SAN FRANCISCO HOUSING AUTHORITY 440 Turk Street· San Francisco CA • 94102 • (415) 554-1200
October 2, 2009
Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Capital Improvements (Attention ACC Amendment) Room 4130 451 Seventh Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20410 Stephen Schneller, Director Office of Public Housing U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development San Francisco Regional Office - Region IX 600 Harrison Street San Francisco, CA 94107-1300 SUbject:
CFRC Grant Number CAOO 100095709E
Dear Sirs: Attached to this letter, you will fmd the signed Form HUD-50075.1 for CFRC Grant Number CAOOI00095709E. Also attached is a copy of the San Francisco Housing Authority's letter sent to HUD on September 24, 2009 with the signed San Francisco Housing Authority Ann ontributions Contract (ACC) amendment for this grant. eed any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at ""-'"",,-,"""'=""""'7'~ or call me at (415) 5 54-1296. Thank you for your assistance.
Arumal SlatementiPerformance and Evaluation Report
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Capital Fund Program, Capital Fund Program Replacement Housing Factor and
Office of Public and Indian Housing
Capital Fund Financing Program
OMB No. 2577-0226
Expires 4130/2011 Part I: Summary PHA ~me: Salj. Francisco Hnusing Authority 440 Turk Street San Francisco CA,94102
Type of Grant t8) Original Annual Statement Reserve for DisasterslEmergencies D Performance and Evaluation Repnrt fnr Perioo Ending: Line Summary by Development Account
o Revised Annual Statement (revision no:
Ori inal 1
Tntal non-CFP Funds
1406 Operations (may nnt exceed 20% of line 21) J
1408 Management Improvemeots
1410 AdministratiOD (may not exceed 10% of line 21)
1411 Audit
1415 Liquidated Damages
1430 Fees and Costs
1440 Site Acquisition
1450 Site Improvement
1460 Dwelling Structw-es
671,004 733,835
1465.1 Dwelling Equipment
1470 Non-dwelling Structw-es
1475 Non-dwelling Equipment
1485 Demolition 1492 Moving to Work Demonstration
1495.1 Relocation Costs
1499 Develnpment Activities'
1501 Collateralization or Debt Service paid by the PHA
9000 Collateralizatinn or Debt Service paid Via System of Direct Payment
1502 Contingency (may not exceed 8% of line 20)
Amount of Annual Grant:: (sum of lines 2 - 19)
Amount ofline 20 Related to LBP Activities
Amount of line 20 Related to Section 504 Activities
Amount of line 20 Related to Security路 Soft Costs
Amount of line 20 Related to Security - Hard Costs
Amount ofline 20 ?Iated to Energy Conservation Measures
OfEX"t...FU'. I}~ec~
~ry A. Alvarez, ill
Obli ated
Total Actual Cost J Ex ended
Date 912S/09
~ Performance and Evaluation Report -
Final Performance and Evaluation Report Total Estimated Cost Revised
FFY of Grant: 200912010 FFY of Grant Approval: 2009/10
Grant Type and Number Capital Fund Program Grant No: CAOOlO0095709E (CFRC) Replacement Housing Factor Grant No: Date of CFFP:
Signature of Public Housing Director
form HVD-S007S.! (4/2008)
u.s, Department of Housing and Urban Development
Annual StatementIPerforrnance and Evaluation Report Capital Fund Program. Capital Fund Program Replacement Housing Factor and Capital Fund Financing Program
Part II: Supportine Paees PHA Name:' San Francisco HOllsing Authority 440 Turk Street San Francisco CA,94102 Development Number Name/PHA-Wide Activities
Grant Type and Number Capital Fund Program Grant No:"'cAOOlOO095709E (eFRC) CFFP (Yes/No); No Replacement Housing Factor Grant No:
General Description of Major Work Categories
7-957-17, RDsaParks, part of AMP-957-Robert B. Pitts
Office of Public and Indian Housing OMS No. 2577-0226 Expires 4130/2011
Development Account No.
1 To
Total Estimated Cost
Total Actual Cost
Funds Obli.ated'
Category 1, Activity 1 Senior Apartments ADA Upgrades - Total of9 Unit Upgrades
Category 1, Activity 3 Non-Dwelling Areas Accessibility & Site Improvements Category 1, Activity 4 Senior Center Rehabilitation and ADA Upgrades Administrati on Fees and Costs
Status of Work
Funds Exnended'
1410 1430
100% 100%
132,417 132,417
Federal FFY of Grant: 2009/2010
be completed for the Performance and Evaluation Report or a Revised Annual Statemeot.
To be completed for the Performance and Evaluatinn Report.
form HUD-S007S.! (4/2008)
u.s. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Annual StatementlPerfonnance and Evaluation Repo~ Capital Fund Program, Capital Fund Program Replacement Housing Factor and Capital Fund Financing Program
Part III: Implementation Schedule for Capital Fund Financing Program tHA Name: San Francisco Housing Authority 440 Turk Street San Francisco CA, 94102 Development Number All Fund Obligated (Quarter Ending Date) NamelPHA-Wide Activities Original Actual Obligation Obligation End End Date Date 7-957-17, Rosa Parks, part of AMP-957-Robert B. Pitts Category 1, Activity 1 Senior 6/30/2010 Apartments ADA UpgradesTotal of 9 Unit Upgrades Category 1, Activity 3 Non6/30/2010 Dwelling Areas Accessibility & Site Improvements Category 1, Activity 4 Senior 6/30/2010 Center Rehabilitation and ADA Upgrades Administration 6/30/2010 Fees and Costs -- -6/3012010 ._-_
Office of Public and Indian Housing OMB No. 2577-0226 Expires 4/30/2011
Federal FFY of Grant: 2009(2010
All Funds Expended (Quarter Ending Date) Actual Expe'nditure End Original Expenditure End Date Date
Reasons for Revised Target Dates
3/30/2011 3/30/2011
Obligation and expenditure end dated can only be revised withHUD approval pursuant to Section 9j of the U.S. Housing Act of1937, as amended.
fomllIUD-50075.1 (412008)
J SAN FRANCISCO HOUSING AUTHORITY 440 Turk Street路 San Francisco CA路 94102路 (415) 554-1200
September 24,2009
Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Capital Improvements (Attention ACC Amendment) Room 4130 451 Seventh Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20410 Subject: Dear
ACC Amendment for Grant Number CAOOI 00095709E
ocr Staff;
Attached to this letter, you will find three (3) signed copies of the San Francisco Housing Authority's Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) amendment for Grant Number CAOOl00095709E that was awarded in the amount of $2,780,755. We are very pleased to receive this funding and look forward to beginning implementation of these improvements. As instructed, Authority staff with LOCCS responsibility for this grant are adding LOCCS program area CFRC (Capital Fund Recovery Competitive) to the list of program areas for which they have access. They will add the new Program Area (CFRC) by submitting a fo= HUD-27054 request in accordance with LOCCS procedures.
If you or your staff need any additional info=ation, please do not hesitate to contact me at alvarezhia), or call me at (415) 554-1296. Since,:;::''-'--cl
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Competitive Grant u.s. Department of Housing
Capital Fund Program (CFP) Amendment To The Consolidated Annual Contributions Contract (form HUD~53012)
and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing
(herein called the "PHA") Whereas, (Public Housing Authority)San Francisco Housing Authority! CA001) and the United States of America, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (herein called :HUD") entered into Consolidated Annual Contributions
Contractls) AeC(s) Numberls) _SF-255__ dated: 812711964 , Whereas, HUD has agreed to provide American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) assistance, upon execution of this Amendment, to the PHA In the amount to be specified below for the purpose of assistIng the PHA in canying out capital and management activities at public housing developments in accordance with the requirements of the ARRA Including Title XVI general provisions of the ARRA, in order to enSUre that such developments continue to be available to serve low-income families:
$ 2780,755,00
for Fiscal Year 2009 to be referred to under Capital Fund Elderly and Persons with Disabilities Recovery Competitive Grant ICFRC) Number CA00100095709E
PHA Tax Identification Number (TIN) 94-6002959--,Whereas, HUD, and the PHA are entering Into the CFP Amendment Number_ _ _ _ _l,L!1~3"--___________ Now Therefore, the ACC(s) ls (are) amended as follows: 1, The ACC(s) is (are) amended to provide CFP assistance in the amount specified above for capital and management activities of PHA developments, This Amendment is a part of the ACC(s),
2, The capital and management activities shall be carried out In accordance with all HUD regulations and other requirements applicable to the Capital Fund Program, ARRA and in accordance with the PHA's current CFP Capital Fund Five -Year Action Plan (HUD-50075.2),
3. Requirements and certifications contained in the application submitted in response to the Notice of Funding Availability (NO FA) dated June 3, 2009, shall be binding commitments of the PHA, including general and project specific threstlOlds and all other requirements. The commitments made for each grant application wi!! be strictly monitored and enforced, A false statement in an application is grounds for denial or termination or recapture of an award and possible crimina~ civil or administrative sanctions. See Section VI.B,3.n. of the NOFA for enforcement requirements. Applicants are required to keep on file documentation to support certifications. 4. If the PHA does not comply with any of Its obligations under thIs Amendmen~ HUD shall impose such penalties or take such remedial action as provided by law, HUD may direct the PHA to terminate all work. In such case, the PHA shall only Incur additional costs with HUD approval,
S. Subject to the provisions of the ACC(s) and to assist in the capital and management activities, HUD agrees to disburse to the PHA from tlme to time as needed up to the amount of the funding assistance specified herein.
6. The PHA shall continue to operate each development as public housing in compliance with the ACC(s), as amended, the Act all HUD regulations for a period of twenty years alter the last disbursement of CFP/ARRA assistance for modernization activities and for a period of forty years after the las! distribution of CFP/ARRA assistance for development activities. Provided further that, for a period of ten years following the last payment of assistance from the Operating Fund to the PHA, no disposition of any development covere.d by this Amendment shall occur unless approved by HUD.
7, By execution of this Amendment, all PHAs that are PHAS troubled acknowledge and agree to additional monitoring and oversight by HUD and Its agents/contractors as deemed appropriate and necessary in order to ensure the proper use .of the funds received by this Amendment
8, This grant Is conditioned on the acceptance of the PHA to comply with the reporting requirements of the ARRA, including, but not Iknlted to, reporting requIrements from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the followmg requirements: a Funds cannot be transferred to operations or used for rental assistance activities. b, The PHA must obligate 100% of the grant within one year of the effective . date. At the one year date any unobligated funds will be recaptured. c. The PHA must expend at least 60% of the grant within two years of the effective date. At the two year date, if less than 60% is expended any unexpended funds will be recaptured. d. The PHA must expend 100% of the grant within 3 years of the effective date. At the three year date, any unexpended funds will be recaptured. e. Extensions to the obligation and expenditure dates are not permitted, 1. The PHA must submit a CFP Annual Statement/Performance and Evaluation Report (HUD-S0075.1) no later than 21 calendar days from the effective date. g. The PHA is required to amend the CFP Capital Fund Five-Year Action Plan, if the activities are not already included, h, The PHA must use the funds provided in this grant to supplement expenditures not supplant expenditures from other Federal, State, or local sources or funds independently generated by the grantee. i. Requirements relating to the procurement of goods and services arising under state and local laws and regulations shall not apply to the CFP assistance provided by this agreement. j. Compliance with the ARRA Buy American prOVisions, as detailed in OMB and HUD guidance. 9. The PHA acknOWledges its responsibility for adherence to this Amendment
The parties have executed this Agreement, .and it will be effective on'_________-,L _ _ _ _" This is the date on Which CFRC assistance becomes available to the PHA for obligation.
u.s, Department of Housing and By ntle
Previous versions obsolete
Urban Development Date:
PHA Exec
By Title
form HUD路S2840-A 0310412003