2 minute read

Good Gut

GUT Good

Did you know that an octopus has three hearts? It needs them to pump enough blood around the body and to the gills. And did you know that humans have three brains? This is because we are made up of more than just our minds – which is the thinking machine. Another brain is our heart – the feeling centre. And the third brain is our gut! Chrisoula Sirigou tells us why we need to listen to our third brain for overall goodness...r I f our gut is not healthy, it physical biology and a leaky gut with an affects the way we think; it ineffective gut lining and without enough affects our clarity and therefore, good bacteria is unable to absorb nutrients it has an impact on the way we effectively, which can affect us physically, feel and act. It might sound a mentally and emotionally. bit random, but the fact is, our It could manifest in your mood, if you digestive system and our brain become irritated easily, if you have a lack share some of the same neurotransmitters of tolerance and find situations or people responsible for sending messages between nerve cells, such as serotonin; key in supporting a positive mood.

Hippocrates said “All disease begins It’s the heavier, in the gut”, and many chronic metabolic diseases do. What we eat to nourish our bodies has an impact on our gut. We

unhealthy food that makes us

may perhaps neglect it, because it’s not feel sluggish and something we can see.

But our gut is not separate from the rest unmotivated of our body – it’s an integral part of our get on your nerves very easily. We can all relate to that feeling of butterflies in the stomach when we are feeling anxious about something.

Think of it another way: We are what we consume – whatever we expose ourselves to during the course of a day, whatever we allow our senses to take in from the world around us, be it junk food, conflict with family or colleagues, or the effects of prepackaged convenience foods.

Using simple ingredients that have not been processed and starting with the healthy foods that you enjoy is the easiest way to introduce more nourishment into your system; fresh fruit and vegetables; home-baked anything, so you know what has gone into making it; eating when you are hungry and learning to listen to what your body is telling you it craves, and why it is craving it.

Loving your gut requires daily cleansing; one of my ‘rituals’ is to have a glass of warm water and fresh lemon first thing in the morning. This ensures a better balance of acid and alkaline in my system. Healthy food supports us energetically within the body. It’s the heavier, unhealthy food that makes us feel sluggish and unmotivated. I believe it’s about taking a step-by-step approach; readjusting, and learning and readjusting again. And also, believing that there is a way you can do it: a way to heal and to be WHOLE again, regardless of minor setbacks. Because this is what ‘holistic’ actually means.

For more holistic tips, healing remedies and therapies visit: chrisoulasirigou.com. Or tune into Chrisoula’s ‘Health and Healing’ show on RedShift Radio Thursdays 1pm-2pm (Repeat show on Saturdays 1pm-2pm).

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