing, just as we are, the dream to help our people leave poverty behind. We are pleased to publish a new Ecuadorian Technical Assistance Catalog, available to you all. This catalog has been built jointly with the institutions that are part of the citizen revolution government. It is part of a beautiful cooperation, coordination and cross - institutional dialog exercise. In this second edition, we are showing the expertise in several environments: planning the “cities of knowledge” (Yachay), biotechnology, seed processing, also on several social aspects, 13

such as promoting a popular and supporting economy, eradicating child labor, inclusion of people with disabilities in all the areas of society, and planning a Government for Good Living. These are the most relevant achievements obtained in public policy during the first 6 years of government. With this wide range of offers, Ecuador is able to cooperate with the rest of the world, to exchange knowledge and transfer the experiences obtained in these fields. We firmly believe that by strengthening the South-South Cooperation Modality, we are becoming stronger as a country, since the type of cooperation we are proposing is focused on transferring the knowledge, this will consolidate the strengths each country has, under equal conditions.

that this publication can contribute to achieving that objective and in our role as Technical Secretary for International Cooperation we are committed to continue to work tirelessly to achieve the dream of a fairer, more equitable, and supportive Latin America and World.

In case you have any questions regarding the offer please contact the DIRECTION FOR BI - MULTILATERAL COOPERATION


Cooperation as a way of life

Ecuador is promoting the adoption of a new conceptual framework which seeks sovereignty within international relations, and proposes solidarity and cooperation as a way of life. It is a necessary exchange to grow jointly according to the priorities each country has. We sincerely hope, from the bottom of our hearts, 14


such as promoting a popular and supporting economy, eradicating child labor, inclusion of people with disabilities in all the areas of society, and planning a Government for Good Living. These are the most relevant achievements obtained in public policy during the first 6 years of government. With this wide range of offers, Ecuador is able to cooperate with the rest of the world, to exchange knowledge and transfer the experiences obtained in these fields. We firmly believe that by strengthening the South-South Cooperation Modality, we are becoming stronger as a country, since the type of cooperation we are proposing is focused on transferring the knowledge, this will consolidate the strengths each country has, under equal conditions.

that this publication can contribute to achieving that objective and in our role as Technical Secretary for International Cooperation we are committed to continue to work tirelessly to achieve the dream of a fairer, more equitable, and supportive Latin America and World.

In case you have any questions regarding the offer please contact the DIRECTION FOR BI - MULTILATERAL COOPERATION


Cooperation as a way of life

Ecuador is promoting the adoption of a new conceptual framework which seeks sovereignty within international relations, and proposes solidarity and cooperation as a way of life. It is a necessary exchange to grow jointly according to the priorities each country has. We sincerely hope, from the bottom of our hearts, 14


A Ecuador’s successful cases regarding Human Talent and Knowledge

A Ecuador’s successful cases regarding Human Talent and Knowledge

Cities Planned as the basis for knowledge growth



he Office to the National Secretary for Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SENESCYT) is the government institution which is responsible for governing the public policy regarding higher education and scientific research. To that purpose, it’s mission is to coordinate the actions between the Executive Power and the institutions in the Higher Education System. In the Higher Education Area, it has as its mandate to guarantee that free access is effectively complied with; identify careers and programs that are considered as public interest; and then prioritize them according to the National Plan for Good Living; design, implement, manage and coordinate Ecuador’s National Information System for Higher Education (SNIESE), and the National Leveling and 18

Admission System (Sistema Nacional de Nivelación y Admisión (SNNA)). At the same time, it is responsible for designing, managing, and arranging the government’s scholarship policy for higher education. In the scientific field, technology and innovation, SENESCYT lays out the policies for scientific and technological research according to the country’s needs for development. It also creates incentives so that the universities and polytechnic schools may implement them using academic excellence, and quality criteria without undermining their internal policies. This Office also makes the technical reports and sets resolutions for the Council for Higher Education. It seeks a deep transformation of the society from the transformation of the Higher Education.

A. Description of the offer • This initiative for cooperation is developed from the project called «Yachay», the city of knowledge. Urbanism at Yachay seeks synergy between the natural and urban systems, where space planning, design, governance, market strategies and their integration with the national innovation system lead the city’s growth, and operation processes. The objective is to promote an encounter and exchange of knowledge in a high-quality public space, based on a people’s mobility network where there is a strong technology and urban management integration. All academic, research, innovation, development and production processes are materialized in a diverse, healthy and productive - physical space. • It is the first eco - city planned in the country that is able to guarantee the ecosystem’s balance, cultural diversity, food safety and sustainable growth, which are the axis that will strengthen knowledge generation, innovation, and employment for the country and Latin America. Another process Yachay seeks to master is to strengthen the Research, Development and Innovation (I + D + i) processes that will allow for improvement of the levels of competitiveness of the field. Last, building this project means creating the first technological research university on the basis of five areas of knowledge: nanoscience, petro - chemistry, renewable energies and climate change; TIC and life sciences. The initiative has two years of experience. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Training courses. • Technological transference. • Experience exchange. • Non - refundable financial cooperation.

C. Available instruments • «Yachay» city of knowledge master plan.

D. Institutional contact •

«Yachay» city of knowledge project.


Cities Planned as the basis for knowledge growth



he Office to the National Secretary for Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SENESCYT) is the government institution which is responsible for governing the public policy regarding higher education and scientific research. To that purpose, it’s mission is to coordinate the actions between the Executive Power and the institutions in the Higher Education System. In the Higher Education Area, it has as its mandate to guarantee that free access is effectively complied with; identify careers and programs that are considered as public interest; and then prioritize them according to the National Plan for Good Living; design, implement, manage and coordinate Ecuador’s National Information System for Higher Education (SNIESE), and the National Leveling and 18

Admission System (Sistema Nacional de Nivelación y Admisión (SNNA)). At the same time, it is responsible for designing, managing, and arranging the government’s scholarship policy for higher education. In the scientific field, technology and innovation, SENESCYT lays out the policies for scientific and technological research according to the country’s needs for development. It also creates incentives so that the universities and polytechnic schools may implement them using academic excellence, and quality criteria without undermining their internal policies. This Office also makes the technical reports and sets resolutions for the Council for Higher Education. It seeks a deep transformation of the society from the transformation of the Higher Education.

A. Description of the offer • This initiative for cooperation is developed from the project called «Yachay», the city of knowledge. Urbanism at Yachay seeks synergy between the natural and urban systems, where space planning, design, governance, market strategies and their integration with the national innovation system lead the city’s growth, and operation processes. The objective is to promote an encounter and exchange of knowledge in a high-quality public space, based on a people’s mobility network where there is a strong technology and urban management integration. All academic, research, innovation, development and production processes are materialized in a diverse, healthy and productive - physical space. • It is the first eco - city planned in the country that is able to guarantee the ecosystem’s balance, cultural diversity, food safety and sustainable growth, which are the axis that will strengthen knowledge generation, innovation, and employment for the country and Latin America. Another process Yachay seeks to master is to strengthen the Research, Development and Innovation (I + D + i) processes that will allow for improvement of the levels of competitiveness of the field. Last, building this project means creating the first technological research university on the basis of five areas of knowledge: nanoscience, petro - chemistry, renewable energies and climate change; TIC and life sciences. The initiative has two years of experience. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Training courses. • Technological transference. • Experience exchange. • Non - refundable financial cooperation.

C. Available instruments • «Yachay» city of knowledge master plan.

D. Institutional contact •

«Yachay» city of knowledge project.


Tools to Promote Human Talent and the Effectiveness of Scholarship, Financial Grants and Educational Credit Programs

A. Description of the offer • This project is intended to generate new possibilities for knowledge within the framework of postgraduate education. This will be achieved by eliminating economical barriers so that people will be able to have access to the best universities in the world in undergraduate and graduate programs; and by strengthening promotion and development of human talent. • Determining the procedures and parameters needed in order to award the scholarship to the most fitted candidate, as part of each one of the programs mentioned in the topics. • Developing scholarship programs for postgraduate education in universities and higher education centers that have academic excellence abroad. • Developing scholarship programs for masters and PhD studies in any university abroad. • Developing scholarship programs in order to improve knowledge of the English language in teachers who work at the controlling institutions. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Experience exchange.

C. Available instruments • Scholarship programs, financial aid and educational credit.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for Scientific Research •

Assistance in the Relevance, Assessment and Follow-Up of Scientific Research Projects

A. Description of the offer • A group of 200 scientific research programs carried out by public and private universities as well as by national research institutes, jointly with universities from Ecuador in the fields of health, the environment, natural resources, agriculture, vegetable biotechnology, cultural heritage, renewable energies, and hydrology are being followed up and assessed from the technical and financial point of view since 2008. • This experience allows us to give appropriate assistance in order to comply with the project execution cycle for scientific research. • Three calls have been made (2008, 2010 and 2012) for scientific research projects nationwide, which been directed for the members of the National Science and Technology System. To do that, the basis for each call has been written, including the corresponding set of rules and scientific research projects formats. • This follow up allows us to give the support needed as required by the project executors, in order to comply with the specific and general objectives of their scientific research projects. This initiative has five years of experience. C. Available instruments • Scientific research projects follow - up reports. • Basis for the invitations. • Regulations.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Experience exchange. D. Institutional contact • • Office to the Under Secretary for Scientific Research • E. Term for offer implementation • One month.

E. Term for offer implementation • Six months. 20


Tools to Promote Human Talent and the Effectiveness of Scholarship, Financial Grants and Educational Credit Programs

A. Description of the offer • This project is intended to generate new possibilities for knowledge within the framework of postgraduate education. This will be achieved by eliminating economical barriers so that people will be able to have access to the best universities in the world in undergraduate and graduate programs; and by strengthening promotion and development of human talent. • Determining the procedures and parameters needed in order to award the scholarship to the most fitted candidate, as part of each one of the programs mentioned in the topics. • Developing scholarship programs for postgraduate education in universities and higher education centers that have academic excellence abroad. • Developing scholarship programs for masters and PhD studies in any university abroad. • Developing scholarship programs in order to improve knowledge of the English language in teachers who work at the controlling institutions. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Experience exchange.

C. Available instruments • Scholarship programs, financial aid and educational credit.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for Scientific Research •

Assistance in the Relevance, Assessment and Follow-Up of Scientific Research Projects

A. Description of the offer • A group of 200 scientific research programs carried out by public and private universities as well as by national research institutes, jointly with universities from Ecuador in the fields of health, the environment, natural resources, agriculture, vegetable biotechnology, cultural heritage, renewable energies, and hydrology are being followed up and assessed from the technical and financial point of view since 2008. • This experience allows us to give appropriate assistance in order to comply with the project execution cycle for scientific research. • Three calls have been made (2008, 2010 and 2012) for scientific research projects nationwide, which been directed for the members of the National Science and Technology System. To do that, the basis for each call has been written, including the corresponding set of rules and scientific research projects formats. • This follow up allows us to give the support needed as required by the project executors, in order to comply with the specific and general objectives of their scientific research projects. This initiative has five years of experience. C. Available instruments • Scientific research projects follow - up reports. • Basis for the invitations. • Regulations.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Experience exchange. D. Institutional contact • • Office to the Under Secretary for Scientific Research • E. Term for offer implementation • One month.

E. Term for offer implementation • Six months. 20


Prometeo « Viejos Sabios» (Wise Men)

National System for Leveling and Admissions

A. Description of the offer • This is an initiative by the Ecuadorian Government seeking to strengthen research capabilities at public institutions in the country, by means of connecting with foreign and Ecuadorian researchers who have a high academic level and live abroad.

A. Description of the offer • This is an initiative by the Ecuadorian Government that seeks to guarantee equal opportunities, meritocracy, transparency, and access to higher education for all Ecuadorians, men and women alike. For this, the first objective is to design, implement and manage an Admission and Leveling System for the higher education public institutions (IES) of Ecuador. This system will guarantee pertinence of the academic offer as well as the existence of an equal system, a system that is transparent to all candidate students, based on applying duly validated standardized tests. Finally, the initiative is seeking to design leveling systems given by IES that can guarantee equal opportunities and which make up for the educational asymmetries prior to entering the courses.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance.

C. Institutional contact

C. Institutional contact • National Leveling and Admission System •

• • Prometeo Project «Viejos Sabios» (Wise Men) 22


Prometeo « Viejos Sabios» (Wise Men)

National System for Leveling and Admissions

A. Description of the offer • This is an initiative by the Ecuadorian Government seeking to strengthen research capabilities at public institutions in the country, by means of connecting with foreign and Ecuadorian researchers who have a high academic level and live abroad.

A. Description of the offer • This is an initiative by the Ecuadorian Government that seeks to guarantee equal opportunities, meritocracy, transparency, and access to higher education for all Ecuadorians, men and women alike. For this, the first objective is to design, implement and manage an Admission and Leveling System for the higher education public institutions (IES) of Ecuador. This system will guarantee pertinence of the academic offer as well as the existence of an equal system, a system that is transparent to all candidate students, based on applying duly validated standardized tests. Finally, the initiative is seeking to design leveling systems given by IES that can guarantee equal opportunities and which make up for the educational asymmetries prior to entering the courses.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance.

C. Institutional contact

C. Institutional contact • National Leveling and Admission System •

• • Prometeo Project «Viejos Sabios» (Wise Men) 22


Intellectual Property



he Ecuadorian Institute of Intellectual Property (IEPI) is the governmental institution responsible for promoting, defending and sponsoring intellectual property by using state of the art systems as a tool for Ecuador’s holistic growth through the generation and implementation of public policies. IEPI is focused on supporting the growth of small and medium enterprises (SME’s), by taking advantage of the intellectual property systems. The IEPI is also focused on professionalizing human talent and making it more technical by offering specialized training and education. It focuses on promoting development of projects and programs that have to do with intellectual property with government institutions 24

and international cooperation organizations. The IEPI also promotes and develops incentives for the intellectual creators in the country, without disregarding trying to find the right balance between the rights of intellectual property holders and the rights of the general public. At the same time, it gains institutional strength, on the basis of a strategic evaluation and planning system, with technological support, a communication plan, and an incentive and financial self- management plan. It is focused on positioning IEPI as the institution responsible for promoting and protecting the intellectual property rights. By 2016, we will be the institution that drives intellectual property as a fair and supportive tool for growth.

A. Description of the offer • The initiative is seeking to share experiences in the following topics: • Training to use the mandatory license mechanism, an Ecuadorian experience. • An Ecuadorian experience, regulating access to Genetic Resources (RRGG) and Traditional Knowledge (CCTT) of the Andean Decision. • Ecuadorian experience in broadcasting, implementing and using the database of patents for universities and research centers, Centro de Apoyo Tecnológico e Investigación (CATI) (Technological and Research Support Center). • The various forms of this initiative have around five years of experience. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Sending experts. • Training courses. • Internships.

C. Available instruments • Two mandatory licenses have been issued. • Regulations to have access to genetic resources. • Several CATI working at various universities.

D. Institutional contact • National addresses of IEPI • E. Term for offer implementation Two months


Intellectual Property



he Ecuadorian Institute of Intellectual Property (IEPI) is the governmental institution responsible for promoting, defending and sponsoring intellectual property by using state of the art systems as a tool for Ecuador’s holistic growth through the generation and implementation of public policies. IEPI is focused on supporting the growth of small and medium enterprises (SME’s), by taking advantage of the intellectual property systems. The IEPI is also focused on professionalizing human talent and making it more technical by offering specialized training and education. It focuses on promoting development of projects and programs that have to do with intellectual property with government institutions 24

and international cooperation organizations. The IEPI also promotes and develops incentives for the intellectual creators in the country, without disregarding trying to find the right balance between the rights of intellectual property holders and the rights of the general public. At the same time, it gains institutional strength, on the basis of a strategic evaluation and planning system, with technological support, a communication plan, and an incentive and financial self- management plan. It is focused on positioning IEPI as the institution responsible for promoting and protecting the intellectual property rights. By 2016, we will be the institution that drives intellectual property as a fair and supportive tool for growth.

A. Description of the offer • The initiative is seeking to share experiences in the following topics: • Training to use the mandatory license mechanism, an Ecuadorian experience. • An Ecuadorian experience, regulating access to Genetic Resources (RRGG) and Traditional Knowledge (CCTT) of the Andean Decision. • Ecuadorian experience in broadcasting, implementing and using the database of patents for universities and research centers, Centro de Apoyo Tecnológico e Investigación (CATI) (Technological and Research Support Center). • The various forms of this initiative have around five years of experience. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Sending experts. • Training courses. • Internships.

C. Available instruments • Two mandatory licenses have been issued. • Regulations to have access to genetic resources. • Several CATI working at various universities.

D. Institutional contact • National addresses of IEPI • E. Term for offer implementation Two months


Exchanging experiences on developing small mining in Ecuador


A. Description of the offer • Instituto Nacional de Investigación Geológico, Minero y Metalúrgico del Ecuador (INIGEMM) (Metallurgic, Mining and Geologic Research National Institute of Ecuador) is able to provide experience regarding work done with and for artisan and small scale mining. It is possible to work on the following points: eradicating mercury from artisan and small scale mining; processes to sensitize, training processes, participative and ecosystem approach as the means to improve work conditions for artisan and small scale mining. • This field has been worked on since 2010 when the project to improve the conditions for small and artisan mining was approved. • This initiative has been shared with Bolivia and Peru by inviting experts to workshops as a starting point. C. Available instruments •


nstituto Nacional de Investigación Geológico, Minero y Metalúrgico (INIGEMM) (Metallurgic, Mining and Geologic Research National Institute), since it is an institution devoted to scientific research on earth sciences, it has contemplated entering into agreements with universities from the world in order to perform knowledge transference as part of its investment projects. For example, jointly with British Columbia University (BCU), from Canada, 26

they are conducting studies to improve work conditions in small and artisan mining in Ecuador. INIGEMM constantly receives students and professors form BCU who give training to the INIGEMM’s personnel, and they also get education and get new knowledge in the field. INIGEMM offers, to those interested in receiving its assistance, classes in geological, mining, metallurgic, environmental, social, scientific, and technical areas, among others.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical visits to the mining districts to exchange experiences (visits are subject to INIGEMM’s availability; all expenses must be paid by the interested parties).

• • •

D. Institutional contact • INIGEMM (Michel Rueda: • E. Term for offer implementation • Two months


Technical reports on smelting plants in the mining districts. Technical reports on the feasibility of constructing communal tailings channels. Reports on the characterization of mining environmental assets. Technical reports on metallurgic processes in smelting plants.

Exchanging experiences on developing small mining in Ecuador


A. Description of the offer • Instituto Nacional de Investigación Geológico, Minero y Metalúrgico del Ecuador (INIGEMM) (Metallurgic, Mining and Geologic Research National Institute of Ecuador) is able to provide experience regarding work done with and for artisan and small scale mining. It is possible to work on the following points: eradicating mercury from artisan and small scale mining; processes to sensitize, training processes, participative and ecosystem approach as the means to improve work conditions for artisan and small scale mining. • This field has been worked on since 2010 when the project to improve the conditions for small and artisan mining was approved. • This initiative has been shared with Bolivia and Peru by inviting experts to workshops as a starting point. C. Available instruments •


nstituto Nacional de Investigación Geológico, Minero y Metalúrgico (INIGEMM) (Metallurgic, Mining and Geologic Research National Institute), since it is an institution devoted to scientific research on earth sciences, it has contemplated entering into agreements with universities from the world in order to perform knowledge transference as part of its investment projects. For example, jointly with British Columbia University (BCU), from Canada, 26

they are conducting studies to improve work conditions in small and artisan mining in Ecuador. INIGEMM constantly receives students and professors form BCU who give training to the INIGEMM’s personnel, and they also get education and get new knowledge in the field. INIGEMM offers, to those interested in receiving its assistance, classes in geological, mining, metallurgic, environmental, social, scientific, and technical areas, among others.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical visits to the mining districts to exchange experiences (visits are subject to INIGEMM’s availability; all expenses must be paid by the interested parties).

• • •

D. Institutional contact • INIGEMM (Michel Rueda: • E. Term for offer implementation • Two months


Technical reports on smelting plants in the mining districts. Technical reports on the feasibility of constructing communal tailings channels. Reports on the characterization of mining environmental assets. Technical reports on metallurgic processes in smelting plants.

Chloramphenicol, nitrofurane, l euco malachite green, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, histamine, mercury, cadmium, lead and tin, sodium metabisulfite



he National Fishing Institute (INP), an institution attached to the Ministry of Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Aquaculture and Fishing, has focused its objectives during its 52 years of life, on researching the hydro - biological resources and their ecosystems with the mission to recommend the competent authorities the legal measures that will entail sustainability of the fishing resources of Ecuador for its optimal exploitation and sustainable management. INP is the competent authority in Ecuador regarding sanitation for all products obtained from fishing and aquaculture in order to provide the markets with the official guarantees of harmlessness of these products. 28

A. Description of the offer • It is of the utmost importance to be able to guarantee harmlessness of the food by quantifying non- permitted veterinary waste, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals that will allow us to guarantee that the food offer coming from the fishing and aquaculture industry is safe for the consumer. In order for us to do that, it is necessary to have the right technology according to the international requirements. The topics part of this initiative are as follows: quantifying the presence of cadmium, mercury, lead, and tin in fishing and aquaculture products, and quantifying polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. This proposal has already been made to Panama and Honduras. • This initiative has five years of experience. C. Available instruments • Specialized human resource. • Publications

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. D. Institutional contact • Fishing and aquatic product quality assurance process • E. Term for offer implementation • Three months 29

Chloramphenicol, nitrofurane, l euco malachite green, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, histamine, mercury, cadmium, lead and tin, sodium metabisulfite



he National Fishing Institute (INP), an institution attached to the Ministry of Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Aquaculture and Fishing, has focused its objectives during its 52 years of life, on researching the hydro - biological resources and their ecosystems with the mission to recommend the competent authorities the legal measures that will entail sustainability of the fishing resources of Ecuador for its optimal exploitation and sustainable management. INP is the competent authority in Ecuador regarding sanitation for all products obtained from fishing and aquaculture in order to provide the markets with the official guarantees of harmlessness of these products. 28

A. Description of the offer • It is of the utmost importance to be able to guarantee harmlessness of the food by quantifying non- permitted veterinary waste, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals that will allow us to guarantee that the food offer coming from the fishing and aquaculture industry is safe for the consumer. In order for us to do that, it is necessary to have the right technology according to the international requirements. The topics part of this initiative are as follows: quantifying the presence of cadmium, mercury, lead, and tin in fishing and aquaculture products, and quantifying polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. This proposal has already been made to Panama and Honduras. • This initiative has five years of experience. C. Available instruments • Specialized human resource. • Publications

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. D. Institutional contact • Fishing and aquatic product quality assurance process • E. Term for offer implementation • Three months 29

Training services for professionals or representatives of the crops and agricultural machinery guilds. Seed processing services. Biotechnology, vegetable protection, soil and water lab services



enerating and providing appropriate technological innovations, products, services and specialized training to contribute to sustainable growth in the farming, agro forestry and agro industrial fields. Instituto Nacional Autónomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP) (National Autonomous Institute for Farming Research) is a public, decentralized institution which has legal capacity and administrative, economic, financial and technical autonomy. The entity has its own tangible assets and special bud30

get and is linked to the Ministry of Agriculture and Stockbreeding. By 2020, INIAP is seeking to be the leading institution in sustainable innovation and agricultural growth that can satisfy the effective demands from the agricultural, agro forestry and agro industrial sectors with specialized high quality products and with national and international prestige. The institution is seeking to train and educate a staff with both professional and human qualities, committed to the national scientific, social and economical growth.

A. Description of the offer • Participative identification of local technology is done in all training services, as well as the participative creation of the training plan and selection of local promoters (whenever they are not professionals). Training courses will be on the following subjects: potato production, cereals, soft corn, cacao, coffee, rice, soy, hard corn, and palm tree oil. Training courses can also be on plague identification and diseases in the mentioned foods. The Institute also has biotechnology, vegetable protection, soil and water lab services. • The Institute has given consulting services to other countries such as Mexico and Bolivia, especially regarding cacao, in terms of the training system through the FONTAGRO and PROCIANDINO systems. B. Forms of cooperation • Strategic alliances. • Cooperation agreements. • Workshops. • Internships.

C. Available instruments • Training plans. • Training documents. • Technology inventory available for transference.

D. Institutional contact • Transference direction of biotechnology, vegetable protection, soil and water laboratories; and seed department. • E. Term for offer implementation • It depends on the topic. As a general rule, it does not exceed two years for training. Services are shorter than six months. 31

Training services for professionals or representatives of the crops and agricultural machinery guilds. Seed processing services. Biotechnology, vegetable protection, soil and water lab services



enerating and providing appropriate technological innovations, products, services and specialized training to contribute to sustainable growth in the farming, agro forestry and agro industrial fields. Instituto Nacional Autónomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP) (National Autonomous Institute for Farming Research) is a public, decentralized institution which has legal capacity and administrative, economic, financial and technical autonomy. The entity has its own tangible assets and special bud30

get and is linked to the Ministry of Agriculture and Stockbreeding. By 2020, INIAP is seeking to be the leading institution in sustainable innovation and agricultural growth that can satisfy the effective demands from the agricultural, agro forestry and agro industrial sectors with specialized high quality products and with national and international prestige. The institution is seeking to train and educate a staff with both professional and human qualities, committed to the national scientific, social and economical growth.

A. Description of the offer • Participative identification of local technology is done in all training services, as well as the participative creation of the training plan and selection of local promoters (whenever they are not professionals). Training courses will be on the following subjects: potato production, cereals, soft corn, cacao, coffee, rice, soy, hard corn, and palm tree oil. Training courses can also be on plague identification and diseases in the mentioned foods. The Institute also has biotechnology, vegetable protection, soil and water lab services. • The Institute has given consulting services to other countries such as Mexico and Bolivia, especially regarding cacao, in terms of the training system through the FONTAGRO and PROCIANDINO systems. B. Forms of cooperation • Strategic alliances. • Cooperation agreements. • Workshops. • Internships.

C. Available instruments • Training plans. • Training documents. • Technology inventory available for transference.

D. Institutional contact • Transference direction of biotechnology, vegetable protection, soil and water laboratories; and seed department. • E. Term for offer implementation • It depends on the topic. As a general rule, it does not exceed two years for training. Services are shorter than six months. 31

Public service for employment «Partner-Employment Network»


«Achieve good living by driving dignified employment and one that includes all people which can guarantee stability and harmony in work relationships. » A. Description of the offer • The initiative consists on consolidating a public service for employment by linking work offer and demand in the public and in the private sectors. • This initiative has been shared with El Salvador.


he Ministry of Labor Relations governs the labor policies, promotes the link between the work offer and the demand, it protects the workers’ fundamental rights and is the governing body from the administration of institutional development, human talent and the salaries in the public sector.


The Ministry works to be a modern institution, with recognized prestige and credibility, a leader as well as the governing institution of the organizational development and labor relationships, which will become a valid point of reference of public and technical management as well as a transparent one due to the quality services rendered to its users.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Training courses.

C. Available instruments • Web portal «Employment partner network». • National network of employment offices.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary of Job and Salaries • E. Term for offer implementation • Five days


Public service for employment «Partner-Employment Network»


«Achieve good living by driving dignified employment and one that includes all people which can guarantee stability and harmony in work relationships. » A. Description of the offer • The initiative consists on consolidating a public service for employment by linking work offer and demand in the public and in the private sectors. • This initiative has been shared with El Salvador.


he Ministry of Labor Relations governs the labor policies, promotes the link between the work offer and the demand, it protects the workers’ fundamental rights and is the governing body from the administration of institutional development, human talent and the salaries in the public sector.


The Ministry works to be a modern institution, with recognized prestige and credibility, a leader as well as the governing institution of the organizational development and labor relationships, which will become a valid point of reference of public and technical management as well as a transparent one due to the quality services rendered to its users.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Training courses.

C. Available instruments • Web portal «Employment partner network». • National network of employment offices.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary of Job and Salaries • E. Term for offer implementation • Five days


B Successful experiences to be offered as South-South Cooperation Modality per sectors

B Successful experiences to be offered as South-South Cooperation Modality per sectors

1 State Planning

1 State Planning

National Decentralized System for Participative Planning

area de respeto



ecretaría Nacional de Planificación y Desarrollo (SENPLADES) (Office to the National Secretary for Planning and Development) is the public institution responsible for doing the national planning in a participative, inclusive and coordinated manner to achieve Good Living for all Ecuadorians. This is why the Secretary’s bureau has created the national development plan called National Plan for Good Living.


SENPLADES manages and coordinates the Participative Planning Decentralized National System as a means to achieve the integral growth of the country at the sector and territorial levels by laying out the objectives and strategic policies supported on information processes, research, training, follow - up and assessment; thus orienting public investment and promoting democratization of the State through an active participation of the citizens that will contribute to having transparent and efficient public management.

A. Description of the offer • The Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador sees in planning an irreplaceable instrument to build a new State that is efficient, efficacious, fair, and supportive. It is an effort to rationalize public management, by orienting it towards exercising the rights and responsibilities within the framework of cross - cultures, respect towards diversity and a harmonic coexistence with nature in order to orient growth so that the people, the communities as well as the nations that are part of the Ecuadorian multicultural and multinational State are able to achieve good living. • This training is focused on stating public policies with an approach based on the human rights, incorporating the zoning plan in formulating the public policies, making national strategic projects, institutional planning and operating of the SIPeIP: Planning Module. • The initiative has been offered to Nicaragua and Paraguay through workshops, and it has been supported by the Cooperación Flamenca para el Desarrollo y Asistencia Técnica VVOB (Flemish Cooperation for Technical Assistance and Development VVOB). C. Available instruments • National Plan for Good Living, 2009-2013. • Guide for formulating public policies per sectors. • Guidelines for decentralized territorial planning. • Guide for institutional planning.

B. Forms of cooperation Horizontal cooperation and technical assistance: • Training. • Seminars and workshops.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for National, Territorial and Public Policies Planning • E. Term for offer implementation • Subject to a negotiation and the factors for each petitioning institution. 39

National Decentralized System for Participative Planning

area de respeto



ecretaría Nacional de Planificación y Desarrollo (SENPLADES) (Office to the National Secretary for Planning and Development) is the public institution responsible for doing the national planning in a participative, inclusive and coordinated manner to achieve Good Living for all Ecuadorians. This is why the Secretary’s bureau has created the national development plan called National Plan for Good Living.


SENPLADES manages and coordinates the Participative Planning Decentralized National System as a means to achieve the integral growth of the country at the sector and territorial levels by laying out the objectives and strategic policies supported on information processes, research, training, follow - up and assessment; thus orienting public investment and promoting democratization of the State through an active participation of the citizens that will contribute to having transparent and efficient public management.

A. Description of the offer • The Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador sees in planning an irreplaceable instrument to build a new State that is efficient, efficacious, fair, and supportive. It is an effort to rationalize public management, by orienting it towards exercising the rights and responsibilities within the framework of cross - cultures, respect towards diversity and a harmonic coexistence with nature in order to orient growth so that the people, the communities as well as the nations that are part of the Ecuadorian multicultural and multinational State are able to achieve good living. • This training is focused on stating public policies with an approach based on the human rights, incorporating the zoning plan in formulating the public policies, making national strategic projects, institutional planning and operating of the SIPeIP: Planning Module. • The initiative has been offered to Nicaragua and Paraguay through workshops, and it has been supported by the Cooperación Flamenca para el Desarrollo y Asistencia Técnica VVOB (Flemish Cooperation for Technical Assistance and Development VVOB). C. Available instruments • National Plan for Good Living, 2009-2013. • Guide for formulating public policies per sectors. • Guidelines for decentralized territorial planning. • Guide for institutional planning.

B. Forms of cooperation Horizontal cooperation and technical assistance: • Training. • Seminars and workshops.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for National, Territorial and Public Policies Planning • E. Term for offer implementation • Subject to a negotiation and the factors for each petitioning institution. 39

National Information System of Ecuador

A. Description of the offer • This system is being proposed so that all the experiences obtained upon developing the National Information System regarding topics such as statistical and geographical information, object catalog, metadata, regulations, the uses of information, and generating methodological cards can be given. The aspects to be approached as part of this initiative are as follows: developing the national information system, the components of the national information system to manage information, space data infrastructure, the standards for geographical information, and generating statistics for planning and constructing indicators. • This initiative has already been offered to Costa Rica. C. Available instruments • National Plan for Good Living, 2009-2013. • Standards for geographical information. • Ecuadorian metadata profile • Infoplan, Redatam usage manual. • Training manuals on the Information National System tools. • Methodological cards.

B. Forms of cooperation Horizontal cooperation and technical assistance: • Training. • Counseling. • Seminars and workshops. • Consultancy. D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for Information •

E. Term for offer implementation • Subject to a negotiation and the factors for each petitioning institution. 40

National Institute of Statistics and Census

A. Description of the offer • The National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC) is developing methodologies to build various tools and resources intended to generate and spread useful and quality statistics of the country, in order to facilitate assessing the growth of the society and the economy, as well as to promote the activities carried out by the National Statistics System. The training courses being offered are on statistical topics based on the INEC’s staff’s experience and knowledge as well as on the administrative records. Among the various statistics made by this institute, there are: statistics on health and life facts, social statistics, agricultural, environmental, geographical, demographic statistics, and current statistics. • INEC has shared its knowledge through courses taught at the National Statistics Institutes (INE) from Uruguay and Peru. It has also provided technical support to carry out the census in Bolivia. The institution has 50 years of experience. B. Forms of cooperation Horizontal cooperation and technical assistance: • Training. • Conferences. • Seminars and workshops.

C. Available instruments • Publications • Making statistic indicators. • Databases.

D. Institutional contact • National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC) • E. Term for offer implementation • Subject to a negotiation and the factors for each petitioning institution.


National Information System of Ecuador

A. Description of the offer • This system is being proposed so that all the experiences obtained upon developing the National Information System regarding topics such as statistical and geographical information, object catalog, metadata, regulations, the uses of information, and generating methodological cards can be given. The aspects to be approached as part of this initiative are as follows: developing the national information system, the components of the national information system to manage information, space data infrastructure, the standards for geographical information, and generating statistics for planning and constructing indicators. • This initiative has already been offered to Costa Rica. C. Available instruments • National Plan for Good Living, 2009-2013. • Standards for geographical information. • Ecuadorian metadata profile • Infoplan, Redatam usage manual. • Training manuals on the Information National System tools. • Methodological cards.

B. Forms of cooperation Horizontal cooperation and technical assistance: • Training. • Counseling. • Seminars and workshops. • Consultancy. D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for Information •

E. Term for offer implementation • Subject to a negotiation and the factors for each petitioning institution. 40

National Institute of Statistics and Census

A. Description of the offer • The National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC) is developing methodologies to build various tools and resources intended to generate and spread useful and quality statistics of the country, in order to facilitate assessing the growth of the society and the economy, as well as to promote the activities carried out by the National Statistics System. The training courses being offered are on statistical topics based on the INEC’s staff’s experience and knowledge as well as on the administrative records. Among the various statistics made by this institute, there are: statistics on health and life facts, social statistics, agricultural, environmental, geographical, demographic statistics, and current statistics. • INEC has shared its knowledge through courses taught at the National Statistics Institutes (INE) from Uruguay and Peru. It has also provided technical support to carry out the census in Bolivia. The institution has 50 years of experience. B. Forms of cooperation Horizontal cooperation and technical assistance: • Training. • Conferences. • Seminars and workshops.

C. Available instruments • Publications • Making statistic indicators. • Databases.

D. Institutional contact • National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC) • E. Term for offer implementation • Subject to a negotiation and the factors for each petitioning institution.


Pre-investment as part of the structure that corresponds to planning for growth

A. Description of the offer • Instituto Nacional de Pre - inversión (INP) (National Pre - investment Institute) can provide technical assistance in developing methodologies and pre - investment instruments to national pre – investing or planning institutes, in order to allow for constructing projects that will, in turn, support compliance with developing strategic objectives. The topics that can be approached are as follows: studies to comply with the objectives for growth, methodologies for project management, pre - investment managing tools, eligibility methodologies, and pre - investment prioritization and financing. • INP works jointly with several institutions from the central government and with decentralized autonomous governments. • The Institute has three years of experience and has offered its knowledge to the National Direction for Pre Investment from Argentina. B. Forms of cooperation Horizontal cooperation and technical assistance: • Training. • Conferences. • Seminars and workshops.

C. Available instruments • Portfolio of pre - investment projects.

A. Description of the offer • The change of paradigms that has started in Ecuador represents the construction of a new State that is coherent with a strategy for growth which is aiming at obtaining all people’s Good Living. The change in the growth model as well as the transformation of the institutional basis and the State’s action principles are two elements that are substantially associated. This vision comes from the definition of institutionalism as a resource for public action that allows for making strategic decisions feasible to implement the necessary transformations in search of a more democratic and representative State which is present in the territories through the public services rendered in a decentralized manner under quality, and efficiency criteria. • A methodology has been developed to evaluate the set of the State’s transformations as implemented during the last five years. • This offer has five years of experience and it has been offered to Paraguay and Haiti. It has also been implemented with other countries such as Bolivia and Brazil to exchange experiences. C. Available instruments • Decentralization process from the Executive at the administrative levels of planning (informational brochure). • State democratic reform (Toolkit). • Recovering the State for Good Living (Toolkit). • Basic handbook to make the competence matrix and the management model of the entities part of the Executive Function. • National Decentralization Plan.

B. Forms of cooperation Horizontal cooperation and technical assistance: • Training. • Counseling. • Seminars and workshops. • Short courses. • Internships.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the General Under Secretary for Democratizing the State •

D. Institutional contact • National Pre-investment Institute •

Democratic transformation of the State to achieve Good Living

E. Term for offer implementation • Subject to a negotiation and the factors for each petitioning institution. 42

E. Term for offer implementation • Subject to a negotiation and the factors for each petitioning institution. 43

Pre-investment as part of the structure that corresponds to planning for growth

A. Description of the offer • Instituto Nacional de Pre - inversión (INP) (National Pre - investment Institute) can provide technical assistance in developing methodologies and pre - investment instruments to national pre – investing or planning institutes, in order to allow for constructing projects that will, in turn, support compliance with developing strategic objectives. The topics that can be approached are as follows: studies to comply with the objectives for growth, methodologies for project management, pre - investment managing tools, eligibility methodologies, and pre - investment prioritization and financing. • INP works jointly with several institutions from the central government and with decentralized autonomous governments. • The Institute has three years of experience and has offered its knowledge to the National Direction for Pre Investment from Argentina. B. Forms of cooperation Horizontal cooperation and technical assistance: • Training. • Conferences. • Seminars and workshops.

C. Available instruments • Portfolio of pre - investment projects.

A. Description of the offer • The change of paradigms that has started in Ecuador represents the construction of a new State that is coherent with a strategy for growth which is aiming at obtaining all people’s Good Living. The change in the growth model as well as the transformation of the institutional basis and the State’s action principles are two elements that are substantially associated. This vision comes from the definition of institutionalism as a resource for public action that allows for making strategic decisions feasible to implement the necessary transformations in search of a more democratic and representative State which is present in the territories through the public services rendered in a decentralized manner under quality, and efficiency criteria. • A methodology has been developed to evaluate the set of the State’s transformations as implemented during the last five years. • This offer has five years of experience and it has been offered to Paraguay and Haiti. It has also been implemented with other countries such as Bolivia and Brazil to exchange experiences. C. Available instruments • Decentralization process from the Executive at the administrative levels of planning (informational brochure). • State democratic reform (Toolkit). • Recovering the State for Good Living (Toolkit). • Basic handbook to make the competence matrix and the management model of the entities part of the Executive Function. • National Decentralization Plan.

B. Forms of cooperation Horizontal cooperation and technical assistance: • Training. • Counseling. • Seminars and workshops. • Short courses. • Internships.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the General Under Secretary for Democratizing the State •

D. Institutional contact • National Pre-investment Institute •

Democratic transformation of the State to achieve Good Living

E. Term for offer implementation • Subject to a negotiation and the factors for each petitioning institution. 42

E. Term for offer implementation • Subject to a negotiation and the factors for each petitioning institution. 43

2 Security Sector

2 Security Sector

Technical assistance to plan justice services within the territory.

2.1 T

o generate public policies regarding justice, human rights, social rehabilitation, social reinsertion and precautionary measures for incarcerated adults, integral growth for teenagers who are in conflict with the criminal law and regulation to freely exercise cults. Coordinate the actions needed to watch for effective access to justice 46

with quality in a timely manner as a fundamental right of all the people who live in the Republic. Set up supporting links to the Judiciary Branch and the Public Ministry as part of the search for a solution to the conflicts generated at the social rehabilitation centers and other judicial conflicts of interest to the Public Administration.

A. Description of the offer • Territorial planning of justice services. • The plan has four years of experience and has worked with all State institutions related to the judicial sector. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance.

C. Available instruments • Geographical information system.

D. Institutional contact • Implementation project for the organic code of the judicial function and transformation of justice (COFJ). • E. Term for offer implementation • Eight months


Technical assistance to plan justice services within the territory.

2.1 T

o generate public policies regarding justice, human rights, social rehabilitation, social reinsertion and precautionary measures for incarcerated adults, integral growth for teenagers who are in conflict with the criminal law and regulation to freely exercise cults. Coordinate the actions needed to watch for effective access to justice 46

with quality in a timely manner as a fundamental right of all the people who live in the Republic. Set up supporting links to the Judiciary Branch and the Public Ministry as part of the search for a solution to the conflicts generated at the social rehabilitation centers and other judicial conflicts of interest to the Public Administration.

A. Description of the offer • Territorial planning of justice services. • The plan has four years of experience and has worked with all State institutions related to the judicial sector. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance.

C. Available instruments • Geographical information system.

D. Institutional contact • Implementation project for the organic code of the judicial function and transformation of justice (COFJ). • E. Term for offer implementation • Eight months


Anti-drug Course


«Promoting the conditions for the safety of the citizens, through an open and transparent social dialog»


he Ministry of the Interior has as its principles: to improve the levels for governance management; exercise democracy, especially regarding governance, public policies, public administration, situational analysis, justice, cross - culture, enforceability of Human Rights, and a transversal application of the gender approach. The Ministry governs, formulates, executes and assesses the public policy to guarantee internal security and 48

State governance within a framework of respect for human rights, democracy and the participation of the people in order to contribute to good living. The Ministry of the Interior is recognized by the society as the body that, with a strict respect towards the human rights, social inclusion and the participation of the people, can generate the conditions that are core for national growth by guaranteeing internal security and State governance.

A. Description of the offer • This is a basic course focused on police servers who work in the area of narcotics. • The topics offered with the course are: drugs, precursor chemical, drug use prevention, investigation plan, OBI information analysis, money laundering, suspicious profiles, and telephone analysis. • Accommodation in rooms shared by four students is available, as well as transportation from and to the airport. The offer does not include meals, laundry or telephone service. • This course is offered on a yearly basis through the Department of International Affairs to AMERIPOL (American Police Community), who are responsible for handling the participation of police departments of the region. This course has 13 years experience, and it has been offered to Mexico and Panama. C. Available instruments

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Course in Ecuador.

• •

Yearly training plan authorized by the Police’s General Command. Final reports on course and seminar execution.

D. Institutional contact • Jefatura de Estudios del Centro Regional de Capacitación Antidrogas (Central Office of the Regional Center of Antidrug Training) • E. Term for offer implementation • Ten weeks 49

Anti-drug Course


«Promoting the conditions for the safety of the citizens, through an open and transparent social dialog»


he Ministry of the Interior has as its principles: to improve the levels for governance management; exercise democracy, especially regarding governance, public policies, public administration, situational analysis, justice, cross - culture, enforceability of Human Rights, and a transversal application of the gender approach. The Ministry governs, formulates, executes and assesses the public policy to guarantee internal security and 48

State governance within a framework of respect for human rights, democracy and the participation of the people in order to contribute to good living. The Ministry of the Interior is recognized by the society as the body that, with a strict respect towards the human rights, social inclusion and the participation of the people, can generate the conditions that are core for national growth by guaranteeing internal security and State governance.

A. Description of the offer • This is a basic course focused on police servers who work in the area of narcotics. • The topics offered with the course are: drugs, precursor chemical, drug use prevention, investigation plan, OBI information analysis, money laundering, suspicious profiles, and telephone analysis. • Accommodation in rooms shared by four students is available, as well as transportation from and to the airport. The offer does not include meals, laundry or telephone service. • This course is offered on a yearly basis through the Department of International Affairs to AMERIPOL (American Police Community), who are responsible for handling the participation of police departments of the region. This course has 13 years experience, and it has been offered to Mexico and Panama. C. Available instruments

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Course in Ecuador.

• •

Yearly training plan authorized by the Police’s General Command. Final reports on course and seminar execution.

D. Institutional contact • Jefatura de Estudios del Centro Regional de Capacitación Antidrogas (Central Office of the Regional Center of Antidrug Training) • E. Term for offer implementation • Ten weeks 49

Course on police promoters to prevent unlawful use of drugs

A. Description of the offer • This is a basic course intended for police servers who are working in preventing sychosocial risks such as drug addiction (in educational and community environments). The topics to be reviewed in this course are: decreasing drug demand, pedagogical principles, psycho - pedagogical principles, how to design educational projects, active techniques to prevent drug use; prevention criteria and regulations and prevention techniques with children and teenagers. • Accommodation in rooms shared by four students is offered, as well as transportation from and to the airport. The offer does not include meals, laundry or telephone service. This course is offered on a yearly basis through the Department of International Affairs to AMERIPOL (American Police Community), which is responsible for handling participation of police departments of the region. • This course has thirteen years of experience, and it has been offered to Mexico, Guatemala and Colombia. C. Available instruments • Yearly training plan authorized by the General Command of the Police. • Final reports on course and seminar execution. • Specialized human resource.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Course in Ecuador.

D. Institutional contact • Jefatura de Estudios del Centro Regional de Capacitación Antidrogas (Central Office of the Regional Center •

for Antidrug Training) 50

International course for veterinary nursing assistants for dogs trained in detecting drugs and security.

A. Description of the offer • The training course as proposed to the police staff from Centro Regional de Adiestramiento Canino (CRAC) (Regional Center for Canine Training) and the people participating from the neighboring countries will be carried out according to the methods and techniques of veterinary nursing, that are necessary in the canine area in order to act as the support for canine units in working together with professional veterinarians. The topics to be studied in this course are: dog’s hygiene and maintenance, physiological constants, handbook to own dogs responsibly, veterinary emergency, infectious diseases, practices and medicament administration. • The institution has 24 years of experience and this course has been offered three times; the last time it was offered it was in Panama. C. Available instruments • Yearly training plan authorized by the General Command of the Police. • Final reports on the course and seminar execution. • Specialized human resource.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Course in Ecuador.

D. Institutional contact • Centro Regional de Adiestramiento Canino (Regional Center for Canine Training) • 51

Course on police promoters to prevent unlawful use of drugs

A. Description of the offer • This is a basic course intended for police servers who are working in preventing sychosocial risks such as drug addiction (in educational and community environments). The topics to be reviewed in this course are: decreasing drug demand, pedagogical principles, psycho - pedagogical principles, how to design educational projects, active techniques to prevent drug use; prevention criteria and regulations and prevention techniques with children and teenagers. • Accommodation in rooms shared by four students is offered, as well as transportation from and to the airport. The offer does not include meals, laundry or telephone service. This course is offered on a yearly basis through the Department of International Affairs to AMERIPOL (American Police Community), which is responsible for handling participation of police departments of the region. • This course has thirteen years of experience, and it has been offered to Mexico, Guatemala and Colombia. C. Available instruments • Yearly training plan authorized by the General Command of the Police. • Final reports on course and seminar execution. • Specialized human resource.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Course in Ecuador.

D. Institutional contact • Jefatura de Estudios del Centro Regional de Capacitación Antidrogas (Central Office of the Regional Center •

for Antidrug Training) 50

International course for veterinary nursing assistants for dogs trained in detecting drugs and security.

A. Description of the offer • The training course as proposed to the police staff from Centro Regional de Adiestramiento Canino (CRAC) (Regional Center for Canine Training) and the people participating from the neighboring countries will be carried out according to the methods and techniques of veterinary nursing, that are necessary in the canine area in order to act as the support for canine units in working together with professional veterinarians. The topics to be studied in this course are: dog’s hygiene and maintenance, physiological constants, handbook to own dogs responsibly, veterinary emergency, infectious diseases, practices and medicament administration. • The institution has 24 years of experience and this course has been offered three times; the last time it was offered it was in Panama. C. Available instruments • Yearly training plan authorized by the General Command of the Police. • Final reports on the course and seminar execution. • Specialized human resource.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Course in Ecuador.

D. Institutional contact • Centro Regional de Adiestramiento Canino (Regional Center for Canine Training) • 51

International course for canine unit managers and K-9 instructors

A. Description of the offer • This course is framed on the administrative aspects and practical methods joined to train canine units managers from the K-9 instructor point of view. The topics to be reviewed are: canine cynology, basic canine obedience, controlling public order with dogs, safe manipulation of substances used for detection and contamination elements, highs and lows manual, managing and auditing canine units, projects (planning, executing, and assessing), planning and executing canine health control programs, handling dogs for detection, public order control and public relations, physical education, canine first aids, pre - specialization practices, human rights, human relations and values, risk management, project management and total quality. • The institution has 24 years of experience and this course has been offered thrice. The last time, three police members from the Republic of Panama, two from Brazil, one from Colombia and one from the Dominican Republic took part in the course. C. Available instruments • Yearly training plan authorized by the General Command of the Police. • Final reports on the course and seminar execution. • Specialized human resource.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Course in Ecuador.

D. Institutional contact • Centro Regional de Adiestramiento Canino (Regional Center for Canine Training) • 52

Training course for dog guides and drug detection

A. Description of the offer • The training course as proposed to the police staff at CRAC as well as the people participating from neighboring countries will be done according to the methods and techniques for narcotic detection. The course is framed within work that will combine synchronizing the man - dog couple to the service of civil society. The topics to be reviewed during this course will be: canine cynology, canine first aids, legal framework, document analysis at ports and airports, antinarcotics procedures, chemical knowledge and using the test briefcase for approved preliminary identification (PIPH), techniques to get profiles, anti - drug intelligence (recruiting and handling OBI sources), knowledge on drugs, human rights, human relations and values, citizens’ security, physical culture, K-9 manual, police tactics, proactive / passive in field training and practice phase. Special attention will be given to intervening at air and maritime ports and land terminals and roads. • The institution has 24 years of experience and this course has been offered 18 times nationwide and three internationally. The last time it was taught, two police members from Panama, two from Argentina and one from Colombia took part of it. C. Available instruments • Yearly training plan authorized by the General Command of the Police. • Final reports on the course and seminar execution. • Specialized human resource.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Course in Ecuador.

D. Institutional contact • Centro Regional de Adiestramiento Canino (Regional Center for Canine Training) • 53

International course for canine unit managers and K-9 instructors

A. Description of the offer • This course is framed on the administrative aspects and practical methods joined to train canine units managers from the K-9 instructor point of view. The topics to be reviewed are: canine cynology, basic canine obedience, controlling public order with dogs, safe manipulation of substances used for detection and contamination elements, highs and lows manual, managing and auditing canine units, projects (planning, executing, and assessing), planning and executing canine health control programs, handling dogs for detection, public order control and public relations, physical education, canine first aids, pre - specialization practices, human rights, human relations and values, risk management, project management and total quality. • The institution has 24 years of experience and this course has been offered thrice. The last time, three police members from the Republic of Panama, two from Brazil, one from Colombia and one from the Dominican Republic took part in the course. C. Available instruments • Yearly training plan authorized by the General Command of the Police. • Final reports on the course and seminar execution. • Specialized human resource.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Course in Ecuador.

D. Institutional contact • Centro Regional de Adiestramiento Canino (Regional Center for Canine Training) • 52

Training course for dog guides and drug detection

A. Description of the offer • The training course as proposed to the police staff at CRAC as well as the people participating from neighboring countries will be done according to the methods and techniques for narcotic detection. The course is framed within work that will combine synchronizing the man - dog couple to the service of civil society. The topics to be reviewed during this course will be: canine cynology, canine first aids, legal framework, document analysis at ports and airports, antinarcotics procedures, chemical knowledge and using the test briefcase for approved preliminary identification (PIPH), techniques to get profiles, anti - drug intelligence (recruiting and handling OBI sources), knowledge on drugs, human rights, human relations and values, citizens’ security, physical culture, K-9 manual, police tactics, proactive / passive in field training and practice phase. Special attention will be given to intervening at air and maritime ports and land terminals and roads. • The institution has 24 years of experience and this course has been offered 18 times nationwide and three internationally. The last time it was taught, two police members from Panama, two from Argentina and one from Colombia took part of it. C. Available instruments • Yearly training plan authorized by the General Command of the Police. • Final reports on the course and seminar execution. • Specialized human resource.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Course in Ecuador.

D. Institutional contact • Centro Regional de Adiestramiento Canino (Regional Center for Canine Training) • 53

Advanced course on intervention and rescue group

A. Description of the offer • The specialization course lasts seven months for the national staff and it can be taken whenever they want to become members of this Unit. The proposal for this international advanced course is two months. This group of brave men, officers and troops is physically, mentally and spiritually fitted with the sole objective to fight the evil and save human life. Besides, they have been trained in the country and abroad. This has allowed us to develop highly technical and professional work that can guarantee institutional prestige and, as an award to it, honestly shaking hands with the children, men and women who love peace. • The topics covered in this course are: legal aspects, rural operations, human rights, protection to dignitaries, coastal operations, explosives, breaking - in, rescue in rivers and high mountains, raids, shooting, and survival. • The institution has 34 years of experience and this offer has been made through the office of International Affairs of the National Police through the embassies of various countries, especially Mexico, Panama, Brazil and Peru, among others. C. Available instruments • Yearly training plan authorized by the General Command of the Police. • Final reports on the course and seminar execution. • Specialized human resource.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Course in Ecuador.

D. Institutional contact • Rescue and intervention group from the National Police (CICAP) Pedagogic Department •

International course on anti-kidnapping and anti-extortion

A. Description of the offer • Develop anti- extortion and anti- kidnapping investigations and operations by using techniques and methods that allow for fighting these crimes pursuant to the procedures and regulations under respect to the citizens. • The topics covered by this course are: legal framework, introduction to the mission performed by the Antikidnapping and Extortion Unit (UNASE), judicial police procedures, human rights, procedures against kidnapping and extortion, citizens safety, interviewing techniques, negotiation for a kidnapping and extortion case, site exploration, making parts and reports, recruiting human sources, electronic intelligence, basic intelligence operations, intelligence analysis, police survival, weapons, and shooting. • After this course, the number of kidnapping and extortion cases solved with 100% effectiveness has increased in the last five years. Besides, students are monitored and evaluated on a permanent basis when they register for the course through psychological tests as well as through the polygraph, rules for attendance, performance rules, quantitative evaluation and formative evaluation are some of the aspects. Also, the instructors who teach this course are evaluated on a periodical basis. • We have five years of experience with this course and this offer has been made through the office for International Affairs of the National Police. This technical assistance was given to Brazil last year.

D. Institutional contact • •

E. Term for offer implementation • Two months 54

C. Available instruments • Yearly training plan authorized by the Police’s General Command. • Final reports on course and seminar execution. • Specialized human resource.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Course in Ecuador.

National Direction of the Judicial Police and Investigations; Anti - kidnapping and Extortion Unit (UNASE) 55

Advanced course on intervention and rescue group

A. Description of the offer • The specialization course lasts seven months for the national staff and it can be taken whenever they want to become members of this Unit. The proposal for this international advanced course is two months. This group of brave men, officers and troops is physically, mentally and spiritually fitted with the sole objective to fight the evil and save human life. Besides, they have been trained in the country and abroad. This has allowed us to develop highly technical and professional work that can guarantee institutional prestige and, as an award to it, honestly shaking hands with the children, men and women who love peace. • The topics covered in this course are: legal aspects, rural operations, human rights, protection to dignitaries, coastal operations, explosives, breaking - in, rescue in rivers and high mountains, raids, shooting, and survival. • The institution has 34 years of experience and this offer has been made through the office of International Affairs of the National Police through the embassies of various countries, especially Mexico, Panama, Brazil and Peru, among others. C. Available instruments • Yearly training plan authorized by the General Command of the Police. • Final reports on the course and seminar execution. • Specialized human resource.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Course in Ecuador.

D. Institutional contact • Rescue and intervention group from the National Police (CICAP) Pedagogic Department •

International course on anti-kidnapping and anti-extortion

A. Description of the offer • Develop anti- extortion and anti- kidnapping investigations and operations by using techniques and methods that allow for fighting these crimes pursuant to the procedures and regulations under respect to the citizens. • The topics covered by this course are: legal framework, introduction to the mission performed by the Antikidnapping and Extortion Unit (UNASE), judicial police procedures, human rights, procedures against kidnapping and extortion, citizens safety, interviewing techniques, negotiation for a kidnapping and extortion case, site exploration, making parts and reports, recruiting human sources, electronic intelligence, basic intelligence operations, intelligence analysis, police survival, weapons, and shooting. • After this course, the number of kidnapping and extortion cases solved with 100% effectiveness has increased in the last five years. Besides, students are monitored and evaluated on a permanent basis when they register for the course through psychological tests as well as through the polygraph, rules for attendance, performance rules, quantitative evaluation and formative evaluation are some of the aspects. Also, the instructors who teach this course are evaluated on a periodical basis. • We have five years of experience with this course and this offer has been made through the office for International Affairs of the National Police. This technical assistance was given to Brazil last year.

D. Institutional contact • •

E. Term for offer implementation • Two months 54

C. Available instruments • Yearly training plan authorized by the Police’s General Command. • Final reports on course and seminar execution. • Specialized human resource.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Course in Ecuador.

National Direction of the Judicial Police and Investigations; Anti - kidnapping and Extortion Unit (UNASE) 55

Foto: Edu Le贸n

3 Social Development Sector

Foto: Edu Le贸n

3 Social Development Sector

Conducting bio-psychosocial studies on disabilities


«Becoming the leading institution for plans, programs and projects in humanitarian assistance.»


he Vice - presidency performs the functions assigned by the President of the Republic pursuant to the constitutional regulation and it is responsible for managing the implementation of the plans, programs and projects oriented towards supporting the exercise of the rights of the people who need primary care with emphasis on the sector of disabilities and to social development groups in the country. In order to do that, it formulates and executes public policies, organizes 58

and controls all entities linked to the scope of action of the Vice - presidency of the Republic. The Vice - presidency projects to be the leading institution of the plans, programs and projects in humanitarian assistance focusing on the sector of disabilities, within a framework of equality, transparency and quality at national and international level through efficient coordination that will make the projects feasible with the other institutions responsible for executing the social policy.

A. Description of the offer • In order to have specific information on the number of people who have disabilities in Ecuador, as well as to give an answer to their needs from getting to know their reality, the «Bio-Psychosocial and Clinical Genetic Study Supportive Mission Manuela Espejo» was born. The main characteristic of this study is that it complies with generating specific information on the people’s medical condition, their quality of life, their family and social - economical status; and, at the same time, it is able to offer: a diagnose, medical care, delivery of technical aids, and genetic studies as the case may be, and the possibility for the people who have disabilities to be included in a network for integral care. The offer would include support to construct technical and logistic instruments to implement studies on disabilities, sending brigades to conduct the study, transference of technology (computer system). • The initiative has three years of experience and it has been offered to Uruguay, Peru, Haiti, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala and Colombia through memorandums of understanding. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Sending experts. • Internships. • Courses in Ecuador.

C. Available instruments • Summaries on the bio - psychosocial study. • Instruments of the study. • Computer system «Manuela Espejo».

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary of Supportive Projects • E. Term for offer implementation • Five months 59

Conducting bio-psychosocial studies on disabilities


«Becoming the leading institution for plans, programs and projects in humanitarian assistance.»


he Vice - presidency performs the functions assigned by the President of the Republic pursuant to the constitutional regulation and it is responsible for managing the implementation of the plans, programs and projects oriented towards supporting the exercise of the rights of the people who need primary care with emphasis on the sector of disabilities and to social development groups in the country. In order to do that, it formulates and executes public policies, organizes 58

and controls all entities linked to the scope of action of the Vice - presidency of the Republic. The Vice - presidency projects to be the leading institution of the plans, programs and projects in humanitarian assistance focusing on the sector of disabilities, within a framework of equality, transparency and quality at national and international level through efficient coordination that will make the projects feasible with the other institutions responsible for executing the social policy.

A. Description of the offer • In order to have specific information on the number of people who have disabilities in Ecuador, as well as to give an answer to their needs from getting to know their reality, the «Bio-Psychosocial and Clinical Genetic Study Supportive Mission Manuela Espejo» was born. The main characteristic of this study is that it complies with generating specific information on the people’s medical condition, their quality of life, their family and social - economical status; and, at the same time, it is able to offer: a diagnose, medical care, delivery of technical aids, and genetic studies as the case may be, and the possibility for the people who have disabilities to be included in a network for integral care. The offer would include support to construct technical and logistic instruments to implement studies on disabilities, sending brigades to conduct the study, transference of technology (computer system). • The initiative has three years of experience and it has been offered to Uruguay, Peru, Haiti, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala and Colombia through memorandums of understanding. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Sending experts. • Internships. • Courses in Ecuador.

C. Available instruments • Summaries on the bio - psychosocial study. • Instruments of the study. • Computer system «Manuela Espejo».

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary of Supportive Projects • E. Term for offer implementation • Five months 59

Improving the quality of life of people with severe disabilities and catastrophic diseases as well as the lives of their corresponding care givers and families («Joaquín Gallegos Lara» Supportive Mission)

A. Description of the offer • Performing the Supportive Mission «Manuela Espejo» allowed the State to get to know the details on the medical, social and economical status of people with disabilities in Ecuador. One of the most relevant aspects shown by the study is the fact that there are 14,479 people with severe disabilities in the country. The majority of them, due to their condition, have seen how their basic rights, such as education, health care, rehabilitation and occupational training, have been violated. • It is necessary to say that a severe disability is described as that which makes it worse, makes it difficult or makes it impossible for the person to perform their daily activities and it requires support, assistance or care from a third party. • This is how the «Joaquín Gallegos Lara» Mission was created in order to set up a system that allows us to guarantee the people with a severe disability that they will receive care from a third party. This person will receive conditioned financial aid to improve the nutrition, health and life conditions of the people with severe disability. • The program includes assessing and examining the person who is disabled; a monthly bonus in the amount of US$ 240; allocating funeral insurance; giving training courses to the care givers and monitoring the cases. In 2012, the number of beneficiaries was increased to include people who have uncommon, catastrophic ailments, who are orphan, as well as children who are HIV positive or who have been diagnosed with AIDS. • The initiative has two years of experience and it has been offered to Uruguay, Peru, Haiti, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala and Colombia through memorandums of understanding. A south - south cooperation process was carried out in 2012 with Colombia. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Sending experts. • Internships. • Courses in Ecuador.

C. Available instruments • Specialized human resource. • Regulatory documents. • Instruments for diagnose. • Computer system «Manuela Espejo».

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary of Supportive Projects • E. Term for offer implementation • Five months 60


Improving the quality of life of people with severe disabilities and catastrophic diseases as well as the lives of their corresponding care givers and families («Joaquín Gallegos Lara» Supportive Mission)

A. Description of the offer • Performing the Supportive Mission «Manuela Espejo» allowed the State to get to know the details on the medical, social and economical status of people with disabilities in Ecuador. One of the most relevant aspects shown by the study is the fact that there are 14,479 people with severe disabilities in the country. The majority of them, due to their condition, have seen how their basic rights, such as education, health care, rehabilitation and occupational training, have been violated. • It is necessary to say that a severe disability is described as that which makes it worse, makes it difficult or makes it impossible for the person to perform their daily activities and it requires support, assistance or care from a third party. • This is how the «Joaquín Gallegos Lara» Mission was created in order to set up a system that allows us to guarantee the people with a severe disability that they will receive care from a third party. This person will receive conditioned financial aid to improve the nutrition, health and life conditions of the people with severe disability. • The program includes assessing and examining the person who is disabled; a monthly bonus in the amount of US$ 240; allocating funeral insurance; giving training courses to the care givers and monitoring the cases. In 2012, the number of beneficiaries was increased to include people who have uncommon, catastrophic ailments, who are orphan, as well as children who are HIV positive or who have been diagnosed with AIDS. • The initiative has two years of experience and it has been offered to Uruguay, Peru, Haiti, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala and Colombia through memorandums of understanding. A south - south cooperation process was carried out in 2012 with Colombia. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Sending experts. • Internships. • Courses in Ecuador.

C. Available instruments • Specialized human resource. • Regulatory documents. • Instruments for diagnose. • Computer system «Manuela Espejo».

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary of Supportive Projects • E. Term for offer implementation • Five months 60


A. Description of the offer • The result of the «Bio-psycho - social study on Disability, Manuela Espejo» was that 293,749 people have some type of physical - motor, hearing, visual, mental, visceral or multiple disability in Ecuador. • This information allowed us to get to know accurately the sanitation, economical and social conditions the people with disabilities had in the country as well as where they were located. The Government, through the Vice - presidency of the Republic, started implementing programs for prevention, care, inclusion and response to the main problems or obstacles the people with disabilities had in order to be able to exercise their rights in full. • This way the Vice - presidency of the Republic designed and implemented the following programs: a) «Manuela Espejo» Mission, which provided technical aids; b) Hearing and Visual Disability Prevention and Care Program; c) Housing and Equipment Program; d) Work Integration Program; e) Program to Improve Mobility and Autonomy of the people who have disabilities, by providing them with prosthesis; f) «Con Pie Derecho» (With the Right Foot) Disability Prevention Program. • The initiative has two years of experience and has been offered to Uruguay, Peru, Haiti, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala and Colombia through memorandums of understanding. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Sending experts. • Internships. • Courses in Ecuador.

C. Available instruments • Specialized human resource. • Application regulations. • Evaluation instruments. • Computer system «Manuela Espejo».

D. Institutional contact • Under secretary of Supportive Projects • E. Term for offer implementation • Three months 62

Foto: Edu León

Designing response projects to give integral attention to people with disabilities

A. Description of the offer • The result of the «Bio-psycho - social study on Disability, Manuela Espejo» was that 293,749 people have some type of physical - motor, hearing, visual, mental, visceral or multiple disability in Ecuador. • This information allowed us to get to know accurately the sanitation, economical and social conditions the people with disabilities had in the country as well as where they were located. The Government, through the Vice - presidency of the Republic, started implementing programs for prevention, care, inclusion and response to the main problems or obstacles the people with disabilities had in order to be able to exercise their rights in full. • This way the Vice - presidency of the Republic designed and implemented the following programs: a) «Manuela Espejo» Mission, which provided technical aids; b) Hearing and Visual Disability Prevention and Care Program; c) Housing and Equipment Program; d) Work Integration Program; e) Program to Improve Mobility and Autonomy of the people who have disabilities, by providing them with prosthesis; f) «Con Pie Derecho» (With the Right Foot) Disability Prevention Program. • The initiative has two years of experience and has been offered to Uruguay, Peru, Haiti, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala and Colombia through memorandums of understanding. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Sending experts. • Internships. • Courses in Ecuador.

C. Available instruments • Specialized human resource. • Application regulations. • Evaluation instruments. • Computer system «Manuela Espejo».

D. Institutional contact • Under secretary of Supportive Projects • E. Term for offer implementation • Three months 62

Foto: Edu León

Designing response projects to give integral attention to people with disabilities

Implementing processes and procedures and generating public policies regarding refuge



he Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility (Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Movilidad Humana (MREMH)) is responsible for governing the international policy and managing coordination of the same, Latin American integration and human mobility in response to the interests of Ecuadorians, before whom it will have to answer on their decisions and actions taken in complying with the constitutional rights and the regulations of international law within the framework of national plans for growth. 64

The Ministry plans to be a public institution that is modern, transparent, efficient and with a management system oriented towards the service to the citizens; responsible for promoting policies for endogenous growth in networking, cooperating and exchanging with the rest of the world; and to execute foreign trade in the diplomatic-political fields, Latin American integration, and human mobility in response to the interests of the Ecuadorian people to whom they report permanently.

A. Description of the offer • This initiative to construct the policy for refuge identifies the investment priorities in the northern border and links the strategies and programs from the various departments of the State. Besides, it strengthens coherence of the initiatives by executing cooperation in priority areas. The initiative establishes the immediate needs for protection and inclusion refugees have, among the State, the civil society, the representatives of the refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the United Nations (UN). It is important to mention that Ecuador is the only country in Latin America that has a national policy regarding refuge. As a result of that, up to 2012, over 55 thousand refugees have been recognized in the country; and over 160 thousand requests for refuge have been received and analyzed. • The policy has a mixed model: contingency plans, extended resident registry (but those who need special protection), and modernization of the process for new applicants. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Sending experts.

C. Available instruments • Situational studies on the refugees in Ecuador. • Specialized human resource.

D. Institutional contact • Under Secretary for Consular Affairs, Migration and Refugees. Refugee Direction • E. Term for offer implementation • It depends on the institution; minimum term: one year.


Implementing processes and procedures and generating public policies regarding refuge



he Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility (Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Movilidad Humana (MREMH)) is responsible for governing the international policy and managing coordination of the same, Latin American integration and human mobility in response to the interests of Ecuadorians, before whom it will have to answer on their decisions and actions taken in complying with the constitutional rights and the regulations of international law within the framework of national plans for growth. 64

The Ministry plans to be a public institution that is modern, transparent, efficient and with a management system oriented towards the service to the citizens; responsible for promoting policies for endogenous growth in networking, cooperating and exchanging with the rest of the world; and to execute foreign trade in the diplomatic-political fields, Latin American integration, and human mobility in response to the interests of the Ecuadorian people to whom they report permanently.

A. Description of the offer • This initiative to construct the policy for refuge identifies the investment priorities in the northern border and links the strategies and programs from the various departments of the State. Besides, it strengthens coherence of the initiatives by executing cooperation in priority areas. The initiative establishes the immediate needs for protection and inclusion refugees have, among the State, the civil society, the representatives of the refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the United Nations (UN). It is important to mention that Ecuador is the only country in Latin America that has a national policy regarding refuge. As a result of that, up to 2012, over 55 thousand refugees have been recognized in the country; and over 160 thousand requests for refuge have been received and analyzed. • The policy has a mixed model: contingency plans, extended resident registry (but those who need special protection), and modernization of the process for new applicants. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Sending experts.

C. Available instruments • Situational studies on the refugees in Ecuador. • Specialized human resource.

D. Institutional contact • Under Secretary for Consular Affairs, Migration and Refugees. Refugee Direction • E. Term for offer implementation • It depends on the institution; minimum term: one year.


Supporting mechanisms for immigrants’ return



he Vice - ministry of Human Mobility, within the administrative structure of MREMH, governs the policy for human mobility of the government of Ecuador, the policy on the defense and assistance to the migrant, immigration, consular, and refuge affairs by planning, managing and evaluating their performance in order to guarantee contributing to protecting and promoting the rights of the Ecuadorian people abroad, by implementing internal and external coordination processes oriented to complying with the objectives of the national plans for development as well as those of the institutional plans. 66

A. Description of the offer • The Direction of Economical Rights for the Immigrant has generated several mechanisms to support the people upon returning to the country. Among them, we can find the contest fund «El Cucayo», supporting the Ecuadorians who are immigrants and entrepreneurs on starting their own business or enlarging the one they already have in a profitable manner. • This initiative has led several members of the National Government to work jointly, among which we can find: the Ministry of Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Aquaculture and Fishing; the Ministry of Work Relations, and the Office to the Secretary for Training. The nationwide initiative has been supported through the Debt Exchange Program from the Government of Spain. • This fund has been executed for five years. C. Available instruments • Business profiles. • Follow- up records. • Report on the visits rendered to the entrepreneurs.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. D. Institutional contact • Direction of the Migrants’ Economic Rights • 67

Supporting mechanisms for immigrants’ return



he Vice - ministry of Human Mobility, within the administrative structure of MREMH, governs the policy for human mobility of the government of Ecuador, the policy on the defense and assistance to the migrant, immigration, consular, and refuge affairs by planning, managing and evaluating their performance in order to guarantee contributing to protecting and promoting the rights of the Ecuadorian people abroad, by implementing internal and external coordination processes oriented to complying with the objectives of the national plans for development as well as those of the institutional plans. 66

A. Description of the offer • The Direction of Economical Rights for the Immigrant has generated several mechanisms to support the people upon returning to the country. Among them, we can find the contest fund «El Cucayo», supporting the Ecuadorians who are immigrants and entrepreneurs on starting their own business or enlarging the one they already have in a profitable manner. • This initiative has led several members of the National Government to work jointly, among which we can find: the Ministry of Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Aquaculture and Fishing; the Ministry of Work Relations, and the Office to the Secretary for Training. The nationwide initiative has been supported through the Debt Exchange Program from the Government of Spain. • This fund has been executed for five years. C. Available instruments • Business profiles. • Follow- up records. • Report on the visits rendered to the entrepreneurs.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. D. Institutional contact • Direction of the Migrants’ Economic Rights • 67

Integral child’s growth



he Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion (Ministerio de Inclusión Económica y Social (MIES)) is a public institution that governs and executes policies, regulations, programs and services for social inclusion and care during the life cycle with priority on children, teenagers, youngsters, senior citizens, people with disabilities and those people who live in poverty, in order to contribute to their social mobility and leaving it. 68

A. Description of the offer • The Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion, through the Ecuadorian Institute for Childhood and Family, has been working for 30 years in topics related to public policies for the integral growth of children and in different forms of care; focusing on collaborating with the family, the State and various organizational fields of the civil society. This model is aimed at children under 3 years of age who live in poverty or extreme poverty, through two forms: formal care (Children’s Centers for Good Living) (CIBV); and non- formal care (Growing with our children or CNH). C. Available instruments • Operational CIBV guide. • Operational CNH guide.

B. Forms of cooperation • •

Technical assistance. Training.

• • •

D. Institutional contact • Ecuadorian Institute of Childhood and the Family • E. Term for offer implementation • From three to four months approximately. 69

Childhood and adolescence agenda. Children´s growth procedures manual. Automated registry system.

Integral child’s growth



he Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion (Ministerio de Inclusión Económica y Social (MIES)) is a public institution that governs and executes policies, regulations, programs and services for social inclusion and care during the life cycle with priority on children, teenagers, youngsters, senior citizens, people with disabilities and those people who live in poverty, in order to contribute to their social mobility and leaving it. 68

A. Description of the offer • The Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion, through the Ecuadorian Institute for Childhood and Family, has been working for 30 years in topics related to public policies for the integral growth of children and in different forms of care; focusing on collaborating with the family, the State and various organizational fields of the civil society. This model is aimed at children under 3 years of age who live in poverty or extreme poverty, through two forms: formal care (Children’s Centers for Good Living) (CIBV); and non- formal care (Growing with our children or CNH). C. Available instruments • Operational CIBV guide. • Operational CNH guide.

B. Forms of cooperation • •

Technical assistance. Training.

• • •

D. Institutional contact • Ecuadorian Institute of Childhood and the Family • E. Term for offer implementation • From three to four months approximately. 69

Childhood and adolescence agenda. Children´s growth procedures manual. Automated registry system.

Promoting Popular and Supportive Economy: <<Hilando el Desarrollo>> (Spinning Growth) Strategy

A. Description of the offer • This initiative favors participation of the Artisan Dressmakers Association and the forms of organization of popular and supportive economy for the State’s public purchase system, where they receive support in different ways (such as the technological advancement) to make their business grow. • The objective of this project is to democratize the means of production, redistribute wealth and diversify the ownership as well as the forms of organizations. Besides, it is focused on knowledge transference through science, technology and innovation for small artisans. The result is: delivery of uniforms for public schools in the 24 provinces of Ecuador. C. Available instruments • Business profiles.

B. Forms of cooperation • •

Technical assistance. Training.

• •

Follow- up records. Report on the visit rendered to the entrepreneurs.

Program to eradicate child labor in landfills

A. Description of the offer • This program, with municipal intervention, to eradicate child labor in landfills and other areas is focused on children and teenagers (and their families) forced to work. The intervention is focused on a process to repair the violated rights of the target population. • This initiative has ten years of experience and 2,162 children and teenagers have been taken away from child labor in landfills. This work is tightly articulated among several of the State institutions (Ministry of Work Relations, Cantonal Councils for Childhood and Adolescence, Childhood and Family Institute) private institutions and decentralized autonomous governments. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance.

C. Available instruments • Proposal for intervention.


D. Institutional contact • Institute of Popular and Supportive Economy •

D. Institutional contact • National Direction for Special Protection Services •

E. Term for offer implementation • From four to six months.

E. Term for offer implementation • From four to six months. 70


Intervention methodology.

Promoting Popular and Supportive Economy: <<Hilando el Desarrollo>> (Spinning Growth) Strategy

A. Description of the offer • This initiative favors participation of the Artisan Dressmakers Association and the forms of organization of popular and supportive economy for the State’s public purchase system, where they receive support in different ways (such as the technological advancement) to make their business grow. • The objective of this project is to democratize the means of production, redistribute wealth and diversify the ownership as well as the forms of organizations. Besides, it is focused on knowledge transference through science, technology and innovation for small artisans. The result is: delivery of uniforms for public schools in the 24 provinces of Ecuador. C. Available instruments • Business profiles.

B. Forms of cooperation • •

Technical assistance. Training.

• •

Follow- up records. Report on the visit rendered to the entrepreneurs.

Program to eradicate child labor in landfills

A. Description of the offer • This program, with municipal intervention, to eradicate child labor in landfills and other areas is focused on children and teenagers (and their families) forced to work. The intervention is focused on a process to repair the violated rights of the target population. • This initiative has ten years of experience and 2,162 children and teenagers have been taken away from child labor in landfills. This work is tightly articulated among several of the State institutions (Ministry of Work Relations, Cantonal Councils for Childhood and Adolescence, Childhood and Family Institute) private institutions and decentralized autonomous governments. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance.

C. Available instruments • Proposal for intervention.


D. Institutional contact • Institute of Popular and Supportive Economy •

D. Institutional contact • National Direction for Special Protection Services •

E. Term for offer implementation • From four to six months.

E. Term for offer implementation • From four to six months. 70


Intervention methodology.

Strengthening the movement of special interest groups of the people who have disabilities

A. Description of the offer • This project is intended for strengthening the organizations, funding and connecting them with non - government organizations (NGO’s), by the associated movement of the people with disabilities. • This project has been implemented for seven years and its objective is to promote the people’s participation and strengthen the organization at a local level with the support of the sectional governments, the National Government, and first degree community organizations. Also, the project is intended to favor the creation of the National Disability Confederation with structures in 22 provinces of the country. • Currently, it was possible to construct the National Federation of Visual Disability in a solid and functional manner. They are working on a labor reinsertion program, literacy, and rehabilitation with a community basis and home health care for people with visual disabilities. At the territorial level, the local, cantonal and provincial organization process was organized by looking towards extending it to the rural level. In its initial phase, the project had technical assistance financed through international cooperation in the field of training on topics related to labor insertion. On the other hand, The Central Agency for the Visually Impaired from Finland gave its support as well as the ONCE Foundation for solidarity with blind people from Latin America (FOAL) from Spain. C. Available instruments • Computerized reports. • Records on the training experiences at the territorial level. • Specialized human resources.

B. Forms of cooperation • Sending experts. • Internships.

D. Institutional contact • Direction of Social Inclusion. Office to the Under Secretary for Disabilities and the Family •


Promoting the rights and care for children with disabilities

A. Description of the offer • The experience guarantees applying the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities in the implementation actions of the Code for Childhood and Adolescence in order to move towards the better promotion of the rights of children and teenagers. • The implementation comes from a diagnose intended to determine how strong the institutions are in detecting the abilities and competences of the disabilities, establish the way they handle the disabilities at the institutions devoted to work with children. • The diagnose allowed us to move towards constructing a Disability Manual, that sets out the standards and procedures suitable to guarantee full incorporation of the rights as recognized in the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. • The way the organizations of civil society and the sectional governments, responsible for giving care services to children of up to 4 years of age, has allowed the appropriation by the people, looking towards generating the broadest incorporation of rights’ understanding on the services intended for children. C. Available instruments • Disability manual. • Indicators monitoring system. • External assessment studies. • Specialized human resources.

B. Forms of cooperation • Sending experts.

D. Institutional contact • Direction of Social Inclusion. Office to the Under Secretary for Disabilities and the Family • 73

Strengthening the movement of special interest groups of the people who have disabilities

A. Description of the offer • This project is intended for strengthening the organizations, funding and connecting them with non - government organizations (NGO’s), by the associated movement of the people with disabilities. • This project has been implemented for seven years and its objective is to promote the people’s participation and strengthen the organization at a local level with the support of the sectional governments, the National Government, and first degree community organizations. Also, the project is intended to favor the creation of the National Disability Confederation with structures in 22 provinces of the country. • Currently, it was possible to construct the National Federation of Visual Disability in a solid and functional manner. They are working on a labor reinsertion program, literacy, and rehabilitation with a community basis and home health care for people with visual disabilities. At the territorial level, the local, cantonal and provincial organization process was organized by looking towards extending it to the rural level. In its initial phase, the project had technical assistance financed through international cooperation in the field of training on topics related to labor insertion. On the other hand, The Central Agency for the Visually Impaired from Finland gave its support as well as the ONCE Foundation for solidarity with blind people from Latin America (FOAL) from Spain. C. Available instruments • Computerized reports. • Records on the training experiences at the territorial level. • Specialized human resources.

B. Forms of cooperation • Sending experts. • Internships.

D. Institutional contact • Direction of Social Inclusion. Office to the Under Secretary for Disabilities and the Family •


Promoting the rights and care for children with disabilities

A. Description of the offer • The experience guarantees applying the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities in the implementation actions of the Code for Childhood and Adolescence in order to move towards the better promotion of the rights of children and teenagers. • The implementation comes from a diagnose intended to determine how strong the institutions are in detecting the abilities and competences of the disabilities, establish the way they handle the disabilities at the institutions devoted to work with children. • The diagnose allowed us to move towards constructing a Disability Manual, that sets out the standards and procedures suitable to guarantee full incorporation of the rights as recognized in the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. • The way the organizations of civil society and the sectional governments, responsible for giving care services to children of up to 4 years of age, has allowed the appropriation by the people, looking towards generating the broadest incorporation of rights’ understanding on the services intended for children. C. Available instruments • Disability manual. • Indicators monitoring system. • External assessment studies. • Specialized human resources.

B. Forms of cooperation • Sending experts.

D. Institutional contact • Direction of Social Inclusion. Office to the Under Secretary for Disabilities and the Family • 73

Micro-credit program with transference warranty

A. Description of the offer • The proposal is focused on implementing microcredit programs for vulnerable households, the beneficiaries of the Human Development Bonus (BDH), a pension for senior adults and a pension for people with disabilities. • The project is an effort to extend access to credit by using the BDH as a guarantee. • The beneficiaries of this initiative are below the line of poverty. Credit is given through Banco Nacional de Fomento (BNF) (National Development Bank) and through savings and credit cooperatives. • Credits are channeled to promote productive activities. C. Available instruments • Specialized human resources. • Computer tools. • Management and information systems.

B. Forms of cooperation • Sending experts. D. Institutional contact • Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion • 74

Micro-credit program with transference warranty

A. Description of the offer • The proposal is focused on implementing microcredit programs for vulnerable households, the beneficiaries of the Human Development Bonus (BDH), a pension for senior adults and a pension for people with disabilities. • The project is an effort to extend access to credit by using the BDH as a guarantee. • The beneficiaries of this initiative are below the line of poverty. Credit is given through Banco Nacional de Fomento (BNF) (National Development Bank) and through savings and credit cooperatives. • Credits are channeled to promote productive activities. C. Available instruments • Specialized human resources. • Computer tools. • Management and information systems.

B. Forms of cooperation • Sending experts. D. Institutional contact • Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion • 74

Housing incentive systems



he Ministry of Urban Development and Housing (Ministerio de Desarrollo Urbano y Vivienda (MIDUVI)) is promoting a new approach for institutional actions under a «Urban Revolution» paradigm which seeks to make possible «cities for Good Living»: «inclusive, planned, organized, safe, equitable cities that can offer quality of life within a friendly setting that is environmentally sustainable, and that are built through democratic and participative processes». These premises commit MIDUVI to implement a territorial policy as well as an urban policy to promote an organized growth of the big cities, a sustained growth of the intermediate ci76

ties and a stable drive towards growth and consolidation of small towns. In order to achieve that, MIDUVI presents its new «Social Housing Incentive System», with the intent to consolidate a sustainable housing market targeted at the households with low income within the national territory. The proposal makes it possible to make the social housing market a dynamic one through credit to offer and demand, and by delivering a Housing Bonus, thus setting the goal of generating an average of 30 thousand houses a year for the next seven years under a cross- ministry articulation process with the participation of real estate promoters.

A. Description of the offer • Starting in 1988, the country developed a social support policy in the housing field which is monitored through the Housing Incentive System (SIV). Its goal is to overcome the national housing deficit. Upon executing this project, a system to grant financial support is put in place to support social projects for urban, rural and marginal housing. These projects go from delivering popular houses with very low or zero contributions, up to giving bonuses to help the households who have very low income to start the process of making their lands legal, going through bonuses for construction or house improvements. • All these projects have been implemented with the cooperation of the Inter - American Development Bank (IBD), the decentralized autonomous governments (GAD), realtors, housing promoters and contractors. This initiative has 14 years of experience and 434,390 households have received the benefit through the Housing Bonus. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Training.

C. Available instruments • Specialized human resource. • Computerized qualification systems.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary of Housing • E. Term for offer implementation • 60 days


Housing incentive systems



he Ministry of Urban Development and Housing (Ministerio de Desarrollo Urbano y Vivienda (MIDUVI)) is promoting a new approach for institutional actions under a «Urban Revolution» paradigm which seeks to make possible «cities for Good Living»: «inclusive, planned, organized, safe, equitable cities that can offer quality of life within a friendly setting that is environmentally sustainable, and that are built through democratic and participative processes». These premises commit MIDUVI to implement a territorial policy as well as an urban policy to promote an organized growth of the big cities, a sustained growth of the intermediate ci76

ties and a stable drive towards growth and consolidation of small towns. In order to achieve that, MIDUVI presents its new «Social Housing Incentive System», with the intent to consolidate a sustainable housing market targeted at the households with low income within the national territory. The proposal makes it possible to make the social housing market a dynamic one through credit to offer and demand, and by delivering a Housing Bonus, thus setting the goal of generating an average of 30 thousand houses a year for the next seven years under a cross- ministry articulation process with the participation of real estate promoters.

A. Description of the offer • Starting in 1988, the country developed a social support policy in the housing field which is monitored through the Housing Incentive System (SIV). Its goal is to overcome the national housing deficit. Upon executing this project, a system to grant financial support is put in place to support social projects for urban, rural and marginal housing. These projects go from delivering popular houses with very low or zero contributions, up to giving bonuses to help the households who have very low income to start the process of making their lands legal, going through bonuses for construction or house improvements. • All these projects have been implemented with the cooperation of the Inter - American Development Bank (IBD), the decentralized autonomous governments (GAD), realtors, housing promoters and contractors. This initiative has 14 years of experience and 434,390 households have received the benefit through the Housing Bonus. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Training.

C. Available instruments • Specialized human resource. • Computerized qualification systems.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary of Housing • E. Term for offer implementation • 60 days


A. Description of the offer • This initiative is an executive arm of the proposal made by the Vice - presidency of the Republic through its mission called «Manuela Espejo». Based on a list of qualified candidates, the Ministry for Urban Development and Housing (Ministerio de Desarrollo Urbano y Vivienda) (MIDUVI) created a budget to hire housing solutions for people with disabilities and live under critical conditions in rural and urban areas. The proposal encompasses assessing the candidates, housing solutions, their designs, work supervision and delivery of the houses. • This initiative has been operating since 2010, and 8,194 families have obtained this benefit upon receiving the Manuela Espejo Bonus. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance.

C. Available instruments • Specialized human resource.


D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary of Housing • E. Term for offer implementation • 60 days 78

Qualification computerized studies.

Foto: Edu León

«Manuela Espejo» housing project

A. Description of the offer • This initiative is an executive arm of the proposal made by the Vice - presidency of the Republic through its mission called «Manuela Espejo». Based on a list of qualified candidates, the Ministry for Urban Development and Housing (Ministerio de Desarrollo Urbano y Vivienda) (MIDUVI) created a budget to hire housing solutions for people with disabilities and live under critical conditions in rural and urban areas. The proposal encompasses assessing the candidates, housing solutions, their designs, work supervision and delivery of the houses. • This initiative has been operating since 2010, and 8,194 families have obtained this benefit upon receiving the Manuela Espejo Bonus. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance.

C. Available instruments • Specialized human resource.


D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary of Housing • E. Term for offer implementation • 60 days 78

Qualification computerized studies.

Foto: Edu León

«Manuela Espejo» housing project

Foto: Edu León



he Ministry’s mission is to govern, regulate, plan, coordinate, control, and manage the Ecuadorian public health through governance, vigilance and sanitary control; as well as to guarantee the right to have access to health services by providing individual care, disease prevention, health and equality promotion services. The Ministry works on health governance; research and development of science and technology; also on articulating the various members of the system, 80

in order to guarantee the right to health care. The Ministry of Public Health will fully govern the National Health System with a referential model in Latin America that prioritizes health promotion and disease prevention; with high levels of quality health care and warmth, guaranteeing integral health of the population and universal access to a network of services, with the coordinated participation of the public and private organizations as well as the community’s.

Foto: Edu León



he Ministry’s mission is to govern, regulate, plan, coordinate, control, and manage the Ecuadorian public health through governance, vigilance and sanitary control; as well as to guarantee the right to have access to health services by providing individual care, disease prevention, health and equality promotion services. The Ministry works on health governance; research and development of science and technology; also on articulating the various members of the system, 80

in order to guarantee the right to health care. The Ministry of Public Health will fully govern the National Health System with a referential model in Latin America that prioritizes health promotion and disease prevention; with high levels of quality health care and warmth, guaranteeing integral health of the population and universal access to a network of services, with the coordinated participation of the public and private organizations as well as the community’s.

Assistance on developing and implementing management and care giving models for public health services

A. Description of the offer • The initiative is focused on designing and creating a new institution and cross -institution networking for health care. It proposes designing an organizational distribution and articulation of the internal management of the institution. • Besides, it takes into account mechanisms aimed at sensitizing both the internal and external users regarding the institutional changes and reforms. C. Available instruments • Managing model. • Care models. • Profile manual. • Procedures manual. • Organizational design.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Training.

Controlling zoonotic diseases

A. Description of the offer • It is a training course taught to health care officials and /or local governments to handle rabies, and plagues among other zoonotic diseases. It is focused on the methodology of making regulations, manuals and instructions that can help the officials to avoid or control these ailments. Training is focused on developing cross- institution strategic plans. • Nationwise, the results there are as follows: statistics showing decreasing rates; manuals for disease focus control and for massive canine vaccination campaigns; a contingency plan to face influenza pandemic in Ecuador; influenza epidemiological watch in Ecuador, and getting the health services ready to face an influenza pandemic. • The institution has ten years of experience in dealing with rabies and six years of experience dealing with influenza. Assimilating this strategy has meant supporting contributions to the Fundamental Law on Health, Chapter VI, for zooanthroponosis; making the Rules for an Appropriate Ownership of dogs; and making and implementing the «Contingency Plan to face an influenza pandemic in Ecuador». This initiative has already been offered to Colombia and Peru through the Pan - American Health Organization.

D. Institutional contact • General Coordination for Strategic Management •

D. Institutional contact •

E. Term for offer implementation • According to the needs.

E. Term for offer implementation • 45 days


C. Available instruments • Instructions for focus control. • Contingency plan. • Manual for communication campaigns.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Training.

Under Secretary for Health Watch. National Direction of Collective Health Strategies


Assistance on developing and implementing management and care giving models for public health services

A. Description of the offer • The initiative is focused on designing and creating a new institution and cross -institution networking for health care. It proposes designing an organizational distribution and articulation of the internal management of the institution. • Besides, it takes into account mechanisms aimed at sensitizing both the internal and external users regarding the institutional changes and reforms. C. Available instruments • Managing model. • Care models. • Profile manual. • Procedures manual. • Organizational design.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Training.

Controlling zoonotic diseases

A. Description of the offer • It is a training course taught to health care officials and /or local governments to handle rabies, and plagues among other zoonotic diseases. It is focused on the methodology of making regulations, manuals and instructions that can help the officials to avoid or control these ailments. Training is focused on developing cross- institution strategic plans. • Nationwise, the results there are as follows: statistics showing decreasing rates; manuals for disease focus control and for massive canine vaccination campaigns; a contingency plan to face influenza pandemic in Ecuador; influenza epidemiological watch in Ecuador, and getting the health services ready to face an influenza pandemic. • The institution has ten years of experience in dealing with rabies and six years of experience dealing with influenza. Assimilating this strategy has meant supporting contributions to the Fundamental Law on Health, Chapter VI, for zooanthroponosis; making the Rules for an Appropriate Ownership of dogs; and making and implementing the «Contingency Plan to face an influenza pandemic in Ecuador». This initiative has already been offered to Colombia and Peru through the Pan - American Health Organization.

D. Institutional contact • General Coordination for Strategic Management •

D. Institutional contact •

E. Term for offer implementation • According to the needs.

E. Term for offer implementation • 45 days


C. Available instruments • Instructions for focus control. • Contingency plan. • Manual for communication campaigns.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Training.

Under Secretary for Health Watch. National Direction of Collective Health Strategies


New Model for Education Management



he mission of the Ministry of Education (MinEduc) is to guarantee, both access and quality in “Initial Education” (children from 3 to 4), Basic General Education (children from 5 to 14) and High School for all inhabitants of the national territory through an integral, holistic and inclusive education given to children and adults; taking into account cross - cultures, all the diverse nationalities, the ancestral tongues and gender from a rights and duties approach that will strengthen social, economical and cultural growth, exercising citizenship and unity in the diversity of the Ecuadorian society.


In order to be able to give quality educational services to the people of all nationalities and communities of the country, through a national education project that promotes unity within diversity and developing general, basic and specific skills in the students according to national and international standards to strengthen the country’s cultural and social and economical growth. The National Government continues to work in giving high-quality education services to all Ecuadorians through and educational national strategy that promotes unity within diversity and developing general, basic and specific skills in students according to national and international standards.

A. Description of the offer • The goal of this project is to increment the governance of the Ministry of Education by decentralizing education management, to comply with the objective of promoting the work of teaching institutions according to the specific needs and rights of the population. The following are some of the results obtained by this project: establishing offices to coordinate the zones and under-secretariats for the Quito and Guayaquil districts, with autonomy for financial management; creating executing units and human talent teams; establishing administrative districts, divisions of district administrative units and administrative circuits; automation of Human Resources processes in the Information System of the Ministry of Education (SIME) platform, and occupational analysis for teachers; geographical referencing of the educational institutions; and education offer optimization process. • This project has been operating for two years and it has been offered to the government of Peru through an agreement for technical assistance. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Internships. • Experience exchange.

C. Available instruments • Methodologies. • Technicians with experience in this topic.

D. Institutional contact • Educational Management New Model Project • E. Term for offer implementation • Two years to implement and carry out the initiative.


New Model for Education Management



he mission of the Ministry of Education (MinEduc) is to guarantee, both access and quality in “Initial Education” (children from 3 to 4), Basic General Education (children from 5 to 14) and High School for all inhabitants of the national territory through an integral, holistic and inclusive education given to children and adults; taking into account cross - cultures, all the diverse nationalities, the ancestral tongues and gender from a rights and duties approach that will strengthen social, economical and cultural growth, exercising citizenship and unity in the diversity of the Ecuadorian society.


In order to be able to give quality educational services to the people of all nationalities and communities of the country, through a national education project that promotes unity within diversity and developing general, basic and specific skills in the students according to national and international standards to strengthen the country’s cultural and social and economical growth. The National Government continues to work in giving high-quality education services to all Ecuadorians through and educational national strategy that promotes unity within diversity and developing general, basic and specific skills in students according to national and international standards.

A. Description of the offer • The goal of this project is to increment the governance of the Ministry of Education by decentralizing education management, to comply with the objective of promoting the work of teaching institutions according to the specific needs and rights of the population. The following are some of the results obtained by this project: establishing offices to coordinate the zones and under-secretariats for the Quito and Guayaquil districts, with autonomy for financial management; creating executing units and human talent teams; establishing administrative districts, divisions of district administrative units and administrative circuits; automation of Human Resources processes in the Information System of the Ministry of Education (SIME) platform, and occupational analysis for teachers; geographical referencing of the educational institutions; and education offer optimization process. • This project has been operating for two years and it has been offered to the government of Peru through an agreement for technical assistance. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Internships. • Experience exchange.

C. Available instruments • Methodologies. • Technicians with experience in this topic.

D. Institutional contact • Educational Management New Model Project • E. Term for offer implementation • Two years to implement and carry out the initiative.


Hilando el Desarrollo (Spinning Growth)

A. Description of the offer • The initiative is focused on free delivery of uniforms to children who attend the Basic General Education centers (EGB), that is, children who are from 5 to 14 years of age, and attend the public education institutions in the rural area; to EGB students at urban public institutions in the Amazon; and to all the students at the “Millennium Education Units” (UEM). This program also promotes an economical inclusion model by granting contracts to small producers in charge of making the uniforms. • The allocation of resources is done through executing units (schools, educational networks and some decentralized levels of the Ministry of Education) so that the public procurement processes can be carried out. These units, in turn, are responsible for delivering the uniforms to the benefited institutions. Procuring the uniforms is done through inclusive fairs with the participation of artisans. • This initiative has resulted in an increase of the net rate of attendance to EGB, which was 95.4% in 2011; besides, it has been shared with El Salvador, by means of a mixed commission and an agreement for technical assistance. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Internships. • Experience exchange.

C. Available instruments • Methodologies. • Technicians with experience in this topic.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for School Administration •

E. Term for offer implementation • Two years to implement and carry out the initiative.


Diet for school students

A. Description of the offer • This project is focused on improving the quality of education by giving school breakfast to children who attend Initial Education (3 and 4 years old), and to children from first to tenth grade of General Basic Education (EGB) at public schools, in rural areas and urban - risk areas, during the 200 days the school year lasts. • The menu is done jointly with small food producers, so that the products used to develop the meals are 100% national. • This initiative has resulted in an increase of the net rate of attendance to EGB, which was 95.4% in 2011. Besides, it has been shared with El Salvador, by means of a mixed commission and an agreement for technical assistance. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Internships. •

C. Available instruments • Methodologies. •

Experience exchange.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for School Administration • E. Term for offer implementation • Two years to implement and carry out the initiative. 87

Technicians with experience in this topic.

Hilando el Desarrollo (Spinning Growth)

A. Description of the offer • The initiative is focused on free delivery of uniforms to children who attend the Basic General Education centers (EGB), that is, children who are from 5 to 14 years of age, and attend the public education institutions in the rural area; to EGB students at urban public institutions in the Amazon; and to all the students at the “Millennium Education Units” (UEM). This program also promotes an economical inclusion model by granting contracts to small producers in charge of making the uniforms. • The allocation of resources is done through executing units (schools, educational networks and some decentralized levels of the Ministry of Education) so that the public procurement processes can be carried out. These units, in turn, are responsible for delivering the uniforms to the benefited institutions. Procuring the uniforms is done through inclusive fairs with the participation of artisans. • This initiative has resulted in an increase of the net rate of attendance to EGB, which was 95.4% in 2011; besides, it has been shared with El Salvador, by means of a mixed commission and an agreement for technical assistance. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Internships. • Experience exchange.

C. Available instruments • Methodologies. • Technicians with experience in this topic.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for School Administration •

E. Term for offer implementation • Two years to implement and carry out the initiative.


Diet for school students

A. Description of the offer • This project is focused on improving the quality of education by giving school breakfast to children who attend Initial Education (3 and 4 years old), and to children from first to tenth grade of General Basic Education (EGB) at public schools, in rural areas and urban - risk areas, during the 200 days the school year lasts. • The menu is done jointly with small food producers, so that the products used to develop the meals are 100% national. • This initiative has resulted in an increase of the net rate of attendance to EGB, which was 95.4% in 2011. Besides, it has been shared with El Salvador, by means of a mixed commission and an agreement for technical assistance. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Internships. •

C. Available instruments • Methodologies. •

Experience exchange.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for School Administration • E. Term for offer implementation • Two years to implement and carry out the initiative. 87

Technicians with experience in this topic.

Free school books

A. Description of the offer • The initiative is focused on giving free school books to students attending General Basic Education (EGB), that is, from first to tenth grade, at the fiscal, fiscal and commission and municipal institutions. The textbooks have been made pursuant to the new curriculum. The task of making and printing the textbooks is done jointly with the municipalities, provincial councils, non - government institutions and the private companies. • Each student who is in first grade of EGB receives a textbook and a workbook; students in second and third grade of EGB are given three textbooks and two workbooks; students from fourth to tenth grade of EGB are given four textbooks and two workbooks. Students attending cross- cultural bilingual schools are given, as an average, two additional textbooks in ancestral tongues. Besides, teachers’ guides are given out, in a number that corresponds to the number of textbooks handed out. • This initiative has resulted in an increase of the net rate of attendance to EGB, which was 95.4% in 2011; besides, it has been shared with El Salvador, by means of a mixed commission and an agreement for technical assistance. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Internships. • Experience exchange.

C. Available instruments • Methodologies. • Technicians with experience in this topic.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for School Administration •

E. Term for offer implementation • Two years to implement and carry out the initiative. 88

Free school books

A. Description of the offer • The initiative is focused on giving free school books to students attending General Basic Education (EGB), that is, from first to tenth grade, at the fiscal, fiscal and commission and municipal institutions. The textbooks have been made pursuant to the new curriculum. The task of making and printing the textbooks is done jointly with the municipalities, provincial councils, non - government institutions and the private companies. • Each student who is in first grade of EGB receives a textbook and a workbook; students in second and third grade of EGB are given three textbooks and two workbooks; students from fourth to tenth grade of EGB are given four textbooks and two workbooks. Students attending cross- cultural bilingual schools are given, as an average, two additional textbooks in ancestral tongues. Besides, teachers’ guides are given out, in a number that corresponds to the number of textbooks handed out. • This initiative has resulted in an increase of the net rate of attendance to EGB, which was 95.4% in 2011; besides, it has been shared with El Salvador, by means of a mixed commission and an agreement for technical assistance. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Internships. • Experience exchange.

C. Available instruments • Methodologies. • Technicians with experience in this topic.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for School Administration •

E. Term for offer implementation • Two years to implement and carry out the initiative. 88

4 Strategic Sectors

4 Strategic Sectors

National plan for digital preparation



he Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Society (Ministerio de Telecomunicaciones y de la Sociedad de la Información (MINTEL)) is the governing institution responsible for developing information and communication technologies (TIC) in the country. They include telecommunication and the radio-electrical spectrum. Its objective is to issue policies and general plans as well as to monitor and assess their implementation, coordinate supporting actions and provide counsel, to guarantee equal access to the services and promote their effective, efficient and professional use that can assure moving forward towards an information society, in order to achieve good living for all people. 92

A. Description of the offer • This plan is intended to develop contents around the sectors it wishes to approach and get the domain of the information and communication technologies (TIC). This initiative is aimed at people who have limited financial resources in rural areas and priority attention groups. • The plan covers the following topics: fundamentals of TIC, social networks and digital inclusion, information society, TIC certification for children, instructions for trainers and e-government. • The monitoring and evaluation are done through a supporting group and by submitting monthly results, meetings, and field monitoring and through social networks. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. •

C. Available instruments •


D. Institutional contact • Office for Digital Preparation • E. Term for offer implementation • Six months 93

Guide books to pass on knowledge

National plan for digital preparation



he Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Society (Ministerio de Telecomunicaciones y de la Sociedad de la Información (MINTEL)) is the governing institution responsible for developing information and communication technologies (TIC) in the country. They include telecommunication and the radio-electrical spectrum. Its objective is to issue policies and general plans as well as to monitor and assess their implementation, coordinate supporting actions and provide counsel, to guarantee equal access to the services and promote their effective, efficient and professional use that can assure moving forward towards an information society, in order to achieve good living for all people. 92

A. Description of the offer • This plan is intended to develop contents around the sectors it wishes to approach and get the domain of the information and communication technologies (TIC). This initiative is aimed at people who have limited financial resources in rural areas and priority attention groups. • The plan covers the following topics: fundamentals of TIC, social networks and digital inclusion, information society, TIC certification for children, instructions for trainers and e-government. • The monitoring and evaluation are done through a supporting group and by submitting monthly results, meetings, and field monitoring and through social networks. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. •

C. Available instruments •


D. Institutional contact • Office for Digital Preparation • E. Term for offer implementation • Six months 93

Guide books to pass on knowledge

ARCES (Agencies for the Civil Records at Healthcare Institutions)



oday, when we talk about the Ecuadorian Office for Civil Records, we are talking about progress, agility, kindness and change, all of which has been achieved by an institutional modernization project carried out thanks to the commitment of the National Government and of all the people who work at that institution and are responsible for doing the integral identification of Ecuadorians, recording their civil acts, and granting safe 94

and reliable documents, thus guaranteeing safe keeping and appropriately management of information. The General Office for Civil Records, Identification and Registration of Ecuador is building a new history for the citizens’ identity; and it is doing so by aligning itself to a revolutionary management model, by optimizing the civil and technological infrastructure, strengthening institutional management and promoting cross- institutional relations.

A. Description of the offer • The objective of this project is to pass on the strategies to implement, execute and monitor the agencies for civil records located at health care institutions (ARCES), in order to contribute to decrease the sub -record level, mostly in the rural areas. • The topics approached by this initiative are: importance of a timely record; economical, cultural and geographical barriers; the risks of population with high levels of late registrations; and cross- operation with other institutions. Currently, Ecuador has 68 ARCES in public hospitals nationwide. • This experience was implemented three years ago and it has been shared with El Salvador. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Courses in Ecuador.

C. Available instruments • Specialized human resource. • Database of the numbers of birth certificates.

D. Institutional contact • International Management Unit • E. Term for offer implementation • Three days. 95

ARCES (Agencies for the Civil Records at Healthcare Institutions)



oday, when we talk about the Ecuadorian Office for Civil Records, we are talking about progress, agility, kindness and change, all of which has been achieved by an institutional modernization project carried out thanks to the commitment of the National Government and of all the people who work at that institution and are responsible for doing the integral identification of Ecuadorians, recording their civil acts, and granting safe 94

and reliable documents, thus guaranteeing safe keeping and appropriately management of information. The General Office for Civil Records, Identification and Registration of Ecuador is building a new history for the citizens’ identity; and it is doing so by aligning itself to a revolutionary management model, by optimizing the civil and technological infrastructure, strengthening institutional management and promoting cross- institutional relations.

A. Description of the offer • The objective of this project is to pass on the strategies to implement, execute and monitor the agencies for civil records located at health care institutions (ARCES), in order to contribute to decrease the sub -record level, mostly in the rural areas. • The topics approached by this initiative are: importance of a timely record; economical, cultural and geographical barriers; the risks of population with high levels of late registrations; and cross- operation with other institutions. Currently, Ecuador has 68 ARCES in public hospitals nationwide. • This experience was implemented three years ago and it has been shared with El Salvador. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Courses in Ecuador.

C. Available instruments • Specialized human resource. • Database of the numbers of birth certificates.

D. Institutional contact • International Management Unit • E. Term for offer implementation • Three days. 95

Implementing pilot projects to partially substitute the use of GLP energy carrier by electricity, through induction stoves



he Ministry of Electricity, founded on July 9th, 2007, is the governing institution of the Ecuadorian electrical and renewable energy sector. It is responsible for fulfilling the needs for electric power of the country, by formulating the corresponding regulations, plans for development and sector policies for an efficient exploitation of their resources. This way, it can be guaranteed that power supply can answer to the principles of mandatory, general, uniformity, efficiency, responsibility, 96

universality, accessibility, regularity, continuity, and quality, as set up in the policies of the Citizens’ Revolution government. The Ministry of Electricity -by complying with the national policy, expansion plans and goals set by this Government- will deliver with efficiency, innovation and quality electricity to all Ecuadorians, by making sure they obtain energy autonomy, with social and environmental awareness, and by developing the competences of its human talent committed with the country’s evolution.

A. Description of the offer • The program is aligned to the change of the energy matrix in Ecuador. The National Government intends for the program to substitute gas operated stoves (GLP) for induction stoves to start operating as soon as it becomes feasible to generate power. Energy savings will lead to a decrease in pollutants, and on impacts to climate change. • The technical assistance being proposed is related to the project’s design and formulation, as well as to its direction in the various phases: start up, planning, execution, monitoring, control and closing. The pilot project in Ecuador has two years in the implementation phase. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Training. •

C. Available instruments • Implementation results report.

Scheduled visits

D. Institutional contact • Office for Energy Efficiency • E. Term for offer implementation • Between 12 and 18 months at the level of pilot project. 97

Implementing pilot projects to partially substitute the use of GLP energy carrier by electricity, through induction stoves



he Ministry of Electricity, founded on July 9th, 2007, is the governing institution of the Ecuadorian electrical and renewable energy sector. It is responsible for fulfilling the needs for electric power of the country, by formulating the corresponding regulations, plans for development and sector policies for an efficient exploitation of their resources. This way, it can be guaranteed that power supply can answer to the principles of mandatory, general, uniformity, efficiency, responsibility, 96

universality, accessibility, regularity, continuity, and quality, as set up in the policies of the Citizens’ Revolution government. The Ministry of Electricity -by complying with the national policy, expansion plans and goals set by this Government- will deliver with efficiency, innovation and quality electricity to all Ecuadorians, by making sure they obtain energy autonomy, with social and environmental awareness, and by developing the competences of its human talent committed with the country’s evolution.

A. Description of the offer • The program is aligned to the change of the energy matrix in Ecuador. The National Government intends for the program to substitute gas operated stoves (GLP) for induction stoves to start operating as soon as it becomes feasible to generate power. Energy savings will lead to a decrease in pollutants, and on impacts to climate change. • The technical assistance being proposed is related to the project’s design and formulation, as well as to its direction in the various phases: start up, planning, execution, monitoring, control and closing. The pilot project in Ecuador has two years in the implementation phase. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Training. •

C. Available instruments • Implementation results report.

Scheduled visits

D. Institutional contact • Office for Energy Efficiency • E. Term for offer implementation • Between 12 and 18 months at the level of pilot project. 97

Technological conversion of all house lighting systems by substituting incandescent light bulbs for compact saving bulbs or LFC

A. Description of the offer • The project is oriented towards achieving sustainable growth of the energy sector, which is part of the Energy Agenda 2007 - 2011, one of whose objectives it is to achieve a rational and efficient use of energy by changing the incandescent light bulbs for low consumption bulbs nationwide. The National Government has planned to implement 6 million low consumption light bulbs for the users in residential and public sectors. The first phase was carried out in 2008; and since 2010, with 10 million additional units to continue changing the light bulbs in residences, small business and public sectors for the second phase. The topics covered in this project are: procuring compact light bulbs; distribution logistics, transportation and storage for the electric companies nationwide; logistics to deliver compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) to the beneficiaries; substitution plan in the country; and light bulb substitution, monitoring and control. • The project has three years of experience. It has had the cooperation of the Venezuelan Government regarding donating light bulbs, and it has been offered to other countries through clean growth mechanisms. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Training.

C. Available instruments • Implementation results report.

D. Institutional contact • Office for Energy Efficiency • E. Term for offer implementation • From six to eight months.


Technological conversion of all house lighting systems by substituting incandescent light bulbs for compact saving bulbs or LFC

A. Description of the offer • The project is oriented towards achieving sustainable growth of the energy sector, which is part of the Energy Agenda 2007 - 2011, one of whose objectives it is to achieve a rational and efficient use of energy by changing the incandescent light bulbs for low consumption bulbs nationwide. The National Government has planned to implement 6 million low consumption light bulbs for the users in residential and public sectors. The first phase was carried out in 2008; and since 2010, with 10 million additional units to continue changing the light bulbs in residences, small business and public sectors for the second phase. The topics covered in this project are: procuring compact light bulbs; distribution logistics, transportation and storage for the electric companies nationwide; logistics to deliver compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) to the beneficiaries; substitution plan in the country; and light bulb substitution, monitoring and control. • The project has three years of experience. It has had the cooperation of the Venezuelan Government regarding donating light bulbs, and it has been offered to other countries through clean growth mechanisms. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Training.

C. Available instruments • Implementation results report.

D. Institutional contact • Office for Energy Efficiency • E. Term for offer implementation • From six to eight months.


Foto: Edu Le贸n

5 Production, Employment and Competitivity Sector

Foto: Edu Le贸n

5 Production, Employment and Competitivity Sector

Commercial Policy Instruments



he Ministry of Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Aquaculture and Fishing (MAGAP) is the governing institution for the farmland sector, which regulates, rules, facilitates, controls and assesses how agricultural, livestock, aquatic and fishing production is managed in the country. To do that, the Ministry promotes actions that allow for improvement of the life conditions of the farmers and rural communities, by means of social inclusion strategies for small and 102

medium producers; integration into national and international markets; and access to benefits for developing services and infrastructure. In the future, MAGAP will have a quality management model based on information and communication systems that allow for producing goods and services that can guarantee the country’s food safety, its growth and equitable development, by generating added value with financial profitability, social equality, environmental sustainability and cultural identity.

A. Description of the offer • Design and carry out commercial policies to determine minimum prices and absorb crops, which are framed within what has been determined to be the agricultural commercialization policies. • This experience has been possible through governmental agreements to determine the minimum prices of wheat, corn, soy and rice; and it has been implemented with the participation of private entities within the framework of consultative agreements. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Training.

C. Available instruments • Governmental agreements.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for Commercialization • E. Term for offer implementation • Maximun five days. 103

Commercial Policy Instruments



he Ministry of Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Aquaculture and Fishing (MAGAP) is the governing institution for the farmland sector, which regulates, rules, facilitates, controls and assesses how agricultural, livestock, aquatic and fishing production is managed in the country. To do that, the Ministry promotes actions that allow for improvement of the life conditions of the farmers and rural communities, by means of social inclusion strategies for small and 102

medium producers; integration into national and international markets; and access to benefits for developing services and infrastructure. In the future, MAGAP will have a quality management model based on information and communication systems that allow for producing goods and services that can guarantee the country’s food safety, its growth and equitable development, by generating added value with financial profitability, social equality, environmental sustainability and cultural identity.

A. Description of the offer • Design and carry out commercial policies to determine minimum prices and absorb crops, which are framed within what has been determined to be the agricultural commercialization policies. • This experience has been possible through governmental agreements to determine the minimum prices of wheat, corn, soy and rice; and it has been implemented with the participation of private entities within the framework of consultative agreements. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Training.

C. Available instruments • Governmental agreements.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for Commercialization • E. Term for offer implementation • Maximun five days. 103

Implementing small scale laboratories

Sustainable management of incidental shark capture

A. Description of the offer • Implementing small scale laboratories is an initiative aimed at multiplying the aid organizations of the Trichodermasp type, by using technology based on biocatalysts, which allows for the biological product being specific for each area, crop and even the phenological age of the plant. Production of biological products based on microorganisms has the following advantages: it controls the biological plague and disease; biological stimulants; it can generate a germoplasm bank of native microorganism; and it can use technology based on biocatalysts. • This process was conducted through an agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Aquaculture and Fishing (MAGAP) and the producers’ associations. MAGAP supplies all the materials and equipment needed, as well as the training courses; while the producers’ associations collaborate with the physical area where the laboratories are to operate. • The strategy is focused on supplying the producers with the biological products at a low cost and in compliance with quality standards, as well as generating the skills on the producers. One of the objectives is for the associations involved to become, in mid-term, micro - companies. This way, the initiative is carried out by generating local skills and by creating micro - companies that are to offer biological products at a low cost, by using environmentally friendly technologies and taking advantage of our biodiversity wealth. • The initiative has two years of experience, and its main product has been the Germoplasm Bank with native microorganisms.

A. Description of the offer • Technical counseling to formulate plans for the management of species, it will take the following into account: adapting international regulations, applying the local reality and developing strategies. • The initiative has five years of experience, and it has been consolidated through the active participation of fishermen.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Training.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Training.

C. Available instruments • Governmental agreements. • Project methodology.

D. Institutional contact • Office for General Innovation •

D. Institutional contact • Under Secretary of Fishing Resources •

E. Term for offer implementation • Six months.

E. Term for offer implementation • From six months to a year. 104

C. Available instruments • Governmental agreements. • Agreements with organization measurements.


Implementing small scale laboratories

Sustainable management of incidental shark capture

A. Description of the offer • Implementing small scale laboratories is an initiative aimed at multiplying the aid organizations of the Trichodermasp type, by using technology based on biocatalysts, which allows for the biological product being specific for each area, crop and even the phenological age of the plant. Production of biological products based on microorganisms has the following advantages: it controls the biological plague and disease; biological stimulants; it can generate a germoplasm bank of native microorganism; and it can use technology based on biocatalysts. • This process was conducted through an agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Aquaculture and Fishing (MAGAP) and the producers’ associations. MAGAP supplies all the materials and equipment needed, as well as the training courses; while the producers’ associations collaborate with the physical area where the laboratories are to operate. • The strategy is focused on supplying the producers with the biological products at a low cost and in compliance with quality standards, as well as generating the skills on the producers. One of the objectives is for the associations involved to become, in mid-term, micro - companies. This way, the initiative is carried out by generating local skills and by creating micro - companies that are to offer biological products at a low cost, by using environmentally friendly technologies and taking advantage of our biodiversity wealth. • The initiative has two years of experience, and its main product has been the Germoplasm Bank with native microorganisms.

A. Description of the offer • Technical counseling to formulate plans for the management of species, it will take the following into account: adapting international regulations, applying the local reality and developing strategies. • The initiative has five years of experience, and it has been consolidated through the active participation of fishermen.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Training.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Training.

C. Available instruments • Governmental agreements. • Project methodology.

D. Institutional contact • Office for General Innovation •

D. Institutional contact • Under Secretary of Fishing Resources •

E. Term for offer implementation • Six months.

E. Term for offer implementation • From six months to a year. 104

C. Available instruments • Governmental agreements. • Agreements with organization measurements.


Implementing Schools for Agricultural Revolution (ERA)

Market Prices Information Systems

A. Description of the offer • The offer includes implementing the methodology used for the schools of the “agricultural revolution” (Escuelas de Revolución Agraria (ERA)) in the agricultural organizations of the country, by training the producers’ associations in: participative rural diagnoses; training curriculums focused on the demand for technology; organizational strengthening and empowerment of the small rural farmers and integrated production. This initiative can be achieved through an agreement among the Ministry of Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Aquaculture and Fishing (MAGAP), the decentralized autonomous governments (GAD), and the producers’ associations. • Continuous monitoring of the initiative can be done through the provincial offices of MAGAP, besides the evaluations - so far there have been three evaluations - which consist on surveys targeted to ERA’s beneficiary associations responsible for qualifying the job. • Just to mention some of the results obtained we can say: soil map has been updated; now there are thirteen artisan laboratories, and an integrated promotion is being articulated for national and international markets. The experience has been developed for three years.

A. Description of the offer • The offer consists on providing methodologies and developing computerized systems to survey information, record, monitor and publish prices. This initiative is good to monitor and control local, regional and national markets and stores, where the price trends and variations are analyzed regarding perishable products and the stores. • The system has been active for three years, and it has computerized programs to assess, control, validate, analyze and publish the information. Its objective is to prevent price speculation. The Republic of Panama has been offered to implement a system similar to this through the Inter - American Organization of Markets and Stores (OIMA).

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Training.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Training.

C. Available instruments • ERA implementation methodology.

D. Institutional contact • Office for General Innovation •

C. Available instruments • System methodology. • Operating computerized system

D. Institutional contact • General Coordination of the Information System •

E. Term for offer implementation • From six months to a year.

E. Term for offer implementation • 45 days. 106


Implementing Schools for Agricultural Revolution (ERA)

Market Prices Information Systems

A. Description of the offer • The offer includes implementing the methodology used for the schools of the “agricultural revolution” (Escuelas de Revolución Agraria (ERA)) in the agricultural organizations of the country, by training the producers’ associations in: participative rural diagnoses; training curriculums focused on the demand for technology; organizational strengthening and empowerment of the small rural farmers and integrated production. This initiative can be achieved through an agreement among the Ministry of Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Aquaculture and Fishing (MAGAP), the decentralized autonomous governments (GAD), and the producers’ associations. • Continuous monitoring of the initiative can be done through the provincial offices of MAGAP, besides the evaluations - so far there have been three evaluations - which consist on surveys targeted to ERA’s beneficiary associations responsible for qualifying the job. • Just to mention some of the results obtained we can say: soil map has been updated; now there are thirteen artisan laboratories, and an integrated promotion is being articulated for national and international markets. The experience has been developed for three years.

A. Description of the offer • The offer consists on providing methodologies and developing computerized systems to survey information, record, monitor and publish prices. This initiative is good to monitor and control local, regional and national markets and stores, where the price trends and variations are analyzed regarding perishable products and the stores. • The system has been active for three years, and it has computerized programs to assess, control, validate, analyze and publish the information. Its objective is to prevent price speculation. The Republic of Panama has been offered to implement a system similar to this through the Inter - American Organization of Markets and Stores (OIMA).

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Training.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Training.

C. Available instruments • ERA implementation methodology.

D. Institutional contact • Office for General Innovation •

C. Available instruments • System methodology. • Operating computerized system

D. Institutional contact • General Coordination of the Information System •

E. Term for offer implementation • From six months to a year.

E. Term for offer implementation • 45 days. 106


Technical assistance in Ecotourism and Community Tourism



he Ministry of Tourism is the governing institution responsible for leading all touristic activity in Ecuador and making the sector grow in a sustainable, conscious and competitive manner, by playing its regulating, planning, managing, promoting, publishing and controlling roles. Its objective is to strengthen conscious tourism as an activity that can generate sustainable and social - economical growth that will contribute to achieving the objectives set by the National Plan of Good Living; and positions the country as a preferred touristical destination due to its exceptional cultural, natural and anecdotic diversity. 108

A. Description of the offer • The offer consists on giving technical assistance to plan and implement ecotourism and community tourism growth by using the Ecuadorian case as a reference. • These experiences have five years of execution nationwide. In order to implement these proposals we worked with the decentralized autonomous governments (GAD), the communities, the chambers of tourism, non governmental organizations (NGO’s) and private actors. Regarding ecotourism, we received cooperation to make the project for the Technical Regulation on Ecotourism (2014) from CARE. C. Available instruments • Strategic Plan to Develop Sustainable Tourism (PLANDETUR).

B. Forms of cooperation • Expert exchange. • •

Workshops. Socializing the information.

• •

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for Touristic Management • E. Term for offer implementation • Thirty days. 109

Tourism financial assessment within the national system of protected areas. Sustainable tourism guide in protected areas.

Technical assistance in Ecotourism and Community Tourism



he Ministry of Tourism is the governing institution responsible for leading all touristic activity in Ecuador and making the sector grow in a sustainable, conscious and competitive manner, by playing its regulating, planning, managing, promoting, publishing and controlling roles. Its objective is to strengthen conscious tourism as an activity that can generate sustainable and social - economical growth that will contribute to achieving the objectives set by the National Plan of Good Living; and positions the country as a preferred touristical destination due to its exceptional cultural, natural and anecdotic diversity. 108

A. Description of the offer • The offer consists on giving technical assistance to plan and implement ecotourism and community tourism growth by using the Ecuadorian case as a reference. • These experiences have five years of execution nationwide. In order to implement these proposals we worked with the decentralized autonomous governments (GAD), the communities, the chambers of tourism, non governmental organizations (NGO’s) and private actors. Regarding ecotourism, we received cooperation to make the project for the Technical Regulation on Ecotourism (2014) from CARE. C. Available instruments • Strategic Plan to Develop Sustainable Tourism (PLANDETUR).

B. Forms of cooperation • Expert exchange. • •

Workshops. Socializing the information.

• •

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for Touristic Management • E. Term for offer implementation • Thirty days. 109

Tourism financial assessment within the national system of protected areas. Sustainable tourism guide in protected areas.

A. Description of the offer • This technical assistance is focused on developing programs for training on tourism, by using Ecuador’s case as an example, and also by using the assistance received in tourism planning. • The term of execution of these topics is of 4 or 5 years. In order to implement these proposals we have worked with decentralized autonomous governments (GAD), communities, chambers of tourism, non - governmental organizations (NGO’s) and private actors. C. Available instruments • Strategic Plan to Develop Sustainable Tourism (PLANDETUR). • Touristic Marketing Integral Plan (PIMTE).

B. Forms of cooperation • Expert exchange. • Workshops. •

Socializing the information.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for Touristic Management • E. Term for offer implementation • Thirty days. 110

Touristic training management system.

Foto: Edu León

Technical assistance in touristic training and tourism planning

A. Description of the offer • This technical assistance is focused on developing programs for training on tourism, by using Ecuador’s case as an example, and also by using the assistance received in tourism planning. • The term of execution of these topics is of 4 or 5 years. In order to implement these proposals we have worked with decentralized autonomous governments (GAD), communities, chambers of tourism, non - governmental organizations (NGO’s) and private actors. C. Available instruments • Strategic Plan to Develop Sustainable Tourism (PLANDETUR). • Touristic Marketing Integral Plan (PIMTE).

B. Forms of cooperation • Expert exchange. • Workshops. •

Socializing the information.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for Touristic Management • E. Term for offer implementation • Thirty days. 110

Touristic training management system.

Foto: Edu León

Technical assistance in touristic training and tourism planning

Assistance in developing productive chains

A. Description of the offer

5.3 T

he Ministry of Industry and Productivity promotes development of Ecuador’s industrial productive and artisan sectors, by formulating and executing public policies, plans, programs and specialized projects. Through its course of action, the Ministry stimulates technological innovation and investment in order to promote the produc112

tion of goods and services with a high added value and quality, in harmony with the environment that can generate dignifying employment and allow for insertion in the internal and external markets. Its strategic axes are focused on generating productive skills, the strategic substitution of importations, promoting exportations and quality as the productive development core

The offer is focused on supporting the creation of value chains by giving technical support in the following areas: 1. Skill development: A boost to creating skills and guidance to technical capabilities in productive unit, by means of innovation, productive and quality management tools. 2. Implementing records and regulations: A boost to formalize, register and categorize companies, as well as obtaining quality certifications, sanitation certificate and technical accompaniment thus driving and promoting metrology and design. 3. Innovation and technology growth: Supporting innovation in the production line, in procedures, or per product, by supporting the technological progress, pure innovation, technology implementation, technologic transference and technological advancement, as well as inter-sector linkage that can support growth for each sector. 4. Productive infrastructure growth: Generating public goods that can support the skills per sector, business growth and entrepreneurship by taking into account productive promotion centers and business growth centers as well as supporting entrepreneurship. 5. Market development: It is important to mention that market development is carried out through inclusive fairs, thus favoring: - Developing business networks. - Linking commissions and productive guilds. - Identifying market and product opportunities. - Creating consortiums with productive and export objectives. - Fairs and channels to regional markets (CAN).


Assistance in developing productive chains

A. Description of the offer

5.3 T

he Ministry of Industry and Productivity promotes development of Ecuador’s industrial productive and artisan sectors, by formulating and executing public policies, plans, programs and specialized projects. Through its course of action, the Ministry stimulates technological innovation and investment in order to promote the produc112

tion of goods and services with a high added value and quality, in harmony with the environment that can generate dignifying employment and allow for insertion in the internal and external markets. Its strategic axes are focused on generating productive skills, the strategic substitution of importations, promoting exportations and quality as the productive development core

The offer is focused on supporting the creation of value chains by giving technical support in the following areas: 1. Skill development: A boost to creating skills and guidance to technical capabilities in productive unit, by means of innovation, productive and quality management tools. 2. Implementing records and regulations: A boost to formalize, register and categorize companies, as well as obtaining quality certifications, sanitation certificate and technical accompaniment thus driving and promoting metrology and design. 3. Innovation and technology growth: Supporting innovation in the production line, in procedures, or per product, by supporting the technological progress, pure innovation, technology implementation, technologic transference and technological advancement, as well as inter-sector linkage that can support growth for each sector. 4. Productive infrastructure growth: Generating public goods that can support the skills per sector, business growth and entrepreneurship by taking into account productive promotion centers and business growth centers as well as supporting entrepreneurship. 5. Market development: It is important to mention that market development is carried out through inclusive fairs, thus favoring: - Developing business networks. - Linking commissions and productive guilds. - Identifying market and product opportunities. - Creating consortiums with productive and export objectives. - Fairs and channels to regional markets (CAN).


Territorial Economical Growth These processes and methodologies have contributed to the project implementation on the following manufacturing sectors: coach builder metal mechanic, textile and dressmaking, wooden products, agricultural industry and processing, crafts pharmaceutical chemist, information technology, productive processes and quality, technical representation, and health registries. The project has a gradual process for progress according to impact training in the country and it has been applied in follow - up and evaluation systems to be monitored. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance (developing skills). • Calls • Workshops. • • •

C. Available instruments • Technical reports. • Manuals and instructions. • Technical methodologies to handle and search

Creating infrastructures. CIT Processes. Fairs.

• •

information. Information basis and procedures. Specialized human resource.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for MISME’s and Crafts Development •

A. Description of the offer • This project is focused on formulating territorial growth agendas by supporting and advising the local governments, promoting the association of producers through public-private linkage, public investment plus local private investment, as well as by creating territorial economic growth agencies in order to fully exploit the local capabilities. • This project has been implemented for five years nationwide and it has been applied to monitoring and evaluation systems through technical reports and business accompaniment to measure its effectiveness. • The impact is oriented towards developing local abilities, market and guidance to quality with a market approach, also towards creating catalogs for local and external opening. C. Available instruments • Specialized human resource. • Agendas for territorial growth. • Technical reports. • Manuals and instructions. • Technical methodologies to handle and search information.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Public goods. • Direct support to associations and producers. • GAD - agencies link.

D. Institutional contact • Under Secretary for the MISME’s and Crafts Development • 114


Territorial Economical Growth These processes and methodologies have contributed to the project implementation on the following manufacturing sectors: coach builder metal mechanic, textile and dressmaking, wooden products, agricultural industry and processing, crafts pharmaceutical chemist, information technology, productive processes and quality, technical representation, and health registries. The project has a gradual process for progress according to impact training in the country and it has been applied in follow - up and evaluation systems to be monitored. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance (developing skills). • Calls • Workshops. • • •

C. Available instruments • Technical reports. • Manuals and instructions. • Technical methodologies to handle and search

Creating infrastructures. CIT Processes. Fairs.

• •

information. Information basis and procedures. Specialized human resource.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for MISME’s and Crafts Development •

A. Description of the offer • This project is focused on formulating territorial growth agendas by supporting and advising the local governments, promoting the association of producers through public-private linkage, public investment plus local private investment, as well as by creating territorial economic growth agencies in order to fully exploit the local capabilities. • This project has been implemented for five years nationwide and it has been applied to monitoring and evaluation systems through technical reports and business accompaniment to measure its effectiveness. • The impact is oriented towards developing local abilities, market and guidance to quality with a market approach, also towards creating catalogs for local and external opening. C. Available instruments • Specialized human resource. • Agendas for territorial growth. • Technical reports. • Manuals and instructions. • Technical methodologies to handle and search information.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Public goods. • Direct support to associations and producers. • GAD - agencies link.

D. Institutional contact • Under Secretary for the MISME’s and Crafts Development • 114


Foto: Edu Le贸n

6 Decentralized Autonomous Governments and Policy Sector

Foto: Edu Le贸n

6 Decentralized Autonomous Governments and Policy Sector

Transparency management, Preventing Corruption and Reporting in the Public Sector



he Office to the National Secretary for Public Administration is in charge of advising and assisting the President of the Republic to adopt and execute State policies, in compliance with the attributions granted to the President of the Republic as the person responsible for the public administration. For it to be complied, the Secretary coordinates and manages all the aspects required with other public servers and officials. The Presidency of the Republic is a transparent, effective, efficient and sustainable Institution that enables the performance of the President of the Republic. It is deemed as a reference of the public institutions, able to give services with quality and human warmth. 118

A. Description of the offer • This initiative is focused on the following topics: writing a general Code of Ethics of Good Living for the Public and Institutional Function in 128 institutions that belong to the public sector; monthly monitoring of compliance with the 7th article of the Fundamental Act for Transparency and Access to Public Information (LOTAIP), to the institutions and public companies part of the Executive Branch of the Government; compliance with the Fundamental Law for Citizens’ Participation and the Fundamental Law of the Citizens’ Participation Council and Social Control; reporting process, accompaniment during the writing of reports per sectors of the Executive’s accountability reports; conducting 48 public hearings per sectors and per provincial cabinets (including the territorial political team); and implementing transparency brigades and pro- improvement committees at the public institutions, whose objective is to articulate social control procedures and corruption prevention, so that it is possible to watch and improve operation (management) of the institutions part of the Executive. • During this whole process, the strategy used was the active participation of public officers at each institution to construct the draft for the General Code of Ethics as well as that of their own institution. To that end, each institution used its human resources and knowledge. At the same time this process enhances people’s participation, since the objective of complying with the law is to have free access to public information, which gives way for people to exercise their rights and strengthen endogenous growth. C. Available instruments • Work reports. • Assessment reports. • LOTAIP application handbook. • Sector reports on accountability.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Experience exchange. • Training.

D. Institutional contact • General Coordination Office for Innovation Office to the General Under Secretary for Transparency Management • - E. Term for offer implementation • From three to eight months, depending on the requirements. 119

Transparency management, Preventing Corruption and Reporting in the Public Sector



he Office to the National Secretary for Public Administration is in charge of advising and assisting the President of the Republic to adopt and execute State policies, in compliance with the attributions granted to the President of the Republic as the person responsible for the public administration. For it to be complied, the Secretary coordinates and manages all the aspects required with other public servers and officials. The Presidency of the Republic is a transparent, effective, efficient and sustainable Institution that enables the performance of the President of the Republic. It is deemed as a reference of the public institutions, able to give services with quality and human warmth. 118

A. Description of the offer • This initiative is focused on the following topics: writing a general Code of Ethics of Good Living for the Public and Institutional Function in 128 institutions that belong to the public sector; monthly monitoring of compliance with the 7th article of the Fundamental Act for Transparency and Access to Public Information (LOTAIP), to the institutions and public companies part of the Executive Branch of the Government; compliance with the Fundamental Law for Citizens’ Participation and the Fundamental Law of the Citizens’ Participation Council and Social Control; reporting process, accompaniment during the writing of reports per sectors of the Executive’s accountability reports; conducting 48 public hearings per sectors and per provincial cabinets (including the territorial political team); and implementing transparency brigades and pro- improvement committees at the public institutions, whose objective is to articulate social control procedures and corruption prevention, so that it is possible to watch and improve operation (management) of the institutions part of the Executive. • During this whole process, the strategy used was the active participation of public officers at each institution to construct the draft for the General Code of Ethics as well as that of their own institution. To that end, each institution used its human resources and knowledge. At the same time this process enhances people’s participation, since the objective of complying with the law is to have free access to public information, which gives way for people to exercise their rights and strengthen endogenous growth. C. Available instruments • Work reports. • Assessment reports. • LOTAIP application handbook. • Sector reports on accountability.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Experience exchange. • Training.

D. Institutional contact • General Coordination Office for Innovation Office to the General Under Secretary for Transparency Management • - E. Term for offer implementation • From three to eight months, depending on the requirements. 119

Studies and Political Thought Program



he Bureau to the National Secretary for Political Administration is the office responsible for formulating governance policies, political networking with other branches of the Ecuadorian State, the Decentralized Autonomous Governments, the political dialog with the social entities and political coordination with the representatives of the Executive in the territory. As part of its powers and attributions, the Bureau to the Secretary also manages and take advantage of the possibilities for international technical cooperation to serve the various social groups. 120

A. Description of the offer • The objectives of the Program for Studies and Political Thought are to generate thought and construct policy strategies oriented towards making decisions within the government political environment, thus strengthening the political administration at the national and territorial level. • By implementing the Program, a boost is given to coordinating the actions to promote people’s power, prominence, social participation and consolidation of a new policy. It is done through the analysis of the current political situation, information management within the territory and the tools that allow for appropriate political communication; as well as permanent training given to the various government and social players, in addition to researching and publishing the Ecuadorian political thought, and in organizing the academic events. • The term of execution for the project is from June 1st, 2010 to December 14th, 2014. C. Available instruments • Ecuadorian Political Thought Collection: seven issues published and six still to be published. • Technicians that are experts in analysis and political strategy and construction of the political thought. • Political analysis methodology and designing the political strategy.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Sending experts. • Training.

D. Institutional contact • • Political Analysis Direction

E. Term for offer implementation • One year. 121

Studies and Political Thought Program



he Bureau to the National Secretary for Political Administration is the office responsible for formulating governance policies, political networking with other branches of the Ecuadorian State, the Decentralized Autonomous Governments, the political dialog with the social entities and political coordination with the representatives of the Executive in the territory. As part of its powers and attributions, the Bureau to the Secretary also manages and take advantage of the possibilities for international technical cooperation to serve the various social groups. 120

A. Description of the offer • The objectives of the Program for Studies and Political Thought are to generate thought and construct policy strategies oriented towards making decisions within the government political environment, thus strengthening the political administration at the national and territorial level. • By implementing the Program, a boost is given to coordinating the actions to promote people’s power, prominence, social participation and consolidation of a new policy. It is done through the analysis of the current political situation, information management within the territory and the tools that allow for appropriate political communication; as well as permanent training given to the various government and social players, in addition to researching and publishing the Ecuadorian political thought, and in organizing the academic events. • The term of execution for the project is from June 1st, 2010 to December 14th, 2014. C. Available instruments • Ecuadorian Political Thought Collection: seven issues published and six still to be published. • Technicians that are experts in analysis and political strategy and construction of the political thought. • Political analysis methodology and designing the political strategy.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Sending experts. • Training.

D. Institutional contact • • Political Analysis Direction

E. Term for offer implementation • One year. 121

A. Description of the offer • The objective of this project is to promote spaces for dialog between the Executive and the decentralized autonomous governments (GAD), in order to set political agreements to implement public policies from the Government in the territory, and strengthen local growth and drive efficient models for participative and intercultural management that will contribute to constructing Good Living. • Besides, the project promotes spaces for coordination and reflection on the new constitutional framework and construction of the associated regulations; and it also accompanies GAD’s in the political path of decentralization. • The term of execution of this project is from January 1st, 2010 to December 31st, 2013. C. Available instruments • Publishing / technical tools. • Expert technicians in dialogs with GAD. • Political analysis methodology, networking and designing the political strategy with GAD’s.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Sending experts. • Training. D. Institutional contact • General Coordination with GAD’s • E. Term for offer implementation • One year. 122

Foto: Edu León

Dialog Project with the Autonomous and Decentralized Governments in Ecuador

A. Description of the offer • The objective of this project is to promote spaces for dialog between the Executive and the decentralized autonomous governments (GAD), in order to set political agreements to implement public policies from the Government in the territory, and strengthen local growth and drive efficient models for participative and intercultural management that will contribute to constructing Good Living. • Besides, the project promotes spaces for coordination and reflection on the new constitutional framework and construction of the associated regulations; and it also accompanies GAD’s in the political path of decentralization. • The term of execution of this project is from January 1st, 2010 to December 31st, 2013. C. Available instruments • Publishing / technical tools. • Expert technicians in dialogs with GAD. • Political analysis methodology, networking and designing the political strategy with GAD’s.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Sending experts. • Training. D. Institutional contact • General Coordination with GAD’s • E. Term for offer implementation • One year. 122

Foto: Edu León

Dialog Project with the Autonomous and Decentralized Governments in Ecuador

7 Economic Policy Sector

7 Economic Policy Sector

Management of the Single Treasury National Account



he objective of the Ministry of Finances is to achieve the objectives for growth in the country through an efficient definition, formulation and execution of financial policy of income, and expense and financing of the public sector that guarantees sustainability, stability, equity and transparence of public finances. The renewed spirit of this Portfolio allows for executing public finances that are committed with improving 126

Ecuadorians’ quality of life, now and for the generations to come, as well as the stability of economic growth. This is how the Ministry of Finances is heading towards becoming the governing institution of public finances, being recognized as a modern institution oriented towards giving public services with quality and timing to our customers; made up by a group of people who are competent and committed with ethics, probity, responsibility, transparency, and accountability.

A. Description of the offer • Since January 2009, and pursuing the provisions by the Constitution of the Republic in its 292nd article, all bodies of the General State Budget (PGE) manage their own resources through the Single National Treasury Account. Through this management, it was possible to centralize into just one account, the financial resources scattered in the accounts of over 3,000 executing units. It helped to optimize the handling and distribution of public resources, thus decreasing issuing treasury certificates to temporary fund the National Treasury. • Keeping a single account within the new model of management of the public administration allows for optimizing allocation of the public resources and complying with the obligations generated in the PGE in a timely manner. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance.

C. Available instruments • Regulations.

• •

• •

Training courses. Sending specialized technicians.

D. Institutional contact • Ministry of Finance • E. Term for offer implementation • Immediate. 127

Procedures. Computer tools: e-SIGEF and e-SIPREN

Management of the Single Treasury National Account



he objective of the Ministry of Finances is to achieve the objectives for growth in the country through an efficient definition, formulation and execution of financial policy of income, and expense and financing of the public sector that guarantees sustainability, stability, equity and transparence of public finances. The renewed spirit of this Portfolio allows for executing public finances that are committed with improving 126

Ecuadorians’ quality of life, now and for the generations to come, as well as the stability of economic growth. This is how the Ministry of Finances is heading towards becoming the governing institution of public finances, being recognized as a modern institution oriented towards giving public services with quality and timing to our customers; made up by a group of people who are competent and committed with ethics, probity, responsibility, transparency, and accountability.

A. Description of the offer • Since January 2009, and pursuing the provisions by the Constitution of the Republic in its 292nd article, all bodies of the General State Budget (PGE) manage their own resources through the Single National Treasury Account. Through this management, it was possible to centralize into just one account, the financial resources scattered in the accounts of over 3,000 executing units. It helped to optimize the handling and distribution of public resources, thus decreasing issuing treasury certificates to temporary fund the National Treasury. • Keeping a single account within the new model of management of the public administration allows for optimizing allocation of the public resources and complying with the obligations generated in the PGE in a timely manner. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance.

C. Available instruments • Regulations.

• •

• •

Training courses. Sending specialized technicians.

D. Institutional contact • Ministry of Finance • E. Term for offer implementation • Immediate. 127

Procedures. Computer tools: e-SIGEF and e-SIPREN

New scheme to issue electronic documents (sales receipts and tax withholding receipts)



he Internal Revenue Service (SRI) is a technical and autonomous body responsible for collecting the internal taxes as set by the Law through the application of the regulations in force. Its goal is to consolidate the taxpaying culture in the country in order to increase, in a sustainable manner, voluntary compliance with the taxpaying duties of tax payers. This office seeks to contribute to the construction of fiscal citizenship by creating awareness, promoting, persuading and demanding the people to comply with their tax paying duties, within the framework of prin128

ciples and values, as well as the Constitution and the Law, so as to guarantee the effective collection of taxes towards promoting social cohesion. The National Internal Taxes Service (SRI) is aiming at becoming a body that has the social trust and recognition for doing good to the country in a transparent and modern way, and for being close and respectful of the people’s rights and those of the tax payers’. Doing good to the country means having competent, honest, committed and motivated officials. It also means, complying with the tax management by decreasing tax evasion, avoidance and fraud in a significant manner.

A. Description of the offer • The new structure offered to issue documents that have been electronically signed is based on establishing four phases: pre- pilot, pilot, willingness and obligation. During the pre-pilot and pilot phases, work will be done with a specific group of tax payers who have been previously analyzed. The Tax Administration, upon having the information on the documents electronically signed, online and in the database, will proceed to establish the search services of the document through the online services, both for the tax payer and the internal customer; said information can be retrieved directly from the application for the corresponding processes (control, claims, tax returns, etc.). • The initiative has three years of experience, and it is being monitored through a periodical management control, by committees at the strategic level (tactical and operational), operational indicators and the managerial viewer. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Sending experts. • Internships.

C. Available instruments • Application to issue and manage electronic documents.

D. Institutional contact • National Direction for Tax Management • E. Term for offer implementation • One year, two visits. 129

New scheme to issue electronic documents (sales receipts and tax withholding receipts)



he Internal Revenue Service (SRI) is a technical and autonomous body responsible for collecting the internal taxes as set by the Law through the application of the regulations in force. Its goal is to consolidate the taxpaying culture in the country in order to increase, in a sustainable manner, voluntary compliance with the taxpaying duties of tax payers. This office seeks to contribute to the construction of fiscal citizenship by creating awareness, promoting, persuading and demanding the people to comply with their tax paying duties, within the framework of prin128

ciples and values, as well as the Constitution and the Law, so as to guarantee the effective collection of taxes towards promoting social cohesion. The National Internal Taxes Service (SRI) is aiming at becoming a body that has the social trust and recognition for doing good to the country in a transparent and modern way, and for being close and respectful of the people’s rights and those of the tax payers’. Doing good to the country means having competent, honest, committed and motivated officials. It also means, complying with the tax management by decreasing tax evasion, avoidance and fraud in a significant manner.

A. Description of the offer • The new structure offered to issue documents that have been electronically signed is based on establishing four phases: pre- pilot, pilot, willingness and obligation. During the pre-pilot and pilot phases, work will be done with a specific group of tax payers who have been previously analyzed. The Tax Administration, upon having the information on the documents electronically signed, online and in the database, will proceed to establish the search services of the document through the online services, both for the tax payer and the internal customer; said information can be retrieved directly from the application for the corresponding processes (control, claims, tax returns, etc.). • The initiative has three years of experience, and it is being monitored through a periodical management control, by committees at the strategic level (tactical and operational), operational indicators and the managerial viewer. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Sending experts. • Internships.

C. Available instruments • Application to issue and manage electronic documents.

D. Institutional contact • National Direction for Tax Management • E. Term for offer implementation • One year, two visits. 129

A. Description of the offer • The Income Tax Micro simulation for artificial persons MIR (PJ) is a tool to assess the tax policy that replicates form 101, made by the companies for the fiscal period of 2011 according to the terms of the Fundamental Law for the Internal Tax Regime. This tool has a computer platform implemented in Visual Basic with a Microsoft Excel environment and a core in STATA statistic program. The technical offer encompasses training the attendees on making this type of tools, both on handling databases and assessing the public policy, and also on giving technical assistance in making pilot models based on the country’s tax regulation. This initiative has four years of experience. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Sending experts. • Internships.

C. Available instruments • Computer platform in Excel. • Computer platform in STATA.

D. Institutional contact • National Direction of the Tax Study Center • E. Term for offer implementation • One year, four visits. 130

Foto: Edu León

Income Tax Micro simulation Model MIR (PJ)

A. Description of the offer • The Income Tax Micro simulation for artificial persons MIR (PJ) is a tool to assess the tax policy that replicates form 101, made by the companies for the fiscal period of 2011 according to the terms of the Fundamental Law for the Internal Tax Regime. This tool has a computer platform implemented in Visual Basic with a Microsoft Excel environment and a core in STATA statistic program. The technical offer encompasses training the attendees on making this type of tools, both on handling databases and assessing the public policy, and also on giving technical assistance in making pilot models based on the country’s tax regulation. This initiative has four years of experience. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Sending experts. • Internships.

C. Available instruments • Computer platform in Excel. • Computer platform in STATA.

D. Institutional contact • National Direction of the Tax Study Center • E. Term for offer implementation • One year, four visits. 130

Foto: Edu León

Income Tax Micro simulation Model MIR (PJ)

Technical assistance to design, constitute and operate a Liquidity Fund for the Financial System

7.4 T

he mission of the Central Bank of Ecuador is to “instrument the monetary, financial, credit and exchange policy of the State, manage the Payment System, act as the trustee of the public funds and as a tax and financial agent of the State, manage the reserves, provide macro - economical synthesis information and statistics”. 132

A. Description of the offer • The given assistance consists on collaborating with the requesting country to structure a liquidity fund that will contribute to the stability of their financial system. In the Ecuadorian case, the financial system liquidity fund was implemented on December 31st, 2008. From that date on, the legal and operational framework as well as the process automation started up. There is an autonomous patrimony that serves the objective it was created for, that is, to be the last instance lender of the private financial system, subject to reserve. In order to make this offer, we received assistance from an external consulting firm, the Ministry of Finances of Ecuador, the Superintendence of Banks and from the Inter -American Development Bank (IDB) • The topics that can be worked on during the assistance are: counseling on the financial safety network and a legal- regulatory framework for the liquidity fund. This counseling is done through an on-he-site visit to get the delegates of the requesting country to know the structure being applied through practice. Technical assistance was given to implement a fund in El Salvador. B. Forms of cooperation • Participative, theoretical and practical Assistance. • In-situ visit.

C. Available instruments • Working liquidity fund. • Autonomous patrimony.

D. Institutional contact • Technical Secretary’s Office of the Liquidity Fund • E. Term for offer implementation • Two weeks: one for theoretical counsel and another for practical counsel. 133

Technical assistance to design, constitute and operate a Liquidity Fund for the Financial System

7.4 T

he mission of the Central Bank of Ecuador is to “instrument the monetary, financial, credit and exchange policy of the State, manage the Payment System, act as the trustee of the public funds and as a tax and financial agent of the State, manage the reserves, provide macro - economical synthesis information and statistics”. 132

A. Description of the offer • The given assistance consists on collaborating with the requesting country to structure a liquidity fund that will contribute to the stability of their financial system. In the Ecuadorian case, the financial system liquidity fund was implemented on December 31st, 2008. From that date on, the legal and operational framework as well as the process automation started up. There is an autonomous patrimony that serves the objective it was created for, that is, to be the last instance lender of the private financial system, subject to reserve. In order to make this offer, we received assistance from an external consulting firm, the Ministry of Finances of Ecuador, the Superintendence of Banks and from the Inter -American Development Bank (IDB) • The topics that can be worked on during the assistance are: counseling on the financial safety network and a legal- regulatory framework for the liquidity fund. This counseling is done through an on-he-site visit to get the delegates of the requesting country to know the structure being applied through practice. Technical assistance was given to implement a fund in El Salvador. B. Forms of cooperation • Participative, theoretical and practical Assistance. • In-situ visit.

C. Available instruments • Working liquidity fund. • Autonomous patrimony.

D. Institutional contact • Technical Secretary’s Office of the Liquidity Fund • E. Term for offer implementation • Two weeks: one for theoretical counsel and another for practical counsel. 133

8 Patrimony Sector

8 Patrimony Sector

Experience ExchangeForest Administration System



he Ministry of Environment (MAE), as the main governing institution on environmental issues in the country, pursuant to the provisions of the people from Ecuador in the Political Constitution of 2008. It designs environmental policies and coordinates strategies, projects and programs to look after the ecosystem and sustainable exploitation of the natural resources. That, in order to guarantee a healthy environment and respect for the rights of nature, in harmony with cultural diversity, that will conserve biodiversity to guarantee that the needs of the current ge136

nerations as well as those of the future generations are satisfied. Environmental management is a responsibility shared by all, given that the quality of life depends on the environmental conditions we grow in. That is why, this Ministry of Government is responsible for collecting all information regarding the environment as an instrument to educate the people on how to use the natural resources, the country’s biodiversity, as well as the most appropriate way to conserve and use, in a strategic manner, this natural wealth to achieve Good Living.

A. Description of the offer • This is a computerized online system to manage all forestry activity called Forest Administration System (SAF) and which includes forest exploitation in the forest all the way up to moving the products to storage locations or forest industries. The system has been working for four years and it is founded on a new legal framework, which sets up the promotion mechanisms as incentives, paying environmental services, tax exemption, among others. That is how SAF has become a fundamental tool for forest development and conservation, promoting foreign investment, promotion of the marketplace and incentives from the government to the forest economy of the country. • SAF has a mechanism to obtain management as well as the coordinated participation of the institutions that are involved, such as SRI and CAE (Ecuadorian Customs Corporation). A scope is being planned to include a great number of variables that come from managing the forestry resources into the national account systems of the Central Bank. This is a mechanism that contributes to the national growth and the country’s Gross Domestic Product. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance.

C. Available instruments • Computerized system for Forest Management.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for Natural Patrimony • E. Term for offer implementation • One year. 137

Experience ExchangeForest Administration System



he Ministry of Environment (MAE), as the main governing institution on environmental issues in the country, pursuant to the provisions of the people from Ecuador in the Political Constitution of 2008. It designs environmental policies and coordinates strategies, projects and programs to look after the ecosystem and sustainable exploitation of the natural resources. That, in order to guarantee a healthy environment and respect for the rights of nature, in harmony with cultural diversity, that will conserve biodiversity to guarantee that the needs of the current ge136

nerations as well as those of the future generations are satisfied. Environmental management is a responsibility shared by all, given that the quality of life depends on the environmental conditions we grow in. That is why, this Ministry of Government is responsible for collecting all information regarding the environment as an instrument to educate the people on how to use the natural resources, the country’s biodiversity, as well as the most appropriate way to conserve and use, in a strategic manner, this natural wealth to achieve Good Living.

A. Description of the offer • This is a computerized online system to manage all forestry activity called Forest Administration System (SAF) and which includes forest exploitation in the forest all the way up to moving the products to storage locations or forest industries. The system has been working for four years and it is founded on a new legal framework, which sets up the promotion mechanisms as incentives, paying environmental services, tax exemption, among others. That is how SAF has become a fundamental tool for forest development and conservation, promoting foreign investment, promotion of the marketplace and incentives from the government to the forest economy of the country. • SAF has a mechanism to obtain management as well as the coordinated participation of the institutions that are involved, such as SRI and CAE (Ecuadorian Customs Corporation). A scope is being planned to include a great number of variables that come from managing the forestry resources into the national account systems of the Central Bank. This is a mechanism that contributes to the national growth and the country’s Gross Domestic Product. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance.

C. Available instruments • Computerized system for Forest Management.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for Natural Patrimony • E. Term for offer implementation • One year. 137

Program of Incentives for Forest Protection

A. Description of the offer • These programs offer monetary and non-monetary incentives to preserve forests and moors, and to recover them for a 20-year period. • The initiative seeks to protect the forests, minimize the deforestation rate and their associated gas emissions of greenhouse effect, as well as to improve the life conditions for these indigenous people. The program provides economical incentives to peasants and communities who willingly commit to preserve and protect all native forests, moors, and other native plants. • Up to date, one million hectares have been registered under conservation schemes, with an investment that is equivalent to US$ 18 millions in incentives and 120 thousand beneficiaries in the country. This initiative has already been offered to Peru and Bolivia, and similar projects have been generated in the mentioned countries. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Experience exchange. • Sending experts.

C. Available instruments • Specialized human resource. • Technical documentation to record the results that have been achieved.

Exchanging experiences in REDD+

A. Description of the offer • An exchange of experiences took place in order to present Ecuador’s experience during its preparation phase to implement REDD + in the future. • Constructing the National REDD+ Program (participative construction of safeguards, implementation of a project registry, reference scenario for deforestation produced emissions, generating information to develop REDD+ information system with MRV features). This construction phase has been generated from processes in which the civil society as well as the communities, indigenous nationalities and people have participated; support from specialized NGO’s; consultancy; bilateral and multilateral cooperation. This initiative has been in progress for three years and there have been exchanges with the experience from Vietnam and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. C. Available instruments • Specialized human resource. • Technical documentation to record the results that have been achieved.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Experience exchange.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for Natural Heritage •

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for Climate Change. National Office for Mitigation •

E. Term for offer implementation • Two years.

E. Term for offer implementation • Experience exchange workshop: between two and three days. 138


Program of Incentives for Forest Protection

A. Description of the offer • These programs offer monetary and non-monetary incentives to preserve forests and moors, and to recover them for a 20-year period. • The initiative seeks to protect the forests, minimize the deforestation rate and their associated gas emissions of greenhouse effect, as well as to improve the life conditions for these indigenous people. The program provides economical incentives to peasants and communities who willingly commit to preserve and protect all native forests, moors, and other native plants. • Up to date, one million hectares have been registered under conservation schemes, with an investment that is equivalent to US$ 18 millions in incentives and 120 thousand beneficiaries in the country. This initiative has already been offered to Peru and Bolivia, and similar projects have been generated in the mentioned countries. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Experience exchange. • Sending experts.

C. Available instruments • Specialized human resource. • Technical documentation to record the results that have been achieved.

Exchanging experiences in REDD+

A. Description of the offer • An exchange of experiences took place in order to present Ecuador’s experience during its preparation phase to implement REDD + in the future. • Constructing the National REDD+ Program (participative construction of safeguards, implementation of a project registry, reference scenario for deforestation produced emissions, generating information to develop REDD+ information system with MRV features). This construction phase has been generated from processes in which the civil society as well as the communities, indigenous nationalities and people have participated; support from specialized NGO’s; consultancy; bilateral and multilateral cooperation. This initiative has been in progress for three years and there have been exchanges with the experience from Vietnam and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. C. Available instruments • Specialized human resource. • Technical documentation to record the results that have been achieved.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Experience exchange.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for Natural Heritage •

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for Climate Change. National Office for Mitigation •

E. Term for offer implementation • Two years.

E. Term for offer implementation • Experience exchange workshop: between two and three days. 138


Promoting Audiovisual and Film Production

8.2 C

NCine is an institution whose objective it is to mandate and execute the policies for growth to promote film making and audiovisual production. From its creation, in 2006, through the Law to Promote National Films, it has regulated the State’s incentives to recognize the national film making industry, in order to stimulate and boost the activities devoted to this 140

type of productions. Through its characteristic project, the “Yearly Call”, the institution publicly and openly invites producers, students, fans and other specialists from the movie and audiovisual industry to submit their films in writing, pre-production, production, co-production, post-production and show for documentaries, fiction and/or animation, both in feature films and shorts.

A. Description of the offer • The National Film Council seeks to create promotion lines for audiovisual production and film making in Ecuador through a yearly call with contest funds. This way it gives its support for content quality films and audiovisuals to be made, and at the same time it stimulates cinematographic research, creation and promotion. • We now have a competitive fund to promote, drive and strengthen audiovisual and cinematographic production in all modalities and categories; by driving the projects during the writing, production, post-production, distribution and local and international display. • Yearly calls are made; around four national cinematographic productions are released every year; there are funded film festivals every year, and the yearly publishing of the institutional memoir and project catalog. • The initiative has six years of experience. C. Available instruments • Yearly calls. • Yearly publishing of the institutional memory.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. D. Institutional contact • Technical Direction • E. Term for offer implementation • Eight months. 141

Promoting Audiovisual and Film Production

8.2 C

NCine is an institution whose objective it is to mandate and execute the policies for growth to promote film making and audiovisual production. From its creation, in 2006, through the Law to Promote National Films, it has regulated the State’s incentives to recognize the national film making industry, in order to stimulate and boost the activities devoted to this 140

type of productions. Through its characteristic project, the “Yearly Call”, the institution publicly and openly invites producers, students, fans and other specialists from the movie and audiovisual industry to submit their films in writing, pre-production, production, co-production, post-production and show for documentaries, fiction and/or animation, both in feature films and shorts.

A. Description of the offer • The National Film Council seeks to create promotion lines for audiovisual production and film making in Ecuador through a yearly call with contest funds. This way it gives its support for content quality films and audiovisuals to be made, and at the same time it stimulates cinematographic research, creation and promotion. • We now have a competitive fund to promote, drive and strengthen audiovisual and cinematographic production in all modalities and categories; by driving the projects during the writing, production, post-production, distribution and local and international display. • Yearly calls are made; around four national cinematographic productions are released every year; there are funded film festivals every year, and the yearly publishing of the institutional memoir and project catalog. • The initiative has six years of experience. C. Available instruments • Yearly calls. • Yearly publishing of the institutional memory.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. D. Institutional contact • Technical Direction • E. Term for offer implementation • Eight months. 141

Ecuadorian Museum System (SIEM)

A. Description of the offer • The Ecuadorian Museum System (Sistema Ecuatoriano de Museos (SIEM)) seeks to articulate the museum field in the country, promote the increase of the national policy and strengthen the museums in the technical and infrastructure fields. • The project was created in 2010, it has national incidence and it is articulated through the National Museum Network: 14 museums in 9 provinces, managed by the Ministry of Culture. This system has been articulated to the local museums networks in cities such as Quito, Cuenca and Ibarra. • SIEM has offered its cooperation to the countries that are members of the cross- government committee of Ibermuseos, and it received cooperation from this body in 2011 and 2012. The initiative has also participated in spaces for technical cooperation with the member countries of the committee as was previously mentioned.

8.3 T

he Ministry of Culture governs the National Cultural System to strengthen both national identity and crosscultures; promote diversity of the cultural expressions; stimulate free artistic creation and production, dissemination, distribution and enjoyment of cultural products and services, and safeguard the social memory and cultural heritage, by guaranteeing full exercise of the cultural rights by decolonizing 142

knowledge and power; and from a new relationship between the human being and nature, thus contributing to materialization of Good Living. The Ministry of Culture will govern all cultural public policies as well as the National Culture System, it will guarantee the exercise of the cultural rights, and will have an incidence on Ecuador’s symbolic integration as well as in the cultural change of society.

C. Available instruments • National Museums Network. • Cultural schedules and educational programs. • 14 museums that are managed by the Ministry of Culture. • Office of the national records of museums.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for the Social Memory. Direction of Museums • E. Term for offer implementation • From three to five years. 143

Ecuadorian Museum System (SIEM)

A. Description of the offer • The Ecuadorian Museum System (Sistema Ecuatoriano de Museos (SIEM)) seeks to articulate the museum field in the country, promote the increase of the national policy and strengthen the museums in the technical and infrastructure fields. • The project was created in 2010, it has national incidence and it is articulated through the National Museum Network: 14 museums in 9 provinces, managed by the Ministry of Culture. This system has been articulated to the local museums networks in cities such as Quito, Cuenca and Ibarra. • SIEM has offered its cooperation to the countries that are members of the cross- government committee of Ibermuseos, and it received cooperation from this body in 2011 and 2012. The initiative has also participated in spaces for technical cooperation with the member countries of the committee as was previously mentioned.

8.3 T

he Ministry of Culture governs the National Cultural System to strengthen both national identity and crosscultures; promote diversity of the cultural expressions; stimulate free artistic creation and production, dissemination, distribution and enjoyment of cultural products and services, and safeguard the social memory and cultural heritage, by guaranteeing full exercise of the cultural rights by decolonizing 142

knowledge and power; and from a new relationship between the human being and nature, thus contributing to materialization of Good Living. The Ministry of Culture will govern all cultural public policies as well as the National Culture System, it will guarantee the exercise of the cultural rights, and will have an incidence on Ecuador’s symbolic integration as well as in the cultural change of society.

C. Available instruments • National Museums Network. • Cultural schedules and educational programs. • 14 museums that are managed by the Ministry of Culture. • Office of the national records of museums.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for the Social Memory. Direction of Museums • E. Term for offer implementation • From three to five years. 143

Strengthening the abilities to safeguard and preserve our Cultural Heritage. Instruction for trainers program to safeguard and preserve Cultural Heritage

A. Description of the offer • This “instruction for trainers” workshop program to safeguard and conserve the cultural heritage consists on strengthening the abilities of the government officials and local governments in Latin American and African countries that speak Spanish and Portuguese, in creating awareness and promoting the design of the national policies to safeguard the cultural heritage. • These workshops are focused on formulating public policies on cultural heritage as well as on strategies for framing the policy to include the heritage culture and the social capital into the territorial planning. Also on the methodologies to implement and develop trainers’ manuals for safeguarding and conservation policies for the heritage culture. • As a result of these processes, we are able to say there is a similar program at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to train the trainers in reinforcing capabilities, but merely for safeguarding the non-material cultural heritage. This program seeks to offer an integral training on heritage and writing the corresponding training manuals in relation to the reality of the territories they are to be developed. UNESCO’s demand cannot be covered with the trainers they have certified, so the Ecuadorian Government with three officials being trained by international and educational institutions abroad- may be able to cover this demand in the countries located at the south of the hemisphere in an in-classroom setting and blended course manner that is supported on the information technologies that could be implemented to this end in regards to the previous experiences we have had at the regional center to safeguard the non - material cultural heritage (CRESPIAL). C. Available instruments • Methodology to be followed during the workshop. • Two guidelines for international manuals to train managers, officials and the actors in the field of cultural heritage. • Three very well trained and very well prepared officials.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for Non - Material Cultural Heritage. Program for Cultural Diversity and Development (PDC) • E. Term for offer implementation • A minimum of two months preparation time is required to facilitate the workshop that is going to be given to the trainers. It is a one - week long workshop. 144


Strengthening the abilities to safeguard and preserve our Cultural Heritage. Instruction for trainers program to safeguard and preserve Cultural Heritage

A. Description of the offer • This “instruction for trainers” workshop program to safeguard and conserve the cultural heritage consists on strengthening the abilities of the government officials and local governments in Latin American and African countries that speak Spanish and Portuguese, in creating awareness and promoting the design of the national policies to safeguard the cultural heritage. • These workshops are focused on formulating public policies on cultural heritage as well as on strategies for framing the policy to include the heritage culture and the social capital into the territorial planning. Also on the methodologies to implement and develop trainers’ manuals for safeguarding and conservation policies for the heritage culture. • As a result of these processes, we are able to say there is a similar program at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to train the trainers in reinforcing capabilities, but merely for safeguarding the non-material cultural heritage. This program seeks to offer an integral training on heritage and writing the corresponding training manuals in relation to the reality of the territories they are to be developed. UNESCO’s demand cannot be covered with the trainers they have certified, so the Ecuadorian Government with three officials being trained by international and educational institutions abroad- may be able to cover this demand in the countries located at the south of the hemisphere in an in-classroom setting and blended course manner that is supported on the information technologies that could be implemented to this end in regards to the previous experiences we have had at the regional center to safeguard the non - material cultural heritage (CRESPIAL). C. Available instruments • Methodology to be followed during the workshop. • Two guidelines for international manuals to train managers, officials and the actors in the field of cultural heritage. • Three very well trained and very well prepared officials.

B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance.

D. Institutional contact • Office to the Under Secretary for Non - Material Cultural Heritage. Program for Cultural Diversity and Development (PDC) • E. Term for offer implementation • A minimum of two months preparation time is required to facilitate the workshop that is going to be given to the trainers. It is a one - week long workshop. 144


Rehabilitating the railroad systems and heritage tourism



t the beginning of the twentieth century, the railroad system arrived in Ecuador and became a symbol of national unity as well as a mass means of transportation for freight and passengers. It played an essential role in the country’s growth. During the 70’s there was a decrease in its use and maintenance which ended in 2008 by a decision made by the National Government to declare the Ecuadorian railway system as National Heritage. Its rehabilitation process started to be used for touristic purposes.


In 2010, Ferrocarriles del Ecuador Empresa Pública (FEEP) (Ecuador Railways - a Public Company) was created, with the objective of managing and operating the heritage railway system in an efficient manner. The company contributes to the socio-economical growth of the country with productive activities that help promote tourism and historical heritage with social responsibility. It is a leading industry in the recovery of the railroad tracks nationwide, it promotes the growth of local and micro regional economies through products and social programs focused on community and ecological tourism.

A. Description of the offer • This initiative is aimed at the rehabilitation of the railroad systems, as well as the development of heritage tourism and community tourism. It’s been four years since its implementation and has achieved the following results: 479,78 km of operating railroads; 10 touristic products; 323,769 tourists have traveled by train since 2009; products handled by the community; 14 Artisan Markets; 15 Train Cafes; 9 Train Stores; and there are 140 entrepreneurships on their way to being strengthened. • The institution has in its staff technicians and trained personnel on: road rehabilitation, locomotives, stations, local development and heritage tourism. These personnel can transfer their knowledge on the offered topics. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Sending the experts. • Internships. • Workshops. • Training courses.

C. Available instruments • Manuals and methodologies.

D. Institutional contact • Planning Management • E. Term for offer implementation • Short durations, depending on the type of cooperation chosen. 147

Rehabilitating the railroad systems and heritage tourism



t the beginning of the twentieth century, the railroad system arrived in Ecuador and became a symbol of national unity as well as a mass means of transportation for freight and passengers. It played an essential role in the country’s growth. During the 70’s there was a decrease in its use and maintenance which ended in 2008 by a decision made by the National Government to declare the Ecuadorian railway system as National Heritage. Its rehabilitation process started to be used for touristic purposes.


In 2010, Ferrocarriles del Ecuador Empresa Pública (FEEP) (Ecuador Railways - a Public Company) was created, with the objective of managing and operating the heritage railway system in an efficient manner. The company contributes to the socio-economical growth of the country with productive activities that help promote tourism and historical heritage with social responsibility. It is a leading industry in the recovery of the railroad tracks nationwide, it promotes the growth of local and micro regional economies through products and social programs focused on community and ecological tourism.

A. Description of the offer • This initiative is aimed at the rehabilitation of the railroad systems, as well as the development of heritage tourism and community tourism. It’s been four years since its implementation and has achieved the following results: 479,78 km of operating railroads; 10 touristic products; 323,769 tourists have traveled by train since 2009; products handled by the community; 14 Artisan Markets; 15 Train Cafes; 9 Train Stores; and there are 140 entrepreneurships on their way to being strengthened. • The institution has in its staff technicians and trained personnel on: road rehabilitation, locomotives, stations, local development and heritage tourism. These personnel can transfer their knowledge on the offered topics. B. Forms of cooperation • Technical assistance. • Sending the experts. • Internships. • Workshops. • Training courses.

C. Available instruments • Manuals and methodologies.

D. Institutional contact • Planning Management • E. Term for offer implementation • Short durations, depending on the type of cooperation chosen. 147

Foto: Edu Le贸n

Foto: Edu Le贸n

Ecuadorian Technical Assistance Catalog

In case you have any questions regarding the offer please contact the DIRECTION FOR BI - MULTILATERAL COOPERATION

Cooperation as a way of life

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