Travelling News March 2011 ITB-Berlin Special Edition

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# 170 • YEAR 14


# 170 •YEAR 14

M O N T H LY T O U R I S M & F I N A N C I A L N E W S PA P E R • M A R C H 2 0 1 1 • F R E E P R E S S

Merkel-Papandreou look to tourism

Germany supports Greece What are the prospects for the Greek tourism product? By Vangelis Dourakis ermany is a traditional ‘caterer’ to the Greek tourism industry and in all likelihood has its reasons for doing so: The ancient culture and the glorious history of Greece, something that few countries in the world have to show, are very alluring to the German people. But not only that: It’s also the ‘individuality’ of having beautiful sites, that one would otherwise have to travel around the world to see, sandwiched in a few square kilometers of land. In this country you can find yourself on beaches that you think have been ‘transported’ from the exotic islands of the Pacific and Indian Ocean or in forests whose counterparts you may see in the Alps. And of course the unique colours of Greece fill your senses with their presence everywhere you look. As for traditional Greek cuisine, it remains a German favourite.However, due to the crisis that erupted, and with Greece itself being the focal point, the image of our country has suf-

G A special english edition with comments and travel news from Greece

Continued on page 2

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