Annual Report - 2013

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A world where everyone has a decent place to live ANNUAL REPORT



Table of Contents ANNUAL REPORT 2 3

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10-11 12 13 14 15


Letter from the President

Escrows close for Geneva Homes Repair Programs Legacy Society

Desiderio Homes Campaign

New Partnership with City of Glendale ReStores support our mission

Financial Statement Summaries for FY 2013 First SGVH Homebuyer Pays Off Mortgage Charity Navigator 4-Star Rating

Habitat for Humanity sixth largest home builder in U.S.

Leadership and Staff

Letter from the President To our San Gabriel Valley Habitat Family, The last year was full of exciting challenges and opportunities. The City of Glendale again showed leadership in providing affordable housing. Our affiliate was encouraged to find a Glendale lot for a new partnership development. Substantial progress was made toward this goal, and Housing Authority approvals are expected early in the coming fiscal year. We continue to move toward our goal of constructing nine homes on the former Desiderio Army Reserve Center in Pasadena. As the FY 2013 Annual Report goes to press, we expect a ground breaking in February 2015. Pledges and donations to date are commendable, but we still have a way to go. We particularly want to thank the Rouchka family for contributing Uncle Charlie’s home in Arcadia toward Desiderio. In fulfillment of Uncle Charlie’s and their wishes, three of the new Desiderio homes will be sold to eligible veterans. During this year, we restarted our Speakers Bureau to provide information for community groups about our upcoming builds, Critical Home Repairs, A Brush with Kindness, and our commitment to providing safe homes for low-income families needing help. Anticipating the redevelopment of the Pasadena ReStore property by Bridge Housing and the termination of our lease with the City of Pasadena, our Site Selection Committee has continued its diligent search for a new ReStore location with great growth potential in Pasadena or Glendale. All this was going on while we had very special events organized by Habitat volunteers, such as Shantytown at LaSalle High School in Pasadena on March 16-17 and two “Small Bites for Big Dreams” events in September 2012 at the grounds of Avery Dennison and in May 2013 at the University Club of Pasadena. We can never thank our volunteers enough for their efforts in construction, events, office support, and committees. This letter will be my last as President and as a member of the SGV Habitat Board. During my tenure on the Board of Directors, I have seen dramatic growth in the capacity of this affiliate. After three years as President, I am passing the gavel to a new President and a board with many new enthusiastic and talented members. I wish them all continuing success. I have confidence in them, our volunteers and our dedicated staff to continue bringing people together, building communities, and providing affordable housing to deserving low-income families. With best regards,

Don Goodman 2

San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity | Annual Report • Fiscal Year 2013

Escrows for the Geneva Homes Closed in September

All of the families moved in and were home for the holidays.

San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity | Annual Report • Fiscal Year 2013


Repair Programs Dominated SGV Habitat’s Program This Year Our home repair programs provide low income families who own and occupy their home with sorely-needed repairs.

Critical Home Repairs Critical Home Repairs were made on the exteriors of homes with significant deferred maintenance.

A Brush With Kindness A Brush With Kindness provided exterior preventive maintenance work, typically for elderly widows or owners whose health and mobility precluded “do-it-yourself ” projects.


San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity | Annual Report • Fiscal Year 2013

We partnered with the Home Depot Repair Program for Veterans . . . . . . to provide up to $25,000 per home to widen doors for wheelchair accessibility, remodel bathrooms for safe access, add exterior ramps, complete long-overdue interior and exterior repairs and add a fresh coat of paint to restore pride of ownership.

SGV Habitat is proud to help veterans who served to keep America safe and free.

San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity | Annual Report • Fiscal Year 2013


Legacy Society

Donations of property accelerated SGV Habitat’s goal to build continuously to touch more lives. Members of San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity’s recently launched Legacy Society have made provisions for veterans who need affordable housing for themselves and for their families, for low-income seniors who need to make overdue repairs on homes they have owned for many years, and for funding unique projects and needs that challenge a nonprofit organization.

Donated property will benefit veterans when the Desiderio Homes are built.


San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity | Annual Report • Fiscal Year 2013

Desiderio Homes Campaign Funds raised grew by $1,243,590 this year.

We recognize, thank and honor those who gave so generously this year to bring the nine Desiderio Homes closer to reality! As we prepare financially to break ground, City of Pasadena is advancing work on a required Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and the Planned Development (PD) for the entire reuse parcel which will include Desiderio Park and SGV Habitat’s affordable bungalow court.

Fundraising continues to meet the campaign goal of $2,177,510 and to secure the Public Benefit Conveyance of the Desiderio land from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity | Annual Report • Fiscal Year 2013


Partnership with the City of Glendale

The City of Glendale worked with SGV Habitat to advance a new three-home build. Land at 806 East Chestnut Street was identified for the eighth affordable housing partnership project in Glendale. Glendale’s Housing Authority is preparing to authorize funds for purchase of the vacant lot. This action is expected early next fiscal year. The Chestnut Homes will be built before the Desiderio homes.

Thanks to the 8th Glendale partnership build, the lives of three more low-income families will be transformed. 8

San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity | Annual Report • Fiscal Year 2013

ReStores Support Our Affordable Housing Mission

Now every donor dollar can support families in need of simple, decent housing.

For the first time in the 10-year history of SGV Habitat’s ReStores, net operating income sufficient to pay for all operational costs was returned to support the affiliate’s affordable housing mission. Earlier in the year, notification came from City of Pasadena that the ReStore located at 770 North Fair Oaks Avenue would have to close as soon as funding for the long-awaited Heritage Square project was secured.

In 2013 a new search began for a relocation site for the Pasadena ReStore. San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity | Annual Report • Fiscal Year 2013


Financials ASSETS

Current Assets: Cash and cash equivalents Restricted Cash Investments

Contributions receivable

Mortgage loans receivable - current portion ReStore inventory

Houses Under Construction Other Assets

Total Revenues and Net Assets JUNE 30, 2013

JUNE 30, 2012



3,159,027 1,020,425 116,480 250,583 89,279 68,685 95,262

1,519,569 270,966 59,490

223,221 77,364

1,265,509 34,666

Non-Current Assets:


Rental Property





Property and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation

Mortgage loans receivable - net or current portion, less discount Total Assets




Accounts Payable






Current liabilities

Accrued Expenses Note Payable - current portion Note Payable - net of current portion

66,130 67,304

142,142 764,696 906,838


Board Designated



Total Unrestricted

Temporarily Restricted Total Net Assets







1,500,121 7,212,937 8,119,775

6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000

FY 2007

Total Expenses

FY 2008

Program Services 93%

FY 2009

FY 2010

FY 2011

FY 2012

FY 2013

Sales to homeowners 13% In-kind Contributions 25%

3,846,081 462,114

5,974,511 6,113,360

San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity | Annual Report • Fiscal Year 2013

General and Administrative 5% Fundraising 2%

Support and Revenue


1,143,020 4,569,796



Net Assets Unrestricted

Net Assets




Total Revenue


Contributions and Grants 31%

ReStore sales and donations 24% Imputed interest income on mortgage loans 3% Donated services‌

Other Income 3%

This financial information has been extracted from our audited financial statements. A complete set of financial statements, including footnotes, is available upon request. The complete financial statements have been audited by Capin Crouse LLP, Brea, California.

Statement of Activities

San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity for the Year Ended June 30, 2013 with Summarized Comparative Figures for the Year Ended June 30, 2012

SUPPORT AND REVENUE Contributions and grants In-kind contributions Sales to homeowners ReStore sales and donations Imputed interest income on mortgage loans Donated services Interest income Other income Net assets released from restrictions: Release of time restriction

Satisfaction of donor restrictions



Temporarily Unrestricted





Temporarily Unrestricted
















1,237,761 28,352


1,614,060 692,938 152,473


– -











10,508 68,973























Supporting activities: General and administrative Fundraising






Program services

















Total Support and Revenue






1,238,426 7,212,937

128,156 707,159


San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity | Annual Report • Fiscal Year 2013

– (2,821)


128,156 704,338



SGV Habitat’s First Homebuyer Pays Off Mortgage Our very first homebuyer now owns her home free and clear.


wenty years ago, Phyllis Higgins became the very first Habitat for Humanity homebuyer in Los Angeles County. She put in hundreds of hours of “sweat equity” in building her home which was the first affordable home completed by San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity. This fiscal year Phyllis achieved another first! As she wrote her mortgage payment check in December, she celebrated the fact that this was her last mortgage payment. She achieved the American dream of homeownership and is debt-free!

Pasadena. Phyllis immediately seized this opportunity to apply for a home that would transform her life and bring stability to the lives of her children. Among more than 100 families who submitted applications (there was a great need then as there is now), Phyllis was selected to be a Habitat homebuyer. SGV Habitat’s Family Selection Committee was “impressed with her fierce commitment to her children and her determination to see that they got a good education.” Phyllis’s courageous step to give her children a better chance in life was made possible by caring donors who invested in her dream of owning a home.

In 1992, Phyllis, a single mother of two, was living in an apartment with her young son and daughter. As the neighborhood she was living in continued to decline, her rent continued to rise. Uncertain of what the future might hold for her and her two small children, Phyllis was looking for a way to make a change for her family. One day, Phyllis’s co-worker was listening to the radio and heard about the new affordable Habitat homeownership opportunity in

When Phyllis first learned she would be a homeowner through SGV Habitat, she shared, “It is truly an honor and a blessing to be chosen as a buyer for the San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity home.” Now, Phyllis is filled with joy and thanks for her home, for all of those who made her homeownership possible, and for the difference a stable home has made for her children who are now successful young adults.

She achieved the American Dream! 12

San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity | Annual Report • Fiscal Year 2013

Charity Navigator’s 4-Star Rating SGV Habitat for Humanity ranks as top charity based on sound fiscal management . . .

June 1, 2013

Sonja Yates t for Humanity San Gabriel Valley Habita ue 400 South Irwindale Aven Azusa, CA 91702

For the sixth consecutive year, San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity earned Charity Navigator’s 4-Star Rating for sound fiscal management and commitment to accountability and transparency.

ity on achieving our Dear Sonja Yates: lley Habitat for Human ratulate San Gabriel Va sparency. ong to c tran ish and lity , I w tabi ator avig accoun On behalf of Charity N ent and commitment to r sound fiscal managem more accountability, ding man e de coveted 4-star rating fo y donors ar precedented pace, savv ed dollars. In this n un earn at a ardrow ir h the to g ues ntin ort with As the nonprofit sector co le results from the charities they choose to supp hlights the fine , hig ator valu ty e hari fiab remier c transparency and quanti y Navigator, America's p ovide donors with essential information arit , Ch lace ketp mar oal in all of this is to pr competitive philanthropic nd open charities. Our g . work of efficient, ethical a confidence in the charitable choices they make ater gre ation. We are proud to needed to give them rating for your organiz g. Receiving four out ble, we have issued a new atin aila tar r n av 4-s atio tive form ecu ons nt in th c Based on the most rece est practices that manity has earned our six er b r Hu oth at fo and abit nce y H erna alle gov y 3% ion adheres to good announce San Gabriel V ally responsible way. Onl icates that your organizat cutes its mission in a fisc of a possible four stars ind es and consistently exe hat San Gabriel Valley viti ng t acti cati cal indi ethi ns, f un atio ce o valu secutive 4-star e minimize the chan rom Charity e received at least 6 con exceptional” designation f he public it is of the charities we rate hav forms most other charities in America. This “ nd demonstrates to t rs a pee tper its y ou rom anit ity f Hum r Human Habitat for n Gabriel Valley Habitat fo Navigator differentiates Sa r unique st. tru heir of t ofiled and celebrated ou worthy ine, among others, have pr es more charities than our nearest nger's Financial Magaz ipli n tim e te nd K luat k, a eva Wee s We ines or. ritable sect bined, thus making Forbes, Bus riven analysis to the cha r charity rating groups com y planned to method of applying data-d ct more visitors to our website than all othe the than ore e m gav ttra our site competitor and currently a or in America. Our data shows that users of approximately $10 luat arity Navigator influenced us the leading charity eva mated that last year Ch esti t is ct, i n fa nd i s, a before viewing our finding r favorable review billion in charitable gifts. lic relations efforts. Ou n's fundraising and pub sparency will be atio tran aniz org ty & our bili ce y unta han cco will en ent to a We believe our service al health and commitm fisc ity's man r Hu at fo abit of San Gabriel Valley H June 1st. s of visible on our website a ble endeavors. success in your charita We wish you continued Sincerely,

Ken Berger utive Officer President & Chief Exec

This places our organization in the top 3% of all charitable organizations rated.


San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity | Annual Report • Fiscal Year 2013


Habitat for Humanity is the Sixth Largest Homebuilder in the United States . . .

based on house closings according to the annual survey completed by BUILDER magazine.


an Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity built 5 new homes and rehabilitated 19 others, helping its national organization to rank as the sixth largest builder in the U.S., according to an annual survey completed by BUILDER magazine.

BUILDER, a publication for the residential construction industry, annually compiles data from U.S. builders and ranks them by the number of closings. Habitat built or rehabilitated 4,970 homes across the United States and is the only non-publicly traded company in the top ten ranking. The organization made an additional 2,795 house repairs to existing homes, which were not accounted for in the survey. “I’m very proud of the work of our more than 1,500 affiliates in the U.S.,” said Jonathan Reckford, Habitat for Humanity International CEO. “The fact that they are continuing to build and rehab homes in these difficult economic times is a testament to their resourcefulness and their commitment to families, affordable housing and the communities they serve. We are grateful to our donors and volunteers whose generosity makes this work possible.”

Habitat for Humanity’s unique model generated affordable homes, even during the recession.


San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity | Annual Report • Fiscal Year 2013

Leadership and Staff Board Members

Hard Hat Council


Donald W. Goodman Senior Vice President Disney Resort Real Estate Development The Walt Disney Company

The Hard Hat Council is a key support group which gives and secures major gifts to support our affordable housing mission.

Executive Director Sonja Yates

Nicolas Alparaz Senior Associate, Transaction Services Price Waterhouse-Coopers Tom Bunn Attorney Lagerlof, Senecal, Gosney & Kruse, LLP Ann Dougherty Management Consultant John MacLean Senior Loan Consultant Chase Bank Paul McAnnally-Linz Chief Financial Officer Educational Services International Gregory Barsamian Executive Vice President North County Coldwell Banker Commercial George Hernandez Consultant Real Estate and Economic Development Andrew Pittroff Family Business House of Printing Herb Rim Business Analytics Senior Manager Revenue Management Public Storage

Alex Agajanian Damien Allen Donna Baker Christopher Burau Tom Doud John Mac Lean Joan McCarthy Bob Picardo Vince Quinones George Smith Jeff Throop Gregg Whittlesey

Honorary Board Comprised of long-term supporters who have shaped and built the effectiveness of our organization, Honorary Board members are dedicated leaders who continue to support the mission and building efforts of San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity.

Supervisor Michael Antonovich Jon Barstad Jack Conroy Merwyn Fair Charlotte Hogan Barbara Hudson Senator Carol Liu Mary Jane Macy Pat Myers Anthony Portantino

Elaine Wilkerson Former Director of Planning City of Glendale

Director of Construction Damien Allen Construction Assistant Anselmo Mata Accountant Sayaka Ota Office Manager Catalina Velez Volunteer & Family Services Coordinator Marty McBride Marketing & Youth Programs Coordinator Steve Solis Faith Relations Lisa-Marie Stramaglia Fund Development & Grant Writing Coordinator Lianna Cardenas Director of ReStores Bill Anderson ReStore Managers Eric Bridges, Azusa Micah Hillis, Pasadena ReStore Drivers Walter Rae Jr. Duncan Greer ReStore Sales Associates Craig Chew Merrick Drake Brian Ewing Ismael Flores Georgios Frangeskou Jonathan Henning Carlos Hernandes Erik Kristiansen Don Meeker Phillip Pasos Joshua Rosa Michael Springs ReStore Administrative Assistant Brittne Anderson

San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity | Annual Report • Fiscal Year 2013


Chestnut Homes 806 E. Chestnut Ave., Glendale CA MARCH 2014 GROUNDBREAKING

Acknowledgments Donald W. Goodman, Board President Sonja L. Yates, Executive Director Brenton Kelly, Graphic Design & Photography The Higgins Family

400 South Irwindale Avenue • Azusa, CA 91702 Office: 626-387-6899 Fax: 626.387.6890 •

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