Southeast Trader Express

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New Selection in Stock!


Metal Art HENDERS & Lawn DRUGS Ornaments 1220 4th Street, Estevan • 306-634-3666

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Friday, April 25, 2014

Egg Hunt Kora Dowanhuik was perhaps thinking the Easter bunny had left a few eggs in a tree at grandma’s house on Sunday. She was among a plethora of youngsters who went out in search of Easter treasures.


Ford Sales Ltd.

118 Souris Ave. N., Estevan 306-634-3696

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Orpheum Theatre Downtown Estevan • 24 Hr Movie Information Line • 306-634-2321


Transcendence Wednesday, April 23 Thursday, May 1 at 8:00 p.m. PG Violence

Heaven is For Real Friday, April 25 Thursday, May 1 at 7:00 p.m. General Violence

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Philomena Saturday, April 26 at 4:00 p.m. PG Coarse and Sexual Language

Cheers&Jeers Cheers to the Estevan and District Music Festival. The students love to perform. We love to hear them and the awards night on Tuesday was spectacular.

Cheers to the mall for lending their Easter Bunny to St. Joseph’s Special Care Home so that the residents could enjoy a special surprise on Easter Sunday. Cheers to Dr. Andre Grobler for branching out and stepping into the surgical side of things — a win-win for the city as we keep one of our best doctors and add another option for services in the city. Good luck!

Jeers to the many vehicles that drive our streets and highways without daytime running lights. Perhaps there should be a traffic safety blitz. Jeers to all those people who like to drive through a flashing red stop sign on a school bus. Congrats! You just got yourself a $380 fine, if I get your plate number.

Send your Cheer or Jeer to or send us a message on the Mercury’s Facebook page

Cheers to everyone who ran for city council in the byelection. Thanks for being willing to serve the city with your time and effort.

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Picking Up The Pieces

A truck pulling a camper and a car collided at the corner of Fourth Street and Ninth Avenue littering the street in debris and diverting traffic around the intersection last week.

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Tip is a very friendly neutered male cat. He loves attention and he loves to eat!

Spayed and neutered pets are much happier pets. The Estevan Humane Society reserves the right to refuse any adoption.

Thank you for your continued support!


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Daisy likes to get into the catnip! She is healthy and happy but still would like a family to call her own.

Students try their hand at basket business By Jordan Baker Of the Southeast Trader Express Students are finding the basket business to be a bold, bodacious enterprise. Producing baskets for the various spring seasons, the student-company Bodacious Baskets is looking to make a large footprint in the spring shopping season. Stephen Pacunayen, head of production, and Jessica Bloor, vice-president of marketing and sales, took a moment to talk with the Mercury about their company, which features 14 students in the entrepreneurship class at the Estevan Comprehensive School. “We’re making gift baskets for certain seasons. We have Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and grad,” said Bloor, noting they will be making a few separate baskets for sale for the days honouring the mothers and fathers of the world. “Someone originally decide that what we could do is sell a spa kit, and that turned into selling spa kits for Mother’s Day. Not all mothers like spas, so we added a coffee and tea basket, which turned into Mother’s Day and Father’s Day baskets,” she said. The group then

Jessica Bloor and Stephen Pacunayen decided to add Easter, the 250 baskets for sale. upcoming national holiday “When we’re making and graduation baskets, baskets, at least two weeks something close to the prior, we usually stay after Grade 12 students’ lives. school or go early in the The company rep- morning just to make the resentatives were at the baskets (on time),” PacuEstevan Shoppers Mall nayen said. prior to Easter, selling their Bloor is keeping track baskets for the holiday that of how many they are sellpassed on the weekend. ing, what they need to set Bloor said they are plan- their prices at and whether ning on getting out into or not they are reaching the community throughout their target. the spring. The students are also “We’re definitely go- expected to buy stock in ing to be going out. We’ve the company with each of got our Mother’s Day and the students pitching in Administration Profes- $20 for a share. It helps sionals Day baskets going give the students a sense out soon, so we’ll be going of ownership and respondoor to door to businesses sibility over their product. advertising and market“I think that the money ing, getting our name out makes you want to come there,” she said. here. If you didn’t have The baskets include any value in it, you just spa packages, tea and cof- wouldn’t show up. Evfee mixes, an assortment eryone has been showing of truffles and chocolates, up and is determined to massage goods, lotions make more profit,” said and body washes. Pacunayen. “I’ve never The group is looking been part of a company to make between 200 and like this.”

They are each hoping to sell 16 baskets, with a dollar of each sale going to the St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation. The Estevan students will once again be attending the Junior Achievement awards, a banquet in Regina at the end of the school year that recognizes the top achievers in high school business. Bloor said that event will be a bit of a barometer for how they stack up to their peers across the province. “Since we’re graduating this year, we learned (what work is like), how normal work goes. You have to work really hard to earn your money,” said Pacunayen on what they have been learning while they run the company. “It’s different. You get a lot closer to the kids in your class. Every day you’re interacting with them. You’re working with them. What they do is part of your success as well,” added Bloor. The company has a social media presence to take any queries from interested people in the community with a Twitter handle @BodaciousBasket and a Facebook page under the company name.


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Students of the entrepreneurship program at the Estevan Comprehensive School have formed a business selling gift baskets to mark special occasions in the spring, dubbing their company Bodacious Baskets.

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April 25, 2013


Page 4

Finding a place among new people Member Canadian Community Newspapers Assoc. Member Saskatchewan Weekly Newspapers Assoc. Audited by Audit Bureau of Circulations.


Publisher: Brant Kersey Editorial Staff: Norm Park Chad Saxon Jordan Baker Josh Lewis Advertising Sales Manager: Cindy Beaulieu Advertising Sales Representatives: Deanna Tarnes Kristen O'Handley Teresa Hrywkiw Candace Wheeler Production Department: Melanie Tribiger Trinda Jocelyn Riley Dyck Peggy Volmer Accounting: Kim Schoff Reception: Gayle Worsnop Contributors: Calvin Daniels

Published weekly by Prairie Newspaper Group Limited Partnership, 68 Souris Avenue N., Estevan, Saskatchewan. Postal address: Box 730 Estevan, Saskatchewan, S4A 2A6 Advertising rates are available upon request and are subject to change without notice. Conditions of editorial and advertising content: The Southeast Trader Express attempts to be accurate in Editorial and Advertising content; however, no guarantee is given or implied. The Southeast Trader Express reserves the right to revise or reject any or all editorial and advertising content as the newspaper's principals see fit. The Southeast Trader Express will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an advertisement, and is not responsible for errors in advertisements except for the space occupied by such errors. The Southeast Trader Express will not be responsible for manuscripts, photographs, negatives and other related material that may be submitted for possible publication. All of the The Southeast Trader Express' content is protected by Canadian Copyright laws. Reviews and similar mention of material in this newspaper is granted on the provision that The Southeast Trader Express receives credit. Otherwise, any reproduction without the permission of the publisher is prohibited. Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. Rights to any advertisement produced by The Southeast Trader Express, including artwork, typography, photos, etc., remain the property of this newspaper. Advertisements or parts thereof may not be reproduced or assigned without the consent of the publisher. Published weekly in Southeast Saskatchewan by the Prairie Newspaper Group, a subsidiary of Glacier Media Inc. The Glacier group of companies collects personal information from our customers in the normal course of business transactions. We use that information to provide you with our products and services you request. On occasion we may contact you for purposes of research, surveys and other such matters. To provide you with better service we may share your personal information with our sister companies and also outside, selected third parties who perform work for us as suppliers, agents, service providers and information gatherers. Our subscription list may be provided to other organizations who have products and services that may be of interest to you. If you do not wish to participate in such matters, please contact us at the following address: The Southeast Trader Express, Box 730, Estevan, Saskatchewan, S4A 2A6; or phone (306) 634-2654. For a complete statement of our privacy policy, please go to our Website at: The Southeast Trader Express is owned and operated by Prairie Newspaper Group, a subsidiary of Glacier Media Inc.

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Publications Assistance Program toward our mailing costs.

Contact us:

Phone: 306-634-2654 Fax: 306-634-3934 Street Address: 68 Souris Ave. N., Estevan By mail: Box 730, Estevan, Sask. S4A 2A6

Meeting people is an experience that some dread and others relish. There is a certain amount of uncertainty that comes with meeting people and while some are comfortable to just be who they are all the time during the encounter, others, myself included, make an attempt to be what we consider “normal.” Now, I’m not the biggest antisocial weirdo out there like an infant making strange of strangers, but I’m still compelled to suppress some of my behaviours around new people, all in the name of appearing normal. It’s not that I’m overly concerned about hitting it off with every new person I meet, but there are different versions of me, like I think there are with all people, and I try to pair the version of me that best suits this stranger, like pairing the proper wine with an appropriate cheese. I try not to think of it as manipulation, but I think it stems from training as a reporter, where you meet lots of new people and then have to encourage them to open up to you and ask them to tell you some very personal things at times. That sounds a lot like manipulation to me, no matter how sincere I try to be.

Jordan Baker Thoughts From My Fingers Of course, all the versions of ourselves are still us, but if I don’t know how someone will react to my sarcastic side, perhaps the most difficult to suppress, I try to play it straight until I know I can get away with a little sass. Some people don’t like swearing, my mom included, so I may try to keep the potty mouth under some form of parental control. It’s less an effort to hide who I am from someone and more an attempt to make everyone feel comfortable. I’d rather give myself a tight leash and let it out slowly than to have to pull it back with a quick snap. Last week, my girlfriend’s parents were visiting, and yes, it marked the first time meeting the pair. It didn’t bring on any crippling sense of anxiety, but decisions did have to be made. Which version of me would fit best

with their personalities? Which quirks need to be hid, in fear I offend their delicate sensibilities? There’s nothing wrong with playing it safe. It’s not exactly lying about yourself, if that version of you is, in fact, an accurate representation. As a relatively self-aware individual, I know I can be brash, loud and inadvertently offensive at times. If that person fits within the group then it works, but if you’re trying find a harmonious balance to develop a relationship, it may be necessary to switch on some sweet charm with careful flattery. Holden Caulfield would be shouting “phony” in my face at this point. After initial introductions, which I have found to be least awkward if I just ask if people want hugs, and a little bit of chitchat, then it’s time to mould my personality. Sure the meek, respectful young man with a charm best described as awkward is fine for a time, but then everyone gets a little more comfortable with one another. Maybe a slightly off-colour joke or hearty ribbing can be tolerated if it’s tasteful enough. As long as the landing is stuck and everyone has a good laugh, perhaps it’s then time to really be me.

Lots of reasons to strengthen agro-diversity The idea of diversification in cropping for Canadian Prairie farmers is not a new one, although it is a concept that has been at least put on the back burner at present. That is not surprising given grain prices in general have been strong in recent years. Farmers cannot be blamed for turning back to the tried and true when prices are good. The agronomics associated with growing wheat, barley and oats pencil out well in times of good cereal prices. The fertilizer regime needed to grow good crops is well understood, the pest control package generally more diverse, and the crops themselves more forgiving of the issues, which can arise weather-wise on the Canadian Prairies. There are some greater risks in terms of overall input costs, and some added potential for weather-induced losses with canola, but again prices have meant farmers have stuck with a crop now considered the Queen of the Prairies. So it has made sense in recent years to go back to what has generally been the backbone of Prairie grain farming for decades. It was not so long ago prices for grains and oilseeds were terrible, and farmers were looking for alternatives. The situation created a book full of

Calvin Daniels Trader Agriculture Columnist good news stories, along with more than a few wrecks, too. Farmers learned pulse crops can be grown here and grown well. We remain a major exporter although one has the feeling the potential far exceeds what we are doing now. The area of pulses: field peas, lentils, beans, chickpeas, lupins and more is huge with size and colour variations creating literally dozens of niche markets, most unexplored by Prairie producers. Spices suited to field scale production, caraway, coriander and the like, were less promising as the markets are so small that even small acreage fluctuations impact prices. Long term the question of the importance of a more diversified range of crops remains. There is little doubt moving forward, with the federal government systematically reducing public variety developments in most crops, farmers are going to find mar-

gins tighten as profit-driven companies hold varietal rights. That will mean new interest in more non-traditional crops once more. It was for that reason I read of ongoing efforts for a trial run at growing thebaineexpressing poppies. According to a recent Western Producer article, “thebaine, an alkaloid, can be processed into opiate pain relievers, which are a $500 to $600 million market in Canada and a multibillion-dollar market in the United States.” That is what has motivated API Labs in Lethbridge to work for eight years to obtain approval for large-scale poppy production in southern Alberta. In the article, Glen Metzler, managing director of API Labs, noted thebaine poppy growers in Australia earned $3,480 per acre last year. It’s those sorts of numbers that have to be compelling to farmers to continually consider new crops. In the case of poppies, Canada has no industry, and no rules to allow them to be farmed at present. But times do change. As an industry, agriculture must also look to diversify where it makes sense, and good prices for traditional crops today should not curb that interest, which may strengthen the sector’s future.

Read the Full Edition of the Southeast Trader Express online


Page 5

Russia expels Canadian embassy secretary National OTTAWA - Russia has expelled a first secretary at the Canadian embassy in Moscow in retaliation for the earlier expulsion of a Russian military attache from Ottawa. A Canadian government source, not authorized to speak on the record, says the first secretary of the immigration section of the Canadian embassy in Moscow has been ordered out of Russia. The move comes after Canada quietly expelled an assistant Russian defence attache earlier this month. The Harper government also called in the Russian ambassador to Canada for a diplomatic dressing down last week. Prime Minister Ste-

phen Harper has called Russia’s actions in Ukraine a threat to world peace. Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird is visiting several eastern European countries this week to stress Canada’s support. *** OTTAWA - The federal government says it is investigating a Saskatchewan restaurant where two waitresses say they lost their jobs to temporary foreign workers. A spokeswoman for Employment Minister Jason Kenney says the minister has asked his department to investigate the Brothers Classic Grill in Weyburn, Sask. A CBC report says Sandy Nelson and Shaunna Jennison-Yung were

among several servers who were fired last month and replaced by governmentapproved temporary help from outside Canada. Nelson, who is 58, had been employed by the restaurant for 28 years. She tells the CBC all staff members received discharge letters in March and some were offered their jobs back, including two temporary foreign workers. The restaurant’s owners did not immediately return phone calls, but provided CBC with a statement defending their position and maintaining they were acting within the rules of the temporary foreign workers program. Nelson says she doesn’t understand how it’s

possible she’s out looking for a job while foreigners are still employed at the establishment. Kenney spokeswoman Alexandra Fortier says any allegations of abuse of the temporary foreign workers program will be investigated. “We’ve asked Employment and Social Development Canada to investigate this case,” Fortier said in an email. Dozens of people have lashed out at the establishment on its Facebook page, many of them calling for a boycott. International FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. Facing a high prevalence of diabetes, many American

Indian tribes are returning to their roots with community and home gardens, cooking classes that incorporate traditional foods, and running programs to encourage healthy lifestyles. The latest effort on the Navajo Nation, the country’s largest reservation, is to use the tax system to push people to ditch junk food. Navajo President Ben Shelly earlier this year vetoed measures to enact a 2 per cent sales tax on tax on chips, cookies and sodas, and to eliminate the tax on fresh fruit and vegetables. This week, tribal lawmakers have a chance to resurrect the proposals, and supporters are optimistic

they’ll be among the first in the country to succeed. Elected officials across the country have taken aim at sugary drinks with proposed bans, size limits, tax hikes and warning labels, though their efforts have yet to gain widespread traction. In Mexico, lawmakers approved a junk food tax and a tax on soft drinks last year as part of that government’s campaign to fight obesity. Shelly said he supports the intent of the proposals on the Navajo Nation but questioned how the higher tax on snacks high in fat, sugar and salt would be enacted and regulated. Supporters of the tax say it is another tool in their fight for the health of the people.

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Page 6


Morris to join Team Canada as new skip National TORONTO - The reigning Canadian men’s curling champions have a new skip for the next Tim Hortons Brier. John Morris will join forces with third Pat Simmons, second Carter Rycroft and lead Nolan Thiessen as Team Canada makes its debut at the 2015 Brier in Calgary. He replaces Kevin Koe, who left the champions to form a new team with third Marc Kennedy, second Brent Laing and lead Ben Hebert. “We’re thrilled to be able to bring aboard a player of John’s calibre,” Simmons said in a statement. “Of course, we’ve always had a great deal of respect for John as a player and a rival, and we’re excited about what we can do together on the ice next season.” At the 2014 Brier, Morris skipped the B.C. team (third Jim Cotter, second Tyrel Griffith, lead Rick Sawatsky) that lost to Koe’s Alberta foursome in the final. Morris said he will play a limited schedule during the 2014-15 season due to work commitments. “My plan was to take the 2014-15 season off as I move ahead in my career as a firefighter,” said Morris, who lives in Chestermere, Alta., just outside of Calgary. “But to be able to play for Team Canada, and considering the Alberta events are so close to home, it was hard to pass up on this offer. I talked it over with Jim, Tyrel and Rick and they were very understanding. I can’t thank them enough for the season we had, and I wish them nothing but the very best going forward.” *** TORONTO - The Grey Cup-champion Saskatchewan Roughriders were the only team to surpass the CFL’s 4.4-million salary cap in 2013, the league announced Wednesday. According to the CFL, the Roughriders’spent $4,417,975

Moose Creek Regional Park will be taking On Site Bookings on Sunday, May 4, 2014

in salaries last year. As per league rules, the club will be fined $17,975, or one dollar for each dollar it was over the cap. The CFL conducts field audits of all eight clubs twice per year, once during the regular season and once following its completion. And with no team exceeding the cap by more than $100,000, there will be no change to the order of selection for the CFL draft on May 13. Presently, the expansion Ottawa Redblacks have the first overall pick. International Lance Armstrong’s longtime coach Johan Bruyneel has been banned for 10 years for helping organize widespread doping by the former seven-time Tour de France winner’s teams. The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency says the Belgian “was at the apex of a conspiracy to commit widespread doping on the (U.S. Postal Service) and Discovery Channel teams spanning many years and many riders.” USADA on Tuesday announced the verdicts of an American Arbitration Association panel against Bruyneel and two medical staff. USADA says team doctor Pedro Celaya and trainer Jose “Pepe” Marti will serve eight-year bans. The three faced charges including trafficking and administering doping products and methods, including EPO, blood transfusions, testosterone, human growth hormone and cortisone. The ruling says Bruyneel had encouraged riders to cheat. The verdicts followed a four-day AAA hearing in London last December. *** JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - Former Jacksonville Jaguars linebacker Russell Allen is retiring after suffering a concussion and a stroke in a game last December. Allen tells he has a dead spot — no bigger than a dime — on his cerebellum. The cerebellum controls

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3) Sites must be paid in full that day. Absolutely no refunds. 4) Regular bookings and phone ins will begin on May 5, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. 5) Absolutely no boats or trailers allowed in campsites.

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motor movement and co-ordination. The Jaguars released Allen last week. In the months after Allen’s initial stroke diagnosis, he saw three neurosurgeons. The last one advised Allen to quit playing football. Allen tells MMQB he has struggled to pick up and grip hand-held objects and will be on blood-thinning medication for the rest of his life. Allen says “it’s not something to be overlooked. If it feels like something’s wrong, something’s wrong. I want someone to know my experience, so they can know when they experience something similar.” *** GENEVA - FIFA’s reputation depends on resolving allegations about Qatar’s selection as the 2022 World Cup host, according to the governing body’s anti-corruption advisers. The expert panel chaired by Swiss law professor Mark Pieth gave its full support on Wednesday to a FIFA investigation of the 2018 and 2022 World Cup votes, led by ethics prosecutor Michael Garcia. “The ethics committee should not rest until there is a conclusive answer,” Pieth wrote in a report to FIFA board members, some of whom agitated last month to remove Garcia from the case. “If FIFA is to emerge from the scandals of recent years it must now produce a convincing and transparent answer to any issues relating to hosting decisions, either to confirm that the suspicions are, sadly, well founded or to demonstrate that they are groundless,” the report said. The comments were published in Pieth’s 15-page final report to the FIFA executive committee, which voted for Qatar and Russia as World Cup hosts in December 2010. After FIFA President Sepp Blatter promised to reform the scandal-hit governing body in 2011, the board appointed Pieth to lead the Independent Governance Committee advisory group which insisted on creating an independent ethics court to tackle corruption.

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Page 7

Gallery builds partnerships The Estevan Art Gallery and Museum took steps forward in 2013 as it started building partnerships within the community. Following the non-profit organization’s annual general meeting April 16, Amber Andersen, EAGM director, said they will be building further relationships with institutions around the Energy City. The gallery also undertook more events that sought to raise funds for the EAGM, and those met with success. “It was a fantastic year for my board, in terms of fundraising,” said Andersen. “They made the most they’ve made in more than six years.” Something that helped them raise funds was separating programming, which involved activities at the gallery, with fundraising events that didn’t necessarily have to be held at their own building. Andersen noted they have a capacity of only about 175 without adding any tables to the room. Programming was designed in such a way as to bring more people into their building. For the 35th anniversary last year, they hosted a Big Bash outside. “It was not about generating funds as much as it was about getting people to the gallery, getting them familiar with it. We weren’t expecting it to make money.

Once we separated that from fundraising we were able to go ahead with something like the Dueling Pianos,” she said of the fundraiser that brought in 449 people to the WylieMitchell Building for a night of music. That event brought in roughly $29,700 for the EAGM, and wouldn’t have been possible with their space limitations. “With something like Dueling Pianos, that’s such an attraction to everyone. It’s really fun. You can grab your friends and dance and sing and listen to the music, or you can just enjoy a drink and talk to your friends,” said Andersen, who said they will bring the event back this year. She thanked her board members for working hard on the event selling not just tickets but sponsorship, as Senchuk Ford lent its name to the event. The fundraiser helped the EAGM record a healthy surplus of $ 20,500 in 2013. The gallery continued with their performance programming, bringing musicians into the gallery as part of the After Dark series. That program is aided by sponsorship or grants from Southern Plains Co-op, the Golden West Broadcasting Corporation, Saskatchewan Arts Board, SaskCulture, Saskatchewan Lotteries and

the City of Estevan. They will again hold a Big Bash event with a lively lineup of musicians, with the event planned for the last weekend of September, as they partnered with the Souris Valley Museum, Southeast Newcomer Services and the library, running in conjunction with the Collage Multicultural Festival in Estevan. Their after school programming also acquired some sponsorship through Kramer Cat and Enbridge. Andersen said, “2013 was a big year for us for partnerships, and that’s something we want to carry forward in 2014.” As an art gallery, they also hosted many exhibits throughout the year, hosting 17 of them in the three galleries, which include Gallery 1, Gallery 2 and the project space, which is geared to local artists. The EAGM also had two new people join the board, as two others stepped down. The board will continue with seven people, though Andersen said anyone interested may contact the gallery and inquire as to how to become a board member. As far as their physical building is concerned, eaves troughs were installed, and the fire alarm was updated by the City.

Bridal Guide



Sun Mon Sun Mon Sun Sun Mon Mon

Nicole Jackson & Tim Puryk.......................................................................May 10, 2014 Lacy Steffins & Matthew Wilson ................................................................June 14, 2014 Erin Andruschak & Jesse Chesney ...........................................................June 21, 2014 Trisha Neuberger & Chris English .............................................................June 21, 2014 5 Penny Gudmundson & Philip Donison ......................................................June 28, 2014 Maria Sinclair & Mathew Walte..................................................................June 28, 2014 Kandyce Hirsch & Conrad Meili.................................................................June 28, 2014 Amie Sehn & Kyle Whitehead .................................................................... July 12, 2014 12 Alison Kuntz & Michael Doherty ................................................................. July 12, 2014 Leah Evans & Joel Moriarty..................................................................... August 2, 2014 Amy Hammermeister & Bradley Belitski .................................................. August 2, 2014 Sarah Puryk & Kyler Emde.......................................................................August 2, 2014 Jolene Pettapiece & Chris Byers ............................................................ .August 2, 2014 Alysha Mittelholtz & Garrett Lasko .......................................................... August 2, 2014 19 Coralee Kunz & Jeff Blondeau .............................................................. August 16, 2014 Angela Braun & Kevin McNichol............................................................ August 16, 2014 Megan Glass & Stephen Lisitza.................................................. ...........August 16, 2014 Cassie Dutton & Curtis Bonokoski......................................................... August 23, 2014 26 Breonna Alexander & Robert Graham................................................... August 30, 2014 Lauren Krassilowsky & Andrew Dyer......................................................August 30, 2014 Melissa Marcotte & Lyle Granrud .......................................................... August 31, 2014 Jessica Mills & Jordon Blanchette ...................................................September 13, 2014 Sara Matte & Stephen Lainton ........................................................September 27, 2014 Kathryn Kitchen & Dylan Gilliss ............................................................October 11, 2014 Angela Evens & Raymond Tarnes .....................................................November 8, 2014 Aleisha Scott & Shadoe Struble .........................................................November 8, 2014

From large weddings to smaller intimate affairs. E.B.’s Dining Emporium Let us look after the catering

can make your Special Event a Day to Remember!

From large weddings to smaller intimate affairs. Let us look after the catering

JANUARY 2014 MARCH 2014 JANUARY 2014 April 2014





6 9

Sun 12 16 13

Sun 23 19 20


26 27

Tues Tues Tues Tue

4 H2S Lampman


Wed 1 Wed

5 Fall Protection Lampman

WedThu 2

Thu 2 Thu

6 Confined Space Lampman


Thu Fri



1Fri Fri3 8

May 2014

We reserve the right to cancel or reschedule course dates due to weather, of registration or other unforeseen circumstances. Alllack Courses START @ 8am Sharp......unless otherwise noted. Cancellation notice is required 24 hrs in advance, failing to do so will result in a charge.

To Announce Your Upcoming Wedding For Free! Call 306-634-2654









All Courses START @ 8am Sharp......unless otherwise noted. Pre-Registration is required for all courses. Pre-Registration is required for all courses. To Register call Tricia @ 306-487-1550 or Email: We reserve the right to cancel or reschedule course dates due to weather, We reserve thelack right cancel@orCarson reschedule course dates due to weather, registration or other circumstances. Like usofonto Facebook Energy unforeseen Services Safety Training Follow us on Twitteror @cestraining lack of registration other unforeseen circumstances. Cancellation notice is required 2 days in advance, failing to do so will result in a charge. Cancellation notice is required 2 days in advance, failing to do so will result in a charge. All Courses START @ 8am sharp……unless otherwise noted. To Register call Tricia @ 306-487-1550 or Email: Pre-registration is required for all courses. To Register call Tricia @ 306-487-1550 or Email: We reserve the right to cancel or reschedule course dates due to weather, lackLike of registration or other unforseen circumstances. us on Facebook @ Carson Energy Services Safety Training Follow us on Twitter @cestraining Like us on Facebook @ Carson Energy Services Safety Training Cancellation notice is us required 24 hrs@cestraining in advance, failing to do so will result in a charge. Follow on Twitter To Register call Tricia @ 306-487-1550 or Email:

104 Souris Ave., Estevan


Fri Sat Sat Sat 4 4

8 9 10 Global Ground H2S 8 9 10 14 10 11 12 13 15 Global Ground H2S Lampman Firstaid Firstaid Cont’Disturbance Global Ground Lampman Lampman Disturbance Lampman Disturbance Lampman Lampman Lampman Mon Wed Thu Fri 15 20 16 21 13 19 17 18 14Tue 22 17 Confined 16 Space H2S Global Firstaid/Cpr/Aed 14 H2S Firstaid/Cpr/Aed 15Ground 17 Lampman Disturbance Lampman Lampman Lampman Cont’ Firstaid/Cpr/Aed Firstaid/Cpr/Aed H2S Lampman Lampman Cont’ Lampman Mon Tue Wed 27 Thu 28 Fri 24 25 26 29 H2S Rigging & Hoisting Firstaid Firstaid Cont’ Rigging & Lampman-(Trailer) Lampman Lampman Hoisting Rigging & Hoisting Lampman Lampman Lampman-(Trailer) 21 22 H2S—Carlyle 23 24 20 Fall Protection 22 Confined Space Firstaid/cpr/aed 21 23 24 2 1 31 3 4 5 Lampman Lampman Recert FallApril Protection Confined Space Firstaid/cpr/aed Confined Space Global Ground Fall Protection Lampman Lampman Lampman Recert Lampman H2S - Lampman Disturbance Lampman Lampman Lampman Firstaid Cont’29 Firstaid 27 28 30 31 Carlyle Carlyle Firstaid/Cpr/Aed 29 Firstaid/Cpr/Aed 28 30 31 Lampman Cont’ Firstaid/Cpr/Aed All Courses START @ 8amFirstaid/Cpr/Aed Sharp......unless otherwise noted. Pre-Registration is required Lampman Cont’ for all courses. 7



Like us on Facebook @ Carson Energy Services Safety Training Follow us on Twitter @cestraining

Putting A Face To All The Names Friday, April 25, 2014

Celebrating Women Lorelei Lachambre

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Page 9

Women of Today

The 16th annual Women of Today event was held at the Wylie-Mitchell Building on April 23, organized by Quota International of Estevan. Recipients of four awards were announced from the nominated group of female leaders in Estevan for such awards as outstanding Contribution to the Workplace, the Ida Petterson Memorial award for Outstanding Entrepreneur, Outstanding Contribution to the Community and the Shirley Orsted Memorial award for Young Women of Today.

Dr. Holly Pedersen

Valerie Hall

Jim Fahlman

Kevin Ross

Stacy Boyko

Where you can see Sunday



this month ...





If you have an event you would like listed, please e•mail



• Newcomers Social 2 - 4 pm at the Estevan Public Library


• Credit & Collections Workshop 9 am at Affinity Place





• T-Shirt Pillows 4 - 5:30 pm at the Estevan Public Library



• EAGM After Dark 8 pm



• Gluten Free Baking 2 - 4 pm at Estevan Public Library

• Season Opener - Estevan Motor Speedway at 3 pm • Crawfish Boil ‘N Bash at 6:00 pm Exhibition Hall Estevan • Poltava Ukrainian Dance Ensemble in concert, 7 pm at the Estevan Comprehensive School

4 • Everything Fitz 2:30 pm at the Estevan Comprehensive School





• Handmade Mother’s Day Card 6 - 7 pm at Estevan Public Library




• Essential Oils in the Medicine Cabinet 5:30 - 7 pm at Estevan Public Library

10 • Great Strides Walk - Registration at 10 am, Walk at 11 am, Hillside Kin Park • Coal Country Run in Woodlawn Regional Park













• Spring Coffee House 7 - 8 pm at Estevan Public Library

• Victoria Day

• Wii Wednesday 4 - 5:30 pm at Estevan Public Library

• Opening Day at Souris Valley Museum 9 am - 5 pm

• Estevan Motor Speedway Race, starts at 7 pm

Page 10


Sheila Leach-Dougherty and Debbie Nielsen

Our Past April 23, 1986 Teacher Harv Grummett came dressed in unusual clothing as he participated in the Jump Rope for Heart at Estevan Junior High. There were 34 teams jumping for the entire three hours. The school expected to raise more than $11,000 for the Saskatchewan Heart Foundation. Each week the Southeast Trader Express shares recent stories from the community but we’ll also give you a look into the past. If you have a photo you think readers of the Southeast Trader Express would find interesting please submit it to Jordan Baker at

Sisters Erin Goettling and Dr. Holly Pedersen




*Selected Light Fixtures & Bulbs

Solar lights starting at


Hurry in

while quantities last!



Solar lights



starting at

We carry a wide selection of concrete pavers, paving slabs, retaining walls & more in a wide range of colours & styles for your next landscaping project. Interior Glenview Doors. Assorted size. Reg. $92.50

$30.00 ea.

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"Thinking windows? Shop and compare!"

Many types & profiles available.

Now stocking various lengths of Galvalume & white/white metal. Farm and industrial, galvanized, galvalume and coloured. 26, 28, 29 & 30 gauge metal ordered to suit your size and needs. Phone for pricing with your individual requirements!

Insist on Plygem windows and doors.

PVC Windows - Metal clad windows Patio and garden doors - Insulated steel doors

28” Oak Slab Interior Doors. 15 Lite Zinc Bar Clear Glass. Reg. $233.65



Call for comparative pricing!

Ph: (306) 634-5111 407 Kensington Avenue, Estevan ESTEVAN MCLEAN TISDALE *All items not exactly as illustrated


Enter for a chance to


one of three trail blazin’ toys.

Grand Prize - Sport Snowmobile 2nd Prize - Sport ATV 3rd Prize - Off Road Sport Bike Contest open April 15 to August 1, 2014

Contest is open to residents of Canada. Enter at participating Castle stores. Odds of winning depend on number of ballots received. Contest cose date is August 1, 2014 at 6 pm ET. No purchase necessary. See in-store for complete contest rules and regulations.


PUBLIC FORUM Hosted by Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism

Topic: Home Care

April 30, 2014 1:30 p.m.- 4:00 p.m.

Page 11

Unreserved Public Consignment Auction

Estevan, SK

Thursday, May 1, 2014 | 10 am

St Joseph’s Hospital 203-1176 Nicholson Road Estevan, SK The forum will include an opportunity for sharing thoughts and concerns on Home Care with representatives from your health region and others in attendance. If you are unable to attend, written submissions are welcome.


2006, 2005 & 2003 CATERPILLAR 330CL 306-359-9956 112-2001 Cornwall St., Regina S4P 3X9



2009 CASE IH 485



If you're racing at the Estevan Motor Speedway, dragging at the airport with the Estevan Drag Race Association, or MXing with the Trackside MX Association this year...






We would like to include your DRIVER PROFILES and pictures For this much anticipated annual issue

To submit,25your driver profiles for our annual issue of the Race 0 FORD 9Tracker coming out in the Mercury May 2014. Submit your info in any of these ways: • Go to our website, click on sports/racing/ then submit the racing profile • Email them to • Online at your club’s website • Bring your info and pictures into our office at: 68 Souris Avenue by Friday, May 9th AS







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2001 PETERBILT 379 & 2001 REBEL

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Macoun, SK — Thursday, May 1 | 10 am

From Estevan, SK, go 28 km (17 miles) North West on Hwy 39 to Macoun, SK. Site Phone 306.737.9151 | 800.491.4494

Send photos to or bring them into the Mercury office

Page 12


AUCTION Thursday, May 1 - 5:30 p.m.

Thurs.,March. 20 at 5:30pm

Mother’sDay Brunch 9 am - 2 pm

Sunday Brunch


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For the evening, the chefs will be creating a special menu for Mother’s Day, served above our regular dine in menu. Call to reserve for evening dining only - (306) 634-8880.

Check out our Facebook page! 76 Souris Ave. N., Estevan Debit on Delivery Take Out Menu Available


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Page 13

Branches in Estevan, Carnduff and Brandon







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Twelve licenses issued to Thursday, April 17, 2014

14D167 14D175 14D177 14D170 14D165 14D193 14D195 14D199 14D196 14D192 14D206 14D200

Postell et al Workamn V2U Hz ............................................................................................. 3C4-1-1D3-1-2-32 V40C Hastings East ......................................................................................................................... 15-10-4-33 V40C hastings East.......................................................................................................................... 15-10-4-33 Legacy Wordswoth East Hz ................................................................................................. 2D7-9-1C15-9-7-3 Midale Steelman Hz .............................................................................................................................. 14D165 RROI Ryerson Hz ...........................................................................................................7D13-23-4A4-23-7-30 RROI Ryerson Hz ........................................................................................................ 4D13-23-1C14-26-7-30 Harvest Manor North Hz .................................................................................................2D12-29-3A4-29-7-30 Legacy Wordsworth East Hz ...............................................................................................4B16-9-2C8-16-7-3 Legacy Steelman Hz ...........................................................................................................1D1-14-3A1-13-4-4 Midale Steelman Hz ........................................................................................................... 4C3-24-1C2-23-4-4 Harvest Corning West Hz............................................................................................. 5CC11-18-4B3-18-11-7

14B025 13L009 14B074 14A377 14C063 14A045 13L063 13K189

Precision #381 .........................................CPEC Kisbey Hz ............................................... 2B3-16-1C1416-8-5 Ensign #650 ...................................... Legacy et al Viewfield Hz ......................................1C13-34-1C13-33-8-5 Horizon #34 ........................................... CPEC Viewfield Hz ................................................ 4A1-5-3A1-4-11-7 Canelson #26 ........................................ CPEC Viewfield Hz ............................................1C13-7-1C13-18-9-8 Precision #117 ......................................... ARC Oungre Hz ...........................................1C13-25-1C13-36-2-15 Canelson #23 ....................................... CPEC FLat Lake Hz.............................................. 2B5-17-4B4-8-1-15 Alliance #7 .................................................CPEC Roncott ...........................................................2C13-28-5-25 Predator Drlg #5 .......................................EMCL Harptree ................................................................ 6-21-4-26



14B345 Red Beds et al Winmore ..................................................................................................................... 9-36-1-31

12K341 10E269 10G299 12J237 11J193 13C162 12i200 11H433 14B152 13K381 14B160 14B155 13K382 14B348 13K154 14A146 14A453 14A054 12J173 13K118 12J008 14A060 10B263 14B272 12A364 12B199 13C033 11K043

PBEN Moosomin ............................................................................................................................ 13-31-13-31 Mosaic Esterhazy 2 EH .................................................................................................................. 12-22-19-33 CPEC Wawota ................................................................................................................................. 8-13-12-33 Phase et al Manor .............................................................................................................................. 10-11-8-1 Triwest Alameda East SWD ................................................................................................................. 16-9-4-2 FCL Carlyle DD .................................................................................................................. 2C9-19-1C9-19-8-2 Sundance Ochapowace ................................................................................................................... 16-32-17-3 Kinwest 08 Alameda .......................................................................................................................... 11-28-3-3 Legacy Pinto Hz ................................................................................................................. 3C15-6-2D14-7-1-5 CPEC Clarilaw Hz .................................................................................................................1B3-3-1C14-3-8-5 CNRL Steelman 4 Unit .....................................................................................................................15A-26-4-5 Legacy Roche Percee Hz ...................................................................................................3A7-31-3A6-32-1-6 CPEC Viewfield Hz .............................................................................................................1A3-25-4A3-24-8-6 CPEC Viewfield Hz .......................................................................................................... 4C13-15-1C5-27-7-7 CPEC Viewfield Hz ...........................................................................................................5A4-16-1D13-16-9-8 CPEC Viewfield HZ .............................................................................................................2B4-3-1C13-3-10-8 CPEC Viewfield Hz .........................................................................................................2A1-19-2D16-19-10-9 Husky Oungre East Hz........................................................................................................5A4-11-4B3-2-1-12 CVE Weyburn .................................................................................................................................. 15-26-6-12 CPEC Oungre Hz ........................................................................................................... 4C15-2-1C15-11-1-13 CVE Weyburn ................................................................................................................................12-30T-6-13 CPEC Hoffer Hz ..................................................................................................................3A1-17-4B1-8-1-14 Arc Tribune....................................................................................................................................... 15-32-3-14 NAL Hoffer Hz ................................................................................................................ 1D16-25-4D16-1-2-15 Rio Tinto Sedley ............................................................................................................................... 4-20-14-16 Sparton Ceylon ................................................................................................................................ 16-29-6-18 Epsilon Ceylon Hz .......................................................................................................... 4C6-31-1C14-36-6-19 PBEN Pangman DD ......................................................................................................4B16-15-2D15-15-7-20

Page 14





Page 19

3OHDVH XVH WKH KDQG\ IRUP IRXQG RQ WKH &ODVVLILHG SDJHV WR VXEPLW \RXU DG 105 - Miscellaneous Domestic Help AvAilAble Announcements Mexican Restaurant “Uno INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT Mas.” OPERATOR Give us a utter. Crash SCHOOL Pad. Noonan, ND. No Simulators, In-the-seat training. T2*16 Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. 107 - Memorial Job board! Funding options. Tributes Sign up online! 1-866-399-3853 In Memory of

Karen Stephen

Dec. 11, 1960 –EvEnts Aug. 21, 2006 Coming I feel you in the morning When at rst I awake. Beef is Supper Your warmth with me St. Paul’s United Church with each step I take. 1418 3rd Street Although Estevan you’veSask left and now above. April walk 27 from 5 to 7pm I am never alone, Adults $14.00 6-12inyears $6.00 I amChildren wrapped your love. 6 Years- Free DeeplyUnder missed, - Reg Estevan Arts Council T1*15

STARS FOR SASKATCHEWAN PRESENTS 109 - Coming EVERYTHING FITZ Events SUNDAY, May 4, 2014 You 2:30 are PM invited to Estevan Comprehensive School a Surprise ADVANCE TICKETS SENIORS/ADULTS 80th Birthday$20 TEEN $15 CHILD $7 ComeDOOR & Go Tea for SENIORS/ADULTS $25 TEEN $18 Leptich CHILD $8 Viola TICKETS AT HENDERS DRUGS Sponsored by: on Enbridge, Level nd August Best Sunday, Technologies and 22 Power Tech Industries from

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SERVICES FOR HIRE BARN PAINTING/large Structures. Free estimates which include material, labour and additional expenses that may occur. Call Dan 1-(306)861-7660. 111 Leave message. Personals

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS ESTEVAN Houses for sale For information and contact persons - Call 634-9130 Estevan Area: One bedroom bunAL-ANON FAMILY GROUPS galow, laundry room,large yard. Estevan Easy Commute. Room for expanmore information and sion.For $137,000. Phone 306-4717001 contact persons Call 634-9130 O I L M E N ? C A R C O L L E CTM51tf TOR?

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Announce Your Out Of tOwn Coming FOR SALE: In Stoughton: New modular homeEvent on own lot. 3 Bedrooms, 2 baths. Vacant. $8,000 with an $800/month. ad in down; Payments Must have good credit and be able to bank The qualify. Trader Phone 1-587-4348525. Classifieds!

ApArtments/Condos 112 - Health for rent and FItness Available immediately one bedroom furnished suite for rent. Private entrance and dr iveway. Utilities paid with cable. $1200 month plus damage deposit. Contact 306-421-2821 ESTEVAN LARGE 2 BEDROOM APT $1800/month, includes heat & hot water, A/C, Washer & Dryer. Available immediately. Call 306-421-3749 E S T E VA N L A R G E F U R N I S H E D 2 BEDROOM APT$2400/month, includes new furniture in new building Internet, Cable and Utilities included, A/C, Washer Dryer Available 113 today - Lost- all inclusive. Call 306-421-3749

& Found

LOST: 7 Heifers For Rent: Main floor , 2around bedroomthe . Kisbey area. call AnNo smoking. NoPlease pets. Available May 1st.Bocian Phone - 306-634-7672 thony 842-5814. or 306-421-1898. T1*16 FOUND SOMETHING? If you Houses rent … have found For any articles Keys, Glasses, Coats, Pets, etc., Av a i l a bjust l e I mcall m e d The i a t e l y Estevan newly renovated fully furMercury 3 atbedroom 634-2654. We nished house 10your minutes from will advertise “FOUND” Estevan SK. This includes Items FREE OFhouse CHARGE! all the appliances and washer dryTMtf er, Wi-Fi, and Satellite TV in each room. Bar-B-Que also included. All 114 paid. - Dating utilities All youServices/ will need is yourCompanions suitcase. No smoking, No Wanted pets. All utilities paid. Contact DalDATING SERVICE. Longlas @ (306) 471-0605 Or By email Term/Short-Term

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AUCTIONS DONE RIGHT! Business services Whether it’s equipment, real estate, livestock or a complete CRIMINAL RECORD? farm dispersal. For a free aucCanadian Record Suspension tion proposal contact Ritchie (Criminal pardon) seals record. Bros. Auctioneers today! 1American waiver allows legal 800-491-4494 entry. Why risk or employment, business, travel, licensing, deportation, peace of mind? TM1-15 Free consultation: 1-800-347-2540

156 - Miscellaneous CRIMINAL RECORD? Services Don’t let your past limit your

$500$ plans!Since LOAN SERVICE, career 1989 Con-by fidential,noFast Affordable phone, credit refused,- A+ quick BBBeasy, Rating EMPLOYMENT and payable over 6 or 12 & TRAVEL FREEDOM Call installments. TollBOOKLET Free: 1-877for FREE INFO 776-1660 1-8-NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366) www.RemoveYourRe-TM1-15 DEBT CONSOLIDATION PROGRAM. Helping CanaLAND/PASTURE dians repay FOR debts, RENT reduce or eliminate interest, regardless For acres Steady with dugout ofRent: your85 credit. Income? 5You minutes West of Estevan. Phone may qualify for instant 306-927-2729 or 306-637-7625 help. Considering Bankruptcy? Call 1-877-220-3328 FREE Consultation Government ApFarm Implements proved, BBB Member. TM1-15

For Sale:1982 Case 2390 tractor, duals, good shape. 870 Case tracCRIMINAL RECORD? We tor with cab and front end loadcan help! The3National er.1976 Dodge ton grainPardon truck, Centre is RCMP Accredited. box and hoist. 70’ Brandt swing auger like new. John Deere For better price30’ and better ser590 viceswather visit: with UII pick up reels. 1997 John Deere CTS combine with pick up and 30’ straight cut Call 1-866-242-2411. header and header trailer. Phone TM1-15 306-421-3374

Feed… & Seed Buy Sell … Rent … Buying/Selling FEED GRAINS … Announce heated / damaged The CANOLA/FLAX Top price paid Classifieds FOB FARM DoWestern It All … Commodities 877-695-6461 Visit our website @

At Atthe theSoutheast Southeast Trader TraderExpress Express Pay PayFull FullPrice Pricefor foraaCLASSIFIED CLASSIFIEDin in


Newspaper Association and Looking to buy oats. membership do not make any Paying $2.75/bushel warranty as to the accuracy, Phone 306-457-8302 completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertiseLAND SALE ments. For FOR greater information on advertising conditions, please FARMLAND consult the Association’s Blanket Advertising ConWANTED ditions on our website at NO FEES OR COMMISSIONS! TM1-15 SUMMARY OF SOLD 171 - Estevan PROPERTIES Homes for1/4’s Sale Central - 201 South - 75 1/4’s FOR SALE: New 1216 sq. ft. South East - 40 1/4’s 3 Bedroom, modular South West2 - bath 65 1/4’s home. North Includes fridge and - 8 1/4’s stove. down; North$4750 West - 12 1/4’s $852 per month Includes East -- 51 1/4’s lot rent. Phone 1-403-397-8525. FARM AND PASTURE LAND T17tf AVAILABLE


173 - Condos/ PURCHASING: Townhouses SINGLE TO LARGE

BLOCKS LAND.condo FOR SALE: 2OF bedroom PREMIUM Estevan. PRICES 1130 in downtown WITH QUICK sq. PAID ft. with two bathrooms. IncludesPAYMENT. fridge/stove/w/d and freezer.RENT Heated underground BACK parking.AVAILABLE Phone 634-2284 for more information. Call DOUG TM4*17 306-955-2266 176 - Out of City AuctionJunefor 21, 2014 Homes Sale Minutes west of Estevan on east HIRSCH: 5 bathroom, 1 1/2 side of Hitchcock. 33 acres located right off Highway. Rightft.forNewly your bathroom. 2250 sq. residential , commercial, industrial renovated. All appliances or recreation development. included. $185,000. Call (306)388-2295. 306-634-9512 PL 311962 Steel BuildingSTM4*15 /

granarieS 180 - Wanted to STEEL BUILDINGS... HOT SAVRent/Buy INGS SPRING SALE! 20X24

$4,348. 25X24 30X30 LOOKING TO $4,539. RENT. Profes$6,197. 32X36 $7,746. 40X46 sional college graduate looking $12,116. 47X72 $17,779. One to rent 1 bedroom apartment End wall aincluded. Pioneer Steel or suite for September 2010. I 1-800-668-5422. am a responsible, respectable,

non-smoking ofce worker with

ST L Bwho U I L Dis I Nwilling G S / Mto E TA L noE Epets sign BUILDINGS 60% OFF! 20x28, a lease. Please call Daniel 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120,at 778-846-5233. 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance o w e d ! C a l l 1- 8 0 0 - 4 5 7- 2 2TMtf 06

181 - Rooms

STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL Rent BUILDINGSfor UP TO 60% OFF! 30x40, 40x60, 50x80, 60x100, FOR RENT: One bedroom in 80x100 sell for balance owed! basement of private home. Call: 1-800-457-2206 Non-smoker, drinker.

dry facility available as well as sharing a common For Sale - MiSc living room, bathroom. Please call 421-1477. Advertisements and statements T2*16 contained herein are the sole re-

sponsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty HEATED CANOLA as to the accuracy, completeness, WANTED!! truthfulness or reliability of such Businesses/Private Parties placing ClassiÀ ed inforadvertisements. For greater - GREEN CANOLA mation conditions, Advertising (Want Ads)on in advertising either - SPRING THRASHED please consult the Association’ s - DAMAGED CANOLA The Estevan Mercury Blanket Advertising Conditions on FEEDorOATS the Southeast our Trader Express website at


WANTED!! and requesting these ads to be COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE: - BARLEY, OATS, WHT BILLED TO AN ACCOUNT WILL $1.49/each for BE a box of 270 - LIGHT OR TOUGH CHARGED THE FOLLOWING ($402.30). AlsoRATE: full range of trees, - SPRING THRASHED shrubs, cherries & berries. Free $9.95 for the First 20 Words HEATED FLAX shipping. Replacement guarantee. + 20¢ for Each Additional Word WANTED!! 1-866-873-3846 or HEATED ALLPEAS PRICES SUBJECT TO 5% GST FASTER IN HEATED LENTILS Please remember …THE FIELD! Get more work done faster AND save on "ON Each FARMAbbreviation PICKUP" Counts asTuning One Word fuel. Chip SAFELY gives Feed you 15% more you power. AGmake equip(YouWestcan don’t save money by abbreviating, just & Grain ment, Semis. 1-888-920-1351. your ad more difÀ cult to read) 1-877-250-5252

E-mail Addresses (i.e. count as three words


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1/2 1/2 Price! Price!

For For Our OurClassi ClassiÀed edSale Sale Never Ends! Never Ends!

Trader Classi eds Work! Estevan Mercury & Southeast Trader Express The Estevan Mercury &CLASSIFIED Southeast Trader Express INDEX

Classified Index

Engagements Farm Services LEGAL Wedding Annivers. Feedfor & Seed Engagements ................................. Comm. Buildings Sale/Rent ..... 201 Notices101 to Creditors Marriages ........................................ 102 Offices for Rent ............................... 202 Anniversaries Hay/Bales for Sale Assessment Anniversaries ................................. 103 Rolls Shops/Warehouses for Rent .......... 203 Birthdays Happy Days ..................................... 104 Storage for Rent/Wanted ............... 204 Certified Seed for Sale Tax Enforcement Misc. Announcements .................... 105 Business Services .......................... 205 Announcements Pulse Crops/Grain Tenders106 Property Development Prayer Corner ................................. .................... 206 Prayer Corner Memorial Tributes .......................... 107 Business Opportunities Wanted ................. 207 Notices/Nominations of Thanks ............................. 108 Hotels/Motels for Sale ................... 208 InCards Memoriam Steel Buildings/ Legal/Public Coming Events ............................... 109 Notices Revenue Properties for Sale .......... 209 Cards of Thanks Garage/Yard Sales .......................... 110 Granaries Judicial Sales Personals ........................................ 111 Farmland for Sale ........................... 221 Coming Events Estate 222 Farmland for Farms/Real Rent ........................... Health & Fitness .............................. Houses112 for Sale 223 Garage Sales ................................... 113 Pastureland ..................................... Lost & Found Antiques Apts./Condos for Sale Companions/Dating Services ........ 114 Farmland Wanted ............................ 224 Memorial Services For................................. Sale/Miscellaneous 225 Readings/Astrologers .................... 115 Mineral Rights Out of Town Psychics ......................................... 116 Farm Equipment ............................. 226 Personals Furniture Cabins/Cottages/ Vacation, Travel ............................. 117 Farm Equipment Wanted ................ 227 Health/Beauty Livestock ......................................... Musical Instruments228 Bands, Orchestras ......................... 119Homes Country Child Care Services ....................... 120 Horses/Trailers ................................ 229 Lost Computers/Electronics Apts./Condos for Rent Seed for Sale ................ 230 Child Care Wanted ......................... 121 Seed/Cert. Found Hay/Bales forFirewood Sale ......................... 231 Services Duplexes for Rent Pulse Crops/Grain/Feed Wanted .. 232 Introduction Services Appliance Repair ............................ Sports Equipment Houses141 for Rent Cust. Farm Work/Rentals .............. 233 Auctioneers .................................... 142 Steel Buildings/Granaries .............. 234 Readings Farm Produce Mobiles/Pads Brick, Masonry ............................... 143 Farm Real Estate Services ............ 235 Psychics Building, Contracting .................... 144 Farm Auctions Hunting/Firearms ................................ 236 Housesitting Drywalling ....................................... 145 Travel Plants/Shrubs/Trees Wanted146 to Rent Electrical ......................................... for Sale ............................ 251 Health Spas ................................... 147 Antiques Handyperson Pets.............................. 252 Articles for Sale Rooms for Rent Housecleaning ................................ 148 Furniture/Appliances ..................... 253 Tickets Wanted to Buy Janitorial ......................................... Room &149 BoardMusical Instruments ...................... 254 Childcare Available Lawn, Garden Service ................... 150 Computers/Printers Auctions ........................ 255 Shared 151 Accomm. Painting, Wallpapering .................. Firewood ......................................... 256 Childcare Wanted Adult Personals Plumbing ........................................ 152 Homes Mobile/Mft. Food Market .................................... 257 Roofing, Siding ............................... 153 SERVICES Golf/Sporting Goods ....................... 258 Domestic Cars for Sale Snow Removal ................................ 154 Hobbies/Crafts ............................... 259 Trucks & Vans Vacuum Service .............................. 155 Hunting Accounting/ Recreational PropertySupplies/Firearms ............ 260 Miscellaneous Services ................. 156 Pets & Supplies ............................... 261 Parts & Accessories Revenue Property Bookkeeping Home Renovations ......................... 157 Plants/Garden ................................. 262 Hauling & Moving ............................ 158 Automotive Wanted 263 Garages Wanted to Buy/Swap ...................... Appliance Repairs Misc. Auctions ................................ 264 RVs/Campers/Trailers Auctioneers Legal Real Estate Services Adult Personals/Services ............... 275 Boats Bricklaying Notices to Creditors ....................... 161 Opport. Investment Cars/Trucks for Sale ...................... 301 Assessment Rolls ........................... 162 Snowmobiles Building/Contracting Antique Vehicles ........................... 301a Business163Opportunities Tax Enforcement ............................. Semi-Trucks/Trailers .................... 301A Motorcycles Tenders ............................................ 164 Building Supplies Hotels/MotelsCars/Trucks Wanted ...................... 302 Notices - Nominations .................... 165 ATVs/Dirt Bikes Auto Parts/Accessories ................. 303 Drywalling Business166Services Legal Notices ................................... Motorhomes Utility .................................... 304 Trailers Judicial Sales .................................. 167 Building/Contracting Financial Services Campers/RV's .................................. 305 Oilfield/Wellsite Equip. Estevan Homes for Sale ................. 171 Boats/Trailers/Motors ..................... 306 Electrical Industrial/Commercial Estevan Homes for Sale/Rent ....... 172 Personal Watercraft ....................... 307 Heavy Equipment Handyperson Storage Condos/Townhouses ...................... 173 Motorcyles ...................................... 308 Career Opportunities City Lots for Sale ............................ 174 Snowmobiles/Trailers ..................... 309 Hauling Space for Lease Boundary Dam Prop. ...................... 175 ATV's ................................................ Professional Help 310 Cleaning Rent Machinery ....................... 311 Out of City Homes for Sale Office/Retail ............ 176 for Industrial Apartments for Rent ....................... 177 Utility TrailersOffice/Clerical .................................. 312 Janitorial Warehouses Estevan Homes for Rent ............... 178 Oilfield/Well-Site Equipment .......... 313 Skilled Help Landscaping Mobile Homes for Rent .................. 179Sale Farms for Wanted to Rent/Buy ....................... 180 Employment Trades Opportunities ............ 401 Help Lawn & Garden Rooms for Rent .............................. 181 Professional Employment ............. 402 Farms/Acreages Sales/Agents Moving Room & Board ................................. 182 Office/Clerical .................................. 403 for Rent Shared Accommodations .............. 183 Trades/SkillsGeneral Employment404 ................................ Painting/Wallpaper Out of City Rentals ......................... 184 Sales Consultants ...................... 405 Land/Pastures Wanted Mobile Homes for Sale .................. 185 Farm/RanchWork Renos/Home Help ........................ 406 Mobile Homes Wanted .................... 186 Help WantedDomestic for Rent Help Wanted ............................... 407 Improvement Manufactured Homes ..................... 187 Domestic Help ............................. 408 Mineral Rights Career Training RTM's/Buildings for Sale ............... 188 Roofing Employment Wanted ................. 409 Acreages .......................................... 189 Tutors Farm Implements Career Training .......................... 410 Snow removal Resort Properties ........................... 190

Out of City 191 Instruction, Tutoring Livestock Memorial.................. Donations411 Services forLots Hirefor Sale ................. Garages .......................................... 192 Bookkeeping Services ............... 412 Obituaries & TackClerical/Office Services ............. 413 Vacuum ServicesReal EstateHorses Out of Province ........... 193 Real Estate Services ...................... 194

Obituaries ................................... 501 Memorial Gifts ............................. 502

THE TRADER EXPRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 2014 Domestic cars

Domestic cars

LONG CREEK MOTORS Auto Sales & Service Since 1970

CARS 13 Chrysler 200 LTD 4dr loaded, factory warranty, 13,600 kms .............$23,995 11 Chev Impala LT 4dr factory warranty, 71,117 kms .............................$14,995 10 Ford Mustang GT factory warranty, only 2,793 km .............................$27,500 09 Dodge Caliber SXT 4dr factory warranty, 53,981 km .........................$12,995 09 Toyota Corolla warranty 76,200 km ....................................................$11,995 07 Chev Malibu LT 4dr warranty, 126,800 km ...........................................$9,995 07 Chrysler 300 Touring 4dr warranty, 81,081 km .................................$14,995 01 Hyundai Tiburon 2dr Coupe 5 speed, warranty...................................$5,995

TRUCKS, VANS & SUV’s 13 Jeep Compass North 4x4 factory warranty, 25,948 km .....................$23,995 13 Jeep Patriot Sport North 4x4 factory warranty 23,120 km.................$23,995 12 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT Crew/Cab 4x4 factory warranty......................$27,995 11 Chev Equinox AWD factory warranty .................................................$20,995 11 Dodge Dakota SXT Crew/Cab 4x4 factory warranty, 30,650 km .......$22,995 10 Chev Silverado LT Crew/Cab 4x4 Z-71 factory warranty, Flexfuel ....$25,995 10 Ford Edge LTD AWD 4dr nav, leather, sunroofs, warranty ................$24,995 10 Ford Escape XLT AWD factory warranty ............................................$19,995 09 Dodge Grand Caravan Stow-N-Go 7 passenger, warranty ...............$14,995 09 Dodge Journey SXT AWD 7 passenger, factory warranty..................$18,995 03 Chev Silverado Crew/Cab 2500 LS 4x4 warranty................................$8,995 95 GMC SLE E/Cab Diesel warranty..........................................................$5,995

Most of Our Vehicles are Covered by Lubrico Powertrain Warranty

Prices Reduced! ~ We Take Trades Reasonable Offers Considered


AFTER HOURS: Cell: 306-461-7805

421 - 4th Street – Estevan, Sask.

Domestic cars

Domestic cars

Senchuk’s Super Deals! Used Cars

2009 Ford Focus SES 66,000 kms ................................................$10,900 2007 Audi A4 2.0 T Quadro 65,000 kms ..........................................SOLD

Used Trucks, SUVs & Vans 2013 FORD EXPLORER LIMITED 4X4 18,000 kms ......................$42,995 2013 F150 FX4 SUPERCREW 4x4 20,000 kms .............................$38,995 2013 ESCAPE SEL 4X4 51,000 kms .................................................SOLD 2012 F350 KING RANCH C/C 6.7L DIESEL 124,000 kms ............$42,995 2012 E450 CUBE VAN 29,000 kms ...................................................SOLD 2011 DODGE RAM 1500 QUAD CAB 4X4 53,000 kms .................$19,995 2011 CHEVROLET SILVERADO CREW CAB 4X4 27,000 kms....$29,995 2010 CADILLAC ESCALADE 147,000 kms ...................................$33,995 2010 F150 FX4 SUPERCREW 4x4 149,000 kms ...........................$19,500 2009 EXPLORER EDDIE BAUER 64,000 kms ..............................$21,900 2009 EXPLORER SPORT TRAC 4X4 LIMITED 147,000 kms .......$19,995 2008 F350 LARIAT CREW CAB 4X4 6.4L DIESEL 140,000 kms..$25,995 2008 F350 LARIAT CREW CAB 4X4 178,000 kms .......................$24,995 2008 F250 LARIAT CREW CAB 4X4 6.4L DIESEL 149,000 kms .$22,995 2007 F150 LARIAT SUPER CREW 4X4 170,000 kms....................$13,995 2007 CHEV EQUINOX LT AWD 47,000 kms .................................$15,995

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Family Owned Dealership Since 1937 1021 - 4th STREET, ESTEVAN PHONE: 306-634-3629


2013 DoDge Dart........................................................................ $17,900 2012 CHrYSLer 300 C LoaDeD 22,000.kms.............................. $33,900 2008 CHrYSLer 300 104,000.kms................................................ $12,995


2014 raM 1500 SLt CreW CaB Red.4,500.kms.......................... $41,995 2014 graND CHeroKee LIMIteD.................................................. SoLD 2013 raM 1500 SXt Q/C Blue,.49,000.kms................................... $24,995 2013 DoDge 1500 LaraMIe CreW CaB Air.Suspension,.Loaded,. RAM.Box.......................................................................................... $42,900 2012 raM 1500 LaraMIe Fully.Loaded,.White............................. $39,995 2012 DoDge 1500 CreW CaB LaraMIe 41,000.kms,.Grey....... $39,900 2012 DoDge 1500 SPort CreW CaB Loaded,.30,000.kms....... $35,900 2011 DoDge 1500 CreW CaB LaraMIe White,.55,000.kms..... $34,900 2011 DoDge CreW CaB 80,000.kms,.Silver................................ $33,900 2011 graND CaraVaN.83,000.kms............................................. $18,900 2010 ForD eXPLorer eDDY BaUer Loaded,.61,000.kms....... $21,500 2009 DoDge SPort 50,000.kms,.Black........................................ $21,900 2009 raM 1500 CUStoMIZeD Black............................................... 21,995 2008 raM 3500 SLt Black,.Loaded................................................ $29,900 2008 DoDge 2500 LaraMIe DIeSeL........................................... $28,995 2007 CHeV taHoe LtZ Loaded....................................................... SoLD 2006 JeeP CoMMaNDer 68,000.kms.......................................... .$14,995 2005 JeeP graND CHeroKee LIMIteD.................................... $13,995


2009 SUNNY BrooK 5tH WHeeL 34.ft,.3.slides,.Fire.Place,. Central.Vac,.Loaded...............................................................SoLD *PLUS aPPLICaBLe taXeS*

For Sale - MiSc HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best Price, Best Quality. All shapes & Colors Available. Call 1-866-652-6837 PROVINCE-WIDE CLASSIFIEDS. Reach over 550,000 readers weekly. Call this newspaper NOW or 306-649.1400 for details. Restless Leg Syndrome & Leg Cramps? Fast Relief In One Hour. Sleep At Night. Proven For Over 32 Years. MonFri 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660

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For Sale - MiSc RURAL WATER TREATMENT. Patented iron filters, softeners, distillers, “Kontinuous Shock” Chlorinator, IronEater. Patented whole house reverse osmosis. Payment plan. 1-800-BIG-IRON (244-4766); www.BigIronDr View our 29 patented & patent pending inventions. Since 1957.

441 - 4th Street - Estevan 306-634-7977

2014 MiSSioN 8 1/2 x 22 EnclosEd $19,600

New Trailers Arriving Daily


2014 alcom 5 x 10 Flat deck, all aluminum, 13” wheels .............. $3,100 2014 alcom 6 1/2 x 14 Flat deck, all aluminum, 15” tires ............ $3,750 2014 alcom 6 x 12 standard enclosed .......................................... $6,100 2014 Haulmark 7 x 12 v-nose, low hauler ..................................... $8,500 2014 Big tex 8 1/2 x 30 gooseneck tandem dual ....................... $12,500 2014 Haulmark 7 x 14 kodiak ......................................................... $7,200 2014 Haulmark 7 x 16 v-nose ......................................................... $7,100 2014 Haulmark 6 x 10 passport ...................................................... $4,000 2014 Haulmark 6 x 12 v-nose ......................................................... $5,200 2014 Haulmark 20ft, 85x20 10,400 guW ...................................... $10,500 2014 rainbow 7 x 14 express dump 2-7k springs....................... $8,600 2014 Haulmark 85 x 16 v-nose ....................................................... $7,700 2014 rainbow partial tilt 7000 axle ............................................... $6,800 2014 rainbow deck over 2-7k springs ......................................... $6,200 2014 rainbow 20’ 2-7000 lb flip up ramp....................................... $5,315 2013 rainbow 6x10 3500 axle flip up ramp ................................... $2,100 2008 gMc yukon 4 Wd, loaded, leather 142,000 kms ............. $17,500

Page 15


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Use the Handy Form Below to Submit Your Advertisement to: The Southeast Trader Express Box 730, Estevan, SK S4A 2A6 or submit your ad through our website at Please Select Your Category from the Classified Index A REMINDER … EACH ABBREVIATION Counts as One Word (You don’t save money by abbreviating, You just make your advertisement more difficult to read)

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Flatdecks, enclosed trailers, cars, trucks & 15 passenger vans.


rentals for Business, leisure, Weddings or school sports teams.


We are just a call aWay!



Businesses/Private Parties placing Classied Advertising (Want Ads) in either The Estevan Mercury or the Southeast Trader Express and requesting these ads to be BILLED TO AN ACCOUNT WILL BE CHARGED THE FOLLOWING RATE: $9.95 for the First 20 Words + 20¢ for Each Additional Word ALL PRICES SUBJECT TO 5% GST Please remember … Each Abbreviation Counts as One Word (You don’t save money by abbreviating, you just make your ad more difcult to read) Web Sites (i.e. count as three words

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The World’s Largest Shopping Centre is the CLASSIFIED SECTION of Your Newspaper

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Career OppOrtunities


HIRING AUTO Technicians, Auto Service Advisers, Parts Assistants, Sales Representative. For busy Dodge Dealership in northern Alberta. Competitive wages, great benefits, and great working environment. Call Tammy at 1780-623-4019. Email: tarr Fax 1-780-623-3412. Tarrabain Motors.

SATURDAY, MAY 10, 2014 Prairieland Park Convention Centre 503 Ruth St. West Saskatoon, SK. Now Accepting Consignments. Don’t Delay Consign Today! David 306-631-7207 306-693-4411 PL # 329773 www.thecollector ANTIQUE, COLLECTIBLE and HOUSEHOLD AUCTION Saturday, May 3, 2014 10 AM Prairie Place Hall, Arcola, Sk Includes: ANTIQUE FURNITURE kitchen hoosier; dining room furniture; china cabinet (early 1900’s); dresser; oak and drop leaf tables; 6 oak chairs; gramophone (works well) COLLECTIBLES Beaver jar; jewellery; coal oil lamps; Royal Alber t china; basin and pitcher; hockey cards; stamp collection; coins; model tractors and cars; p e d a l Fo rd a n d J D t ra c to rs HOUSEHOLD oak boot bench; Mission Oak desk; dining room table; karoke machine; dr ums; camping supplies; Harley Davidson leather jacket; leather chaps; power tools. For complete listing check our website KEY “M” AUCTION SERVICES Dellan Mohrbutter AL# 324451 Wauchope, Sk 306-452-3815 or 306-452-7847 (cell) WELDING & FABRICATION. Innovative Solutions, Hayter, Alberta, Fri., May 2, 10 a.m. Selling trucks, trailers, hydrovac tanks, Bobcat versa handler, forklifts, shears, lathes, brakes, benders, welders and shop equipment. Online available: or 1800-371-6963.

Adult PersonAl MessAges ************* Find Your Favourite CALL NOW 1-866-732-0070 1-888-544-0199 18+ HOT LOCAL CHAT 1-877-290-0553 Mobile: #5015 ************* LOCAL HOOKUPS BROWSE4FREE 1-888-628-6790 or #7878 Mobile Meet singles right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-800-590-8215.

Domestic cars Guaranteed approval drive away today! We lend money to everyone. Fast approvals, best interest rates. Over 500 vehicles sale priced for immediate deliver y OAC. 1-877-796-0514.

Trucks & Vans For Sale:08 Freightliner Classic. New safety. Oilfield ready. Low kilometers. CH Model Mack, new safety. New drive tires. Phone 306-776-2389

Parts & accessories Wrecking auto-trucks: Parts to fit over 500 trucks. Lots of Dodge, GMC, Ford, imports... We ship anywhere. Lots of Dodge, diesel, 4x4 stuff... Trucks up to 3 tons. Nor th-East Recyclers 780-8750270 (Lloydminster).

RVs/CampeRs/TRaileRs For Sale:1995 30 foot 5th wheel. Canadian built Triple E. Sleeps 6 comfortably. Bathroom is self contained. Full slide out. New tires, many extras. Asking $15,000.00 or best offer. If interested , to view and request pictures call 306-3224474

RAIL SITE LEADER wanted in Lanigan. Must be willing to work in all weather conditions & during any shift. Competitive pay & comprehensive benefits package available. E-mail resume/CV to h r @ r a i l s e r ve. b i z O R fa x to (770) 996-6830. Sales rep required to sell advertising and special promotions, up to 40 hours per week. Send resume to D. Ward Box 400, Weyburn, Sk S4H 2K4 or email

General employment Derrick Motor Hotel & Lounge at Estevan, SK seeking a Maintenance Carpenter $20.00 - $22.00 F/T. High School Diploma, Min 3 yr exp in building maintenance carpentry. Basic Proficiency in English required. Responsible for building renovation of cabinetry and finishing carpentry for motel accommodations. Must have experience in minor electrical repairs and related activities to building and hotel maintenance. Send your resume to derrickmotorhotel@gmail .com or Fax to 306-634-4878

General employment KFC ESTEVAN, MOOSOMIN, WEYBURN JOB TITLE: FOOD COUNTER ATTENDANT # OF POSITIONS: 4 FULL-TIME per location At KFC, what you do matters. There are 4 Full-time Front Co u n te r A tte n d a n t p o s i t i o n s available at Estevan, Weyburn and Moosomin locations. Duties include:- Taking customer orders; receive payment for food items purchased- Po r t i o n a n d p a ck food for service to patrons- P a c k age take out food- S w e e p a n d mop floors, clear and clean tables -Clean, peel, slice and trim food stuff using manual and electrical appliances- Prepare food such as chicken, fries, sandwiches and salads- W ash work tables, cupboards, appliances, remove trash, unpack and store supplies *We are also accepting Part-Time applications WAGE: $10.75 - $12 per hour depending on experience EDUCATION: Secondary schooling an asset EXPERIENCE: Previous experience an asset but willing to train INTERESTED APPLICANTS CAN APPLY WITH R E S U M E B Y: D R O P O F F : 5 0 6 Park Ave. Moosomin, SK S0G 3N0 44 Sims Ave Weyburn, SK S4H 2H4 Hwy 39 W Estevan, SK S4A 1X7 FAX: (306) 634-8894 E-MAIL: CONTACT NAME: LARIE

HELP WANTED!! Make up to $1000 A Week Mailing Brochures From Home! Helping Home Workers Since 2001! Genuine Opportunity! NO Experience Required! Start Immediately! www.TheMailingHub.Com

If you dream it … If you’re planning it … If you’re selling it … If you want to buy it … You’ll find it all in …

The Trader Classifieds!

THIS IS IT DINING INC. JOB TITLE: Food & Beverage Servers NUMBER OF POSITIONS: 2 F-T positions *We are also accepting Part-Time applications DUTIES: * Greet Patrons, Present menus, make recommendations & answer questions regarding menu*Take orders & relay to kitchen and bar staff * R e c o m m e n d w i n e s t h a t complement patron’s meals * S e r ve fo o d & b eve r a g e s *Present bill to patrons & accept payment SALARY: $ 11.00 per hour EXPERIENCE: Previous experience preferred but not required; willing to work alternating daytime, evening & weekend HOW TO APPLY: Send resume by fax, e-mail mail or drop off at: ADDRESS: 314 Railway Ave, Oxbow, SK S0C 2B0 MAIL: P.O. Box 6 7 0 Ca r n d u ff, S K S 0 C 0 S 0 EMAIL: CONTACT: Leanne

SuiteS For rent RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, ALL INCLUSIVE Meals, transportation, activities daily. Short leases. Monthly Specials! Call 877-210-4130


NOW HIRING!!! $28.00/ HOUR. Undercover Shoppers Needed. // $300/DAY Easy Online COMPUTER WORK. // $575/Week ASSEMBLING Products. // $1000/WEEKLY PAID IN ADVANCE!!! MAILING BROCHURES.-PT/FT. Genuine. experience Unnecessary.

EDDIES NEIGHBORHOOD BAR & GRILL JOB TITLE: Food & Beverage Ser vers NUMBER OF POSITIONS: 3 F-T positions *We are also accepting Part-Time applications DUTIES:* Greet Patrons, Present menus, make recommendations* Take orders and relay to kitchen/bar* Serve food & beverages (including alcohol)* Clear, clean & set tables* Present bill to patrons & accept payment WAGE: $ 11.00/hour EDUCATION: Some Secondary Schooling preferred, not required EXPERIENCE: Previous experience preferred but not required; Willing to work alternating daytime, evening & weekend INTERESTED APPLICANTS CAN APPLY WITH RESUME BY: DROP OFF: 122 4TH STREET Estevan SK. S4A 0 T 4 F A X : 1- 3 0 6 - 6 3 4 - 8 8 9 4 CONTACT: James EDDIES NEIGHBORHOOD BAR & GRILL JOB TITLE: COOKS NUMBER OF POSITIONS: 3 F-T positions DUTIES:* P r e p a r e a n d cook meals for a full menu*Oversee kitchen operations* W o r k w i t h minimal supervision * M onitor supplies* S upervise kitchen helpers *Follow safety and sanitation requirements * E nsure food quality *Clean kitchen and work area SALARY: $12.00/hour depending o n e x p e r i e n c e E D U C AT I O N : Completion of Secondary School Minimum 2-3 years of experience as a cook INTERESTED APPLIC A N T S C A N A P P LY W I T H R E SUME BY: DROP OFF: 122 4TH STREET Estevan SK. S4A 0T4 FAX: 1-306-634-8894 EMAIL: CONTACT: James

General employment

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) You might need to do a bit more investigating before making a career move. You do best when you come armed with the facts. A personal matter still needs tending to. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Your creativity plus your good business sense once more combine to give you an important advantage in a difficult workplace situation. An ally proves his or her loyalty. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Avoid rushing into something just because it offers a break from your usual routine. Take things a step at a time to be sure you're moving in the right direction. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Bouncing back from a disappointing incident isn't easy, but you should find a welcome turn of events emerging. Spend the weekend with someone special. LEO (July 23 to August 22) An incomplete project needs your attention before someone else takes it over and uses it to his or her advantage. There'll be lots of time for fun and games once you get it done. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Doubts involving a potential career change need to be resolved quickly so they don't get in the way when you feel you're finally ready to make the big move. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Looking to blame

someone for a workplace problem could backfire if it turns out you've got the wrong "culprit." Best to get more facts before acting on your assumptions. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Patience might still be called for until you're sure you finally have the full story that eluded you up till now. A trusted associate could offer valuable guidance. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Look into your recent behavior to see if you could have caused the coolness you might now be sensing from a loved one. If so, apologize and set things straight. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Easing up on your social activities allows you to focus more of your energies on a long-neglected personal matter. You can get back into party mode by the weekend. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) A dispute with a colleague can be resolved peacefully once you both agree to be more flexible about the positions you've taken and allow for more open-minded discussions. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Volunteering to take on added responsibilities could be a risky way to impress the powersthat-be. Do it only if you're sure you won't be swept away by the extra workload.

(c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

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After Dark hosts Easterling A stalwart of country and folk songwriting in Nashville, Tennessee, Wyatt Easterling is coming to the Southern Plains Co-op After Dark series to perform and share a few lessons. Easterling spoke with the Mercury earlier this week from Calgary, leading up to his performance at the Estevan Art Gallery and Museum on Friday night. Growing up in Chapel Hill, N.C., Easterling released his debut album, Both Sides of the Shore, in 1981. Since then, music has been his life and songwriting his ticket to success. While he has found a recipe for that success, it’s one that has evolved over the years. “When I first got to Nashville, I never dreamt I’d co-write with anyone, that if I can’t write it myself then it’s not worth writing. Then I got signed to a publishing company and they encouraged (collaboration) for numerous reasons, not so much artistic as much as volume-wise,” said Easterling. “I found over the years, as I started learning how to collaborate, it’s a very rewarding process of give and take. I always try to write with somebody who’s more successful than I am because I learn. It’s like playing golf. If it’s a one-on-one type match, you’re going to walk away a better player. That’s my philosophy. “Over the years I found collaborating with somebody else is really beneficial, and if you’ve got a good streak with somebody, it can be very productive. In 30 years, I probably have four guys I can name now, that I know if I sit down with them, I’m going to come up with something I’m proud of. We’ve just always had such a good track record,” he said, adding that finding those people can be hard. Easterling has been involved in numerous successful albums over the past 30 years. As a writer on Modern Day Drifter and a producer on Life’s a Dance, Easterling’s name is connected with both, which together have sold more than five million copies. While he has spent his life in the music industry, particularly around Nashville, his latest release,

Goodbye-Hello, is just his third album, which was released in January. He called his latest album a singer-songwriter project with a lot of instrumentation and production. “It’s really an example of the singer-songwriter. These are all songs that I would love to see somebody else cover, but they came together in a period of time when there was a lot of transition in my world.” Easterling lost a parent and a marriage, and underwent a change of course in his Nashville career. “All of these songs as I was putting it together, I realized was about comings and goings, goodbyes and hellos. I’m very proud of this particular record. I’ve only done three in my whole life, but I’ve produced hundreds.” In his career, Easterling has worked with the like of Miles Copeland, Dierks Bentley and Neal McCoy. While he hasn’t been to Estevan before, Easterling has enjoyed his first time performing in front of Canadian crowds. “I love coming up here. It’s a wonderful place to perform. It’s always receptive,” he said of his Canadian tours, though his show in Estevan will mark his time playing to the Energy City. Following the Friday night performance, Easterling will return to the EAGM on Saturday to conduct a songwriting workshop. He has become a teacher of the craft as much as he writes for himself or other players in the business, leading a couple of dozen workshops each year. “I love to tie them into when I’m doing a show somewhere, especially at the art gallery where it’s a very intimate setting. The ideal sequence is I play and do a show and talk about the workshop the next day, so I grab some folks hopefully from the concert,” he said, about the workshops that work well with about 10 people. “I have a little spiel on how to construct a song. I’ve spent so many years in Nashville where the question of the day is how do you get your songs heard? A lot of the time is spent going through what makes a great song and mining for ideas.”


Easterling has found writing, whether it’s a song or something else, has been a therapeutic way for him to process events in his life. “I think the act of writing anything, if you’re troubled or if you’re dealing with something, it’s a great way to map it out. Put it on paper. The pros and cons of anything, even if you’re looking to find a new contractor to put a roof on your house. To me, writing a song is an emotional map of whatever I’m writing about,” he said, That doesn’t make his songs autobiographical. They’re more like emotional thumbprints, identifying a particular moment of triumph or heartbreak. The concert will start at 8 p.m.

Page 17


Call for Board of Directors The Southern Plains Co-operative Ltd. invites nominations for the position of Director. The 3 year terms for the following directors have expired: Nadine Elson Jack Bramham open Nominees must meet the qualifications and requirements specified in the Co-op’s Bylaws. Details on the qualifications and requirements can be picked up at the Administration Office. Nominations must be submitted in writing, no later than April 28, 2014 to: The Nominating Committee Southern Plains Co-operative Ltd. 826 4th Estevan, Sask S4A 0W1 Questions can be directed to the nominating Committee: Wendy May-Clark cell 306-421-7323 Scott Kienlen cell 306-421-9734 Barb Schaefer cell 306-421-5772

‘EM WE MEND ‘EM Owners - Lance Mack & Yancey Hagel



Page 18



OPPORTUNITIES Spool Truck operaTor

Week of April 21, 2014

Canadian Advanced ESP Inc. (CAESP) is a Canadian-based Electric Submersible Pump Manufacturer looking to fill the position of Cable Spool Truck Operator out of our Estevan Saskatchewan office. This full-time position will require the operation of a cable spool truck in support of the SES operations along with the following responsibilities: • Maintenance, service and repairs associated with the truck and trailer • Banding of cable during ESP installation, hand spooling of cable during ESP pulls • Ensure truck is stocked and prepared for every job • Preparing complete and accurate paperwork associated with Field Service duties including rigging and truck inventory reports • Preparing accurate driver log reports

QualificaTionS include

Journeyperson Automotive Technician

We provide: Training...

2 week orientation & ongoing


Work for you, not the other way around.

Shop Foreman...

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• Experience with Work Over Rig operations • 2 – 5 years oilfield experience in a 24 hour work 0environment • Valid Class 3A driver’s license • Proficient computer skills with Microsoft Office • Valid H2S, First Aid, WHIMIS and TDG • Excellent communication, customer service and interpersonal skills

applY Those interested are invited to submit their resume to Human Resources via email with subject as “Spool Truck Operator” to or fax at 306.634.6283 ATTN: Jeremy Istace.

Automotive Journeyperson Opportunity At Colony Motor Products, we’ve established a 40 year tradition of honesty, integrity, and outstanding customer service. With the hottest products on the market, excellent sales and service personnel, we need to add a journeyperson technician. Our service department is busy, all year round! If you’re currently a journeyperson technician and are interested in being part of our team, apply today. Mail your resume to Box 580, Humboldt, SK, S0K 2A0 or email In your resume, please include your flat rate hours earned during each of the past 12 months, if possible. Only eligible applicants will be contacted. All replies are kept confidential. Deadline for applications is April 30, 2014

You may qualify for a hiring bonus. Equal Opportunity Employer

CWC IS LOOKING FOR A COMPLETE CREW FOR STEADY WORK Rig Manager ~ Driller ~ Derrickhand ~ Floorhands


EXPERIENCE Rig Manager must have a minimum of 5 years experience


H2S Alive Standard First Aid Valid Class 5 Driver’s License with Airbrakes High School Education

in Estevan is looking for individuals for the following positions: Yard and Warehouse Personnel Full Time

Wood Country is currently accepting resumes. Successful applicant should be able to work outdoors and be able to do physical labour. Customer service focused, flexible, good team player, alert and safety conscious. Be able to work shared weekends. Duties to include the following: • Build loads for delivery • Load and unload lumber and building materials • Keep management apprised of any delays or discrepancies • Keep yard clean, well organized and safe


RRSP Program Cash Bonuses Dental & Medical Coverage Short-Term & Long -Term Disability Life Insurance

Truck Driver Full and Part Time

Wood Country is currently accepting resumes. Must possess a class 1A license with air endorsement and be capable of driving a tandem or single axle truck for deliveries. Weekends off. Duties to include the following: • Drives company vehicle to deliver lumber, building materials, hardware and other building materials, hardware and other building and maintenance supplies to customer’s home, construction site or place of business. • Collects payment from customers on COD orders and records customer information according to Standard Operating Procedures • Verifies order details and obtains customer signature on store copy of delivery ticket • Follows directions or uses a map to locate delivery addresses or loctions efficietly • Collects and organizes requried paper work for delivery and transfer activity • Treats all customers and their agents with courtesy and respect. Acts as a customer service liaison between the site customer and facility personnel. • Loads vehicle safely and accurately • Maintains the cleanliness and appearance of the inside and outside of delivery vehicles • Performs routine safety check on vehicles according to company guidelines • Assist customers in the yard with loading material and product questions when not driving a delivery truck.

Benefits Provided (Full-time Employees) - Company Health Benefits including the following: • Dental Plan • Eye Glass Plan Ph: (306) 634-5111 • Prescription Drug Plan • Chiropractic/Massage 407 Kensington Avenue, Estevan • Disabillity Insurance ESTEVAN MCLEAN TISDALE

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Page 19

NOW HIRING Permanent Full-Time


For further information please visit our website at Lilydale Sofina Foods Company Lilydale IncInc - A- ASofina Foods Company Is currently seeking full-time Production Is currently seeking full-time Production Workers for their chicken plant in Wynyard, Workers for their chicken plant in Wynyard, Startingwage wage isis 13.84/ hr with a Sask. Sask. Starting 13.84/ hr with a comprehensive benefits benefits package and and comprehensive package pension program.All All applicants applicants welcome! pension program. welcome! Linda (306) 554-2555 EXTEXT 238 238 Call Call Linda @ @(306) 554-2555 formore more info for info Resumes to: Send Send Resumes to: Linda Karakochuk Linda Karakochuk Sofina FoodsInc Inc Sofina Foods Box 760 Box 760 Wynyard, SOA 4T0 Wynyard, SKSKSOA 4T0 (306) 554-3958 Fax: Fax: (306) 554-3958 Email: Email:

Bylaw EnforcEmEnt officErs rEquirEd for EstEvan arEa • Full-time/part-time positions available • Law Enforcement experience preferred •Training required


Permanent Full-Time

JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER Further information on the position visit our website at

Apply to: or Commissionaires South Saskatchewan 122 Albert Street, Regina, SK S4R 2N2


• Offering excellent wagesavailable •• Excellent benefit package Excellent benefit package available • Excellent benefit available •• Willing to to train if necessary Willing train ifpackage necessary • Willing to train ifasset necessary Safety tickets asset •• Safety tickets an an • Safety tickets an asset • Operators must possess class 3A1Adriver’s • Operators must possess class 3A or • Operators must possess class 3A driver’s license driver’s license license Living with accommodation available •• Working new equipment • Living accommodation available • On-Site living accommodations available For more information call: For moreat:information call:or Trevor 306-483-7777 Trevor at: 306-483-7777 Kim at: 306-483-7722 or Kim at: resume 306-483-7722 Email to: Email resume to: or fax to: 306-483-2082 or fax to: 306-483-2082

Earn Extra Summer Money! The Estevan Mercury & Southeast Trader Express are looking for sub carriers for July and August. Two routes in Pleasantdale area. One 75 paper route and one 150 paper route. We deliver the papers to your door for delivery to your customers. If interested please call Gayle at the Mercury (306) 634-2654


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Shop Foreman —Estevan, SK Reporting to the Area Manager / Fleet Maintenance Manager the Shop Foreman oversees and coordinates activities in the shop and yard to ensure all specific tasks are performed correctly in accordance to company's policies and safety standards. The Shop Foreman will supervise, train and direct staff in various tasks, order materials, tools, and equipment and will maintain shift schedules. Key Responsibility Areas:  Supervise, train and direct staff in various tasks as well as order materials, tools and/or equipment.  Maintain shift schedules, performance reviews, conduct disciplinary actions when required, approves time sheets, expense accounts, vacations requests.  Use the computer based equipment information systems to record work order information and access to other information.  Demonstrate continuous effort to improve operations, decrease turnaround times and streamline work processes to manage maintenance costs.  Ensuring that fleet is well maintained and equipment is conditioned to corporate standards.  Perform regular scheduled services on all equipment.  Takes no shortcuts that increase the risks of accidents, personal injuries or equipment failures. Looks for unsafe practices in the workplace and takes responsibility to ensure that others are aware of the potential impact.  Is an effective team player who adds complementary skills and contributes valuable ideas, opinions and feedback. Communicates in an open and candid manner and can be counted upon to fulfill any commitments made to others on the team.  Has established a track record of producing work that is highly accurate, demonstrates attention to detail and reflects well on the organization. Is personally committed to high quality work and encourages others to have similar standards. Qualifications:  Minimum 5 years industry related experience in oilfield and / or transportation  Journeyman Certificate - Heavy Equipment Technician ( Inter– Provincial Certification)  3 years experience in a supervisory role utilizing Service Repair Times ensuring results meet productivity and efficiency targets in a fast paced, multi tasking environment  CVIP License is an asset  Intermediate computer skills are a necessity  Must be a proven values driven leader and is an effective team player  Possesses outstanding problem solving skills through the exercise of good judgment  Good communication skills orally and written  This position will work in the shop and field Closing Date: April 30th,, 2014 Canyon is the fastest growing fracturing company in North America. We deliver quality customized pressure pumping and service solutions to the oil and gas industry, improving our industry one job at a time. If you’re looking for a career with a leading organization that promotes Integrity, Relationships, Innovation and Success, then we’re looking for you.


email: | fax: (403) 356-1146 | website:

Page 20



CITY PAGE NOTICE PROPOSED HOUSE RELOCATION Public Notice is hereby given that the City of Estevan has received an application for relocation of a new pre-assembled (RTM) single-detached residential dwelling to the following property: 1) Legal Description: Lot 1, Block 171, Plan 102100431 Civic Address: 2007 Nicholson Road The above noted property is zoned Residential Low Density Single-detached Zone in which ‘Singledetached dwelling units’ are permitted uses of the zone subject to compliance with the City’s Preassembled Dwelling Relocation Policy and any applicable Architectural Controls. Any requests for information or concerns may be forwarded to Land Development Services at 634-1862, or email:, on or before the 30th day of April 2014.

NOTICE PROPOSED HOUSE RELOCATION Public Notice is hereby given that the City of Estevan has received an application for relocation of a new pre-assembled (RTM) single-detached residential dwelling to the following property: 1) Legal Description: Lot 11, Block 224, Plan 102126563 Civic Address: 377 Matchett Bay The above noted property is zoned Residential Low Density Single-detached Zone in which ‘Singledetached dwelling units’ are permitted uses of the zone subject to compliance with the City’s Preassembled Dwelling Relocation Policy and any applicable Architectural Controls. Any requests for information or concerns may be forwarded to Land Development Services at 634-1862, or email:, on or before the 7th day of May 2014.

Summer Student Positions

• Education Assistant • Museum Assistant • Curatorial Assistant

May 12th - August 24th, 37 1/2 hours per week, $14/hr Application Deadline April 26th Please send your resume and cover letter to: or Box 1768, Estevan SK, S4A 1C8 Call 306-634-5543 for more info

At The Library...

Toddler Time: April 29-June 4 Ages 18 months - 3 years. Tuesday or Wednesday @ 10:00-10:30am Stimulate your child’s imagination and pre-literacy skills Programs are FREE! by participating in action rhymes, songs, crafts and great stories! Story Time: April 29-June 5 Ages 3 - 5 years. Tuesday @ 10:45-11:30am or Wednesday or Thursday @ 1:30-2:15pm Stories, fingerplays, songs and crafts make up this fun program that highlights early literacy skills and encourages reading readiness. Baby Time: Thursday, May 22 @ 10:30am or Monday, May 26 @ 7:00pm. For babies up to 18 months & their caregivers. Songs and rhymes, bounces and books! This is a fun, interactive parent-child program that ends with a babyinspired craft or activity. Mother’s Day Earring Craft: Saturday, May 10 @ 4:00-5:00pm. Ages 8+ (younger children will need adult helper) Personalize a pair of earrings for Mom or someone special and discover just how creative you can be! We will also make gift containers to put them in. Basic Drawing-Cartoon Insects: Monday, May 12 @ 6:30-7:30pm. Ages 6-9. Don’t let anything “bug” you as you learn to draw cartoon insects using step-by-step instructions. TEEN & ADULT PROGRAMS – FREE! Gluten Free Baking. Saturday, May 3rd @ 2:00PM. If you have ever been interested in baking gluten-free, this is for you! Join local baker & special guest, Katrina Poier for a demonstration and informative afternoon on how to bake without gluten. Space is limited, so registration is required. Ages 15+. Handmade Mother’s Day Card. Monday, May 5th @ 6:00PM. The unwritten rule of Mothers is that if you make it by hand, they have to like it. Come join us & test that theory with guest Melanie Hiske as we create a beautiful card to give to your favorite female caregiver this year! Ages 13+. Registration is required, space is limited. Essential Oils in the Medicine Cabinet. Wednesday, May 7th @ 5:30PM. Even your medicine cabinet needs some Spring Cleaning, and why not do it naturally and toxin-free? Come join special guest Jessica McKenzie for an informative presentation on how to makeover your medicine cabinet using certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils. For ages 15+, no pre-registration required. Hello Computer! Thursday, May 8th and Wednesday, May 28th @ 5:00 or 6:00*. *alternate times can be arranged case-by-case. Computers are complicated, but don’t let them get you down. Come and get answers to your computer questions in 30 minute ‘one-on-one sessions.’ Bring your laptop or use a public computer. To register, please call Krista and indicate what you would like to learn.

Call 306-636-1621 for pre-registration unless otherwise indicated.

ESTEVAN THE ENERGY CITY The City of Estevan will be doing maintenance work to ensure good water quality for all users of City water. This work includes the turning of main water valves around the City, and flushing large quantities of water from various hydrants in each area. The water is still safe to use, and if your water appears discolored during the days your area is scheduled for this work (see schedule below), please run a faucet for a few minutes until the water is clear again. If the water remains dirty for a longer period, please contact City Hall at (306) 634 - 1800 to let us know. Thank you for your understanding during this important maintenance! CITY OF ESTEVAN – 2014 WATERMAIN FLUSHING SCHEDULE Thursday, Friday - May 1 & 2, 2014 Area bounded by Perkins Street and Luscar Park on the North, Water Treatment Plant on the South, Woodlawn Ave on the West, and Hwy 47S Service Road on the East (Includes Luscar Park, City of Estevan Public Works yards, and businesses on Hwy 47S Service Road) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - May 5, 6, & 7, 2014 Area bounded by 6th Street on the North, Valley Street, 1st Street, and Westview Place on the South, Alice Road and Woodlawn Avenue on the West, and Souris Avenue on the East (includes Westview, Central, and downtown regions) Thursday, Friday, Monday - May 8, 9, & 12, 2014 Area bounded by 6th street on the North, McDonald Road and Perkins Street on the South, Souris Avenue on the West, and Kensington Ave on the East (includes the Eastend, Bay Meadows, and Valleyview regions, and Jubilee Place) Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday – May 13, 14, 15, 16, 2014 Area bounded by Kensington on the West, Sawyer Road on the East, North and South City Limits (includes Glen Peterson Industrial Park, East Industrial, Southeast Industrial regions, and properties along Hwy 39E Service Road) Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - May 20, 21, 22, & 23, 2014 Area bounded by King Street on the North, Railroad on the South, 14th Ave on the West, and Kensington on the East (includes 7th Street, 8th Street, 9th Street, Centennial, Trojan, and Soo Industrial regions) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - May 26, 27, 28, & 29, 2014 Area bounded by Spruce Drive and Princess Street on the North, King Street on the South, Souris Avenue on the West, and Kensington on the East (includes Hillside and Scotsburn regions) Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - May 30, June 2, 3, 4 & 5, 2014 Area Bounded by City Cemetery on the North, King Street on the South, Sister Roddy Road on the West (formerly Woodlawn Avenue), and Souris Road (Hwy 47N) on the East (includes Dominion Heights, Pleasantdale, and Royal Heights regions, as well as Cundall Drive, Woodend Place, Chinook Bay and Hwy 47N Service Road)


School Art Club

For children aged 7 –C13. After School Art lub Free to attend, transportation included. Running April 29, 30, May from 3:30to –a 5:00pm. Karly at 634For children aged 7 – 113. Free ttend, tCall ransportation 7644 for more info or to register.

included. Running April 29, 30, May 1 from 3:30 – 5:00pm. Call Karly at 634-­‐7644 for more info or to The Pinterest Challenge register. Craft club for adults based on projects found on Pinterest on April 24 7-9pm. $20/person. Call Karly at 634-7644 for more information from orThe to register. Pinterest Challenge Craft club for adults based on projects found on Beginner Drawing Pinterest on April 24 from 7-­‐9pm. $20/person. Call A Karly beginner basic drawing class forikids aged 11 –o17. at 634-­‐7644 for more nformation r to Instructed register. by Judy Swallow on April 30th at 7pm. $20/person. Call Karly at 634 7644 for more info or to register. Beginner Drawing A beginner Family Art basic drawing class for kids aged 11 – 17. Instructed by Judy Swallow n April 3Parents 0th at 7must pm. participate. Art and craft class for parents and otoddlers. $20/person. Call Karly t 634-­‐7644 for more info or tCall o For ages 18 months and up. aMay 1, 8, 15 @10am. $5/family. Karly at 634-7644 for more info or to register. register. WHAT’S HAPPENING Family Art AT THE ESTEVAN Art and craft class for parents and toddlers. Parents ARTS COUNCIL? must participate. For ages 1 8 m onths a nd u p. May 1, 8, “promoting the arts in OUR community” 15 @10am. $5/family. Call Karly at 634-­‐7644 for more ENERGY CITY FILM CIRCUIT info or to Next register. Film: Philomena - April 26, 2014 • 4:00 Orpheum Theatre VISUAL ARTS

- Make a hand built teapot (April 26 - Cost: $55.00)

A big thank you to all of the volunteers who dedicate their time to our sports fields, and to those who make a difference in our City by picking litter while out walking.

It is truly appreciated!

- Intro to Digital Photography (May 1, 8, 15, 22 - Cost: $60.00)

STARS FOR SASKATCHEWAN Everything Fitz – May 4, 2014 2:30 pm at Estevan Comprehensive School (Sponsored by Enbridge, Level Best Technology & Power Tech Industries) Everything Fitz is a six piece family band featuring four of Canada’s finest young musicians. Their unique stage show combines a variety of musical styles – everything from traditional jigs and reels, bluegrass, swing, Celtic and gospel as well as novelty numbers and dance routines.

Contact us for more information on our programs 306-634-3942




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