Habitat Builder Newsletter - June 2015

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San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity, Inc. 400 South Irwindale Avenue Azusa, CA 91702


A Publication of San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity | Issue 7.0

A world where everyone has a decent place to live.

June 2015

the challenging journey of



Habitat Builder is published by San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity Inc. Periodicals Postage Paid at Pasadena, CA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: SGV Habitat for Humanity, 400 South Irwindale Avenue, Azusa, CA 91702

don’t miss this

INSIDE THIS ISSUE PAGE 1 The Challenging Journey of Homeownership

PAGE 2 Atwater Village Celebrates Grand Opening “Community Day”

PAGE 3 Bill Sjogren: Community Servant & Life Long Learner Ways to Support Affordable Housing

magical night of celebration San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity and the City of Pasadena invite you to attend the "Building Dreams Under the Stars" gala on June 20, 2015, from 5:00PM 9:30PM at the iconic Pasadena City Hall (100 Garfield Avenue, Pasadena CA). This event is a celebration of the new Desiderio community. There will be exciting entertainment, silent and live auction items and scrumptious food. Tickets are $150 per person or $1,200 per table (seating for ten). Cocktails, dinner and dessert are included in the ticket price. All proceeds go directly to help build the nine affordable homes for low-income families including families of veteran This gala event will be a great opportunity for the community to show support for the transformation of the former Desiderio Army Reserve Center site! Bring family and friends to learn more about Desiderio Park and SGV Habitat for Humanity's mission to bring people together to build homes, communities and hope. This event is sure to be a magical night. You won't want to miss it! To pay by credit or debit card, please visit sgvhabitat.org/gala or call 626-387-6899 (x18). To pay by mail, please send a check made payable to San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity, along with a list of guest names to: 400 S. Irwindale Avenue, Azusa, CA 91702

top priority for parents is keeping their children safe and healthy. The Castañeda family is no exception. But limited income has forced the Castañeda’s to live in the very situation from which they wished to shield their family. The Castañeda family currently resides in a 2-bedroom apartment in Los Angeles, in an area plagued by drugs and violence. The family feels constantly at risk because strangers are able to walk into their building off of the streets because it lacks security. Drug users hide out in the building’s laundry room to use drugs. And with their apartment centered between two rival gangs the family is exposed to constant gun fire and police activity. This family experienced three recent shootings with gunfire so close it awakened their children from their sleep. Distraught, they had to be comforted back to sleep. With the community growing more and more violent and astronomical housing prices hindering them from relocating, the Castañeda’s were afraid for their children’s future. With the help of volunteers, donors and ReStore shoppers, SGV Habitat has the

incredible opportunity to find deserving low-income partner families and to help lift them out of threatening living conditions. As with any build, our Family Selection Committee volunteers are given the tough job of searching through many applications and deciding which families would be a good choice for a specific build. When they met the Castañeda family, committee members knew they had found a qualified, deserving family. The Chestnut Homes in Glendale, currently under construction, will ensure the family will have a safe place to call home. Each home has a separate enclosed yard area which will allow the Castañeda children a luxury most children take for granted, the ability to play outside and feel safe in their own yard. That’s why both parents have pursued this new journey. It’s not easy; both parents switch off putting “sweat equity” hours into building their home. Laura (pictured to the left with two of her three children) says that it’s difficult to leave her beautiful baby at home to work on building her new home, but then she is reminded of “why” she does it. Her labor is all for her children. She wants to ensure that she has a safe place for her family to grow. Any sacrifice she makes today allows for better tomorrows. So she presses on for her family’s future. Every day spent building the new homes on Chestnut Street brings the Castañedas that much closer to their dream of safe and stable homeownership. Laura is grateful that her family was given this opportunity.

WANT TO HELP THE CASTAÑEDA FAMILY? Volunteer Today Email our Volunteer Manager at volunteernow@sgvhabitat.org or call 626-387-6899 x17

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