Buckeye Neighborhood Plan | Community Event 3.0

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COMMUNITY EVENT #3 January 20, 2022


Small group conversation

Share your thoughts on the following design ideas: -

Identity Economic Strength Housing Choice Healthy Connections

GROUP 1: thoughts on design ideas Identity o Providence House coming into the neighborhood, we had children’s images on the building which stopped the vandalism of the building. “Had an immediate effect.” o Letting people know what & what is moving into the neighborhood o New design (signage/wayfinding) needs to direct people from Opportunity Corridor. Driving Northbound, in particular. It’s 2 minutes or 2 miles from Opportunity Corridor to our neighborhood. Need more than city street signage currently there. o Destination signage, more than just a street sign o Strategic signage Housing choice o Promoting rent to own o Supporting those within the community now o Housing improvements that encourages renters to stay in the area o Educating people on home ownership o Create a vision for people to share their wants and needs o Looking to develop for the future (the youth) and the older generation (Age in place development) o Maintaining affordability and limiting the housing price increase in the neighborhood o Preventing the push out of lower income residents o Ohio City existing residents are losing ability to keep their homes o Establishing a vibe within the community that makes people want to be in the here o It exist in the neighborhood, but we need to expand

o carefully selecting the amenities and housing characteristics that will create the next chapter in our neighborhood’s story. Healthy connections o Loves the idea of repurposing vacant land, but I wonder if we could repurpose some of the land for urban farming. o Reestablishing the community garden that was removed for new Woodhill housing development o Addressing the neighborhoods tree canopy o A strong plan for increase tree density and beautifying the area

Many expressed concerns about the importance of safety in the community o We must establish an understanding that safety is embedded into every category of discussion

GROUP 2: thoughts on design ideas Economic Strength o Having opportunities at all levels (entry level-management) o job opportunities o job training o have resources available at social events throughout the neighborhood o Business collaborations/ associations (awareness) o Local business awareness for residents o Educational resources o Financial literacy o local business ownership/ local hiring Housing choice o Affordability o Housing Mediation o Small housing development (tiny homes) o Recruiting local tenants to transition to homeownership

GROUP 3: thoughts on design ideas Danisha o 32-Year-old home o Performing arts and education is so important Leslie (economic strength and housing choice) o Economic strength for young people = education o Clarity around ownership on buckeye o Trade support – identifying and training for people that can work with their hands o Banking skills o Cost effective renovations Terry o Union training out of storefront on buckeye.. Centrally located Vanetta o Why is buckeye not like Coventry or Larchmere o Rent storefront for 3 months o Storefront with support by B12 incubation o Lots of local, in-home entrepreneurs o Side yard expansion, ‘Own the Block’ by a family Rotatori o Percentage of housing based on income o Creating a minimum standard for affordable housing o Community benefits agreement o New bus shelter on buckeye

Sonnia o Frequent calls to purchase property o Fear of losing a neighborhood o Unsure if any of this will help the community

GROUP 4: thoughts on design ideas Identity o Identity is a tough one o live on one side of a red-lined district o When you say Buckeye to someone on the east side, they immediately envision Shaker Square, then Buckeye Road, but there is so much more here o Giving the larger area an identity without the negating the individual areas o Live in Chalk o Uber eats won’t deliver here. Goal to attempt to think of us as one? What is the goal of identity? o Part of it is perception o tied to identity. Need to focus on changing the perception of the idea of Buckeye and its ability to influence the greater area / other neighborhoods o See as an umbrella name (sub-defined by streets). Need both. Critical to see a combined identity while not losing the individual places. It is important to maintain the neighborhood feel. There is value in us seeing ourselves as part of a bigger piece. o Goal o legal strategies to go after absentee landlords o seen Buckeye transform from a vital working-class community, but must address the exploitation of people living in red-lined districts o What is the biggest factor defining how you help define identity? (of 3 remaining) o Consider relationships as part of this. A big factor in what attaches me to my community. Do I feel comfortable around others? Others share this idea o Economics plays a big part o Ownership vs. renting, economic status is a big part of identity

o Healthy choices for children is important to me o Cultural piece is a factor for identity o The love for our community brings us together

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