A publication of the San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity
April 2011
SGV Habitat celebrated groundbreaking for five new homes on Geneva Street in Glendale on March 5, 2011. This is the seventh build in Glendale, joining Habitat’s endeavors in Pasadena, El Monte, Duarte, Monrovia, Azusa and Temple City. The Groundbreaking Ceremony was attended by City of Glendale Council and Housing Authority members, political dignitaries, supporters, volunteers, families and friends. Some of the prospective homebuyers are pictured breaking ground.
had green features, thanks to grants from Glendale Water and Power, but Geneva will go much further. The energy saved will reduce costs for the new homeowners and give SGV Habitat a chance to play a responsible environmental role. The goal for future Habitat builds is to continually achieve green standards.
This build will be the affiliate’s first build that meets the Build It Green standards for energy efficiency. We are grateful to Benny Tse of SunGreen Systems, Inc. who will donate and install solar San Gabriel Valley Habitat for energy systems for the new homes. Humanity serves 31 communities Two other builds in Glendale have in the San Gabriel Valley, including Glendale. Volunteer work on the Geneva Homes, located at 624 Geneva Street in Glendale, will begin within several weeks. If you are interested in joining a group of volunteers or having your business, organization or church volunteer, please contact Amy Borton at 626.387.6899 x17, or volunteernow @sgvhabitat.org for details and scheduling.
Congratulations to Elaine Wilkerson who served as the Geneva Campaign Chair and has been very instrumental in raising the $600,000 campaign goal. SGV Habitat looks forward to future partnership opportunities as we once again make home ownership affordable for first time buyers. Ann Dougherty, Guest Writer To see more groundbreaking photographs, go to sgvhabitat.com
Senior Discount Days
Both the Azusa and the Pasadena ReStores now offer Senior Discount Days. Each Tuesday, seniors over the age of 62 can receive 15% off their entire purchase. Participants must ask for the discount before they are rung up and be willing to show identification. This offer cannot be combined with any other sales or discounts. 1