Habitat Builder Newsletter Fall 2015

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San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity, Inc. 400 South Irwindale Avenue Azusa, CA 91702

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A Publication of San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity | Issue 9

A world where everyone has a decent place to live.

Fall 2015



Habitat Builder is published by San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity Inc. Periodicals Postage Paid at Pasadena, CA.


POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to: SGV Habitat for Humanity, 400 South Irwindale Avenue, Azusa, CA 91702




n September 10th at the Environmental Awards Luncheon, the Irwindale Chamber of Commerce honored the Azusa ReStore, for the third time, with the Chamber’s Waste Reduction Award. The affiliate’s ReStores divert thousands of tons of usable materials from local landfills. This partnership helps area cities meet their goals for Carbon Footprint reduction. Matt Vincent, Azusa ReStore Manager accepted this award.

eStores are an important contributor to SGV Habitat’s financial sustainability and mission growth. The long-term Blue Gehres joined SGV Habitat in July 2015 goal is that net operating income from the ReStores will cover all mission funding. This goal, and the desire to use her extensive background in nonprofit retailing, inspired Blue Gehres to accept the position of Director of ReStores. Blue jumped right in to join the managers and staff at both SGV Habitat ReStore locations in their efforts to create great shopping and donation experiences for customers.


ould your group like to volunteer at a ReStore? It’s fun and rewarding!


ign up online at sgvhabitat.org/ getinvolved and share your experiences with your friends and on social media.


pecial thanks go to the volunteers from CARING Housing Ministries who have made generous contributions regularly at the Atwater Village ReStore! The “purple shirts” are more than welcome at any of our sites!

raming of the Chestnut homes will be complete in October. The impressive design will catch your eye as you enter our project! This will mark a significant milestone in the progress toward completion and means new jobs will be available on-site.


olunteer Opportunities! We need your help in the following areas: • Framing completion: October • Exterior painting: October • Insulation, foam & ‘Green’ Requirements: Starting mid-Oct. • Interior priming & painting: November through December • Safety, tool prep and site organization: Always!


WITH US facebook.com/sgvhabitat twitter.com/sgvhabitat instagram.com/sgvhabitat SAVE THE TREES

FOR OUR HOMES Sign-up for an e-copy of the Habitat Builder on our website www.sgvhabitat.org


e have professional friends and contractors helping us catch up with siding and drywall labor. Please understand the site will be very busy with inspections and approvals during this phase. Thank you for your patience as we fine tune the days which are open to volunteers. There is a lot of great work coming up in the near future, and we will gladly find volunteer work days to fit your schedule.

Giving back to the community, whether through a volunteer day or a fundraiser, has been close to the hearts of Southern California Edison (SCE) employees throughout the company’s history. For years, the company has encouraged employees to contribute to nonprofit organizations through the annual Employee Contributions Rally. This year, San Gabriel Valley Habitat, was invited to attend and dress up in the “Blast from the Past!” era theme. Can you guess which era we chose? About 200 SCE employees learned about Habitat’s mission and the local ReStores. The rally was a success, and SGV Habitat appreciates the many employees who stopped to sign-up to volunteer or to contribute monthly as a member of the Carpenters Club.


et’s take advantage of the cooling temperatures and turn up the heat at Chestnut!


WANT TO HELP? Call or e-mail Kathy, our Volunteer Manager (626) 387-6899 x17 volunteernow@sgvhabitat.org Scan this quick response (QR) code with your smart phone to get started with your volunteer application today!

Save the date: #GivingTuesday 2015 is December 1. You can be part of the celebration by giving back to the community. Visit GivingTuesday.org to find out more!

Bank of America (B of A) held two Corporate Build Days at the Chestnut Homes in September. Forty-three B of A employees volunteered, and even Senior Vice President, Chris Bogharian, felt the glow of helping others as she accomplished framing on the third story! Special thanks to all of our corporate partners and their generous employees!

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