Tambuli March 20009 Release

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Beneath the Pages EDITORIAL


NEWS Starting the Year Right with TI Priorities 3 2009 Policy Deployment Roll-out 1Q09 TI Baguio Site Meeting News and Breakthroughs DMAIC


News and Breakthroughs Copper (Cu) Wire


Finance Accounting Quality Review (AQR) 2009 TI CLARK TI Philippines - Clark Holds Blessing and Dedication


The Experience of Producing the First Lot TI Clark - Propelling Analog Growth

Meet our TIPI leaders A is for Amazing Abet The “Shark” of TI Philippines RECOGNITIONS In Pursuit of Excellence 4Q08 Best Quality Team


"Think BIG! Think Extraordinarily!” These are the key words moving forward and facing the challenge of our current situation. Everybody talks about the impact of this global economic recession that has greatly impacted not just our company but the whole world. We cannot change the situation, but we can definitely do something about it. This is a good opportunity for us to become more innovative in finding solutions to improve our metrics. Let us be more flexible and willing to change to become more successful. Management always reminds us that staying focus is the key to success. With continuous execution of our activities to improve on Quality, Delivery and Cost Control, we will be able to strengthen our company’s competitive position in the World Market Share.


Remember that we are extraordinary individuals, hence we can deliver extraordinary results!!! - efg-


Editorial Staff

US Patent Awardees For 10 Outstanding Technical Innovations and Contributions New Members of the Technical Ladder

Editor-In-Chief : Ellen Faye Ganga Features Editor : Kris Mangaliag Literary Editor : Chanda Nacua

Exceptional Performance Green Team Award


Extraordinary Talent Development


ALL ABOUT HEALTH Doc Eve Column TI (Phils) Inc. Baguio Joins PEZA Medical-Dental Mission


EXTRAORDINARY ACTIVITIES “Sharing the Blessings” TIPI Riders Toy Run Sports Update - Basketball




Managing Editor : Bubut Leaño

Be The Changes You Want To See


TAMBULI is the official in-house publication of TI (Philippines), Inc. It is published quarterly by the Human Resources Department. Contributions in the form of essays, letters, written opinions, book reviews, poems and other articles are welcome. Interested parties may submit their contributions to the Editor at e-ganga2@ti.com.


Columnist : Eve Dayot Literary Photo: Oni Colcol Contributing Writers: Cathy Olivete, Michelle Abalos, Dan San Luis Jerry Cayabyab, Gretta Montes Brian Calinao, Erwin Estepa Mary Jane Esquivias, Cheryl Ladia Kate Advincula, Jong Ignacio, Allan Lacsina, Jeff Gary Ballesca

News – Starting the Year Right with TI Priorities 2009 Policy Deployment Roll-Out: Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary People, Extraordinary Breakthroughs - Cathy Olivete January 22 was an inspiring, empowering

Revi ew for 2008 performance and

and excitement-filled afternoon as TIPI Baguio

2009 TIPI Dashboard were shown by Mr. Gavin

empl oyees eagerly awai ted to hear updates

Reid, Finance Director. Mr. Bobot Delos Trinos,

regarding the company’s strategic directions

Director for Planning and IE, gave information

duri ng the 2009 Pol icy Depl oyment roll -out

regarding customer orders and expectations.

sessi on.

Ms. Mich Buenaventura, Assembly Operations

The event started with a prayer by Ms.

Planning Manager, imparted details on how we

Kate Advincula. TIPI President and Managing Director Mr. Bing Viera officially opened the PDO wi th a chall engi ng message regarding these

extrao rd i nary

extraordi nary

p eo pl e

ti mes to


need i ng up

Engineering Council.

w i th

Ms. El a Estrada, QRA Engi neeri ng

extraordinary breakthroughs in order to survive

Manager, expounded on the Qual ity and 5S

the gl ob al eco no mi c do wnturn. Mr. To ots

d ashb oard s,

Marasigan, TIPI’s Operations Director, provided

w hi l e


B ub ut

Leano ,

Organization and Talent Development Manager

details by presenting the TI and One Make AT

and Peo pl e Devel o pment QI T Chai rman,

Pri oriti es.

conveyed the plans for Extraordinary People for 2009. After the presentati ons, a forum was facilitated by Angelo Publico and Cathy Olivete must deliver our NUMs with the best possible

to further cl ari fy the ob jecti ves. A panel

cycle time.

co nsi sti ng


Kri s

Mangal i ag ,




di rectors



rep resentati ves fro m the vari ous Qual i ty

Manager and representati ve from the OM &

Ini tiati ve Teams responded to the questi ons


that came from the message board and the live

expl ai ned the OM & CLA M

dashboards and how to achi eve these cost


goals. Yield Programs have been presented by

Answ ers to the q uesti o ns i n the

Mr. Jerry Enri quez, AEC Product Engineering

message board are now posted in the website:

Section Manager and representative from the


1Q09 TI Baguio Site Meeting: To Grow and Evolve, To Persist and Achieve - Michelle Abalos times. TI Baguio Operations Manager, Toots Marasigan, emphasized how we will achieve our focus for 2009 through the TI Priorities: One Make, i nvest where our grow th w i l l be, accelerate analog, and solve our customer’s

contributions, we congratulate our US patent awardees and new members of our Technical Ladder. Despite the global economic crisis, we are thankful we are still here, blessed with TI Clark’s increasing demands and loadings from our customers. We must move forward and act, for without action, we are not going anywhere. Let’s conti nue to g row and evol ve, persist and achieve.

The 1Q TI Baguio Site meeting held last January 27, 2009 at the Cafeteria was all about positive expectations for the Year 2009 – the year of prosperity through fortitude and hard work. Our Managi ng Di recto r, Bi ng V i era, welcomed us with insightful reflections for the


year that was 2008 and introduced a stronger

We salute our Post Test Team for being

TI Baguio & Clark leadership team to guide us

the Best Quality Team for 3rd and 4th Quarter

and work with us during these extraordinary

of 2008.

For thei r excel l ence i n techni cal


News and Breakthroughs DMAIC:

TIPI Standardized Problem Solving Methodology - Daniel San Luis -

TI Philippines Inc., through the Engineering Council and People Development QIT, deployed in 4Q08 the Standard Problem Solving Methodology known as DMAIC which stands for Define, Measure, Analyze Improve and Control. The method is developed from the Six Sigma Improvement Process and simplified to be used for resolution of recurring yield and process issues, big hits, equipment failures, and testing problems.

DMAIC trainers pose while holding their Certificate of Completion for their Comprehensive Train the Trainer Program.

The Engineering Council, led by Ms. Ella Sarmiento and its members, generated a standard format for the report,

ASEMEP National Technical Symposium in Manila, and 2007

training materials and the tools to be used at each phase of

Packaging Technology Symposium in Richardson, Texas.

the process. Ela Estrada, Argon Aranas and Daniel San Luis,

Last October 2008, TIPI showcased to the TI community

all traine d in the S ix S ig ma Prog ram, cond ucte d the

how DMAIC was used in the 1st TI Quality and Reliability

Comprehensive Train

the Trainer Program for DMAIC to

Symposium, held at the Renaissance Dallas Richardson Hotel

identified Engineers and supervisors last September 2-5, 2008.

in Texas. It is an annual event designed to provide a forum to

The Managers and Engineers were trained with the core

disseminate technical and business knowledge within TI.

concepts, methodology and statistical tools applicable per

forum makes quality, reliability and business communities aware


of present and future challenges.


DMAIC process is about delivering business results

Ms. Ela Estrada, TIPI Quality and Reliability Engineering

through sustainable improvements, and team effort linked to

Manager and Six Sigma Black Belt, presented the following

business priorities. In 2005, TIPI launched its Six Sigma Green

p ap e rs which re ce iv e d a lot of p ositiv e f e e d b ack f rom

Belt Training for 15 selected TIPIers under Motorola University.

symposium attendees:

As a result, several major programs and technical papers were

Saw Singulation Failure Mechanism Resolution through

completed and presented to different symposiums like the

Package Dimension Variation Reduction: The Six Sigma

14th and 15th TIPI Technical Symposiums, 2007 & 2008

Way by Daniel San Luis, Ela Estrada and John Camacho •

NFBGA Damaged Ball Defect Reduction: A Six Sigma Green Belt Project by Daniel San Luis, Ela Estrada and John Camacho

Optimized Bonding Parameters: A Resolution to Orion C035 Qualification Issues by Howell Corpuz, Rizzy Auxillo, Hubie Payne, Al Griffin In February 2008, at least 10 additional projects which

use the DMAIC approach to problem solving have been identified from Assembly to Post-test. Project status and lessons learned, were shared and discussed by the teams in the Engineering Council meetings, where DMAIC and Process Subject Matter Experts (SME) provided additional inputs to guide and mentor Ela Estrada proudly presented three selected TIPI technical papers in the 1 st TI Quality & Reliability Symposium at Renaissance Dallas Richardson Intel, Texas.


the teams for the successful completion of the projects. The Council will also be deploying a standard DMAIC template to be used for day-to-day issues.

News and Breakthroughs

Copper (Cu) Wire: TIPI’s 1st Million Units Shipment - Jerry Cayabyab -

Barely two weeks after Cop per

te am’s


In 2 week RTP time, TIPI has shipped 1million units - equivalent to 173



re cap

a significant milestone in achieving the


f irst million units ship me nt. This achievement does not only refer to the

number of units built, but importantly, it

Cu wire on fine pitched devices using thin wire (0.8mil) on the late st S ilicon

Wirebond yield entitlement close to Gold (Au) baseline and same level on Continuity performance.

companies used Copper wire for discrete products, TIPI has taken the lead to apply

Truly, TEA MW ORK cre ate s B IG

usage of Copper wire. •

interconnect material. TIPI is the first… and the leader! W hile most of the othe r site s and


million bonded wires and 360 km

marks our history for the start of our transition to Copper wire as a new bond

Facilitie s, PnL, Finance , IE and LB E

kind of economy situation.

(Cu) wire ramp to production, TIPI made

Qualified and ramped 125 low end bonders.

Validated bonder PPH within 12% compared to Gold. The se accomp lishme nts


technology. This remarkable achievement

re main as history, b ut the g re ate st

has created waves to other TI business


units have starte d id e ntify ing more devices/packages to move to Copper.

higher level is the teamwork that was demonstrated by several teams from TPE,

This, in re turn, will be a good opportunity for TIPI to carry on at this

Proce ss

Eng g ,

Manuf acturing ,

that really brings us to

Eq uip me nt Prod uct

Eng g ,

Eng g ,

QA ,

Finance Accounting Quality Review (AQR) 2009 - Mary Jane Esquivias GO GO PFO! GREEN GREEN CLC! This was TIPI Finance’s battle cry during the 2009 Accounting Quality Rev ie w (AQR) held at TI Clark last February 24, 2009. Members of the TIPI Finance team p re se nte d the hig hlig hts of 2008 Performance and Financials , Philippine Economic Overview, A udit & Internal Control Compliance, Baguio and Clark Operations highlighting TIPI’s support on PFO and CLC goals, updates on Inventory, Tax & Treasury, and People Development. The whole review was a success as the te am e mp hasize d on the p roce ss improv ements and the results of the team’s hard work in 2008. The review was attended by the

Finance Leadership Team (FLT) headed b y TI’s Chief Financial Of fice r Ke vin March. The other Finance attendees were Janice Harrisis (Audit Director), Charlie Miller (TI Controller), Charlie Tobin (TI Tre asure r), A lan B oy d (Financial Reporting Manager), Stephane Calatayud (Asia Finance Director), David Haselton (E&Y), our very own Bing Viera, QST directors and the Finance Team. Kevin March addressed the current economy condition and TI’s direction during the business downturn. He talked about the shrinking Wireless Business and TI’s strate gy on growing A nalog . He closed the review with an emphasis on Ethics and how essential this is in our decisions and business operations. He also encouraged Finance to share its best practices to other sites. The Finance Leadership Team left the Philippines with a good re fle ction of TIPI’s performance. The te am was challenged to ke ep up the good work and continuously aim for further improvements and support operations during these extra ordinary times.

The TIPI Cu wire Core team. (Not in the picture but have equally contributed are Tess Roque, Allan Soriano, Yao Mendoza, Rizzy Auxillo and Ednalyn Mabalot.)

“Sharing the Blessings”... from page 14 and the Texins Fitness Club members experienced last Christmas season. It is the great love that these TIPIers had shared that touched the lives of these people. To you with big heartsmore blessings from God Almighty and more power!


TI Clark

TI Philippines – Clark Holds Blessing and Dedication - Gretta Montes Managing Director Norberto Viera, TI Clark startup team, TI Clark Facilities Team, TI Worldwide Construction team led by Ned Lofton, and Clark Development Corporation led by CDC President and CEO Benny Ricafort, and major suppliers onsite. During the service, Bing Viera acknowledged the talent and diligence of TI Philip p ine s Clark he ld its

facility blessing and dedication through a simple yet solemn ceremony last January 19, 2009.

The Ecumenical Service was

officiated by Rev. Fr. Jose Ronnie D. Cao of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of San Fernando, Pampanga.

The event was

attended by TI Philippines Leadership Te am he ad e d b y its Pre sid e nt and

the TI e mp loy e e s, the construction worke rs and the suppliers who we re Bing Viera gives an inspirational message

p artne rs in b uild ing a monume ntal architectural success that both TI and the The service included the blessing

The session was followed by a Question and Answer portion that was directed to

of the more than 800,000 square-foot

the TI Philippines Leadership Team. The

factory and office area, and gracefully ended with a modest breakfast served at

forum was well-attended by managers,

the newly built third floor cafeteria.

specialists in the TI Clark facility.

Philippines will be proud of.

supervisors, engineers and production

As a follow-up event, the first ever Policy Deployment Roll Out Meeting was also held on January 20 in TI Clark. TI, TMG and One Make AT priorities were presented by Bing Viera, while the WCSP and QFN updates were given by the TI Clark Program Manager Roy Rico and TI Clark QFN Manag e r Onie A rg ue lle s, respectively. TIPI Facilities Director Boyet Facility Blessing

Dioquino provided the Facilities update.

Fr. Cao officiates the ecumenical service…

The Experience of Producing the First Lot - Brian Calinao It all started as an idea – a second TI site in the Philippines. What was once just wishful thinking has now given birth to its first of the many billions of lots to come .

A small g roup of p ione e rs,

uprooted from their families and regular way of life, holding together hand-in-hand in the true sp irit of te amwork and camaraderie, for one little instant had felt that small step of achievement. The Bump WCSP production line began to take shape on September 2008 when tooling and e quip me nt started installation.


N ov e mb e r


comp le tion of installation was accomplished and the line came


The TI Clark Start-Up Team commemorating the First Live Wafer built in TI Clark (December 12, 2008) The first reliability lots were loaded on

last, for the first time ever, we have made

this v irg in p rod uction line , and on

history by introducing new technology

December 18, 2008, our first reliability lots were shipped to Tucson, Arizona, USA. These were TPA2010 and TPA4411. A few days later, on December 30, 2008, the first official Qualification Lots were

to life with the embarkation of


These devices were TPA2010,

integration and engineering runs.

TPA4411, TSC2007, and ICCO3268.


into the Philippine semiconductor industry – i.e. f ull turnk ey Wafe r Chip S cale Package from Bump to Finished Product. This is a proof of what can be achieved when standing shoulder-toshoulder.

TI Clark TI Clark – Propelling Analog Growth - Erwin Estepa Over the last two quarters, semiconductor growth has been slowing down due to World wide economic downturn. TI was not spared during this latest downturn cycle as most of our business, especially wireless dropped as customer demand dwindled due to lesser consumer spending/buying. If the trend continues, many small companies and some of our biggest competitor are at risk of shutting down. In any cycle, there will be an upturn. TI, with the correct plan and strategy, will be well positioned to support the next technology with the correct and broad product portfolio. And one of TI’s strength is Analog business. The total available market (TAM) for Analog is about $36 billion. From 2002 to 2007, TI’s analog revenue doubled from $2.4 billion to $4.8 billion. By 2011, it is projected to double its revenue, reaching up to $10 billion. But there’s still a lot of opportunity to extend our business and that is possible because only TI offers a portfolio that includes every component required to run a system, thus, offering a system solution rather than just selling piece parts. One of the biggest market is power management. TI Analog business offers thousands of products that enables us to address any design issues that customer may have. This is where TI Clark plays a very important role, to SUPPORT ANALOG GROWTH and to prepare for the next upturn cycle. With the current economic condition, many questioned why TI invested a new facility in the Philippines. It is because the facility situated in Clark, Pampanga will invest around $1 Billion dollars in the next 10 years and will employ around 3000 people at full build. The ground breaking ceremony happened last Aug 16, 2007, with production expected to start in April 2009. This is less than 2 years considering a production floor area of 830 thousand square feet almost same size or bigger than TI Baguio that was built in a number of years (~30 years). The TI Clark facility is designed with new features. • First Bump Process owned by TI outside US • First facility that has full turnkey process from Wafer Bump, Probe and Back-end process • Use Seismic Isolation System • Designed for LEED (Leadership in Environment Engineering Design) TI Clark just completed the first major milestone, passing our first package qualification on 0.5mm RDL (ReDistribution Layer) package, meeting target timeline and did it 1st time. The official qualification memo has been released Feb 28, 2009. This is a date to remember in the history of TI Clark. This is a celebration not only for TI Clark but for TI Philippines. This demonstrated our people’s commitment, capability and proves that TI made the right decision of putting up the facility in the Philippines. This is just the first hurdle, several more WCSP

(Wafer Chip Scale Package) are lined up for TI Clark. Below is our

packaging roadmap. • RDL = Redistributed Layer • BOP = Ball/Bump on Pad • B OP COA = B all/B ump on Pad , Copper On Anything Above are the standard WCSP package with unique features and process step. One thing to remember as we ramp to production and introduce new packages is cost. Other than building a reliable package, our cost must be competitive, lower than our competitors. This should translates to better yield, lower raw material cost, better/simpler process. Given this challenge, it becomes more exciting for our team to be creative and innovative to reduce our material/process cost. And we will do it with TI Philippines team

– Baguio and

Clark teaming up.


Meet our TIPI leaders A is for Amazing Abet -Ellen Faye Ganga She was a woman of great dreams, and in order to achieve all her milestones and blessings in life, she always

The “Shark” of TI Philippines - Cheryl Ladia -

lived by this principle…"Perseverance is the key to success. Nothing comes served in a silver platter, and so, one has to work her dreams to reality…" 25 years ago, Elizabeth Flores, more popularly known as "Abet", started working in TI as a Production Specialist. She accepted this job despite having an Engineering license and diploma, mainly for economic reasons and for the vision of great opportunities… She was right! She has always been proud to be working with Texas Instruments, which she considers a great company to work for. She works with more enthusiasm being a part of the WINNING Team of TI Philippines. From Production Specialists, she was then promoted to several positions as QRA Engineer, QRA Section Head, NPD Proce ss and Mate rials De v e lop me nt Manag e r, Proce ss Engineering Manager, and now as QRA director. She is thankful to have encountered great mentors and friends that continue to mold her for leadership and excellence. Part of her success is attributed to her inclination to technology and People Development that earned her the Member, Group technical Staff (MGTS) title in 1995, and promotion to Senior Member Technical Staff (SMTS) in 2006. She is inspired by the Lord's faithfulness as she acknowledges that He is the source of strength and wisdom that allows her to perform her job with enthusiasm. Abet and Jojo are blessed with 3 girls - Kathy, Karen and Kaye and 2 tots - Danica and Dustine.


Standing L-R: Karen, Abet, Jojo, Kathy Seated: Kaye, Danica Amber Inset: Dustine Arielle

Alexander Reyes, more fondly known as "Bobot" to his peers and subordinates is the 8th Purchasing and Logistics Director of TIPI and the current A/T Global Logistics Manager. With a father from Capiz and a mother from Leyte, he was born and raised in San Juan Manila on September 23 many suns and moons ago. He is the eldest among 4 siblings. Growing up , he d re amt of b ecoming an archite ct b ut graduated with a degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering at the University of the East. He and his first wife (a college sweetheart), who passed away of cancer in 1991, were blessed with two sons - TJ, an employee of Sitel and Niko, a graduating student of SLU taking up Engineering. After the darkest part of his life, he met Clythie Reyes, who was a teller at BPI Harrison then and later on promoted as BPI Capital Manager. They tied the knot in 1994. His work experience began at Lakeview Industrial Corp oration/Filsy n, sp e cializing in all S up p ly Chain Management activities. In September 3, 1990, he joined TIPI as WPL Materials and Conservation Manager and later became Senior Buyer. For 14 years, he was the Logistics Manager for TIPI. In 2005 he was chosen as the Asia Logistics Manager and in 2007, he became the A/T Global Logistics Manager handling TI Mexico, TI Malaysia, TI Japan and TI Taiwan. Last August 1, 2008, he was promoted as the TIPI Purchasing and Logistics Director. His subordinates call him "THE SHARK" because of his leadership style. He possesses powerful problem solving skills, social complexity and curiosity. Bobot Reyes is not only a true leader, but is also a true friend to everyone. He often advises his team to read…read…read… for life is a continuous learning… Bobot spends most of his free time reading books, playing golf and listening to music. His collections… 2,000++ vinyl records and 600 cd's His favorite verse from the bible… "Ask and it will be given to you, Seek and you shall find, Knock and it will be opened to you…”

Recognitions – In Pursuit of Excellence

4Q08 Best Quality Team: Post Test Operations - Daniel San Luis -

Post Test Operations achieved the Best Quality Award for 4Q08 with a score of 93.25% from its 3Q08 performance of 92.52%, scored based on the following categories: Gotchas, Self Audit, Customer Return, 5S, IQAS, Safety and Bighits. This is the 6 th award for Post Test Operations and the 3rd consecutive award in 2008. Achieving this honor means consistently providing excellent customer service, delivering reliable and quality products and integrating new technologies into the process. These three objectives are viewed as the most important aspects that an organization should optimize even in constrained economic situation. Post Test Operations embodies a learning organization1 where it derives its competitive advantage through individual and collective continuous learning in complement with its standard specifications and procedures Reference: 1 Salvatore, Dominick. Managerial Economics in a Global Economy


Recognitions – In Pursuit of Excellence US Patent Awardees For Outstanding Technical Innovations and Contributions The US Patent Award is given to authors whose bright innovations have been recognized and granted with patent under the laws of the United States of America.

New Members of the Technical Ladder Elected members of the Technical ladder are chosen based on the following : 60% Impact to TI Revenue and Profit, 25% Developing Technical Talent and Mentorship, 15% Enhancing TI’s External Image and influencing external Decisions. Candidates should also have consistently shown excellent contribution to above criteria for 3 to 5 years..


We are proud of you!

Recognitions – Exceptional Performance Green Team Award 4th Quarter 2008 The Green Team Award is a quarterly recognition to Equipment Engineers and Technicians (Assembly, Test, Post Test and Facilities Engineering) with exemplary attendance records, behavioral control and Equipment Engineering performance on Quality, SPC, 5S and other audits. Assembly Arnie Alqueza Warlito Badiana Russel Borreo Billy Caballero Jay-ar Carizal Brian Deapera Ian Ducusin Rady Dulay Ryan Ekabusya Jeffrey Emperador Louren Esbieto North Esilen Rolando Espiritu Jay Gatchalian Kim Guerra Paul Jarabe Danilo Licudo

Rommel Marana Manny Mendigoria Boni Micua Michael Molina Meynard Monzon Edgar Moreno Dennis Nombrefia Wilson Pascua Ronald Patacsil Carlito Quinan Mark Regua Pablo Remogat Jr. Jade Ringor Dexter Roldan Robert Sarmiento Samuel Sarmiento Allan Sernadilla Frances Sibayan

Fredimar Soliven Reneboy Sorilla Louie Tan Estong Teppang Neil Tolentino Facilities Reynaldo Lachica Test Mark Alvendia Ruff Balangue Marlon Cahilig Dario Carbonel Noel Chan Hermie Delizo Jon Estolas Marlon Galleta

Jerum Jamero Marlo Lem-ew Randy Maganis Marvin Montfalco Carlo Moreno Jan Michael Orina Christian Quidato Alvin Ramirez Glenn Rillera Emiliano Saspa Bernardo Sibayan Jose Karlo Tafalla Gilbert Tingzon Sherwin Valdriz Jeron Villanueva Mark Villanueva

The Green Team awardees were recognized and certificates were given during the Engineering Council Meeting held last February 26, 2009.


Extraordinary Talent Development

Performance Management & Giving and Receiving Feedback

Mass Requals

Apprentices and New Hire Trainings

Comprehensive Train the Trainer Training Baguio and Clark

Course Work and Formal Training Networking, Role Models, Mentors

Job Experience


All About Health Have you, at any one time, been in need of a doctor or a health care professional but couldn’t get yourself to see one? Why? Because your schedule simply does not allow you a 20 to 30 minute sit down at the clinic or that you’re too embarrassed by your health concern…Well worry not because we’re

just a text message away

HEALTH-ON-LINE… This is a concept, we have decided to adopt it within our TI community because of the growing need of reaching out, giving a helping hand even if it were literally an “electronic” hand.

By a simple text message with your badge number or name

included stating your question or problem, you will receive back an advise or recommendation. This program is aimed at minimizing the stress of trying to reach someone for a health advice. It is re-assuring to know that there will always be someone on the other line to answer your text or call. It’s preventive.

Clients are encouraged to text their health concern so that they may

get the right direction on what to do in the meantime that they are waiting to see the doctor, or where to go or examination.

who to see.

It will not answer back with a prescription because a medical professional will still need to do an

It helps to prevent your condition from worsening because you will be guided.


Our hotline is 0906-408-7079. All you need to do is text in your query and indicate your badge number. Or you may call anytime. It’s a 24-7 service provider. Its not location sensitive…you can text from whatever part of the Philippines you may be in, whether you’re in Boracay for a meeting, at work in Clark, Pampanga, or on a rest day in Baguio City. We will be glad to answer your query. Stay healthy.

Happy texting.

Photo Releases: TI (Phils) Inc. Baguio Joins PEZA Medical-Dental Mission - faye TI (Phils) Inc. Baguio Health Center Staff joins the PEZA MedicalDental Mission last February 27, 2009 at the BCEZ Basketball Court. The said activity is the 3rd Medical-Dental Mission supported by BCEZ Locators, Baguio Health Department and Loakan Barangay, with additional support from Getz Pharma. This activity’s aim is to provide free health check-up and medicines to residents of Loakan and other areas nearby.


Extraordinary Activities

TIPI Riders Toy Run

Sharing the Blessings: A Joint Effort of the Product Engineering Group and Texins Running and Fitness Club - Kate Advincula, Jong Ignacio -

“Life in abundance comes only through great love.” . . . This, I believe, is the inspirational motive of the TIPIers who shared the ir b le ssing s last December 13, 2008 with the less fortunate families residing at Purok 20, San Carlos He ig hts, Irisan Barangay, Baguio City. Fifty families who were pre-registered came with their kids and experienced this joyful activity of sharing. The Product Engineering Team and the Texins Running and Fitness Club organized and extended an outreach program to share their blessings in time, talent and treasure. With their big hearts, they voluntarily contributed to share funds to purchase some grocery items, great snacks, candies & goodies. They also shared some old toys and some used clothes and bags. Some members of the Texins Fitness Club and Product Engineers, together with their families, experienced that great moment of sharing as they distributed the gifts and snacks to the children and to the adults. You can see the joy as they received their bags of groceries with rice, bags of snacks and some clothing & bags, too. The kids had a wonderful time during the games. The TIPIers and their families enjoyed the gift giving of the prizes to the winners. This outreach program, in coordination with the brothers and sisters of the Familia Catholic Community of Baguio City, was such a joyful event that the Product Engineering Team turn to page 5

- Allan Lacsina “Building Paths Toward Better Community”. This was the noble theme of the TIPI Riders Club as they launched their first community project entitled “Toy Run” last December 14, 2008 at DSWD Lingap Center Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet. The activity was led by the Club President, Jones Babaran, and guided by Club Adviser, Kaye Calixterio and George De Leon from HR Department. In preparation for the activity, the club solicited for old clothes, toys, books and other donations from TIPI employees by putting boxes at the building entrances. The club took this moment to share the essence of the Christmas Season with the children by spending b ountif ul snack s and quality time with them. We are also fortunate to meet other organizations/clubs (McDonalds Baguio and SLU Sp ecial Ed ucation Volunteers) who found time to share the ir b le ssing s in te rms of foods, learning activities, and games that painted a smile on the children’s faces. If one would ask me what I got from this, it would be awareness and the chang e in perception of life. It is not how big or how small the idea is, but how much of what y our he art is cap ab le to e nd ure to make the idea a reality.

Sports Update

BASKETBALL Jeff Gary Ballesca

Last November 2008, the Texas Instrume nts B ask e tb all A ssociation (TIBA ) Basketb all Leag ue starte d its g ame s with 9 comp e ting te ams comp ose d of athle te s f rom Te st, Assembly, Product Engineering, Admin and Facilities. Towards the end of 2008, g ame s we re d iscontinue d d ue to unexpected events leaving some of the teams with incomplete lineups. Nevertheless, the determination of our new basketball commissioners Zoilex Lomatao 14 and Dean Gonzales opened the

league once again, early at the start of 2009. From 9 te ams, only 4 te ams remained, giving them the opportunity to play and be called champions. The teams are : REB ELS , W OLV ES , LYN X and STEALTH. Twice to beat advantage is given to the top two teams in the league, and a chance to win the Championship

title in a Best of Three Series. Moving on with more activities for our TIPI Bask e tb all Te am, the TIPI basketball team once again showcases their basketball prowess as they join the PANAGBENGA CUP 09. The TIPI Team battles ag ainst toug h contenders in Bracket A comprising of MOOG, Tea House, BETI, and BENECO B. The team has a stupendous 3-1 start in a double elimination round, with the Top 4 d entering the semi finals. GOOD LUCK and GOD BLESS!!

Entertainment Are we aware of our 2009 metrics? Let’s see how well you do in these games.. Fill in the boxes on the right, based on our 2009 TI PDO Metrics. Jumble the letters that fall in yellow circles to guess the word for the last set of boxes below 1. Accelerate ____________ as our foundation 2. Invest where our ______ will be 3. Our New Site in TI (Phils) 4. Our Foundation : One ________ Mindset 5. One of our Metrics to Sustain _____ 6. New Metric Added to Accelerate Analog 7. Our goal is to _______ Cost

More than Love Author: Rei Guce

Every night I look out of the window Longing that someone could wipe off my sorrow Day light breaks and still I wonder When will this heart stop to ponder? Magical voice I heard from a distance And suddenly I experienced, I’m in a trance Amorous embrace I sensed entwined me And my heart leapt with so much glee Reminiscing the past, where all hopes has gone out Now I feel renewed and ready to take flight Vanquish all my fears, mend the wounds once more

Look for the following words vertically, horizontally or diagonally


Help me stretch my wings, and together we’ll soar Ineffable joy surrounds my whole being And makes me want to stop dreaming Never would I be in this blissful journey Nor have I felt so much free from worry Calm the turmoil of this uncertain heart Amidst all the questions you showed no doubt Leave me not with just a reverie And allow me to keep this love to carry Remember my heart is yours alone And truly am I grateful that you come along… 15

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