Baguio Reporter

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BUT HE GIVETH MORE GRACE. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:6,7 KJV

Good News: Computerized eye consultation

OCTOBER 25, 2009


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“Service makes the difference”


The Working Journalists’ Community Newspaper TRUTHABOVE ALL

VOL. XX NO. 20

Baguio City, The Philippines

MRS. LOLITA MANANES Branch Manager H.E. Amb. ANTONIO L. CABANGON-CHUA Chairman Emeritus

P1.4 billion needed to rehabilitate roads BY DEXTER A. SEE

NA TIONAL DE FE NSE SECRE TA RY a nd Na tional Disa ster Coordinating Counc il Cha irm an Sec . Gilb erto Teod oro em pha siz es tha t p re-em ptiv e m easures should b e undertaken by loc al chief executives a nd the Cord illera Regional D isaster Coordinating Council before a strong ty p hoon strikes. Teodoro was in the city to brief local officials and CRDCC members on disaster preparedness. Photo by Redjie MElvic Cawis PIA

national government needs Tathe least P1.4 billion to restore and rehabilitate the ravaged roads

in the diffe re nt parts of the cordillera after the heavy rains and strong winds of Typhoon Pepeng inflicted hea vy damages tha t resulted to the isolation of the region from the rest of Northern

GOODAH! - A boy sorts out donated clothes and some food items from Victory Church of Baguio. Over 200 eva cuees a ffec ted by la nd slid es in Itogon , Beng uet who are now relocated in a school at Barangay Tuding received these relief goods. - Photo by Rick Rey es

Luzon. A report by the Cordillera office of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) which was submitted to the National Disas ter Coordinating Council (NDCC) showed the heavily ravaged roads include the Halsema highway, Kennon road, Marcos highway, Naguilian road, Benguet-NuevaVizcaya road, Abra-Kalinga road, Ca gaya n-Apayao-Ilocos Norte road, Abatan-Mankayan-Cervantes road, Sabangan-Tadian-Cervantes road and other major road networks in the interior parts of the region. Engr. Roy Manao, DPWHCAR regional director, said the 190kilometer Halsema highway suffered the biggest damage with over P500 million needed to rehabilitate it, especially the re-direction of the road in several road cuts, particularly the 300-meter road cut along Km.

City government boosts bid to recover Forbes Park lots BY AILEEN P. REFUERZO

he city government's bid to recover portions of the Forbes T Park forest reservation which were

issued Certificates of Ancestral Land Title (CALTs) by the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) in favor of the heirs of Lauro Carantes shifted to high gear last week as the city sought various legal reliefs in an effort to reclaim the lots. T he c ity through Ma yor Reinaldo Bautista Jr. last October 21 filed a civil case for injunction with prayer for the issuance of a temporary restraining order and

writ of pre liminary injunction against the Register of Deeds (ROD) to re stra in s aid office from "accepting, admitting, approving, registering, annotating or in any way giving due course to whatever deeds, instruments or any other documents involving voluntary or involuntary dealings which may have effe ct of transferring, conveying, encumbering, ceding, waiving, alienating or disposing in fa vor of a ny e ntity" the s aid contested lots.

CITY p.5


Donors re-tool typhoon rescuers BY RAMON DACAWI

ayor Reinaldo Bautista Jr.has M found relief as chair of the city disaster coordinating council

after donors converted their cash support into shovels, axes and other much-needed rescue tools as Baguio and the re st Northern Luzon prepared Friday for typhoon Ramil. The ma yor We dnes da y inspected the tools, some of which city administrator and CDCC action officer Peter Fianza assigned to the 10 police precincts for fas ter dis tribution during res cue operations. The mayor Monday met with city police director, Sr. Supt. Agrifino Javier and the precinct commande rs to upgrade the capability of police officers in rescue work, in tandem CDCC personnel and other volunteers The loc al chapter of the Association for Philippine-China Understanding headed by Tony Lee led the donors who upgraded the CDCC 's res cue tools and equipment. E-power, a Manila-ba sed power company, through Andy Payoyo a nd Jerry Isica n, also handed over to the CDCC 25


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GOVE R NOR NESTOR F ONGWA N m eets SM F oun d a tion direc tor Cristie An geles and SM Ba guio man ager A my Gonzales to thank them for the relief goods donated for ty ph oon v ictim s, even as a p pea ls for m ore h elp , particularly for reha bilitation materia ls for the people of Beng uet affec ted by the recent ty p hoon. - Photo by Redjie MElvic Cawis PIA

Council seeks formulation of program on climate change

he city council has sought the T formulation of an integrated program on climate change for the city to cope with the expected impact of global warming and other repercussions of climate change. "While the City has a Solid Waste Management Ordinance, Water C ode and Clea n Air Ordinance, there is a need for an integrated program on climate change for the City, which should include mitigation and adaptation measures," the body noted in Resolution No. 384 series of 2009. Proponent councilors Betty

RITO’S RESTAURANT RITO MAGPATOC - Manager @ KM. 3 MARCOS HIGHWAY, Baguio City @ DOT-CAR COMPOUND, Fronting City High School Tel. No. (074) 444-3076; CP: +639082477909; +639285063877 “We accept catering services for small & big occasions”

Lourdes Tabanda and Nicasio Palaganas said climate change is now being felt in the country including the city where trends of increasing numbers of hot days and warm nights and extreme weather episodes like intense rains are observed. They said the climate change will surely affect water, food s ec urity, hea lth, biologica l diversity and ecosystem and plans are needed to mitiga te the se effects. "The Fourth Ass essment


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