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Healthcare in Turkey: from laggard to leader • Turkey’s health minister, Recep Akdag˘ (above), talks about the strides his country has made in providing healthcare Less than a decade ago, the health system in ­Turkey was considered a laggard, not only relative to the rest of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) but to other high middle income countries. A major discrepancy existed between constitutional aspirations of equitable access to healthcare for all citizens and the reality on the ground. Health mattered, yet was seldom addressed on the political agenda. Today, the health system in Turkey is transformed, not quite to the point of favourable comparison with the rest of the OECD and most of the European Union, but fast closing the gap in health outcomes, ­responsiveness, and fair financing. We describe the Health Transformation Programme (HTP) launched in 2003, analyse the reasons behind its achievements, and share the lessons learnt.

An underachieving health system Turkey’s health system was highly fragmented: it was governed by two ministries and financed and regulated through three separate statutory health insurance schemes. The system covered all of the employed population and a large proportion of the self employed, though with significant variations in the scope and depth of benefit packages. Direct and copayments at the point of service and subsidies from the state budget were the norm, and included the Green Card scheme, a health insurance plan for the poor, covering inpatient care for about 2.5 million people. Overall, about 65% of the population was covered. In 1998, ­Turkey spent 3.6% of its gross domestic product on healthcare, or about $295 per capita at purchasing power ­ parity (£191; €220 at current exchange rates). About 40% of total health expenditure was ­private and out of pocket.1 Service provision was also highly fragmented. Several ministries and health insurance schemes offered or purchased different service packages from public or private providers. Despite a ­reasonable level of coverage, most people turned to the private sector to receive more responsive and higher quality care. Most physicians remained on the public payroll for job security and benefits, but supplemented their low salaries by taking under

Enis Barişs and colleagues observe that a political commitment to universal health coverage together with a significant investment in health has seen Turkey’s health indicators catch up and surpass other middle income countries the table payments in public facilities or working part time in private. Rampant absenteeism and low productivity and technical quality, especially in primary care, was common, with unnecessary referrals to outpatient specialist services. Further issues were severe inequalities in rural areas, especially in the east and south east of the country, and inequalities in access to services because of shortages of facilities, technology, and skilled health workers. Public health and primary care were given little attention, evidenced by lower life expectancy and higher maternal and child mortality relative to other middle income countries.2 3

Political change spearheaded transformation Turkey entered the 21st century with a broad based consensus on the need to strengthen its health system governance, introduce universal coverage, and expand and streamline service delivery. But after two decades of ineffectual coalition governments, the country was without the leadership or political commitment to implement these goals. The 2002 elections, in the aftermath of a major financial ­crisis, propelled a new majority Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi, or AKP) government into power. The new government understood the urgency of the need to transform the health system. It was quick to realise that the popular mandate would quickly dissipate if the government could not deliver on its promise of putting the state at the service of its citizens—a fundamental shift in Turkish political culture—but also understood the importance of reducing interregional inequalities in access to health and other social services in safeguarding social peace and stability in the country. There was also the constant embarrassment of facing international criticism for appallingly high maternal and infant mortality. Transformation in Health, a white paper issued by the Ministry of Health in December 2003, provided a candid assessment of the shortcomings of the existing system. It also laid out the guiding principles of the Health Transformation Programme: a people focused approach, pluralism, separation of power, decentralisation, and competitiveness. These goals entailed radical restructuring, such

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as the redefining of the roles and responsibilities of the Ministry of Health towards “more steering and less rowing”; separation of the provision and financing of healthcare to achieve more efficient resource allocation and use; the introduction of universal health insurance; increasing the financial and administrative autonomy of ­public ­hospitals to improve technical efficiency and strengthen management; and the introduction of family medicine to integrate and streamline the delivery of ­primary and inpatient care.4

The effects of health reforms seven years on Table 1 compares health and health system outcomes before and after the start of the transformation programme, using the WHO health system framework.5 There have been reductions in infant and maternal mortality and substantial increases in access to and use of services and in patient satisfaction, especially in primary care. Table 2 shows an improvement in Turkey’s rankings compared with 16 high middle income countries. There are three reasons for the improvements. First is the political commitment at the highest level. Health has been placed at the top of the policy agenda and reforms implemented without any major setbacks during a period of political stability and sustained economic growth. Concrete examples of this political commitment include the prime minister’s frequent references to health and the health system, and the substantial increase in share of the government budget allocated to health expenditure—from 11.5% in 2000 to 16.5% in 2008—especially in view of the concurrent fast growth in government revenues and expenditures by about 5% a year.10 The rapid growth of the economy after the 2001 financial crisis also helped: while total health expenditures rose from TL44bn (£18bn; €21bn; $28bn) in 2003 to TL61bn in 2008, a 40% increase in real terms, its relative share in gross domestic product only rose from 6.2% to 6.4%. In 2009 it stood at 5.7%.11 Secondly, the Ministry of Health, which had previously been one of the weakest ministries, assumed more assertive leadership in the health sector. Five previous attempts to pass a law on 579


Table 1 | Health system indicators before (2000) and after (2008) the Health Transformation Programme in Turkey1 2 6-9 Health system goals and functions



Health improvement Life expectancy at birth (both sexes, in years)



Infant mortality (1000 live births)



Under 5 mortality (1000 live births)



Maternal mortality ratio (100 000 live births)



Measles incidence (100 000 population)



Patient satisfaction, overall (%)



In primary care (%)



With Ministry of Health hospitals (%)



Total expenditure on health (% GDP)



General government expenditure on health as percentage of total government expenditure



Per capita government expenditure on health (purchasing power parity $int)



Out of pocket expenditures on health as percentage of total health expenditures



Health insurance coverage (%)



Acute care hospital beds per 100 000



Doctors per 100 000



General practitioners per 100 000



Ministry of Health doctors working private part time (%)






General practitioners






Computed tomography



Magnetic resonance imaging



Intensive care beds






Neonatal intensive care beds



Ministry of Health hospitals


18 807

Primary care


16 055

Full vaccination coverage (%)



Pregnant women delivering in hospital (%)



Average no of visits to physicians per capita/year



Acute inpatient care admissions/100/year



Emergency medical service calls/year

350 000

1.5 million

Responsiveness (public sector only)

Financial access‡

Healthcare resources

Geographical distribution (ratio of best to worst endowed provinces):

Medical technology (no of units):

No of separate examination rooms for doctors:

Service delivery


Argentina Brazil

Mexico Russia

Thailand Turkey

Maternal deaths per 100 000 live births

Deaths per 1000 live births

*Mid-year population 66.4 million; Gross national income per capita in purchasing power parity (PPP) international dollars: 8730. †Mid-year population 73.9 million; GNI per capita (PPP international dollars): 13 770. ‡Expenditure data for 1998.

80 60 40 20 0



Fig 1 | Change in mortality among children under 5 (millennium development goal four) between 1990 and 200914

Argentina Brazil

Mexico Russia

Thailand Turkey

100 80 60 40 20 0

2009 Year





2009 Year

Fig 2 | Change in maternal mortality ratio (millennium development goal five) between 1990 and 200915

­ niversal health insurance had failed. Other laws u that were passed were either overturned by the constitutional court or could not be implemented because of lack of further regulation and enforcement. It was unclear who had the primary responsibility for policy and planning, regulation, and financing because of overlapping political and administrative authority across the Ministries of Health, Finance, and Labour and Social Security, as well as provincial governments and municipalities. Despite ongoing political bickering, turf wars, and legal challenges, the Ministry of Health asserted its position as the steward of the health system in charge of policy making, planning, regulation, and oversight. The National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF), under the political authority of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, assumed responsibility for revenue collection, pooling, and purchasing, effectively splitting financing and provision, and ending vertical segmentation of statutory entitlements by making all services accessible to all, regardless of affiliation with previous health insurance schemes. The playing field in service provision was levelled as both public and private providers could now be contracted by the NHIF and reimbursed for services rendered to the population. The third reason for improved indicators was the understanding that performance improvement would require well designed financial and ­nonfinancial incentive schemes to increase satisfaction of health professionals. The introduction of family medicine and the prorated capitation payment significantly raised the income of general practitioners and nurses working in primary care. Similarly, a performance based supplementary payment ­system adopted in public hospitals brought about a major reduction in part time private practice and a threefold to fivefold increase in the income of specialists. The new payment system, which incentivises team work and sense of ownership of health facilities, resulted in substantial investment in technology, infrastructure, and amenities, and an increase in productivity. Absenteeism has fallen, and both outpatient and inpatient utilisation rates have more than doubled, mainly as a result of a major increase in the proportion of physicians opting to work full time in the public sector (table 1).

Achievements and lessons Health for all in Turkey is no longer merely an aspiration. Universal health coverage is ensured as a result of a high level of political commitment.12 Today, catastrophic health expenditure impoverishes only 0.4% of the Turkish population.7 Equally important is the growing international recognition that it is indeed possible to improve health outcomes in such a short span by investing in health systems. Turkey is now frequently cited as a success story, rather than as an underperformer, having improved its health outcomes at a BMJ | 12 MARCH 2011 | VOLUME 342


Table 2 | Life expectancy, health expenditures, and overall economic and human development in Turkey compared with highest value in 16 other high middle income countries before (2000) and after Turkey’s transformation programme*10 2000 Main indicators Life expectancy at birth (years) both sexes Total expenditure on health as percentage of gross domestic product General government expenditure on health as percentage of total government expenditure Per capita government expenditure on health (PPP international dollars) Gross national income per capita (PPP international dollars) Human development index Gini index

Latest value†

Ranking for Turkey

Turkey 70 3.6‡

Highest 77 9.3‡

Turkey 73 5.6

Highest 78 10.1

2000 12 16

Latest 8 12

change +4 +4















8 720‡

10 580‡

12 970

17 840




0.76 41.5

0.85 60.7

0.81 43.2

0.88 58.5

12 7

12 10

0 -3

PPP=purchasing power parity. *Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Malaysia, Mexico, Poland, Romania, the Russian Federation, Serbia, South Africa, Thailand, Ukraine, and Venezuela. †Latest available data since 2006. ‡Expenditure data for year 1998 instead of 2000.


pace and to a level almost unheard of in ­middle income countries,8 9 and in the case of health related millennium development goals, well before the 2015 deadline (figs 1 and 2).13‑15 The recent Turkish experience provides at least three key lessons for other high middle income countries. One obvious lesson is the need to invest in health systems.16 17 Among the OECD countries, Turkey allocates the largest proportion of its public health budget, about 7.7%, to investment, compared with the OECD average of 4.2%.18 The budget allocated to expanding prevention and primary healthcare to underserved areas has also increased 58% in real terms.6 The 112 emergency telephone line now serves rural areas as well as cities. Seventeen air ambulances routinely serve ­geographically remote areas, transporting high risk pregnant women and sick children to better equipped urban facilities.6 An additional 111 000 health workers have been recruited. The health workforce is now distributed more equitably in ­geographical terms6 resulting in reduced ­inequalities in access to care among the poorest. The urban/rural and rich/poor ratios are now 1:1 for both birth attendance by skilled health staff and measles immunisation coverage (table 1).6 A second and less obvious lesson is the importance of encouraging demand for essential health services by reducing sociocultural barriers and offering financial incentives. Pregnant women who live in remote areas are provided with free accommodation in cities for up to one month before delivery. Since the programme began in October 2008, close to 7000 pregnant women have used free predelivery care. In 2004, Turkey introduced a conditional cash transfer scheme, about TL17 per month payable to mothers, to encourage pregnant women, mothers, and their children to visit health facilities regularly, with an additional payment of about TL55 if women delivered their babies in public ­hospitals.6 As a result, the proportion of women who have attended at least four prenatal visits rose from 53.9% in 2003 to 73.7% in 2008 and the proportion of births attended by skilled health staff rose from 83% to 91.3% over the same period.13 Also in 2008, measles immunisation coverage reached 96%, from 82% in 2002. As a result, there were only four measles cases in 2008, down from 30 509 in 2001.6 The third lesson is the importance of vision and leadership to set values and guiding principles, and the determination to follow through policy implementation. A shift of perspective has placed the patient or citizen as the basis of all policy goals and performance evaluation. Reference to, and continuous monitoring and evaluation of, responsiveness to patients’ needs and preferences and patient satisfaction figure prominently in policy papers, reports, and public speeches, and have been introduced as benchmarks into various supplementary payment schemes that

The Green Card insurance scheme covers inpatient care for about 2.5 million poor people

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are ­performance based and measured regularly through patient satisfaction surveys.4‑19 The population’s satisfaction is now, at 67%, at the highest level since regular polling of patients began and service utilisation is at an all time high (table 1).8 19 Finally, considerable investment has been made to improve data availability, quality, and time­ liness, complemented by household and user surveys. A nationwide survey on maternal mortality in 2006 put an end to the large disparity that had existed between national and international estimates and set the benchmark against which future progress will be assessed. All maternal deaths are now investigated, at times by the health minister himself, to identify the cause of death and take corrective action. Onsite oversight is routine, with the minister and his field coordinators reportedly having travelled 600 000 km and visited all 81 provinces, often more than once a year.6

Unfinished agenda Health systems alone can only do so much to improve health without concurrent improvement in human development and increase in equality of opportunity. This is particularly true in Turkey, where income inequality is rising and literacy is yet to be universal (table 2). A large gender gap persists as a result of lower enrolment and ­participation of girls and women in education and labour.20 Regardless of the socioeconomic differences, non-communicable diseases are rising because of unhealthy lifestyles: Turks still smoke a lot, and as they rapidly urbanise, they also become less physically active and more obese. A rapidly ageing population, especially in the west of the country, is already using health services more often as a result of improved access, demanding higher quality and more user friendly care. All these factors mean that the much improved health system needs constantly to adapt to changing health and healthcare needs. The emerging challenges are now more programmatic and less structural, such as further embedding health in all policies, especially in relation to environmental and behavioural determinants of health; establishing disease prevention and health promotion services in all family based and community based primary care services; and improving public knowledge about healthy behaviour and healthier living and ageing.8 Conclusion In just seven years, Turkey’s Health Transformation Programme has been able to ensure universal health coverage for essential care and significantly improve health outcomes. The major challenge now is how to steer a much more complex health system in the right direction and adapt it to the changing needs and preferences of an increasingly assertive citizenry and a democratic and pluralistic governance structure, while improving efficiency 582

and financial sustainability. These are the same challenges that the rest of OECD and EU ­member states face today.9

Enis Bariş director, Division of Country Health Systems, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark Salih Mollahaliloğlu head, School of Public Health, Ministry of Health, Turkey Sabahattin Aydın deputy undersecretary, Ministry of Health, Turkey Correspondence to: E Baris, The World Bank, Room H9-271, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA We thank the minister of health, Recep Akdag˘, and Nihat Tosun, undersecretary of health, for their encouragement and support. We also thank Francesca Seneca and Mary Stewart Burgher from WHO for help with data compilation and editing. Contributors and sources: This article draws on authors’ extensive involvement in the Health Transformation Programme (HTP) from its early conceptual phase to date. EB’s involvement was through external technical assistance during HTP’s design phase, whereas SM and SA were directly involved in HTP design and implementation. At the time of writing EB was Director, Division of Country Health Systems, WHO Regional Office for Europe; he is currently with the World Bank. At the time of writing SA was deputy undersecretary, Ministry of Health, Turkey; he is now president of Istanbul Medipol University. EB prepared the initial draft of this article. SM and SA contributed to the final draft. EB is guarantor. Competing interests: None declared. Provenance and peer review: Commissioned; externally peer reviewed. 5


Serdar Savas B, Karahan O, Ömer Saka R. Healthcare systems in transition—Turkey. European Observatory on Health Care Systems, 2002. pdf_file/0007/96415/e79838.pdf. 2 World Bank.Turkey: reforming the health sector for improved access and efficiency. Vol. 1, 2. World Bank, 2003. 3 World Bank.Turkey: health transition project. Vol. 1, 2. World Bank, 2004. 4 Health Transformation Program. Ministry of Health, 2003. 5 Murray CJ, Frenk J. A framework for assessing the performance of health systems. Bull World Health Organ 2000;78:717-31. 6 Akda R. Health Transformation Program in Turkey. Progress report. January 2009. Ministry of Health, 2009. www.tusak. 7 Yardim MS, Cilingiroglu N, Yardim N. Catastrophic health expenditure and impoverishment in Turkey. Health Policy 2010;94:26-33. 8 World Health Organization. The European health report 2009: health and health systems. WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2010. Catalogue/20091218_1. 9 OECD, World Bank. OECD reviews of health systems: Turkey. OECD, 2008. 10 World Health Organization. World health statistics 2009. WHO, 2009. index.html. 11 OECD. Health at a glance 2009. OECD, 2009. health/healthataglance. 12 Garrett L, Chowdhury AM, Pablos-Méndez A. All for universal health coverage. Lancet 2009;374:1888. 13 Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies. 2008 Turkey demographic and health survey TDHS-2008. Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, 2009. 14 UNICEF. Levels and trends in child mortality, report 2010. Estimates Developed by the UN Inter-Agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation. Unicef, 2010. 15 World Health Organization, UNICEF, UNFPA, The World Bank. Trends in maternal mortality: 1990 to 2008. Estimates developed by WHO, Unicef, UNFPA and the World Bank. WHO, 2010. publications/2010/9789241500265_eng.pdf. 16 World Health Organization. Health and the millennium development goals 2005: keep the promise. WHO, 2005. 17 Travis P, Bennett S, Haines A, Pang T, Bhutta Z, Hyder AA, et al. Overcoming health-systems constraints to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Lancet 2004;364:900-6. 18 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. OECD health data 2007. OECD, 2007. 19 World Bank. Implementation completion and results report. Turkey Health Transition Project. World Bank, 2010. 20 World Bank. Turkey: Expanding opportunities for the next generation; a report on life chances. Report No 48627-TR. World Bank, 2010. Cite this as: BMJ 2011;342:c7456

BMJ.COM BLOGS Measles eradication—lofty goal or major distraction? Immunisation really is the bread and butter work of global public health. Thus, when asked by a team at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in the spring of 2009 if I wanted to participate in a set of studies undertaken to provide input into decisions around measles eradication, I did so without hesitation. Our work was to be the health systems part of a three part look at measles eradication sponsored by the World Health Organization. The two other studies were on the economics of eradication. Before our first meeting on this topic with representatives from the expanded immunisation programme and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and with officials from WHO and non-governmental organisations in Bangladesh, I wondered whether they would reject the idea of moving towards eradication, in light of the failure to eradicate polio globally and the big push to meet the United Nations’ millennium development goals. Would there be an appetite to look at another major undertaking? Should measles be next on the list for global eradication? What we know is that seroprevalence studies indicate that vaccination coverage of 90-95% is needed to eliminate measles from a setting. In Bangladesh routine measles vaccination coverage rates have only recently reached 80-85%. In January 2011 WHO’s strategic advisory group of experts recommended that measles can and should be eradicated. However, rather than moving immediately towards setting a date for global eradication, the group recommended that nations and regions should move towards their own elimination goals by strengthening routine immunisation systems. I am left with the sense of having been on the ground at the start of something massive. However, with the need to introduce new vaccines, such as Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib) and rotavirus, and to determine the best ways to reach children in remote corners of the nation, living on islands, or hidden among the urban homeless, the demands of today call me back from the prospect of a world free of measles. Tracey Koehlmoos is programme head for health and family planning systems at the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh, and adjunct professor at the James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University, Dhaka. ЖRead Ж this blog in full and others at

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