DRM - Disability Review Magazine - Winter 2021/22

Page 35


GIVING DISABLED PEOPLE A VOICE The lABLEd podcast is giving a platform for all experiences of disability, here we found out more from the podcast founders, Alice Evans and Lucy Woods. Who are Alice and Lucy and what is the IABLEd Podcast?

We are two disabled thirty-somethings who stumbled across each other on the internet and discovered we had a very similar approach to life and outlook on disability. Combining this with our shared abilities to talk the hind leg off a donkey, we thought this would be the perfect foundation for a podcast. Drawing on our own lived experiences of disability we created the lABLEd Podcast which puts the focus back on the individuals and the voices and stories of disabled people, rather than societal expectations.

What inspired you to start the podcast?

We wanted to see narratives about disability

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told by disabled people, we were tired of seeing medicalised and inspirational stories or disabled people used as tokens to represent an entire, and very diverse, community. We wanted to promote a different kind of disability advocacy, and create a platform where disabled people could tell their own stories and we could explore the vast scope of the disabled experience. A lot of people are unaware of the incredible contributions made by disabled people in the past and with our shared love of history we couldn’t help but shoehorn this into the show somehow. From this, our History Lesson episodes, with our resident disability historian Daisy Holder, were born.

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