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See pages 28 - 31
Friday, February 3, 2012
Candlelight Reflections Commanding Brass “We don’t hear enough of them.”
Big Six Lampman tries to hold on to playoff spot *
This week's entry into the 2012 front page photo contest was submitted by Cindy Guillemen. If you would like to submit a photo email it to editor@estevanmercury.ca. The winner will receive a digital SLR camera. Please ensure that when sending photos they are sent at the highest possible resolution. Contest sponsored by:
• Co-op • M & M Meat Shops • Sobeys • Menards
• Peavey Mart • Home Hardware • Staples • Sears
• A&A Jewellery • Canadian Tire
Senchuk Ford Sales Ltd. “Your Home of After Sales Service”
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Page 2
Orpheum Theatre Downtown Estevan • 24 Hr Movie Information Line • 634-2321
Joyful Noise Fri, Feb. 3 - Thurs, Feb. 9
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Contraband Fri, Feb. 3 - Thurs, Feb. 9
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Cheers to X-Treme Towing for being on time, prompt and courteous!
Cheers to the cake decorator at our local Dairy Queen who did a fantastic job on my son’s birthday cake! It looked amazing and he loved it!
All seats $8.00 for the Matinees PG Violence
Jeers to the people who were wearing shorts this week. It’s nice out there, but shorts? Get real people.
Cheers to everyone donating to help the Dalziel family get treatment for their daughter with cerebral palsy. That’s what being a community is all about.
Jeers to the full ash tray outside of Spectra Place, forcing people to put their cigarette butts around the tray. The smokers are finally using it, but it isn’t being emptied in a timely fashion.
Cheers to everyone who is not bailing on their New Year’s resolutions. You go sista!
Send your Cheer or Jeer to jbaker@estevanmercury.ca
Cheers to the Pleasantdale School for all the fundraising efforts through their danceathon.
Sat, Feb. 4 & Sun, Feb. 5
2:00 pm
Jeers to the public employee who has complete disregard for property and drove over the curb at Tim Hortons.
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) You don’t like rejection. But instead of trying to “ram” your ideas through to an unreceptive audience, stand back and wait for a more favorable environment later this month. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Job commitments call for the tidy Taurean to charge into those problemplagued projects and get
them into shape. Then go ahead and enjoy the fun and friendships of your expanding social life. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) The pressures of the workplace are beginning to ease. While you still need to stay connected to your ongoing commitments, you’ll be able to take more time to relax with family and friends. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) You might feel that you need to prove how much you can do. But be careful not to take on more than you
can handle, or you risk being bogged down. An Aries has a message for you. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Financially it could be a little tight for a while. So resist the urge to splurge on things you don’t really need. There will be time enough to indulge yourself when the money squeeze eases later this month. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) You demand trust from others. But someone is creating a situation that could put your own trustworthiness in question.
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Peeko My name is Minnie. I am a dark Tabby, female and still a kitten. I have a great personality, I am very affectionate and also anxious to have my very own family.
Hedley coming February 18
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Go to: www.estevanmercury.ca. Look through the pages of the website to find I Hedley, click on their picture & tell us where you found it. A daily winner will be drawn and posted on Facebook. The winner will be drawn from all 14 possible winners and announced on Wednesday, February 15.
My name is Peeko. I am a DSH white and orange male neutered cat and I am ready for my new home! ********** Searching for a mature person for call-in, casual work. **********
The Estevan Humane Society reserves the right to refuse any adoption.
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Be sure to keep all lines of communication open. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) A problem delays the recognition that you hoped to receive for your hard work. But all will soon be resolved. Remember to make patience your watchword this week. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Those wonderful ideas could expand your workplace prospects and ultimately lead you on a new career path. Your personal life also opens up new vistas. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) So much seems to be swirling around you these days that you might find it hard to focus on priorities. Best advice: Take things one at a time, and you’ll get through them all. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Work out situations with what you have, and avoid the temptation to create complications where they don’t exist. This applies both at home and in the workplace. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Keep your keen senses open to possible changes in personal and/or professional situations. Knowing what might lie ahead gives you an edge on how to handle it. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Personal pressures at work could create a problem with your performance. Best advice: Focus on the job ahead of you. If necessary, you can deal with the other issue later. BORN THIS WEEK: Like your fellow Aquarian Abraham Lincoln, you have a way of handling the most difficult situations with grace and conviction. (c) 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.
Commanding performances to grace ECS stage Feb. 15 An evening of sound and music is in store when the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) band appears in Estevan this month. The Command Brass quintet will be accompanied by performances by the Estevan Comprehensive School band, when the two will be performing at the school on Feb. 15. Wilma Mantei, organizer of the event, said that the RCAF band is often used in part for fundraisers, as the show is meant as raise money for the Estevan Arts Council. “They use their services for fundraising opportunities. They are giving their services to us,” she said. ECS band members will be opening for the five-piece
brass band. “It’s a really good opportunity to get a little more fun here,” she added, noting that the “ensemble of virtuoso players” perform numerous classics, as well as jazz and contemporary songs. Mantei said that they had considered bringing in the quintet as part of the Stars for Saskatchewan series, but added that because part of the Winnipeg band’s mandate is to perform at functions such as these, it would be appropriate to bring them in as part of a fundraiser. Having the high school band perf o r m isn’t just a good opportunity for the young musicians to increase their experience, but it’s an opportunity for the community to see what
the local bands are doing. “That’s important,” said Mantei. “We don’t hear them enough.” She said the start time may be a bit of an eyecatcher as well. “(Command Brass) wanted to start at 8 o’clock, so we thought we’d start at 7:45 with the high school band players. Why would you start at that hour?” With the ECS band playing as an opener, it gives them the chance to mix things up a bit. Instead of playing as a whole Kyle Whitehead, ECS band director, said, “We’ll have one or two small ensembles.” Splitting up into smaller groups is largely because it’s difficult to get everyone out in the evening. Whitehead encourages students to perform in the community often. “We had students go throughout the community at Christmastime, so they performed at seniors’ homes or the mall,” he added.
It was the Arts Council who approached him about teaming up for the fundraiser with the RCAF band. “We were hosting (Command Brass) and asked the ECS band to be part of it. It will benefit them as well, and they provide the place,” said Mantei. The performances will be held in the school’s 800seat cafetorium. Mantei encourages people of all ages to come out to enjoy the evening, noting that the show is for music lovers as well as people who wish to support the local arts. Part of the money raised will go to the Estevan Arts Council, which organizes such things as Koncerts for Kids, Stars for Saskatchewan and visual arts programming. The rest will go to the ECS band, which will also be raising funds through concessions at intermission. Tickets are available at Henders Drugs, ECS and at the door.
Sciatica: big nerve can be big problem DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I am a 78-year-old woman, and five months ago I came down with sciatica in my left leg underneath the buttock. It’s very painful. I’d like to know if there is something that can be done. -- S.M. ANSWER: The sciatic (sigh-ATTIC) nerve is the body’s longest and largest nerve. It springs from nerve rootlets that emerge from the spinal cord in the lower back. Those rootlets intertwine to form this big nerve. It travels from the back, through the buttocks and down the leg to the foot. Anything that presses on or irritates the nerve in its long course gives rise to sciatica (sigh-ATTIC-uh), painful inflammation of the nerve. A bulging back disk can press on the nerve. Arthritic spurs on the spine are another source of irritation. A collapse of a backbone from osteoporosis is another trigger for pain, and the pain can be in the lower back, the buttocks or down the leg to the foot. Have you tried Tylenol (acetaminophen) for
pain relief? Aleve, Advil, Motrin and the many other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs dull pain and quiet inflammation. Icing the painful back area for 10 to 15 minutes three times a day is another way to numb pain. If ice doesn’t work, turn to heat -- hot compresses or a heating pad. Stretching the back might take pressure off the nerve. Sit on a firm chair with feet on the floor and knees shoulder-width apart. Turn slightly to the left. Then, with your right arm dangling down between the knees and left arm dangling down on the outside of the left knee, bend down to the floor as far as you can and hold that position for five seconds. Straighten up and reverse the process by turning to your right and arranging
your arms with the right arm outside the right knee and the left arm between the knees. If this exercise hurts, stop. If it doesn’t, perform five bends each, to the right and then to the left. Do the exercise three times a day. Five months is a long time to put up with back pain. I’m not sure if selftreatment will do much for you. You need a doctor’s intervention, along with physical therapy. The booklet on back pain delves more deeply into its causes and treatments. To order a copy, write: Dr. Donohue -- No. 303W, Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Enclose a check or money order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 Canada with the recipient’s printed name and address. Please allow four weeks for delivery. *** DEAR DR. DONOHUE: Some time ago, you answered a letter from an 80-year-old lady who asked if she still needed to have mammograms. I say an unqualified yes. Two years ago, at the age of 82 1/2,
For photos from around the community, check out: www.estevanmercury.ca
my mammogram detected cancer. Surgery was followed by radiation. Two years later, I am feeling fine and doing well. -- A.S. ANSWER: Experts argue about the value of mammograms late in life. Stories like yours make me side with those who promote having mammograms as long as a woman is in reasonable health. If a woman has an estimate of living at least four more years, mammograms are a good idea. *** Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.
Page 3
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(c) 2012 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
Estevan Eye Clinic Welcomes Dr. Barlow to their practice. Dr. Barlow has 20 years of experience and is now accepting patients of all ages. Call for an appointment today!
FEBRUARY 3, 2012
Member Canadian Community Newspapers Assoc. Member Saskatchewan Weekly Newspapers Assoc. Audited by Audit Bureau of Circulations.
EXPRESS General Manager: Brant Kersey Editorial Staff: Norm Park Chad Saxon Jordan Baker Josh Lewis Advertising Sales Manager: Cindy Beaulieu Advertising Sales Representatives: Deanna Tarnes Kristen O'Handley Teresa Hrywkiw Candace Wheeler Production Department: Melanie Tribiger Jodi Gagnon Trinda Jocelyn Manuela Fors Accounting: Kim Schoff Reception: Gayle Worsnop Classifieds: Carol Toth Contributors: Calvin Daniels Tonaya Marr Brian Zinchuk Bruce Penton Susan Sohn
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Contact us: Phone: 634-2654 Fax: 634-3934 www.estevanmercury.ca Street Address: 68 Souris Ave. N., Estevan By mail: Box 730, Estevan, Sask. S4A 2A6
Page 4
Twitter succumbs to dictators’ censorship rules Social media is going dark, but it’s not another SOPA protest. Nevermore will the open and transparent virtual world of social media be so open, despite being a little more transparent. Twitter unveiled a new censorship policy that is governed by the rules of different countries. If you tweet from Canada, then you’re probably unaffected by the new rules. It’s people in North Korea or Thailand who will find it difficult to view a raunchy tweet fresh off the fingertips of Howard Stern. The move by Twitter is one that violates all kinds of free speech or access to information laws that we should be standing up for and championing their inclusion in societies where they don’t exist. The whole point of this for the social media giant is gaining access and money in these countries. Rather than be appalled at the way Syria chokes its citizens, Twitter is congratulating these regimes and accepting these controls over information as legitimate. If Twitter doesn’t comply with these censorship reforms, it won’t have access in these countries, and instead of showing a little backbone and refusing to have their
Jordan Baker Thoughts From My Fingers service knocked down to that of a PR tool for a repressive government, Twitter execs bowed low. There were two options: say no to censorship and be banned in some regions of the globe, or allow censorship of any tweets that may offend somebody or some government. Any tweet that is deemed offensive in China will still be readily available to view, retweet or respond to in Canada. Twitter is actually completely unavailable in China. Maybe if Twitter cuts down what can be viewed in that country to just the statecontrolled account, things will change. Of course China’s leader Hu Jintao will not be able to follow anyone but his own government. That may lead to further leniency. Jintao may, in turn, allow Putin’s Twitter feed inside the Great Wall of China. Kim
Jong-Un is in his 20s, so I’m sure he’s all over Twitter. He and Jintao can tweet each other about basketball and fun new ways to make the West more terrified of them. Twitter used to block some tweets that linked to copyrighted material, following requests from the owner of the material. There was no explanation, but now, Twitter will give reasons for banned content. I’m sure that doesn’t really matter to the Thai who wishes to access a tweet from Josh Lewis but can’t because Twitter says her government thinks it would be bad for her. Sure that’s more transparent, but it’s still unacceptable. Maybe not coming to a compromise, and having the state of some of these countries just ban Twitter outright would be better. Maybe then people would get restless at the inability to tweet and challenge their governments to allow a wholly uncensored social media network in their countries. When people in these parts of the world want a free Internet, they will ask for it, or more likely demand it. Then these social outlets should feel free to host their services in those countries.
Tribute to a man who lived agriculture There have been times when writing this column has been a challenge, usually because finding an idea sometimes requires a lot of brain racking. However, no column has been more difficult to write than this one. Usually words are not something I struggle with. I suppose more than two decades as a newspaper journalist have at least given me that ability. But this week the right words seem to escape me. This week I want to write about one man, and who he has been in the years I have known him. Like most, summing up a man in a few words is not easy, and that is certainly the case here. I’ll start by saying that Sheldon Nicholson was first and foremost a good guy. So when I learned last week Sheldon had died as the result of a stroke, I was greatly saddened. Yorkton had lost one of the nicest men you were likely to meet. I can’t recall ever running into Sheldon where he didn’t have a smile, and the time to talk, and that talk in our case usually turned to agriculture. I first met Sheldon years ago when he took over as manager of Heartland Livestock in the city, a position he had held ever since. The man knew cows and he knew mar-
Calvin Daniels Trader Agriculture Columnist kets, and he was always ready to help me understand what was happening in terms of markets, and how that related back to farmers and ranchers locally. He became a valued contact because of that. But there was more to Sheldon. Trained as an auctioneer, the man competed in auctioneering contests on a regular basis, and he did well. That meant more stops at his office to talk about those experiences, and to write more stories. I suppose in my case, I often think of people in terms of interviews. Sheldon was a good one. He was articulate, and willing to share his views, even at times when they might not have been what everybody else was saying. That made him good press. But as the number of stories grew, from comments on cattle markets, to business reviews of Heartland Livestock to working with recently arrived employees from Mexico, I just grew to like Sheldon as a person. As things sometimes turn out, Sheldon also liked supporting agriculture and the
community, so he became involved with the Yorkton Exhibition Association. Since the YEA is heavily involved in agricultural events, the spring bull sale, Harvest Showdown, and related areas such as rodeos and standardbred racing, I spent a considerable amount of time at the local fairgrounds, although nothing like the time Sheldon donated to the association, and its events. Sheldon, like many, put in countless hours to makes sure the events ran smoothly, and Yorkton and east central Saskatchewan had a range of things to take in and enjoy. Yet, again as busy as Sheldon might be, he always had that smile of his on under the cowboy hat, and he always had time to talk. It will not be quite the same at the summer fair, or Friday night standardbred racing without Sheldon being part of it. I can only imagine the heartache his family and closest friends are feeling over his loss at age 45. My condolences are extended to all of you. Just know others feel the loss too. The community has lost a valued volunteer and agriculture a good friend. And while I started out knowing him as a work contact, I too feel I have lost more than someone I occasionally quoted in the paper. Sheldon Nicholson ... you will be missed.
Read the Full Edition of the Southeast Trader Express online
Page 5
Five movies costs local family $11,000 on Phoenix trip It can be a terrible feeling to open up your phone bill and realize that the $11,000 figure is not an error. It was after a weeklong New Year’s trip to Phoenix with the family that John Gibson found a bill from SaskTel for $10,668.38. “That got my attention,” he said in an understatement that rivalled the exorbitant bill. The Weyburn man was down in Arizona with his children and grandchildren. His son Jason had taken his laptop with him that received Internet service through an air card or Internet stick that plugs into a USB drive. Jason said they thought it was a great way to keep the children entertained, so they watched five movies through Netflix over the course of the week. It’s a subscription service that was paid for, but what wound up costing them was the data charge. Because they were in the United States, they were considered roaming, and John said when he spoke to someone from SaskTel
about it, she told him the rate was $6 per megabyte. With the movie files being close to 400 megabytes each, the expense accumulated very quickly. “The average person around here would have to go get a loan to pay that, or you’re paying SaskTel $100 a month for 20 years,” said Jason. John is the one who received the bill and called Jason to tell him the surprising news. “He gave me a shout, told me about it, and my jaw hit the floor,” Jason said. The SaskTel mobile Internet plans web page does give a breakdown of monthly fees, which includes in the chart U.S. roaming fees that range from $3 to $6 per megabyte of data, depending on which plan an individual has. The information is there, but the Gibsons said the extra costs incurred under these circumstances should be more clear, adding that they never
gave a second thought to downloading the movies. John said when he first saw the bill, he read it as $106 and was going to pay it before he did a double take to more closely review the fivefigure number before him. “I called up SaskTel and said there’s something wrong here,” but the woman at SaskTel went over the dates of when the expenses were incurred, and he realized it was when they were in Phoenix. “It’s an excellent little trap,” he said, but added, “They were pretty good about it. I told her what happened. They knocked off $9,600.” The amount owed was significantly reduced, but a little more than $1,000 is still a steep price to pay for a few movies. The incident is a stark reminder to be aware of when your mobile devices are roaming, and know what the rates are when downloading any data.
Mussels Mariniére with Bacon Frisée Salad
chopped 1 small (7 ounces) baguette, cut in half and toasted
to 2 minutes longer or just until mussels open; do not overcook. 3. Immediately divide mussels and cooking liquid between 2 large serving bowls and top with parsley. Divide salad between 2 serving plates and top with reserved bacon. Serve mussels and salad with baguette.
Planning a romantic dinner for two? Serve this mussels dish with bacon frisée salad and a fresh baguette. 2 slices thick-cut bacon, cut into 1/2-inch pieces 2 tablespoons sherry vinegar 1 small (4 to 5 ounces) head frisée, leaves separated Pepper 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 tablespoon margarine or butter 1 medium (6 to 8 ounces) onion, finely chopped 2 cloves garlic, crushed with press 1 cup dry white wine 3 pounds mussels, beards removed, wellwashed 1/2 cup packed fresh parsley leaves, finely
1. In 12-inch skillet, cook bacon on medium 6 to 8 minutes or until crisp and browned. With slotted spoon, transfer to paper-towel-lined plate; set aside. To drippings in skillet, add vinegar and cook 1 minute on medium. Pour into medium bowl (do not scrape browned bits from bottom of pan); add frisée and 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper. Toss to coat. 2. In wide 8-quart saucepot, heat oil and margarine on medium-high until margarine melts. Add onion and garlic and cook 2 minutes or until almost translucent, stirring. Add wine and heat to boiling. Add mussels, stir once, cover and cook 1 minute. Stir again, cover and cook 1
• Each serving (includes mussels, salad and half a baguette): About 790 calories, 39g total fat (11g saturated), 66mg cholesterol, 1,420mg sodium, 73g total carbs, 8g dietary fiber, 33g protein. For thousands of triple-tested recipes, visit our website at www.goodhousekeeping.com/recipefinder/. (c) 2012 Hearst Communications, Inc. All rights reserved
Jackie Fitzsimmons - 421-6636 Jamie Dyer - 421-3902 Josh LeBlanc - 421-6778 Lisa Monteyne - 421-7445
Lori Gonas - 421-9884 Melanie Peters - 421-6279 Mike Debruyne - 421-3348 Debbie Clemens - 634-5900 (Admin)
Page 6
We’ve become an iFamily When Apple announced its last quarter earnings recently, one figure stood out - how many iPhones are sold every day. Some intrepid writer then put two-and-two together and realized Apple is now producing more iPhones each day than humanity’s women are producing babies. Somehow, I don’t find that hard to believe. That’s because in December, we became an iFamily. For Christmas 2010, I bought my wife a fourthgeneration iPod touch. It’s basically an iPhone without the phone. All the same capabilities, sans phone, and a little thinner. She hadn’t put it down all year. At work she found it useful in pulling up drug references. At home she
Brian Zinchuk From the Top of the Pile would voraciously use it as an e-reader. Sometimes she would play games on it, and every once in a while, actually listen to a song. When we needed to keep Spencer occupied, say waiting at a dentist’s office, the ridiculously addicting yet simple Angry Birds game came to the rescue. By November, both I, and the kids were insanely jealous. Katrina was saving all her loonies and pennies for one of her own. Santa beat her to the punch, however, and both she and Spencer got iPods for Christmas. Michelle and I obtained iPhones in late November. At first I kind of choked at the idea of spending that much money on kids’ gifts, but I soon realized that a Nintendo 3Ds costs just as much, and the games are a lot more. Most apps for an iPod are around a buck, maybe two - plus, you’re not likely to lose the games either, since there is no physical media to lose. An iPod is also infinitely more flexible. I now have 119 apps loaded on my iPhone. I
haven’t used all of them yet. Some are games waiting for me to have an idle moment to kill time. Others are indispensible. Chief among these is the ability to do all my banking online wherever I am. Not sure if I have enough money in that account before making a purchase? Tap, tap - yup. Go ahead. A close second is Flipbook, an aggregator app that ties into dozens of news apps, Facebook and Twitter. While I already have apps for many of these, this is a quick, easy go-to app that is great for a spare minute. The kids have realized that they can now do video conferencing both amongst themselves and to us. When that’s not available, they now record and send video messages to me. I was shocked the other day when I was in Carnduff and Katrina sent me a video message. When I was that age, we still had a party line and a rotary dial phone. We loaded the kids’ iPods with educational tools and games. Katrina, in French immersion, has
started to make use of Google translate, which will not only translate text, but say it in whatever language you want. That’s a lot easier than using the old French-English dictionary of mine she pulled out the other day. This past weekend I took part in a free online web seminar (webinar) on wedding photography. I had it playing in the background on my desktop while working on other things. But when I had to get away from the computer, I launched the iPhone app and was able to take the video feed with me anywhere I went. The possibilities of such capability, both in education and in business, are endless. If you are house hunting in a new town, the REALTOR.ca app is probably the best thing to have next to a live, breathing realtor with you. You can drive down the street, stop, and scope out a house’s specs and photos without even leaving your car. Nope, don’t like that one. Let’s check out another one in the neighbourhood. In the space of a month, we contributed our share to Apple’s mammoth profits. From what I can see, they deserve every penny. Brian Zinchuk is editor of Pipeline News. He can be reached at brian. zinchuk@sasktel.net
$300,000 Jackpot
At 9:25 p.m. on Jan. 31, the “Smoke Signals” progressive jackpot that is linked to all SIGA run casinos was won at the Bear Claw Casino & Hotel. The lucky winner was Joey Humphries of Carlyle in the amount of $332,509.51 He picked up his cheque the next day on his way to work.
‘EM WE MEND ‘EM Owners - Lance Mack & Yancey Hagel
Page 7
What is the best part about the Super Bowl?
He She He She Said By: Jordan Baker
To get to the bottom of what is good about the Super Bowl, we must go through a painstaking and arduous process of elimination of everything that is not so good about the Super Bowl. Hopefully at the end we aren’t left with commercials. The six to eight hours of coverage leading up to the game is definitely out. Watching a panel of two ex-players, an ex-coach and a generic TV personality to keep everything on schedule can give good analysis for about 15 minutes. The rest of the time it’s Toby Keith singing about America and sob stories about players from earlier this season, growing up in an underprivileged home or how they helped out after Hurricane Katrina. Often those stories are well done, but it’s become very predictable. Media Day looks fun, but as everyone knows, interviewing athletes is like taking the train: there is one set of tracks, and you will be carried away down one path. There is no room to veer off course and take the scenic route. One can only hope to find a colourful coach. The Super Bowl needs a Ryan. The half-time show is just terrible. Ever since that one that coined the term wardrobe malfunction, these shows have been on a tight leash by the networks and their advertisers. Madonna is performing this year and apparently she thinks she will be charged with the setting up the stage and taking it down, asking in an article I read, “How do you do that?” All you have to worry about Madonna is pretending to sing a couple of your songs, look like you want to be there and make sure all your clothes are in working order. Though every now and then the actual game turns into a classic, it’s far too hit-and-miss to really celebrate the physical competition that all the hullabaloo is supposed to be about. What does that leave us with? Commercials? No. The best part about the Super Bowl cannot be the commercialization of sport. It’s got to be Super Bowl chili. It’s the same as chili at any other time throughout the year, but this time, it will be the best part of your day.
1. Underworld Awakening (R) Kate Beckinsale, Stephen Rea 2. Red Tails (PG-13) Terrence Howard, Cuba Gooding Jr. 3. Contraband (R) Mark Wahlberg, Kate Beckinsale 4. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (PG-13)
Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock 5. Haywire (R) Gina Carano, Michael Douglas 6. Beauty and the Beast (G) animated 7. Joyful Noise (PG-13) Queen Latifah, Dolly Parton 8. Mission: Impossible -- Ghost Protocol (PG-13) Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner
9. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (PG-13) Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law 10. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (R) Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara (c) 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.
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By: Tonaya Marr
The Super Bowl is great. It is an awesome time for athletes to show the world just how tough and cool they are. It’s also entertaining because spectators get to watch highly paid professionals cave and crumble under pressure. It makes us all feel a little bit better about ourselves, because even famous people can really suck. The Super Bowl is also great because it’s an excuse to eat all kinds of fattening food, and possibly have a few drinks. One can spend time with friends and just enjoy one another’s company. It also gives people a chance to watch their friends get drunk and embarrass themselves. This is even better when you don’t necessarily like all of your friends. The commercials during the Super Bowl are another fan favourite. Companies spend millions of dollars to advertise during the game, and often enlist the help of celebrities. The plots are sometimes a little racier than typically allowed on TV, as the intention is sometimes to get people talking about the product. But the very best part of the Super Bowl is that when I leave the house during the game, there will be fewer people on the road, in Walmart and just out and about in general. Seriously, I have absolutely no interest in watching the Super Bowl, so while every sports fanatic in the city is watching men in tight pants crash into one another, I will be getting my groceries, wandering around the mall or maybe just running red lights downtown. As for those commercials, I can catch them the next day online. And by the time they hit the Internet, someone else will have already weeded out the stupid ones.
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Including 2 box seat tickets.
Page 8
Special postmarks coming out of Love, Sask. PROVINCIAL REGINA - The Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region has released a five-year report outlining changes in the region’s demographics. It says that in the last 14 years the overall population has grown 2.7 per cent. In the same period, the aboriginal population has grown 39 per cent and the number of people 85 years old and older has doubled. Dr. Tania Diener says those figures mean the services that need to be in place may need to change. For instance, the report found half of all injuries that landed patients in hospital were due to falls,
so the health region has started fall clinics for seniors. Diener says they need to look at other prevention programs. More than 56 per cent of people are described as overweight or obese. *** OTTAWA - Nothing says love like a heart-themed postmark. Canada Post says cards sent via the Love, Sask., and St-Valentin, Que., post offices will get special postmarks. Canada Post says the Love and St-Valentin post offices will postmark twice as much mail as usual over the coming weeks. Already, mail is com-
ing in from across Canada and from countries such as China, Japan, Hungary, United States, Switzerland and France. Those wanting the special postmark in time for Valentine’s Day can find out how to send their card to the postmasters at the Love and StValentin post offices from Canada Post’s website. NATIONAL Tough talk from Ottawa about radical environmentalists and foreignfunded adversaries seems to be actually strengthening support for those groups under attack. Environmental groups involved in the debate over
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Enbridge Inc.’s Northern Gateway oilsands pipeline to the west coast report that donations have soared in recent weeks — especially after Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver said U.S.-funded environmentalists and jet-setting celebrities are trying to hijack the regulatory hearings. “We’ve seen an unprecedented surge of support,” said Emma Gilchrist of the Dogwood Initiative, a B.C.-based group which has received $12,000 in unsolicited donations since Oliver’s letter. “We’ve got cheques that say, in the memo section, ‘Thanks to Joe Oliver.’” *** ST. CATHARINES, Ont. - American daredevil Nik Wallenda will make another presentation to the Niagara Parks Com-
mission on Thursday in a bid to walk over Niagara Falls on a tightrope. This time, he will meet with the commission’s senior staff. The performer’s dream to inch along a tightrope above the Horseshoe Falls has been rejected by the commission board, citing its anti-stunting rule. Wallenda met earlier this month with Ontario Tourism Minister Michael Chan to plead his case. Chan told the performer he couldn’t overturn the commission ruling but urged Wallenda to meet with them again. After meeting with Wallenda, staffers will prepare a report that will be considered by the commission board, likely at their Feb. 15 meeting. INTERNATIONAL HARRISBURG, Pa.
- Pennsylvania prosecutors say they’ll tell Jerry Sandusky the names of the 10 young men identified as victims of sex abuse allegedly at his hands by the end of the week. The attorney general’s office said in a document filed late Monday in Centre County court that the alleged victims’ names will be delivered to Sandusky lawyer Joe Amendola by the close of business Friday. Sandusky says he is innocent. The lawyer has requested a document from prosecutors that would include names of purported victims. It would also include the times, locations and other information to back up more than 50 criminal counts against the former Penn State defensive co-ordinator.
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Page 9
Big Six stats Coalers will hold on to first place All statistics accurate as of Wednesday afternoon
Big Six Hockey League standings Team 1. Bienfait 2. Arcola 3. Midale 4. Carlyle 5. Redvers 6. Wawota 7. Oxbow 8. Lampman 9. Carnduff
GP 19 20 18 19 20 17 19 20 18
W 17 16 10 10 10 10 9 2 1
Leading scorers Player 1. Brennan Wrigley 2. Jarvis Ducharme 3. Troy Miller 4. Mike Currie 5. Kent Lillejord 6. Justin Lamontagne 7. Brody Haygarth 8. Jordon Miller 9. Clayton Geiger 10. Matt Wheeler
Team Bienfait Redvers Arcola Carlyle Arcola Wawota Oxbow Redvers Carlyle Arcola
Leading goaltenders Player 1. Jackson Walliser 2. Stephen Norris 3. Tanner Erickson 4. Aren Miller
Team Bienfait Arcola Midale Oxbow
L 1 4 7 8 9 7 9 18 17
OTL/SOL 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
GP 18 13 18 18 16 14 14 18 19 16
G 25 14 7 17 14 15 12 11 9 11
PTS 35 32 21 21 21 20 19 4 2
A 20 19 23 12 14 12 15 16 16 13
Record 14-1-1 9-2-0 6-7-1 8-8-1
PTS 45 33 30 29 28 27 27 27 25 24
The Bienfait Coalers won a pair of games at home late last week to secure a first place finish in the Big Six Hockey League standings. With one game left, the Coalers (17-1-1) are now five points ahead of the Arcola-Kisbey Combines (15-4). Last Thursday, the Coalers hosted the Lampman Imperials and emerged with a 9-2 victory. And on Saturday, they edged the Oxbow Huskies 3-2. In other scores, Redvers doubled up Carnduff
6-3 on Thursday. Midale dumped Carlyle 8-4 and Oxbow defeated Wawota 7-4 on Friday. On Saturday, it was Carlyle 4 at Wawota 3 and Lampman 3 at Midale 8. After Bienfait and Arcola, the playoff race is very tight as five teams — Carlyle (10-8-1), Redvers (10-8-1), Wawota (10-7-0), Midale (9-7-1) and Oxbow (9-91)— were separated by two points entering Tuesday’s action. Wawota and Midale had two games in hand on each of the other teams.
There also remains a race for the eighth and final playoff spot. Lampman (2-18) has four points and Carnduff (1-16) has two. Lampman has finished their regular season slate while Carnduff has three games left. Carnduff was scheduled to visit Wawota on Wednesday. Tonight, Midale is in Wawota and Bienfait is in Carlyle. Tomorrow’s slate has Oxbow at Carnduff and Wawota at Midale. In provincial action,
the Coalers advanced to the second round of the Senior A draw with a 2-1 road victory over the Avonlea Arrows on Sunday. Bienfait won the best-of-three series in two games. The Coalers will now face the Balcarres Broncs of the Qu’Appelle Valley Hockey League in the second round. In the Senior C bracket, Carlyle tied Odessa 5-5 on Sunday to win their series and move on to a matchup against the QVHL’s Indian Head Chiefs.
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A Caring Teacher As parents we have all been exposed to the “parentteacher interview.” I remember as a child dreading the return of my parents following their interview with my teachers. I knew they would hear the standard, which was always: 1) Susan’s grades are good, 2) Susan talks too much in class, 3) Susan socializes too much in class. Needless to say, I was a busy student and the social side of school was very important to me. Interestingly, I seem to have similar interviews when it comes my children. My three children all do very well in school and they are extremely social. I’m reminded once again that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, which brings me to my story about a very caring teacher. Last year, my daughter (Sophia), who is an A+ student, was in her first year of junior high. Grade 7, as we all know, is an interesting transition. Elementary school
Susan Sohn Welcome to Real Life and its structure and teacher driven schedules seem to fly away the moment you walk into the “other” side of the school. My daughter, being extremely social and usually very capable of handling her school work plus her social behaviour, found herself in this new world of selfdiscipline, student-driven schedules, no recesses to chat and linger and a heavier workload. The balancing act she was accustomed to didn’t seem to be working in junior high. Report cards came out and surprisingly a few of her grades had dipped, only slightly, but this is something that neither she nor her teachers had ever seen before with her. Parent-teacher interview time quickly approached and
I received an e-mail from her geography/history teacher, Mr. Brad Clooney. Mr. Clooney knew Sophia well and he knew what she was capable of. His e-mail requested that Sophia be present at our interview, to which her father and I quickly agreed. On the day of the interview, I could tell that my lovely Sophia was slightly nervous and unsure of what Mr. Clooney’s intentions were. Through her eyes I could see concern, the same concern I had as a 13-year-old girl. What would he tell my parents? Is he going to tell them how much I talk and focus on socializing rather than listening? How much trouble am I going to be in after this? She was clearly unsettled and deeply concerned about what would be revealed during the conversation. As parents (and like most parents), we know our kids well. I was pretty sure that
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Mr. Clooney was going to highlight Sophia’s socializing and the dip in her grade was due to lack of attention, etc. I wasn’t worried, but I played the parent card well and let my (at the time) 12-year-old daughter know how serious this was, we were being called in by her teacher and her presence was requested. It was serious. We arrived at the interview and Sophia was nervous but poised. Mr. Clooney began to talk to us about her marks and went through his detailed information. We all listened intently and then Mr. Clooney asked Philip and me if he could direct the conversation towards Sophia. We always knew that Mr. Clooney was a great teacher and the students greatly respected him but for Philip and me, this is when Mr. Clooney showed who he really was and the extraordinary teacher that he is. Mr. Clooney said to Sophia, “Sophia, you are a very smart girl, you are socialable, very outgoing and a joy to teach. You engage in interesting conversation and you have a great interest in your classes. Unfortunately, your marks aren’t reflecting this. Sophia, you are better than this, you are a scholar student and you are operating below your natural ability.” He went on to ask her
if she was happy with her grades and if she thought this was her best effort. He talked to her and during the conversation he masterfully allowed Sophia to see what she was capable of through her schooling. He brought her to a place that was hard, she had to accept responsibility and then make a mature decision to make the necessary changes to bring the gold that he saw within her. Mr. Clooney is a wonderful teacher and an engaging teacher, and as I said earlier, the kids respect him - they have fun with him while he teaches them. In this instance, Mr. Clooney put on the strong teacher hat and took an opportunity with our child to set her on the right track. Mr. Clooney challenged her, corrected her and disciplined her. He did this wisely and seasoned with wisdom. Sophia came away from our meeting inspired and grateful. She recognized what Mr. Clooney did and how he took a risk at telling her exactly what he thought. She knew he wasn’t impressed with the work she was putting forward, she had disappointed him and us. Sophia determined that day to accept Mr. Clooney’s challenge and from that day on, instead of Grade 7 being a weird and awkward year, it became a year she will
remember. We are grateful that Mr. Clooney took the time to simply care about his student. He truly is a caring teacher and a teacher I believe Sophia will remember for her lifetime all because he cared about her and made a point of really teaching her. What Mr. Clooney did in that interview was true teaching. Yes, he is her geography/ history teacher, and he helps her learn about the world, but that day he truly taught a young girl how to be all that she can be. That’s why we are grateful. Sophia was given the opportunity to see herself through eyes other than her own, other than her parents, she saw herself through the eyes of a teacher who believes in her. Sophia is once again excelling in every area of school life, her grades are back to their great standing and her social life remains strong and healthy. To all the teachers out there ... may you never underestimate or forget the incredible impact you have, and can have, on young lives. Kids need your wisdom and to simply know, just like Mr. Clooney, that you care. Susan J. Sohn susanjsohn.com/thefamilyroom blogtalkradio.com/susanjsohn
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Colts face expensive Manning dilemma Neck surgery kept Peyton Manning from throwing a single pass during the 2011 National Football League season for the Indianapolis Colts, but it may be a key clause in his contract that keeps him from throwing one in 2012. Manning, 36, and a guaranteed Hall of Famer who might have three or four good years left, health permitting, has an important month coming up. If he is still on the Colts’ roster on March 8, he is due for a $28 million bonus. Payable immediately. On top of the $18 million per year he receives from a five-year contract he signed last July. Ownership says “ouch”; the Manning family counters with “yippee!” Owner Jim Irsay saw his team suffer through a 2-14 season without Manning this past season, and could logically expect a similar result next year if Manning isn’t wearing his No. 18 Colts jersey when the club huddles up for real next September. But if you owned a business and were due to pay a big chunk of dough to an employee whose health may prevent him from working for you next year, how eager are you going to be to write the cheque? In April, Irsay’s team will likely draft Stanford quarterback Andrew Luck, a potential superstar, and the perfect scenario would be for Luck to study under Manning for a couple of years before the Colt great’s inevitable retirement a few years down the road. So what do you do? Cast Manning free before March 8? Trade him (the
Sports Columnist Jets, reportedly, are salivating at the thought of having Manning in his twilight years)? Pay the $28 million and have him tutor Luck for two or three years, as Brett Favre did with Aaron Rodgers in Green Bay? That worked out well, but Favre didn’t have a $28 million price tag hanging around his neck while he played out the string with the Packers. My guess? Irsay will take a big gulp, pay the money to Manning on March 8, and pray nightly that his quarterback is healthy enough to pull double duty the next two years by leading the Colts back into contention, and showing Luck the NFL ropes so that the $28 million pays off in the next decade with a couple of Super Bowl titles. • Janice Hough of leftcoastsportsbabe.com: “The St. Louis Rams have announced they will play a regular season game in London in each of the next three NFL seasons. And from across the pond come the cries “Hey mates, haven’t we suffered enough?” • Hough again: “Only 21 days until pitchers and catchers report. So, okay Cubs fans, time to order those ‘Countdown to elimination clocks.’” • R.J. Currie of sportsdeke.com has a simple Q and A: “Q: What’s the difference between Aussie Open tennis
players Li Na and Barbora Zahlavova Strycova? A: Most of the alphabet.” • Comedy writer Jerry Perisho: “The Stanley Cup champion Boston Bruins visited recently with President Obama at the White House, Monday. There were so many teeth missing in the group photo it looked like an Arkansas Visits Favourite Son Bill Clinton Hoedown.” • Comedy writer Jim Barach: “A bill in Florida would require sports teams to house homeless people in their stadiums. Not only would it take thousands of people off the street, it could be the only way the Marlins could ever claim a sellout.” • R.J. Currie again: “A University of North Dakota hockey player sucker punched a Minnesota Gopher in the handshake line. Gainer hasn’t been this upset since they invented Troy Westwood.” • Another one from Currie: “An ESPN reporter suggested Terrell Owens could name his salary in the Canadian Football League. Sure. Just avoid ‘paltry’ or ‘inadequate’; they’re taken.” • Norman Chad of Wa s h i n g t o n P o s t . c o m : “Marty Schottenheimer fired by the Browns, Chiefs, Redskins and Chargers despite amassing the sixthmost wins in NFL history interviewed for the coaching
The 2011 Lobster For Life Crew would like to THANK YOU for supporting our 5th Annual Lobster For Life event.
job in Tampa Bay. He hasn’t had enough? I’m no shrink, but I figure the guy must like getting fired.” • Comedian Argus Hamilton, on British Open champ Darren Clarke’s love of partying: “National Geographic defines wine country as Napa Valley, the Loire region in France and wherever Darren Clarke is playing this week.” • Steve Rushin of SI.com, via Twitter, with hockey salutations: “Happy 110th birthday to Frank Zamboni, who left us in 1988 but still resurfaces periodically.” • Greg Cote of the Miami Herald: “LeBron James barrelled into the courtside seat of Marlins owner Jeffrey Loria, nearly knocking him backward. Time was, locals wouldn’t have cared. Now, there was a moment of panic as Marlins fans worried Loria might sustain an injury to his wallet.” • Another one from Cote: “The Colorado Avalanche will auction off their camouflage jerseys in honour of the U.S. military. The Avs are unbeaten in their camouflage jerseys because opponents cannot see them.” Care to comment? Email: brucepenton2003@ yahoo.ca
Scott Livingstone, CEO Saskatchewan Cancer Agency and Shelley Fornwald, co-chair, Lobster for Life
$15,000 was donated to the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency (Allan Blair Clinic)
Tara Daoust and Roxy Blackmore, St, Joseph’s Hospital Foundation; Shelley Fornwald and Melodie Willock, co-chairs, Lobster for Life
$15,000 was donated to the St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation (Cancer Unit) Over the last 5 years over $190,000 has been raised.
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Our Past February 6, 1985 Former Junior A Bruin forward Rick Bourassa assists a young bowler, participating in the Bowl for Millions. The event helped raised money for the Estevan Big Brothers and Big Sisters Association. Each week the Southeast Trader Express shares recent stories from the community but we’ll also give you a look into the past. If you have a photo you think readers of the Southeast Trader Express would find interesting please submit it to Jordan Baker at jbaker@estvanmercury.ca.
The Southeast Agri News is a monthly publication featuring local and provincial Agriculture News. Complete coverage to over 6,148 homes in the Southeastern rural corner of Saskatchewan
Publication Date: Friday, February 17, 2012 Deadline: Thursday, February 9, 2012
This is a your opportunity t it tto acknowledge k l d the th important i t t role l agriculture plays in our economy and community.
Special sections will be published in: March
Estevan March
Mercury www.estevanmercury.ca
Deadline to book space is Thursday, Feb. 23
Pharmacist Awareness Week
March 5-10
Pharmacist Awareness Week is the Profession's Annual Public Awareness & Education Campaign, a week dedicated to Health & Wellness. This is a perfect opportunity to plant the seeds of good health in your customers. Publication Dates: Trader - March 2 & Mercury - March 7
not exactly as shown
• 1,470 sq. ft. • 3 bedrooms • 2 baths • Maple kitchen cabinetry
• High deÀnition laminate countertops • Vaulted ceilings • Under construction
Deadline for Advertising: Thursday, Feb 23, 2012
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Oilmen! Target your Market with an Ad in Pipeline News 28,000 Distribution
March 2012 Issue: Editorial Focus is
"Downhole Tools" Deadline: February 9, 2012
www.pioneerhomes.net Hedley coming February 18
Cindy Beaulieu
Deanna Tarnes
Candace Wheeler
Teresa Hrywkiw
Kristen O’Handley
Phone: 634-2654 Email: adsales@estevanmercury.ca
WIN A HEDLEY PRIZE PACKAGE Including 2 box seat tickets.
Go to: www.estevanmercury.ca. Look through the pages of the website to find I Hedley, click on their picture & tell us where you found it. A daily winner will be drawn and posted on Facebook. The winner will be drawn from all 14 possible winners and announced on Wednesday, February 15.
Page 13
Canadian junior reaches Aussie Open final NATIONAL MELBOURNE, Australia—Canadian junior Filip Peliwo had to beat his roommate to reach the Australian Open boys final. The Vancouver native won 6-4, 6-4 against American Mackenzie McDonald on Friday in the junior boys semi. Peliwo advanced in 75 minutes with five aces and four double faults, breaking on three of six occasions. “I returned well and served well in the tough situations,” said Peliwo. “I controlled the baseline and had good defence. I was able to put pressure on him. Peliwo said there was nothing strange about facing his roomie for a chance at the biggest honour of his young career. *** As the countdown clock for the London Olympics prepared to hit six months
Friday, Canada’s top athletes weren’t counting. They had more pressing matters on their minds — namely their next workouts. And the fact that neither Dylan Armstrong, Priscilla Lopes-Schliep nor Catharine Pendrel were even aware of the notable date, let alone planning to mark the occasion, was welcome news to Mark Tewksbury. Their focus, said the former swim star and the Canadian team’s chef de mission for London, is exactly where it should be. Armstrong, the world’s top-ranked shot putter last season, has been training in Scottsdale, Ariz., since November and makes sure not to get caught up in the Olympic hype. London, he said, is rarely even mentioned in training. *** TORONTO - He’s al-
ready in charge of making sure the 100th Grey Cup is the best ever. Now Chris Rudge has added the huge challenge of making the Toronto Argonauts relevant again. Argos owner David Braley announced Monday that Bob Nicholson had stepped down as club president with Rudge taking over as executive chairman and chief executive officer of the CFL club. And it’s not just an interim posting. Rudge, who has acted as the Argos’ chairman and alternate governor, will continue leading the Toronto club years after
the Grey Cup game in November. INTERNATIONAL PHILADELPHIA - At least four lawsuits blaming the NFL for concussionrelated dementia and brain disease are being consolidated in Philadelphia, and more could follow. A U.S. judicial panel in Miami approved requests Tuesday by the NFL and plaintiffs lawyers to try similar cases before a federal judge in Philadelphia. The four suits were filed in Philadelphia and California. Lawyers say more than a dozen lawsuits could ulti-
mately be consolidated in Philadelphia. The lawsuits represent more than 300 retired players or spouses, including two-time Super Bowl champion Jim McMahon. The players accuse the NFL of negligence and intentional misconduct in its response to the headaches, dizziness and dementia that former players have reported. *** BERLIN - Germany’s national anti-doping agency will investigate 28 athletes to see whether they received blood transfusions from a doctor at the centre of a doping scandal.
NADA said Monday it will review the court documents from an ongoing case against Dr. Andreas Franke, who worked at a training centre run by the German Olympic Sports Confederation for top-level athletes in Erfurt, central Germany. NADA President Andrea Gotzmann said she hopes the documents will help the body “decide which athletes we proceed with” in the investigation. Franke is suspected of treating athletes’ blood with UV light before re-injecting it back into the same athlete, a procedure banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency.
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Hedley coming February 18
WIN A HEDLEY PRIZE PACKAGE Including 2 box seat tickets.
Go to: www.estevanmercury.ca. Look through the pages of the website to find I Hedley, click on their picture & tell us where you found it. A daily winner will be drawn and posted on Facebook. The winner will be drawn from all 14 possible winners and announced on Wednesday, February 15.
Page 14
Top 10 Video Rentals 1. Killer Elite (R) Jason Statham 2. Moneyball (PG-13) Brad Pitt 3. Contagion (PG-13) Matt Damon 4. Rise of the Planet of the Apes (PG-13) James Franco 5. Colombiana (PG-13) Zoe Saldana 6. The Help (PG-13) Viola Davis 7. Scorpion King 3: The Battle for Redemption (PG13) Dave Bautista
8. Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark (R) Katie Holmes 9. The Hangover Part II (R) Bradley Cooper 10. What’s Your Number (R) Anna Faris Top 10 DVD Sales 1. Moneyball (PG-13) (Sony) 2. Boardwalk Empire: The Complete First Season (NR) (Sony) 3. Killer Elite (R) (Universal) 4. Contagion (PG-13) (Warner)
5. Rise of the Planet of the Apes (PG-13) (Fox) 6. Harry Potter: Complete 8-Film Collection (PG-13) (Warner) 7. The Help (PG-13) (Buena Vista) 8. Dolphin Tale (PG) (Warner) 9. The Hangover Part II (R) (Warner) 10. Scorpion King 3: The Battle for Redemption (PG-13) (Universal) Source: Rentrak Corp. (c) 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.
The Estevan Mercury proudly presents.....
Bridal Showcase! Jayelle Wiebe & Benji Gustafson along with their parents John & Heather Wiebe and Ben & Wendy Gustafson are happy to announce their upcoming marriage March 31, 2012 Winnipeg, Manitoba See all of the local upcoming wedding announcements online at
www.estevanmercury.ca Click on "Features", then "Supplements"
Bridal Guide 2011 Corrina Wilhelm & Marlin Vanstone............................................ February 22, 2012 Tianna Besenski & Colin Joyce .................................................. February 22, 2012 Jolene Brown & Aaron Cossette................................................. February 29, 2012 Chelsie Troendle & Kraig Maley ......................................................March 20, 2012 Marja Olson & Jared Stang .............................................................March 20, 2012 Jayelle Weibe & Benji Gustafson ....................................................March 31, 2012 Jody Muller & Myron Conrad ............................................................. April 28, 2012 Kimberly Fonstad & Marcus Friess......................................................June 9, 2012 Jenna Henton & Chris Lesy ...............................................................June 16. 2012 Louise Lotten & Jeffrey Cleveland .....................................................June 16, 2012 Andrea Mantei & Preston Leatherdale ..............................................June 23, 2012 Gina McCutcheon & Garrett Kapustinsky ..........................................June 23, 2012 Dalene Breault & Rick Taylor ............................................................June 23, 2012 Nicole Lynn & Dan Dyck ....................................................................June 23, 2012 Teneil Hunter & Jacob Sailer .............................................................June 30, 2012 Megan Van De Woestyne & Jay Vanstone ........................................ July 14, 2012 Marlene Taylor & Todd Adams ........................................................... July 21, 2012 Jessie Elias & Andrew Smoliak .......................................................... July 28, 2012 Amanda Henton & Dustin Mack ...................................................... August 4, 2012 Janelle Daae & Tristan Mack........................................................... August 4, 2012 Ashley Forrester & Danial Bayliss ................................................. August 11, 2012 Rachelle Kickley & Craig Caissie ................................................. August 11, 2012 Sarah Monteyne & Kory Clearwater .............................................. August 17, 2012 Katelyn Hersche & Mike Bender.................................................... August 18, 2012 Amanda Lindenbach & Adam Lojewski ......................................... August 18, 2012 Channy House & Aaron Mack ................................................... September 1, 2012 Jenna Heidinger & Kyle Luc ...................................................... September 4, 2012 Amanda Luhr & Chad Munro ................................................... September 14, 2012 Tracy Tytlandsvik & Robert Blowatt......................................... September 15, 2012 Christina Dorward & Jeremy Strong ........................................ September 15, 2012 Jamie Campbell & Kevin McCurdy .......................................... September 29, 2012 Darcy Pierson & Eric Lorange ................................................. September 29, 2012 Adrienne Dawson & Brad Dixon .............................................. September 29, 2012 Daniyale Woolsey & Steven Lalonde ....................................... December 12, 2012 Shelagh Bangsund & Aaron Eskra ........................................... December 28, 2012
ALTERATIONS From large weddings to smaller intimate affairs. Clothing Let us look after the catering Alterations Bridal • zippers replaced • jeans hemmed • swim, dance wear
By appointment only Beryl Erickson
CATERING From large Dining weddings to smaller intimate affairs. E.B.’s Emporium Let us look after the catering can make your Special Event a Day to Remember! From large weddings to smaller intimate affairs. Let us look after the catering 104 Souris Ave., Estevan
Hitting the outdoor rink
With the pleasant weather recently, the outdoor rinks in the play parks around town are a very welcome outlet for those seeking some fresh air.
NOTICE The Annual Meeting of Electors of SOUTH EAST CORNERSTONE SCHOOL DIVISION NO. 209 will be held in the Board Room at: THE SOUTH EAST CORNERSTONE PUBLIC SCHOOL DIVISION OFFICE 80A-18th Street N.E., Weyburn, SK Thursday, February 16, 2012 at 2:00 P.M. for review of the 2010-11 Fiscal Year as prescribed by The Education Act, 1995. All electors are welcome. Dated this 9th day of January, 2012. Shelley Toth, Superintendent of Division Services/CFO
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Smitty’s Canada Limited would like to Congratulate Linda & Bryant Ko and Grant Kim on the GRAND OPENING of their new Smitty’s Restaurant in Estevan, SK.
Appointments may be made.
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1. MAPS: U.S. Interstate 10 ends in Los Angeles, but where does it begin on the East Coast? 2. SCIENCE: In 1959, physicist Richard Feynman
was the first to propose what kind of technology (on a small scale)? 3. LITERATURE: What was Ernest Hemingway’s middle name? 4. MUSIC: What American folk-music group is famous for their song “Keep on the Sunny Side”? 5. MEDICAL TERMS: What is a more common name
New Combo Menu
for the medical condition “pruritus”? 6. SPORTS: Where will the 2014 Olympic Winter Games be held? 7. ARCHITECTURE: What famous architect’s residence in Wisconsin was called Taliesin? 8. LANGUAGE: What are the comparative and superlative forms of the word
“little”? 9. MOVIES: In “Cast Away,” what was the name that marooned actor Tom Hanks (Chuck Noland) gave the volleyball that washed ashore? 10. GEOGRAPHY: What is the capital of Brazil? Answers 1. Jacksonville, Fla.
2. Nanotechnology 3. Miller 4. The Carter Family 5. Itching 6. Sochi, Russia 7. Frank Lloyd Wright 8. “Less” and “least” 9. Wilson 10. Brasilia (c) 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.
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Hedley coming February 18
Hedley coming February 18
Hedley coming February 18
Including 2 box seat tickets.
Go to: www.estevanmercury.ca. Look through the pages of the website to find I Hedley, click on their picture & tell us where you found it. A daily winner will be drawn and posted on Facebook. The winner will be drawn from all 14 possible winners and announced on Wednesday, February 15.
Including 2 box seat tickets.
Go to: www.estevanmercury.ca. Look through the pages of the website to find I Hedley, click on their picture & tell us where you found it. A daily winner will be drawn and posted on Facebook. The winner will be drawn from all 14 possible winners and announced on Wednesday, February 15.
Including 2 box seat tickets.
Go to: www.estevanmercury.ca. Look through the pages of the website to find I Hedley, click on their picture & tell us where you found it. A daily winner will be drawn and posted on Facebook. The winner will be drawn from all 14 possible winners and announced on Wednesday, February 15.
Hedley coming February 18
WIN A HEDLEY PRIZE PACKAGE Including 2 box seat tickets.
Go to: www.estevanmercury.ca. Look through the pages of the website to find I Hedley, click on their picture & tell us where you found it. A daily winner will be drawn and posted on Facebook. The winner will be drawn from all 14 possible winners and announced on Wednesday, February 15.
Page 16
Valentine’s sundae dessert bars 18 (2 1/2-inch) chocolate graham crackers 4 cups sugar- and fat-free vanilla ice cream 1 (4-serving) package sugar-free chocolate cookand-serve pudding mix 2/3 cup nonfat dry milk
powder 1 cup water 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 teaspoons reducedcalorie margarine 1/2 cup miniature marshmallows
3 tablespoons chopped pecans 1/2 cup reduced calorie whipped topping 4 maraschino cherries, halved 1. Arrange 9 graham
Farm Girl & Farm boy t-shirts on sale
f o r
crackers in a 9-by-9-inch cake pan. In large bowl, gently stir ice cream until slightly softened. Coarsely crush remaining 9 graham crackers and stir into softened ice cream. Spread mixture gently over graham crackers in cake pan. Cover and freeze while preparing topping. 2. In medium saucepan, combine dry pudding mix, dry milk powder and water. Cook over medium heat until mixture thickens and starts to boil, stirring constantly.
for 2 hours or until firm. 3. Let set at room temperature for 10 minutes. Cut into 8 servings. To serve, top each with 1 tablespoon whipped topping and a maraschino cherry half. Makes 8 servings. Remove from heat. Stir in vanilla extract, margarine and marshmallows. Drizzle hot mixture evenly over ice cream mixture. Sprinkle pecans evenly over top. Recover and continue to freeze
• Each serving equals: 191 calories, 3g fat, 7g protein, 34g carb., 199mg sodium, 1g fiber; Diabetic Exchanges: 2 Starch/Carb., 1/2 Fat. (c) 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.
SAVE NOW on Windows and Entry Door Systems
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Hedley coming February 18
WIN A HEDLEY PRIZE PACKAGE Including 2 box seat tickets.
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Go to: www.estevanmercury.ca. Look through the pages of the website to find I Hedley, click on their picture & tell us where you found it. A daily winner will be drawn and posted on Facebook. The winner will be drawn from all 14 possible winners and announced on Wednesday, February 15.
481 Devonian St. Ph: 634-2114 or 634-2143 rrlsalesdesk@sasktel.net
CELEBRATE Filet Mignon & Lobster ~ A Platter for 2
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76 Souris Ave. N, Estevan
Sweethearts Seafood for the Seafood Lovers to Share
Page 17
Mighty fine salsa and homemade chips Homemade salsa stirred up with sun-ripened tomatoes from our backyard vines is a special treat reserved for summertime snacking. That’s what I thought until our neighbor Bryce popped by during a January snowstorm with a bowl of his “Mighty Fine Salsa” to warm us up. But how did he do it? After all, fresh tomatoes can be rather peaked, tasteless and expensive at the market this time of year. “It’s all in the secret ingredient,” he whispered. “Canned tomatoes. No one will ever know.” And he’s right. This salsa is not only mighty fine, but mighty tasty, too. Make up a batch, and add fun-shaped homemade chips. Why eat boring triangular chips out of a bag when your kids’ can cut whimsical cookie cutter shapes from flour tortillas? Just pop them in the oven, and they’ll be crisp and ready to dip into the salsa. Here’s how: Easy Mighty Fine Salsa 1 28-ounce can diced tomatoes, slightly drained 1/2 cup fresh jalapeno pepper, seeded and quartered (see note below) 1/2 medium yellow onion, quartered 3 garlic cloves 1/2 cup fresh cilantro
lightly oiled skillet. Place it on a cutting board and cut into shapes with metal cookie cutters. Use scissors to cut your own designs or alphabet
Juice from one lime 1 teaspoon kosher salt
letters. 3. Set shapes closely together on a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper. Brush or spray shapes
lightly with oil. Continue with remaining tortillas. 4. Bake 8-10 minutes or until crisp and lightly browned. Sprinkle lightly
with salt, if you wish, and serve. Serves four to six. (c) 2012 Donna Erickson Distributed by King Features Synd.
1. Pour 1/2 can of tomatoes into a food processor or blender, add remaining ingredients and blend and pulse until well chopped and fairly smooth.Add remaining tomatoes and pulse/blend briefly. 2. Leave on the counter for an hour to combine flavors before serving with FreshBaked Fun Chips. Refrigerate leftover salsa. Makes about 3 cups. Note: The juice of jalapeno peppers can be irritating. Wear plastic deli-style gloves when handling. Avoid hand contact with your eyes. Fresh-Baked Fun Chips 6-8 medium flour tortillas Vegetable oil Salt (optional) Assorted metal cookie cutters Kitchen scissors (optional) 1. Preheat oven to 350 F. 2. Warm a tortilla on a
Entry Form
As Monday Feb 20 is Family Day
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A VIP Ring Side Table for you & 7 of your friends to:
P I H S N O I P M A H C G N I T HARD KNOCKS FIGH *VIP passes include ring side seating, dinner & access to the after party Draw will be made February 22, 2012.
March 3rd. All entries must be clipped out of the Estevan Mercury. Photocopies will not be permitted to win.
Page 18
THE TRADER EXPRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2012 pump out valuable cooled through last year’s calenair. Many people don’t dar for important yearly think of fans this way, dates when transferring and they end up running them to the new year’s for hours.” -- R.D. in Mis- calendar. This year I have gotten smart. At the end of sissippi the month, before turning • Keep salt or baking the page, I highlight the • Save smaller bits of soda by the stove for small, items I’d like to put in leftover veggies in a large quick cleanups. A good next year’s calendar. When freezer-safe container or dose of salt will stop an I look back, I won’t have bag in the freezer. When egg from running all over to search through all the it’s full, make vegetable the place. Dip a damp cloth entries for the good stuff.” soup. in baking soda for a handy -- U.L. in Ohio scrub. Although a handful • “I just spent a lot of • “Be sure you use of either might work in a bathroom fans correctly, pinch on a small flare-up time cleaning my mother’s turning on to remove steam on the stove, you should bathtub in a long-neglected but turning off to keep have a fire extinguisher bathroom. To keep it from mildewing, I used paste from pumping out heat. close by for fires. wax to protect the walls. This is equally important • “I used to comb You can use car wax for the in the summer, when you
same purpose, and many people know about this helpful tip. But I wanted to add a caution: Walls only; do not wax the inside of the tub, especially if you have an elderly resident (or a child). And make sure to have a nonslip mat in the tub at all times.” -- A Daughter in Oregon Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475 or e-mail JoAnn at heresatip@yahoo.com. (c) 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.
Over 30 years of combined Real Estate Experience. Diane Jocelyn, CRES
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Doodads and whatever
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207 - 517 ALBERT ST
2 bedroom condo extensively refurbished inside & out. New deck & siding in 2008. Fireplace in living room. Includes appliances and central air. Private deck. MLS#420748
Immaculate four bedroom home with great curb appeal. New oak wood Áoors in living room and hall and oak Áoors in bdrms. Newer vinyl windows including bow window, with opening sections and newer doors. Newer garden doors from dining area to patio. developed bsmnt. Non smoking home. Nicely landscaped, fenced yard and Carport, lg concrete drive. MLS#420636
3 Bdrm 2010 home in the Hillside area. Main Áoor has kitchen, living room, 1/2 bath, large front entry with closet, back entry and main Áoor laundry. Second Áoor has master bdrm, with walk in closet , 2 other bdrms and full bath. Maple cabinets. STF basement, with rough in for bathroom awaits development. Air to air exchange, central vac. Sod in front, front deck. 4 appliances.
2 BEDROOM CONDO 2 bedroom condo in excellent location close to the mall, restaurants and shopping., Private balcony. Four appliances included MLS#413836
1964 Archrib Quonset, 46’ x 171’ that was used as a curling rink in the past. Addition, 46’ x 14’, in 1984 which has a kitchen area and bathrooms. Large overhead door in back. 150’ x 195.08’ corner lot.
Bordering Highway #18 and #350. There is power, gas, and phone to the yard site which has an older house
Just minutes from Estevan. Situated on large corner lot with ample parking. 1 & 1/2 story home with 3 bedrooms and a den. Full bath on upper level and 3/4 bath & laundry on main. New metal roof and garage in 2010 MLS#419841
IMMACULATE ONE BEDROOM CONDO FACING SOUTH. EXCELLENT LOCATION. Underground parking, common room & elevator. Interior, including ceilings have been recently painted. New vanity & sink in bathroom. Fridge, range, washer, dryer & freezer incl. MLS#418118
Located in 1.2 Acres in Macoun. 1520 sq.ft. home with three bedrooms and two baths. Deluxe model built in Canada MLS# 418214
On two lots w/ mature trees. Custom built home w/3 ext. doors. 3 bedroom home w/ 2 full baths. Open style living area w/ cathedral ceilings & large windows. Two decks, one covered. Landscaped yard, oversized single garage w/ opener. Six appliances. New water heater & new dishwasher. MLS# 418213
Own your future with this opportunity to purchase the Sears store in Estevan. Upon approval, Sears looks forward to having you associate yourself with them through their unique Hometown Dealer Store Program. Sears catalogue merchandise, home delivery services, and extended warranties. Sears will support you with the initial and on-going training, provide point of sale systems, no cost inventory, no freight or handling fees , and complete marketing support. MLS#419454
We have Buyers looking for homes in all price ranges...
309,000 309
ACREAGE LAND for DEVELOPMENT 6 Miles Northeast of Estevan 15 acre parcel. $
Lot E for Development in MACOUN! 1.2 acres serviced water, sewer, power, gas & phone
The latest Cool Kids Concoctions held at the library on Saturday had participants creating cellphone charms and whatever. The ornaments could be used for a number of things like keychains. Sevenyear-old Kieran Anderson works away, cutting some fabric for her charm.
5 SESSIONS PITCHING CLINIC The program will run in Estevan, for girls 8 to 16 years of age, on the following Sundays: February 19th, 26th. March 4th, 11th, 18th, 2012. From 11 am – 4 pm. Please note there are 5 different 1 hour sessions, therefore the player will be assigned a 1 hour session during that time slot. To register or for more information please contact Jacqueline or Nicole at the Softball Saskatchewan ofÀce
@780-9235 or info@softball.sk.ca
Deadline for registration is Feb 6, 2012 ESTEVAN GIRLS SOFTBALL association & Softball Sask Pursuant to Court Order, the following land located in the R.M. of Browning No. 034 will be offered for sale by tender, under the direction of LAYH & ASSOCIATES, Box 250, Langenburg, Saskatchewan S0A 2A0 (Phone 743-5520): Land Descriptions SE Sec 26 Twp 05 Rge 05 W2 Ext. 0 SW Sec 26 Twp 05 Rge 05 W2 Ext. 0 (the “Land”) • Purchasers are responsible for inspection of the Land. • Purchasers are responsible for 2012 property taxes. • The sale shall be subject to conmrmation by the Court of Queen’s Bench. • A minimum deposit of 10% must accompany each tender, as a certimed cheque payable to Layh & Associates. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid to Layh & Associates within 21 days after conmrmation of the sale by Court Order.
All tenders must show the land subject to the tender and the tender price. Realtor Owned
Lots B & F for development in MACOUN! .75 acres - developed. Water, Sewer, Power, Gas & Phone. MLS#419150 Realtor Owned
BIDS SHALL BE SUBMITTED to Layh & Associates, by registered mail or personal delivery at the address below by 4:00 p.m., February 13, 2012:
Layh & Associates Legal Professional Corporation
Box 250 Langenburg, Saskatchewan S0A 2A0
Cast-iron doorstop Q: I have a cast-iron doorstop that has been in my family for at least three generations. It is a rabbit dressed in top hat and tails. The item is in fairly good condition. -- Beth, Amarillo, Texas A: Your doorstop was probably manufactured by National Foundry and is valued in the $75 to $150 range, according to “Kovels’ Antiques and Collectibles Price Guide” by Ralph and Terry Kovel (Black Dog & Leventhal books). Doorstops were especially popular during the late Victorian-era. *** Q: I have a Victorian-era Bible that was published in Glasgow, perhaps during the 1880s. It has a deluxe binding with metal latches and thick back and front covers. Letters found in the Bible are from the 1890s. It is in excellent condition, and I would like to determine its value. -- Judith, Placitas, N.M. A: I contacted several used and rare book dealers who told me that most
answered questions about Fiesta dishes, but I have an unusual product made by this company and wonder if you can help me determine how much it might be worth. In my mother’s estate is a lamp with a syrup pitcher base and a post-metal bottom. It is in cobalt blue. -- Cynthia, Buckeye, Ariz. A: I found your lamp referenced in “Warman’s Fiesta Ware: Identification and Price Guide” by Mark F. Moran (Krause, $24.99). According to Moran, your lamp with original shade is worth about $350. Write to Larry Cox in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to questionsforcox@aol.com. Due to the large volume of mail he receives, Mr. Cox is unable to personally answer all reader questions. Do not send any materials requiring return mail. (c) 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.
highly decorative Victorianera Bibles sell in the $75 to $150 range, depending on condition and content. By content, I mean personal family information recorded in its pages. A Bible from the Civil War period could be quite valuable if it has information pertaining to the war or was owned by a historically important family. William J. Chamberlin is vice-president of the International Society of Bible Collectors, and verily I say unto you, he might be able to determine the value of your Bible. His contact information is 6413 Snow Apple Drive, Clarkson, MI 48346; and research@biblemuseum. org. It is always good manners to enclose a SASE when contacting an expert or source listed in this column. *** Q: I know that you have
Chamberlain 1/2 hp Garage Door Opener Regular $ $ 220.50
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Valentine’s Day February 14th
Classic Jewelers Fine Jewelery & Gifts for all Occasions
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Hedley coming February 18
WIN A HEDLEY PRIZE PACKAGE Including 2 box seat tickets.
Go to: www.estevanmercury.ca. Look through the pages of the website to find I Hedley, click on their picture & tell us where you found it. A daily winner will be drawn and posted on Facebook. The winner will be drawn from all 14 possible winners and announced on Wednesday, February 15.
Regular $ 3.47/sq ft
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Page 19
Regular $ 2.62/sq ft
2.25 /sq. ft.
Outdoor Fireplace Regular $ $ 135.00
118.00 Win 2 Box Seat Tickets to the Hedley Concert Saturday, Feb. 18!!! Limo Transportation & Dinner for 2 before the concert at Allies and after the concert drinks & appetizers at the Taphouse
Metal Cladding Many types & proÀles available. Now stocking various lengths of Galvalume & white/white metal. Farm and industrial, galvanized, galvalume and coloured. 26, 28, 29 & 30 gauge metal ordered to suit your size and needs. Phone for pricing with your individual requirements!
"Thinking windows? Shop and compare!"
Insist on CWD windows and doors. PVC Windows - Metal clad windows Patio and garden doors - Insulated steel doors
Starting Wednesday February 1st Go to www.estevanmercury.ca Look through the pages of the website to Ånd the
Call for comparative pricing!
VISIT US ON OUR WEBSITE: www.wood-country.com
Ph: (306) 634-5111 • Fax: (306) 634-8441 • 407 Kensington Avenue, Estevan Hours: Mon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.; Sat. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Hedley coming February 18
WIN A HEDLEY PRIZE PACKAGE Including 2 box seat tickets.
Go to: www.estevanmercury.ca. Look through the pages of the website to find I Hedley, click on their picture & tell us where you found it. A daily winner will be drawn and posted on Facebook. The winner will be drawn from all 14 possible winners and announced on Wednesday, February 15.
click on it and tell us what ad you found it on. A daily winner will be drawn and names will be posted on Facebook. The prize winner will be drawn from all the daily winners and announced on Wednesday, Feb. 15th. SOUTHEAST TRADER
At The Library.....
Thursday, February 9th @ 6:30 pm – A Valentine by You – Hallmark is expensive and generic. Join Melanie Hiske who will be teaching how to make classy, creative handmade valentines. Make a unique valentine for your loved one! Monday, February 13th @ 6:00 to 7:00 pm – Cool Kid Crafts: Decoupage Vase – For ages 8 – 14 yrs. Decoupage a vase with tissue paper & mod poge for a great Valentine gift idea! 15 spots available. Tuesday, February 14th @ 6:00 pm – Valentine’s Wine & Cheese – Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a wine and cheese tasting at the library. Scott Bax from the Weyburn Liquor Board will discuss how to pair different types of wine with cheese. Sample wine & cheese completely free! Come alone or bring a friend, but remember that space is limited. Must be legal drinking age. Thursday, February 16th @ 6:30 pm – Cover to Cover Book Club – We will be discussing Lullabies for Little Criminals by Heather O’Neill. Meet Baby, a 12 year old girl who is raised in Montreal’s red-light district, sent to foster care by her heroine-addicted father and lured into prostitution by her boyfriend. New members always welcome! Call to pick up your copy today! Saturday, February 18th @ 2:30 pm – Teen Scrapbooking Circle – Join a creative scrapbooking circle designed especially for teens (12-16 yrs). We provide the materials and you provide the inspiration. No rules, no directions, just come up with an idea and run with it! Bring a set of photos related by a common theme. Please pre-register & indicate your theme. Tuesday, February 21st @ 2:00 pm – Movie Madness: Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. Wednesday, February 22nd @ 2:00 pm – Movie Madness: Happy Feet Thursday, February 23rd @ 2:00 pm – Movie Madness: Rio Friday, February 24th @ 2:00 pm – Movie Madness: Shrek, Forever After Thursday, February 23rd @ 10:30 to 11:00 am – Baby Time – Ages 0 to 18 months old & their caregivers. Spend a close & happy time with your little one using songs & rhymes along with a short story & simple activity! This is an interactive program & adult participation is encouraged! Jocelyn Akins, Parent Skills Educator, will visit with tips on parenting concerns! Register @ 636-1621. Friday, February 24th @ 2:00 pm – Creative Cupcakes for Teens – Do something fun and creative during the February break! Jennifer Melanson, proprietor of Cakes by Jennifer, will be teaching a session on cupcake decorating for teens (12-16 yrs). Treat yourself. Pre-register @ 636-1621. Mondays & Wednesdays @ 3:00, 3:30 & 4:00 pm – Hello Computer! – Come and get answers to your computer questions in one-on-one sessions. Bring your laptop or use a public computer. When registering please indicate what you would like to learn. FEBRUARY IS ABORIGINAL STORYTELLING MONTH! CITY OF ESTEVAN
The City of Estevan invites tenders to provide “three (3) 2012 half ton trucks” and “ one (1) 2012 half ton truck with topper, no headache rack, and ability to disable ABS” Specifications are available at the Legislative Services Business Division – Main Floor – City Hall. For further information regarding this tender please contact Dale Tannas, Shop Foreman : 634-1831, Fax 634-1818. Interested parties are invited to respond by forwarding sealed envelopes marked “2012 half ton trucks ” or “2012 half ton truck with topper”
The City of Estevan invites tenders to provide “one (1) utility van” Specifications are available at the Legislative Services Business Division – Main Floor – City Hall. For further information regarding this tender please contact Dale Tannas, Shop Foreman : 634-1831, Fax 634-1818. Interested parties are invited to respond by forwarding sealed envelopes marked “2012 van ” Mail to the following by 2:30 PM, Tuesday, February 7, 2012.
Mail to the following by 2:30 PM, Tuesday, February 7, 2012. Legislative Services Business Division Main Floor 1102 4th Street City of Estevan Estevan, SK S4A 0W7
Legislative Services Business Division Main Floor 1102 4th Street City of Estevan Estevan, SK S4A 0W7
Public opening of tenders shall take place at 2:30 PM, February 7, 2012 C.S.T, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, ESTEVAN, Saskatchewan
Public opening of tenders shall take place at 2:30 PM, February 7, 2012 C.S.T, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, ESTEVAN, Saskatchewan
Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
INVITATION TO TENDER The City of Estevan, Leisure Services Business Division invites your company to submit a tendered bid to SUPPLY AND DELIVER OF FLOWERS by Friday, February 10, 2012 @ 1:00 pm for our Áower beds within the City of Estevan for the spring planting of 2012. The total number of plants: 10 781 There are numerous species, colors and types for a complete list of please contact Shannon Wanner at 634-1880. Other Criteria • There will be two different delivery dates May 28, 2012 at 9:00 am at the Estevan Civic Auditorium, and June 11, 2012 at the Estevan Civic Auditorium at 9:00 am. • Unloading of product is the responsibility of the Company. • Flowers to be in Full Bloom by June 15, 2011. • Warranty must include: at the time of arrival the plants must be sturdy, healthy and have Áowering buds or have started to bloom. Any weak plants that die in the Àrst two weeks must be replaced. In the Tender please Include: • Price of Flowers. • If the greenhouse doesn’t carry the exact species or type of Áower please indicate the type or species it will replace. • Shipping and Handling. If shipping is not available please indicate that in your tender price. • Warranty. Please submit your sealed tender marked “Annual Flowers for Flower Beds” in writing by Friday, February 10, 2012 @ 1:00 pm to: City of Estevan, Leisure Services Division c/o Shannon Wanner 701 Souris Ave. Estevan, Saskatchewan S4A 2T1 Public Opening of the tenders will take place on Friday, February 10, 2012 @ 1:00 pm at the Conference Room @ Leisure Services OfÀce at the above listed address. For more information please contact Shannon Wanner @ 634-1880. Thank you in advance for your submission.
PUBLIC NOTICE WATER & SEWER UTILITY RATES WILL INCREASE AS OF JANUARY 1, 2012 Property Tax Discount Taxpayers are encouraged to take advantage of the 2.5% prepayment discount the city offers on 2012 Property Taxes if paid in January. Please note that you will not receive a prepayment notice. If you wish to take advantage of the January discount please stop into City Hall or call 634-1812 or 634-1811 to determine what your 2012 discount will be.
2012 DISCOUNTS February March April May
2% 1.5% 1% .5%
Tax notices will be sent out in June, once taxes have been levied
Beware of Thin Ice Please note that thin ice and open water exists on Long Creek and the Souris River in the immediate proximity to the water treatment plant. These thin ice conditions exist all winter regardless of temperature and are due to moving water in this location. Please avoid this area when on snowmobiles and during other outdoor activities. Also please note that trespassing in the lagoon area is prohibited and ice conditions in this area are hazardous year round due to the moving water.
Kevin Sutter, AScT WT/WWT Service Division Manager
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Page 21
Getting StARTed at the Estevan Art Gallery Adult Beginner Art Classes
Stars for Saskatchewan‘s next performance is February 12, 2012 at 2:30 pm in St. Paul’s United Church and features Alexander Sevastian, Accordionist. Alexander began his accordion studies at the age of seven with his advanced studies taking him to Moscow’s famed Gnessin Academy of Music where he graduated with his Masters Degree in Performance. With 3 Àrst prize wins at the International Accordion competition to his credit, Alexander Sevastian has truly commanded the world’s attention as one of the best. And COMING IN MARCH!! Brent Butt ….advance tickets on sale at Henders Drugs
Painting Nature
2011-2012 Koncert for Kids concert season picks up again in April 2012 when they present the 3rd concert of their series. Join us when Motus O (Circus TerriÀco) perform on April 15th at 2:00 p.m. – Westview School. Further details at www.estevanartscouncil.com
Discover the natural world around you through the use of acrylic paint. Participants will have the opportunity to learn techniques to create perspective and mood in landscape or interpret nature’s colourful beauty of Áora or create realistic animals and birds. This class is designed for beginners and those who want to explore the world of nature. For more information or to register please contact: Karly at 306-634-7644 or by email at galleryed@sasktel.net.
Visual Arts committee offer classes in the arts however with continued renovations, classes will not commence until early Spring. Energy City Film Circuit present their 4th Àlm of the season: The Way (DCP) on Saturday, February 11, 2012 at the Orpheum Theatre (4:00 pm). ******* FUNDRAISER CONCERT RCAF Quintet Band “Command Force” February 15th – 7:45 p.m. ** Estevan Comprehensive School Sponsored by: ECS Band & The Estevan Arts Council For further information, visit www.estevanartscouncil.com or call the ofÀce 634-3942 Visual Arts Stars for Saskatchewan Koncerts for Kids Energy City Film Circuit 701 Souris Avenue, ESTEVAN, SK S4A 2T1 (306) 634-3942 estevanartscouncil@sasktel.net www.estevanartscouncil.com
Our Walkways Residents are reminded to clear the snow and ice from walkways around their home to ensure that there is safe access to the water, power and energy meters. This reduces the risk of slips, falls and injuries to our personnel. Your cooperation is appreciated.
WHEN: Tuesday, Feb 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, March 6th, 13th WHERE: The Estevan Art Gallery & Museum TIME: 7:00 - 9:30 pm INSTRUCTOR: Judy Swallow COST: TBA
Adult Art Class Beginner Oil Painting Photo- Realistic Portraiture WHEN: Thursday, Feb 16, 23, March 1, 8, 15 WHERE: The Estevan Art Gallery & Museum TIME: 6:30 - 9:30 pm INSTRUCTOR: Natalie Buongiorno COST: $200/person Learn to paint from a photograph. Materials included in registration fee. For more information contact Karly at 634-7644 or by email at galleryed@sasktel.net
SUPPORT WORKERS NEEDED Southeast Regional Victim Services is looking for volunteers in the Estevan City Police / Estevan RCMP detachment area to work with victims of crime and traumatic events by providing information, advocacy, support and referral. Victim Services is a policeafÀliated program. The following qualiÀcations are needed: * 18 years of age or older * pass a police security screening and take an oath of conÀdentiality * sincere interest in and the ability to work with people * successfully complete initial training program and participate in ongoing training and staff meetings Training is provided free of charge. Funded by Saskatchewan Justice. For further information, please call 634-8040.
POLICE CONSTABLE The Estevan Police Service was established in 1906 and has been built on a tradition of excellence. The City of Estevan has experienced a great deal of growth in the past three years, especially in the energy sector including oil, coal mining and power generation. This growth and economic boom has created several challenges within the City of Estevan including the Police Service. The Estevan Police Service is increasing the size of the Police Service and currently has two vacancies for the position of Constable. The Estevan Police Service has a rigorous application process; however, this process is to ensure that the people we hire to wear the Estevan Police Service uniform are the right people for the job. If you are hired as a new recruit you will enter a rigorous training period of 42 weeks. The Àrst 18 weeks will be at the Saskatchewan Police College in Regina, Saskatchewan where you will receive instruction in criminal law, ofÀcer safety, self defence, Àrearms, report writing and cross cultural training. After graduating from the Police College you will receive a further 24 weeks of Àeld training under the guidance of a Field Training OfÀcer. Experienced members are encouraged to apply. The Estevan Police Service offers an exciting career in law enforcement with excellent beneÀts and a competitive salary. If you would like to receive an application package or would like to receive further information please contact:
The Estevan Police Service 301-11th Ave., Estevan, Saskatchewan. S4A 1C7 or call 306 634 4767. You can also email: schartrand@estevanpolice or jpierson@estevanpolice.ca
Duties and Responsibilities:
The successful candidate will demonstrate excellent interpersonal communication skills. This person will handle incoming telephone calls, general public inquiries and complaints, and will communicate via radio transmissions with members on patrol. Must be able to work independently under stress as well as produce a high degree of accuracy. Application packages can be picked up at the Estevan Police Service or mailed out upon request. Please return the completed package with an updated resume in a sealed envelope to: Chief of Police Estevan Police Service, 301-11th Ave., Estevan SK S4A 1C7 Only successful candidates will be contacted.
The total area, comprising approximately 9.72 hectares [24.0 acres], is currently zoned URBAN HOLDING (UH) and would require rezoning for the type of development intended. Under the City’s OfÅcial Community Plan the area has been designated for a mix of land uses with the primary use being residential. The City has prepared a concept plan for the lands being offered which involves a third proposed phase of lot development which includes mixed use Residential parcels (Low and medium density) and select parcels for Commercial and Institutional developments. (A copy of the concept/preliminary subdivision plan is available for review by contacting the City’s Land Development Services Manager). All proposals must be consistent with the City’s OfÅcial Community Plan and submissions must provide a comprehensive and clear understanding of what the offer/proposal entails including associated time lines as to when development would commence. Any accepted offer/proposal will be further subject and conditional to the terms of an agreement prepared by the City. Any questions may be directed to the City’s Land Development Service Manager at 634-1821 or email rdenys@ estevan.ca The City reserves the right to select the proposal that best suits the development vision for the area and may reject any or all proposals. Highest or any proposal not necessarily accepted. Sealed Offers/written proposals may be submitted to the City Clerk’s ofÅce, Legislative Services, City Hall, 1102 Fourth Street, on or before Friday, February 24, 2012. R Denys PPS MCIP Land Development Services Manager
Page 22
The Energy #17 Hwy. 39 East, Estevan Phone: 634-7600 Fax: 634-8120
Wellhead Systems DRILLING LICENSES Fifty-nine licenses issued to Monday, January 30, 2012 12A290 - Kinwest 08 Alameda East Hz ............................................................................................4D1-20-3C1-21-4-2 12A291 - Kinwest 08 Alameda East Hz ............................................................................................4D9-20-3C9-21-4-2 12A289 - Kinwest 08 Alameda Hz.......................................................................................................3C16-3-3B1-3-4-3 12A295 - T Bird et al Browning Hz .................................................................................................. 2A11-34-2A9-34-6-5 12A296 - CPEC ViewÀeld Hz .............................................................................................................. 2A3-3-4B3-34-8-8 12A299 - CPEC ViewÀeld Hz ............................................................................................................ 2B1-13-3B1-12-8-9 12A293 - PBEN ViewÀeld 2Hz ............................................................................................................ 3A2-4-4A2-33-9-9 12A292 - PBEN ViewÀeld 2Hz ....................................................................................................3D13-11-1C13-14-10-9 12A288 - Painted Pony ViewÀeld Hz............................................................................................... 1B4-1-4A10-35-6-11 11A307 - Epping et al Bellegarde 2Hz ........................................................................................1D14-15-1C13-15-6-31 12A304 - Penn West Nottingham S Hz .......................................................................................12C5-14-1D16-15-5-33 12A308 - Renegade Wordsworth E 2Hz ............................................................................................. 2A16-7-4B4-8-7-3 12A309 - Legacy Pinto Hz..................................................................................................................... 3B4-9-3A1-9-1-5 12A311 - PBEN Clarilaw W 2Hz ....................................................................................................... 4B2-31-1A2-30-7-5 12A312 - PBEN Clarilaw W 2Hz ....................................................................................................... 3A1-31-3A1-32-7-5 12A310 - PBEN ViewÀeld 2Hz ........................................................................................................1C4-12-1C4-11-11-7 12A306 - PBEN ViewÀeld 2Hz ....................................................................................................1C15-21-3D15-28-10-8 12A302 - CPEC ViewÀeld Hz ............................................................................................................ 2B2-13-3B2-12-8-9 12A305 - PBEN ViewÀeld 2Hz ............................................................................................................2D1-4-3A1-33-9-9 12A315 - Husky Oungre Hz ........................................................................................................2C16-26-3A15-35-1-13 12A300 - CPEC Flat Lake Hz........................................................................................................2A2-18-2D15-19-1-15 12A314 - CPEC Flat lake Hz ........................................................................................................... 1B4-13-4B4-12-1-16 12A313 - CVE Tatagwa West ...................................................................................................................1D16-12-6-16 12A316 - Aldon Ceylon Hz ..............................................................................................................2C5-15-3B6-16-6-19 12A341 - Fort Calgary Moosomin ................................................................................................................ 13-23-14-30 12A345 - Penn West Cantal South Hz ..............................................................................................4A1-12-2C6-7-5-33 12A337 - Spectrum et al Wauchope DD .....................................................................................3A13-30-2D13-30-7-33 12A330 - Voc Glen Ewen N 2Hz ....................................................................................................... 2B9-33-3B1-33-3-1 12A331 - Voc Glen Ewen N Hz .......................................................................................................2D10-33-4B2-33-3-1 12A320 - Harvest Wapella ............................................................................................................................... 13-5-14-1 12A334 - Wyatt Northgate East Hz .....................................................................................................3C15-4-4B2-4-1-2 12A327 - Wyatt Northgate East Hz .................................................................................................4D5-10-2D14-10-1-2 12A349 - Wyatt Northgate East Hz ................................................................................................... 3B5-14-4B7-15-1-2 12A326 - Wyatt Northgate East Hz .................................................................................................3D14-23-4B3-23-1-2 12A344 - Brown Willmar Hz ............................................................................................................ 4B14-23-3A3-23-5-2 12A321 - Harvest White Bear........................................................................................................................... 16-35-8-2 12A350 - Renegade et al Crystal Hill 2Hz .......................................................................................3D9-26-2D1-26-10-2 12A343 - Renegade Wordsworth N 2Hz ...........................................................................................6C5-24-3A2-23-7-4 12A358 - CNRL Steelman ................................................................................................................................9A-24-4-6 12A342 - Rife Freehold ViewÀeld Hz .................................................................................................. 4A8-12-3A8-7-7-9 12A324 - CPEC ViewÀeld Hz ............................................................................................................ 2A2-30-3A2-19-8-9 12A323 - CPEC ViewÀeld Hz .......................................................................................................... 2B2-25-3A2-24-8-10 12A333 - CPEC Flat Lake Hz........................................................................................................5A4-18-1D13-19-1-15 12A336 - CPEC Flat Lake Hz.......................................................................................................... 3B16-11-2B1-2-1-16 12A339 - CPEC Flat Lake Hz.......................................................................................................... 4A13-11-4A4-2-1-16 12A356 - CPEC Flat Lake Hz.......................................................................................................... 1A2-13-3A2-12-1-16 12A340 - CPEC Flat Lake Hz.......................................................................................................... 1B3-13-4B3-12-1-16 12A325 - CPEC Flat Lake Hz........................................................................................................5B4-13-1C13-13-1-16 12A348 - CPEC Flat Lake Hz........................................................................................................5B3-13-1C14-13-1-16 12A332 - CPEC Flat Lake Hz..........................................................................................................2A2-13-D15-13-1-16 12A355 - CPeC Flat Lake Hz .......................................................................................................... 2A1-21-3A1-16-1-16 12A376 - NAL Star Valley Hz ........................................................................................................3C14-13-3D16-13-9-6 12A361 - ARC Oungre Hz ...........................................................................................................1C13-17-1C13-18-2-14 12A365 - Rio Tinto Sedley ........................................................................................................................... 16-32-13-15 12A363 - CVE Tatagwa W Hz .....................................................................................................1D16-12-1C13-12-6-16 12A364 - Rio Tinto Sedley ............................................................................................................................. 4-20-14-16 12A379 - CPEC ViewÀeld Hz ........................................................................................................3C13-26-2C13-35-8-8 12A383 - FCL Benson Hz ...............................................................................................................2D11-29-2D3-29-6-9 12A378 - PBEN ViewÀeld 2Hz ......................................................................................................2C4-13-1C4-14-10-10
11K345 - Champion #360 .....................................Legacy Frys East Hz .......................................1D1-21-3D1-22-8-30 11C538 - Advance #3 ............................................... BDOG Mair 2Hz...............................................4C1-2-4C9-2-9-32 11L127 - Precision #409 .................................. NAL Nottingham N Unit Hz ................................4C12-29-1B3-32-5-32 12A146 - Vortex #2 ................................................Triwest Carnduff Hz ...................................... 4A11-28-4A9-28-2-33 11H358 - Big Sky #601......................................Penn West Hastings E Hz ...................................3C7-26-1C5-26-4-33 12A173 - Advance #5 ...................................... Triwest Wauchope North Hz .............................1A16-11-3D11-12-8-33 12A230 - Red Dog #2............................................ Legacy Alameda Hz..........................................2D16-1-2D14-6-4-1 11K164 - Advance #4 ......................................... VOC Hastings West DD....................................... 2A1-29-3A1-29-4-1 11L165 - Quinterra #11 ....................................... Arc Queensdale E 2Hz ....................................... 3A8-16-2A6-15-6-1 11K387 - Precision #157 ............................. Penn West Queensdale E Re Hz .............................3A10-21-1C2-21-6-1 11L269 - Precision #219 ...............................Renegade et al Crystal Hill 2Hz............................... 3A9-25-3A1-25-10-2
THE ESTEVAN MERCURY DRILLING REPORT 11L096 - Betts #1 .................................................... Elkhorn Northgate .......................................................... 13-28-1-2 11A109 - Lasso #2 ............................................. Kinwest 08 Alameda Hz..................................... 2B3-20-4A12-17-4-2 11K443 - Akita #15 ..................................................... BHPB Melville ............................................................. 5-20-21-3 11L097 - Nabors #24.................................................. BHPB Melville ............................................................. 9-32-20-3 11I172 - Canelson #11 ............................................. Elkhorn Pinto Hz ..........................................3C13-30-4B4-36-1-4 11L136 - Canelson #16 ....................................... Triland Wordsworth Hz ...................................6C12-32-4B10-31-6-4 11C494 - Big sky #2 ............................................ Harvest Hazelwood Hz .........................................1D1-6-2D9-6-12-4 11F447 - Ensign #25 ........................................... Arc et al Browning 2Hz .......................................3D8-29-3A1-29-6-5 11C641 - Big Sky #34.............................................. PBEN Kisbey 2Hz ............................................. 2A4-17-3A4-8-8-5 11K125 - Advance #1 .......................................Spectrum et al ViewÀeld Hz..................................4C15-22-1C7-27-8-5 11H362 - Big Sky #6.............................................. PBEN ViewÀeld 2Hz ......................................... 2B5-12-1B5-11-7-6 11I216 - Big Sky #9 ............................................... PBEN ViewÀeld 2Hz .........................................1D8-31-2D8-32-7-6 11L128 - Red Dog #3 .......................................... CVE Roche Percee Hz .....................................5A1-35-2D16-35-1-7 12A086 - Lasso #1 .................................................Molopo Estevan Hz ..........................................2A8-21-3D9-22-2-7 12A077 - Canelson #15..................................... CVE Roche Percee SWD ...................................................... 9-27-1-7 12A049 - Ensign #607 ................................... Legacy et al Roche Percee Hz .............................1C15-27-2D15-34-1-7 11F333 - Canelson #23 .......................................... CPEG ViewÀeld Hz ......................................4D16-10-1C13-10-9-7 11G035 - Advance #6............................................. CPEC ViewÀeld Hz ..........................................4A9-10-2D9-11-9-7 11F045 - Precision #381 ........................................COEC ViewÀeld Hz .......................................... 2A2-32-3A2-29-9-7 11H239 - Precision #380 ........................................ CPEC ViewÀeld Hz ......................................4D14-7-1C14-18-10-7 11L106 - Advance #7 ............................................. CPEC ViewÀeld Hz ......................................3C16-26-2C16-35-8-8 11L195 - Canelson #22 .......................................... CPEC ViewÀeld Hz ......................................3C14-26-2C14-35-8-8 11H408 - Canelson #26.......................................... CPEG ViewÀeld Hz ..........................................2C5-24-3A8-24-9-8 11J289 - Advance #9 ............................................. CPEC ViewÀeld Hz ..........................................4A9-22-2D9-23-9-9 12A029 - Canelson #12............................................ OEL Macoun Hz ........................................2C12-35-3B12-34-4-9 11L123 - Big Sky #3 .............................................. PBEN ViewÀeld 2Hz ......................................... 2B3-32-3B3-29-9-9 11K071 - Canelson #10..................................... Legacy et al ViewÀeld Hz........................................ 1B4-4-4B4-33-9-9 11G228 - Big Sky #48 .............................................. Caprice Macoun........................................................4A1-30-4-10 11L240 - Canelson #25 ........................................NAL Midale S V3U Hz ....................................4C4-29-2C16-29-5-11 11L116 - Ensign #604 ............................................ PBEN ViewÀeld Hz ........................................ 2A3-25-4B2-24-7-11 11G282 - Big Sky #77 .......................................... Zargon Weyburn 2HZ ..................................3C12-18-3A11-18-6-12 11L206 - Champion #45 ..........................................NAP Foam Lake S ........................................................ 9-10-29-12 12A286 - Panther #3 ........................................... Husky Oungre East Hz .................................4C16-12-2C16-13-1-12 12A084 - Precision #418 ............................................Husky Tribune ............................................................. 3-13-4-14 11L219 - Big sky #45............................................. Enerplus Colgate Hz ....................................... 1B3-19-3B6-18-5-14 11I102 - Saxon #157 ................................................ Rio Tinto Sedley ....................................................... 13-14-15-15 11L229 - Panther #1...................................................NAL Hoffer Hz ................................................1C6-8-4D9-6-2-15 12A058 - Vortex #1 ..................................................... HAL Oungre............................................................. 15-13-2-15 11K041 - Canelson #27............................................ NAL Neptune Hz .......................................... 4A9-12-4A5-12-3-16 11I275 - Horizon #34 ........................................ Painted Pony Flat Lake Hz .............................. 2B13-27-4B13-28-1-16 11K039 - Canelson #27............................................ NAL Neptune Hz ...................................... 4B16-12-1B12-12-3-16 11J349 - Saxon #154 ............................................. Rio Tinto Kromeau...................................................... 16-16-15-16 11F083 - Trinidad #4 ....................................... ARC et al Skinner Lake 2Hz ............................... 3B4-19-1B10-13-4-18 11F045 - Precision #381 ........................................ CPEC ViewÀeld Hz .......................................... 2A2-32-3A2-29-9-7
11L054 - CNRL Gainsborough Hz ..................................................................................................4A6-24-3A8-24-2-30 12A010 - Fort Calgary Welwyn ....................................................................................................................12-35-14-30 11L101 - Tundra MaryÀeld Hz .........................................................................................................4A8-28-2A8-27-9-31 11K442 - Epping et al Bellegarde SWD .........................................................................................................13-15-6-31 10F204 - Renegade Fleming ..........................................................................................................................6-34-12-31 11L210 - Questerre et al Ryerson Hz..............................................................................................7B4-23-4B4-72-9-31 11B210 - Mosaic K2 Esterhazy 6 WSW .......................................................................................................12-26-19-32 10L073 - Questerre Wawota ........................................................................................................................13-29-12-33 10E269 - Mosaic Esterhazy 2 EH.................................................................................................................12-22-19-33 10G299 - Reliable Wawota.............................................................................................................................8-13-12-33 10D050 - BDOG Parkman ..............................................................................................................................15-13-9-34 12A009 - Highrock Manor ................................................................................................................................16-25-7-1 11K222 - Renegade Kenosee DD .................................................................................................. 1C9-32-1C9-32-10-2 11J193 - Triwest Alameda East SWD ................................................................................................................16-9-4-2 11H341 - Renegade Crystal Hill .......................................................................................................................1-26-10-2 12A022 - Black Rider Openshaw .....................................................................................................................14-36-2-3 11H433 - Kinwest 08 Alameda .........................................................................................................................11-28-3-3 11G039 - CNRL Steelman..................................................................................................................................15-2-5-5 11A007 - CPEC ViewÀeld Hz ........................................................................................................2B13-32-2A16-32-8-9 11K397 - CPEC ViewÀeld Hz ....................................................................................................... 4C15-10-2D15-15-9-9 11J332 - FCL Benson ....................................................................................................................................13-24-6-10 11J204 - Williston Hunter Tableland Hz ........................................................................................... 2B13-2-2D9-2-1-10 11B112 - Elswick Weyburn Inj..........................................................................................................................1-27-5-12 10B263 - Arc Tribune .....................................................................................................................................15-32-3-14 11K040 - NAL Neptune Hz ............................................................................................................. 4C9-12-4C9-13-3-16 11K244 - Spartan Ceylon Hz.............................................................................................................1A1-6-4B3-31-6-18 11K043 - PBEN Pangman DD ................................................................................................... 4B16-15-2D15-15-7-20 11K062 - EERG Hardy South Hz ................................................................................................. 3D14-17-3A3-17-4-21 11A096 - CEEI Hardy South ............................................................................................................................5-17-5-21 11K317 - Goldenkey Hardy South....................................................................................................................4-13-5-22
Rig Technician Apprenticeship Program 2012 training dates:
Motorhand (Level 1) Derrickhand (Level 2) Driller (Level 3)
March 12 to 30 April 2 to 20 April 23 to May 11
Saskatchewan Energy Training Institute, Estevan Complete course descriptions are available at www.southeastcollege.org or www.saskapprenticeship.ca
To register in the Rig Technician Apprenticeship program, please contact the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission toll-free at 1-877-363-0536.
Page 23
f y Safety & Environmental Services All courses begin at 8am unless otherwise noted
Pre-registration is required for all courses.
Will train at your location by appointment
3S7 I53 7UaLnLnJ
Cancellation notice is required 24 Hrs in advance! All no shows will be billed for the full cost of the course
Available by appointment
3LpHOLnH &RnVWUXFWLRn Available by appointment
February 2012 Sun
8 Fall Protection Lampman
9 H2S Lampman
14 Firstaid/cpr/aed Lampman
15 Firstaid/cpr/aed Lampman cont’
16 Rigging & Hoisting Lampman
Firstaid/cpr/aed refesher Lampman 20
21 H2S Lampman
22 Confined Space Lampman
28 Fall Protection Lampman
29 Firstaid/Cpr/Aed Lampman
23 Global Ground Disturbance Lampman
PH: 637-2180 FAX: 637-2181
Book Your “Energy Page” ad today!
March 2012 Sun
*current ticket must be valid
1 Firstaid/Cpr/Aed Lampman Cont’
6 H2S Lampman
7 Confined Space Lampman
8 Global Ground Disturbance Lampman
13 Rigging & Hoisting Lampman
14 Firstaid/Cpr/Aed Halbrite
15 Firstaid/Cpr/Aed Halbrite Cont’
January Contract
CRUDE OIL Closing price as of Monday, January 30, 2012
Fall Protection Lampman
Sponsored by
20 H2S Lampman
21 Confined Space Lampman
22 Global Ground Disturbance Halbrite
27 Firstaid/Cpr/Aed Lampman
28 Firstaid/Cpr/Aed Lampman Cont’
29 Fall Protection Halbrite
To Register Call Tricia @ 306-487-1550 Email: tstinson@carsonenergyservices.com
OilÀeld Electrical Construction & Service *Instrumentation * Motor Sales, Rewinds & Repairs 310 Kensington Ave., Estevan, SK
(306) 634-5617
Over 28,000 distribution
Distribution targeting the oil industry in Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Alberta.
Annual OTS Curling Bonspiel March 22-25 Book your "Welcome Curlers" ad in this issue!
Editorial Focus: Downhole Tools Advertising deadline is Thursday, February 9, 2012 for March 2012 issue.
634-2654 adsales@estevanmercury.ca
Cindy Beaulieu
Deanna Tarnes
Candace Wheeler
Teresa Hrywkiw
Kristen O’Handley
Page 24
THE TRADER EXPRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2012 7+( 75$'(5 )5,'$< $8*867
6287+($67 75$'(5
In Memory ROY DIXON BUTLER November 15, 1919 February 6, 2002 Like falling leaves the years go by But precious memories never die: No longer in our lives to share But in our hearts you are always there. - Lovingly remembered, Stella and family. *** After 10 years, we are reminded so often of your love, dedication, consideration and respect of others, sense of humour, bravery and wisdom. You will always be our inspiration. - Fo reve r l ove d a n d d e e p ly missed, Carol, Tim, Natalie, and Geoffrey.
Estevan Arts Council STARS FOR SASKATCHEWAN Presents ALEXANDER SEVASTIAN Accordionist Sunday, February 12, 2012 2:30 p.m. St. Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s United Church Estevan Advance Tickets: Seniors/Adults $20 Teen $15 Child $7 Door: Seniors/Adults $25 Teen $18 Child $8 Tickets at Henders Drugs Present ticket for 10% off at Granbyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
NEED A HOME PHONE? Cable TV or High Speed Internet? We Can Help. Everyone Approved. Call Today. 1-877-852-1122 Protel Reconnect
The Estevan Comprehensive Band and The Estevan Arts Council present A Fundraiser Concert featuring The Royal Canadian Air Force Quintet Band Wednesday, February 15th 7:45 p.m. Estevan Comprehensive School ECS Band will Open the Performance Tickets Available at Henders Drugs, ECS and At the Door Adults/Senior $15 Teen $10 ~ Child $5
C U S T O M B U I LT R E A D Y T O MOVE HOMES: R. Barkman Constr uction, Cromer, Manitoba. Quality workmanship and materials. Please Phone Randy at 204662-4561 for Estimates and Design or Stop in to Visit Our Homes.
FOR SALE: Very nice 3 bedroom home in quiet neighborhood located close to K-8 school. Main floor features 3 bedrooms, open concept kitchen and living room and recently renovated bathroom. New flooring throughout living room and hallway with recently tiled entryway. Fully finished basement features large laundry/storage room as well as living room and games room. Includes 5 appliances, new hot water heater, central air and 2 storage sheds. Fully fenced yard with front and back decks. Asking $335,000. Phone 421-3395.
FOR RENT: Small Bachelor Apartment. Newly renovated. Available now. Downtown Estevan. Phone 421-3749.
PROPERTY FOR SALE LAKE VIEW HOMES Vernon, BC. Convenient location in Okanagan Landing. Established neighborly landscaped community. Low maintenance quality built homes. Pool, Tennis, Picnic & Fitness Center. On Site Boat & RV Storage. Next to Beach, Boat Launch & Marina. Direct access to walkways & bike trails. Level entr y & 2 storey homes available $429,000. Call Scott 250.558.4795 www.SeasonsVernon.com.
BUSINESS SERVICES BOOKKEEPING! Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly Bookkeeping. Farmers! Small Businesses! Get your books organized, call Celeste - She can help you! More information, Call 306-634-4406 and speak to Celeste. CRIMINAL RECORD? Guaranteed record removal since 1989. Confidential. Fast. Affordable. Our A+ BBB rating assures employment/travel freedom. Call for free information booklet. 1-8-NOWPARDON (1-866-972-7366). RemoveYourRecord.com.
FARM IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE: 2001 Highline 7000 Bale processor, good condition $6,000 O.B.O. 1997 JD566 Round baler, double twine arm, shedded, excellent condition; 2006 New Holland SF110, 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122; suspended boom, triple nozzles, induction tank, 850 Imperial gal. tank, auto rate, excellent condition. Phone 306-4872868.
$10 CASH BACK for every pound you lose. Herbal Magic. Lose Weight Guaranteed! Call Herbal Magic now at 1-800-827-8975 for more information. Limited time offer.
PSYCHICS ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES SHOW & SALE. February 13 19, 2012 (inclusive) at Market Mall, Preston & Louise, Saskatoon, during mall hours.
Classifieds: Little Ads â&#x20AC;&#x201C; BIG RESULTS!
TRUE Advice! TRUE Clarity! TRUE PSYCHICS 1-877-342-3032 or 1-900-528-6256 or Mobile #3563 (18+) 3.19/min. www.truepsychics.ca
TRAVEL HAWAII ON THE MAINLAND, where healthy low-cost living can be yours. Modern Arenal Maleku Condominiums, 24/7 secured Community, Costa Rica â&#x20AC;&#x153;the most friendly country on earthâ&#x20AC;?! 1-780952-0709; www.CanTico.ca.
Repeat the Same Ad in the
Mercury www.estevanmercury.ca
FOR SALE: 20 Acre parcels of land in the RM of Estevan, Approximately 7 km nor theast of Estevan. Great location for a new acreage. Call for more details 403-860-0764.
MoneyProvider.com. $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-7761660.
BY OWNER: Prairie Lake Lodge, Lake of the Prairies has Lakeview and Golf view lots for sale. Spacious, well-treed, affordable year round usage for cottage or 5th wheel. Financing and availability, call: 204-773-3335, e-mail: keating@escape.ca
At the Southeast Trader Express Pay Full Price for a CLASSIFIED in
FOR SALE. 55 PLUS ACTIVE ADULT Living. Large Ground Level Townhomes. 306 241 0123 www.diamondplace.ca.
SLATER In Loving Memory of our precious son and brother, Curtis, who died in a tragic work-related accident seven years ago today, January 28, 2005. Age 23 Years We cried when you passed way We still cry today. Although we loved you dearly It wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t meant for you to stay. A golden heart stopped beating Hard working hands at rest. God broke our hearts to prove to us He only takes the best. We miss you so very much Curtis and wish every day you were here. - Forever loved, forever missed by your Mom & Dad (Donna and Pat) and sister (Amber-Lee and family).
WANTED: Massey #36 Discers. Paying $100. Will Pick Up! Call Andrew 306-946-9669, leave message if no answer.
The Trader Express Classifieds Are Blooming with Great Buys!
1/2 Price! Our ClassiĂ&#x20AC;ed Sale Never Ends!
Estevan Mercury & Southeast Trader Express CLASSIFIED INDEX
Engagements Wedding Annivers. Anniversaries Birthdays Announcements Prayer Corner In Memoriam Cards of Thanks Coming Events Garage Sales Memorial Services Personals Health/Beauty Lost Found Introduction Services Readings Psychics Travel Health Spas Tickets Childcare Available Childcare Wanted
SERVICES Accounting/ Bookkeeping Appliance Repairs Auctioneers Bricklaying Building/Contracting Building Supplies Drywalling Building/Contracting Electrical Handyperson Hauling Cleaning Janitorial Landscaping Lawn & Garden Moving Painting/Wallpaper Renos/Home Improvement Roofing Snow removal Services for Hire Vacuum Services
LEGAL Notices to Creditors Assessment Rolls Tax Enforcement Tenders Notices/Nominations Legal/Public Notices Judicial Sales Houses for Sale Apts./Condos for Sale Out of Town Cabins/Cottages/ Country Homes Apts./Condos for Rent Duplexes for Rent Houses for Rent Mobiles/Pads Housesitting Wanted to Rent Rooms for Rent Room & Board Shared Accomm. Mobile/Mft. Homes for Sale Recreational Property Revenue Property Garages Real Estate Services Investment Opport. Business Opportunities Hotels/Motels Business Services Financial Services Industrial/Commercial Storage Space for Lease Office/Retail for Rent Warehouses Farms for Sale Farms/Acreages for Rent Land/Pastures for Rent Mineral Rights Farm Implements Livestock Horses & Tack
Farm Services Feed & Seed Hay/Bales for Sale Certified Seed for Sale Pulse Crops/Grain Wanted Steel Buildings/ Granaries Farms/Real Estate Antiques For Sale/Miscellaneous Furniture Musical Instruments Computers/Electronics Firewood Sports Equipment Farm Produce Hunting/Firearms Plants/Shrubs/Trees Pets Wanted to Buy Auctions Adult Personals Domestic Cars Trucks & Vans Parts & Accessories Automotive Wanted RVs/Campers/Trailers Boats Snowmobiles Motorcycles ATVs/Dirt Bikes Utility Trailers Oilfield/Wellsite Equip. Heavy Equipment Career Opportunities Professional Help Office/Clerical Skilled Help Trades Help Sales/Agents General Employment Work Wanted Domestic Help Wanted Career Training Tutors Memorial Donations Obituaries
LAND WANTED FARMLAND WANTED: To Cash Rent - North of Estevan or Bienfait area. Phone 421-0679.
IMMEDIATE CA$H for Gold, Diamonds, Silver, Coins, Ingots, Old Rings, Chains, Charms. GMG Jewellers, 105 21st St E, Saskatoon. gmgjewellers@shaw.ca 1866-464-7464 www.gmgjewellers.com.
SOLD EXAMPLES Bengough - 22 1/4’s Bethune - 2 1/4’s Blaine Lake - 245 acres Cupar - 5 1/4s Davidson - 6 1/4’s Elfross – 18 1/4’s Emerald – 22 1/4’s Eastend - 2 1/4’s Grenfell - 3 1/4’s Harwarden - 1 1/4’s Lestock - 5 1/4’s Lake Alma – 9 1/4’s Marcelin - 7 1/4’s Moose Jaw - 8 1/4’s Nokomis - 8 1/4’s Ogema - 36 1/4’s Prince Albert - 1 1/4’s Saskatoon - 2 1/4's Semans - 7 1/4’s Simpson - 10 acres Viscount - 3 1/2 Wadena - 4 1/4’s Wakaw West - 41/4’s Watrous/Young 30 1/2 Mobile Home Park Weyburn - 21 1/4’s
Classified Advertising Delivers
Call DOUG 306-955-2266 EMAIL: saskfarms@shaw.ca Letter of Appreciation When we were approached by Mr. Doug Rue of Freshwater Holdings in July 2011, it was an opportunity for us to sell our farmland at a very fair price. Mr. Rue visited our home and he explained the process, w h i c h went forward very quickly. We received payment on September 15, 2011. We appreciated Mr. Rue’s friendly and understanding manner. There were no difficulties and he kept in touch throughout the transaction.
STEEL BUILDINGS / GRANARIES STEEL BUILDINGS FOR ALL USES! Beat the 2012 steel increase. Make an offer on sell-off models at factory and save thousands NOW! Call for FREE Brochure - 1-800668-5111 ext. 170.
AUCTIONS CORONATION INN, 4707 - 50 St., Red Deer, Alberta. Saturday, Feb. 11, 10 a.m. Complete hotel dispersal auction of newer kitchen equipment, dining room, catering, banquet facilities & contents of guest rooms. See montgomer yauctions.com or 1-800-371-6963.
Used Trucks, SUVs & Vans
2011 FORD FOCUS Like new, only 5,300 kms...............................$17,900 2009 PONTIAC G5 GT Black, 5 speed, 58,559 kms ......................$14,900 2009 PONTIAC G8 Leather, very clean, 73,000 kms .....................$17,900 2009 SATURN ASTRA Red, leather, sunroof 7000 kms ................$17,900 2008 PONTIAC G5 5 spd, blue, 30,345 kms ..................................$12,900 2007 PONTIAC SOLSTICE GXP Red, 12,791 kms........................$22,900 2007 TOYOTA CAMRY Silver, very clean, only 34,000 kms ..........$14,900 2007 PONTIAC SOLTICE GXP 13,000 kms...................................$22,900 2005 CHEV SSR - Collector Very clean, 79,000 kms ....................$34,900 2005 DODGE MAGNUM 80,000 kms ...............................................$9,900
2011 RAM 3500 LARAMIE Dually, black 71,659 kms ....................$47,900 2011 RAM 1500 SLT Crew, blue, 12,240 kms ................................$33,900 2011 RAM 1500 Grey, loaded, 52,900 kms ....................................$39,900 2011 CHEV TRAVERSE Loaded, white, 21,000 kms .....................$39,900 2011 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO Red, leather, 25,000 kms ......................................................................................$37,900 2011 CADILLAC ESCALADE White, 39,500 kms..........................$62,900 2010 RAM 1500 SLT QUAD CAB Red, 34,000 kms ......................$32,900 2009 FORD F-150 Ext cab XLT, blue, 41,776 kms ............................SOLD 2009 GMC YUKON XL SLT Leather, 45,607 kms ..........................$36,900 2008 FORD ESCAPE LTD 58,000 kms ..........................................$22,900 2008 FORD EDGE LTD Black, 79,000 kms ....................................$27,900 2008 RAM 1500 SLT Black, 70,577 kms ...........................................SOLD 2007 NISSAN MURANO SE AWD, loaded, blue, 59,000 kms .......$26,900 2007 GMC SIERRA Ext. cab, white, 105,000 kms..........................$17,900 2007 CHEV SILVERADO Reg. cab, short box, 76,000 kms ...........$20,900 2005 NISSAN TITAN White 96,300 kms.........................................$17,900
HOME OF THE POWER TEAM! 409 Kensington Avenue ~ Estevan, Sask. Phone: 634-3221 If you haven’t shopped POWER DODGE you may have paid too much!
HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS Best Price, Best Quality. All Shapes & Colours Available. Call 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaper
EXPRESS Business Office located at 68 Souris Avenue North in Estevan (Across from the Water Tower) Please Phone 634-2654 for further information Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday ****************
Use the Handy Form Below to Submit Your Advertisement to: The Southeast Trader Express Box 730, Estevan, SK S4A 2A6 or submit your ad through our website at www.estevanmercury.ca Please Select Your Category from the Classified Index A REMINDER … EACH ABBREVIATION Counts as One Word (You don’t save money by abbreviating, You just make your advertisement more difficult to read)
Family Owned Dealership Since 1937 1021 - 4th STREET, ESTEVAN PHONE: (306) 634-3629
DISCONNECTED PHONE? ChoiceTel Home Phone Service. No One Refused! Low Monthly Rate! Calling Features and Unlimited Long Distance Available. Call ChoiceTel Today! 1-888-3331405. www.choicetel.ca
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2009 PONTIAC G8 65,000 kms ...................................................... $19,995 2009 MAZDA CX-7 40,000km......................................................... $29,900 2009 SEBRING TOURING Very nice car ....................................... $15,995 2008 VW NEW BEETLE CONVERTIBLE, 64,000 kms .................. $17,995 2008 DODGE AVENGER................................................................ $11,995 2008 CHRYSLER SEBRING .......................................................... $10,995 2006 SATURN ION ........................................................................... $9,995
AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, sulfur, smell, manganese from well water. Since 1957. P h o n e 1- 8 0 0 - B I G I R O N ; www.bigirondrilling.com.
Used Cars
Prepaid Rates: $7.95 per week for up to 20 words Please add 20¢ for each additional word Remember To Add 5% GST! Cash – Cheque – Visa – MasterCard Note: No refunds are issued for Classified Advertising. If you Cancel your Ad before expiry, Credit will be given which may be applied to future advertising. ***
Try the Classifieds!
STEEL OF A DEAL BUILDING SA L E ! 2 0 X 2 4 $ 4 7 9 8 . 2 5 X 3 0 $5998. 30X42 $8458. 32X58 $12,960. 40X60 $15,915. 47X80 $20,645. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. www.pioneersteel.ca.
Page 25
SOLD $25,900 2011 DAKOTA CREW CAB 4x4 18,000 kms ................................. 2010 DODGE 1500 C/C LARAMIE 4x4 .......................................... $31,900 2010 RAM 1500 4x4 CREW CAB SPORT loaded ......................... $36,995 2010 GRAND CARAVAN, 6,200 kms ............................................. $24,900 2010 RAM 1500 SPORT CREW CAB, Loaded .............................. $33,995 2009 DODGE JOURNEY RT, Loaded ............................................ $29,995 2009 HYUNDAI SANTA FE, Loaded .............................................. $14,995 2009 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SXT, Loaded ........................... $21,995 2008 DODGE 2500 Q/C 4x4 DIESEL ............................................. $29,995 2008 GRAND CARAVAN, 78,000 kms ........................................... $16,995 2008 DODGE NITRO SXT, sunroof ................................................ $18,900 SOLD $18,995 2008 DODGE JOURNEY SXT ........................................................ 2008 DODGE RAM 2500 LARAMIE, 77,000 kms .......................... $32,995 2007 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB .............................................. $19,995 2007 FORD F-150 XLT ................................................................... $17,995 2007 TOWN AND COUNTRY ......................................................... $12,995 2006 JEEP TJ SPORT 6 spd transmission, 44,000 kms ................ $15,900 2006 DODGE 1500 4X4 Q/C SLT ................................................... $18,995 2006 FORD F-250 LARIAT EXT CAB DIESEL .............................. $19,500 2004 RAM 3500 SLT 4x4................................................................ $21,995 2004 CHEV TRAILBLAZER, Loaded ............................................. $15,995 2003 JEEP LIBERTY LTD ................................................................ $9,995 2003 FORD F-150 XLT ................................................................... $13,995 2003 DODGE 1500 Q/C SLT 2WD ................................................... $9,900
TRAILERS/MOTORHOMES/RVs 2008 RPM TOY HAULER, 26 Ft. .................................................... $28,500 2008 ROCKWOOD WINDJAMMER, 28 Ft. .................................... $22,980 2007 TRAIL LITE, 31 Ft. ................................................................. $18,600 2006 BRISTOL BAY 5TH WHEEL LOADED ................................. $31,995 2005 VAN GUARD 30 FT. TRAVEL TRAILER .............................. $20,995
PLEASE PRINT: Name ________________________________________ Address _____________________________________ Telephone No. ________________________________ Number of Weeks ______________________________ Amount Enclosed ______________________________ VISA/MC No. _________________________________ Card Expiry Date: ______________________________
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SASKARC INDUSTRIES in Oxbow is seeking skilled Fitter/Fabricators to support our growing business. Excellent hours and work environment, competitive compensation, benefits, etc. Please e-mail your resume to: hr@saskarc.com or fax to 306-483-5055
Senchuk’s Super Deals! Used Cars
2011 FUSION SEL V6, All wheel drive, loaded with leather, moonroof, only 2,000 kms ........................................................................................$24,995 sask tax paid 2010 LINCOLN MKS Loaded w/power roof, navigation, 25,000 km ........................................................................................$33,995 2010 MUSTANG V6 Auto, loaded with only 54,000 kms ................$17,995 2009 MUSTANG V6 loaded, only 7,500 kms ..................................$17,995 2008 CHEVROLET COBALT SPORT 2 door, loaded, 55,000 kms ......................................................................................$12,995 2008 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE, auto, leather, 90,000 kms............$14,995 2007 FUSION SE V6 All wheel drive, loaded, 85,000 kms, extended warranty up to 120,000 kms ............................................$12,995 2007 CHEVROLET COBALT SS Loaded with leather, 5 speed, turbo charged, 93,000 kms ..............................................................$11,900 2003 AUDI A4 QUATTRO, All wheel drive, 108,000 kms...............$13,995 2003 MONTE CARLO LS V6 2 Door, loaded, Auto, 118,000 kms ......................................................................................$7,995
Used Trucks, SUVs & Vans
2011 FORD RAPTOR CREW CAB 4x4 .........................................$63,995 2 - 2011 EDGE LIMITED ALL WHEEL DRIVE, fully loaded with Navigation & moon roofs, only 26,000 kms .....................................$39,500 2011 ESCAPE LIMITED 4x4 loaded with leather & power moon roof, only 28,000 kms ...............................................................SOLD 2010 F150 LARIAT SUPERCREW loaded with navigation, 72,000 kms ......................................................................................$29,995 2010 F150 XLT SUPERCREW 4x4, 5.4L, loaded with 119,000 kms ....................................................................................$21,995 2010 F150 XLT SUPERCREW 4x4, loaded with 120,000 kms ......$21,900 2010 F250 XLT CREW CAB 4x4, 5.4L, loaded with 60,000 kms ...$30,995 2009 ESCAPE XLT 4x4, 3.0L V6, loaded, with 100,000 kms .........$18,995 2009 F150 PLATINUM SUPERCREW 4x4, loaded, 73,000 kms ...$32,995 2009 BUICK ENCLAVE CX, Loaded with 99,800 kms ...................$24,900 2008 RANGER XLT SUPERCAB 4x4 loaded with 85,000 kms ....$13,995 2008 EXPLORER SPORT TRAC XLT 4x4, 119,000 kms ..............$18,995 2008 F150 XTR SUPERCREW 4x4, loaded with 73,000 kms ........$21,900 2007 CHEVROLET 2500 CREW CAB 4x4 6.6L DURAMAX DIESEL leather interior, 108,000 kms .............................................$32,995 2006 ESCAPE XLT 4x4, 3.0L V6, loaded, with 135,000 kms ............ SOLD 1998 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO 4x4, only 129,000 kms........... ...........................................................................................................$5,995
Senchuk Ford Sales Ltd.
Your home of after sales service
118 Souris Avenue North – Estevan, Sask.
LONG CREEK MOTORS Auto Sales & Service Since 1970 www.longcreekmotors.carpages.ca
CARS 11 Chev Impala LS 4Dr factory warranty 45,000km ................................ $18,995 10 Dodge Charger SXT 4dr High Output factory warranty, 21,800 km .. $21,995 07 Chev Malibu LS 4dr 41,000 km warranty............................................ $12,995 07 Pontiac G6 SE 4dr factory warranty, loaded ....................................... $11,995 06 Pontiac G6 GT 2dr warranty, sunroof ................................................. $11,995 06 Nissan Maxima SE 4dr sunroof, warranty .......................................... $14,995 06 Toyota Corolla Sport 4 dr, 4 cyl auto, loaded, warranty .................... $11,995 06 Volkswagen Jetta TDI 4dr Diesel sunroof wty ................................... $14,995 05 Chev Cavalier VL 2dr warranty ............................................................. $7,995 05 Hyundai Tiburon SE 2dr 5spd warranty ............................................... $9,995 04 Chev Monte Carlo SS 2dr Dale Earnhardt Jr. Series warranty ........ $11,900 98 Plymouth Neon 2dr warranty available ................................................. $3,695
TRUCKS, VANS & SUV’s 11 GMC Yukon SLE 4X4, 7 Pass, 46,589 km, factory warranty .............. $35,995 11 Jeep Liberty Sport 4X4 36,450 km factory warranty .......................... $23,995 10 Dodge Grand Caravan SE Stow N’ Go factory warranty ................... $19,995 10 Dodge Dakota SXT Crew/Cab 4X4 Flexfuel, 4dr factory warranty.... $23,995 09 Dodge Dakota SXT Crew/Cab 4x4 Fty warranty .............................. $19,995 09 Nissan Rogue SL AWD, warranty....................................................... $19,995 08 Chev Trailblazer 4x4 factory warranty .............................................. $19,995 08 Hyundai Santa Fe LTD AWD sunroof, leather, factory warranty ........ $21,995 08 Ford F150 Super/crew 4x4 Lariat, warranty ...................................... $21,995 07 Chev Silverado LS Ext/Cab 4WD, loaded, warranty .......................... $19,995 05 Buick Rendezvous AWD CXL, 4dr, 7 pass, warranty ......................... $7,995 05 Chev Avalanche LT Z-71 4x4 warranty ............................................. $18,995 03 Chev Venture EXT Van warranty .......................................................... $8,450 99 Ford F150 SuperCab XL 4x4,............... ................................................. SAVE 95 Ford Aerostar AWD 4dr,...............Mechanic’s Special ............................ $995
Most of Our Vehicles are Covered by Lubrico Powertrain Warranty
Prices Reduced! ~ We Take Trades Reasonable Offers Considered PHONE COLLECT FOR KEN 634-7231 AFTER HOURS: Cell: 461-7805
421 - 4th Street – Estevan, Sask. e-mail: saleslongcreekmotors@sasktel.net
Find Your New Vehicle in the Trader Express Classifieds!
801 13th Ave., ESTEVAN Ph: 634-3661 or 1-888-634-3661
2011 BUICK LACROSSE CXL AWD 12,103 kms, loaded, leather, sunroof, nav, dual rear DVD’s, heads up display, white diamond, ext, was $54,775 .............. $39,700 2011 CHEVROLET IMPALA LT 40,344 kms, V6, auto, A/C, cruise, tilt, pw, pl, and power seat ............................ $18,990 2011 CHEVROLET IMPALA LT 42,434 kms, MSRP 30,745 ......................... $18,900 2010 CHEVROLET MALIBU 4 D LT 4,087 kms, Red Jewel Metallic, Leather with suede inserts, heated seats, Bluetooth, chrome wheels .................................. $21,400 2008 BUICK ALLURE CX 27,621 kms, A/C, Cruise, tilt, pw, pl, power seat, nice luxury car, low kms .......................................................................... $15,900 2008 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX SEDAN 76,733 kms, local trade, 3.8 V6, A/C Cruise, tilt, pw, pl, was $10,900 ........................................................NOW $9,800 2008 BUICK LUCERNE CX 77,621 kms, all options ................................... $16,900 2008 PONTIAC G6 leather, power roof, white diamond, 29,000 kms ............... $16,400
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TRUCKS, SUVS, VANS 2011 JEEP LIBERTY NORTH EDITION 4x4 green, 27,415 kms ................. $25,600 2011 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 2500 26,544 kms, GM company unit, black, remote start, 20” rims. 6.6 DURAMAX 4x4, crew short box ......................... $53,700 2011 GMC TERRAIN SLT-2 AWD 19,836 kms, GM company unit, leather, sunroof, memory seats, heated seats, remote start, V6 ......................................... $34,900 2010 DODGE DAKOTA SXT CREW 4x4 V8 43,300 kms ......................... $24,700 2010 GMC YUKON 1500 4WD 17,593 kms, leather, sunroof, rear DVD, 20” rims, loaded, radiant silver metallic exterior................................................... $48,700 2010 DODGE JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 53,782 kms, A/C cruise, tilt, pw, pl, power seat, 4x4 .......................................... $27,700 2009 CHEVROLET TAHOE 1500 4WD 34,171 white, A/C, cruise, tilt, pw, pl, power seat, 5 passenger, remote start ...................................................... $34,900 2009 CHEVROLET AVALANCHE LTZ AWD 114,325 kms, loaded, leather, sunroof, heated seats, beautiful, black, local trade ......................................$32,700 SOLD 2009 ACURA MDX 46,632 kms, heated leather, sunroof, 7 passenger, white diamond, super handling, AWD, sharp ........................................................ $37,770 2009 CHEVROLET AVALANCHE LT 4WD 116,453 kms, local trade, A/C, cruise, tilt, pw, pl, power seat .............................. $24,900 2009 BUICK ENCLAVE CX AWD 64,685 kms, very well equipped ................ $32,880 2009 GMC SIERRA SLT 1500 72,785 kms, Crew, loaded ........................... $25,900 2008 CHEVROLET UPLANDER CARGO 25,286 kms, great maintained unit .... $14,700 2007 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER 4WD 83,751kms, A/C, cruise, pw, pl ..... $16,600 2007 CHEVROLET SILVERADO LT 1500 117,570 kms, 4x4, local trade, 20” rims, remote start, dual zone climate ........................................................... $22,700 2007 CHEVROLET SILVERADO LT 2500 75,247 kms, local trade, DURAMAX, low kms, leather, heated seats ...................... $37,400 2007 GMC EXT. CAB 4x4 79,600 kms ...................................................... $18,890 2007 CHEV TAHOE leather, sunroof, rear dvd, heated seats, 78,000 kms ......... $29,700 2004 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER LS 4WD 184,809 kms, low priced, SUV, local Trade ........................................................... $9,990 2002 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 2500 76,212 kms, low kms, local trade, 4x4, 6.0L, V8, leather, very nice, was $17,700 ........................................NOW $16,400
TIME TO GO ROW 2010 CADILLAC ESCALADE white diamond, 36,000 kms, nav, heated and cooled seats, 22” rims, AWD, was $58,700 .......................................NOW $54,900 2010 DODGE RAM 4x4 CREW 5.7 HEMI 20” rims, was $28,900 ...........................................................................................................NOW $27,900 2009 GMC YUKON SLT 4WD 46,200 kms, leather, was $36,900 .....NOW $33,700 2009 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 2500 53,260 kms, E/C, 3/4, was $31,700 .......................................................................................NOW $28,700 2008 JEEP PATRIOT 104,974 kms, sunroof, was $18,990..................NOW $14,990 2008 JEEP PATRIOT 28,821 kms, North Edition, AWD, was $19,990 ...NOW $17,800 2008 JEEP COMPASS 13,400 kms, loaded, as new, was $19,900.......NOW $18,700 2007 DODGE RAM 1500 67,088 kms, loaded, crew cab, velocity yellow, was $22,900 ............................................................................NOW $19,500 1997 CHEVROLET CAMARO CONVERTIBLE 30th Anniversary, only 40,000 miles, was $14,900 ..................................................................NOW $13,900
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TRUCKS & VANS FOR SALE: 2006 Ford F-250 Super Duty, 4 W.D., Harley Davidson, 6.0 Turbo diesel, Black on black, 175K, Loaded with sunroof, new tires - $21,900. Phone 306525-6160.
SNOWMOBILES For Sale: 1995 Polaris 500 Indy Trail. Newly rebuilt motor. Asking $1,200 OBO. Phone 471-8074
AUTOMATED TANK Manufacturing Inc. requires a Spray Foam & Paint Applicator. Must have minimum 2 years experience, and must be in good physical health. Great wages, benefits, full insurance package 100% paid by company, savings plan for retirement, profit sharing bonus, long term e m p l oy m e n t . Wa g e s $ 3 3 . $35./hour. Join a winning team. Call 780-846-2231 for appointment or send resume to: Fax 780846-2241 or email Blaine Ross at blaine@autotanks.ca or Basil Inder at production@autotanks.ca. EXPERIENCED DRILLERS, Derrickhands, Motorhands and Floorhands. Seeking full rig crews. Paying higher than industry rates and winter bonus. Send resume c/w valid tickets. Fax 780-9552008; info@tempcodrilling.com. Phone 780-955-5537. MOM’S DREAM WORK FROM HOME: P/t Nanny Placement / Recruitment Coordinator, flexible hrs., Sales & HR experience, excellent communication & computer kills, ambitious, organized, motivated, set up home office, perfect for professional stay at home mom, $$$ / match Email resume to jobs@internationalnannies.com ROADEX SERVICES LTD. has new supplier contracts! We require immediately - O/O 1 tons and 3 tons for our RV division and O/O Semis and drivers for our RV and general freight deck division to haul throughout North America. Paid 2x month, direct deposit, benefits and company fuel cards. Must be able to cross border with valid passport and have clean abstract. 1 - 8 0 0 - 8 6 7- 6 2 3 3 ; www.roadexservices.com. SMALL COMPANY from Rocky Mountain House, Alberta is looking for full-time Class 1 gravel truck drivers. Experience preferred with truck/pup and wagon. All work is local and surrounding areas. You are home every night. Possible accommodation can be provided. Must provide driver’s abstract and safety tickets (will provide courses if necessary). Fax resume and abstract to 403-8453 0 6 2 . E m a i l : smt.ltd.98@gmail.com
TRADES HELP HAZCO Environmental Services is seeking a Sales Representative to join our sales team. Work from your home town and grow professionally with one of the largest oil and gas service companies in the industry. CCS is welcoming resumes for the position of Sales Representative for our Saskatchewan area. Please visit our website at www.ccscorporation.ca or submit your applications to Resumes@hazco.com
FARM MANAGER wanted for 10,000 acre modern grain farm in Indian Head. Successful applicant should be skilled at: - Creating and executing crop plans and budgets Managing supplier relationships Hiring, training, and managing farm employees - Operating and maintaining farm equipment, Have strong understanding of agology for spraying crop - Have or be willing to get a class 1A licence and - Able to work and coordinate with cor porate office. Farm offers good work environment and competitive wages, including a benefits plan. Please call Tim at 306-530-7593 or send resume to tim@hciventures.ca R E Q U I R E D I M M E D I AT E LY: Sheet metal journeyman and apprentices for 6 - 8 month commercial projects in the area. A construction site access drug and alcohol test is required prior to employment. Fax resume and the required documentation to 780-4472758.
EARN UP TO $28.00/HOUR Undercover Shoppers needed to judge retail and dining establishments. Experience Not Required. If You Can Shop - You Are Qualified! www.MyShopperJobs.com INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL Locations in Alberta & B.C. Hands on real world training. Full sized equipment. Job placement assistance. Funding available. 1-866-399-3853 www.iheschool.com PAID IN ADVANCE! Make $1000 Weekly Mailing Brochures from home. 100% Legit! Income is guaranteed! No experience required. Enrol today! www.national-workers.com RV HAULING: Saskatoon Hotshot Transporter is now hiring 3/4 and 1 Ton trucks for R.V. hauling throughout Canada and the U.S. Year round work, lots of miles and home time, fuel subsidies, benefits, excellent earnings. 306-6538675. www.saskatoonhotshot.com
CAREER TRAINING Green careers are the wave of the future. Prepare to enter this exciting field with environmental sciences training at Lakeland College’ s Vermilion campus. Choose from four diploma majors. Want a degree? Lakeland’ s environmental management applied degree is one of only six programs in the country accredited by ECO Canada. Visit www.lakelandcollege.ca or phone 1 800 661 6490, ext. 8579.
Buying or Selling A Vehicle?
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Bonnie Marie Dennis April 22, 1953 - January 29, 2012 It is with profound sadness that the family announces the passing of our wife, mother and grandmother, Bonnie Marie Dennis at the age of 58. Bonnie will be dearly missed by the love of her life, her husband of 38 years Brian; and their daughters: Tracy (Chad) Delorme, Kimberley (Michael) Bracken, Christine (Michael) Napper; and one son Cory Dennis; eight grandchildren: Marshall, Brooklyn, Max, Drai, Hope, Braxton, Ethan and Dawson. Bonnie filled the hearts of many and will be missed by all who know her. She will be remembered by her infectious hugs and outgoing spirit. Survived by her mother, Mary Hardy; and sisters, Judy (Stan) Murza and Janette (Wayne) Lanz; mother- in-law, Lucy Dennis; sisters-in-law, Annice (John) Pendrel, Cathy (Graham) Fiddler and Lynne (Ray) Moffatt. She is also survived by numerous aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins. Funeral service will be held Saturday, February 4 at 1 p.m. at St. Martin’s United Church, 2617 Clarence Ave S. Saskatoon. Reception to follow at St. Martin’s after Interment at Woodlawn Cemetery. Mom you will always be missed. We Love You. Flowers gratefully accepted.
Remember Your Loved Ones with a Memorial Tribute in Trader Express
Health & Mobility Aids
Appraisals Real Estate Appraisals & Consulting
Ph: 634-6388 – Cell Ph: 421-9347 Fax: 634-6389 email: lareine@sasktel.net
Page 27
Businesses/Private Parties placing ClassiÀed Advertising (Want Ads) in either The Estevan Mercury or the Southeast Trader Express and requesting these ads to be BILLED TO AN ACCOUNT WILL BE CHARGED THE FOLLOWING RATE: $9.95 for the First 20 Words + 20¢ for Each Additional Word ALL PRICES SUBJECT TO 5% GST Please remember … Each Abbreviation Counts as One Word (You don’t save money by abbreviating, you just make your ad more difÀcult to read) Web Sites (i.e. www.world.ca) count as three words
Trailblazer Scooter
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1213 4th Street, Estevan, 634-8284
Snow Removal
Insulation & Drywall
Home Inspections
J&J Concrete phone: 634-7913 cell: 421-7889
Need Snow Removal this winter?? J & J Concrete is offering very reasonable rates!!
POLARFOAM SOYA • Zero Ozone Depletion Substance • Ecological Insulation • High R Value per inch • Adds strength and support
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We also install a CLASS 1 Fire Rated product useable in OilÀeld applications.
CUFCA CertiÀed Installers
STAR DRYWALL & INSULATORS LTD. Estevan, SK Phone & Fax (306) 634-3546
Contractors Contact us for ALL of your renovation needs
• Windows & Doors • Fascia • Soffit • Decks & Fences • Seamless Eaves • Siding • Metal Cladding
• New Construction & Renovation • Commercial & Residential • All types of roofing • Metal Buildings & Garage Packages Warren Seeman
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Page 28
Save veggied for soup later calendar. This year I have gotten smart. At the end of the month, before turning the page, I highlight the items Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like to put in next yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s calendar. When I look back, I wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have % Save smaller bits of leftover veggies in a large freezer-safe container or bag in the freezer. When itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s full, make vegetable soup. % â&#x20AC;&#x153;Be sure you use bathroom fans correctly, turning on to remove steam but turning off to keep from pumping out heat. This is equally important in the summer, when you pump out valuable cooled air. Many people donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think of fans this way, and they end up running for hours.â&#x20AC;? -- R.D. in Mississippi % Keep salt or baking soda by the stove for small, quick cleanups. A good dose of salt will stop an egg from running all over the place. Dip a damp cloth in baking soda for a handy scrub. Although a handful of either might work in a pinch on a small flare-up on the stove, you should have a fire extinguisher close by for fires. % â&#x20AC;&#x153;I used to comb through last yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s calendar for important yearly dates when transferring them to the new yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
to search through all the entries for the good stuff.â&#x20AC;? -- U.L. in Ohio Send your tips to Now Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a Tip, c/o King Features Weekly Service,
P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475 or e-mail JoAnn at heresatip@yahoo.com. (c) 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.
We are currently seeking employees to ďŹ ll the following
PERMANENT FULL TIME POSITIONS (at our new plant in Oxbow)
RECEPTIONIST Warm, friendly personality and strong computer skills required
WELDER / FABRICATOR Ticketed with blueprint reading skills required Competitive wages and beneďŹ ts available Interested individuals can email resume to:
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SRI HOMESâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Estevan Facility SHELTER HOME SYSTEMS is currently accepting applications for
PREFABRICATED HOUSING ASSEMBLERS â&#x20AC;˘ Required Immediately â&#x20AC;˘ Permanent Full Time â&#x20AC;˘ 10 Available Positions â&#x20AC;˘ Starting at $14.70 per hour plus benefits Duties include: â&#x20AC;˘ Assembling and installing modular components Send, fax, e-mail or drop off resume to: Box 845 #200 Hwy. 18 West, Estevan, SK S4A 2A7 Fax: 306-634-7597 E-mail: jobs.shelter@gmail.com
STAGECOACH TOURS & CHARTERS 42-10th St., Weyburn, Sask. S4H 2W5
1-306-842-8900 Toll-Free: 1-866-879-2191
Boundary Dam Mine Sherritt Coal is Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest thermal coal producer, with nine surface mines in the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Producing more than 94% of the thermal coal produced in the country, Sherritt currently supplies domestic utilities and international companies with fuel for electricity generation. The Boundary Dam mine is located approximately 15 km SE of Estevan. This open pit mine operates 6 draglines and provides employment to over 400 employees. Boundary Dam Mine has immediate opening for:
Journeyman Electrician Position Summary This position would be responsible for the electrical maintenance of the mine working as a team member in the electrical department. This position is required to work 12 hour shift rotations, days and nights. QualiĂ&#x20AC;cations: A Journeyman status in the electrical trade is required as well as an Interprovincial red seal. Candidates must also possess either a 3A or 1A driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license. Previous mining experience would be an asset but not required. Sherritt Coal offers a competitive beneĂ&#x20AC;ts package and wages. Interested candidates should email or fax a resume and cover letter. E-mail: careers.BDMandBFT@sherittcoal.com Fax: 306-634-7058. Applications may also be submitted in writing to: Human Resources, Sherritt Coal, Boundary Dam Mine, Box 3000, Estevan, SK S4A 2W2 We thank all candidates for their applications, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Support the leaders of tomorrow! ŽŜÄ&#x201A;Ć&#x;ŽŜĆ? Ć&#x161;Ĺ˝ Ć&#x161;Ĺ&#x161;Ä&#x17E; ^Ä&#x201A;Ć?ĹŹÄ&#x201A;Ć&#x161;Ä?Ĺ&#x161;Ä&#x17E;Ç Ä&#x201A;Ĺś ϰͲ, &ŽƾŜÄ&#x161;Ä&#x201A;Ć&#x;ŽŜ Ä&#x201A;Ć&#x152;Ä&#x17E; Ć&#x161;Ä&#x201A;Ç&#x2020; Ä&#x161;Ä&#x17E;Ä&#x161;ĆľÄ?Ć&#x;Ä?ĹŻÄ&#x17E; Ä&#x201A;ĹśÄ&#x161; Ä&#x161;Ĺ?Ć&#x152;Ä&#x17E;Ä?Ć&#x161;ĹŻÇ&#x2021; Ä?Ä&#x17E;ĹśÄ&#x17E;ÄŽĆ&#x161; ŽƾĆ&#x152; ĹľÄ&#x17E;ĹľÄ?Ä&#x17E;Ć&#x152;Ć?Í&#x2022; volunteer leaders and programs.
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Page 29
Renegade Petroleum Ltd. is a light oil and gas exploration and production company with its assets located in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and North Dakota. Renegade’s experienced management team has a proven track record of growing oil and natural gas companies on a cost effective basis. Management’s goal is to build the company through a combination of acquisitions and growth through the drill bit. With the focus on light oil production, Renegade is building a high net back company which will generate above average growth. Renegade Petroleum is currently accepting applications for a
Temporary, Full-Time OfÀce Administrator (Maternity Coverage) in Estevan, SK. Start date of May 1, 2012 This position will be responsible for, but not limited to: • Managing tasks and offering administrative support to the Calgary staff and Field Operations • Administrative support, including: written communications, reports, invoice coding, health & safety, etc. • Administration and maintenance of Field Production System (Avocet) • Receptionist duties and Àling • Handling incoming and outgoing mail and couriers • Assisting with ofÀce infrastructure, ofÀce machine maintenance • OfÀce errands, picking up packages, as well as dropping them off
QualiÀcations: • Experience in the oil and gas industry is an asset • Experience with Avocet/Fieldview and Qbyte is an asset • Minimum of a Grade 12 High School diploma • Must be organized with strong attention to detail while managing multiple priorities • Ability to clearly communicate at all levels • Ability to work independently, self motivated • Must be strong team player If you are a qualiÀed candidate and interested in this opportunity please send a resume, in conÀdence, to:
Email: jlarter@renegadepetroleum.com Fax: (306) 637-2067 Mail: 1138-3rd Street; Estevan, SK; S4A 0R7
Please Recycle
Thank you for your interest. Please note only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Bristow Projects Saskatchewan Ltd. is currently recruiting for an Administrative Assistant
Has an opening in their
Production Department WW1204
Pump Unit Mechanic Helpers Required • Experience an asset but willing to train • First Aid & H2S certiÀcations an asset but willing to train. • Permanent full time position • Competitive wages, full beneÀt package Apply in person or fax resume to 306-634-7090
Hank’s Maintenance & Service Co. Ltd. 410 Mississippian Drive Estevan, Sask. S4A 2H7
Looking to Hire?? Call our Sales Team and Book Your Career Ad
The Estevan Mercury requires a full time ad builder in their production department. Applicants must be able to muti-task in a fast paced, deadline driven environment, He/she must be a team player with an eye for detail. Knowledge of Mac Computers and Adobe Creative Suite is an asset, but we are willing to train the right applicant. The position is Monday to Friday during business hours. Our company offers a health beneÀt package. Please mail or e-mail resume to:
Melanie Tribiger, Production Manager prepress@estevanmercury.ca The Estevan Mercury Box 730 Estevan, SK., S4A 2A6
Job Description As the Administrative Assistant, you would be responsible for: • Data Entry of time sheet, records & job details • Recording of meeting minutes & tracking actions in action log • Assisting with the coordination of area functions and/or meetings • Records management control of all department records and Àles • Assisting with the compilation of information for weekly and monthly report • Ordering of supplies & cell phones • Other administrative duties as required QualiÀcations • OfÀce Administration Diploma, CertiÀcate or other relevant post-secondary education • Must possess a valid drivers license • 3+ years of administrative experience • Must be proÀcient in Microsoft OfÀce Suite (MS Word, Excel, and Outlook) • Experience with the performing basic accounting, invoicing and payroll would be considered a deÀnitive asset • Excellent communication skills (written and verbal) • Strong inter-personal skills • Ability to work independently with limited supervision • Ability to function effectively as a member of a fast paced team • Excellent time-management skills with the ability to multi-task and prioritize This is a full time position and is based in Frobisher, SK. Wage is dependent on successful candidate’s experience and education. Please forward resume to: Curtis Dunford - General Manager Bristow Projects Saskatchewan Ltd. fax: 306-483-5085 Email cdunford@bristowprojects.com
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CIRCOR Energy is a market-leading, global provider of integrated Áow control solutions in the expanding and evolving oil and gas industries, specializing in highly engineered valves and pipeline products and services. Comprised of best-in-class, historically signiÀcant product brands, we consistently satisfy our customers’ mission-critical application needs. Markets served today include: * Upstream oil & gas * Midstream oil & gas * Petrochemical processing In competitive markets, we are recognized for our: * Unmatched commitment to operational excellence and innovation * Manufacturing and applications knowledge and expertise * Focus on customer needs and our ability to align our business processes with theirs REGIONAL SALES MANAGER needed to serve SE Saskatchewan region: Role requires sound, in-depth understanding of concepts and principles in own technical area (valve sales) and multiple related subjects. Has sound understanding of theories and practices on a domestic basis. Able to resolve analytical issues in a variety of complex situations, without supervision. Can identify solutions to highly complex problems demanding/requiring use of conceptual and innovative thinking. Able to use conceptual thinking in complex/completely new situations based on an analysis of factual information. Impacts the business through shared responsibility for volume, quality, timeliness of end results, planning and Ànances/budget. Experienced Sales professionals with proven, veriÀable track record need only apply. Apply online at http://www.circor.com/careers and search for title of Regional Sales – SE Saskatchewan; or, email your comprehensive resume including salary history to joyce.johnson@circor.com; no phone calls, please, due to anticipated overwhelming response.
Long Creek Agri-Environmental Group Plan Inc. PART TIME POSITION – BMP TECHNICIAN The BMP Technician works one-on-one with local farmers/ranchers to initiate & implement BeneÀcial Management Practices on the landscape to address local agri-environmental issues. Other responsibilities include promoting land stewardship, composing newsletters, hosting producer events & other activities as directed by the committee. The successful candidate will have extensive agriculture knowledge & possess the skills needed to work with agricultural producers including superior oral & written communication skills & basic computer skills.
Term position Apr. 2012 – March 2013. Hours are Áexible & approximately 15 hours per week, possibly more. Travel is required within delivery area (R.M.’s #6,7,8,9,36,37,38 &39).
Application Deadline: Feb. 13, 2012 For more information contact: Mark Hoimyr ml.hoimyr@yourlink.ca or 969-4616
Send Resume to: Upper Souris Watershed Association PO Box 1602 Estevan, SK S4A 2L7 Email uswa.info@gmail.com; Fax 634-7075
Website www.uppersouriswatershed.ca
CHECK OUT TECHNICOIL’S JOB FAIR to learn more about career in the oil and gas industry
DAYS INN, 1305 9th Street, Estevan Technicoil, a division of Essential Energy Services is now hiring. Looking to Àll the following positions:
Class 1 and Class 3 Coil Tubing and Pumping, Stimulation Operators and Supervisors, Well Service Drillers, Derrickhands and Floorhands, Drilling Drillers, Derrickhands, Motorhands and Experienced Roughnecks. We offer above industry standard wages, great incentives, comprehensive beneÀts package and huge opportunities for advancement.
Applicants must have a Class 1 with an A or B license and a clean Driver’s Abstract. Safety tickets considered an asset. Must be able to pass mandatory drug and alcohol testing. Job involves general oilfield hauling and setting pumpjacks.
OWNER - OPERATORS For its expanding
Production Testing Division •All applicants must have a valid class 5 driver’s licence. Blowboxes are invalid. •Must have up to date safety tickets H2S, WHMIS & CPR/First Aid •Able to work 12 hour shifts/days/nights •Able to work weekends and stats •Supervisors must have ample experience operating pressure vessels on sour wells, acid jobs, Nitrogen blowdowns, drillouts and on high pressure fracs.
All applicants MUST pass a pre-employment substance abuse test.
Contact Dale at 861-3635
Haul pipe and oilfield equipment to locations in SE Saskatchewan and into the U.S. Applicants must have a Class 1A driver’s licence and pass mandatory drug and alcohol testing. Safety tickets would be an asset. Duties include: load, haul pipe and supplies to destination in a safe and timely manner & unload. Maintain a clean and safe truck.
Some of the many benefits to consider when applying for a position at Bert Baxter Transport in Estevan: • Full time, permanent employment • Full benefits packages available • Clean, safe work environment
Interested applicants can fax to: 306-634-4258 or email: brenda.jensen@bbaxtertransport.ca
LOANS MANAGER TORQUAY CREDIT UNION Torquay Credit Union located in Torquay, Saskatchewan is seeking a Loans Manager. The position will: • Manage the overall lending function of the credit union; • Develop and recommend policies and procedures and ensure adherence by all staff; • Ensure all lending activities are in compliance with relevant legislation and regulations; • Provide direction and leadership to lending department staff; • Oversee and monitor the effectiveness of all lending programs, marketing strategies and short and long term planning activities to encourage and promote credit union growth; • Provide coaching, guidance and performance management to develop a high performance team; • Actively demonstrate a leadership role through business development initiatives and growth of the loan portfolio. Ideal candidates will have: • Two years post-secondary education plus three to Àve years of job related experience or an equivalent combination of education and experience; • Proven agricultural, consumer and commercial lending experience; • Demonstrated interpersonal and communication skills; • Strong decision making and problem solving skills; • Ability to adapt to an ever-changing environment. • An understanding of what member service means to a rural credit union Torquay Credit Union offers an excellent employee beneÀt package and 7% matched pension contributions. The salary will be dependant on experience and qualiÀcations. Credit Union owned housing is available. Torquay is a growing community located 38 km west of Estevan and 75 km southeast of Weyburn. QualiÀed applicants are invited to submit their resume in conÀdence by February 17, 2012. We thank all applicants for their interest, however only those under consideration for the position will be contacted. Please submit your resume to: Ann Favreau, CEO, Torquay Credit Union Limited Box 30 ~ Torquay, SK.S0C 2L0 ~ ann.favreau@torquay.cu.ck.ca
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Rig Manager 101 Supreme St. (Shand access road)
Sun Country Well Servicing currently has an opening for a Rig Manager for the Estevan Area. Sun Country Well Servicing is a locally owned service rig company based in Estevan. We currently have 8 free standing mobile doubles working in the area and are growing.
Responsibilities: • Overseeing rig operations including the work activities of rig employees . • Preparing/monitoring work schedule so work is completed on schedule and safety procedures are followed correctly. • Monitor employees performance and progress. • Provide the crew with the appropriate tools/supplies. • Provide guidance and direction to the rig crew on specific tasks. • Work closely with the Equipment Manager, Field Superintendent and Well site Supervisor • Control costs to the rigs • Perform accident safety investigation Qualifications: • 5 or more years of experience as a Rig Manager • Valid DL preferably 1A/3A • Valid , H2S. First Aid, BOP • Safety knowledge preferred. • Ability to deal and communicate effectively with employees, vendors and customers. • Proven, extensive working knowledge and experience in Service Rig operations. • Knowledge of rig safety regulations and safety issues. • Live in or close to Estevan. Sun Country Well Servicing offers a very competitive compensation and benefits package including medical, vision and dental coverage, life insurance, short term and long term disability coverage and RRSP. We pay roughly 35% over current CAODC rates.
Please email resume or fax it too:
Shannon Leibel Personnel Coordinator Sun Country Well Servicing
Box 1656, Estevan, SK S4A 1C8
Office (306) 634-1221 Cell (306) 421-3418 sleibel@suncountrywellservicing.ca
Glacier Interactive Media a division of Glacier Media Inc
Digital Sales Specialist Prairie Region
Regina or Saskatoon Background: Glacier Media Group is a leading information Communications Company focused on the provision of essential information and related services through print, electronic and online media. The Digital team is responsible for the growth of visitors engaging in our digital products and for the generation of revenues via the digital channel. Glacier’s interactive products include numerous consumer and business verticals including, content, news, real estate, deals and more.
Role: The successful candidates’ objective will be to drive online advertising sales revenue in Glacier Media’s local newspaper group through the continued development and implementation of our digital sales strategy. Your primary focus will be to drive online revenue for Glacier’s present and future online properties (including but not limited to: DealMate.ca, newspaper websites, directories, social media, e-newsletters, etc.)
Responsibilities • Develop and enhance existing tools/materials and sales/marketing kit that is active across multiple locations • Identify local advertisers who are high-potential online clients; generate proposals and effectively demonstrate the beneÀts of local online advertising • Help maintain, manage and grow a sales pipeline • Contribute to speciÀc revenue targets • Build enthusiasm and momentum around digital sales activities at a local level • Occasionally accompany sales representatives on “four-legged calls” to maximize training and impartation of digital presentation skills • Provide accurate and timely reporting with respect to all sales activity (including, but not limited to: call reports, pipeline, revenue target tracking) ConÀdentiality is not a duty but a requirement and an expectation.
Special Requirements and Other Responsibilities: • Ongoing, regular travel throughout Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba (up to 75% travel required) • Perform various duties as assigned • Consistently acquiring and sharing knowledge around current industry trends and formats
Skills / QualiÀcations • Negotiation, Knowledge of Interactive Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Google +1, LinkedIn), Prospecting Skills, Selling to Customer Needs, Presentation Skills, Vendor relationships, Internet Presence, Technical Understanding, Closing Skills. Reliable vehicle and driver’s license.
Interested Candidates should submit a completed resume and cover letter to:
Jennifer Gibson, Manager Digital Sales; jgibson@glaciermedia.ca
Deadline for Submissions: Please reply by February 10, 2012 Only qualiÀed candidates considered for this position will be contacted for an interview.
. . . n S i ’ y N r A r V u E H T S E
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7 IN
T S E e c n G a i l G p I p B ttress & a
T U O f R A E L C D
a , e m r u t i n ur
e c n o s i h t n ! y o t i t n u u o t r s o s i p p m o t ’ r n a o e D y a 2011
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Hedley coming February 18
WIN A HEDLEY PRIZE PACKAGE Including 2 box seat tickets.
Go to: www.estevanmercury.ca. Look through the pages of the website to find I Hedley, click on their picture & tell us where you found it. A daily winner will be drawn and posted on Facebook. The winner will be drawn from all 14 possible winners and announced on Wednesday, February 15.