SCC Annual Report 2011

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Contents Annual General Meeting President’s Report The General Committee The Executive Staff

1 2 7 8

Games Control Board and Subcommittee Reports Games Control Board Finance Subcommittee Establishment Subcommittee Food & Beverage Subcommittee Marketing & Communications Subcommittee Property Subcommittee Rules & Membership Subcommittee Social Subcommittee

9 14 17 20 23 26 29 32

Sports Section Reviews Balut Billiards & Snooker Bowls Cricket Darts Golf Hockey Netball Rugby Soccer Squash Tennis

35 37 41 45 50 54 58 62 65 69 70 76

Activities of the Year Social Events SCC Night Race Fiesta Sports

78 81 84

Financial Review


Reciprocal Clubs


Past Presidents


Notice of


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Singapore Cricket Club will be held at the Clubhouse on Tuesday, 24 April 2012 at 6.30pm. Business 1. To confirm Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday, 29 March 2011. 2. To confirm Minutes of the Special General Meetings held on Monday, 17 October 2011 and Thursday, 12 January 2012. 3. To receive and, if approved, adopt the Committee’s Report and Audited Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2011. 4. To elect a President, Deputy President, Chairman of Games Control Board, Finance Member and eight other Members of the Committee. 5. To elect Auditors and fix remuneration. 6. To transact any other business brought forward in accordance with the Rules of the Club. By order of the Committee Alan Jones General Manager / Secretary 01 March 2012 Nominations for election to the Committee must be completed on the prescribed form (in accordance with Rule 35) and must be received by the General Manager / Secretary not later than 5.00pm on Tuesday 17 April 2012. Registration of Members will commence at 6pm for meeting at 6.30pm on Tuesday, 24 April 2012. Minutes of the 2011 Annual General Meeting, Special General Meetings of 17 October 2011 and 12 January 2012 are available upon request • by post and/or • at the Annual General Meeting on 24 April 2012.

President’s Report


On behalf of the General Committee, it is my pleasure to present to you the Singapore Cricket Club’s Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ending 31 December 2011.

General Committee I would like to record my appreciation to Members of the General Committee for the period under review. I am grateful to them for the countless hours spent and the sacrifices made. Members of the General Committee elected for the year under review are listed as below: President Mohan J. Bhojwani Deputy President Phillip Gwee Peng Hong Chairman Games Control Board Ananda Kumar Finance Member Anthony Michael Grice Committee Members Brian Padair Farrell Joyce Foster Sakkti Mane Hammond Paul Andrew Lawlass Ong Chin Leong Kevin Gerald Parnell T. Ravi Chandran Barbara Marian Williams 02

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


In accordance with established practice, specific portfolio responsibilities were allocated to Committee Members and they were asked to form their own Subcommittees. This provided a medium for dialogue with the membership at large, as the Subcommittee Members come from different membership categories and Sports Sections. The Subcommittees work hand in hand with the General Committee and management to run the Club efficiently. Highlights

I. General Meetings of the Club On 29 March 2011, 275 Members registered their attendance at the Annual General Meeting. The Club expressed its thanks and appreciation to Teh Leong, Hamish Christie, Richard Stapley-Oh and Tony Richardson who stepped down from the General Committee for their terms in office. With the exception of four new faces elected to the GC – Phillip Gwee, Brian Farrell, Kevin Parnell and Saktti Hammond, the rest were familiar faces from the last term. In addition to the Election of Office Bearers, three resolutions were tabled to amend Rule 42 on the framing, rescinding or altering of Bye-Laws, to increase monthly subscription by $3.00 in accordance to Rule 45(b) and (c), and to amend

Bye-Law A.3.(c) on children entering Stumps Bar and Stumps Terrace. Resolutions to amend Rule 42 and Bye-Law A.3.(c) were declared carried by majority whilst the $3 increase in monthly subscription was declared not carried by majority. A Special General Meeting was held on 17 October 2011 whereby 60 Members registered their attendance. Two resolutions were tabled to amend Rule 56 for the Annual General Meeting to be held within four months of the closing of the financial year, and Rules 63-67 where obsolete Rules were to be deleted and to re-number Rule 67 upon the earlier deletions. Both resolutions were declared carried by majority. On 12 January 2012, 284 Members registered their attendance for a Special General Meeting to converge on one resolution. The resolution to amend Rule 35 – Election of Committee and Rule 34 – Management of Club. The resolution was declared not carried by majority. II. Dialogue Session At the conclusion of the Special General Meeting held on 17 October 2011, a Dialogue Session with the Members ensued. The session aimed to communicate to Members and sought Members’ view on the financial planning aspect for the Club as we move towards the Padang lease renewal in 2026.

The Club’s financial key objective is to generate funds so as to ensure we build up sufficient reserves for (a) the renewal of the Padang land lease (b) funds for capital expenditures for Club improvements and (c) future upgrades and such like. In advocating greater transparency with the membership, the General Committee shared detailed data on the increase in costs across numerous factors in direct threat to the financial health of the Club. Close analysis was conducted to depict the financial challenges faced by the Club. Our Manpower costs increased by $585,000 in 2011 due to the increase in employers’ CPF contribution, increase in Foreign Worker Levy, increase in minimum salary for S-Pass holders, withdrawal of job credits subsidy, and a generic increase in salary due to the tight labour market. On a smaller scale, the increase of $66K from 2010 to 2011 in utilities is mainly due to the 12% increase in rates on energy costs. For 2012, the utilities costs is estimated to further increase by $92K. In conjunction with these increases, the Club’s Fruit Machine bottom line is reduced by S$216K in 2011 from $348K in 2010 to $132K in 2011, mainly due to the stiff competition from the Integrated Resorts. Inclination for 2012 is unpromising and the future viability of the Fruit Machine Room is to be addressed in 2012. The GC and management were able to visualise the negative effects of these factors impacting on the financial health of the Club and were quick to implement car park fee and other increases in an attempt to leverage the increases in costs. Unfortunately, these increases only amount to S$308,000 in total, falling short of the full impact of the increase in costs. During the Dialogue Session, Members were forthcoming with their views and concerns. Though the Club is not Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


a profit-driven entity, there is still a bottomline to look after in order to run the operations effectively. Members are susceptible and receptive to inevitable changes to maintain the financial well-being of the Club. III. Focusing on Our Vision The vision of our Club is to be the Premier Sports and Social Club in the region. The GC has to ensure that our Club remains THE Premier Sports Club with excellent social facilities catering to the requirements of all Members. Simultaneously, we should not lose sight on safeguarding our 160 years of heritage through preserving our traditions and cultures. Constantly, we have to bring ourselves in line with this vision and to stay focused on being THE Premier Club in modern times with our unique heritage intact. Our guiding principles in achieving this vision are through the mandate of Rule 2 – Objects of the Club: (a) To promote and carry on a sports and social club. (b) In particular and without derogation from the generality of paragraph (a), to promote the games of Cricket, Tennis, Bowls, Rugby Union Football, Association Football, Hockey, Squash


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

and all such athletic sports, games and pastimes as may from time to time be deemed desirable by the Committee. (c) To enter into reciprocal arrangements with any other associations or clubs so that the members thereof may enjoy the privileges, amenities and facilities of the Club and vice versa. (d) To provide and maintain the club-house for the use of the Members of the Club and to do all other things which the Committee may consider desirable or necessary in the interests of the Members of the Club. Often times, tough decisions had to be made to benefit the membership at large. The key phrase is “in the interests of the Members of the Club”. Members deserve the best and hence the Club must improve to ensure excellence in product, excellence in operations and excellence in service. Numerous projects were undertaken this year to augment for improvement in the Club’s facilities. Be it aesthetically or functionality, the General Committee strived to provide comfort and excellence for our Members’ enjoyment of the Club. The GC was absolutely serious about the implementation of an excellent service mindset and had taken responsibility to launch a Service Champion Campaign spanning throughout the year. Staff were recognised and commended for their service excellence, the year long campaign culminating in December 2011 and succeeding

in cultivating service excellence attitude in all our staff. Planned in 2010 and rolled out in 2011 was the Club’s IT Enhancement Project. An initiative investment taken to improve productivity and efficiencies back of house from a completely new Human Resource System to major enhancements to our finance, membership and purchasing systems, the service and financial benefits for this project will be realised in 2012 and beyond. Besides ensuring that the Club operates efficiently on a day-to-day basis, the General Committee is also forward looking in advancing ideas and synergies that will put the Club in good stead in the long term. The GC has recognised and anticipated future challenges and opportunities for the Club. At time of writing, a task force is being set up to study alternate revenue generating possibilities throughout the Club. The Club may be making a healthy profit this year but we need to optimally manage our finances so as to balance present and future needs. The Club’s finances must be sustainable in the medium to long term. To achieve this, we have to come to terms that it is high time for an increase in subscription fees and that there will also be drastic measures needed to be taken to cut costs and spending. 2011 has been a challenging year for the GC. We have to chart the path and guide the management to ensure that the Club is on the correct course as desired by our Members. There is a whole myriad of factors to consider and consequences to ponder. At the same time, the GC is tasked to

deliver accountability, transparency and good governance to the membership at large. The GC’s responsibility lies in sustaining the continuity of our cultures, traditions and our long line of history. IV. Our Second Ground at Dempsey Field The lease of Dempsey Field had been an important milestone in the history of the Club. Our second sporting ground continues to substantiate our growing sporting needs. For the last three years, the Dempsey Field has facilitated in developing multitudes of outstanding sporting Members, groomed and growing our youth development programmes with this playing ground. With the many sporting activities going on throughout the year, the need for our second home ground continues to mount. We are proud to be able to cater to the sporting needs of our athletes as sports is after all, the soul and spirit of our Club. Social Activities The social scene at the Club for 2011 was packed with excitement, creativity, variety and vibrancy. Being a sports and social Club, we have charted the direction for social events to be in tune with the Members desires – both established and young Members. From Feng Shui talk, Ladies Luncheon and fashion shows, Wine & Cheese parties, Safari Night, Thailand Night, Soiree!, Christmas Party, New Year’s Eve Ball, the Club organised a smorgasbord of new as well as regular social activities to keep Members entertained.

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


The regular social scene at the Club for the year in review comprised of Quiz Nights, Bridge Nights, Buzz from the Bar, and Karaoke Nights were reintroduced for a few months.

Finances For the financial year ending 31st December 2011, the Club recorded a surplus of $305K after income tax, against $369K in the previous year.

The creme de la creme of all Social events is without a doubt, our ever popular SCC Night Race Fiesta. Within days from launching the ticket sales date, all tickets were snapped up. Every year, the GC endeavours to improve the Night Race Fiesta and ensure the management team deliver a top-class Club event that all Members are proud of.

At the operating level, the Club incurred a deficit of $986K which was 3.6% lower than prior year’s operating deficit of $1,023K.

Sports Programmes Sports, played both competitively and on a friendly basis, continued to dominate the calendar of the Club. The Club has long won recognition among the global sports community for its significant contributions to international and local sports. Our major sporting tournaments, the Rugby Sevens, Hockey Sixes, Soccer Sixes and Cricket Twenty 20 are internationally and regionally acclaimed tournaments held on our very own Padang. These tournaments appeal to the general public both locally and abroad and were the major highlights of the year. Besides competitive field sports, the Club was also active in local leagues and friendly fixtures. Our 12 Sports Sections participated regularly in matches with local clubs and overseas teams. In a bid to promote sportsmanship, the sections welcomed overseas teams and went on many section tours. On Youth Sports Development, the Club presented its very first Junior Sports Member Sponsorship to a very deserving JSM. This award is the result of generous contributions from Members towards the JSM Sponsorship Fund set up to assist worthy JSMs financially during conversion to full membership. The first Sponsorship Award was presented to Muhammad A’srie bin Che Ali from the Rugby section, who has been representing Singapore since 1999 and the Club since 2000.


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

Acknowledgement My sincere appreciation to my fellow General Committee Members, Subcommittee Members, sports convenors, office bearers and the management and staff for their unconditional effort, support and dedication. I would also like to thank you, the Members, for using the Club for your social and sporting needs. The coming AGM has been fixed on Tuesday, 24 April 2012. Please support your Club, collectively, your votes are the guiding force for the direction of our beloved Club.

Mohan Bhojwani President

General Committee


Front row from left: Kevin Gerald Parnell, Ananda Kumar, Phillip Gwee Peng Hong, Mohan J Bhojwani, Anthony Michael Grice, Brian Padair Farrell. Back row from left: Alan Jones, Barbara Marian Williams, Paul Andrew Lawless, Joyce Foster, Ong Chin Leong, Saktti Mane Hammond, T Ravi Chandran


Mohan J Bhojwani

Deputy President

Committee Members

Phillip Gwee Peng Hong Brian Padair Farrell Joyce Foster Chairman, Games Control Board Saktti Mane Hammond Ananda Kumar Paul Andrew Lawless Ong Chin Leong Finance Member Kevin Gerald Parnell Anthony Michael Grice T. Ravi Chandran Barbara Marian Williams General Manager

Alan Jones Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


Executive Staff


From left: Roseanne Toh, Judy Ting, Jessica Ng, Adeline Tan, Alan Jones, Jill Woo, Geraldine Yan, Michael Lie

General Manager

Alan Jones

Executive Secretary

Jill Woo

Head, Finance & Admin

Head, F&B & Events

Adeline Tan Michael Lie

Head, Sports & Recreation

Head, Property & Housekeeping

Geraldine Yan Judy Ting

Head, Membership

Roseanne Toh

Human Resource Manager

Jessica Ng


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

Games Control Board Where do we go after achieving premier status as a Sports and Social Club? It’s a tough call once you’re at the top. 2011 was a lot about reaping what was sown in the previous year, managing the increasing expectations of each Sports Section and establishing clarity on the brand of sportsmanship SCC is looking to cultivate.

From left/back row: Anthony Michael Grice, Tan Bak Choon, Brian Padair Farrell, Balbir Singh, John Taylor, Alan Jones, Ashish Raivadera, Robin Wilkins, George Abraham, Sher Baljit Singh, Mathavan Devadas, Ananda Kumar, Geraldine Yan, Richard Pugh. Absent: Lim Khoon, Amber Williams, Manmindar Singh.

Chairman Ananda Kumar Committee Members Anthony Michael Grice Lim Khoon Brian Padair Farrell Mathavan Devadas John Taylor Amber Williams Tan Bak Choon Robin Wilkins George Abraham Graham Dickson Ashish Raivadera Manmindar Singh Balbir Singh Sher Baljit Singh Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


Our major tournaments are all of an international standard but the Cricket Twenty20 tournament took that to a different level this year by acquiring international television coverage for the event, making the SCC name not just a household name for sports in Singapore, but also recognisable in South-East Asia and worldwide. The Padang field has been enhanced with efficient drainage which will help see through the Club fixtures during the rainy months. The Dempsey field has been given additional storage space, a machinery parking shed and improved drainage on the cricket field. Our gym has also been refurbished with upholstery works and flooring. These are just a few things that the management are working hard on to ensure that the Members get the maximum out of the Club’s facilities. Kicking off 2011 was the Hockey Sixes event which brought the house down with the right mix of fun and competition. An outstanding “Back to School” theme tournament party that achieved maximum participation from the teams on Saturday night was balanced out with some extremely competitive matches during the semifinals and finals on Sunday. The Soccer Sixes in June showcased a diverse range of Asian football talent with Japan and South Korea joining the usual mix of South-East Asian teams this time. However, the East Asian teams proved to be no match for Thailand’s Chonburi who won the finals with a winning goal against TWS Pegasus from Hong Kong. 10

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

The Charity Youth Tournament final between the Street Children Partners from Bangladesh and Darul Ihsan of Singapore saw the two teams in an exciting death penalty shootout which deservedly went to Bangladesh. Ex-Manchester United soccer player, Andrew Cole and a few of Singapore own elites played in the Masters Tournament which brought much press coverage for the event. After a year’s hiatus, the Cricket Twenty20 sprung back into action with better quality of play, live television coverage and becoming the first in Singapore to debut an electronic scoreboard. It featured budding international cricket stars and past test players making the tournament one of a kind. Our signature event, the SCC International Rugby Sevens was yet another resounding success. Sold out tickets and packed public stands attested to the growing popularity of this event in Singapore. We even had Doddie Weir, an ex-Rugby Union player spending his weekend with us just like any Rugby fan in the corporate boxes. The event also attracted the French National 7s squad who took their participation in the tournament as the perfect training ground before their games at the IRB Sevens World Series. However, it was the Fijians from Daveta who claimed the coveted Ablitt Cup in a fast paced and exhilarating final between the Borneo Eagles from Malaysia in front of a sell-out crowd of 7,000. A new addition to the list of important Club tournaments was the Inaugural Premier Tennis Tournament that was played in November this

year. Despite the torrential rainfall throughout the weekend that had the tournament stretch from a two-day affair to four, the tournament was an overall success. The Tennis Section’s debut major tournament featured current and ex-ATP ranked players and current ITF world ranked juniors, two overseas teams from Thailand and Taiwan, as well as the local national team who thoroughly enjoyed playing on our well-preserved grass courts. The positive media coverage from some of these events really proves how much this Club truly matters. It demonstrates the calibre of our Club and gives us something to be proud of as a Member. To continue our success as a Premier Sports and Social Club, the Club has taken a conscientious direction in the sports membership aspect that will definitely bear fruit in the coming years. The launch of the Cricket Cubs Programme and the Soccer Academy this year are stepping stones towards how the Club plans to encourage Junior Sports Members into lifelong Members. The Cricket Cubs Programme is currently run by Rex Martens and the Soccer Academy by Owen Monaghan and a few other Soccer Section Members, who definitely deserve a mention for their involvement in being part of the future of the Club. The Rugby Academy will be the next one to look out for, starting from 7 January 2012. As we delve closer into each individual Section, we see that the 12 Sections each have themselves had yet another incredible year of action in and outside of the Club. There are no lack of significant events and achievements as always. The results

and participation of our full list of activities represent each of our Sections’ enthusiasm for their individual sports and games every year. One highlight this year was the revival of the Darts Section Annual Match with the British High Commission (BHC). The turn-out proved this event is still well-received by both sides and ended with an exciting final. Our Darts Section may have lost to the BHC by just a mere couple of points, but it sure sets a new challenge and purpose for them to continue this reciprocal event annually. They did however, retain their winning title at the NUSS-SGCC-SCC Triangular Games 2011, just like our unyielding “baluteers” who retained theirs at the Chivas Regal Balut Interport Tournament. Speaking of which, the Balut Section also hosted the finals of the 27th Interclub Balut Tournament at the Padang Restaurant and it proved to be a memorable night for all the participating clubs and a proud one for the Section. The Balut Section will go on to defend their title at Kota Kinabalu for this tournament in year 2012. Yet another important event hosted this year at the Club was the Squash Cosmo League. Our Squash players played fiercely and emerged as runner-ups in the final playoffs against Singapore Island Country Club and 2nd Runner up in the overall league. It was also the first year that they had won an away game at the Annual Squash Triangular. Not to be left out, the Squash Junior Members also had a measurable amount of success this year in the Singapore Squash Rackets Association Individual Graded Tournament where 11 out Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


of the 25 who took part made it into the semifinals, with four winning their respective events. Needless to say, this is very positive evidence of the future evolvement of Squash in the Club!

reigning winners of the SCA League Champions in Division 2. In addition to that, they displayed their hidden talents at Netball and Darts by winning both inter-section tournaments.

Most notably for the Billiards & Snooker Section this year, was defeating the Tanglin Club by a mile in this year’s POT Games scoring 11-3 against them. They had also qualified to the semi-finals of the Tri-Nations-6 Club Snooker Competition, but sadly did not qualify more than that after their brave battle against Royal Bangkok Sports Club.

Over to our Hockey Section, the SCC Ladies are really hitting the mark, conquering the Singapore Hockey Federation Indoor Hockey Festival, collecting the Plate winner prize during the Hockey Sixes earlier this year and taking the second prize spot in the Women’s Premier League. The Men’s Division 2 team also did well, scoring a total of 50 goals in the League Championship, only to lose to SRC by finishing in second place.

Naturally, the main action falls back on the field sports. The Rugby Section must be commended for raising $45,000 with the Singapore Japanese Rugby Club towards the Japanese Disaster Relief, an unfortunate incident that shook the world earlier in March 2011. Their charity match brought in an estimated crowd of 500 people that included the Japanese Ambassador, Mr Yoichi Suzuki. The Rugby scene in Singapore is so close to being dominated by our own Rugby Section; with the Tankards winning the Championships Grand Final for the third year in a row and only falling short when they lost out to the Bucks in the Premiership Grand Final. Not just a result-oriented section, our Cricket boys definitely had a quality year. Travelling to South Africa to play competitive matches with four different cricket clubs, they were also the first to play on the brand new Alan Cooke Cricket Ground in Phuket, finishing off their year as

Earlier in the year, our Soccer Section First Team knocked out their competition convincingly, securing the winning title in the Cosmopolitan League with four games left to go. This was followed by the SCC Tigers winning Division 1 of the ESPZEN League. A new Veterans team named SCC Strollers have also been created this year to accommodate the huge amount of tournament participation that our Soccer boys have in and out of Singapore. However, it is also very interesting to mention their talents on the bowls green, seeing this is also the second consecutive year they have won the Giles Roche Intersection Bowls Tournament. The Tennis Section enjoyed an eye-opening tour to Guangzhou in September where they were the first Overseas Club to be hosted at the International Sporting Arena. The Ladies ‘A’ team displayed some stellar results earlier in the year by securing the top spot in the Singapore Tennis Association Singles League, making it their fifth consecutive win. The Netball ladies on the other hand, not only completed their very first SCC Netball League this year, they also shared the top spot with NZCC, introduced a new team called the Ospreys and emerged second in the Invitational Bali Flames tournament. National level games, entertaining overseas clubs, hosting the 10th Annual Triangular Bowls event and a few other Interport games really kept the Bowls Section busy this year. The Ladies team did spectacularly, emerging champions

in the National Bowls Triples Championships and with the Men taking the third place in their category. Not too shabby at all! Rain might have been a concern during the Golf Section’s POT Games this year, but our golfers were certainly not bothered when they washed out Tanglin Club in all six matches. Unfortunately, they did not manage to retain their defending champions title at the Inter-Social Club Golf Tournament 2011 and came in third. Win, lose or draw, the most important message to keep is that ultimately this is a “Sports and Social” Club. Having outstanding results is important but what ultimately will help the Club thrive depends on the number of quality Members. Members who not only excel in their individual sport but also those who contribute heartily to the Club are the kind of Members who keep the Club true to its motto. To demonstrate appreciation for such Members this year, the JSM Sponsorship Award was introduced and given to a JSM from the Rugby Section, Muhammad A’srie Bin Che Ali, during the Sports Awards Night. This award recognises deserving JSMs whilst helping them to become full Members. It was a significant addition to this year’s edition of the Sports Awards Night, along with other prize categories like the “Sports Feat/Junior Sports Feat of the Year” which is presented to a Section Member/Junior Section Member who has achieved an exceptional feat during any competition. The accomplishments of 2011 truly lie in the ceaseless efforts of the Sports Department, grounds staff, convenors, Section Committee Members, the Organising Committee Members and all the volunteers of each major tournament for their hard work and time spent in facilitating these Club events and games. It is these individual contributions, whether big or small, that shape the successes and accomplishments that we enjoy today. Going forward with the Club’s new direction on grooming and acquiring quality Members, the Hockey and Tennis Sections will be next to set up their youth academies. Come 2012, the

Padang will once again be showcased in its glory as it is set to host the ICC World Cricket League Tournament in February. With the Club’s name growing bigger and bigger in the region and even worldwide, we must take steps to preserve our status and showcase what a bona fide Club we are. This can only be done with the General Committee’s direction and cooperation from our Sports Members, Ordinary Members, Junior Sports Members and the Management. With that message in mind, let’s look forward to making this Club the best it can be again in 2012. Ananda Kumar Chairman Games Control Board

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


Finance Subcommittee

A good year for the SCC – overall operating revenue up by 7.7% year on year, (S$18.7m, up from S$17.4m in 2010), with all income categories ahead of 2010 (save one) producing a bottom line surplus for the year of S$305K (down on 2010 – S$369K) and with a positive cash flow marginally short of the target of S$1.5 million for the year.

Front row from left: T. Ravi Chandran, Anthony Michael Grice, Jonathan M.E. Robinson. Back row from left: Hamish Alexander Christie, Adeline Tan, Alan Jones , Ananda Kumar. Absent: Brian Padair Farrell

Chairman Anthony Michael Grice Committee Members Hamish Alexander Christie Ananda Kumar Brian Padair Farrell Jonathan M.E. Robinson T. Ravi Chandran


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

There are downsides – costs generally have continued to increase too, for both food and beverage materials as well as for manpower, (some of the latter which are entirely beyond our own control – CPF rate rises, foreign worker levies and other statutory costs, utility increases and so forth). All major cost categories increased over 2010, but as revenue categories grow it is to be expected that costs related to those categories will also increase.

Additionally the Fruit Machine Room (FMR) has seen a dramatic decline in bottom line revenue over the past two years – a phenomenon that is being experienced by other clubs in town apparently. In 2011 revenue from the FMR operations came in at S$132K for the year, down by S$216K over 2011 and by S$400K over 2009. Despite this, overall results have been satisfactory leaving our end of year balance sheet in a relatively strong position and well placed to face the future as we move towards 2026, when the Padang lease will be scheduled for renewal. When we decided to introduce transferable memberships some 16 years ago, Members and the GC of the time were faced with a whole new ball game in our financial management, a different and new type of lease which altered our financial position significantly at the time – and for the future! Nothing has changed – both the Finance Subcommittee and General Committee endorses the current policy of preparing ourselves for future liabilities and investment in the Club’s facilities – a policy which was introduced by previous General Committees and one your current representatives see no reason to move away from in the foreseeable future. We are on target to meet future obligations – which is both prudent and professional. HIGHLIGHTS OF THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1. INFORMATION SYSTEMS There has been a long term need to enhance productivity and improve controls in operations, so during 2011 the Club invested in a new human resource information system (HRIS) and completely upgraded the Club Management System including the Financial Systems, Purchasing/Inventory System, etc. In undertaking this work we now have a fully integrated frontend to back-end system. To further explain, the new HRIS system with its new technology, staff payroll is now automated

and integrated with the biometric time clock, as well as the E-Attendance system and E-leave system which have improved both controls and productivity. The upgrades and enhancements for the existing Club Management System include new modules purchased for booking of facilities, F&B reward cards and receipts system for front desk that has led to improved controls and productivity with the integration of front-end to back-end for billings, immediate update of Members’ accounts with Members’ receipts, reflection of F&B reward cards utilisation and balances in Members’ Statement of Account as well as integration to our front-end Point-of-Sales system. Other productivity-related system enhancements include uploading of charges and ticket sales (like SCC Night Fiesta Event tickets, Christmas Eve Lucky Draw tickets and New Year Eve’s tickets), fully automated generation of reminder letters, laser printing of Statement of Accounts, etc. Eventually it is hoped to go further on the IT front – by introducing e-statements for Members and other benefits as we move forward. 2. MEMBERS FINANCIAL DIALOGUE The Club held its first ever dialogue session with Members to specifically discuss the Club’s financial policies, current issues and positions as well as to give Members an opportunity to make both comments and suggestions for the future. A lively session ensued! The session was held following a Special General Meeting in October where Club Members were asked to contribute towards financial ideas going forward as we approach the renewal of the Padang Lease in 2026. Members were shown that the Club’s revenue had been adversely affected since the introduction of the integrated resorts resulting in considerable lost revenue from our own Fruit Machine operation. In order to meet targets for meeting lease renewal requirements, there was a need to seek Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


other alternative sources of revenue in order to maintain a healthy position as 2026 approaches. Members contributed in an enthusiastic manner and several thoughts and ideas were thrown up. As a follow up, the Finance Subcommittee (FSC) formed a task force of senior Members to look at these and other ideas to determine those that would help generate additional strong sources of revenue given the limitations that we have in terms of being able to expand the Club.

development and we need good people in place and on hand to ensure that we get it. With this in mind I would like to take this opportunity of thanking our Head, Finance and Administration and her team for their valuable work and support on this important front. Their efforts and commitment during this year have been exemplary and are commendable.

This Task Force, however, was put on hold as other possibilities have arisen that may affect future plans and which will be discussed by Members at the 2012 Annual General Meeting – following which the Task Force will resume in earnest.

So too has been the support and input of both the General Manager and my colleagues on the FSC, who selflessly gave up their time so willingly to provide wise counsel and unstinting support. I thank each and everyone that has been involved in 2011.

As the Club grows and revenues increase along the way, financial management assumes greater importance too. Prudent financial management is very much key in our future pursuits and

Anthony Michael Grice Finance Member Finance Subcommittee


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

Establishment Subcommittee

The Establishment Subcommittee (ESC) is the human resources committee of the Singapore Cricket Club. I consider our staff to be the Club’s greatest asset. The ESC works with the Club’s General Manager and his management team on all important human resource related matters.

From left/clockwise: V. P. Jothi, Alan Jones, Hamish Alexander Christie, Jessica Ng, Adeline Tan, Kevin Gerald Parnell, Saktti Mane Hammond. Absent: Juliette Lau, Richard Stapley-Oh

Chairman Kevin Gerald Parnell Committee Members V. P. Jothi Saktti Mane Hammond Richard Stapley-Oh Hamish Alexander Christie Juliette Lau

Operating like an audit unit, the ESC considers issues brought to our attention by management or Club Members. We review all issues and make recommendations for approval or consideration by the General Committee. The ESC works closely with management to review, deliberate and to ensure that the Club is efficiently manned with enough trained personnel to provide a consistent level of quality service to our Members. MANPOWER The tightening of the Singapore’s foreign manpower policies has had a severe impact on the Club operations. We lost several good employees recently due to non-renewal of their S Pass upon expiry. The Club also lost a very experienced Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


Senior Waiter, Mr Tan Jong Liang, when he decided to retire after 24 years of dedicated service to the Club. The Club management constantly initiates new manpower strategies and initiatives. In the year 2011, we offered short internship attachment programmes to students studying in local education institutions. The students are trained either in the food and beverage or sports departments. When these students graduate, they can be offered fulltime employment with the Club. DEPARTMENT 2010 General Manager’s Office 2 Membership Admin 3 Membership Sales 1 Member Services 6 Marketing Communications 2 Admin/IT/Purchasing 4 Finance 9 Fruit Machine 4 Human Resources 4 Food & Beverage 90 Housekeeping 13 Maintenance 9 Sports & Recreation 15 Total Headcount 162

2011 2 3 1 6 2 5 11 4 4 90 13 9 15 165

The increase in headcount in Finance Department was due to the creation of two new positions, namely, Credit Controller and Administrative Executive. Additional accounting personnel were hired to cater for the increased number of transactions and an increase in complexity in accounting. We also have more major events and up-scaled major tournaments to deal with. We have also increased our internal audit functions. The Credit Controller has already contributed significantly in terms of lower provisions for bad debts and reduction in both the Members and other debtors outstanding balances. The Administrative Executive was added to take charge of the office administration in The Adelphi Office. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS The ESC considers issues such as staff remuneration, annual increments, and 18

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

union negotiations. We then submit our recommendations and observations to the GC for final approval. We recognise that a real challenge exists in recruitment of manpower since the emergence of bigger and more lucrative employers such as the Integrated Resorts. Retaining good employees is an even bigger challenge and the Club management constantly strives to be competitive and fair with our compensation and benefits policies. The Club management conducts regular labour market surveys and we maintain a cordial relationship with the employees Union. Agreements, adjustments and salary increments are hence made promptly. In addition to the Annual Wage Supplement and Variable Bonus, the Club management thanks our Members for contributing to the Ang Pow Fund which is an additional reward and recognition from Members to employees for all their hard work and dedication. To encourage a healthy lifestyle, the Club management initiated a “Stay Fit” Incentive to employees who take no more than five days of medical leave a year. STAFF WELFARE The Club management ensures that staff facilities like the staff rest room is clean, hygienic and comfortable for employees to take a rest during their break time. “BREAKFAST CHAT” SESSIONS In July 2011, “Breakfast Chat” sessions were established to encourage two-way communications between employees and management with the intention to better understand the needs of the employees and to give management a less formal opportunity to express the expectations of the Club. All the employees were scheduled to attend one of these 10 bi-weekly sessions where they shared with the General Manager and the Human Resource Manager their views on how the Club could help them improve their work environment, work flow and how we could all work together to make the Club a more pleasant workplace for all. Suggestions and observations that could be implemented were initiated. Service Champion Campaign Another successful programme that the Club management initiated was the “Service Champion Campaign” launched in March 2011. This

Campaign aimed to establish a positive service mindset for all front-line service personnel with the slogan – Service Beyond A Smile – Creating Memories Since 1852. Club Members expect great service from our employees and they voted for their Service Champions during the year-long campaign period. On a bi-monthly basis, two employees with the highest number of votes won the Service Champion Award. Altogether, 10 Service Champions emerged when the Campaign closed in December 2011. The top three – Mr Tan Kuan Chye, Ms Irene Loke and Ms Jennifer T Perreras were awarded Grand Service Champion, 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up respectively. The ESC congratulates all the Service Champions for their examplary performance and compliments the Club management for initiating such a successful programme. I am sure that the improvement in our service standards is evident to all. STAFF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT In the year 2011, the Club management invested in individual staff training and development programmes which targeted self-improvement. Heads of departments also attended a Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) course as part of the compliance with WSH regulations. All new employees are required to attend the New Hire Orientation programme to equip them with a basic understanding of the Club and our expectations of their required commitment and performance level. Thanks to Member, Mr Steve Thompson, who had kindly conducted two “Heritage Trail” sessions where employees toured the Club whilst being advised on the rich history of the Club. The Club management also sent a team to participate in the “Amazing Waiter Race”

Service Champion winners with General Manager

organised by “CATS Classified” under Singapore Press Holdings. Although the team did not qualify for the final round, the experience gained was invaluable. HUMAN RESOURCES INFORMATION SYSTEM To streamline procedures, enhance productivity and ensure proper “check-and-balance” in the Club operations, the Club management invested in a new human resources information system for payroll, E-leave and E-Attendance. With new technology like the biometric time clock working hand-in-hand with the E-Attendance system, the Club management will be better able to monitor and adjust our manpower and specific operational needs. CONCLUSION I would like to thank the General Committee, all Members of the Establishment Subcommittee and the Club’s Management team for their incredible support, commitment and untiring effort. I also thank all of our employees for their continued hard work and dedication. I am encouraged to know that the Club has a strong, professional team of fantastic employees who will strive to maintain the Club’s premier status and I congratulate you all on a job well done! It is with much regret that I advise that due to my increased work commitment in Thailand that I will not stand for re-election. It has been my great honour to serve on the General Committee of the Club this past year. To all the Club Members who supported me and those Members who passed me advice when they thought I needed it. Much appreciated, thank you. Kevin Gerald Parnell Chairman Establishment Subcommittee

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


Food & Beverage Subcommittee Dear fellow Members, on behalf of the F&B Subcommittee and the Management, I am pleased to present the annual report of the SCC’s Food & Beverage Department for the year 2011.

From left: Raymond Lee, Alan Jones, Shohaida Mat Shohor, Barbara Marian Williams, Phillip Gwee, Michael Lie, Kwek Chok Ming, Koh Swee Seng. Absent: Paul Andrew Lawless, Joseph Yip Hon Moon

Chairman Phillip Gwee Peng Hong Committee Members Paul Andrew Lawless Kwek Chok Ming Joseph Yip Hon Moon Barbara Marian Williams


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

The F&B Department had an eventful and challenging year meeting the needs and expectations of our Members. Members’ feedback and suggestions were duly considered. Where appropriate, they were implemented on a trial basis to gauge response and sustainability. Here are some of the highlights of activities and events during the year under review. BARS Effective January 2011, we extended the duration for Members to store their unfinished bottles of liquor/spirit in the Club from one week to one

month. Daily Thirst Quenchers were launched in July and is ongoing. Karaoke sessions were held in the Men’s Bar on the last Thursday of each month on a trial basis from June to October. Management will review and decide whether to continue holding karaoke sessions in 2012. Since March, we introduced a Soup & Salad bar at Stumps during lunch and this will continue. At the Main Lounge, fresh oysters which are served every Friday evening continue to enjoy a strong following among our Members. RESTAURANTS Chef de Cuisine Jasmine Yeo from The Cliff, Sentosa & Spa Resort joined us in May to helm the Padang kitchen. A new Padang menu was launched in September. The Oval restaurant saw a makeover of the menu implemented in August to assist Members in identifying and selecting their choice. In the same month, we upgraded the Oval kitchen by creating a small cold kitchen within a section of the dining area for the purpose of preparing salads and cold food items. A series of buffet dinners was held throughout the year featuring Asian, Malay, Thai and the ever popular Teochew porridge. New signature dishes introduced at the Oval include Assam Fish Head, Crispy Eggplant with Pork Floss, Braised Sticky Pork Belly with Steamed Bun and Thai Style Pork Knuckle by Head Chinese Chef Koh Kwee Seng and Chef Arifin’s Oven Baked Claypot Chicken Briyani and Murtabak. At the Courtyard, Chef Arifin never fails to impress with his specialities such as Kambing Soup, Soto Ayam, Indian Mee Goreng, Indian Fish Curry and Roti Prata. Our pastry team, led by Pastry Chef James Tan Soon Hoe, continues to offer an excellent selection of our in-house baked breads and a wide variety of cakes and pies. EVENTS Executive Chef Raymond Lee presented the Association des Grand Crus Classes St Emilion Wine Event at the Padang Restaurant on 7 May Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

31 21

with participation by 14 Chateau Owners from St Emilion. The wide range of fine Grand Crus from St Emilion were well complemented by the excellent spread prepared by the Padang kitchen. It was an immensely successful event enjoyed by all the participants. The Club hosted a series of Wine & Dine Evenings at the Padang Restaurant which was well-received and supported by our Members. Visiting guest chefs include Celebrity Chef Aaron Carr from Margaret River, Australia, Spanish Tapas Chef Areas Relanzon and Chef Gianluca Visani from Italian lifestyle restaurant IL Lido. Our resident Chef de Cuisine Jasmine Yeo also hosted wine dinners with participating winemakers such as Rutherford from Napa Valley, Hayshed Hill from Margaret River, Forrest Estate from Marlborough and Murdoch James from Martinborough. We also hosted a Boutique Single Malt Whisky Dinner and a “Soiree” jointly with the Stage Club. Our F&B Department pulled out all the stops to provide the best fare and service for the two mega events held at the Club – the SCC Night Race Fiesta and the SCC 64th International Rugby Sevens. Members continue to support our banquet services with increased bookings at The Padang and Gilmour Room & Terrace for their personal as well as corporate functions. Management had to implement a new booking and pricing policy to differentiate between personal and corporate functions booked by our Members at these venues. GOOD HYGIENE PRACTICES (GHP) The Club engaged Silliker Pte Ltd to conduct a GHP Audit and Testing Services programme over a one year period ending in September 2012. Silliker will work closely with our F&B Department’s Food Safety Committee headed by Mr Michael Lie, Head F&B & Events, to ensure that we continuously strive to maintain a high standard of food hygiene and quality in serving our Members.


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

FINANCIALS We had a very challenging year coping with the F&B industry-wide high increase in the cost of raw materials and foreign F&B staff costs due to the new policies and levies affecting S-Pass holders implemented by the Ministry of Manpower. Our budgeted F&B sales turnover for 2011 was $8,200,000 with a budgeted deficit of $324,000. Our actual F&B sales turnover for 2011 was $8,770,000, with an actual operating deficit of $323,000. Effective cost control and management is a crucial area which we need to monitor very closely in our F&B budget for 2012. CONCLUSION I wish to convey my sincere appreciation to Members of the F&B Subcommittee for their time and contribution. I sincerely thank all the leaders and staff in the various sections of the F&B & Events Department for their untiring efforts to improve and providing the best service to our Members. Finally, I must sincerely thank all our Members who continue to patronise our F&B outlets for your own enjoyment as well as for your personal or corporate functions. Please continue to patronise and support the Club. Thank you. Phillip Gwee Peng Hong Deputy President & Chairman F&B Subcommittee

Marketing & Communications Subcommittee

I am pleased to report that 2011 was a very satisfying year for the Marketing & Communications Subcommittee (M&C Subcom). The fruits of the M&C Subcom’s labour in 2010 were realised, to a large extent, by the establishment of physical improvements in several areas, and most notably, in the Club’s premises.

From left: Adam Abdur Rahman, Tracy Jones, Steve Thompson, T. Ravi Chandran, Kairi Metsaots, Alan Jones.

Chairman T. Ravi Chandran Committee Members Tracy Jones Steve Thompson Adam Abdur Rahman

The M&C Subcom’s resolution to make communication more Member-friendly, particularly The Padang Magazine, while remaining commercially astute and keeping costs down was achieved. This was in tandem with the direction of the General Committee which was to preserve and maintain the image of the Club as a premier sporting and social club in Singapore as well as to keep costs down as far as possible for the benefit of its loyal Members. A total of six Padang Magazines, four tournament magazines (Hockey 6s, Soccer 6s, Cricket Twenty20 and Rugby 7s), the Annual Report and a fine pictorial book on the Australian Test Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011



Cricket team’s tour of Malaya and Singapore in 1927, called the “The Governor-General”, were printed. There were also several other print collaterals including the Junior Sports Member (JSM) Brochure, Sales Kit, Heritage Trail Brochure and Club’s Facilities Guide. Regular email-blasts (three times a week) and constant update of our SCC website were also carried out rigorously. Heritage Trail Project The Heritage Trail (HT) Project, which was initiated by the M&C Subcom in 2010, was smoothly and effectively completed in December 2011. The brainchild of Steve Thompson, current M&C Subcom Member and former General Committee Member, the HT project depicts the development and evolution of the Club over the past 160 years with the use of photographs of great historical significance. Steve’s dedication to research and historical accuracy and attribution as well as his singleminded determination to see this three-year long project to its completion begets my deepest appreciation and gratitude. Club Ephemera Project The Club Ephemera Project was introduced in the latter part of 2010 as a sort of “co-star” to the HT Project. It is an ongoing project where Members are encouraged to donate or loan old SCC memorabilia, either in their own possession or in the possession of their friends or former Club Members. These items are already being proudly displayed in two showcases at either end of the Main Lounge to augment the historical pictures that have been mounted as part of the HT project. Membership Sales Promotion The M&C Subcom works closely with the membership staff to ensure that the success of the membership sales spike in 2010 is maintained and also to leverage on this momentum in order 24

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

to continue to sustain the effort. This is not only significant but also vital as it currently represents one of the most important sources of revenue to the Club. Strategic Communications Continuing the good work done in 2010, the M&C management team, led by Kairi Metsaots, worked tirelessly with the various Club Subcommittes like Finance, F&B, Games Control Board, Establishment, Social, Rules & Membership and Property, to help foster better communications on tournaments, sports screenings, F&B promotions and social events. Our Club President also works closely with M&C staff, through the President’s Message in the Padang Magazine, in order to keep Members fully aware of the activities of the Club. The M&C management staff also continually solicits feedback from the Members and track the participation by Members in Cluborganised events. In this way, the effectiveness of our communication effort is studied and improvements made when deemed necessary. The Padang Magazine The Club’s signature bi-monthly publication, The Padang, continued to be meticulously reviewed by the M&C Subcom last year with regular, incremental changes made, always keeping the needs of the Members in mind. It is the oldest existing communication tool and one which the Club’s Members can and should be proud of. Printing costs have been well negotiated by the M&C staff and costs drastically reduced by around 30-40% by diligent sourcing for competitive printers. Regular “face-lifts” and refreshing articles and features are constantly introduced to continue to keep the Members’ interest and enthusiasm in the publication. We are proud to say that the Padang Magazine arrived at our Members’ doorstep on-time, every

The SCC Art Collection at the staircase area leading to The Padang Restaurant and (right) and Men’s Bar (left).

time last year and this is due to the tireless efforts and diligent follow-up of our dedicated M&C staff. Moving forward, we intend to generate more revenue from advertisements in The Padang Magazine. This will not only help to off-set the cost of publishing the magazine considerably but also serves to promote awareness of the Club. By this I mean that more organisations will be aware of the existence of the Club, through M&C staff ’s promotion efforts, and therefore it also serves to provide a pool of potential Members to the Club for the future. Souvenir Sales 2011 has been a good year for souvenir sales at the Club. Apart from promotion of the items in our souvenir corner by way of advertising and also by active salesmanship by the MSD staff at the Club’s main reception, the M&C Subcom introduced several new items. These were tea towels, Club T-shirts, wine bags, table mats, drink coasters and “The Governor-General” book. SCC Art Collection One side-effect of work on the Heritage Trail is that artworks hanging in the Main Lounge, The Oval and the Gilmour Room were removed to make way for other materials. The M&C Subcom decided to evaluate these artworks and selected 24 for display, scenes of Singapore by local artists done between the early 1970s and 1991. Some were restored and reframed, and all have been captioned. Members can now enjoy them on the Padang staircase, along the corridor to the Gilmour Room and in the Men’s Bar. I am grateful to Club Member Tan Teng Teng, a professional art historian and curator, who lovingly supervised the project and saw it through to completion together with Steve Thompson.

New Initiatives for 2012 Revamping Website Members have consistently been asking for more information to be put on our website and mentioned the lack of user-friendliness. This is fast becoming the medium of choice for most Members seeking information about the Club. Therefore, it has always been an ongoing “project” for the M&C Subcom to further improve the website and to make it increasingly “Memberfriendly”, by completely taking another turn in 2012. GC has approved the revamping project that starts now and shall be finished by end of 2012. I trust this puts smiles on everybody’s faces. SCC Reference Library The M&C Subcom has decided to build a small reference library for the benefit of Members, which will include books on sports (including Wisden’s Almanack), copies of the Club’s Annual Report from 1970 onwards and copies of The Padang Magazine. The library shall be up and estimated ready to use by end of 2012. Conclusion It could be argued that the M&C Subcom is the “glue” that cements the various sections within the Club together. We appreciate that the Club is steeped in rich tradition and that it has a unique identity common amongst its Members experienced over two centuries. I would like to record my sincere appreciation to fellow M&C Subcom Members for their unflagging contributions, personal sacrifices and commitment to making the Club a better place for its Members. I would also like to thank the Club’s management staff for their tremendous support and valuable contributions in 2011. T. Ravi Chandran Chairman Marketing & Communications Subcommittee Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


Property Subcommittee The Property Subcommittee initiated many upgrading projects during the year, with the continuing care, maintenance and upgrading of the facilities being of prime concern.

From left: Alan Jones, T Velu, Tony Richardson, Ong Chin Leong, Norliah Soeyoeti, Judy Ting, Raji Ramason.

Chairman Ong Chin Leong Committee Members Raji Ramason Tony Richardson Barbara Marian Williams T. Velu


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

The Property Subcommittee exercised great prudence in their spending whilst carrying out the preventive maintenance programme and upgrading projects. The external walls of the Clubhouse were given a new coat of paint. The repainting started end of April and was completed in the first week of June and three days ahead of schedule. We apologise for any inconvenience caused during the repainting as a section of the carpark was closed to facilitate the work.

Construction work for an extension to the cold kitchen area to create additional space for preparation of cold cuts was completed in August 2011. The Oval kitchen was also closed for three days in July to facilitate the replacement of two new exhaust fans to improve ventilation and the working environment. Some of the upgrading projects and renovation completed in the course of the year or are in progress at the time of writing are:

• Replacing the covers of the three gazebos with green canvas • Installation of card access system for F&B office to enhance security

• Planting new plants to improve the landscape at the Tennis court • Replacement of the capacitor bank for the main switch room • Installation of LED lights at both carparks, external walls and Main Lounge • Installation of timer switch for both Terraces • Installation of additional globe lights for both Terraces to enhance the lighting • Extension works to increase floor space for the F&B office • Installation of single-split unit air-con for the Sports Department • Replacement of three sets of wooden doors for Victoria Terrace • Installation of an additional handrail for the Stumps staircase • Purchase of a portable PA system to support events • Repairing hazardous wiring at Dempsey • Replacement of the sump pump for the irrigation tank • Installation of incoming breaker for OG box at the Tennis Court • Purchase of new dining chairs for The Oval • Replacement of aluminium sheets with waterproof cement boards on both sides of the pitch roof • Replacement of heat detectors for The Oval kitchen with fixed temperature detectors to prevent false alarm activation • Installation of a bicycle stand at the carpark • Refurbishment of Main Lounge furniture • Fabrication of the service counter with marble-top for The Oval • Repairing and levelling water-ponding areas near the carpark exit • Installation of LED light strips at the eaves of the roofing on first and second levels • Installation of boot washing facility outside the Men’s Changing Room

Improvement works to increase the water pressure for the shower facilities is in progress and Members playing at Dempsey can look forward to a decent shower. In addition to the above works, a number of less visible tasks have also been completed, which includes:

Upgrading works done or in progress at Dempsey includes re-painting of the fencing and metal gates, installation of polycarbonate covers complete with gutter and down pipe for drainage for the canopy.

a) Annual shutdown for servicing and repairs of two chillers b) Electrical maintenance servicing of main and sub-switch boards c) Installation of intercom system for the goods lift d) Installation of lightings and oscillating fans for the grounds equipment storage e) Repairs and replacement of parts to the goods lift serving the basement, first and second floor kitchens f) Periodic structural inspection of the Clubhouse g) Installation of air purifiers for the Adelphi Admin Office h) Installation of water cooler for Deli Verandah i) Replacement of wicker chairs for Stumps Terrace j) Repainting and re-varnishing of various areas within the Clubhouse k) Patched and filled-up cracks for Stumps bar counter top l) Relocation of two dart boards m) Repaired water leakage from concealed pipe under the staircase leading to the courtyard Fire safety inspection checks are conducted every month to ensure compliance to fire safety regulations. Two fire drills and fire fighting training were conducted in 2011 to ensure the staff are aware of evacuation procedures and are well-versed in handling fire fighting equipment. Our automatic fire alarm system is inspected monthly and defects are immediately rectified. Our energy conservation initiatives and efforts in 2011 included replacement of the halogen lights Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


with LED lights at the carparks, Main Lounge and external walls of Club. The hanging lights on the trees at both carparks were replaced with LED lights. The Property Subcommittee embarked on this exercise with the aim to conserve energy and increase our contribution to being green. We will continue with our efforts in cost savings in light of the rising energy costs. In order to ensure the Clubhouse is visible during the SCC Night Race Fiesta event, the Property Subcommittee approved the installation of LED light strips at the eaves of the roofing on the first and second levels to light-up the Clubhouse. Security conducts random checks to ensure the exclusive use of facilities by Members. Following feedback from Members on unauthorised usage of the Club facilities, additional security staff were hired to ensure that guests are properly signed in when there are screenings of major sporting events. To further enhance security, security cameras were installed at Stumps Bar and Terrace. Tree pruning and crown trimming were done every six months to keep trees safe and wellmaintained. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the Property Subcommittee members for their invaluable support, constructive feedback and guidance. I would also like to thank the SCC Management and the Property & Housekeeping Department for their dedication and diligence in up-keeping and maintaining the Club’s facilities for the enjoyment and comfort of Members and guests. Ong Chin Leong Chairman Property Subcommittee

Rules & Membership Subcommittee The Rules and Membership Subcommittee (R&M) had, as always, a busy year. The committee always leads a somewhat lopsided existence. One item on its agenda, complaints and discipline, must by its very nature be mostly reacting to circumstances.

From left: Carl Pillay, Ananda Kumar, Anthony Michael Grice, Richard Stapley-Oh, Brian Padair Farrell, Alan Jones, Roseanne Toh, That Htar Swe

Chairman Brian Padair Farrell Committee Members Ananda Kumar Anthony Michael Grice Richard Stapley-Oh Carl Pillay

The other main agenda items, developing the various categories of membership and reviewing the Club’s rules and bye-laws, can be more planned and prescriptive. This year proved to be typical in most respects. One recurring complaint that deserves notice here is the problem of smoking in designated areas. Whatever Members think of this requirement, the Club has no choice but to comply with the law of the land on this matter. The staff therefore have no choice but to request Members to respect the rule accordingly. This has been the case for some years now, but a problem persists. Can we use this report to appeal to all Members to understand that the Club must respect higher authority when it comes to smoking, and to behave accordingly. Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011



























































Total Active Voting Members



































Family Members












Sports Members












Term Members












Junior Sports Members












Total Active Other Members
























Active Voting Members












Active Other Categories
























Absent Members












Total Membership




































Billiards & Snooker



















































L Hockey










M Hockey










Honorary Life Members Ordinary Members Corporate Members Life Members

Honorary Members

Lawn Bowls



















































































Total Membership of Sport Sections

Membership as at 31 December 2011


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

This was a busy year regarding rules and bye-laws. The Committee set out to review our rules as they stood, looking for two things: rules that had become obsolete due to changing circumstances and the passage of time; to ensure that a good balance was struck between entrenching the ultimate authority of the Members at large and allowing the General Committee (GC) enough authority to carry out its duties. The first matter was addressed at a Special General Meeting (SGM) called to take advantage of coinciding with a Dialogue Session the GC had decided to call in order to discuss Club financial matters. At this SGM, held on 17 October, Members were asked to approve two amendments to the Club Rules. Both were cases in which rules needed to be adjusted to account for changing circumstances over time. The first was a proposal to amend Rule 56, which called for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held each year within three months of the close of the financial year.

The proposal, initiated by R&M, was to amend Rule 35, principally to require any candidate for the offices of President, Deputy President, Chairman Games Control Board and Finance Member to have first served at least one term as a General Committee Member, at any previous time. Further amendments to Rules 34 and 35, to implement this major change, were also proposed. Nearly 300 Members attended what proved to be a lively SGM, with a lengthy and full discussion of the proposal and related matters. The Members rejected the proposed amendment by a large margin. But the discussion certainly placed the question of how the Club organises and runs elections for all posts on the GC on the broader agenda, with general agreement that the Club needs to find new and better ways to carry out this essential function. Proposals regarding further rule amendments and possible new procedures for running elections will be addressed at the AGM of 2012.

Finance Department recommended amending this to stipulate holding the AGM within four months, on the grounds that the Club had become a larger, more complicated organisation, generating and handling more revenue, and external auditing procedures had become more time consuming.

The other major Committee mission, developing the membership, remains a constant work in progress. Membership in all categories remained healthy in 2011, as indicated by the accompanying chart. We made good progress in reducing the list of Members who had an Ordinary Transferable Membership they wished to sell [12], always a matter of great concern to Members at large.

The second was a proposal to delete Rules 63 through 66 and re-number Rule 67 accordingly. R&M proposed this deletion, on the grounds that these rules had been adopted in the mid1990s in order to enable the Club to implement transferable membership and were no longer required.

We also oversaw an increase in the annual fee for Sports Membership, to enhance the contribution these Members make to the finances of the Club. And we took another look at the categories of Term and Special Term Member, focusing on how best to manage these categories in the Club’s interest.

They served their purpose well, but the issues they addressed were adequately covered elsewhere in the rules, there were no remaining specific cases they might cover, and they had simply become obsolete. The Members adopted both proposed rule amendments by show of hands, nem con.

Finally, we paid constant close attention to the Junior Sports Member category, of such special interest to the Members at large. In all respects, as indicated by the accompanying charts, the membership situation is positive.

The second matter, striking a healthy balance between ultimate authority and Committee direction, remains an ongoing process. The GC called an SGM on 12 January 2012 to ask the Members to approve an amendment to the rules as a first step in seeking that balance.

Dr Brian Padair Farrell Chairman Rules & Membership Subcommittee

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


Social Subcommittee 2011 has been an eventful year for the Social Subcommittee. With the focus of providing a variety of interesting and fun social events for Members, whilst staying within the budget limitations, we held close to 50 staggering events throughout the year. This helped create an exciting atmosphere in the Club, as well as generating more sales for F&B.

From left/clockwise: T Velu, Richard Pugh, Anwar Gaffoor, Russell Chalon, Ravinder Kaur, Joyce Foster, Asha Chetty.

Chairman Joyce Foster Committee Members Anwar Gaffoor T. Velu Richard Pugh Ravinder Kaur Asha Chetty Russell Chalon


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

The year started with a Feng Shui Talk on the 12 Chinese Horoscope forecast for 2011. This was a teaser to the Chinese New Year Celebration with highlights such as the traditional Lion Dance, Kungfu demonstrations and other cultural performances. In the first quarter of the year, we held a Soiree with performances from The Stage Club, injecting humorous monologues to our Members, accompanied with the Club’s fine dining experience. We also celebrated St Patrick’s Day SCC-style.

Chinese New Year Celebration

Easter Party

Through Members’ feedback, the Subcommittee started Bridge Nights in April, where avid card players and beginners alike gather and share their “card tricks”. It is great to see a gradual increase in players and we expect to garner more interest to this event in 2012. For music entertainment, our Buzz from the Bar showcasing an array of bands, continues to play regularly at the Main Lounge throughout the week.. The second quarter of the year saw various thematic nights such as the Safari Night, Thailand Night and Latin Night which featured one-of-akind cuisine and performances. We also had the infamous Tokyo Square and Douglas O back for Encore Night which never fails to get our Members swinging. On the 9 August, we celebrated the Nation’s 46th birthday with food from the good old days, children’s activities and of course, fireworks! I am proud to record that the SCC Ladies’ Luncheon with themes of fashion, style and

Ladies’ Luncheon

well-being has continued to garner more interest amongst our ladies. Special thanks to Amber Jane Williams, Emma Madge, Helen Lovering, Kiran Sekhon, Laura O’Brien and Lizzie Philips for being the stunning models for our fashion show. On the busiest quarter of the year, we had our Kampong Night, Oktoberfest and Halloween Night, bringing Members a different sight and taste to experience at the Club. We also had our Section Members all geared up for the Annual Intersection Quiz Night. One of the main highlights of the quarter was definitely the SCC Night Race Fiesta – an event which saw the tickets being sold out in record time. Located right at the “Singapore Sling”, the 2011 SCC Night Race Fiesta was bigger and better. The Club is truly the place to be at the Night Race! Among the many remarkable events, our biquarterly Wine and Cheese is still one of Members’ favourite events. This year saw one of Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


the highest ever attended Wine & Cheese Parties in 2011, with a significant 197 attendees. The Remembrance Day at the Cenotaph on the Esplanade was held on the 11 November 2011 attended by close to 50 Members and guests. Held on the same day was one of the Club’s anticipated events – Deepavali Night has always been a huge hit with our Members. Surrounded with a delectable cuisine and a medley of Indian dances, the night was filled with smiling faces. For the first time, we had a best dressed couple competition to honour Members and guests in their glorious attires. The Charity Christmas Party and the Member’s Children Party were combined this year and the children from the Jamiyah Children Home were invited to join the party. Everyone had such a great time. One of the main highlight of the party was the mini car race circuit where kids get to “race” through the multi-purpose court. Special thanks to Mr Phil Cunningham for being our Santa Claus, bringing smiles and hugs to the kids.

SCC MASKquerade Party


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

2011 ended with a big bang with our SCC MASKquerade Ball. The Club welcomed 2012 with a release of balloons with wishes for the coming New Year, orchestral music from the Gurkha Pipers and a breathtaking view of fireworks. Finally, I would like to thank all my Subcommittee Members for all their contributions throughout the past term. Your commitment of time and personal inputs are greatly appreciated. I also would like to thank the Club’s Management for their support in making all our endeavours a success. Lastly, the Banquet & Events Team for their hard work and for making all possible. A Big Thank You. Joyce Foster Chairlady Social Subcommittee

Balut Convenor Captain Secretary Treasurer Committee Member

John Lewis Taylor Raj Kumar Mogens Andersen Lars Berg Renee Balagopal

The Section seems to reach peak performance in cycles of 10 years and with a certain vengeance. Last year we won the local league with teams coming first and second. This year we won the prestigious 31st Interport, also with teams in the first two places, both with an absence of 10 years. Normally the winning club hosts the next year’s tournament, but with some gentle persuasion, the Kota Kinabalu Yacht Club is kindly going to host the 32nd Interport on our behalf to coincide with their 40th Anniversary. We went on two very enjoyable tours during the year, to Bangkok and Sarawak. It must be mentioned that we were the only Section to lose in the POT Games. With many of our Members also being Members of the Tanglin Club we did not feel too bad.

President Salutes Sports - Raj Kumar, Lars Berg, John Taylot, Mogens Andersen, Renee Balagopal (Absent)

We hosted our Invitational pair’s tournament in July with Raj Kumar and John Taylor taking the honours. Under the astute captaincy of Dr. Brian Farrell, the “Dice Men” recaptured the Annual Inter-section Quiz Night. One sad note during the year was the passing of three of our staunchest baluteers, Peter Mole, Diana See and Cary Williams. Peter Mole had been playing Balut for about 35 years, firstly in the now defunct Jan’s Café (the original Mecca of Balut in Singapore) in D’Almeida Street during the late 60s.

The Balut Section Members

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


Christmas Party 2011

We came in second in the team category

The monthly in-house sessions, held on the third Tuesdays of the month were well-attended. Prizes were given to the winners at our Christmas party held at the Padang Restaurant on 16 December, which once again was a “cracker” of a do. Thanks to our illustrious secretary Mogens Andersen in obtaining some very generous sponsorships and his novel ideas of conducting the lucky draw prizes. Yeoh Foo Yong won the first prize with an aggregate score of 109.08. In second place was John Taylor with 103.75, narrowly piping Anwar Gaffoor with 103.08. Anwar also collected the highest individual score in a single column with 149. A special gift was presented to Rajan Menon of Pernod Ricard for their most generous sponsorship of wines and whisky for our monthly 36

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

We are the champions for the 31st Chivas Regal Balut Interport Tournament 2011

sessions and league matches. For over 20 years, Rajan has continued to support us with this privilege. Planning for the 2012 activities is already well underway. In fact we have already received invitations to tour to Bangkok, Sabah, Manila and the Interport in Kota Kinabalu in November. In helping to make the Balut Section a success, thanks must go to the Sports Department and in particularly to Fiona Ann Lincoln for being the league’s chief scorer and to Stefanie Ang for running the Balut Section’s activities with diplomacy, charm and grace. John Lewis Taylor Balut Section Convenor

Billiards & Snooker

3N6T Wiraka Snooker Tournament - Team SSC

Convenor Tan Bak Choon Captain Victor Yeong Secretary T. Velu Treasurer Mike Yeomans Committee Member Gerard Ee

Tour to Penang Sports Club - The great host with supporters

RBSC Snooker Interport (Joseph Yip vs Eakalux)

The last year has been a busy and eventful one, complemented with tournaments, tours and visits. We enjoyed good support for the events from the regular active team players and supporters but continue to yearn wider engagement from the dormant Members. EVENTS • Chinese New Year Social • Interport with RBSC – SCC lost (home) • Pot Games with Tanglin Club – SCC won (home) • John Ewing Cup with Tanglin Club – SCC lost (away) • Tri-Nations – 6 Clubs Competition hosted by SRC – SCC entered the semis • Penang Club Inter-Port in Penang – SCC won • 7th PSC Inter-Club Snooker Tournament – SCC entered the semis Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


Pot Games with TC

At the point of writing, SCC is participating in the Cuesports National League (Div 2) which commenced in December 2011. The Chinese New Year “Lo Hei” party took place on 27 Jan 2012 and was well attended. A friendly match with Tattersalls’ Club Brisbane, Australia in March 2012 has been arranged. MEMBERSHIP Recruitment of new Section Members to our small section of just over 200 Members remains a big challenge.

A good year of Rabbit has ended, time for the Dragon to emerge!

Reviving interest, enthusiasm and engagement from dormant existing Members is the other. We urge Members to do your part in bringing them in from upstairs to fill “the dungeon”. FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT The Section continues to explore the possibility of engaging a trainer to meet the needs of tournament players as well as Sunday enthusiasts and beginners. We acquired a brand new snooker table and refurbished the Murchison single-slate heirloom to restore the standard of our tables to tournament level. In response to our contractor’s recommendations we are investing in new heaters for the green baize, while concurrently looking at improving the air-conditioning so the tables can be kept in optimal conditions. 38

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


We thank Members for their past support and we look forward to greater collaborative efforts in the coming year for greater success. Tan Bak Choon Billiards & Snooker Section Convenor


Bowls Committee 2011

INTRODUCTION 2011 was a colourful, busy and crowded year with seven Section competitions, 11 National level events, two overseas tours, three games with visiting overseas clubs and the hosting of the 10th Annual Triangular Bowls Meet and the Interport games. Very special thanks for exceptional contributions made by Committee Members Cynthia Robless (F&B arrangements, monthly newsletter), Retna Sabapathy (Captain), T Velu (Greens & Equipment Member), Dr KU Menon and Anwar Gaffoor (preparing articles for the Padang Magazine), Ron Pereira and Wong Hui Kai (JSM Representative).

SECTION COMMITTEE During the Section AGM held on 15 January 2011, the following were elected: Convenor George Abraham Secretary Cynthia Robless Treasurer T Velu Captain Retna Sabapathy Vice Captain Loh Hui Shan (until April 2011) Edmund Lin (from May 2011) Committee Members Dr KU Menon Anwar Gaffoor Ron Pereira Junior Representative Wong Hui Kai (co-opted) The Section Committee met on nine occasions during the year. Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCES OF THE SECTION IN 2011 SCC 4th Annual Sports Awards Night, 15 April Lifetime Achievement Award Tony Richardson Sports Man of the Year Christian Huang Sports Woman of the Year Shermeen Lim Spirit of Sports Award George Abraham Singapore National Olympic Council Awards, 25 May Meritorious Award (Individual) Shermeen Lim World Bowls Champion of Champions – Ladies Singles, Hong Kong, 13-14 November Shermeen Lim – 5th place. This is the highest a Singaporean bowler has achieved in this World Bowls Event. Bowls Singapore Events (Kallang Bowling Green) SCC bowlers’ achievements in the 11 events held: Gold – 5, Silver – 3, Bronze – 3

Montmorency spider


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

APPRECIATION To the President and Members of the General Committee especially, Ananda Kumar (Chairman, GCB) and Joyce Foster (GC Member) for their encouraging support to the Section and its activities. To Sports Executives – Ms Fiona Lincoln, Ms Wendy Foo and Ms Stefanie Ang. To Mr Rashed Miah, Head Groundsman and his staff. To Section Members – Edmund Lin, Prem Anand, KC Chew, Michael Daryanani, Amira Goh, Derek & Devi Hodgkinson, Rodger Kimpton, Rajan Menon (Pernod Ricard Singapore), Rita Pereira, A Purush, Tony Richardson, Josephine Lim, Robin Tessensohn and Tom Fernandez. CONCLUSION Once again, sincere thanks to all the Section Committee Members and the Section Members for their assistance throughout the year. With their whole-hearted support, all the events for the year were organised smoothly and professionally. Thanks also to all the Section Members who represented SCC at national events and were able to achieve outstanding results.

10th Annual Triangular Bowls Meet and Interport Games, August 2011

SECTION EVENTS 2011 Opening Season Carnival, 19 February Participants: 25 Drawn Mixed Triples, 12 March to 18 April Participants: 8 triples teams. Results: 1st – Chai Hon Yoong, Ron Pereira, Anwar Gaffoor; 2nd – Rodger Kimpton, T Velu, Chris Mellon; 3rd – KC Chew, Retna Sabapathy, Raymond Ambrose, Cynthia Robless Singles, 14 May to 11 June Men Participants: 15 Results (Winners Pool): 1st – Melvin Tan; 2nd – Chai Hon Yoong; 3rd – KC Chew. Results (Plate): 1st – Rodger Kimpton; 2nd – Ron Pereira Ladies Participants: 8 Results (Winners Pool): 1st – Shermeen Lim; 2nd – Loh Hui Shan. Results (Plate): 1st – Yong Lew Foong; 2nd – Virginia Longfellow

Drawn Pairs, 18 June to 20 August Men Participants: 8 pairs teams Results: 1st – Rodger Kimpton & Derek Hodgkinson; 2nd – KC Chew & Retna Sabapathy; 3rd – Prem Anand & T Velu Ladies Participants: 4 pairs teams Results: 1st – Josephine Lim & Lim Peck Tee; 2nd – Rita Pereira & Cynthia Robless Drawn Mixed Pairs, 10 September to 22 October Participants: 8 mixed pairs teams. Results: 1st – Yong Lew Foong & KU Menon; 2nd – Chai Hon Yoong & Ben Cunico; 3rd – Rodger Kimpton & Retna Sabapathy

Warringah Bowling Club

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


FRIENDLY GAMES 2011 Invitation Interclub Mixed Pairs League (Organised by The Tanglin Club) 14 February to 11 April, Tanglin Club Green Entries: 10 teams from six clubs (two teams from SCC). Results: SCC ‘A’: 4th (Christian Huang – Captain, Chng Ming Li, Shermeen Lim, Melvin Tan, Wong Hui Kai); SCC ‘B’: 9th (Tony Richardson – Captain, Michael Daryanani, Chris Mellon, A Purush, Sabrina Moorthy). Len Foster Trophy (Inter-section Darts), 19 March at The Oval Bowls Team: T Velu – Manager, Sabrina Moorthy, Retna Sabapathy, Cynthia Robless, KU Menon, Anwar Gaffoor, Michael Daryanani, Prem Anand, Rodger Kimpton. Results: As some of our players were also Members of the Darts Section, the Darts and Bowls players were mixed to form teams for the event. Friendly Game – SCC vs. The Tanglin Club (Hosted by SCC), 3 April at SCC Green SCC Team: George Abraham - Manager, TQ Lim, Mary Lim, KC Chew, Chai Hon Yoong, Yong Lew Foong, Ee Chong Beng, Prem Anand, Wong Hui Kai, Rosemary Tessensohn, Amira Goh, Edmund Lin, Loh Hui Shan, Rita Pereira, Jennifer Chew, Cynthia Robless, A Purush, T Velu, Sabrina Moorthy, Ron Pereira. Results: SCC won 5 games to 1. Montmorency Bowling Club, Melbourne Australia, 25 June at SCC Green SCC Team: Ron Pereira – Manager, Rodger Kimpton, T Velu, Anwar Gaffoor, Lim Swee Suan, Rita Pereira, Yong Lew Foong, Devi Hodgkinson, Cynthia Robless, Mary Lim, TQ Lim, Ee Chong Beng, Christina Theseira, Josephine Lim, Sabrina Moorthy, Prem Anand, Wong Hui Kai, Lim Peck Tee, Amira Goh, Derek Hodgkinson, A Purush. Results: SCC won 4 games, MBC won 1 game, SCC/MBC drew 1 game. Friendly Darts Game (Hosted by the Darts Section), 1 July at The Oval Bowls Team: T Velu – Manager, Sabrina Moorthy, Retna Sabapathy, Cynthia Robless, KU Menon, Anwar Gaffoor, Michael Daryanani, Prem Anand, George Abraham. 42

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

Manning Bowling Club, Perth Western Australia, 3 September at SCC Green SCC Team: George Abraham – Manager, Rodger Kimpton, Chai Hon Yoong, TQ Lim, Ganesh Ramanathan, Prem Anand, Rosemary Tessensohn, A Purush, KU Menon, Mary Lim, Yong Lew Foong, Ee Chong Beng, Devi Hodgkinson, Josephine Lim, Lim Peck Tee, T Velu, A N Balagopal, Amira Goh, Wong Hui Kai, Retna Sabapathy, Derek Hodgkinson. Results: SCC won 129 shots to 31. 34th Annual POT Games (Hosted by SCC), 2 October at SCC Green SCC Team: George Abraham – Manager, TQ Lim, Mary Lim, Chai Hon Yoong, Yong Lew Foong, KC Chew, Michael Darayani, Amira Goh, Anwar Gaffoor, KU Menon, Ron & Rita Pereira, A Purush, Cynthia Robless, Retna Sabapathy, T Velu, Ganesh Ramanathan, Prem Anand. Results: SCC won 5 games to 1. Warringah Bowling Club, Sydney Australia, 5 November at SCC Green SCC Team: George Abraham - Manager, Amira Goh, Ganesh Ramanathan, Josephine Lim, Cynthia Robless, Chai Hon Yoong, T Velu, Rita Pereira, A Purush, Yong Lew Foong, Wong Hui Kai, Ron Pereira, Rosemary Tessensohn. Results: As WBC had only six bowlers, players from both teams were combined to form six triples teams. Best Scoring Team: Chai Hon Yoong, Mark Nolan (WBC), T Velu. Overseas Family School Teachers (Singapore), 19 November at SCC Green SCC Team: Retna Sabapathy – Manager, KU Menon, Amira Goh, Wong Hui Kai, Derek & Devi Hodgkinson, Ron & Rita Pereira, A Purush, Rosemary Tessensohn, Ganesh Ramanathan, Christina Theseira, George Abraham, KC Chew. Results: The SCC & OFS players were combined to form four mixed Triples teams and four mixed Fours teams for this friendly game. Best Scoring Team: 1st – KC Chew, KU Menon, Beth (OFS); 2nd – A Purush, Adrian (OFS), Devi Hodgkinson, Christina Theseira.

Annual Giles Roche Trophy , November 2011

BOWLS SINGAPORE EVENTS 2011 National Singles, 15 to 23 January Men Total entries: 24 Results: Chai Hon Yoong, Ee Chong Beng, TQ Lim, Ben Cunico, Zoher Motiwalla, Melvin Tan (3rd), Christian Huang (4th), Wong Hui Kai, KC Chew Ladies Total entries: 8 Results: Shermeen Lim (1st), Chng Ming Li (2nd), Mary Lim National Pairs, 22 to 23 February Men Total entries: 12 pairs teams Results: Chai Hon Yoong & KC Chew (3rd); Christian Huang & Melvin Tan (1st); TQ Lim & Ee Chong Beng Ladies Total entries: 6 pairs teams Results: Chng Ming Li & Shermeen Lim (2nd); Virginia Longfellow & Mary Lim National Triples, 10 to 24 July Men Total entries: 8 triples teams Results: TQ Lim, Ee Chong Beng & KC Chew (3rd); Melvin Tan, Wong Hui Kai, Christian Huang, Ben Cunico & Koh Kang Li Ladies Total entries: 4 triples teams Results: Mary Lim, Josephine Lim & Virginia Longfellow; Chng Ming Li, Shermeen Lim & Sabrina Moorthy (1st)

Interclub Mixed Triples League, 15 May to 24 August Total entries: 8 mixed triples teams. Results: Mary Lim, TQ Lim, Rosemary Tessensohn & Edmund Lin (6th); Shermeen Lim, Chng Ming Li, Christian Huang, Melvin Tan & Wong Hui Kai (7th) National Singles 9-9-3, 13 to 24 August Men Total entries: 24 Results: Melvin Tan, Wong Hui Kai, Ben Cunico (SCC lost) Ladies Total entries: 8 Results: Shermeen Lim (1st), Mary Lim (2nd), Chng Ming Li National Mixed Pairs 2-4-2, 11 to 18 September Total entries: 13 mixed pairs teams Results: Chng Ming Li & Wong Hui Kai; Melvin Tan & Shermeen Lim (3rd); TQ Lim & Mary Lim National Fours, 23 to 30 October Men Total entries: 5 fours teams Results: Chai Hon Yoong, Melvin Tan, KC Chew & Ee Chong Beng (1st) Ladies Event cancelled.

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


SPECIAL EVENTS 2011 46th Australian Turf Bowling Carnival, Newcastle Australia, 2 to 5 May at Raymond Terrace Bowling Club, Newcastle Participating teams: Canberra, Newcastle, Adelaide, Sydney, Perth, City Tatts Club (Sydney), Victorian Club (Melbourne), Melbourne, Brisbane, SCC. SCC Team: Tony Richardson – Manager, Loh Hui Shan – Captain, Edmund Lin, Rodger Kimpton, Lim Peck Tee, Sabrina Moorthy, Amira Goh, Derek & Devi Hodgkinson, Ben Cunico, Joyce Foster (GC Member), Michael Daryanani, Margaret Cunico (supporter). Results: Overall – SCC won 5 out of 27 matches (19%). The 2010 percentage was 11%. 10th Annual Triangular Bowls Meet and Interport Games (Hosted by SCC), 5 to 7 August at SCC Green Participating teams: Royal Bangkok Sports Club, Kowloon Bowling Green Club, SCC. SCC Team: George Abraham (Manager), Retna Sabapathy (Captain), Cynthia Robless, Derek & Devi Hodgkinson, Prem Anand, Raymond Ambrose, Chai Hon Yoong, Yong Lew Foong, KC Chew, Jennifer Chew, Michael Daryanani, Ee Chong Beng, Amira Goh, Anwar Gaffoor, Rodger Kimpton, Lim Peck Tee, Lim Swee Suan, KU Menon, Melvin Tan, Ron & Rita Pereira, TQ Lim, Mary Lim, Rosemary Tessensohn, A N Balagopal, Sabrina Moorthy, Christina Theseira, T Velu, Virginia Longfellow, Ganesh Ramanathan, Josephine Lim, Tony Richardson, Zoher Motiwalla. Results: Interport vs. Kowloon Bowling Green Club – SCC won (points 9-3). Interport vs. Royal Bangkok Sports Club – SCC won (points 7-5). Triangular: KBGC (1st); SCC (2nd); RBSC (3rd). Remarks: Feedback from the officials and players – all thoroughly enjoyed the competition, the F&B and the very established friendship amongst the three clubs. Next Triangular (2012) will be hosted by RBSC – dates to be confirmed.


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

Invitation Games – Seremban Retirees Lawn Bowls Association, 14 to 17 October at Lawn Bowls Green, Seremban 2 Sports Complex SCC Team: George Abraham (Manager), Retna Sabapathy (Captain), KU Menon, Anwar Gaffoor, Ee Chong Beng, Josephine Lim, Michael Daryanani, Amira Goh, Rodger Kimpton, Lim Peck Tee, Derek & Devi Hodgkinson, KC Chew, Jennifer Chew, Sabrina Moorthy, Prakash Moorthy (supporter). Results: 15 October – Official Match (6 mixed triples teams): won 2; drew 2; lost 2. 16 October – Social Match (6 mixed fours teams) made up of SCC and Seremban Retirees LBA players. Remarks: It was a most memorable tour for all the SCC players. The Seremban Retirees LBA treated us as VIPs and their hospitality was fantastic. Next Games hosted by SCC in September/ October 2012. Annual Giles Roche Trophy (Inter-section Bowls), 13 November at SCC Green Participating teams: Balut, Cricket, Darts, Golf, Hockey, Netball, Rugby, Soccer, Squash, Tennis, and the GC Members. Results: Soccer (1st); GC Members (2nd); Golf (3rd). BOWLS EVENTS ASSISTANCE Singapore Sports School, 22 March at SCC Green Section players assisted in demonstrating to 52 students and staff from SSC what is lawn bowls all about. All the students enjoyed their first bowls experience and some showed interest in taking it up. A tea reception was hosted by the Club after the demonstration. Chemoil Team Building Bowls event, 8 July at SCC Green Section players assisted in organising bowls games for 59 members from Chemoil George Abraham Bowls Section Convenor

Cricket Convenor Ashish Raivadera Captain of Cricket Duncan Reynolds Secretary Trevor Larbey Treasurer Nicholas Power Tour, Fixtures & Event Sec. Nick Dorney Secretary of Social Cricket Peter Salt Secretary of Cricket Youth Development Peter Brooks INTRODUCTION Having considered the feedback from the Section Members in 2010, we set out to win leagues this year and to provide more cricket for all our Members. It is clear that we are halfway there to achieve these aims. We have won trophies this year but clearly have the ability to win many more. More Members are playing cricket this year than we did last year – with 140 league-registered players and about 40 players regularly rotating through the Saturday side. ON THE FIELD With the return of the Padang in 2011 and the hope of a much-improved playing ground at Dempsey, this year promised a lot more cricketing opportunities for the Section. Although the “open heart surgery” at Dempsey took a lot longer to complete than expected, as did the recovery of the Padang after the 2010 National Day and F1 – both grounds have since been well prepared. The pinnacle of ground preparation came in August this year with our T20, when Rashed and his team of groundsmen produced the best pitches and outfield that I have seen at the SCC for the last 13 years. Having suffered a frustrating season in 2010 with many of our senior sides coming very close to honours, we set out to win leagues in 2011. From the discussion with the Captain of Cricket, I am confident that we have the ability in Division 1 to achieve a title and certainly in the other divisions as well.

With our Members expressing a desire and intent to play league cricket, the Section introduced an additional team this year, “The Pumas”, captained by Stuart Brown to compete in Division 5 of the 2011 SCA league. Thanks to a job well done by Stuart, the Pumas had an excellent maiden season. This was often the starting point for many of the new Members and junior cricketers within the Section. Although the Lions won some silverware in January with the SCA T20, we unfortunately came short in Division 1. The SCC was however dominant in Division 2 with the Cougars unbeaten all year and the Tigers that came very close. Special mention should go to Richard StapleyOh who has done a good job of managing the Cougars and topping the Division 2 table. The Cougars finally managed to play their allimportant play-off game against the Indian Association’s premier team on 7 January 2012, winning it in style with a big six (hit by skipper of the day, Adam Martin) to win the game in the last over. The Cheetahs, Jaguars, Panthers and Pumas remained very competitive all year and any one of these teams could have brought home some silverware if they had had a bit more luck. There were many times when the fate of one of our sides was decided in the last over! Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


Final League & Cup Standings Lions – 4th Place in Division1 of the SCA League. Runners up in the SCA T20 tournament played in January 2010. Cougars – Winners of Division 2 of the SCA League. Successful in the play-off game against IA to secure promotion to Division 1. An undefeated season – in 2011/12 15 games without being defeated. Tigers – 3rd place (out of 15 teams) in Division 2 of the SCA League. Cheetahs – 5th place (out of 15 teams) in Division 3 of the SCA league. Panthers – 9th place (out of 15 teams) in Division 3 of the SCA league. A strong youth policy. Jaguars – 3rd place (out of 15 teams) in Division 4 of the SCA league. Pumas – 6th place (out of 15 teams) in Division 5 of the SCA league. An excellent effort in their first year. The Saturday XI also had a very busy schedule of social cricket both on the Padang and at Dempsey, playing 25 games, winning 11, losing 11 and with three affected by the rain. Forty people played for the Saturday XI, which included four JSMs who acquitted themselves very well. The oldest player was 65 and the youngest, 27. Most number of games played by a squad member was 17 (the wicketkeeper). Three people played 16 games and three 15 games. 2011 also saw the retirement of Mike Morris who will be sadly missed by the Section and the Club after many years with us. Domestic Tournaments SCC took part in various domestic tournaments in 2011 with varied successes. In challenging weather conditions, the Lions played well in the SCA T20 at the beginning of the year, coming in second against a good SCA “all star” side. Dennis Meyer Sixes and Friendship Games Our older players performed exceptionally well in the Dennis Meyer Sixes to come home winners of that excellent and highly competitive seniors tournament. We also brought home the Mahatma Gandhi Cup from the friendship games against IA in November. 46

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

Captain’s Cocktails, 18 Feb 2011

Friendship Shield at IA, 11 Dec 2011

A token of appreciation to Rashed, SCC Head Groundsman at the Cricket AGM & Dinner 2011, 18 November 2011

Cricket Ball- Girls in Red

Coaching clinic with Matthew Hayden and Michael Kasprowicz, 6 September 2011

The Section also performed extremely well in the various inter-section tournaments organised by the other sections. Our most successful skipper this year is perhaps Jack Whiskin, who has led us to two wins from three attempts, bringing home the inter-section darts and netball trophies and leading well in bowls until we were undone by the weather. JUNIOR CRICKET In my opinion, junior development at SCC is possibly the most important thing we should focus on as it determines the long term survival and competitiveness of SCC as a sporting Club. We have to ensure that we are able to streamline this in the best way and that we encourage Junior Members to play at their best levels and become fully involved in the Club. The Section continues to run a successful junior training programme, the model for which has recently been adopted by a number of the other Sections. However, reflective of the year in transition our junior programme has also suffered with the changes that have occurred at committee level, and unfortunately we lost Rex Martens from Cricket Youth Development (CYD) midway through the year. While it will be difficult to replicate the time and effort that Rex was able to dedicate to CYD, I am pleased that Peter Brooks has taken the reins

and will manage a committee of people that are committed to the development of junior cricket. Peter is an ECB Level 3 coach from the United Kingdom and very experienced at developing and running junior programmes at English county cricket level. He is also an experienced “coach of coaches” and I am confident that given time, he and his subcommittee will take our programme to the next level. Rex continues to run the U13 Cubs programme that was introduced in 2010 and this continues to grow from strength to strength. Our junior players continue to grow in ability and maturity. Both Karthik Suresh and Mohan D’Souza showed great maturity and improvement in ability on the recent tour to South Africa while Vikas Rajgopal was recognised for his international feats at the SCC’s Annual Sports Awards dinner this year. Many junior players have represented the SCC in league cricket this year and have made a valuable contribution on the field. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Rex for all his efforts within CYD over the past few years. His dedication and passion for the cause have been second to none. Perhaps one of the best days in the junior calendar was when we were able to bring Matthew Hayden and Michael Kasprowicz to the SCC with the help of Macquarie Bank. The two test legends Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


ran a wonderful afternoon of coaching at SCC in August followed by a Q&A session. I think the Dads were as excited about Kasper and Haydos being in town as their kids were. I am very grateful to Macquarie Bank and to Phil Simmonds for bringing these legends to Singapore and to our Sports Department for all the help in making the arrangements. SCC PLAYPAL TWENTY20 One of the shining lights of the 2011 season was the SCC Paypal International Twenty20 tournament that was held on the Padang in August this year, where we entertained six international teams and the Singapore national side over a three-day event. The tournament was very wellreceived by the broader SCC community and news of it has also reached many of the farreaching corners of the cricketing world. The strengthening of relationships resulting from this year’s tournament has led to potential reciprocal arrangements with the Singhalese Sports Club in Colombo and created stronger ties with Melbourne Cricket Club. I would like to thank Brian Hammond for leading a committee of people who made the T20 happen and the Club for their hard work and support in the many months leading up to the tournament and especially during those three great days in August. I am delighted to announce that Brian Hammond has agreed to lead the charge for the 2012 tournament (our 160th year) and that the dates are already set (24-26 August 2012). Section Members are reminded to note these dates in the diary and brainstorm towards how we can make next year’s tournament an even better success than this year. We will need sponsors and will be selling hospitality packages, so please put your thinking caps on and get involved. We will need a lot of help over that weekend. TOURS AND VISITING TEAMS We kicked off this year with our pre-season Interport tour to Bangkok, ably managed by Steven Blaxhall with the Royal Bangkok Sports Club looking after our tourists as well as they always do. 48

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

The highlight for many this year was the tour to Capetown, from which the touring party has just returned. A year in the planning and with strong support from the Club and Section, the South Africa tour was the first time the SCC had visited since 1996. Rob Hands and Simon Taskunas continue to regularly post match reports on Facebook and on our website. Both the Cricket and the camaraderie were of the highest quality and the SCC remained extremely competitive in challenging conditions. This tour has led to the strengthening of relationships with Western Province Cricket Club based at the Newlands Test ground. We are hoping that this will lead to a reciprocal arrangement with their magnificent Club. Surrounded by much press hype in Phuket, SCC had the honour of being the first club to play on the newly built Alan Cooke Cricket Ground in November – MCC (Marylebone) will play there in March this year. An excellent tour, ably led by Matt Streeton saw plenty of runs and two wins for the Club during a long weekend of fun and games in Thailand! We had incoming teams that visited this year to play social cricket – the OBC Cavaliers from New Zealand (Andrew Hames’ old club), a representative Australian test side of the best over 60s players playing in Australia, a ladies team from Cricket Without Borders in Australia who showed our youngsters a thing or two about how to play the game, our old friends Crusaders visiting Singapore on their way to Europe for a magnificent tour, SACC from Saigon, the World XI for their 10th anniversary game and a team of youngsters from Kent Street High School who played against our junior boys – this fixture is becoming a regular date in the diary. Former section stalwarts also graced the Club one more time when the Curtain Shirt Tourists visited us in June this year. SOCIALS In 2011 we introduced Friday night section drinks at Stumps as a way of getting together Section Members from all league and social

teams, who could meet informally in the familiar surroundings of Stumps. While these were well attended earlier in the year, attendance dropped in the mid-season. We will re-introduce this in 2012. ALL Section Members are encouraged to come along for at least one drink between 6.00pm to 8.00pm on Friday nights. It is particularly important for new Section Members to come. This will give them an opportunity to meet the captains and establish the relationships that will make their life at SCC a success.

Our “Cricket Ball at Christmas” was an opportunity for Section Members and their guests to put their party frocks on and let their hair down. With very few speeches and a great band that kept us all on the dance floor until the early hours, the Section welcomed the Christmas “silly season” in early December.

The traditional Captain’s Cocktails took place in January this year and was well attended by a fair representation from all Section Members. Captain of Cricket Duncan Reynolds and Secretary of Social Cricket Matthew Streeton introduced the captains to the Section and outlined the plans for league and social cricket in 2011. The formal proceedings were followed by plenty of merriment by the Section.

CONCLUSION With a large and active section, I am very proud of how much I believe the Cricket Section has contributed to the SCC over the past 12 months. On the field we have been consistently competitive, playing the game hard but fair and with exactly the right spirit and in the correct manner expected as representatives of the SCC. In global terms, the SCC remains at the forefront of cricket in Singapore and South East Asia and we continue to develop and maintain some very valuable relationships throughout the world.

This year we also ran social events around some of the teams with the Cougars games against ANZA being celebrated and the traditional game against the World XI being celebrated at Stumps in its 10th year. Section wine events with Peccavi Wines on the Stumps Terrace and in support of the South Africa tour with Equatorial Wines were both well attended by the Section. Arguably our two best social events of the year occurred on 18 November 2011 (our Section AGM) and on 3 December 2011 (our Cricket Section Christmas Ball). Both events were held at the Padang Restaurant. The AGM was very well attended by playing Members and after a productive meeting in the Gilmour Room, we adjourned to the Padang Restaurant for our annual awards night and speeches, where both on and off-field commitments were recognised. All captains spoke very well. The evening was very ably managed by Trevor Larbey who spent considerable time putting together the all-important statistics that cricketers crave and were ready to talk about until the wee hours.

Many thanks to the Club’s F&B and events staff for their efforts in all our events this year and their patience with us throughout the process.

I am also very happy to see how much time (and money) our Section spends at the Club when we are not there playing the sports we love. In my view, sports lies at the heart of the SCC, putting us on the map globally and setting us apart from many others. I would like to extend a big thank you to Alan Jones and his staff, in particular to Wendy Foo and Kristen Mansfield for their tireless effort everyday, including weekends and often after normal working hours. I don’t think we as a section fully appreciate what we have in terms of support from the Sports Department and how life would be very different without their help. A big thank you too to Tracy Jones for organising the scorers week after week and to all the scorers that helped on the weekends. Ash Raivadera Cricket Section Convenor

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


Darts At the Darts Section AGM held on 6 January 2011, the following Members were elected to the respective posts in the Darts Section Committee to plan and execute a programme of activities designed to maintain and promote interest in the Section.

We have also improved our communications with a better positioned Section notice board which is updated regularly, emails are sent on a monthly basis and the Padang Magazine carries coverage of darts activities in each issue.

s t r a

Convenor Balbir Singh Captain Matthew Minuzzo Vice-Captain Dave Kinrade Secretary Cynthia Robless Treasurer Lily Samuel Social Secretary Gursharan Kaur Committee Members Mike Daryanani Neil Taylor (co-opted)


DARTS ACTIVITIES The Section’s Thursday night gatherings (which is also our monthly Pub Night) are held on the first Thursday of each month at The Oval. All darts events (Pub Nights or otherwise) have been well attended this year. In part this is due to the increase in Section membership from 69 to 100 in 2011.

Ladies Nite group

Friendly Match with British High Commission

The year started with the Chinese New Year celebration with Lo Hei tossing for good luck for the Section and Section Members. It was money well spent. HONOURS The Section won the Sports Feat of the Year Award at the SCC IV Annual Sports Award 2011 for the amazing feat of winning, for the first time, the Triangular Tournament held in 2010 against Serangoon Gardens Country Club (SGCC) and National University of Singapore Society (NUSS) in 10 years of competition with an understrength team. At the same event, Neil Taylor was awarded the Spirit of Sports – Darts. This is in recognition of his many years of passionate service to the Section.

Annual POT Games

We were determined to give the best defence to our title at the Triangular Tournament, after being the surprise winners last year. Efforts were made to get our best darters for the event. The format of the tournament was three doubles and four singles of 501 with two legs per match. At the end of the three doubles we were tied first with SGCC with 13 points (NUSS scored10 points). Our double pairings of Balbir (Bill) & Karamjit, Neil Taylor & Gavin Latto and Mike Daryanani & Ganesh had given us a good start. The four singles were going to be crucial. Allan Muir & Ganesh played the first two singles. We took the lead with 21 points, SGCC 20 points and NUSS 19 points after the first two singles. Neil & Matt Minuzzo had to push back the final onslaught from SGCC and NUSS and they did so with panache. The final score was 29 points to SCC, SGCC 28 points and NUSS 27 points. We were the champions! After the surprise of our loss last year at the POT Games against Tanglin Club, we were determined to win this year. The format was six singles and

three doubles; 501 straight start and double finish. We expected a tough match as the darts team from Tanglin has improved tremendously since its inception three years ago. At the end of the six singles the score was 4-2 in our favour. With three doubles to play, it was still anybody’s match. It took a superb effort from our darters to push Tanglin’s response back. At the end we narrowly won 5-4. Once again, home ground advantage was key. Much thanks to Balbir (Bill), Neil Taylor, Robin Lim, Ganesh, Allan Muir, Gavin Latto and Brian Farrell for a superb effort and all supporters who cheered the team on. This must have been the largest collection of honours that the Darts Section has won in a single year. It is good to note that we have enlarged our core group of good darters this year. This gives us confidence and depth to compete in all events in the coming years. A team league darts competition was organised in late 2011. Five teams and approximately 25 players participated in this event. This was organised to

Year End Party - Charles in action

Triangular Victory

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

Year End Party


provide more competitive darts opportunities for the Members. With the positive feedback, more such events will be organised next year. FELLOWSHIP The Darts Section organised and participated strongly in a number of events to promote the game of darts and strengthen the fellowship among the Darts Section Members, the various Sports Sections and many friends of the Section. The main events were:

• Friendly Darts Match with Soccer and Rugby Sections, 5 May A solid turnout of darters from the Soccer, Rugby and Darts Sections turned out for this friendly match. The format of the match was four single 501 and two doubles 501 matches (straight start and double finish). As expected there were some good darters in the Rugby and Soccer Sections. It was a keenly contested match with Soccer gaining the lead. Despite a late surge from the Rugby and Darts Sections, Soccer held on to be the winners of the match. Rugby edged Darts for second. It was great to discover some new darts talent.

s t r a

• Darts Intersection Tournament, 19 March After a lapse of a number of years, the Annual Intersection Bull’s Eye Trophy Darts Tournament was held on 19 March 2011 at The Oval. It was very heartening to see all Sports Sections (with the exception of Tennis), the General Committee and the Sports Department represented at this event.


A total of 13 teams were present for an afternoon of darts and social bonding across the Club. Cricket emerged champions and Squash was second. From the feedback we received, this was very enjoyable occasion for all. Many thanks to Mike Daryanani, Joyce Foster and Ananda Kumar for their sponsorship of the welcome gifts. Much thanks to Rajan Menon and Pernod Ricard for their sponsorship of the fine wines and whisky which was enjoyed by all at the dinner. • Ladies Night, 7 April The Section organised its first ever Ladies Night on 7 April 2011 at The Oval. The idea was to provide an environment where ladies from the Club irrespective if they are Sports Section Members or not, could socialise and appreciate the game of darts in a fun environment. A good turnout of ladies came for the event and judging from the action and laughter throughout the night, it was an enjoyable occasion (we had to be reminded it was closing time!). Fathima from the Netball Section was the star discovery of the evening and was rewarded with a bottle of wine for her fine performance. A few of the ladies including Fathima enjoyed it so much that they have now become Section Members as well.


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

• Friendly Match Against British High Commission, 1 September After a lapse of a number of years, we restarted the annual friendly match against the British High Commission (BHC). This used to be a very popular regular annual event with reciprocal hosting in the past. Clearly it has not lost any of its appeal – a solid turnout from both sides (~35 people) packed the portion of The Oval we had. The agreed format was four doubles and four singles of 501, best of two legs. It being almost a national game with the British, we expected them to field a good side. It was a very close match. BHC emerged winners 9-7. • Intersection Bowls and Netball events The Darts Section was also a solid supporter of the various events organised by other sections such as the Bowls Section’s Annual Giles Roche Trophy and the Intersection Netball Carnival. We were out in full force in support of these events. • Staff Party and Sports Awards Night The Section was also a solid supporter of the above events. At each of the event, we were out in full force. • Year End Function The 2011 Darts Year End function was held in the Gilmour Room to cater to the larger numbers at this year’s event. This is a positive development and shows the strong ties within the Section. This year’s event was well supported by Members who unselfishly offered their services. Charles our wonderfully gifted singer was much appreciated.

Many thanks to the Members who made this a wonderful event with their enthusiastic participation. TOURS Darters who visited Royal Sungai Ujong Club (RSUC) many years ago still do have good memories of their trip. Their common advice was “You must go, RSUC is a great club”. So preparations started in earnest when we receive an invitation from RSUC to participate in their darts tournament. For some of the new SCC darters, it was going to be their first experience in a big darts tournament. So they quickly bought new sets of darts and had training sessions in the at the Men’s Bar. A team of five (Mike Daryanani, Retna Sabapathy, Balbir, Cynthia Robless, Lily Samuel) set off on the morning of 3 June for Seremban. After the league round on Saturday, we made it to the Plate KO competition where we faced a good PJ Hawks side and with that we ended our competitive role in the event. It was a good experience for some of the darters who were taking part in their first major tournament. Unfortunately the change in tournament dates for our annual trip to the Royal Lake Club event resulted in a poor response and we were unable participate in this event.

Friendly against Soccer and Rugby Sections


Intersection fellowship

CONCLUSION This has been a good year for the Darts Section. We have enlarged our membership, increased our silverware collection and organised many activities shared with Club Members resulting in a positive image of the Section. We can look forward to the future with revitalised strength. The Section Committee would like to place on record its gratitude to all Members of the Section who have in one way or other contributed to the continued success of section. Mention must also be made to the Club’s staff from the F&B and Sports Departments for their contribution to the success of activities the Section had organised.

Netball - all smiles

Balbir Singh Darts Section Convenor

Champions - Cricket


Golf Committee 2011-2012

Convenor Lim Khoon Captain Allan Muir Treasurer Vincent Ho Secretary Jurgen Martiens Committee Members Denny Siow Brett Waller

INTRODUCTION This year saw a few changes to the Section Committee. Our long time Secretary, Bakar Moosa and Treasurer, Gerald Mah, stepped down after many long years of service to the Section. Elizabeth Nair, who had served as a Section Committee for three terms, stepped down as well. We would like to thank Bakar, Gerald and Elizabeth for their longstanding and wonderful contributions to the Section. At the Section’s Annual General Meeting, Jurgen Martiens was elected as Secretary, along with new faces, Vincent Ho elected as Treasurer and Brett Waller and Denny Siow as Members of the Committee. 2011 was again a busy year for the Section, as can be seen from the list of games played for the year:


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

LIST OF EVENTS FOR 2011 15 February Chinese New Year Golf Game, NSRCC 4 March

Inter Social Clubs Golf Tournament (1st Leg), NSRCC

9 April

Interclub Match vs. Changi Golf Club, Changi Golf Club

12 May

Inter Social Clubs Golf Tournament (2nd Leg), Raffles Country Club

17 June

Interport Match vs. Kluang Country Club, Warren Golf Club

14 – 16 July Golf Tour to KL, incorporating Interport Match vs. Royal Selangor Club 19 August

Inter Social Clubs Golf Tournament (3rd Leg), Warren Golf Club

14 September SCC Annual Golf Game, Sentosa Golf Club (Tanjong Course) 6 October

Annual POT Games: SCC vs. The Tanglin Club, Laguna National Golf and Country Club (Masters Course)

3 November Inter Social Clubs Golf Tournament (4th Leg), NSRCC 25 November Christmas Social Game, Tanah Merah Country Club (Tampines Course) Including the two other social games which were played during the tour to KL, the Section in all played a total of 13 games. Due to scheduling problems, the Interport match against Johor Golf and Country Club (also known as the Amaladass Shield), which is usually held in December, had to be pushed back to January 2012. This was probably for the better, given the number of rainy days we had in December 2011.

Club Champion 2011 - Andrew Moffat

FINANCIAL MATTERS AND MEMBERSHIP As at December 2011, the Section holds a membership of 557 Members. The membership numbers has remained steady for the last few years. The section fund also remains healthy, with a balance of $10,000 as at 31st December 2011. EVENT HIGHLIGHTvS Inter Social Golf Clubs Tournament 2011 This year’s tournament saw the addition of one more leg, making it a total of four. There was also a tweak of the match format, with the introduction of “A” and “B” Divisions. In addition, we had a seventh club participating this year – The Tanglin Club. After the romp to victory in last year’s tournament, where we won the first two legs and came in second in the third leg, we were brought down to earth a little by the stiff competition put up by the other clubs in this year’s tournament. After the wash out in the first leg at NSRCC, things were looking good when we won the second leg at Raffles Country Club. However, we suffered a blip in the third leg held at Warren Golf Club, when we unexpectedly finished in fifth, costing us dear. Despite a valiant effort to recover the position and finishing in a creditable second position for the fourth leg at NSRCC, the gap was just too big to make up. We could only finish in third position in the overall standing, a mere two points behind the eventual champions, Serangoon Gardens Country Club, with our neighbours from across the Padang, Singapore Recreation Club, finishing in second. Nevertheless, it was still a good showing by our players and thanks to all the players who took part in the four legs.

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


SCC Annual Golf Tournament A total of 112 golfers took part in this years’ tournament at Sentosa Golf Club, Tanjong Course. The winner of the Charlie Phua Trophy (for best gross score) was Andrew Moffat, who carded a wonderful score of 76. The other winners were: Men’s ‘A’ Division Winner Lakhbir Singh 1st Runner up Simon Bird 2nd Runner up Eric Teoh Men’s ‘B’ Division Winner Ross Tan 1st Runner up Roland Pereira 2nd Runner up Vincent Tan Men’s ‘C’ Division Winner Robin Chua 1st Runner up Rennie Ong 2nd Runner up Stephen Santhanaraj

Annual Golf Sponsors

Ladies’ Division Winner Kah Mun Bateman Interclub Matches The first match Interport match of the year was against Kluang Country Club (KCC), whom we hosted at Warren Golf Club in June. Whatever our players had or drunk for lunch worked wonders, as we managed to beat our friends from KCC for the first time in a very long while. The following month saw 32 golfers from the Section making the trip to KL for our KL golf tour, incorporating our Interport match against Royal Selangor Club (RSC). RSC held the golf game at the Templar Park Golf Club, a mature golf course with a great layout and dinner was back at their clubhouse at Bukit Kiara. RSC were wonderful hosts as ever and many thanks to them for their hospitality. Our annual match with Changi Golf Club (CGC) was also very well-attended. The great hospitality of CGC will always ensure that this remains one of the more popular events amongst Section Members.

Triumph over Tanglin Club at the Annual POT Games


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

ISCGT Golfers

For the second year in a row, the POT Games was nearly washed out by rain. Fortunately, the heavens opened up only after we had managed to win the first six out of ten matches, resulting in us having an unassailable lead. Hence, although the remaining four matches could not be completed, we were declared winners. We look forward to seeing many more new faces for 2012 and wish everyone a happy golfing year ahead. Lim Khoon Golf Section Convenor

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


Hockey Convenor Mathavan Devadas Men’s Captain Jamie Chambers Ladies’ Captain Rosalind Spink Secretary Laura O’Brien Treasurer Intekhab Khan Men’s Social Secretary Nicholas Sparrow Ladies’ Social Secretary Kirsten Thomson Committee Member Tobias Gresham Andrew Lim Taswinder Singh Catherine Wheeler JSM Representative Jonathan Chua (Co-Opted) Petrina D’Souza

Hard court social, January 2011

TEAM REPORTS The Ladies 1st XI made an excellent start to the Premier season winning their first two games and drawing with eventual champions SRC. However the unbeaten streak could not be sustained and they eventually finished second in the league. They started the play-off series with a good win over Tornadoes, but fell to eventual champions, Jansenites, in the semi-finals. The Men’s 1st XI had a most eventful start to the Premier League playing very well without getting the right results. They finished fourth in the league and beat Hollandse Club in the first round of the play-offs, but lost out to SRC for a place in the finals. The Ladies 2nd XI made a slow start to the season drawing their first two games, but a rich vein of form kicked in towards the end with a string of victories against Vijanthi, Tornadoes and IA seeing them almost clinch a play-off spot. The Men’s 2nd XI had a very mixed start to the season in the First Division, playing great hockey but not winning. They did eventually find their feet and finished third in the league. They were unfortunate to be drawn against the Premier league runners-up, Police, in the play-offs and went out after a strong challenge.

Annual Dinner

The Men’s 3rd XI had an excellent season in the Second Division. They won nine matches, drew one and lost one scoring over 50 goals in the process. It was unfortunate to finish runners-up in the league losing out only on goal difference. They were also unfortunate to go out of the playoffs losing to Nanyang Poly on penalty strokes. The Men’s 4th XI made a good start to their Third Division season winning four matches on the trot in the first half of the season. An unfortunate dip in form however saw them miss out on a play-off place by two points.

Annual Dinner


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

The Men’s 5th XI a.k.a. the Buayas were a late inclusion in the Fourth Division and started of the season slowly. However a good run of wins towards the end of the season saw them challenging for a play-off place but just missing out. YOUTH DEVELOPMENT The junior boys were included in the First Division of the newly formed SHF National Junior League. The team suffered from the loss of a number of boys who were just over age and as such did not do as well as expected finishing seventh among eight teams. However there are a number of talented young players in the squad who can be groomed for the future.

Indoor Final

The junior girls were also included in the First Division of the SHF National Junior League. They also found some difficulty competing at this level and finished fifth out of seven teams. In the course of the year five awards were given to deserving juniors: • Lim Hong Zhen • Daren Ng Kok Chin • Ngeow Jiawen • Emily Chan Mun Yi • Puteri Yasmin Bte Rahim The awards were thanks almost entirely to the generous sponsorship from IG Markets. Hong Zhen, Kok Chin and Jiawen were able to convert their junior membership to Ordinary NonTransferable membership with the financial support given.

Kuala Lumpur – RSC Tournament, July 2011

Kuala Lumpur – RSC Tournament, July 2011

Hard court social, January 2011

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


Tour to Hong Kong, April 2011 - Cowboys & Indoan

TOURS Between January and October 2011, the following tours were undertaken: • Hong Kong – HKFC Tournament, April 2011 • Jakarta – ISCI Tournament, May 2011 • Kuala Lumpur – RSC Tournament, July 2011

Tour to Hong Kong, April 2011 - Plate Champions!

SOCIAL EVENTS The section organised six social events in the course of the year: • Intra-Section Hard Court Tournament, January 2011 • Juniors Social & Awards Nite, February 2011 • Tour Match vs. Mazenod College, April 2011 • State of Origins Tournament, June 2011 • Tour Match vs. Charter House School, August 2011 • Tour Match vs. Royal Navy, September 2011 SCC 17TH INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY 6S TOURNAMENT The Hockey 6s for 2011 was once again wellreceived by participating teams, with the largest number of ladies teams (24) participating this year. It was a marvellous weekend with plenty of good hockey and good fun.

Ang Moh Cup, December 2011


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

Mathavan Devadas Hockey Section Convenor

Hockey 6s, March 2011

Hockey 6s, March 2011

Hockey 6s, March 2011

Royal Navy Friendly, September 2011

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


Netball Convenor Amber Williams Captain Joanne Crewes Secretary Kathryn Green Treasurer Mohietheen Fathima Social Secretary Lizzie Philips Fixtures Secretary Shannyn McLeod Tours Secretary Nicole Waaka Comm. Secretary Sadaf Salim INTRODUCTION SCC Netball Section continues to build its strength and presence as a “force” within the wider Singapore Netball Community. 2011 was an exciting year for Netball in Singapore – in particular with its role as host of the Netball World Cup. Over the year we saw steady growth within our Section, both in terms of number and skills and ability. SCC Netball also held its Inaugural SCC Netball League, involving eight teams from different clubs across Singapore. This is something we intend to organise as a key event in the Singapore Netball year. SECTION GROWTH By the year end, SCC Netball had grown to three female teams and one mixed team, with enough registered players to form (at least) another two teams. For the first time, we held official trials for entry into our teams, which were open to non-members and resulted in a healthy number of new Members for the Club and Section. The Falcons (SCC’s mixed team) were strong in the start of season Mixed League which ended in May and participated enthusiastically in the end of season Mixed League organised by Singapore Netball. One of our key objectives for 2012 is to continue growing this membership base (both men and women). We will be looking to develop our male membership significantly in 2012, continue the 62

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

1st Place Decider - Hawks vs Bedok B

growth in our ladies membership and to develop a thriving JSM programme. Such is the nature of a women’s dominated sport, there was a boom of SCC Bubs in 2011 rendering a portion of our ladies “not court friendly”. We are encouraging their return to the court as soon as possible and rest easy in the knowledge that there is a ready supply of the next generation of netball superstars! SCC LEAGUE As mentioned above, 2011 was the inaugural year for the SCC Netball League. This league is open to all teams in Singapore and we hope it will become a permanent fixture on the Singapore Netball calendar. It was designed to increase SCC Netball’s profile in the Singapore Netball community and provide players across Singapore the opportunity to play competitively in between formal Netball Singapore Leagues. The competition ran across August and September, with eight teams registered. The grand final was held at the SCC, with dinner and presentations in the courtyard afterwards. SCC and NZCC shared victory in a great final game. The 2012 SCC Netball League is already

in advanced planning stages and will kick off at the end of January 2012, hopefully with 12 teams participating. A special vote of thanks must go to our Section Captain, Shannyn McLeod who was instrumental in starting and running this competition (in fact, around SCC traps it is known as the Shannyn McLeod Invitational!). TOURS SCC Netball had two tours in 2011, a return trip to the Bali Flames International Invitational Tournament to defend our 2010 title and a trip to Hong Kong to play in a tournament organised by the Hong Kong Football Club. Both tours were well-supported by the Section. Our team in Bali (called the Flamingos, but due to a shirt printing typo, playing as the “Famigos”!) participated in a sizeable tournament against five other teams from around the region. The competition was tough. The Famigos took out second overall, in a close and hard fought match. We will definitely return in 2012 to win back the title! Hong Kong was the venue for our second tour. This was an important event in the re-establishment of Netball at the SCC, as we work to re-establish our Interport status with the HKFC. Our team came up against some fierce competition, with Hong Kong’s three premier netball clubs represented in the tournament (HKFC, HKCC and Valley). While the SCC did not place, we made some great connections and have initiated discussions for a potential netball carnival to be hosted by the SCC in 2012. FRIENDLIES In 2011 we focused on playing as many friendlies as possible, to keep motivation while in noncompetition months and to give our new team, the Ospreys, a good work out! In addition to a number of friendly tournaments against local clubs, we hosted two New Zealand navy ships (the HMAS Te Kaha and HMAS Te Mana), two Australian navy ships (HMAS Parramatta and HMAS Parramatta) and the

school girls from Newcastle Upon Tyne in the UK. The navy ship clashes were each great social days – proving to all that when it comes to attack and defence on a netball court, it’s the SCC who has what it takes (and yes, the competition remained as fierce at Stumps for drinks afterwards!). Happily for the SCC, experience also trumped youth in the Newcastle Upon Tyme games! The girls were an absolute pleasure to host and a great reminder that once-upon-a-long-time-ago, we too were once that fit and energetic (excluding our JSMs, who of course still are!). These games continue to help cement the SCC’s status as a premier netball club in Singapore. In addition they provide a great opportunity for all players in our Section to participate in the sport, including those who do not participate in formal leagues. EVENTS & SOCIAL SCC Netball knocked itself out in 2011, both organising and participating in SCC events. The SCC Netball Intersection Carnival, held on the 18 September was a great success and a day enjoyed by the whole Club. We were delighted with the strong attendance from across the Club. The Bowls Section also shot up the ranks from previous years and into the semi-finals. Cricket, traditionally strong in this competition, must be congratulated as the victors of the day. Needless to say, we are honing our spin bowling skills for the day we can return the favour! SCC Netball was an enthusiastic participant in other Section’s carnivals as well as other Club events. Apparently our shooting skills stood us in good stead for the Darts competition and once again we donned the whites to participate in the Giles Roche Trophy (proving that we still have a way to go when it comes to rolling balls rather than throwing them!). The Section ladies looked particular fetching at the SCC Ladies Luncheon, both as models and guests. For the first time in 2011, Netball was introduced as a display sport at the POT Games. With the Tanglin team organised and led by one of our Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


Lawn Bowls take on Netball in the semis

very own, competition was always going to be interesting. I am pleased to report that Saktti Hammond led our team to victory on a day that was enjoyed by all (after all, fun is even more fun when you win!) Also for the first time in 2011 the SCC hosted a Christmas Netball Night (a small tournament) in the lead up to the festive season. It was wellattended by NZCC, Bedok and the SCC and provided a good opportunity for our mixed team to get amongst it again, after the end of their league in March 2011. Again this year SCC Netball held two annual briefings, to ensure open communications between the Section Committee and its Members. Captains Cocktails and the end-of-year Section briefing were combined and held at the start of December. A couple of weeks after, we held our Christmas Brunch and collected presents for the less fortunate children in Singapore. I must congratulate Lizzie Phillips, voted by the Section as the “Spirit of Netball” 2011 and Shannyn McLeod, winner of our Most Valued Player. CONCLUSION 2011 was a great year for SCC Netball. We finished the year in a financially healthy position, with many new Members, new competitions to play in and new connections across Singapore Netball and indeed the international netball community. 64

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

SCC MIxed Team

Sadly we said goodbye to our coach of two years, Saadiah Khamis and Jo Crewes as Section Captain (although happily she remains an active Member of the Section!). We will soon bid farewell to Shannyn and Ben McLeod. They will be a great loss to our Section and the Netball community in Singapore in general. We will certainly miss their rich contribution to our sporting and social life. We will again be working hard in 2012 to maintain and grow the great legacy these key Section Members have left behind. Please join me in thanking our hard working Committee for their efforts in 2011, in particular the efforts of Shannyn McLeod (Section Captain), Lizzie Phillips (Social Events) and Sadaf Salim (Communications) for their excellent work and tireless dedication to making SCC Netball a vibrant competitive and social place for us all. And to all Club Members with an interest in netball – we welcome you to join us in 2012! Amber Williams Netball Section Convenor

Rugby Convenor Captain Secretary Treasurer Fixtures Secretary Social Secretary Youth Development

Robin Wilkins Andrew Douglas Adam Knight Terence Noe Richard Watkins Simon Goodman Leow Kim Swun

2011 was one of the most successful years on record for SCC Rugby, with the 1st XV, skippered by Tom Burns and coached by Chris Bracey winning the Premiership league title for the third year in a row. The SCC Tankards won both the championship league title and the championship grand final under the captaincy of Rusty Chalon, and the development team, the SCC Lions, also winning the league and grand final double in the conference. The SCC 3rd XV, under John Reeve and Jarrod Howe, finished runners-up behind the SCC Tankards both in the Championship league and the grand final, whilst the hugely popular SCC Growlers fielded a highly competitive team of veterans every week in the conference. A total of 13 SCC players were selected in the Singapore National Squad to play in the ARFU Division 1 Tournament in Seoul, Korea which included Kevin Loo, Alex Chew, Gabriel Lee,

The Lions

Matty Head, Tom Burns, Daniel Marc Chow, Alan Kent, Peter McFeely, Marc Warburton, Harresh Krishnan and Melvin Tan. The squad was captained by Jonathan Lee and Suhaimi bin Amran – they finished as the tournament’s top scorers. This illustrates the commitment the SCC has shown over the last few years to developing and maintaining the best players in Singapore. Jonathan Pettemerides and Franck Schaller continued to play their international rugby for Cyprus and Switzerland respectively. One of the highlights of 2011 was another 1st XV victory over HKFC 1st XV in a highly competitive fixture at Dempsey Field where SCC ran out 2517 winners over the current HK Premier League champions. The 1st XV also travelled to Hong Kong where they went down to HK Grand Final winners, Valley RFC 27-22. The 1st XV continue to lead the way in further establishing SCC as one of the leading rugby clubs in the Asian region. The Rugby Section also took a mixed touring Nomads side to play COBRA in Kuala Lumpur, ISCI in Jakarta and a veterans outfit to play in the Manila 10’s. We hosted a variety of visiting rugby teams from the NZ, Australian and US Navies which proved successful both on and off the field, where the traditional SCC hospitality impressed our guests.

Rugby Xmas Party, 10 December 2011

Bali Memorial Game, 12 November 2011

In the latter half of 2011, as a result of their continued excellence at championship level, the SCC Tankards were invited to play in the Singapore Premiership which is a tremendous achievement for all those involved not only in the Tankards set-up, but also to those in the rugby development side of the Rugby Section Coaches Matt Singer and Damian Pereira should take much of the praise, but other credit should go to Carl Pillay, Leow Kim Swun and Alfred Aloysius who have continued the fantastic development work started by the late Ralph King who sadly passed away this year. I would like to thank the General Committee for all their support, also my colleagues in the Rugby Section Committee for their hard work in the past year. Robin Wilkins Rugby Section Convenor

Interport vs HKFC @ Dempsey, 10 September 2011


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


President Salutes Sports - Raj Kumar, Lars Berg, John Taylot, Mogens Andersen, Renee Balagopal (Absent)

SCC Tigers

Convenor Captain Secretary Treasurer Social Member NFL Chairman 1st XI Captain Lions Captain 3rd XI Captain Pads Captain Tigers Captain

Graham Dickson Steven Rogers David Alonso Matthew Field Richard Pugh Len Beschizza David Alonso Aran Buckley Abdul Azziz Mohd Huw Evans Richard Pugh

The Section had an outstanding year in 2011 winning the Cosmopolitan League and Cup once again, ESPZEN League Champions and winning the Interports against HKFC and YCAC. The year also saw the birth of the Saturday Veterans side, the SCC Strollers, who have joined the Equatorial Football League Division 1 under the leadership of Matt Field. The upgrading of the facilities at Dempsey Road has been well-received by the Section and it is now recognised as a top class facility when it does not rain and we had our fair share towards the end of the year with numerous fixtures having to be postponed because of the elements. The First Team is now very strong and competitive as it

should be and the Lions are consolidating their position with some new players to bolster their squad. Pads and Thirds had a great season and no significant issues there other than the fact these two teams have large squads which has been addressed by the establishment of the Tigers and Strollers to ensure everyone gets a game. The weekend football has been very well-received by our Members. The Youth Academy run by Owen Monaghan is up and running and we are training and coaching the younger ones in the hope they become our stars for the future. I want to thank Owen Monaghan for running the First Team and for all the energy he puts into the job week after week, ably assisted by his management team which consists of Steve Rogers, David Alonso, Adam Bowden and Scott Starr. Owen and Steve have done a fantastic job and have been responsible for the recruitment of several quality players to the SCC. Aran Buckley and Tony Moore run a spirited Lions team and the work put in by Huw Evans running the Pads each week is commended. The new captain Alex Khan will carry the baton and lead the Pads to even more glory in the future Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


SCC Firsts

while Tahlil will ensure our Thirds runs smoothly. They do like their football and after-match celebrations on a Wednesday night. Ravi and Brian Lavelle ensure that we have opposition each week and deserve our thanks. Thanks to everyone involved in running the football teams at the SCC and special thanks to the Sports Department who do a superb job in organising our facilities every week. Owen managed our Sevens team to HK to participate in the HK Sevens. We did very well against very strong opposition, including Boca Juniors from Argentina with whom we drew 1-1. Our Vets side also did very well and it was pleasing to have two SCC sides at such a prestigious tournament. We need to practice our penalties though as both teams lost crucial games in penalty shoot-outs. We enjoy this tournament immensely and look forward to participating again in 2012. Our very own Soccer Sixes went off well in June and having Andy Cole as our guest for the event was a big plus and we intend to build on that this year. Len Beschizza and Steve Rogers have the plans in motion for this and we look forward to the whole section getting behind the tournament in 2012 and to bringing you quality teams to watch. The NFL team had a season of consolidation and we will be looking to strengthen the squad this year. Dirk Paulsen sponsors this team and the Section in general and we are forever grateful for his support. 68

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

The hard work put in by Len Beschizza in the early years has borne fruit and we are now one of the top amateur sides in Singapore. You can’t beat that and this applies to both the NFL and First Team who are the envy of many because of their quality and commitment. All the other SCC teams are not far behind and need to go that extra mile to achieve greatness. Ask Owen, Steve and Matt how to do it and success is there for the taking! On the playing front, our First Team won the Cosmopolitan Soccer League and Cup (the double) which is a significant accomplishment and we are without question the team everyone wants to beat. In fact, since the Cosmo team was brought in-house and the structure was aligned to the Club in 2000, we have won the league five times and finished second on four other occasions and we have won the Cosmopolitan Cup five times. We have assembled a very talented squad that play attractive football and the training disciplines are kicking in. SCC is without doubt one of the hardest teams to play against in the league and most of the other teams view this as their biggest match of the season. Congratulations to the Team who play on each Saturday down at Dempsey Field. We are presently first in the standings and having another very successful season. Owen Monaghan is back as the Manager and has assembled a very talented squad. The team beat the British Hotspurs 5-0 to retain

SCC Strollers

the Cosmopolitan Cup and also won the Windmill Cup beating the same opposition in the final. We participated in the annual Henrik Lorenz Memorial Game in Phuket against HKFC and lost the match 3-1 by missing a couple of penalties and were unlucky. Well done to Huw Evans and all the squad who made it down to Phuket. Worth remembering is the work done by the SCC at the Phuket orphanage (brainchild of the late great Henrik) and we will continue this every year and also bring kids from the orphanage to participate in our SCC Sixes tournament. We will try to win the trophy back this year and Alex Khan can start the ball rolling now to ensure we have a competitive squad. Lastly, I would like to thank the Section Committee for their support this year and to all the staff at the SCC who do all the work to allow us to play. Special thanks indeed to Steve Rogers who does so much work behind the scenes to help me. A real special person dedicated to the SCC.

SCC Padantigues

The emphasis of the Section is now two-fold with competitive soccer through the NFL, Firsts, Tigers and Strollers teams, with the social fabric of the Section being maintained by the Lions, Thirds and Pads teams who are playing midweek. The four key goals of the section are: • To have strong, competitive teams in the weekend through the NFL, Cosmo, ESPZEN, and Equatorial Leagues and to maintain the social fabric of the section through midweek SCC Lions, Pads and Thirds teams; • To fulfil Interport fixtures and tours; • To run a Sixes tournament that has economic viability; • To have a successful Soccer Academy. Graham Dickson Soccer Section Convenor

Squash Convenor Men’s Captain Ladies’ Captain Secretary Treasurer Social Secretary

Manmindar Singh Udai Singh Shirley Chou Koh Wai Keng Bill Hatch Mahes Velupillai

2011 was another good year for the Section with plenty of activities and a fair amount of success on the courts. Our performance was an improvement over 2010 both in the league and in individual competitions. It was also a particularly active year as we increased the number of friendly matches and travelled substantially more than in 2010. Our season started with the National Squash League in February in which we fielded a total of 13 teams. This was one less than the previous year mainly due to the fact that we fielded only one Premier Grade Men’s team as opposed to three in 2010. In terms of successes, we regained the Men’s Premier Grade title as well as winning the Challenge Cup. It was a particularly difficult year for the Premier Grade team as we had a number of notable absentees among our top players, including our Men’s captain who only managed one league game due to injury. Nevertheless a number of the other players stepped up to ensure that we remained as Premier Grade champions.

End of Season Dinner


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

On the other end of the grades, our team of juniors swept aside all before them to win the “F” Grade title without dropping a single match. The team also went on to convincingly win the Challenge Cup. Not to be outdone, the Veterans ll team performed admirably to come in second in the league and third in the Challenge Cup. This was a highly creditable effort given that many of the players were the same ones who narrowly missed out on a playoff spot in the “E” grade. Despite the improved performance in the league in 2011, we hope to do better in 2012. Our approach to provide as much opportunity for all our players to play in the league will not change but we will be more stringent on which grade the players register in to ensure that they are playing at the right level. As has been the case in recent years, our juniors continue to do us proud with many of our successes in the league riding on their shoulders. Three of the four regular players in the championship winning Men’s Premier Grade team in 2011 were juniors whilst the “F” Grade championship winning team consisted entirely of juniors. This is a strong testament to our long running junior programme. Allan Chang has played a key role in the programme’s success both in terms of attracting the right talent and developing them.

Cosmo Squash League 2011 - SCC vs SICC in the Playoffs Finals

The Inaugural Beacons of Squash with UCSC

Others have also contributed to the success of the junior programme. Joannah Yue, our top ladies player and a full time coach now, has in recent years, brought in many good juniors to the Club whilst our Men’s captain Udai Singh has served as excellent mentor to our top juniors. As for the seniors, we were fortunate in 2011 to welcome on board a number of Sports Members who play a fairly high level of squash. We hope that with their inclusion and the continuing strong performance of our juniors, our league performance would indeed be better in 2012. Individually, we had a huge number of successes mainly in the local squash scene. Highlights were the National Squash Championships where Mao Shi Hui won the ladies title while Mao Shiyuan and Royston Raymond won the Girls Under-19 and Boys Under-17 titles respectively. As per tradition, we had our end-of-league dinner in July to celebrate our successes and, just as importantly, to share stories on the happenings during the league. A large crowd of both senior and Junior Members turned up for an evening of fun, camaraderie and good food. Indeed a great way to end the league season! On the domestic front, it was SCC’s turn to organise the Cosmo League for 2011. Participating clubs were The American Club, The British Club, Hollandse Club, Serangoon Gardens Country Club, Singapore Cricket Club,

Singapore Island Country Club and The Tanglin Club. A total of 12 matches per team were played home and away during the season. With the assistance of our sponsors, The Fry Group, we added a few new features this year with a view to encouraging greater social interaction amongst the participants. We also added the play offs, a knock-out tournament that took place before the final function in the Padang Restaurant. This was won by SICC who defeated SCC 3-2 in the final. The League itself was won for the second year running by SICC by one point over Serangoon Gardens Country Club. SCC was a respectable third. Organising the Cosmo requires a lot of support and financial commitment, so thanks to Tim Howard, Adrian Cowell and Nick Cochrane for organising the teams and putting together the Cosmos function. Others who contributed much to the success of the Cosmo are Miles Gooseman of The Fry Group and Stefanie Ang of SCC. Locally, we hosted the inaugural friendly dubbed the “Orange Bowl” with the Hollandse Club in July. A total of 17 ties were played with our guests emerging as winners. We were then hosted by The British Club for our traditional Ashes match in September. The ties were fairly well-matched but unlike the previous years, we did not come away winners. The British Club took the honours with an 8-6 win. Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


Tour to Chennai

Thank you Shirley

Fortunately we were more successful in the POT Games with the Tanglin Club. As we were the host, only singles matches were played and we came away 5-2 winners with a couple of very competitive matches being played.

The two teams were clad in distinct black and green WSD t-shirts kindly donated by Dr. Woffles Wu. The day was a great success due to the large turnout and the fact that most players and supporters stayed back till late in the evening socialising.

SCC hosted the United Condo Squash Club (UCSC) in the inaugural friendly dubbed “Beacons of Squash” in August. The match, played primarily between some of the best senior and junior players, was a resounding success.

Thanks must go to Wai Keng who singlehandedly planned the event, got the sponsorship and t-shirts made all in a space of less than two weeks!

It was an afternoon of great squash as players from both clubs battled tooth and nail to try and claim victories over their opponents. We prevailed in the end, winning by a score of 9-6 in a match that showcased great squash played in a fair and friendly setting. We hope that this is just the beginning of a long running friendly competition between two clubs with a pool of excellent senior and up-and-coming junior players. We also had our regular visitors from Japan in August. The combined universities team played a total of 18 ties with our players. Good matches for our lower grade and junior players. After a long hiatus, the Section celebrated World Squash Day on 5 November. To commemorate the day, we had our very own fun-filled event. 34 players in two teams went head-to-head in matches with a slight twist as players had to use a junior or old squash racket in one of the sets played. This made for some fun games. 72

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

We travelled a great deal in 2011. We started the year with the long-running Triangular tournament which was hosted this time by the Madras Cricket Club. Unlike previous years, we managed to put together a fairly strong touring side and won 4-3 against Madras in the final. Each and every Member of the touring party were responsible for the win as all were called upon to play at least one match. A thoroughly enjoyable tour with Madras being great hosts. Thanks again to Zoher for organising the tour. In June, we travelled to Hong Kong for the annual HKFC International Squash 3s team event. We entered two teams each in the Men’s Open and Men’s Masters and one in the Ladies Open. As the prize money was a great deal higher than in previous years, the level of competition was at its highest level ever with a number of teams comprising world ranked players.

The NSL Men’s Premier Players

Whilst our Men’s teams did not fare well, the Ladies team of Mao Shi Hui, Joannah Yue and Serene Choo walked away as champions. A group of SCC players travelled to Hong Kong weekend of 28 October for a couple of friendly matches. We played the Ladies Recreation Club on Friday evening. The matches were fairly wellbalanced and we were happy to come away 5-3 winners. We next played Hong Kong Football Club on Saturday afternoon expecting a really tough match. Fortunately we came away 5-3 winners again. The hospitality by both clubs was excellent and our players really enjoyed the tour. Towards the end of November, we travelled to Kuala Lumpur for our annual Interport match with Royal Selangor Club. We had a fairly strong touring side but harboured no illusions of winning, given the strength of the RSC team. Nevertheless the team put on a creditable display despite losing 8-4 to RSC. In reality we could count ourselves unlucky to lose the match as we lost four of the five matches that went the full five sets. Our players did redeem themselves somewhat by winning both the boat race and the karaoke competition. We host RSC in Singapore this year and hope to turn the tables to recapture the prestigious Chiam Tow San Trophy.

We were again well-represented in the SCC Annual Sports Awards with Mao Shiyuan and Cheong Kah Wah winning the Sports Girl and Sports Boy Awards respectively. Socially, we have always tried to support all the Club’s Inter-section events and 2011 was no different. We were very active at Quiz Nights and participated in the Giles Roche Trophy. In terms of the Section Committee, I was glad to have more support over the past year. However, I must say that the big difference over the past year has been Wai Keng’s contribution as Secretary. I do not think anyone will disagree with me on this count. Not only have we been kept up-to-date with all the goings-on in the Club and Section, we have been privileged to have been informed of events and happenings in squash around the world. Pardon me if this sounds like a clique but the section seems a lot more alive with Wai Keng’s tireless contribution. For those of us who were fortunate enough to know Wai Keng during his playing days, you would know that this is entirely in keeping with his mind set – to give all to what he is doing! Let me also thank Shirley for again playing a significant role in managing the junior players throughout the year and more particularly during the league. We have a big pool of players

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


Pot Games with Tanglin Club

and a large number of league teams, so Shirley’s contribution is most appreciated. Our Men’s captain, Udai, whilst less hands-on due to his work/travel commitments and his twins, has helped with organising the teams for the league and other competitions such as the POT Games and Interport. Where he is hands on as a role model, he also keeps the juniors sharp on the squash courts! Our Treasurer Bill started off well but his new job has taken up a great deal of his time, thereby limiting his contribution in recent months. However, I am glad to report that he has agreed to stay on to support the Section as much as he can. I thank him for his perseverance. Finally, Mahes, our Social Secretary. I do not need to explain her contribution as most of you here would have tasted the excellent food served at the various Section events. And she has done this whilst managing to keep the cost down. I would like to register my appreciation for Mahes’ contribution. The committee aside, it is difficult to run the Section without the support of the Club’s Sports Executive given the day-to-day operational issues 74

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

that need to be attended to. Stefanie took over from Fiona after our AGM last year and has stepped up to provide us with all the support necessary for us to undertake the many activities throughout the course of the year. I would like to thank Stefanie for her untiring support which was critical to the success of our plans in 2011. I must also pay tribute to the Section Members who stepped forward as captains of the various league teams. This can be a thankless job as many of our players have busy work, travel and family schedules. I truly appreciate their efforts. Last but by no mean least, I would like to thank our sponsors, The Fry Group and Biosphere Capital for their generous support which has helped us fund our activities. Manmindar Singh Squash Section Convenor

2011 SQUASH SECTION HONOUR ROLL Local Events Singapore Closed Championships 2011 Men’s Open Vivian Rhamanan (1st) Boys U-19 Yap Kim Wee (1st); Ong Jun Wei (2nd) Boys U-17 Timothy Leong (1st); Royston Raymond (2nd) Girls U-19 Teo Li Fang (1st) Girls U-17 Rachael Ang (1st); Quak Su Lin (2nd) Masonry Nationals Squash Championships 2011 Men’s Open Vivian Rhamanan (3rd); Mohd Rizal (4th) Women’s Open Mao Shi Hui (1st) Boys U-19 Timothy Leong (2nd); Timothy Soh (4th) Boys U-17 Royston Raymond (1st); William Oon (3rd) Girls U-19 Mao Shi Yuan (1st); Teo Li Fang (3rd); Rachel Choe (4th) Girls U-17 Quak Su Lin (2nd); Rachael Ang (3rd)

Singapore Individual Graded 2011 Premier Grade Vivian Rhamanan (1st); Nigel Koh (2nd) Men’s B Grade William Oon (1st) Men’s D Grade Chua Man Tong (1st) Ladies Premier Grade Joannah Yue (1st) Ladies C&D Grade Rachael Ang (2nd) Asian Team Squash Championships SCC was represented by Vivian Rhamanan, Mao Shi Hui, William Oon, Royston Raymond and Mao Shiyuan. International Events Penang International Junior Squash Championships 2011 Girls U-17 Mao Shiyuan (5th) Hong Kong Football Club 3’s Squash Tournament 2011 Ladies Open Mao Shi Hui, Joannah Yue & Serena Choo (1st) Raintree International Jumbo Doubles, Kuala Lumpur Men’s Open Bryan Koh & Preshin Manmindar (semi-finalist)

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011



Premier Tennis Champs

Convenor Men’s Captain Ladies’ Captain Secretary Treasurer Social Secretary

Sher Baljit Singh Matthew Dabbs Nilma Missir Then Wee Lin Wilfred Lim Gilbert Ng

2011 has been pleasant and fruitful year for our Section. The highlight of the year was the inaugural SCC Premier Tennis Tournament held in November. With this, the Section has become part of the elite sports tournaments that SCC hosts every year. We had top ATP ranked tennis players from Thailand, Taiwan and Singapore taking part and we hope to make this an annual tournament. The title was eventually won by the national team of Singapore. In the league, our ladies won both the singles and doubles titles. With the exception of one tournament in between, they have now won six consecutive titles in the SLTA “A” League. With the signing of some new top juniors and national players (both ladies and gents), we will only get stronger.


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

As usual we also won the POT Games against The Tanglin Club. We also like to congratulate some of our juniors who are now representing Singapore in FED Cup and Davis Cup. We also had, for the first time, structured team coaching. We hope to further strengthen this and in addition to that, weekend junior coaching on the hard courts. The Section had a major tennis tour to Guangzhou and two minor tours to KL and Penang. This is the first time any section has gone to Guangzhou and judging from the reception we received, it won’t be the last. We also hosted the RBSC for an Interport.

POT Games Winners

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow Committee Members, who have volunteered to spare their time to help our Club tennis. Thank you to all Section Members as well for their valuable support. We are the Champion for the 31st Chivas Regal Balut Interport Tournament 2011

Sher Baljit Singh Tennis Section Convenor RBSC Interport

Rekindling old friendships in Penang

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


Social Events

Chinese New Year Celebration

Kampong Night

Thai Night

Deepavali Night 78

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

Remembrance Day


Safari Night

National Day Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


Social Events

Ladies’ Luncheon


Wine & Cheese

Annual Intersection Quiz Night 30

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Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

SCC Night Race Fiesta 23 to 25 September 2011

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


Social Events

Children’s Christmas Parties


Easter Party

Christmas Eve Lucky Draw 30

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

MASKquerade Ball 31 December 2011

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011



17th SCC International Hockey 6s Tournament 5 & 6 March 2011


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

SCC International Soccer Sixes Tournament 25 & 26 June 2011

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011



SCC PayPal Twenty20 Tournament

19 to 21 August 2011 86

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

64th SCC International Rugby Sevens Tournament 4 to 6 November 2011

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011



SCC Premier Tennis Tournament

12 & 13 November 2011


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011



In accordance with a resolution of the General Committee and in the opinion of the General Committee, the financial statements set out on pages 4 to 24 are drawn up so as to present fairly the state of affairs of the Club as at December 31, 2011, and the results, changes in funds and cash flows for the financial year then ended.


…………………………………………………………….. MOHANDAS jamnadas BHOJWANI President

…………………………………………………………….. anthony MICHAEL GRICE Finance Member

March 16, 2012


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF SINGAPORE CRICKET CLUB Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Singapore Cricket Club (the “Club”) which comprise the statement of financial position as at December 31, 2011, the statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in funds and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes, as set out on pages 4 to 24. General Committee’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements The General Committee is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Singapore Financial Reporting Standards and the Societies Act, and for such internal control as the General Committee determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditors’ Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Singapore Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation of financial statements that give a true and fair view in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the General Committee, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements are properly drawn up in accordance with the Singapore Financial Reporting Standards so as to present fairly, in all material respects, the state of affairs of the Club as at December 31, 2011 and of the results, changes in funds and cash flows of the Club for the year then ended on that date. Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements In our opinion, the accounting and other records required by the regulations enacted under the Societies Act to be kept by the Society have been properly kept in accordance with those regulations. Other Matters The financial statements of the Club for the year ended December 31, 2010 were audited by another auditor who expressed an unqualified opinion on those financial statements in their report dated February 23, 2011.

Public Accountants and Certified Public Accountants

Singapore March 16, 2012


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011



Note 2011 2010 $ $ ASSETS Current assets Cash and bank balances 5 17,033,968 15,545,229 Members’ accounts 6 1,771,453 1,512,484 Other receivables 7 592,003 795,747 Inventories 8 374,266 327,544 Total current assets 19,771,690 18,181,004 Non-current asset Property, plant and equipment




Total assets



3,971,047 1,177,900 8,633 5,831 5,163,411

4,086,789 1,154,449 6,494 2,820 5,250,552






LIABILITIES Current liabilities Trade and other payables 10 Members’ deposits 11 Income tax payable Deferred tax liability 12 Total current liabilities Fund Accumulated fund Total liabilities and fund See accompanying notes to financial statements.

..................................................... ........................................................ MOHANDAS JAMNADAS BHOJWANI ANTHONY MICHAEL GRICE President Finance Member

March 16, 2012

March 16, 2012

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011




Note 2011 2010 $ $ Operating revenue Subscriptions fees 5,452,758 5,352,318 Food and beverage 14 8,770,443 8,157,629 Sports and recreation 15 3,011,119 2,377,768 Fruit machines (net) 132,402 348,433 Carpark 506,374 416,922 Other income 16 825,584 707,701 Total operating revenue 18,698,680 17,360,771 Less: Operating expenditure Food and beverage - Cost of sales 14 - Staff costs and related costs 14 Sports and recreation 15 Management and other staff costs 17 Depreciation 9 Property and maintenance 18 Office and administration 19 General expenses 20 Total operating expenditure Operating deficits

(3,892,615) (3,559,762) (5,083,620) (4,832,809) (4,058,182) (3,659,421) (2,429,241) (2,209,974) (2,110,470) (2,064,882) (1,109,620) (1,018,085) (246,123) (365,617) (755,115) (673,687) (19,684,986) (18,384,237) (986,306) (1,023,466)

Add: Non-operating income

Membership transfer fees 1,088,000 1,310,000 Conversion fees 128,592 22,962 Interest from deposits 86,628 61,182 1,303,220 1,394,144 Surplus for the year before income tax Less: Income tax expense 21 Surplus for the year representing total comprehensive income for the year

See accompanying notes to financial statements. 94

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

316,914 370,678 (11,644) (1,371) 305,270



STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUNDS Year ended December 31, 2011

$ Balance at January 1, 2010


Total comprehensive income for the year


Balance at December 31, 2010


Total comprehensive income for the year


Balance at December 31, 2011


See accompanying notes to financial statements. Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011



STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Year ended December 31, 2011 Operating activities Operating deficits Adjustments for: Depreciation of property, plant and equipment (Write back) Allowance for doubtful debts Witten off of property, plant and equipment Operating cash flows before movements in working capital Members’ accounts Inventories Other receivables Trade and other payables Cash generated from operations Income tax paid Net cash from operating activities Investing activities Fixed deposits under pledged Purchase of property, plant and equipment Interest received Net cash used in investing activities Financing activities Members’ deposits received Membership transfer fees Conversion fees Net cash from financing activities Net increase in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents at end of year

See accompanying notes to financial statements. 96

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

2011 2010 $ $ (986,306)


2,110,470 (17,109) 12,837 1,119,892 (241,860) (46,722) 221,455 (115,742) 937,023

2,064,882 26,085 6,115 1,073,616 (121,401) (19,108) (234,956) (404,298) 293,853

(6,494) 930,529

(750,750) 68,917 (681,833)

(7,115) 286,738

160,000 (543,028) 81,403 (301,625)

23,451 1,088,000 128,592 1,240,043

62,644 1,310,000 22,962 1,395,606

1,488,739 15,545,229 17,033,968

1,380,719 14,164,510 15,545,229



Singapore Cricket Club (the “Club”) is registered under the Societies Act with its principal place of business and registered office at Connaught Drive, Singapore 179681. The financial statements are expressed in Singapore dollars.

The principal activities of the Club are to promote and carry on a sports and social club for its members.

The financial statements of the Club for the year ended December 31, 2011 were authorised for issue by the General Committee on March 16, 2012.



BASIS OF ACCOUNTING - The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the historical cost basis, except as disclosed in the accounting policies below, and are drawn up in accordance with the Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (“FRS”).

ADOPTION OF NEW AND REVISED STANDARDS - In the current financial year, the Club has adopted all the new and revised FRSs and Interpretations of FRS (“INT FRSs”) that are relevant to its operations and effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2011. The adoption of these new/revised FRSs and INT FRSs did not result in changes to the Club’s accounting policies and has had no material effect on the amounts reported for the current and prior years.

At the date of authorisation of these financial statements, there are certain FRSs, INT FRSs and amendments to FRS that are relevant to the Club that were issued but are not yet effective. The General Committee of the Club anticipates that the adoption of these in future periods will not have a material impact on the financial statements of the Club in the period of their initial adoption.

FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS - Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognised in the Club’s statement of financial position when the Club becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.

Effective interest method

The effective interest method is a method of calculating the amortised cost of a financial instrument and of allocating interest income or expense over the relevant period. The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash receipts or payments through the expected life of the financial instrument, or where appropriate, a shorter period. Income and expense is recognised on an effective interest rate basis for debt instruments other than those financial instruments “at fair value through profit or loss”.

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


Financial assets

All financial assets are recognised and de-recognised on a trade date where the purchase or sale of an investment is under a contract whose terms require delivery of the investment within the timeframe established by the market concerned, and are initially measured at fair value, net of transaction costs.

Loans and receivables

Members’ account and other receivables which have fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market are classified as “loans and receivables”. Loans and receivables are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method less impairment. Interest is recognised by applying the effective interest method, except for short-term receivables when the recognition of interest would be immaterial.

Impairment of financial assets

Financial assets, other than those at fair value through profit or loss, are assessed for indicators of impairment at the end of each reporting period. Financial assets are impaired where there is objective evidence that, as a result of one or more events that occurred after the initial recognition of the financial asset, the estimated future cash flows of the investment have been impacted. For all financial assets, objective evidence of impairment could include: •

significant financial difficulty of the issuer or counterparty; or

default or delinquency in interest or principal payments; or

it becoming probable that the borrower will enter bankruptcy or financial re-organisation

For certain categories of financial assets, such as members’ account receivables and other receivables, assets that are assessed not to be impaired individually are, in addition, assessed for impairment on a collective basis. Objective evidence of impairment for a portfolio of receivables could include the Club’s past experience of collecting payments, an increase in the number of delayed payments in the portfolio past the average credit period of 45 days, as well as observable changes in national or local economic conditions that correlate with defaults on receivables.


For financial assets carried at amortised cost, the amount of the impairment is the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows, discounted at the original effective interest rate. The carrying amount of the financial asset is reduced by the impairment loss directly for all financial assets with the exception of receivables where the carrying amount is reduced through the use of an allowance account. When a receivable is uncollectible, it is written off against the allowance account. Subsequent recoveries of amounts previously written off are credited against the allowance account. Changes in the carrying amount of the allowance account are recognised in profit or loss.

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand and at bank and deposits with financial institutions that are readily convertible to a known amount of cash and are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

Derecognition of financial assets

The Club derecognises a financial asset only when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the asset expire, or it transfers the financial asset and substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the asset to another entity. If the Club neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership and continues to control the transferred asset, the Club recognises its retained interest in the asset and an associated liability for amounts it may have to pay. If the Club retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of a transferred financial asset, the Club continues to recognise the financial asset and also recognises a collateralised borrowing for the proceeds received.

Financial liabilities

Financial liabilities are recognised when the Club becomes a party to the contractual agreements of the instrument.

The Club’s financial liabilities include members’ deposits and trade and other payables.

Payables, which represent the fair value of consideration for goods and services to be paid in the future, whether or not billed to the Club, are recognised initially at their fair value and subsequently measured at amortised cost, using the effective interest method, except for short-term payables, where the recognition of interest would be immaterial.

Derecognition of financial liabilities

The Club derecognises financial liabilities when, and only when, the Club’s obligations are discharged, cancelled or they expire.

INVENTORIES - Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost is calculated using the weighted average cost basis. Net realisable value represents the estimated selling price less all estimated costs of completion and costs to be incurred in marketing, selling and distribution.

LEASES - Leases are classified as finance leases whenever the terms of the lease transfer substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership to the lessee. All other leases are classified as operating leases.

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


The Club as lessee

Rentals payable under operating leases are charged to profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the term of the relevant lease unless another systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern in which economic benefits from the leased asset are consumed. Contingent rentals arising under operating leases are recognised as an expense in the period in which they are incurred.

In the event that lease incentives are received to enter into operating leases, such incentives are recognised as a liability. The aggregate benefit of incentives is recognised as a reduction of rental expense on a straight-line basis, except where another systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern in which economic benefits from the leased asset are consumed.

The Club as lessor

Rental income from operating leases is recognised on a straight-line basis over the term of the relevant lease unless another systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern in which use benefit derived from the leased asset is diminished. Initial direct costs incurred in negotiating and arranging an operating lease are added to the carrying amount of the leased asset and recognised on a straight-line basis over the lease term.

PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT - Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses.

The initial cost of property, plant and equipment comprises its purchase price, including import duties and non-refundable purchase taxes and any directly attributable costs of bringing the asset to its working condition and location for its intended use. Any trade discounts and rebates are deducted in arriving at the purchase price.

Depreciation is computed utilising the straight-line method to write-off the cost of these assets over their estimated useful lives as follows:

Leasehold land Leasehold office property Clubhouse Kitchen, restaurant and bar equipment Clubhouse renovations Air-conditioning systems Sports and ground equipment Furniture and fittings Fruit machines and accessories Computer equipment Other office equipment Motor vehicle


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

30 years 36 years over the period of the lease 1 to 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 4 years 3 years 5 years 10 years

The estimated useful life and depreciation method are reviewed at each year end to ensure that the method and period of depreciation are consistent with the expected pattern of economic benefits from fixed assets. The effect of any changes in estimate is accounted for on a prospective basis.

Construction-in-progress is stated at cost. The accumulated costs will be reclassified to the appropriate property, plant and equipment account when the construction is substantially completed and the asset is ready for its intended use.

For acquisitions and disposals during the financial year, depreciation is provided from the month of acquisition to the month before disposal respectively. Fully depreciated assets still in use are retained in the financial statements.

An item of property, plant and equipment is derecognised upon disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal.

The gain or loss arising on the disposal or retirement of an asset is determined as the difference between the sales proceeds and the carrying amounts of the asset and is recognised in profit or loss.

IMPAIRMENT OF TANGIBLE ASSETS - At the end of each reporting period, the Club reviews the carrying amounts of its tangible assets to determine whether there is any indication that those assets have suffered an impairment loss. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in order to determine the extent of the impairment loss (if any). Where it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the Club estimates the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs.

Recoverable amount is the higher of fair value less costs to sell and value in use. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset.

If the recoverable amount of an asset (cash-generating unit) is estimated to be less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset is reduced to its recoverable amount. An impairment loss is recognised immediately in profit or loss.

Where an impairment loss subsequently reverses, the carrying amount of the asset (cashgenerating unit) is increased to the revised estimate of its recoverable amount, but so that the increased carrying amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined had no impairment loss been recognised for the asset in prior years. A reversal of an impairment loss is recognised immediately in profit or loss, unless the relevant asset is carried at a revalued amount, in which case the reversal of the impairment loss is treated as a revaluation increase.

PROVISIONS - Provisions are recognised when the Club has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event, it is probable that the Club will be required to settle the obligation, and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation.

The amount recognised as a provision is the best estimate of the consideration required to settle the present obligation at the end of the reporting period, taking into account the risks and uncertainties surrounding the obligation. Where a provision is measured using the cash flows estimated to settle the present obligation, its carrying amount is the present value of those cash flows.

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


When some or all of the economic benefits required to settle a provision are expected to be recovered from a third party, the receivable is recognised as an asset if it is virtually certain that reimbursement will be received and the amount of the receivable can be measured reliably.

REVENUE RECOGNITION - Revenue includes subscription fees, bar sales, restaurant sales, sports and recreation, revenue from jackpot machines and other revenue.

Revenue is recognised when the significant risks and rewards of ownership have been transferred to the members and the amount of revenue and the costs of the transaction can be measured reliably. Revenue excludes goods and services taxes and is arrived at after deduction of trade discounts. No revenue is recognised if there are significant uncertainties regarding recovery of the consideration due, associated costs or the possible returns of subscription fees.

The basis of recognition of revenue is as follows:

(i) Subscription fees

Subscription fees are billed one month in advance and recognised as revenue in the following month.

(ii) Food and beverage

Food and beverage are recognised as revenue when the food and beverage are consumed or services performed.

(iii) Sports and recreation

Sports and recreation are recognised as revenue when events are organised or services are rendered.

(iv) Member transfer fees

Member transfer fees are recognised as revenue in the year in which the transfer of membership is affected upon election of the member by the General Committee.

(v) Jackpot revenue

Jackpot revenue is recognised based on gross receipts less the relevant government taxes, payment of winnings, hopper refills and expenses.

(vi) Entrance fees and conversion fees

Entrance fees and conversion fees are recognised as revenue when the new membership is effective upon election of the member by the General Committee.

(vii) Interest income from long-term investments is accounted for on a time-apportioned basis.

(viii) All other items of income are recognised as revenue when the services are performed.


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

RETIREMENT BENEFIT COSTS - Payments to defined contribution retirement benefit plans are charged as an expense as they fall due. Payments made to state-managed retirement benefit schemes, such as the Singapore Central Provident Fund, are dealt with as payments to defined contribution plans where the Club’s obligations under the plans are equivalent to those arising in a defined contribution retirement benefit plan.

EMPLOYEE LEAVE ENTITLEMENT - Employee entitlements to annual leave are recognised when they accrue to employees. A provision is made for the estimated liability for annual leave as a result of services rendered by employees up to the end of the reporting period.

INCOME TAX - Income tax expense represents the sum of the tax currently payable.

The tax currently payable is based on taxable profit for the year. Taxable profit differs from surplus as reported in profit or loss because it excludes items of income or expense that are taxable or deductible in other years and it further excludes items that are not taxable or tax deductible. The Club’s liability for current tax is calculated using tax rates (and tax laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the end of the reporting period.

Deferred tax is recognised on differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the financial statements and the corresponding tax bases used in the computation of taxable profit, and is accounted for using the balance sheet liability method. Deferred tax liabilities are generally recognised for all taxable temporary differences and deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which deductible temporary differences can be utilised.

The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at the end of each reporting period and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available to allow all or part of the asset to be recovered.

Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when the liability is settled or the asset realised. Deferred tax is charged or credited to profit or loss.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets against current tax liabilities and when they relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority and the Club intends to settle its current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis.

Current and deferred taxes are recognised as an expense or income in the profit or loss.


CRITICAL ACCOUNTING JUDGEMENTS AND KEY SOURCES OF ESTIMATION UNCERTAINTY In the application of the Club’s accounting policies, which are described in Note 2, the General Committee is required to make judgements, estimates and assumptions about the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and other factors that are considered to be relevant. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimate is revised if the revision affects only that period, or in the period of the revision and future periods if the revision affects both current and future periods.

(a) Critical judgements in applying the Club’s accounting policies The General Committee did not make any material judgements that have significant effect on the amounts recognised in the financial statements, apart from those involving estimates as discussed below.

(b) Key sources of estimation uncertainty

The key assumptions concerning the future, and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the end of the reporting period, that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year, are discussed below.

Useful lives of property, plant and equipment

Property, plant and equipment are depreciated on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives. The General Committee estimates the useful lives of these property, plant and equipment to be within 1 to 36 years. The carrying amount of the Club’s property, plant and equipment at December 31, 2011 was $23,952,369 (2010 : $25,324,926). Changes in the expected level of usage could impact the economic useful lives and the residual values of these assets and therefore future depreciation charges could be revised.

Allowance for doubtful debts


Allowance for doubtful debts are made in the financial statements based on management’s best estimate of the carrying amount of receivables that are doubtful of collection after evaluation of collectability. Management’s judgement is required in assessing the ultimate realisation of these receivables including the current creditworthiness and the past collection history of each member. Where the expectation is different from the original estimate, such difference will impact the carrying value of the members’ account and other receivables and doubtful debts expense in the period in which such estimate has been changed. The carrying amounts of the members’ account and other receivables at December 31, 2011 were $1,771,453 and $592,003 (2010 : $1,512,484 and $795,747) respectively.

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011



(a) Categories of financial instruments

The following table sets out the financial instruments as at the end of the reporting period.

Financial asset Loan and receivables Financial liabilities Amortised costs: Members’ deposits Trade and other payables

2011 2010 $ $ 19,219,906


1,177,900 3,971,047

1,154,449 4,086,789

(b) Financial risk management policies and objectives

The Club’s overall financial risk management programme seeks to minimise potential adverse effects of the financial performance of the Club.

There has been no significant change to the manner in which it manages and measures the risk.

(i) Interest rate risk management

The Club’s exposure to changes in interest risk relates primarily to the short-term fixed deposits with financial institutions. The interest rates for fixed deposits are disclosed in Notes 5 to the financial statements.

No sensitivity analysis is prepared as the Club does not expect any material effect on the Club’s profit or loss arising from the effects of reasonably possible changes to interest rates on fixed deposits with financial institutions at the end of the reporting period.

(ii) Credit risk management

The Club’s principal financial assets are cash and bank balances, members’ account and other receivables.

The carrying amount of financial assets recorded in the financial statements represents the Club’s maximum exposure to credit risk.

Further details of credit risks on members’ accounts are disclosed in Note 6.

Cash and fixed deposits are placed with creditworthy banks and financial institutions which are regulated.

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


(iii) Liquidity risk management

The Club maintains sufficient cash and cash equivalents and internally generated cash flows to finance its activities.

The Club ensures that there are adequate funds to meet all its obligations in a timely and cost-effective manner.

(iv) Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities

The carrying amounts of cash and cash equivalents, amount due from members and other current receivables and payables, provisions and other liabilities approximate their respective fair values due to the relatively short-term maturity of these financial instruments. The fair values of other classes of financial assets and liabilities are disclosed in the respective notes to the financial statements.

(c) Capital risk management policies and objectives

The Club reviews its capital structure at least annually to ensure that the Club will be able to continue as a going concern. The capital structure of the Club comprises only of accumulated fund. The Club’s overall strategy remains unchanged from 2010.

5 CASH AND BANK BALANCES Cash at bank Fixed deposits Cash on hand

2011 2010 $ $ 3,153,801 13,645,693 234,474 17,033,968

9,318,028 5,886,811 340,390 15,545,229

Bank balances and cash comprise cash held by the Club and short-term bank deposits with an original maturity of 1 month or less. The carrying amounts of these assets approximate their fair values.

Fixed deposits bear effective interest rate range from 0.07% to 1.08% (2010 : range from 0.416% to 1.085%) per annum and for a tenure of approximately 30 to 365 days (2010 : 30 to 730 days).

6 MEMBERS’ ACCOUNTS Members’ accounts Allowance for doubtful debts


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

2011 2010 $ $ 1,806,509 (35,056) 1,771,453

1,564,649 (52,165) 1,512,484

The average credit period is 30 days (2010 : 30 days).

The table below is an analysis of members’ accounts as at December 31, 2011:

Not past due and not impaired Past due but not impaired (i) Impaired receivables – collectively assessed (ii) Less: Allowance for impairment (i)

2011 2010 $ $ 1,439,726 1,155,665 329,131 321,736 37,652 87,248 (35,056) (52,165) 1,771,453 1,512,484

Aging of members’ accounts that are past due but not impaired: < 3 months



(ii) These amounts are stated before any deduction for impairment losses. Movement in the allowance for doubtful debts:

2011 2010 $ $

Balance at beginning of the year (Decrease) Increase in allowance recognised in profit or loss Balance at end of the year

52,165 (17,109) 35,056

26,080 26,085 52,165



2011 $

2010 $

Advertising and sponsorship receivables Prepayments Deposits Interest receivable Other


Kitchen stock Bar stocks Sports goods and accessories

281,057 560,831 177,518 59,613 37,690 93,900 34,299 16,588 61,439 64,815 592,003 795,747

2011 $

2010 $

58,974 220,618 94,674 374,266

61,258 204,559 61,727 327,544

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011



PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Kitchen, restaurant Leasehold


and bar


office property







Clubhouse conditioning

equipment renovations






Cost: At January 1, 2010





















Written off




















Written off













At January 1, 2010







Charge for the year









At December 31, 2010

At December 31, 2011




Accumulated depreciation:

Written off At December 31, 2010 Charge for the year Written off





























At December 31, 2011







At December 31, 2010







At December 31, 2011

Carrying amount:


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011



Fruit Sports and











and fittings














































(12,150) 39,995,811







































































































25,324,926 Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


10 TRADE AND OTHER PAYABLES Trade payables Accrued operating expenses Advanced billings for subscriptions fee Membership sales proceeds received from candidates awaiting election Other payables 11

2011 2010 $ $ 1,236,447 1,781,382 731,044

1,250,342 1,564,257 772,915

122,800 99,374 3,971,047

332,626 166,649 4,086,789

MEMBERS’ DEPOSITS These represent non-interest bearing deposits received from members. These deposits are refundable upon sale of membership or resignation.



This represents timing differences in respect of interest receivable.

The movement for the year in the deferred tax liability was as follows: 2011 2010 $ $

At beginning of the year Charge (Credit) to profit or loss (Note 21) At end of the year



In accordance with Club Rule 62(b), in the event of the Club being dissolved, all debts and liabilities shall be fully discharged and the remaining funds divided equally among the Ordinary and Life Members except those portions of such remaining funds which are monies earned or identified as income or profit from the use of fruit machines and/or from any other approved private lottery as defined under the Private Lotteries Act, Chapter 250, 1985 Ed, which shall be donated to approved charities in Singapore.

Based on available records, it has been ascertained that as at December 31, 2011, the cumulative surplus derived from the operation of fruit machines and other approved private lotteries is $15.120 million (2010 : $14.988 million) before taking into account cumulative capital expenditure of $1.323 million (2010 : $1.303 million) incurred in generating this surplus, and the allocation of the Club’s general overheads.


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

2,820 6,625 3,011 (3,805) 5,831 2,820


Sales Cost of sales Gross profit Less: Staff costs - Salaries, wages, allowances and CPF contributions - Other staff costs - Government grant – Jobs Credit Scheme Staff costs Utilities, maintenance and expenses Depreciation of kitchen, restaurant and bar equipment Operating deficit for the year


Tournament income Sports sections income Sports membership fees Booking fees Rental of facilities and other income Total income Less: Tournament expenditure Sports sections expenditure Games expenditure Rental of facility - Dempsey field Staff costs - Salaries, wages, allowances and CPF contributions - Other staff costs - Government grant – Jobs Credit Scheme Staff costs Utilities, maintenance and expenses Depreciation of sports and ground equipment Operating deficit for the year

16 OTHER INCOME SCC Night Race Fiesta Event Others

2011 2010 $ $ 8,770,443 8,157,629 (3,892,615) (3,559,762) 4,877,828 4,597,867 3,657,779 263,773 3,921,552 1,162,068 116,726 (322,518)

3,531,746 232,864 (41,205) 3,723,405 1,109,404 116,099 (351,041)

2011 2010 $ $ 1,256,050 763,142 583,260 11,888 396,779 3,011,119

987,017 664,822 341,342 12,339 372,248 2,377,768

1,481,985 846,726 380,848 181,208

1,231,822 787,020 395,926 181,457

722,530 676,102 27,404 31,772 (7,395) 749,934 700,479 417,481 362,717 320,503 273,904 (1,367,566) (1,555,557)

2011 2010 $ $ 616,461 209,123 825,584

571,025 136,676 707,701

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


17 MANAGEMENT AND OTHER STAFF COSTS Salaries, wages, allowances and CPF contributions Other staff costs Government grants – Jobs Credit Scheme Total staff costs included in Notes 14, 15 and 17 comprise: Salaries, wages, allowances and CPF contributions Other staff costs Government grant – Jobs Credit Scheme

2,276,755 152,486 - 2,429,241

2,068,726 166,091 (24,843) 2,209,974

2011 2010 $ $ 6,657,064 443,663 - 7,100,727

6,276,574 430,727 (73,443) 6,633,858

The number of employees as at December 31, 2011 of 165 (2010 : 162) includes full time staff whose costs of $117,985 (2010 : $125,343) were included under the fruit machine expenses.

18 PROPERTY AND MAINTENANCE Facilities maintenance and equipment rental Repairs and replacements Property tax Utilities and related expenses Security expenses Maintenance fees and sinking fund 19 OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATION Telephone and postage Printing and stationery Computer expenses and lease rental of office equipment Bad debts (write back) written off Professional fees


2011 2010 $ $

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

2011 2010 $ $ 38,267 248,494 104,775 592,432 104,754 20,898 1,109,620

39,622 227,026 103,900 529,996 96,643 20,898 1,018,085

2011 2010 $ $ 61,853 69,861 98,447 (35,567) 51,529 246,123

89,655 71,708 90,467 55,988 57,799 365,617

20 GENERAL EXPENSES Audit fees Annual report Insurance Newspapers and periodicals Padang magazine publication Bank charges Meeting and election nights SCC night race fiesta event costs Minor items of capital expenditure expensed Written off of property, plant and equipment Other expenses

2011 2010 $ $ 25,000 14,535 82,681 9,321 67,654 40,394 98,389 259,418 55,305 8,637 93,781 755,115

22,050 24,000 111,282 14,847 31,150 22,989 98,112 209,728 63,383 6,115 70,031 673,687


2011 2010 $ $

Current taxation Overprovision in prior year Deferred tax (Note 12)

14,318 (5,685) 3,011 11,644

6,494 (1,318) (3,805) 1,371

Domestic income tax is calculated at 17% (2010 : 17%) of the estimated assessable profit for the year.

The total charge for the year can be reconciled to the accounting surplus as follows:

Surplus for the year before income tax

Tax expense at income tax rate Income not subject to tax Overprovision in prior year Others

2011 2010 $ $ 316,914


53,875 (36,546) (5,685) - Â 11,644

63,015 (59,958) (1,318) (368) 1,371

The Club is exempted from income tax in accordance with Section 11(1) of the Income Tax Act Chapter 134 as more than 50% of the Club’s gross takings are from its voting members. The income tax expense in 2011 and 2010 relate to income tax payable on income received by the Club which is not related to the activities of the Club.

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011



Minimum lease payments under operating leases recognised as an expense in the year

2011 2010 $ $ 242,754


At the end of the reporting period, the Club was committed to making the following lease rental payments for its office are as follows: 2011 2010 $ $ Within one year In the second to fifth years inclusive


241,007 387,796 628,803

181,350 112,981 294,331

Operating lease payments represent rentals payable on the Dempsey field and office equipments, leases are negotiated for an average term of 3 to 5 years (2010 : 3 to 5 years).

Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

Reciprocal Clubs AUSTRALIA Naval, Military and Air Force Club of South Australia 111 Hutt Street, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia Queensland Cricketers’ Club Ground Floor Gabba Towers, 411 Vulture Street, East Brisbane QLD 4169, Australia Queensland Rugby Union Club / The Ballymore Rugby Club McLean Stand, Ballymore Stadium 91 Clyde Road Herston QLD 4006, Australia Tattersall’s Club Brisbane 215 Queen Street Brisbane QLD 4001, Australia The Rugby Club Downtown Level 1, Rugby Quay, 123 Eagle Street Brisbane QLD 4000, Australia United Service Club Queensland 183 Wickham Terrace Brisbane QLD 4000, Australia Athenaeum Club 87 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club Inc. 489 Glenferrie Road, Kooyong VIC 3144, Australia Melbourne Club 36 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia Melbourne Cricket Club Gate 2, Melbourne Cricket Ground, Jolimont Street, East Melbourne VIC 3002, Australia Melbourne Savage Club 12 Bank Place, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia Royal South Yarra Lawn Tennis Club Williams Road North, Toorak VIC 3142, Australia City Tattersalls’ Club 194-204 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Cricketers’ Club of New South Wales 31 Killarney Drive Killarney Heights NSW 2087, Australia New South Wales Sports Club 10 Hunter Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia

The Rugby Club Rugby Place, Off 31 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

Hong Kong Cricket Club 137 Wong Nai Chung Gap Road, Hong Kong

Perth & Tattersalls Bowling & Recreation Club 2 Plain Street, East Perth WA 6004, Australia

Hong Kong Football Club 3 Sports Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong

Royal King’s Park Tennis Club (Inc) King’s Park Road, West Perth, WA 6005, Australia Rugby Union Club (Rugby WA Western Australian Rugby Union (Inc)) 104 Stephenson Ave, Mt Claremont, WA 6014, Australia

Kowloon Bowling Green Club 123 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Kowloon Cricket Club 10 Cox’s Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Scarborough Sportsmen’s Club 75 Deanmore Road, Scarborough, Perth, WA 6019, Australia

INDIA Bangalore Club Field Marshal K.M. Cariappa Road, Bangalore 560 025, India

The Western Australian Club (Inc) 101 St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000, Australia

Madras Cricket Club No. 1 Bells Road, Chepauk, Chennai, Tamil Nadu Chennai 600 005, India

Western Australian Cricket Association (Inc) WACA Administration WACA Ground Nelson Crescent, East Perth, Gate 2, Australia

Umed Club Old Public Park Road, Near Gaushala Grounds, Jodhpur (Rajasthan) 342 006, India

AUSTRIA St. Johanns Club A-1010 Wein, Schubertring 4, Vienna, Austria BANGLADESH Dhaka Club Ltd Ramna Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh BRUNEI DARUSSALAM Royal Brunei Yacht Club Simpang 664, Km 7, Jalan Kota Batu, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam Panaga Club c/o Brunei Shell Petroleum Co. Sdn. Bhd. Seria KB3534, Brunei Darussalam CANADA The National Club 303 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5H 2R1, Canada Toronto Cricket Skating and Curling Club 141 Wilson AvenueToronto, Ontario M5M 3A3, Canada FRANCE Automobile Club de France 6-8 Place De La Concorde 75008 Paris, France

Royal Automobile Club of Australia 89 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

GERMANY The Anglo German Club Harvestehuder Weg 44 20149 Hamburg, Germany

Tattersalls Club 181 Elizabeth Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

HONG KONG Craigengower Cricket Club 188 Wong Nai Chung Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong

The American Club Level 14, 131 MacQuarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong 2 Lower Albert Road Central, Hong Kong

The Bengal Rowing Club 13/2, Baroj RoadRabindra Sarobar Kolkata 700 029, India The Calcutta Racket Club 95, Jawahar Lal Nehru Road, Kolkata 700 071, India Calcutta Cricket & Football Club 19/1 Gurusaday Road, Kolkata 700 019, India Bombay Gymkhana Club M G Road, Fort, Mumbai 400 001, India Cricket Club of India J N Tata Pavilion, Brabourne Stadium Dinshaw Vachha Road Mumbai 400 020, India Delhi Gymkhana Club 2 Safdarjung Road New Delhi 110 011, India The Palms Town & Country Club B Block, Sushant Lok, Phase I, Gurgaon 122 001, India Poona Club Ltd 6 Bund Garden Road, Pune 411 001, India Jaisal Club Jethwai Road, Jaisalmer 345 001 Rajasthan, India INDONESIA International Sport Club of Indonesia (ISCI) Jl. Ciputat Raya No. 2 Tangerang 15419, Indonesia Mercantile Athletic Club Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav 29-31 Jakarta 12920, Indonesia Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011


ITALY Circolo Canottieri Aniene A.S.D Lungotevere dell’Acqua Acetosa, 119, Roma, Italy JAPAN Kobe Regatta and Athletic Club 1-20, 2-chome, Hachiman-dori 2-Chuo-ku, Kobe 651-0085, Japan Yokohama Country and Athletic Club 11-1 Yaguchidai, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-8684, Japan KENYA (EAST AFRICA) Nairobi Gymkhana Club Desai Road, Nairobi, Kenya MALAYSIA Johor Cultural & Sports Club No 1-01, Jalan Tun Abdul Razak, Susur 1/1, 80000 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia Kluang Country Club Jalan Mengkibol 86000 Kluang, Johor, Malaysia Kelantan Golf & Country Club (formerly Royal Kelantan Club) Pengkalan Chepa 16100 Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia Kelab Taman Perdana Diraja Kuala Lumpur (Royal Lake Club) Taman Tasek Perdana, Jalan Cenderamulia, Off Jalan Parlimen, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Malaysia The Royal Commonwealth Society No. 4 Jalan Birah, Damansara Heights, 50490 Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Malaysia Royal Selangor Club Jalan Raja, 50050 Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Malaysia The Malacca Club No.18, 5th Floor, Jalan Syed Abdul Aziz, 75000 Melaka, Malaysia Royal Port Dickson Yacht Club Batu 4 ½ Jalan Pantai, 71050 Sirusa, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia Royal Sungei Ujong Club 2A Jalan Dato’ Klana Ma’amor, 0700 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

The Kinabalu Club 1 Jalan Padang, Peti Surat No.10318, 88803 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia Sandakan Recreation Club Ground Floor, Block 60, Jalan Singapore 90000 Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia The Island Club Jalan Airport 96000 Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia The Sarawak Club Jalan Taman Budaya, 93000 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia Royal Klang Club No. 7, Jalan Istana, 41000 Klang, Selangor, Malaysia MAURITIUS Mauritius Gymkhana Club Suffolk Road, Vacoas, Mauritius NETHERLANDS Nieuwe of Litteraire Societeit De Witte Plein 24, 2511 CS The Hague, Netherlands NEW ZEALAND The Northern Club 19 Princess Street, Auckland, New Zealand The Wellington Club Level 4, 88 The Terrace, Wellington 6011 New Zealand PAPUA NEW GUINEA Aviat Social and Sporting Club Aviat Street Konedobu Port Moresby, PNG PHILIPPINES The Manila Club c/o Nomad Sports Club, Off Madrid St., Merville Park Subdivision, Merville Park, Parañaque City, Philippines SOUTH AFRICA Bryanston Country Club No 63 Bryanston Drive, Bryanston, Gauteng 2021, South Africa Kelvin Grove Club 144 Campground Road, Newlands 7700, South Africa Durban Country Club Isaiah Ntshangase Road Durban, South Africa

Kelab Kuantan (Kuantan Club) Jalan Merdeka 25000 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia

The Wanderers Club 21 North Street, Illovo, Johannesburg 2196, South Africa

Penang Club 42B, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, 10050 Penang, Malaysia

SPAIN Real Club de Polo de Barcelona Avda. Dr. Marañón 17-31 08028-Barcelona, Spain

Kelab Sukan Pulau Pinang (Penang Sports Club) Jalan Utama, 10450 Penang, Malaysia Kelab Renang Pulau Pinang (Penang Swimming Club) 517 Tanjung Bungah, 11200 Penang, Malaysia Royal Ipoh Club Jalan Panglima Bukit Gantang Wahab, 30700 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia


Singapore Cricket Club Annual Report 2011

SRI LANKA Colombo Swimming Club 148, Storm Lodge, Galle Road, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka Gymkhana Club 31 Maitland Crescent, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka Singhalese Sports Club No. 35 Maitland Place, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka

SWEDEN Sallskapet Arsenalsgatan 7 SE-111 47 Stockholm, Sweden THAILAND The British Club 189 Suriwongse Road Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand Royal Bangkok Sports Club 1 Henri Dunant Street, Pathumwan Bangkok 10330, Thailand Chiangmai Gymkhana Club 349 Chiang Mai Lamphun Road, Chiangmai 50000, Thailand UNITED ARAB EMIRATES The Club, Abu Dhabi PO Box 658, Abu Dhabi, UAE UNITED KINGDOM Army and Navy Club 36-39 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5JN, United Kingdom City University Club 50 Cornhill, London EC3V 3PD, United Kingdom Marylebone Cricket Club Lord’s Cricket Ground, St John’s Wood, London NW8 8QN, United Kingdom National Liberal Club Whitehall Place London SW1A 2HE, United Kingdom Royal Over-Seas League Over-Seas House, Park Place, St. James’s Street, London SW1A 1LR, United Kingdom St James’s Club 7-8 Park Place, St. James’s, London SW1A 1LS, United Kingdom The Cardiff And County Club Westgate Street, Cardiff CF10 1DA, United Kingdom United Club 3 Church Street Saint Helier Jersey JE2 3NN, United Kingdom UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Algonquin Club of Boston 217 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02116, USA The Balboa Bay Club 1221 Coast Highway, Newport Beach, CA 92663, USA Maryland Club 1 East Eager Street Baltimore, Maryland 21202, USA Down Town Association 60 Pine Street, New York, NY 10005, USA Fisher Island Club One Fisher Island Drive/Fisher Island Florida 33109, USA




Although the Singapore Cricket Club was founded in 1852, until 1880 the principal office was that of Captain.

1880 – 1881 1882 1883 1884 - 1887 1888 1889 – 1891 1892 1893 – 1895 1896 1897 – 1898 1899 – 1900 1901 1902 – 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 – 1908 1909 – 1910 1911 1912 – 1914 1915 1916 – 1918 1919 1920 1921 – 1922 1923 – 1929 1930 1931 – 1932 1933 – 1934 1935 - 1937 1938 – 1939

Louis J R Glass Charles Stringer Sir Cecil Clementi Smith, CMG Sir John Anderson A P Talbot Charles Stringer A P Talbot Major Sir Henry E McCallum, CMG JJ H Orman Mr Justice Andrew John Leach Charles Stringer Sir Hugh Fort Sir Frank Athelstane Swettenham, CMG Sir Hugh Fort Lieutenant-Colonel E G Broadrick Sir Hugh Fort Sir John Anderson Sir Arthur Henderson Young, KCMG Lieutenant-Colonel E G Broadrick Cedric I Carver Charles William Darbishire Cedric I Carver D Y Perkins William Langham-Carter Sir William Murison, KTB Ron John Farrer, CMG Oswald Phillips Griffith-Jones Charles Salter Oswald Phillips Griffith-Jones John Middleton Sime Benard E Ablitt

1940 – 1941 1942/1945 1946 1947 – 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 – 1953 1954 – 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 – 1967 1968 1969 1970 – 1972 1973 – 1975 1976 – 1977 1978 1979 – 1980 1981 – 1985 1986 – 1990 1991 – 2000 2001 – 2008 2008 2008 – 2010 2011 –

John Athlestane Dean Club Closed (Pacific War) Oswald W Gilmour Andrew Gilmour Andrew Gilmour, CMG Robert Donald Stewart Peter M B C Frend H F Clements L A Williams L L Cooper John S Kirkham JS Kirkham / H K Franklin Joseph W Cashin David I Price O H R Beadles, OBE Andrew Gilmour, CMG Derek R Reid, MC Derek R Reid, MC/Alistair B McPherson Alistair B McPherson Tom Eames Hughes, CBE Justice T S Sinnathuray Justice T S Sinnathuray / Neill B Aitken Neill B Aitken Haider M Sithawalla Len F Foster Charlie K P Phua Anwarul Haque Abu Omar Teh Leong Mohan J Bhojwani

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