Greece, a country which is part of the Wider Homeland called Europe, which introduced not only logic, the Olympics, Peace, Truce but also a country with a huge cultural heritage!
A country which beyond its ancient and modern culture, is known for its healthy Greek diet, its wines, its oil and aromatic herbs. The breathtaking, endless stretch of beaches and its
countless islands and more… so much more indeed …
So, Let’s Hellas!!!
Greece invites us all to breathe in her air, to share her amazing history and culture!!!
6. Greece….
Where the past meets the future
10-13. Things to do
Walking through time and nature
Travelling by train
14-35. Attica A Unique Destination
Worth Exploring
Athens-The City of Light
Athens Riviera Southeastern Attica
Pes Polytropon
Following Pausanias in South-Eastern Attiki
The Museum o Asia Minor Culture “Makis Agkoutoglou” Mesogeia – the land of our
Attica Wine and Food Experience
Western Attica - Eleusis
38-41. Mainland Greece Kastriotissa village