MINUTES SAN FRANCISCO HOUSING AUTHORITY Community Partners Annual Plan 2012 Meeting March 20, 2012
SCHEDULED: 3:00-4:00 p.m. at 1290 Fillmore Street, San Francisco, CA 94115
Community Partners Present: Sam Bratt Amber Carroll Madeline Howard
Organization Represented: Aging and Disability Resource Center Aging and Disability Resource Center Bay Area Legal Aid
Linda Martin-Mason, Ombudsman, the San Francisco Housing Authority, welcomed everyone. Mrs. Martin-Mason started the meeting by having everyone formally introduce themselves and state what organization they are representing. Yoshiko Kennedy, Program Manager of the Eligibility Department at the San Francisco Housing Authority provided an overview of the current waitlist and eligibility process. Questions asked during the meeting: Sam Bratt, Aging and Disability Resource Center Representative, asked if the applicants are notified when preferences change. Mr. Bratt, asked why does Sec.8 have ‘pay more than 50% of income for rent’ as a preference and not Public Housing? Mr. Bratt, asked when you propose clients a Project Base Voucher and they refuse, do they continue to stay in their same position? Amber Carroll, Aging and Disability Resource Center Representative, asked if there was a separate list for Project Base Vouchers. Ms. Carroll asked how many Project Based units the SFHA has. Mrs. Kennedy, answered 1,042 units. 1815 EGBERT AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94124 TELEPHONE: (415) 715-3951 TTY: 415.467.6754 WWW .SFHA.ORG
Mr. Bratt, asked if somebody has Sec. 8 and live in the United States, is it a big deal to port out? Madeline Howard, Bay Area Legal Aid Representative, asked if the ACOP states that SFHA will provide the client with a copy of their record as required by the CFR’s. Mrs. Martin-Mason requested the citation from Ms. Howard and Ms. Howard agreed to send it. Ms. Howard, asked if the applicant request for a copy of their record, will the SFHA provide them a copy of their record. Mr. Bratt, stated at 666 Ellis there was a terrible meeting. He proposed that someone from SFHA should be present and monitor the elections. Mrs. Martin-Mason responded that all matters related to the tenant associations are housed with the Office of General Council and that such questions should be referred to Pamela Palpallatoc. Ms. Howard, asked how long is the time frame for a client to request a hearing? Ms. Howard, asked how much time the SFHA gives clients when notifying them about their recertification? Ms. Howard, asked if SFHA has a policy to call people off the waiting list as opposed to mailing them notification. Ms. Howard, suggested that prospective clients should be able to see the unit that they will move into before they move. Ms. Howard, suggested that there should be a timeframe for SFHA to mail out unit offer letters. Ms. Howard, asked how are the translations going? Meeting Adjourned. Preferences Suggested: Disability Domestic Violence- BALA Homelessness- Not just in a shelter