SFHA-PHA_RAB Minutes_040312

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April 3, 2012 SCHEDULED: 10:00 a.m. at 1251 Turk Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 Resident Advisory Board Present: Joyce Armstrong, President (PHTA) Reggie Darty, Board Member (CCSD) Neola Gans (PHTA) Uzuri Green, Secretary (PHTA) Beverly Saba, President (CCSD) Dedria Smith (PHTA) Solomon Watkins, Board Member (CCSD) Randall Glock (CCSD) Linda Martin-Mason, Ombudsman, the San Francisco Housing Authority, welcomed the RAB and reviewed the procedures for the Public Housing Annual Plan Resident Advisory Board Meetings. Questions comments or suggestions on Chapter 3: Beverly Saba, RAB, asked for an explanation of page 32, “A minor who is emancipated under state law may be designated as a spouse.” Mrs. Martin-Mason explained that this section is new to the ACOP. This section clarifies that a marriage partner may an emancipated youth in accordance with HUD requirements, while allowing the greatest latitude permissible under federal and state requirements. Neola Gans, RAB, asked a question whether the Housing Authority is required to report an individual’s unlawful presence in the United States to the United States Immigration Services. Mrs. Martin-Mason responded that the Housing Authority is not required to report an individual’s unlawful presence in the United States. The Housing Authority requires that one member of the family have a social security number as required by the Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD).


Joyce Armstrong, RAB, asked how much a person would have to pay if they are not a citizen but still live in a unit? Mrs. Martin-Mason replied that it would depend on the specific case and make-up of a unit. Ms. Saba, RAB, asked whether those individuals who abuse drugs and alcohol are eligible for housing. Mrs. Martin-Mason replies that individuals who have abused drugs and alcohol are eligible for public housing and are reviewed on a case by case basis by the eligibility department. Reggie Darty, RAB, asked whether drug dealers who have changed their ways are eligible for housing. Mrs. Martin-Mason took note of the question. Mr. Darty asked what fellow residents can do about residents who overmedicate themselves. Mrs. Martin-Mason took note of the question. Uzuri Green, RAB, asked whether a person who is abusing a substance would have to go to an AA meeting or something similar during the eligibility process? Mrs. Martin-Mason took note of the question. After the question was asked, there was discussion on the eligibility of people who abuse drugs and drug dealers. Mrs. Green, RAB, proposed that the Housing Authority include in lease that a person on drugs would have to stay in a treatment program as a condition of the lease. Discussion on live in aide and their rights, or lack thereof, to the unit ensued followed by a discussion of fraud, i.e. whether a resident may have a Section 8 voucher and live in public housing simultaneously. Ms. Saba, RAB, asked what would happen if a resident goes to jail for three to six months and a friend “apartment watches� and moves in? Mrs. Martin-Mason took note of the question. Dedria Smith, RAB, asked if the Housing Authority has a live in aide sign something? Mrs. Martin-Mason took note of the question. Ms. Gans asked whether a person has any rights to a unit if they are living in the unit, have not been approved through the eligibility department and are paying rent on the unit.


Mrs. Martin-Mason took note of the question. Ms. Armstrong, RAB, asked about a specific situation in her building. Florence Cheng, Acting Public Housing Director, responded that she is aware of the situation. Ms. Saba, RAB, asked what a criminal background check involves. Mrs. Martin-Mason took note of the question. Ms. Saba, RAB, whether an individual is required to provide information of past crimes that date back more than five years? Mrs. Martin-Mason took note of the question. Questions, comments or suggestions on Chapter 4: Mrs. Martin-Mason explained that as preferences are suggested, she will provide an updated list to the RAB. Ms. Gans, RAB, provided suggestions regarding the transfer policy that may affect the waitlist. Mrs. Martin-Mason stated that Chapter 12 would provide changes to the transfer policy and that the RAB will be reviewing that chapter in a few weeks. Ms. Smith, RAB, asked how the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR’s) made? Mrs. Martin-Mason took note of the question. Ms. Smith, RAB, asked if there are occasions where an applicant may be admitted into public housing even if they have a criminal history? Mrs. Martin-Mason responded that this is determined on a case-by-case basis. Mrs. Martin-Mason asked if there were any preference suggestions. Ms. Smith, RAB, suggested a preference for young parents ages seventeen (17) and up on the condition that they are doing something to better themselves. Ms. Saba, RAB, asked for examples of government displacement. Mrs. Martin-Mason took note of the question. Ms. Saba, RAB, asked why the Housing Authority should create more preferences when the government already requires two. Mrs. Martin-Mason replied that additional preferences are not required in which case the waitlist would be regulated by the date and time of the application.


Ms. Smith, RAB, suggested that people should be able to have three developments as choices when being put into public housing. Pauson, public commenter, asked if being homeless is still a preference? Mrs. Martin-Mason replies by saying yes it still is a local preference if verified by a Department of Human Services Shelter. Paulson, public commentater, asked if the Housing Authority is still using a form that allows people to deny moving into certain areas. Mrs. Martin-Mason took note of the question. Mrs. Green, RAB, proposed that a person be able to select three developments that they would move into but when provided with the three choices, they would have to pick from one of the choices or be removed from the list. Randall Glock, RAB, shares his personal experience in getting a unit. Mrs. Martin-Mason stated that when a unit is vacant, it doesn’t mean that it is available. Mr. Glock, RAB, adds that he has seen documents where it says if a person hasn’t picked a place in 24 hours, then they get kicked off the waitlist. Ms. Gans, RAB, proposed that vacant units be provided as long as the minimal is done, i.e. no electrical problems. Further, a resident can then be responsible for painting the unit themselves. Ms. Smith, RAB, proposed that prospective public housing tenants be given three choices of developments to move into and if at that time, none of the choices work for them they should be put at the bottom of the list. Mrs. Green, RAB, proposed that when a unit is vacated, to keep out squatters, it would be better to use something more than just wooden boards to keep people out. Mrs. Green suggested that the Housing Authority return to using the VPS again. Ms. Saba, RAB, proposes that there should still be three choices, but a person would be given a week to choose which development they want to live in. Mr. Glock, RAB, commented that if someone is serious about finding housing then giving them three days to do so would be a good option. Mr. Glock goes on to propose that someone be available to potential tenants for viewing of the unit. Ms. Saba, RAB, proposed that there should be a tenant committee that has an active role in screening prospective tenants who live in that building. Mrs. Green, RAB, states that the resident advisory committee may encourage preferences. A discussion regarding resident screening groups arose. 4

Questions , comments or suggestions on Chapter 5: Mrs. Martin-Mason provided an overview of the proposed plan and how people are matched with their units. Public Commenter, Ms. Paulson asked who determines bedroom sizes. Meeting adjourned.


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