SCHEDULED: 4:00 p.m. at 440 Turk Street, San Francisco, CA 94102 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Mirian Saez, Vice Chair Matthew Schwartz, Commissioner Ahsha Safai, Commissioner Dorothy Smith, Commissioner Micah Allen, Commissioner Dr. Veronica Hunnicutt, Commissioner Item 1:
Meeting called to order Vice Chair Mirian Saez called meeting to order at 4:00pm
Item 2:
Approval of Agenda
Commissioner Schwartz: Commissioner Hunnicutt: Vote: b.
Moved that Action Item b(1) follow approval of the agenda Seconded motion All approved
Action Item 1) [Informational Presentation: The Brown Act and Time Limitations for Public Comment] Presented by: Tim Larsen, General Counsel, Office of the General Counsel Tim Larsen, General Counsel, made a presentation informing the Commissioners of the Brown Act and how it applies to the Board. Vice Chair Saez asked whether the Commission could follow Robert’s Rules of Order to establish the rules of order of the SFHA Board of Commissioners. Mr. Larsen concurred.
Commissioner Schwartz asked if the board was in a stronger position that the board has a formally adopted policy of some kind and would it be recommended Mr. Larsen responded that it is his recommendation to formally adopt a policy that would be read at the beginning of each meeting. Commissioner Schwartz asked staff to come back with a recommended policy for adoption at the next Commission Meeting. Vice Chair Saez asked for clarification on the type of policy being requested. Commissioner Schwartz responded that, due to staff’s recommendation, the written policy being requested of staff would state that one speaker may not yield their time to another speaker and that each speaker has a two minute time limit. Vice Chair Saez requested that Mr. Larsen provide his recommendation. Mr. Larsen recommended that the Board adopt a policy pertaining to the yielding of time to be added to the preamble of the meeting so that the public understands what the rules are. Commissioner Allen agreed that for purposes of clarity it would be beneficial to have a written policy with rules concerning speaking Vice Chair Saez confirmed that the Board has rules that are read by the Commission Secretary at every meeting. Vice Chair Saez asked if there were any further recommendations to rules that are read at the meetings. Vice Chair Saez expressed concern of being overly restrictive in providing new policy for a remote incident. Commissioner Hunnicutt asked for staff’s recommendations pertaining to whether a speaker can speak for two minutes and, within the same agenda item, come back a second time to speak for another two minutes after everyone has spoken. Mr. Larsen confirmed that whatever the board decides to do it will be in accordance with the law. Commissioner Smith requested that prohibiting time yielding should be announced in the beginning of the meeting to avoid confusion.
Commissioner Saez requested staff recommendations on the issues presented. Mr. Larsen confirmed that the two issues are (1) whether a person can yield their time during public comment and (2) whether an individual can speak on the same agenda item a second time. Commissioner Hunnicutt confirmed that the second item is in regards to a speaker speaking on the same issue twice. Commissioner Saez thanked Mr. Larsen for his presentation.. Item 3:
Public Comments on items not on the agenda Commenter, Uzuri Pease, resident of Potrero Hill, stated that she is happy that her sink is fixed and the lights in Potrero have made a positive difference in the neighborhood. Ms. Pease thanked Executive Director Henry A. Alvarez III, Tim Larsen, Renee Scott, Tim Barrow, Miguel Paltao, Florence Cheng, Commissioner Micah Allen and Anthony Ihejeto for attending the first resident forum at Potrero Hill. Ms. Pease invited the board to their next forum in May. Commenter, Rita Lark claimed that she found derogatory information about her mother on the internet and that people should be more mindful of what information should be posted.
Item 4:
Secretary’s Report Henry A. Alvarez III, Secretary, stated that the forum at Potrero was well organized, well attended and appears to have resulted in many concerns resolved. The Secretary also recognized the Recovery Act Grant Award which was awarded by HUD to the San Francisco Housing Authority for being “The most successfully reviewed Recovery Act Program.”
Item 5:
Tenant Representative Report 1. Citywide Council Senior Disabled (CCSD) Beverly Saba, President of CCSD stated that the new board took office February 1, 2012. The secretary position was filled by Randall Glock. Ms. Saba thanked Tim Larsen and Pamela Palpallatoc for working with CCSD to finalize the MOU and various tenant association concerns. Ms. Saba thanked Phyllis Moore-Lewis for listening to the concerns of the CCSD. Ms. Saba also thanked David Rosario and Barbara Smith for offering assistance. Ms. Saba mentioned that all senior disabled buildings need effective security.
2. Public Housing Tenants Association (PHTA) Joyce Armstrong, President of PHTA, stated that the quarterly meeting tentative schedule has been approved. Ms. Armstrong stated that she and Neola Gans attended a safe action group forum at Potrero hill neighborhood which was well attended and informative. Ms. Armstrong requested that the board continue to separate church and state and not to confuse the two. Further, Ms. Armstrong clarified that comments are not meant to be personal attacks on Henry Alvarez III, but instead, are directed at Mr. Alvarez, who is the Executive Director of the San Francisco Housing Authority. Item 6:
Regular Business A. Consent Items  Minutes o Minutes of regular Board meeting held on January 26, 2012
Commissioner Schwartz: Commissioner Allen: Vote:
Moved to accept minutes of January 26, 2012 Seconded the motion All approved
B. Action Items 2. [Informational Presentation: The Reorganization of the Public Housing Operations] Presented by: Roger Crawford, Special Assistant, Executive Office Roger Crawford, Special Assistant to the Executive Director, presented the Commission with the new reorganization of Public Housing, which included one Director for the family sites and another for the Senior/Disabled sites. Each of the two directors would have two area managers. The purpose behind the reorganization is to more effectively resolve resident needs. Commissioner Schwartz recommended that staff checked how other housing authorities handled their staffing and what other ratios reflect. Commissioner Smith asked how this would affect the developments. Mr. Crawford responded that each site would continue to have on site property managers. Commissioner Safai requested more information on the process that the SFHA took when it came to this decision or the alternatives that the SFHA considered. Mr. Crawford responded that by splitting the management duties in this way, one director would not be overwhelmed. Commissioner Hunnicutt asked how the SFHA can afford multiple managers with a tight budget
Mr. Crawford responded that other adjustments will be made in the budget as far as how and where the spending would take place but there is enough funding for an additional director. Commissioner Allen asked for the area managers to introduce themselves. (All of the area managers introduced themselves.) Commissioner Allen asked where the managers were located. (All of the area managers responded with their locations.) Vice Chair Saez asked how this follows the AMPs organized structure, and for budgetary purposes will the manager’s budget be able to be built up. Mr. Crawford responded that the AMP system will not be changed and that managers are still working on the budget with the assistance of finance Commissioner Schwartz requested that the board be presented with property staffing being recommended and how that will work with the AMP’s. Mr. Crawford responded that this is only the preliminary stage and that it can be brought back to the Commission. Vice Chair Saez recommended communication with residents to avoid any confusion. Public Comment Commenter, Uzuri Pease, resident of Potrero Hill, stated that the work needs to be taken care of at the lower levels before moving up to the higher levels. Commenter, unidentified, asked who the residents can call in an emergency after hours. Mr. Alvarez responded that for emergency medical call 911 and for maintenance after hours call 311.
Item 7:
Commissioners Comments Commissioner Hunnicutt asked how the housing authority is assisting the Department of the Status of Women Linda Martin-Mason, Ombudsman, responded that the preferences will be addressed during the PHA annual plan process which should be a three month process that starts in March. Ms. Martin-Mason explained that the group who wrote the letter has been invited and have come in the past. The group has been meeting for about two years with Ms. Martin-Mason and Tim Larsen. The Secretary provided a summary of the current Preference system.
Vice Chair Saez expressed enthusiasm in the work being done to clarify the preference system. Commissioner Safai asked for a more elaborate presentation on the preferences before the annual plan process begins. Commissioner Safai also requested an update on delinquent rent by development Commissioner Allen invited everyone to the YMCA for Healthy Community Day at Martin Luther King Pool At 10:00am on Saturday 2/11/12
Item 8:
Closed Session
Item 9:
Adjournment by consensus 18:15