To upcycle used silicone fingers into being reused as a key sub-component which will be part of the manufacturing assembly of a multi-functional personal massager/toy aimed at a predominantly female target market
The briefs use of silicone up-cycling allows for the sex toy industry to be entered. Silicone is body safe and so via the over-moulding method, utilisation of silicone fingers is possible for toy use
Due to the sex toy’s market, there is not a set defined user profile, however based on industry statistics the user demographic aimed at will be, but not limited to, women aged between 18 - 35yrs
The global sex toy market in 2021 is estimated to have amounted to £34.8 Billion
Is the predicted growth of the sex toy industry in the UK per year from 2020
Is the number of people in the UK who own a sex toy as shown by a study conducted in 2019
Is the expected growth of the sex toy industry between 2019 and 2026
Stylisation as well as the addition of colour to further enhance the design flair of the current mattii mate logo
In order to determine the ergonomics and overall usability of the mattii mate for potential users, a 3d printed mode was manufactured. The model took a total of 17h 37mins to print in a high quality. Recesses were made in the printed model to allow for the silicone fingers to be set in place via the use of epoxy resin. By using the silicone fingers, the texture and flexibility of the bumps in the model could be determined
Shows the use of two part epoxy to set the silicon fingers into the recesses that cover the 3d printed mattii mate model
Shows the model at 55% print completion
Shows the model at 100% print completion
Product In Focus
Outer sleeve manufactured out of laminated paperboard. It will feature minimalist branding and slides off to enhance opening experience
50mm Diameter
Max - 150mm
Tapered tip for easier user interaction NFP-C1034 Vibrating Disk
Internal cover manufactured out of laminated paperboard. Features a finger hole to allow for user to remove to enhance the opening experience
User guide* leaflet which informs user of the toys various functions as well as how to operate it. Made from text weight paper with a design embossed laminated double thickness cover *Referred to as guide to seem less commanding to user
12W USBc plug for user to charge the toy
Toy body manufactured out of shore 25A hardness silicone which is over-moulded to all electrical components within
The toy, plug/wire user guide are all slotted into moulded plastazote foam which is placed within the main box
Main box manufactured using same paper as outer wrap with same matte finish applied
30mm Diameter
Silicone finger for texture
Fiber-optic lighting within finger
NFP-C1034 Vibrating disk
Adjustable internal Skeleton
Excess silicone finger used as internal filler material
Mattii Labs branding Control panel
Textured upper surface of base Finger grips for ease of use Rechargeable AAA batteries
18 x 2.4 Long pin jack port
The frontal strut features an adjustable spine within. This spine allows for the silhouette to be adjusted meaning the user can shape the device to best fit their body as no body is the same
The toys design allows for a sleek curvaceous profile to be achieved with the fingers spralising around the shaft and base. The rounded tip allows for easy insertion for the user too
The device features four buttons on the rear: wave mode, intensity up, intensity down, pulse mode with the on/off button shaped like the matii logo featured on the front of the stem.
The internal packaging foam ensures a snug and secure fitment of all accessories and the toy. The design of the foam allows for restorability of the toy enhancing the users experience further
The sleeve of the box features minimal sleek illustrations depicting the toy inside. The opening process of the box is an experience for the user and enhance their relationship with the mattii mate
The physical properties of the silicone fingers mean that they are semitranslucent. This allows for the fingers in the toy, when combined with fiberoptic lights to emit a soft glow for the user
ACL Pre-Treatment Aid
Brief: To design a piece of equipment that aids with the supportive care of patients whilst they are waiting for elective surgery in the orthopaedic environment
ACL recovery is a long process with waiting times for operations exceeding 9-12 months. In this time, prehab is recommended for 2-4 weeks or until viable range of motion in the knee is achieved
Typically being one of the most commonly occurring knee related injury, ACL trauma can occur during sports such as skiing, tennis, squash, football and rugby. Athletes are most high at risk
Is the total number of people who suffer from ACL injuries every year in the UK
Is the predicted growth of the sex toy industry in the UK per year from 2020
100200k 7-10% 41% 50% £5960 2 in 10
Is the total percentage of all reported sports injuries that are knee related
Is the total overall percentage of all knee injuries that are ACL related
Is the total cost that an ACL related injury will have on the NHS post discharge
Is amount of people in the UK who will suffer an ACL related injury (18.2%)
Is the total number of high school surgeries that are ACL related
Going forward from the final design a prototype model was manufactured to determine scale as well as ease of use. This model is manufactured a variety of materials. Modelling cardboard has been used for the main body of the sensor housing with the diamond box representing the sensor unit. Neoprene has been used to manufacture the elastic straps that hold the sensor and housing to the users legs and attached to the neoprene are several strips of Velcro to allow for the whole model to mimic and test the functionality of the device such as removing and putting on the product and moving with it on
To design a lightweight, modular storage system for a renovated van that allows the user to organise their essentials as they best please. The system will be manufactured primarily using aluminium extrusion with all secondary components being manufactured as sustainably as possible.
As a result of COVID-19, van prices have increased at an ever increasing rate, because of this people are moving more towards van renovation. As part of this there is an absence in the market for modular organisational storage for renovated van users.
Due to the adaptive nature of the product intended use, there are a multitude of environments that the product could be used in, ranging from renovated vans to garages or even within sheds.
Is the average total available wall space to renovators within a van
Is the total percentage of aluminium production that comes from recycling
Is the total power usage required for the production of recycled aluminium compared to virgin aluminium
Is the total percentage of all aluminium production that is primarily powered by hydroelectric power
37ft² 34% 5% 55% 13kg/m 600mm x 200mm
Is the maximum extrusion rate of aluminium extruded alloy within the Norsk Hydro facility
Is the largest extrusion die face size available within the Norsk Hydro facility
Is the total amount of recycled aluminium that is still in use today
Mounting rail manufactured out of aluminium 6063 T4 alloy with pilot holes drilled alongside the extrusion to allow for mounting bolts to fix rail to wall with an anodised 90degree brush finish.
Profile widened to allow for a more efficient extrusion process with the extrusion bent and TIG welded to its correct shape post process before being cut down to more appropriate lengths afterwards.
Lighting module body manufactured out of aluminium 6063 T4 alloy with an anodised 90degree brush finish
50mm shelving body manufactured out of aluminium 6063 T4 alloy with an anodised 90degree brush finish
In order to allow for as efficient as possible extrusion process all internal wall thicknesses for the extruded profile should be the same. With minimal hollow section and all internal edges radiused - can have no sharp edges.
100mm shelving body manufactured out of aluminium 6063 T4 alloy with an anodised 90degree brush finish
150mm shelving body manufactured out of aluminium 6063 T4 alloy with an anodised 90degree brush finish
Plastic end caps for all extruded components except the mounting rail. End caps are all manufactured from injection moulded ABS with a semi-rough textured finish applied
The bolt holes allow for the rail to be mounted to the wall with the french cleat system allowing for modularity as the user can choose what units they want to hang.
Presented here on this page are various images highlighting the possible environments in which the aluminium extruded modular units could be utilised in. However, due to the nature of the design of the products mountable french cleat railing system, the assembly can be placed into almost any environment up to the users desire with ease.
Here the modular shelving system can e seen mounted internally on a wall within a renovated garage environment. The shelving system has been mounted in such a way that all surfaces can be reached by the user. As well as this the lighting module can be seen being used as a light source for the area fund below the mounted cabinets to the right.
Here the modular shelving system has been mounted internally within a works van. The system has been spaced to the users specific requirements with shelving arranged in such a manner as to maximise the available space within the vans internals. Space left below the shelves allows for bulkier items to be placed out the way with lighting provided by the lighting module featured above the shelves.
To design a piece of outdoor furniture that promotes a social environment within a homely setting. The design should be manufactured using sheet metal which will be bent to shape.
Context behind the problem:
With the recent COVID-19 pandemic recently impacting the lives of us all, finding ways to promote a social environment has reached an all time high. Mainly powered by the lack of in person social contact over the last recent years, people are now wanting more face to face interactions with each other.
All metal work components are manufactured out of 10mm thick bent aluminium sheet with all holes stamped out prior to bending. All metal components are completed with a fine diameter 90 degree brushed anodised finish applied
Cushions are held onto the bench metalwork via a series of Velcro elastic straps that feed through the rear and lower cut outs. The cushions are made form a polyurethane foam core surrounded by a 600D polyester fabric with a PU coating applied to all outer surfaces to increase cushion longevity
The bench’s sleek bend-work allows for a seamless profile to be achieved. Alongside this the cushions feature similar curved edges to align with the silhouette of the seats
The products design allows for it to fit into a multitude of environments, mainly being designed to be used as an outdoor statement piece within a modern household environment, with the curvaceous profile fits in seamlessly within both an angular and soft setting. Here the bench can be seen featuring both next to an outdoor personal pool as well as outside in a household patio setting
A selection of my favoured works that I have manufactured using Photoshop. The works are constructed in a collage-like style with visual aspects layered to create a final composition in a surrealist retro futurism style.
Over the next two pages, I have presented a short sketch study that I conducted of a toy bow and arrow that I purchased from my local poundland. On this page is my exploded sketch study with my parts sketches featuring on the next.