July 4 trader

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Friday, July 4, 2014

Let The Summer Fun Begin Brody Turner gets ready to swim in the pool at Hillside Kinsmen Park on Canada Day, where people were also able to enjoy some Canadian music, free food, and some much appreciated sunshine.


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Page 2


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Cheers&Jeers Cheers to the Estevan Kinsmen and Kinettes for the Canada Day celebrations at the Hillside Kin Park.

Jeers to the City of Estevan for leaving all the gravel after their — how else can I put this, LOL road repairs — on Souris.

Cheers to the Souris Valley Theatre on the opening day of the Marvelous Wonderettes. It’s always great to see new live theatre in Estevan.

Jeers to a local company for its poor customer service. The work they did started breaking and disintegrating within its first year. After contacting them about it I was told “too bad, so sad”. Whatever happened to standing behind your work and products?

A huge thank you to the Home care and Ambulatory care RN’s. Your compassion is always appreciated and best of luck to the student RN.

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We are going to be giving prizes away every week. See the Estevan Mercury Facebook page for details!

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July 8, 2014




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Page 3

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Pictured above are (from left to right) Capt. Charles Olsen, who was appointed to the Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation as a Sask. director, alongside Deputy Fire Chief Dale Freser, who’s been with the Estevan Fire Rescue Service for approximately 10 years, was appointed by his provincial peers to the Sask. Association of Fire Chiefs as a zone Director for Division 3. Joining them is Capt. Kyle Luc, who was elected to the national board of directors for the Canadian Volunteers Fire Services Association in March.

Estevan firefighters obtain national roles By Alex Coop acoop@estevanmercury.ca

The Estevan fire department is on a hot streak. Capt. Kyle Luc was elected to the national board of directors for the Canadian Volunteer Fire Services Association in March, while his partner Capt. Charles Olsen, was appointed to the Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation as a Saskatchewan director. Alongside the two captains, Deputy Fire Chief Dale Freser, who has been with the Estevan Fire Rescue Service for approximately 10 years, was appointed by his provincial peers to the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs as a zone Director for Division 3. Freser said to his recollection, this is the first time Canada has had two people from one fire service sitting on two separate national boards. “There’s a lot of dedication required for these positions,” he said, while noting these aren’t paid positions during an open forum at the Estevan fire hall on June 25. “It speaks a great deal about the level of commitment our firefighters are putting into the fire service.” Feser added he has the utmost confidence in his fellow firefighters to fulfill their new roles, and boasted about their skills and personalities, which he

said were large contributing factors to why they were appointed to national boards in the first place. “Our fire department is a leader in the southeast corner of the province, and a leader in the province as well. Why not expand that leadership across Canada,” the deputy fire chief stated, and noted that about 80 per cent of the firefighters in Estevan are trained to an NFPA 1001 standard, which is a high level of professional certification. When asked about their reasons for accepting such demanding roles, all three of them shared the same sentiment: Make improvements wherever possible, and help Estevan spearhead new developments within the fire fighting community. “We want to put Estevan on the map. I also want to better myself, improve our fire department, and help improve every other fire department in general,” said Luc. Olsen emphasized the brotherhood members of their fire department share, and said the CFFF is an organization that he feels is very important because of how it assists families who’ve lost love ones who worked as a firefighter. “I have a family, and the CFFF helps families of the fallen firefighters with bursaries and scholarships. The guys in the fire department, they are like brothers, and if one of them was

to go down, I’d do whatever I could to help that family.” Everyone should be entitled to adequate training, said Luc, and any chance they have to improve the fire department in Estevan, or in other cities across the province, is one that should be taken, he concluded. Feser agreed with Luc’s statement. “Whether it’s a volunteer, a paid-oncall, or career fire service, we try to approach any issue in the same manner, because no matter where you are in the province or country, it’s the same fire or motor-vehicle collision you’re facing, and these individuals are expected to do the exact same job.” Some of the recent issues fire department are facing include the lack of experience with the new types of structural steel vehicles are made from, which make it difficult for firefighters to cut through. Homes that make an effort to conserve energy are also producing difficult situations for firefighters, as some of these homes now allow combustible material to ignite much quicker in their living room when compared to traditional living rooms. “We’re always evolving as a fire service,” said Feser, adding a plan-B and plan-C are always being formulated to prepare for these situations. “We want to make sure we’re bringing our A-game to every call.”


WATCH FOR THIS CAR!!! We are going to be giving prizes away every week. See the Estevan Mercury Facebook page for details!

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Spayed and neutered pets are much happier pets. The Estevan Humane Society reserves the right to refuse any adoption.

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JUly 4, 2014

Member Canadian Community Newspapers Assoc. Member Saskatchewan Weekly Newspapers Assoc. Audited by Audit Bureau of Circulations.


Publisher: Brant Kersey Editorial Staff: Norm Park Chad Saxon Jordan Baker Josh Lewis Alex Coop Advertising Sales Manager: Cindy Beaulieu Advertising Sales Representatives: Deanna Tarnes Kristen O'Handley Teresa Hrywkiw Candace Wheeler Production Department: Melanie Tribiger Trinda Jocelyn Riley Dyck Peggy Volmer Kaitlyn Pilloud Accounting: Kim Schoff Reception: Gayle Worsnop Contributors: Calvin Daniels

Published weekly by Prairie Newspaper Group Limited Partnership, 68 Souris Avenue N., Estevan, Saskatchewan. Postal address: Box 730 Estevan, Saskatchewan, S4A 2A6 Advertising rates are available upon request and are subject to change without notice. Conditions of editorial and advertising content: The Southeast Trader Express attempts to be accurate in Editorial and Advertising content; however, no guarantee is given or implied. The Southeast Trader Express reserves the right to revise or reject any or all editorial and advertising content as the newspaper's principals see fit. The Southeast Trader Express will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an advertisement, and is not responsible for errors in advertisements except for the space occupied by such errors. The Southeast Trader Express will not be responsible for manuscripts, photographs, negatives and other related material that may be submitted for possible publication. All of the The Southeast Trader Express' content is protected by Canadian Copyright laws. Reviews and similar mention of material in this newspaper is granted on the provision that The Southeast Trader Express receives credit. Otherwise, any reproduction without the permission of the publisher is prohibited. Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. Rights to any advertisement produced by The Southeast Trader Express, including artwork, typography, photos, etc., remain the property of this newspaper. Advertisements or parts thereof may not be reproduced or assigned without the consent of the publisher. Published weekly in Southeast Saskatchewan by the Prairie Newspaper Group, a subsidiary of Glacier Media Inc. The Glacier group of companies collects personal information from our customers in the normal course of business transactions. We use that information to provide you with our products and services you request. On occasion we may contact you for purposes of research, surveys and other such matters. To provide you with better service we may share your personal information with our sister companies and also outside, selected third parties who perform work for us as suppliers, agents, service providers and information gatherers. Our subscription list may be provided to other organizations who have products and services that may be of interest to you. If you do not wish to participate in such matters, please contact us at the following address: The Southeast Trader Express, Box 730, Estevan, Saskatchewan, S4A 2A6; or phone (306) 634-2654. For a complete statement of our privacy policy, please go to our Website at: www.estevanmercury.ca The Southeast Trader Express is owned and operated by Prairie Newspaper Group, a subsidiary of Glacier Media Inc.

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Publications Assistance Program toward our mailing costs.

Contact us:

Phone: 306-634-2654 Fax: 306-634-3934 www.estevanmercury.ca Street Address: 68 Souris Ave. N., Estevan By mail: Box 730, Estevan, Sask. S4A 2A6


Page 4

Robin Thicke deserves an #Askthicke’ing I was mulling over column ideas for this week, and at one point I thought about writing about the fiasco surrounding American-Canadian singer-songwriter, musician Robin Thicke. For a few moments, I just thought, “this guy is an idiot,” and looked into other ideas. It quickly dawned on me however, that the situation surrounding this man, and the things he’s done to try and win his wife back through social media, is an extremely dangerous example of harassment and is certainly worth bringing up here. Let me bring you up to speed in case you have no idea what I’m talking about. Thicke and his wife, actress Paula Patton, split in February, likely as a result of Thicke’s shocking defamatory behaviour over the past few years, which reached its peak with the release of his song called Blurred Lines last year. Blurred Lines, a song written by Thicke, which encourages the idea that “no doesn’t always mean no,” and repeatedly states “I know you want it,” is a blatant example of the rape culture that’s plaguing society and simply promotes a damaging attitude towards sex and consent. He remarkably managed to top that misogyny by getting grinded on stage by Miley Cyrus during a VMA performance later that year, disgracing his wife further. Ever since Patton decided to walk away, Thicke has been using Twitter as a platform to try and win her back. Nearly every other post of his over the past few months

Alex Coop

Writing Prevents That Sinking Feeling has Patton’s name in it, and they all sound something like “I’m sorry, I still love you, I want you back.” He’s even called his next album Paula, and I’ll give you one guess what it’s about. I really don’t want to leave you hanging though, so I’ll be a team player and even give you the name of one of the track titles, it’s Get Her Back. Combining his pleas for forgiveness and album promotion, a creepy picture begins to emerge of a man, who would most likely be viewed as a flat-out stalker in, say, a smaller city like Estevan, but is let off the hook because of his celebrity status. Thank the heavens for American cable television network VH1’s stupidity, which recently allowed anyone on the twitterverse to tag #AskThicke with their questions. Thousands of people expressed their displeasure for his behavior, called him out on his misogyny, and told him to give up his twisted attempts at rebuilding his marriage. One person even tweeted a photo of him posing with another woman. Harmless right? Yeah, until you look at the mirror in the background of the photo, and see his hand firmly grabbing the woman’s

behind tighter than one does when clasping the dentist’s chair. Now, of course, the answer to everything isn’t a flood of angry tweets aimed at someone, even someone as deranged as Thicke, but it was certainly nice to see people taking a stand. I highly doubt Patton was able to do anything to try and prevent Thicke’s escapades on social media, but if you’re someone who is on the receiving end of abuse, physical or digital, do not keep it to yourself, because you have options. In fact, the Saskatchewan government has recently opted to spend $250,000 on an anonymous, anti-bullying online reporting tool. The service will be available 24/7, 365 days a year, and is designed to complement existing emergency services, according to the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation website. It can even be accessed through your computer or mobile device. This program is going to greatly expand reporting capabilities, and I sincerely hope it gets used to maximum potential. It’s unfortunate that systems like this need to exist, but the fact is, bullying is a serious threat, and worse-case scenario, it can even drive people to suicide. Please however, do not let celebrities’ bizarre antics fool you. Online harassment affects people just as much as physical abuse does, and in certain cases, can even leave a lasting i m p a c t t h a t ’s m o r e s i g n i f i c a n t t h a n physical harm.

Agriculture sector ever-shifting The most recent edition of ‘Agriview,’ a publication of the Saskatchewan government, had a headline that caught my eye; ‘Competitiveness: one of the three pillars of the livestock strategy’. The idea of competitiveness is an interesting one in terms of agriculture. Producers have long understood they need to be competitive not with their neighbours down the grid road, but farmers around the world. The agriculture sector is one where a buyer of wheat will as happily buy from Australia or Ukraine, or a dozen other sources, as from Canada, given the ability to meet their requirements at the proper price point. In terms of competitive advantage, things can change internationally almost overnight, and certainly producers here have seen just how dramatic in different sectors in recent years. The first that comes to mind is the fateful day in 1993, when Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) was found in a single Alberta cow. Within a matter of hours Canada’s ‘competitiveness’ was lost. Major importing countries immediately slammed their borders, closed Canadian im-

Calvin Daniels Trader Agriculture Columnist ports, and this country was left with a glut of beef to consume nationally. To deal with the situation, the Canadian system responded. Restaurant chains began to use the fact they were using only Canadian beef as a sales tool. We saw movement to more feedlots and processing to deal with the situation. In the Yorkton area there was a new feedlot at Rhein, which fought through the situation, along the way being the Yorkton Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year. The BSE scare is a memory now. And while countries now take Canadian beef again, domestically little processing plants have closed as they lacked the scale to compete with mega processors in the United States. The cattle finishing sector has been impacted too, the aforementioned Business

of the Year facility at Rhein among those to close. The feedlots were impacted by various factors including rising grain prices and labour costs. And that brings us to the hog sector. It was only a few years ago mass expansion of the hog industry was touted as a way to revitalize rural economies. On the Canadian Prairies we had the ability to grow low cost feed, a place to spread manure, and a workforce in need of work. Then grain prices spiked higher, and have stayed higher than a decade ago. The economy boomed and the ability to attract staff at a low enough cost evaporated. Many large barns went into bankruptcy. The competitiveness, which had rural communities look at investing in hog barns, was lost in mere months. What does this mean for farmers? Essentially competitiveness is fleeting, gained and lost, based on commodity price shifts, disease scares, weather patterns and government policies. As a result, the agriculture sector needs flexibility to adjust its operations to function on a playing field of competitiveness that is ever shifting.


Page 5

Saskatchewan hospital evacuated as flooding continues in Prairies




Calgary police chief questions whether reward would help O’Brien Amber Alert CALGARY - Calgary’s police chief questions whether a reward would help the investigation into the disappearance of a five-year-old boy and his grandparents. Nathan O’Brien was reported missing Monday when his mother went to pick him up after a sleepover at the grandparents — Alvin and Kathy Liknes. No one was home and

an Amber Alert was issued by police. Nathan’s father, Rod, said the family would be offering a reward. Chief Rick Hansen said in cases like this a reward can just cause more work for police because all kinds of people could step forward with bogus tips that must be checked out. “If you do use a reward, if there is a lot of money



but for the Crown prosecutors and everybody else.” Hansen said if people have information about a case they will usually call the Crime Stoppers phone tip line. Calgary police were to told a media availability Wednesday afternoon with family members of the missing boy and his grandparents. (CHQR, The Canadian Press)

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that is created for a reward, frequently it increases the workload because you have got all kinds of people then who step forward with information that may not even be related to it,” he said Wednesday. “You have to at that point in time filter any and all information that you get and if you have a significant reward it does add to the workload, not only for us,








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around is substantial. “The amount of damage that’s been done in southwestern Manitoba in some of these communities is at least as much, if not more, than in 2011,” Selinger said. Near Winnipeg, the Red River Floodway was scheduled to begin operating Tuesday to divert water around the city. Manitoba Infrastructure Minister Steve Ashton says there will be minimal flows through the floodway, but he says it must be done because of elevated river levels in Winnipeg. The Portage Diversion is also in operation now at 17-hundred cubic feet per second. Despite the Canada Day holiday, Winnipeg closed its city boat launches. Police asked people to stay off the rivers, warning that the Red and Assiniboine were flowing extremely high, fast and were full of debris.


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Manitoba Premier Greg Selinger said Tuesday after touring flooded areas. “There’s been a lot of rain in Saskatchewan and all that water moves towards Manitoba.” In Brandon, emergency officials are getting ready for an expected rise on the Assiniboine River, which is fed from tributaries in Saskatchewan. The city is shutting off storm sewer outlets to prevent the Assiniboine from backing up into them, and is closing off portions of open portions of dikes with clay. The city said the river levels Tuesday were already only 30 centimetres below their peak in the spring. Selinger said other communities were reinforcing dikes and strengthening flood-control infrastructure to get ready. He said people in the region have a lot of experience dealing with flooding, noting it was also hit hard in 2011. He the impact this time


Send at least 3 photos to events@estevanmercury.ca

than the 2011 flood because it’s so widespread, because the number of communities are so significant and also because of the major infrastructure and highway damage,” Wall said Tuesday in Saskatoon. “That particular event cost the province $360 million and so we’re thinking it’s somewhere higher than that. It’s obviously hard to get a handle on those numbers.” Wall says it’s hard to assess some of the highway damage because the roads are still under water. At least 19 sections of highways in eastern Saskatchewan were closed to travel Tuesday. Agriculture officials also say it’s too early to speculate how big the crop loss might be because many fields are still under water. There were also 31 municipalities under emergencies in Manitoba, which is now bracing to deal with rivers swollen by the runoff. “It’s not over yet,”



That you can send in pictures of your event to be featured in

The water was starting to recede in some communities as the sun came out Tuesday, but it may rise in others as water flows downstream, he said. “We have seen some communities start moving a little bit more towards recovery and anticipating what it will mean to be on the end of this, while others are still dealing with situations they did (Monday) and some communities will see this situation worsen over the next couple of days before it starts to get better,” said McKay. Pumping equipment is being moved into the area. Forest fire fighting crews in Saskatchewan have also been redeployed to help with flooding. Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall says early estimates show the “unprecedented rainstorm and flooding” will be costly. “We think we’re looking at an event that was larger in financial impact


the building,” said McKay. The evacuation comes because a deluge of rain caused widespread flooding in eastern Saskatchewan and western Manitoba. Officials had said Monday that parts of southeast Saskatchewan got more than 240 millimetres of rain over the weekend, while some parts of western Manitoba reported more than 100 millimetres. However, those figures came out while the water was still coming down in many communities. More than 500 people have been forced to leave their homes in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. That number will likely rise as officials started asking people living along the river in Virden, Man., to leave their homes on Monday night. Saskatchewan Social Services says communities have stepped up to help each other. For example, people who fled their homes in Gainsborough, Sask., on Sunday night found themselves welcomed into homes by residents in the town of Carnduff. An emergency shelter set up for the evacuees was empty. Meanwhile, McKay also says the number of communities under states of emergency has jumped to 53 in Saskatchewan.


More than 150 acute care patients and long-term residents have been moved from a hospital in eastern Saskatchewan because of flooding. The full-scale evacuation at St. Peter’s Hospital in the city of Melville, about 145 kilometres northeast of Regina, took place because a creek behind the facility was rising Tuesday. Officials are also watching a nearby dam. “The city was considering breaching the dam if the levels continue to rise, but that doesn’t seem to be the case right now,” said Patrick Boyle with the Saskatchewan Water Security Agency. “The dam has not been breached. What we’ve seen happen is the water level coming into the dam, the dam is holding, it’s actually going around the dam ... and that’s what’s creating the impact in the town and the cause for concern with the infrastructure there.” Emergency management commissioner Duane McKay says the water has not entered the hospital and crews are building a berm on a driveway behind the facility. “The water has not touched the building and the work that’s going there is to ensure that it never gets to

Page 6


Pistorius’ conduct not associated with abusive relationships, ‘rage-type’ murder, expert says

PRETORIA, South Africa - Oscar Pistorius does not display the narcissism associated with men in abusive relationships and linked to “rage-type” murders, according to a psychologist’s report read Wednesday at the athlete’s murder trial. The report adds to conflicting evidence about the character of the doubleamputee runner, who killed girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp by firing his pistol through a closed toilet door in his home. The defence has sought to support Pistorius’ contention that he killed the 29-year-old model by mistake, fearing an intruder was about to attack him; the prosecution says the Paralympian is a jealous egotist who shot Steenkamp after a Valentine’s Day argument. Dr. Jonathan Scholtz, a clinical psychologist, found no evidence that Pistorius had a history of “abnormal

aggression or explosive violence” but concluded he has a record of feeling insecure and vulnerable, particularly when he is without his prosthetic limbs, defence lawyer Barry Roux said. He read excerpts from the psychological report, part of a court-ordered evaluation of Pistorius’ state of mind over 30 days at a state psychiatric hospital. The evaluation, which included a separate report by three psychiatrists, said Pistorius was not mentally ill when he killed Steenkamp early on Feb. 14, 2013. That conclusion appeared to remove the possibility that Pistorius could be declared not guilty by reason of mental illness. On Wednesday, his defence team tried to show that the psychologist’s report supports the Paralympian’s account of a mistaken shooting because his disability and purported fear of crime

contributed to a heightened sense of vulnerability. When physically threatened, Pistorius might have a fearful reaction that could “seem extraordinary when viewed from the perspective of an ablebodied person, but normal in the context of a disabled person with his history,” said Roux, quoting from the report. The lawyer also cited the psychologist as saying Pistorius has become severely traumatized since the killing and will become an increasing suicide risk unless he continues to get mental health care. At times during his trial, Pistorius has wailed and retched in apparent distress, particularly during graphic testimony about the shooting and also when the athlete was on the witness stand. At other times, he has been calm and taken notes. Chief prosecutor Gerrie Nel has suggested Pistorius

This doesn’t happen ...

feigned distress in order to dodge a tough cross-examination; the athlete’s camp has denied his emotional displays were fake. Nel has portrayed Pistorius as a reckless narcissist with a penchant for gunplay and driving at high speeds. He has highlighted arguments between the runner and Steenkamp in the weeks before he killed her, though the defence has said most of their communication was

normal and affectionate. Pistorius, who is free on bail, faces 25 years to life in prison if found guilty of premeditated murder, but he could also be sentenced to a shorter prison term if convicted of murder without premeditation or negligent killing. Additionally, he faces separate gun-related charges. Also Wednesday, a medical expert who has treated Pistorius said the

athlete has a hand tremor as well as a sleep disorder that required medication. Wayne Derman, a professor of sport and exercise medicine at the University of Cape Town, testified that he found Pistorius to be “hyper-vigilant” and was restless, often looking around quickly and scanning for possible threats. “He is an anxious individual,” Derman said, testifying for the defence.

Canadian journalist in ‘terrible state of mind’

The family of an Egyptian-Canadian journalist convicted on terrorism-related charges by a Cairo court says the 40-year-old is in a “terrible state of mind.” The conviction of Mohamed Fahmy and two colleagues has been denounced as a blow to freedom of expression ever since it was delivered last week. Fahmy was working

for Qatar-based satellite news broadcaster Al-Jazeera English when he was arrested along with the other journalists on Dec. 29. He was sentenced to seven years. Fahmy’s brother says his family has been shattered by the verdict but is continuing to fight for the journalist’s release on every level. They are taking the case to an appeal court, pursuing

a presidential pardon and are hoping international pressure might result in an exceptional overturning of the conviction. But they say Fahmy is demoralized and doesn’t want to put much hope into any of those efforts just yet. They say he is now focusing on trying to start studying for a degree in international diplomacy during his time behind bars.

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Page 7

Putting A Face To All The Names Friday, July 4, 2014

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Page 8


(Left) (L-R) Angela Beresciani, Janelle Luddington, Jackie Selk, Chelsey Istace, Kristol Magy Hillside Kinsmen Park was a bustling place on Canada Day, as hundreds of people gathered to celebrate the country’s birthday with Canadian music, free food, and an all-around good time.

Ethan Aspinall

Prizme Sorensen

Where you can see Sunday



this month ...





July August 7



and Sale at the Estevan Exhibition Fair Grounds


27 • Estevan Drag Race Association: 4th Annual Dennis Neelin Memorial Race

• Estevan 4-H Show and Sale at the Fair Grounds • Estevan Motor Speedway at 7 pm • Pioneer Day Camp 1 pm - 5 pm at the Souris Valley Museum all week • Youth Theatre Camps at Souris Valley Theatre all week

8 • Estevan 4-H Show

and Sale at the Estevan Exhibition Fair Grounds • Crafter’s Circle 5:30 pm 7:30 pm at Estevan Public Library



• Wii Wednesday 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm @ Estevan Public Library


• Youth Theatre Camps at Souris Valley Theatre all week • Mobile Device Advice 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm @ Estevan Public Library

• Discovery Day Camp 10:00 am - 5:00 pm at Souris Valley Museum • Documentary Day 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm at Estevan Public Library

• Discovery Day Camp 10:00 am 5:00 pm at Souris Valley Museum • Hello Computer! 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm at Estevan Public Library • Book Club After Dark 5:30 pm 7:00 pm at Estevan Public Library




• Pioneer Day Camp 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm at Souris Valley Museum all week

28 • Mobile Device Advice 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm @ Estevan Public Library • Estevan Motor Speedway: Blaine Brothers Late Model Challenge Series 7:00 pm

• Crafter’s Circle 5:30 pm 7:30 pm @ Estevan Public Library

29 • Stamped Spoon Bookmarks 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm @ Estevan Public Library

• EAGM He(art)s Film: Frida 7 pm at Estevan Art Gallery & Museum


• Hello Computer! 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm @ Estevan Public Library


• T-Shirt Upcycling! 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm at Estevan Public Library • Exhibition Opening: ‘Heads and Tales: A Little Menagerie’ and ‘HiFibre Content’ 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm at Estevan Art Gallery & Museum


5• Estevan Motor

Speedway at 7 pm • Estevan Farmers Market at the Estevan Shoppers Mall

If you have an event you would like listed, please e•mail events@estevanmercury.ca

6 • Estevan 4-H Show



12 • Estevan Farmers Market at the Estevan Shoppers Mall • Movie and Munchies Afternoon 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm at Estevan Public Library









• Cover-to-Cover Book Club 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm @ Estevan Public Library

• netWORKING on the Green Golf Tournament 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm at TS&M Woodlawn Golf & Country Club • Newcomers’ Social 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at Estevan Public Library • Artist Talk - David Diviney (free) 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm at Estevan Art Gallery & Museum

• Estevan Farmers Market at the Estevan Shoppers Mall • Estevan Motor Speedway: Rockin the Pits 7:00 pm

• Estevan Farmers Market at the Estevan Shoppers Mall

• Estevan Farmers Market at the Estevan Shoppers Mall


Page 9

Putting A Face To All The Names

(Left) Megan Parsons (Right) Cherie Haberstock with kids Let the summer fun begin! Kids had their final day of school last week, and were ecstatic about summer of vacation.

(Left) (L-R) Don Kindopp, Roy Ludwig, Derrell Rodine Several people gathered together in Estevan to announce plans to buy and install a computer tomography scanner (CT) at St. Joseph’s Hospital. The cost for the CT scanner will be about $2 million, and will be funded by several parties.

Page 10


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The Canada Day parade in Bienfait featured a number of floats and trucks from various organizations around the community as well as the Bikers Against Diabetes crew who rolled their bikes up and down the town streets as part of the annual procession.

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Page 11

Long awaited CT announcement greeted with excitement, relief By Norm Park normpark@estevanmercury.ca

After more than a few years of concentrated lobbying at the provincial level, St. Joseph’s Hospital has received the green light to buty and install a computed tomography (CT) scanner. Tim McMillen, minister responsible for rural and remote health, was in Estevan on June 27, to make the announcement that approval had been granted and that the province would provide the roughly $1 million per year to operate the scanner once it becomes fully operational. He was joined by several supportive municipal officials, MLAs Doreen Eagles and Dan D’Autremont from Estevan and Cannington constituencies and representatives from the Sun Country Health Region with board member Derrell Rodine serving as emcee for the late morning ceremony. The cost to purchase the scanner and the ensuing renovations required to house it will be about $2 million, said St. Joseph’s executive director, Greg Hoffort. To that end, he was pleased to announce to the gathering of about 50 people, that $1.16 million had already been collected or pledged toward the purchase and installation costs. That was based on the $500,000 committed to the project by the City of Estevan and 14 other municipal governments in southeast Saskatchewan, another $500,000 from Ron and Shirley Carson who gain the naming rights for the hospital’s diagnostic centre in return, as well as $100,000 from the Midale Mainprize Manor Trust Fund and $60,000 from Dorothy Yoner on behalf of her late husband Steve, who, she said, saw the need for the imaging equipment

while making medical trips to Regina as well as to St. Joseph’s over the years. Becky Conly, director of the St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation, said the need to raise a further $800,000 to $900,000 for the CT scanner, will become a priority item, but they will continue to raise funds for other ongoing projects and programs for the local hospital. Hoffort said the many years of frustrating negotiations and discussions and false starts that eventually led to the Friday announcement, all went away with McMillen’s announcement and especially, the commitment to fund ongoing operating costs. “Patients can get care sooner, we can reduce wait times, and we’re celebrating another improvement in health care,” said McMillen who has been in the new portfolio for only a few weeks. “This truly is a team effort,” he said, noting the co-operative strength provided by the 15 participating municipal governments. Don Kindopp, chairman of St. Joseph’s Hospital board, said it was the culmination of energy and effort expended by many people in the region and that the hospital would finally have a timely and equitable diagnostic tool at their disposal that will be utilized to reduce patient recovery times and stress, and will give attending physicians an efficient tool to assist them in their diagnosis. Kindopp extended thanks to those who continued to lobby the provincial government and health authority for the scanner. Roy Ludwig, who is Estevan’s mayor as well as vice-chairman of the southeast committee that not only worked tirelessly for the scanner, but also for more doctors to come to Estevan, where a severe

shortage of physicians was recognized a few years ago, said the committee has now merged with the hospital’s foundation. He acknowledged the yeoman efforts put in by previous mayor Gary St. Onge toward making this day possible. “I also thank the ministry for coming to the table,” said Ludwig who dispensed thanks to Sun Country’s CEO Marga Cugnet and MLA Eagles for their continuing efforts to bring the CT scanner to a reality. Cugnet and Sun Country’s board chairwoman, Marilyn Charlton also brought greetings and words of encouragement and completion to the occasion. “This gives patients improved access, there can be more patients receiving care. Treatment for strokes and critical time elements can be met while patients reduce travel time and costs,” said Cugnet. Hoffort acknowledged all 15 participating municipal governments, which included: The City of Estevan and the RM of Estevan as well as the RMs of Benson, Cymri, Coalfields, Cambria, Browning, Mount Pleasant, Argyle and Inniskillen along with the communities of Gainsborough, Carnduff, Oxbow, Bienfait and Glen Ewen. “This was a decision the ministry had to make that was outside the norm, so thanks for making it,” Hoffort said, turning towards McMillen. “Now I can’t wait to get to the planning table.” Later, during an interview scrum, Hoffort said a space for the scanner has been identified in the current diagnostic area of the hospital, which is located near the emergency ward. He said some utility space can be renovated to accommodate the scanner, and no expansion will be necessary. He also paid

tribute to the outlying RMs who joined in the concerted effort to gain the scanner after the original eight councils got the ball rolling. “And, of course, in Estevan we have received unparalleled support.” “Demand for medical imaging services has increased in our province by 22 per cent since 2008-09,” said McMillen. It has grown to the point where over 97,000 images will be taken in this fiscal year, so any relief that can be provided to the already overworked diagnostic centres in the major centres such as Regina, has to be welcomed. He said the

relief for local and regional patients in the southeast sector will not only be witnessed in terms of timely service but will also reduce the frustrations with such things as even trying to find a parking spot at the Regina facilities. Hoffort noted that St. Joseph’s already has one trained CT scan technician on staff and that once the equipment is installed, he hoped to have the training of other staff members completed in time for a start-up in April of 2015. To that end, Hoffort said he expected a localized committee will be struck to steer the project to the finish line.

“Because we were never once told no, we kept on lobbying for this,” said Hoffort. “And yes, the frustrations I felt and the anxieties we had, now fade away, and we move forward with a harmonious group effort,” he said with a smile of relief. “And what about those donations. Our community always rises to the occasion, and they are doing it again. It’s overwhelming,” the hospital’s chief administrator said. “Now the next big thing will be to get a physician resident training program underway in this hospital and region. That also has to happen.”



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Page 12


Our Past July 3, 1996

Each week the Southeast Trader Express shares recent stories from the community but we’ll also give you a look into the past. If you have a photo you think readers of the Southeast Trader Express would find interesting please submit it to Jordan Baker at jbaker@ estvanmercury.ca.

(Left) High temperatures didn’t slow down Marshall Boxrud, who did his best to keep cool by perching himself over one of the water jets at Royal Heights Park.


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Bridal Guide Lacy Steffins & Matthew Wilson ...........................................................................................................................June 14, 2014 Erin Andruschak & Jesse Chesney ......................................................................................................................June 21, 2014 Jennifer Lynn Anderson & Tyler........................................................................................................................June R. Fuessel ........................................................................................ July 21, 5, 2014 Trisha Neuberger & Chris English 2014 Amie Sehn & Kyle Whitehead ........................................................................................................... July 12, Penny Gudmundson & Philip Donison .................................................................................................................June 28,2014 2014 Alison Kuntz && Mathew MichaelWalte Doherty ........................................................................................................ July 12, Maria Sinclair .............................................................................................................................June 28,2014 2014 Leah Evans & Joel Moriarty .............................................................................................................August 2, 2014 Jennifer Anderson & Kevin Lalonde .....................................................................................................................June 28, 2014 Amy Hammermeister & Meili Bradley Belitski ..........................................................................................August 28, 2, 2014 Kandyce Hirsch & Conrad ............................................................................................................................June 2014 Sarah Puryk & Kyler Emde ..............................................................................................................August Jennifer Lynn Anderson & Tyler R. Fuessel ............................................................................................................ July2,5,2014 2014 Alysha Mittelholtz & Garrett Lasko ..................................................................................................August 2, 2014 Amie Sehn & Kyle Whitehead ............................................................................................................................... July 12, 2014 Coralee Kunz & Jeff Blondeau ......................................................................................................August 16, 2014 Alison Kuntz & Michael Doherty ............................................................................................................................ July 12, 2014 Angela Braun & Kevin McNichol....................................................................................................August 16, 2014 Leah Evans & Joel Moriarty................................................................................................................................ August 2, 2014 Megan Glass & Stephen Lisitza.................................................. ..................................................August 16, 2014 Amy Hammermeister & Bradley Belitski ............................................................................................................. August 2, 2014 Tory Schlingmann & Ali Alamhoda ................................................................................................August 23, 2014 Sarah Puryk & Kyler EmdeBonokoski ................................................................................................................................. August 2014 Cassie Dutton & Curtis .................................................................................................August 23,2,2014 Jolene Pettapiece & Chris Byers ....................................................................................................................... .August 2, 2014 Chenise Fiest & Ryan Kilback .......................................................................................................August 23, 2014 Alysha Mittelholtz & Garrett Lasko ..................................................................................................................... August 2, 2014 Breonna Alexander & Robert Graham...........................................................................................August 30, 2014 Coralee Kunz & Jeff Blondeau ......................................................................................................................... August30, 16,2014 2014 Lauren Krassilowsky & Andrew Dyer ............................................................................................August Angela Braun & Kevin McNichol ....................................................................................................................... August 16, 2014 Melissa Marcotte & Lyle Granrud ..................................................................................................August 31, 2014 Megan .......................................................... ...........August 16,2014 2014 JessicaGlass Mills&&Stephen Jordon Lisitza.................................................. Blanchette .......................................................................................... September 13, Tory Schlingmann & Ali Alamhoda ................................................................................................................... August 23, 2014 Chantelle Johner & Cody Loewen .......................................................................................... September 20, 2014 Cassie Dutton& &Stephen Curtis Bonokoski August27, 23,2014 2014 Sara Matte Lainton .................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................... September Breonna RobertGilliss Graham .............................................................................................................. August11, 30,2014 2014 Kathryn Alexander Kitchen &&Dylan ................................................................................................... October Lauren & AndrewTarnes Dyer ............................................................................................................... August 30, 2014 AngelaKrassilowsky Evens & Raymond ............................................................................................ November 8, 2014 Melissa Marcotte Lyle Granrud ..................................................................................................................... August 31, 2014 Aleisha Scott & & Shadoe Struble ................................................................................................ November 8, 2014 Jessica Mills & Jordon Blanchette .............................................................................................................. September 13, 2014 Chantelle Johner & Cody Loewen .............................................................................................................. September 20, 2014 Sara Matte & Stephen Lainton ................................................................................................................... September 27, 2014 Kathryn Kitchen & Dylan Gilliss .......................................................................................................................October 11, 2014 Angela Evens & Raymond Tarnes ................................................................................................................ November 8, 2014 Aleisha Scott & Shadoe Struble .................................................................................................................... November 8, 2014

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Acute care services at Redvers Health Centre to re-open would not be possible without the countless hours that were put in by the foundation, the Redvers recruitment committee, or without the support of the management team at Sun Country Health Region and Sun Country Regional Health Authority. We look forward to providing a higher quality of care to our community and thank them as well for their patience during this period.” A third doctor has signed a commitment letter to open a practice in the community in 2015 and a fourth doctor has committed to the Recruitment Committee an intention to assist with the emergency department call schedule until that doctor arrives. As well, the filling of the Region’s locum position will help with emergency coverage. The plan calls for the re-opening of five acute care beds and two multipurpose beds for convalescent, palliative, respite and transitional use. Additional registered nurses will be needed to fill vacant positions be-

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fore the new services will be opened. Both new and current nursing staff will be required to undergo refresher courses related to emergency services such as advanced life support and trauma care. “Thanks to the hard work of our staff and the

Higher Internet Need a Wedding Gift? speed in Midale SaskTel announced this past week that faster high speed Internet services are being implemented in 29 communities, including Midale and Wawota. The improved service was first talked about at the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) convention in 2013. The idea was to offer download speeds of up to 10 Mbps (megabits per second). The move is part of SaskTel’s long-term strategy to increase access to higher Internet speeds to over 200 existing DSL served communities that now have High Speed Basic (Level 2) service of

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five Mbps, or High Speed Advanced service of up to 10 Mbps. The move is being made to serve the growing rural population and economy, said Kevin Doherty, Minister Responsible for SaskTel. The company is investing $1.2 million on the expansion program.

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Page 13

community, we expect to be able to re-open these services by late fall,” said Cugnet. “The Region is committed to putting patients first and providing the best services possible.” Emergency and acute care services have been closed since 2009.

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Plans are being prepared to re-open emergency services and the acute care wing of Redvers Health Centre this fall. “Sun Country Health Region has been working with the Redvers and District Community Health Foundation and Recruitment Committee on a plan to provide these services once again to the community,” said Marga Cugnet, CEO of the Sun Country Health Region, a release issued June 26. “Now that there are two full-time doctors in place in Redvers with a third one committed, we believe the time is right to re-open these services,” she added. “Reinstatement of the services will provide access to emergency and acute care services for local residents and should reduce demand on Moosomin and Oxbow health services as well.” The Chair of the Redvers and District Community Health Foundation says the foundation is very excited to have the Redvers Health Centre reopening. Michael Garnier said last week, “I know this


SUMMER Rolling


445 - 4th Street Estevan, SK 306-634-2815 Name:_________________________ Phone:_________________________



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We are going to be giving prizes away every week. See the Estevan Mercury Facebook page for details!

‘EM WE MEND ‘EM Owners - Lance Mack & Yancey Hagel



Page 14




WATCH FOR THIS CAR!!! We are going to be giving prizes away every week. See the Estevan Mercury Facebook page for details!

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Thirty licenses issued to Thursday, June 26, 2014

14F318 14F311 14F313 14F312 14F324 14F325 14F322 14F323 14F320 14F332 14F337 14F311 14F327 14F326 14F341 14F350 14F346 14F349 14F329 14F351 14F355 14F352 14F357 14F358 14F359 14F354 13F360 14F356 14F363 14F366

Halo Carnduff Hz.......................................................................................................... 1C10-11-1C12-11-2-33 FCL Glen Ewen 2Hz ...................................................................................................... 1D16-26-3C11-25-2-2 FCL Glen Ewen 2Hz .........................................................................................................1B4-31-1C15-25-2-2 Fire Sky View Hill Hz .............................................................................................................3A1-17-3A1-8-4-8 LTS Viewfield Hz .............................................................................................................3D8-33-3A11-34-8-10 LTS Viewfield Hz ............................................................................................................ 7D8-33-2D11-34-8-10 LTS Heward S HZ ...........................................................................................................3D11-35-3A9-35-8-10 LTS Heward S Hz .........................................................................................................7D11-35-3A16-35-8-10 LTS Viewfield S HZ ............................................................................................................ 2C2-1-2D3-36-8-10 FCL Carnduff.................................................................................................................................... 15-28-2-33 Vermillion Northgate Hz ................................................................................................... 2C13-3-2D14-10-2-2 FCL Glen Ewen 2Hz ...................................................................................................... 1D16-26-3C11-25-2-2 V40C ALameda Hz ...............................................................................................................1A9-7-2D16-7-3-2 CNRL et al Villmar V1U Hz ...................................................................................................3A15-7-4D2-7-6-2 Legacy Openshaw Hz ...........................................................................................................2D4-1-4B4-36-2-3 Kinwest 08 ALameda Hz .................................................................................................... 3C5-28-1C5-29-3-3 FCL Macoun West Hz .................................................................................................. 4C13-12-4C15-11-4-10 CPEC Viewfield Hz ................................................................................................................ 5A1-3A1-33-7-10 Aldon Weyburn 2Hz ......................................................................................................... 1D16-6-1D16-5-7-12 NAL Gainsborough Hz ..................................................................................................... 4C1-14-2D3-13-2-30 Tundra Ryerson Hz ...........................................................................................................1A1-12-1B4-12-8-30 Tundra Ryerson Hz .........................................................................................................1A9-12-1B12-12-8-30 CPEC Viewfield Hz .........................................................................................................3B12-35-2A9-35-7-10 CPEC Viewfield Hz .......................................................................................................6B13-36-2A16-36-7-10 Arruga Viewfield 2Hz.....................................................................................................3A16-13-2C15-18-8-11 CPEC Viewfield Hz .........................................................................................................3D15-22-3A2-22-8-11 CPEC Hoffer Hz ..................................................................................................................2B4-18-3B4-6-1-14 CPEC Flat Lake Hz ...........................................................................................................3B16-11-2B1-2-1-16 FCL Glen Ewen Hz ............................................................................................................ 1D8-26-2D3-25-2-2 Legacy Roche Percee RE WSW.......................................................................................................... 4-22-1-6

14F176 14F178 14F015 14B257 14C175 14E176 14E001 14A378 14A378 14B092 14E249

Precision #409 ........................................Halo Workman Hz .........................................2C13-33-2C15-32-2-32 ALliance #8 ............................................Midale Hastings Hz ............................................ 3A1-13-3A1-12-3-33 Panther #4 ........................................ Spartan Cantal South Hz ........................................1C15-1-1C13-1-5-34 Precision #381 ................................CPEC Queensdale North hz ................................... 5A14-33-2D16-33-6-1 Betts #1 ............................................... Elkhorn Northgate Hz............................................. 2B4-30-2B4-31-1-2 D2 #1 .................................................... V40C Elcott East Hz ...........................................1D14-13-1C5-13-2-2 Betts #2 ....................................... Renegade et al Crystal Hill 2Hz ................................. 2B4-31-4C14-25-10-2 Red DOg #3 ......................................... Elkhorn Northgate Hz............................................... 1A1-3-3B4-35-1-3 Red Dog #3 ......................................... Elkhorn Northgate Hz................................................. 3B3-9-4B4-4-1-5 Ensign #651 ............................................. Legacy Pinto Hz ..................................................... 3B3-9-4B4-4-1-5 Stampede #2 ........................................... Legacy Pinto Hz ................................................. 1C4-17-4B4-18-1-5


14B071 Cnelson #26 .......................................... CPEC Viewfield Hz .........................................3D15-26-2A2-26-11-6 14E011 Stampede #3 .................................... Legacy Roche Percee Hz ........................................2D7-21-1C7-28-1-6 14B210 Vortex #3 ............................................. Legacy Roche Percee Hz ......................................3B16-35-2D8-11-2-7 14A286 Canelson #21 ......................................... CPEC Viewfield z ..........................................8A8-30-1A8-29-8-78-7 14E062 Canelson #27 ................................... CPEC Boundary Dam Hz.....................................3D16-12-2D16-13-1-8 14E455 Stampede #1 ........................................ Fire Sky Macoun Hz.............................................2C13-8-1C13-7-4-8 14F231 Vortex #1 ............................................Torc Lost Horse Hill Hz ..........................................1B9-29-2C2-29-9-8 14E412 Panther #2 ............................................... NAL Torquay Hz .......................................... 3B1322-1C13-34-1-12 14E042 Precision #275 ............................... CVE et al Weybrn Unit Inj Hz ................................5C8-31-1C144-32-5-12 14A053 Panther #3 .......................................... Husky Oungre East Hz ......................................... 1A4-11-4B4-2-1-12 13K195 Alliance #7 .............................................. CPEC Oungre Hz.........................................2D16-12-2D16-13-1-13 14D066 Canelson #23 .......................................... CPEC Hoffer Hz ................................................ 1A3-15-3B2-3-1-14 14B359 Alliance #3 ............................................... CPEC Hoffer Hz ..........................................4C12-22-3C13-34-1-14 13E165 Precision #598 ...................................Gibson Oungre SWD RE ...................................................... 10-16-2-14 14E016 Precision #117 .......................................... Arc Oungre Hz ...............................................2D16-6-2D16-5-3-15

12K341 10E269 10G299 12J237 11J193 13C162 12i200 11H433 14B151 14B177 14B025 14B160 14C222 14E243 14C046 14B285 14A377 14A146 14C100 14A453 14A054 12J173 12J008 10B263 14B272 12A364 12B199 13C033 11K043


PBEN Moosomin ............................................................................................................................ 13-31-13-31 Mosaic Esterhazy 2 EH .................................................................................................................. 12-22-19-33 CPEC Wawota ................................................................................................................................. 8-13-12-33 Phase et al Manor .............................................................................................................................. 10-11-8-1 Triwest Alameda East SWD ................................................................................................................. 16-9-4-2 FCL Carlyle DD .................................................................................................................. 2C9-19-1C9-19-8-2 Sundance Ochapowace ................................................................................................................... 16-32-17-3 Kinwest 08 Alameda .......................................................................................................................... 11-28-3-3 Legacy Steelman Hz ...........................................................................................................1B5-13-4C4-14-4-4 Legacy Pinto Hz ............................................................................................................. 1D16-21-2D16-28-1-5 Coec Kisbey Hz.................................................................................................................2B3-16-1C14-16-8-5 CNRL Steelman 4 Unit .....................................................................................................................15A-26-4-5 CPEC Viewifeld Hz .............................................................................................................4C4-7-4B4-12-11-6 CPEC Viewfield Hz ...................................................................................................... 1D16-35-2D16-36-10-7 CPEC Viewfield Hz ...........................................................................................................1B4-11-1C13-11-7-9 CPEC Viewfield Hz ........................................................................................................ 4C13-28-1C13-33-6-8 CPEC Viewfield Hz ...........................................................................................................1A13-7-1C13-18-9-8 CPEC Viewfield HZ .............................................................................................................2B4-3-1C13-3-10-8 CPEC Viewfield Hz .................................................................................................................1A1-7-1A1-8-8-9 CPEC Viewfield Hz .........................................................................................................2A1-19-2D16-19-10-9 Husky Oungre East Hz........................................................................................................5A4-11-4B3-2-1-12 CVE Weyburn .................................................................................................................................. 15-26-6-12 CVE Weyburn ................................................................................................................................12-30T-6-13 Arc Tribune....................................................................................................................................... 15-32-3-14 NAL Hoffer Hz ................................................................................................................ 1D16-25-4D16-1-2-15 Rio Tinto Sedley ............................................................................................................................... 4-20-14-16 Sparton Ceylon ................................................................................................................................ 16-29-6-18 Epsilon Ceylon Hz .......................................................................................................... 4C6-31-1C14-36-6-19 PBEN Pangman DD ......................................................................................................4B16-15-2D15-15-7-20


Page 15



EVENT ! E Z I R P D N GRA Rolling


Cut out the ballots in this newspaper and enter at the following businesses, each week a finalist will be chosen from every business and printed here. Finalists are invited to the curling rink on August 21 for the final draw. YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN! Enter often - good luck! JOHNSON PLUMBING & HEATING LTD.

tional • Sec mps a • L ables T • Endea Rug wn • Ar s sho



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! S T S I L A N FI qualify to You can only once be a finalist

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(Enter at the Estevan Mercury Office)

Roland Porter, Verna Thompson, Elaine Bachorcik, Perry Mitchell, Deb Gordey, Earl Craig, Kim Marcotte, Brandon Hartness, Ken Green, Cory Mitchell, Brody Stark, Jacob Peters, Marilyn Wock, Shelly Lesy, Brian Cochran, Dan Stade, Tracy Lewis Miller, Shane Davenport, Travis Effodie, Steve Wedow, Connie Moberg, Jared Story, Alexander Krets, Trevor Dammann, Tim Partridge, Vicki Elford,Gloria Bill, Haley Kelly, David Peeace, Dwayne Littlejohn, Elain Krantz

Page 16





Page 19

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T1*15 Furnished 3 Bedroom Condo For R e n t : A v a i l a b l e A u g u s t 1. $2000/month. Includes central air/ washer/ dryer/ fridge/ stove/ all utilities. Privacy locks on all bedroom doors. Ideal for oilfield personnel-no hookups. Ground level entry. patio. Call 306-222-7966 or email tonyalmond@sasktel.net RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, ALL INCLUSIVE Meals, transportation, activities daily, Short Leases. Monthly Specials! Call 866-338-2607.

Houses For rent 3 bedroom home for rent fully fenced yard, all appliances included, storage shed. 2 bedroom 2 storey home for rent fully fenced yard detached garage, all appliances included. No Pets, references required. Realtor owned. Call 111 or text Jamie at 306-421-3902.


Fantastic deal for the Work Crews I nALCOHOLICS Es t eva n $ANONYMOUS 1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 TO $1,500.00 ESTEVAN MOVE IN INCENFor information and contact TIVES$930.00 each person $2,800 per month, heat, power, persons - Call 634-9130 water and Basic Cable TV and AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPS Monthly housekeeping. Estevan Fully furnished units.... just bring your suitFor more information and case. 3 BED/ 2 BATH HOMES contact persons NEW FOR RENT IN ESTEVAN. Call 634-9130 GREAT SPACIOUS MODULAR F O R C O M PA N I E S LO OTM51tf KING FOR ACCOMODATIONS FOR CRIMINAL RECORD? C R E W S WO R K I N G I N T H E Canadian seals record. AREA FOR pardon AN APPLICATION, American waiver legal QUESTIONS, OR Aallows VIEWING PLEASE CALL risk KATHY BROWN entry. Why employment, 3 business, 0 6 - 5 2 5 - 13 8 1travel, E X T 111 OR licensing, EMAIL: kbrown@nicorgroup.ca deportation? All CANADIAN/

Travel MAMERICAN AC O U N : L aWork rg e 3& b e d ro oVim house Macoun for rentorJuly1-8001st . sas. in604-282-6668 Phone 306-421-3749 347-2540.


Rooms Announce

Your Coming Event with an ad in The Trader Rooms For Rent: Available immediately 3 rooms in an extended Classifieds!

For Rent: Room for rent in my home. Clean, mature individuals only. Working home environment. Sheets, towels supplied. Kitchen use and shared bathroom. Call after 5pm. 306-634-9734 after 5 pm or 306-421-1160 daytime. Leave message.

stay newly renovated 3 bedroom fully furnished house. All utilities paid. Contact Dallas @ (306) 4710605 Or By email hallawayhouse@sasktel.net

112 - Health Mobile/ and FItness Manufactured

BEST CANADIAN BUILT HOME BY MODULINE! BEST PRICE! Personalized Service 1520 sq. ft. Temora $99,900 1216 sq. ft. Oasis/Villa $79,900 960 sq. ft. Tuscan $69,900 ~ Call Stan ~ 113 - Lost 306-496-7538 & Found 1-888-699-9280 LOST: 7 Heifers www. around the Kisbey area. Please call Anaffordablehomesales.ca thony Bocian - 842-5814. Yorkton T1*16 Weekend calls FOUND SOMETHING? If you $6,000 Option Value 50% OFF

have found any articles …

Coats, BKeys, L O W OGlasses, UT SPEC I A L ! 2Pets, 013 etc., just“Eclipse” call Thereduced Estevan Moduline to Mercury Delivery at 634-2654. $148,900. included We for the 200 km.your Come see this will 1st advertise “FOUND” great home, only available. Call Items FREE OF1 CHARGE! Marg at Craigs Home Sales, 1TMtf 855-380-2266.

114 - Dating Services/

Lots & AcreAges for Companions Wanted sALe DATING SERVICE. Long-

7Term/Short-Term A c r e a g e P a r c e l s FRelationor Sale: ships,acres, FREE 12-55 withCALLS. services 1-877nearby 297-9883. voice and good waterExchange available. Located on a good allvoice weather road 15 messages, mailboxes. minutes Southeast of Live Estevan.adult 1/2 1-888-534-6984. mile N ofconversations Hwy 39 on SW –1/41 24casual on 01-06 and NW 1/4 13-01-06 W2. 1, 1-866-311-9640, Meet on $50,000.00 - $75,000.00. Call chat-lines. or Local 306-927-2385 email Single Ladies.storylandx6@sasktel.net 1-877-804-5381. (18+).


RecReational 115PRoPeRty - Readings/ Astrologers

Campsites Rent: $600 a PSYCHICfor COMING Aug. 22. month. 30 amp power, full service, Imagine knowing the future free shower and laundry room. before it happens. Love and Also available campers to rent money problems. 98% ac$1100/month. Call 1-306-461curate. 35 years experience. 9279 or 1-306-461-6884

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or family reunion. www.NSBFLA.com or 1-800-541-9621. TM1-15

117 - Vacation/ Farm Implements Travel

166 LAND WANTED Notices

QUEEN VICTORIA HOTEL, Victoria, BC. Extended rates October 15 - April 30. Downtown hotel with kitchens, pool, tness centre, parking. Contact: reservations@qvhotel. com or 1-800-663-7007; www.qvhotel.com. TM1-15

ADVERTISEMENTS and WANTED: COLLECTOR PAYING statements contained herein TOP PRICES for old advertising are the sole of dealership signs,responsibility plastic or metal. the persons entities that Service Stationoritems, gasoline post advertisement, and pumps,the globes, oil cans, clocks. Red Indian, Dodge, Ford, Weekly etc. 306the Saskatchewan 221-5908, 306-369-2810 Newspaper Association and membership do not make any SteelasBuildingS / warranty to the accuracy, granarieS completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertiseS T E E L For B U Igreater L D I N G Sinforma/ M E TA L ments. BUILDINGS 60% OFF! 20x28, tion on advertising conditions, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, please the forAssocia60x150, consult 80x100 sell balance tion’s o w e d !Blanket C a l l Advertising 1- 8 0 0 - 4 5 7-Con2206 ditions on our website at www.crownsteelbuildings.ca www.swna.com. STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL TM1-15 BUILDINGS UP TO 60% OFF!

For Sale: John Deere trac1414650 - Appliance tor. Approximately 6,900 km. Repair $30,000 or best offer. Phone 306634-5568 and to leave a message. Repairs Household:

Washers, Dryers, Dishwashers, Ranges, Fridges

Feed & Seed Call Rene at

306-455-2707 HEATED CANOLA Cell: 306-577-5487 WANTED!! T51tf

- GREEN CANOLA 142 - Auction - SPRING THRASHED Services - DAMAGED CANOLA AUCTIONS DONE RIGHT! FEED OATS Whether it’s equipment, real WANTED!! estate, livestock or a complete farm dispersal.OATS, For a free auc- BARLEY, WHT tion proposalOR contact Ritchie - LIGHT TOUGH Bros. Auctioneers today! 1- SPRING THRASHED 800-491-4494 or HEATED FLAX rbauction.com. WANTED!! TM1-15 HEATED PEAS 156 - Miscellaneous HEATED LENTILS Services "ON FARM PICKUP" $500$ LOAN SERVICE, by Westcan Feed quick phone, no credit refused, Grain and easy, & payable over 6 or 12 installments. Toll Free: 1-8771-877-250-5252

776-1660 www.moneyprovider.com. Buying/Selling TM1-15


DEBT CONSOLIDATION heated / damaged PROGRAM. Helping CanaCANOLA/FLAX dians repay debts, reduce or eliminate regardless Top interest, price paid of your credit. Steady Income? FOB FARM You may qualify for instant help. Considering Bankruptcy? Call 1-877-220-3328 FREE Consultation Government Approved, BBB Member. 877-695-6461 TM1-15

Western Commodities Visit our website @

CRIMINAL RECORD? We www.westerncommodities.ca can help! The National Pardon CentrePulse is RCMP Accredited. croPs/ For better price and better sergrain/feed wanted vice visit: www.nationalpardon.org. Buying Canola, Malt Barley, and Oats. Mark @ North American Call Call 1-866-242-2411. Foods. 306-457-8302 or TM1-15 306-4571500.

Buy Sell … LAND… FOR SALE Rent … FARMLAND… Announce WANTED The NO FEES OR Classifieds COMMISSIONS! Do It All …

30x40, 40x60, 50x80, 60x100, 171sell- for Estevan 80x100 balance owed! Call: 1-800-457-2206 Homes for Sale www.crownsteelbuildings.ca

FOR SALE: New 1216 sq. ft. STEEL BUILDINGS... SUMMER 3 M EBedroom, LT D O W N 2 Sbath A L E ! modular 20X20 home. fridge 30X30 and $5,419. Includes 25X26 $6,485. stove. down; 40X48 $852 $8,297. $4750 32X34 $9,860. $15,359. 47X68 $20,558.lotFront per month - Includes rent.& Back Wall Included. Pioneer Steel Phone 1-403-397-8525. 1-800-668-5422 www.pioneerT17tf steel.ca

173 - Condos/ For Sale - MiSc Townhouses FOR SALE: 2 bedroom condo in downtown Estevan. 1130 Advertisements and statements contained herein are bathrooms. the sole resq. ft. with two sponsibilityfridge/stove/w/d of the persons orand enIncludes tities that Heated post the underground advertisement, freezer. and the Saskatchewan Weekly parking. Phone 634-2284 for Newspaper Association and memmore bershipinformation. do not make any warranty TM4*17 as to the accuracy, completeness,

truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. Forofgreater 176 - Out City information on advertising conditions, Homes for Sale please consult the Association’ s Blanket Advertising Conditions on HIRSCH: 5 bathroom, 1 1/2 our website at2250 www.swna.com. bathroom. sq. ft. Newly

renovated. All COVERS. appliances HOT TUB (SPA) included. $185,000. Best Price, Best Quality. Call All shapes & Colors Available. (306)388-2295. Call 1-866-652-6837 www.skhomes4sale.com/9015 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaTM4*15 per

180 - Wanted to PROVINCE-WIDE CLASSIFIEDS. Reach over 550,000 readers Rent/Buy weekly. Call this newspaper NOW LOOKING TO for RENT. or 306-649.1400 details.Profes-

sional college graduate looking RURAL WATER TREATMENT. to rent a 1 bedroom apartment Patented iron filters, softeners, or suite for“Kontinuous September 2010. I distillers, Shock” am a responsible, respectable, Chlorinator, IronEater. Patented non-smoking ce worker with whole house of reverse osmosis. Payment plan.is1-800-BIG-IRON no pets who willing to sign (244-4766); www.BigIronDr a lease. Please call Daniel illat ing.com. View our 29 patented & 778-846-5233. patent pending inventions. Since TMtf 1957.

181 -PersonAl Rooms Adult for Rent MessAges

FOR RENT: One bedroom in basement ************* of private home. Find Yourdrinker. Favourite LaunNon-smoker, CALL NOW dry facility available as well 1-866-732-0070 as sharing a common 1-888-544-0199 18+ living room, bathroom. Please call HOT LOCAL CHAT 421-1477. 1-877-290-0553 Mobile: #5015 T2*16

SUMMARY OF SOLD ************* PROPERTIES LOCAL HOOKUPS Central - 201 1/4’s BROWSE4FREE 1-888-628-6790 or #7878 Mobile7 South - 75 1/4’s CHARGED CLASSIFIED South East - 40 1/4’s Meet singles right now! No paid ADVERTISING RATES operators, just real people like South West - 65 1/4’s you. Browse greetings, Businesses/Private Parties placing ClassiÀ ed North - 6 1/4’s exchange messages and conAdvertising in either North East - 2 1/4’s (Want Ads) nect live. Try it free. Call now: The Estevan Mercury North West - 12 1/4’s 1-800-590-8215. or the Southeast Trader Express East - 51 1/4’s

and requesting these ads to be Utility trailers ACCOUNT WILL BE AVAILABLE TO RENT THE FOLLOWING RATE: CHARGED For 20 Sale: 2008 Load Trail trailer. $9.95 for the First Words 20’ long. $4,500 or best offer. PURCHASING: + 20¢ for Each Additional Word Phone 306-634-5568 and leave a SINGLEALL TOPRICES LARGE SUBJECT TO 5% GST message. BLOCKS OF LAND. Please remember … PREMIUM PRICES Each Abbreviation Counts as One Word PAID WITH QUICK (You don’t save money by abbreviating, you just make PAYMENT. your ad more difÀcult to read) E-mail Addresses (i.e. www.world.ca) RENT BACK count as three words FARM ANDBILLED PASTURE TO LAND AN


Call DOUG 306-955-2266 saskfarms@shaw.ca

Buy and Sell in The Mercury Classifieds

At Atthe theSoutheast Southeast Trader TraderExpress Express Pay Full Price for a Pay Full Price for aCLASSIFIED CLASSIFIEDinin


Repeatthe theSame SameAd Adininthe the Repeat


Mercury For 1/2 Price! For 1/2 Price! www.estevanmercury.ca

Our ClassiÀed Sale Our Classi ed Sale Never Ends! Never Ends!

Trader Classieds Work! Estevan Mercury The Estevan Mercury Southeast Trader &&Southeast TraderExpress Express CLASSIFIED Index INDEX Classified Engagements ................................. 101 Comm. Buildings for Sale/Rent ..... 201 Engagements Services 202 Marriages ........................................ 102 Offices for Rent Farm ............................... Anniversaries ................................. 103 Shops/Warehouses for Rent .......... 203 Wedding Annivers. Feed & Notices Creditorsfor Rent/WantedSeed Happy Days ..................................... 104 to Storage ............... 204 Misc. Announcements .................... 105 Business Services .......................... Anniversaries Hay/Bales for Sale205 Assessment Rolls Prayer Corner ................................. 106 Property Development .................... 206 Birthdays Memorial Tributes .......................... 107 Business Opportunities Certified................. Seed for207 Sale Tax Enforcement Cards of Thanks ............................. 108 Hotels/Motels for Sale ................... 208 Announcements Pulse Crops/Grain Tenders Coming Events ............................... 109 Revenue Properties for Sale .......... 209 Prayer Corner Garage/Yard Sales .......................... 110 Wanted Notices/Nominations Personals ........................................ 111 Farmland for Sale ........................... 221 In Memoriam Steel Buildings/ 222 ........................... Legal/Public Noticesfor Rent Health & Fitness .............................. 112 Farmland Lost & Found ................................... 113 Pastureland ..................................... 223 Cards of Thanks Granaries Judicial Sales Companions/Dating Services ........ 114 Farmland Wanted ............................ 224 Coming Events .................... 115 Mineral Rights ................................. Readings/Astrologers Farms/Real Estate225 Houses for Sale Psychics 116 Farm Equipment ............................. 226 Garage ......................................... Sales Farm Equipment Wanted ................ 227 Vacation, Travel ............................. 117 Apts./Condos for Sale Antiques 228 Memorial Services Bands, Orchestras ......................... 119 Livestock ......................................... For Sale/Miscellaneous Out of120TownHorses/Trailers ................................ 229 Child Care Services ....................... Personals for Sale ................ 230 Child Care Wanted ......................... 121 Seed/Cert. Seed Furniture Cabins/Cottages/ Hay/Bales for Sale ......................... 231 Health/Beauty Services MusicalWanted Instruments Pulse Crops/Grain/Feed .. 232 Country Homes Appliance Lost Repair ............................ 141 Cust. Farm Work/Rentals .............. 233 Computers/Electronics Auctioneers .................................... 142 Apts./Condos forBuildings/Granaries Rent Steel .............. 234 Found Brick, Masonry ............................... 143 Farm Real EstateFirewood Services ............ 235 Duplexes Rent Building, Contracting .................... 144 for Farm Auctions ................................ 236 Introduction Services Sports Equipment Drywalling ....................................... 145for Rent Houses Electrical ......................................... 146 Readings Antiques for SaleFarm ............................ Produce 251 Mobiles/Pads Handyperson ................................... 147 for Sale .............................. 252 Psychics ................................ 148 Articles Housecleaning Hunting/Firearms Furniture/Appliances ..................... 253 Housesitting Janitorial ...................... 254 Travel ......................................... 149 Musical Instruments Plants/Shrubs/Trees Lawn, Garden Service ................... 150 toComputers/Printers Wanted Rent ........................ 255 Health Wallpapering Spas Painting, .................. 151 Firewood ......................................... 256 Pets Rooms Rent Plumbing ........................................ 152for Food Market .................................... 257 TicketsSiding ............................... 153 Wanted to Buy Roofing, Room & Board Golf/Sporting Goods ....................... 258 Snow Removal ................................ 154 Hobbies/Crafts ............................... 259 Childcare Available Auctions Shared Vacuum Service .............................. 155Accomm. Hunting Supplies/Firearms ............ 260 Childcare Wanted Miscellaneous Services ................. 156 Pets & Supplies Adult Personals 261 ............................... Mobile/Mft. Homes Home Renovations ......................... 157 Plants/Garden ................................. 262 Domestic Cars Hauling & Moving ............................ for158 Sale Wanted to Buy/Swap ...................... 263



Misc. Auctions ................................ Recreational Property Trucks & Vans 264 Adult Personals/Services ............... 275 Legal Parts & Accessories Revenue Bookkeeping Notices to Creditors ....................... 161 Property Cars/Trucks for Sale ...................... 301 Assessment Rolls ........................... 162 Wanted Garages Antique VehiclesAutomotive ........................... 301a Appliance Repairs Tax Enforcement ............................. 163 Semi-Trucks/Trailers .................... 301A RVs/Campers/Trailers Tenders ............................................ 164 Auctioneers Real EstateCars/Trucks Services Wanted ...................... 302 Notices - Nominations .................... 165 Boats ................. 303 Auto Parts/Accessories Bricklaying Investment Opport. Legal Notices ................................... 166 Motorhomes .................................... 304 Snowmobiles Judicial Sales .................................. 167 Building/Contracting Campers/RV's .................................. 305 Business Opportunities Estevan Homes for Sale ................. 171 Boats/Trailers/Motors ..................... 306 Motorcycles Building Supplies Hotels/Motels Estevan Homes for Sale/Rent ....... 172 Personal Watercraft ....................... 307 ATVs/Dirt Bikes 308 Condos/Townhouses ...................... 173 Services Motorcyles ...................................... Drywalling Business City Lots for Sale ............................ 174 Snowmobiles/Trailers ..................... 309 Utility Trailers Building/Contracting Financial Boundary Dam Prop. ...................... 175 Services ATV's ................................................ 310 Oilfield/Wellsite Equip. Out of City Homes for Sale ............ 176 Industrial Machinery ....................... 311 Electrical Industrial/Commercial Apartments for Rent ....................... 177 Utility Trailers .................................. 312 Equipment Estevan Homes for Rent ...............Storage 178 Oilfield/Well-SiteHeavy Handyperson Equipment .......... 313 Mobile Homes for Rent .................. 179 Career Opportunities Hauling Space180for Lease Wanted to Rent/Buy ....................... Employment Opportunities ............ 401 Professional Help402 Rooms for Rent .............................. 181 Professional Employment ............. Cleaning Office/Retail for Rent Room & Board ................................. 182 Office/Clerical .................................. 403 Office/Clerical Janitorial Shared Accommodations .............. 183 Trades/Skills ................................ 404 Warehouses Out of City Rentals ......................... 184 Sales Consultants Skilled Help ...................... 405 Landscaping Farms185for Sale Mobile Homes for Sale .................. Farm/Ranch Help ........................ 406 Trades Help Mobile Wanted .................... 186 Help Wanted ............................... 407 LawnHomes & Garden Farms/Acreages Manufactured Homes ..................... 187 Domestic Help Sales/Agents ............................. 408 Moving RTM's/Buildings for Sale ............... 188 for189 RentEmployment Wanted ................. 409 General Employment Acreages .......................................... Painting/Wallpaper Career Training .......................... 410 Resort Properties ........................... 190 Land/Pastures Work Wanted Renos/Home Out of City Lots for Sale ................. 191 Instruction, Tutoring .................. 411 ............... 412 RentBookkeeping Services Garages ..........................................for 192 Domestic Help Wanted Improvement Out of Province Real Estate ........... 193 Clerical/Office Services ............. 413 Mineral Rights Career Training Real Estate Services ...................... 194 Roofing Obituaries ................................... 501 Memorial Gifts Tutors ............................. 502 Farm Implements Snow removal Livestock Memorial Donations Services for Hire Obituaries Horses & Tack Vacuum Services


THE TRADER EXPRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 2014 Domestic cars

Domestic cars

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2009 FORD FOCUS SES 66,000 kms ..............................................$9,995 2008 CHEVROLET MALIBU LS 71,000 kms ....................................SOLD

Used Trucks, SUVs & Vans 2014 F150 SUPERCREW 4X4 XTR 1,500 kms ..............................$39,995 2013 EDGE LIMITED AWD 31,000 kms .........................................$38,995 2012 E450 CUBE VAN 29,000 kms ................................................$29,995 2011 EXPEDITION LIMITED 4X4 93,000 kms ...............................$29,995 2011 CHEVROLET SILVERADO CREW CAB 4X4 27,000 kms....$25,995 2011 NISSAN TITAN PRO-4X 63,000 kms ....................................$23,995 2011 F150 XTR SUPERCREW 4X4 71,000 kms ............................$28,900 2011 LINCOLN MkX 79,000 kms ...................................................$30,995 2010 CHEVROLET LTZ CREW CAB 4X4 141,000 kms ................$18,995 2010 FLEX LIMITED AWD 70,000 kms ..........................................$23,995 2010 GMC SIERRA SLE CREW CAB 4X4 106,000 kms ...............$21,995 2008 F350 LARIAT CREW CAB 4X4 6.4L DIESEL 140,000 kms .$25,995 2008 CHEVROLET EQUINOX SPORT 4X4 92,500 kms ...............$18,995

Senchuk Ford Sales Ltd.

Your home of after sales service 118 Souris Avenue North – Estevan, Sask.


Career OppOrtunities

Career OppOrtunities

Heavy Equipment Operators for late model CAT equip: motor scrapers (cushion ride), dozers, excavators, rock trucks, graders (trim operators). Camp job. Competitive wages plus R & B. Valid drivers license req’d. Send resume and work references to: Bryden Construction and Transport Co. Inc. Box 100, Arborfield, Sk. S0E 0A0; Fax: 306-769-8844 Email: brydenconstruct@ xplornet.ca

MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-888-528-0809 to start training for your work-athome career today!

Newspaper Reporter Position Weekly newspaper is seeking a reporter in the progressive town of Shellbrook Saskatchewan. Town has all amenities for excellent living and is close to many recreational activities. Individual must possess good writing, reporting and communication skills, and be able to work well with others. Some other related duties are required. Interested applicants may send a resume and references to: Clark Pepper, Publisher by email to reporterposition@ sbchron.com Badger Daylighting Calgary Inc. is hiring drivers (C3+Q) and swampers in Calgary, AB. Full-time, year-round work with OT & benefits. Must be willing to work weekends. Email resumes@badgercalgary.com to apply. FOURLANE FORD SALES in Innisfail, Alberta is looking for a Diesel Technician. Signing bonus and up to $45./hour depending on experience. Email: sdavis@fourlaneford.com. Phone 403-227-3311. GET FREE VENDING MACHINES Can Earn $100,000.00 + Per Year. All Cash-Retire in Just 3 Years. Protected Territories. Full Details CALL NOW 1-866-668-6629 Website WWW.TCVEND.COM

Reporter/Photographer required. Willing to train on the job, must have a valid driver’s license and a reliable vehicle. Full-time or parttime, wages commensurate with experience and education. Gas allowance, group benefits and company pension plan.Send resume to Weyburn Review, Box 400, Weyburn, Sk S4H 2K4, email: dward@weyburnreview.com or fax 306-842-0282. WINCH TRACTOR OPERATORS. Must have experience operating a winch. To apply fax, email or drop off resume at the office. Phone 780-842-6444. Fax 780-842-6581. Email: rigmove@telus.net. Mail: H&E Oilfield Services Ltd., 2202 1 Ave., Wainwright, AB, T9W 1L7. For more employment information see our webpage: www.heoil.com.

General employment HELP WANTED!! Make up to $1000 A Week Mailing Brochures From Home! Help Home Workers Since 2001! Genuine Opportunity! NO Experience Required! Start Immediately! wwwTheMailingHub.com

NOW HIRING!!! $28.00/ HOUR. Undercover Shoppers Needed. // $300/DAY Easy Online COMPUTER WORK. // $575/Week ASSEMBLING Products. // $1000/WEEKLY PAID IN ADVANCE!!! MAILING BROCHURES.-PT/FT. Genuine. experience Unnecessary. www.AvailableHelpWanted.com

SuiteS For rent Available Immediately: One bedroom furnished suite for rent. Private entrance and dr iveway. Utilities paid with cable. $1200 month plus damage deposit. Contact 306-421-2821 RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, ALL INCLUSIVE Meals, transportation, activities daily. Short leases. Monthly Specials! Call 1-866-338-2607



Frederick James Povey It is with deep sadness the family announces the passing of our very dear father. Dad passed away peacefully on July 1, 2014 at the age of 90. Dad was the oldest son of seven children. He was born in Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan and raised in the Alameda district. Dad served in World War II, farmed in the Oxbow area and was a teacher in Oxbow, Bengough and Estevan. He loved music and played his violin for many community events. Predeceased by Dorothy (2005), his loving wife of 56 years, he will be remembered and sadly missed by his five children, Glen (Julie) Povey of Regina, Sharon (Garry) Bowes of Lethbridge, Diane (Mark) McKerricher of Bengough, Shelley (Trevor) Price of Regina and Reg (Colleen) Povey of Saskatoon; 16 grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren. He is also survived by four sisters Lois Ruth, Gwen East, Effie Dyer and Nina (Don) Macknak and sisters-in-law Minnie East, Dolores Maierhoffer, Anne East and numerous nieces and nephews. A Mass in celebration of his life will be held Saturday July 5 at 1pm at the St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church, 109-12th Ave Estevan officiated by Rev. Brian Meredith celebrant. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to St. Joseph’s Hospital Estevan or Weyburn Special Care Home.

Outram – Torquay news Betty Ribling Correspondent Congratulations and best wishes to nine-yearold Rebecca Duncan, voice student of Meagan Miller, who successfully completed her Royal Conservatory of Music Grade One voice exam. Rebecca passed with a mark of 94, first class honours, and with distinction and ranges in the top five per cent across Canada. Rebecca Duncan, William Duncan and Destiny Adams were among those who competed at the 2014 Estevan Gold Eels Inter-

national Swim Meet held at the R.M. of Estevan Aquatic Centre on June 21. Halle Adams and Rachel Duncan took part in the Estevan girls’ softball tournament held on June 21. Our sympathy is extended to the Wimmer and Lievaart families on the tragic passing of Phil Wimmer of Beaubier and Brad Wimmer of Tribune, who passed away Sunday, June 15. A funeral service was held June 23 at Estevan Alliance Church with Pastor Mark Bergen officiating. May God comfort you at this difficult time.


St. Joseph’s Hospital relies on donations to fund equipment purchases. Your Memorial Gift honours your loved one and makes it possible for our hospital to continue providing quality care for Estevan and area residents. A letter will be sent to the family acknowledging your gift; please include their name and address as well as your own. You will receive an income tax receipt.

Please send your donation to:

St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation Box 5000-203, Estevan, SK S4A 2V6 Phone: (306) 637-2474


Businesses/Private Parties placing Classied Advertising (Want Ads) in either The Estevan Mercury or the Southeast Trader Express and requesting these ads to be BILLED TO AN ACCOUNT WILL BE CHARGED THE FOLLOWING RATE: $9.95 for the First 20 Words + 20¢ for Each Additional Word ALL PRICES SUBJECT TO 5% GST Please remember … Each Abbreviation Counts as One Word (You don’t save money by abbreviating, you just make your ad more difcult to read) Web Sites (i.e. www.world.ca) count as three words

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Business office located at 68 Souris Avenue North in Estevan (Across from the Water Tower) Please Phone 634-2654 for further information office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday ****************

use the Handy Form Below to Submit your Advertisement to: The Southeast Trader Express Box 730, Estevan, Sk S4A 2A6 or submit your ad through our website at www.estevanmercury.ca Please Select your Category from the Classified Index A REMINDER … EACH ABBREVIATIoN Counts as one Word (you don’t save money by abbreviating, you just make your advertisement more difficult to read)

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The World’s Largest Shopping Centre is the CLASSIFIED SECTION of Your Newspaper

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CLUES ACROSS 1. Outmoded 6. Strikes 11. All the same 16. Blue Hen school 17. Peopled 18. Initials of NBC weather host 19. Atomic #28 20. Doctor 21. Small time unit (abbr.) 22. 4th tone of scale 23. Dines 25. Rates of movement 27. Immature newt 28. Of I 29. Kick out 30. Pouchlike structure 32. Brew 33. Oh, God! 35. Shell lining 37. Ladies undergarments 38. An open way for travel 39. Passenger 41. Plate 42. Actor Affleck 43. 1/100 of a yen 45. Scientific workplace 46. 60 minutes (abbr.)

48. Straggle 49. Plate made of silver or gold 51. Mains 53. Great Britain 54. Hermione’s boyfriend 55. D’Onofrio’s Law & Order 56. 10th state 57. Do again prefix 58. Jagged cut 62. Air Force 63. K. Hepburn’s alma mater 66. “King Rat� actor George 67. Academy first year CLUES DOWN 1. Speaker’s platform 2. Indicates position 3. Moves through water 4. Historical region of Pakistan 5. Country code for Addis Ababa 6. Ball striker 7. East northeast 8. Form a sum 9. 7th musical tone 10. Harnessed horse (bit) 11. Catholic sisters 12. Purim villain

Time for a change?

13. Invests in little enterprises 14. Prongs 15. Shred cheese 24. Gazing intently 25. Paper tablet 26. Diego, Francisco, Anselmo 27. Otological pain 29. Pedestal supports 31. Islands are named for them 34. Gallivant 36. Romaine 37. Lux Palm Beach hotel 40. Ribbed fabric 41. CBS newsman Rather 42. Book jacket review 44. Braided river of Poland 45. Atom smasher 47. Devastate 50. Pressure unit (mm Hg) 51. Move sideways 52. Free from risk 55. Small prison room 58. Liquefied natural gas 59. Doctors’ group 60. UC Berkeley 61. Uppermost part 64. Thou 65. Stuart Little’s author White

Looking for full time WELDERS’ HELPERS and INDUSTRIAL PAINTERS. Located in Gravelbourg Saskatchewan. Production line Welders’ Helpers (NOC 9612) Ability to assemble trailers using MIG welding process. Ability to weld mild steel in all welding positions. Mig training and 5 years Mig welding experience preferred. Salary range from 17.00 to 25.25 depending on skill level and with productivity bonus may reach 19.55 to 29.04 We are willing to sponsor Journeyperson Apprentices. Industrial Painter Ability to apply 2 part epoxy liquid paint process Auto body paint training preferred with 5 years experience Salary range from 17.00 to 25.19 depending on skill level and with productivity bonus may reach 18.40 to 28.97 Final Assembly, Finisher and Sandblaster Ability to do: Primary wiring, wood saw cutting, installing decks, installing tires, sandblasting, ďŹ nal wiring, detailing. Salary range from 12.08 to 19.58 depending on skill level and with productivity bonus may reach 13.85 to 22.52 Full Comprehensive Health, Life and Disability Insurance Program

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Excellent Opportunity

Experienced Autobody Technician or Painter



Full Benefits Salary based on experience.


Call Bill: 306-634-2815 email: wfonstad@sasktel.net


Ken Mehler Sales & Rentals 306-421-9576 Estevan, SK – 306-634-9955

requires a

Town Foreman Town of Elrose is seeking a Full-time Foreman to start as soon as possible. Duties to include are; water and sewer maintenance, streets, sidewalks, garbage collection, heavy lifting, as well as duties assigned by Council. Applicant must have a valid Class 5 Saskatchewan drivers license, have or be willing to obtain Level 1 Water Distribution certification and Level 1 Waste Water Collection and Treatment certification. Must be willing to submit a Criminal Records check. Only those selected for interview will be contacted. Send a detailed resume to: Town of Elrose c/o Mayor June Harsch #PY t &MSPTF 4, 4 - ; junehintze@sasktel.net CZ Q N PO "VHVTU

Plumbing Now Servicing Estevan & Surrounding Communities! Specializing in furnace replacement & repair, gas fitting and all plumbing services for renovations and new construction.

Call 306-452-5199


Randy Franke 306-421-2244

Book An Ad Today Call 306-634-2654



PERMANENT FULL TIME Shift Work: Day, Evenings, Weekends & Nights Job duties: Operate telephone system to advance and complete customer’s telephone calls, Record messages, transfer calls, safety check call-ins, alarm monitoring and may perform other duties as assigned. Skill requirements: No experience is necessary. On the job training will be provided. Specific skills: Possess excellent customer service and communication skills. Must have legible handwriting and good organizational skills. You should be a team player with the ability to work in a fast paced environment. Education: Completion of High School Language: English

Page 19

TOWN OF ELROSE requires a

Town Administrator Full-time employment to begin as soon as possible. Candidates should possess an LGA Standard Certificate and be proficient in Munisoft programs and Microsoft Word and Excel. Exceptional leadership and interpersonal and communication skills are an asset. Send a detailed resume to: Town of Elrose c/o Mayor June Harsch #PY t &MSPTF 4, 4 - ; junehintze@sasktel.net CZ Q N PO +VMZ

Wage: $15.58 - $18.00 hourly / 40 hours a week

Position to start immediately

Estevan Telephone Answering Service attn: Rose or Joyce 706 5th St. Estevan, SK Canada S4A 0Y6 Phone: 306-634-3522 Fax: 306-636-2173

Telephone Answering Service (1993) Ltd.

Book a career ad

TODAY! adsales@estevanmercury.ca

requires a full time

DRIVER Minimum Qualifications: • Oilfield tickets including H2S Alive & 1st Aid/CPR • Live in or within 10 minutes of Estevan

We are seeking candidates with an oilfield background and/or customer service experience. We will train the right individual. We offer benefits along with excellent compensation and flexible days off. Call Clinton at 306-461-8491, mail resume to Box 208, Estevan S4A 2A3 or e-mail: missionhotshot@sasktel.net



Big Country Energy Services LP

Class 1A Driver Responsibility is to load and move heavy equipment to various locations.

We offer competitive wages and an excellent benefit package.

Sell Your Unwanted Items with an Ad in

The Trader Classifieds Phone306- 634-2654 Today!

Please drop off resume at: 101 Jahn Street, Estevan or call: Mike Brasseur at 306-634-4554 or 306-461-8111 or Brad Alberts at 306-634-4554 or 306-461-8153

Canyon Technical Services is a leader in the oilfield service industry, providing customized fracturing and pressure pumping solutions to oil and gas producers across the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin. At Canyon, our employees are ‘Champions’, dedicated to fulfilling our Vision of “improving the industry one job at a time� - our ‘Champions’ have made Canyon one of the most sought-after providers in our industry. If you are looking for a career within a leading organization that promotes Integrity, Relationships, Innovation and Success, then Canyon is looking for you! Canyon is preparing for an extremely busy 2014/2015 and are looking for qualified employees.

WE’RE EXPANDING! We have the right customers We have the right jobs We have the right equipment Are YOU the right fit?

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Hiring Experienced Class 1 Drivers in the following positions:

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How to apply:

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is currently accepting applications for

PREFABRICATED HOUSING ASSEMBLERS • Required Immediately • Permanent Full Time • 30 Available Positions • Starting at $14.70 per hour plus benefits Duties include: • Assembling and installing modular components Send, fax, e-mail or drop off resume to: Box 845 #200 Hwy. 18 West, Estevan, SK S4A 2A7 Fax: 306-634-7597 E-mail: jobs.shelter@gmail.com


P l a y Pa r k s N o w O p e n • P l a y Pa r k s N o w O p e n



Please call 306-634-1800 for any concerns.

After School 2014 Art Club Summer Art Camps EAGM

For children aged 7 – 13. Free to attend, transportation Theincluded. Estevan Art Gallery is excited to announce upcoming Summer Running April 29, 30, our May 1 from 3:30 Art – Camps for children aged 7 – 12. Camps run Monday - Thursday each week. Children are encour5:00pm. Call Karly at 634-­‐7644 for more info or to aged to bring a snack. Cost is $50/child/week. Pre‐registration is required, call Karly at 634register. ‐7644 for more info. July 7 – 10: Art Explosions Use science experiments to create unique and exciting artwork! – Noon OR 1pm – 4pm The 9am Pinterest Challenge July 14 – 17: Art Outdoors Use mother nature as your artistic inspiration…and your Craft club for adults based on projects found on canvas! 9am – Noon OR 1pm – 4pm n April 24 from 7your -­‐9pm. 20/person. Call JulyPinterest 21 – 24: Art o Around the World Create own $ artistic passport and use it to explore art and aroundfthe – Noon OR 1pm Karly at 6culture 34-­‐7644 or globe! more 9am information or –t4pm o register. July 28 – 31: Art and Advertising Working with the Estevan Mercury, you will create ads for real businesses in Estevan that will be featured in the paper! We will also create our Beginner Drawing own original ads and branding. eginner basic 9amA –b Noon OR 1pm – 4pmdrawing class for kids aged 11 – 17. JulyInstructed 31 @ 6:30: Closing Art Camp Reception and friends by Judy Swallow on Students, April 3families 0th at 7 pm. are invited to a closing camp reception. Students will select 1 – 2 pieces of artwork to display in the $20/person. C all K arly a t 6 34-­‐7644 f or m ore i nfo or to gallery. Refreshments will be served. register. The Pinterest Challenge Adult art class - featuring crafts found on Pinterest! June 26th @ 7pm. $20/person. Call Karly at 634‐7644 to register. Family Art Art and craft class for parents and toddlers. Parents must participate. For ages 18 months and up. May 1, 8, WHAT’S HAPPENING 15 @10am. $5/family. Call AT Karly THE at 634-­‐7644 for more ESTEVAN info or to register. ARTS COUNCIL?

“promoting the arts in OUR community”

Summer Day Camps Pioneer Day Camps –

Ages: 5-10, Time: 1:00pm-5:00pm, Snack Provided Historic themed day camps featuring crafts, games and activities.

July 7th-11th, July 21st-25th, August 11th-15th Discover Day Camps –

Ages: 8-12, Time: 10:00am-5:00pm Field trip based history themed day camps with trips to Boundary Damn and Roche Percee, and a Mining Tour.

July 15th-16th, August 6th-7th

All day camps cost $50.00 per participant. Our remaining day camps are mostly full, so register soon! Call 306-634-5543 or email info@sourisvalleymuseum.ca for more information.



The third annual free, self-guided Visual Arts Summer Tour has been scheduled for July 25 & 26. This tour features local artists from Estevan and surrounding communities all showcasing their art work. Please watch for more information.


Stars for Saskatchewan has just announced their concert lineup for the 2014-2015 season. This 6 concert series offers a diverse selection of performers – ALL high quality and professional. Highlighting this year’s series will be the world renowned Vienna Boys Choir. With around 100 boys between the ages of ten and fourteen, divided into four touring choirs, they give around 300 concerts a year. The choir has performed in front of almost a half a million people, world-wide. Their repertoire includes everything from medieval to contemporary and experimental music. Also scheduled to perform this year are Jimmy Rankin, Fung-Chui Piano Duo, The Gala Trio, Ensemble Caprice and Memory Lane. Contact the office, for more information on our Season Subscription rates.

Contact us for more information on our programs


306-634-3942 CITY OF ESTEVAN PUBLIC NOTICE ‘SINGLE FAMILY’ RESIDENTIAL LOTS FOR SALE ‘ROYAL HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION-PHASE 3’ Commencing July 8, 2014, the City of Estevan will make available for purchase a total of 21 Residential Single-Detached (R1 Zoned) lots located in the new phase of the Royal Heights Subdivision (Wellock Road/Hawkes Bay). All prospective purchasers will be required to execute an option to purchase agreement prepared by the City, accompanied by a deposit amount (50% or 25% down payment depending on length of option term). A complete information package outlining Parcel prices, sizes, and the terms of purchase including Architectural Control/Guidelines may be obtained by contacting the Land Development Services Division, 1102 Fourth Street, Estevan, Saskatchewan, (306) 634-1821 or rdenys@estevan.ca All sales will be on a first come/first serve basis commencing at 8:30am, Tuesday, July 8, 2014, located downstairs City Hall, 1102 Fourth Street, Estevan, Saskatchewan. Lot sales shall be restricted to one per customer.

2014 Property Tax Notices

CALL 306-634-1821 FOR FURTHER DETAILS CITY LEASED BENCH ADVERTISING The City of Estevan invites interested parties to lease a bench for placement of advertising for a 1 year period.


King Street between Arthur and Souris Ave South side For further information regarding this leasing Judy Pilloud, City Clerk, at 306-634-1852, or email cityclerk@estevan.ca.Interested parties are invited to respond by forwarding sealed envelopes to the City marked “Advertising Bench” to the following by 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 15, 2014:

Legislative Services Division City of Estevan 1102 4th Street Estevan, SK S4A 0W7

2014 Tax Notices were mailed out on Thursday, June 12, 2014. If you have not received your property tax notice please contact Trina at 634-1811.

Taxes are due on July 31, 2014.

Penalties are accumulative, applied the 1st of each month as follows: August .5%, September 1%, October 1.5%, November 2.5%, December 3.5%, Arrears Penalty of 10% will be added to all outstanding amounts on January 1, 2015

P l a y Pa r k s N o w O p e n • P l a y Pa r k s N o w O p e n

Play Parks Now Open • Play Parks Now Open • Play Parks Now Open • Play Parks Now Open • Play Parks Now Open • Play Parks Now Open • Play Parks Now Open • Play Parks Now Open • Play Parks Now Open • Play Parks Now Open • Play Parks Now Open • Play Parks Now Open

Play Parks Now Open • Play Parks Now Open • Play Parks Now Open • Play Parks Now Open • Play Parks Now Open • Play Parks Now Open • Play Parks Now Open • Play Parks Now Open • Play Parks Now Open • Play Parks Now Open • Play Parks Now Open • Play Parks Now Open

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