Project oal: Redevelop the residential and commercial districts at the East Cleveland western gateway to University Circle in order to expand East Cleveland’s property and income tax base, and act as the catalyst for further transformational redevelopment.
The ConnectEC complements the residential development planned or the Circle East District. From January to Au ust 2023, to ether, we will create the physical, cultural, and social identities that will define this nei hborhood and support its on oin evolution.
Placemakin means creatin places and ocusin on trans ormin public spaces to stren then the connections between people and these places. Placemakin is a process centered on people and their needs, aspirations, desires, and visions, which rely stron ly on community participation.
Placekeepin is the active care and maintenance o a place and its social abric by the people who live and work there. It is not just preservin buildin s, but keepin the cultural memories associated with a locale alive, while supportin the ability o local people to maintain their way o li e as they choose.
Promote community cohesion, trust, and sa ety.
Signage Safe Circulation
Improve accessibility to increase connectivity and walkability.
Create si na e and public art to set this nei hborhood apart as a distinct place.
Provide amenities or nei hborhood reen spaces that are invitin and use ul.
● Favorite mural "Bold Colors /Afrofuturism"
● General preference for colorful, vibrant placemaking elements
● Second favorite mural was "Historic / PerformingArts", which was the favorite of other survey respondents
○ Student said: "It makes people learn about history"
● Both chose colorful crosswalk as their preferred option
● Both chose Greenway option #2: Sidewalk w/ tables & seats
● Both chose pocket park “DividedAreas with lawn and paths"
● Themes they talked about was the desire to see:
○ Vacant lots filled with new houses
○ More people living here
○ See more people outside, not just staying in their houses
○ More community events, like BBQs and small gatherings
○ Places to relax in a park.
○ Came up with Greenway before we discussed it.
● They also loved the rendering of the Mickey's building area
○ Really liked banners on poles to show people from far away that something special is over here
○ Colorful crosswalk was a hit
○ Liked to see a new sign and benches outside of a cafe
○ Loved the bright red color used on the street
Roy SmithBri hten up nei hborhood, color ul and bold moments
Arts & culture, both historic and present
Welcomin spirit, local pride and diversity
Greenway eatures:
● Connects Woodlawn to Wadena
● Desi ned to maximize sa ety with open lines o si ht and maintenance
● New trees planted
● Windin path or walkin and cyclin
● Part o a nei hborhood walkin route
● Seatin areas near street ed es
● Can incorporate play areas and public art
Aerial view
Natural Playscape
BBQ rills
Tree bu er
Bike racks
Park si n
Trash can
Open lawn
Picnic tables
Walkin trail
● Planted in Greenway
● 24 di erent species
● Expandin sidewalks on Woodlawn
● Planters on Euclid
● Wider sidewalk @ RTA station
● Must be low maintenance
● Should have back support or all users’ com ort
● Consistent look across di erent locations
● Could be color ul to add vibrancy
● Durable materials, includin wood or natural eel
● We will select specific desi n in the uture
Street trees
Sidewalk planters
Crosswalk Ca
Li ht poles
Bike racks
Curb bumpout
Street parkin
Walkin route si n
Ca e seatin
What should we expect to happen soon?
● Finalize recommendations based on today’s eedback
● Start undraisin or park & public art
● Request or development proposals or Euclid Avenue
● Complete Tree Study
● Remove dead trees and clear the reenway
November: Add planters & public art in ront o Mickey’s
December: complete renovation o Mickey’s
2024 Sprin
● Plant trees on reenway
● Break round on new homes on Woodlawn
● Fundraisin or Euclid Avenue streetscape improvements
Post City construction o in rastructure work on Woodlawn
● New sidewalks & tree lawns on Woodlawn
What should happen first?
1. Introduce yoursel to someone sittin next to you.
2. Discuss which placemakin actions you’re excited to see happen first. Share why.
3. Write a number in the box next to the action you want to rank in order rom 1-10.