Connect East Cleveland | Public Presentation #1

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Time Activity 5:30 PM - 5:40 PM Attendees arrive & sign in 5:40 PM - 5:45 PM Welcome & team introductions 5:45 PM - 6:05 PM Overview of ConnectEC community process 6:05 PM - 6:50 PM Small group conversations 6:50 PM - 7:00 PM
Today’sa enda
Tableo contents Previous plans and community eedback What is Connect East Cleveland? Share your ideas in small roups What’s next in the process? 01 03 02 04 Back round Discussion Groups ConnectEC Next Steps

Back round 01

Previous plans and community eedback

PreviousPlannin History

Development Framework & Tar et Area Plan 2015 East Cleveland Visionin Project 2020 Community Update on Tar et Area 2022 Action Plan or Tar et Area 2022

Development Framework& Tar etAreaPlan

“A ter reviewin the district plan, more than orty residents and stakeholders in attendance at the second public charrette were o one mind in their insistence that the development work should be in in the southwestern portion o the study area.”


EastCleveland Visionin Project

“Continue to work with the Cuyaho a Land Bank on a specific plan or the tar et site land assembly. The tar et site is strate ically located alon Euclid Avenue and would be a ood location or redevelopment, but it is encumbered by hundreds o vacant residential properties. The Land Bank’s e orts will help to identi y hi hest and best use o the tar et property overall, and the Land Bank will recommend actions or land assembly to acilitate hi h-quality development.”


CommunityUpdate onTar etArea


Euclid: mixed uses & pedestrian prioritization

Middle: townhouses & small multi- amily

Interior: modest detached homes


Greenways improve re ional & local connections


ActionPlan or Tar etArea

“Investinapark. The Action Plan calls or centralizin access to new parkland by combinin a reenway with small pocket parks. A potential reenway makes parkland convenient and accessible.”



Project oal: Redevelop the residential and commercial districts at the East Cleveland western gateway to University Circle in order to expand East Cleveland’s property and income tax base, and act as the catalyst for further transformational redevelopment.


CircleEastDistrict+ ConnectEC

The ConnectEC process will complement the residential development planned or the Circle East District. To ether, we will create the physical, cultural, and social identities that will define this nei hborhood and support its on oin evolution.



What is Connect East Cleveland all about?


We will work with the community rom January throu h July 2023 to collectively reima ine and reinvent the public spaces in the Circle East district. Throu h multiple en a ement activities, community members will provide the input which will uide the desi n o streetscape elements, reen spaces, and the look and eel o the nei hborhood.

ConnectEC is a community process or placemakin and placekeepin .

Whatis placemakin ?

Placemakin means creatin places and ocusin on trans ormin public spaces to stren then the connections between people and these places. Placemakin is a process centered on people and their needs, aspirations, desires, and visions, which rely stron ly on community participation.

Whatisplacekeepin ?

Placekeepin is the active care and maintenance o a place its social abric by the people who live and work there. It is not just preservin buildin s, but keepin the cultural memories associated with a locale alive, while supportin the ability o local people to maintain their way o li e as they choose.


In evaluatin thousands o public spaces around the world, PPS has ound that to be success ul, they enerally share the ollowin our qualities: they are accessible; people are en a ed in activities there; the space is com ortable and has a ood ima e; and finally, it is a sociable place: one where people meet each other and take people when they come to visit.


Promote community cohesion, trust, and sa ety.

Projectdesi npriorities

Signage Safe Circulation

Improve accessibility to increase connectivity and walkability.

Create si na e and public art to set this nei hborhood apart as a distinct place.


Provide amenities or nei hborhood reen spaces that are invitin and use ul.

ConnectEC Website Learn more about placemakin and stay up-to-date on upcomin events at:
En a ementactivities Groundwork Community Meetin 01 to establish priorities Desi n Options Community Event 02 to present desi n alternatives ReviewVision Community Event 03 to share the final recommendations 01 02 03 Interviews Walkin Tour Focus Groups

CircleEast District

Nei hborhoodcontext

Discussion Groups 03

Share your ideas with the acilitator at each table

Let’s o!

NextSteps 04

From ideas to shared vision

En a ementactivities Groundwork Community Meetin 01 to establish priorities Desi n Options Community Event 02 to present desi n alternatives ReviewVision Community Event 03 to share the final recommendations 01 02 03 Interviews Walkin Tour Focus Groups


Tell your nei hbors about the ConnectEC project

Show your nei hborhood pride and display a si n in your yard

Talk to your nei hbors Take a yard si n Si n up or a walkin tour Attend the next meetin

Check the box on the si n in sheet i you’d like to participate

All who join the contact list will be notified about the next event

Thank you! Stay connected with us at:

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