SCOOPS ........... Magazine
Greater Vision
table of contents 3
Publisher’s Point
Letter From The Editor
Life, Love, and Legends by Lou Wills Hildreath
Greater Vision by Matt Baker
The Thorns by Jennifer Campbell
Marty Raybon by Paige Givens
I Need It! by Dean Adkins
Reflections by Sherry Anne
SGN Scoops Top 100
Wisdom From Wells with Dusty Wells
Younger Perspective - Kris Erwin by Erin Stevens
DJ Spotlight on Skip Taylor by Vonda Easley
Good Health by Laurette Willis
The Diplomats by Jennifer Campbell
We’re All Human by Jeff Steele
The Browders by Paige Givens
High Notes with Kelly Nelon Clark
Adoration by Bethany Cook
April Music Reviews with Jonathan Edwards
The Stephens by Jaquita Lindsay
Greenbrier Quartet Festival by Candi Combs
Event Planner: Singing at Sea by Lynn Mills
Pastors Corner with Ed Smith
74 Contributors
Our Mission SGNScoops exists to promote the gospel by unveiling what is intriguing and real about Southern Gospel and Christian Country music. With integrity, we aspire to strengthen Christians, highlight people who are fulfilling a call to minister and emphasize the music that inspires audiences and glorifies God. Publisher- Rob Patz Editor- Lorraine Walker Feature Editor- Craig Harris Layout/Design- Pete Schwager, Staci Schwager Cover Design- Stephanie Kelley Founder- Dr. Allen Smith
Have a SCOOP to share? For news consideration, email us at
Publisher’s Point by Rob Patz
Easter is one of my most favorite times of the year. I love the promise of new life and a new start, the fresh air and the colorful flowers. It's a good time to remind ourselves the reason for our faith. The God we serve is alive! What could be better than that? I hope you are enjoying Easter and Springtime as much as I am. I also hope you are looking forward to one of the many Southern Gospel events that are happening this year. May is coming quickly and in that month is the Ozark Gospel Music Convention, in Branson, Missouri. There are a lot of great concerts and showcases planned for May 4th through 6th. I hope you have made your plans to attend. The great Christian Country event planned for Pigeon Forge, Tennessee has been moved from April to August of this year. Stay tuned to this page for more information. We are looking forward to being together with all of our Christian Country artists and friends! Don't forget to mark your calendars for Creekside Gospel Music Convention coming up on November 2nd through 5th of this year, also in Pigeon Forge Tennessee. So many exciting events happening this year, I can hardly wait! I know that many of you have been wondering about the status of my health, and I can assure you that I am on the mend. I hope to see you at one of these events this year and to thank you in person for all of your prayers and support. We serve a God who cares for each of us individually and He is also able to heal. If you don't know the Lord that I serve, please email me with your questions at rob@sgnscoops. Christ is risen!
A Letter From the Editor By Lorraine Walker
pel like The Stephens; each one has their own Happy Easter! We are celebrating Resurrection Sunday and all that means for the Christian story to tell. faith. Our God is alive and well! Our monthly columnists have been busy pouring out their hearts to you as well. Dusty Wells I heard someone comment a while ago, that Jesus loves the whole world but is not interested shares about being chased and Jennifer Campbell writes about being captured by the love of in our individual problems. I beg to differ. He has numbered the hairs on my head and knows Jesus and all He has done for us. Do not miss any of the columns or features! what color they originally were! He knows my name. He bottles up every single one of my As you celebrate this season of new life, I hope tears. He is a very personal God and even a cursory reading of the Scriptures will point that you embrace the love of Jesus, shown by the images of the cross, the crown of thorns and the out. If you don't believe in the Word of God then you have lost out on the foundation of our empty tomb that we see so much of at Easter. He faith. I believe the Bible and I believe that Jesus cares about you on a very personal level. Take time to thank Him and to share your personal Christ lived and died and rose again to give us faith with someone new. the incredible gift of abundant and eternal life. I am so glad that everyone who works on SGNScoops and the artists that we write about share a personal faith in this personal God. I know you will enjoy the stories you read about this month. From groups with the longevity of Greater Vision, to those who are just beginning to find their place in the world of Southern Gos-
If you have any questions or comments about this letter or anything in SGN Scoops digital magazine, please write to me at .
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SCOOPS .......... Magazine
Midnight Prayer
Smoky Mountain Convention Center Pigeon Forge, TN
Life Love & LEGENDS by lou wills hildreth
One of God’s blessings of being in the senior years of our LIFE is the accumulation of a multitude of friends. Recently, Howard and I were invited to the “Greater Houston Area Gospel Song-fest” at First Baptist Church, Tomball, Texas, promoted by Dignity Gospel Quartet. Russell Allen, Manager and bass vocalist for the group, is a longtime friend of my Wills Family, having grown up in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. We loved renewing our acquaintance with him and his wife
Sherry, and meeting other members of the quartet, Stan Rule, Clint Hebert, and Wally Shuttlesworth. We were impressed with the quality and presentation of Dignity Gospel Quartet. After the quartet sang, a true LEGEND, and extremely talented artist, Allison Speer, delighted the audience with her music and her comedy. In talking with Allison and her husband Brian earlier in the Fellowship Hall, I learned that his mom, Faye Speer, had serious health issues. Brian and I reminisced about a long ago Gaither video taping that was taking place at the time we got the word that Brock Speer, his father, was dying; a sad time for all of us. Allison and Brian live in Nash-
ville and are a beautiful example of a couple working together to spread the gospel. Howard and I were seated on the front row, very close to the stage, and we could feel the LOVE from all the artists. Three Bridges came on and sang an absolutely fabulous set of songs and testimony. We were overwhelmed at the sweet spirit that spread across the auditorium. We have been blessed with the friendship of Elliott McCoy, Shannon Smith, and Jeremie Hudson for many years. They never fail to deliver a strong message of hope in Jesus Christ. We loved seeing and hearing them. We thank Russell Allen and his group for the gracious welcome to the “Song-fest.” We pray God’s blessing on the Dignity Gospel Quartet as they promote gospel music in the Houston area. We appreciate their cooperation with our friend David Hancock of “Singin’ In Texas” to avoid conflicts in scheduling dates and talent. Let’s make a joint effort to support Gospel music at every opportunity. More than ever, the message needs to be heard that “Jesus Is Coming Soon.”
Lou Hildreth P. O. Box 271106 Houston, TX 77277
Charlie Griffin A Day Off! A Collection of Holidays! FFeeaattuurriinngg::
It’s A New Day - Streets of Galilee It’s Your Season - Thank My God Help Somebody - Making A New Start – First Day in Heaven 20 great songs celebrating your HOLIDAYS DAY OFF!
PHOTO A. Dignity Gospel Quartet: Clint Hebert, Stan Rule, Wally Shuttlesworth, Russell Allen
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PHOTO B. Allison Speer PHOTO C. Three Bridges: Jeremie Hudson, Shannon Smith, Elliott McCoy with Lou Hildreth
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Greater Vision: It was 2006. I was scheduled to sing in a church in Clovis, New Mexico. I didn’t realize whom I was opening for until that week. The group I opened up for that night made a lasting impact on me; they became my favorite group and still are to this day. I’m talking about Greater Vision, from Morristown, TN: lead singer/emcee Gerald Wolfe, baritone Rodney Griffin, and Chris Allman singing the tenor part. Gospel music fans from all over the world have fallen in love with the smooth harmony and the timeless lyrics heard on each project they release. What I’ve come to love is their class and consistency on and off the stage; the Greater Vision I saw in 2006 is the same Greater Vision I saw a couple weeks ago in Morganton, NC. Their love for the Lord is evident in their music, and in this conversation, we’ll see some of the heart behind this faithful journey they’ve been on for 25 years now. Gerald Wolfe is a powerhouse in the world of Southern Gospel, and it’s hard to imagine Greater Vision, or the Southern Gospel industry itself, without his presence. However, he says, that almost happened. “During High School, my plan was to go to the Navy after graduation, using the ROTC Program to pay for my education, since I had finished my High School’s three-year ROTC program. Thankfully, God had a different plan that brought me to where I am today. If I had followed my plan, I would probably be retired from the Navy by now, and playing the piano or organ in a church in Morristown, TN., or leading congregational
A Legacy of Faithfulness by Matt Baker
worship.” Chris Allman is the most recent addition to this bunch and after a break of several years you’d think there would be changes to the focus of Greater Vision. “Well,” says Allman, “At this point I wouldn’t really be considered the newbie anymore. I’ve been back nearly five years. Believe it or not, it’s not much different. We’re just all older and more patient!” This older group of Greater Vision still has the powerful singing and heart-gripping songs of the earlier version. It’s not often that in a group, you have at your fingertips two of Gospel Music’s most prolific songwriters. Rodney Griffin and Allman have written literally hundreds of songs in their career and they say this desire to write came out of the need to express themselves more personally in their music. “Sitting at my desk in Newport News Shipbuilding in Newport News, Virginia in 1989, I wrote my first song,” says Griffin. “I found myself writing during my lunch breaks. The only problem was I didn’t have an outlet for any of my songs. I wasn’t singing with a group at the time, yet I had a desire to say something. I had written 25 to 30 songs before I had the nerve to try to pitch something to a group.” Allman notes, “I just had a real desire to say something through music. It was as if just singing other people’s thoughts wasn’t altogether satisfying. I prayed for the gift to write and God granted it.” Occasionally the writers will bring forward a song that just doesn’t work for the trio, and other artists
singings has been amazing. “We sing in lots of churches, and over the last several years, I’ve noticed that people are singing less and less,” says Wolfe. “Worship services seem to becoming more of a spectator sport than corporate worship experiences. I’m sure there are many reasons for it, but at least one of them has to be that people don’t always know the songs that are being sung on the platform, and they aren’t engaged in the experience.
then record these works. Griffin comments, “I’ve been blessed to write several songs that we haven’t recorded. One of those that touches me deeply is: “Will You Marry Me.” I believe it was recorded on Lauren Talley’s first solo project. Musically, it doesn’t fit us, but wow, when I think of the message, it is deep.”
Griffin and Allman songs have garnered awards and accolades for the group, but this doesn’t make the Greater Vision men stand-offish or place themselves apart from their audience. On any given night, a concert attendee will find any of the men, or all three of them, at the product table. Griffin comments, “It’s always a treat for me to hear how a particular song we sang encouraged someone in some particular instance. There is nothing more encouraging to a writer than to hear what God did with a song in someone’s life - especially when you are looking them in the eye!” Interacting with their audience has led this trio to initiate a new phenomenon in Southern Gospel, the Gospel Music Hymn Sing events. The old hymns seem to come to life and the response to these congregational
“I felt like it was important to my generation, and the generations coming up behind us, to at least try to re-introduce people to congregational singing. It’s certainly not a new idea, but I did, and do, feel very strongly about getting people involved in corporate worship, and one of the best ways to do that is by using familiar songs. Songs that people may not have heard in a long time, but that are instantly recognizable and singable. Songs that remind us of the greatness of God, and of personal encounters we’ve had with Him. Familiar hymns and Gospel songs have a very unique way of crossing generational boundaries, and I’m very excited to play a very small part in bringing multiple generations together in this way.” One of the surprising effects of these Sings has been the involvement and the excitement of the youth in the audience. Wolfe notes, “I’m very grateful for the parents and grandparents who bring their children and grandchildren to our Gospel Music Hymn Sing events. I always look forward to talking to kids, after the event, to get their take on what they’ve just experienced.” “I’ll admit I do get a little frustrated with Youth Pastors who don’t see the value in encouraging their young people to attend these events and get involved. Younger people need to be involved in worship with older people. Corporate worship is a family affair. “Younger people can learn a great deal about
worship by watching how older people engage in corporate worship. Likewise, older people can benefit from the energy of younger people who are actively involved in worship services. I believe the best way to bring all the age groups together is through congregational singing. It has worked in Christian Churches around the world for centuries and no one has come up with a more effective idea yet.
“Don’t take my word for it; just look around you next Sunday morning, and see how many people are participating, compared to the number of people who are just watching.” Bringing back hymns into the church is a favorite subject with Wolfe, as is one of his favorite all-time quartets, the Cathedrals. Every now and then, you might see a fourth and fifth man up on stage with the Greater Vision guys. These men aren’t permanent fixtures in the group, but their presence is definitely felt when they team up with Gerald, Rodney, and Chris. Greater Vision brings back some of the Cathedral classics when they team up with Mark Trammell and Pat Barker, in a group they call the Second Half Quartet. “I really enjoy the chemistry we five have on the stage and it goes without saying that the Cathedrals were very instrumental in my wanting to do what I do,” says Allman. “Some may not know but, when I was 12, the Cathedrals came to my father’s church and George got me up on stage to sing a song with them! That kind of sealed the deal for me.” The Second Half Quartet will soon have a project available for audiences to en-
joy. With lives that have been filled with music, one would think it would be impossible to pick one favorite piece. But if they were only able to sing one more song, Wolfe says that for him it would be, “Jesus Paid It All.” “The song title tells why,” he says. Griffin comments, “My all time favorite song is still, ‘The Old Rugged Cross.’ I love everything about it.” Allman admits, “That’s a hard question that would probably change with every season of life. I wrote a song that we’ve never sung with Greater Vision, but says it all, in my opinion. Steve Ladd cut it and singled it. It’s titled ‘Jesus Saves.’ Isn’t that what the world needs to know?” For the avid Gospel Music listener, you’ll find that what you hear from Greater Vision in 2015 isn’t a great difference from what you may have heard from Greater Vision in the 1990’s, and that’s a very good thing for them. Greater Vision found their sound a long time ago; they’ve stuck with it ever since and it continues to bless people and minister to listeners literally all over the world. Griffin says, “I guess what’s neat to me about this group is that even after 21 years here, our look and song style are about the same as it was back when I came. We are a church oriented, traditional style gospel group that loves each other and the people we sing to.” These three men have decades of ministry experience under their belts, garnering awards each and every year within the group, as well as individually.
If they chose to boast in this great success, they could easily do so. But if you see Greater Vision in concert, by way of testimony you’ll hear these men proclaim that it’s not an award, or a number one song, or a bus, or a stage, which makes you successful in the eyes of
the Lord. It’s being faithful in the little things, being obedient to His Word, loving people like He does, and serving with what talents He blesses you with. These things I’ve learned by example from the three men you’re reading about right now. And as long as the door is open, you’ll hear this same message proclaimed all over the country from Gerald, Chris, and Rodney. These
are faithful men, and Heaven is paying attention. Please find Greater Vision on the web at www. and be sure to attend one of their concerts. You’ll enjoy the Second Half Quartet as well, and we hope you try to find one of their Gospel Music Hymn Sing events. The ministry of Greater Vision will touch your heart.
The Thorns By Jennifer Campbell
One day, as I was cutting back my rose bushes, I was reminded of the love of Jesus Christ. I grabbed hold of one of the branches and I felt a thorn gently touch the skin on my finger. I immediately let go of the branch, making sure to avoid a deeper encounter with this perilous object. The moment I let go, I thought of the crown of thorns that was placed on the head of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Here I was jerking back in trepidation from these prickly branches, yet Jesus had much larger thorns driven into His scalp. Suddenly, I was filled with a renewed sense of gratefulness for the love that He showed for you and me. He didn’t let go. Jesus didn’t run away from an uncomfortable situation. He stayed, suffering through every agonizing moment. Why? He did it out of love for you and me.
to help them in any way that we possibly could.
As children, we often learn to recite John 3:16. The scripture reads, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” While this verse is entirely true, letter for letter, there is another scripture reference that I feel is equally important. I John 3:16 (NIV) states, “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.” Right within this single verse, we have a definition of love that transcends any that we find in a dictionary. Love means being willing to give your life for someone else. Now this doesn’t mean we need to put ourselves in dangerous situations just in an effort to show someone affection. This means that we should hold others in such high regard that we would do anything for them,
Think about it. The God who created the Heavens and Earth out of nothing gives His only Son who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, just to save us from our sins. Jesus agrees to be mocked and spit upon and abused just so we could be redeemed. They loved us when we were still sinners. We were unlovable. We were nothing. But because of the blood that Jesus Christ shed on the cross more than 2,000 years ago, we became something. Individuals who trust in Jesus Christ are now heirs of Christ, covered by His blood, bought with a price. Our sins have been washed away and we are a new creation in Christ Jesus. All because of the love Jesus and His Father have for us, a love that is greater than we could ever fully comprehend or imagine.
Jesus knew that His Father’s will was for Him to die on the cross. He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane for this cup to pass from Him. But then He followed this prayer with the words, “Not as I will, but as you will” (Matthew 26:39 NIV). Jesus did not want to suffer and die. But He knew that His Father’s will was more important than His own. I am also sure that God did not want to watch His only Son suffer and die either. Still, they both knew that this was what must occur for you and me to have eternal life. In John 3:16, we see God’s love for us being shown through the gift of His Son. Then, in I John 3:16, we see Jesus’ love for us through the gift of His life.
When they placed the crown of thorns upon His
head, I know Jesus was in pain. But in spite of the pain, He knew He was doing it for you and me. Perhaps He was thinking, “This is for My children. It will be worth it all. I know they are special in My Father’s sight and I love them just as much as He does. I would do anything to grant them eternal life.” Jesus could have called ten thousand angels to save Him from this humiliating and excruciating death. But His love was too great. He persevered, knowing that each step toward Golgotha was fulfilling the will of God. He knew that all these things must come to pass before future generations would have freedom through Christ. He knew He had to die so that we might live eternally with Him. Jesus was the only perfect man to walk on the face of this earth. But He still had to die, so that we might live. This is love. Perhaps you are reading this thinking that no one could ever love you. You may have done things that you are ashamed to even think about, much less talk about. But I want to encourage you today. No matter what you have done or where you have been, Jesus Christ died for you. He loves you more than you could imagine. He longs to have a personal relationship with you. He wants you to talk to Him on a daily basis. He wants to be a friend who sticks closer than a brother. If you do not have this type of relationship with Jesus Christ, I invite you to repeat these words aloud,
from your heart: Dear Jesus, I thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I am so unworthy. Thank you for loving me when I was unlovable. I was like the thorns, but I know you can turn me into a beautiful rosebud, transforming my corrupt life into something beautiful. Please come into my heart and make me a new creation. Please forgive me of my sins. I want to live for You. Help me share Your love with others. In Your Precious Name, Amen. This Easter, remember to thank Jesus for giving His life for you. He loves you so much. Share His love with someone else today. Invite someone to church. Tell your coworkers, neighbors, friends, or family about what Jesus means to you. Don’t be afraid of what they will think, as I was afraid to grasp hold of the thorny rose bush. Jump in there and tell them what He has done for you! He thought you were worth dying for. Now that is something to talk about! Don’t just go to church on Easter, but live your life in a way that reflects the love of Jesus to everyone you meet, every day of the year. Radiate the infinite love of Jesus Christ. He gave His life for you. What will you give to Him in return?
Photo Courtesy of Sister72
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Marty Raybon Every Good Thing By Paige Givens
Marty Raybon is a true artist whose music has stood the test of time. Whether listeners have heard the Grammy-award winning tenor as a solo artist or as lead singer of the popular Country group Shenandoah, they have quickly learned that Raybon’s heart and soul are poured out through his songs. Marty has enjoyed a long-lasting career in Country, Bluegrass, and Gospel music. Through all of his accomplishments, however, Marty will be the first to tell you where every good thing in his life comes from—and it’s from the God who loves him. Marty was born in Sanford, Florida, but he grew up in Jacksonville, Florida. He recalls growing up with his brothers and sister there. “It was a wonderful childhood. Music always filled our house. My brothers, Rick and Tim, and I sang together a lot, especially songs about being brothers. So we loved ‘brother’ acts, like The Osborne Brothers, Jim and Jesse. Our father, Kenneth, was a fiddle player and he taught us harmony parts. He was my biggest influence in music, not just because he knew how to
make it work, but because he knew how to love it. He taught me how to love it.” Marty also recalls some of the biggest spiritual influences in his early years. “Billy Graham was the most soul-stirring spiritually. Also, my older sister, Kathy, has always walked very close to the Lord. She was such a wonderful example of how to be Christlike.” When Marty was in third grade, he sang in a talent show at Brookview Elementary School. “I was eight years old. I sang the Johnny Horton classic, ‘The Battle of New Orleans.’ Now, to some it may seem strange, but I knew from that night on that singing to people was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.” In 1985, Marty’s dream came true when he formed the country band Shenandoah with Ralph Ezell, Stan Thorn, Jim Seales, and Mike McGuire. Marty was able to do what he loved best—singing to crowds. “For 12 years we ran up and down the road not even realizing we were having the time of our
lives. We realized early on that people were not just coming to our shows because of the hits, but also because they wanted to take their minds off of everything else. They bought a ticket to our show, and we owed them that. We were grateful to realize that.” Marty also says he learned early on that his job was a privilege. “I realized that the Lord has blessed me with a wonderful gift in doing what I get to do. Having the opportunity to stand before people and sing has always meant a lot to me.” The group Shenandoah enjoyed many successes and awards during their 12 years as a band. For Marty, the moment that stands out the most in his career was when his group Shenandoah won TNN’s Viewer’s Choice Award in 1989 for “Favorite Newcomer.” Marty recalls, “That was voted on by the people who were fans of country music, and at that point in our career, they thought we were worthy to have it.” In 1997, Marty felt the Lord leading him in a new direction in his career, and he left the group (Shenandoah has recently joined ranks again for the Shenandoah “RELOADED” Tour.). He released several gospel/country albums as a solo
artist and recorded the song “Butterfly Kisses,” which was did very well on radio, with his brother Tim. The two were finally getting to do what they dreamed of as boys, singing in a ‘brother’ act as The Raybon Brothers. The two never toured, but did enjoy success with their hit radio single. Raybon has met people he only dreamed of meeting and talked with some that have changed his life. “I was always a fan of Merle Haggard. To be able to sit down and have a conversation with him was something I never would have believed I’d get the chance to do, but I got to do that. I also had the opportunity to meet and spend time with Pastor John Hagee and his family from Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas. I really appreciated his spiritual insight and integrity.” Marty has gotten to fulfill his childhood dream again and again as he sings to people all over the world. “I have to say that every good thing that has ever happened to me has been because of the Lord. Through prayer and the trust in who He is, I can come to understand His sovereign will for my life. I depend on His direction on all the avenues of my life and try to stay on that path. Although I have failed
at times, my failures only lead me to know that He loves me and wants the best for my life.” The Lord is definitely using Marty in a big way, and not just here at home. On a recent trip to Costa Rica, Marty was touched by the people and their love for the Lord. He was also impacted by their need for a building to have church in. He felt the Lord leading him to get involved by providing a building for the people to meet in and a place to grow their church. To learn more about his church-building project, and to find out how you can help, visit www. Currently, Marty Raybon is touring as a solo artist and also with the bluegrass band, Marty Raybon and Full Circle. He is also joining back up with Shenandoah for a reunion tour and a new album. Marty is especially looking forward to a special experience in August at Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. He will be appearing in the Christian Country event “Salute to Our Heroes,” which hits very close to home for him and his family. “I have always felt a great deal of respect for the men and women who serve in the US military. I guess I didn’t realize how much until our son, Matthew, went to Iraq. To truly understand what they were giving up when they were willing to go into battle and give their life for their country, it just causes that much more respect. We live in freedom because of the price of youth and blood. Veterans are not only to be saluted but should be truly honored.” Whether he is honoring our military, building churches across the ocean, or living out his life’s dream at home, Marty knows where the true success lies, and that’s at the heart of God. Loving and following the God who loves him is what Marty Raybon is all about. To learn more about Marty’s current projects, visit his website at, follow him on Twitter (@martyraybon), and like him on Facebook (Marty Raybon). For booking Shenandoah, contact Michael Weinstein at American Artists. For booking Marty Raybon and Full Circle, the bluegrass band, email
I Need It! By Dean Adkins
“I need it!” seems to be the mantra of those who collect Southern Gospel music (SGM) memorabilia. The old adage, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure,” holds true for these highly motivated individuals. Grandma’s old LPs that end up in a thrift store can become prized possessions to the collector. I decided to interview a few fellow collectors to get their perspective on this hobby that can sometimes become an obsession. So, meet Brent Joiner, Paul Conover and Harold Timmons and get their outlook on collecting. Dean: Tell us your name, occupation and location. Brent Joiner: Social Worker; Franklin, NC. Paul Conover: historian and professional educator (also a regional quartet pianist); Poplar Bluff, MO. Harold Timmons: Self employed in selling music as well as Marketing Director for The Chuck Wagon Gang; Nashville, TN. Dean: How did you get started collecting and how long have you been at it?
Brent: I’ve been around Southern Gospel Music since I was born and enjoyed collecting CD’s and cassettes of my favorite groups starting in my early years. However, I decided it was a calling and became a diehard collector in 2005 when I was 25. Paul: I had various family members involved in the Gospel music field for generations, and literally teethed on both a 45 rpm record and the edge of our home record player. My dad and grandmother both had extensive collections of a variety of Gospel music items. They helped me start my collection when I started taking piano lessons at five years of age. Harold: It started out very simple with family buying records. My family attended concerts in the 50’s and bought records there and at record stores. 3. What do you collect? General items or specifics? Brent: I collect all media formats, books, magazines, pictures, memorabilia, ticket stubs from concerts, posters, absolutely anything and everything to do with
Southern Gospel Music. Paul: I generally collect 78 rpms and any rare recordings prior to 1965 on any medium. I search for old photos and songbooks quite a bit too; especially any personal items that belonged to, or were generated by, Gospel music personalities. Harold: LPS, 45s, 78s, concert recordings, songbooks, memorabilia, printed periodicals, vhs videos, a few DVDs, and pictures. Most folks know me as a former member of The Chuck Wagon Gang.
John Crenshaw, who very selflessly shared information and knowledge with me. I joined a Facebook group that John oversaw, and later made the transition to the WLOSGMH (We Love Our Southern Gospel Music History) Facebook group when it started. Now, for stats: My Gospel music collection includes approximately 600-plus cassette tapes, 200-plus eight-track tapes, 250 to 300 reel-to reel tapes, around 300 45 rpms, approximately 1000-plus 78 rpms, and rapidly growing stacks of 33’s (around 1,500 at the moment). I also have shoeboxes full of not-yet-cataloged photos and negatives, uncounted hundreds and hundreds of songbooks, and boxes full of receipts/returned checks/invoices from Gospel music groups and personalities. There are also several odds and ends in my collection: microphones/ microphone stands, a well-known radio station reel tape machine, Lee Roy Abernathy’s home PA amplifier and stereo reel tape machine, Blackwood Brothers tea glass set(s), and several autographed and personalized promotional pictures, letters, notes etc. Harold: I have some 5,000 LP’s, about 1,000 78’s, probably 800 45’s, and boxes full of periodicals, pictures, and memorabilia. I have probably another 10,000 items that I sell. There are several events that I have booths at during each year. 5. What do you consider your most collectible item? Brent: I’m fortunate to have several items in my collec-
4. How extensive is your collection? Brent: Currently I have thousands of vinyl, CD’s, cassettes, eight-tracks, VHS, DVD’s, magazines, newspapers and other SGM memorabilia in my collection. Paul: The bulk of my collection actually falls outside the realm of Gospel music. I have built a significant collection of wax cylinders and acoustic 78 rpms. Unfortunately, approximately half of my Gospel collection - composed mostly of highly sentimental and very rare items - was destroyed in a tornado a few years ago. I quit collecting for a while, but my interest was re-ignited when I met some other Gospel music collectors, and I began trying to replace some of the items I had lost. A couple of years later, I made contact with
tion that I would consider “collectible”, however, since I am a huge Statesmen fan I will say the Statesmen marquee that was on the front of their bus. (see picture) Paul: That’s a hard question for most collectors to answer! From an unbiased perspective, probably some of the Blackwood Brothers or Homeland Harmony acetates or master recordings in my possession. Harold: I think all my stuff is valuable! 6. What is the mindset of a collector? Brent: I’ve heard collecting being called a sickness, professional hoarding, etc. I think collecting comes from a burning passion of something you love. I love Southern Gospel Music. I love collecting it. I love the history of it. I love discussing it with my wife and my friends. I consider myself an aggressive collector because I am always on the lookout for the next item for my collection. By the way, I am after a very rare album by the Statesmen on VINE records entitled...nevermind. Paul: I need it! Harold: The mindset of a collector is leave no stone untouched. Expect to dig in basements, back rooms and basements of stores, and have bugs and spiders in your midst. A collector is thorough, and constantly updates his personal collection with better copies.
Producing Music and Video for the World-Wide Market
Mansion Entertainment has expanded it’s horizons to the world of Media with the opening of its MANSION ENTERTAINMENT MEDIA CENTER in Franklin, TN. Providing the absolute best in Cameras, Lighting, Sets and Audio Production Mansion Media is prepared to provide you with your best Concept Video and full Concert Video for prices that beat any in the industry. Mansion Media is currently producing “Concept Music Videos”, “Talk Shows”, “Teen Music Shows”, and “Gospel Music Shows” that are distributed by Mansion Media to over 150 million households across the US and Canada each week! WE CAN DO THE SAME FOR YOU! Artists that have utilized Mansion Media and have been featured on our shows “NASHVILLE COUNTRY REVIVAL” or “SPIRITFEST” have
seen Increased Concert Bookings, Product Sales, and Overall Notoriety. This all begins with your call to MANSION MEDIA at 866.996.9986 X 211 or go to www.MansionMedia.TV for more information. Connect with us for your next Concept Video, Concert Video, and Your idea about a TV Show. We can produce it and distribute it World-Wide!
Mansion Entertainment and Media is distributed by: 1242 Old Hillsboro Road, Franklin, TN 37069
Reflections with Haven’t You Heard?
(He’s Alive)
At the end of your rope… ever been there? I have. Thank you, dear Lord, for hope. Hope. I like to define it this way: Having Optimism, Perpetually Enduring. Author and speaker, John Maxwell, defines it this way: Holding On, Praying Expectantly. Either way, it is that “thing,” that secret “thing” that propels us forward—out of the darkness, toward His glorious light. The Apostle Paul says Jesus Christ is our hope (1 Tim 1:1). Further, Peter tells us in Romans 8:24-25, “Hope that is seen is not hope; for who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.” Ahh… patience— that’s a whole other topic for another time, but, suffice it to say, it goes hand in hand with hope. Using my definition of hope or John Maxwell’s, it is clear that hope involves waiting and believing. Proverbs 13:12 warns us that, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” Haven’t you heard it said that
anxiety is caused by worrying about the future, and depression is caused by worrying about the past? We need to live now—in the moment. That’s not to say one can’t and shouldn’t learn from their past or plan for their future, but their head needs to be in the “now” game. Think about sports for a moment. During practices and scrimmages, the coach discusses possible scenarios with the players (the future) while also discussing things that went wrong in the last game (the past); yet, when the players are actually playing the game, the only thing they are focusing on, at that moment, is the play at hand. We, too, have our training grounds (school, church, etc.), and we have our scrimmages where we get to try out what we’ve learned (work, home, friends, etc.), but we have to take each day as it comes and not lose sight of what God is doing in, through and with us… right now! Stay focused! It’s hard to lose hope when you stay in the moment, daily walking with God.
Of all the wonderful songs I sing in concert, it still amazes me that the song people so often get the most excited about is “Just a Closer Walk with Thee,”… “daily walking close to Thee, let it be dear Lord, let it be…” 1 Cling close to Him. Walk daily with Him. Tragically, we have all seen the outcome of what happens to those who do not, both in the media and in our own homes. I heard it said so many times that we can live three days without water, a week without food but not one second without hope. And why shouldn’t we have hope? “He’s alive!” according to a couple of travelers on the road to Emmaus, women caring at the tomb, a multitude of followers, and singer/ songwriter Don Francisco! If “He’s alive!” then why do I feel so dead? I think many of us have asked that question and felt that way at some point in our lives. Nearly 15 years ago this month (interesting that it was the same month I was born in) I wanted to end it all. But, I am so thankful that
I stayed focused and remembered that He died so that I could live… He paid the price for my stubborn sins- my misdoings and shortcomings-- so that I could go free from the heavy burden of not being able to perfectly measure up. He loves me, forgives me, heals me, and cares for me. That gives me hope. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” (1 Pet 1:3-5) He’s alive! WOW. 1. “Just a Closer Walk with Thee Lyrics.” Lyrics. net. STANDS4 LLC, 2015. Web. 17 Mar. 2015. <http://>.
April 2015 This chart was compiled from a list of reporting stations. Each month we will be adding more stations. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Bowling Family That's What I Miss The Most Williamsons It Was The Word Shellem Cline That Saving Song Browders He Took The Nails Zane and Donna King No One Like God McKameys Pure Satisfaction Hyssongs Still Blessed Bev McCann Smile Wards Coming Out Of Bondage 10 Whisnants Glorybound 11 Dennis Cook One Pair Of Hands 12 Caleb's Crossing Isn't The Love Of Jesus Something Wonderful 13 Lore Family It Shall Be Well 14 Greater Vision The Blood Hasn't Ever Changed 15 Kingsmen Battle Cry 16 Kingdom Heirs Joys Of Heaven 17 Jim Brady Trio Steppin' Out In Faith 18 Clyde Felton Jr. Lord Forgive Me 19 Kevin N Jennifer He's Still Doing Miracles Today 20 Valor 3 Hallelujah He Has Risen 21 Tammy Jones Robinette I Like Life 22 Taylors Measure Of Grace 23 Spiritual Voices There's Still My Joy 24 Goodman Revival What A Happy Time 25 Dunaways Mercy Built A Bridge 26 East Ridge Boys Pray Pray Pray 27 South Of Heaven When I Crossed That River 28 Mark Bishop Pray On The Little Days 29 Rod Truman I'm Gonna Make It 30 Tony Burchette Better Hurry Up 31 Georgians Quartet Back In The Day 32 Sounds Of Victory How Good God's Been To Me 33 New Vision That's What Love Looks Like 34 11th Hour Picture This 35 Dunaways Church In The
36 37 38 39 40 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
Kitchen â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Til The Shackles Fall Off Karen Peck/New River Everybody's Going Through Something Barry Rowland/Deliverance Somebody Go Get God Allegiance Lighten Up Heavenly Sunrise He Died A Savior Mercy's Reflection Oh What A Difference Rochesters God's Been Good Greater Vision Put Out The Fire Mylon Hayes Family There's Still A Refuge Cornerstone Stormy Seas Sunday Drive This I Know Legacy Five Christ Is Still The King Pauline Patterson One Prayer Away Brian Free/Assurance Unashamed Lori Jonathan Trio It's Always Darkest Before The Dawn Steve Hess/Southern Salvation Living Proof Karen Peck and New River Pray Now Campbell and Rowley It's Not About You Sweetwater Revival A Hallelujah Homecoming Booth Brothers Touch Of The Master's Hand Jim Sheldon Life's Railway To Heaven Keith Barkley/Family Tradition An Old Stone The Lord Rolled Away Shellem Cline Dinner With Jesus Tim Livingston I Just Miss You Ernie Penley Power Surge Mark Trammell Quartet God's Been Faithful 11th Hour How Will You Plead Talleys What You Leave Behind Debra Perry/Jaidyn's Call Bottom Of The Hill Watts, Rowsey and Bean Don't Give A Rock A Chance Troy Burns Family By The Blood Of Ivan Parker
67 68 69 69 71 72 73 74 74 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 82 84 85 86
The Lamb They Wouldn't Forgive Me Kingsmen Oh Yes I Am Joni Eareckson Tada Alone Yet Not Alone Doug Hudson If They Could See Us Now Josh and Ashley Franks He Promised Me Mark Trammell Quartet Don't Stop Running Conners I Need To Hear From Heaven Jack Strong Mama Said Read The Bible His Heart Quartet Sailing Safely In Hoskins Family Land Of Endless Tomorrows Legacy Five Who Is This Man Charlie May One Last Stand Dean Hickman Forever King Horn Family Rise Above The Fall Exodus Tell Me Oh Tell Me Again Bruce Hedrick Better Man John Bowman Have Your Way Scotts Grace And Mercy Mercy's Well I Wanna Hear The Gospel Barry Rowland and Deliverance He's Still God McCray Dove Band
87 88
Poet Voices Linda Foster
89 90 91 92
Partons Kingdom Heirs Evident Call Inspirations
94 95
Joseph Habedank Doug Hudson
96 96 96
Mercy's Reign Bontrager Family Singing Cookes
100 100
Michael Combs Wilburn and Wilburn
He Saw Me That Day Is Almost
Here No More Chains Just Preach Jesus I Love My Master I've Found A Faithful Friend One Prayer At A Time Never No Never Help Me Find My Way Home All The Way God Can The Greatest Gift Of All When He Comes Walking On The Water Jesus Loves Me Nobody Like Jesus
x x
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Wisdom from Wells by Dusty Wells Have you ever been chased? The kind of hunt that will leave you breathless, emotionless and totally exhausted? How about being pursued with reckless abandonment from someone who loves you unconditionally and they have no secret agenda to throw your way? Have you ever fled from everyone and anything that had at some point in time crossed your severely drawn emotional boundaries and made you feel uncomfortable, unloved and rejected? How about running, racing and dashing back and forth going nowhere, then scurrying in and out amidst the tedious, often draining and tiring obstacles of life? My friends, all of us (me…me…me…yup even me…see my hand raised high…yes me…), we all have tried so desperately to keep what we think is a safe distance, time and space from anything (and again anyone) that would or could possibly help us come to that complete place of stillness that is required and needed for all of us; a calm solitude that is a must
at certain times of our lives. We all need that special haven of a quiet peaceful rest. Once you stop it’s a must for you to glance around you; your surroundings, your past, your present, and possibly even try to catch a glimpse at where you want to be in the future. Then you slowly begin to lift your head up, just like that precious new baby, with their wobbly bobbling head, who so hungrily wants to see all of the wondrous new surroundings that invade their seemingly large and looming world. We all have to recognize and acknowledge how valuable the life is that we have been entrusted with. We can sit around all day point accusing fingers at those who have hurt us or even abused in the most horrific way (ask me; I know about all kinds of abuse as a child). We can become lax and lazy in our passionate pursuit of the destiny and call that remains so evident in our lives, in spite of our own constant failing and running away from those that have been entrusted to us
and with us. My dear friend, the old saying remains constant and true, you can run but you can’t hide. Our Daddy God is right there at every intimate moment of our lives; every second, every minute, He is consistently breathing down our backs and holding us so gently, but tightly, proving His unconditional love for us. Ponder that in your mind for a few minutes. Go ahead. Think about all of the scriptures where it talks about Him being with us, knowing everything there is to know about us (that really can challenge me in itself), and He loves us. He simply loves us, adores us and wants the very best for our lives. We cannot ever out run His love, acceptance and forgiveness. I have run lately, I have a few cherished friends who have run, and even some who are still choosing to live life secretly, recklessly and utterly dangerously. No, I am not judging, so shhhhhhhh, just hear me out. (I still have eight fingers pointing back at me when I say that.) We all have to come to that subdued quiet place of just pausing before Him, sitting at His feet, basking in His presence, confiding to Him our deepest, darkest
thoughts and confessions. I say this all the time, but it bears repeating again and again: go ahead and yell, cry and tell Him everything; He already knows it, He does, and yet, He still chooses to love and not run. I have no easy or quick fix answers, I just know for myself and where I am at, I am stopping. Yes, that is so difficult for me as I hate slowing down, yet for my own personal growth and where I want and need to be, I am consciously making a consorted effort to find refuge in Him, and Him alone. Oh, yes, I do desperately need my closest confidants surrounding me, cheering me on, being my “balcony people,” pushing me to greatness. But the total rest I am feeling from His smoldering love for me is absolutely refreshing. Now, how about you and I together stop racing furiously from what it is that is chasing us, and just sit back, relax and see what God wants to whisper to our lives? I am more than ready and willing! Are you? Love ya….and there ain’t nothing you can do about it!
Featured Groups for April Support Southern Gospel music and support these groups the next time theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re in your area. Ascension Quartet
Appointed Quartet
Blackwood Brothers Quartet
Bradford Ministries bradfordministries1
The Bridgemans
Chris Himmel Ministries
Christy Sutherland
Jeff Steinberg Ministry Team
Jim Sheldon
Siouxland Gospel Promotions
John & Dody Martin
Living Fountains
Southern Plainsmen Quartet
Mark Dubbeld Family
The Masters Men + 1
Masters Promise
Mercy River Quartet
Midwest Giospel Music Association
One Way Quartet davidclydehaynes
Delivered PersuadedVideo
Divine Mercy
4 His Praise Trio
Full Life Trio
Sounds of Jericho
Lumber River Quartet
Cross Pointe Trio
Soul Seeking Disciples
David Clydes Haynes SiouxlandGospelPromotions livingfountains
Servants Call
Southern Tradition
Steve Jones
http://www.stevejonesgospelmusicministry. com
Stephen Wood stephenwoodministries
Three Parts Grace threepartsgrace
Unity 4 Quartet
Pine Ridge Boys
The Representatives
Russell Trio
Global Promo
Gospel Messengers
http://www.gospelmessengersministries. org
The Harvey Family theharveyfamily
The Helmsmen
The Inmans
The Worlds Largest Southern Gospel Search Engine
Kristopher Erwin
BY ERIN STEVENS Here at Younger Perspective, my main goals are to A) Let you get to know your youthful favorites a little better in the gospel music world, and to B) Keep it ‘all in the family.’ Family groups continue to be the key ingredient that unites our industry. It’s the younger generation spreading the Message that adds that extra, special touch alongside their parents and siblings. Many of you will remember when the adorable Miss Katie Erwin dropped by to chat with us last year. This year, it’s time to focus on one of her talented young brothers that help lock the tight, family harmonies of The Erwins. Please make welcome the soon-to-be 19 year old Kristopher. You never know; he may just break out in the B-I-B-L-E while munching on some lo mein, all while capturing it on film. Kris, the floor’s yours… Erin: Being surrounded by music all your life, at what point did you personally feel called into ministry? Kris: Growing up in an evangelistic home, traveling from church to church every week has always been the norm for me. My dad has been an evangelist for over 41 years. The first time I was on stage, I was about three years old. While my dad was introducing me, I reached for the microphone. Dad, expecting me to sing, “Jesus Loves Me” or “The B-IB-L-E,” handed me the mic and I sang “Tomorrow” from the musical Annie. So, that’s how my stage debut went down in history! In all honesty, singing has just been a natural part of growing up for our family. I suppose the best way to put it, is that I’ve somehow always ‘known’ I had a calling on my life. Erin: Anyone who follows you on Instagram would know you love all things Polaroid. What started that vintage hobby? Kris: A lifelong family friend from Beaumont, Texas (who we all call “Grandma”) gave me a box full of old Polaroid and Super 8 cameras; and of course, I started putting them to use. Now, I have no money, but instead a lot of neat Polaroid snaps that I enjoy sharing with everybody.
Erin: Out of all the cities and states you’ve traveled through, what is your favorite stop to make? Kris: I have such a strong love for New York City. I make time to visit multiple times a year. Some day, if I could, I’d live there in a heartbeat. Erin: Is there anyone in our industry who has had a profound impact on your ministry and/or musical perspective? Kris: It would be impossible to name just one, but no individual has impacted our ministry musically more than Steve Hurst. He’s tremendously helped my siblings and I grow vocally and as a group. We could never repay him for the invaluable lessons he has taught us.
IErin: Share a behind-the-scenes look at the family’s recent
studio recording process of Ready To Sail. Kris: This CD is our first project to release with StowTown Records. We wanted to define our sound with this project, and StowTown gave us the platform to do just that and more! The entire process was incredible, from cutting tracks at the Sony studios on Music Row in Nashville; to watching the incredible Wayne Haun produce; to walking into Lifeway Christian Bookstore and seeing our product on the shelves. It’s been an amazing experience. As an added bonus, we had the privilege of having Ernie Haase sing a song with us that he wrote. We trust everyone enjoys it as much as we did making it. Erin: Everyone has one! What’s your number one embarrassing moment either on the road or on stage, or both? Kris: Oh boy, this is a good one. I think I was 12. My brothers and I were singing at a church in the panhandle of Texas, and I got horribly sick to my stomach, mid-verse of an a cappella song. Fortunately, I made it off stage before it got graphic (just barely!), but I did leave my brothers to finish the song as a duet (which I assume was just as bad as my instant illness). Erin: Comedy or action movies? Snow or sand? Chinese or Mexican food? Bow tie or skinny tie? Hot sauce or mild? Kris: Comedy. Sand. Chinese. Skinny. The hotter the better! Erin: Is there a Scripture verse that has recently impacted you? Kris: John 8:36 - Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. Erin: If there were a particularly special moment you could go back to in your childhood, what would it be? Kris: There are many wonderful experiences I wish I could relive, especially from family vacations and childhood Christmases. I was blessed with a godly upbringing. Growing up in an atmosphere where there was so much love;
that’s something I will never take for granted. I’m honored to do what I love with my family. Let the memory making continue… Erin: In this day and age where young men are being pulled and influenced by so many secular sources, how are you taking a stand for Christ and being a light to the guys looking to your example? Kris: Even though I’m on the road, often I’m still faced with a lot of the same temptations that all young people have. I’m trying to be as genuine and authentic as I can be, while giving the entire honor to God. I try to live my life with the thought that I take Jesus everywhere I go, and therefore, He sees everything I do. I don’t want to do anything that could hurt my testimony. I only have one life to live for Christ, I want it to count, and ultimately, make Him proud. He deserves all the glory. Now back to Erin… Have you given Christ the secret places in your life? Have you opened every door, allowing Him access to the corners of your heart? I am encouraged to know there are godly, young men like Kristopher who still put Him first, who still strive to be more like Him every day. No one ever said it would be easy, but the heavenly reward far outweighs the struggles we face here on this earth. It takes a daily dying to self. Jesus tells us that if we give our very lives to serve Him, He will fill every void and heal every hurt. He will make us brand, new creations in Him. Today could be YOUR day to start with a clean slate, take up that cross, and be sold out to serving Him. Thank you to Kris for stopping by and brightening everyone’s day here in the world of the ‘younger perspectives.’ You’re awesome, Kris! Praying God’s best over you and your family as you travel the long and winding road. Until next month, Scoops’ fans… And that’s my take on it.
This space could be yours! contact Rob Patz via email at
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T H G I L T DJ SPO Skip Taylor
By Vonda Easley
This month’s DJ Spotlight shines on Skip Taylor, from WTYS, Marianna Florida. The Skip Taylor show can be heard from Monday to Friday, 10:00am to 1:00pm (EST). Vonda: Skip, how long have you been in radio and what is your position now and station? Skip: I’ve been working in radio for 26 years, and at WTYS radio as the Music Director and I also have been working in sales for the past 13 years . Vonda: Tell me about your favorite interview! Skip: I interviewed Karen Peck a couple of years ago, and she is just the sweetest. You don’t have to drag things out of her; she keeps the conversation going. Vonda: What would your dream vacation be? Skip: I’d like to go on a trip around the world. I like traveling. Vonda: What is your favorite restaurant? Skip: Well being from the south, we have the Gulf Of Mexico and we love our seafood: Shrimp, Crab legs, Lobster and any restaurant that serves seafood. Vonda: In all the years you’ve worked radio, what were the “greatest moments?” Skip: After over 26 years, there are too many to mention, but one thing comes to mind: when you are out
on a station remote. It’s the people that you meet, the conversations that you have, and the places that you go; those are the memories that you will always have. Thanks so much Skip for sharing your thoughts with us on DJ Spotlight. Southern Gospel radio fans, you can listen to Skip’s station, WTYS online at http://www.
Your Body May Be In Pain
By Laurette Willis, CHC “One sentence has killed more people than all the wars in American history: You get all the nutrition you need from the four food groups.” - Dr. Joel Wallach, BS, DVM, ND Have you noticed how many people are not looking very well? My husband Paul came back from shopping in town the other day and said, “People look really sick, especially the young people.” Could part of the problem be what we are eating... and not eating? You cannot get all that your body needs from food due to the depletion of nutrients in our crop-bearing soils. There are 90 essential nutrients that every human being needs every day to stay healthy. For every nutrient that is missing, there can be up to 10 deficiency diseases. You may remember hearing stories of how British sailors were cured of scurvy by making sure they brought limes with them on long voyages. Scurvy is caused by vitamin C deficiency and limes are a good source of Vitamin C. Our bodies need vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids in order to function properly and be healthy. Minerals comprise 60 of the 90 essential nutrients. There is not a single plant, animal or human that can produce even one of these 60 essential minerals, so these essential minerals must be consumed, and consumed in a way the body can use them. What form do minerals need to be in for our bodies to use them? The minerals must be in plant form for our bodies to absorb them (in other words, we can’t eat rocks!). In order for us to consume mineral-rich plants, the plants must absorb the minerals from the soil. And here’s the problem: it seems we no longer have all 60 essential minerals in our crop-bearing soil.
According to U.S. Senate Document 264 written in 1936, the minerals our bodies need are no longer in the soil. Could that be because we have not let our land “rest,” as in Old Testament days? How many commercial farms or even family farmers do you know who give their land a “sabbath of solemn rest” every seventh year, as the LORD instructed Moses? “Six years you shall sow your field, and six years you shall prune your vineyard, and gather its fruit; but in the seventh year there shall be a sabbath of solemn rest for the land, a sabbath to the Lord. You shall neither sow your field nor prune your vineyard. What grows of its own accord of your harvest you shall not reap, nor gather the grapes of your untended vine, for it is a year of rest for the land” (Leviticus 25: 3-5). More and more health experts are reporting that up to 80% of the chronic health conditions and diseases plaguing the Western world are a result of nutrient deficiencies. Supplements provide the food your body is not getting, but they have to be of the quality and in the right form for the body to absorb them. We’ve seen news reports recently of some vitamin manufacturers and large retail health food chains selling products which did not have the ingredients their labels said they contained. The solution: know the source of the supplements you are taking. If unsure, ask a Naturopathic Doctor, Certified Health Coach, or other alternative health care practitioner you trust who is knowledgeable about nutrition. Gluten: The Inflammation Factor You may be unwittingly eating foods that cause damage to your body. Even if you believe you are not allergic to gluten, many have become more intolerant of it over the years. This is thanks in part to the fact that many of to-
day’s grains are engineered, man-made GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) with three times the amount of gluten. These are not the grains of Bible days (such as millet). Gluten is a spongy protein found in whole grains such as wheat, rye, barley, and oats. Our ability to absorb nutrients can be compromised by gluten. Gluten has been known to cause tissue destruction in the small intestines that absorb nutrients. This results in digestive problems, malabsorption problems, chronic health conditions, and disease. It’s like putting gasoline in a gas tank that has holes in it. Most people do not even know they have gluten intolerance. They may think something else is causing problems with their digestive system. Do not underestimate gluten intolerance; the damage it causes could be making you and your loved ones sick. “Beloved, I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers” (3 John 2). For a free copy of “Ten Bad Foods List,” sources for the 90 Essential Nutrients, and a free Self-Health Evaluation you can take online, contact Laurette Willis at . Laurette is a Certified Health Coach, published author, and Founder of PraiseMoves Fitness Ministry. You may contact Laurette at the email address above, 918-458-1800 or
Singing for the Savior ByJennifer Campbell Hailing from the southern town of Carrollton, Georgia, the Diplomats Quartet has been sharing the love of Jesus Christ through song for over 30 years. Jimmy Pearson, leader of the group, has literally grown up with music running through his veins. His first memory of Southern Gospel music was when he was four years old, hearing this Heaven-sent music at church. Jimmy’s wife Rita Pearson says her first recollection of hearing this music genre was at the Atlanta All Night Sing at the Atlanta City Auditorium. As you will see, The Diplomats know the value of faith and family. Their heartfelt passion for ministry is crystal clear, coming across through every note they sing and every word they speak. The Diplomats Quartet sings for the Savior. Jimmy says that his greatest life achievement so far is to have been able to stay in the ministry for 51 years. Additionally, he and Rita both agree that being compared to the Happy Goodman Family, a ministry that reached a large number of people, is a distinct honor. When Rita sings, “God Walks the Dark Hills” in her powerful alto voice, it is easy to see why this family
group has often been compared to the Happy Goodman Family. Corey Pearson says it’s a great honor, but they also have their own special sound. Joe Brown agrees that their influences come from a variety of musical sources. Whether they are singing a Goodman classic or a Diplomats original, they hope to continue serving the Lord and spreading the Gospel through their music ministry for as long as God will allow. Even though the other members of the group are not blood related, Jimmy says he especially loves the fellowship with the group members. Rita notes the group is like one big family and she enjoys the fellowship on the bus. Along with Jimmy, Rita and their son Corey, vocalist and bandleader for the group, they are joined by bass singer Joe Brown, drummer Zach Flowers, and Jordan Hamby, who plays the guitar, mandolin, and banjo. Corey says he loves making music and being with great friends. Everyone has role models and mentors who influence them in some way. Rita says her biggest influence
Gospel Music, with 17 years of ministry under his belt. Like Corey, Joe and Jordan both were influenced by their parents. Although Jimmy has the opportunity to travel with his immediate family, he notes that ministry is a 24/7 job. “I try to take advantage of every opportunity I can spend with family,” he says. Rita agrees that she also likes to make the most of the time spent at home with family and friends. Corey could not do what he does if it was not for the support from home. He says, “My wife Heather and I have been married for 16 years now and we have a precious girl named Audree. She is seven years old now. Her mom and I were able to lead her to the Lord last year. Heather is an amazing, strong woman.” Joe has been traveling with the group for nine years. He said his greatest achievement is his family. “I have been married for 38 years to my beautiful wife Deb-
musically was her mom. For Jimmy, Les Beasley has been one of his greatest influencers. Their son Corey has been around Gospel music all of his life, thanks to the influence of his parents and many other Gospel greats. He remembers, “The Florida Boys would come to our house before a concert and Les Beasley treated me like a grand kid. He always took time with me as a kid.” His parents encouraged Corey’s love of music. He says, “Somehow they always found a way to buy me whatever instrument I wanted to learn how to play.” These influences on his life have definitely left a lasting impression considering this is his 27th year of ministry. Joe is also a veteran of
bie. We have three girls, Jamie, Jennifer and Jessica. I have six grandkids, four boys and two girls. They all understand my ministry and the amount of time it requires. We all make a special effort to enjoy the time spent at home.” Zach’s first memory of Southern Gospel music is listening to Charles Johnson and the Revivers on the way to preschool every morning. His dad Stan and mom Sherry ensured that he and his sister Leah Flowers Brown grew up in a loving supportive home. He started playing the drums before his feet would even reach the pedals. When he is not in his hometown of Villa Rica,
Georgia, he plays drums on stage with the Diplomats and even sings a song or two. Jordan lives in Helenwood, Tennessee. He started traveling on the road with his family, The Singing Hambys, when he was only six days old. The first concert of
ever done is pulling up to and setting up inside the wrong church. If you want to see some of the funny moments that occur throughout their travels, check out their comedy show named “On the Bus with Gus,” available on the Diplomats’ Facebook page. While the Diplomats have had their share of joys and successes, they have also endured many trials. Rita thanks the Lord for His hand upon her as she went through cancer and chemo treatments. Joe has spent time at the hospital bedside of a loved one. But through it all, they all trust in the blessed assurance that we have in Jesus Christ. The Diplomats know that God is faithful and He will always be forever close, watching over them through the good times and the difficult moments as well. They know that God will work all things together for His good. As one of their songs says, there’s a “Blessing Somewhere in This Trial.” Jimmy says he would impart the following wisdom for anyone who is just starting out in the Gospel Music industry: “Always remember Whom you are sing-
any kind he can remember was seeing Gold City when he was approximately seven years old. Jordan traveled with the bluegrass group, Lakeside Quartet, before he felt called to travel with the Diplomats. He began playing the guitar when he was 14 years old. Even at his young age, his experience shows. Above all, his heart for Christ is evident in everything he does. When families travel together on the road the majority of the time, there are bound to be humorous moments. Jimmy comments that the funniest thing he has
ing for and that this is a ministry before anything else.” Rita added to his advice by reminding young artists to never give up. She says, “Trust in the Lord to lead your path.” Joe kept the pearls of wisdom coming by saying, “Learn your craft from the best examples you can find.” Even at his young age, Zach summed up this advice quite well by stating, “Be persistent and let Jesus be seen through your life.” Rita said that her greatest life achievement so far was singing at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee. Jordan said he is most proud of getting to the
point where he’s able to play music full time. For Corey, he believes seeing people come to know Jesus as Lord and being blessed by a song is at the top of the list of his life achievements. Zach said the best part of traveling and singing is seeing souls saved and people’s lives changed. Showing the like-mindedness of the group, Jordan stated, “The best part of traveling and singing with the Diplomats is being a part of a ministry and seeing people give their lives to the Lord.”
When you look at a group like the Diplomats, you know that Southern Gospel music is in good hands. They stay true to the traditional roots of Southern Gospel music, while putting their own spin on the classics. Their love for music and for Jesus Christ shines forth in all they do. Sit down with any of the Diplomats and you will quickly realize that they are singing for the Savior. At the very heart of their ministry is a love for the One who loves each and every one of us unconditionally. What better way to minister to others than to share the greatest love in the world through the greatest music in the world. That is why Southern Gospel Music exists: to glorify the name of Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Diplomats Quartet does this in a way that most assuredly makes the Lord look down and say, “Well done, my good and faithful servants.” Visit the Diplomats Quartet website:
Facebook: exodus-southerngospel Contact info :256 438 9944
p.o. Box 297 | Hendersonville, TN 37075 voice: 615-590-7453 fax: 615-590-7825
We’re All Human By Dr. Jeff Steele
In Psalm 137, a group of musicians from Jerusalem have been taken captive and led hundreds of miles away from home and placed in captivity. They were harpists. They played their harps in the temple in Jerusalem for worship services and in praise to God. Now they’re a long way from their homes, their jobs and their beloved house of worship. The scripture says they sat down by the waters of Babylon and they wept. Furthermore, they hung their harps, their capacity to praise God, on the branches of a willow tree. This is pretty depressing stuff. Hostages in a foreign land being forced to exist in strange surroundings and unable to do, at least for a time, what they so loved to do: play their instruments in praise to God. They are a picture of joy that’s been turned into sorrow. Life is like that. The bible says it rains on the just and the unjust. The same sun that melts butter hardens clay. The sun that rose this morning and illuminated the most beautiful mansion on top of the highest hill in your community also exposed the filthiest pigsty in the county. It’s true…if you’re not in trouble, trial or turmoil today, hang on because it’s coming. These guys were on top; now they’re experiencing the bottom. Please note however that while they are sad there’s nothing wrong with being sad. You and I are allowed to be sad. As a matter of fact I always tell folks you’re allowed to scream, you’re allowed to cry and you’re allowed to be frustrated. The only thing you’re not allowed to do is give up and quit! Look at these musicians in Psalm 137. A picture
of joy turned into sorrow and at the same time, by the waters of Babylon they are also an island of sorrow being turned to joy! They sat down but they didn’t quit. They wept but they didn’t give up! They were taken hostage but they took their harps (remember their capacity to praise God) WITH THEM into exile. They didn’t leave them behind. They didn’t burn them along the way. They didn’t throw them in the garbage dump. They didn’t throw their instruments into the waters of Babylon. No they hung them on tree branches so they would be there when they needed them. They knew that they wouldn’t be hostages forever! They knew their night season of affliction was temporary! They knew this terrible time would pass and they would be free to play again and they made sure when that day came that their instruments would be ready for them. Friend, weeping endures only for the night BUT joy DOES come in the morning. Don’t just GET ready but BE ready! Don’t give up in the night what God gave you in the day. The message of the musicians here is NOT that we shouldn’t cry. There is a time for weeping and a time for rejoicing. God said so. The message here is that no matter how bad things are OR may get in the future; don’t give up! Though you may feel as far away from God as you have ever been; you’re not. He’s there to comfort you, to uphold you, to speak peace to you and to bring about the ultimate victory. If you have to “hang your harp on a willow tree branch” for a while, keep it in sight and close by. You’ll need it again soon enough. Never, never, never, ever give up!
The Browders:
How Sweet the Sound By Paige Givens
Twenty-five years ago, in the hills of Hiltons, Virginia, a unique and beautiful sound was born. It was a sound full of harmonies so close and sweet that they could only be connected by the blood of family. The sound produced words and songs that are full of hope and new life, words that point others to Jesus Christ. This sound became the music and ministry of The Browders, a family group that is rapidly gaining recognition and admiration in gospel music. Tommy Browder, patriarch and founder of The Browders, grew up singing and writing gospel songs from a very early age. As an adult, he felt God leading him to start a ministry. “He felt the call to minister with
his family. He prayed about it and God showed him what to do. We began singing in 1990,” says son Matt. “Actually, it all started in a 1990 Dodge Omni!” Matt and David Browder were young when they began traveling and ministering with their dad in 1990. Matt recalls, “At the age of 10 or 11, I began singing with Dad. Then, at the age of 13 or 14 I began to learn to sing three part harmony with the group. The Hinsons, Happy Goodmans, The Rambos, The Paynes, and The Crabb Family were huge influences throughout my life.” David notes several influences of his early years, too. “The people that influenced me the most musically were The Original Hinsons, The Happy Goodman Fam-
ily, Teddy Huffam and The Gems, The Spencers, The Crabb Family, The Paynes, Charles Johnson and The Revivers, Singing Cookes, Elvis, Johnny Cash and Carman.” Just to name a few! David recorded his first song at the young age of eight.
In 2005, Sonya, Matt’s wife, joined the group. Sonya says, “I started piano lessons at age four due to my interest in a piano we were storing at our house for our pastor’s wife. I began singing and playing in church shortly thereafter. I started singing full time with a group based out of my home state of Maine at age 15. We were booked for a concert with the Browders in Tennessee around the year 2000, and our families became friends. Matt and I married five years later.” Each member of The Browders is an integral part of the group’s function. Off stage, Matt takes care of the group’s bookings and radio promotion, oversees recordings, and handles public relations. On stage, he sings lead and harmony, plays the rhythm guitar, and even helps take care of sound! Matt also writes many songs for the group and preaches. His brother David is the group’s primary bus driver, also maintaining and caring for the bus. He designs t-shirts for The Browders as well. David also writes many of the family’s songs. He sings lead and harmony vocals and plays bass on stage. Sonya is in charge of office administration for the ministry, sings lead and harmony vocals, writes songs, and plays piano for the group. She is the band and vocal director for The Browders. Tommy is the founder of The Browder ministry. He sings lead, harmony, plays guitar and acoustic lead, preaches, writes, and assists
with bus maintenance. And, as Matt puts it, “Well, he is ‘THE BOSS!’”
One thing that has set The Browders’ ministry apart from others is the amount of award winning songwriting that each member contributes. “We write a variety of styles of music,” says Matt. “It is original and diverse. Our songs are written from true-life experiences. You learn to really believe through your life’s experiences. God gives you faith to believe in Him, and everything about Him. When you really believe what you are singing about, then your audience believes. It touches my heart to see the audience receive and be blessed by God. That makes the difference! Growing up and seeing my dad write songs gave me the desire to write. Dad was a great influence. At the age of 13, he
so graciously included me in writing a song and I was inspired. Dad was my first mentor! The Bible says, ‘Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you
the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4)’” Matt goes on to talk about how his writing has evolved over the years. “Through the years, God has allowed me to connect with others who have equipped me and influenced my writing. They have shown me how important it is to be meticulous with the lyrics. In return, this has helped me to achieve the message I want to get across to the audience, and for them to know what the song is about. Oftentimes, great songs are not written in 10 to 15 minutes. God gives an idea, and it is up to us to labor over the lyrics to develop the song, and trust God for the outcome. Writing songs is my passion and calling and I have a purpose to fulfill my calling!”
The Browders have used their songwriting talents on all their projects, and their current album Time Machine is no exception. The album ministers to listeners of all ages who have a variety of music preferences. It opens up with the worshipful “Lift Up His Name,” and celebrates the glory of God. “Listening for the Shout,” is a lively, upbeat song with a Southern Gospel flair that will have listeners singing and toe tapping
along. “Waiting For You to Get Home,” is an especially heart-stirring song, reminding us of the promise of heaven and loved ones waiting there. With this project, The Browders have used their songwriting talent and their wonderful family harmonies to cross over a wide span of genres; but no matter the style of the song, their message is the same. They are singing the truths of God. Once a person has listened to the sweet sound of The Browders over the airwaves, they will definitely want to go experience them in person. God’s Word will flow through the preaching, lyrics, and song. When asked what an audience might expect at a concert, Matt simply says, “They are going to come expecting an encounter with God. They will experience Him moving and ministering in their life right there at that moment.”
To experience The Browders yourself, visit their website at, or follow them on facebook (The Browders) or Twitter (@browdersmusic). For booking, contact Beckie Simmons Agency at 615-595-7500,, or The Browders at 423-863-5264.
High Notes By Kelly Nelon Clark
Have you ever felt like your life is a whirlwind and sometimes spinning out of control? You are so busy with doing and going that there is little or no time left for you and God. You work so hard to provide for your family and forget who is really the provider. Days turn into weeks and then months and you feel so removed from God. You’ve carved out time for everything else except the One who really matters. The One who gently calls our name. He never screams or yells to get our attention but speaks with love. When we allow God to be a part of who we are, His words bring peace, joy and love into our crazy busy lives. Don’t squeeze Him out of what you do. When circumstances overcome us and we don’t know which way to turn, whom do we call on? I’ve always heard that we have
all either just come through a trial or we are headed toward one. We need the One who is stronger than us to guide our steps and lives. When we make Him the first priority in our lives, He puts everything in line for our lives and in balance. Let Him fill you with everything He has for you. His glory will brighten up the whole world around you. The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught. —Isaiah 50:4
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Adoration Quartet By Bethany Cook
When it comes to Southern Gospel music, you just can’t beat a good quartet. From the high tenor to the low bass (and the two blending in the middle), there’s just something about that four-part harmony that makes you feel like that is what Southern Gospel music is supposed to sound like. Throughout the years we’ve seen many wonderful quartets grace the stage, and I’d like to introduce an old group brought back to life. The guys of Adoration Quartet, while young (or young at heart), bring so much to the stage. From their individual talents and love for God, to the amazing four-part harmony, Adoration Quartet is taking the stage by storm sharing the good news of Christ. Coming from the great state of North Carolina, Adoration calls Goldsboro home. The quartet was originally founded in 2001, and they traveled until 2010 around the Eastern United States. During these nine years, Adoration quickly became a household name and one of North Carolina’s favorite hometown groups. In 2010 group owner, Chris Serlick, felt the need to come off the road after his oldest son lost his
battle to cancer. Chris states, “I just felt like I needed to take some time to grieve, draw closer to God, and seek His face after the loss of James.” Moving forward to 2014, a chance meeting brought Joshua Horrell, Corey Wilson, Dustin Leming and Chris Serlick together. These four men knew from the start that God was going to use them in some way, and after much prayer and seeking direction from God they felt the need to bring Adoration Quartet back to life. According to Chris, it was just one of those things that you know was God! “You just know when He is speaking to your heart and it was crystal clear to all of us the direction He was leading us.” In the time that they have been together, things have really taken shape within the group. Dove-award-winning Wesley Pritchard at the Mil-West Studios in Fayetteville, NC produced their debut project What A Change. Their first national single release, “Stepping into the Light” from the What A Change album was well received by Southern Gospel listeners, rising to number 79 in the April 2015 Singing News charts. A second national single release, “Peace
through the Blood” is currently receiving airplay. They have also recently signed a booking agreement with Mountain Top Talent, and they are anticipating many new ministry opportunities to be opened. Now, to introduce you to each of the members: Joshua Horrell is from Wallace, North Carolina and he is the tenor for Adoration Quartet. He comes from a distinguished line of Southern Gospel’s most notable artists; Michael English (formerly of the Gaither Vocal Band) is his uncle. At just 23 years old, Josh has amassed a lifetime of experience singing with several groups before coming aboard Adoration Quartet. Josh enjoys golfing, fishing, and his “baby,” Pongo, who is a one-year-old Dalmatian.
As comical as each one can be, each of them hold true to the heart and mission that they have set forth for Adoration Quartet. It’s very clear after spending even just a few short minutes at one of their concerts, that ministry remains their guiding principle, and their number-one mission. They love meeting people and are always amazed at how people from all different parts of the world and walks of life can share a common belief in Christ. During my conversations with each of these guys, it’s obvious that their desire is to walk in the ways of the Lord. They want to fulfill the Great Commission by sharing their testimonies, delivering Biblically sound songs that would uplift the saint, and bringing the lost to the Saviour.
Dustin Leming sings baritone, and he is originally from Johnston City, Illinois. He grew up in a church pew, traveling and singing solo for his evangelist grandfather, who is still active in the ministry after many years. An accomplished pianist, Dustin plays for Adoration Quartet as well. Dustin now resides in Rose Hill, North Carolina and is currently working on several solo piano recordings.
God has blessed each member of this group with amazing talent and hearts that want to glorify and uplift Him. The next time Adoration Quartet is in your area, be sure to pay a visit. I can guarantee it’ll be a night of inspiration that you will never forget. You can visit their website at for more information as well as their touring schedule.
Chris Serlick is the bass vocalist and an original founding member of Adoration Quartet. He served in the US Air Force, on active duty for 20 years before retiring in 2001. His musical influences include some of Southern Gospel’s greatest bass singers, such as Tim Riley, George Younce, and Jeff Chapman, who tutored Chris for some time. Chris and his wife Janay live in Goldsboro, North Carolina, where they enjoy water and snow skiing with their children Chase and Fayth, and grandchildren Veda, Loralye, and August.
Pictured (left to right): Chris Serlick, Joshua Horrell, Corey Wilson and Dustin Leming Picture courtesy of Adoration Quartet
Every Southern Gospel group has to have a preacher, and for Adoration, that happens to be lead vocalist and emcee, Corey Wilson. Corey is a graduate of Liberty University and he pastored for eight years prior to joining Adoration Quartet. Corey has traveled with some of America’s premiere Gospel groups, and fans may remember him from his days traveling with the likes of the Greenes and Karen Peck and New River. When he’s not on the road, Corey enjoys spending time with his wife Kristi, and their sons Drake and Jayden, at their home in Rockingham, North Carolina. While these guys love being home and spending time with family and friends, they love singing and being on the road (and they especially love eating on the road)! Head to the closest Cracker Barrel after one of their concerts, and most likely that’s where they can be found! It’s no surprise that any length of time traveling together can bring a group the ability to write an entire book about their experiences on the road. From funny stories to hearty meals and enjoying life, these guys could be entertainment at its finest!
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Music Reviews for April by Jonathan Edwards
This month, SGN Scoops Radio deejay Jonathan Edwards reviews projects from some of your favorite artists. Greater Vision is a multi-award winner, and is greatly loved by the Southern Gospel industry. Sunday Drive has a strong following and a listening audience that is consistently growing. Mark Bishop is everyone’s favorite storyteller, a gentleman who sings with an honest charm that is compelling. Three Bridges gets everyone to tap their feet, clap their hands and feel the joy there is in serving Jesus. We hope you enjoy this look at the newest offerings from these fine artists.
Greater Vision Because You Asked Produced by Gerald Wolfe Because You Asked is the kind of CD I have been longing for from Greater Vision for quite some time. It is full of songs that people have loved and wanted to hear from this great trio. In my opinion this goes back to the Greater Vision we came to love when this group started. This project features great vocals and what I would call complementary tracks to go along with the great lyrics of these classic songs. This CD reminds me that it’s really about a good song with a great message that people can join in and sing along. Some of my favorite cuts on this project are: “I’m Too Near Home,” “If That Isn’t Love,” “Until You’ve Known The Love Of God,” and “Come and Dine.” Gerald Wolfe plays piano on the CD and to be honest I am not sure there is a better piano player on these kinds of songs, and I would love to see him play more live at concerts.
Overall this project brought back a lot of memories and as a listener I enjoyed it. As a radio DJ these are the songs I get calls from people wanting to hear on my show.
liked to have a few more tracks on the project; eight is too short for a full project. As a radio DJ, “Happy, Happy, Happy” and “American Heroes” are my picks for radio airplay.
12 Songs. Total Running Time 39 minutes
Eight Songs. Total Running Time 25 minutes.
Sunday Drive Happy, Happy, Happy
Mark Bishop
Produced by Jeff Collins and Jeff Treece
This Is What It’s All About
I think the title of the CD is very appropriate; as I listened to it I couldn’t help but feel happy. Talented songwriter, Jeff Treece, writes all eight songs on the project. When listening to this CD you catch an overall theme for the album of trying to put a smile on the listener’s face. The CD starts out with a song called “This I Know.” This upbeat song reminds me of the ‘80’s and ‘90’s TV theme songs, which means it will get stuck in your head and you will find yourself singing it as you go about your day. “Happy, Happy, Happy” of course is already a radio hit and of course reminds you of Duck Dynasty. Smart marketing on their part in my opinion. The CD is a collection of songs that will take you to a place where you realize that in the end, faith in Christ will help you through those dark days of life on earth. Another song I want to make mention of is “American Heroes.” I love this song because it brings up a point we often tend to neglect, that is, there are a lot of Heroes who will never be featured on the news or in movies. As a listener I enjoyed this CD, however I would have
Produced by Mark Bishop and Jeff Collins I always have been a big fan of Mark Bishop’s songwriting and singing, and this CD is a showcase of both of those talents. I think Mark continues to surprise me as a soloist because he gets so many different styles of music into a CD project. I love his story songs. I am not sure if anyone else writes these kinds of songs but it takes me back to classic Country, of which I am a big fan. Mark has everything in this CD from the more contemporary sounding “Love’s Going to Get You,” to the story song, “That’s What It’s All About,” to one of my favorites, a very simple song called, “Tonight I Will Mention You in My Prayers.” All songs were written by Mark and after 30 years of traveling I think Mark is still writing and singing songs that are touching people’s hearts. As a fan I really enjoyed the feel of this CD; musically the balance is perfect on this project. For a DJ there are plenty of songs to choose from, but the hit “Love’s Going to Get You” and “He Can See Me Tomorrow,” would be my radio picks. 10 Songs. Total Running Time 42 minutes
As you continue through the CD, you find a variety of different styles, from the easy and smooth “Satisfied,” to the Black Gospel feel of, “The Lord Will Make A Way,” to the straight up Southern Gospel “When God Does the Doin’,” which is my favorite song on the CD. One other song I want to mention is a remake of a classic Imperial song called “Watergrave.” Of course, there is a connection with Jeremy and Shannon both having spent time with the Imperials.
Three Bridges Jesus Saves Produced by Rick Sandidge Let me start off by saying there is no question these guys can sing. Elliot McCoy knows how to put a group together and play to its strengths. This CD starts off with a very Country-sounding song, the title cut, “Jesus Saves, Never Fades.” The blend of the three guys on this song is very strong with a great message.
There are plenty of choices on this project for radio. My pick would be “When God Does the Doin’” and “Jesus Saves.” As a DJ, I love the many sounds of Three Bridges. As a fan, I tend to like my CD’s to have a theme to the project. This one has more variety rather than being targeted in sound. 10 songs. Total Running Time 39 Min. To have your project reviewed by deejay and Faith’s Journey member Jonathan Edwards, send a copy to: Jonathan Edwards, PO Box 2572, Branson West, MO 65737.
The Stephens: Why We Sing By Jaquita Lindsay
The Stephens Family have been established for seven years now and come to us from Northport, Alabama. This trio consists of Melody Stephens and husband Thom, along with her sister Bethany Dunnam. Each member of the Stephens has been singing all of their lives and this experience has led to the full, beautiful sound of the mixed family trio. In 2013, the Stephens recorded their first CD, The Stephens, LIVE. The radio release from this project, “Unclouded Day,” put the trio in the Singing News Top 80 Charts for the first time. They went on to participate in the Regional Artist Showcase during National Quartet Convention that year and won the first place title. Since then, they have continued to rise in the industry. Thom Stephens started singing with his dad and sister at the age of four. Melody and Bethany grew up singing together with their family group, The Givens. Melody got her start in full-time music when she joined The Nelons. She has a dynamic soprano voice that has earned her Dove award nominations, as well as appearances on some of Bill Gaithers’ Homecoming recordings. The distinctive sound of the Nelons and Karen Peck can be heard in the vocal stylings of Melody
Stephens. She says, “Karen Peck has always been my biggest musical influence. I grew up listening to The Nelons and Gold City. Karen has, in my opinion, the best voice ever and such a sweet personality.” Thom cites a variety of artists as his musical influences, from Ronnie Milsap to the Kingsmen. The trio’s work doesn’t stop at singing. While at home, they each have full-time jobs. Melody takes care of the salon and boutique that she owns. She has recorded commercial jingles, and also does background vocals when given the opportunity. Thom is the owner of a real estate appraisal company. Together they have three children, Barton, Kelsey and Zachary, who keep them on their toes. Family is obviously a priority for this couple. “My biggest spiritual influence is my parents living the bible in front of me,” says Thom. Melody echoes his statement and adds, “We [Bethany and I] grew up in a loving, Christian home. They taught us the bible and always had us in church. There was never a doubt that they both love the Lord.” Another strong Christian couple, Bethany and her husband, Kyle, run a Christian school and daycare. Kyle also travels with the group, serving as the sound
engineer. They have five children that add to their already busy schedules: Amber, Emaleigh, Haley, Luke, and Trey. With so much happening in their lives, some might wonder why this trio continues to spend so much time ministering to others. Bethany answers that question with a story that happened not too long ago. “A pastor friend of ours in Louisiana called to share a recent event. He was driving down I-59 listening to “Robe and Crown” from our live CD. Suddenly he noticed blue lights in his rear view mirror. The state trooper walked up and asked if he had any idea how fast he was going. He replied, ‘No Officer, I don’t.’ He told the officer he was listening to our song and wasn’t paying attention. The officer replied, ‘The song you were listening to was being sung at 87mph!’ Our pastor friend then interrupted the officer and made him listen
to the song. Then he made him listen to Melody’s song, “My God Will Always Be Enough”. The officer stated at that point that he wanted to know about that peace that was being sung about. The state trooper met Jesus right there on the side of I-59. Our pastor friend did not get a speeding ticket that day but the state trooper got his ticket to Heaven. Well Glory! And that is why we sing!” The Stephens Family have the desire to encourage the believer and to see lost souls saved. They are praying to eventually go into full time ministry. They are currently mixing their latest project, Just Pray, produced by Jay Parrack and Darrin Morton. They have written two songs off the new project entitled, “Push Through the Crowd” and “If You Pray, Don’t Worry”. The Stephens are recording artists for Delta Sky Records of The Morris Music Group. Projected street date for this project is May 1st, with the first single released to radio through United Independent Artists. Keep looking and listening for more new music from this family trio. If you are interested in booking The Stephens, contact: Academy Promotions 205-907-9219. You can find them online at
Candi’s Catch-ups: Greenbrier Quartet Festival By Candi Combs
Daywind Music Group Hosts Greenbrier Quartet Festival 2015 Amongst the snow-topped mountains of White Sulphar Springs,West Virginia, Daywind Music Group held the first Greenbrier Quartet Festival at the extraordinary Greenbrier Resort. The event drew attendees from New Jersey to Florida and even a few Canadians. This endeavor marked an inaugural attempt by Scott Godsey and Daywind to host a multiday event at a luxury resort. This geographic location is very different from the typical Southern Gospel venues that fans are accustomed to attending. The Greenbrier welcomed each person with a smile and a large sweet tea! From that point forward, everything was presented on a whole new level. Even the seats in the concert hall were velvet covered while multiple stations in the room held pitchers of ice-chilled water. Tribute Quartet, led by Gary Casto, started off the
first night with their usual flair and energetic music. The lively group performed many charting songs and favorites, including, “Homesick Angel” and “Good News From Jerusalem,” featuring Josh Singletary. The Festival was officially opened when Scott Fowler with Legacy Five greeting the crowd. Fowler set up an atmosphere that would be comfortable yet also lifechanging. For the first hour, owners of several well-known Daywind groups took questions from the audience. Brian Free with Brian Free and Assurance answered questions directed to him with a transparency and a chuckle. Right off, the audience suggested some changes to the lighting on the stage. With a thumbs-up from the production crew, things happened instantly. It was that type of responsiveness that made this event personal to each ticket holder. Brian Free and Assurance took the stage next with a set of crowd favorites. They also took time to describe a recent honor where they were asked to be part of a BBC
recording that chronicled the music of Elvis Presley. Brian noted that almost always, Elvis had a quartet on stage with him, and that his first success came from singing Gospel music. Standing around a single microphone, the group performed “Peace in the Valley” in this Elvis tribute.
emotion, “Somebody Died for Me.” Never to be outdone, Scott’s father, Clayton Inman brought his Bluegrass rendition of “White Flag of Surrender.” There is no doubt that the Greenbrier Resort needed to replenish the white hand towels in the restrooms following Triumphant’s performance. Introduced at this time was the newest member of the group, GW Southard. This young talent from North Carolina provides keyboard and guitar to the performance. To round out the evening, Billy Blackwood led the Blackwood Brothers in a set of this group’s biggest hits. No stranger to the Southern Gospel world, the Blackwood Brothers seemed to anchor the concert in the style that is reminiscent of the earlier generations of music. The Brothers were then followed by Legacy Five, who closed the first ses-
The evening concert continued with Gold City. Daniel Riley updated the crowd with his father, Tim’s, condition. The well-known bass singer was sidelined last year following a stroke. Daniel noted that his father was doing well and actually enjoying some time at home. With all the fervor that fans have come to love, this new Gold City line up delivered loud and clear. The most rambunctious group of the night was clearly Triumphant Quartet. The Pigeon Forge, TN based quartet shared “Saved by Grace” and “When the Trumpet Sounds.” Scott Inman performed the song that always brings great
Visitors to the Greenbrier were given the entire afternoon to enjoy all the amenities of the resort. Many took advantage of the “Bunker Tour,” while others enjoyed shopping, dining or a visit to the world-renowned Five-star Mineral Spa.
sion of the Greenbrier Quartet Festival with, “He is To Me.” Platinum level ticket holders were treated to the famous gourmet Greenbrier breakfast buffet on Day Two of the Festival. Various Daywind Music Group artists took time to greet guests while also enjoying the incredible array of food.
The morning session continued the flavor of relaxed fellowship when each group took a seat on the stage. Scott Fowler had collected audience requests and randomly called artists to perform each song. This combination of artists is affectionately known as “Scrap Iron Quartets.” Joining in this session to make things just a little more interesting was tenor favorite, Jake Parrack and the incredible bass singer, Gene McDonald. The crowd was treated to favorites like, “The Lighthouse”, “How Great Thou Art” and many other classics. Josh Singletary, with Tribute Quartet, also performed some piano tunes with his own special style.
The evening concert was a special production by the Daywind Music Group called Quartet Night Across America. Each of the groups sang music representative of the decades of Southern Gospel Music beginning in 1900. Following each presentation, the lead from the group who had just performed joined Paul Heil, host of the radio program The Gospel Greats, for an interview. The stage was set as a radio station from the time when Gospel music was delivered via the airwaves through studios.
Perhaps the most interesting interview was with Billy Blackwood, as he told about the years when the Blackwood Brothers won the Arthur Godfrey Talent Contest. Following this radical opportunity to bring Gospel music to a legitimate place in the music world, the group suffered a devastating loss when their plane crashed. But with God’s direction, two groups joined together to continue the march and again won the Godfrey Talent show just two years later.
atmosphere. The Quartet Night Across America production will now be touring multiple states with these same Daywind Music Group artists. Watch for tickets to a location near you!
The final morning concert was an opportunity for everyone to hear a message and then wrap everything together with music. The Kingsmen sang the glory down with “Battle Cry,” “He’s Everything I Need,” and several other crowd favorites. Ray Dean Reece continues to lead this group with his smooth bass voice.
The Guardians borrowed popular bass singer Pat Barker to form a quartet. This combination was clearly a crowd favorite. Before closing, Tribute Quartet along with Legacy Five and the Blackwood Brothers each celebrated the event by bringing more capstone songs. Scott Fowler received a resounding response when he asked those in attendance if they would like to see this event at the Greenbrier continued. From all accounts, the Greenbrier Quartet Festival was a huge success. This is one to put on your calendar when plans for next year are announced. Daywind Music Group has proven that they are a leader in hosting Southern Gospel music in a first class
Event Planner: Singing at Sea By Lynn Mills
Light blue skies and a full sun hung above the Lido deck, cheering all of the passengers who just boarded the Carnival MS. Paradise. On that sunny day in downtown Tampa, a small yellow aircraft circled low to the ship, banner flapping behind announcing… “Carnival Paradise Welcomes Singing at Sea!” Many of you have most likely have heard of the Singing at Sea Cruise. Maybe you’ve seen brochures displayed on your favorite artist’s product tables, listened about it on the Gospel Greats or have friends who’ve sailed before. Yet, questions still linger in your mind: “What is it really like? Is it worth the money? There are other Southern Gospel Cruises, why should I go on this one?” After sailing on both the 2014 and 2015 Singing at Sea Cruises, I’m going to propose some key points and in-depth insights from this year’s cruise to give you a complete view of what you would expect on Templeton’s Singing at Sea. The 2015 Singing at Sea departed out of Tampa, Florida in mid-February and sailed five days to the Western Caribbean, visiting the ports of Georgetown, Grand Cayman and the island of Cozumel, Mexico. With over four decades of experience, Templeton Tours knows what a Christian family is looking for in an all-inclusive vacation. That’s why they close the bars, turn the casino into a Christian Bookstore and fill every theater with Gospel Music, Christian Comedy and Bible
based preaching – so every family can not only enjoy the exotic ports of call, but the benefit of spiritual rejuvenation while on the open seas.
Tampa, Florida… The terminal really isn’t that difficult to find. It’s located in the downtown area, but don’t let that worry you, the city is clean, neat, and not the run-down abandoned buildings that one associates with a downtown region. In fact, the terminal is right next to the Aquarium. If you’re driving to the terminal, there is a parking garage where you can park for the week, not far from the terminal. Those who travel by air can take advantage of shuttle arrangements through Temple Tours that pick you up at the airport and take you to the terminal or one of their host lodging locations if you come in the day before. At the terminal, you stand in line while porters come and take your large bags and any bag that has your room tag on it that you don’t want to carry. For the amount of people that are boarding, the line moves very quickly. This year, I would say I stood in line for about 40 minutes to one hour before I was on the ship. Keep in mind the earlier you arrive at the terminal, the quicker you will be through the lines and on the Paradise! Are Sea Days Boring? Surprisingly, no! The itinerary to Grand Cayman and
Cozumel includes two sea days (Tuesday and Friday) and there are plenty of activities to keep you occupied. Literally, you can attend a concert from sun up to sun down! But music and preaching aren’t the only things you can do on the Paradise to pass the time. If you are active, there is gym and track on the Sports Deck. If you prefer a group activity there are trivia games near the Majestic Casino in the sitting area, or if you would just like to relax and watch the waves go by, there are many outer decks with seating where you can lounge on a chaise near a pool or sit in a chair on deck or inside by a window. Kids Sail Free - Is It Noisy? The children on board are always in one of two places – the pool on the Lido Deck or in a Camp Carnival activity. Camp Carnival is a program that Carnival designed for its young passengers, so unless you are by a pool or the Camp Carnival area, you will most likely not see or hear the children during the day. (Unless they are with their parents, of course.) To answer the second question – is it noisy on the ship? – again, the answer is a pleasant no. The folks on this cruise are very low key. If you’re looking for a quiet place to relax, there are many sitting areas that offer a peaceful atmosphere. It has been my experience that if you seek a place inside the ship (by the Casino for example) or on a deck at the back of the ship, it will be quiet and not crowded. The only crowded place is the Lido Deck, because it contains a buffet, pool, stage and sitting area all in one spot.
Ports of Call… Georgetown, Grand Cayman is known for its shopping and beaches. If you’re looking for a little shop to find the perfect souvenir or a high end store to purchase watches and jewelry, you will find a little bit of everything in Grand Cayman. Island tours are also available if you’re interested in the historical side of the island, but if you’d rather dig your toes in the sand, Seven Mile Beach is the place to be! The Paradise will stay in port from 9:00am-4:00pm. Cozumel, Mexico is home to the Palancar Reef which is the world’s second largest coral reef, which makes the diving opportunities unique to any other port! If you are more interested in an excursion that showcases the Mayan Ruins, there are many to choose from. You can take tours of Mayan Ruins both on Cozumel and mainland Mexico. This year, I visited the Mayan Ruins of Tulum on the mainland. Our tour was superb, excellently organized, with clean transportation and a wonderful guide. I would highly recommend this tour to anyone who is interested in Mayan Ruins and would like to see a massive structure. Tulum was also the only Mayan city built on the beach – the view is amazing! We arrive in Cozumel at noon and depart at 9:00pm. How Do I Dress? The dress on ship is very casual. As long as the clothing is appropriate, you can wear what you’re comfortable in and be yourself. The only code you will find for dress would be the evening meals in the dining room.
a private concert just for those who sailed with them. This makes for an intimate setting and with a smaller attendance, it is truly a special time together! Also, many of the private concerts are longer than what you will see in other theaters. Finally, most host groups will bestow a special gift on the folks who signed up with them and these can range anywhere from a tote bag, to a T-shirt or water bottle. As beneficial as it is for you to sail with an artist, it helps the artist as well. The more folks they can take with them helps both them and Templeton know that they should continue coming back on the cruise. So, help out your favorite artist by signing up with them! So how about planning your cruise? February 15-20th, 2016, Singing At Sea will be returning to Grand Cayman and Cozumel on their 42nd voyage as the world’s Then, the things not allowed are swimsuits, jeans, flip-flops and shorts. (It has been my experience that you may wear flip-flops with sundresses and be okay.) There is one evening when the Captain has a special dinner, and then it is requested to wear your “church best.” It doesn’t have to be fancy, but you are more than welcome to dazzle yourself up if you wish! There are always folks who will fall in both categories! Remember to bring a sweater or light jacket, as it does tend to be chilly in the evenings on deck and sometimes in the theaters. Do They Really Eat Eight Times A Day? Meals in the dining room…here’s where you really are spoiled! Three times a day, you can go to the dining room and enjoy being served a three-course meal. Food choices vary from turkey and dressing, meatloaf, lasagna to Lobster tail, deep fried shrimp with plum sauce, escargot and many other gourmet choices. If you decide to forgo the dining room, you can take advantage of room service or visit one of several buffets or restaurants. And let’s not forget the 24-hour ice cream and pizza bar – a cruise favorite, of course! Menus in the dining room also include which starters, entrees and desserts are gluten free, made without sugar and lowcalorie. What Is A Host Group and Do I Need One? Any one of the entertainers appearing on the cruise can be your host. Though you don’t have to select a host for this cruise, there are extra perks to signing up with an artist. First, you have the option to be seated near your host group in the dining room at the evening meals. Secondly, many of the artists will reserve a theater for
largest Southern Gospel Music Cruise. In addition to the ports of call, over 25 artists will be appearing as well as Christian Comedians and your favorite preachers. You can enjoy Gospel Music ranging from traditional male quartets, family groups, bluegrass, country and progressive styles. Children 15 years and younger will once again sail free. (Visit www.templetontours. com for more details.) Singing at Sea is really the perfect vacation for Christian families, couples and church groups. Make plans today to reserve your stateroom by calling 1-800-334-2630! Photography courtesy of Candace Mills.
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Ed Smith My late father was my hero. He lived most of his adult life deafened by an explosion while on the battlefield in the Korean conflict in the very early 1950’s. It took several years of gradually losing his hearing after returning home for him to finally become 100% deaf in his right ear and 98% deaf in the left. I was three years old when Dad last heard my voice (1960). I have precious memories of slipping up on him during my childhood and listening as he sang “If I Could Hear My Mother Pray Again.” Dad couldn’t hear physically, but he heard the voice of Christ calling him to surrender his heart to Him! Dad lived for Jesus, and he lived a wonderful and productive life in spite of the sea of bitterness in his family around him, yet he never got bitter. Dad had a gift that God gave him after he lost his hearing. He could read lips, and do it so well it would blow your mind. I remember once as a kid, he and I went shopping for a new lawn mower at the Western Auto store. He carried on a rather lengthy conversation with the salesman, until he stooped over and began to tinker with the mower. While Dad had his back turned to the salesman, he asked him, “so, where do you work, sir?” Dad didn’t answer. He repeated the question and got the same lack of response. Finally, in frustration, the salesman looked at me and shrugged his shoulders as if to say, “Why won’t he answer?” I looked at him and said, “Oh, he’s completely deaf! Just be sure he sees you and he’ll know what you’re saying.” Dad stood up and the salesman immediately shouted at the top of his lungs, “SO, YOU LIKE THIS MOWER?” Dad gently looked at him and replied, “I’m deaf, but you don’t have to yell at me! Just look at me and I’ll understand you.” Sometimes, I feel like I’m Dad and God is that salesman trying to communicate with me, but I’ve turned a deaf ear to
Him. Then, I hear a song on the radio and realize that all I have to do is look towards God and I can hear His message! God speaks to each of us in many varied ways. He speaks through His Word and through His Creation, but one powerful way He communicates with us is through His music. The resounding melody of “Amazing Grace,” or the awesome lyric of “How Great Thou Art!” can reach right past our “deaf ears” and pierce us all the way to the center of our stony hearts. So often, we allow the world’s “music” to steal our hearts and minds away from the attention of God and we are drawn away by our own lust as we cave into temptation and ultimately we commit sin. But, God is always there to forgive us and pick up our broken hearts with His music that is guaranteed to soothe the hurting soul.
But, we must learn to listen if we are to hear His message and allow it find good ground in our lives. Until we learn to listen, we often end up marinating in the temporary pleasure the world promises. We must open our shut up ears and boarded up hearts so that we can hear God’s voice as He speaks to us through His word in song. I heard a story about a guy many years ago who had applied for a job with an early communications company as a telegraph operator. On the day he was to come in for the interview, he arrived to a full lobby of people waiting to be interviewed for the same job. Discouraged but determined not to give up, he took a seat and waited. Less than five minutes later, the man stood up, walked past all the people waiting in line to be interviewed and went straight into the office to have his interview. Of course, the people left behind in the waiting room were very unhappy and were letting others know about it. A few minutes later, the man walked out of the office and exited the building with a smile on his face. The supervisor stuck his head out of the interview room and told all the applicants they could go home because the job had been filled. Needless to say, the remaining people grum-
bled and complained, charging that they didn’t have an opportunity to interview and it was unfair that this guy jumped the line to get ahead of them. The supervisor quickly quelled their complaints when he said, “Does anyone hear the telegraph in the background? Well, that same telegraph has been continually tapping out a message in Morse Code instructing the first person in the room who understood and received the message to come on into the office because the job was his. Well, he got the message.” Do you listen to the Gospel in the same manner? When we sing in church or hear a Gospel group on the radio or play a Gospel song in the car do we really “LISTEN?” Do the lyrics soak into your soul and cause you to truly worship God on a deeply personal basis? I truly hope so. But, if you don’t listen and soak up the message of the Gospel song on the radio, you become like those other telegraph operators. Don’t ever let Gospel Music become nothing but background music that you can easily dismiss as you go about your daily activities. Let it sink into your soul and cause a song to well up inside you! So, tune in to a Gospel radio station today and let the true message of Christ soak into your aching heart! As Jake Hess used to say, you’ll be “nothing but fine.”
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Contributors SGN SCOOPS
Rob Patz is the President and CEO of Coastal Media Group. Rob has an 18 year history in radio hosting the nationally syndicated radio show, “The Southern Styles Show” since its beginning in 1993. Rob is also the owner of the internet’s #1 Southern Gospel station, In 2009, Rob Patz acquired, including the all- digital Scoops Magazine and the Diamond Awards. Rob has taken part in several Christian television projects working in front of the camera and also has helped create several syndicated television programs as well. Rob does voice work for various outlets including fortune 500 companies as well as emceeing concerts and special events. Email Rob at rob@sgnscoops. com. Lou Wills Hildreth appears on the Gaither Homecoming Videos, and is a founding member of Texas First Family Of Gospel Music, the “Singing Wills Family.” She helped pioneer Christian television as host of “Wills Family Inspirational TV.” After moving to Nashville in the sixties, she was the first woman to own an artist management agency. Lou is an inductee of the Texas Gospel Music Hall Of Fame, GMA Gospel Music Hall Of Fame, SGMA Hall Of Fame at Dollywood, and the Christian Music Hall Of Fame. She is a recipient of an Honorary Doctorate Of Sacred Music from Louisiana Baptist University. Recently, Gaither Homecoming Magazine named Lou in the “Hall Of Honor” series, and the Southern Gospel Music Guild gave her a “Lifetime Achievement Award.” Lou is celebrating a 65th wedding anniversary in 2011 with Howard, and they live in Houston near son Dr. David Hildreth and daughter Kathryn Mumaw, and 4 grandchildren. Visit Lou at: Christian Health & Fitness Expert Laurette Willis is an author with Harvest House Publishers, and the Director of PraiseMoves Fitness Ministry with DVDs, a training program and PraiseMoves
Instructors on four continents (http://PraiseMoves. com , on Facebook Laurette invites readers to get started on the road to better health and fitness for spirit, soul and body. For a free, easy- to- follow 21 day program visit:
Stephanie Kelley is a public speaker and owner of QueenO-Q, a blog featuring coupon match-ups, freebies, samples and information on frugal living. She is married, has three children and lives in Washington State. Queenoq.blogspot.
Canadian-born Lorraine Walker has a love for Jesus Christ, music and writing. The combination of these passions has produced artist features and monthly columns for Southern Gospel publications including SGM Radio website and SGN Scoops Digital magazine. Lorraine desires that the power of the written word will glorify her Lord and bring readers closer to the love, peace and majesty of the Almighty. Email Lorraine at Jennifer Campbell is a singer, songwriter, musician, and middle school English teacher from McAlpin, Florida. Along with her passion for teaching, she has an even greater passion for ministering to others, sharing her testimony of how she was born lifeless and how Jesus raised her up to live for Him. Jennifer is a member of the Florida Worship Choir and Orchestra and has performed with them at Brooklyn Tabernacle, Carnegie Hall, Central Park, and Times Square. She serves as a group leader for Women of Faith, designs websites, and writes an inspirational blog at HYPERLINK “” \t “_blank”, and a food and travel blog at Learn more about
Contributors SGN SCOOPS
Dusty Wells is a man of many talents and multiple skills, from his speaking engagements across the country, to traveling and encouraging various artists in the Christian music genres. Dusty has a passion that is evident from the moment you meet him. Dusty is a man who remains passionate and secure in the calling and destiny upon his life. He has come to realize the importance of finding purpose and clear direction for not only his life, but also the lives of those he comes in contact with, no matter what stage of life they may be in. Growing up in a very dysfunctional home, surrounded by all types of abuse, Dusty had every excuse to be a failure in life. He grew up on welfare, having to steal his daily necessities of life at times, being surrounded by drugs, alcohol and pornography. He was raised by a mother who was married multiple times, living in a housing project on the wrong side of town. But in the midst of what seemed to be complete devastation, God had different plans of success for Dusty. At the age of 14, a precious couple took time out of their own lives to invest in Dusty…thus leading Him to the Lord. His life is a testimony of God’s relentless love and deliverance, and is one of the most triumphant stories told in modern Christianity. Dusty is confident in the fact that if God can do it for him, He can do it for anyone, no matter the situation. Dusty and his wife of 33 years have four children, and two grandbabies with one more on the way. They make their home in Nashville, Tn. Joan Walker grew up with music in the house and first heard Southern Gospel in her early teens. With almost a quirky (some may say ‘weird’) need to make sure words are spelled correctly and the apostrophes are in the right place, she enjoys proofreading the articles for the SGN Scoops magazine each month...and looks beyond the letters and commas to the wonderful words each writer has written. Joan counts it as a blessing in her life to be part of SGN Scoops!
Pete Schwager is a web developer and graphic designer with a passion for Christ. He was born in Santa Rosa, California and moved to Oregon where he spent most of his life. He now lives in the quiet town of Ringgold, Georgia and enjoys living in the country with his family. You can find him online at
Staci Schwager helps with marketing and communication with her husband’s web design company, Cre8able Media. Together they make a great team! Staci being the “talkative” one, loves being able to communicate one on one with clients and organizing ideas. While Pete on the other hand is diving into the design and coding aspects to make the real masterpiece! Most of Staci’s days are filled with preparing homeschool lessons for her kids, couponing, gardening, tending to her chicken flock and spending as much time on the beautiful, country land God has blessed them with.
My name is Tina Wakefield and I am currently Music Minister for Amazing Grace Worship Center in Alabaster, Al. I have led worship for over 18 years as well as teach adults how to live everyday life in Victory as a Christian. I enjoy playing and singing Gospel Music whenever and wherever I am invited. I currently have three Cd s available on my website at and just released my first music video with Godsey & Associates called,” The Choice” available on YouTube. I write a lot of the music we sing at church and also record my original songs. My family is very ministry oriented with Pastors, Teachers, Musicians, and Singers. My heart’s desire is to spread the gospel of Christ through any and all open doors that I receive.
Contributors SGN SCOOPS
Dr. Jeff R. Steele is a pastor, conference speaker, singer, songwriter, husband, father, grandfather and friend. He is currently the Senior Pastor at Faith Baptist Church in Cullman, Alabama. Their services are webcast worldwide; they have a weekly television program and host an annual Jubilee each August that attracts hundreds from around the southeast. Dr. Steele is beginning his eighth year there. As a songwriter Jeff has been credited with 17 Number One songs in Christian music as well as four BMI Gold Medals for Great National Popularity as measured by Broadcast Performances. He has also been recognized by BMI as Christian Songwriter of the Year on several occasions. The group, The Steeles was featured across the nation and was seen on numerous magazine covers, feature articles, television and radio programs during their ministry on the road. Jeff is still writes songs and articles, sings on occasion and speaks in conferences and revivals. Jeff is married to Sherry, his wife of 31 years and they have three grown children. Visit Jeff on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and at www. Erin Stevens is a uniquely talented 18 year old shutterbug, singer, guitar player, writer, blogger, social networker and shooting coach. She is the owner/operator of Photos For Keeps By Erin. She also travels in fulltime Gospel music ministry with The Stevens Family. Photography is her passion, and singing for Christ is her calling. Check out her photography website and her ministry website Sherry Anne Lints, a Doctor of Chiropractic, singer, speaker, actress, writer and fitness trainer, was born with a bilateral hearing and speech impairment. She appeared in the films, Clancy and The Perfect Gift and was a special guest on 100 Huntley Street, in Ontario, Canada. She is a contributing author for the book, Modern-Day Miracles and released her second CD, Keep on Prayin’, July 2012 and has opened for many of the Gaither Homecoming Artists. Additionally, Sherry Anne helps lead worship and drama at her church. For more information, visit:
Vonda Easley is the owner of Hope’s Journey Christian Ministries and the voice of “The Strictly Southern Show” at WPIL 91.7 in Heflin, Alabama on Fridays
Vivian is the marketing manager at KKGM in Dallas/Fort Worth Texas, as well as hosting a program on Sundays where she features national, regional as well as local artists. She also brings news of upcoming concert events in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex and surrounding area. Vivian has promoted various artists in this area for over 10 years beginning with Phil Cross and Poet Voices and later Sharron Kay King and Jerry Bennett to name a few. She has spent the past several years promoting Southern Gospel, Inspirational Country Gospel and Bluegrass in this area in order to preserve this part of our heritage.
Jonathan Edwards began his radio career on KWFC 89.1 FM in Springfield, Mo. At KWFC he worked in news, sales and was an on air personality, creating the very popular Ozark Gospel Showcase. He has been nominated for two Singing News Fan Awards and garnered the coveted Paul Heil Award from the 2012 Diamond Awards. He travels full time with Faith’s Journey and currently hosts the syndicated radio show SGN Scoops Radio.
Contributors SGN SCOOPS
After graduating from Middle Tennessee State University with a Mass Communication degree, Craig Harris has been in the journalism field for more than 15 years, working daily as both a photographer and writer at one of the largest non-daily publications in the state of Tennessee. He has experience in feature writing, news writing, action photography, portrait photography, web-site maintenance and layout. Craig has been a part of numerous awards, both collective and individual honors in the journalism field. He has had articles published in numerous newspapers and magazines on a variety of subjects, most notably in the world of sports. Craig’s Southern Gospel interest dates back for approximately the same time span, having closely followed the industry since the later portion of the 1990s. He also performed for seven years with a local trio prior to joining the SGN Scoops staff. David’s distinctive sound and his ability to blend perfectly with a variety of vocalists has made him a valuable commodity on live events as well as in the studio. His compassionate and gentle spirit makes him more than an artist, it makes him a great friend! David began singing at age 6 with family. In 1990, he filled in for the Speer Family and later that year he became the lead vocalist for The Trailblazers. In 2002, Staton filled the lead position with Priority. While with Priority, the group was the resident gospel group at the Silver Dollar City theme park in Branson, MO and they performed for over one million people in one year. After the group disbanded in 1995, David continued to write for artists in many different genres of music while occasionally performing solo. It was during this time that his song, “Every Knee Shall Bow”, recorded by Dottie Peoples, was nominated for a Grammy Award. His song, “Together We Can” was adopted as the national theme song to bring awareness to violence in schools. The music video (Together We Can) that featured many Atlanta based artists was shown at the 1999 Grammy Awards show, which helped launch the careers of artists like R&B’s Jagged Edge, India Arie, and 4.0. In 2004, David partnered with Mike LeFevre to form The LeFevre Quartet. During the seven years that he was the lead vocalist, the group had many hit songs and won many awards. After leaving the LeFevre
Quartet in 2011, Staton began working on a solo project and also began singing with Palmetto State Quartet. The group appeared on television and toured with country music superstar, Wynonna Judd while Staton was there. Through the years, artists like Gold City, Jeff & Sheri Easter, Kingsmen, Singing Americans, Dixie Melody Boys, Imperials, Dottie Peoples, Ball Brothers, LeFevre Quartet, Palmetto State Quartet, Priority, Trailblazers, The Greenes, Ivan Parker, Brian Free and many more have recorded David’s music. From 2005 to 2013, Staton was the Executive Vice President for Song Garden Music Group in Nashville, TN. In recent years, the National Quartet Convention has asked David to be a part of an industry advisory panel to help artists who need assistance and training. Not only has David made a mark as an artist, he is passing on his talent and knowledge to new artists, influencing and shaping the future of Gospel music. Kelly Nelon Clark is the daughter of Gospel Music icon, the late Rex Nelon. As part of her father’s group, The Nelons, she blazed a musical trail bringing a fresh new sound to the traditional Gospel quartet style. That sound and style influenced a generation of Gospel music performers and can be heard today in the styling of groups like the Martins, Point of Grace, The Crabb Family and more. As The Nelons broke new ground, the Gospel Music industry repeatedly recognized their excellence. The group won four GMA Dove awards as well as multiple awards from readers of Singing News Magazine. Kelly was named female vocalist of the year on four occasions and received favorite alto vocalist award 3 times. At one time, Kelly was the most awarded artists in the history of the Singing News Fan Awards. The music industry at large also recognized The Nelons with 3 Grammy nominations. Today, Kelly currently performs throughout the United States, Canada and Europe with her husband and two daughters as The Nelons. The group is featured in hundreds of churches and concerts each year. The Nelons have been part of Gaither Homecoming concerts sharing their music with thousands of Gospel Music fans in sold-out arenas across the country. For more information, visit http://
Contributors SGN SCOOPS
Marcie Gray was born and raised in sunny California, yet always dreamed of moving to Tennessee. She had planned to move to the south as a young adult and sing with a gospel group, after being inspired to do so by her Great Uncle, Alphus LeFevre. Though it took longer than she had expected, in 2011, her dream of moving east finally came true when her husband, Don, retired from the CHP. They packed up their two youngest daughters, three dogs and two horses and headed east. What a blessing to finally be where the tea is sweet, the Southern Gospel music is plentiful and there’s a Cracker Barrel on every corner! Spend ten minutes with Marcie and you’ll learn that she is rarely lacking for something to say. Her passion for Southern Gospel music, combined with her instinct to be behind the camera, makes journalism a very enjoyable outlet for that “Type A” personality she has been affectionately labeled with by her family and friends. Marcie is a worship leader, vocalist and songwriter. She has directed choirs of all ages and given voice lessons for many years. Her solo CD, “Carry Me Home” was released in September of 2014. Having family in ministry has given Marcie a desire to support those who are on the road sharing the gospel through song. Visit her website at to learn more!
Lynn Mills is a talented writer who has a passion for music, specifically Gospel music. Lynn authors the site Lynn’s Chronicles where she shares her experiences attending various concert events and what people can expect should they want to attend. Also featured are CD & DVD Reviews, Devotionals, Photos, Video and News tidbits. Keep up with Lynn online at or on facebook @
Hi, my name is Dean Adkins and I am honored to be a part of the SGN Scoops family. Perhaps some background information would be beneficial. I am sometimes called “Professor” because I was a Biology professor at Marshall University for 31 years and I retired in 2004. I grew up listening to gospel music (or as it is now termed Southern Gospel Music) and many of my relatives (Adkins, Toney, Booth families) are gospel singers/musicians. I collect records, primarily LPs, and SGM related items. Over the years I have studied the history of this genre. I would like to use these articles to describe events and the mind-set of the 1950s and 60s – sometimes called the Golden Age of Gospel Music. Alpha Source Media Group is lead by Candi Combs and was born out of a strong desire to support the ministers who share the gospel on the highways and byways of life. Combs says, “These artists and their families spend their days selflessly bringing the life-changing message of Jesus to crowds large and small. We want to do all we can to support them!” In 2015, Candi will have a law degree from Liberty University and will provide a full range of legal counsel. This component will bring the highest level of support to those who also desire legal representation. Bethany Cook is a 25-year-old medical student from the great state of North Carolina. In her early years, Bethany grew up on the road as the daughter of an evangelist. In her teen years, the family came off the road and made their home in Burlington, NC. where her father is now a pastor. Being an avid Southern Gospel fan from an early age has lead Bethany to meeting many different artists and making many friends along the way. With a history of devotional writing for family and friends, she looks forward to opening up her writing and allowing you to see a little more into the lives of Southern Gospel Music artists. Bethany is set to graduate from college in June 2015 with a degree in Medical Assisting.
Contributors SGN SCOOPS
Sheri began singing while traveling with her abundantly talented family, led by her father John LaFontaine, a minister for over 48 years. In 1994 with Grammy nominated singer Jeff Easter producing, she recorded her first solo project, Takin’ My Place. Shortly thereafter, Sheri received a call from the top promoter in southern gospel, Frank Arnold and was asked to join his group, The Arnolds on the road. After several years of traveling Sheri felt the Lord leading her to focus on her solo career and songwriting. In 2004 she signed a songwriting contract with one of the industry’s top recording labels, Daywind Music. Her songs have been recorded by Kim Hopper, Karen Peck, Sue Dodge, Brian Free & Assurance, Misty Freeman, Three Bridges, The Whisnants, The Browns and many more. Paige Givens is a Christ follower, wife, mother of two boys and kindergarten teacher to 18 five-yearolds. She is a writer, reader, singer, studier, and teacher of words. Paige lives in Hayden, Alabama with her husband of 10 years, Chris Givens, and their sons Parker and Peyton. Paige loves to blog about faith, writing, music, and teaching. Her goal is to serve the Lord by inspiring others to be who He has called them to be. You can listen to her music and read her devotionals at www.
Jaquita Lindsey is a member of 11th Hour Southern Gospel group based in Monroe, LA. She has been singing since the age of eight and currently sings the alto part with the mixed trio. Jaquita is single and lives in Benton, AR. She enjoys crafts, doing hair and hanging out with friends and family. She was raised in church her whole life but at the age of 28, she “decided that there was more to it than just showing up for church.” For more on Jaquita, visit the 11th Hour website at
Matt Baker resides in Lenoir, NC with his wife, Ashley, and children, Bella and Bennett. A gospel music lover, Matt spent time on the road full-time with Promise of Murfreesboro, TN, before moving into church ministry as the music minister at Ambassador Baptist Church in Hudson, NC.
Justin Gilmore, 22, a resident of San Diego, California, graduated from Point Loma Nazarene University with a B.A. in History in June of 2014. Passionate about Southern Gospel music and its history, he decided to venture into the blog world in January starting Southern Gospel Spotlight in order to share his love of this great style of music.