SFHA-HCV-RAB_ Minutes_041712

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MINUTES SAN FRANCISCO HOUSING AUTHORITY HOUSING CHOICE VOUCHER RESIDENT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING April 17, 2012 SCHEDULED: 12:30 p.m. at 1290 Fillmore Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 Resident Advisory Board Present:

Stanley Abramson Marla Allen Eric Crockett Gerri Hayes Rosa Martinez Carl Nae Judye Russell Gary Schlotterbeck Pilar Seneris Mary Smith Cheryl Taylor Linda Warren Barry White Welcome Preference(s) Discussion Mr. Schlotterbeck, RAB, recommended that the preferences that are alike be combined, i.e. children with disabilities, disabled, etc. Ms. Russell, RAB, if an individual could qualify for more than one preference. Ms. McCray-Dickerson, Acting Director, Housing Choice Voucher Program, responded that a person receives credit/points for all the preferences in which they qualify. Ms. Russell, RAB, asked if an individual can be on both the Conventional Public Housing waiting list and the Housing Choice Voucher waiting list. Ms. McCray-Dickerson responded affirmatively. Ms. Russell, RAB, asked how long the Housing Choice Voucher waitlist is if it closed in 2001? Ms. McCray-Dickerson responded approximately 11,000 households long. Ms. Russell, RAB, asked if the Housing Authority was given money to house everyone on the waitlist.


Ms. McCray-Dickerson responded “no.” Ms. Russell, RAB, asked when the HAP contract changed to not include the tenant’s signature and why aren’t the tenant and landlord together at the time of signing? Mrs. Martin-Mason clarified that there is no change in policy with the HAP contract. Ms. McCray-Dickerson responded that the HAP contract is between the Housing Authority and the Owner. Ms. Russell, RAB, asked if HUD sets a timeframe for completing an RTA? Mrs. Martin-Mason took note of the question. Mr. Abramson, RAB, asked what the minimum and maximum amount for a voucher is? Ms. McCray-Dickerson responded that the Housing Authority follows a payment standard. Ms. Hayes, RAB, asked if the PHA owns any units in San Francisco? Ms. Martin-Mason took note of the question. Ms. Hayes, RAB, asked what the family adjustable income is if it is not the total income. Ms. Martin-Mason took note of the question. Ms. Hayes, RAB, asked what a tenancy addendum is and whether those are issued automatically? Ms. Martin-Mason took note of the question. Mr. Demetrius, RAB, commented that the security deposit should be limited and that the Housing Authority should lower the required amount. Ms. Russell, RAB, asked if the Housing Authority works with the San Francisco Code Enforcement team in inspecting units. Ms. McCray-Dickerson responded that the inspectors follow the HQS inspection guidelines. Ms. Griffin, Public, asked if the Housing Authority will give the participant an inspection report? Ms. McCray-Dickerson responded that the inspections are now conducted electronically but that a participant may request the inspection report. Ms. Williamson, Public, asked whether the inspections and the annual re-certifications should be occurring at the same time. Ms. McCray-Dickerson responded that the two are separate and do not have to occur simultaneously. Ms. Hayes, RAB, asked if the tenant should receive a notice by the landlord when they request a rent increase. Ms. Martin-Mason took note of the question.


Mr. Francis, RAB, asked if the landlord can increase the rent after getting a voucher. Ms. Martin-Mason took note of the question. Ms. Seneris, RAB, asked if the tenant has to notify the Housing Authority when the Landlord raises the rent. Mr. Francis, RAB, commented that he believes the Housing Authority should review the lease agreement. Ms. Russell, RAB, asked if the Housing Authority owns property that a Tenant Based voucher can be used towards. Ms. McCray-Dickerson answered “no.” Ms. Russell, RAB, recommended that the Housing Authority establish a verifiable time limit where they are required to respond to a RTA. Mrs. Martin-Mason took note of the recommendation. Ms. Hayes, RAB, recommended that the Housing Authority clarify that a move and a port follow separate procedures. Ms. Hayes, RAB, asked why the family and property owner must mutually agree to terminate the lease agreement. Ms. Hayes, RAB, asked what the recourses are for a family who is denied a request. Mrs. Martin-Mason responded that the recourses are listed in the grievance procedure, which will be covered in a later chapter. Ms. Hayes, RAB, asked if, under the section “Determining Income Eligibility,” how a participant can determine themselves if they are eligible for a port. Ms. Martin-Mason took note of the question. Ms. Russell, RAB, asked what the definition of a Participant Family is. Ms. Martin-Mason took note of the question. Ms. Hayes, RAB, asked what would happen to the tenant if the Housing Authority does not honor a late billing submission? Ms. Martin-Mason took note of the question. Mr. Abramson, RAB, asked how long a participant has to find a unit after the RTA has been submitted? Ms. Martin-Mason took note of the question. Ms. Hayes, RAB, asked if the Housing Authority determines income eligibility? Ms. Martin-Mason took note of the question.


Ms. Taylor, RAB, asked what happens to the tenant if the RTA and inspection are all timely submitted and completed but the landlord backs out. Ms. Martin-Mason took note of the question. Discussion of porting ensued. Ms. Hayes, RAB, asked what 24 CFR 5.216 refers to? Mrs. Martin-Mason took note of the question. Ms. Hayes, RAB, asked what the consequences are to the Housing Authority when they don’t perform. Ms. McCray-Dickerson responded that the Housing Authority is placed on a Corrective Action Plan by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Ms. Russell, RAB, asked if the Live-in Aide has to go through the income eligibility process also? Ms. McCray Dickerson responded that all income must be reported. Ms. Williamson, Public, asked when an increase in income take effect? Mrs. Martin-Mason took note of the question. Ms. Russell, RAB, asked what the Housing Authority’s business hours are? Mrs. Martin-Mason answered Mon-Fri 8:00am – 5:00pm. Ms. Russell recommended that tenants be provided with information on how their utility allowances are figured out. Ms. Martin-Mason took note of the recommendation. Meeting Adjourned


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