Host an Artist Program

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Host an Artist The Southeastern Wildlife Exposition is proud to announce the “Host an Artist Program.� With support from Fennell Holdings and individual donors, SEWE will now be able to further support artists who travel from great distances to be in Charleston, SC each February. Charleston has long supported the arts, and careers have been born at SEWE over the last 32 years. Collectors and wildlife art enthusiasts gather here every February to see new work by acclaimed artists as well as new talent that is just being discovered. As the popularity of this event and the city has grown, so too have the costs for artists. With contributions from both individuals and businesses SEWE will offset some of these costs beginning with lodging in 2015. Artists will receive greatly reduced room rates through the generosity of the host hotel and individual contributions. TO HOST AN ARTIST, INDIVIDUALS OR BUSINESSES ARE ASKED TO DONATE $150.

DONORS WILL RECEIVE: • Special recognition in the SEWE Directory • Listing on signage in the Charleston Place Ballroom • A badge/ticket embellishment noting participation so artists and attendees can recognize them • Admittance to private viewing hours INFORMATION Name______________________________________ Address____________________________________ City______________ State______ ZIP__________ Phone (

) _________ E-mail________________

Name for SEWE directory listing (due by Dec. 15) ____________________________________________




Tax Deductible. Southeastern Wildlife Exposition is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization.

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