May 2015 SGNScoops Magazine

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SCOOPS ........... Magazine


ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: The Taylors, Karlye Hopper, NQC Spring Break and Mother's Day with The Bowlings

table of contents 3

Publisher’s Point


Letter From The Editor


Life, Love, and Legends by Lou Wills Hildreath


Triumphant Quartet by Paige Givens

15 Mother’s Day Special with the Bowlings by Tina Wakefield 20 Lindsay Huggins by Hannah Webb 23

NQC Spring Break by Craig Harris


Christian Fitness with Laurette Willis


The Taylors by Justin Gilmore


Reflections by Sherry Anne


Debra Perry and Jaidyn’s Call by Jaquita Lindsey


We’re All Human by Jeff Steele

41 Younger Perspective - Karlye Hopper by Erin Stevens 45 Creekside Update 48

Southern Gospel Weekend by Rhonda Wooten


Wisdom From Wells by Dusty Wells


Fast Five with Neeka Curtis by Rob Patz


High Notes with Kelly Nelon Clark


DJ Spotlight on Don Adkisson by Vonda Easley


SGN Scoops Top 100


Touchdown Quality by Ike and Sheri La Fontaine


The Riders by Rhonda Wooten

67 Event Planner: The Truthseeker’s Homecoming by Lynn Mills 71 Pastors Corner with Stephen Widener 74 Contributors

Our Mission SGNScoops exists to promote the gospel by unveiling what is intriguing and real about Southern Gospel and Christian Country music. With integrity, we aspire to strengthen Christians, highlight people who are fulfilling a call to minister and emphasize the music that inspires audiences and glorifies God. Publisher- Rob Patz Editor- Lorraine Walker Feature Editor- Craig Harris Layout/Design- Pete Schwager, Staci Schwager Cover Design- Stephanie Kelley Founder- Dr. Allen Smith

Have a SCOOP to share? For news consideration, email us at

Publisher’s Point by Rob Patz

This is May and with this month comes Mother’s Day! I want to thank my mom for being an awesome, Godly example of what a woman should be. She has been a great gift in my life and an encourager in my career. I know that without her encouragement, I wouldn’t be doing what I do in Southern Gospel. We are excited about Creekside 2015 and I want you to be my guest for this event. Please email me at rob@ or call 360-933-0741 and we will get you set up for your Creekside package. As a Creekside VIP attendee, you will get to be a part of some great things, including being with us for the 2015 Diamond Awards, which always have exciting surprises. Speaking of the Diamond Awards, be checking the website during May for the release of the Top 10 Nominees in each category. It has been an incredible year for voting. We have received the most responses in the history of the Diamond Awards nominations. I believe that will continue with the next round as well. Be sure you are a part of the voting process! We also want you to come and be a part of Christian Country Expo. This is our latest event and we are thrilled about it! CCE runs from August 24th through the 27th, in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. You can contact me for your tickets and VIP packages for that event also. I want to take this moment to thank my staff during the time when I was sick. They really took care of everything that needed to be done day-to-day while I was recovering. I have one more procedure and test at the end of May, so please keep me in your prayers. I believe God has already touched my body through the wonderful test results that we have received over the last month. Make plans to be with us at one of our upcoming events so that I can thank you in person for your prayers!

Until next month, this is the Publisher’s Point.

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A Letter From the Editor By Lorraine Walker

Triumphant Quartet made our cover this month and we are thrilled to present the gentlemen of this fine group. I have been a fan of Triumphant for several years and I so appreciate their dedication to quality and their authentic representation of their faith. As I looked over the songlist of their latest CD entitled Living In Harmony, I noticed a couple of older favorites. “Black and White” was featured on an early project by the Singing Americans, the title song from one of my favorite records from the ‘80’s. Another older classic is “When He Reached Down His Hand For Me.” According to the Internet, Johnny Cash first recorded it in 1962. Since then many artists, including several Southern Gospel groups, have sung this song. It is no wonder, as the lyrics are so personal and convicting. As I reacquainted myself with these tunes, it made me wonder: What songs are being sung today that will be re-recorded decades from now? Are the artists of today creating a song experience that will touch listeners in the future? What songs written and performed in this decade have the lasting touch, the timeless quality that will make them classics to be re-recorded in 30, 40 or 50 years from now? I’m sure you, our readers, have the answer

to those questions. I’d love to hear what you think tomorrow’s classics will be. Write me! lorraine@ May is the month for mothers and in this issue of SGN Scoops we have lots of mothers who write and we are also talking to mothers who sing! Be sure to catch the special features on the three generations of Crabb/Bowling ladies and also the fabulous vocalist Lindsay Huggins. If you are able, be sure and let your mother know she is loved today! From the letters we have received at Scoops, I know that many parents feel they aren’t doing enough or trying hard enough with their children. Children, this is your opportunity to tell those who raised you that they did a great job. No parent or child is perfect, so be sure to let your family know that you love them unconditionally today. On a final note, I’d like to wish our American friends a blessed Memorial Day, and to our Canadian readers, a happy Victoria Day. If you are outside of these two countries, write me and tell me when your favorite holiday is so we can give you a shout-out as well. Have a terrific month in Christ. If you want to know more about the love of Jesus, write to me today at .

Life Love & LEGENDS “We Love Our Southern Gospel Music History”

by lou wills hildreth

What a delight to greet you, dear readers, via this great digital magazine, and we appreciate Publisher Rob Patz, Editor Lorraine Walker, and their devoted staff for the privilege. God has given Howard and me a blessed LIFE in the gospel music arena. Recently we were invited to attend the We Love Our Southern Gospel Music History (WLOSGMH) convention in Nashville. “We Love Our Southern Gospel Music History” is a Facebook organization with 36,000 members, and this was their first convention.

Ridge Boys, John, Buddy and Janet Burton, Sheltons, Higher Ground Reunion, Reunited, Charles Yates, Linda Robinson, Jeanne Johnson, Sue Dodge, Linda Scholar, Barbara Roach, Eddie Crook, John Wyrick, Rita Spellers, Henry Slaughter, Greg Gordon, Joy Gardner, Wayne Hilliard, Dony and Reba McGuire, Ann Downing, Harold Timmons, and John Crenshaw. When Larry Strickland arrived with his wife Naomi Judd, he immediately was called onstage to sing bass with several of the groups.

We salute the hard-working administrators who produced this exciting two-day event at the beautiful Holiday Inn Opryland: Harold Timmons, John Crenshaw, Ann Downing, and Hannah Lynae Kennedy. The program featured many LEGENDS of Gospel music, and we felt a stream of LOVE flowing as we greeted many friends from the past. A partial list of the concerts and performers includes the Downing Reunion, LeFevre Quartet, Pine

Judy Nelon and I hosted one of the Gospel Music History sessions. She brought a microphone that was given to Rex by J. D. Sumner, and her presentation created a lot of excitement. Judy had assembled a huge poster of the early GMA Board and music executives she and I had served with for the 20 years Howard and I lived in Nashville. What an honor for me to talk about our industry LEGENDS. My sister Betty Wills Stephens, and her hus-

band Walt, still live in Nashville, and she attended the convention with us. She knows everybody and they remember and love her. We had a wonderful time together, sharing our love for Gospel music with our longtime friends. A special thank you to Cheri Baldwin, Marcie Gray, Judy Nelon, and Rhonda Frye for taking photos. Check your Facebook for WLOSGMH to see coverage of this memorable event!

John Crenshaw,

Charlie Griffin A Day Off! A Collection of Holidays! FFeeaattuurriinngg::

It’s A New Day - Streets of Galilee It’s Your Season - Thank My God Help Somebody - Making A New Start – First Day in Heaven 20 great songs celebrating your HOLIDAYS DAY OFF! TThheerree iiss nnoohhiinngg lliikkee ttaakkiinngg aa hhoolliiddaayy,, aa vvaaccaattiioonn.. O Orr cceelleebbrraattiinngg tthhee hhoolliiddaayyss wwiitthh ffaam mee ggrreeaatt m miillyy aanndd ffrriieennddss.. IItt oonnllyy ggeettss bbeetttteerr wwiitthh ssoom Grriiffffiinn hhaass muussiicc.. CChhaarrlliiee G rreeccoorrddeedd aa ppeerrffeecctt m miixx ttoo cceelleebbrraattee yyoouurr hhoolliiddaayyss oonn yyoouurr vvaaccaattiioonn.. EEnnjjooyy tthhiiss nneeww CCllaassssiicc AArrttiissttss RR eccoorrddss CCDD.. VViissiitt wwwwww..CChhaarrlliieeG Re muussiicc Grriiffffiinn..NNeett.. FFoorr sscchheedduulliinngg,, m oorrddeerrss oorr m maaiill CChhaarrlliiee@ maattiioonn.. CCaalll 770044--337744--55991100 oorr eem moorree iinnffoorrm Grriiffffiinn..NNeett. @CChhaarrlliieeG


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Lou Wills Hildreth Photo A. Lou and her sister, Betty Wills Stephens Photo B. “We Love Our Southern Gospel Music” panel: Judy Nelon, Lou, Dean Adkins, Buddy Burton, David Taylor, Hannah Kennedy,

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Triumphant Quartet Living in Harmony By Paige Givens

Southern Gospel music has been blessed with an abundance of amazing quartets, whose sound and talent keep people coming back for more. There is something about quartet singing that goes beyond simple enjoyment for both the singer and the listener. Gospel quartets have the ability to take the songs of old, songs of our Christian heritage, as well as new and inspired songs, and wrap them tightly in beautiful harmonies before sending them straight to the heart. In this industry full of wonderful quartets, there are some that especially stand out, and Triumphant Quartet is one such group. Since they formed in 2003, Triumphant Quartet has enjoyed an exquisite harmony both on and off stage. They demonstrate the joys of living in harmony with one another and with the Lord. The group actually began as singers for Sunday services in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Tenor David Sutton recalls, “Eric Bennett, Jeff Stice, and I had been volunteering at the Louise Mandrell Theater in Pigeon Forge, singing at her Sunday morning worship services that she held for tourists. She had the vision of having a gospel quartet at her theater doing morning

shows and a Sunday night show. She approached us about the opportunity of forming a group to do this. To be honest with you, when she did, we all said, ‘We are happy and not interested but we will keep it in our prayers.’ A little time passed and she asked again. This went on for several weeks and finally we agreed to sit down and talk with her about what her vision was. Because of her vision and lots of prayer, this group was formed, and God continues to bless.” David goes on to explain how the group was named Triumphant Quartet. “The name Triumphant came from three fans. When the group formed we were known as Integrity. After a little over a year of singing, we received a letter from a well-known business that had the same name. They were in our same genre of music and felt because of the years they had used the name, there was a conflict of interest, so we decided to take a negative and turn it into a positive. We got with the management team at the theater and started coming up with ideas. We came up with the idea to let the fans pick our name. We started doing national marketing asking fans to submit names. We had over 3500 names submitted. We narrowed

it down to our top five and went to Trademark attorneys to search the names out. Our top pick was Triumphant. We had three different people submit this name. We invited all three people to our show one Sunday night at the theater and presented them

all with gifts.� The original singers that formed Triumphant still sing in the quartet today, which is a testament to the harmonious friendship of the group. They’ve added some extra members as well and each person

makes important contributions to keep the ministry flowing smoothly. David Sutton sings tenor for the group and occasionally plays harmonica. When he was just 10 years old, David started playing the drums for his dad’s quartet, The Watchmen. “Night after night I would sit behind a big set of drums and watch four guys sing quartet-style music. I saw how the music encouraged people and I saw people came to know Christ as their Lord and Savior at the concerts. Because of this, I fell in love with Gospel music.” After high school, David went on to sing with the Anchormen Quartet and then spent three years with the Singing Americans and nine years with the Kingdom Heirs. “At the end of 2002 I had the opportunity to help form Integrity Quartet, now known as Triumphant Quartet. I am in my thirteenth year with Triumphant. I take care of all the office work for the group as far as bills, payroll and the finances that come in. We also have an office worker named Shari Pickel that’s been with us from the beginning. She helps out with all our mail orders as well as other office things we can’t do because of our road schedule.” Eric Bennett is the bass singer for Triumphant. He recalls early influences that inspired him. “I was so young when I first started singing. My mother took me all over the country to listen to groups when I was a child. I just remember that I have always loved

to sing. I’ve had many people who have influenced me musically. My brother Perry really helped me get started. He taught me the correct notes to sing. But there were other bass singers that, when I heard them, really made me want to sing, guys such as Ray Reese, Tim Riley, and George Younce. I have also had some spiritual influences, such as my family. Jerry Goff has also been an incredible influence on me.” Eric also spent time singing with the Kingdom Heirs. “I was pastoring a church and felt it was time to resign. Two weeks later Steve French from the Kingdom Heirs called me and asked me to come up and try out. I knew it was something that God has His hand in. I am blessed!” Eric does most of the group’s emcee work and takes care of the bus maintenance. He also stays in close contact with the group’s booking agency (The Dominion Agency), promoters, and pastors to plan details for bookings. Clayton Inman is the lead singer for the group and also contributes the comical portions to the group’s program. As a teenager, Clayton traveled and sang in his family’s group, the Inmans. He went on to be with the Singing Americans and Won by One. David says, “Clayton makes sure we have products ordered and on the bus each week to sell at our concerts. We call him PRODUCT MAN! And BIG C!” His son, Scotty, joins Clayton in the Quartet.

Scotty Inman sings baritone with the group. He recalls growing up with his musician father. “I grew up in a home of a professional singer, so it’s in my blood. I never sang much growing up, but at the age of 17, God placed the desire in my heart to sing and I’m glad He did! The first time I sang I was a nervous wreck. I spent many years overcoming stage fright so when I finally faced my fear it was exciting and stressful. Thankfully I’m over all of that now.” Scotty plays a big role in picking songs and writing material for new projects. He also keeps up with the group’s social media pages. David introduces two of Triumphant Quartet’s newest members. “G.W. Southard plays piano as well as acoustic guitar. G.W. is the newest member of Triumphant. He has a big responsibility every night knowing when to kick the songs off from the iPad at just the right time to make the program flow. G.W. also does side work. He makes tracks for different artists from his home studio. “Adam Bradford is the next newest member of Triumphant. Adam sets our sound and gets it just right every night. He has one of the hardest jobs of anyone. He has to make a lot of people happy. Not just us, but everyone else in the audience that has an opinion. He’s one of the best in the industry!” These talented individuals that make up Triumphant work tirelessly to bring the truth of Jesus to countless souls night after night. David points out that while Triumphant Quartet works hard to create an enjoyable event for the people who come to hear them, the endeavor is much more than just putting on a good show. “I want to think people will hear a very pleasant sounding group. We love quartet style music and that’s what we will always sing. We have always done a wide variety of styles in our programs. We love to add a little humor in our programs as well. We sing to people from all walks of life. We sing to people that come from various churches that sing all styles of gospel music. We hope to hit a home run with everyone in our audience by something we say or sing on stage.” He goes on to say, “We will always sing music that uplifts our Lord and Savior. That’s why we sing. Before you leave a Triumphant concert you will hear the Gospel whether it be through something we sing or something we say. There will almost always be time for someone to surrender their life to Christ.”

The times when a listener turns to God are the ones that stand out to Triumphant Quartet. Eric says, “Every time someone surrenders their life to Christ at a concert it is a special moment. Many times there have been those that have been listening to our music and given their life to Him. God works in amazing ways. I love staying in touch with some of those that have gotten saved. I can see them growing in the Lord. Those are very sweet moments.” Triumphant has just released a brand new CD entitled Living in Harmony. The project released on April 14th. David is enthusiastic about the project. “This is a brand new recording done with our brand new record label, Stow Town Records. We are so excited about this project. We think it could be our favorite to date. Wayne Haun once again went all out on this recording with his producing skills. We were so blessed to have incredible musicians as well as incredible songwriters to be a part of this project. We feel that ten amazing songs were chosen and we can’t wait to sing these songs for our audiences.” The members of Triumphant would love for you to be a part of their audience. One event is particularly special for the group. “We have an Anniversary Celebration every year in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, at the Music Road Hotel and Convention Center,” says David. “This year it is on October 4th and 5th. We have three sessions: Sunday night, Monday morning, and Monday night. We always have some surprise guests show up for this event. You never know who may be there. You can order your tickets by calling our office at 865-621-0492.We would love to have you there as our guest! It’s always an incredible event.” Triumphant Quartet is enjoying success in their careers and ministry. They are enjoying a harmony in their song and in their friendships with each other and with their fans. With these triumphs, they are remaining focused on the One who keeps them living in harmony, their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To keep up with the new music and events of Triumphant Quartet, visit their website (, like them on Facebook (https://, and follow them on Twitter (@TheTriumphantQT). For booking, contact Michael Davis at The Dominion Agency, 828454-5900. Photographs courtesy of Jake Harsh.




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SCOOPS .......... Magazine

Midnight Prayer

Smoky Mountain Convention Center Pigeon Forge, TN

Kelly Bowling

A Mother’s Legacy By Tina Wakefield

Each year on the second Sunday of May our minds recall that special woman in our lives called Mother. There is no way to describe the impact a mother has on her family whether good or otherwise, a mother’s presence is felt and missed. I recently spoke with one of Gospel music’s mothers, Kelly Bowling, on life with her family on and off the road. Kelly Bowling is no stranger to traveling with

family, singing and ministering across this country as she traveled with The Crabb Family for many years. She grew up, met and married Mike Bowling all while traveling with her mother and family in a bus across many highways and states. Kelly recalls traveling with her mother, Kathy Crabb Hannah, in those early days of married life. “Hope Bowling was the first grandchild born that traveled with

us. It was very special having my mother there, to help with Hope and time we spent together with Hope playing dress up with my mother’s make-up in the back of the bus. Watching my mother create a close bond with her was very special to me.” Kathy Hannah still boards the Bowling bus from time to time and travels with Kelly, Mike and the girls. Kelly says, “Not too much has changed, my mother helps me with the kids and she gets to be the fun one now with less pressure on her. I have a greater respect and appreciation for my mother now that I am the mother of this group and responsible for day- to-day requirements of this ministry.” Traveling with three kids is not an easy life and there are many sacrifices and obstacles to overcome. Confined in the space of a tour bus for extended time there is no privacy and the lack of space can be a challenge. Kelly says that for a mother, you worry about your kids missing so much that other children get to experience. “For a ministry family there are Friday night outings that their friends go on, weekends at the park, at a playground or a movie. You feel guilty at times that your children are on a bus traveling to the next church to minister. I want my girls to not feel deprived of these things but appreciate a life of ministry, of reaching others in need of salvation, hope and encouragement. This life is a calling and I have built a lifetime of relationships on the road which I still have, and I can see that for my girls.” To help the Bowling girls with the life on the

road, Kelly plans special outings with each daughter. “Being on the bus together we don’t get a lot of one on one time with each other, so when we are home I’ll take them out at times alone to shop, or a movie, or just time to spend with each one alone.” On the bus the kids are usually on their Ipad, Ipod, teasing their cousin who travels with them or flipping from bunk to bunk. Time on the bus is family time with everyone just being silly, joking, and playing around. In October of 2014, when an opportunity opened for a singer with the Bowlings, thoughts about how to fill the space presented a challenge. Then the unexpected happened: Hope Bowling, the oldest of Mike and Kelly’s three girls, decided that she would like to fill that position. Kelly says, “I didn’t see that coming. I had hoped that she would one day, and I knew she could. We were thrilled.” The joke between Mike and Kelly is, “She works cheap!” Hope Bowling fills the position well and is a very talented and anointed young lady. I asked Hope why she decided to join her family in ministry and she replied, “I love to see the faces of the people and how the lyrics of the songs touch them. I was excited when my parents presented the opportunity to me.” At 15, she will be one of the young artists to watch and see what God has in store. We could literally take the scripture from Proverbs 22: 6 that says, “train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” Mike and Kelly Bowling are truly training up their girls in a ministry/Christ-centered life of giv-

ing of themselves. This lifestyle did not come by chance because the same could be said of Kathy Hannah who instilled the same lifestyle of ministry in Kelly and her family in their early lives. This thought brings about the scripture from Proverbs 31 that states, “Her children arise up and call her blessed.” Hope states that she admires her mom for her anointing and hard work ethic, and says, “she is

someone I look up to.” I asked about her grandmother Kathy and she said that her go-get-it attitude, work ethic, and genuine honesty with people, are traits she admires. If Hope Bowling joining the family ministry is any sign of what is to come, then Gracie and Katelanne Bowling are worthy of our attention and prayers. I asked 11-year-old Katelanne what is the best and worst thing about traveling with her family. She says that she loves going to new places but the downside is that she doesn’t get to spend time with her friends as much. Katelanne is not sure about what she wants for her future yet but loves to sing with her sisters, especially the song, “It Is Well With My Soul.” She looks up to her mom for lots of reasons but says that cooking is not one of them, which this brought lots of laughter from all those listening. The best dish would have to be Kelly’s lasagna and the worst would be spaghetti. Katelanne would love for everyone to know that her grandmother Kathy really likes to talk to people and loves Facebook. I asked her if there was anything she would change on their family bus and she replied, “Yes, my x-box and a private room.” Gracie is the youngest of the three girls and perhaps the most vocal. Maybe you have seen the “Gracie Show” that Kathy Hannah posts on Facebook. If the Gra-

cie Show is a taste of what is to come, we all better pay attention to her. When I asked Gracie what she wanted everyone to know about her mother she says, “She is a really nice person and really pretty.” Gracie says about her grandmother, “She is not afraid to say what she thinks.” Gracie says that traveling is great because they get to visit lots of different places, her favorite of which is the beach. She says that she gets to go on cruises, which she enjoys. She is not sure what she would like to persue in life yet but would love to be on Broadway. She would love to be able to travel to New York City to ride the subway and see the tall buildings. Who knows what the future holds for the Bowling girls as they travel and minister with the family. One thing is for sure after speaking with Kelly is that they are instilled with the Christ –centered life and the value of sowing into others. Proverbs 31: 31 says of a mother, “Give her the fruit of her hands and let her own works praise her in the gates.” Kathy Crabb Hannah sowed into the life of her daughter Kelly Bowling, and Kelly is sowing into the life of her daughters Hope, Katelanne, and Gracie.

“Even though the accolades are nice and appreciated, the focus must always be on God at all times,” says Kelly. “Mike and I have the same priority and values. God must be the focus and center of all that we accomplish.” A life on the road is not an easy task but one that Kelly Bowling has embraced with her family. Her girls will debut their first CD this year, The Bowling Sisters and Kelly is now reaching out to speak at ladies’ events

along with Kathy who is currently conducting ladies’ retreats. I am very excited to watch this family as God unfolds His plan in their lives. I am convinced that this is a family who strives to hear from God and accomplish what He puts in their spirit with total honesty and conviction in a time when compromise is an easy path to follow. I encourage you to contact The Bowling Family at www.

Lindsey Huggins Praying Women By Hannah Webb

As we know, Gospel Music’s history is full of the classiest, most gifted women to ever walk the earth. Connie Hopper, Lucy Hayes, Faye Speer, Eva Mae LeFevre and Dottie Rambo, just to name a few, have crafted a legacy that will last beyond what one could imagine and these women have created massive shoes for the next generation to fill. Lindsay Huggins is one who is so beautifully following in these footsteps and shares with us how important it is to have a God-fearing, loving mother. Hannah: Lindsay, since Mother’s Day is celebrated in May, what is one special memory you have of your Mother? Lindsay: A memory I have of my Mama is her helping coach me as I practiced singing growing up. She

would help me pick out songs and always reminded me to smile and say my words clearly. When people compliment me today, saying they could understand every word, I always give credit to my Mama! Hannah: What a blessing it is to have a nurturing mother! Your new single is entitled “Praying Women”. Tell us what that song means to you. Lindsay: “Praying Women” has special meaning to me for many reasons. When I first heard it, I only knew the title and that it had come from Lee Black. When the demo began, I immediately recognized Marcia Henry’s playing and singing. My dad traveled with her group Latter Rain for several years as the guitar player when I was a little girl. Our families have been life-long friends. Then the lyrics hit

me. My Mama has been a constant prayer warrior in my life. In fact, she prayed the prayer of salvation with me on the living room couch in the middle of the night. I know her prayers continue today. Now, of course, I have my own little guy who I hope will always think of me as a woman who loves and prays for him. Hannah: What legacy do you hope to leave behind? Lindsay: My grandmother was killed in a car accident before I was born, so I never had the chance to meet her, but I know she was a wonderful woman because of the legacy and family she left behind. Now that I’m a mother, I’m often overcome with thankfulness that I still have my mother around. I know that way too often I take for granted that I can just pick up the phone and call my Mama when I have a parenting question, need prayer, or just need to be reminded of how to make a favorite recipe from home. My prayer is that I will leave a legacy of faith. I’m not perfect; none of us are. But I hope that my son will always remember that I placed my faith in God, and that he will see evidence of HIS love and grace in my life. Hannah: And I am confident that you will! Thanks Lindsay! Be sure to check out Lindsay’s website at www.


Spring Break 2015 in Pictures

The National Quartet Convention once again hosted their Spring Break in Louisville, Kentucky, on April 16 through 18, 2015. Hundreds of eager fans filled Highview Baptist to hear artist favorites including Ernie Haase and Signature Sound, Jim Brady Trio, Greater Vision, Triumphant, Ivan Parker, Whisnants, Booth Brothers, Isaacs, Mark Trammell Quartet, Legacy Five, Tribute, Hoppers, and the Sneed Family. In this photomontage, SGN Scoops photographer Craig Harris, gives us an exciting look at the concerts that made this a truly wonderful break from the cold, snowy winter experienced by so many across the country. Thanks to NQC for whetting our appetites for a summer full of musical events and the swiftly approaching National Quartet Convention 2015!

By Lorraine Walker Photographs Courtesy of Craig Harris

A Fool- Proof Weight Loss Plan

By Laurette Willis, CHC “Fool-Proof Weight Loss”? Is that even possible? Yes. From a purely physical standpoint, there are a few things you can do that have been proven to absolutely work. Add to that several scriptural elements, which include the Lord’s help, and you have Fool-Proof methods that can mean the difference between success and same-old, same-old. First, let’s look at the physical. Researchers from the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research followed more than 2,000 people who wanted to lose weight. They encouraged them to write down their meals and snacks throughout the day. The biggest single predictor of whether a participant lost weight or not was whether he or she kept a food journal. Successful weight loss and weight management as a result of keeping a food journal beat out exercise habits, body mass index or age. Interestingly, the number of pounds lost was in direct correlation to the number of days they wrote in their diary or log. Keeping a food diary is an eye-opening experience for those of us who think we eat like a bird. That may not be such a wise comparison. Did you know that birds eat constantly and some eat one-quarter to onehalf of their body weight per day? Anybody up for a fifty-pound hamburger with 10 pounds of fries? Yikes! Here are a few more reasons keeping a food journal makes good sense: Cutting back on between-meal snacks and grazing Think back to what you ate yesterday. You may remember breakfast, lunch and dinner, but do you recall everything you ate and drank yesterday? Even if you just took a taste of something, each little taste adds up. Considering most mouthfuls of food average 25 calo-

ries, six extra nibbles a day are an extra 150 calories, which can add up to an extra 15 pounds per year. How much DO you eat in a day? Writing it down is a wakeup call for many of us. Do you eat by the portion size, or by the plateful? My husband Paul (a.k.a. “Paul the Pasta Prince”) was crestfallen when he learned one portion of pasta is not a plateful but a half cup or about the size of a fist. He asked if it could be about the size of an open fist filled with pasta! Eating out has its drawbacks when it comes to portion-conscious eating. A good rule of thumb is to ask your server to put half your entrée in a take-home container before it is brought to your table. You’ll be less likely to open the container while seated at the table; you’ll eat less and probably enjoy it more, feel less sleepy after your meal, and wind up with a quick lunch for the next day. Are you getting enough of the right nutrients? Keeping a food journal will also reveal to you the nutrition you are getting in your daily meals. Think you’re eating the recommended five to nine portions of fruit and vegetables per day? Looking at the food journal for a week may reveal that ketchup was the fruit and vegetable du jour and Twinkies are a new food group. Make sure you’re taking your whole food vitamins every day and add some concentrated greens (usually come in powdered or granulated form) to sprinkle on your food to make up for the perfection we don’t reach every day. What are your food triggers? Looking for that feeling of fullness food cannot fill - but Jesus can? Bored? Lonely? Looking at a

project to be completed and the temporary distraction of snacking keeps calling you to the refrigerator or candy machine? Along with the notations about food, get a handle on the emotions that accompany unplanned snacking, or binges. When you notice patterns, you can ask the Lord to help you change them. This leads us to the best way to lose weight or make any changes in your life at all: ask the Lord to help you. Commit your food plan to the Lord daily. Keeping a food journal throughout the day is a great idea, and writing a food plan in your journal that morning or the night before is even better. Keep it simple, or detailed and close enough to you so you can refer to it during the day. Why? For two reasons: You’ve heard the expression, Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. By planning what you will eat, you’re less likely to fall prey to last-minute choices made when blood sugar is low and thinking a bit fuzzy. It will give you a plan you can commit to the Lord and ask Him to help you keep it. The wonderful thing is that He absolutely will help you. “Commit your works to the LORD, and your thoughts will be established” Proverbs 16:3.

I literally hold my food plan for the day up to the Lord during my Morning Prayer time. Here’s an example: “Lord, I commit my food plan to You today. I trust You to help me walk in the fruit of the Spirit today, including self-discipline. I place my food plan, my whole day and my life in Your hands. I present my body a living sacrifice to You, Lord, holy and acceptable which is my reasonable service. And I will not be conformed to this world, but by Your grace I am being transformed by the renewing of my mind on Your holy Word. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.” Following these weight loss methods are absolutely fool-proof because a woman or man who follows the Lord is no fool! Since they’re so effective, they can be considered foolproof; so just imagine what a wise person of the Word like YOU can do! “Beloved, I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers” (3 John 2). Laurette is a Certified Health Coach, published author, and Founder of PraiseMoves Fitness Ministry. You may contact Laurette at the email address above, 918-4581800 or

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Jesus Lives in Me

A Spotlight on the Taylors By Justin Gilmore

It is quite clear that Jesus is living in the hearts of these four talented siblings. The Taylors are an award winning mixed quartet hailing from North Carolina, made up of group members Jonathan, Chris, Suzanne and Leslie. True to the call, the Taylors, formed in 2006, continue to release quality recordings featuring their signature four-part family harmo-

nies and the powerful message of Jesus Christ. From humble beginnings in the heart of North Carolina, this family group has stayed true to their roots and training in classic Southern Gospel singing. Suzanne said this about the group’s early days: “We were not raised on Southern Gospel music; however, a group came to our church in

2005 and told us about the Steve Hurst School of Music in Nashville, TN. In 2006, we started singing some old Gospel songs in our church and some other local churches. We went to the School soon after that and met a lot of great people. Through dedication and the Lord opening a lot of doors, we were blessed to start singing Gospel music.” Suzanne went on to say: “We started singing together in 2006. We competed in some state singings and opened up for a couple of country shows in nearby towns. Our first out of state concert was in South Carolina and we took our parents minivan. Later on, as dates picked up and we started singing more, we found a 15-passenger van that fit our needs. In 2008, we competed in the talent search at NQC. We were honored to win and sing on the Main Stage that year.” The group has received even greater national attention in recent years due to signing with Ernie Haase’s Stow Town Records in 2014. Suzanne, speaking on behalf of the quartet, says the people at Stow Town, “have been so kind to us and really make us feel a part of the Stow Town family.” The group’s label debut release Measure of Grace (2014) showcases their powerhouse vocals and their ability to beautifully deliver the message. This landmark recording features songs including: “Heaven Is Ready (And Waiting

For Me),” “I’m Committed To You Lord,” “Measure Of Grace,” and more. This project is a great balance of traditional and progressive style Gospel. Suzanne said, “We released “Measure of Grace” last summer. We recorded the CD with Wayne Haun. He is an incredible producer and we loved working with him. This is our first project with a majority of original songs. We had wanted to do a CD like this for a long time, so the songs on this album are meant to be an encouragement. All of the songs talk about what Heaven is going to be like, but they also talk about the mercy God gave each of us as sinners and what it means to be saved by Him.” This group is a great representation of the future of Southern Gospel Music in that they bring a fresh youthful energy to these classic songs. When asked about the group dynamics, Suzanne said the following: “The Taylors are a brother-sister quartet. Jonathan is the oldest brother and manages the group. Christopher and I are in the middle, and we are twins. Leslie is the youngest member of the group.” Jonathan, the eldest of the siblings in the group, sings lead and brings a powerful yet tender vocal to the mix. Chris Taylor, twin brother of Suzanne, sings the bass part. Though he does not rattle the subwoofers, he provides the anchor for the quartet’s great harmonies and blends well with his siblings. Suzanne Taylor Hise lends her beautiful alto to the group adding another part to the family harmony. Leslie Taylor Perkins adds her soaring soprano vocals to round out the group. She took a brief leave from the group in 2012 during which Lindsey Graham filled the soprano position, but returned the following year. Perkins welcomed a son Isaiah last year with husband and occasional bass vocalist with the group, Aaron Perkins. Aaron has performed with the group on select dates, since his marriage to Leslie, lending his rich bass voice to the stellar mixed quartet. The Taylors have been nominated and won numerous awards including: First Place Family Group, NC Singing Convention, and First Place Mixed Quartet, NC Singing

bright for these four as they plan to record a new DVD and CD soon and will continue to perform to crowds all over the country. Hise says, “Our mission statement is that we want the world to see Jesus lives in us. That is why our mom wrote our song, “I Want The World To See, Jesus Lives In Me”. We hope that through our ministry, people’s lives would be changed and that they would leave our concerts encouraged and uplifted. Jesus is our Savior and we want everyone to know him as his or her personal Savior. We would hope that everyone reading this knows Jesus as their Savior, but if they don’t here’s how they can pray a short but sincere prayer like this, “Dear Jesus, please forgive me for my sins. Thank you for loving me and dying on the cross to pay for my sins. Lord, I ask that you come into my heart and save me. Amen”.” I want the world to see Jesus lives in me! What a great statement! As I said before, Jesus lives in the hearts of the Taylor siblings without a doubt!

Convention in 2007, Grand Champions at the NC Singing Convention, and Talent Showcase Champions at the National Quartet Convention in 2008. In addition, the group has been nominated for Horizon Group of the Year in the Singing News in 2010, 2011, and 2012. Most recently, The Taylors won Favorite New Mixed Group at the Singing News Fan Awards. This young quartet has had many amazing experiences in their years of singing Gospel music. They have participated in many missions trips, performed on several television programs, and toured all over the world. When asked about which was the most memorable Hise said, “The most memorable moment of our years in gospel music is when we were singing in Alabama one night. The stage we were singing on had hard wood floors instead of carpet. We all started to walk down the steps to greet the crowd and Leslie’s feet slipped right out from under her. Half of the audience gasped and half of the audience laughed. It was quite a moment.” It is crazy moments like this that make it exciting for the group. It is now 2015 and this incredible ministry driven family shows no signs of slowing down. The future is

Featured Groups for May

Support Southern Gospel music and support these groups the next time they’re in your area. Ascension Quartet

Appointed Quartet

The Helmsmen

The Inmans

Russell Trio

Servants Call

Blackwood Brothers Quartet

Jeff Steinberg Ministry Team

Siouxland Gospel Promotions

Bradford Ministries

The Bridgemans


Jim Sheldon

John & Dody Martin

Living Fountains

Chris Himmel Ministries

Lumber River Quartet

Christy Sutherland


Mark Dubbeld Family

The Masters Men + 1

Cross Pointe Trio

Masters Promise

David Clydes Haynes

Mercy River Quartet SiouxlandGospelPromotions

Soul Seeking Disciples

Sounds of Jericho

Southern Plainsmen Quartet

Southern Tradition

Steve Jones

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Stephen Wood stephenwoodministries

Three Parts Grace


Midwest Gospel Music Association

Divine Mercy

4 His Praise Trio

One Way Quartet


Full Life Trio PersuadedVideo

Global Promo

The Harvey Family

Unity 4 Quartet

Pine Ridge Boys

The Representatives

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Reflections with Oh (Christian) Brother Where Art Thou?

For generations men and boys alike have related to the He-Man superheroes of the Bible. Take for instance David, who exemplified boldness: “[I] have killed both lion and bear; and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like them” (1 Sam 17:36); Samson, who broke down the walls of a city with extraordinary strength (Judges 16) and Moses, a young leader who led a massive revolt against the ruler of the day (Exodus 5-14). But do they identify with the humbling humanity and non-compromising divinity of Jesus when He said, “Father take this cup from Me; nevertheless, not My will but Your will be done” (Luke 22:42)? Do they identify with John the Baptist who said, “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30)? Are men looking for the right woman, or are they concentrating on being the right man? Big difference. I submit to you that pure, godly women are looking for “Mr. Right-eous,” not “Mr. Self-Right-eous!” And they are definitely not looking for “Mr. I’m Right” or “Mr. Right Now!” We know that sexual purity is hard for you… RELAX! It is for us too. But you have been called a royal priesthood…chosen…holy (1 Peter 2:9). Wait for it!

We have all sheepishly watched bits and pieces of these so-called “reality” TV shows where a willing bachelor lavishly embellishes his words with an extravagant array of compliments, flattery, charm and of course, deceit, to manipulate a dozen or more women to carelessly “fall” in love with him. In the end, he endearingly, affectionately, and woefully gives a single rose to a “lady in waiting,” as a token of his acceptance. But, precious one, he has also given MANY other roses, as well as much of his time and adoration to a room full of other expectant women throughout not only the show, but also his life. Week after week, beautiful, talented, gifted women parade, strut and dance to the beat of the bachelor’s leading, in hopes of harmonizing to his awkward rhythm at best. Girlfriends… march to the beat of a different drummer! March to the internal beat of The Holy Spirit—it is HE that guides you into all truth (John 16:13). It is HE that will never leave you nor forsake you (Heb 13:5)! Stop waiting! Stop hoping. Stop crossing your fingers-- and your toes! Your Prince has come! And He is not disguised as a faux millionaire, or a non-committed

stud. He is clothed in a Robe of Righteousness and He says, “Many daughters have done well, but you, you excel them all” (Proverbs 31:29). This is what your heavenly Prince has said about you; you must accept no less from your earthly prince. Do not wait anxiously for a token of his acceptance when you have already been accepted! The Bible says He chose you before the foundation of the world, He accepted us in the Beloved (Eph 1:4). This reminds me of the Hebrew Scripture found in Songs of Solomon: Ani L’Dodi V’Dodi Li


which means, “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.” Some time ago, I came to the realization that I, too, had been settling for much less throughout the years, not feasting at the King’s table but rather begging for crumbs. So my encouragement to you, both male and female child of the most High God, is to get off the floor! Sit at the table and tie a napkin around your neck. Eat of His great feast. The Bible tells us to “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8). He invites you to “Be Our (His) Guest!”

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Debra Perry and Jaidyn’s Call By Sandi Duncan Clark By Jaquita Lindsey Debra Perry and Jaidyn’s Call come from the town of Dahlonega, Georgia. Debra Perry Reed formed the group, along with her husband Chris Reed, back in 2010. Singing lead for the group is Zach Smith. People often question where the idea of their unique name is from. “Chris and I started the group after the birth of our grandson in 2006, who was born profoundly disabled with a condition called Hydranencephaly. It is a condition in which he has no upper portion of his brain,” says Debra. “We wanted to share our story of going through a teenage pregnancy and how God brought our family through such a sad time.” The Lord impressed on Debra’s heart to give the group their grandson’s name, Jaidyn. “I wanted people to celebrate the life of a little boy that had changed our lives,” Debra tells us. Knowing God had called them, they added Call to Jaidyn’s name, thus becoming Jaidyn’s Call. Through this testimony, they have been able to minister to so many families with special need children and adults. Jaidyn’s Call was one of two winners of the daily Regional Artist Showcases held during the week of National Quartet Convention in 2012. Because of their win, they had the privilege of singing on the main stage twice that week. Since then, Jaidyn’s Call has been a part of the Featured Artist Showcase every year and will be appearing at The Island’s on Saturday, during NQC 2015. An-

other exciting appearance for the group is coming in the fall when they sing at The Great Passion Play, in October in Eureka Springs, AR. The group had their first top 80 Singing News hit called “The Waiting Room,” in 2013. Since then, the group has had two other songs to reach the top 80 on the Singing News charts, “Gone, Gone, Gone” and “At The Bottom Of The Hill.” Debra is the original soprano of The Perrys. She, along with her brother Randy and sister Libbi, started singing together in 1970, after the deaths of two brothers. Debra was only 12 at the time and was known for songs like “Get Involved” and “We Shall Reign.” Debra grew up listening to great groups like The Rambos, The Happy Goodmans, The Inspirations and The Hinsons. While she is now busy on the road with her family, when she does have time at home, Debra takes care of her mom, Fannie, who suffered a massive stroke 15 years ago. She also enjoys spending time with her daughters Ashley and Brittany, and their families, when she can. Chris Reed is a North Carolina native. He and Debra were married in 2007. He has sung with groups such as The Toney Brothers, Blackwood Legacy and the former Relations Quartet, now known as Paul’s Journey. “I started singing around the age of four or five,” says Chris. “My dad was a pastor at that time. I can remember

my mom always singing and playing the piano or the organ. I started singing in gospel groups when I was around 13.” His musical influences growing up were Gold City and The Singing Americans. Now when he is not on the road singing, Chris drives an 18-wheeler, which he has done for nearly 17 years. He jokes, “Most people call us truck drivers but I say we are ‘commodity relocating engineers!’”

felt he was up to no good. I did not want to give him the money but Chris insisted. “We noticed the man got into a car with a North Carolina license plate. After getting our RV fixed, we drove 35 miles down the road to a truck stop. As we were fueling, a man approached our other group member and asked for money. When Chris heard the man talking outside, he immediately recognized his voice. It was the

Zach Smith lives in Toccoa, GA and has been singing lead for Jaidyn’s Call since 2013. “I started singing with my dad at the age of 14. He has been a big influence in my life. Music has always been a very big part of my family, so I have always sung. I didn’t get serious about it until May 2008,” Zach states. He has had the musical influences of Mike Bowling and the late Kenny Hinson. Outside of singing, he would like to be a chef and hopes to be able to fit in culinary school, at some point. Zach tells of a funny encounter with someone who did not know what culinary school is (a schooling that teaches the art of cooking). “We had a bus driver once that didn’t seem to get out much,” he laughs. “One day while driving, we were discussing me furthering my education and getting a college degree of some sort. I told him of my interest in culinary school. He looked at me with a serious look and said, ‘I didn’t know you want to be a colon doctor.’ He honestly had no idea what culinary school is.” When asked to tell us her most memorable moment on the road, Debra gave us this story: “We were broken down in Gastonia, NC, one Saturday afternoon when a man approached Chris and asked for money. He claimed to be a preacher from South Carolina that had lost his billfold. The man told Chris that he had been visiting a friend in the hospital. I took one look at him and

same man that had asked for money earlier that day! I went outside, running after him yelling, ‘You took our hard-earned money!’ I’m not sure what I thought I was going to do if I had caught him. Thank God he didn’t have a gun! Chris was yelling for me to come back. I gave up the chase and submitted to the bids of my husband.” Debra Perry and Jaidyn’s Call released an album in September 2014 entitled Circumstances and plan to start on another at the end of this year. Chris independently owns their label, Gold Rush Music Group. Debra says, “Our goal as a group is to just love people and see them come to know the Lord. We realize that there are hurting people on every hand and they just need someone to share their story with. Our goal is to never make anyone feel like they are not special. I want to help them feel like they are important, and can overcome anything through Christ Jesus. We would like to see more people saved at our services and like to see more ministry instead of entertainment.” If you would enjoy great singing and ministry, be sure to attend a concert with Debra, Chris and Zack. We would encourage you to find out more about Debra Perry and Jaidyn’s call at

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We’re All Human By Dr. Jeff Steele

In the book of Job chapter one, the devil came to God from walking around in the world. God said, “Have you considered Job…my faithful servant?” God really bragged on Job to the devil. By the way let me say this to the Lord: if the devil shows up and you just HAVE to brag on how good and spiritual somebody is to him…leave my name out. I’m really not THAT spiritual! Anyway the devil heard all about Job and then asked this question in verse 10 of Job chapter one: “Haven’t you built a hedge around Job? Don’t you protect him all the time? Why wouldn’t Job be one of your best?” It was at this point that God granted the devil permission to test Job. God said, “You can do anything but kill him.” In the hedge of protection God put around Job (like the one He puts around you), God places a gate. There He puts a Gatekeeper. Everything that gets inside the hedge has to go through the Gatekeeper. Here is my premise: In order for IT to get to you, it has to come through the Gatekeeper. Who is this Gatekeeper? 1) The Gatekeeper is the One who loves you the most. He wants what’s best for you. Jesus said in Matthew 7:11, “If you being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children how much more does your father in Heaven know how to give good gifts to those who ask of Him.” The Gatekeeper wants your best! 2) The Gatekeeper is omniscient. He knows everything. He knows what’s best for you. So the Gatekeeper WANTS what’s best for you, He KNOWS what’s best for you AND… 3) The Gatekeeper is omnipotent. He’s all-pow-

erful. That means He can affect anything to make what He WANTS for your best and KNOWS is for your best come to pass. The Gatekeeper has the desire FOR, the knowledge OF, and the power TO cause all things to work for your good and HIS glory. To get to you, it has to go through Him! Don’t get mad at the Gatekeeper because He didn’t do it the way you would have. Don’t get mad because He’s not a man. Don’t get mad because He’s not you. The Gatekeeper knows what He’s doing. Yeah Jonah, the Gatekeeper knew what He was doing when the city of Ninevah repented in sackcloth and ashes, but He also knew what He was doing when you were sitting inside of a fish’s belly wondering what you were going to do next. Peter, the Gatekeeper knew what He was doing when 3000 were saved at Pentecost, but He also knew what He was doing when you wept bitter tears in the grass after denying that you ever knew Jesus. The Gatekeeper knew what He was doing when He let the soldiers in to arrest Jesus at Gethsemane. He knew what He was doing when Jesus stood before Pilate and said nothing. He knew what He was doing when He let the cross inside the gate of the hedge because the Gatekeeper knew the resurrection was coming and He could see how it was going to end up before it ever started. Trust the Gatekeeper today. He is none other than God Himself and He is eminently trustworthy! He is guarding the gate at the hedge He built around you and nothing gets TO you that doesn’t go THROUGH Him.

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BY ERIN STEVENS From the writer… I have the utmost joy of bringing this beloved article to you this month, on this particular day, at this precise moment. It’s an honor for me as a ‘Southern Gospel brat’ myself to write about and interview my peers in our Gospel Music world. While sailing on the Caribbean Sea a few months back, I beamed with happiness when Karlye Hopper accepted my interview offer. It’s my hope that you, as the reader, will catch a glimpse into the soul of the outrageously talented, tender hearted, incandescently brilliant and one-of-a-kind original that is Karlye Jade. It’s time to take center stage, Miss Hopper… Erin: How have you been able to maintain your own identity while still being a part of the prestige that comes with the Hopper name? Karlye: I don’t think it’s ever been a question whether or not I’m my own person. I know my place and that people know me as “the Hoppers’ daughter,” I’ll never not be that in this or any music industry. But, I have a pretty…um...“unique” sense of style and an outspoken personality. I’m also quite tall. That helps. Erin: With the changes that have taken place as a family and as a group, when did you personally feel the call to join the ministry? Karlye: Back in the summer of 2013, Connie (yes, I casually refer to my grandmother and the rest of the family by their first name-I like to keep from being presumptuous) completely lost her voice in the middle of a week-long tour. I got a phone call after the show that night… “You’re flying into Birmingham at noon tomorrow, bring a nice dress.” I sang alto––for the first time

ever––the entire set that night, and the next night in front of 5,000 at the Mabee Center with the Homecoming Tour. (Yikes!) Since then, countless obstacles have been thrown at this group and caused more than one member to leave the road for extensive periods. Just filling in and helping out is why I started doing this, but the shy teenager on the back row is why I’ve continued. My youth and vulnerability (yeah, people can tell I’m not a pro and see my stage anxiety) have brought

Iinnumerable young girls to my side of the merchandise

table; these beloved struggle with eating disorders, selfharm, abuse, etc.––the unmentionables of Christianity. I’ve been given a heritage, a platform and a privilege that allows me to, even if we don’t exchange a word, show these kids just like me, that God can put joy into a seemingly hopeless heart. Being young is hard, Erin, and we have to build each other up. I’m lucky enough to get the opportunity to do that to complete strangers in different cities each night. Erin: Apart from the music world, what are you studying and what are your aspirations for the future? Karlye: I’m an English major at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (yes, I go to a real school). Currently, along with classic literature and contemporary composition, I’m studying sociology and linguistics. What on earth does that mean I want to be “when I grow up,” you ask? A biographer. I’m obsessed with the diction and connotation of dialects and slang and accents––Claude and I grew up on the same farm, in the same town but even the way he says our last name is determined by his generation, upbringing and life experiences. In a nutshell, I want to tell peoples’ stories the way they themselves would tell them. Erin: How have you managed to juggle road life and off-road life between college and concert schedules? Karlye: Really strong coffee, five-hour energy shots,

sleeplessness, junk food, dry shampoo, sweatpants and red-eye flights. I also strongly suggest seeing a good shrink as often as possible. (laughs) Erin: If you had to choose, which family member would you like to emulate the most? Karlye: Oh, well obviously Connie––her grace no matter the circumstance, ravenous hunger to encourage and, let’s face it, she is the poster child of good genetics. I’ll admit, there can be a lot of pressure and high expectations when you have Mother Teresa for a grandmother. Erin: Craziest remark a fan has ever said to you? Go. Karlye: “Did y’all used to be the McKameys?” There are plenty crazier, but that’s probably the safest. Erin: With much of the younger generation recently stepping up in the industry, do you believe this music has a bright future? Why or why not? Karlye: There are some really special young people in our business, all with gifts and talents I can’t fathom, and most of which I’d like to strangle for that reason. Sigh. Anyway, when my grandparents started in 1957, this genre wasn’t known as “Southern Gospel”––it was simply “Gospel.” I think the same will be true for all the years to come; with time, our industry will evolve and subdivide or even rejoin and, frankly, I don’t think any of that matters. Music of any genre is a special gift that God placed on this earth to evoke an emotion that

words alone cannot touch. I, nor anyone I’ve asked, has ever left any type of musical performance without having felt an indescribable joy. That feeling may only last for a moment or two, but it was is that moment of complete bliss that God convened with us. In other words, as long as there is still music and musician, Christ is still in it and boy does the future look bright. Erin: Disney or Universal? Sushi or steak? Vintage or contemporary clothing? Bookworm or movie critic? Karlye: a) Universal b) Appetizer sweet heart roll followed by a medium filet drenched in béarnaise. c) Always vintage––I’ve got quite the collection. d) Okay, can I watch a cerebral thriller or cult classic then read the neoclassicism literature it was inspired by? ‘Cause I’m probably going to anyway. Erin: It’s no secret what a tremendously mature vocal ability you possess. Could there be a Karlye Hopper solo album in the works? Karlye: It isn’t? I do? Where did you hear this?! Actually, I’ve been trying for over a year to both start and complete a short EP. So far, I have one incredibly gorgeous a cappella tune that I’ll be singing both lead as well as the harmonies. (Attention: ‘Younger Perspective’ Songwriters of Tomorrow-send me your mate-

rial!!) Erin: Is there a verse or a particular passage of Scripture that is meaningful to you at this stage in your life? Karlye: Zephaniah 3:17 holds a hope that I cling to… “The Lord your God wins victory after victory and is always with you. He celebrates and sings because of you, and He will refresh your life with His love.” Without a promise like that, what else do we really have? I hope you’re all saying ‘WOW’ along with me after reading this amazing interview. Thanks so much, Karlye, for taking time out of a crazy schedule to open your heart so deeply to our readers! And hey friends, if you’re in the midst of fighting a battle, whatever it may be, have no fear because at the end of the day, when you lay your head on the pillow, you know Who holds YOUR victory in the palm of His mighty hand. I believe we all can take comfort in the soothing promises found in Zephaniah 3:17. Until next month, Scoops’ fans… And that’s my take on it. (Connect with Erin, your Younger Perspective writer, on Twitter: @photosforkeeps & Instagram: @photos_for_keeps. Who would you like to see her interview next??)


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By Lorraine Walker Creekside Gospel Music Convention is getting ever closer and we have some exciting news to share this month. You know by now that Creekside tickets are free but must be reserved. Please make your plans to join us in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee on November 2nd through 5th at the Smoky Mountain Convention Center. We are thrilled this month to tell you about the Showcases being held Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the day at Creekside. Chapel Valley Records, Ava Kasich and Vonda Easley of Hey Y’all Media are working together to bring some wonderful artists to the daytime stage. Ava comments, “This will be my third year at Creekside Gospel Convention and every year it gets better and better. The atmosphere of worship is wonderful and the addition of the Midnight Prayer is icing on the cake. Can’t wait to see what God has planned for us all this year! See you there!” Vonda notes, “I had such an awesome time working with Ava Kasich during the showcases at Southern Gospel Weekend in Oxford, Alabama and I am thrilled to get to do this again at Creekside Gospel Music Convention. This is going to be a great time and just look at some the artists participating: The Hoskins Family, From The Ashes, Exodus, John Lanier, The Riders, Majesty III, Malachi, Ascension Quartet, Clear Vision Quartet, Drummond Family, Webb Quartet and Billy Hodges.” As is our custom at Creekside, on Monday night is the Lou Hildreth Honors gala. Lou Hildreth joins us to celebrate the life of a guest artist that has done great things in Gospel music. Stay tuned to find out who this

year’s honoree is! Tuesday night we will present the 2015 Diamond Awards. You won’t want to miss this evening where we honor the best in Gospel music. We are pleased to welcome Dr. Jerry Goff and Little Jan as our hosts for this special evening. The Diamond Award voting continues now on the SGN Scoops website, so drop by to click on the link and vote for your favorites in The Diamond Awards Top Ten. Make sure your voice is heard and vote today! Every day and night of Creekside will feature great music, inspiring testimonies and a special Red Back Hymnal choir on one evening. If you like to hang out with your favorite artists, the Exhibit Hall will be filled with artist booths and the singers waiting to chat with you.

Live Creekside Updates Every Week! Rob Patz of Coastal Media has been chatting with Vonda Easley of Strictly Southern With Vonda Easley, live on the air every week, bringing updates about Creekside. Be sure to listen to Strictly Southern With Vonda Easley, which can be heard every Friday at 10am CST on Final Notes

This year we have VIP Packages, which include lodging, tickets and special events. VIP guests will be invited to a special backstage party as well. Keep watching for more exciting announcements. Don’t miss four days of great Gospel music, fellowship and fun. Please call Rob Patz for more information at 360-9204057 or email him at

Creekside Gospel Music Convention would like to hear from you! Tell us what you want to see and hear in November. Creekside also needs your help. If you would like to volunteer through various promotional activities throughout the year, or with onsite tasks during the convention, please email Rob at For more information, latest news and artists scheduled to appear, visit the Creekside page on Facebook here: .

This space could be yours! contact Rob Patz via email at

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Southern Gospel Weekend By Rhonda Wooten


Resting at the southern end of the Blue Ridge Mountains lies the city of Oxford, Alabama. With a picturesque view of Mt. Cheaha, in the distance, this quaint little city would set the stage for the inaugural Southern Gospel Weekend. This three-day event would be filled with some of the most talented local and regional artists that Gospel music has to offer. After the very successful Creekside Gospel Music Convention in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, founder Rob Patz, while doing a live local radio show on WPIL 91.7 FM in Heflin, Alabama, said he just loved the area and would like to do an event here. He and Vonda Easley, radio host of Strictly Southern with Vonda Easley, drove over to the Oxford Civic Center and made it happen. The dates were set for March 26-28, 2015. More than 30 soloists and groups signed up to take part in this great event. As the artists began to file

into the Oxford Civic Center around noon on Thursday March 26, excitement and anticipation were in the air; for what was once just an idea, was now a reality. Thursday night began with opening prayer by Pastor Gary Cox of Liberty Hill CM Church. Emcees for the evening were Vonda Easley and Ava Kasich. This night was dedicated to the Veterans and those who serve and protect this Country. The Oxford Police Color Guard was in attendance and the Posting of the Colors was observed. The Pledge Of Allegiance was said loud and proud by all who were there. Exodus from Gadsden, Alabama sang the National Anthem and the power of those words rang throughout the halls of the Civic Center. The Heroes Segment followed, which was a tribute to the veterans. During this part of the program, The Howlin’ Mad Smith Detachment of the Marine Corps League from Birmingham, Alabama, wowed

the crowd with a powerful re-enactment of the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima during World War II. Ken Rollins of the Alabama Department of Veteran Affairs and the host of Veteran’s Issues on local TV24, spoke to the crowd; followed by Bill Partridge, Oxford Chief

to sing the old hymns and favorites. This was the perfect close to a perfect first night. Friday March 26 began with morning showcases, which ran from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. This was an opportunity for the fans to hear the artists before the evening concerts. Friday night began with prayer. Emcees for the evening were Jonathan Edwards and Ken and Jean Grady of Gospel Music Today. The night was filled with more than 18 different artists, but it was also Bluegrass Night. This included local favorites, The Carter-Robertson Band from Heflin, Alabama and a mini concert by Bluegrass greats Eagle’s Wings from Jasper, Alabama. What a time! Hands were clapping, tears falling, folks

of Police. Rounding out the Heroes Segment were The Williamsons from Weleetka, Oklahoma, who came to the stage and sang “God Bless The USA,” after which Faith’s Journey, from Branson, Missouri closed out the segment with “The Cloth.” Throughout the evening, more than a dozen artists would take the stage to minister, but the night did not end there. Midnight Prayer followed the concert. Many artists and fans gathered in a back corner of the conference room and with acoustic instruments began

nie Williamson, Jonathan Edwards, Vonda Easley and Ava Kasich. Jay Parrack of Jay Parrack and Vocal Event opened with prayer. Over a dozen artists took the stage as the night progressed. The special guests for the evening were Jay Parrack and Vocal Event from Gadsden, Alabama. These guys did a full concert and how they blessed us. Again, folks were up on their feet, clapping their hands, and just enjoying that good ole’ Gospel music!

standing to their feet and praising the Lord throughout the evening. Things would only get better as the night came to a close. It was again time for Midnight Prayer. While singing the old song “Thank You Lord, For Your Blessings On Me,” a Miracle stood to her feet and took the reigns on the second verse. Becky Nixon of The Drummond Family had recently suffered a stroke and was still struggling from the after effects. But God stepped into that back corner and showed us that He is still God and that He is still in the healing business. What a way to bring Day Two to a close.

Saturday March 28, the final day, started again with the morning showcases at 10 a.m. Saturday night was the final night of concerts for Southern Gospel Weekend 2015. Emcees for the final night were Don-

As Southern Gospel Weekend 2015 came to a close, many were brought closer to God. Lives were touched in so many ways. Three people asked the Lord into their hearts and were saved during the weekend events. That is what it’s all about. That is why these artists travel and minister like they do. The friendships that were formed, the fellowship that was shared, the tears, the joy, and the laughter will be cherished and carried within the hearts of all who were there. In the weeks following Southern Gospel Weekend, people were still talking about what a wonderful

event it was. The dates for next year have been set for March 10-12, 2016 at the Oxford Civic Center in Oxford, Alabama. And you all are invited to attend and tell a friend about it. If you want to keep up with the happenings of Southern Gospel Weekend 2016, go “LIKE� their Facebook page entitled Southern Gospel Weekend, and stay tuned for updates on the artists appearing for 2016.

Wisdom from Wells by Dusty Wells I love to share my heart. I love to help others find the good in the bad that will certainly rage around us at times. I thoroughly love to help encourage, challenge and motivate others, and I sincerely love to share with others how great our God is at all times, even when we don’t feel it or see it. I love to get them to try to think differently about all we are walking in. I am fairly certain there are people who often wonder: is it the real me being positive and happy, with all that they see me say and talk about on social media? So the other day, after I had posted something that I thought was uplifting and positive, someone asked me the question point blank: “Are you always positive and happy or is it a façade to masquerade your deep anger?” I am sure they were taken back with my laughter and smile. I took a few moments to ponder the question, of course after I finished chuckling with them and then I gave them my answer, staring at them straight in the eyes! (I love it when that Jesus boldness rises up and

you can look someone directly in his or her eyes and be secure in who He has called you to be). My response went something like this: “Oh, my friend, my friend, my friend…No I am not always happy. I am not always upbeat, positive and energetic, no matter how much coffee or seeing my grandbabies I have experienced. I am not always smiling. And, I am not always in the best of moods… believe it or not. I am not nor have I ever claimed to be the most positive person or even wanted to be the Joel Osteen or whomever you might think is the most positive person out there. I am most likely just like you and the hundreds of thousand others out there who have so many questions, struggles, fears, hurts, difficulties and such. I have my own set of daily issues that involve my wife’s health, my family, fear of the future, insecurities and the list goes on and on and on. “I too struggle with rejection and my own questioning of God and all of the daily why’s and how

come’s. I get impatient and I don’t always like to smile. I think you get the picture. My friend, I for the most part, well I really am like you with all of the questions and the struggles. “But here is where I think I may be a little different: I have learned at some point along the journey, that it’s okay to hurt, its okay to struggle and to ask questions, yet in the midst of all of that, it’s also okay for me to strive to maintain being positive and I love to strive to smile through the pain. I assure you it doesn’t always happen for me, and there are times that I am nothing but a crybaby and that’s okay too. It’s good to get it all out there. “But I truly do understand that our words and actions can speak life or death to those around us, so for me - yes me, not everyone has to do it - but for me, I, Dusty Wells want to choose to share hope, life, forgiveness, love, encouragement, strength, staying positive, smiling, my story to all who I can by the strength of being positive and hopefully uplifting in all I

do and say. “No, I don’t always get it right, but I can honestly say: I try and it’s my heart. I learned a long time ago that life is not fair, but God is always faithful and good and kind and just, and that is what I want others to see” So there was my answer and there will be my answer… The person looked at me with tears in their eyes, they hugged me and then they said, “I want to try to be a little more positive today.” I hugged them back, and I responded, “I will be there to cheer you along the way and give you a smile. After all, we are all fellow sojourners and we have a story to tell.” Peace my friends. Remember you are so loved and so valuable. Speak life!

Fast 5 with

Neeka Curtis By Rob Patz

Are you one of the many Southern Gospel fans that enjoy family groups? If so, then the Kent Curtis Family is one group that you need to hear! Kent sings with his wife Lea Anna, son Nathan and daughter Neeka. Kent Curtis pastors a church in McEwen, Tennessee, and is the lead singer, emcee and patriarch of the group. Lea Anna sings the soprano part and manages the Kent Curtis Family office. Nathan is the bass singer and soundman. Neeka fills in the alto position, manages the product and is also a budding photo-journalist, as she recently shot some video spots for SGN Scoops while attending the Singing In The Sun concert event. We recently took the opportunity to find out more about this lovely young lady. Rob: Tell us about Neeka Curtis. What should we know about you? Neeka: I’m 17 years old and a junior in high school. I am homeschooled, so that makes traveling easier. My dad pastors the Open Bible Assembly church in McEwen, TN. When not busy with schooling, traveling, or church work, I enjoy styling hair and drawing Disney characters! Rob: How long have you been singing and who do you sing with? Neeka: I sing with my mom, dad, and brother as the Kent Curtis Family. I started singing as soon as I could talk, but

joined them on stage around age five. Rob: Tell us about traveling and singing with your family... Neeka: We enjoy singing at various churches for concerts, revivals, and other events. Our goal is to show the love of the Lord to everyone we meet, encourage the saints, and win people to Him! Rob: When in the road, where is your favorite place to eat? Neeka: Chick-Fil-A. Hands down. It’s just good! Rob: Tell me about a special moment in your singing career... Neeka: I have many special memories, but the one that stands out the most is when we went to a Karen Peck and New River concert at a local church and I was honored to get to sing a chorus of “Four Days Late” with her. I will never forget that! We hope you enjoyed learning more about the Kent Curtis Family and young Neeka Curtis. Please visit them on the web and on Facebook to find out more and listen to their music. Don’t be surprised if you attend one of their concerts and Neeka wants to interview you on camera for SGN Scoops! Thanks Neeka! Kent Curtis Family on the web: Kent Curtis Family on Facebook: Kent-Curtis-Family/236392803158396

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High Notes By Kelly Nelon Clark

Some days I feel like the clock is ticking and I just can’t seem to get up and going. The alarm goes off and I just keep hitting snooze over and over. I know I should get up and have my devotion and time with the Lord first, but I’m already behind schedule so, “Lord I will have to do it later.” That is the worst way to start your day- without Him! You could have started the day with peace and joy but instead you have that dreaded and guilty feeling all day long. Why? Because it wasn’t started right. Then, things tend to be complicated and you can’t wait for the day to end. The good news is that we do have tomorrow to get up and start again with His love and new mercies. I think the best way is to walk purposely with the Lord and not forget to allow Him to direct our course and guide our paths. We need to start our day with thankfulness. I want to start my day thanking the Lord for His blessings in my life. When we do this He brings so much joy to us. A grateful heart is so much better and it protects you from negative thinking. Satan would like

nothing better than to attack our minds with negativity. You can almost hear him saying, “Why try? It never makes a difference! You are hopeless and have nothing to live for.” Don’t believe the lies of satan, but give God the thanks He deserves. He will guide and protect our lives and our minds. God tells us that it is His will for us to give thanks. I wonder what He does when our prayers of thanksgiving are sent up to Heaven? Can’t you just imagine that God is smiling down at His children that He loves so much and sending extra protection for the thankful? I want to be one who is thankful and even in the busiest of times takes time to spend with Him. I always find that the more time I spend with a person the better I get to know them. Let us all dedicate that special time to Him. I promise you it will not be something you regret. I’m praying for you that you spend that special time with a Savior Who loves you more than you could ever possibly imagine.

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Don Adkisson

By Vonda Easley

This month we are shining the Spotlight on Don Adkisson. He is the owner of Atlanta, Georgia’s The Light, an online Southern Gospel station that operates with Live 365. Here are some thoughts he revealed to us… Vonda: Tell us about your radio job. Give us your job title, station, and how long you’ve been there. Don: I am owner/operator of The Light, an online radio station in the Atlanta, Ga. area that I put on the air in 2005. Vonda: Do you have a mentor in radio? Who? Why? Don: Not any one person in particular. Over the years I’ve become influenced by many voices and ideas and I’ve incorporated many of them into how I run the station. Vonda: If you could visit any area of the world, where would you go? Don: I’ve always thought the Swiss Alps would be a great place to visit. How awe-inspiring to experience God’s incredible work of art, live and in person. Vonda: Who is your favorite artist? Why? Don: The Hoppers have long been a favorite of mine, due to the harmonies and family history. They are true stewards of ministry.

Vonda: Tell me about your family. Don: I don’t have a family of my own, being single and never married. My parents are both retired, my brother works in the information technology field, and my sisterin-law is a teacher. My oldest niece is now involved in theatre and has a beautiful singing voice; she is a mezzosoprano. My youngest niece is still trying to figure out what she wants to pursue in life. That’s the family story! The Light operates 24/7 and can be found online at www. The station plays both local and national artists, current singles as well as album cuts. Featuring Southern, Country and Bluegrass Gospel music, The Light’s target audience is Atlanta and North Georgia. Listen today to The Light!

May 2015 This chart was compiled from a list of reporting stations. Each month we will be adding more stations.


Bowling Family

That's What I Miss The Most 2 Browders He Took The Nails 3 Shellem Cline That Saving Song 4 Whisnants Glorybound 5 Kingsmen Battle Cry 6 Three Bridges When God Does the Doin' 7 McKameys Pure Satisfaction 8 Wilburn and Wilburn Nobody Like Jesus 9 Hyssongs Still Blessed 10 Mark Trammell Quartet God's Been Faithful 11 Wards Coming Out Of Bondage 12 Jim Brady Trio Steppin' Out In Faith 13 Barry Rowland/Deliverance Somebody Go Get God 14 Booth Brothers Touch Of The Master's Hand 15 Tammy Jones Robinette I Like Life 16 Pauline Patterson One Prayer Away 17 Adams Call Back To God 18 Steeles The Beatitudes Song 19 His Mercies I Want It All 20 Old Paths Ordinary People 21 Littles It's A Wonderful Life 22 Georgians Quartet Back In The Day 23 Guardians Somebody Prays 24 Valor 3 Hallelujah He Has Risen 25 Exodus Tell Me Oh Tell Me Again 26 Karen Peck and New River Pray Now 27 Goodman Revival What A Happy Time 28 Mark Bishop Pray On The Little Days 29 Caleb's Crossing Isn't The Love Of Jesus Something Wonderful 30 Griffith Family I'm Here Because Jesus Went There 31 Bledsoes I'm Glad I'm Saved 32 Lore Family It Shall Be Well 33 Kevin N Jennifer He's Still Doing Miracles Today 34 Masters Three It's Amazing What A Prayer Can

Do 35 Zane and Donna King Anything 36 Mercy's Reflection Oh What A Difference 37 Dennis Cook One Pair Of Hands 38 Page Trio Our Lord And Savior 39 Hoskins Family Land Of Endless Tomorrows 40 Heavenly Sunrise He Died A Savior 41 Bev McCann Smile 42 Inspirations God's Word Will Stand 43 Shellem Cline Dinner With Jesus 44 Wilbanks I'll Be Praisin' You 45 New Vision That's What Love Looks Like 46 Higher Hope He Walks With Me 47 Adams Family When God Shows Up 48 Dunaways Mercy Built A Bridge 49 Sweetwater Revival A Hallelujah Homecoming 50 Greater Vision Put Out The Fire 51 Southern Raised Good News From The Graveyard 52 Keith Barkley/Family Tradition An Old Stone The Lord Rolled Away 53 Perrys When He Comes Walking On The Water 54 Sounds Of Victory How Good God's Been To Me 55 Tina Wakefield I've Got A Lot To Thank God For 56 Clyde Felton Jr. Lord Forgive Me 57 Abby Paskvan Only the Blood 58 Tim Livingston More Than Enough 59 Williamsons Shout 60 Glorybound Quartet All Because Of Grace 61 Rod Truman I'm Gonna Make It 62 Undivided For Another Day 63 Doug Hudson If They Could See Us Now 64 Brian Free/Assurance Say Amen 65 Russ Taff Life's Railway To Heaven 66 Tony Burchette Better Hurry Up 67 11th Hour Picture This 68 Tim Livingston I Just Miss You

69 70 71 72 73 74 75 75 77 78 79 79 79 79 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Blackwood Brothers Long Gone Conners The Field Of Blood Williamsons It Was The Word Meadow Lane Praise The Lord Brian Free/Assurance Unashamed Quintin McGinnis Where the Heavens Meet The Sky Rita Broyles Jesus On A Hard Drive Brian Free/Assurance Where There's A Will He Has A Way Singing Cookes The Greatest Gift Of All Carolina Boys Grace Will Be There Terry Collins I Need To Pray Chapel Road Pray About It Lorraine Howard/Lora Long Pray Pray Pray Skyland Ministries Mercy's Call Jim Sheldon Life's Railway To Heaven Campbell and Rowley It's Not About You Rochesters My Savior's Love Kingdom Heirs Joys Of Heaven Ivan Parker Til The Shackles Fall Off Heaven's Mountain Band A Cross And Three Nails Cooke Brothers But For The Blood Crimson River Born To Sing

90 90 93 94 95 95 95 98 98 100

Charlie May House Of Prayer Bruce Hedrick Jesus On My Mind Watts, Rowsey and Bean Faith Kingsmen Oh Yes I Am Kentucky Mountain Bible College Alpha And Omega Lakeside Going Up John Penney WWJD Ernie Haase/Signature Sound Happy People Tim Menzies I Was There Zane and Donna King If There Was Any Other Way


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TouchDown Quality By Ike and Sheri LaFontaine

The year 1910 is considered to be the founding year of Southern Gospel Music. The NFL was established in 1920. What do these two facts have in common? Absolutely nothing. There is no comparison between the two, right? Well, maybe there should be. According to Forbes Magazine, this year’s revenues for the National Football League will be somewhere just north of $9 billion, which means the League remains the most lucrative in the world. The International Business Times reported that the 2015 Super Bowl between the New England Patriots and Seattle Seahawks set a new mark, averaging 114.4 million viewers per minute on NBC’s Sunday night broadcast, becoming the most watched event in American TV history. Millions of Americans watched as perfectly conditioned athletes worked to execute a meticulous plan, laid out by the world’s best coaches. This is a shining example of how people are drawn to quality. It is truly the best of the best. What would happen if the NFL suddenly decided to allow anyone to play in the games? It sounds foolish but imagine for a moment that for a fee of say, $5000 dollars, anyone could suit up and hit the gridiron. Hundreds of dedicated, professional athletes would lose their jobs to make room for aspiring armchair quarterbacks. After the initial humor wore off, the viewers would start missing the profes-

sionalism and competition of a real NFL game. The crowds would start getting thin. At some point we’d realize that the only fans in the stands were the families of the pay-to-play individuals. The NFL would be faced with a continually shrinking audience. So, what do you think? Good idea? No way. And thank Goodness the NFL knows it. Unfortunately, this is exactly the scenario that has played out in some Southern Gospel Radio over the past 20 years. In some cases, Southern Gospel airwaves have been packed with poorly produced, poorly sung, and poorly written music. Even die-hard Southern Gospel fans know that this is no way to gain new listeners and grow this great genre of Gospel music. As a result, the Southern Gospel radio listening audience has steadily declined over the past two decades. Like our NFL scenario, much of the listening audience is made up of aspiring “pay per play” artists and their families. Many former Southern Gospel listeners indicated moving to secular Country radio instead of another Christian format in a recent pole. This is sad, but understandable. Why should Christians who love Southern style music be forced to listen to bad radio? Even casual listeners can hear the difference in quality. The number one radio stations in most cities in the United States are Country, yet very few Southern Gospel

radio stations are experiencing any growth in listenership. Many stations are changing their format. If we listen to Christian Radio, we usually can only hear Praise and Worship, Christian Rock and Contemporary. Which is fine, unless you love the Southern sound. Quality transcends all styles of music. It can be found in modern and vintage sounds alike. Our vow should be to write, record, play and broadcast the very best that Southern Gospel music offers. Enough with the closet SG fans! You should be proud to tell your friends that you listen to Southern Gospel Radio! It doesn’t stop there. The Queen of Sheba visited King Solomon’s temple and was truly impressed by the quality of everything. She knew she had found something real. The key is quality. The key is doing our best for the King, naturally and spiritually. God’s people are searching for something real: quality of spirit, anointing and a sanctified gift. We should be giving nothing but the very best and as a result, we will gain new listeners to this genre that we love so much. This formula works! Just ask the NFL.

Photo Courtesy of SD Dirk

The Riders

Singing with Purpose By Rhonda Wooten

While attending Southern Gospel Weekend in Oxford, Alabama a few weeks ago, I found myself among many of the best local and regional artists in Gospel music today. One group really touched my heart to its deepest core. Their songs had me sitting on the edge of my seat in amazement. Talking with them later on in the evening, I knew this was a group that I wanted to share with Scoops’ readers. The Riders are from Lumberton, Mississippi and this is their story. Originally from Baltimore, Maryland, brother and sister, Jason and Pamela Oxenrider were raised in an evangelistic family. Their dad, Barry, and mom, Beverly, would travel the area preaching and singing. Pamela sang and played the piano while Jason played the drums. Later as a teenager, under the tutelage of older sister Pamela, Jason learned the keys and chords on the bass guitar. The group back then was called The Oxenrider Family. In 1985, the family moved to Lumberton,

Mississippi. Barry Oxenrider had multiple sclerosis and become really ill. The doctors suggested that a warmer climate would be better for his condition. Beverly had two sisters already in South Mississippi, so the family packed up and headed south. Barry Oxenrider would live another 28 years until his passing on December 1, 2013. In March of 1992, the group changed their name to The Riders and began a new journey that would take their ministry to different churches and venues across the country. Pamela Oxenrider Taylor sings soprano, plays piano, and sometimes plays the dulcimer with the group. She and Gary Taylor have been married five years. Pamela recalls, “We were always in church. It didn’t matter what type of service it was; the Oxenrider family was present. The Godly example set by our parents and the wealth of Christian, faith-believing people we were surrounded by, helped establish

my foundation as a Christian. This is in turn would make our ministry stronger, not only as individuals, but as a singing group and family.” Pamela continues, “If we can make a connection with the audience, whether it is salvation, encouragement or whatever the need, we want Christ to be front and center. So many people will come to a singing before they will go to a church, so we as Christians need to make sure they see Jesus in us.” Pamela faced a trial that would impact her life several years ago. “In 1993, the group went into the recording studio to do our first project. I was very sick with pneumonia and would cough a lot and very hard. Eventually, I was referred to a neurologist and was given a diagnosis of Spasmodic Dysphonia.” (This is a voice disorder characterized by involuntary spasms of the muscles in the larynx during speech.) “The doctors told my family that I wouldn’t be able to talk much less sing, but my praying mom wasn’t going to have any of that! It took a long time for me to be able to talk and sing again. “I believe that the Lord put His calling on the group and we are going to obey that calling, no matter what. After time, I began to heal. My doctors said it was a miracle. I had so much damage around the vocal chords, but nothing had actually touched my vocal chords. We knew right away that God had stepped in.” Pamela was told that she would only be able to sing the lower notes and that high notes would be impossible but God is still faithful. “There are days I wake up and it feels like something is stuck in my throat, but when I step on stage to sing, God anoints and He touches.” Jason Oxenrider manages the group, emcees for the group, sings the lead, and plays bass guitar. Before going into full time ministry in 2012, Jason was a teacher and a coach for the local school system in Lumberton. I asked Jason to share a favorite verse of scripture with us. “I Corinthians 6:20, ‘for ye are bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.’” He says, “I want my life to be a living example in everything I say or do. When I’m singing, I want the love of Jesus to be portrayed through the words of the songs, not just when I’m on stage, but when I’m away from the church or concert hall. I want people to be able to see a reflection of Christ in my life. These are the last days we are living in. There are so many lost,

discouraged, and hurting people out there. And now more than ever we as Christians need to let our light shine. I want The Riders to go through every open door God provides us and share Jesus.” Jason and his wife Amy have been married almost 14 years and have three sons, Brady, Weston, and Rylan. Amy travels with the group when her work schedule will allow and sings the alto part. When she and the boys are on the road with the group, it is not uncommon to see their sons, Brady and Weston on stage singing with mom and dad. The Riders also include Stephaney Walley from Richton, Mississippi. She joined the group in 2011 and sings the tenor and alto parts and plays the piano as well. Stephaney has two sons, Corey and Andrew. Even though she was raised in church and been around Gospel music all of her life, Stephaney was an extremely shy person. Now, to hear her sing with such power and conviction in her voice, one would not believe that she was ever shy. According to Stephaney, “I really was shy, almost backwardly shy to be honest. I did not want to be up in front of people and if I did, I only wanted to play the piano, not sing. My dad taught me to play the piano when I was 13 years old. From there, I would play for the church choir and for people who wanted to sing a special. When I was 17, I began playing for a group out of south Alabama and played with them for about four years. After that, I joined my family group along with my dad, as The Walley Family. It was there that my shyness went away and I began to sing.” The Riders travel full time from the Northeast out to the Midwestern United States and all points in between and recently returned from a cruise. Their first charting song, “I Found a Ransom,” written by Diane Wilkinson, went to number 39 on the Christian Voice Magazine chart. This song was from their Family, Faith and Friends project. They just released their newest project titled, Home Again, produced by Arthur Rice and the radio single “One Holy Morning,” This hand-clapping, toe-tapping shouting song of resurrection was written by Darrell Williams.

To learn more about The Riders and their ministry, be sure to visit their website at








p.o. Box 297 | Hendersonville, TN 37075 voice: 615-590-7453 fax: 615-590-7825

Event Planner: Truthseekers Homecoming By Lynn Mills

Cars circled around the square on South Market Street in Marion, Illinois, the third week of March; some pulled to the side leaving off passengers and others disappeared down side roads in search of a parking space. The digital marquee attached to the brick wall of the Marion Cultural and Civic Center flashed an advertisement for The Truthseekers Homecoming and white sheets of paper were taped to the glass doors. “Tonight’s concert – SOLD OUT,” it read. The Truthseekers Homecoming began in 1986 and to this day has continued to draw crowds from all over the country. This year, the Truthseekers moved their event from the third weekend in February to the third weekend in March due to unreliable weather patterns in the past. Being from relatively the same region and experiencing firsthand what the gray skies unleashed upon us the third week of February, I for one, was glad the Homecoming was at a later date this year! The move was beneficial to the artists, fans and hosts. Two of the three nights were completely sold out and the third night closely followed. Thursday evening kicked off the Homecoming with a few songs from the hosts, the Truthseekers, then the stage was turned over to the Collingsworth Family. The Family had not appeared at the event prior to this

year and many in the audience heard them for the first time. The highlights of the evening varied from the piano solos from Kim Collingsworth, songs from their new project, The Lord Is Good, and duets of Courtney and Brooklyn on the violin. The crowd in Marion is always a very active crowd and when Phil asked them to say to the person next to them, “This could get good,” I think he was surprised at the volume in which the crowd complied! By the end of the evening, I believe that the Collingsworths were as impressed with the audience as the crowd was impressed with them! Friday evening, the Booth Brothers were the featured artists and once again, the auditorium was sold out. A favorite everywhere they go, the Booth Brothers introduced the audience to their newest member, Paul Lancaster, and featured him on songs from their latest project, Still. Perhaps one of the evening’s highlights was Paul singing a new version of a well-known classic, “Touch Of The Master’s Hand.” As imagined, one could not go through a concert without a dose of Michael’s humor, and as they set up an old RC microphone, the wittiness began: “As a trio we love to take a quartet song, and make it fit a trio…it’s just a little prideful thing…” but he couldn’t finish the sentence because he started laughing. Finally, he ended, “…and we like to sing them at the National Quartet Convention!”

you can do it too. There is a reason God is allowing your heart to beat. He’s got something for you to do. If He can handle all of us at one time, I’m pretty sure that He can handle what is going on in your life at home.” The Truthseekers Homecoming isn’t just another Southern Gospel Event; it truly is a Homecoming where everyone is treated as family. Jim, Mary, Jerry, Jane, Linda and all the volunteers work very hard to create an atmosphere that is warm and welcoming. They care about the details, and that takes the weekend to a whole new level. Their church participates in handcrafting beautiful stage props that change from year to year. This year, the stage décor was a set of stained glass windows that hung from the ceiling made out of wood and colored light films. (Last year, the centerpiece was a hymnbook and a Bible before that.)

The crowd burst out laughing too! That segment of quartet songs included: “If God Didn’t Care,” “Happy Rhythm” and “Feelin’ Fine.” During the second set, Michael teased himself over the comments made about quartets earlier, forgetting that they were going to sing with their former bus driver, Roger, on the second half! Roger, of course, was a bass singer! Saturday evening, The Mark Trammell Quartet (MTQ) and Greater Vision (GV) returned for a night of exceptional singing. Greater Vision introduced the audience to a few new songs from their project, As We Speak, which was released in April. One cut, called “Put Out the Fire,” was the subject of GV’s first lyric video that can be viewed on the group’s Facebook page. When MTQ took the stage, the rich sounds of four part harmony and treasured classic Gospel songs filled the civic center. After the powerful ballad, “Too Much To Gain To Lose,” Mark reflected upon the lyrics. “Every once in a while I like to be still and listen to songs like that,” Mark mused. “This stuff that happens in our world, in our lives, sometimes it will cause us to get down and out, start feeling sorry for ourselves. Folks like me migrate toward, ‘Why am I still breathing?’ If I’m still breathing, obviously God’s still got more for me to do. If that’s the case, I need to take a little bit better care of myself! “Then the right song comes along at the right time and reminds me this is the reason you’re still breathing. ‘I [God] need to use you to touch someone else’s life.’ It’s not just [God] that can do that, folks;

Though most of the people who attend the Homecoming have done so for many years and know their hosts by name, the Truthseekers love being able to call everyone by name as well. Thus, last year they began printing tickets with nametags to wear, so when you chat with someone sitting/standing next to you, you can know their name too. Last but not least, the Truthseekers’ testimony of being a blessing in the community can be seen in their support of local organizations such as the Herin House of Hope. The House of Hope feeds weekly meals to the local homeless and had a table set up at the Homecoming to receive donations for their ministry. It is also worthy to note, for those who drive in from long distances, Marion and the surrounding area has much to offer in the way of daytime activities. Just up the road a few miles is an established mall in Carbondale, Illinois, and if you like homemade cooking, visit the Giant City Lodge in Makanda! The Giant City State Park is a beautiful place to spend an afternoon leisurely walk (depending on weather and temperature). Why not plan your trip to Marion, Illinois for the 2016 Truthseekers Homecoming, March 17-19th, 2016? For more information, please call 618-889-1981. Artists appearing will be: March 17, 2016 – The Whisnants, Mylon Hayes Family and The Erwins; March 18, 2016– The Collingsworth Family; March 19, 2016 – Greater Vision and the Mark Trammell Quartet.





Stephen Widener Music was created by God, Who is the Creator of all things. We know that first of all, God Himself created the stars in Genesis 1:16, and we also know from His discussion with Job (38:7) that the morning stars sang together. Isn’t that amazing? Now, we can’t hear the stars singing with our natural ears but God can. In Psalms 8:3, it says that these same stars were ordained also. Psalms 148:3 tells us that they do praise Him. Just for a kicker, Psalms 147:4 says that He knows them all by name, just as He does you and I. The first time singing is mentioned in the Bible is by Moses and the children of Israel after they had crossed the Red Sea, leaving Egypt, Pharaoh, and slavery behind. In Exodus 15, we read of their praise to God for their deliverance from bondage, which is a picture of the world and sin. There are many more praises recorded to God in the Old Testament by different people on different occasions. Musical instruments are not mentioned until the time of David. In (1 Samuel 18:6; 1 Chron. 15:16) we see that King David has appointed certain of the Levites, namely Asaph and the sons of Korah, mentioned in Psalms, to look after the music of the Temple and the playing of instruments. And when Solomon was king, he had women singers as well. In Psalms, the only hymnal mentioned in the Bible, which is full of poetry and was composed not just by David, but others also, we read in one verse in particular (22:3) that God inhabits the praises of Israel. God, who is holy, inhabits [my paraphrase] the praises of Israel. In the King James Version, the word “inhabits” has an ‘est’ on the end, so that the word literally means continually dwells and/or resides in. The Israelites were God’s people in the Old Testament, but now we know that God’s people are those who trust and believe in Him by putting their faith in His Son, The

Lord Jesus Christ. So when we, His people, praise God, He is continually dwelling within our songs! Music can have varying effects on people, and of course not all music praises God. Different types and genres of music have been brought down through years and decades and not all of it good, not all types are pleasing to God and not all of the words are joyful. Psalms 100 tells us to make a joyful noise to the Lord. Now, I know that not everyone can sing, or play an instrument. But we were created to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. If you think about get-

ting up in the morning, before you turn on the lights, television, cell phone or computer, and are blessed to live in a rural or suburban area or the country, can you hear a bird sing? It is thanking God for seeing another day and giving it something to eat. Can you hear a honeybee buzz? He is praising in his way, as he goes and gets nectar and pollinates a flower, while he helps the Creator do His will. What about the music in the life of a Christian, what role does it play? Have you ever wanted to sing a song but couldn’t? Do you ever get up in the morning thinking, “Oh My”? Try singing, “Thank you Lord, for Your Blessings on Me!” Music can change your mindset and your emotional outlook. King Jehoshaphat was told once in 2 Chronicles 20, to go in battle, but to put the singers out front. When God told them to sing, they were to praise Him. They wouldn’t need to fight, for the battle was the Lord’s. Remember that the next time you head into the battle of the day! How about the song, “I Get To,” by Jeff and Sheri Easter. Listen to the words of that song in particular. I don’t have to go church but I get to. This is one of the most powerful songs to have come around in sometime. It is a reminder that we take so many things, like the ability to assemble and praise God, for granted.



Fanny Crosby was a blind lady back in the late nineteenth century, accredited with writing thousands upon thousands of songs, many of which we sing today out of our hymnals in churches all over the world. There were no phones, televisions, computers or any of technology back then, but yet, she among others of that time period has blessed us with many songs and hymns. Maybe without all of our distractions, they had time to walk and talk with the Lord and hear His words. Perhaps in their songs we can also hear God’s words more clearly? Music plays a significant role in everyday life, but especially in the life of a Christian. What song has lifted your spirit? What song has made a difference in your mind and heart? Are there songs that make you go down the road and the gas pedal goes down as you become filled with joy? Can you think of a song that has had a special meaning in your life? I can in mine, there are quite a few that God placed there and each one are there for a reason. How about writing the singer, group and the songwriter (if they are still around) and thank them for the song and let them know what it means to you. Finally don’t forget to thank God for the song, because He’s the One who, by and for all this is done. And one day, we will all sing a new song. He is Worthy! (Rev.5:9).



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Contributors SGN SCOOPS

Rob Patz is the President and CEO of Coastal Media Group. Rob has an 18 year history in radio hosting the nationally syndicated radio show, “The Southern Styles Show” since its beginning in 1993. Rob is also the owner of the internet’s #1 Southern Gospel station, In 2009, Rob Patz acquired, including the all- digital Scoops Magazine and the Diamond Awards. Rob has taken part in several Christian television projects working in front of the camera and also has helped create several syndicated television programs as well. Rob does voice work for various outlets including fortune 500 companies as well as emceeing concerts and special events. Email Rob at rob@sgnscoops. com. Lou Wills Hildreth appears on the Gaither Homecoming Videos, and is a founding member of Texas First Family Of Gospel Music, the “Singing Wills Family.” She helped pioneer Christian television as host of “Wills Family Inspirational TV.” After moving to Nashville in the sixties, she was the first woman to own an artist management agency. Lou is an inductee of the Texas Gospel Music Hall Of Fame, GMA Gospel Music Hall Of Fame, SGMA Hall Of Fame at Dollywood, and the Christian Music Hall Of Fame. She is a recipient of an Honorary Doctorate Of Sacred Music from Louisiana Baptist University. Recently, Gaither Homecoming Magazine named Lou in the “Hall Of Honor” series, and the Southern Gospel Music Guild gave her a “Lifetime Achievement Award.” Lou is celebrating a 65th wedding anniversary in 2011 with Howard, and they live in Houston near son Dr. David Hildreth and daughter Kathryn Mumaw, and 4 grandchildren. Visit Lou at: Christian Health & Fitness Expert Laurette Willis is an author with Harvest House Publishers, and the Director of PraiseMoves Fitness Ministry with DVDs, a training program and PraiseMoves

Instructors on four continents (http://PraiseMoves. com , on Facebook Laurette invites readers to get started on the road to better health and fitness for spirit, soul and body. For a free, easy- to- follow 21 day program visit:


Stephanie Kelley is a public speaker and owner of QueenO-Q, a blog featuring coupon match-ups, freebies, samples and information on frugal living. She is married, has three children and lives in Washington State. Queenoq.blogspot.

Canadian-born Lorraine Walker has a love for Jesus Christ, music and writing. The combination of these passions has produced artist features and monthly columns for Southern Gospel publications including SGM Radio website and SGN Scoops Digital magazine. Lorraine desires that the power of the written word will glorify her Lord and bring readers closer to the love, peace and majesty of the Almighty. Email Lorraine at Jennifer Campbell is a singer, songwriter, musician, and middle school English teacher from McAlpin, Florida. Along with her passion for teaching, she has an even greater passion for ministering to others, sharing her testimony of how she was born lifeless and how Jesus raised her up to live for Him. Jennifer is a member of the Florida Worship Choir and Orchestra and has performed with them at Brooklyn Tabernacle, Carnegie Hall, Central Park, and Times Square. She serves as a group leader for Women of Faith, designs websites, and writes an inspirational blog at HYPERLINK “” \t “_blank”, and a food and travel blog at Learn more about

Contributors SGN SCOOPS

Dusty Wells is a man of many talents and multiple skills, from his speaking engagements across the country, to traveling and encouraging various artists in the Christian music genres. Dusty has a passion that is evident from the moment you meet him. Dusty is a man who remains passionate and secure in the calling and destiny upon his life. He has come to realize the importance of finding purpose and clear direction for not only his life, but also the lives of those he comes in contact with, no matter what stage of life they may be in. Growing up in a very dysfunctional home, surrounded by all types of abuse, Dusty had every excuse to be a failure in life. He grew up on welfare, having to steal his daily necessities of life at times, being surrounded by drugs, alcohol and pornography. He was raised by a mother who was married multiple times, living in a housing project on the wrong side of town. But in the midst of what seemed to be complete devastation, God had different plans of success for Dusty. At the age of 14, a precious couple took time out of their own lives to invest in Dusty…thus leading Him to the Lord. His life is a testimony of God’s relentless love and deliverance, and is one of the most triumphant stories told in modern Christianity. Dusty is confident in the fact that if God can do it for him, He can do it for anyone, no matter the situation. Dusty and his wife of 33 years have four children, and two grandbabies with one more on the way. They make their home in Nashville, Tn. Joan Walker grew up with music in the house and first heard Southern Gospel in her early teens. With almost a quirky (some may say ‘weird’) need to make sure words are spelled correctly and the apostrophes are in the right place, she enjoys proofreading the articles for the SGN Scoops magazine each month...and looks beyond the letters and commas to the wonderful words each writer has written. Joan counts it as a blessing in her life to be part of SGN Scoops!

Pete Schwager is a web developer and graphic designer with a passion for Christ. He was born in Santa Rosa, California and moved to Oregon where he spent most of his life. He now lives in the quiet town of Ringgold, Georgia and enjoys living in the country with his family. You can find him online at

Staci Schwager helps with marketing and communication with her husband’s web design company, Cre8able Media. Together they make a great team! Staci being the “talkative” one, loves being able to communicate one on one with clients and organizing ideas. While Pete on the other hand is diving into the design and coding aspects to make the real masterpiece! Most of Staci’s days are filled with preparing homeschool lessons for her kids, couponing, gardening, tending to her chicken flock and spending as much time on the beautiful, country land God has blessed them with.

My name is Tina Wakefield and I am currently Music Minister for Amazing Grace Worship Center in Alabaster, Al. I have led worship for over 18 years as well as teach adults how to live everyday life in Victory as a Christian. I enjoy playing and singing Gospel Music whenever and wherever I am invited. I currently have three Cd s available on my website at and just released my first music video with Godsey & Associates called,” The Choice” available on YouTube. I write a lot of the music we sing at church and also record my original songs. My family is very ministry oriented with Pastors, Teachers, Musicians, and Singers. My heart’s desire is to spread the gospel of Christ through any and all open doors that I receive.

Contributors SGN SCOOPS

Dr. Jeff R. Steele is a pastor, conference speaker, singer, songwriter, husband, father, grandfather and friend. He is currently the Senior Pastor at Faith Baptist Church in Cullman, Alabama. Their services are webcast worldwide; they have a weekly television program and host an annual Jubilee each August that attracts hundreds from around the southeast. Dr. Steele is beginning his eighth year there. As a songwriter Jeff has been credited with 17 Number One songs in Christian music as well as four BMI Gold Medals for Great National Popularity as measured by Broadcast Performances. He has also been recognized by BMI as Christian Songwriter of the Year on several occasions. The group, The Steeles was featured across the nation and was seen on numerous magazine covers, feature articles, television and radio programs during their ministry on the road. Jeff is still writes songs and articles, sings on occasion and speaks in conferences and revivals. Jeff is married to Sherry, his wife of 31 years and they have three grown children. Visit Jeff on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and at www. Erin Stevens is a uniquely talented shutterbug, singer, guitar player, writer, blogger, and social networker. She is the owner/operator of Photos For Keeps By Erin. Along with running her own business, she is the official photographer for Abraham Productions (API). You will find her behind the lens at all API events, along with working behind the scenes on their social media. She also travels full-time on the road with her family’s gospel group, The Stevens Family. Photography is her passion and singing for Jesus is her calling. For several years, you have known her as our very own “Younger Perspective” writer. Check out her photography website and her ministry website Sherry Anne Lints, a Doctor of Chiropractic, singer, speaker, actress, writer and fitness trainer, was born with a bilateral hearing and speech impairment. She appeared in the films, Clancy and The Perfect Gift and was a special guest on 100 Huntley Street, in Ontario, Canada. She is a contributing author for the book, Modern-Day Miracles and released her second CD, Keep on Prayin’, July 2012 and has

opened for many of the Gaither Homecoming Artists. Additionally, Sherry Anne helps lead worship and drama at her church. For more information, visit: Vonda Easley is the owner of Hope’s Journey Christian Ministries and the voice of “The Strictly Southern Show” at WPIL 91.7 in Heflin, Alabama on Fridays

Vivian is the marketing manager at KKGM in Dallas/Fort Worth Texas, as well as hosting a program on Sundays where she features national, regional as well as local artists. She also brings news of upcoming concert events in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex and surrounding area. Vivian has promoted various artists in this area for over 10 years beginning with Phil Cross and Poet Voices and later Sharron Kay King and Jerry Bennett to name a few. She has spent the past several years promoting Southern Gospel, Inspirational Country Gospel and Bluegrass in this area in order to preserve this part of our heritage.

Jonathan Edwards began his radio career on KWFC 89.1 FM in Springfield, Mo. At KWFC he worked in news, sales and was an on air personality, creating the very popular Ozark Gospel Showcase. He has been nominated for two Singing News Fan Awards and garnered the coveted Paul Heil Award from the 2012 Diamond Awards. He travels full time with Faith’s Journey and currently hosts the syndicated radio show SGN Scoops Radio.

Contributors SGN SCOOPS

After graduating from Middle Tennessee State University with a Mass Communication degree, Craig Harris has been in the journalism field for more than 15 years, working daily as both a photographer and writer at one of the largest non-daily publications in the state of Tennessee. He has experience in feature writing, news writing, action photography, portrait photography, web-site maintenance and layout. Craig has been a part of numerous awards, both collective and individual honors in the journalism field. He has had articles published in numerous newspapers and magazines on a variety of subjects, most notably in the world of sports. Craig’s Southern Gospel interest dates back for approximately the same time span, having closely followed the industry since the later portion of the 1990s. He also performed for seven years with a local trio prior to joining the SGN Scoops staff. David’s distinctive sound and his ability to blend perfectly with a variety of vocalists has made him a valuable commodity on live events as well as in the studio. His compassionate and gentle spirit makes him more than an artist, it makes him a great friend! David began singing at age 6 with family. In 1990, he filled in for the Speer Family and later that year he became the lead vocalist for The Trailblazers. In 2002, Staton filled the lead position with Priority. While with Priority, the group was the resident gospel group at the Silver Dollar City theme park in Branson, MO and they performed for over one million people in one year. After the group disbanded in 1995, David continued to write for artists in many different genres of music while occasionally performing solo. It was during this time that his song, “Every Knee Shall Bow”, recorded by Dottie Peoples, was nominated for a Grammy Award. His song, “Together We Can” was adopted as the national theme song to bring awareness to violence in schools. The music video (Together We Can) that featured many Atlanta based artists was shown at the 1999 Grammy Awards show, which helped launch the careers of artists like R&B’s Jagged Edge, India Arie, and 4.0. In 2004, David partnered with Mike LeFevre to form The LeFevre Quartet. During the seven years that he was the lead vocalist, the group had many hit songs and won many awards. After leaving the LeFevre

Quartet in 2011, Staton began working on a solo project and also began singing with Palmetto State Quartet. The group appeared on television and toured with country music superstar, Wynonna Judd while Staton was there. Through the years, artists like Gold City, Jeff & Sheri Easter, Kingsmen, Singing Americans, Dixie Melody Boys, Imperials, Dottie Peoples, Ball Brothers, LeFevre Quartet, Palmetto State Quartet, Priority, Trailblazers, The Greenes, Ivan Parker, Brian Free and many more have recorded David’s music. From 2005 to 2013, Staton was the Executive Vice President for Song Garden Music Group in Nashville, TN. In recent years, the National Quartet Convention has asked David to be a part of an industry advisory panel to help artists who need assistance and training. Not only has David made a mark as an artist, he is passing on his talent and knowledge to new artists, influencing and shaping the future of Gospel music. Kelly Nelon Clark is the daughter of Gospel Music icon, the late Rex Nelon. As part of her father’s group, The Nelons, she blazed a musical trail bringing a fresh new sound to the traditional Gospel quartet style. That sound and style influenced a generation of Gospel music performers and can be heard today in the styling of groups like the Martins, Point of Grace, The Crabb Family and more. As The Nelons broke new ground, the Gospel Music industry repeatedly recognized their excellence. The group won four GMA Dove awards as well as multiple awards from readers of Singing News Magazine. Kelly was named female vocalist of the year on four occasions and received favorite alto vocalist award 3 times. At one time, Kelly was the most awarded artists in the history of the Singing News Fan Awards. The music industry at large also recognized The Nelons with 3 Grammy nominations. Today, Kelly currently performs throughout the United States, Canada and Europe with her husband and two daughters as The Nelons. The group is featured in hundreds of churches and concerts each year. The Nelons have been part of Gaither Homecoming concerts sharing their music with thousands of Gospel Music fans in sold-out arenas across the country. For more information, visit http://

Contributors SGN SCOOPS

Marcie Gray was born and raised in sunny California, yet always dreamed of moving to Tennessee. She had planned to move to the south as a young adult and sing with a gospel group, after being inspired to do so by her Great Uncle, Alphus LeFevre. Though it took longer than she had expected, in 2011, her dream of moving east finally came true when her husband, Don, retired from the CHP. They packed up their two youngest daughters, three dogs and two horses and headed east. What a blessing to finally be where the tea is sweet, the Southern Gospel music is plentiful and there’s a Cracker Barrel on every corner! Spend ten minutes with Marcie and you’ll learn that she is rarely lacking for something to say. Her passion for Southern Gospel music, combined with her instinct to be behind the camera, makes journalism a very enjoyable outlet for that “Type A” personality she has been affectionately labeled with by her family and friends. Marcie is a worship leader, vocalist and songwriter. She has directed choirs of all ages and given voice lessons for many years. Her solo CD, “Carry Me Home” was released in September of 2014. Having family in ministry has given Marcie a desire to support those who are on the road sharing the gospel through song. Visit her website at to learn more!

Lynn Mills is a talented writer who has a passion for music, specifically Gospel music. Lynn authors the site Lynn’s Chronicles where she shares her experiences attending various concert events and what people can expect should they want to attend. Also featured are CD & DVD Reviews, Devotionals, Photos, Video and News tidbits. Keep up with Lynn online at or on facebook @

Hi, my name is Dean Adkins and I am honored to be a part of the SGN Scoops family. Perhaps some background information would be beneficial. I am sometimes called “Professor” because I was a Biology professor at Marshall University for 31 years and I retired in 2004. I grew up listening to gospel music (or as it is now termed Southern Gospel Music) and many of my relatives (Adkins, Toney, Booth families) are gospel singers/musicians. I collect records, primarily LPs, and SGM related items. Over the years I have studied the history of this genre. I would like to use these articles to describe events and the mind-set of the 1950s and 60s – sometimes called the Golden Age of Gospel Music. Alpha Source Media Group is lead by Candi Combs and was born out of a strong desire to support the ministers who share the gospel on the highways and byways of life. Combs says, “These artists and their families spend their days selflessly bringing the life-changing message of Jesus to crowds large and small. We want to do all we can to support them!” In 2015, Candi will have a law degree from Liberty University and will provide a full range of legal counsel. This component will bring the highest level of support to those who also desire legal representation. Bethany Cook is a 25-year-old medical student from the great state of North Carolina. In her early years, Bethany grew up on the road as the daughter of an evangelist. In her teen years, the family came off the road and made their home in Burlington, NC. where her father is now a pastor. Being an avid Southern Gospel fan from an early age has lead Bethany to meeting many different artists and making many friends along the way. With a history of devotional writing for family and friends, she looks forward to opening up her writing and allowing you to see a little more into the lives of Southern Gospel Music artists. Bethany is set to graduate from college in June 2015 with a degree in Medical Assisting.

Contributors SGN SCOOPS

Sheri began singing while traveling with her abundantly talented family, led by her father John LaFontaine, a minister for over 48 years. In 1994 with Grammy nominated singer Jeff Easter producing, she recorded her first solo project, Takin’ My Place. Shortly thereafter, Sheri received a call from the top promoter in southern gospel, Frank Arnold and was asked to join his group, The Arnolds on the road. After several years of traveling Sheri felt the Lord leading her to focus on her solo career and songwriting. In 2004 she signed a songwriting contract with one of the industry’s top recording labels, Daywind Music. Her songs have been recorded by Kim Hopper, Karen Peck, Sue Dodge, Brian Free & Assurance, Misty Freeman, Three Bridges, The Whisnants, The Browns and many more. Paige Givens is a Christ follower, wife, mother of two boys and kindergarten teacher to 18 five-yearolds. She is a writer, reader, singer, studier, and teacher of words. Paige lives in Hayden, Alabama with her husband of 10 years, Chris Givens, and their sons Parker and Peyton. Paige loves to blog about faith, writing, music, and teaching. Her goal is to serve the Lord by inspiring others to be who He has called them to be. You can listen to her music and read her devotionals at www.

Jaquita Lindsey holds the alto position for the Southern Gospel group 11th Hour. The group was originally based out of Monroe, LA but recently relocated to Hendersonville, TN. She comes from the small town of Camden, AR. She is also a licensed cosmetologist. In her spare time, she enjoys being crafty and spending time with family and friends. She’s been singing since the age of eight, but realizes that it’s much more than just singing. “Anyone can show off their talent. I’d rather hear someone that shows that they are anointed!” For more information on Jaquita, visit

Matt Baker resides in Lenoir, NC with his wife, Ashley, and children, Bella and Bennett. A gospel music lover, Matt spent time on the road full-time with Promise of Murfreesboro, TN, before moving into church ministry as the music minister at Ambassador Baptist Church in Hudson, NC.

Justin Gilmore, 22, a resident of San Diego, California, graduated from Point Loma Nazarene University with a B.A. in History in June of 2014. Passionate about Southern Gospel music and its history, he decided to venture into the blog world in January starting Southern Gospel Spotlight in order to share his love of this great style of music.

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