San Francisco Bay Times - January 30, 2020 v1 Katie

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2 SAN FRANCISCO BAY TIMES JANUARY 30 , 2020 SAN FRANCISCO BAY TIMES LGBTQ News & Calendar for the Bay Area CELEBRATING FOUR DECADES (1978–2020) Congratulations from the San Francisco Bay Times to Coach Katie Sowers on making NFL and Super Bowl history! GO NINERS!

Super Bowl Watch Party @ Madrone Art Bar 500 Divisadero. Watch all the action live with Libby & Emerson behind the “candlestick” for the 9ers. 3:30pm.


Good luck Niners and you go, Katie.

letic director of the City of Kansas City. A former member of the 2013 United States Women’s National Football Team and a player her self in the WFA (Women’s Football Alliance) for eight years, Sowers earned her master’s degree in kine siology with an emphasis in ped agogy from the University of Central Missouri in 2012. Prior to

Double Dose of Talent

When I first heard the news that the San Francisco 49ers had hired the first woman and lesbian to coach in the NFL, I was elated. But shortly thereafter, I had the chance to meet that coach, Katie Sowers, and I was inspired.

Kate Kendell is the former Executive Director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights and now works with Take Back the Court and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

By Kate Kendell, Esq.

A Hard Worker

As San Francisco Bay Times columnist Kate Kendell writes in this issue, Sowers has a twin sister, Liz. She plays football too, such that the sisters both received football helmets and shoulder pads as Christmas gifts when they were about 10 years old. Then they relished games of tackle football on Sunday afternoons in their home town of Hesston, Kansas. Their fearless technique with the all-boys players, as they told The Kansas City Star, was to seize “their shirts, spin them around and throw them down.”

Where to Watch the 49ers in the Super Bowl

Championship Game Watch Party @ Pubic House 24 Willie Mays Plaza. Doors open at 11am and game starts at 3:30pm.

SuperBowl LIV @ Schroeders SF 240 Front Street. Our favorite German pub is hosting a Super Bowl party, so book your table. 2-8pm.



She is now on the biggest stage in sports and she appears unflappable and as joy-filled as ever. Yes, she’s shattered what was a seemingly shatter-proof ceiling and charted the path for a female NFL official and the first-ever female coach for the San Francisco Giants. She is also doing a great star-turn in the ubiqui tous commercial for the Microsoft Surface.

49ers’ Katie Sowers: First Openly LGBT Coach in NFL and Super Bowl History


Passion for Football

A lot has changed in even less than a decade. Sowers told Outsports that, early in her career, she lost an opportunity to be a volunteer coach.“That moment really impacted me because it was the first time I truly felt judged because of my sexual ori entation,” she said. “I was so passion ate about coaching, and to feel like my opportunities were limited because of who I loved was hard to deal with. However, without that experience, I would not be where I am today.”

Unleash! Super Bowl Party! @ The Ivy Room 860 Pablo Avenue, Albany. Hosted by DJ Santana, the doors will be open free of charge and you can bring in your own food plus dance between commercials. 2:30-8pm.

Super Bowl LIV Watch PartySF Gay Flag Football @ The Detour SF 2200 Market Street #A. Cheer for your team and enjoy arcade games, drinks and laughs. 3-9pm.

Sowers is paying back that unconditional love and support by being mindful of her status as a role model, particularly for women desiring a career in sports. Just ahead of Women’s March 2020, she tweeted some powerful words for parents. They ring true, however, for all who desire to break barriers to “Ifadvancement.yourdaughter has a dream of being a football coach in the NFL ... or a ballerina ... or a professional soccer player ... or a teacher ... or a nurse ... or a doctor ... or an astronaut ... or even PRESIDENT, just let her know this. She. Can. Do. It. And she will change the”

that, she attended Goshen College, a small Christian col lege in Indiana. While at Goshen she played basketball and soccer, and ran track.

Katie says of her parents, “They were never trying to force us into a status quo; it was (about) what made us happy. They are the def inition of unconditional love.”

Super Gay Super Bowl Watch Party @ Manny’s 3092 16th Street. The 49ers are in the Super Bowl and you’ll enjoy the halftime show with JLo and Shakira even if you are not into football. 3pm.


Sowers joined Atlanta after spend ing five years (2012–2016) as the ath

They credit their parents for much of their love for sports. Their father was a longtime women’s basketball coach at Bethel College. Their sports fan mother was also a community leader, given that she served for nearly four decades as the director of the Hesston College Nursing program.

Super Sunday @ Hi Tops SF 2247 Market Street. Be sure to try the friend chicken sand wich at the Castro’s favorite sports bar.11:30am.


But I know one thing for sure, all she cares about is February 2. I, like so many, will be cheering for the Niners, but my cheering will carry an additional inten sity on behalf of a woman who is modeling how even the wildest dreams of a young girl can come true.

Super Bowl 2020 @ Midnight Sun

Photos Courtesy of Meg Williams, SF 49ers

Katie Sowers Is an Inspiration

Katie is everything you would want her to be: smart, approachable, humble, open-hearted. We’ve had the chance to hang a few times—I’ve even had the joy of meeting her twin sister—and every encounter leaves me feeling awe-struck and honored to know her.

In 2016, Sowers spent the offseason/ training camp in the same capac ity with the Atlanta Falcons. With the Falcons, she worked closely with Atlanta assistant head coach/wide receivers coach Raheem Morris in organizing, conducting, and conclud ing practice drills. Following her time on the field as a coach, she spent nine months as a scouting intern with the Falcons.

And so they have, as Sowers is now in her second season as an offensive assistant with the 49ers. She previously spent the 2017 season with the 49ers as a seasonal offensive assistant. She orig inally joined the team in June of 2017 as part of the 49ers 2017 Bill Walsh Minority Fellowship, when she worked with their wide receivers.

“She’s done a real good job here,” 49ers head coach Kyle Shanahan told the San Jose Mercury News. “She helps our quality controls with all the stuff they have to do. She’s a hard worker. You don’t even notice her because she just goes to work and does what’s asked and because of that she’s someone we would like to keep around.”

4067 18th Street. With JLo promised for halftime, all of the Mega HD screens will be on with sound at this “2-4-1” party. 1:00pm.

Role Model for Generations of Women

San Francisco 49ers Assistant Coach Katie Sowers keeps shattering the proverbial glass ceiling in sports. In 2017, she became the NFL’s first openly LGBT coach and the second woman to serve as a full-time assistant coach. More recently she became the first woman and the first LGBT coach in Super Bowl history, when the 49ers defeated the Green Bay Packers to become the 2019–2020 season NFC champs.


Women’s March 2020 By

Morgan Shidler (right) and Conrad Moore at the Women’s March in Las Vegas. (2018) Morgan Shidler

That said, this year was sand wiched between a contentious moment in the primaries between Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, the ongoing impeach ment trial, and Martin Luther King, Jr., Day; and the energy was noticeably more frustrated, if even a little exhausted. The support for the many Democratic primary candidates was spread sporadically in small numbers, showing there’s not a lot of momentum for any one of them currently. The mes saging against Trump’s misogyny was consistent, but the cohesive or enthusiastic hope for a better future was missing.

Morgan Shidler is a photographer and the co-founder of the womxn’s organization That’s What She Said. For more

On a beautifully sunny Saturday morning, thousands gathered in Oakland and San Francisco for the fourth year in a row of the Women’s March. Having been to the marches in D.C., Vegas, and Oakland and San Francisco twice over the years, it was encouraging to see how many folks were still committed to the causes this movement represents.


There were highlights like Representative Barbara Lee in Oakland, who stressed the impor tance of the upcoming census with her “Make It Count” message and how its impact will shape our future; and the intersectional groups across San Francisco showing up in large numbers demonstrating the breadth of what Women’s March is about.

While 2020 may very well be the year that things turn around, it’s hard to feel hopeful without a clear path forward. Sometimes that’s the uncomfortable space to occupy as a collective, and the only choice is just to show up. And to that end, the means was achieved and then some. Thousands took to the streets and used their bod ies to demonstrate dissent, refusing to take this moment lying down. And for now, we take this year one step at a time.

Speaking with Sophia Andary and Elizabeth Lanyon of Women’s March San Francisco Leadership, it was inspiring to hear about the ways the efforts of intentionally creating an intersectional movement have found footing in the last four years. Because the movement is grassroots and operates as chapters—San Francisco and Oakland operate independently of each other and of Women’s March national—it is absolutely essential that the leadership works together to build locally what the movement is calling for. This is no small task between community organizing and fundraising upwards of $100k annually, and it’s beautiful to see how it comes together.

SAN FRANCISCO BAY TIMES LGBTQ News & Calendar for the Bay Area CELEBRATING FOUR DECADES (1978–2020) A Good Planet Is Hard to Find Blue EqualWavePay, Body Rights, Equity, I Like It Like That! Gaia I’mHangRemembers!On,RuthaWoman.What’s Your Super Power? Lesbian Grandmothers for Gun Control Orange Is the New Wack Save the Date November 3rd, Save the Country Tweet Women With Respect Twinkle Twinkle Little Czar, Putin Put You Where You Are You Should Smile Run for Office More You’re So Vain, You Probably Think This March Is About You!!! We Are the Children of the Witches You Failed to WomenBurn Over Age 50 Will Decide 2020 Signs Spotted at Women’s March 2020 Women’s March Oakland Morgan Shidler and others for the San Francisco Bay Times at the 2020 Women’s March in San Francisco spotted signs with these and other thought-provoking messages: SULLIVANLBETTYOFCOURTESYPHOTO RINKBYPHOTO PHOTOGRAPHYSHIDLERMORGANMARGOLISPAULBYPHOTOPHOTOBYPAULMARGOLIS PHOTOGRAPHYSHIDLERMORGAN RINKBYPHOTO RINKBYPHOTO PHOTOGRAPHYSHIDLERMORGAN PHOTOGRAPHYSHIDLERMORGAN PHOTOGRAPHYSHIDLERMORGAN PHOTOGRAPHYSHIDLERMORGAN

Andrea Shorter is a Commissioner and the former President of the historic San Francisco Commis sion on the Status of Women. She is a longtime advocate for crim inal and juvenile justice reform, voter rights and marriage equality. A Co-Founder of the Bayard Rus tin LGBT Coalition, she was a 2009 David Bohnett LGBT Leadership Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.


First up, a more hopeful countdown to an overdue justice: We are just a few days away from African Ameri can History month in February, and six months away from the 50th anni versary of LGBTQ Pride month in June. This year will mark the 57th anniversary of the March on Wash ington for Jobs and Freedom in August, as well as 33 years since the death of that historical event’s most major organizer, Bayard Rustin.

On January 17, Speaker Nancy Pelosi joined Mayor London Breed in launching the #SFCounts 2020 Census Campaign. The campaign urges participation in the census because its results determine representation in Congress and the allocation of federal funding for the next decade. Commissioner and San Francisco Bay Times columnist Andrea Shorter is co-chair of the #SFCounts campaign.

true champion of human rights.


One such arrest and conviction occurred in Pasadena in 1953 for a sexual encounter or “sexual perver sion” (i.e., sodomy) with another man in a parked car. Now, 67 years later, State Senator Scott Wiener—a mem ber of the California Legislature’s LGBTQ Caucus—has joined forces with leaders of the Black Caucus to petition Governor Gavin Newsom for a pardon of Rustin. We should expect Governor Newsom not only to grant that long overdue pardon soon, but also to further elevate Rustin’s much deserved status and legacy as a


While the doomsday clock ticks down to the outcome of the impeach ment trial against President Trump for abuse of power and obstruc tion of Congress, the following is some diversionary food for thought that just might help you to coax and inspire that especially anxious friend from their retreat into fetal position wrapped up on a couch in a cozy 20-pound weighted blanket. Not you, of course, but for others who could use a little charitable lift in mood and spirit as the fate of the republic hangs in the balance.

While I will be providing more details about this year’s cen sus in an upcom ing ingentry,columnincludthepush for online helpeverypation,particiandhowcitizencanmeetthechallenges of engag ing immigrant populations during an anti-immigrant administration, it is always opportune to impress that the countdown to a complete census for every living being in San Fran cisco, in California, and the nation is perhaps more important than ever. Meanwhile, many thanks to Speaker Pelosi for so eagerly joining our kickoff (despite her exceptionally busy schedule now) for what is expected to be another successful census of San Okay,Franciscans.areyou feeling any better about other countdowns on the hori zon? Admittedly, the “serenity now” coziness of weighted blankets is hard to resist these days. No matter the

Cross Currents

Andrea Shorter with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi


Down for the CountRustin

In his 75 years, Rustin would estab lish his own iconic status as a mas ter organizer, agitator, strategist, and resistor in various causes for civil and human rights around the world, with his legacy enjoying much over due scholarly examination, and pop ular praise posthumously following his death in 1987. Along the way, his storied and often controversial path as an openly gay man invited the expected prejudices and attempts by others to suppress in the mid-cen tury, including several episodes of arrests, convictions, and imprison ment for engaging in then outlawed homosexual conduct.

We recently launched the start of the committee’s community-wide efforts with Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi and San Francisco Mayor London Breed in a ceremony at City Hall.

seemingly predetermined outcome of the impeachment trial, in the words of Speaker Pelosi, don’t agonize; organize towards assuring the elec tion of a worthy president in Novem ber. In the spirit of Rustin, justice will and must prevail—eventually.

not months or years. I had the pleasure of learning about the fascinating and inspired life of Rustin; check out an archived recording of a broadcast interview with author and scholar Michael Long that I had the pleasure of con ducting in 2012 upon the release of his book I Must Resist: Bayard Rustin’s Life in Letters ( https://bit. ly/2uBSDb0 ). And, of course, read the Lastbook.butnot least of another more hopeful countdown to justice: 2020 marks a new U.S. census period. It is an honor to again co-chair San Fran cisco’s Complete Count Commit tee that works through the Office of Civic Engagement and Immigration Affairs to ensure community out reach, engagement, and completion of the census.

Andrea Shorter

As a co-founder of and on behalf of the

was the prominent African American, openly gay Quaker who worked behind the scenes and along side the great civil rights icons of the 20th Century—the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., A. Philip Randolph, and others—to finally forge a long delayed March on Wash ington for civil rights, where King delivered his famous and now canon ized “I Have a Dream” speech before a massive crowd on the mall and heard around the world by millions.

Martin Luther

Photos by Rink

King Day 2020



At the end of the March, participants gathered for the Health & Wellness Festival at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts and the MLK2020 Music Festival at the Esplanade Stage at Yerba Buena Gardens. Volunteers from Black Brothers Esteem staffed a table during the Festival. There were also vendors offering artwork, books, and commemorative items. A large audience enjoyed performances by the popular group En Vogue—started in Oakland—and other entertainers. The MLK Memorial Waterfall and a photo of Dr. King with Bayard Rustin and others were popular among attendees.

San Francisco Bay Times team members were among the many who participated in special events held on Monday, January 20, including the annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., March and Parade in San Francisco. The well-attended March started at the SF Caltrain Station and continued for 1.5 miles. It included a stop at Oracle Park’s Willie Mays Plaza to commemorate the crossing of the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, which took place on March 7, 1965.


Much is new for 2020, including: member-centric programming that is more inspiring and directly action able by members—highlighted by the Diversity panel discussion during lunch;

Juan Torres: The contacts and friends whom I’ve met over the years being a GGBA member have been very helpful in growing my business, often booking me for their own friends’ and clients’ wine tours.

Juan Torres: Over the years, I have learned that coming to Make Contacts puts a face to my business listing, and allows me to network and share what my business offers to other GGBA mem bers who can then send me better busi ness referrals. The more Make Contacts you attend, the more other GGBA mem bers get to know you and consider you to be a reliable referral source. This further instills more confidence in them book ing your services or recommending you to their contacts.

GGBA: Why has being a long-term member of the GGBA been impor tant for your business?

Make Contact Mixer - HR/Health/ERG Spotlight

For more information, email: Register to attend:

By Dr. Krystal Drwencke, DC

GGBA: What brings you back to the monthly GGBA Make Contacts?

For more information, email: Register to attend:

May 12

For more information, email: Register to attend:

The Golden Gate Business Association (GGBA) has always attracted fiercely authentic people look ing to make connections in new ways. And in 2015, the Power Lunch was created to celebrate LGBTQ owned businesses and to bring together all facets of the LGBTQ business community: our members, LGBTBEs (certified LGBT majority owned busi nesses), supplier diversity representatives, public utility representatives, and elected government officials.

Make Contact MixerBusiness/MulticulturalMEGA/SmallSpotlight

• Reserve a space in the Expo, email Wesecretary@ggba.comlookforwardtoseeing you there!

Torres Wine Tours is an all-inclusive luxury wine tour excursion. Our concierge level service takes all the guess work out of planning and execut ing an amazing day of wine tasting for our guests to either Napa or Sonoma Wine Country. We handle/book the transpor tation, the tasting appointments, and the lunch, and we also have a concierge/tour guide on board to keep your group on time to your next tasting appointment, making sure that lunch is set up for you at one of the wineries, and to help coor dinate all aspects of your day’s itinerary. You pay one price that includes all trans portation, wine tasting fees, and lunch. The on-board concierge is there to ensure all goes as planned, and allows all guests to enjoy the day, the wine, and time with each other.

• expanded partnership and sponsorship opportunities;

For more information, email: Register to attend:

Juan Torres: I did so after booking sev eral limousines and planning wine tasting trips for friends and my own birthday or friends’ outings, being dissatisfied with the limousine age, music/Bluetooth or cable options. I started shopping around, look ing for nicer limousines and not prom/ clubbing vehicles. And I looked for ser vices that do all the prep work of book ing tasting appointments for large groups, which often result in higher tasting fees than published/website rates. I also noticed that guests were not getting to enjoy their day to the fullest because some one has to be in charge of keeping the group on time to the next winery and tast ing appointment, making sure they head back to San Francisco accounting for traf fic, so they don’t incur overtime charges on the limousine rental.

I tried finding a limousine provider who took care of all of these things, but to no avail. So, the idea of a wine tour coordina tor/concierge was born. I started making

• more opportunities for organic and structured networking throughout the event;

appointments with several Bay Area transportation providers to go look at their fleet of vehicles to make sure the vehicles we rent were up to the standards of our guests. I then pre-scouted winer ies to know their types of wines and price points, and to find out what group tasting experiences were available for groups. After this and other planning, I created a wine tour business that offers an all-inclusive wine tour experience that leaves nothing to chance. You pay one fee, and we take care of the planning and execution of your group’s day.


• Early-bird tickets are on sale now for only (Early-bird$75 for members ends on February

April 14

GGBA: What advice would you give to someone who is thinking of starting their own

GGBA: Is there anything else that you would like to share?

February 11

Juan Torres: As a small business owner, being a GGBA member allows you to be part of a great group of people who want to help you to grow your business and want to see you succeed! The GGBA offers many great educational tools to learn how to run, operate, and grow your small business. Your membership fee is really an investment in your business, and the GGBA is as strong as its membership base. You have a great sup port system you can tap when you need it. You develop a team of word-of-mouth advertisers with your fellow GGBA members!

For more information about Torres Wine Tours, contact Juan Torres at 415-562-5556 or

For more information, email: Register to attend:

5:30 pm–6 pm Location TBD

New for Power Lunch 2020

Juan Torres: I first became a GGBA Member in 2009, and then in 2012 for my own business.

Torres Wine Tours

GGBA: How long have you been a member of the GGBA?

February 11

Make Contact Mixer - Financial Services

New Member & Ambassador Orientations

The Power Pitch is a fast-paced, interac tive program where certified LGBTBEs

Juan Torres: A great membership perk of being a GGBA Member is being able to meet, socialize, and network with other like-minded LGBTQ business owners, allies, and professionals. This gives your

business a face. I’ve often found members who offer services to help me with my business needs—from cus tom logo merch, advertising, and insurance to legal or tax advice and services. If you do business with a fel low GGBA member, they almost always remember you when they meet somebody who could use your service and are more than glad to do a warm introduction for you.

March 5

Dr. Krystal Drwencke, DC, has served on the board of directors for the GGBA for 4 years and as the Vice President for 2 years. She is the founder of two Sports Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinics in San Francisco. She is drawn to the GGBA for business and personal connections, opportunities, and to advocate for social change in an ever-changing political climate.

Get Involved! Reserve Your Seat Now

Make Contact Mixer

For more information, email: Register to attend:

May 12 6 pm–8 pm Location TBD

Juan Torres: The member listing on the GGBA business directory has helped us to move higher on Google searches for gay friendly wine tours. The advertisements in the Pride Pages have also generated quotes, leading to booked tours with us.

• a more intimate setting for this to take place: The W Hotel, located at 181 3rd Street, San Francisco.

GGBA: Why might someone want to visit a GGBA Make Contact?

Power Lunch 2020 Is Right Around the Corner!

Come to a GGBA Make Contact and speak to our members and get advice. Learn who within GGBA has a similar business, or better yet, who offers services that can help you to set up and start your own business. Who better to talk to about starting your own business than a fellow small business owner?

April 14 6 pm–8 pm Location TBD

New Member & Ambassador Orientations

GGBA: Why did you decide to join the JuanGGBA?Torres: I joined the GGBA because I had been a longtime member in my former career as an insurance bro ker and had found a lot of value and suc cess in all my networking and contacts I had met at GGBA functions and through advertising in the Pride Pages. So natu rally, when I started my own small busi ness, I knew the GGBA would help me to grow my business and to make contacts to help me with referrals for possible new wine tour clients.


GGBA: Please describe your business and its mission and

GGBA: Why did you decide to create your business?

And then they’ve always become great referral sources as they are speaking from their own experience.

GGBA: How else has the GGBA helped your business so far?

6 pm–8 pm Ladle & Leaf, 275 Battery Street

Photos courtesy of Juan Torres

5:30 pm–6 pm Ladle & Leaf, 275 Battery Street

The Power Lunch quickly emerged as GGBA’s signature annual event, and has evolved to include an expo area and a specialized business pitch program, the Power Pitch. The expo provides member businesses with a platform to fully engage with clients, prospective clients, press, and attendees on how and why their ser vices can be of unique benefit.

Power Lunch 2020 March 6

Message from Leadership

present their company and services to a select panel of supplier diversity rep resentatives from leading companies in various industries. Power Pitch partici pants have generated millions of dollars in new revenue and opened up new ver ticals for their businesses, and this year’s event is expected to build on that incred ible success.

5:30 pm–6 pm Location TBD

GGBA Member Spotlight

This month’s spotlight GGBA member business is Torres Wine Tours, which spe cializes in creating safe, fun, and memo rable wine tasting tours in Sonoma, Napa, and beyond. It is LGBT owned and oper ated. Owner Juan Torres shares more for this issue of the San Francisco Bay Times.


The theme for 2020 will be “Diversity.” W San Francisco Hotel 181 3rd

GGBA Member Roundtable

For more information, email: Register to attend:

6 pm–8 pm Location TBD,email

Brett Andrews

leaders in responding to the homeless crisis, implement ing solutions to get people off the streets.

I am working to take action at the local level, for the City of Oakland to seek to obtain properties that are planned to be auctioned, and in partnership with community-based organizations, to protect and provide them as affordable housing. With the magnitude of the housing crisis facing our state, we need these strategies to be supported.

time. It’s a complicated issue with no magic solution. We will get there. It’s just a mat ter of when.

Opening of First Housing Program for Transgender Adults

We are poised for change. A deep look into San Francisco’s service delivery model reveals a strong foun dation of services and robust data about our marginalized population, but also a siloed and uncoordinated system of care structure with lim ited capacity to share information.

There are thousands of properties being sold by govern ment agencies that are not currently following a policy of affordable housing prioritization. As you know, many thousands of properties are sold each year by county gov ernments, including numerous properties that have hous ing on them already, often vacant, and thus, are a great potential supply of affordable housing.


The dissonance is most striking in comparison with Scandinavian coun tries that spend considerably less on both health care per capita and as a

Addressing the Homeless Crisis

The result gives individuals the nec essary tools and support to move from crisis to stabilization, to reshape and reclaim their destiny: just the kind of social investment the crisis of poverty and health in San Francisco will require.

Governors Brown and Newsom, in partnership with the State Legislature, have made homeless ness a top priority for the last cou ple of years and will continue to do so. Because of a budget surplus, California is able to support local

On a local level, we observe these dynamics in the health of people liv ing on our streets. Homelessness is a growing problem in San Francisco, and health issues are a primary cause, consequence, and crutch of homelessness. Despite spending approximately $300 million annu ally on homelessness, service out comes for San Francisco’s homeless population have remained relatively unchanged over the past decade.

I hope that some of our State legislators who have been championing affordable housing would consider bringing State legislation that give Cities and Counties the right of first refusal for parcels put on County Auctions that could then be preserved as affordable housing. This is one of many steps we can do not just to increase our affordable housing stock, but also to deter speculation.

Phil Ting represents the 19th Assembly District, which includes the Westside of San Francisco along with the communities of Broadmoor, Colma, and Daly City.

Late last year, the Point-in-Time Count, a census of homelessness, revealed even more extreme numbers and statistics—and increasing health issues. The number of unhoused San Franciscans increased by nearly 1,000 to approximately 8,000. For two out of three of these individu als, up to 16% over two years, health conditions limit their ability to hold a job, live in stable housing, or to take care of themselves. Given these his

As state leaders, we know we need to do more. The latest poll by the Public Policy Institute of California found homelessness is the most important issue residents want us to address. We hear you loud and clear.

cialized services into a continuum of treatment and social services.

On Thursday, January 23, Mayor London Breed–accompanied by City officials, community leaders and representatives of Larkin Street Youth Services andTAJA Coalition–celebrated the opening of the first transitional housing program for transgender and gender nonconforming adults. Residents can stay in the new Trans Home, located at 1033 Washington Street, for up to one year or longer if needed, while they seek a permanent home. The three-story building has 13 bedrooms; three kitchens; a shared living area; space for case management, workshops and therapy; and an onsite resident advisor.


The latest federal statistics show the state had more than 151,000 peo ple who were homeless in 2019, a 16% jump from the prior year. It’s most acute in urban areas like San Francisco, where the unsheltered population has topped 8,000. More than one-quarter of them identify as LGBTQ.

For decades, a medically focused paradox has existed within the U.S. health care system. Americans spend substantially more money on health care than any other industrialized nation. So why do we have such rel atively mediocre health outcomes?

In fact, current auction methods generally prioritize sell ing these properties to investors and flippers, by requiring all-cash buyers, and therefore removing potential afford able housing stock from the community. Some of these properties were even previously subjected to predatory foreclosures and wrongful evictions, so to sell them to investment bankers is only compounding injustices.

Manyone-dimensional.localsystemsof care and health and human services nonprof its across the country have needed to restructure, with a priority focus on integration because it works. PRC is a prime example.

Evidence is mounting that physical health outcomes can be improved by integrating social services such as aging care, housing assistance, mental health and substance use treatment, benefits and health care counseling, nutrition programs, employment services, and emergency financial assistance.

Assemblymember Phil Ting

We are facing a stark and rising crisis of housing affordability and home lessness. In our area, homelessness has skyrocketed in recent years, and thousands of our constituents are living in unsafe conditions on the streets. Meanwhile, housing has got ten increasingly expensive and out of reach for many in our commu nity. This is devastating to the fam ilies who are being displaced, and is also undermining the fabric of our community, as our schools struggle to retain teachers, our hospitals face nurse shortages, and working people are pushed further and further out.

From the Frontlines

Councilmember At-Large Rebecca Kaplan was elected in 2008 to serve as Oakland’s citywide Councilmember; she was re-elected in 2016. She also serves on the Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC). Follow Councilmember Kaplan on Twitter (@Kaplan4Oakland ) and Facebook ( ).


Valuing the effectiveness and effi ciency of integrated services, PRC consolidated three organiza tions—Positive Resource Center, a workforce development and legal advocacy agency; Baker Places, a mental health and substance use dis order residential treatment agency; and AIDS Emergency Fund, an emergency financial assistance agency—and designed a framework to de-silo funding sources, center cli ent perspectives, and integrate spe

Our State Can Lead the Way to Obtain Properties on County Auction Lists for Affordable Housing

Leading PRC since 2003, Brett Andrews has overseen PRC’s evo lution from a small HIV/AIDS legal service agency to an integrated social and behavioral health pro vider bent on fighting poverty, stigma and isolation by uplifting marginalized adults and affect ing the social conditions of health. He holds an M.A. in Industrial/ Organizational Psychology from George Washington University, received the San Francisco Pride Celebration’s Heritage Award for 10+ years of service in 2017, and was appointed to the San Francisco Mayor’s Methamphetamine Task Force.

Oakland City Councilmember At-Large, Rebecca Kaplan


Reform director, and Mental Health SF are strong examples of emerg ing and innovative public health and community-based partnerships that aim to serve the complete person. It’s necessary. Fragmentation of health care services doesn’t work. None of us is

Integrating Services in San Francisco to Tackle a Primary Cause and Consequence of Homelessness

San Francisco has taken up the charge of assessing its system of care, with an eye toward integra tion. Recent efforts like the Whole Person Care Initiative, the hiring of San Francisco’s Behavioral Health

Out of the Closet and into City Hall

In 2018, I worked with the mayors of California’s largest cities to create the Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP) and helped direct $500 million from the state bud get for shelters and services. The following year, I secured another $650 million in emergency homeless funds. The additional money will flow toward creating new shelter beds, expanding the mental health workforce, increasing legal assistance for eviction prevention services, and pro viding more rapid rehousing—just to name a few.

allocated to combat homelessness, including rent subsidies and building more housing. I look forward to vetting his plan during the budget process.

San Francisco’s share of the statewide emergency appro priation for homelessness will total more than $67 million. This is on top of the $10 million in state aid I sep arately championed for the City in 2017. We’ve already seen the money in action, with part of it used to open more Navigation Centers, including the latest one along the Embarcadero. These facilities are effective because clients are allowed to bring their belongings while receiv ing services on-site, such as healthcare and finding a job. To further our efforts to build more Navigation Centers, I also authored two pieces of legislation now in effect that streamline the approval process for shelters and allow them to be located on surplus CalTrans land.The state is poised to pro vide even more help.

As Chair of the Assembly Budget Committee, I will be holding a budget hearing soon to ask groups working directly with the homeless what’s working and where we need to improve. I want to make sure our investments are targeted to solve the crisis before we approve more fund ing. Hearing details will be available on my website:

percentage of GDP. Yet they achieve substantially better health outcomes than we Americans do because they invest in social health.

You see the size of encampments growing all over the Bay Area. In addition, there are more and more people living in their cars or RVs. Homelessness persists in California because we have not built enough housing to keep pace with job growth. That has resulted in a shortage of places to live, driving up the cost of existing housing.

toric outcomes, it’s hard to deny the correlation, if not causation, of a fragmented system of care and consid erably less than ideal health and eco nomic outcomes in our community.

The State of California has adopted some laws with the intent to priori tize available properties for afford able housing, but unfortunately, this has not yet worked out to help solve the affordable housing crisis. Fundamentally, we need a great investment in affordable housing and

preservation of affordable housing stock. I want to share a specific example, of possible State legislation, which can help to alleviate this issue.

These properties, which are sold at auction, usually to recover delinquent tax payments, have not so far been held to the State policies described in the surplus lands act, despite providing one of the strongest opportunities to devote publicly-sold properties to affordable housing.

Lesson learned: Actions have con sequences and I would try not to go down that path again.

Looking through her magic mirror straight into the camera, she listed the names of the children she saw out there in television land, and every one of us just knew she would call our names—because she could see us! Parents weren’t all that creative in naming their children back then.

When the day to begin filming rolled around, my mother dressed me in my brand-new short pants, socks, and Buster Brown shoes. I was ready for my “national television debut.” She bought a fabulous new dress and a “Sunday go-to-meeting” hat, so I guess we were both ready for “our” debut—after posing for pictures next to our very fancy DeSoto Adventurer before we left our house!

Photos Courtesy of Dr. Tim Seelig

They opened the door to the elabo rate set and, after all these years, we still can’t figure out exactly what was not to my liking. But something set me off. I don’t know if I didn’t like my outfit or I realized I was going to have to share the stage with other children. Perhaps I was just insulted at having to wait 10 minutes past the call time for my close-up, or I didn’t like the lighting on the set. Most likely, I realized it was “regional.” But for whatever reason, 2-year-old Tim returned and began to cry.

Actions Have Consequences

I had assumed it was a national pro gram, but found out it was regional. Miss Nancy was actually Miss Betty or Miss Cathy in other markets. In fact, my own Miss Debbie may have been famous only where I lived in Texas. But she was the most glamor ous preschool teacher in the world, leading a group of real children through a morning of games and fun.

even the small, grainy screen. Home we Actionswent.have consequences. I had ruined my entire future in television because of my actions.

Dr. Tim Seelig is the Artistic Director of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus.

I had developed my lungs the first two years and my artistry had been honed by listening to my mother teach voice lessons. And because I was something of a ham at a very early age, my mother dressed me up and took me to the open casting call for Romper Room with the divine Miss Debbie. The audition went great. It was pretty nonthreatening. And, lo and behold, I was selected. Oh, the rejoicing was glorious.

This was my first step toward the ultimate—becoming a Mouseketeer! We arrived at the studio and were told to wait in the outer room. I had not yet met Miss Debbie in person, since some underling conducted the auditions. I could not wait.

Regardless, I still “failed” Romper Room. I’m pretty sure I went home, took off my new clothes and Buster Brown shoes and went out to play with my blond cocker spaniel, Honey Boy. He was the first of many won derful canines who accompanied me throughout my life. If a dog is a boy’s best friend, I have had the joy of many best friends over these six decades. I think more than anything, I was sad that I disappointed my stage Mom because she had seemed really excited.


In 1956, there were only three chan nels on television, and those were in black and white. Romper Room had the corner on the market from 1953 to 1994—long before Sesame Street or a big purple dinosaur took over the airwaves.

TLC: Tears, Laughs and Conversation Dr. Tim Seelig

It was a very long ride home. This very day would come back to haunt me exactly 20 years later in Salzburg, Austria. And now, 60 years, after the Romper Room debacle, I’ve been on the big screen and I’m going to be on the small screen! Not regional. Who’s crying now?

There were only about 10 for each gender, so it wasn’t that hard. It would never work today. I see Christie with a “Ch” and I see Kristi with a “K,” and I see Christy with a “y,” and I see Kristi with a “K” and an “i.” And, of course, there’s Krysty with two “y’s.” But I digress.

I just continued doing what I was doing before that life-changing opportunity came my way. There would be others. I had no idea then, of course, that getting up, dusting myself off, and moving on to some thing positive would be the throughline of my life.

I was not to be consoled. The pro ducer spoke with my mother, and not being able to curb my sobs, thanked us for our trou ble and sent us away. Even if I had gotten con trol of myself, my face would have been so blotched from the weep ing that it would renderedhavemeunfitfor

Given that SFGMC is deeply rooted in community, it is a space that can bring the Chorus and community together for events such as master classes, lectures, symposia, and singins for the community to join the InChorus.addition to its season lineup, SFGMC will also host a series of spe cial events at the National LGBTQ Center for the Arts. The goal of its programming is to bring audience members closer to Chorus members and renowned artists and innovative arts organizations.

To view the National LGBTQ Cen ter for the Arts calendar of events, visit

group, but also allows SFGMC to house their administrative offices.

Thanks to the generosity of Gal lagher and others, SFGMC’s cap ital campaign for the building is also humming along, but the esti mated costs are formidable. To date, the SFGMC has raised more than $9 million towards the campaign’s goal of $15 million over three years.

“For over 40 years, SFGMC, has been rehearsing in spaces all over the City, many of which were less than ideal for so many reasons,” Galla

The building affords them the luxury of offer ing the space to other LGBTQ arts organizations and helps focus their mission of creating extraordinary music and experiences that build community, inspire activ ism, and foster compassion at home and around the world. The group does such great work, I just had to

The donations from Gallagher, who was president of the Chorus from 2011 to 2015, will help the SFGMC make improvements to, and pay off the debt on, the National LGBTQ Center for the Arts building at 170 Valencia Street. The SFGMC pur chased the four-floor historic Art Deco property, located near the Cas tro, last year.

For more information about Galla gher:

Realtor Steve Gallagher Is Donating Real Estate Commissions to SFGMC for National LGBTQ Center for the Arts

Realtor Steve Gallagher of the Coldwell Banker Res idential Brokerage San Francisco Pacific Heights office is giving back to our community in a big way.

Gallagher, a San Francisco native, is a top-producing agent in the city. He has been selling real estate in San Francisco since 1995, and was pro filed in the San Francisco Bay Times last year ( )


The money raised includes leader ship gifts of $5 million from found ing Chorus member Terrence Chan, $1 million from the Chorus Board of Directors, and $1 million from Zendesk Founder and CEO Mikkel Svane, along with $250,000 from the

Friends of beloved filmmaker, composer and photographer Dennis Brumm gathered for a celebration and remembrance of his life.

Members and friends of AGUILAS, the organization providing HIV/ AIDS services and information for Latino men, gathered to celebrate the 60th birthday of Rick Camacho.


His focus is on client care; assur ing that the client is always put first and is successful in their real estate endeavors. In this case, he is extend ing such care to the SFGMC.


Celebrations and Passages


He works with buyers and sellers throughout San Francisco, with an emphasis on residential real estate.

to serving as a former president of the Chorus, Gallagher has sung with SFGMC since 1993.

gher says.

The building houses rehearsal and office space, conference rooms, and community engagement spaces.

He recently pledged to donate $30,000 of his 2020 real estate commissions to the 300-member San Fran cisco Gay Men’s Chorus (SFGMC), with funds stemming from a percent age of each home sale.

city of San Francisco and $500,000 from the state of California.

2019, the Trump Administration announced that it would launch a global campaign to end the criminalization of homosex uality as it is still a crime in 70 coun tries around the world, with 13 of them allowing for the death penalty.

• Implementing a ban on transgen der troops that was first proposed in 2017 and that puts an estimated 13,600 transgender individuals at risk of being discharged.

Dr. Marcy Adelman oversees the A ging in Community column. For her summary of current LGBT senior challenges and opportunities, please go by

Signs of the Times Photos

To read the policy brief in full, go to:



Donald Trump’s third year as president, we moved from worry ing that anti-LGBT policies would harm people to seeing the damage of these policies in action,” said Sean Cahill, PhD, Director of Health Policy Research at The Fenway Institute. “The most dramatic exam ples have been the deaths of two transgender women seeking asy lum in the United States who were detained in facilities currently being sued for their alleged abuse of LGBT migrants. Other moves have made LGBT people and people living with HIV much more vulnerable to dis crimination in health care, social ser vices, employment, education, and access to basic government services.”

Other examples of actions taken by the Trump Administration in 2019 that undermine the health and wellbeing of LGBT people and people living with HIV include:

• Proposing a new rule that would remove sexual orientation data collection for foster youth and foster and adoptive parents in the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System.


12 SAN FRANCISCO BAY TIMES JANUARY 30 , 2020 Roland Schembari and Bill Hartman, Co-Founders Randy Alfred, Founding News Editor


Rink Aging in Community messagesValentine’s in the StreetonHardwareBrowniesdisplaywindowatPolk Signs in the window at BicyclesWiggle on Waller Street in the HaightLower

Alegre Home Care is proud to support Dr. Marcy Adelman’s Aging in Community column in the San Francisco Bay Times

• Eliminating disparate impact civil rights regulations, which treat pol icies that are neutral on paper but have an unequal impact in prac tice as forms of discrimination, even if there was no discrimina tory intent.

Amending the 2019 Notice of Funding Availability Act, admin istered by the Department of


Submit events for consideration by e-mail to:

In June, a transgender woman from El Salvador, who spent six weeks in a detention center in New Mexico that has been sued by the ACLU for cre ating “unconscionable conditions” for LGBT immigrants, died after being hospitalized for chest pain. The woman, a nurse, had repeat edly asked for an IV solution or, bar ring that, water, salt, and sugar so she could make and administer her own solution, but was denied medi cal

The Bay Times was the first newspaper in California, and among the first in the world, to be jointly and equally produced by lesbians and gay men. We honor our history and the paper’s ability to build and strengthen unity in our community.

SullivaN JeNNiFer l viegaS co-PuBliSherS & co editorS Beth greeNe Michael delgado aBBy ZiMBerg deSigN & ProductioN kate lawS BuSiNeSS MaNager Blake dilloN caleNdar editor kit keNNedy Poet iN reSideNce J.h herreN techNology director carla raMoS weB coordiNator Mario ordoNeZ diStriButioN

The Fenway Institute of Fenway Health on January 23 released a pol icy brief demonstrating that in 2019, the Trump Administration dramati cally expanded upon discriminatory, anti-LGBT policies implemented in 2017 and 2018 that are harming the health and well-being of LGBTQIA+ people in America and around the

During his 2019 State of the Union address, President Trump announced the Ending the HIV Epidemic Initiative, a new plan to end the HIV epidemic by 2030 with increased investments in outreach and preven tion to communities hit hardest by HIV. But the campaign does little to address anti-LGBT discrimination and stigma, which are the underly ing drivers behind the HIV epidemic among the most disproportionately affected populations in this country.


Rink, Sister Dana Van Iquity, Ann Rostow, Patrick Carney, Kate Kendell, Alex Randolph, Heidi Beeler, Gary M. Kramer, Dennis McMillan, Tom Moon, Tim Seelig, Cinder Ernst, John Chen Rafael Mandelman, Jewelle Gomez, Phil Ting, Rebecca Kaplan, Kin Folkz, Leslie Katz, Philip Ruth, Peter Gallotta, Bill Lipsky, Karen Williams, Donna Sachet, Gary Virginia, Zoe Dunning, Marcy Adelman, Stuart Gaffney & John Lewis Brandon Miller, Jamie Leno Zimron Michele Karlsberg Lyndsey Schlax, Randy Coleman, Debra Walker, Howard Steiermann, Andrea Shorter, Lou Fischer, Karin Jaffie, Brett Andrews, Karen E. Bardsley, David Landis, Jan Wahl

National Advertising: Contact Bay Times / San Francisco. Represented by Rivendell Media: 908-232-2021 Circulation is verified by an independent agency Reprints by permission only.

Meanwhile, the Trump Administration’s work to uphold religious refusal pro tections, repeal nondiscrimination protections for LGBT Americans, and other such actions may actu ally increase discrimination against LGBT people, creating additional barriers to success for the HIV ini

Since the announcement, the Trump Administration has been inconsis tent in implementing its policy. While the U.S. State Department publicly condemned anti-LGBT laws and actions in Chechnya and Brunei, it has been silent on similar anti-LGBT actions taken this year by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kenya. The U.S. Ambassador to Zambia, who criti cized the imprisonment of a gay cou ple there for 15 years, was told to leave the country by Zambia’s pres ident, and was recalled by the U.S. State Department last month.

• Proposing a new rule to reverse the Obama-era final rule imple menting Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which prohibits discrimination in the provision of health care. The 2016 Section 1557 rule was imple mented to address anti-LGBT dis

• Nominating judges for lifetime federal appointments who have expressed anti-LGBT sentiments and/or have histories of ruling against the interests of LGBT Americans.

dr. Betty l.

Rink, Phyllis Costa, Jane Higgins Paul Margolis, Chloe Jackman, Bill Wilson, Jo-Lynn Otto, Sandy Morris, Abby Zimberg, Deborah Svoboda, Morgan Shidler, JP Lor


• Arguing before the U.S. Supreme Court in favor of limiting exist ing nondiscrimination provisions under Title VII that have been used to protect LGBT workers.

Housing and Urban Development, to remove a crucial incentive that encouraged housing provid ers to support LGBT individuals. LGBTQ youth and transgender people, especially people of color, experience disproportionately high rates of homelessness.

• Finalizing a rule that allows healthcare providers to refuse to participate in medical procedures, such as infertility treatment for same-sex couples, abortion, and HIV treatment for religious reasons.

Policy Brief Demonstrates How Trump Administration Expanded Policies and Practices Harmful to LGBT People

© 2020 Bay Times Media Company Co-owned by Betty L. Sullivan & Jennifer L. Viegas

crimination in health care, which can range from being verbally or physically harassed to being denied treatment altogether.

aveNue oaklaNd ca

Much of the harm LGBT people are now experiencing is the result of discriminatory actions that tar get them, such as rolling back sexual orientation and gender identity non discrimination provisions in health care, employment, and housing while expanding discriminatory reli gious refusal policies. But other pol icies that are not specifically aimed at LGBT people, such as restricting asylum hearings in the U.S. only to people who have been denied asylum in another country, and the maltreat ment of people in border detention facilities, have disproportionately affected LGBT people from Central America seeking asylum to escape anti-LGBT violence.

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The Bay Times is proud to be the only newspaper for the LGBT community in San Francisco that is 100% owned and operated by LGBT individuals.



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by the Trump Administration aimed at improv

ing the conditions of LGBT peo ple around the world and ending the transmission of HIV have been undermined by the administration’s own anti-LGBT policies.

• Proposing a new rule to remove explicit sexual orientation and gender identity nondiscrimination provisions from important health care regulations governing health insurance exchanges, Medicaid regulations, and the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly.

Custom ad sizes are available. Ads are reviewed by the publishers.

• Proposing a new rule to remove regulatory provisions that explic itly prohibit organizations that receive HHS grant funding from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation, gender iden tity, sex, and religion. Such a rule would affect organizations that provide a wide array of health and social services, including health care at federally funded com munity health centers, HIV and STI testing and prevention, refu gee resettlement, elder care pro grams, childcare and after-school programs, community meal pro grams, and adoption and foster care services.

• Proposing an amendment to the Equal Access Rule, which ensures that homeless shelters do not dis criminate based on sexual orienta tion or gender identity.


Can we all adopt puppies?

patience to watch the other two offerings, but as I’ve said before, it’s a bit unnerving to realize that small children can watch porn all day if they’re clever about it. We had to read Candy aloud to each other in the attic. Also, since when can you just file a ridiculous class action law suit? What court would green light this kind of litigation?

Build The Wall

Buzzfeedmandates.citedTrump’s head of domestic policy, Joe Grogan, who said the High Court’s ruling in a 2017 Missouri church and state case now means that laws prohibiting reli gious entities from receiving taxpayer monies are basically obsolete. But that case centered on the question

In the interests of research, I just watched Hot Step Aunt Babysits Disobe dient Nephew and I kind of see Yaro slov’s point. The 15-minute clip is almost all talk between the cute aunt and the nephew, whose face we never see. The sex is at the end, but before that, all they do is talk about what to have for lunch and whether he’s allowed to leave the house or watch TV. The guy is college age at least and the aunt is about the same age, so the babysitting premise is a stretch. That said, if you paid Yaro slav for the damage he incurred by missing the gist of their conversation, he’d have to give you change from a Idollar.lackthe

Readers,mean-spirited.Iam becoming one of these hostile people. Not only do I want Democrats to win the presidency and the Senate, along with every thing else, but I want Trump types to suffer. I’ve always hated Trump. But now my animosity extends to a vast swath of my fellow countrymen and women. No longer am I content with rolling my eyes and moving on from disturbing political actors. Now I want to see them wracked with despair and frustration.


In tennis news (I know you’ve been waiting), it’s time for the Austra lian Open, one of the four grand slam tournaments that create a small lacuna in the deep connection that pervades my happy marriage. Mel

Recently, I read an article wondering why conservative Christians believe in Hell, given that the concept is not a main driver of faith in scripture. Indeed, the new testament empha sizes love and heavenly salvation, and if I’m not mistaken, this para dise is available to the worst of sin ners as long as we repent. Piece of cake! Who among us hasn’t repented our sins? I usually feel badly about them as soon as I wake up the next

By Ann Rostow

Mean Girl

of whether a church-sponsored pre school could participate in a public program that provided material from recycled tires for use in playgrounds.

To our rescue comes my favorite cousins, who have suggested that we discuss a class action lawsuit filed against Pornhub by one Yaroslav Suris. Suris, who is deaf, insists that Pornhub is violating his rights under the Americans with Disability Act by neglecting to offer captions on its videos. According to TMZ, Suris bemoans the fact that he missed the dialogue on shows including Hot Step Aunt Babysits Disobedient Nephew, Sexy Cop Gets Witness to Talk , and Daddy 4K—Allison Comes to Talk About Money to Her Boys’ Naughty Father

I recognize that this is not a gay story. But I know that some members of my beloved gay male audience have a stake in this injustice. Suris is seeking an unspecified amount in damages, as well as an order to make Pornhub caption its shows. Pornhub, in turn, says it does have captions on at least some of its features.

Not only did seven justices join the majority (indicating the case was not meant to undermine settled law), but Chief Justice Roberts also made clear in a footnote that the case “involves express discrimination based on reli gious identity with respect to play ground resurfacing” and was not addressing “religious uses of funding or other forms of discrimination.”

GLBT Fortnight in Review

is that there’s something churlish about a belief in Hell. You recall the expression “success is not enough, others must fail?” That’s what Hell is designed for. The VIP pass to Heaven is only valuable if the rest of us can’t make it past the vel vet ropes. It’s even more satisfying if some of us are subsequently relegated to the Satanic dive bar with watered down drinks made from cheap booze and a broken air conditioner. It’s

Next to nothing, given that the High Court has just heard oral arguments in a related appeal that could make the Missouri case irrelevant. Basi cally, the justices are about to decide whether public money can be allo cated to religious schools through voucher programs, an opinion that could simultaneously turn the Con stitution on its head and destroy pub lic school funding in a single blow.

Here’s Johnny!

So, no, Mr. Grogan. The High Court has not opened the door to sending millions of public dollars to church groups. But what can we do about it?

Porn Break

(continued on page 26)


Let’sfloodgates.startwith the separation of Church and State, once enforced by a metaphorical wall, but increas ingly marked by a fuzzy limbo zone where almost anything goes. January 16 was apparently “religious freedom day” celebrated in Trumpville by new policies at nine federal agencies that allow church groups and reli gious actors to receive many grants on the same basis as secular organi zations in stark violation of constitu tional

This is where we are. This is where the election of 2016 has taken us.

I had to end that last section because my blood was boiling. Where’s my puppy? I can’t even move on to the anti-transgender lawmakers in vari ous state legislatures because I need an attitude adjustment.

Part of the reason I began this col umn in such a funk is because my news list includes a new Trump push for “religious freedom,” aka “GLBT discrimination,” along with antitransgender legislative proposals from around the country. After mar riage equality became law in 2015, we saw a bit of a backlash, but it wasn’t too bad. That “bit of a back lash” took hold once Trump and Pence won office, and with their encouragement it has grown into a steady beat down. Worse, our prob lems won’t end with Democratic victories now that our courts are infected with the many incompetent bigots who have slipped onto our fed eral courts through the Senate’s open

There was an op-ed in the Times the other day by a Black man who can no longer tolerate the micro racism he has accommodated in the past, and now finds himself possessed by anger at every turn. I don’t have to deal with racism, but I too am filled with caustic emotions. I can no lon ger watch Trump Republicans on TV or stomach their voices or absorb coverage of the administration’s lat est cruelty. And if I, the easy going, laissez faire woman of the world whom I like to see in the mirror, has internalized such venom, what is happening to the rest of America? How will we heal ourselves?

Sarris’ concern for youth and their development is genuine, given the difficulties that he experienced when growing up. Adopted, Sar ris was sent to live with various fos ter families. At the age of 12, he met Pomo basket weaver and Tribal medicine woman Mabel McKay, who became his mentor and

“It’s all about dignity in the workplace,” he said. “We have 2,000 team members and everyone who works here gets the Kaiser gold Cadillac health plan. If you work 20 or more hours a week, you pay nothing out of your paycheck and both with the team mem bers and with the guests, there is an overrid ing policy here that I have established: The only thing we don’t tolerate is intolerance. I love walking around here on Friday and Sat urday nights seeing LGBTQ guests walking around being comfortable.”

A former professor of English at UCLA, Sarris was one of the first academics to develop gay and les bian literature courses. He still teaches, holding the Graton Ran cheria Endowed Chair in Writ ing and Native American Studies at Sonoma State University—not far from where he was raised.

“My sexuality was always just a part of who I was,” Sarris said. “I never denied it, but I was always adamant to advocate and make sure that LGBTQ people were not only rep resented, but protected.”

was the last living mem ber of the Long Valley Cache Creek Pomo Tribe,” Sarris said. “She taught me about Native customs and traditions. She gave me a sense of purpose.”

He later wrote her biography, the critically acclaimed Mabel McKay: Weaving the Dream (1994).

After significant lobbying, again led by Sarris, then Governor Jerry Brown in March 2012 signed a gaming compact with the Tribe to conduct Class III gaming. The compact was ratified by the Cal ifornia Legislature and approved by the Secretary of the Interior in July 2012.

Graton Casino, which opened in November 2013, is located on Graton Rancheria, the land of the Coast Miwok and Southern Pomo peoples. Greg Sarris’ testimony before Congress was key to the re-establishment of the Tribe’s federal recognition in 2000.

Author Greg Sarris frequently speaks about his heritage at youth group events.

Greg Sarris, introduced by former State Senator Mark Leno, was honored at the Golden Gate Business Association Power Lunch. (2018)

His most recent literary work, How a Mountain Was Made, is a collection of interconnected original stories that were inspired by traditional Coast Miwok and Southern Pomo tales. The stories are timeless in their wisdom and beauty, and because of this timeless

The Federated Indians of the Graton Racheria


He especially had such subjects in mind in 1992, when, at the begin ning of his teaching career at UCLA as an assistant professor, he got word of another tribe attempt ing to establish a casino at Tomales Bay. This tribe was not Coast Miwok or Southern Pomo and was well out of its ancestral territory, he Sarrisexplained.immediately notified and consulted with his Tribal elders, and soon after called the first meeting to reorganize the Federated Indians of the Graton Rancheria. He led the push for restoration of the Tribe as being federally recognized. It took years of gathering records, fam ily histories, and interviews of all who were descended from the origi nal Tribal members in order for this evidence to be submitted to the U.S. Department of the Interior.


“We are at the forefront of organizing farms to grow organic produce for all of our elders,” Sarris says. “We are currently designing much larger farms so that we can supply our team dining room with organic Hefoods.”said that he and his Tribe have donated $9 million to environmen tal causes in just the past six years. They were also key to the establish ment and passage of Measure M in 2018. Through a one-eighth cent sales tax, it provides dedicated funding for Sonoma County’s regional and city parks for ten years (as of its going into effect in April 2019).


“Mabel McKay was so important to me,” Sarris emphasized. “She said that the richest people, when they die, are the ones with the most sto ries. The only way that you can get stories is to live long enough.”

ness their mes sages are vital and immediate. The figures in the stories pon der the meaning of leadership, of their place within the land scape, and decades.eredselfSarrissubjectscommunity—theirthathashimwellconsidoverthe


Among the First to Develop LGBT Curriculum

Finally, eight years later, Greg coauthored the Graton Rancheria Restoration Act, 25 U.S.C. §1300n (Act) with California Indian Legal Services. “Senator Barbara Boxer attached it to another bill and intro duced it to Congress on May 25, 2000,” Sarris said. “President Clin ton signed the Act into law on December 27 of that year, officially granting the Tribe status as a fed erally recognized tribe. The Act mandated that the Secretary of the Interior take land in the Tribe’s aboriginal territory of Marin or Sonoma Counties into trust as the Tribe’s reservation. This was only the Sarrisbeginning.”spearheaded the effort to build a casino at the location, and in April 2003 solicited bids for business partners. The Tribe entered into an agreement with Station Casinos, Inc., to acquire land for its Reserva tion to develop and manage a desti nation resort hotel and casino. The Tribe borrowed over $225 million from Station Casinos for the pur chase of the property that became the Tribe’s Reservation and for the pre-development costs of the Graton Resort and Casino.

Greg Sarris Novelist, Screenwriter, Professor, and Indian Chief

Stewards of the Land


All of this means traffic, trash, needed water use, and the usual impacts associated with human activity. The land was once envi sioned, however, as the site of a large retail shopping center that would be annexed into the city limits of Rohnert Park. It is hard to imagine that the shopping center developers would be as concerned about environmental issues as Sarris is.

Discovery of Pomo Ancestry

Sarris is indeed a survivor with sto ries. His adopted parents divorced when he was a teenager, further destabilizing any sense of family security. He knew about his biolog ical mother, who when unwed had given him up for adoption. But it was not until he was a graduate stu dent at Stanford University that he learned about his biological father: Emilio Arthur Hilario, a man of Fil ipino, Miwok, and—like McKay— Pomo Sarris’descent.journey

Dignity in the Workplace

Greg Sarris is a renowned author, scholar, teacher, and Chairman of the Federated Indians of Gra ton Rancheria, which is the site of the well-known Graton Resort & Casino. His identity as a gay indi vidual, as well as being biracial, has helped to shape all aspects of his work, including restoring and rebuilding his Tribe that is now fed erally recognized as an American Indian Nation.


He added during a recent inter view with the San Francisco Bay Times : “There are no other very vis ible American Indians tribal lead ers who are gay. I now serve on the board of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian. We work on rewriting curriculum, and we’re working with Governor Gavin Newsom to get that required in schools.”

Mentored by a Tribal Medicine Woman and Basket Weaver

(continued on page 26)

He added, “I’m very proud that we have several transgender people working for us, including several beverage servers. I’m also proud that we have Spanish to English and English to Spanish classes on site. We had dreams of providing great jobs for people and college scholarships. We have done that over the past seven years, and that makes me happy.”

to learn more about his roots has inspired numerous highly acclaimed books, includ ing Keeping Slug Woman Alive: A Holis tic Approach to American Indian Texts (1993), a widely anthologized collec tion of essays; Grand Avenue (1994), an awarded collection of short sto ries that was adapted for an HBO miniseries of the same name that was co-executive produced by Robert Redford; and Water melon Nights (1999), which was adapted for a play by the Santa Rosa Junior College Theatre Arts Department. He has also written plays for Pieces of the Quilt, Intersection Theatre, and the Mark Taper Forum.

With the Graton Resort & Casino now established, along with an elegant Spa & Salon, Sarris as Tribal Chairman works to ensure that the overall business is inclusive for employees and guests.

Graton is now one of the biggest and busiest casinos in California, with more than 3,300 slot machines and 131 table games. That is not even taking into account the guests who come for the fine restaurants, the Spa with its Valentine’s chocolate manicures and ped icures, and the concerts that often sell out quickly. (The upcoming REO Speedwagon, Chris D’Elia, and Gabriel Iglesias shows, for example, all sold out in a flash.)

Carla Munoz (Costanoan Rumsen, Carmel)

Dessiree Munoz (Costanoan Rumsen, Carmel)

Who should attend: Everyone is welcome. This will be a family-friendly, clean and sober event. Street attire is encouraged for nonNatives. No costumes allowed. This event will be wheelchair-accessible.

BAAITS Board Chair Amelia Vigil welcomes attendees to the powwow saying, “This is a space for all of us to gather respectfully and cel ebrate Native traditions. Whether you are African-American, Native American, White, gay, straight, transgender, whoever you are and wherever your roots originated, come with curi osity and kindness and you will enjoy the com pany of 5,000 likeminded good and connected people as we celebrate traditions of music and art and Powwowtogetherness.”ChairandBoard

The Urban Indian Health Institute (UIHI) reports that there were 5712 cases of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls in 2016 alone and, of those, only 116 were logged into the Department of Justice database. UIHI further reports that murder is the third leading cause of death among American Indian/ Alaskan/Native women.

Marc Goggles-Keka (Wichita & Affiliated Tribes)

The powwow will feature several head dancers who will honor the event as leaders:


Arena Director

When: February 8, 10 am–6 pm

Given such problems concerning violence and discrimination, the Bay Area American Indian Two-Spirits (BAAITS) Two-Spirits Powwow this year will be in service to the missing and murdered Indigenous women and Two-Spirits. As Powwow Committee Member Roger Kuhn told the San Francisco Bay Times, “BAAITS is committed to bringing attention to this international crisis.”

A powwow is a traditional Native American event that gathers all tribes as well as inviting non-Native guests to learn more about Native cultures. Last year the event welcomed more than 5,000 people and an even larger crowd is expected this year. Vendors will be on site selling fry bread, buffalo burgers, Native art and jew elry, and other crafts. This powwow will feature several hours of ceremonial honor dances, contest dances, and a drum con test; all powwow dancers and drums will be “Two-Spirit”welcome.

Head Dancers


Head Gourd Dancer

Honoring the Lives of Missing and Murdered

Northern Drum: Blue Medicine Well Southern Drum: Southern Pride

Image of Buffalo Barbie by Lina Blanco-Ogden

World’s Largest Public Two-Spirit Powwow Set for February 8 at Fort Mason

For more information, see the public database “It Starts With Us” ( ) and GLAAD’s resources concerning the Transgender Day of Remembrance, an annual observance on November 20 ( ).

2020 TWO-SPIRIT POWWOW In the 2020 the march

is a Native American term for people with both female and male energies. Two-Spirits may (or may not) also identify as lesbian, gay, bisex ual, transgender, or queer. Traditionally Two-Spirit people often held—and many still hold— honored positions in their Native American and First Nations communities. TwoSpirit is a pan-tribal term—it is rooted in the Anishinaabe term describing such individuals: “niizh manidoowag.” This translates literally as “two spirits,” embodying both the feminine and the masculine in all of us. Two-Spirit is an addi tion, not a replacement term, for Indigenous communities that already have a term to signify gender and sexual orientation variance.


Member, Roger

L. Frank Manriquez (Tongva-Acjachemen) Coy McLemore (Kiowa)


HRC shares that “fatal violence disproportionately affects transgender women of color, and that the intersections of racism, sexism, homophobia, biphobia, trans phobia, and unchecked access to guns conspire to deprive them of employment, housing, healthcare, and other necessities, barriers that make them vulnerable.”

“Native American women are victims of violence far greater than any population in the country simply because of who we are as Native women, and what we rep resent, our tribal nations,” Lisa Brunner, Co-Director of the Indigenous Women’s Human Rights Collective, told The Center for Public Integrity.

Eric Kimple (Blackfeet)

Erik Ramone (Aaniih/Diné)

Where: Fort Mason, 2 Marina Blvd, San Francisco

At this powwow all Two-Spirits and LGBTQI people and their allies from all over the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Central America get a chance to come together to celebrate Native cul ture, build community, and express themselves.


Kuhn (Poarch Creek), adds, “The powwow rep resents a place where Two-Spirit people and their allies come together to celebrate commu nity, friendship, and love. The BAAITS pow wow is unique in that we do not gender the dance categories—all dancers are welcome in any of the dances. It is the mission of BAAITS to help Two-Spirit people return to the circle of healing. Our powwow is one way in which we work to accomplish this goal. The powwow is an incredibly exhilarating experience.”

Parking: Pay lot on site; limited free street parking off site. Elders parking: Limited avail ability, first come, first parked.

Beverly Little Thunder (Standing Rock Lakota)

Opening Prayer

On Saturday, February 8, the 9th Annual Bay Area American Indian Two-Spirits (BAAITS) Two-Spirits Powwow will be held at Fort Mason-Festival Pavilion in San Francisco from 10 am to 6 pm with featured dancers making their Grand Entry at Noon. This event will be free and open to the public. BAAITS is the first established and largest public Two-Spirit powwow in the world.

Cost: Free, donations welcome at the door or at


we continue to rise above the adversity and grow stronger with each other.

What I am most looking for ward to at the 2020 powwow is seeing the many friends I have made over the years and feeling the love that comes from being a part of TwoSpirit community.

Every time the Grand Entry takes place at the annual Bay Area American Indian Two-Spirits (BAAITS) Two-Spirits Powwow, Roger Kuhn is moved by the power ful experience. “There is a place where I belong,” explains the Two-Spirit Kuhn, who also identifies as being gay. Kuhn recently shared more with us about his personal connection to the powwow and to Native life.

Two-Spirit powwow is orga nized by an all-volunteer committee of mostly Native and Two-Spirit identified people and their allies. The powwow is also a community funded event. If you wish to make a donation, please visit

Roger Kuhn of BAAITS Feels the Two-Spirit Community Love

San Francisco Bay Times: It’s our understanding that your heritage is Poarch Creek. What lessons can all of us today learn from such Native American Rogerculture?Kuhn:

Indigenous Trans and Two-Spirits SAN FRANCISCO BAY TIMES LGBTQ News & Calendar for the Bay Area CELEBRATING FOUR DECADES (1978–2020) BAAITSOFCOURTESYIMAGE

I am an enrolled member of the Poarch Band of Creek Indians. We are the only federally recognized tribe in the state of Alabama. Many of my family members, includ ing my mother, make their home on the Poarch reservation. One of the greatest lessons that I have learned from my community is the power of resiliency. Even though our people and our culture have been oppressed and marginalized,

San Francisco Bay Times: Outside of the BAAITS Powwow, what other events do you recommend that those of us who are interested in Native American culture attend here in Northern California?

Roger Kuhn: Northern California has some great Native American offerings. My first sug gestion is to know the people and the culture upon whose land we now reside. Learn about the Ohlone people, attend the Ohlone Big Time Gathering, eat at the Café Ohlone ( ). There are several powwows that happen throughout the Bay Area, including the Stanford Powwow, Indigenous Peoples Day Powwow in Berkeley, and the Richmond

Roger Kuhn: I have been a member of the BAAITS community since moving to the Bay Area 8 years ago. Having been involved with other Two-Spirit organizations before join ing BAAITS, I knew that upon moving to a new city, community would be important for me. Being a part of Two-Spirit community is where I feel most comfortable. I joined the BAAITS board shortly after arrival and spent 3 1/2 years as the Board Chair. My current role is Board Member and Powwow Committee Member.


Thewebsites:Bureau of Indian viahousesUniversity.AndTheassistance.helpfulBAAITS,sincelibrariesoftennotonlyhouseresources,buttheymayalsooffergenealogyresearchclassesorprovideotherrelatedSanFranciscoPublicLibrary’sgenealogyresourcesarelistedat:,locatedonthecampusofSanFranciscoState(It’sinroom610oftheJ.PaulLeonardLibrary,1630Holloway).TheSutroLibrarythelargestgenealogycollectionwestofSaltLakeCity!Itemscanbeborrowedfromthereinterlibraryloan.’sNativeAmericanHeritage

KUHNROGEROFCOURTESYPHOTO 2020 Women’s March held on January 18 in San Francisco, a large contingent of Indigenous women were visible near the front as proceeded on Market Street. PHOTOS BY MORGAN SHIDLER

While Bay Area American Indian Two-Spirits (BAAITS) does not have the capacity to help peo ple trace their family histories, the organization does suggest that you check out the following


Historically, tribal nations have used a variety of ways to determine an individual’s heritage. One of the more modern tools is genetic testing and analysis from popular services like 23andMe and Ancestry. The results from such services, however, often lead to individuals having even more questions about their family heritage, including those who have likely or possible Native American ancestry.

San Francisco Bay Times: What are you most looking forward to at the 2020 Rogerpowwow?Kuhn:

San Francisco Bay Times: Please tell us about yourself and how you became involved with BAAITS.

Photos courtesy of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus and Paul Margolis

SFGMC Launches Public Phase of Capital Campaign for National LGBTQ Center for the Arts

On the evening of Wednesday, January 15, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus (SFGMC) launched the public phase of its capital campaign to support the National LGBTQ Center for the Arts with a reception featuring remarks from Mayor London Breed, California State Senator Scott Wiener, Honorary Chair Sharon Stone, SFGMC Artistic Director and San Francisco Bay Times columnist Dr. Timothy Seelig, Campaign Chair Edward Sell, and SFGMC Executive Director Chris Verdugo. The evening also featured performances from members of SFGMC, San Francisco Bay Area Theatre Company, Opera Parallèle, San Francisco Philharmonic, and the Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir. There were docent-led tours of the building, and other activities.

Disco Coalition Honors Donna Sachet

event included attendees Sister Dana Van Iquity, also of the San Francisco Bay Times; Supervisor Rafael Mandelman, who presented a Certificate of Honor from the SF Board of Supervisors; Ken Hamai; hostess Suzan Revah; and many more. (See Sachet’s column in this issue on page 19.) State Senator Scott Wiener presented Sachet—dazzling in a trademark vivid red dress—with another Commendation, this time from the Senate. The benefit raised needed $’s for the AIDS Emergency Fund and PRC. To read about other Queeros, go to:



The three-year, $15 million campaign will secure and refurbish the new building and create a long-term financial foundation for SFGMC with a permanent endowment. In addition to the money donated by Realtor Steve Gallagher of Coldwell Banker (see page 11 of this issue), the remaining $6 million will be raised through the generous support of other individuals, foundations, and businesses. Naming opportunities for iconic spaces within the new building include the auditorium, production studio, main lobby, second and third floor lobbies, conference rooms, offices, dressing rooms, the roof, and the building

The Disco Coalition is an organization that, among other efforts, hosts happy hours at the Lookout, with 100 percent of the proceeds from 5 pm–8 pm benefiting an LGBTQ charity. Tito’s Vodka matches the money raised, up to $1000, for each of the events. The Coalition also honors Queeros, or queer individu als who have driven and inspired positive change through their vision, sacrifices, dedication, and activism.

On Friday, January 24, the honoree was legendary performer and San Francisco Bay Times columnist Donna


Photos by Paul Margolis

in the Jungle, when Reigning Emperor Terrill Grimes and Reigning Empress Baby Shaques complete their reign and their successors are

Hosted by Emperor John Carrillo and Empress Misty Blue The HA-RA Club, 875 Geary Street 7 pm www.imperialcouncilsf.orgFree!Friday,February21

he campaign for Emperor & Empress of San Francisco is in full swing with Bill Bulkley running for Emperor and Migitte Nielsen and Mimi Osa competing for Empress. It is hard to believe that the Imperial Court has been around for over 50 years, each year offering approved candidates for each title and giving the public the opportunity to select the winners. For over 50 years, individuals have stepped up to volunteer their time, energy, and talents to the community in this way, giving rise to over 70 Imperial Court chapters across the continent in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. And for over 50 years, the Imperial Court of San Fran cisco has provided glamorous, entertaining events, raised incredible amounts of money for a variety of charitable organizations, and helped to develop the next generation of leaders in the LGBTQ Community.

Saturday night, it was time to check out the recent overhaul of The Café on Market Street. Spectacular! Ascend the legendary staircase and behold a sparkling modern club, dazzling with lights, huge video screens, and dynamic speakers. What was once a series of connected rooms is now a unified space with multiple levels, high ceilings, sprawling bars, and visual stimulation everywhere. That night was dedicated to a birthday celebration for our friend and tal ented performer Mahlae Balenciaga, who accepted the adulation with glee. Longtime friend Lady Tia, in cognito, joined us and seemed equally amazed with the transfor mation. She has a long history with The Café, and we traded stories of yesteryear with abandon. Next time the urge to dance hits you in the Castro, may we sug gest The BeforeCafé!wesign off, we want to bring special atten tion to an event right around the corner: The Academy of Friends 40th Anniversary Gala, Sunday, February 9. This has always been one of the premier events in San Francisco, but this year it promises even more with a new location, 110 Embarcadero; new beneficiary, SF LGBT Asylum Project; and a Ruby Red theme! Come watch the Academy Awards, watch the resplen dent outfits, and support a great cause!

Last Thursday, we joined a small, but generous group at Chambers, the restaurant of the Phoenix Hotel, to celebrate the success of ACTi vate, a new program supporting the SF AIDS Foundation. We had the pleasure of emceeing the inaugural ACTivate Breakfast in December, where over $450,000 was committed to support the many programs of this organization that touch over 25,000 individuals in our City. Speak ers were brief, but CEO Joe Hollendoner thanked all involved in this new and obviously well received effort. If you are curious about the work of the SF AIDS Foundation, they are conducting tours, called Zero in Mission Tours, at the Strut location on Castro Street, where you’ll learn about their strategic plan, ongoing programs, and opportunities to par ticipate yourself. Contact them directly to schedule your tour.

Imperial Monarchs’AnniversaryReception

Local performers and Imperial thank you’s Hamburger Mary’s, 531 Castro Street 7 pm www.imperialcouncilsf.orgFree!Thursday,February20

Imperial in Town Show

Voting Day for Emperor & Empress of San Francisco Castro MUNI Station, Noon–6 pm Project Open Hand, 11 am–4 pm Powerhouse, 1 pm–5 pm www.imperialcouncilsf.orgFree!Wednesday,February19


Calendar a/la Sachet

Final thanks from Emperor Terrill Grimes & Empress Baby Shaques Park Central Hotel, 50 Third Street 11:30 am$40

Every Sunday Sunday’s a Drag! 10:30 am Brunch, 11:30 am Show Donna Sachet, Lady Tia, Mahlae & guest stars The Empire Ballroom of the Sir Francis Drake Hotel

Imperial Out of Town Show Entertainers from across the continent Park Central Hotel, 50 Third Street 7 pm$25SaturdayFebruary22

Last year, the Disco Coalition announced their formation with “the col lective intention of shepherding queerkind toward a brighter future.” With so many among us wringing our hands about the future, we applaud a group that is taking action! Their most recognizable effort to date is a series of happy hours at Lookout recognizing local Queeros, individuals who have made or are currently making a difference in the LGBTQ Community. With additional support from Tito’s Handmade Vodka, this series of events has raised an ongo ing total of $65,598 for a wide variety of organizations while honoring people like Dennis Peron, Alan Turing, Mark Bingham, Juanita MORE!, Sylvester, and José Sarria. We joined this illustrious list of honorees last Fri day with hostess Suzan Revah, DJ Paul Goodyear, and tons of friends and supporters including Gary Virginia, Richard Landry, Steven Satyri con, Ron Huberman, Troy Arnold & Ira Olney, Rusty Best, Frankie Fernandez, and Joanie Juster, raising over $1000 for PRC. Even State Sen ator Scott Wiener and City Supervisor Rafael Mandelman dropped by with certificates and kind words! Imagine raising significant money for wor thy charities simply by gathering like-minded people in a welcoming venue for happy hour! Thanks go to Lookout’s Chris Hastings, Aaron Wes sels, and the people behind Disco Coalition, especially Jose Medina (@captainmagenta) for the artwork depicting us in classic attire and pose.

Donna Sachet is a celebrated performer, fundraiser, activist and philanthropist who has dedicated over two decades to the LGBTQ Community in San Fran cisco. Contact her at

“Everywhere immigrants have enriched and strengthened the fabric of American life.”

Over the next few weeks, get to meet the candidates as they host events across the City, expressing their love of San Francisco, energiz ing their supporters, and sharing their vision for the future. Never forget that the Imperial Court was started by José Sarria, the first openly Gay person to run for political office in the United States and by a hearty group of individuals committed to empowering the LGBTQ Community. So many of the organizations that provide essential services to us today were founded and/or supported by the Imperial Court. Review our adjacent calendar of events for a comprehensive list of the goings-on of this organization during its busi est month of the year and we especially hope to see you on Saturday, February 22, at San Francisco’s 55th Imperial Coronation, Disco


–Former President John F. Kennedy (1917–1963)

By Donna Sachet


SF’s 55th Imperial Coronation: Disco in the Jungle Spectacular pageantry, luxurious costumes, generous charity Park Central Hotel, 50 Third Street 6 pm$70Sunday,February23

Imperial Victory Brunch


Evening Show last Saturday night at Ham burger Mary’s was a great success, uniting a variety of per formers for a lively show and raising over $1000 for the Monarchs’ charity fund to be distributed at Imperial Cor onation in February. Reigning Empress Baby Shaques is to be congratulated for organizing this unusual event and for gathering an enthusiastic audience. Additional Empresses per forming were Galilea, Renita Valdez, Emma Peel, Alexis Miranda, Patty McGroin, Angelina Josephina Manicotti, Mercedez Munro, and this humble columnist, with Marlena in attendance. Each Empress brought her best, covering a wide range of musical styles and personal images and truly demonstrating the many faces of the Empress of San Francisco. We thank everyone for their support and tips, especially the Emperors who were there cheering us on. Rumor has it that a similar effort on their behalf may be in the works!$75Sunday,February9

Donna’s Chronicles

Academy of Friends 40th Anniversary Gala Benefiting LGBT Asylum Project 110 Embarcadero 5:30 pm $150 & www.lgbtasylumproject.orgupSaturdayFebruary15

Imperial Pilgrimage to Colma Campy visit to the graves of Emperor Norton and Empress José Sarria Emceed by Emperor John Weber and Empress Donna Sachet Woodlawn Cemetery, Colma Bus from Park Central Hotel, 7 am www.imperialcouncilsf.orgFree!Sunday,February23

Judge Casey’s Irish Country Ketchup - A mem ber of our team has been buying this regularly. It has a unique mix of ingredients—crushed tomatoes, onions, raisins, sun dried tomatoes, and vinegar are key—that give it a balanced savory and naturally sweet


“The Winter Fancy Food Show is the first show of the decade to bring together the entire industry to taste, see, and buy what innovators are bringing to market,” said Phil Kafarakis, SFA president, ahead of the popular event. “Moscone Center will be filled with top makers, buyers and other industry professionals, gathering to share the latest trends, network, and conduct criti cal business. These are the folks who will be bringing consumers the best of the best in food this year.”

Some of our favorites from this year’s Show were: Aghati Oriental Sweets - Based in Amman, Jordan, this company produces fruit and nut-based sweets. The flavors are often familiar—dates, pistachios, rose water, walnuts, and more—but the combinations are unique and exotic, with a romantic flair that has us thinking of Valentine’s Day.

Wooden Table Baking Company Alfajores - The out and proud couple behind these yummy Argentine-style cookies are Andreas and Citabria Ozzuna. Andreas grew up outside of Bue nos Aires and learned to cook from their grandmother.

2020 Winter Fancy Food Show


La Carmela Yellow Ketchup - This tasty condiment has the Betty Crocker of Italy, “Carmela,” pictured on every bottle. Her relatives almost got a bit teary eyed speaking about her with us.

The Konery Artisanal Waffle Cones - These come in a variety of flavors like Red Velvet and Pumpkin Spice and, when lined up, look like a cone

Bob’s Red Mill - We missed seeing Bob this year—he was “away at lunch” when we stopped by his large booth— but he has one of the best run companies with a loyal staff and always great

Republic of Tea - This purveyor of premium teas just debuted their organic “superdigest” teas that include flavors like Cacao Cinnamon Pu-erh, Hibiscus Beet Ginger, and Honeybush Vanilla

Endangered Species Chocolate - Since 2016, the company has donated over $1.7 million to its partners. This year they are giving to the National Forest Foundation and to The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International. They are delicious chocolates as

Glory Bee Honey - This company has an organiza tion that works to eliminate pesticide use and to pro mote bee-friendly plants and urban beekeeping.

Brooklyn Food & Beverage - Their small-batch, craft beverages are very refreshing and flavorful. We loved their spicy sugar-free ginger ale and cala mansi-ades, made with a sweet-tart citrus native to the

the 2020 Winter Fancy Food Show

Sultan Power Drinks - You will be hearing more about the health benefits of black seeds—the base ingredients of these tasty

Corte’s Charcuterie - They make Spanish, Portuguese and Italian-style sausages that are often otherwise difficult to find in the U.S. Their Peruvian and Salvadoran chorizos, for exam ple, taste like those found south-

Fine & Raw Chocolate - The well-named com pany uses an innovative low heat process to keep in flavor and

Liv’On - The hors d’oeuvres from the assortment we tried were restaurant quality. The company is based in Austria, but we met one of the owners who was from Greece. A lot of the dishes showed her savvy, with high-quality Greek cheeses, for example, included in the bite-sized

Mamie’s Pies - An Oprah favorite, Mamie’s PIes is a womanowned company that makes the cutest and tastiest pocket pies that often look like the fruit that is contained within them.

This Saves Lives - A portion of this company’s profits for selling snack bars go to ending childhood malnutrition.

NOW Foods’ Organic Monk Fruit - This sweetener with a low glycemic impact is basically just the dried fruit of a small green melon native to China. Unlike stevia, there is no bitter

Sugar Bowl Bakery - This popular bakery has a new line of butter-rich seasonal fritters packed with apple, blueberry, cherry, and

Keto Pint - We have been enjoying this keto ice cream for a while, and were happy to see the company at the Food

Mama Kicks! - Adina Dahlin is the “mama” and founder of this sauce and marinade company. She donates a percentage of her profits to grassroots

Daddy Sam’s - This family-run business out of Texas makes a delish BBQ sauce (they spell it “sawce”). It makes a great home made sloppy

Sanders Fine Chocolates - This company out of Michigan has some of the nicest people on staff. It was started by Fred Sand ers back in 1875. He brought his family’s candy recipes to the U.S. from

(continued on page 26)

The specialty food industry, representing nearly $150 billion in annual sales, gathered in San Francisco for the Winter Fancy Food Show held at the Moscone Center from January 19–21. Hosted by the Specialty Food Asso ciation (SFA), a not-for-profit association with over 3,800 members, the show featured 1,400+ companies exhibit ing over 80,000 specialty foods—something for nearly every palate.

Blount Fine Foods - This was an a-ha moment, as we discovered that Blount of Massachusetts is the company that makes the tasty Mac & Cheese dishes at Panera. Many of the vendors at the Food Show go incognito for stores, like the Italian pizzeria we saw a few years back that makes pizzas for Trader Joe’s.

Tierra Farm Certified Organic - The dried fruits and nuts from this environmentally conscious company are full of rich

He was right. Our team from the San Francisco Bay Times spot ted buyers from all of the local major grocery store chains, including Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, and even Target. Compa nies from more than 40 countries were at the tradeshow, which filled all of Moscone Center. It was no surprise that Califor nia boasted the largest state presence, with representatives from more than 382 food companies present. New York and Oregon were also well represented.

dients that are normally discarded, are becoming more prevalent. Recent prod ucts to market have included tea made from discarded avocado leaves, frozen piz zas made with toppings from vegetable scraps, and whey beverages made from a leftover product from cheese-making. Bio dynamic farming, a practice that helps to sustain the biodiversity and health of the land, is coming more into focus for con sumers, and Trendspotter Wendy Robin son, buyer at Market Hall Foods, expects we’ll see more products from this prac tice. “Whether it is motivated by regener ative agriculture, upcycled ingredients, or plant-based foods, products whose values center around sustainability are trending,” agrees Trendspotter Reem Assil, chef/ owner of Reem’s California.

in cans and bottled mocktails that offer sophisticated alternatives for non-drink ers or curious consumers,” says Trendspot ter Andrew Freeman, founder of af&co. And in a related trend, canned bever ages spiked with CBD are also expected to emerge.

1. Plants as Plants: Plant-based meat alternatives are undeniably popular. Growth will continue, however, some Trendspotters predict a consumer return to real fruits and vegetables. Consumers will begin to think critically about meat replacements, looking more closely at the ingredient lists, supply chains, water usage, and food safety, prompting renewed interest in plants as plants, according to the panel.

to see it show up on more foodservice menus and packaged at retail.

4. Prebiotic Foods Gain Awareness: Prebiotics are types of dietary fiber that feed the friendly bacteria in the gut and are found in foods like bananas, aspara gus, seaweed, and barley among others. More of these ingredients will hit the spot light, with early examples including bars and crunchy snacks made with prebioticrich barley and buckwheat. “Probioticrich, fermented foods continue to flourish, but expect growing consumer awareness and product development around foods that contain prebiotics,” says Melanie Zanoza Bartelme, Trendspotter and global food analyst for Mintel.

Still Trending from 2019 CBD - Trendspotters see continuing growth in products across categories containing CBD, especially as the market gains a greater understanding of the incorporation of it and other functionals as ingredients.

2. Sustainability-Driven Product Development: According to SFA’s State of the Specialty Food Industry Report 2019–2020, consumers, especially Gen Z, are values-oriented shoppers who look at a company’s values and production meth ods when making purchasing decisions. Upcycled products, those using ingre

Dairy-Free Products - Dairy alternatives —oat and nut-based milks, in particular—will continue to reign in yogurts, beverages, creamers and frozen desserts.

5. Protein Trend Takes Unexpected Turns: Consumer awareness of protein is prompting them to seek out interesting sources for their diets, whether under-theradar varieties or new innovations. Ancho vies are poised to take off, according to the panel, gaining ground as a sustainably caught, flavor-packed option, most nota bly on restaurant menus topping burgers or being used as an ingredient in butters, marinades, and even cookies. The trend could also bode well for other small jarred or tinned fish like herring or sardines. Protein-packed noodles also are on the rise but are moving beyond the lentil- and legume-based varieties that have been on the market. Trendspotters anticipate see ing more noodles made from seafood, or nutrient-packed noodles containing min erals and dietary fiber.

SAN FRANCISCO BAY TIMES LGBTQ News & Calendar for the Bay Area CELEBRATING FOUR DECADES (1978–2020)Food Trends for 2020 2020 Winter Fancy Food Show (continued on page 26)


3. Fermented Condiments: Fermented foods have been trending for a while, and have boosted broad consumer interest in the Korean condiment kimchi. Trendspot ters have predicted that the combined expanding interest in fermentation and Korean cuisine will converge to bring the fermented condiment gochujang to the forefront. One of the backbones of Korean cooking, this red chili paste is made with fermented soybeans, seasonings, and glu tinous rice and is often used in marinades, dipping sauces, soups, and stews. Expect

6. Convenient Cocktails and Mock tails: The Trendspotter panel named Raising the Cocktail Game one of the top trends of the 2019 Summer Fancy Food Show thanks to a slew of new mix ers, tonics, and garnishes to help consum ers make bar-quality cocktails at home. “Look for a continuation in 2020 with the trend expanding with more cocktails

Professionals from diverse segments of the culinary world comprise the panel. Here are the six trends that they foresee for 2020:

The Trendspotter Panel of the Specialty Food Association (SFA) each year forecasts specialty food trends. Denise Purcell of the SFA says, “As the specialty food industry hits a record year of growth with $148.7 billion in sales, we’re seeing that health benefits and sustainability concerns will continue to drive more food and beverage trends in 2020. But, there’s also room for fun, whether in the form of canned cocktails or global condiments.”

The wine list is extensive, with most offerings (of course) from France and California. Instead, we chose a clas sic red Austrian wine, Kirnbauer Das Phantom (made from Blaufrankisch, Merlot, and Cabernet grapes). This wine is light enough to complement the spices and tastes of Vietnamese cooking impeccably—but heavy enough to pair amicably with some of our red meat courses.

A native of Ho Chi Min City, Chef Tuan Phan has steered the inspired kitchen for more than 17 years and created an eclectic offering of choices. To start, I’d recommend Le Colonial’s version of Pho Ga, a Vietnamese soup that includes tasty morsels of Mary’s chicken, cilan tro and peppers (on the side), bean sprouts, basil, chili and lime, all in a rich chicken broth with rice noodles.

Le Colonial’s atmosphere is French Colonial-inspired, like stepping back in time to Vietnam in the 1920s.

You’ll recall that last year, the Gay Gourmet talked about finding the best Mai Tai in San Francisco ( ). Well, here’s a welcome update. Le Colonial’s Mai Tai (see above) should be added to the list—and an inventive version takes center stage at Michael Mina’s new Hawaiian-inspired Trailblazer Tavern ( ), across from the Salesforce Center in downtown San Francisco. Trailblazer’s ver sion has


Next,buds.wesampled the white prawns with garlic noodles (Mi Toi Xao Tom Sate), a flavorful variation of Pad Thai, with scallions, bean sprouts, and yellow onion. We thought we were full, but we simply had to try a couple of the desserts. Sweet and savory mix seamlessly in a truly innovative dessert: the black sesame crème brûlée. Another great cap per for the meal is the restaurant’s passion fruit cheesecake, which is creamy, fruity, and surprisingly light. So, pay a visit to Le Colonial. It’s like stepping back in time and experienc ing colonial Vietnam with a delicious twist. If you’re headed to the the atre—or just headed for a night out on the town—Le Colonial is worth the journey (and you don’t have to travel halfway around the world to get there).

Le Colonial is located at 20 Cosmo Place between Sutter and Post and Jones and Taylor. The restaurant is open nightly for dinner, Sunday through Wednesday, from 5:30 to 10 pm, and Thursday to Saturday, 5:30 to 11 pm. Valet parking is available. Visit Le Colonial on the web ( ). For more information or reservations, visit Open Table ( ) or call 415-931-3600.

Any visit to Le Colonial should include a drink either in the outdoor courtyard at the top of the stairs as you enter the restaurant—or at the cozy upstairs 721 lounge, which often offers live music that complements the colonial atmosphere. In honor of Trader Vic’s, my drink of choice (as readers of this column might guess) is their Mai Tai. Le Colonial’s version is a bit more prosaic, but if you ask them to add a splash of passion fruit, it transforms the drink tastefully.

Shoulder Colada (whisky and pine apple) and the Spice of Saigon (gin, blood orange and jalapeno). You can also partake in shared cocktails that serve larger groups, but they are potent—so buyers beware! These include: the Flaming Buddha (tequila and fresh topical juices), the Pineapple Express (vodka, tequila, pineapple juice and ginger beer), or the infa mous Scorpion Bowl (a Trader Vic’s special, with Argonaut Brandy).

The generous space features plan tation shutters that adorn the win dows amid comfy rattan furniture and tropical greenery. It’s all under neath a lofty and decorative pressedtin ceiling; fans above provide a breeze to make you think you’ve just sojourned to some deserted island.

Since it’s crab season, we also sam pled the crispy rolls with Dungeness

Gourmet,” is a foodie, a freelance writer, and a PR executive. Follow

crab, shrimp, chicken, noodles, and wood-ear mushrooms. It’s fun to take the rolls, wrap them in a lettuce cup, add a sprig of mint and dipping sauce, and then enjoy.

The Gay Gourmet David Landis


Conclusion? Le Colonial is a res taurant, not a history lesson. And, despite what that other critic says, the food is absolutely delicious.

Cultural Appropriation, or Fine Dining? Le Colonial Gets It Deliciously Right

on Instagram @GayGourmetSF, on Twitter @david_landis, email him at: or visit him online at:

Le Colonial, the San Francisco out post of a New York restaurant by the same name located on a tiny alley off Union Square, last year celebrated 21 years in the same location where Trader Vic’s reigned supreme with the City’s society crowd for decades. For those with a historical memory, the original Trader Vic’s was the place where Mai Tais were invented. The Cosmo Alley outpost was the City’s place to see and be seen up until 1996, when it closed. San Francisco’s Le Colonial, (whose owners also own the famed La Goulue in New York, another Gay Gourmet favorite) opened in 1998; the restaurant also has outposts in Chicago and Houston.

The cocktail menu includes such tikiinspired creations as The Parisian Sling (gin and guava), the Monkey

“Cultural appropriation is not what food criticism should be about,” my dear friend Christine offered after a fine lunch at the delightful Akira Japanese restaurant on Bush Street in San Francisco. I couldn’t agree more. When a certain food critic at a major daily newspaper lamented about this issue after visiting San Francisco’s French Vietnamese-themed Le Colonial, I decided to re-visit that restaurant—one that I’ve loved for more than 20 years.

Mai Tai Update a slice of orange that makes it distinctive. The happy at Trailblazer is especially fun, and afterwards, it’s always a pleasure to walk the 5-block Salesforce


David Landis, aka “The Gay him


For the main course, we opted for the hoisin-marinated rack of lamb, cooked perfectly to medium rare, accompanied by grilled asparagus, frisée salad and crispy rice. The savory lamb and sweet hoisin sauce combined perfectly to perk up our taste






Emmy winning American comedy writer, songwriter, and actor Bruce Vilanch is somehow often best known for his stint on this gameshow: Game Hollywood Squares Family Feud

Even if Akin’s film starts to get soapy or strained as it presents the typi cal coming out/coming of age narra tive, the sense of time and place feels authentic and unerring. The cam era follows Merab as if he were the subject of a documentary. Viewers quickly get a sense of his difficult life—dancing, working at a restau

Last year, it generated protests from members of the far right and Georgian Orthodox religious groups at its premiere in Tbilisi for its gay content. (The film is offi cially Swedish; Akin is Georgian by heritage, but he was born and lives in Stockholm.) The controversy stemmed from the film depicting a same-sex romance in the traditional world of Georgian dance, where mas culinity, not “weakness,” is valued.




In support, Bachi Valishvili provides considerable sex appeal, although

Bachi Valishvili

However, their romance is com plicated not only by their need for them to keep it a secret, but also by the fact that both Merab and Irakli are in competition for a position in the main ensemble. (Moreover, the dancer they are replacing is the subject of gay rumors, suggest ing just how difficult it is to be out in Georgia.)

And Then We Danced is writer/direc tor Levan Akin’s engrossing drama about a closeted young dancer in Tbilisi. The film, which opens February 21 in the Bay Area, is the first LGBTQ feature set in Georgia.

Neither man wants to make the first move, and their awkward silences convey the depth of their desires.


During an overnight trip to Mary’s family’s dacha, Merab sneaks out to share a cigarette with Irakli, and the men give in to their pent-up emo

When Mareb spies another gay guy, Matte (Matt Shally), on a bus, (they later reconnect on the street), Akin’s obser vational approach pres ents this underground gay subculture another,oftenDavidilyEvenintofilmsensationalizingwithoutit.Theoffersaglimpsethishiddenworld.thescenesoffamlifefeelreal.WhileandMerabareatoddswithoneatender,truthful


gives a fantastic per formance as Merab, expressing his complex feelings well. Scenes of him lying in bed, pulling the sheet over him as he becomes overwhelmed by emotion, are revealing. Galbakhiani also handles the dancing scenes with noticeable aplomb.

Ana Javakishvili Ana

And Then We Danced tells a heartfelt story of a young man’s sexual awak ening. It is an important film that illustrates the difficulties of being gay in Georgia.

tions, sharing an intense physical intimacy.


And Then We Danced pivots as Merab experiences palpable anxiety when he loses contact with Irakli. His internal torment impacts him emo tionally—he is cold towards Mary and others—as well as physically (he suffers an injury in practice). Adding insult to injury, Mareb is also called a “faggot” by one of his fellow danc ers, who saw him at a gay club. As Merab’s world starts crumbling, a situation arises that pulls Merab in another direction.


his character is somewhat underde veloped.


Controversial Gay Film Set in the Country of Georgia Is Worth Watching

A) What’s My Line B) Match

Karin Jaffie, aka Kit/Kitty Tapata, won the title of Mr. Gay San Francisco in 2011 and has earned many other honors since. with Jaffie via Facebook

David brings Irakli home after a night of drinking. Merab becomes intrigued by—and attracted

moment shared between the brothers is quite Galbakhianimoving.

rant, home—and empa thize with him.

© 2020 Gary M. Kramer

Gary M. Kramer is the author of “Independent Queer Cinema: Reviews and Interviews,” and the co-editor of “Directory of World Cinema: Argentina.” Follow him on Twitter @garymkramer


Film Gary M. Kramer


And Then We Danced chronicles Merab coming to terms with his sexuality. Merab has a messy homelife, where his family can barely afford to pay the electric bill. His brother David (Giorgi Tsereteli), is often drunk and a bit of a hothead. While David is a member of the dance troupe, he misses more rehearsals than he

Merab (Levan Gelbakhiani), is a dancer in the Georgian National Dance company. He has been danc ing since he could walk and has long been partnered with Mary (Ana Javakishvili). While she would like a romantic connection with Merab, he prefers friendship, and is cagey when she makes sexual overtures. When a replacement dancer, Irakli (Bachi Valishvili) joins the company, Merab initially sees this talented newcomer as a rival. But soon, he falls in love with him.


Soon, Merab is danc ing for Irakli as a way of expressing his love, and a scene of the two danc ers lying opposite one another in a bed, star ing into each other’s eyes, conveys the hidden depths of their budding, forbidden relationship.

Valishvili as Irakli and Levan Gelbakhiani as Merab in And Then We Danced

As Merab starts to fall deeply, inex orably, in love with Irakli, his whole personality changes. His grand mother (Marika Gogichaishvili) notices his oddly sunny disposition and keeps calling him “mad.” But Merab feels happy as he starts nav igating an authentic life. He smiles goofily at the thought of Irakli, and his emotions are infectious.

Sister Dana Sez: Words of Wisdumb from a Fun Nun


Mayor London Breed , who marched with thousands in San Francisco, remarked, “Every day, we strive to uphold the values that Martin Luther King, Jr., embod ied—justice, equal rights for all, and service above self. On this day, we pay tribute to Dr. King by serving in our communities, side by side with our neighbors, and reflecting on his tireless efforts to lift up those who have been left behind.”

Dennis McMillan (aka Sister Dana) joined Disco Coalition’s Aaron Wessels in congratulating Donna Sachet at Lookout bar where Donna was honored on January 24 at a benefit supporting AIDS Emergency Fund and PRC.

Sister Dana Sez, “So now that we’re in a new month since New Year’s resolutions, how many of those resolutions have we already broken?! Go to the gym more often? Go on a bet ter diet? Stop gossiping? Well, of course we broke those. Way too much stress. So why not take Sister Dana’s amended easier Resolution Solution: I RESOLVE TO BE THE BEST ME I CAN BE. You truly cannot break that one very easily! And why would you want to?”

work. The Rev. Dr. King, Jr.’s words remind us that the fight for civil rights and equality is far from over. We must restore and expand the Voting Rights Act and continue to fight against voter suppression, purging the voter rolls, and racial gerrymandering. We know that voter disenfranchisement contin ues today with barriers like reduced access to the ballot box through lim ited hours and locations, so we must also make ELECTION DAY a federal holiday to allow everyone the opportunity to exercise their right to vote!

HAMAIKENOFCOURTESYPHOTO (continued on page 27)

SAN FRANCISCO FIREFIGHT ERS 2020 was an evening of art and live entertainment hosted by curator and artist Thomasina DeMaio on January 18 in the audi torium of Eureka Valley Recre ation Center. This was a collection of 40 portraits of SF Firefighters— both current and retired. These were painted at the SAN FRAN CISCO FIREFIGHTERS TOY PROGRAM during the months of October through mid-Novem ber by DeMaio. This evening the sitters got to take home the pieces. Thank you Sally Casa zza and Jill Nicole for creating this historic record of our heroes. To see some of these lovely paintings, go to

The next day, Senator Scott Wie ner (D-San Francisco) and Assem blymember Shirley N. Weber (D-San Diego), on behalf of the California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus and the Legislative Black Caucus, held a press conference asking Governor Gavin New som to issue a posthumous par don to Bayard Rustin , a gay civil rights organizer who played a cen tral role in the Civil Rights move ment and was a close confidante of Martin Luther King, Jr’s.

By Sister Dana Van Iquity

On January 20, celebrations on MLK JR. DAY were held across the country. It was a time for celebrating, but also for activism. By no means are we done with the

Sister Dana Sez, “Oh, and by the way, Happy CHINESE LUNAR NEW YEAR otherwise known as the Year of the Rat!”

We joined KREWE DE KINQUE [KDK] for our PRIMARY COL ORS PARTY at The Edge bar on January 18 for our regular third Saturday beer bust, produced by KDK Member Diana Wheeler We raised funds for our Bal Masque XVII beneficiary, DISTRICTTRANSGENDERCOMPTON’SCULTURAL , as well as registering voters at the event and outside of the bar. These colors are red, white, and blue! Serving as vivacious MCs were Kit Tapata (KDK Queen X Kitty Tapata) and Sister Agnes of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Mixing the beats was KDK King XII Joe Prince Wolfe (Go BANG!) while KDK King XIV Barry Miles was at the door. This was KDK Queen Sister Dana’s first outing since surgery, wear ing a very not fashionable sling, so I sadly relinquished my usual duties at the door. Extremely talented per formers taking the stage included reigning KDK Queen XVI Kelly Rose, reigning KDK King XVI Aja Monet-Ashton, KDK Queen XV Miss Chief, KDK King John Weber, and KDK King II Mark Paladini , to name just a few. Pro ceeds helped to support the mission of the Compton’s Transgender Cul tural District: to create an urban environment that fosters the rich history, culture, legacy, and empow erment of transgender people and its deep roots in the southeastern Ten derloin neighborhood.

Sister Dana sez, “It’s really discouraging to discover that GOP state lawmakers have been filing more than one antiLGBTQ bill per day in 2020.”

The live entertainment was by Irene McCalphin singing some truly on-fire blues, and Tribal Baroque—a male and female dancer duo with bells on their ankles, playing violins and stomping out percussion to original numbers. Food and drink were supplied

“My name is Emeril. I’ve seen a lot in my 13 years, and I’m ready to relax and enjoy the good life. My ideal day would include a leisurely walk around the city and a cuddle session back at your place. I do have a vision impairment— it doesn’t prevent me from enjoying life to the fullest, but it does mean I need someone special who will help to guide me and keep me safe. I would love to meet you and see if we’re a match!”



Take Me Home with You!

Dr. Jennifer Scarlett and

To meet Emeril, as well as other pets seeking their forever homes, please visit: San Francisco SPCA Mission Campus 250 Florida Street San Francisco, CA 94103 415-522-350 0

Aside from major holidays, the adoption center is open Mon–Fri: 1–6 pm and Sat–Sun: 10 am–5 pm. Free parking is available for those wishing to adopt!

For more information:

Emeril is presented to San Francisco Bay Times readers by Dr. Jennifer Scarlett, the SF SPCA’s Co-President. Our thanks also go to Krista Maloney for helping to get the word out about lovable pets like Emeril.

nation is another fallacy. Yes, it’s too young for surgery. But it’s not too young for a treatment that amounts to hitting a pause button on sex ual development. Plus, these decisions aren’t made by minor children. They are made by parents and doctors who are experts in their It’sfield.a

26 SAN FRANCISCO BAY TIMES JANUARY 30 , 2020 ROSTOW (continued from page 13) KIT’N KITTY’S POPQUEERQUIZ ANSWER (Question on pg 23) C) Hollywood Squares

“The: Mountain has always been a special place for Coast Miwok people. The stories from the Mountain teach important lessons, and many of the songs that Coast Miwok people have sung since the beginning of time are gifts from the Mountain and come from the sto ries. It is said that Coyote was sitting atop Sonoma Mountain when he decided to create the world and people—but that is part of the big story of the Mountain and we are getting ahead of ourselves.”

“There’s only one thing longer than the list of Margaret Court’s tennis achievements,” said McEnroe on some TV show. “It’s her list of offensive and homophobic statements.” He also dismissed the notion that Australians’ tennis could disassociate itself from Court’s

YOU TOO CAN BE A WINNER! Subscribe to the San Francisco Bay Times e-mail list: REPLYSubscribers!online competition for a chance to win event tickets, services and products we announce.

Coming of Age

Among the anti-GLBT bills in this year’s legislative onslaught, at least six states are considering a ban on puberty blockers for transgender kids. This is the latest twist in the transgender wars, which have dominated the political attacks on our community since the bathroom campaign that killed Houston’s GLBT rights ordinance in 2015.

issued a plea to Serena Wil liams. “Serena, do me a favor,” he begged. “Get two more grand slams this year and get to 25, so we can leave Margaret Court and her offensive views in the past, where they both belong.” Court has the record for winning grand slams, but only because back in her day, no one traveled to Australia so she won a whole bunch of Australian Opens without much competition.

Antonio and Hiromi at the Herbst Theatre for Astana Ballet’s Masterpieces

“We also support social justice programs, such as food banks, Meals on Wheels, and a literacy program,” Sarris said. “With Joan Baez, we made a documentary addressing social issues.”

KL Keller Foodways - The mustards and French oils from this company are excellent. Owner Kitty Keller started the line in the

FANCY FOOD FAVORITES (continued from page 20) Live-streaming 24/7 ENJOY THE VIEW! CASTRO STREET CAM

Brent Stevens and Anthony Alonso at the Herbst Theatre for Astana Ballet’s performance of Masterpieces

starring Diana

gets bored by tennis, which I can watch with interest for long stretches of time. This year is the 50th anniversary of the legendary Austra lian champion Margaret Court’s grand slam sweep, so she was honored with a small cere

Just as it’s easy to imagine some lady mus ing, “Hmmm. I don’t want men in the ladies room!” so you can see the attraction of, “These children are too young to be taking life-changing drugs!” But puberty blockers have been used for years to delay development in kids who hit puberty too early for whatever reason. Stop the treatment and puberty will continue. Warnings of bone loss or sterility are exaggerated. And most importantly, puberty blockers can effectively save the lives of trans gender kids. Transitioning after puberty, par ticularly for transgender women, is much much harder. And the idea that pre-pubescent kids are too young to make a gender determi

appalled when they learn that we all used to hurtle down the highways at 80 mph under our own flawed driving powers while eat ing, listening to music, talking on the phone, and entertaining ourselves in general. All this while other people were blithely speeding along within a few feet of our cars. Yet, listen to people today and you’d think that self-driv ing cars represent robotic killing machines poised to unleash their mindless fury on a nation of unsuspecting motorists.

debut playing a

will no doubt be

La Tourangelle Oils - From roasted wal nut to early harvest olive, the oils of this arti san company are always first rate.

manufacturer in the film

Baez was even inspired to do a painting of the charismatic Sarris. She entitled it “Greg: The Mischief Maker,” and hung it on a wall in her home.

Ivan Bar - It was fun to be given an almond macadamia bar by Ivan himself. He and his wife were proudly standing over a table dis playing the “all you need” in life bars.

complicated subject and I’m sure there are some cases of kids who change their minds. But it’s surely not a matter to be dic tated by a bunch of politicians. I guess South Dakota’s legislative rules are such that this bill has advanced in the Blizzard State, while it has yet to emerge from committee elsewhere. Still, it’s indicative of the type of attack that takes advantage of the tremendous national ignorance and prejudice and fear that sur rounds transgender issues.

Purely Elizabeth - Even Bobby Par rish of Flav City (the influential nutritionthemed vlog) gives this granola his hard-won

Sarris could have easily been swept away in the world of show biz; Baez is not his only wellknown admirer. He also no longer needs to worry much about an academic’s paycheck. But it is hard to imagine him not teaching and writing. When he speaks about Indigenous stories, his mood brightens. He read this passage about Sonoma Mountain from How a Mountain Was Made: Stories

Sarris knows and weaves many stories too, but he is still very much in his prime. With time hopefully on his side, he will embody and hear even more stories that, as McKay wisely said, are a true measure of wealth.


Fermented Beverages - Refrigerated, ready-to-drink functional beverages have grown 55 percent in retail sales, according to SFA’s State of the Specialty Food Industry research. Probi otic-friendly kombucha has led the charge, and more fermented functional beverages touting health, tradition, and flavor are on the horizon. Drinking vinegars, which are high in probiot ics, amino acids, and antioxidants, will also continue to emerge.

From 2000 to 2014, Vilanch was the head writer for the Os cars, during which time he also completed a four-year stint on Hollywood Squares seated next to friend and client Whoopi Goldberg. Vilanch also wrote jokes for Lily Tomlin, Billy Crys tal, Roseanne Barr, Rosie O’Donnell, Paul Reiser, Dame Eliz abeth Taylor, Steven Tyler of Aerosmith, and Robin Williams. film dress Mahogany Ross.

Edgardo Moncada and his guest attending Astana Ballet’s performance at the Herbst Theatre

San Francisco Bay Times group at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel for Sunday’s A Drag Brunch with Donna Sachet

To learn more about Sarris, go to Graton’s website:

My point is that the world of our grandchil dren will take transgender men and women for granted and wonder what drugs they were on in Pierre when they voted to deny rou tine treatment to trans kids, let alone what they were thinking in D.C. when they banned transgender troops or what they were imag ining in North Carolina when they ordered everyone to use the bathroom of their birth Andgender.before

The hysteria over transgender kids reminds me of the time when someone was killed by a self-driving car and all hell broke loose in the media. Tens of thousands of people die every year in traffic accidents in this country, and you have to assume self-driving cars will cut that number significantly once the technology breaks

I go, because I have a little space left, I was wondering about this dangerous virus that’s dominating the news, so I looked up the number of flu deaths per year in the United States. Do you know how many people died of the flu in this country in 2018? Eighty freaking thousand. That’s 80,000. Yes, it was a record. But flu usually kills about 50,000 more or less each year, and that’s just in this coun try. I know that’s a fraction of less than one percent of the people who get the flu, but still. I’m struck by the things we worry about versus the things we take for granted.

“Itbigotry.doesn’t work that way,” he told the audi ence. “You can’t separate the person from her achievements. Look at me. If you recognize the fact that I won seven grand slams, guess what? Then you’ve gotta celebrate the fact that I had the loudest mouth in the history of the tennis

Jennie McNulty, Abby Zimberg, Suzanne Westenhoefer and Helene Wenzel at Manny’s for Comedy & a Couch.

is that Margaret Court is a Pen tecostal nutcase who periodically rants against everyone from gays and Blacks. Australian tennis authorities have tried to separate her achievements from her politics, emphasiz ing that the recognition she just enjoyed was for her tennis alone and did not suggest any one approved of her despicable opinions. Enter John McEnroe, a man I used to hate on court, whom I have grown to appreciate.

He then went on to tell about Coyote’s twin granddaughters, Answer Woman and Question Woman, whom some believe are a pair of crows while others think are human. “In any event,” the tale continues, “Answer Woman and Question Woman have been on Sonoma Mountain a long time—they are the granddaughters of Coyote, after all. They know all the stories.”


early 1990s when she got carried away buying walnut, hazelnut, and olive oils from France during vacations. They are some of the best available in the U.S. Usually Market Hall in the East Bay (Rockridge and Berkeley loca tions) sells many of It,afterthe Food

Show draws to a close, exhibitors continue a long tradition of giving back by donat ing thousands of pounds of unopened meat, cheese, produce, confections, and snacks to the SFA, which in turn donates the products to the Food Recovery Network ( ). For more

Regional Cuisines of Asia, West Africa, and Latin America - This top trend of 2019 will continue throughout 2020 as consumer knowledge grows. Look for flavors and ingredients from these areas in spices, sauces, and bases.

He made his feature


FANCY FOOD TRENDS (continued from page 21)

GREG SARRIS (continued from page 15)

Storyteller at Heart

Stay Safe Out There

In Har vey Milk, hitting the stage in May 2020, OPERA PARALLÈLE in partnership with the SAN FRAN CISCO GAY MEN’S CHO

MARDI GRAS MAMBO PARTY with KREWE DE KINQUE . Let the Good Times Roll for Mardi Gras month with San Francisco’s Krewe de Kinque char itable club! Mardi Gras Mambo will be held Saturday, February 15, from 4–7 pm at The Edge bar (4149 18th Street and Collingwood). Enjoy a $10 Beer and Soda Bust & Jambalaya Special, yummy Jell-O shots, and a fun Open Show. Pro ceeds will go to KDK Bal Masque XVII beneficiary

. Wear your best Mardi Gras gear, beads, masks, etc. & take part in the “Customer Twerk Con test” for fun prizes.

CASTRO ART WALK is Febru ary 6, 6–9 pm. Join the art walk all around the Castro for a self-guided experience through the creativity of the neighborhood. Each venue will have many works on display and for purchase. This event is free and open to the public. For the venues, see

SISTER DANA during this free event. Watch for more of these amazing programs coming to the same place, different date!

BAY AREA MUSICALS pres ents the 10-time Tony Award-nomi nee THE FULL MONTY Based on the cult hit film of the same name, this delightful musical runs from February 15 to March 15, at San Francisco’s Victoria Theatre (2961 16th

So I Made This, From Black Boy With Love, and his graphic memoir From Truth With Truth

RUS presents HARVEY MILK: THE BULLHORN SERIES, four events of responsive community conversations that elevate LGBTQ voices and inspire civic activism in a new generation of voters and cit izens. The first in the series, THE AMERICAN DREAM STARTS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD, is February 11, 7 pm at the National LGBTQ Center for the Arts, 170 Valencia atCome’awlinsthangonthe

Sister Dana sez, “It’ll soon be a brand new month, so why not go to some of these brand new upcoming February events?!”

sez, “So tragic that our NBA Lakers’ legend Kobe Bryant and his daugh ter and seven others were killed in a horrendous helicop ter crash in Southern Califor nia. Friends mourn everywhere in EssEff and elsewhere. I send more than condolences—I send LOVE!”

Sister Dana sez, “There is further proof that the Commander in Thief is an idiot, as he released the logo for his absurd U.S. Space Force. It’s incredibly similar to the ‘Star Trek’ Star Fleet Command of the United Federation of Planets. Both are totally fiction!”


It was the 16th DISCO COALI TION HAPPY HOUR hosted by Suzan Revah at Lookout bar on January 24 to honor all of Donna Sachet 's amazing work for the LGBTQ community and to raise funds for PRC formerly AIDS Emergency Fund. To date, Disco Coalition has raised $64,530 for queer nonprofits. At the event, Donna was justly awarded in person Certificates of Recognition by Sena tor Scott Wiener and Supervisor Rafael Mandelman . I am happy to say that Donna and I have been good friends for decades. There was an altar and burning votive candles of Our Lady of the Castro. For your information, the Disco Coalition fos ters solidarity, builds community, and encourages activism via gath erings and collaborations with the collective intention of shepherding queerkind toward a brighter future. A future event is on February 28 to honor Queeros: Harry Lit & Allan Egglit

Sister Dana sez, “Big congratz to our SF 49ERS scoring 37 to 20 over the Green Bay Packers! The 49ers opened up a 27–0 lead by halftime and didn’t look back, winning the NFC Cham Sisterpionship!”Dana


RuPaul will host SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE for the first time next

(continued from page 24)

For the month of February, STRUT is exhibiting the work of graphic artist Lawrence Lindell in a show entitled QUEER COMICS SAVES LIVES . The Art Opening Recep tion at 470 Castro Street starts at 8 pm, and will go till 10 pm. Bring your friends, because all are wel come! The Art program at Strut was founded the same year that Magnet began back in 2003, and they have been exhibiting the work of a dif ferent queer artist each month. The exhibit gives an inside look into some of the pages in Lindell’s life, brain, and how he sees the world. Through the art of comics, Lindell explores queerness, blackness, mental health, and healing. Lindell is a cartoonist and educator from California. He is the creator of Couldn’t Afford Therapy


EMPEROR NORTON’S 202ND BIRTHDAY PARTY is February 4, 8 pm at Manny’s (3092 16th Street). Join the EMPEROR NORTON LEGACY LEAGUE as we celebrate our beloved Emperor's 202nd birthday. Fun! Cake!!

month. NBC’s long-running sketch comedy show is now in its 45th sea son. Ru will host the show on Feb ruary 8 with musical guest Justin Bieber. Will the Biebs do drag?! ACADEMY OF FRIENDS cel ebrates their 40th Anniversary with RUBY RED GALA on Febru ary 9, 5 to 10 pm at The Common wealth Club, 110 The Embarcadero. Believe me, your North Tinseltown reporter, that this is THE place to be for the Oscars! Academy of Friends annually produces the world’s pre mier Academy Awards Night Char ity Gala as the centerpiece of its efforts to raise funds, award dona tions, and encourage volunteerism that benefit a diverse set of HIV/ AIDS organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area. The beneficiary this year is the LGBT ASYLUM PROJECT, the only San Francisco nonprofit organization exclusively dedicated to providing accessible legal representation for LGBT asy lum seekers who are fleeing persecu tion due to their sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or HIV status.

workshop. https://www.dykeswithdrills.com10am-2pm.


Emperor Norton’s 202nd Birthday @ Manny’s, 3092 16th Street. 8-9:30pm. Hosted by the Emperor Norton Legacy League, this event will include cake, prizes and fun.

@ Oakland LGBTQ Community Center, 3207 Lakeshore Avenue. Sponsored by Pacific Center, this drop-in therapy group is for LGBTQ community members 60+ on Fri days. 2pm, 3pm and also on Mon days.


QUEERiCULUM: Grassroots Activism @ San Francisco AIDS Foundation, 1035 Market Street #400. One in a series of workshops led by expert campaign organizers, this event will focus on grassroots activism in a fun, one-day training. 10am-5pm.

Dykes with Drills Introduc tion to Tools 101 @ Tinkering School, 360 9th Avenue. This inclu sive group of builders welcomes all to their basic woodworking


Queer Ancestors Project Exhibition 2020 @ Strut, 470 Castro Street. Artistic director Katie Gilmartin will host a presen tation of prints by queer and trans emerging artists, featuring an art ists panel, reception and print sale. 7-10pm.

L Word at Lez Rio @ El Rio, 3158 Mission Street. Loud booing and popcorn throwing for question able writing and cheering for hot make outs are strongly encouraged. 9pm.

Compiled by Blake Dillon

Smack Dab Queer Open Mic @ Manny’s, 3092 16th Street. Fureigh is the featured guest for this edition of the ongoing open mic evening hosted by Larry-bob Roberts and Dana Hopkins.

The Chronicles of San Francisco Exhibit @ SF Museum of Modern Art, 151 Third Street. Internation ally recognized artist JR’s work dis plays the voices of SF as an extraor dinary, unique and diverse city. Check daily times except Mondays.

SFJAZZ Gala 2020 Honoring Mavis Staples @ SFJAZZ, 201 Franklin Street. The Gala will hon or Mavis Staples with the Lifetime Achievement Award. 8:30-11:45pm.

10 Monday

Academy of Friends 40th Anniversary Gala @ The Com monwealth Club,110 Embarcadero. This annual Oscar party is a high light of the season for many and this year will benefit the LGBT Asylum Project. http://www.academyoffriends.org4pmVIP/5-10pm.



Thanks to Hank: A Movement, a Plague, and Unsung Hero @ GLBT History Museum, 4127 18th Street. Filmmaker Bob Oster tag and Tom Ammiano will speak at this event about the film on the life of legendary activist Hank Wil son.

30 Thursday

Watch the Results of the Iowa Caucus Together @ Manny’s, 3092 16th Street. The nomination process formally begins with Iowa being the first state in the nation to select delegates to the Democratic Convention.


Drunk Theatre @ PianoFight, 144 Taylor Street. A comedian takes five shots of whiskey in a row and tries to perform an impro vised play with five sober comedi ans. Drunk Theatre is the entirely improvised, unpredictable, and crazy comedy show that’ll kick your weekend into overdrive. 10-11:30pm.

Friday Night Party @ White Horse Inn, 6551 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland. This every Friday event features drink specials, dancing and DJs. http://www.whitehorsebar.com9pm-2am.

Ebabes TGIF @ The Terrace Room, Lake Merritt Hotel, 1800 Madison Street, Oakland. Join DB, Lynn and Jen and all the women for this longstanding mixer for women. 6pm. Ebabes on Facebook

San Francisco Gay Softball League New Players Evalu ation Clinic @ Moscone Field, 1800 Chestnut Street. This clinic is required for new players and those who haven’t played in two years to make sure everyone is rated prop erly. 11am. htthp://

9 Sunday

Susan Graham, Mezzo-Soprano and Malcolm Martin eau, Piano @ Cal Performances, Zellerbach Hall, UC Berkeley. A rare recital appearance, the perfor mance will feature an intimate repertoire of the artist’s operatic roles. http://www.calperformances.org3pm.

8 Saturday

Oscar Night at The Academy @ The Academy, 2166 Market Street. Enjoy some Oscar-themed games at this black tie or cocktail or celeb fashion event with red carpet photo-ops too.

Smart Drinking Group @ Strut, 3rd Floor 470 Castro Street. A weekly drop-in group with no re quirements and all goals supported. http://www.strutsf.org5:45-7:45pm.

Older & Out Therapy Group


Paula West @ Feinstein’s at the Nikko, 222 Mason Street. A popular LGBT community favorite, West will perform in residence through February 16. 6:30pm (check http://www.feinsteinssf.comschedule).



9th Annual Two-Spirit Pow wow @ Festival Pavilion, Fort Mason, 38 Fort Mason. Join Bay Area American Indian Two Spirits (BAAITS) for the 9th Annual Two-Spirit Powwow in Yelamu (San Francisco), the traditional homeland of the Ohlone peoples. 11am-6pm.

Strut Book Club @ Strut, 470 Castro Street. Enjoy wine, snacks and conversation on the book Disasterama!: Adventures in the Queer Underground 1977-1997. 7:30-9pm.

The American Dream Starts in the Neighborhood @ Na tional LGBTQ Center for the Arts, 170 Valencia Street. The first in SFGMC’s Harvey Milk: The Bull horn Series, the evening features a performance by the New Voices

Two-Spirit Powwow: A BAAITS Documentary @ GLBT History Museum, 4127 18th Street. Film maker Rick Bacigalupi and BAAITS (Bay Area American Indian Two Spirits) board member Miko Thom as (aka Landa Lakes) will present a new documentary on the evolution of the annual powwow over seven years ago to the current ones held at the Cow Palace and Fort Mason Center. http://www.glbthistory.org7-9pm.

2 Sunday

BiCon 2-Day Conference @ SF LGBT Center, 1800 Market Street (10am-430pm) and Sunday, February 2, East Bay Community Space, Oakland (11am-4:30pm). BiCon’s inaugural conference and party is for those who are attracted to more than a single http://www.sfbicon.comgender.

HRC San Francisco Volun teer Open House @ 809 Page Street, Berkeley. HRC Staff and members of the HRC Bay Area Steering Committee will be on hand to share upcoming activities and leadership opportunities for those looking to step up in the fight for equality.



Do Ask Do Tell @ SF LGBT Center, 1800 Market Street. A weekly support group for LGBTQ+ community members who were in the military. http://www.sfcenter.org6-7pm.


1 Saturday

Online http://www.sfbaytimes.comCalendar


Valentine’s GAY @ 924 Gilman. The evening features a lineup of Bay Area queercore punk groups: Lolly Gaggers, Copyslut, Middle-Aged Queers, Cozmo of Pointless Endings and HOTSALT.

Free Frameline Encore: Rafiki @ Bayview Opera House, 4705 3rd Street. In honor of Black History Month, Frameline presents a screen ing of the film about two Kenyan girls who fall in love and are forced to choose between happiness and safety.

Polythene vowelVirago/ScorpioPam/ShawnaMoon/softsounds

An Evening with Kronos Quartet; A Thousand Thoughts @ Cal Performances, Zellerbach Hall, UC Berkeley. Cel ebrating Kronos Quartet’s 45-year legacy and composer Terry Riley’s 85th birthday. Sound, image, and live performance merge in Kronos Quar tet’s collaboration with filmmakers Sam Green and Joe Bini. http://www.calperformances.org8pm.


King & Queen Drag-O-Li cious @ Ginger’s, 86 Hardie Place. The Drag-O-Licious show presents a benefit featuring the contestants for the Grand Ducal Council’s King & Queen of Hearts and more. 8-11pm.

The Homobiles, Pls Pls Me (Brooklyn) Single Release, Lafemmebear @ Ivy Room, 860 San Pablo Avenue, Albany. The queer party punk supergroup fea turing Lynn Breedlove sings about cars and babes, crimes and change, bathhouses and ballot measures.

The SpongeBob Musical @ Golden Gate Theatre, 1 Taylor Street. BroadwaySF presents this award-winning musical that brings to life the beloved Nickelodeon se ries with humor, heart and theatri cality. 1:30 and 7pm and continuing through February http://www.broadwaysf.com15.

Jai Uttal and The Pagan Love Choir @ Freight & Salvage, 2020 Addison, Berkeley. Grammy nomi nee and World Music pioneer Jai Uttal, accompanied by a team of four amazing singers, will present an intimate acoustic performance of inspiring songs and devotional chants. http://www.thefreight.org7pm.


@ El Rio, 3158 Mission Street. This is a Thursday night queer band night folk/antipunk/Americana mashup with catchy tunes about the life and times of trans folks, true crime heroes and bizarre topics. http://www.elriosf.com8-11:30pm.


Drag Show to End Homeless ness @ El Rio, 3158 Mission Street. Some of the Bay Area’s best talent will perform at this drag show to benefit advocacy for our most vul nerable SF population. http://www.elriosf.com7-10pm.

Bay Area Chorus and a panel with Supervisor Rafael Mandelman, Aria Sa’id, Ani Rivera and Manny Yeku tiel. 7-9pm.

12 Wednesday

John Weber shared a hug with greeter Barry Miles at the De Kinque Colors” benefit. The Academy of Friends “Toast the Nominees” party was held at the Blind Butcher restaurant on January 15.

Sister Hellen Wheels and Diana Wheeler promoted voter registration at the Krewe De Kinque “Primary Colors” benefit at the Edge bar on January 18.

30 SAN FRANCISCO BAY TIMES JANUARY 30 , 2020 What qualities would you like to see in our next president? compiled by Rink As Heard on the Street . . . Deana Dawn “A candidate who is focused on the climate crisis” Don Ho Tse “Intelligence from someone who can really make America great again after all of Trump’s bs” Kelly Hart “Intelligence, integrity, and a warrior for climate control and full equality” Nicole-Corine Lenhart “Advocate for students and affordable housing” Round About - All Over Town


Attendees were all smiles at the Blind Butcher restaurant’s bar on January 15 during the Academy of Friends party. Hall during

Po from the Assessor’s Office, SF Women’s March leader Sophia Andary and the Commission on the Status of Women’s Emily Murase at City Hall during the “SF 2020 Census Counts” launch event

Photos by Rink

Organizer Gary Virgiinia with Deana Dawn (front center) was surrounded by participants enjoying Krewe De Kinque’s “Primary Colors” benefit supporting the Compton’s Transgender Cultural District and the next Krewe Bal Masque.

the “SF 2020 Census Counts” launch event on January 17.

The LGBT Asylum Project’s Sengun and Kenan Arun paused with Zizi Bandera at the launch event at City Hall.


SF Office of Civic Engagement & Immigrant Affairs’ Nadia Sesay and Miquel Bustos of the Center for Social Justtice paused for a photo at City



“SF 2020 Census Counts”

San Francisco Bay Times contributor Kit Tapata entertained during the Krewe De Kinque “Primary Colors” benefit.


The window at Dog Eared Books Castro featured a display of books in tribute to MLK Day and Black History Month coming in February.

Beloved gay troubadour Blackberri performed songs and told stories at the Harvey Milk Branch of the SF Public Library on January 15.

Firefighter Marilyn Chavez (left) admired her portrait with artist Thomasina DeMaio at the opening of the Art Saves Lives Firefighter Portrait Show at the Eureka Valley Rec Center on January 18.

Supervisor Rafael Mandelman (center) was surrounded by his aide Tom Temprano and Joe Hollendoner, San Francisco AIDS Foundation CEO, during the Q Foundation’s informational workshop on subsidies for people with HIV/AIDS event held at the Main Library.

items of the week

Zavor Multicooker

January is a great time for bonding with our family unit, and what better way than with a good meal. We love the Zavor line of Multicookers. They serve as a Pressure Cooker, Slow Cooker, Rice Cooker, Yogurt Maker, and Sousvide all in one. They are programmable and can reduce cooking times dramatically while reducing stress in your busy day.

2020: What a great number!

Children of Firefighter Marilyn Chavez surrounded their mom beneath her portrait during the Art Saves Lives show opening on January 18.

Festival Director Sophoan Sorn and Goethe Institute Director Noémie Njangiru spoke at the Berlin & Beyond Film Festival press conference announcing the upcoming festival to be held February 7-13.

Entertainers from Tribal Baroque, Thoth and Lia Angelique, performed during the Opening Night party for the Firefighter Portrait Show curated by artist Thomasina DeMaio.

The cold days of January oftentime need a little boost of heat in just the right area. The VHEAT whole room vintage heater form Vornado is the perfect heater for your drafty San Francisco bachelor pad. It’s the classic Vornado technology encased in a stylish metal casing that looks like something Jimi Hendrix kicked around his Haight Street flat.

VintageVHEAT Heater

This past decade we saw a lot of changes in our neigh borhood and the city as a whole. For us that translat ed into tremendous support from our regular customers and visitors from around the world. We thank you all for your support and hope that 2020 brings us clarity on our path forward and a much more inclusive and pros perous year ahead for all San Franciscans. Terry

Spotted on January 24, a large tour bus awaited the return of its passengers who were shopping on Castro Street and viewing the Rainbow Honor Walk plaques.



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