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Club Departments Update

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The SCC management and staff have been busy during this circuit breaker (CB) period with day-to-day administrative matters, new measures and programs for the CB period, as well as strategizing initiatives for implementation after the Club reopens.

Here, we highlight what the Departments have been working on:



Menu Engineering and Conceptualisation

• Complete revamp of all menus in all F&B outlets. • This includes introducing new menu items and increasing the selection of Light and Healthy, and Vegetarian options. • More information for menu items will be provided, i.e. ingredients, calorie count, etc.

F&B Takeaway and Delivery

• This will be launched even before the Club reopens.


Sports Facilities Maintenance

• Both SCC fields, indoor and outdoor sports facilities including the gym continue to be on a daily maintenance routine during the Club closure. • Pre-open checks will be carried when the CB ends.

Sports Engagement Activities

New initiatives are being planned to meet the Club’s goal of expanding its sporting population. Sections and interest groups have turned to exploring and enhancing engagement with their Members through e-platforms like Facebook, video conferencing tools like GoToMeeting and ZOOM, section/ dedicated WhatsApp chat groups etc. Members who would like to find out more information on the activities, please contact sportsdept@scc.org.sg.

EVENTS DEPARTMENT The Events Department has been organising virtual events to promote Member engagement during this period. Our first virtual Quiz Night was held on Friday, 1 May 2020. We also organised virtual informative wellness workshops for Members, including the Virtual Wellness Workshop on Protecting Your Hearing on Monday, 11 May 2020. Updates on new events are publicised on our Facebook and Instagram channels.


Digital System and Information Technology

• We are working on fully harnessing digital platforms on processes like payment and documentation to further improve productivity and Member satisfaction. • Reducing and ultimately going paperless as our green initiative.

HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT Maintaining Communications with Staff

• HR telephones/emails are always available for staff communication. • Leadership communication is critical and we are providing guidance to staff to protect their health and well-being: o Alert to employee anxiety. o Keeping abreast of staff’s wellbeing especially if staff are unwell and on medical leave. o Ensure our Malaysian staff went home safely to be with their families at the start of CB. o Reinforce job security to boost staff morale. • HR is also ensuring that essential staff physically working at the Club remain safe and that we remain aligned with government measures.

Staff Training and Development

Training is critical for the build-up of staff operations to meet members’ expectations. One of HR’s purposes is to develop staff for career progression and development. Since late last year, six of our senior F&B service staff were trained in the “Train the Trainer Program ” in bar operations. When the Club reopens, they will work behind the Bars for cross exposure, and to be operationally ready to meet the ever-changing business needs. Training will be an integral part of our programmes for 2020 /2021.


Maintenance of Facilities

• During the closure, we have implemented measures to preserve serviceability and maintenance of the facilities and equipment. General maintenance of the Clubhouse continues with weekly repainting works of the Oval kitchen, Changing Rooms, and repair works, etc. • To ensure good Housekeeping, carpets at the Main Lounge and Oval were steam-cleaned. In addition, the upholstery of furniture at both outlets were also steam-cleaned and curtains sent for laundry. • More works are scheduled in the weeks ahead.

Exploration of Green Initiatives

• Have online subscription of newspapers and magazine and provide tablets for Members for reading. • Implementation of e-signing for Guests; do away with physical record books. This could also be implemented for gym users too. • Instead of physical menus, provide tablets at each table so Members can view menu digitally; possibility for

Members to place their orders via the application. • Planting of more trees on Club grounds.


Maintaining Communications with Members

• The Club is keeping Members updated on new developments and updates via eBlasts, and news and announcements on the SCC website. • At the same time, we are exploring other tools such as SMS service for quicker and more effective communications with Members, particularly for key news developments (e.g. Club closure and reopening).

Keeping Members Engaged with the Club

• During this period of social distancing, we recognise the importance of strengthening Members’ connections with the Club so Members continue to feel part of the SCC Family. • Via our Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, we have created and will continue to work on new content to engage with Members – i.e. Weekly Fitness Challenges, SCC Exercise Videos, SCC Cooks! Videos, most of which feature our own Members.

Website Updates

• We have been working with the Sports Department and Convenors on updating the Sports Sections’ webpages on the SCC website. • Other sections of the website will also be updated to maintain the freshness of our content.

“Train the Trainer” Programme by Milton Monterio

Conducted back in December 2019, six of our staff successfully completed the “Train the Trainer” programme. Besides further developing their professionalism, communication, and presentation skills, this programme also better equipped our staff to train others.

Honesty Awards

Above: Assistant Bar Manager Kenn Lee Boon Kean, Bar Captain Leonard Beh Chian Kit and Bar Supervisor Marimuthu A/L Vikenasenan.

From left to right: Bar Manager Cadelina Mary Jane Padaloy, Assistant Bar Manager Kesavadass Janice De Leon, Banquet Operations Supervisor Kesavadass P Chandran.

Tan Kuan Chye

Assistant Restaurant Manager Commended for finding and returning

Mr Tan Tiat Huat’s handphone.

Mohd Husaini Bin Rahmat

MSD Manager

Commended for finding and returning Mr Dennis Foo’s handphone and credit cards.

Doris Ng Lee Kain

Changing Room Assistant Commended for finding and returning a $50 note to Mrs Joy Robertson.

Vasathan A/L Samugam

Housekeeping Assistant

Commended for finding a Member’s wallet in the changing room and returning it to its owner.

Townhall, 5 March 2020 Staff Commendations Padang Restaurant

• Kesavadass P Chandran – Banquet Operations Supervisor


• Jerlyn Ramos Oliva – F&B Supervisor • Kenn Lee Boon Kean – Assistant Bar Manager • Leonard Beh Chian Kit – Bar Captain • Sam Seah Keng Cheow – Bar Captain • Uthayarasu Rajendran – Senior Waiter

Oval Restaurant

• Ahmad Bin Salim – Senior Waiter • Tan Kuan Chye – Assistant Restaurant Manager • Daniel Phua Hwee Cheong – Captain • Perreras Jennifer Trinidad – F&B Supervisor

Events & Sales

• Becky Xu – Assistant Catering Sales Manager • Jasmine Tan – Catering Sales Manager

• Serene Chew – Senior Membership Executive

Membership Department

Long Service Awards

Ganesen A/L Suppayah

Bar Captain (10 years)

The Club records with deep regret the passing of our Members.

Our sincere condolences go out to the families of the departed.

Mr Tony Kho Bun Kui Mr V Ramakrishnan

Mr Lim Teck Lee Mr Ahmad Iqbal Saddique Mr Philip G Duckworth


The Club would hereby make notice to all Members that the Club has terminated its current reciprocal arrangements with the Swiss Club with effect from 30th April 2020.

Affectionally known as Mike to many particularly at the Men’s Bar, long-time SCC Member and good friend to many, Denis Michael Yeomans, was a popular visitor in the afternoons where he would enjoy a couple of frames and a few rounds of drinks with the snooker boys. Mike joined the Club in 1980 and was a member for 40 years. He had always been a good supporter of the Billiards and Snooker Section and would take part in many of its Interport events. A model English gentlemen is how many will remember him. Always polite, always smiling and happy with an easy- going and gentle courteous nature that was a hallmark of the man. Rest in Peace Denis Michael Yeomans. We will salute you at the Men’s Bar when the Club reopens in June. The Section would like to extend our deepest condolences to Catherine and his family.

David Yim, Convenor – Billiards & Snooker Section

Michael and Catherine at the Billiards & Snooker Christmas dinner in December 2019. Mike was a Permanent Resident of Singapore with British Nationality and was admitted to the Singapore Cricket Club in 1980; he subsequently became a Member of the Billiards & Snooker, Balut and Lawn Bowls Sections. Mike first arrived in South Asia as a military man doing his National Service (NS) with the Royal Air Force (RAF) in Ceylon, now called Sri Lanka. Upon demobbing from NS, Mike worked for a large tobacco company in the United Kingdom. However the lure of the East was by now in his blood and Mike landed on Singapore shores to be further involved with the Tobacco and Spirits business eventually with Ballantine’s as their agent for the area. Through this firm Mike sponsored many Club tours and events with most of the Sections he was involved with. Mike was also keenly involved with the Sections’ yearly overseas tours, including the Hong Kong 7s. Mike, or perhaps “Snowy” as he was often called due to his shock of thick white hair, was a keen snooker player in the “old” Men’s Bar and this continued up to the present day in the existing Men’s Bar. On a fairly recent trip to Vietnam and belying his age, he acted as a 40 year old at F1 speeds on a motorbike and had to be dragged off upon his return to the hotel! Mike also frequented the Main Lounge with his trade mark “ready smile” and positive attitude where it was obvious he was held in high esteem with many Members surrounding him and his glass of “Burong” or perhaps a Ballantine from time to time!. Mike, rest in peace.

Ian Falconer

My regular drinking kaki at the Club, I miss him already! Expected his call most days, “Rob, you down at Club today?“ and we would be there at least 3 or 4 times a week in the Main Lounge having a few “ burongs”. We travelled on a number of tours together like the HK R7s, Balut trips to Bangkok etc. Great company and he will be very much missed by all his mates at the Club. Always a man with a ready smile and forever positive attitude to life.

Laurence Poots

He was a good old friend, low key and I can’t recall any outlandish spectacle or incident. A real GENTLEMAN, always a smile and a good word. Supportive of the Club. Rest in Peace Mike!

Rod Murchison

Robin Tessensohn

Mike and his brother Peter (who passed away about 25 years ago ) gave the snooker boys so many laughs with their banter in the old Men’s Bar!! He was part of the Old Boys Lawn Bowls group, having won gold with me and Robin Tessensohn (Team Balut) and he not having bowled a ball.

John Taylor

Mike was very much a people’s man, got on with everyone. I sincerely hope in the near future we can get together and raise a glass to one of the most genial and pleasant person we have all had the priviledge to know. We have lost a stalwart of the Club! I met Mike at the old Men’s Bar in the Club in the mid sixties with his younger brother. It was not long before I made him a member of the H.I.G.H. Club. Mike had honesty, integrity, generosity and humility. He will be missed by many . May his soul rest in peace. Deepest condolences to Cathy and family. Mike, lots of beers and cheers and “burongs “ wherever u are. We will always remember u.

George Sandosham

He was fiercely competitive at Snooker; never ever gave up. He would take his time and wear you out with his safety shots and pounce when you let your guard down. If there was only a blue, pink and black remaining and he needed 4 snookers, he considered the odds “good”. INFURIATING!!!

In Memoriam:

Annabel Pennefather

The daughter of two national hockey players, Annabel Pennefather played hockey for our SCC Ladies Hockey team in 1970s, and also captained the team. She also represented Singapore from 1964 to 1979.

In 2004, Annabel became the first female president of the Singapore Hockey Federation (SHF) and led the association till 2012.

She later on became the first female Vice President of the Singapore National Olympic Council (SNOC) and the first female Vice President of the International Hockey Federation (IHF). She also served as Chef de Mission for Singapore at the 2004 Olympics, the Commonwealth Games in 2002 and 2010, the 2006 Asian Games and the 2013 SEA Games.

She was an integral part of the-then SCC Ladies Hockey Section, and helped the Section grow into a force to be reckoned with.

Rest in peace, Annabel.

She was a trailblazer who pioneered the path for Singapore and other Asian officials, smashing many glass ceilings along the way.

Mathavan Devadas – Vice-President, Asian Hockey Federation; President, Singapore Hockey Federation, SCC Member

A demanding but fair person whose greatest legacy in hockey was the initiation and subsequent completion of the dual astroturf pitches at Sengkang Hockey Stadium when she was President of the Singapore Hockey Federation (SHF).

Intekhab Khan – Immediate past Convenor, Hockey Section

Sad day for all of us in Singapore as we lost a trailblazer and ambassador for sports as well as a great champion for women in sports.

Annabel was a class act, great athlete, intelligent, quick-witted, warm and graceful and had such an abundance of patience! A great mentor to many, including myself.

She will be dearly missed but fondly remembered.

Jessie Phua – President, Singapore Bowling Federation; SCC Member

Annabel was an important catalyst for my interest in the history of sport in Singapore. We worked together on the Women and Sport Working Group. She challenged me, in the nicest possible way, to find as many female Olympians as possible for a special celebration in 1999. This venture led to my first book: To The Finishing Line. Annabel was a quiet persuader!

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