February 2014 SGNScoops Magazine

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Mc Cl e l l a nSi s t e r s Ma l l o r yLe d f o r d Fr e e ma n s a n dDi a n eWi l k i n s o n


table of contents 4

Publisher’s Point


Letter From the Editor


Creekside Update


Life, Love, and Legends


Megan’s Miracle


Legacy 5


Younger Perspective


Reflections with Sherry Anne


Mallory Ledford


Kelly Nelon’s Encouragement


McClellan Sisters


Can You Handle The Truth?


The Freemans


Crabb Family Reunion


Dr Jeff Steele


Dianne Wilkinson


Driving The Gospel


Hoppers, Mark 209 Concert Review


Christian Fitness


February Music Reviews


SGNScoops Top 100

91 Contributors

Our Mission SGNScoops exists to promote the gospel by unveiling what is intriguing and real about Southern Gospel and Christian Country music. With integrity, we aspire to strengthen Christians, highlight people who are fulfilling a call to minister and emphasize the music that inspires audiences and glorifies God. Publisher- Rob Patz Editor in Chief- Rhonda Frye Feature Editors- Sandi Duncan Clark, Lorraine Walker Layout/Design- Pete Schwager Cover Design- Stephanie Kelley Founder- Dr. Allen Smith


Have a SCOOP to share? For news consideration, email us at news@sgnscoops.com

Publisher’s Point by Rob Patz

It’s February and love is in the air. It’s in the shops, in the mail and even in the chocolate hearts that sit in the office kitchen. But the love that’s shown by cupids and chocolate hearts often isn’t the kind that is true, lasting and deep enough to survive the ups and downs of life.

I love the people that God has placed in my life that show me the kind of love that He wants us to share. Paul said in Romans 12:9 that “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.” Christ’s love for us is not a shallow, pink ribbons and red foil kind of love, but something that is real. To be sincere means to be free from pretense or deceit; proceeding from genuine feelings. Some synonyms for sincere are deep, unaffected, honest and heartfelt.

How many of us have a sincere love for those around us? The kind that remains regardless of circumstances or feelings? Jesus wants us to show that kind of love to others on a daily basis. I hope you have experienced this kind of love from others and I hope you have seen it exhibited by the artists we present in our magazine every month. I hope you hear it in the words we print and in the music our artists produce. I hope people see it every day in everything my staff and I do and say. For that is how we are known to be Christians, by our love for others. It’s that kind of genuine love that produces integrity in our lives. “Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity and dignity...” (Titus 2:7, ESV).

Happy Valentine’s Day. May you give and receive real love this year, the kind the produces integrity and dignity. The kind that our Savior showed on the Cross when He died for us. Real love, the kind that lasts forever.

Letter From The Editor “For the Love of Music”

By Rhonda Frye

Happy February, everyone! I pray everyone is staying safe this winter. I can’t help but be thankful for all the bus drivers out there hauling our artists from one place to the next weathering all kind of storms and road conditions. Last week I had to drive home in just an inch of snow and let me saythis Georgia girl had a melt-down! So- to all the bus drivers out there, thank you for all you do for Gospel Music! And while I’m on this subject, I’m really excited about an article in this issue of the magazine that highlights one special bus driver. Make sure you check out the article called, “Driving The Gospel.” You’ll see that it’s the love of God and the love of the music that keeps bus driver, Sam Cates going. It is so easy to get caught up in all the industry hoopla that we sometimes lose our joy and passion for the music. While visiting my mother-in-law in the nursing home, God used a sweet man in his 80’s to remind me that music is really all about the Lord and uplifting His people. We were gathered in the dining area waiting for the special entertainment to arrive. Unfortunately, the guest musician was fashionably late. While waiting, a little man slowly inched his way to the front of the room, then pulled out a song book from his pouch strapped to his walker. With a gentle and feeble voice, this sweet soul sang, “Softly and Tenderly.” Tears filled my eyes, as I slipped to the piano to accompany him. After we performed several hymns together, I had the chance to interview this servant. He had no idea that I’ve interviewed some of the greatest singers on earth or that I am an artist too- I kept that to myself! My new friend told me that he used to sing in church during his youthful days. He said he’d always loved the music. He went on to say that He felt God needed him to sing to the residents just to make them feel better. “Every night just before bedtime, I go visit a man that can’t talk,” he explained. “I sing to him every night. I sing to whoever I feel needs a

blessing.” I watched carefully as this precious man strolled to the Activities room, dug out a song book from his pouch and sang a solo. He had no expensive tracks, no musicians, no stage, and no spotlight, but he made people smile! He was welcomed although he wasn’t popular. He had no songs on the radio, no website, no Facebook fan page, no manager and no publicist. After his concert in the Activities room, he then made his way back over to me and sang “Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus.” Needless to say, he had me wrapped around his little finger! That hymn was exactly what I needed to hear on a day I was indeed doubting. Being in over my head in the industry, I couldn’t help but think how we over-complicate things. God taught me a few things that day. As an artist, He reminded me to be content to sing in the avenues He provides. As a magazine editor, He reminded me to not overlook anyone that is are out there ministering, but to help and encourage them. God also reminded me that He will use absolutely anyone that’s available to do His work and will provide the recipients! The most important thing I learned was that this sweet man will be rewarded just as much as our biggest names in the business- All God requires is FAITHFULNESS. That’s it… Faithfulness. Only He knows who is truly successful. This February, the month we talk about “love”- I pray that our industry falls in love with the music and the idea of sharing it for the simple reason of pleasing God and uplifting people. I do understand there is a business aspect to music ministry, but at the same time we overlook opportunities to give our music away to those that need it most. I’m praying for opportunities to just share it for love’s sake! If I can serve you in anyway, email me at rhonda@sgnscoops. com.








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By Rhonda Frye & Rob Patz We are so excited about Creekside 2014! We hope you’re planning to join the fun in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee on November 3-5, 2014. Creekside Gospel Music Convention will take place at the Smoky Mountain Convention Center and will host the 2014 Diamond Awards! We’re also excited about this year’s Diamond Awards. If you haven’t voted in the first round, please do so. Remember, the top ten nominees will be announced during a live streamed concert with our Chapel Valley friends from Pigeon Forge on April 3, 2014. Don’t forget, fans choose the nominees and the winners. Make sure you’re there at the Diamond Awards when the winners are announced. The first two years of Creekside, we were blessed with amazing talent, and this year will be no exception. We’re thrilled that many of our Creekside artists and fans are coming back this year. For some, this year will mark 3 straight years of attendance. The excitement is already in the air! Read what these artists have to say…

“What an awesome time we had at Creekside Gospel Music Convention last year! I am so excited to be a part of such a great Spirit-filled event this year! Please join myself and a host of other artists for a fun time in Pigeon Forge, TN! See you there!!!!” ~Soloist, Ava Kasich

“I am so excited to be a part of Creekside 2014. I love working with Rob. He is the real deal. He genuinely cares about his workers, vendors and attendees and bends over backwards to make sure you are taken well care of and happy. Through traveling on the road and working at many conventions and festivals, I do not always encounter the organizer that is willing to work with me like Rob does. This will be my 3rd year at Creekside and cannot wait.” Michelle Waldroup, New Life Therapy

“We expect the Creekside Gospel Music Convention 2014 to be the best one yet! We have been a part of every one of these conventions, and are proud to be

Creekside for the first time last year, and all I can say is… Wow- What an experience! I can’t wait for another full week of great friends, singing and fellowship.” ~Lauren Huckabee, Rhonda Frye And Riverside

sharing the stage with some of our best friends. This is not your typical gospel music convention...we actually look forward to being there! LOL!” ~Lisa Williamson, The Williamsons

“I am so excited that the Creekside Gospel Music Convention is continuing to build momentum. If we continue on the path we are on and if last year’s event is any indication, we should be packed out this year in 2014. You don’t want to miss it. Creekside 2014 in Pigeon Forge is a place you will want to be.” Tim Griffin ~The Griffins

“I am so excited about Creekside 2014! I attended

“I am thrilled to be a part of Creekside. We always have a great time with some of the best artist in Gospel music. The opportunity to be a part of the Lou Hildreth honors and Diamond Awards add to the great atmosphere of this event. It has to be a must see event for artist and fans alike.” ~Jonathan Edwards, SGNScoops Radio,

“Folks, we are SO very excited about being a part of 2014’s Creekside Gospel Music Convention! Mr. Rob Patz and all the gang’ over at SGN Scoops really put their heart into this wonderful event. We were privileged to be a part of the convention in 2013, and as a Christian business owner AND an artist I must tell you, we saw a lot of success and made so many connections there. It can only get better this year! Rob, Rhonda, and all the folks at SGN Scoops, we can’t WAIT for this event to come around this year. We’re looking so forward to it, and I personally am so thankful for all the work ya’ll are doing to change this already great GOSPEL MUSIC… for the BETTER.” ~Dustin Jenkins, DJS Music Group Nashville, Faith’s Journey

Life Love & LEGENDS “The Legacy Of Family & Friends”

by lou wills hildreth God has blessed Howard and me with a multitude of friends on this exciting gospel music journey. The final pages of my new book “The Lady & Her Legacy” lists about 500 names of many of these precious friends, plus it features beautiful colored photos of most of them. Howard and I appreciate the fabulous quality of this 100 page, magazine size, full color book, printed on high gloss paper

bring glory to the Father, according to the scripture Matthew 5:16.

by Printer’s Printer, Inc. of Knoxville, Tennessee. Our friend Dale Burress, owner of the company, gave us excellent service. He also has Ark Studios and produces “Southern Style Praise” televised on networks across America. Dale and his family are some of the many friends who share in any legacy I might have. We are thankful for the friendship of Publisher Rob Patz and Editor Rhonda Frye and for their passion to enlarge the boundaries of gospel music. It is an honor and a privilege to greet you each month in Scoops Magazine as I seek to “shine the light” of God’s love on gospel music and to

I present the “Lou Hildreth Award” to an individual who is making an outstanding contribution to gospel music. I had the thrill of giving 2012 “Lou Hildreth Awards” to two creative friends who are extremely effective in their efforts for gospel music-Rhonda Frye and Pat Mathis. Mark your calendars to join us for the 2014 Creekside GMC, November 3, 4, & 5, in Pigeon Forge. While there, Howard and I will celebrate our 68th wedding anniversary with you, our friends, at this great convention.

One of the most gratifying events of my ministry was the 2012 “Celebration Of 75 Years In Gospel Music” produced by Rob Patz at Creekside GMC in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. The Diamond Awards are an exciting part of this convention, and each year

Don’t wait until November to share all the fun,

PHOTO A: Rhonda Frye, Scoops Editor-in-Chief, receiving the 2012 “Lou Hildreth Award” for outstanding contribution to gospel music PHOTO B: Lou Hildreth’s “Celebration of 75 Years In Gospel Music” Creekside GMC 2012 Rob Patz, Lou, JP Miller, Jason Crabb, Rhonda Frye, Gerald Crabb PHOTO C: Pat Mathis, V-President, WATC-TV Atlanta 57, receiving the 2012 “Lou Hildreth Award” for outstanding contribution to gospel music

faith, and fellowship---join us in Branson, Missouri, on May 5, 6, & 7th for the Branson GMC under the leadership of Rob Patz, Coastal Media CEO. Howard promises to bring copies of the “Legacy” book. God bless you, dear friends. You are our “Legacy”. www.louhildreth.com gosplvideo@aol. com P. O. Box 271106 Houston, TX 77277

Megan’s Miracle By Dixie Phillips

I loved it, but it was draining. I was pretty exhausted most of the time and had no time for dating. When my producer introduced me to Ian, I didn’t think much about it—other than I thought he was really cute.” Megan’s overcommitted schedule kept her from going out with Ian, but that didn’t stop him from pursuing her. He was smitten and refused to take no for an answer. “He asked me out five times before I accepted.” God is still in the miracle business. If you don’t think so, just sit down a few minutes with Megan Owens, the wife of Soul’d Out Quartet’s bass singer, Ian Owens. She is living proof God still hears and answers prayer. Megan was born into a devout Mormon family in Bradenton, Florida, and later moved to Auburn, Indiana, where she admits to being her neighborhood’s social butterfly. “I had a paper route that should have only taken me about 30 minutes from start to finish, but I had to stop and visit each of my friends along the way. So it easily ended up lasting two – three hours.” Her outgoing personality coupled with her love for music paid off in her middle and high school years. “I was all about theater and show choir. It was my life!” When Megan was 20, she visited a friend in Branson, Missouri, and auditioned for a show. She was hired on the spot and within two weeks moved to Branson. “I was living my dream of being on stage.

Ian’s mother got involved and ended up orchestrating the couple’s first get-together. “We hit it off so well! I knew I wanted to see him again and tricked him into a second date.” After only three dates, Megan was convinced Ian was the man God had for her. “We were just sitting at dinner, visiting with some friends, but the whole time, I had this overwhelming feeling of adoration. I was so proud to be sitting with this man I hardly knew. After that, we spent every waking moment of every day together.” Megan thought it might be wise to investigate Ian’s career. She had never been exposed to gospel music and was trying to grasp what kind of “show” Ian was in. “At that time Ian was singing with Silver Dollar City’s gospel group—The Cumberland Quartet. I went to hear his group sing and was in complete shock the first time I heard Ian hit a bass note. It definitely was not what I expected! I fell more in love with him and the music!”

praying, and seeking God’s guidance.” After several Bible studies and seasons of praying together, Megan gave her heart to Jesus. “I am thankful for Ian for so many reasons, but I am most thankful that he led me to know the Lord in an intimate way.” Megan’s decision to follow Christ cemented the young couples’ hearts together even more. After a few short months of dating, Ian proposed during one of Megan’s shows. Shortly after, they were married in a small ceremony with their close family and friends. The years have passed quickly since their first meeting and three little ones have been added to the Owens’ household. “I can’t believe we have been married 11 years and have three beautiful, amazing, crazy kids. We are still super happy and deeply in love. We’ve had some pretty amazing years, but 2013 wins hands down!”

“Things progressed quickly after that. Although we loved each other and knew God intended for us to marry, Ian dropped a bombshell. ‘Megan, we can’t continue our relationship unequally yoked. I need to know you have personal relationship with Jesus.’ I was so confused and I didn’t understand exactly what he meant. We decided to dedicate our dates to studying,

In the early hours of September 16th, 2013, everything changed for the Owens. Megan had a subarachnoid hemorrhage, which resulted in a hemorrhagic stroke. “Ian had gotten home earlier than normal from his weekend singing. He had been home for about an hour, when all of a sudden, my head literally felt like it was going to explode. Imagine the worst possible pain, and multiply by a thousand. Ian rushed me to our hospital’s tiny Emergency Room,

peace.” Throughout the next two weeks in NICU, Megan experienced a roller-coaster of emotions. “I felt closer to the Lord than ever, because I knew without a doubt it was only through His grace I was still alive.” There were many times Megan’s pain was unbearable. One evening she had to have a new artery catheter and IVs put in. “It was very late when they did all of the switches. Because of all of the pain I was already feeling, and the new pain in my arms, I was anxious and unable to sleep. When my anesthesiologist, Dr. Teena, came in during the night, and asked how I was doing, tears streamed down my cheeks.” Even in their darkest hour, Megan and Ian were very open with their faith. “Dr. Teena sat beside me, held my hand, and prayed with me until I felt at peace. Only God could orchestrate that!”

where they performed a CT scan, confirming a brain bleed.” Megan was not completely coherent, but remembers looking at her children and praying, ‘Lord, please don’t leave Ian alone to raise our three babies.’ “In an instant I was rushed into the operating room.” Because of the nature of Megan’s brain trauma, she was not allowed any pain medication except Tylenol. The medical staff wanted to keep her as lucid as possible. She still remembers the surgeon drilling into her head. “I am sure they gave me something to deaden my scalp, but I could still feel, smell, hear, and almost taste everything. God truly had His hand over me from the very beginning. I was completely relaxed and at

After the doctor left, Megan decided to read from the book of Romans. The Holy Spirit ministered to her broken spirit as she read in Romans 12:12: Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. The Lord seemed to speak to me, ‘Megan, just do these three things, and you will be all right.’” This appointed Scripture became Megan’s mantra. She determined to take every chance she could to spread joy and hope. During extreme pain, she did her best to be patient, exercise self-control, and pray for the nurses and doctors before every medical procedure. Her vibrant faith didn’t go unnoticed. The medical staff

here a couple months later with full cognitive and motor functions. I am a living, breathing, walking, talking, modern day miracle! Literally, one in a million!” Megan attributes her miracle to the prayers of all the people who heard her story. “Literally hundreds of thousands of people from at least 17 different countries reached out to us. Words are inadequate. We are so thankful each one who prayed and those who contributed financially to the Relief Fund. We cannot thank everyone enough.”

would often comment the cheerful atmosphere in her room. “Through it all, God was with me.” As Megan was regaining her health, she was determined to learn all she could about her experience. The information she learned was staggering. “I have none of the risk factors commonly associated with a subarachnoid hemorrhage. I was even more thankful to be alive when I read the alarming statistics. Only .5-3% of people even experience this type of brain bleed, of that small percentage, only about 50% live through the initial hemorrhage and only 15% of survivors return to a normal lifestyle.

Last November, Megan went in for a final checkup. Her neurologist completely released her. “He told me a subarachnoid hemorrhage is always caused by one of three things: head trauma, a tumor, or an aneurism. After thorough testing, the cause of my hemorrhage could never be found. This is baffling to those in the medical field, but as believers we know the answer. God can and does still work miracles!”

With a heart full of gratitude Megan said, “Some may argue with my mental status, but regardless, I am

There is no doubt Megan and Ian’s best years are ahead of them. What Satan meant for a setback, God is going to use as a setup. Megan understands this and can’t wait to walk through the doors the Lord opens. “I am excited to see what God has in store for us. I am beyond excited to start sharing the testimony He has given me through this crazy circumstance!”

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A New Stability for

Legacy Five

Surprises are few and far between for Legacy Five. That exactly the way Scott Fowler wants it. “The older I get, the more I dislike change,” Fowler – Legacy Five’s lead singer and owner – says. “The people older than me tell me that doesn’t get any better. It doesn’t matter if you like it or not, it’s going to come. You have to deal with it and face it. As long as I’m the leader of the group and am the one with the original vision for the group, and as long as I am doing what I feel like God needs me to do, it allows you to have a great comfort and calm in the midst of change. He has it covered. He has a plan. It’s a plan to give me hope and a future, Jeremiah 29:11. My job is to do the right thing and stay out of the way and don’t mess up what God is trying to accomplish.” While Fowler hasn’t exactly embraced change, the inevitable hiccups haven’t steered the male quartet away from where he and co-founder Roger Bennett hoped that it would be when they started it 14 years ago. Fowler and Bennett were two of the five members of the final configuration of the Cathedral Quartet, which retired in 1999. Legacy Five came into existence

Excitement abounds over the award-winning quartet’s spring release By Craig Harris

in January of 2000. “It’s pretty much exactly what I hoped it would be,” Fowler said. “There’s no way to predict if people are going to like it. Coming from the Cathedrals, everything after that is a disappointment. We hoped we could do music that people enjoyed, and we hoped we could put together a group that people bonded with. You hope they’re going to embrace the new group and the individual members of the group, and you hope they connect on a personal level with the individual players in the group. Two of the guys in the (original) group were complete strangers to me and Roger (tenor singer Josh Cobb and bass singer Glenn Dustin). I’m very pleased with how people have embraced our music and the group. We’ve had some great friends who have stuck with the group in the beginning days and through the prolonged illness and death of Roger. Our friends have stuck with us through the tough times. We’ve regrouped and gotten a new face over the last few years, and people are still showing us and teaching us that they believe in us.”

his third instrumental project (following the 2011 release It Is Well and the 2012 Christmas project Tis the Season) – says. “They walked in in their khakis and with their shirt tucked in. I listened to (previous pianist) Tim Parton. There seemed to be something different about them. They were real classy...that’s just the word that comes to mind. I liked a lot of other groups. I loved Signature Sound, Gold City, but they were the only group I thought of where it was like, ‘I really want to be a part of that.’ One thing I like about it is the atmosphere on the bus. It’s so laid back. Everybody is so good at their job here, from their singing to everything else that comes along with a job like this... the way they talk to people and treat people. It’s just first class.” The 24-year-old Ivey and 31-year-old Fouch are the newest additions to the group and considerably Fowler isn’t the only group member who received what he was expecting. “When you are out on the road and you meet people at concerts, you get to know them a little bit,” bass singer Matt Fouch says. “You share e-mail addresses. You share phone numbers. You text. You get to know guys. When I auditioned and got the job here, everybody was how I met them. How they had come across in the couple of times I had met them, their kindness in that meeting is the same kindness that they show me now as a member of the group. It speaks to the fact that it doesn’t really matter who you are. They treat you kindly, warmly.” For pianist Trey Ivey, accompanying the quartet is what he viewed as a dream job. “I remember watching

them and how polished and classy they were before they sang a note,” Ivey – who is currently working on

younger than their cohorts. “It’s always scary when you have change, because you feel like whoever is there is the guy you want and who is supposed to be there,” baritone singer Scott Howard said. “Every time we’ve had to make a change, it’s been amazing how God has provided the person we needed. When Roger died, I really didn’t know if we would be able to go on. It was kind of the Roger show. We were just kind of the backup group. God brought us through that. If he can drag us through that, he can drag us through anything. The young guys we have now are mature beyond their years. We have good guys. Trey is really going to be good. He is at that nearly-genius level music-wise. Matt is already a great bass singer, and he’s not going to do anything but get better.”

Howard is running neck and neck with Fowler for the group member with the longest tenure.

singer Gus Gaches is one of the elder statesmen at the four-year mark. “My very first night was in Morristown, Tenn.,” Gaches said. “We were at Greater Vision’s home church. It was a New Year’s Eve service. I had already

“From the beginning, Roger and I had talked about doing something together,” Howard – who sang for 15 years with a non-professional mixed group prior to joining Legacy Five – says. “That was the dream come

true. I didn’t think it was ever going to happen. He was with the Cathedrals. I didn’t think he would ever leave them. When they asked me to join the group, that was a dream come true. I still feel like I’m where God wants me to be.” The relationship between the Scotts has transitioned from strangers to close friends. “Howie is one of those guys you don’t even have to say anything to, because you think alike,” Fowler says. “He knows how I think. I know how he thinks. We’re of like mind. Howie’s just one of those guys that sees something that needs to be done and gets it done. He’s a man of great integrity. I trust him 100 percent. I can’t imagine there being a Legacy Five without Scott Howard.” Howard adds, “He’s a great boss. He’s always been more than accommodating to all of us. I didn’t know Scott that well when the group started. Roger and I were friends. The first few years was just getting to know him. That’s the great thing about Legacy Five. We’ve always had a crew of guys where everybody knows what their niche is. Scott always makes it real clear to everybody what he wants done, but he lets us step into it on our own.” Though it’s well short of 14 years, suddenly, tenor

gotten the job at the end of October. The Just Stand project, they shipped the masters to me. I re-cut the tenor vocals, but I still had not done anything (live) with the guys. I rode over with the guys on the bus. I remember it so distinctly. Michael Booth was very involved in helping me get my foot in the door here. For some reason, it just didn’t sink in until Gerald (Wolfe, Greater Vision’s manager) was up there and said, ‘I want to introduce you to some very good friends of mine. Please welcome Legacy Five. Then, it hit me. ‘Oh my gosh, I’m a part of Legacy Five.’ I’m not a very emotional person, but it hit me. I struggled through the first couple of verses. I told them, ‘I want you guys to understand that you guys have worked like mad men to get it to this point.’ Here I am walking in and reaping the benefits of all of the miles they’ve put in. It’s funny, because now, four years later, I’m one of the old guys.” Fouch had an eye-opening moment during the early stages of his tenure with the group. “When we did Louisville Live (a DVD project), I had been with the group for less than two weeks,” Fouch said. “It speaks to how comfortable they made me feel and how good of a fit we were together that we were able to take something we sang less than two weeks after I started and feel comfortable enough to put it as a piece of product for people to purchase.

Normally, when you have a transition, there’s all of the unknowns. You don’t know what to expect really. You

don’t know the people. This feels right. It feels that it’s the way it’s supposed to be. Everybody works well together. Everybody gets along.” Fowler added, “We’re back at 100 percent. Everybody knows everybody. They have a good feel for what we do on stage now.” The 31-year-old Fouch has been with the group for approximately 20 months and was a part of the Soul’d Out Quartet for more than eight years before joining Legacy Five. The 24-year-old Ivey played for the Lefevre Quartet and the Old Paths Quartet before these last three years as a part of Legacy Five. For Fouch, one of the highlights has been having the opportunity to sing the timeless standard “Champion of Love,” which Fowler sang with the legendary Cathedral Quartet in the 1990s. I absolutely love singing ‘Champion of Love,’” Fouch said. “One of my first experiences singing that song, we were at a concert, and a lady and her granddaughter were sitting towards the front. They both just lit up and were singing along. To me, that was one of those moments where, ‘okay, this song, is ever how old now. The original singers of the song are now retired, but it’s still a great song and reaches people in different generations. They enjoy and love the song.’ To see the reaction when that song hits, they start clapping and smile. They love that song because it takes them back to a moment in their life. They love that moment. That’s part of the reason why

they love that song so much.” Gaches moved to the Nashville area – where Legacy Five is based out of – from California to be a studio

engineer. Prior to Legacy Five, he sang with Calvary Construction Company, the Imperials and the Lefevre Quartet. “I knew for a long time this was what I was supposed to be doing, using my talents in this way,” Gaches – who has worked in the studio with a legion of Southern Gospel artists, including Jason Crabb, Ernie Haase, Mark Trammell, the Booth Brothers, the Whisnants, Greater Vision, and Brian Free and Assurance – says. “I hid in the studio, but I knew for a long time that this was where I was supposed to be. It’s very satisfying. It is very fulfilling. It is a wonderful thing. I think Scott Howard has said it better than anybody I’ve heard. He said, ‘we sing for free and haul gear for a living.’ The set up and tear down is not the greatest thing in the world, but it’s necessary to do the greatest thing in the world and share the greatest message in the world.” Legacy Five had the privilege to share the stage with its fellow Jubilee artists – the Booth Brothers and Greater Vision – during the latter portion of 2013, doing 16 dates on the Jubilee Christmas Tour. The Jubilee gang performed approximately 25 total dates in 2013. “They’re our best buddies,” Howard says. “For it to be a run like that (of 16 Christmas dates), it’s really cool. It is fun to get to be around one another.” Fowler adds, “It is a contrast. It does give us something different. It takes us off of auto-pilot. It’s fun to have something change it up a little bit. It’s fun for us, and it’s very refreshing for us. I think that comes across to the audience. They see these guys genuinely

at their A game.” Legacy Five changed things up with its soon-to-be released project. “It’s going to be awesome,” Fouch says. “One of the cool things about it is it was funded by Kickstarter. It gave the people who are our friends a unique experience to get rewards in exchange for helping fund the album. That’s one of the cool things about the album. All of the people who contributed will receive a CD with an exclusive song for them on it, only for those people who supported the Kickstarter campaign.” The Kickstarter project was successful as the group eclipsed its goal of raising $25,000. It’s not the first time though that the Legacy Five fans have been involved in an aspect of the ministry. “When we needed to raise money for Roger Bennett’s first bonemarrow transplant – that’s a life or death situation – over $750,000 was raised in that campaign,” Fowler says. “That paid for all three of his transplants. In almost every situation, if somebody wrote a letter with their monetary contribution, they would almost always say, ‘thanks for letting us know about the need and giving us the opportunity to help.’ I never have forgotten all of those people saying thanks. On this Kickstarter, I thought we’d just try it and let them be a part of it. It’s optional. It’s a great way to get people involved in the creation of the music that they tell us they love and have supported all of these years.” Some individuals were able to have an even greater hand in the project. Individuals who donated $300 to the Kickstarter had the opportunity to be a part of the Legacy Five choir, which sang one of the project’s tracks. The project – entitled Great Day – has been in the works for a lengthy amount of time. “I spend multiple hours on end trying to find the right songs,” Fowler says. “That definition of the right song changes from album to album. You have to know that I have to have a couple of songs that radio is going to be really friendly toward. I probably listen to 1,000 songs to find the 10. It’s a weeks-long endeavor just listening to songs. Hopefully, the final 10 we pick are all great things that say what we want to say and accomplish what we need from the platform.” Gospel Music Association (GMA) Hall-of-Famer Lari Goss served as the producer for the spring release. “It had been about four of five years since the group brought in Lari Goss to do a project,” Ivey says. “The last one was Just Stand. It was a unique opportunity to work with a man of his stature. With his list of

accomplishments, he’s a musical genius. Scott Fowler does a great job of picking out songs. We all can bring a song. He gets sent hundreds of songs from the publishing company. There’s a lot of great songs that you have to say no to. When I’m listening to the initial mixes, it really gives you an appreciation for it. Everything is uniform, but it’s also contrasting. It’s not the same song. You hear everybody say this, but normally when you do a project, you might be thinking of staging a song. Everything on the project could be staged.” A few of the notable songwriters represented on the project include Don Poythress, Rebecca Peck, Dianne Wilkinson, Lee Black and Kenna West. Fouch also wrote a song – “Who Is This Man” – on the project along with Matt Rankin, who Fouch sang with while with the Soul’d Out Quartet. Gaches is excited about a song that he has the lead vocals on, “Christ Is Still the King.” The song was written by Peck and Wilkinson. “I have been here four years, and I haven’t had anything I can sink my teeth into that was mine,” Gaches says. “I re-cut ‘For What Earthly Reason.’ I told Scotty that I want to do something I can sink my teeth into. I remember sitting on the bus and hearing it for the first time. Two lines into, I said, ‘it is mine.’ He said, ‘I knew you would say that.’” Despite the changes that the group has endured, Fowler is still fulfilled in the work of Legacy Five’s ministry. “I still love what I do,” Fowler says. “There really isn’t anything about my life in Legacy Five that I don’t like. The thing that really stirs me are the letters that we get, that blow us away. To hear some of these people’s stories … I put these letters up on our web site – if I get permission – for people to read. You get these letters saying, ‘I came to your concert with the full intention of taking my life the next day. I had the plans made. For whatever reason, I went to your concert. God softened me. God created me for a reason.’ God literally showed me something mammoth at a concert. Those are the things that are really motivating. It’s great that we’re entertaining folks, making them happy and making them smile. What I really love is getting a letter like that and knowing that someone has been changed and moved like they haven’t in a long time. It’s knowing that you are doing something to where it’s making an eternal difference in lives.”


Eli Fortner

BY ERIN STEVENS As we dive further into 2014, I am so excited about all the Younger Perspective artists that will be sharing a more in-depth look into their lives with each and every one of you, the faithful fans. This month, I was thrilled for the opportunity to talk with the youngest member of the McKameys, Roger and Connie Fortner’s son, Eli. Enjoy taking some time to learn a little more about this talented young man. Erin: What does a typical week in the life of Eli Fortner look like? Eli: I start off with church on Sundays, spending time with my family. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, I work in my studio with my music; I love to make music videos! On Wednesday nights, it’s back to church. Thursday-Saturday I am on the road playing guitar and singing with my family. Erin: When did you start playing guitar? Eli: At the age of 7, but I have been playing on stage since I was 9 years old. Erin: Do you prefer playing electric or acoustic? And why? Eli: They both have their own completely different and unique personalities. Erin: Do you play any other instruments? Eli: Yes, I play drums, piano and bass guitar, along with always the enjoyment of trying out new instruments. Erin: Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Possibly playing in a group like your dad, starting your own band, working on the studio side, or all of the above? Eli: Any or all of the above. I wish to play music with my family for now, and see what doors God opens for me down the road.

Erin: What artists would you be found listening to on your iPod most often? Eli: Toto or Frank Sinatra…interestingly diverse contrast, I know! Erin: Were you home-schooled or did you go to public school? And what were the pro’s of that? Eli: I was home-schooled through ABeka Academy. The biggest advantage and definite pro of homeschooling is scheduling, because I am on the road a lot. Plus doing it in my pajamas with breakfast is a nice added bonus!


Erin: What aspect of living life on the road do you most enjoy? Eli: Seeing my friends, making new friends, and getting the chance to meet new people all the time. Erin: Who are some of your biggest musical influences? Eli: Favorite guitarists: John Mayer and Eddie Van Halan. Favorite drummer: Jeff Porcaro Erin: Since ministry is all you’ve known, how do you stay grounded in your walk with Christ? Eli: The best way I know how to stay grounded in my faith is by attending my home church on Sundays and Wednesdays, along with hanging out with friends who, just by their influence, build me up in my walk with the Lord. Thanks, Eli, for opening up your life to us and allowing the fans to learn more about who you are. I am thankful for the youth of today like Eli who are shining, Christian examples to young and old alike. May we all strive to surround ourselves with people who will guide us on our daily walk with the Lord. Until next month, Scoops fans… And that’s my take on it.

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R ef lect io n s with Sherry Anne

“Just a Spoonful of Sugar Makes the Medicine Go Down…”

A merry heart does good, like medicine but a broken spirit dries the bones (Proverbs 17:22) Since high school, I have loved the theater mask emblem that represents comedy and tragedy. How true to life! I have heard it said we are either laughing or crying; or, if you are like me, both—at the same time! Good times, bad times… easy times, hard times, happy times and sad times… all a part of life. One of Shakespeare’s most beloved (and quoted) monologues comes from his melancholy character, Jacques, in Act II of As You Like It: “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.” I think about the many phases of life from infancy to adulthood and it is apparent that, over time, our roles change. Often, it is towards greater and greater responsibility; only to have that responsibility decrease after reaching a climax in our “golden years.” I have also heard it said, “It’s how you live the ‘dash’ (the line between your birth year and year of death) that counts.” I like that! So how will you live “the dash?” The book of Proverbs in the Bible gives us many practical and insightful tips for advantageous living. For instance, Proverbs 3 offers guidance for the young, while Proverbs 5-7 discusses adultery and wickedness, and the remainder of Proverbs gives advice for wise living. However, as a chiropractor, fitness trainer and even as an ambassador for Christ, I am very interested in the “medical” and/or “psychological” advice found in this book. Verses like: “For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he,” (Prov. 23:7) and “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger,” (Prov. 15:1) or, “Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good work makes it glad,” (Prov. 12:25) provide a solid foundation of truth for many counseling sessions! Did you know that the Bible says, “A sound heart is life to the body, but envy is rottenness to the bones?” (Prov. 14:30, 17:22) And, believe me, in my line of work, I’ve seen rottenness of the bones! Have you read: “A fool vents all his feelings, but a wise man holds them back”? (Prov. 29:11) In just the few verses I have shared, I believe it is clear that there

is a way that leads to fruitful living. Conversely, there is a way that leads to strife, contention, and ultimately death as well. (Prov. 16:25) So, why not capitalize on the advice for productive living? Is there anyone of us who couldn’t appreciate the advice to laugh, or “be merry,” a little more to lift heavy burdens from our minds and our bodies? I remember when, a few years back, I had severe dizziness. The doctors performed every test imaginable (CT scan, MRI, MRA, blood work, X-ray, EMG, etc.) to find the cause of my profound symptoms. Being a doctor, I began to think of all the worst case scenarios and had myself convinced I was on the brink of death! “O ye of little faith!” Yes! I know!!! Anyhow, I had to wait TWO WEEKS for all the results to come back and it seemed like an eternity! I began counting the minutes, hours, days until finally I had worked myself into such a frenzy that I developed severe anxiety and panic attacks. The situation went from bad to worse. I tried reading Scripture, praying, doing deep breathing exercises and against my wishes, I even tried a tranquilizer. Finally, it dawned on me that, really, the best medicine for this is merriment. I quickly grabbed some of my old Gaither Homecoming videos featuring Mark Lowry and that did it. Over and over again, I would watch the comedic skits in an attempt to calm myself for bed. I would laugh so hard I would cry! At that time, I was living at home and I repeatedly woke up my mother from laughing so hard. After I wore myself out, I slept all night. Two weeks later, the results came back and everything was negative. The only thing I had was severe labyrinthitis (i.e. an inner ear infection). I stopped all the relaxation meds and continued to use humor, music, and a whole lot of prayer, to slowly but surely combat the panic disorder that has since remained. In closing, I quote Psalm 139:23-24 which reads: “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in my, and lead me into the way everlasting”—and to that I would like to interject, “lead me into the way ever laughing.” HA! Photo Courtesy of Steve Snodgrass

All About

Mallory Ledford By Tina Wakefield

In the ever changing times that we live in now when we see so many of our youth finding life and entertainment outside the church. It is refreshing to find one young lady of seventeen that finds pleasure working for the Kingdom of God. Mallory Ledford is from Cleveland, Tennessee and is very active in her ministry of spreading God’s love through song. Mallory made her first appearance singing to her small country church at the age of three when she performed, “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.” She accepted Christ as her Savior at the age of seven, and one year later at the “ripe old age” of eight, she began her ministry of song. Mallory may be young, but she has definitely accomplished quite a bit in her short time in ministry. She has so far visited over 500 churches, performed at “The Blue Springs Valley Gospel Singing,” hosted by the Singing Echo’s, and performed at the National Quartet Convention on Freedom Hall Stage. Phil Cross has included Mallory in“Song of A Lifetime” events.

This past summer she took the stage at “Chattanooga’s River bend Festival” on faith and family night. All of these performances are very dear to Mallory, but there is one that she will never forget- performing at First Baptist Church in Atlanta twice, and had the honor of meeting Dr. Charles Stanley. Mallory’s musical influences include legends such as Ronny Hinson, Phil Cross, and Karen Peck. She states that she loves both the old traditional music but also loves the new styles of today. Her favorite song to sing is one of Karen Peck’s entitled “Four Days Late.” Mallory says that when she sings this particular song she feels that she is actually there. She has a fondness for Karen Peck because in Mallory’s words,” She has encouraged me since I was little, I love her music and I love her. She is one of the few people that has taken the time to personally encourage me in my ministry and to continue singing.” She says of Phil Cross, “He has helped me in my ministry tremendously and has become a great friend and a blessing to me and my family.” Mallory was blessed to have performed in not

one, but two of Phil Cross’ ”Song of a Lifetime” events. Karen Peck and Phil Cross are not the only two artists that have influenced Mallory’s ministry - Ronny Hinson has impacted her ministry as well. She says that she looks up to Ronny Hinson because of his years of experience in the industry. Mallory says, “He has the ability to write a song that touches the heart.” Ronny Hinson was able to perform and celebrate with Mallory for her 16th birthday. If that was not enough,

corner with Phil Cross who just produced a new video for her to help get her message out to the public. Chapel Valley Music has been a blessing for Mallory as she has just completed her new project at their studio. She says that she hopes to work with Chapel Valley again in the future to possibly produce a Christmas project. Family has been a strong source of support in her ministry and in her life. She says that her parents support her all the way and help her make wise decisions. “They give me advice, and also correct me every now and then-which I know I will thank them for one day…..maybe,” she said with a smile. She is not an only child but is the older sister to twin 13 year old Madeline and Morgan. Mallory says that having twins mean, ”Double Trouble,” but she loves having them involved. For the first time her sisters joined her singing ministry by joining in harmony on her new project. When asked, Mallory said that she loved having them sing with her and hopes that they will join her ministry full time in the future. The future is bright for Mallory Ledford as she looks forward with her new project produced by Chapel Valley, which contains the two original songs written for her by Ronny Hinson. Her desire for 2014 is that her ministry will grow because growth means reaching more souls that ever before. God only knows what the future holds for Mallory Ledford, but I find encouragement that the youth of today still has the desire to carry on the message of God’s love in song to those who are willing to receive. Thank you to Phil Cross, Karen Peck, and Ronny Hinson for taking the time to invest in the younger artists coming up. If we invest in our youth there will always be someone to step up and carry on in our place.

he has also written two songs just for Mallory’s newest project, IN HIS WILL. Mallory says that she is blessed to have him write for her and it doesn’t hurt that she is a huge Hinson fan! Gospel Music is filled with all types of groups and family groups, so being a soloist has its advantages and disadvantages. Mallory states that the advantage to being a soloist is there are not many out there so her name stands out, but the disadvantage is that most would rather book a group or family group. Mallory is not without help getting her name out to the public and promoters. She has some great help in her

For booking information or contacting Mallory Ledford visit her website at www.malloryledford.com email at wledford23@gmail. com or wledford23@chater.com phone at (423)260-3453 (423)-595-8133 Be sure to visit Mallory’s website and purchase your copy of her new project IN HIS WILL recorded at Chapel Valley Studios.

Sitting At God’s Table By Kelly Nelon Clark

Have you ever wondered how God can love all of us? The sinners, the poor, the addicts, the down hearted, and people in every walk of life? God continually teaches me of His love and compassion for everyone. Recently we stopped at Waffle House after a concert. Sitting there I noticed a man who was reading a newspaper that had been left there from an earlier customer. I overheard the waitress say, “You can’t sit here unless you order something.” He responded, “Could I just get a cup of coffee?” She told him the cost and he emptied his pockets of all he had. The man was homeless and broke. He looked bewildered and sad. We motioned to the waitress without his knowledge and told her to give him whatever he wanted to eat but not to tell him it was us. She went to the man and said someone here wants to buy your meal. Now I wish I could explain in words how this changed this man’s countenance. I watched as he went from a man embarrassed from life’s circumstances to a man who straightened his posture and put a smile on his face feeling like he belonged. His food arrived and he put his napkin in his lap and bowed his head in prayer. He sat there like a feasting

king. It reminded me of Mephibosheth. Lame in both feet. You can read his story in 2 Samuel. He was invited to the King’s house and to his table to feast as the King David’s son forever. You might wonder how this poor lame boy could eat at the King’s table. It was grace. At the table Mephibosheth was like any other person. His feet were covered by the table. No embarrassing moments, no pointing, no laughing at him. He sat there, head held high as the King’s son. Aren’t we all lame in some way or another? None of us are perfect and have it all figured out. We do not merit God’s grace because of our society or economic status. It’s given freely to all of us. Today I challenge all of us to go ahead and cover our lame feet under God’s table. Look at the table that He has set before us and bring Him our poor wretched sin-filled lives. Know that it was taken care of on the cross of Calvary and now we can sit in Heavenly places with our Savior. Photo Courtesy of Scott Schram

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The Publisher’s 10 Questions for

The McClellan Singing Sisters By Rob Patz

Nebraska doesn’t usually produce Southern Gospel artists, but then the McClellan Singing Sisters aren’t your usual Southern Gospel group. This quartet of four sisters, ranging in age from 12 to 23 has a unique sound that is all their own; one that began with children’s Sunday school songs and now is a mature, edgy, enticing new sound showcased on their latest EP, Metamorphosis. Join me as I chat with the captivating McLellan Singing Sisters. Rob: 1. Please introduce us to each of you and we’d love to know one special thing about each of you that makes you different from your other sisters. TM: My name is Tiffany. I am the 2nd oldest sister in

our family, oldest of the group. I am engaged to Jeff Ebert. If I drink Hi-C Fruit Punch I get very hyper. KM: I’m Kimberly, I turned 18 a couple months ago and I’m the middle child; two older sisters and two younger sisters. I’m the group/family communicator and I love interior/fashion design. JM: I’m Jewel. With 16 years of living behind me, it brings me in as the second youngest of the group and also of the family. I guess you could call me the geek of the group because I’m into superheroes, comic books and pretty much anything sci-fi. TMM: I’m TaMera, the youngest, whoop whoop! And 12 years old! I’m the only one in the group with an all-

natural hair color. Rob: 2. Tell us about your latest CD, Metamorphosis. What are you morphing “from” and “to”? How has your style changed and how is this exhibited in this project? MSS: The word “metamorphosis” in the context we’re using, means; “A change of the form, or nature

TM: Definitely FFH, Tenth Avenue North, Michael W. Smith, Lauren Talley, Tribute Quartet.” KM: Steven Curtis Chapman, Michael W. Smith, The Afters, Tenth Avenue North, NEEDTOBREATHE, Talley Trio, Tribute Quartet. JM: Anthem Lights, Hawk Nelson, Andrew Peterson, Brandon Heath, Chris August, Dara Maclean. TMM: The Talleys, tobyMac, Tribute Quartet, Group1Crew, Chris August, Matthew West, for King & Country, Brandon Heath. Rob: 3b. Whose music has been the greatest influence on your singing? MSS: In recent years, FFH, Tribute Quartet and The Talleys. When we started as young girls, Rob “The Donut Man” Evans.

Rob: 4. Do each of you have someone in your life who has been an inspiration to you? Who is that and why are they an inspiration?

of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means.” God (Who is supernatural) is changing our very nature as individuals. Growing us, stretching us, building us into the people He designed us to be. As musicians and artists, our music style and tastes are constantly shifting and evolving. This EP is a different direction musically but we feel its part of a natural transition into the next chapter God is writing for us. Rob: 3a. Can each of you tell us who your favorite artists are currently?

TM: I would have to say my sweet fiancé, Jeff Ebert. He has amazing story and has helped me grow in my walk with God. He inspires me every day to pursue Christ and live a life of joy from seeing God’s blessings! KM: Our dad Tim for sure, he is smart but not afraid to admit if he doesn’t know an answer. He isn’t just intelligent, but wise as well. The first place he goes before making a big decision or for answers is to God. Together with our Mom Judy, I see what a Godhonoring marriage should be. JM: Our worship pastor Todd and his wife Karen. Karen has battled various forms of cancer since 2000.

They are an inspiration to me because their lives are living examples of God’s faithfulness even in the most

JM: “What If Your Best” - the song is a prayer for God to make me into what He wants even if I don’t like it at the time. I didn’t write it, but I feel like it is an autobiography for me. TMM: “No Chains On Me” - because it’s fast and fun! Rob: 6a. Where is your favorite place to eat on the road? TM: We usually end up at a Chick-Fil-A because we don’t have one close to where we live. KM: “Mmmm depends on the day, but I’m always good with Chick-fil-A! JM: “Depends on what’s available.” TMM: “Steak N Shake.”

devastating of circumstances. TMM: Our oldest sister Samantha because she’s a great example of a godly, Christian woman.

Rob: 6b. What happens when you can’t agree on where you are stopping? MSS: Dad or Mom decides!

Rob: 5. Can each of you tell us what is your most favorite song to sing on stage and why? TM: Right now, I love “No Chain On Me.” Yes, it is a very upbeat, exciting song to sing, but the message is what gets me; it’s a cry to see the whole world experience the freedom that comes from knowing Christ! KM: “Broken World” - I heard this song on The Talleys project, ‘Love Won’. The first time I listened, I knew this was a song that would touch our audiences because it touched me so deeply. It assures that although this earth and everyone in it has been tainted by sin, God is in control. It reminds us that someday we can live in the perfection of Heaven if we trust in Him.

Rob: 7. What is your favorite thing to do when you are off the road? TM: Spend time with my fantastic fiancé Jeff Ebert of course! KM: Spending time with friends and family we don’t get to travel with. Maybe catching up at a coffee shop or taking in a movie. JM: Kimberly and I have a blog, that’s how I like spending my free time. And I never

thought I would one of those people but... I love to work out! TMM: Spending time outdoors and listening to audiobooks. Rob: 8. Can each of you tell us who your favorite Biblical character is and why?

JM: Recently our Pastor did a sermon series on the book of Ruth. He brought up many points that I had never thought of before and showed what an amazing woman she was. TMM: John, because he got to write the book of Revelation! Rob: 9a. For each of you: What is the best part about singing with your sisters? TM: My sisters are my best friends! This may sound cliché but I am blessed to do what I love, with the people I love! KM: We really have a bond; we each consider each other to be best friends. Even when we’re facing some sort of difficulty or disagreement, we know we all have each others’ backs. JM: I always have my best friends’ right there with me! They have my back and no matter what I do they won’t fire me at the end of the day! TMM: Doing something you enjoy with people you love. Rob: 9b. What is the greatest challenge?

TM: The Apostle Peter. Peter stands out to me the most because he resembles me. In the Gospels, when we first meet him, he loved to say the first thing he thought! Peter shows us when there’s something deep within you needing a change and you seek Christ, He will provide a life-changing perspective. KM: I’m studying through Romans right now; I love how God used Paul and his dedication to serving Christ. He was arrested, beaten, jailed, shipwrecked, ridiculed and yet he continued following God’s will for his life. Studying Romans, I’m beginning to realize the enormity of God’s wonderful, precious grace.

MSS: Whatever challenge we are facing at the time. Satan is always trying to discourage and derail the plan of God. But God is faithful and promises He will never abandon us.

Rob: 10. For each of you: You are in a space shuttle, going on a journey and you may not return. You have time for one tweet. What would you say? TM: Dear Lord, please allow Toy Story’s “Pizza Planet” to be real! Amen. #ILovePizza

KM: I’d Google a quote about space or stars like - ‘A telescope will magnify a star a thousand times, but a good press agent can do even better.’ - Fred Allen JM: It takes me a long time to fit anything into 140 characters. I guess I’d leave it simple at “G’bye”! TMM: What my Dad always says, “God wins!” These ladies are swiftly becoming Gospel artists that have a sound and a message for their generation. Watch for the McLellan Singing Sisters appearing in your area and be prepared for good music, great family harmony and a style that exemplifies the Metamorphosis happening in their lives. Be a part of the next chapter of The McLellan Singing Sisters. For more information: http://www.mccsingingsisters. com/ McLellan Singing Sisters on Facebook: https://www. facebook.com/mccsingingsisters

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The Truth?” Is God Using You or Are You Using God?

By David Staton

A few years ago I attended an annual event for Christian retailers. Hundreds of exhibitors from around the country had displays set up showcasing their most recent products for retail stores to see. Their goal was to get their products into as many Christian bookstores and retail outlets as possible. I was there to get the artists’ music that I represented into the same outlets. Every day I went in through the main entrance and straight to our exhibit. My days were filled with meeting retailers and giving them incentives to carry and sell the music we represented. It was about the fourth day of the week-long event and I had to be upstairs over the exhibit hall. I had to take a walk way that stretched out over the entire facility. As I walked over the exhibit hall, I could see all of the nearly 500 exhibits and something literally stopped

me in my tracks. All of a sudden, it was as if everyone beneath me was moving at twice the speed and I was stuck in some kind of time warp where time stood still for a few moments. That’s when it hit me. Everyone, including myself was here to profit in some way from the birth, death or resurrection of Christ. As much as I tried to tell myself that the motive was to expand the ministries of our artists, it didn’t stop me from literally becoming sick to my stomach. I am not condemning any company that had an exhibit there. I was there promoting our products to retail as well and had never given it a second thought. I know that events like that have to happen and they have their purpose. I think what hit me that day was the fine line we walk between God using us or us using God. There is nothing wrong with Christian retail or the products they

promote and carry. I think it was a moment of awareness for me of the fine line that we in ministry walk every day. Are we using God to get what we want or are we letting God use us to get what He wants? During my days of running a Christian music record label on music row, I met with artists every week that wanted me to sign them, produce and promote them. Most of the time they would begin by telling me about the music, how it was unique and different and the focus was on their abilities and other things that were ego based. I would put their cd in the player and by the second song, they realized that maybe they weren’t as good as they were a few minutes ago before I’d heard them. Then immediately they would begin telling me about how sincere they were and that they were doing this music for all the right reasons. A few times I posed this question to the artist in my office; What if God spoke to you so clearly that there was no mistake that He was the one speaking and He said, “I have enough singers and musicians, I need you to serve in another area of ministry that has nothing to do with music.” Would you do it? Would you walk away from that old bus that you love travelling on, that PA system that has taken you years to piece together, the matching suits, getting on stage and hearing the applause? Would you do it? You see, if you hesitate for a moment, you’re not doing this for the right reasons. Is God using you to make His presence known or are you using God to try and make yourself famous? I wasn’t accusing them in any way, I was just trying to give them something to think about for them to really evaluate where they were. See, I have been there myself. I have allowed my ego and love for singing to overshadow the very one who gave me my abilities and called me to use them for Him. We all need to look in the mirror occasionally and really evaluate our motives. I remember a story that Billy Graham told once. He said that early on in his ministry, someone had bought him a new watch. He described the watch in detail and said that it was a beautiful timepiece that anyone would have been proud to wear. He wore the watch one night in a small church where he was preaching a revival. He said during his sermon, he noticed a couple of young boys who had spotted the watch on his wrist and it was obvious to him that they were talking about it. Billy Graham discreetly slipped the watch off of his wrist and put it in his pocket. I will never forget that story because it reminds me of just how sensitive we should all be to the little things that can distract from the message that we are presenting.

The message far outweighs the messenger! When Jesus was making His triumphant entry into Jerusalem, He was riding a donkey. The people were singing, “Hosanna! Hosanna!” They were laying palm branches in the street and were praising the Lord. After Jesus arrived, the donkey went back to the stable with all of the other barnyard animals. He told the other animals, “Wow, you should have seen me. The people didn’t even want my hoofs to touch the ground. They were laying palm branches at my feet and singing the most beautiful music welcoming me into the city. I had no idea that people would love me and treat me that well.” A horse that was in the barn said, “You forgot two important things. You forgot who you were carrying and you forgot exactly what you are.” You can find out what the other name for the donkey is in the King James translation. When I see preachers or gospel singers who act like they have arrived by slinging their attitude, arrogance or ego around, I just want to ask them if they ever listen to the words that come out of their mouths when they are “performing” for the crowds. Then, like the donkey, I want to remind them of exactly what they are. Is God using us or are we using God?

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Chris & Darrell Freeman Making Love Last

By Lorraine Walker Once upon a time there were two family Gospel singing groups. A single man from one family caught a glimpse of the single lady from the other and… Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. In the late ‘70’s, The Hinsons were one of the most sought-after artists in Southern Gospel. As co-hosts of The Gospel Singing Jubilee, the line-up of Kenny, Ronny and Larry Hinson with Chris Hawkins had a popular sound that generated many fans across the country. At the same time, The Pathways were traveling the roads, singing Country Gospel and comprised of both Darrell and brother Eddie Freeman with their family. However, real love isn’t like the

fairy-tales and the courtship of Chris and Darrell took more than just a glimpse. But only a little more! Darrell Freeman had driven to Tampa Bay for a Foosball Tournament, a popular activity at the time. He heard the sound of a gospel group and went across the building to hear The Hinsons. He saw Chris Hawkins for the first time, but they didn’t meet. “The first time we actually spoke was at the Union Hall in Lorain, Ohio,” says Darrell. “The Hinsons performed that night and I drove to be there and truly met her finally. Sparks flew right away as I was attracted to her

personality, what she looked like, her voice and just how wonderful she was and still is.”

strumental talent to keep them at the top of their peer group for many years to come. The relationship between Chris and Darrell still seems to be the glue that holds this wonderful family group together. As they hit the road every week to minister to hundreds and thousands of people, this couple seem to radiate a strong love and respect for each other, even after 30-plus years of marriage and singing. “Traveling together is a marriage in itself,” says Darrell. “Traveling hasn’t really affected our marriage because we are gether most of the time anyway. I believe our marriage is as strong as it’s ever been. I think we’ve raised two great kids and for them to be traveling all their lives, they’ve done well.” “Traveling and working together does have its advantages and disadvantages,” Chris adds. “I can honestly say that Darrell is not only my husband and business partner but also he is my best friend and so through the many years of working together we have grown stronger in our marriage. Darrell is the leader of this ministry and head of the household but we always make business and personal decisions together.”

“The first time I remember meeting Darrell was at a concert when I was with The Hinsons,” says Chris. “I really loved his smile and thought to myself, ‘I’d really like to kiss him.’ We actually met a couple more times before we officially started dating.” Chris lived in Hendersonville, Tennessee and Darrell lived in Sandusky, Ohio, so ‘dating’ meant a long-distance relationship of three years before they were married on August 2, 1980 in Hendersonville. Chris remembers that the Hinsons were all present at the wedding. “Ronnie Hinson’s daughter Kim was my flower girl and his son Bo was an usher and candle lighter.” Chris joined the Pathways and soon she and Darrell were on their way to Nashville to begin The Freemans with Darrell’s cousin Joe. The Freemans family expanded, and as their children Misty and Caylon grew older and began to flex their musical wings, Misty joined the group on vocals and acoustic guitar. Caylon joined as the drummer and also added vocals for The Freemans. Together they have continued their Country-Southern-Progressive sound that has made the group unique. Chris had won “Queen Of Gospel Music” while still in her teens with The Hinsons, and her distinctive vocals have brought The Freemans much success with singles such as, “Going Back” and “Hello In Heaven.” Other top hits have included “He Chose Me” and “Three Rugged Crosses,” along with Misty’s debut tune, “What Judas Didn’t Know.” Many top songs and honors from SGM Fan Fair, Absolutely Gospel and the Diamond Awards have followed. The Freemans have the right combination of vocal and in-

As Chris and Darrell have made their marriage and business work together seamlessly, they look back on the patchwork of their lives and say that they wouldn’t change a thing. “I cannot pinpoint one thing that I would’ve done differently,” says Chris. “I know there might be things I did wrong looking back now but my feelings have always been that we go through those things and make mistakes to learn

and build our character as we move through life. We have to experience life and believe that God will teach us and make us stronger because without heartbreaks or hard times, we would not have testimonies.” Darrell adds that maybe he might be a little more relaxed if he had it all to do again. “I think when you’re first starting out traveling, singing, being with your family, you’re young and trying to make everything work and pay the bills, I think you miss a lot because you’re trying so hard to make the ends meet. If I had to go back with what I know, I’d say to

take things in stride and enjoy the fun times a little more and enjoy the journey a little more. Just take time to enjoy life to its fullest, not regretting anything but really focusing on the time spent with family and friends.” In the midst of travel and home life, paying bills and making ends meet, how does a relationship work when two people are together 24/7? Darrell replies, “Chris and I are both very independent people, so we don’t have to be with each other at all times when we are home and we each respect that and allow each other to be who we are separately. It’s all about both of you accepting who you are, the good and bad. Of course Chris has to accept more of the ‘bads’ of mine!” Darrell laughs and adds, “Just keep it real and truthful.” The basis of this couple’s true love seems to be sincerity and keeping it real. Chris says, “The secret to a successful marriage depends on each individual in that marriage. As for Darrell and I, we never played games and that really built the strong trust that we have in each other. Also it gave us tremendous respect and confidence in one another. Truly, honesty is the key, asking God to bless you with the wisdom.”

Darrell and Chris have raised two terrific children, Misty and Caylon, and when Misty married Bryce a few years back, they were able to share their secrets of a great marriage with her. “I think I had more advice before she got married in terms of what guy she was dating; not telling her who to date, but being honest of how I felt about different boyfriends and their families,” says Darrell. “When you marry someone you are in a way marrying their family too, so it’s important that they have a positive influencing family both personally and spiritually.”

Chris says, “I hope that I was a good mother and gave Misty good advice but also tried to be a good friend. Misty used to ask me, ‘Mom, how did you know when you were in love with Dad?’ And I really couldn’t explain it other than by telling her that I knew that I was in love with Darrell when I was willing to forsake all others, and be willing to give up whatever.” Even though Chris had to be willing to ‘give up’ her career with The Hinsons, she and Darrell have seen their own ministry grow and thrive to new heights. The Freemans are among the top family groups in the country and released a new album last year that has already provided two hit songs, with more on the way. Darrell says Voice In The Desert is his favorite album in some time and they were thrilled to have greats such as Dony McGuire and Michael Sykes working with them on vocals. The title track from the album was the first single, with the second one following in November. “Lead Me Home” received tremendous response both on the charts and on You Tube. “It’s an awesome message of maybe what people are thinking before they go on and I feel so fortunate for this song to find us,” says Darrell about “Lead Me Home”. “It’s

had a big impact live and on record. I dedicated this song to my mom who had Alzheimer’s and lived with me for three years. It’s a sad song because it’s never easy to let people go, especially a Mom; but it’s a happy song because they have made that final goal of heaven. I felt the song really fit the holiday season because it’s a time of year that a lot of us think about all the loved ones they’ve lost. I hope this song helps people along through tough times. I’ve already had many people use this song at funerals, or ‘going-away-parties,’ which is a big honor for us that someone would choose our song to be played on such occasions.”

‘The last time I looked

The veil isn’t mended again

Cause when love ripped it open

It opened so we all could walk in...’

So I grabbed Dony and we went into The Writing Room and it just flowed straight from Heaven.”

Living with a Mom with Alzheimer’s was not an easy time for The Freemans and the passing of Wilma Freeman was difficult as well. Many people look for outside encouragement when going through this kind of trial. Chris says, “As far as a support group, I’d say the many people that we have met on the road in our many years have become our support group. So many people that we sing to every night have gone through or are currently going through the same things we have, and just being able to share stories and advice with these people is priceless. There is nothing wrong with going to professional counseling and support groups, but for us being on the road, we found out quickly that we are always surrounded by an amazing group of supporters that have been a major blessing to us with their prayers and dedication.” Many of the songs performed by The Freemans touch the hearts of their listeners and supporters deeply. The remainder of the songs on Voice In The Desert are no different. “The whole album is just awesome,” says Darrell. “Our future single is a song written by Reba and Dony McGuire called ‘The Last Time I Looked,’ Misty and Caylon do a duet on the song ‘Water Grave’ and Joe has an awesome song written by Gerald Crabb called ‘Ol’ Trespasser.’ So we are very excited about this project.” Dony and Reba Rambo McGuire are also excited about this latest Freeman album. “I have worked with many different recording artists over the years, but I must say working with The Freemans was certainly a highlight of my music career,” says Dony. “The unique vocal sounds and arrangements that accompanied them on ‘Voice In The Desert’ are certainly some of the most refreshing sounds I’ve heard in a long time.” Regarding the song she and Dony wrote entitled, “The Last Time I Looked,” Reba shares, “One of my mother’s favorite little catch phrases when you asked her certain questions was, ‘Well, the last time I looked...’ It was one of my favorite and most endearing Dottie-isms. I had been thinking about that phrase for some reason. One morning I woke up with Chris Freeman’s singing voice in my head and she was singing:

The McGuires are big fans of the Freemans and Reba shares her reflections on the love relationship between the couple. “One of the things I most admire about Chris and Darrell Freeman is the way they allow each other to be themselves. Chris explodes into a room with her laughter, effervescent personality and big voice, while Darrell stands there grinning at her like he’s thinking, ‘Isn’t she the cutest thing you ever saw?’ But if you ever watched Chris while Darrell sings, she almost swoons. He’s a quiet deep well and she’s a gushing spring and they both celebrate each other. Chris and Darrell are the real thing and Dony and I consider them two of our dearest friends.” Dony adds, “One of the most challenging aspects of any married couple who engages in any type of business together, is to be able to understand the difference between their intimate side of relating and their business side of relating. Needless to say, those who do it well have learned some very important life lessons as it pertains to balance. Darrell and Chris continue to demonstrate their relationship of love in that they have great respect for each other. Not only do they

have great respect each other, I think they’re both the presidents of each other’s fan clubs!” It is not surprising that this couple who demonstrate love daily, in a practical way, also have favorite ‘love’ verses in the Bible. Chris shares, “There are so many scriptures about love. Two of my favorites are Ephesians 4:32 and Ephesians 5:1-2. We give love by receiving love. We have to be kind and forgiving as Jesus did and put others first, like when becoming man and wife you learn really quick that they are your help-mate. Besides the Lord, Darrell became my life.” Since The Freemans began their life and their ministry together, their goal of sharing the love of Jesus in a practical way through exceptional music, has never altered. Darrell says, “When you’re in the music ministry you want to get great songs, make great records and put out music that is widely accepted, the goal is to reach as many people as possible. Each week the goal is to change people’s lives. In the midst of all that, you look for the Lord to bless you as well, whether it be with good health, money, or family needs. If you stay true to what you started with, He will give you those things later.” “A problem that our society is dealing with today is being so accustomed to instant gratification and it doesn’t work

that way. I feel that the most satisfaction comes from the giving of time and hard work to reach your goals. My biggest heroes haven’t necessarily been the greatest at what they do but are the ones that stayed out there the longest and hung in there for a long time because that’s the hardest thing to do. My prayers have always been to allow me to do this a long time and by entering my 44th year on the road, spreading the gospel, I feel blessed.” The Freemans look forward to many more years of changing lives, blessing hearts and sharing the love that has kept them together for more than 30 years. As they do this through the blessing of the Lord, He is enabling them to continue on in His strength. It is our prayer that their love and music will last a lifetime.

Find The Freemans on the Web at: http://www.the-freemans.com/index.html Find The Freemans on Facebook at: https://www.facebook. com/groups/freemansfans/ Special thanks to Reba and Dony McGuire http://rambomcguire.com/

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Crabb Family Reunion Birmingham By Rhonda Frye

Just like you, I am a Crabb Family fan. Needless to say when Southern Gospel Music Promoter, Paul Pitts invited me to participate in a Crabb Family Reunion Concert, I was thrilled. For months leading up to the concert, Paul Pitts and his team at Global Promotions worked long days and late nights using every outlet available to spread the word about the reunion. The hard work paid off; the concert held at the Metropolitan Church of God in Birmingham, Alabama was a complete sell-out! Before the concert, a crowd mingled with the Crabb Family at the Ashley DeRamus Meet and Greet. For those who may not know Ashley, this young lady has a stunning list of accomplishments despite living with Down syndrome. She is an entrepreneur, an outspoken

activist encouraging those with Down syndrome AND she is a music video star. Ashley played a leading role in Jason Crabb’s latest music video, “Love Is Stronger.” Guests appreciated Ashley’s hospitality and enjoyed meeting her Crabb friends. Finally the doors opened and people packed the sanctuary wall to wall and even filled the choir loft. Excitement was in the air. After a few announcements, and an opening prayer, Ashley DeRamus led the crowd in the pledge of Allegiance and the concert was off to a great start. While Paul Pitts introduced Mike Bowling, pictures appeared on the screen showing a younger Mike Bowling with the LeFevres, Hinsons and Perrys. Mike came

on out and opened his set with high energy singing “Bye and Bye.” Mike sang a few songs then said, “… I remember growing up watching the Southern Gospel Jubilee on Sunday mornings. I would get whoopins because I wouldn’t get ready for church. I loved those songs.” The crowd laughed, and then Mike brought the house down with “That I Could Still Go Free.” Mike followed the Hinson classic with “Your Cries Have Awoken The Master,” and the crowd responded in worship.

to introduce his brother as the new lead singer for the Gaither Vocal Band. “We are excited, this is the best thing Bill (Gaither) has ever done,” Jason said. Turning toward Kelly Bowling Jason continued, “And this is the best thing CHiPs has ever done,” he kidded. Kelly had just made it to the concert in time after filming a movie in Atlanta earlier in the day. The movie is a Christian film and features Erik Estrada. Kelly plays the role of “Nurse Kathy.” Jason continued with his humorous introductions- this time teasing his little brother Aaron a bit about his recent announcement of starting a new church. Through the joking, and statements made, it was evident; the family loves each other tremendously.

The family group that took the gospel music world by storm in the 90’s took the stage next singing “I Saw The Light” followed by an outstanding lead by Terah on “I Go To The Rock.” The Crabbs sang with huge smiles and it’s hard to say who was having the most fun- the Crabbs or the crowd! Jason couldn’t contain his gratefulness and said, “I just want to say a big ‘Thank you.’ We want to dedicate this whole night to you. You’ve allowed us to do what we love to do, to share the gospel of Jesus. We hope you enjoy some of these old songs.” With that said, he chuckled, because the next song in line was a new one, “If There Ever Was A Time,” from their latest recording, TOGETHER AGAIN. Several songs were sung including, “Don’t You Wanna Go” and then Adam held the audience captive with every note he milked from the harmonica playing “Amazing Grace.” When the crowd sat down, Jason teased his little brother a bit offering him bottle of water after taking off the lid for him. “You better get used to this,” Jason grinned. Adam laughed as Jason went on

The Crabb Family has always been known for pouring heart and soul into their music. Jason’s band- Lori Sikes, Blaine Johnson and Michael Rowsey is no exception. At one point, drummer, Rowsey was playing while standing. Jason emptied his heart into “I’m Still Holding On,” as did Terah during “Traveling On.” The reason the Crabb Family puts such effort into their performance is because they’ve had great songs to work with. “We’ve been very blessed to have great songs,” Jason said. “Without the lyric that connects to people, all you’ve got is a beat and that can only take you so far. We’ve been blessed over the years with wonderful songs.”

As Adam sang “Tired Of Living Unforgiven,” the anointing fell and everyone watched a transformation take place. Once known as the “innocent spirit and

quiet one of the bunch,” Adam delivered the song with a new passion and authority. The sweetest spirit swept across the building as he repeated the second verse and then led the congregation in “Nothing But the Blood.” The crowd worshiped.

the intermission, Jason sang his powerful new song, “Love Is Stronger,” as video cast members, Jack and Lora Morgan and Stephanie Shamblin beamed from the choir loft. The song was especially dear to Ashley’s heart. She smiled through tears. The first half of the program ended with “Going Home With Jesus,” and the “Lamb, Lion, and King” and then fans swarmed the product tables. It’s hard to believe the second half of the program could compete with the first, but it did! After several giveaways from Global Promotions and a few more songs by Mike Bowling, the crowd was in for a big surprise! The Gaither Vocal Band’s Wes Hampton made his way to the stage and sang “Little Is Much” with Adam and Jason. It was amazing. There were a few more surprises. The Bowling girls shocked the crowd with their rendition of Kari Jobe’s “Healer,” in 3 part harmony! At one point in the night, the Crabb kids sang and made their parents proud.

With Adam’s set-up, his twin brother, Aaron took over ushering the crowd right into the Lord’s presence with these humble lyrics penned by his father: “I know that I’m not worthy to call upon Your name…All my life I’ve been a sinner…and for that I am ashamed… But I heard that you would listen to…I’m giving you my plea…” By this point in the song, many in the congregation joined singing the heart-wrenching confession and request, “I’m too unworthy Lord to come to you…Could You please come down to me.” It seemed as if time stood still, but by this point, the Crabb Family was ready for a break. Before

The second half also included Kelly’s encouraging testimony of God’s faithfulness followed by her singing “Miracle Today” along with Terah and Adam. Aaron also sang a gorgeous worship set including “Something ‘Bout the Name of Jesus,” and “Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus.” The congregation became a large choir as the Crabb Family sang, “Please Forgive Me.” No Crabb Family concert is complete without the gospel explained. As needed and expected, Jason shared boldly: “We love to play and sing. If we aren’t singing it (music), we’re listening to it. We love it! But… the reason we jump in that bus and leave everything is because we have to tell you there is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun! It’s as simple as that.” With those

words spoken, everyone became still. “There is a lie that is out there saying there isn’t a hell. That is straight from hell!” Jason went on to declare, “If you call upon the Name of the Lord, you shall be saved. God has a plan for your life and the only way to find out what it is to surrender your heart.” Jason then asked, “Have you really given your heart to Jesus? You know, this right here is what we do. We want to tell you that you can be saved.” With the truth laid out and the crowd challenged, Jason asked everyone to stand. A sweetness filled the room as many people became reconciled to God through Christ while the Crabb Family sang, “I Surrender All.” As the night came to a close, the Crabb Family finally gave the crowd what they wanted to hear most“Through The Fire.” Ashley DeRamus joined her friends on stage singing her favorite Crabb Family song. Needless to say, there wasn’t a person left in their seat. As always, Jason, Kelly, Terah, Adam and Aaron hung around the church until the last fan left. That last fan was me!

If you missed this special night, there is good news. There is one more Crabb Family Reunion scheduled for this year. It will be held on March 8, 2014 in Spartanburg, South Carolina at the Spartanburg Expo and Convention Center. For more information, visit http://globalpromo.org/ or call 855-399-1899. Also visit Global Promotions on face book at https://www.facebook.com/ globalpromoconcerts. Thank you, Paul Pitts and Global Promotions for inviting SGNScoops Magazine to cover the Crabb Family Reunion concert in Birmingham. It was truly a blessing. Thank you to Dallas Chip Woods for the great photos!

All Photos Courtesy of Dallas Chip Woods

“God of OUR Past” By Dr. Jeff Steele

Hebrews 13:8 tells us Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Malachi 3:6 says that God never changes and Revelation 1:4 calls Jesus the one who is, and was and is to come. As we begin a new year I know that a lot of pastors on the first Sunday of the new year preached along the lines of where their church has been, where they are and where they hope to go but I preached here on the God of the Past, the God of the Present and the God of the Future. When I say that He is the God of the past please understand that I don’t mean God should be put on the shelf as one whose time has come and gone. I don’t believe He is irrelevant or that His work is even nearly over. All across Europe today, where great revivals once spread and thousands were converted to Christ, great cathedrals now stand empty and function as museums that people pay admission to get into and sight-see. They PAY for the chance to see the artifacts of a movement of yesteryear known as Christianity. They see as part of their “tour” the pulpit where the man known as a pastor used to stand and preach. People pay for the chance to see a copy of the Bible, to see and study the architecture of the stained glass windows that line the walls and let the light shine in. Anybody that believes that God would or HAS allowed Himself to be relegated to the past in that fashion will meet the same end as the minions, morons and demons of hell who on the day Jesus Christ was executed on the cross cheered and said “there, it’s over….he’s finished and our work is done.” On the morning of the third day He arose triumphant over the grave, hell and death. They were wrong about His crucifixion death and YOU will be wrong if you put Him in the past in the manner that THEY did! When I say He is the God of the past I’m not talking about

HIS past; I’m talking about OUR past! What has God decided to do with OUR past? Praise God He has decided to forgive and forget our past! Jeremiah 31:34 says I will forgive their iniquity and I will remember their sin no more. Isaiah 1:18 says come now let us reason together says the Lord…though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson they shall be as wool! II Corinthians 5:17 tells us that if any man be in Christ he is a new creature…old things are passed away and behold all things are new. I John reports that He is the propitiation for our sins and not for our sins only but for the sins of the whole world! I recently shared the gospel with a dying man. I told a friend that I had really “dumbed it down” for him. I hadn’t dumbed it down at all. I had stripped off all the veneer that religion has hidden it under and shared with him the essential elements of a gospel that God made so simple even WE couldn’t mess it up! It is this; all the work necessary for you and I to be saved has already been done by somebody else. All God is really looking for you and I to do is to acknowledge that we accept and receive that the cross and its accompanying sacrifice was for us! He’s looking for us to say “God, we get it.” There is no set formula, no “hard to understand” plan. The work that satisfied God has been done. The sacrifice has been made. The charges against us have been dropped. The pardon has been signed! One of my favorite songs of all time is an old Negro spiritual called Jesus Dropped the Charges. Here are the lyrics: I was guilty of all the charges, doomed and disgraced. But Jesus with His special love saved me by His grace; He pleaded and He pleaded…He pleaded my case. Jesus dropped the charges now I’m saved by grace and faith. I was guilty for

oh so long, lived in sin too long. But Jesus with His special love reached out with His arms so strong; He picked me up, turned me around, gave me a brand new song. Jesus dropped the charges, now to Him I belong. You may remember and remember some of the things I’ve done. But Jesus with His special love forgave me from every one. He put me on the right road, lifted my heavy load. Jesus dropped the charges now I’m free down in my soul. He dropped the charges; Jesus dropped the charges although I was wrong. He dropped the charges; Jesus dropped the charges…showed me right from wrong. He dropped the charges; Jesus dropped the charges and cast them all away. At Calvary I heard Him say…at Calvary I heard Him say…at Calvary I heard Him say; case dismissed, case dismissed saved by grace! He is the God of the past. Our pardon has been issued and signed. If you go into eternity unsaved to spend it separated from God you are going to do it with every one of your sins paid for. You will spend eternity separated from God with the knowledge that there was enough grace deposited in your account to have landed you on the golden street of Gods celestial city if you had only acknowledged and been in receipt of it. Photo Courtesy of K. Horn

Rhonda Frye x


The Life & Times of Southern Gospel Songwriter

Dianne Wilkinson By Sandi Duncan Clark

When it comes to Southern Gospel music, no one writes this music better than Dianne Wilkinson. Fans of THE SINGING NEWS magazine voted Dianne “Favorite Non-Performing Song Writer for 2013,” and at the National Quartet Convention in September, 2013, she was voted Song Writer of the Year during the NQC Music Awards. With more than 900 songs to her credit, Dianne continues to produce great new songs. These songs transition into the various types of Gospel music, from traditional Southern Gospel, maybe a little Country or even a bluegrass sound.

weekend warriors throughout the world, including several artists in Ireland and beyond.

A number of years ago...sometimes more than Dianne and I like to admit, we were asked to judge a talent search together in Jackson, Tennessee. Dianne met me at the Memphis airport and during the drive from Memphis to Jackson and back, we talked “a blue streak,” as my Grandmother would say. I think we covered every subject from our elected officials to the latest clothing styles and everything in between! Then we actually had time to go shopping, and since our fashion tastes are similar, we even purchased matching leopard print bomber jackets. Oh my, did we have a great time, and every time I wore that jacket, the memories of that short weekend in Memphis and Jackson came rushing back!

At my request that she share her younger years, her family and her church life with us, Dianne reflected on how those years influenced her music. “I was born and raised in the small N.E. Arkansas town of Blytheville and grew up in the wonderful days of the 1950s and 1960s. My parents divorced when I was 5, and my mother and baby brother and I moved in with my grandparents. I lived in that sweet house that he (her grandfather) built until I married. I later wrote a song about it, and the precious people in it, which Signature Sound recorded in 2005.”

We can EASILY pick up our conversation just where we leave off no matter how long it’s been since we talked. A recent long telephone conversation caused the AT&T stock prices to rise nicely! We’ve always enjoyed short visits at National Quartet Convention and other concerts we both attended. This precious lady’s song repertoire is well known to any Southern Gospel enthusiast. Her songs have been recorded by every major artist in Southern Gospel as well as many

You won’t be around Dianne Wilkinson very long before she shares her love for the Lord and how He comes first in her life followed by her family, her church and Southern Gospel music. A number of artists who play and sing this music are like family to this sweet lady. Dianne began her journey in Gospel music from a small town in Arkansas and a little Baptist church there.

She continued, “My Grandmother was the light of my life...a godly woman who loved people; was wise, vivacious, fun, and gorgeous! She raised me, and her influence upon me was profound and something I know God planned. I started singing and playing piano in the Gospel trio my Mama (Blanche) and Aunt Mavis had when I was 12 years old...and dressing like them (glam for sure...loved that!). We sang together all my growing up years. Some of the folks we sang with from our part of Arkansas became lifelong friends of mine...including Ann and Jim Ballard, Paul Boden and the Wonder State Quartet, and the Song Masters. “After high school, I took a Civil Service test and went

Davison. “We decided we wanted to do a recording, and Tim and I borrowed a thousand dollars…that was a lot of money back in the day…and talked to Eddie Crook about recording. We picked out 12 of my songs and went to Nashville. I told him I wanted the Happy Goodman Band to play, and he said ‘I think I can do that.’ Of course Eddie played the piano in the Goodman band and yes, he could do that! We were very pleased and I think I gave away every one,” she laughed.

It was through that cassette tape that Dianne met Kirk Talley, and therefore the Cathedrals. “Kirk Talley and his brother, Roger, were both with the Hoppers during the ’70’s and he remembered the Hoppers singing ‘Behold The Lamb,’ one of my songs on the cassette ” Dianne pointed out.

to work at the Blytheville Air Force Base in the base hospital. That’s where I met the young man I would marry...Tim Wilkinson,” Dianne said. “That little brother I mentioned is now Brother James Branscum, who has been a Baptist pastor since the 1970s. He currently pastors the Mercer Baptist Church in Powderly, KY. He is not only a great preacher...he can sing the paint right off the walls!”

“At NQC in 1982 Kirk had joined the Cathedrals and was screening songs for the quartet. I gave him a copy of the cassette and he took it to the group.” Dianne said. “I introduced myself to Kirk and he said ‘You’re the lady that wrote “Behold The Lamb.” I couldn’t believe he knew who I was! Roger Bennett was playing piano for the quartet, and we all became good friends. They would always listen to my songs and get the group to listen. They became my ‘young’uns!”

“Tim and I had 19 years together...with him leading church choirs and me playing the piano...until 1991 when he lost his battle with cancer at the age of 43. I have continued in my healthcare career of Medical Records, Quality Assurance and Coding and Billing compliance for 44 years and am now semi-retired from it. I have lived in Dyersburg, TN since 1995 and am a member of Springhill Baptist Church where I play piano and teach Sunday School,” she concluded. During one of my trips to Arkansas I was honored to meet Dianne’s mother, and can definitely testify that Dianne inherited her mother’s personality and beauty. Wondering when her writing talent developed, I asked when she realized her gift. Thinking back she stated, “As to when I knew I could write songs, I was writing poetry with correct rhyme and meter when I was a little grade school girl. I have had a lifelong love of the English language. I began taking piano lessons in grade school but was very soon playing by ear, and as mentioned, I was playing quartet style piano by age 12. I always loved making up melodies and I have been hooked on harmony all my life!” Dianne reminisces, “The first Gospel song I ever wrote was called “He Is Able.” I can still sing it...and it’s a pretty good song. I am bragging on the Lord about that, because I never had any training or mentoring in songwriting. The first song of mine to be published was the first one ever recorded...”Behold the Lamb” by the Song Masters in 1976.” As before stated Tim and Dianne Wilkinson were involved in church music and sang together with her friend Gail

“As I said, I met Roger Bennett in 1982, before he was even married and despite a 15 year age difference, we became fast friends and music soul mates. We had the ability to make each other laugh, and we had the music and our Arkansas roots in common. I loved him like a son... and I came to love his Debbie and their children like family as well. I miss him as much today as I did the day he went Home. There will never be another “Roger Darlin’. He called me Dottie and I called him Hovie.” In our conversation about the Roger Bennett and the

and sending them to Roger Bennett, who could make the other quartet members hear the potential, even with a lone female vocal. Of course, I included my instructions for arranging, etc., which I still do!” “These days we have great technology for pitching songs. I am a Daywind writer, and that sweet Rick Shelton gets my work tapes and creates fabulous demos, almost all of which have Tim Parton on keyboards and Terry Franklin on vocals...and those two are amazing!” Dianne declared, “Rick pitches my songs of course, but I do a lot of my own pitching as well, especially to groups with whom I have close relationships. We e-mail an MP3 of the song to the artist, and sometimes they write back the same day to put the song on hold (for a future recording).”

songs the Cathedrals recorded, Dianne resumed her story; “The Cathedrals years began for me when they recorded “Turn Your Back” in 1982. Over two decades, they recorded 16 of my songs, and they are the reason people know my name today. The Lord surely hitched my wagon to a star when he worked His plan to put us together. I will be eternally grateful. The biggest songs from those days are known by everyone...”Boundless Love” and “We Shall See Jesus.”

“I am often asked which of my songs is my favorite and that is a hard question,” Dianne disclosed. “But the one closest to my heart is ‘When You Look At Me’ recorded by the Kingdom Heirs, featuring Arthur Rice. It is my testimony. Those sweet boys started recording my songs in 1999 with “I’ve Passed Over”, and they have recorded over 60 of them since. On the CITY OF LIGHT album, they recorded five of my songs, and on their ‘WE WILL STAND OUR GROUND cd; they did eleven of my songs out of the twelve on the recording! That’s the most I’ve ever had on one recording.”

She continued, “Boundless Love” was #1 two months in a row in 1987. The Cathedrals never sent “We Shall See Je-

“I love all my quartet boys!” Dianne declared. “I have a strong track record also with the Cathedrals boys who went on to form their own groups, and that makes me very happy. I get a lot of cuts on mixed groups these days. There was a time when the Hoppers were the only ones. So I have diversified some!”

sus” to radio. “Jesus Has Risen” went to number 2 and won the Singing News Fan Award in 1995. Other big songs that folks still sing and record includes “Master Builder,” “Homeland” and “O Come Along,” which was the last radio single I had with them.” Discussing how the Cathedrals got her songs Dianne said, “For lack of a better way, I got all those songs to them was by playing and singing them into a cassette recorder

“I have written close to 900 songs and by the grace of God, for those published I have about a 70% rate of having them recorded,” this creator of music treasures told us. “I turned in 100 songs to Daywind in 2013, but I do a lot more co-writing now. Again...that is all by the grace of God!” As to Dianne’s co-writing, she explained, “I will go to Nashville and spend a day in the “writing room” with some wonderfully talented writers. Or, as I often do thanks to modern technology, I can sit in my big recliner and work on my craft here in my living room, with God. Co-writing will broadens one’s writing style, and I enjoy it tremendously.” Some of the other writers Dianne has worked with are

John Darin Rowsey, Daryl Williams, Joseph Habedank, Scott Inman, Jerry Salley and Russ Golden. She has enjoyed #1 songs with both Jerry and Russ. She also disclosed, “I also enjoy working with Rebecca Peck, who as a young mother, likes to write from her home as well. These telephones and computers are awesome,” Dianne laughed. That laugh, her quick wit and loving manner has endeared her to so many artists and other personnel in Southern Gospel Music. When Dianne and I grew up in Southern Gospel music, quartets were the most prominent performers touring at that time. Of course the Speer Family, the Hoppers, the Happy Goodmans, followed by the Hinsons, were popular as well.

Southern Gospel, and I hope their numbers increase. I believe the Lord loves Southern Gospel so much, He will see to it that we have it till Jesus comes!” If the success and future of Southern Gospel music is reflected in the love, devotion and career of Dianne Wilkinson, then Southern Gospel has a very good outlook. The more she composes both alone and with other writers, the more the Gospel will reach fans who are exposed to the music. Mark Trammell, another great friend who has sung and recorded many of her songs, once said to this great lady, “Di, you’re gonna have to mentor these young songwriters coming up in this generation. Teach them to study the Word and write about Jesus!” Dianne learned to love the Bible as a very young lady, and sticks to that daily. The influence of the Word in her writing touches all of us who enjoy her music. Thank you, Dianne Wilkinson, for sharing your thoughts, your “life and times” with us at SGNScoops Magazine.

Dianne commented on the state and stage of Southern Gospel today. “I see the industry greatly changed from the days when we were young. Quartets no longer dominate the business as they once did. We now have traditional SG, progressive and Country SG and many other styles. A writer is well served if she can write across the spectrum of those styles. Radio charts drive whether the songs become hits.” “The thing I notice most is the median age of the concert goers; we have a lot of young people who love traditional

introducing scoops on the road

If you need an Emcee for a special concert or event, check with us about having Rob Patz or Rhonda Frye to host your next program! With more than 19 years experience in media,Rob is the owner of Coastal Media- parent company of SGMRadio and SGNScoops Magazine and the host of the Southern Styles Show. Although Rhonda is fairly new to the industry, she is no stranger to the stage. She is a singer/songwriter, an associate pastor and the editor in chief for SGNScoops Magazine. Email us at connect@sgnscoops.com today!

Sam Cates Drives The Gospel By Angela Griffin

Love, passion, and dedication are the driving forces behind our unsung heroes of the night… the drivers of Gospel Music! These drivers are just as valuable to the ministry as the musicians and the vocalist. Sam Cates, driver for Mark Lowry shares, “We are very passionate about driving the Gospel, giving the artists first class treatment, maintaining the coaches and arriving safely, on time at our destinations. It can be challenging at times when faced with road construction, traffic accidents, wrong directions and the ever changing weather conditions. Through it all it’s still our responsibility to get the artists to the venue at the appointed time.”

and Mike LeFevre,” Cates recalled. “In less than five minutes my phone rang and it was Mike asking me to drive for the LeFevre Quartet. At the time I really wasn’t looking for a job; I just wanted to drive one weekend because I love it. I drove for Mike off and on for a little over two years.”

Although Sam was driving part-time while working a full time job, he never wavered from his dream of driving full time- if and when the right opportunity should come along. Through the years he always stayed involved in the industry as much as possible. “Steve Easter knew that Mark of the Mark Trammell Quartet was looking for a driver to fill in Sam Cates started driving for The Whittingtons in as their driver was recovering from a stroke,” Cates the early eighties. He was only 18, but had acquired said. “Steve had recommended me.The first night I a love for motor coaches and a passion to drive the drove the group from Gadsden, AL to Branson, MO. The next morning Mark walked to the front of the Gospel! Although Sam joined the workforce at an bus and I said… ‘well am I going to the airport or early age he always stayed in touch with his miniswhat?’ Mark said ‘Man you’re not going anywhere.’ try friends, driving occasionally for various artists on weekends. “I remember sitting in my hotel room He then asked if I would stay at least through the National Quartet Convention or forever. I made one night while working in construction and decided to email my friends Karen Peck, Kelly Nelon the commitment to stay through NQC.” Fulfilling

I pulled the speed down to 35 and journeyed on. I took a couple of pictures while driving. The next morning I sent the guys a text message of a picture I had taken and commented… ‘You’re Welcome! While you were sleeping, this is what I was driving through.’ They had no idea! When they went to sleep in Virginia the roads were dry and clear and when they awoke in Ohio the roads were also dry and clear,” notes Sam.

his commitment to Trammell, Sam laid the proper ground work at NQC to secure a full time driving position with the legendary, Mark Lowry. Sam has rediscovered patience since returning to the road fulltime. He shares, “I’m learning that you have to adapt to change quickly. The schedule may say one thing but at any given moment that plan can change. We’re faced with different adversities and it’s not always going to go as planned.” Sam has found that you just have to be flexible and roll with it! A few weeks ago Sam recalls driving from Arlington, VA to Columbus, OH: “As we were pulling out of VA, the temperature went from 24 degrees to 11 degrees in about 5 minutes. It started snowing sideways. By time I reached the top of the mountain, the roads were just covered in snow and ice. It was just unbelievable what I was driving through!

Sam has quite a collection of music to keep him company behind the wheel. “I have stacks of CD’s that I listen too while driving,” Cates tells. It’s the Issacs, Karen Peck and New River, Kingsmen, Gold City, The LeFevres, Mark Trammell Qt., The Nelons, etc... That’s who I listen too while I’m driving. I just love and believe in this industry. Most drivers stay on the bus during concerts. Not me! I suit up and go inside. I‘m a fan! I’m working the product table and just enjoying the music. Many times drivers are overlooked, but I can honestly say that Mark Trammell would introduce me nightly as their driver and would say, ‘I want us to sing Sam’s favorite song.’ It’s not that we drivers want recognition; it’s just that we are pretty valuable. I love what I do... and it shows!” Sam has many compliments to his credit on his driving skills, but there is one that he will cherish forever. Very early in his career Rex Nelon said, “If I didn’t know better, I would have thought Ralph Moore was driving.” To Sam, this was a huge compliment that brought him to tears! Ralph was Sam’s brother in law and was the first bus driver for the original LeFevres. Sam notes, “Ralph was the one that trained me to drive.” It’s not just about Sam. There are many unsung heroes of the night. They take great pride in keeping the coaches clean and maintained and getting the artists to their destinations day after day, week after week. As Samuel would say… the wheels on the bus are about to go round and round! To all the drivers of the Gospel, Thank you for a job well done!

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Mark 209 & The Hoppers Concert Review By Angela Griffin

Paul Pitts of Global Promotions hosted Mark209 and America’s favorite family of Gospel music, The Hoppers on Saturday, January 18th. The concert was held at the District 5 Fine Arts Center in Duncan, South Carolina. The 2014 Middle Tyger Performing Arts Concert Series emphasizes our patriotic heritage honoring our great country, America and local First Responders. On behalf of South Carolina’s Governor Nikki Haley, Rita Allison of the South Carolina House of Representatives provided great proclamations honoring these local heroes. She also “thanked” Paul Pitts - Global Promotions for their dedication in recognizing the First Responders. Host of the night, Dr. Brandon Chadwell was also on stage along with Ryan Cothran - President of the South Carolina Police Chief Association and Chief Patrick Evatt - President of the Spartanburg County Fire Chief Association. Local police officers, firefighters and paramedics lined the stage as Mark209 began to sing “A Few Good Men” to kick off the concert. The audience was on their feet cheering. Not a dry eye in the house as Mark209 sang… “Men full of compassion, who laugh and love and cry. Men who’ll face eternity and aren’t

afraid to die. Men who’ll fight for freedom and honor once again, we just needs a few good men.” You could feel a sense of pride sweeping over the auditorium! Mark209 is a group that displays high energy on stage! In fact before the concert ever started, lead vocalist Jym Howe ran down the aisle from the rear entrance of the auditorium yelling… “Hey I hear there’s a party going on here tonight!” He continued his journey on stage greeting the guests with… “Hello my name is Jym Howe and I’m with Mark209! We’re going to be singing in a few minutes. When we sing a song or a hymn you know, I want you to join in with us because one day we are going to be on a Gaither video! When that happens, I want each and every one of you to be able to say… ‘Hey I know them, I’ve sung with them before!’” Jym had the audience in stitches before the concert ever started. Jym, Nathaniel, Bryan and Ray hit the stage with a fan favorite “The Lamb, The Lion, the King” followed by beloved hymns “Keep on the Firing Line” and “On the Wings of A Dove.” Now just in case you’re wondering, yes the audience was singing right along with them! Other fan favorites were “It Takes Faith,” and “Graceland.” Just before the guys were to sing

their final selection, Nathaniel took the opportunity to thank the great men and women who have given their lives to protect our freedom! Jym, Nathaniel, Bryan and Ray brought the audience to their feet once again singing “In God, We Still Trust!”

vants of the Gospel of Christ. They continued to sing hit after hit like...“Yahweh,” “Count Me In,” “Jerusalem,” and countless other fan favorites. Dean and Kim’s daughter Karlye, joined the group on stage singing several selections with her family.

The Hoppers made their way to the stage singing “Stepping on the Clouds” followed by “I Am Whatever You Need.” The next song, “I Will Serve Thee” is a testament of their ministry. The Hoppers are faithful ser-

Just before Kim sang their hit song “He Carried Me” she began to share “life” moments. “I’m sorry to tell you that life and people will let you down, but God will never fail you,” Kim said. “We’re out here on the

road sharing the Gospel to encourage Christians and families. We have always found Him to be faithful in every situation. We’re just like you. The only difference is I travel about 200 days a year on a bus with my in-laws. (The audience erupts with laughter!) You know what? If we can get along so can you. Love each other because you don’t know what tomorrow brings. Sometimes sunshine and sometimes rain, but He is still faithful and He will never leave you.”

mine walked into my room, and fell in my arms like a baby. She said... ‘Mom, Kenny took his life last night after we talked.’ I will never forget the look of desperation in her eyes when she looked at me and said, ‘Mom, was it my fault? Did I do something wrong? Did I say the wrong thing? Help me! How do I live with this?’ You know... as a mom all I wanted to do was take her pain away. I remember telling her we would figure everything out, but for now this is a lot for you to

Kim continued, “We have a nine year old at home. She has been struggling with some fears, so we have been praying with her a lot lately. She has done a little bit better today and asked if she could stay home and play with her friends. I asked her... ‘Don’t you want to go hear mom sing?’ She replied ‘Mom... I’ve heard you!’” (Audience erupted with laughter again!)

carry on your own. I want you to physically place this in my hand and lay it on Mom’s shoulders and let me carry this for you. I just want you to rest right now.”

Continuing to share more about her family, Kim said, “My sweet girl Karlye back here is 19. She’s been through a lot this past year. Last May she received a text from a friend named Kenny. He was a troubled kid and Karlye had always reached out to him. He wasn’t a boyfriend, just a friend. One night he began to text her things like... ‘Do you think anyone would care if I lived or died?’ Karlye texted back... ‘Yes Kenny! We all love you and life just wouldn’t be the same without you!’ Karlye was trying to encourage him. There came a point when she didn’t receive any more texts. Karle thought he’d fallen asleep. The next morning I was on the bus and this 5- foot-9 beautiful girl of

The audience listened to every word as Kim went on to say, “You know that’s just like our heavenly Father. We go to Him with things we can’t bear on our own. He says ‘My yoke is easy. My burden is light. Why don’t you just give it to me, place it on my shoulders let Me carry that for you while you rest.’ He does that for His children. I’ve read in the scriptures where there were ninety and nine and one sheep was lost. His word said that the Shepherd went out to find that one lost sheep. When He found the lost sheep, He didn’t scold him but He leaned down, placed him on His shoulder and carried him and you know friends, I’ve found that HE will carry you!” Again, not a dry eye in the house as Kim began to sing “He Carried Me.” Dean also paid tribute to those who serve our country every day. He then sang, “God Bless the USA!”

The audience was on their feet clapping and cheering in honor of our great heroes! Giving honor where honor is due, Claude and Connie are two of the greatest role models in our industry today! They were not awarded America’s Favorite Family of Gospel Music, they earned it! Connie lights up a room with her personality. She’s always smiling and she has plenty to smile about! Both Connie and Claude sang their signature songs; “I’ve Come Too Far” by Connie and “If I Can Help Somebody” by Claude and got an overwhelming response. I watched as this family captivated the audience with the deliverance of each song. We witnessed an-

other generation coming on board to carry the legacy forward. It didn’t matter if Karlye was singing a solo or harmonizing, she nailed her part. I would also like to add that Mike Hopper is a fabulous drummer and bass singer! What a great night of honor and worship. There were moments of laughter, moments of tears, and moments of total worship as the presence of God filled the auditorium. I want to encourage you to get on board with Paul Pitts and Global Promotions. Visit their website today at globalpromo.org and “Like” them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/globalpromoconcerts.

Fuel Up with “Cross-Bearing” Veggies! By Laurette Willis, CHC

“But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified” (1 Corinthians 9:27). Disciplining the flesh is more than just making sure we don’t explode in anger, or gossip. Overcoming overeating is a discipline that yields great results physically – and spiritually. It seems that healthful, nutritious foods are seldom our first choice if we’ve battled with overeating. The flesh often craves foods that are loaded with fats and sugars, but if we load-up on healthier choices first, our body will fuel-up with good nutrition and our taste for highly processed food diminishes. It is recommended we eat 5-9 servings of fruit and vegetables every day to nourish our bodies, prevent disease and control our weight. For most Americans, that means another helping of French fries and tomato ketchup, but not for those of us seeking godly fitness! While the USDA estimates Americans are eating 20% more vegetables now than 35 years ago (good!), the increase is mostly in potatoes—half of that amount in French fries (bad!). It’s no wonder the obesity rate has climbed so dramatically over the years. What is one serving of raw vegetables?

1 cup of raw leafy vegetables ½ cup chopped raw vegetables Another way of looking at a serving size is what you can fit into your hand. If you are not eating any raw vegetables at all, start with one cup. If you are already eating a cup or two, add another cup (it’s really a lot less than you think). Cruciferous (Cross-Bearing) Veggies? For Latin lovers, the root of the word “cruciferous” comes from the word crux for cross. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy and kale contain many nutrients, such as glucosinolates, which seem to lower cancer risk. These vegetables have leaves or petals which form the shape of a cross. Cruciferous literally means “cross bearer.” According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, laboratory studies have demonstrated that eating cruciferous vegetables helps control an intricate system of bodily enzymes which protect us against cancer. What’s even more exciting is that elements of these “cross-bearing” vegetables have been shown to stop the growth of cancer cells, including tumors of the breast, endometrium, lung, colon, liver, colon and cervix.

The One-Bowl Fix A great way to get a couple of servings of raw veggies in easily is to include them in a big salad. Since dinner is the meal most families can eat together, have 1-2 cups of a simply prepared salad at each person’s place setting. Don’t go for the cellophane-wrapped iceberg lettuce either. According to the American Dietetic Association, the most popular fruits and vegetables (corn, potatoes, iceberg lettuce, apples and bananas) are not necessarily the most nutritious. Typically, the darker the color of the vegetable, the higher the nutrient content will be. So, going for color is a good rule of thumb (green thumb!). Go for COLOR! GREEN: Leafy greens (spinach, lettuces, collard, mustard and turnip greens), asparagus, green peppers, broccoli, green beans, peas, green cabbage, Brussels sprouts, okra (not fried!), zucchini, green onions, cilantro, parsley, cucumber, celery, sprouts. YELLOW/ORANGE: carrots, corn, pumpkin, yellow peppers, sweet potato, butternut squash, summer squash, spaghetti squash (our favorite!). RED: tomatoes, red cabbage, red peppers, red onions, beets. WHITE: cauliflower, onions, garlic, mushrooms, parsnips, shallots, turnips. BLUE/PURPLE: Eggplant Think Zucchini is “Stupid”? Be willing to try new things. Never tried a raw spinach and veggie salad? Think you might hate it? I once had a prejudice against zucchini (Italian squash). As a child I deemed it a “stupid” vegetable. I tried to feed my portion to our Shetland sheepdog Lady, but she wouldn’t eat it either. “But when I grew

up, I put away childish things,” as Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13:11 (NLT). While zucchini still won’t make me do back flips in the produce aisle, I’ve learned that lightly steamed zucchini and other veggies with cheese and herbs tastes great (and good for me, too!). Eating lighter will also help you be more attuned spiritually. It seems that when we overeat, all we want to do is nap or “veg-out” in front of the television. Instead of “vegging-out,” let’s “VEG-UP” for fitness in spirit, soul and body! Adapted from The Busy Woman’s Guide to Total Fitness by Laurette Willis (Harvest House Publishers) Check out Laurette’s new book & DVD set from Destiny Image Publishers: “40 Days to Fit & Fabulous with PraiseMoves.” Christian Fitness Expert and Certified Health Coach Laurette Willis is the Director of PraiseMoves Fitness Ministry with DVDs, Training, and Classes by Certified PraiseMoves Instructors on six continents (http://PraiseMoves. com). Get your free “5 Simple Steps to Looking and Feeling Fabulous” at http://5StepsGuide.com . ©2014

Photo Courtesy of galant


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Music Reviews for February by Sandi Duncan Clark

February is the month of love, the month of hearts! We celebrate our spouses, our significant others, our children, our loved ones and the affection we share among friends. We express our feelings with cards, music, dinners; all of the above. All these feelings are from the heart and this month we focus on that. We also focus on our physical heart, to stay healthy and be the best we can be for our families and for God’s glory. The word “love” appears often in God’s word, teaching us to truly love as we should. God’s word speaks of loving our neighbors, loving each other; it exhorts husbands to love their wives, and wives to love their husbands, and each of us to love the brethren. Most importantly it compels us to love the Lord our God, above all others. I challenge you to always tell those you care about that you love them. All too often we let those opportunities slip by then realize it might be too late. Thank you to each artist who has allowed us to share their music with you, our readers. Please search out these artists and enjoy their talent, testimony and music.

SPOKEN 4 Self-Titled Independent Producer: Jeff Stice From the great ‘fiddle’ intro on the very first song ‘l Know I’m Going Home,’ Spoken 4 has a wonderful quartet album for our enjoyment. This quartet, Brandon Britton, Jon Charles Taggart, Steven Hickinbotham and Cecil Stringer Jr., hails from Kimberling City, Missouri and travels extensively, ministering full time in Southern Gospel music. Each song on this recording is a treasure within itself; however, there are several that I have claimed as favorites. ‘It’s Quite A Valley’ and ‘In The Valley I Can Hear His Voice’ will minister to anyone going through a trial. Jeff Stice has created wonderful arrangements for these gentlemen. Each group member is featured on one or more songs and the strength of their combined vocals gives us some great quartet singing! From rollicking

up-tempo tunes to slow, moving ballads, there are 11 songs to enjoy. ‘Back To Me’ is the story of the prodigal son, while ‘Legend Of The Fall’ is the complete story of salvation. Spoken 4 does a notable job on one of my favorite songs of all time, ‘Hold Me,’ written by Joan Ewing. I first heard her husband, Rev. Murrell Ewing sing this song, and Spoken 4’s bass singer, Cecil Stringer does an impressive job this.

recording. It’s our pleasure to introduce Rose Gilley’s latest recording, FROM HEAVEN’S POINT OF VIEW, and encourage you to contact her at 850327-6186 for a copy. You will be blessed!

I definitely recommend this album and suggest that you contact Spoken 4 to get your copy by visiting their web site; www.spoken4quartetcom.

ON A ROLL Mark209 Music City Group Producer: Jamie Brantley

FROM HEAVEN’S POINT OF VIEW Rose Gilley Garden Creek Records Rose Gilley is one of the sweetest ladies you will ever meet, and has a wonderful alto voice. She has chosen 10 songs that showcase her vocal talent. Rose sings traditional Southern Gospel with a country flavor. She, along with her daughter Deana, known as Southern Heritage, has enjoyed almost two decades in music ministry. I like the testimony in ‘If I’m Still Here,’ and Rose does a wonderful job on a great song from the Red Back Hymnal; ‘Grace For Every Need.’ She sings Carl Story’s hit, ‘Light At The River,’ using his arrangement. Great job, Rose! The title song, ‘From Heaven’s Point Of View,’ written by Carroll McGruder, featured Priscilla McGruder before her untimely passing. Other than the great Priscilla, I could think of no one who could do a better job on this magnificent song! ‘Running My Last Mile Home,’ ‘Joy In The Storm’ and ‘I’ll Soon Be Gone’ round out a most enjoyable

Mark209 has an exciting new recording available with a lot of great music to enjoy. With songs written by Woody Wright, Ronnie Hinson, Sue C. Smith, Kenna West, Karen Harding and other great song writers; exciting music tracks and some great arrangements to complement each song, Mark209 has produced a winner. This quartet presents a program that appeals to a huge cross section of music fans and their songs present the Gospel to those who would not otherwise hear it. The title song, ‘We’re On A Roll,’ talks of all the avenues of performance and side roads many people take before they come to the truth of the Gospel. Their comment on this song is “This song expressed our hearts about what we are doing now with Mark209.” Woody Wright wrote this one. Woody also wrote ‘Hillbilly Haircut,’ another unique song for this group. To paraphrase the song; you can never judge a book by its cover! Lead Singer Jym Howe sings his testimony in ‘It Took A Man Like That.’ Like this one, each song on the recording, and there are 14, is a positive message, presenting the Gospel and how God touched the lives of these men. I like ‘That’s What Love Looks Like,’ ‘Wherever God

Is Moving,’ ‘It Takes Faith’ and ‘It Ain’t Over Til God Says It’s Over.’ You’ll also enjoy ‘Tennessee Orange,’ ‘Bible Story’ and ‘It Might As Well Be Me.’ To have your copy, contact Mark209 at 615-2462667.

WALK ON New Destiny Quartet Producer: Steve Keen We have been blessed to hear a number of wonderful all male quartets singing some great songs and the New Destiny is one of those. ‘Joy Comes In The Morning’ is done very well and 10 other inspiring songs make this a wonderful listening experience. These 11 songs were written by some of the best writers in Southern music and New Destiny gives each one their best. One of my favorites is ‘Testimony’ written by Sheri Lafontaine and Greg Day. ‘Anchored In the Rock’ and ‘Tryin’ To Get A Glimpse’ are both outstanding old quartet songs and New Destiny has a noteworthy version of each. Big Chief Wetherington wrote the latter and New Destiny would make him proud of this song. I really like ‘Walk On’ for the message and especially the arrangement. Other significant songs New Destiny selected for this recording are ‘It’s Almost Over,’ ‘Ready To Move,’ ‘My Tribute,’ ‘These Are They’ and ‘Just To Have A Touch Lord From You.’ The quartet does a superb job on Conrad Cook’s ‘Glory Road.’ This recording is pure wonderful quartet music by a talented group of men, and if you’re a fan of this

style of music, you must add this one to your music library. It’s a winner. Contact New Destiny at 586-819-7065.

HYMNS “Lest We Forget” The Torchmen Quartet Independent Producers: Jon Hisey, Bob Doidge, Amy King Having enjoyed the music of Canada’s well-known Southern Gospel quartet, The Torchmen, I knew we were in for a treat with their latest recording; 12 hymns we all will recall from our church services and camp meetings. Sometimes in this age of Praise and Worship, we forgo the hymns that have stood the test of time, and the Torchmen remind us of these precious songs. ‘Standing On The Promises’ kicks off a wonderful trip back in time and 45 minutes later we are all singing along with these sweet church hymns. It has been a while since I heard ‘All That Thrills My Soul Is Jesus,’ and these gentlemen do a wonderful job on this old song. Another song that I dearly love is ‘Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus’ and the Torchmen sing this gracefully with a beautiful piano and trumpet accompaniment. The playlist includes ‘Just As I Am,’ ‘I Love To Tell The Story,’ ‘More About Jesus,’ ‘Draw Me Nearer’ and five other wonderful hymns. You will truly be uplifted with the presentation of this quartet, and may have your own copy by contacting them at www.torchmen.com

Other songs on the recording are ‘He Laid It Down’ and ‘To Have It All.” This trio has been heralded as having the potential to be one of the industry’s exciting new artists this year. You may order your copy of I SURRENDER by calling 205-384-3274.

I SURRENDER The Page Trio Independent Producers: Johnny Page, Wayne Page, Darren Morton Not only do Johnny, Wayne and Cranford Page sing great Gospel music, they also write most of the music they sing! Of the ten songs on I SURRENDER, these gentlemen wrote nine! The Page Trio is a father/son ministry, with Cranford enjoying having his two sons sharing the stage and the Gospel with him. ‘God Is Faithful’ is the first song on the recording to enjoy airplay. It debuted at #80 on the industry’s National chart. Their latest single, shipped in January, is ‘I Am From Above,’ and you should be hearing this song on your local Gospel radio station. The Page Trio’s musical arrangements on several songs have intriguing melodies. ‘Turn Away’ and ‘I Surrender’ each has distinctive music tracks complementing the trio’s vocals. Along with their own original music, the trio sings a singular version of the old song, ‘I Wanna Go There’ with a slower tempo on the first verse, then kicking into “high gear” on the chorus and the remainder of the song. Cranford’s wife, Linda, beautifully sings ‘When God Whispers Your Name,’ and is joined by the trio on the chorus. There is nothing as appealing and thrilling as close, smooth family harmony and this family excels. ‘God Will Fight The Battle’ is an up-tempo song with assurance that we are not alone in our living for Christ. Cranford Page wrote ‘Same Old Story’ and is featured on this song.


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February 2014 1

This chart was compiled from a list of reporting stations. Each month we will be adding more stations. THE BLOOD AND ITS POWER GREATER VISION PREACHER TELL ME LIKE IT IS 27 PERRYS


































































































































































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This space could be yours! contact Rob Patz via email at rob@sgnscoops.com

Contributors SGN SCOOPS

Rob Patz is the President and CEO of Coastal Media Group. Rob has an 18 year history in radio hosting the nationally syndicated radio show, “The Southern Styles Show” since its beginning in 1993. Rob is also the owner of the internet’s #1 Southern Gospel station, SGMRadio.com. In 2009, Rob Patz acquired SGNScoops.com, including the all- digital Scoops Magazine and the Diamond Awards. Rob has taken part in several Christian television projects working in front of the camera and also has helped create several syndicated television programs as well. Rob does voice work for various outlets including fortune 500 companies as well as emceeing concerts and special events. Email Rob at rob@sgnscoops.com. As a Worship Pastor in 2009, Rhonda entered the Gospel music scene with an album of all originals in one hand, writing gifts in the other along with a heart full of passion for Gospel music. Although she knew no one and nothing about the industry, she followed the calling in her heart walking through doors only God could have opened. By 2011, Rhonda was named Editor in Chief of SGNScoops Magazine. This role has placed Rhonda in a position of learning all aspects of the industry and also provides a platform to unleash her contagious enthusiasm. After juggling church ministry and music ministry, Rhonda felt led to pursue Gospel music full time beginning in January 2014. In addition to her work with SGNScoops Magazine, Rhonda is a singer, songwriter, speaker and founder of a ladies trio, Rhonda Frye And Riverside. Rhonda also works with other artists and promoters organizing and promoting concerts and national events. Rhonda’s heart’s desire is to use the tool of Gospel music to inspire others to experience reconciled and real relationships with Christ. For more information, visit rhondafrye.com. Lou Wills Hildreth appears on the Gaither Homecoming Videos, and is a founding member of Texas First Family Of Gospel Music, the “Singing Wills Family.” She helped pioneer Christian television as host of “Wills Family Inspirational TV.” After moving to Nashville in the sixties, she was the first woman to own an artist management agency. Lou is an inductee of the Texas Gospel Music

Hall Of Fame, GMA Gospel Music Hall Of Fame, SGMA Hall Of Fame at Dollywood, and the Christian Music Hall Of Fame. She is a recipient of an Honorary Doctorate Of Sacred Music from Louisiana Baptist University. Recently, Gaither Homecoming Magazine named Lou in the “Hall Of Honor” series, and the Southern Gospel Music Guild gave her a “Lifetime Achievement Award.” Lou is celebrating a 65th wedding anniversary in 2011 with Howard, and they live in Houston near son Dr. David Hildreth and daughter Kathryn Mumaw, and 4 grandchildren. Visit Lou at: http://louhildreth.com Sandi Duncan Clark and Cliff Clark make their home in Easley, S.C. where they enjoy traveling, gardening, and the beautiful South Carolina weather. Sandi has worked in journalism for more than thirty years, and she is thankful that her love for God and Gospel music provides a great opportunity to positively impact the careers of so many in Gospel music. Email Sandi at sandi@ sgnscoops.com. Christian Health & Fitness Expert Laurette Willis is an author with Harvest House Publishers, and the Director of PraiseMoves Fitness Ministry with DVDs, a training program and PraiseMoves Instructors on four continents (http:// PraiseMoves.com , on Facebook http://on.fb.me/PraiseMoves. Laurette invites readers to get started on the road to better health and fitness for spirit, soul and body. For a free, easy- to- follow 21 day program visit: http://ChristianFitnessKit.com


Stephanie Kelley is a public speaker and owner of QueenO-Q, a blog featuring coupon match-ups, freebies, samples and information on frugal living. She is married, has three children and lives in Washington State. Quee-

Contributors SGN SCOOPS

Jennifer Campbell is a singer, songwriter, musician, and middle school English teacher from McAlpin, Florida. Along with her passion for teaching, she has an even greater passion for ministering to others, spreading the message that there is joy around the bend. She serves as a group leader for Women of Faith, designs websites, and writes an inspirational blog at http://jenniferjoycampbell.blogspot.com Learn more about Jennifer at http://jennifercampbell.net Canadian-born Lorraine Walker has a love for Jesus Christ, music and writing. The combination of these passions has produced artist features and monthly columns for Southern Gospel publications including SGM Radio website and SGN Scoops Digital magazine. Lorraine desires that the power of the written word will glorify her Lord and bring readers closer to the love, peace and majesty of the Almighty. Email Lorraine at lorraine@sgnscoops.com Angela Griffin is an International Field Representative for Love A Child, Inc., a 501 c 3 humanitarian organization to the island of Haiti. A rich Christian family heritage guided her path to minister in song to the broken, to feed the hungry, and lead others to Christ. On December 31, 2002 she married Tim Griffin, an accomplished Southern Gospel pianist. Tim and Angela then combined their musical talents and formed the group “The Griffin’s.” They have traveled throughout the Southeast spreading the love of Christ.

Scott Rhoades has a passion for writing, and enjoys sharing his experiences and interests through publication and speaking in public forums. After completing graduate work in 2006, he began to pursue freelance writing and continued public speaking. In 2009, he took to the airwaves, joining the staff of WMUG in Indiana, Pennsylvania where he is the Program Host for Sunday

Morning Light. The owner of Ivory Hill Studios, he is the co-author of Legacy of Love: Memories from Ivory Hill - a collection of stories and poems highlighting the history of the Rhoades family and the small coal-mining town of Nanty-Glo, Pennsylvania. Scott is also a songwriter, publishing his first song, I’m Under His Wings, with Asheville Music Publishing/Chris White Music in 2010. Website: www.scottrhoades.net Joan Walker grew up with music in the house and first heard Southern Gospel in her early teens. With almost a quirky (some may say ‘weird’) need to make sure words are spelled correctly and the apostrophes are in the right place, she enjoys proofreading the articles for the SGN Scoops magazine each month...and looks beyond the letters and commas to the wonderful words each writer has written. Joan counts it as a blessing in her life to be part of SGN Scoops!

Pete Schwager is a web developer and graphic designer with a passion for Christ. He was born in Santa Rosa, California and moved to Oregon where he spent most of his life. He now lives in the quiet town of Ringgold, Georgia and enjoys living in the country with his family. You can find him online at http:// peteschwager.com

Staci Schwager helps with marketing and communication with her husband’s web design company, Cre8able Media. Together they make a great team! Staci being the “talkative” one, loves being able to communicate one on one with clients and organizing ideas. While Pete on the other hand is diving into the design and coding aspects to make the real masterpiece! Most of Staci’s days are filled with preparing homeschool lessons for her kids, couponing, gardening, tending to her chicken flock and spending as much time on the beautiful, country land God has blessed them with.

Contributors SGN SCOOPS


Richard (Rick) Kiser Jr. is the author of the children’s book series, Carly and Friends. He also has written one novel, “Forever My Son.” He is a full time computer technician and lives in Virginia with his wife and two daughters. To learn more about Rick visit his web site www.

Dixie has been married to Pastor Paul Phillips for 35 years. The couple has been honored to serve the congregation of the Gospel Lighthouse Church in Floyd, Iowa, for 31 years. They have four grown children and four “perfect” grandchildren. Dixie is a ghostwriter, award winning children’s author, and songwriter. She and her sister-in-law Sharon won the 2012 Singing News/Solid Gospel Songwriters Search with their song “Hidden Heroes.” Her favorite pastime is counting her blessings. If you’d like to know more about Dixie, visit her website at www.floydslighthouse.com or www.phillipsandphillipsmusic.com. You can e-mail Dixie at Phillips4Him@myomnitel.com.

My name is Tina Wakefield and I am currently Music Minister for Amazing Grace Worship Center in Alabaster, Al. I have led worship for over 18 years as well as teach adults how to live everyday life in Victory as a Christian. I enjoy playing and singing Gospel Music whenever and wherever I am invited. I currently have three Cd s available on my website at www.tinawakefield.com and just released my first music video with Godsey & Associates called,” The Choice” available on YouTube. I write a lot of the music we sing at church and also record my original songs. My family is very ministry oriented with Pastors, Teachers, Musicians, and Singers. My heart’s desire is to spread the gospel of Christ through any and all open doors that I receive.

Dr. Jeff R. Steele is a pastor, conference speaker, singer, songwriter, husband, father, grandfather and friend. He is currently the Senior Pastor at Faith Baptist Church in Cullman, Alabama. Their services are webcast worldwide; they have a weekly television program and host an annual Jubilee each August that attracts hundreds from around the southeast. Dr. Steele is beginning his eighth year there. As a songwriter Jeff has been credited with 17 Number One songs in Christian music as well as four BMI Gold Medals for Great National Popularity as measured by Broadcast Performances. He has also been recognized by BMI as Christian Songwriter of the Year on several occasions. The group, The Steeles was featured across the nation and was seen on numerous magazine covers, feature articles, television and radio programs during their ministry on the road. Jeff is still writes songs and articles, sings on occasion and speaks in conferences and revivals. Jeff is married to Sherry, his wife of 31 years and they have three grown children. Visit Jeff on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and at www.jeffrsteele.com. Erin Stevens is a uniquely talented 18 year old shutterbug, singer, guitar player, writer, blogger, social networker and shooting coach. She is the owner/operator of Photos For Keeps By Erin. She also travels in fulltime Gospel music ministry with The Stevens Family. Photography is her passion, and singing for Christ is her calling. Check out her photography website www.photosforkeepsbyerin.com and her ministry website www.stevensfamilymusic.com. Sherry Anne Lints, a Doctor of Chiropractic, singer, speaker, actress, writer and fitness trainer, was born with a bilateral hearing and speech impairment. She appeared in the films, Clancy and The Perfect Gift and was a special guest on 100 Huntley Street, in Ontario, Canada. She is a contributing author for the book, Modern-Day Miracles and released her second CD, Keep on Prayin’, July 2012 and has opened for many of the Gaither Homecoming Artists. Additionally, Sherry Anne helps lead worship and drama at her church. For more information, visit: www. SherryAnne.com.

Contributors SGN SCOOPS

After graduating from Middle Tennessee State University with a Mass Communication degree, Craig Harris has been in the journalism field for more than 15 years, working daily as both a photographer and writer at one of the largest non-daily publications in the state of Tennessee. He has experience in feature writing, news writing, action photography, portrait photography, web-site maintenance and layout. Craig has been a part of numerous awards, both collective and individual honors in the journalism field. He has had articles published in numerous newspapers and magazines on a variety of subjects, most notably in the world of sports. Craig’s Southern Gospel interest dates back for approximately the same time span, having closely followed the industry since the later portion of the 1990s. He also performed for seven years with a local trio prior to joining the SGN Scoops staff. John Randolph is a Country Gospel singer, songwriter, speaker, business leader, husband and father who has a burning desire to see the hearts of men turn back and embrace the calling that God has given us to lead our homes. After serving for seven years as the lead singer for a regional East Texas Southern Gospel Quartet, and two years on church staffs as an Interim Worship Leader, John is now in his second full year of solo music ministry. More importantly, John is finally getting the answer to the question he’s asked God for over 20 years… ”why did you let me get this degree in Journalism?” With his first full-length solo-project CD under his belt, John has been recognized in the Christian Country music genre with numerous award nominations including winning the 2013 Male Horizon Award. His initial single release – Call Me Old Fashioned - was a Top 10 Country Gospel Music hit for over 13 months in 2012. You can learn a lot more about John and JR Ministries at www.jrministries.com as well as connect directly with him on Facebook (facebook.com/johnrandolphministiries).

David’s distinctive sound and his ability to blend perfectly with a variety of vocalists has made him a valuable commodity on live events as well as in the studio. His compassionate and gentle spirit makes him more than an artist, it makes him a great friend! David began singing at age 6 with family. In 1990, he filled in for the Speer Family and later that year he became the lead vocalist for The Trailblazers. In 2002, Staton filled the lead position with Priority. While with Priority, the group was the resident gospel group at the Silver Dollar City theme park in Branson, MO and they performed for over one million people in one year. After the group disbanded in 1995, David continued to write for artists in many different genres of music while occasionally performing solo. It was during this time that his song, “Every Knee Shall Bow”, recorded by Dottie Peoples, was nominated for a Grammy Award. His song, “Together We Can” was adopted as the national theme song to bring awareness to violence in schools. The music video (Together We Can) that featured many Atlanta based artists was shown at the 1999 Grammy Awards show, which helped launch the careers of artists like R&B’s Jagged Edge, India Arie, and 4.0. In 2004, David partnered with Mike LeFevre to form The LeFevre Quartet. During the seven years that he was the lead vocalist, the group had many hit songs and won many awards. After leaving the LeFevre Quartet in 2011, Staton began working on a solo project and also began singing with Palmetto State Quartet. The group appeared on television and toured with country music superstar, Wynonna Judd while Staton was there. Through the years, artists like Gold City, Jeff & Sheri Easter, Kingsmen, Singing Americans, Dixie Melody Boys, Imperials, Dottie Peoples, Ball Brothers, LeFevre Quartet, Palmetto State Quartet, Priority, Trailblazers, The Greenes, Ivan Parker, Brian Free and many more have recorded David’s music. From 2005 to 2013, Staton was the Executive Vice President for Song Garden Music Group in Nashville, TN. In recent years, the National Quartet Convention has asked David to be a part of an industry advisory panel to help artists who need assistance and training. Not only has David made a mark as an artist, he is passing on his talent and knowledge to new artists, influencing and shaping the future of Gospel music.

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