P r o -S u p e r i n t e n d e n t C h a m p i o n s h i p S u p p o r t e db y
Friday, August 24, 2018 +4
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OUT OF BOUNDS: In addition to item #9 on the SFPGA Hard Card, any ball coming to rest above the water's edge on the non golf course side of a lateral water hazard is deemed out of bounds. NOTE: Inside edge (golf course side) of cart path behind #9 & #18 green and to the left of #8 is out of bounds. LATERAL WATER HAZARDS (Bulkhead): When a bulkhead defines the margin of a lateral water hazard, the inside edge (golf course side) of the bulkhead defines the margin of the hazard. The bulkhead is located inside the hazard and is an integral part of the course.
SCORECARDS/SCORING AREA: Scorecards must be signed, attested and returned to the scoring area immediately upon the completion of play for posting, Rule 6-6. The scoring area is located inside the clubhouse, main dining room area. TIES: For the team competition (Gross & Net Divisions), any ties for the the overall gross or net will be broken via match of scorecards using the USGA reccomended tie breaker (back nine, last six, last three, last hole). Any ties for amateur gift certificates will result in a scorecard playoff as well. Any professional ties will result in a splitting of the purse. NOTE: Teams can only win money in one division and must take the higher of the two prizes. Gross Division takes precedence. GENERAL INFORMATION CONTEST: TEXTRON GOLF is also sponsoring separate Closest-to-the-Hole contests on hole #16 for Professionals and for Superintendents. Winners will receive Universal tickets (Professionals) and Dolphins tickets (Superintendents). Tagmarshal will be sponsoring a Long Drive Contest on hole #9 ($250 for pros, $250 Golf Shop Credit for Superintendents) RESTROOMS/WATER STATIONS: Located near #7, #12 & #16 tee. RULES COMMITTEE: Geoff Lofstead, Meredith Schuler, Brett Graf, PGA, Dominic Smith, PGA. RULES CONTACT: Golf Shop (561) 624-8900, Brett Graf, PGA (954) 599-6003.
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SCRAMBLE RULES: On each hole, each team member may hit a tee shot. The team then selects one of the tee shots from which to play. Both team members may then hit from that position. This procedure is repeated until the ball is holed. Each team member may place the ball within one SFPGA scorecard length of the selected shot, no nearer the hole. The SFPGA scorecard length can NOT move the ball out of a hazard or onto a putting green. When putting, you may place your ball within two inches of the selected shot, no nearer the hole. Once a ball is holed, no further strokes count. On the putting green, you may stand behind a teammate to determine the line of putt.
DROP ZONES - HOLE #5 & #13: As an additional relief option for a ball in a water hazard, a ball drop is located on the front tee box at hole #5 & #13.
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TEE MARKERS: All Male Professionals and Amateurs will play from the SFPGA BLACK tee markers. All Female Professionals and Amateurs will play from the SFPGA WHITE tee markers.
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FORMAT: 18-Hole Two-Person Scramble Competition (Gross & Net Divisions). No Low Pro Division. In the Net Division, 30% of the Superintendent’s handicap will constitute the team handicap. Maximum team handicap allowed is 7.2.
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NOTICE TO COMPETITORS In addition to the 2016-18 USGA Rules of Golf and Decisions and the SFPGA Rules of Play card, the following local rules will govern all play:
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The Club at Ibis - Legend Course
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Presented by TEXTRON GOLF
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Pro-Superintendent Championship
Supported By
SFPGA Pro-Superintendent Championship Club at Ibis – Legends Course Friday, August 24, 2018 9:00 AM Shotgun Start
Name Dero, Michael Garcia, Jose (a) Bauer, Ben Masemore, Matt (a) Boretti, Robin Spencer, Chris (a) Mitchell, Casey Munson, Patrick (a) McDonnell, EJ Tyrrell, Curtis (a) LeConche, Dick Rimpela, Charlie (a) Thompson, Justin Wright, Steven (a) Hall, Jeff Jacks, Bob (a) Sciorra, Cary Jobson, Jason (a) Beezup, Joe Cann, Tim (a) Rada, Patrick Barrett, Thomas (a) Fitzherbert, Jeff Frost, Kevin (a) Newman, Matt Kaehr, Kevin (a) Segala, Edward Redshaw, George (a) Brozek, Casey Gingrich, Nathan (a) Henry, Corey Miller, Ed (a) McAllister, Lance Bailey, Jason (a) Corey, Matt Ramsey, Joe (a) Brooks, Michael McCoy, Scott (a) Feingold, Jeff King, Tim (a) Napieralski, Chris Uzar, Rob (a) Niszczak, Derek Rice, Shane (a) Marcoaldi, Nick Longo, Ryan (a) Grosso, Sonny Sanderson, Brett (a) Raimer, Jeffrey Casey, Tyler (a) DeMino, Joseph Bagwell, Jason (a) Sherman-Lavin, Karen Heater, Mark (a) Steffes, Rob Vega, Jose (a)
Club Affiliation Quail Creek CC Quail Creek CC Ibis Ibis Ibis Ibis Sandhill Crane GC Sandhill Crane GC Bonita Bay West Bonita Bay West Banyan Cay Banyan Cay Pine Tree Pine Tree Stonebridge Stonebridge Medalist GC Medalist GC Harbour Ridge Harbour Ridge McArthur McArthur BallenIsles BallenIsles Broken Sound - Club Broken Sound - Club Boca Lago Boca Lago Quail West Golf and CC Quail West Golf and CC The CC of Coral Springs The CC of Coral Springs Parkland G & CC Parkland G & CC Quail Ridge CC Quail Ridge CC Naples Grande Naples Grande Palm Beach Palm Beach Eastpointe CC Eastpointe CC Eastpointe CC Eastpointe CC Colonial CC Colonial CC Country Club at Mirasol Country Club at Mirasol West Bay West Bay Gleneagles CC Gleneagles CC Addison Reserve - R/S Addison Reserve - R/S Hollybrook Golf & Tennis Hollybrook Golf & Tennis
Name Brown, Ben Dozier, John (a) Waber, Jeff Asbury, Kyle (a) Baker, Gary Gafford, Darren (a) Nagy, Bela Duffell, Ryan (a) Balyeat, Jon Clem, Matt (a) Phillips, Chris Navas, Cisco (a) Melton, Mike Fink, Steve (a) Bungert, John Monserrate, Chris (a) Stanko, Christopher Schultz, Chris (a) Shoenfelt, Jack Fischer, Gary (a) Kennedy, Roger Thomas, Michael (a) Yeager, Thomas MacDonald, Roy (a) Isaacs, Jared Bernard, Steve (a) Fieger, Gene Newton, Andy (a) King, Matt Kirby, Blair (a) Zug, Ryan Birney, Brian (a) Moe, Jeremy Hirschert, Bill (a) Gascoigne, Jimmy Postel, Joe (a) Ronderos, Ricardo Strickland, Seth (a) Schulte, Jason Mollberg, Paul (a) Gray, Mike Pantaleo, Joe (a) Guy, David Koch, Bryce (a) Tortorici, Victor MacPhee, Scott (a) Diekman, Eric Sprankle, Jason (a) Duquette, Chris Jordan, Chris (a) Pazdera, Jonathan Caspio, Gregg (a) Crespo, Paul Freswick, Declan (a) Peaper, Brian Schaming, Chuck (a)
Club Affiliation Royal Palm Yacht Royal Palm Yacht Broken Sound Club - Old Broken Sound Club - Old Grey Oaks CC Grey Oaks CC Sandridge GC - Dunes Sandridge Quail Creek CC Quail Creek CC Cypress Woods Cypress Woods Fairwinds Fairwinds Grand Palms G&S Grand Palms G&S Banyan Golf Club of Palm Banyan Golf Club of Palm Oriole Oriole Country Club at Mirasol Country Club at Mirasol Hobe Sound Hobe Sound Adios Adios Club Pelican Bay B/C Club Pelican Bay B/C Club at Admiral's Cove Club at Admiral's Cove Club at Admiral's Cove Club at Admiral's Cove Boca Woods Boca Woods Boca Raton Resort Boca Raton Resort Miami Shores Miami Shores TwinEagles Club TwinEagles Club Indian Creek Indian Creek Cypress Lake CC Cypress Lake CC Sailfish Point Sailfish Point Woodfield Woodfield Boca Rio Boca Rio Cypress Lake CC Cypress Lake CC Gleneagles CC Gleneagles CC Lost Tree Lost Tree
SFPGA Pro-Superintendent Championship Club at Ibis – Legends Course Friday, August 24, 2018 9:00 AM Shotgun Start Asbury, Kyle (a)
Gray, Mike
Newman, Matt
Bagwell, Jason (a)
Grosso, Sonny
Newton, Andy (a)
Bailey, Jason (a)
Guy, David
Niszczak, Derek
Baker, Gary
Hall, Jeff
Pantaleo, Joe (a)
Balyeat, Jon
Heater, Mark (a)
Pazdera, Jonathan
Barrett, Thomas (a)
Henry, Corey
Peaper, Brian
Bauer, Ben
Hirschert, Bill (a)
Phillips, Chris
Beezup, Joe
Isaacs, Jared
Postel, Joe (a)
Bernard, Steve (a)
Jacks, Bob (a)
Rada, Patrick
Birney, Brian (a)
Jobson, Jason (a)
Raimer, Jeffrey
Boretti, Robin
Jordan, Chris (a)
Ramsey, Joe (a)
Brooks, Michael
Kaehr, Kevin (a)
Redshaw, George (a)
Brown, Ben
Kennedy, Roger
Rice, Shane (a)
Brozek, Casey
Kirby, Blair (a)
Rimpela, Charlie (a)
Bungert, John
King, Matt
Ronderos, Ricardo
Cann, Tim (a)
King, Tim (a)
Sanderson, Brett (a)
Casey, Tyler (a)
Koch, Bryce (a)
Schaming, Chuck (a)
Caspio, Gregg (a)
LeConche, Dick
Schulte, Jason
Clem, Matt (a)
Longo, Ryan (a)
Schultz, Chris (a)
Corey, Matt
MacDonald, Roy (a)
Sciorra, Cary
Crespo, Paul
MacPhee, Scott (a)
Segala, Edward
DeMino, Joseph
Marcoaldi, Nick
Sherman-Lavin, Karen
Dero, Michael
Masemore, Matt (a)
Shoenfelt, Jack
Diekman, Eric
McAllister, Lance
Spencer, Chris (a)
Dozier, John (a)
McCoy, Scott (a)
Sprankle, Jason (a)
Duffell, Ryan (a)
McDonnell, EJ
Stanko, Christopher
Duquette, Chris
Melton, Mike
Steffes, Rob
Feingold, Jeff
Mena, Osmar (a)
Strickland, Seth (a)
Fieger, Gene
Miller, Ed (a)
Thomas, Michael (a)
Fink, Steve (a)
Mitchell, Casey
Thompson, Justin
Fischer, Gary (a)
Moe, Jeremy
Tortorici, Victor
Fitzherbert, Jeff
Mollberg, Paul (a)
Tyrrell, Curtis (a)
Freswick, Declan (a)
Monserrate, Chris (a)
Uzar, Rob (a)
Frost, Kevin (a)
Munson, Patrick (a)
Waber, Jeff
Gafford, Darren (a)
Nagy, Bela
Wright, Steven (a)
Garcia, Jose (a)
Napieralski, Chris
Yeager, Thomas
Gascoigne, Jimmy
Navas, Cisco (a)
Zug, Ryan
SFPGA Pro-Superintendent Championship Club at Ibis – Legends Course Friday, August 24, 2018 9:00 AM Shotgun Start
Pro-Superintendent Championship Presented by Textron Golf August 24th, 2018 The Club at Ibis - Legend Course Anticipated Yardage
Hole Yardage Par Hole Yardage Par
Hole Yardage Par Hole Yardage Par
1 375 4 10 362 4
1 355 4 10 339 4
2 381 4 11 569 5
Male (SFPGA BLACK Tee) 3 4 5 6 7 176 549 162 394 372 3 5 3 4 4 12 13 14 15 16 402 167 375 407 188 4 3 4 4 3
8 520 5 17 515 5
9 377 4 18 398 4
OUT 3306 36 IN 3383 36
2 315 4 11 500 5
Female (SFPGA WHITE Tee) 3 4 5 6 7 155 430 138 324 346 3 5 3 4 4 12 13 14 15 16 308 111 307 335 160 4 3 4 4 3
8 452 5 17 450 5
9 344 4 18 316 4
OUT 2859 36 IN 2826 36
Yardage 6689 5685
Slope Rating 140 72.6 126 67.9
Pro-Superintendent Championship Presented by Textron Golf August 24th, 2018 The Club at Ibis - Legend Course Anticipated Yardage
Hole Yardage Par Hole Yardage Par
Hole Yardage Par Hole Yardage Par
1 375 4 10 362 4
1 355 4 10 339 4
2 381 4 11 569 5
Male (SFPGA BLACK Tee) 3 4 5 6 7 176 549 162 394 372 3 5 3 4 4 12 13 14 15 16 402 167 375 407 188 4 3 4 4 3
8 520 5 17 515 5
9 377 4 18 398 4
OUT 3306 36 IN 3383 36
2 315 4 11 500 5
Female (SFPGA WHITE Tee) 3 4 5 6 7 155 430 138 324 346 3 5 3 4 4 12 13 14 15 16 308 111 307 335 160 4 3 4 4 3
8 452 5 17 450 5
9 344 4 18 316 4
OUT 2859 36 IN 2826 36
Yardage 6689 5685
Slope Rating 140 72.6 126 67.9
SFPGA Pro-Superintendent Championship Club at Ibis – Legend Course August 24, 2018 PURSE PAYOUT
Gross Division Place Pro Super $525.00 $250.00 1 $500.00 $225.00 2 $450.00 $200.00 3 $415.00 $190.00 4 $400.00 $180.00 5 $390.00 $170.00 6 $365.00 $160.00 7 $355.00 $150.00 8 $340.00 $145.00 9 $320.00 $140.00 10 $305.00 $130.00 11 Total $4,365 $1,940
Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total
Net Division Pro Super $525.00 $500.00 $450.00 $415.00 $400.00 $390.00 $365.00 $355.00 $340.00 $320.00 $305.00
$250.00 $225.00 $200.00 $190.00 $180.00 $170.00 $160.00 $150.00 $145.00 $140.00 $130.00
TOTAL PAYOUT = $12,610 (56 total teams @ 40% = Top 22 & Ties – Top 11 Each Division) SKINS GAME = $980 (49 total teams @ $20)
SFPGA Website Post
Social media
Ana Starr From: Sent: To: Subject:
South Florida PGA <info@pgaofamericagolf.com> Tuesday, August 28, 2018 4:22 PM Ana Starr Inside the SFPGA
Click here to view this message in a browser window.
ISAACS/BERNARD & HENRY/MILLER WIN 2018 TEXTRON GOLF PROSUPERINTENDENT On Friday, August 24th, the SFPGA Pro-Superintendent presented by Textron Golf and supported by Chase 54, Engel Coolers, and Tagmarshal took place at The Club at Ibis – Legend Course. Multiple rain delays limited the event to 15 holes. In the Net Division, PGA Associate Corey Henry and Superintendent Ed Miller both of the Country Club of Coral Springs fired a 13-under par to win the overall net championship. In the Gross Division, Jared Isaacs, PGA Director of Instruction and Superintendent Steve Bernard both out of Adios Golf Club carded an 11-under par capturing the overall gross title. Click here for the full story.
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY HOME DEDICATION Please join us for our Home Dedication ceremony on Saturday, September 8th in Vero Beach to celebrate the completion of our 7th home with Habitat for Humanity. We would love your support in welcoming the Arduini Family into their new home. If you are able to attend or would like more details and information please email Michella Goda at mgoda@paghq.com.
DO YOU HAVE A CLUB TO SPARE? We need you! Our PGA HOPE program is in need of golf clubs for our nation’s heroes. If your membership or course has any donated or additional golf clubs to contribute to our program please contact Michelle Goda at 561-537-5809 or 1
mgoda@pgahqcom. Thank you for your contribution to providing a brighter future to our nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s heroes.
PALM BEACH COUNTY JR. LEAGUE TEAM HEADS TO REGIONALS The Palm Beach County Jr. League Team won the PGA Jr. League Section Championship presented by National Car Rental at Turtle Creek Club on August 25th. Forty junior golfers, forming 4 All-Star Teams, competed for a spot at the PGA Jr. League Regional Competition. The Palm Beach County All Star team consisted of 10 junior golfers, coached by Don and Diana Law, Mary Lee Cobick and Chester Nowak , will be competing at the Regional Competition at World Golf Village in St. Augustine at the end of September. Click here for the full story.
2019 RULES OF GOLF With the modernization to the Rules of Golf coming in 2019, the Florida State Golf Association will be hosting nearly 60 One-Day Workshops starting in October of 2018 and going through March of 2019. These workshops will be similar to those in the past but will cover the major changes to the Rules of Golf. Registration begins the first week of September. Click here for more information including the schedule.
A LOOK AHEAD SFPGA SENIOR PGA PROFESSIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP / SENIOR SECTION CHAMPIONSHIP The SFPGA Senior PGA Professional Championship supported by Golf Advisor and John Deere will be conducted on September 6th-7th at Sailfish Point Golf Club. The deadline to register is Wednesday, August 29th. Click here for more information including registration.
TOURNAMENT SERIES #2 The SFPGA Tournament Series #2 presented by Honma Golf and supported by Arete Industries will be conducted on September 24th at The Club at Mediterra. The deadline to register is Thursday, September 20th. Click here for more informaion including registration.
SFPGA PGA PROFESSIONAL / SECTION CHAMPIONSHIP The SFPGA PGA Professional / Section Championship presented by Club Car and Omega and supported by Precise Yardage Books, Golf Life Navigators, Titleist, TaylorMade, Nike, Whistling Straits and Winners Award Group will be conducted on September 25th-27th at The Club at Mediterra. The deadline to register is Wednesday, September 19th. Click here for more information including registration.
IN REMEMBRNCE OF We offer our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of South Florida PGA Professional Jim Kiely.
PARTNER PERK Want to save money on car maintenance? Register for your FREE Tire Kingdom preferred card now and save money on your next oil change, tire purchase and more! For complete details click here and use your BlueGolf ID and password to view program information.
PARTNER SPOTLIGHT Callaway Apparel has been a proud supporter of the SFPGA for many years now and this week announced the launch of their newest fall fashion collection. If you are not familiar with their line we encourage you to reach out to John Adams, local sales representative, for more information. He can be reached at 954-612-2165 or jadams1967@yahoo.com.
Copyright Š 2018 South Florida PGA Our address is 186 Atlantis Blvd., Atlantis, FL 33462 If you do not wish to receive future email, click here. (You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.)
Ana Starr From: Sent: To: Subject:
South Florida PGA <info@pgaofamericagolf.com> Tuesday, August 14, 2018 3:51 PM Ana Starr Inside the SFPGA
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up Completed
Click here to view this message in a browser window.
GENE FIEGER, PGA WINS 2018 FLORIDA SENIOR OPEN CHAMPION Gene Fieger, PGA Director of Golf at Club Pelican Bay won this year’s Florida Senior Open Championship at Mission Inn Resort & Club. Fieger won shooting a final round of 1-under 71, but it was his second round 64 that put him in position. Click here for the full story.
PRO-SCRATCH CHAMPIONSHIP The Pro-Scratch Championship presented by PXG and Discover Global Network and supported by Bushnell Golf, CamelBak, Global Golf Sales, 18 Birdies and Winners Award Group has been rescheduled to Friday, August 31st at Broken Sound Club – Old Course. Due to withdrawals, we are re-opening the registration and will be accepting a limited number of entries. The entries will be accepted on a first come first serve basis. The two-person team event is a four-ball stroke play format and tee times will run from 7:30 AM to approximately 1:30 PM. Click here to view the tournament website and register today!
DRIVE, CHIP AND PUTT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We are in need of volunteers for our Drive, Chip and Putt qualifier this Saturday, August 18th at Lost Tree Club. Volunteers are needed from 7:30 AM until 1:00 PM. Volunteers will receive 2 REQUIRED MSR Credits for the day. If you are able to help, please contact Madison Temple at mtemple@pgahq.com.
MILLER AND MARCELINO CAPTURE CHALLENGE TOUR EVENT #8 Congrats to David Miller of Davie and Erin Marcelino of Plantation for their respective wins at the Challenge Tour Event #8 on August 8th-9th at Normandy Shores Golf Course. Click here for the full story.
PREP TOUR EVENT #9 The South Florida PGA Junior Prep Tour presented by The Honda Classic held the ninth Prep Tour Event at The Club at Ibis on August 12th. This event featured a field of 67 players aging from 9-18 years old. Click here for the full story.
CLUB BENCHMARKING VIDEO SERIES This monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club Benchmarking message is all about Payroll KPI. We encourage you to take a moment to check it out! For more information about Club Benchmarking and how they can help you click here !
TOPGOLF TOUR EVENT COMING TO MIAMI GARDENS On August 26th the Topgolf Tour is coming to Miami Gardens! All PGA Professionals are allowed to participate for a chance to win an all expense paid trip to Las Vegas tp compete for a cash prize of $50k. Click here for more information.
A LOOK AHEAD NATIONAL CAR RENTAL SFPGA ASSISTANT CHAMPIONSHIP The National Car Rental SFPGA Assistant Championship supported by Cleveland Golf, Golf Advisor, John Deere, Srixon and XX1O will be conducted on August 20th-21st at Wyndemere Country Club. The deadline to register is tomorrow! Click here for more information including registration.
PRO-SUPERINTENDENT CHAMPIONSHIP The Pro-Superintendent Championship presented by Textron Golf and supported by Chase 54, Engel, Tagmarshal and Winners Award Group will be conducted on Friday, August 24th at The Club at Ibis. The deadline to register is August 21st at 12:00 PM. Click here for more information including registration.
GOLF CENTRAL MAGAZINE Click here for all things Turf, Travel Philantrophy & Lifestyle!
IN REMEMBRNCE OF We offer our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of South Florida PGA Professional Dave McIntosh Sr.
PARTNER SPOTLIGHT Want to get away one last time before season starts? French Lick Resort is beautiful this time of year, and as a partner of the Section they would love to see you. Contact Brendan Sweeney (bsweeney@frenchlick.com) at 321-645-4510 to book your trip today! Copyright © 2018 South Florida PGA Our address is 186 Atlantis Blvd., Atlantis, FL 33462 If you do not wish to receive future email, click here. (You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.)
Ana Starr From: Sent: To: Subject:
South Florida PGA <info@pgaofamericagolf.com> Tuesday, August 7, 2018 2:53 PM Ana Starr Inside the SFPGA
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Follow up Completed
Click here to view this message in a browser window.
TEAM GRAY/ZIOBRO WIN 2018 SENIOR-SUPER SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP Mike Gray, PGA Head Professional at Indian Creek Country Club and Billy Ziobro, PGA Life Member won this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Senior Super-Senior Championship supported by the PGA Tour at Indian Spring Country Club. Gray and Ziobro shot a 14-under 57 taking home the win. Click here for the full results.
WEST BAY CLUB & WYNDEMERE COUNTRY CLUB WIN 2018 IRELAND TRAVEL PRO-AM Last week, 68 golfers participated in the 2018 Ireland Travel Pro-Am. Teams in the event were comprised of one PGA Professional and three amateurs. Click here to for the full story.
Bring a home to life for the Arduini Family in Indian River County! This is your last chance to help put the finishing touches on our Habitat for Humanity Home in Vero Beach. This Wednesday will be our last build day for this home. Gain 5 MSRs during your time driving nails and putting up siding from 7:30 AM – 12:30 PM. Contact Michelle Goda at mgoda@pgahq.com if you are interested in participating.
PARKER AND SMITH CAPTURE CHAMPIONSHIP TOUR EVENT #7 Congrats to Carson Parker of Boca Raton, FL and Andie Smith of Hobe Sound, FL for their respective wins on August 1st-2nd at The Breakers Rees Jones Course. Click here for full story.
ARE YOU UTILIZING OUR COMMUNICATIONS? The SFPGA has so many different ways to communicate with our members. From the BlueGolf App to Facebook and Instagram we are constantly keeping you up to date with everything at the Section level. If you aren't connected, we encourage you to GET CONNECTED by downloading the app and following us on social media! (To download this free App today go to your app store and search “South Florida PGA")
A LOOK AHEAD NATIONAL CAR RENTAL SFPGA ASSISTANT CHAMPIONSHIP The National Car Rental SFPGA Assistant Championship supported by Cleveland Golf, Golf Advisor, John Deere, Srixon and XX1O will be conducted on August 20th-21st at Wyndemere Country Club. Click here for more information including registration.
PRO-SUPERINTENDENT CHAMPIONSHIP The Pro-Superintendent Championship presented by E-Z-GO and supported by Chase 54, Engel, Tagmarshal and Winners Award Group will be conducted on Friday, August 24th at The Club at Ibis. The deadline to register is August 21st at 12:00 PM. Click here for more information including registration.
Our partner Earth Networks is asking for your help in completing a short survey to better understand what influences weather safety decisions at your golf facility. All those who complete the survey will be entered into a raffle to win a $250 Amazon Gift Card! To complete the survey now click here.
PARTNER SPOTLIGHT Are in need of new coolers at your facility or a nice tee gift for an upcoming event? Look no further than Jupiter based Engel Coolers. Engel is a new partner of the Section, supporting our upcoming Pro-Superintendent set to be held August 24th at The Club at Ibis. They manufacturer high quality, durable, long lasting coolers and mugs. To view their complete product line click here, or for more details and information contact local sales rep Brian Foy, PGA - bfoy@h4distribution.com. Copyright Š 2018 South Florida PGA Our address is 186 Atlantis Blvd., Atlantis, FL 33462 If you do not wish to receive future email, click here. (You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.)
PRO-SCRATCH CHAMPIONSHIP CANCELLED Due to inclement weather the Pro-Scratch Championship presented by PXG and supported by Bushnell Golf, CamelBak, Global Golf Sales, 18 Birdies and Winners Award Group at Broken Sound Club – Old Course was cancelled. Further details including a rescheduled date will be announced soon.
CATERBONE AND LOPEZ WIN CHALLENGE TOUR EVENT #7 The South Florida PGA Junior Challenge Tour presented by The Honda Classic held Challenge Tour Event #7 at Plantation Preserve Golf Course & Club on July 25th 26th. Chase Caterbone of Plantation took home the overall boys title and Ana Maria Lopez of Weston took home the overall girls title. Click here for the full story.
PREP TOUR EVENT #8 The South Florida PGA Junior Prep Tour presented by The Honda Classic held the eighth Prep Tour Event at the Preserve at Ironhorse on July 26th. This event featured a field of 72 players aging from 9-18 years old. Click here for the full story.
DRIVE, CHIP AND PUTT SEASON RECAP Our local qualifiers for Drive, Chip and Putt have come to an end. A total of 1,003 kids competed at these local qualifiers and 203 of them will be moving on to the sub-regional qualifiers at Bonita Bay Club on August 11th and Lost Tree Club on August 18th. We would love to have as many volunteers as possible at these events. If you are interested in volunteering please reach out to Madison Temple at mtemple@pgahq.com.
LAST CHANCE TO HELP WITH OUR HABITAT HOME BUILD Bring a home to life for the Arduini Family in Indian River County! This is your last chance to help put on the finishing touches on our Habitat for Humanity Home in Vero Beach. August 8th will be our last build day for this home. Gain 5 MSRs during your time driving nails and putting up siding from 7:30 AM – 12:30 PM next Wednesday. Contact Michelle Goda at mgoda@pgahq.com if you are interested in participating.
SENIOR-SUPER SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP The Senior-Super Senior Championship supported by the PGA Tour will be conducted on Tuesday, August 7th at Indian Spring Country Club. The registration deadline is August 3rd at 12:00 PM. Click here for more information including registration.
NATIONAL CAR RENTAL SFPGA ASSISTANT CHAMPIONSHIP The National Car Rental SFPGA Assistant Championship supported by Cleveland Golf, Golf Advisor, John Deere, Srixon and XX1O will be conducted on August 20th-21st at Wyndemere Country Club. Click here for more information including registration.
PRO-SUPERINTENDENT CHAMPIONSHIP The Pro-Superintendent Championship presented by EZGO supported by Chase 54, Tagmarshal and Winners Award Group will be conducted on Friday, August 24th at The Club at Ibis. The deadline to register is August 21st at 12:00 PM. Click here for more information including registration.
PARTNER SPOTLIGHT We are excited to welcome Arete Industries to our family of partners. Arete Industries is based out of north Florida and offers a wide array of products to meet your facility needs including tee markers, signage and more. To learn more about them click here or contact: Don Morrison – don.morrison@areteindustries.us / 813-607-6214 John Glenzer – john.glenzer@areteindustries.us / 813-607-6202
Copyright © 2018 South Florida PGA Our address is 186 Atlantis Blvd., Atlantis, FL 33462 If you do not wish to receive future email, click here. (You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.)