Setra Sustainability Report 2020

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Culture and colleagues We want a high performance organisation where everyone makes a contribution. Employee health and safety is our top priority.

Our opportunities and challenges The wood industry is a future-oriented green business that is contributing to creating sustainable societies. The sustainable business model provides strong motivation for many of the people who work at Setra, and for those applying to join the company. Our vision of Grönsamhet/Green profit is founded on doing business where we, our customers, nature and society all benefit. This signals our responsibility, our commitment and our role going forward. One of the greatest challenges entails establishing a strong and stable safety culture and bringing down the number of accidents. The wood industry is a high-risk sector from the perspective of the number of workplace accidents, and systematic, assiduous work is required to achieve results. We are active across a large geographical area, which provides excellent opportunities to establish rewarding connections in many communities. Another effect is that we are used to meeting digitally. By working on the basis of our values, with clear leadership and a culture where everyone is involved and makes a contribution, we reinforce both well-being and commitment, which are crucial to enhancing our competitiveness at both the local and global levels.

Sustainability Report 2020 — Setra Group

Governance Setra’s values and sustainability policy make clear what applies at Setra and emphasise that safety, business ethics and the working environment, including social and organisational factors, are all prioritised issues. We have a zero vision regarding workplace accidents, combined with a management system that encompasses occupational health and safety, which are examined regularly through risk analyses, safety rounds and internal audits. Our units all comply with competition legislation, guidelines from the Swedish Anti-Corruption Institute, and international provisions regarding sanctions.

How we work Management by objectives In order to ensure that we are all working to achieve Setra’s overarching strategy and business plan, we apply a shared model of management by objectives. This model is based on managers and other leaders clearly communicating their expectations and setting goals in consultation with employees and work teams. The idea is to cultivate the commitment of each and every employee, and to help each individual identify his/her role in Setra’s results and development. At the same time, management by objectives assists the organisation in making full use of the skills, potential and personal drive that the employees possess.

Values-based leadership Setra uses values-based leadership, where commitment, innovation and responsibility are key concepts. In order to develop leadership skills in line with Setra’s values, and to assure strong leadership in all areas of the company, a comprehensive initiative was launched in 2019 to work with an external partner on a new development programme for managers. The programme is mandatory for managers with subordinate employees. All managers at Setra, around 50 people, have already completed it. New managers receive continuous training, although the training programme has been put on hold during the coronavirus pandemic. The course is based on each manager being coached by his/her own manager and has consistently scored highly when assessed by the managers themselves. The objective is for this development programme to contribute to a corporate culture where employees feel valuable, have the confidence to show initiative, know their voices are heard, and under­ stand their own contribution to the company’s overarching goal. We also hope that the focus on leadership will have a positive influence on motivation levels, sick leave and staff turnover, which, by extension, should also have an impact on the company’s financial results. Since 2019, all managers with HR responsibility have had access to a digital managers’ handbook to support them in their work. Continuous improvements We work systematically to improve the results of our operations. We are committed to enhancing safety, quality, delivery reliability and productivity. A key aspect of this work is our meeting structure, where we follow up on goals

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