The Padang Magazine - Jul/Aug 2020

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Established 1852



Ava i l ab l e o n w w w. s c c . o r g. s g


Jul y / August 2020

UPDATING OF MEMBERS’ PARTICULARS Ensure your mobile number, email address and mailing address are up to date with the Singapore Cricket Club. Email with your full particulars today! Closing date: 26 July 2020.

General Committee 2020 PRESIDENT

Mr. Sher Baljit Singh


Mr. Rangachari Raghavan



Mr. George V. Abraham

Mr. Lim Khoon

Mrs. Margaret Cunico

Mr. Ananda Kumar

Mr. Anwar Gaffoor

Mr. Paul Lawlass

Mr. David Jones

Ms. Fathima Mohietheen

Subcommittee Members GAMES CONTROL BOARD

Mr. Martin Goerojo (Chairman) Ms. Sunita Kapoor Mr. David Yim Ms. Edith Somogyi Mr. Ganesh Ramanathan Mr. Suresh Kalpathy Ms. Helen Campos Mr. Steve Dawson Mr. Bala Supramaniam Mr. Subhas Nathan Ms. Nanthini Visvalingam Mr. Henry Winter Mr. Sarat Chandran Mr. Soenke Langhoff


Mr. Rangachari Raghavan (Chairman) Mr. Sher Baljit Singh Mr. Martin Goerejo Mr. Zoher Motiwala Mr. Hamish Christie Mr. Jon Robinson Mr. Nigel Stead Mr. Victor Olsen Mr. Shanmugham Ganeson

RULES AND MEMBERSHIP Mr. Lim Khoon (Chairman) Mr. Martin Goerojo Mr. Moiz H. Sithawalla Mr. Chandra Mohan K. Nair


Ms. Fathima Mohietheen (Chairlady)


Mr. Paul Lawlass (Chairman) Mrs. Margaret Cunico Ms. Tracy Jones Ms. Nalini Willetts Ms. Fatimah Mohietheen Mrs. Ravina Bhojwani


Mr. Ananda Kumar (Chairman) Ms. Preeti Dubey Mr. Rajan Menon Mr. Harpal Singh


Mr. Anwar Gaffoor (Chairman) Mr. George V. Abraham Mr. Vikram Raman Ms. Soma Devi Ms. Darlene Kasten Mr. Srikanth K. V.

Contents CLUB NEWS President’s Message Club Safe Management Measures SCC Feedback Contest Results

3 4—5 6

DINING HIGHLIGHTS The Oval & Verandah – New Menu Chef Arfin’s Specials Oval Daily Specials Cake of the Month Dinner Specials Spirits & Wines F&B Promotions – Mon/Wed/Fri

7 8 8 8 9 10 10

UPCOMING EVENT The Virtual Edition Quiz Night


FEATURE National Day Celebrations at The Padang

12 — 13

SPORTS Balut 14 Bowls 15 Bridge 16 Football 17 Cricket 18 — 19 Golf 20 Hockey 21 Rugby 22 — 23 Tennis 24 — 25 Squash 26



Mr. George V. Abraham (Chairman) Mr. Andrew Moore Mr. Retna Sabapathy Mr. Ong Chin Leong Ms. Cynthia Robless Mr. Jeyan Nadarajah Mr. N Thangavelu



Mrs. Margaret Cunico (Chairlady) Ms. Monica Alsagoff Ms. Daisy Irani Mr. Tushar Doshi

SPECIAL PROJECT – SPORTS Mr. David Jones (Chairman)


Singapore Cricket Club Established 1852

Connaught Drive Singapore 179681 Tel: 6338 9271 Fax: 6333 0119 Email: Website:

Like and follow the Singapore Cricket Club on Facebook Follow @singaporecricketclub on Instagram MCI (P) 042/07/2019 | The Padang is published bi-monthly and is produced for the Singapore Cricket Club by Grenadier Press Pte Ltd. All rights reserved, copyright ©2018 by Singapore Cricket Club. Opinions expressed in The Padang are solely those of writers and not necessarily endorsed by the Singapore Cricket Club. For editorial and advertising enquiries, please contact the Marcom Department at

NATIONAL DAY Celebrations at The Padang 12



p p a H y Bi

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y a d S h i n t r

y a d h t r i b e r o p a g n i S r u o y , Send us s e h s i w l l e w d n a s g n i t e ! o gre e d i v C C S e n o o t n i n o i t a f o r co m p i l • Send us your individual/ group birthday greetings videos of 5secs or less • File format: mp4 format • Email them to, and include your full name(s). • Deadline: Sunday, 26 July 2020


PRESIDENT ’S MESSAGE On behalf of the General Committee (GC), I am very happy to welcome you back to the Club after more than two months of the Circuit Breaker (CB) phase. Your safety, as well as the safety of our staff, continue to remain our top priority and you have my personal commitment to this. Therefore, we seek your support as we gradually open up the different activities in the club while adhering to government guidelines. We are very grateful and proud of all of you, as your support and engagement during the CB kept the spirit of our Club alive. The CB period served as time for reflection for the GC and the entire management. It gave us the time to define some new initiatives to uplift the experience of our Members, while maintaining the well-being of our people. The list below outlines some of the key initiatives in action already: • Promote healthy but still yummy food menu options: The Oval menu has been revamped, ensuring your favorite options were retained while adding 45% lighter and healthier dishes and vegetarian options • F&B takeaway and delivery: This service was launched in May, and the adoption rate has been quite high. Do enjoy our revamped Oval menu and utilize our takeaway and delivery services; you can use your F&B credits – given to Members as a return of April and May 2020 monthly subscriptions – before they expire after 30 November 2020. • Designing & delivering an intelligent workplace: Accelerating the digitalisation and transformation around payments and document management, with the objective of increasing operational efficiencies and Member satisfaction. (e.g.: e-signing for Guests, digital ordering F&B system, e-magazines, etc) • Go-green: Protecting our environment while driving innovation and not compromising our way of life (e.g.: going paperless, food wastage management, planting more trees, etc) The CB time has been quite a busy but also a rewarding and creative period for the entire SCC management and our staff, with the following objectives: • To re-define the “fitness back to work” protocol by reforming the workplace and protecting our staff; • To define new protocols for deep cleaning and sanitization, while understanding and ensuring compliance with government measures even as restrictions are eased, incorporating contact tracing technology launched by the government • To complete an analysis of which roles transitioned smoothly to remote working and which didn’t, to help make informed decisions about when subsets of employees should be asked to return to the workplace; • To compile a plan on how to operate sports facilities, and how to conduct specific sports. I am very pleased to provide some highlights on how you can experience the SCC Club in the near future. • Ensuring high maintenance and good hygiene across our

facilities during CB: SCC fields, indoor and outdoor facilities, including the gym, have been daily maintained, and preopen checks will be applied before opening. Additionally, we implemented measures to preserve serviceability and maintenance of the general facilities and equipment. (e.g.: all carpets, as well as furniture were steam-cleaned and curtains sent for laundry) • Enriching the sports engagement portfolio of activities: Your participation in virtual events (through Facebook or ZOOM or GoToMeeting) formed a new way of engaging with the Club, but also contributed in new ideas and themes to expand the Club’s sporting population. For more information please contact • Making the impossible possible, via virtual events: Forming an entertainment forum while promoting the right support among our Members to develop creativity and nurture relationships among our Members. Those virtual events build perseverance to attain goals and build resilience (i.e. Weekly Fitness Challenges, SCC Exercise Videos, SCC Cooks Videos, etc) via updates on our Facebook and Instagram channels. • Establishing a communication channel to create clarity, build resilience, and catalyze positive change to our staff: Our HR and the entire SCC management are working towards five key principles: (1) do give people what they need, when they need, (2) communicate clearly, simply and frequently, (3) choose candor over charisma (4) revitalize resilience, and (5) distill meaning from chaos. They have also worked to reduce our payroll cost. • Defining new frontiers in re-skilling and up-skilling our staff: Each of us needs to be both motivated and prepared to put in the effort toward making learning a lifetime priority. Therefore, one of HR’s purpose is to develop a curriculum for our staff career progression and development. Since late last year, six of our senior F&B service staff were up-skilled. When the Club reopens, they will work behind the Bars for cross exposure and to be operationally ready to meet the ever-changing business needs • Creating an open communication channel with our members to share SCC updates but also to listen to our Members: Leveraging on different social platforms (i.e.: eBlasts, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and SCC website). Additionally, we are evaluating real-time tools like SMS service for specific news (e.g. Club closure and reopening). We have been working with the Sports Department on updating the Sports Sections’ webpages on the SCC website As always, please reach out to me and the GC for any suggestions you may have on how we can face the future better and together. I am also glad to add that despite the disruptions in the recent past, the financial strength of the Club and the moral of the staff remains high. The SCC Lion has been roaring for 168 years and it will roar louder. Sher Baljit Singh President, Singapore Cricket Club JUL / AUG 2020 THE PADANG



Safe Management Measures at SCC For the safety and well-being of our Members, the SCC Management has the following measures in place in accordance with government stipulated safety and distancing measures: COMPULSORY SCREENING ENTRY & EXIT PROCEDURES: All Members and specifically allowed guests entering the Club need to first undergo compulsory screening at the Screening Tent located at the carpark adjacent to St. Andrew’s Road; those who do not do so will be denied entry into the Club. The procedure for safe entry includes: • Filling in the SafeEntry form via smartphone using the QR Code provided on-site inside the Tent or by scanning identity card (ID). • Temperature Screening: Only persons with temperature below 37.5°C will be allowed into the Clubhouse. • Members/guests who have completed all the steps above are then issued a sticker to be worn at all times on the premises, and can enter the Club from the main entrance. • When exiting the Club, Members/guests have to check-out via your smartphone using the QR Code displayed at the MSD area or by scanning your ID. Persons who are feeling unwell even with mild flu-like symptoms and/or are serving Stay-Home Notices (SHN) or Quarantine Orders (QO) are not allowed to visit the Club, while persons who have been in contact with anyone on SHN and/or QO are not allowed to visit the Club for 14 days from the date that contact was made. For enhanced crowd management control, only Members’ spouses, children and parents are allowed to be signed in as guests into the Club until further notice. Members/Guests also need to check-in/out using SafeEntry forms when entering the various F&B outlets and Sports Facilities.

F&B SOCIAL DISTANCING & SAFETY: Members/Guests need to check-in/out using SafeEntry forms when entering the various F&B outlets and Sports Facilities. Stay within your groups: •

Groups of diners are limited to a maximum of five persons, with at least a 1-metre separation between tables of different groups of diners.

Diners are not allowed to inter-mingle between groups.





Members/guests are reminded to wear their masks at all times (e.g. even when seated at their table waiting for their F&B orders), except when eating or drinking or playing strenuous sports.

Hand Sanitiser Stands are located around the Clubhouse for Members/guests to use, while restrooms are equipped with disinfectant soap.

More frequent cleaning of front-of-house, back-of-house and kitchens using recommended cleaning disinfectants are being conducted.

For hygiene reasons, communal water coolers have been disconnected.

In accordance with government guidelines, shower facilities have been closed and no towels are provided in the changing rooms.


As the maximum number of persons allowed to use our sports facilities is 50 persons, priority will be given only to Members to exercise/ play using Club facilities and on its premises. No guests are allowed to do so.

Prior to entering the Sports Facilities, all athletes must report and register their names at the Sports Counter located at The Deli prior to play – it is mandatory for the Club to maintain records of athletes for subsequent audits by the authorities.

Members need to check-in/out using SafeEntry forms when entering the various Sports Facilities.

In the case where a Section has more than one group of 5 playing at the same time, the groupings must be decided beforehand. The players must go directly to the assigned area and stay with the assigned group of 5 throughout the session. No intermixing is allowed between the different groups.

Masks must always be worn except when engaged in strenuous activities during training/ exercise; masks must be put on when arriving and leaving the courts/ gym/ field.

“Get in, play and leave”: No gathering/loitering after play is allowed.

Full Sports / Section-Specific Guidelines can be viewed at


Two Safe Management Officers have been appointed to ensure that safety measures are being followed by all employees.

All employees, vendors and contractors are required to wear masks and other necessary personal protective equipment at all times.

Break hours of employees have been staggered to prevent overcrowding in the resting area with no more than 6 employees allowed in the resting area at any time. Employees are reminded not to socialise or congregate even during meals or breaks.

Markers have also been placed on furniture in staff areas and offices to remind staff to adhere to safe distancing.

For the latest news and information relating to COVID-19 and Club Safe Management Measures, visit Information accurate at time of print.




K C A B D E E SCC F TEST CON A big thank you to all who responded to our challenge to give feedback on how we can make the Club a better place for all. Some of the ideas, while not entirely new, take on a refreshing twist and are contextualised against new norms for dining, sports and socialising that come on the heels of Covid-19. Interesting suggestions include the call for more contactless interaction for better hygiene, such as changing the way we sign off on bills on the iPad, or signing in guests; to consider using an online system using one’s phone. There was also a suggestion to extend the popular weekday Lunch Carvery to the Verandah in the event seating capacity is restricted at the Main Lounge. Some proposed continuing online activities initiated during the Circuit Breaker period, such as physical fitness challenges on social media. The Virtual Quiz we conducted on Zoom during the Circuit Breaker proved particularly popular with the suggestion that we have more of this even after the Club re-opens, to include home-delivered food ordered from the Oval. One Member provided a detailed plan on optimising space and equipment and better hygiene in the gym. A visionary and ambitious proposal was to expand the footprint of SCC beyond the Padang and Dempsey by exploring land acquisitions and partnerships which will give Members access to a whole new range of facilities such as for golf, swimming, spas, accommodation and other leisure pursuits.

OTHER SUGGESTIONS INCLUDED: • Lucky draw Prata weekends for dine-in and takeaway • Regular Fitness Bootcamps on the Padang • Twice-yearly weekend bazaars • Kids-focused programmes on select weekends • Heritage tours and afternoon tea for non-member special interest groups • Loyalty points and rewards to encourage spending • A dedicated workspace for members that allows use of electronic devices All suggestions will be considered by management and GC in line with current and near-term priorities, resources and revenue. We have selected the following top 3 winners based on effort and creativity.


Vijaya Raghavan

1 Bottle of Champagne – Piper Heidsieck Brut NV, France worth $108


Asaph Heng

1 Bottle of Masi Costasera Amarone Classico DOCG 2015, Veneto worth $168


Dene Border & Aditya Mallik

1 Bottle of Baby Doll Rosé 2019, Marlborough, New Zealand worth $58



n ew d is h e s ! d te a re -c ly g e o f o u r lov in m o s t u o k c e Ch

Surf & Turf – k Lobster & Stea

Vegetarian Laks


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Pizza Pancetta en Leg Tandoori Chick

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Oxtail RagÙ gne Vegetarian Lasa

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Fridays, 6.30pm onwards

July 3 July Spicy Mutton Ribs served with Mango Chutney $14.90 17 July Indian Mee Goreng $8.80 (regular), $10.80 (large) 24 July Kambing Soup $8.80 (regular), $10.80 (large)

August 7 August Indian Mee Goreng $8.80 (regular), $10.80 (large) 14 August Plain Thosai served with Sambal Gravy and Trio Chutney $5.80 Masala Thosai served with Sambal Gravy and Trio Chutney $9.80 21 August Soto Ayam $8.80 (regular), $10.80 (large) 28 August Kambing Soup $8.80 (regular), $10.80 (large)





Eggless Beetroot Cream Cheese Cake (V) Visit The Oval & Verandah or call 6338 9271 Ext: 373 to place a cake order for your special occasion or birthday celebration!




Monday 6, 13, 20, 27 July Mutton Biryani, or Oven-roasted Striploin with Vegetables & Potatoes, or Pink Leg Prawn Noodle Soup with Fresh Clams

Monday 3, 17, 24, 31 August Mutton Biryani, or Braised Duck Leg with Orange Sauce, Vegetables & Potatoes, or Pink Leg Prawn Noodle Soup with Fresh Clams

Tuesday 7, 14, 21, 28 July SCC Laksa, or Pan-fried Seabass Fillet with Lemon Dill Sauce, Vegetables & Potatoes, or Butter Chicken Masala with Mint Chutney, Mixed Vegetables & Naan Bread

Tuesday 4, 11 18, 25, August SCC Laksa, or Pan-fried Seabass Fillet with Lemon Dill Sauce, Vegetables & Potatoes, or Butter Chicken Masala with Mint Chutney, Mixed Vegetables & Naan Bread

Wednesday 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 July SCC Chicken & Egg Curry with Steamed Rice, or Roast Leg of Lamb with Vegetables & Potatoes, or Fish Tikka with Mint Chutney, Mixed Vegetables & Naan Bread

Wednesday 5, 12, 19, 26 August SCC Chicken & Egg Curry with Steamed Rice, or Grilled Dory Fish with Vegetables & Potatoes, or Fish Tikka with Mint Chutney, Mixed Vegetables & Naan Bread

Thursday 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 July SCC Chicken Rice, or Baked Salmon with Vegetables & Potatoes, or Palak Chicken with Vegetables & Brown Rice

Thursday 6, 13, 20, 27 August SCC Chicken Rice, or Baked Salmon with Vegetables & Potatoes, or Palak Chicken with Vegetables & Brown Rice

Friday 3, 17, 24 July Fish Moolie with Steamed Rice, or Grilled Chicken Chop with Vegetables & Potatoes, or Chana Masala with Stir-fried Vegetables & Chappati

Friday 7, 14, 21, 28 August Fish Moolie with Steamed Rice, or Breaded Pork Loin with Vegetables, Apple Chutney and Cream Cheese Sauce, or Chana Masala with Stir-fried Vegetables and Chappati

Saturday 4, 11, 18, 25 July SCC Laksa, or SCC Chicken Rice, or Mock Mutton Curry with Vegetables, Mango Chutney & Naan

Saturday 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 August SCC Laksa, or SCC Chicken Rice, or Mock Mutton Curry with Vegetable, Mango Chutney and Naan

Sunday 5, 12, 19, 26 July Chicken Biryani

Sunday 2, 16, 23, 30 August Chicken Biryani

Butter Chicken Masala

Public Holiday – Only SCC Laksa will be served at The Oval & Verandah for daily Set Lunch on 10 & 31 July, 9 & 10 August.

All promotions are subject to change.







July August

teak with nderloin S e T f e e B d Butter Pan-seare d Anchovy n a s le b ta e Grilled Veg $28.00

Stir-frie dP with Bla ork Spare Rib s ck Pepp er Sauc e $26.80

All photos are for illustration only. Actual products may vary. All promotions are subject to change.

Fillet abass utney e S i r o h Tando ith Mint C w d 0 Serve $19.8

Pan-se with R ared Red Sna ed Cap pper F sicum and Le illet ek Cou $26.80 lis

icy Wok-fried Sp

illago Marinated S $19.80


Kerala Lamb Shank Served with Butter Naan JUL.80 / AUG 2020 THE PADANG 9 $19









Hendrik’s Gin

Glen Grant 12 Years

Chivas Regal 18YO

(Usual Price: $158.00)

(Usual Price: $148.00)

(Usual Price: $168.00)

$118.00 per bottle

$108.00 per bottle

$128.00 per bottle

Rimapere Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2019, New Zealand

Castello Monsanto Chianti Monrosso 2016, Italy

Pale straw colour with a green hue. Fresh varietal aromatics of green citrus, basil and recently broken stones. Elegant palate feels with pure fruit flavours of citrus and green apple, creating a lovely salivating finish.

Ruby red with nuances of violet. Intense aromas of ripe red berries. On the palate, soft and elegant with flavors of red berry fruit, and a pleasant acidity that leads to a lingering finish.

Grape/Blend: 83% Sauvignon Blanc, 17% Pinot Noir $55.00 per bottle / $13.80 per glass

Grape/Blend: 80% Sangiovese, 10% Canaiolo, 10% Merlot

Gerard Bertrand Reserve Speciale Chardonnay, France

Gerard Bertrand Reserve Speciale Cabernet Sauvignon, France

Golden yellow straw hue. On the nose, fresh bouquet of citrus, ripe apple and white flowers. The palate features the same aromas on the nose; delicate with good vivacity.

Deep red with purple highlights. Aromas of black plum, cherry and blackberry, with hints of licorice, and a touch of pepper and mint. Solid structure with a lingering finish of fruity flavors that harmonize sturdy oak wood elements.

Grape variety: Chardonnay $65.00 per bottle / $15.50 per glass

$58.00 per bottle / $14.80 per glass

Grape variety: Cabernet Sauvignon $68.00 per bottle / $16.80 per glass

No limit on purchase. Storage of bottles capped at 2 bottles per month, per purchase, due to storage limitations. Not applicable for banquets and private functions.

F&B PROMOTIONS Mondays Cocktail Craze Enjoy 2 Cocktails* at special prices. Snow Ball $12.00 Screwdriver $12.00 Spritzer $16.00 Jägerbomb $16.00

Available all day across all outlets. *Applicable to same cocktail only.

Fridays Oyster Promotion – $30.00

A Dozen Freshly Shucked Oysters From 6.30pm onwards, while stocks last. Available across all F&B outlets except The Padang Restaurant.

Wednesdays Black Mussels Promotion

Black Mussels with White Wine Sauce and Garlic Bread


Black Mussels with Saffron Cream Sauce $15.80 and Garlic Bread Available from 6pm onwards, every Wednesday across all outlets.

The above promotions are not valid during major Club events and on the eve of Public Holidays. Not applicable for banquets and private functions. All promotions are subject to change.


The following Tuesdays at 8pm: 7 July 21 July 4 August 18 August Gather your family and friends to test your wits, have fun and form new friendships!

Screenshots o

f past Virtual

Quiz Nights:

29 May

12 June

For more information and to register, please email or register directly via this link:



Celebrations at The Padang The Singapore Cricket Club is a national treasure and a wellknown club, which was established in 1852. The Club, sits on the iconic Padang, a public space that has witnessed many of Singapore’s special events since its independence, including National Day parades on 9 August.

National Day Parades at Padang since 1966 National Day celebrations with a parade featuring the marchpast of military and civilian contingents were held yearly at the Padang from 1966 to 1975 until NDP was decentralised and held at 13 selected centres across Singapore. The NDP was celebrated at the National Stadium for the first time in 1976 and thereafter at the Padang, National Stadium, Marine Bay Floating Platform (first was in 2007), or Sports Hub (only in 2016) with the exception of 1977, 1979, 1981 and 1983 at decentralised sites. In this issue, we look back at how the Club has enjoyed a frontrow seat in commemorating the nation’s celebrations over the years as Singapore marks its 55th year of independence.

1945 Some of the spectators at the victory celebration after the war on 10.10.1945. Photo Credit: David Ng Collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore

1966 Lion dance performance on the field. Photo Credit: Ministry of Information and the Arts Collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore




1967 President Yusof Ishak inspecting the parade in a Land Rover. Photo Credit: Ministry of Information and the Arts Collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore

1968 Spectators watching the parade from the STUMPS terrace, some using chairs and umbrellas to shelter from rain. Photo Credit: Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts Collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore

1968 Cadet Corps contingent marching past SCC, along Conaught Drive. Photo Credit: Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts Collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore

1969 National Day Parade Rehearsal at the Padang: People’s Association and Singapore Police Force bands playing on the field. Photo Credit: Ministry of Information and the Arts Collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore






Convenor: Sunita Kapoor | Article by: Cindy Cindy Raman Raman

The SCC Balut Section on tour in Sarawak, Malaysia, last year.

A BRIEF HISTORY OF BALUT Extensive research has been done in trying to determine the origins of the game of Balut. One source found evidence that some form of the game of Balut dated as far back as Ancient Roman times. American GIs, at the end of World War II, would meet at the Airport Hotel in the Philippine city of Tacloban to play poker. The game of Poker Dice was born one evening when no cards were available. Stranded at the Airport Hotel, two Danish businessmen realized that poker dice could not be played effectively by just two players, so they started playing a new game with regular numbered dice. After several hours of playing and imbibing, they created the rules for this new game. Try as they might, they could not come up with a name for the game. Along with the hotel owner Eddie Woolbright, the two Danes decided to take an evening stroll to clear their heads, and whilst doing so came across a street vendor promoting his wares, shouting out “Balut, Balut!” The three men looked at each other and smiled! They had found the name for their new game. Eddie relocated to Cebu City and introduced the game to the British Club. In the mid-sixties, Captain Tony Church brought the game of Balut to Singapore, to the now defunct Jan’s Café where it became a weekly Saturday affair. Some of these Balut regulars introduced the game to The Singapore Town Club (STC) in 1973. Five years later, in 1978, the club’s chairman Ng Kian Fong and a gentleman named Tony Church established the current STC rules of Balut. The popularity of the game spread throughout clubs in Singapore, specifically to the Singapore Cricket Club (SCC) and The Singapore Recreation Club (SRC). The SCC has the privilege of claiming to be the first club in Singapore to form a Balut Section.

THE SCC BALUT SECTION We meet every 2nd Tuesday of the month at The Gilmore Room at 7pm. The games begin at 8pm, after Section Members and guests have feasted on a scrumptious “Makan Kechil”. We play six rounds of Balut each Section night amidst laughter and copious amounts of drinks. At the end of the evening, prizes are awarded to the top three players and the players with the highest and lowest individual scores. Some of the events the Section is involved in include The Interclub League, held at different clubs throughout Singapore. Overseas tournaments are also a regular feature of the Balut Section. We have also started an Intersection Tournament. During the Covid-19 lockdown we have not been able to meet; however our Convenor, Sunita, has been busily posting cooking demonstrations on the SCC Facebook page!

For more information and to join the SCC Balut Section, please contact Balut Convenor Sunita Kapoor at 9636 4539 or Balut Secretary Cindy Raman at 9235 2827.



The Section in Kota Kinabalu in November 2019.



Convenor: Ganesh Ramanathan | Article by: Ganesh Ramanathan

DID YOU KNOW: 1. The earliest form of bowling known to exist has been traced back to ancient Egypt around 5,000 B.C. The ancient Egyptians rolled stones at various objects with the goal of knocking them over, like playing skittles with round stones. Over time, varieties of bowling emerged. 2. Lawn Bowls (or Bowls as it is now commonly known as) has been played in England since the 12th / 13th Century A.D.. It waxed and waned in popularity until the mid-19th Century, when it experienced a revival, especially in Scotland. The Scots developed flat greens and drew up rules that remain largely unchanged. 3. The oldest lawn bowls green still in existence since 1299 A.D. is in Southampton, England. 4. Among the earliest bowling associations established is the Royal Victorian Bowling Association (Australia) in 1880, and the Scottish Bowling Association in 1892. 5. The International Bowling Board was formed in 1905. Founding members were Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales. In 1928, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and USA were admitted. 6. Member countries of World Bowls today stand at 53, ranging from Argentina to Zimbabwe. Singapore is a member, together with 11 other Asian countries (Bangladesh, Brunei, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Macao, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines & Thailand). 7. The ball (known as “bowls”) were originally made from dense wood lignum vitae – hence the term “woods”. Most bowls are now made from hard plastic composite material, which has expanded the colour range. 8. The jack, which is the target, is a smaller sized ball which is usually white or yellow in colour. It is also known as the “kitty”. 9. Bowls was initially an outdoor sport. However, since the northern and southern countries have winter and summer seasons, where it may be too cold / wet or too hot to play outdoor bowls, they constructed sports halls to play bowls indoor. In Singapore, we have outdoor bowling greens at SCC, Tanglin Club and at Kallang, and a smaller sized green at the Sports Hub. 10. In the past, the sport of bowls had a very strict dress code. The outfits had to be white in colour and starched. Over time, it was relaxed, partly to attract more people to the sport. 11. Bowls was introduced at SCC in the 1870’s, and competitions were held since 1898. 12. Bowls’ broad appeal is that it is a game for people of all ages and abilities, from young children to older adults. It is all embracing. It does not require special strength or athletic ability. 13. Twelve - the number of SCC bowls section member - married couples who are still actively playing the sport. One of the highest proportion among SCC Sports Sections. Sources: a. TeAra (The Encyclopedia of New Zealand); b. Vale of Leven Bowling Club; c. Bowls Canada Boulingrin; d. Trad Games; e. World Bowls; f. SCC JUL / AUG 2020 THE PADANG




Convenor: Edith Somogyi | Article by: Charles Macgregor

COVID-19 UPDATE The Bridge Section continues to play a tournament every Monday night virtually on Bridge Base Online. Carl, our Director, continues to keep things interesting with the introduction of themes from time-to-time. A recent one being “Either you Capelletti or you D.O.N.T.” (bridge humour). The participation in these sessions has been immense with the number of pairs rising from 13 in our first game to 26 recently. In addition to Monday evenings, individuals have organised ad-hoc tables on weekday afternoons on an increasingly frequent basis. This has proved to be popular with some of us who find this time slot more convenient.

IN MEMORIAM: PHILIP DUCKWORTH Philip and Christiane, his wife of 48 years, joined SCC in May 2019. They both joined the Bridge and the Golf Sections and participated in various competitions, and represented the Bridge Section in the 2019 POT games; they also very much enjoyed the SCC Heritage Charity Ball held last October. After retiring from his career with HSBC, with a final posting in Hong Kong, Philip and his wife decided to move to Singapore in 2005. As a qualified barrister, he set up his own company writing wills for Expats. He was also active in the community as Vice Chairman of the Tanjong Rhu Neighbourhood Committee, the Active Ageing section of Mountbatten constituency and Chairman of the Camelot Council. Philip was also a golf referee and his Philip Duckworth. last referee duty was helping youngsters through a junior tournament at Keppel Golf Club on 31 December. Philip very much enjoyed his all too brief membership at the SCC; he was cheerful and a good sport till the very end, never asking for any concessions like a much preferred (usually N/S) seated position at the bridge table, or indicating in any way that he was battling cancer. He will live on in our memories.

LEARN-TO-PLAY The Section will be holding a beginners’ bridge course once the coronavirus warning has been de-escalated. This will consist of four 3-hour sessions on Saturdays and will likely take place in the Gilmour Room. The Section will send out an information poster once the dates have been finalised. The course will be open to both Section Members and non-Section Members.

WEBSITE Our website ( contains past results and will allow players to track their progress. The Club Bridge Section generally meets every Monday evening in either the Gilmour Room or the Victoria Room, and will recommence once the government measures have been relaxed.


BRIDGE ANECDOTE (COURTESY OF EDDIE KANTAR, BERMUDA BOWL WINNER 1977 & 1979) Too Tall Tex always looks in both opponents’ hands before the bidding starts. As a result he never misguesses the location of any missing honours. One day sitting South he is angling towards a small slam in spades. West has Kx of spades and wants Too Tall to bid a grand so he hides his small spade in with his clubs and let’s Too Tall see the singleton king. Too Tall promptly bids a grand, wins the opening lead, and bangs down the ace of spades. When the king doesn’t fall, he gets up and quits the game saying, “I don’t want to play in a game with cheaters.”





Convenor: Steve Dawson | Article by: Steve Dawson

A NOTE FROM THE FOOTBALL CONVENOR One obvious upside to the recent inactivity in the football section is that the Padang and Dempsey are looking as good as recent memory can recall. Let’s hope we can make the best use of them soon. Shortly after our return to the field, we hope also to present the Section with a unified kit to be tweaked as required by each team, with the plan that any player can seamlessly walk into any other team when invited, by simply bringing along their personal set of shorts, shirt and socks. Teams that wish to continue with their own specific designs do of course have the option to use those as and when they wish. We’ll also soon have lockers installed to allow the storage of excess kit and match footballs. Upon resumption, the Tigers, 3rds, Lions, Pads, Legends and NFL teams will continue to enjoy their evening and day-time kick offs as before and the unified kit situation will enable players from any of these sides to join squads that represent the Club in interports, regional 7-a-side tournaments and occasional friendlies against some of the top amateur teams on the island. But for now at least, there is no push to field sides in regular domestic competitions beyond the where the Tigers and our NFL team currently test themselves. One of our senior Section Members was in touch with the footballers at the Yokohama CA Club recently and they concede that like us, changing times have made it impossible to recruit sufficient young talent to have a ‘1st team’ that can compete in the top amateur leagues, as in days gone by. This trend is very much in line with discussions that have taken place with footballers at the Hong Kong Football Club and the convenors at the Royal Bangkok Sports Club and our neighbours at the SRC. We shall continue therefore to focus on providing social football that focusses on a high-quality footballing experience, with great convenience, enjoyment, environment and after-match experiences. The Circuit Breaker situation being so fluid, as I write this in early June, there’s every possibility that big changes will render our plans invalid, but an intersection tournament with seeding-based handicaps and a separate Welcome-Back-to-the-Section party are all in the works. We hope very much to see you all soon. Stay safe.

Steve Dawson Football Convenor





Convenor: Suresh Kalpathy | Article by: Scott Mckechnie and Arjun Kakar

What have we been up to… It is difficult to know where to start in sharing with our Members an SCC Cricket viewpoint of the weeks passed. As with so many friends & family, regardless of whether engaged in big corporate entities or operating small businesses of their own, these are uncertain times and our love and support goes out to all affected, whether it be personally, professionally or a combination of the two. As we will always endeavour to do, SCC Cricket have pivoted our program and, so far, managed to weather quite well the ultimate storm that Covid-19 has dropped on us all. Amongst the disappointment, uncertainty and heartache, there have been some incredible opportunities that have presented themselves at a time when we all need a little good news…

SIT DOWN WITH THE STARS Our premier initiative through this phase has presented unanimous success. Through our incredible Club networks (and calling in a couple of favours from our ‘friends of the willow’), we launched our maiden “Sit Down with the Stars” initiative in May 2020. Our six-week program included personable Member sit-downs (via ZOOM) with some of the world’s best cricketers of the modern era. Shane Warne, Joe (and Billy) Root, Sandeep Lamichhane, Henry Nicholls, Ryan Ten Doeschate and Johan Botha spent a collective eight hours on calls with our Members - junior & senior - talking all things Cricket including growth, leadership and experience as we brought the world’s best resources to your front room. The event was well supported by the membership with all feedback detailing that these “once in a lifetime” discussions added huge value to our more holistic program. We are pleased to report that the series generated some good profits, which during times like these, offer significant support. Given the immense success of our maiden series, we can’t wait to run a much enhanced Series 2 of Sit Down with the Stars – incorporating an A-List cast which, at the time of writing, is confirmed to include Wasim Akram, Ian Bell and Daniel Vettori. On behalf of the Section, our warmest of thanks for your support of this key fundraising initiative. We hope to have you onboard for Series 2 as we target raising further funds to support the Section through this uncertain phase.


“Sit Down with the Stars” - Clockwise from top left: Session with Shane Warne; Joe Root and our SCC Junior Cricketeers.

See next page some of the brilliant contributions presented through this phase. Congratulations to all competition winners and thank you for being such brilliant sports!

SCC CRICKET IN SUPPORT OF MIGRANT WORKERS Driven primarily by Hasan Jafri, together with a little in the way of support by SCC Cricket – we endeavoured to contribute towards better times for Singapore’s migrant workers who are enduring a more difficult time than most. A significant percentage of the migrant workers, who are so vital to the fabric of our little Red Dot, are from strong cricketing nations such as India & Bangladesh, amongst others.

Prior to the commencement of our “Sit Down with the Stars” initiative, we aimed to keep the children of SCC Cricket as deeply engaged within the game as possible via our interactive Home Engagement Program.

Led by Hasan, who so warmly purchased 10 Plastic SCC Cricket Sets for the workers, we have hopefully used Cricket as a vehicle to help move our migrant workers towards better days in a small way.

Pioneered by Head Coach Tim McMahon, our weekly interactions included “Mad Skillz Mondays”, “Wacky Activity Wednesdays”/”Workout Wednesdays” and “Funky Drill Fridays”.

Every migrant worker has a story. In this case, Govindharasu (an Indian National) is 42 years old and has been working in Singapore for seven years. His wife passed away in a small Indian town just few days back. They have two young children, 10 and 12 years old. The Indian High Commission & MOM are working hard to arrange to fly him back to Chennai at the absolute soonest. He will take home to India an SCC Cricket set for his children.

We had some brilliant engagement, with kids of the program taking on our challenges from the safety of their home with everything from Bat Taps, to Quizzes, to drawing competitions of our esteemed Padang and more!




Home Engagement Programe: Above from left - Aaryaman Swaroop’s catching drill; Competition winner Aslan Jafri; Some of the drawing competition entries.

We send our utmost love and support to Govindharasu and all the migrant workers in Singapore, through these unspeakably difficult days.

SJP SPONSORSHIP We are delighted to announce that we have entered into a longterm partnership with St. James’s Place Wealth Management Group. St. James’s Place are a FTSE-100 wealth management business, that put long-term relationships & advice that clients trust at the heart of everything they do. Since trading commenced in 1992, SJP have grown rapidly to become one of the most familiar companies in their sector, with over £108.8bn of client funds under management. Because every client has different needs and aspirations, Mark Reeve of SJP will offer personalised advice that covers financial, investment and tax planning, designed specifically for your lifestyle goals and stage of life. Mark will become a familiar face in and around the program across the coming seasons & we would encourage all members to use Mark as their primary contact for all their financial advice & wealth management needs – Mark is contactable at Mark.Reeve@sjpp. asia.

PETERSONS WINE TASTING A huge thanks to our friends at Petersons wine, for supporting our first ever (we think!) interactive wine tasting! On 13th June (and after Joe and his superb Petersons team had finished their ‘tour de Singapore’ delivering tasting samples to members across the country), we pulled together a group of

Migrant Workers Support Program: From left - Hasan Jafri and Govindharasu.

members (via ZOOM) and enjoyed the tasting of 6 quite superb wines courtesy of our Section wine sponsor, Petersons. A beautifully balanced mix of whites and reds were brilliantly broken up by one of the more daunting quizzes of the century, built by Social Secretary, James Kilbee. When I say daunting, only for some (cough) as our Captain of Cricket went undeterred through the challenge (amassing full points on the Geography round!) to bring home a 1-2 for the Cricket Committee, after Arjun Kakar had suitably cleaned up the pack (prior to humbly jumping out pre-Gold medal). For those who are not currently members with Petersons, we would recommend highly – Three times a year (for an absurdly low price), our friends at Petersons will deliver 6 sensational bottles to your door! You’ll additionally be entitled to significant discounts on general stock and looped in with some superb wine-frenzied events. Check out the Petersons


here: https://www.

For more information, contact Joe Keats at: JosephKeats@

ROUNDING UP… We thank you all, warmly & sincerely, for your incredible support in helping us weather this tough phase. We will need that support for just a little while longer in whichever ways possibly. Equally, we cannot wait to reciprocate that support on our return to full programming. Hang in there, all, better times are afoot. Above all else, stay safe and keep close to your loved ones. Yours in Cricket. Petersons Wine tasting.





Convenor: Bala Supramaniam | Article by: Ravi T Chandran

April and May 2020 have been very challenging months for the nation in general and, of course, for our Golf Section Members in particular. Surely, many of our Members have never been through such a ‘drought’ of golf since they started playing this most wonderful and challenging of all sports! Golf is the respite golfers seek from their usual pressures of work and, for the retirees, it can sometimes be the very purpose of their existence! Imagine the ‘sense of loss’ and, in some cases, sheer desperation on the part of the golfer who survives from weekend to weekend in anticipation of playing the glorious game and now not being able to fulfil it! The Section Committee Members, under the leadership of Convenor S. Bala, helplessly now witness all the events that they meticulously planned months in advance just going into the bin – one event after the next. First, it was the cancellation of the Padang Shield game against the Singapore Recreation Club (SRC) due to be held on 26 Feb at Changi Golf Club. All preparations were complete, the Padang Shield games were early anticipated by our Section Members, and Golf Captain Alvin Khoo was quietly confident that we could beat SRC. Second, was the cancellation of the social event (Golf Section Veteran’s Dinner) at the Padang Restaurant on 06 Mar that was organised to appreciate and perhaps even venerate the veteran Members of our Section who, despite not actively playing golf anymore, still support the Golf Section. Third, the cancellation of the golf tour to Bogor, Indonesia, from 02-05 Apr for which around 20 Members had already signed up and most had already booked their air tickets as well! Fourth, the cancellation of our match against SAFRA at NSRCC, Changi on 14 Apr. Fifth, the cancellation of the interport games against Royal Selangor Club (RSC) and Kluang Golf Club (KGC) from 23-26 Apr. Even the Batam tour which was an ‘ad-hoc’ arrangement to fill the empty slot in May was cancelled in anticipation of the circuit-breaker. Sixth, the invitational game with the Changi Beach Club scheduled to be held on 26 Jun was also cancelled. It is also unlikely that the game against Serangoon Gardens CC on 08 Jul would take place. Furthermore, the chances of having a mini-tour to Australia or Pattaya in August look very slim. Nevertheless, the Section Committee is still trying its best and continues to work (through WhatsApp discussions) in anticipation that we can still have the Annual Golf Championship at Seletar Country Club; it has now been decided that the best date would be 06 Nov when more restrictions would likely be lifted. Additionally, we also have the POT Games with the Tanglin Club in early October and if the COVID-19 situation continues to improve further globally, the overseas tour to Capetown, South Africa can,



hopefully, proceed and if not in late-October 2020, then maybe in Nov/Dec. Obviously, it is hard to predict from this point in time whether some or all these events will take place. Hopefully, there is no ‘secondwave’ of infections either locally or in target tour destinations. If there isn’t, then there is hope for touring again. Finally, it is pleasing to note that there is very active participation by Section Members in our Golf Section WhatsApp group chat. Topics ranging from the current state of geopolitics to racial tensions in USA layered over their struggle to contain the pandemic there and with copious suggestions for cures and vaccines! I am sure these discussions will continue well into when we actually start meeting and playing together again - happiness is…!



Convenor: Subhas Nathan | Article by: Kanan Packrisamy

SIX QUESTIONS WITH THE SCC HOCKEY SECTION! What is your sport about? Hockey is one of only 28 Summer Olympics Sports. It has been an Olympic sport since 1908 (i.e. from the 4th Edition of the Modern Games). Hockey is widely played the world over. A team sport that can be played on grass or on artificial turf. Like football and cricket Hockey is 11-a-sideteam sport. Each team must play a goalkeeper with personal safety equipment on or with 11-outfield players. Hockey sticks are made out of many materials, but carbon fibre technology is now the staple fare for sticks in the market. Personal protective equipment is needed for outfield players too, shin guards and a mouthguard and face mask for defending penalty corners are generally compulsory at official games. In Singapore there are close to 40 clubs that play in five Men’s leagues and three Ladies’ leagues. Close to 5,000 people play hockey in Singapore.

Why should Members try Hockey? What makes hockey amongst the most skilled sport to play is the requirement that you only play using the front flat side of the stick. This remarkable need for hand-eye-ball-stick combination with a ball 3 times smaller than a soccer ball which can be played on or off the ground makes hockey a hard sport to master. Once you have mastered it, it becomes a sport you can play for life.

How often does the Hockey Section meet? The Section meets once a month for a Section-wide social. We play an exciting match of mixed hockey on the lawns of the Padang before adjourning to light food and drinks at one of the Club’s restaurants, mostly the Courtyard.

What special events do Hockey Section usually hold during the year, Covid-19 aside? (i.e. overseas tours, tournaments, etc) The Section Committee meets Bi-monthly. Meanwhile, between 6 to 9 Monthly Socials events are held for the entire Section at the Club We attend the Annual SCC Sports Awards in good numbers (even when we have had a bad year on the results front, but lately these

have been few and far). We also host the annual Golden Balls, our Section’s AGM, Annual Dinner and Awards night. As a group, we support our teams in action during competitions. We also host the internationally-acclaimed SCC International Hockey 6s.

What competitions do Hockey Section participate in each year? We participate in numerous tournaments/competitions/leagues in a season: • National Men’s League 1, 2, 3 and 5 • National Women’s League 1 and 3 • National Junior League for Boys and Girls • Pesta Sukan, formerly known as Singapore National Games with 5 teams • National Indoor Hockey League for both Men and Women • Royal Bangkok Hockey Festival • ISCI International Hockey Tournament • SCC International Hockey 6’s with 4 teams • Woodenshoe Hockey Carnival (when it’s held we usually enter a Men’s and Ladies’ team) • Singapore Khalsa Association Veteran’s Tournament with our Masters Team • Singapore Indian Association Pongal Cup with our Masters Team

What has the Section been up to during the Circuit Breaker? During these strange times we have actually managed to keep the Section engaged via the following: 1. Fitness Plan via Strava, Zoom, calls and phone messaging: We have gotten more than half the Section on a fitness program. For those that didn’t have their own, we planned one for them. We also provided a nutritional guide and recipe, while a well-planned month long fitness plan was sent out. 2. Section Quiz Night via Zoom: We have 13 teams; on an average night 51 Section Members participated 3. Meetings via Zoom: Our Section committee and sub-committee meetings were held via Zoom

From left: Ladies clinched their first title in 2012 since 1996, a 16-year wait. This was also our coach Kanan’s first full year with the Club; Mens won the Woodenshoe Hockey Carnival in 2019.





Convenor: Henry Winter | Article by: Christopher Ellis


SCC Prems and Tankards.

What is Rugby about? Rugby Union is the game they play in heaven – it is said to have originated in 1823 at Rugby School in Warwickshire, England, when during a game of soccer, William Webb Ellis decided to pick up the ball and run with it. Today Rugby is a global game for all ages, genders, sizes and backgrounds with many varying formats for all everyone to enjoy – from non-contact touch rugby, to the electrifying Sevens to the traditional Fifteen-a-side. In the traditional Fifteen-a-side form of the game, players can enjoy all the intricacies of the game – including scrums, lineouts, rucks and mauls! Rugby is played around the world by social and elite sides alike. The pinnacle of the game is the Rugby World Cup, which is contested every four years between the top international teams. Last held in Japan in 2019, it is the third largest sports event in the world after the summer Olympics and the Football World Cup.

What is it about Rugby that is so interesting/exciting that Members should consider trying it? Rugby is a distinctive sport, which is underpinned by values of integrity, passion, solidarity, discipline and respect. It is a team sport that delivers significant social and health benefits. It can however be physically demanding and players should be physically and mentally prepared, and understand how to play safely in accordance with the Laws of the game. At the SCC we are one rugby club – comprising our Touch, Sevens and Fifteen-a-side men’s, women’s and children’s teams. We pride ourselves on having a strong, open, inclusive and welcoming culture. SCC Rugby’s values define us and who we are as a rugby club. We consider that teamwork is essential to rugby at the SCC - we play for our teammates and not just ourselves. We take pride in our team and our jersey, and understand that rugby is a team game in which every player has a part to play. We also encourage players to enjoy training and playing with us



– both on and off the field! We are inclusive and welcome others. We use our sport to adopt a healthy active and social lifestyle. We safeguard our young players and seek to ensure that they have fun with the rugby. We enjoy being part of SCC Rugby and part of the global rugby family. Mutual respect, responsibility, discipline and good sportsmanship are the foundations upon which successful rugby clubs are built – and at the SCC it is no different. Rugby is a sport where we get out as much as we put in. It is also an opportunity to earn the respect of others by the way we behave. We treat match officials with respect and accept their decisions as final. We respect opposition players, coaches and supporters – and always invite them for a drink with us afterwards. We value the time and effort our coaches and managers put in and treat the Club and its staff with good manners and respect. Here at the SCC, we play hard, honest and fair. We honour the values and traditions of this great game – especially camaraderie with our teammates, our opposition and members of the rugby community around the world.

How often does the Rugby Section meet? The Section meets at various times throughout the year. • The Men’s sides – the Prems, the Tankards and the Lions – train on the Padang on Tuesday and Thursday nights during the Singapore National League rugby season (November to March). • Our Veteran’s – the SCC Growlers – play in the Muddy Penny Cup, which runs either side of the men’s season (September to October, March to April). • The Under 19s play and train at Dempsey and complete in a league running August to October. • SCC Touch Rugby also train on Tuesday and Thursday nights on the Padang and play in several competitions throughout the year. • The SCC Academy – which operates a junior Rugby program for boys and girls from age three to 18 years and a Touch Rugby program for girls aged six to 18 years – trains and plays at Dempsey on Thursdays and weekends.


• The SCC 7s train and complete throughout the year, culminating in the SCC International Rugby 7s. Outside of scheduled trainings and matches, the Section is very sociable and regularly meets at Stumps Bar to discuss the finer points of the game.

What special events do Rugby Section usually hold during the year, Covid-19 aside? The SCC Rugby Section holds many special events during the year. The pinnacle is the SCC International Rugby 7s – now in its 73rd year – in which teams from around the world complete for the Ablitt Cup. During the regular playing season, our three main events are Captain’s Cocktails, Ladies Day and the End of Season Dinner (as well as regular boat races and Kangaroo Court sessions). Touring is also an important part of playing rugby for the Singapore Cricket Club. But for Covid-19, our touring team – the Nomads – would have undertaken its first major tour in years to the Pacific Northwest, with fixtures against the Vancouver Rowing Club and the Seattle Saracens – and socializing with our friends from the Royal Canadian Navy. We look forward to the rescheduled 2021 tour. We also play touring matches during the year – the last being to Hanoi where we played the Hanoi Dragons and to Kuala Lumpur where we played the KL Tigers. Depending on travel restrictions, we are due to play an interport fixture against Hong Kong Football Club, which may hopefully coincide with the Hong Kong Sevens – watch this space.

What competitions do Rugby Section participate in each year? The SCC Rugby Section competes in several competitions throughout the year, including: • SRU Men’s National League • SRU Men’s Development League • The Muddy Penny Cup • SRU Under 19s Tournament • SRU Club 7s • The SCC International Rugby 7s • Junior Rugby Clubs Singapore (JRCS) Rugby and Touch leagues • Fitlion National Touch League

What has the Section been up to during the Circuit Breaker? We have been very active during the Circuit Breaker period, conducting everything from Zoom quizzes, to Tiger King lookalike competitions, to the weekly Sunset Sweat fitness sessions conducted by club legends Jay-Hykel Jailani and Marah Ishraf.

From top: SCC Lionesses Touch Side, SCC Rugby players in action; Social media publicity for a Sunset Sweat fitness session held during Circuit Breaker.





Convenor: Soenke Langhoff | Article by: Soenke Langhoff

19 QUESTIONS WITH FORMER ATP PLAYER & SCC MEMBER, GUILLERMO OLASO In this edition, we want to introduce you to one of our newest Tennis Section Sports Members and by far the strongest player addition within the SCC ranks. We are fortunate that Guillermo Olaso decided to join SCC. He is a former ATP player, once ranked 167 (July 2011). His power game and finesse have been a great addition to SCC Tennis A team who has a few very young and aspiring talents who are still rising on their level of tennis. As you have read in the last Padang edition, Guillermo joining the club has immediately paid off. The A-team won the STA Inter Club Singles competition just before the season was halted due COVID. This Premier Tennis title hasn’t been won by SCC for years, so the joy of winning it this year under this tough condition was even greater. Now, see (or perhaps we should say, read) for yourself as we ask Guillermo some question to get to know him better.

Who are you and where you from? Hi, I am Guillermo Olaso, I am 32 years old, and I was born in Bilbao, Spain.

At what age did you start playing tennis? I started having group lessons when I was 5 years old.

How did you get started playing tennis? I started early because as a family we were members of a country club, so I would be there all the time hitting balls against the wall with other kids and playing other sports too. I am the youngest of 4 siblings and I would be watching them playing tennis from outside the court so I wanted to do what they were doing; as soon as I was eligible my parents signed me up for group lessons.

What role did your parents play in your tennis life? They played a big one: Both my parents love tennis and I got involved in the sport thanks to them; my mother even competes herself on the international seniors tour and won the +60 senior Spanish National Championships. My older sister and brother also played tennis professionally - both held a ranking in ATP and WTA. I come from a tennis family, and it was easier for me as we had the experience of my older siblings.

When and where did you earn your ATP point? What was going through your mind? Every tennis player remembers the moment they crack the rankings. Mine happened in Antalya, Turkey, in April 2006. I remember I was the underdog and had nothing to lose. I just turned 18, I was young and very hungry at that time and I played a great match winning in straight sets. I was super excited, and it was also relief to achieve that; I knew the beginning of a journey had just started.

What was it like being on the tour (good and bad)? The best thing of playing pro tennis is that your living your childhood dream - you playing tennis for a living, you love the sport and you start to see some things come true that you never even imagined of as a kid, like being in the locker room with Federer or playing a tournament you were watching on TV a couple years ago. I felt very blessed to have had the opportunity to live that life, even if I didn’t achieve the very very top of the sport.



The worst thing is definitely the traveling bit. You live out of a suitcase and in hotel rooms. You miss your own bed and your loved ones. Training is also hard, waking up with pains almost every day is not fun! Also, the stress and pressure you have to deal with, making the journey not always enjoyable. You always want better results and it’s never good enough. The players who deal with all these emotions better are the ones who succeed.

Are there any tennis players you look up to? When I grew up it was Sampras and Agassi but right now as a fan I enjoy watching players that put on a show. For me tennis is fun and entertainment and not a boring game where players don´t connect with the fans.

What has been your best moment on the tennis court? As a kid, me and my parents used to drive every year 600 km from Bilbao to Barcelona to watch the ATP 500 event there. I saw players like Sampras, Kafelnikov and other legends of the sport playing there. When I got to play in that tournament myself, and my parents were watching on the stands, that was one of the best memories I have.

What was your best win? It is not easy to pick one, I am proud of my doubles wins over Kevin Anderson or Nicolas Massu who is a 2 times Olympic gold medallist. In singles, I remember beating Dmitry Tursunov, David Goffin, Roberto Bautista-Agut or Dustin Brown.


Did you play in the Grand Slam? I did. I played 9 times but the qualifying draws. 3 times in Wimbledon, 2 in Australian Open, 2 times US Open and 2 times French Open. New York was the first one and it was also my first time in the US, so it was an amazing experience. I was one of the latest players to get accepted into the draw so I only got to New York a day before my match, it surprised me a lot that once I entered the locker room, I saw Del Potro, Nadal, Wawrinka. They were all already there training 7 days before their matches to get used to the conditions!

Single or double backhand – which one is better? Tricky one, I would say at the current speed that the game is played, the two handed is more useful. It´s easier to return and much easier to take the ball on the rise and that´s why the majority of players use the two handed. However, single handed backhands can generate more pace from a slow ball and have more variety as they mix up with the slice more often. I hope the one-handed backhand doesn’t become extinct as it’s so beautiful to watch!

people might think and having the right food in you is key. This is something that players 15 years ago didn’t care as much as now. I eat Gluten and most players do, but probably rice and fish is the main food for most tennis players, who require a lot of carbohydrates during the day. My super food would be spanish tortilla (omelette).

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you have given yourself when your career started? The best advice that I would give my younger me is to believe in myself and to not put any limits on what I can achieve. I think if you doubt yourself of being able to get somewhere, for sure you are not going to get there.

If you could change one tennis rule, which one would it be? The serve has become more and more powerful over the years. When tennis rules were created, I don’t think they believed players would be acing 30 times in a match and serving at 240 km/h. So maybe a rule change about serves like serving from a further distance behind the baseline. Also, matches can take too long, and everyone likes to see mostly the deciding moments of a match. Maybe shortening the sets to 4 games for example?

Are you nervous when you play tennis or how do you overcome your nerves on the tennis court? Yes, I think everyone has a bit of nerves every time you play a match. You are hoping to do well and that creates some stress in you. If you have been training hard and you have been focused, that would give you more self confidence that you are prepared to perform and deliver. I always like to start the match rallying with my opponent, as I feel once I start moving around and hitting balls my nerves slowly disappear and allow me to play freely. Also not overthinking helps a lot. There are many times in tennis when you need a blank mind to just execute, and overthinking can go against you!

What's a typical tennis training session for you? Are there any other types of exercises/ sports that you do? Training as a pro involves a lot of repetitive drills in order to get the consistency you need. Right now, as I don’t compete as much as before, when I train I focus more on match play as it’s the most enjoyable part. But if you really want to improve, you need to add sessions that involve drills fed from the basket with a coach watching and correcting your every single move. When it comes to other sports, I like to play football and any other physical sports like squash or basketball. One of my passions is go-karting, and I recently picked up boxing too.

How important is nutrition to maintaining and improving performance? Gluten free or not? What is your super-food?

If you weren’t a tennis player, what would you like to be? I always dreamed of being an athlete as most kids in Spain do, maybe a footballer or a motorcycle road racer!

What do you think of the state of tennis play in Singapore and how can we improve further? Unfortunately, sports doesn’t play an important role in Singapore, and tennis is no different. In general, the level of tennis in Singapore is very far from any first world country, and there are barely people playing between 18-35 years old. It´s mostly young teenagers or adults over 40. There needs to be more competition created, people need a motivation to train and get better. There are barely any tournaments in Singapore and people lose interest. We also need more qualified tennis professionals to share this passion to students. That’s why I created recently my own tennis academy called Olaso Tennis, in order to try to improve the standard of tennis in Singapore.

What brought you to Singapore? One of my best friends played college tennis and got a job at Microsoft here. I was always in touch with him and he recommended me to join him. Once I got here, I realised tennis was still developing in the country and the challenge motivated me. I will always be grateful to him as moving to Singapore has been one of the best decisions of my life.

Eating right is important if you are pushing your body to the limit. Tennis at a high level is way more physically demanding than JUL / AUG 2020 THE PADANG




Convenor: Sarat Chandran | Article by: Jodee Lee

With activities suspended during the lockdown, our Section Members are missing the days of working up a good sweat from squash sessions down at SCC. At this time of writing, our Members are looking forward to the possibility of squash courts opening up at the club or around Singapore in the not too far future. After all, it is a sport that can be practiced alone without a second player.

WHAT IS SQUASH? For those who may not have tried squash before, it’s one of the highest calorie-burning sports, and has been dubbed by Forbes magazine as the healthiest sport in the world. Players take turns to hit the ball within a four-walled court with a teardrop / ovalshaped racket. The ball needs to be hit against the front wall but can do so after rebounding against any of the other 3 enclosing walls. The player that fails to make a shot during his or her turn (after a maximum of one bounce of the ball against the ground) loses a point. Squash is a fast-paced game which requires agility, fitness, flexibility and wit. Squash isn’t as popular as tennis and badminton in Singapore, and mind-bogglingly has not been included in the Olympics. Nevertheless, the SCC Squash Section has been very active and has a good mix of squash players with different grades.

ABOUT SCC SQUASH SECTION The Squash Section has different nights of the week set aside for club nights (Mixed club nights, Mens’ Night, Ladies’ Night) and also holds monthly socials on Saturdays. The Section takes part in various competitions and friendlies throughout the year. The main tournament which SCC Squash actively participates in is the National Squash League. We participated in all grades in the NSL, entering 11 teams in 2019. Annually we also participate in the Cosmopolitan League and a Triangular Tournament with the Calcutta Rackets Club and Madras Cricket Club. There’s always something going at the Squash Section. We’ve had interclub friendlies and well-attended overseas squash trips. You’d often also see our squash players participating in or turning up as spectators in local squash tournaments, or even banding together to form teams for regional competitions like the HKFC International 3’s. With Covid-19 preventing us from hitting the courts, here’re some photos from 2019 to look back on – we still have those at least, and our SquashTV subscriptions.



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57% of our Members are company directors, with the second largest majority being specialists and financiers holding senior key positions in the business community.


Total active membership of about 6,000, of which 55% being Singaporeans and 45% being expatriates from a wide range of countries including Europe, Australasia and Asia. SCC also has over 100 reciprocal clubs from all around the world, to which this magazine is sent.


Circulation – 4,000 copies Readership – 20,000 Frequency – Bi-monthly Issues: • January/February • March/April • May/June • July/August • September/October • November/December


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Business Hours

(Timings accurate at time of print but are subject to change. Please check with MSD for the most updated information.)

MEMBER SERVICES DESK Monday – Saturday Sunday

1100 – 2300 1100 – 2200

MAIN LOUNGE Closed until further notice. STUMPS Closed until further notice. THE PADANG RESTAURANT Closed until further notice. JACKPOT ROOM Monday – Saturday & Eve of Public holidays Sunday & Public Holidays

1200 – 2200 Closed


1100 – 2200

THE OVAL & VERANDAH Monday – Saturday Sunday

1100 – 2300 1100 – 2200

THE VICTORIA ROOM Monday – Saturday Sunday

1100 – 2300 1100 – 2200

COURTYARD Monday – Saturday Sunday

1100 – 2300 1100 – 2200

THE DELI Closed until further notice. MEN’S BAR Closed until further notice. GYMNASIUM Daily

1100 – 2000

Members are advised to refer to the Club’s Bye-Laws for more information on attire. Club Rules and Bye-Laws are also available on the SCC website at and at the Member Services Desk. For sports attire, please refer to the Section’s Bye-Laws. Information is correct at time of print.

SCC Departments Direct Lines Events/Banquet Enquires: 6309 9115

Sports (Including facilities bookings): 6309 9110

Accounts Payable: 6309 9113

The Oval & Verandah: 6309 9116

Membership Admin: 6309 9114

Human Resource: 6309 9111

The Padang Restaurant: 6309 9117

Members’ Billings: 6309 9112

Club Management General Manager/Secretary Mr. Sean Boyle, BEM Email:


Executive Secretary/PA Ms. Jill Woo Email:

Financial Controller Mr. Ng Hong Leng Email:

Head of Sports & Recreation Ms. Janet Ng Email:

Head of Events, Sponsorship & Member Relations Ms. Cassie Wong Email:

Head of Property & Housekeeping Ms. Judy Ting Email:

Head of Human Resource Ms. Alice Tang Email:

Head of Marketing & Communications Ms. Trina Tan Email:

Membership Sales Manager Ms. Yvonnea Kok Email:

Executive Chef Mr. Raymond Lee Email: F&


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