2011 – 2016 Strategic Plan
Henry A. Alvarez III Executive Director
SFHA Board of Commissioners
SFHA Executive Team
San Francisco Housing Authority Strategic Plan: 2011 - 2016
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MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR...........................................................................2 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................3 SFHA MISSION AND GUIDING PRINCIPLES ...........................................................................4 2011 – 2016 STRATEGIC GOALS ............................................................................................7 STRATEGIC PLAN ......................................................................................................................8 GOAL 1 ....................................................................................................................8 GOAL 2 ....................................................................................................................9 GOAL 3 ................................................................................................................. 10 GOAL 4 ................................................................................................................. 11 GOAL 5 ................................................................................................................. 13 GOAL 6 ................................................................................................................. 15 GOAL 7 ................................................................................................................. 17 GOAL 8 ................................................................................................................. 18 SAMPLE COMMITMENT MEMO .............................................................................................. 19 TIMELINE ................................................................................................................................. 20
San Francisco Housing Authority Strategic Plan: 2011 - 2016
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INTRODUCTION PLANNING FRAMEWORK In May 2010, the Board of Commissioners and the Executive Director of the San Francisco Housing Authority (SFHA) determined that their Strategic Plan needed to be updated to continue with their vision of becoming a high performance organization, promoting innovation and accountability, and sustaining progress. In efforts to update this plan, emphasis was placed on including people and obtaining input from all stakeholders. The inclusive approach was based on conducting three separate facilitated visioning and planning sessions. During these sessions, input from staff and Board members was obtained through a number of structured brainstorming exercises. The plan’s foundation was established based on the detailed feedback obtained from these sessions.
PLANNING OBJECTIVE To promote creative brainstorming for developing fresh ideas on transforming public housing from “housing of last resort” into “housing of choice” and to increase and improve the supply of low income and affordable housing.
The purpose of updating SFHA’s Strategic Plan is to outline SFHA’s mission, core goals, and to develop a high level roadmap for achieving these goals over the next 5 years. More specifically, the initial planning retreat sought to: – – – – – – – –
Facilitate a roundtable discussion among management Establish an identity for SFHA Initiate open and active participation Promote candid feedback Generate ideas, analyses and recommendations Develop 5-year strategies with focus on years 1 & 2 Align business operations with the mission of SFHA Encourage team collaboration and commitment
As a result of the retreat, SFHA’s Planning Team developed several meaningful products, including the creation of: A new and improved mission statement for the Authority Realistic goals and actionable strategies to be achieved over the next 5 years, as covered in this plan.
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SFHA MISSION AND GUIDING PRINCIPLES SFHA MISSION The mission of the SFHA is to deliver safe and decent housing for low income households and integrate economic opportunities for residents.
The guiding principles outlined on the following pages represent values that govern the actions of all SFHA staff members and establish standards of public stewardship. Management and staff articulated these values and principles as a result of their own analyses and aspirations for a renewed SFHA.
Strategic and Collaborative Partnerships
•We develop our external relationships and facilitate accountability among all partners to achieve our mandate and mission. •We strengthen and leverage our membership in the broad public housing industry.
Effective Communication and Education
•We educate all our customers, partners and other stakeholders on the value and importance of public housing. •We ensure effective organizational communication, information accessibility, and transparency throughout the Authority that would facilitate alignment and success of all our programs and services.
Maximizing Technology
•We continue to leverage existing and emerging technologies that increase agency accountability, effectiveness and efficiency. •We ensure that technology adoption and use is consistent across all departments to further strengthen the Authority’s internal capacity.
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Customer Focus •We dedicate ourselves to assist and engage our residents to be self-sufficient and voluntary move out of public and subsidized housing •We conduct our business with customer-oriented and responsive service delivery systems focused on all customers and stakeholders.
Commitment, Integrity and Accountability •We demonstrate consistent organizational and personal commitment to customer service and our Authority’s mission. •We practice uncompromising ethical practices and integrity through clearly established and observed policies and procedures and a strong fiscal and control framework.
Excellence in Performance •We rely on strong leadership across the Authority that motivates excellence in employee and team performance. •We foster creativity, initiative and synergy.
•We ensure alignment of performance expectations, outcomes and measures.
Empowerment and Trust
•We foster trust that recognizes capability, promotes accountability and responsiveness, and empowers employees to become effective performers. •We foster a caring and nurturing environment across the organization that further builds internal capacity and a motivated workforce
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2011 ― 2016 STRATEGIC GOALS This Strategic Plan has been built upon certain assumptions that have translated into eight core goals. These core goals are the impetus for the hard work that must take place to produce new units, preserve existing units, improve the quality of our work, and monitor the integrity of our actions. The strategies developed to provide the framework for the transformational activities are identified in the next section of this plan.
• Expand the Supply of Assisted Housing
• Improve the Quality of Assisted Housing
Goal 1
Goal 2
• Provide a Safe and Improved Living Environment
Goal 3
• Promote Self-Sufficiency and Asset Development of Assisted Households
Goal 4
Goal 5
• Improve and Deliver Quality Customer Service
Goal 7
San Francisco Housing Authority Strategic Plan: 2011 - 2016
• Increase Assisted Housing Choices
• Promote Equal Opportunity and Affirmatively Further Fair Housing
Goal 6
• Become a "High Performing" Agency by Improving Operations in All Areas
Goal 8
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Goal 1: Expand the Supply of Assisted Housing Strategy 1:
Apply for additional rental vouchers and special purpose rental vouchers as they become available.
Strategy 2:
Reduce public housing vacancies to less than 3%. 1. Develop an improved business process for waitlist management 2. Develop an advanced quality enhancement program for challenged properties 3. Create and administer a senior leadership evaluation of a unified waitlist and potential Public Housing / Section 8 split
Strategy 3:
Leverage private and other public funds to create additional housing opportunities, including HOPE VI, Choice Neighborhoods, TRA and Section 8 Project-based Vouchers. 1. Identify new private and public funding opportunities that incorporate tax credits and energy savings
Strategy 4:
Acquire sites or buildings where opportunities exist.
Strategy 5:
Add affordable and market rate housing where density permits at HOPE SF and at family and elderly/disabled public housing units.
Strategy 6:
Partner with affordable housing developers.
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Goal 2: Improve the Quality of Assisted Housing Strategy 1:
Improve public housing management scores. 1. Document how the waitlist is managed and indicate areas for potential efficiency 2. Develop an inventory of vacant units 3. Collect past resident surveys and distribute finding to management to evaluate resident feedback on public housing units
Strategy 2:
Improve voucher management (SEMAP scores) through the reorganization of the Section 8 department. 1. Improve current Section 8 Project-based Voucher Program by studying and benchmarking how other housing authorities utilize vouchers
Strategy 3:
Partner with housing developers, non-profit community and supportive service organizations and city agencies to rebuild public housing sites and provide services to residents. 1. Develop Marketability Plan by using existing information related to resident preferences 2. Survey property managers to identify programs and services that can help enhance residents’ quality of life 3. Develop an inventory of non-profit organizations that provide services identified by property managers
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STRATEGIC PLAN Goal 3: Increase the Types of Assisted Housing Choices Strategy 1:
Continue to provide voucher mobility counseling.
Strategy 2:
Conduct outreach efforts to potential voucher landlords. 1. Create a branding initiative to reach out to new, existing, and potential landlords 2. Develop an improved marketing strategy to make programs appealing 3. Inform the public about opportunities at SFHA by distributing newsletters to stakeholder groups and conducting Town Hall Meetings 4. Advertise information about opportunities at SFHA via television spots and commercials
Strategy 3:
Maximize voucher payment standards. 1. Improve current Section 8 Project-based Voucher Program by studying and benchmarking how other housing authorities utilize vouchers
Strategy 4:
Utilize Voucher Homeownership in conjunction with comprehensive revitalization, infill housing, and partnerships with community – based organizations, city agencies, FSS, and other homeownership programs. 1. Inform the public about opportunities at SFHA by distributing newsletters to stakeholder groups and conducting Town Hall Meetings 2. Advertise information about opportunities at SFHA via television spots and commercials
Strategy 5:
Use Section 8 Project-based Voucher Program assistance in conjunction with public housing revitalizations efforts to increase supply of housing units. 1. Improve current Section 8 Project-based Voucher Program by studying and benchmarking how other housing authorities utilize vouchers
Strategy 6:
Utilize to the fullest extent possible the Section 8 Project-based Voucher Programs 1. Improve current Section 8 Project-based Voucher Program by studying and benchmarking how other housing authorities utilize vouchers 2. Develop an improved marketing strategy to make programs appealing 3. Inform the public about opportunities at SFHA by distributing newsletters to stakeholder groups and conducting Town Hall Meetings 4. Advertise information about opportunities at SFHA via television spots and commercials
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Goal 4: Provide a Safe and Improved Living Environment Strategy 1:
Where necessary, install security cameras in and around public housing sites. 1. Assess present distribution and quality of security cameras
Strategy 2:
Partner with the San Francisco Police Department in implementing community policing strategies, such as neighborhood watch groups, at public housing sites. 1. Work with public safety stakeholders to develop an law enforcement initiative to increase security around SFHA properties
Strategy 3:
De-concentrate poverty at lower density developments by replacing the public housing and adding housing for households with a range of incomes, adding other ancillary non-residential uses and creating mixed-income, mixed-use communities. 1. Implement income targeting to de-concentrate poverty in particular housing units
Strategy 4:
Lease vacant units more quickly. 1. Develop an inventory of vacant units
Strategy 5:
Develop better one-on-one relationships with communities surrounding family and senior housing sites. 1. Work with property managers to identify key neighborhood stakeholders for each SFHA property
Strategy 6:
Establish “tip” line specifically for SFHA residents.
Strategy 7:
Partner with the City of San Francisco’s Department of Public Works to develop neighborhood beautification projects, community gardens, and quicker removal of graffiti. 1. Work with public safety stakeholders to develop an law enforcement initiative to increase security around SFHA properties 2. Increase SFHA attendance / involvement in civic and philanthropic organizations (i.e., SAFE, Police Departments, and Fire Departments)
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Goal 4: Provide a Safe and Improved Living Environment Strategy 8:
Improve lighting and build visual corridors to increase visibility in new developments. 1. Assess present quality of lighting and visibility throughout developments
Strategy 9:
Implement maintenance and property management energy conservation measures.
Strategy 10:
Negotiate better rates with utility and water providers.
Strategy 11:
Provide resident training on energy conservation and Energy Star products.
Strategy 12:
Encourage energy efficiency in the design and construction of HOPE VI and public housing sites being redeveloped.
Strategy 13:
Install recycling centers at various public housing family developments.
Strategy 14:
Increase availability of sports and other extracurricular activities for residents.
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STRATEGIC PLAN Goal 5: Promote Household Self-Sufficiency and Asset Development Strategy 1:
Create and establish partnerships with technology companies to increase resident proficiency and access to technology and internet, in particular, provide support to the deployment and execution of the City of San Francisco’s free wireless access initiative. 1. Create an external initiatives “working group� to organize potential external partnerships and initiatives 2. Advertise information about available resident services to increase participation 3. Target training programs for SFHA residents
Strategy 2:
Identify resources for employment training grants and opportunities and provide a venue for residents to participate in trainings. 4. Provide technology training and education to resident employees 5. Create a Grants.gov profile and refine search parameters to include opportunities that funding partners might also pursue 6. Identify which grants the City of San Francisco is pursuing and which grants the City has secured 7. Identify and reach out to City and County programs that can provide services to SFHA residents
Strategy 3:
Promote training certification and degree programs, including GED preparation, for residents. 1. Assist in the organization and facilitation of career workshops for residents 2. Advertise information about available resident services to increase participation 3. Identify educational resources to provide to SFHA residents 4. Target training programs for SFHA residents
Strategy 4:
Provide job search workshops for residents. 1. Assist in the organization and facilitation of career workshops for residents 2. Advertise information about available resident services to increase participation 3. Identify educational resources to provide to SFHA residents 4. Target training programs for SFHA residents
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STRATEGIC PLAN Goal 5: Promote Household Self-Sufficiency and Asset Development
Strategy 5:
Provide or attract supportive services to increase independence for elderly or families with disabilities. 1. Contact HHS, specifically Administration on Aging to discuss what programs are available to elderly residents and/or families with disabilities
Strategy 6:
Identify and implement programs with community based partners that can promote self-sufficiency, including first time homeownership opportunities for low income families. 1. Create an external initiatives “working group� to organize potential external partnerships and initiatives 2. Identify and connect residents with service providers who can facilitate readiness programs 3. Contact Workforce Investment Board for inventory of corporations and businesses that provide job training, have corporate outreach programs, or offer free capacity-building opportunities for residents
Strategy 7:
Subscribe to Speaker Pelosi’s monthly grant newsletter. Apply for all applicable grants, in particular SuperNOFA and Ross grants. 1. Create a Grants.gov profile and refine search parameters to include opportunities that funding partners might also pursue 2. Identify which grants the City of San Francisco is pursuing and which grants the City has secured 3. Identify and reach out to City and County programs that can provide services to SFHA residents
Strategy 8:
Utilize Section 3 goals and the SFHA 25% resident hire policy to provide more employment opportunities for public housing residents. In particular, consider hiring and training community residents to service as computer lab managers. 1. Target training programs for SFHA residents 2. Advertise information about available resident services to increase participation 3. Develop a Resident Volunteer Program for those residents interested in volunteering with SFHA
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Goal 6: Promote Equal Opportunity and Affirmatively Further Fair Housing Strategy 1:
Undertake affirmative measures to ensure access to assisted housing regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, and disability. 1. Develop a brand recognition of the SFHA Ombudsperson, including the development of a mission statement 2. Implement process for periodically reviewing equal opportunity policies
Strategy 2:
Undertake affirmative measures to provide a suitable living environment for families living in assisted housing regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, and disability. 1. Develop a brand recognition of the SFHA Ombudsperson, including the development of a mission statement 2. Implement process for periodically reviewing equal opportunity policies
Strategy 3:
Undertake affirmative measures to ensure accessible housing to persons with all varieties of disabilities regardless of unit size required. 1. Develop a brand recognition of the SFHA Ombudsperson, including the development of a mission statement 2. Implement process for periodically reviewing equal opportunity policies
Strategy 4:
Respond to residents and applicants relating to possible discrimination-based incidents and the implementation of procedures for addressing allegations of incidents with a perceived or actual discriminatory dimension. 1. Develop a brand recognition of the SFHA Ombudsperson, including the development of a mission statement 2. Implement process for periodically reviewing equal opportunity policies
Strategy 5:
Investigate allegations of discrimination based on sexual orientation.
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Goal 6: Promote Equal Opportunity and Affirmatively Further Fair Housing Strategy 6:
Educate staff, landlords, tenants, and vendors on affirmative action and other laws regarding discrimination. 1. Determine if published polices are current and available to all staff 2. Educate all SFHA staff on policies 3. Determine if policies need to be clarified in order for employees to determine acceptable behaviors related to equal opportunity 4. Implement process for periodically reviewing equal opportunity policies
Strategy 7:
Implement the Limited English Proficiency Plan that will guide SFHA in providing language services to clients whose native language is not English. 1. Establish needs, expectations and performance measurements on bilingual staff
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Goal 7: Improve and Deliver Quality Customer Service
Strategy 1:
Deploy an Internet Kiosk, which will provide easy access to data pertinent to clients on Section 8, Public Housing and other services provided by the SFHA.
Strategy 2:
Provide customer service training for SFHA employees. 1. Assist in the planning and facilitation of staff customer service training 2. Establish needs, expectations and performance measurements on customer service
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STRATEGIC PLAN Goal 8: Become a "High Performing" Agency by Improving Operations in All Areas Strategy 1:
Conduct monthly and quarterly management meetings with SFHA staff to assess progress on individual goals and strategies. 1. Develop “Strategy Teams� to lead goals and implement strategies 2. Prioritize goals and strategies and establish needs, expectations and performance measurements for each Strategy Team 3. Develop individualized Commitment Memos to increase accountability, promote ownership and maintain momentum for the achievement of all goals (Example attached in the following section.)
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Sub Strategy
Description of Strategy/Initiative
Project Owner
Target Completion
Expand the Supply of Assisted Housing A
Apply for additional rental vouchers and special purpose rental vouchers as they become available.
Reduce public housing vacancies to less than 3%.
Develop an improved business process for waitlist management.
Develop an advanced quality enhancement program for challenged properties.
March 2011
Create and administer a senior leadership evaluation of a unified waitlist and potential Public Housing / Section 8 split.
March 2011
February 2011
Leverage private and other public funds to create additional housing opportunities, including HOPE VI, Choice Neighborhoods, TRA and Section 8 Project-based Vouchers. a.
Identify new private and public funding opportunities that incorporate tax credits and energy savings.
Acquire sites or buildings where opportunities exist.
Add affordable and market rate housing where density permits at HOPE SF and at family and elderly/disabled public housing units.
Partner with affordable housing developers.
San Francisco Housing Authority Strategic Plan: 2011 - 2016
March 2011
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Sub Strategy
Description of Strategy/Initiative
Project Owner
Target Completion
Improve the Quality of Assisted Housing A
Improve public housing management scores. a.
Document how the waitlist is managed and indicate areas for potential efficiency
February 2011
Develop an inventory of vacant units
February 2011
Collect past resident surveys and distribute finding to management to evaluate resident feedback on public housing units
February 2011
Improve voucher management (SEMAP scores) through the reorganization of the Section 8 department.
Improve current Section 8 Project-based Voucher Program by studying and benchmarking how other housing authorities utilize vouchers
May 2011
Partner with housing developers, non-profit community and supportive service organizations and City agencies to rebuild public housing sites and provide services to residents. a.
Develop Marketability Plan by using existing information related to resident preferences
April 2011
Survey property managers to identify programs and services that can help enhance residents’ quality of life
April 2011
Develop an inventory of non-profit organizations that provide services identified by property managers
May 2011
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Sub Strategy
Description of Strategy/Initiative
Project Owner
Target Completion
Increase the Types of Assisted Housing Choices A
Continue to provide voucher mobility counseling.
Conduct outreach efforts to potential voucher landlords. Create a branding initiative to reach out to new, existing, a. and potential landlords Develop an improved marketing strategy to make b. programs appealing Inform the public about opportunities at SFHA by c. distributing newsletters to stakeholder groups and conducting Town Hall Meetings d.
Improve current Section 8 Project-based Voucher Program by studying and benchmarking how other housing authorities utilize vouchers
Utilize Voucher Homeownership in conjunction with comprehensive revitalization, infill housing, and partnerships with community – based organizations, city agencies, FSS, and other homeownership programs. Inform the public about opportunities at SFHA by a. distributing newsletters to stakeholder groups and conducting Town Hall Meetings Advertise information about opportunities at SFHA via b. television spots and commercials
May 2011 May 2011
May 2011
May 2011 May 2011
Use Section 8 Project-based Voucher Program assistance in conjunction with public housing revitalizations efforts to increase supply of housing units. Improve current Section 8 Project-based Voucher Program by studying and benchmarking how other housing authorities utilize vouchers Utilize to the fullest extent possible the Section 8 Project-based Voucher Programs a.
March 2011
Maximize voucher payment standards. a.
Advertise information about opportunities at SFHA via television spots and commercials
March 2011
a. b. c. d.
Improve current Section 8 Project-based Voucher Program by studying and benchmarking how other housing authorities utilize vouchers Develop an improved marketing strategy to make programs appealing Inform the public about opportunities at SFHA by distributing newsletters to stakeholder groups and conducting Town Hall Meetings Advertise information about opportunities at SFHA via television spots and commercials
San Francisco Housing Authority Strategic Plan: 2011 - 2016
May 2011
May 2011 March 2011 May 2011 May 2011
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Sub Strategy
Description of Strategy/Initiative
Project Owner
Target Completion
Provide a Safe and Improved Living Environment A
Where necessary, install security cameras in and around public housing sites. a.
Implement income targeting to de-concentrate poverty in particular housing units
Mach 2011
Develop an inventory of vacant units
February 2011
Develop better one-on-one relationships with communities surrounding family and senior housing sites. a.
January 2011
Lease vacant units more quickly. a.
Work with public safety stakeholders to develop an law enforcement initiative to increase security around SFHA properties
De-concentrate poverty at lower density developments by replacing the public housing and adding housing for households with a range of incomes, adding other ancillary non-residential uses and creating mixed-income, mixed-use communities. a.
June 2011
Partner with the San Francisco Police Department in implementing community policing strategies, such as neighborhood watch groups, at public housing sites. a.
Assess present distribution and quality of security cameras
Work with property managers to identify key neighborhood stakeholders for each SFHA property
February 2011
Establish “tip” line specifically for SFHA residents. Partner with the City of San Francisco’s Department of Public Works to develop neighborhood beautification projects, community gardens, and quicker removal of graffiti. Work with public safety stakeholders to develop an law a. enforcement initiative to increase security around SFHA properties Increase SFHA attendance / involvement in civic and philanthropic b. organizations (i.e., SAFE, Police Departments, and Fire Departments)
January 2011
January 2011
Improve lighting and build visual corridors to increase visibility in new developments. a.
Assess present quality of lighting and visibility throughout developments
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June 2011
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Sub Strategy
Description of Strategy/Initiative
Project Owner
Target Completion
Provide a Safe and Improved Living Environment I
Implement maintenance and property management energy conservation measures.
Negotiate better rates with utility and water providers.
Provide resident training on energy conservation and Energy Star products.
Encourage energy efficiency in the design and construction of HOPE VI and public housing sites being redeveloped.
Install recycling centers at various public housing family developments.
Increase availability of sports and other extracurricular activities for residents.
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Sub Strategy
Description of Strategy/Initiative
Project Owner
Target Completion
Promote Household Self-Sufficiency and Asset Development
Create and establish partnerships with technology companies to increase resident proficiency and access to technology and internet, in particular, provide support to the deployment and execution of the City of San Francisco’s free wireless access initiative. a.
Create and external initiatives “working group” to organize potential external partnerships and initiatives
May 2011
Advertise information about available resident services to increase participation
July 2011
c. Target training programs for SFHA residents Identify resources for employment training grants and opportunities and provide a venue for residents to participate in trainings. a.
Provide technology training and education to resident employees
Create a Grants.gov profile and refine search parameters to include opportunities that funding partners might also pursue
January 2011
Identify which grants the City of San Francisco is pursuing and which grants the City has secured
February 2011 Ongoing
Identify and reach out to City and County programs that can provide services to SFHA residents
April 2011
March 2011 Ongoing
Promote training certification and degree programs, including GED preparation, for residents. a.
Assist in the organization and facilitation of career workshops for residents
Advertise information about available resident services to increase participation
c. d. D
April 2011
Identify educational resources to provide to SFHA residents Target training programs for SFHA residents
Provide job search workshops for residents. Assist in the organization and facilitation of career a. workshops for residents b. c. d.
Advertise information about available resident services to increase participation Identify educational resources to provide to SFHA residents Target training programs for SFHA residents
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March 2011 July 2011 March 2011 April 2011 March 2011 July 2011 March 2011 April 2011
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Sub Strategy
Description of Strategy/Initiative
Project Owner
Target Completion
Promote Household Self-Sufficiency and Asset Development E
Provide or attract supportive services to increase independence for elderly or families with disabilities. a.
Contact HHS, specifically Administration on Aging to discuss what programs are available to elderly residents and/or families with disabilities
March 2011
Identify and implement programs with community based partners that can promote self-sufficiency, including first time homeownership opportunities for low income families. a.
Create an external initiatives “working group� to organize potential external partnerships and initiatives
May 2011
Identify and connect residents with service providers who can facilitate readiness programs
March 2011
Contact Workforce Investment Board for inventory of corporations and businesses that provide job training, have corporate outreach programs, or offer free advice opportunities for residents
March 2011
Subscribe to Speaker Pelosi’s monthly grant newsletter. Apply for all applicable grants, in particular SuperNOFA and Ross grants. a.
Create a Grants.gov profile and refine search parameters to include opportunities that funding partners might also pursue
January 2011
Identify which grants the City of San Francisco is pursuing and which grants the City has secured
February 2011 Ongoing
Identify and reach out to City and County programs that can provide services to SFHA residents
March 2011 Ongoing
Utilize Section 3 goals and the SFHA 25% resident hire policy to provide more employment opportunities for public housing residents. In particular, consider hiring and training community residents to service as computer lab managers. a.
Target training programs for SFHA residents
Advertise information about available resident services to increase participation
Develop a Resident Volunteer Program for those residents interested in volunteering with SFHA
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April 2011 July 2011 March 2011
Page 26
Sub Strategy
Description of Strategy/Initiative
Project Owner
Target Completion
Promote Equal Opportunity and Affirmatively Further Fair Housing A
Undertake affirmative measures to ensure access to assisted housing regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, and disability. a.
Develop a brand recognition of the SFHA Ombudsperson, including the development of a mission statement
January 2011
Implement process for periodically reviewing equal opportunity policies
March 2011
Undertake affirmative measures to provide a suitable living environment for families living in assisted housing regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, and disability. a.
Develop a brand recognition of the SFHA Ombudsperson, including the development of a mission statement
January 2011
Implement process for periodically reviewing equal opportunity policies
March 2011
Undertake affirmative measures to ensure accessible housing to persons with all varieties of disabilities regardless of unit size required. a.
Develop a brand recognition of the SFHA Ombudsperson, including the development of a mission statement
January 2011
Implement process for periodically reviewing equal opportunity policies
March 2011
Respond to residents and applicants relating to possible discrimination-based incidents and the implementation of procedures for addressing allegations of incidents with a perceived or actual discriminatory dimension. a.
Develop a brand recognition of the SFHA Ombudsperson, including the development of a mission statement
January 2011
Implement process for periodically reviewing equal opportunity policies
March 2011
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Sub Strategy
Description of Strategy/Initiative
Project Owner
Target Completion
Promote Equal Opportunity and Affirmatively Further Fair Housing E
Investigate allegations of discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Educate staff, landlords, tenants, and vendors on affirmative action and other laws regarding discrimination.
Determine if published polices are current and available to all staff
January 2011
Educate all SFHA staff on policies
March 2011
Determine if policies need to be clarified in order for employees to determine acceptable behaviors related to equal opportunity
March 2011
Implement process for periodically reviewing equal opportunity policies
March 2011
Implement the Limited English Proficiency Plan that will guide SFHA in providing language services to clients whose native language is not English. a.
Establish needs, expectations and performance measurements on bilingual staff
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March 2011
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Sub Strategy
Description of Strategy/Initiative
Project Owner
Target Completion
Improve and Deliver Quality Customer Service A
Deploy an Internet Kiosk, which will provide easy access to data pertinent to clients on Section 8, Public Housing and other services provided by the SFHA.
Provide customer service training for SFHA employees.
Assist in the planning and facilitation of staff customer service training
March 2011
Establish needs, expectations and performance measurements on customer service
April 2011
Sub Strategy
Description of Strategy/Initiative
Project Owner
Target Completion
Become a "High Performing" Agency by Improving Operations in All Areas A
Conduct monthly and quarterly management meetings with SFHA staff to assess progress on individual goals and strategies. a.
Develop “Strategy Teams� to lead goals and implement strategies
February 2011
Prioritize goals and strategies and establish needs, expectations and performance measurements for each Strategy Team
March 2011
Develop individualized Commitment Memos to increase accountability, promote ownership and maintain momentum for the achievement of all goals
March 2011
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